UPDATE: Combining the top with the bottom, things are looking plausibly more possible in time in space, perhaps as a real event in our immediate futures? Look at chapter 1 of my freely downloadable book, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW: "THE AGE OF AQUARIUS? or THE AGE OF THE ANTICHRIST?" THEN READ HERB PETERS' BOOK, "RECOMMENDATION 666: REAL EVENTS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION."
Stay tuned!
What is your opinion on Pres. Obama's recent Executive
Looks like a pretty done deal...here we go!
God is bigger than ALL of them!
"Pray, hope, and don't worry." St. Pio
National Irish moves to cashless banking
PAUL CULLEN Consumer Affairs Correspondent
Tue, Dec 22, 2009
IT MIGHT sound like a contradiction in terms, but for the first time one of the main Irish consumer banks is moving to cashless banking in all its branches.
National Irish Bank has written to thousands of its customers this month informing them of a “new style of banking” in which branches will not handle over-the-counter cash transactions.
The letter says branches will no longer handle cash withdrawals and lodgements, night safe lodgements and foreign currency cash. Branches will continue to lodge cheques, drafts and postal orders and issue drafts.
Customers are advised to obtain cash from “ATMs nationwide” or to seek “cash-back” on their debit cards.
A spokesman confirmed that cashless banking was being introduced across the entire NIB branch network over the next 18 months, and had already been introduced successfully in a number of branches. He said the feedback from customers was positive with few complaints.
“These branches provide better security for staff and allow us to spend more time, in a better setting, with our customers . . . Customers like them, as our staff have more time to discuss customers’ overall needs.”
However, NIB customer Frank Barry from Malahide described the change as hilarious and ridiculous: “A bank refusing to accept cash . . . I thought that’s what they are for?”
Mr Barry contacted The Irish Times after his wife Catherine Gralton received two letters informing her that the local branch would stop handling cash from next February.
“If I did have a cash lodgement, I would have to go to another bank, buy a bank draft and then go to NIB to lodge it,” he said.
An NIB spokesman said the changes followed the model used by NIB’s parent, Danish-owned Danske Bank. Cashless banking is far more common in Scandinavia. while Irish dependence on cash is among the highest in Europe.
The spokesman said it recognised that some business customers may need to lodge and withdraw cash and it would offer these a number of options.
However, he declined to say what these options were, citing security reasons.
NIB announced earlier this month it was cutting 150 jobs and closing 25 of the bank’s 58 branches because of the recession and changes in the banking sector.
ACC Bank, which specialises in business lending, has also moved to cashless operations.
The Irish Banking Federation said it was not aware of any other main banks introducing cashless banking at this stage, though a spokesman added that “they would all love to”.
Handling cash is more expensive than the non-cash alternatives such as internet banking or debit and credit cards.
Cash also poses greater security threats for the banks, whereas consumers bear many of the risks associated with non-cash transactions.
NIB in particular has suffered a number of high-profile robberies and one of the branches it has already converted to cashless banking, on Dublin’s Howth Road, was the scene of a so-called tiger robbery in 2006.
© 2009 The Irish Times
would love your opinion here. this man seems to have pieced together all of the pieces of this puzzle in a very succinct presentation. he has 12 points including two recently added "staged second coming" and "staged alien landing/encounter" all to unite the world. very interesting.
about 23 minutes of viewing in three parts.
anyone know this man?
Bombshell Eyewitness Revelations Confirmed FBI Cover-up of Flight 253 Attack
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/bombshell-
Salbuchi is not a neutral observer of what is going on. His agenda is dangerous.
Just came from seeing the movie "Avatar". Not a single New Age idea missing. Despite the cliched and stilted dialogue, the movie plays effectively with reality to the point you may get nauseous from the effects. Looks like Cameron will top Gore in the NA propaganda arena.Oddly, most reviewers are blind to all the NA focus. If watching Indigo Action non-stop doesn't bore you too much, the movie can remind us that the NA still has great cultural potency.
Locking us down....
look at this one
MANY THANKS TO DOROTHY FOR HER WORDS OF CAUTION ON SALBUCHI. He was a new name to me and I watched about half of one of his videos last night. STORMFRONT is defintely a Nazi front (I don't use the word 'neo' as they are clearly a continuation of the old evil thing.
SALBUCHI is JUST PLAIN EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Disregard my previous comment on him which I AM DELETING so as to prevent he and his fiendish friends from making any further use of it!!!
Anonymous 8:37
"Locking us down"
I hadn't made this connection before. The resigning had of the National Cyber Security Center in the Department of Homeland Security is the same Rod Beckstrom, co-author of The Starfish and The Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations.
Interesting...Way back someone had posted regarding Starfish as being New Age. I recently asked again about the book and have since read it and have been thinking about its ramifications.
Almost without exception, Beckstrom and Brafman's multiple examples are all connected to New Age/New Spirituality or pagan based. (Including his mention of AA founder Bill Wilson and the Oxford Group).
In the article you posted, Beckstrom references our founding fathers. His point is that we need decentralized security to facilitate checks and balances. Sounds like spin to me--or the dialectic at work.
Decentralization and networking is the premise of the book. Constance documents networking and its NA base in her books.
Glad to get rid of him. Only Jesus said that when you get rid of one demon seven more will take its place in a vacuum. (Well that's not an exact quote, but my paraphrase.) The point is, will Obama replace Beckstrom with a godly individual who cherishes the freedoms and foundation of our Constitution--the real basis for our security?
I smell a rat.
More on Beckstrom:
From the article, Beckstrom says, "In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano last week, Mr. Beckstrom said the NSA “dominates most national cyber efforts” and “effectively controls DHS cyber efforts through detailees, technology insertions and the proposed move” of the NCSC to an NSA facility at the agency’s Fort Meade, Md., headquarters.
“I believe this is a bad strategy on multiple grounds,” Mr. Beckstrom wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by UPI. “The intelligence culture is very different than a network operations or security culture. In addition, threats to our democratic processes are significant if all top-level government network security and monitoring are handled by any one organization.”
Seems like "doomed if we do; doomed if we don't". Order out of chaos; Crisis = Opportunity"
We already have security and intelligence departments that don't communicate with each other, ex. CIA and FBI. Many have faulted this very problem regarding 9/11.
Yet, bringing all under one power is big brother.
Here we go!
Anonymous 9:05 re: Cherry Hill Seminary...or is that "Cherry Hill Cemetery"!
Their winter conference "Giving Greater Rite: Putting Story and Mystery Back into Ritual" is part of the NA strategy of www.co-intelligence.org.
This organization pushes the use of story to further their agenda. I hear the "story field" agenda throughout the media.
We're also hearing it in Christian circles. The Emerging Church uses it regarding narrative theology and "framing stories". But now in evangelical churches we are encouraged to tell our "stories". Most people just accept the terminology as another way of saying "giving our testimony". After all, we do want to distance ourselves from old-fashioned fundamentalism, don't we? We've got to be contemporary and engage the culture, right?
According to Tom Atlee and Co-Intelligence Institute, ", “Story, as a pattern, is a powerful way of organizing and sharing individual experience and exploring and co-creating shared realites. [sic] […] A story field paints a particular picture of how life is or should be, and shapes the life within its range into its image. […] Once the story field is changed, subsidiary patterns tend to realign rapidly. (This process is part of what has been called a paradigm shift.)”
It's all about conscious evolution.
i really wanted to share with you how i am coming out of the diabolical truth movement and how much ppl like me who have handicaps such as autism and dissociative disorder are the most abused by the likes of the truth movement and its pastors...
i am an ex 911 truther, i learned from alex jones and scott johnson and michael slattery eric phelps, seventh day adventist church i used to attend, i have seen how westboro baptist church screams at ppl, i have seen different denominations rip at each other and how it is taught to them. i believe there is something wrong with this...
it is so painful to be lied to and to make an ass out of myself and to come out of this hateful way of being, but i can see now how i have been so wrong
i beg you all please forgive me, and please pray for me
i am so depressed as of late
i hope God is crushing me to make me a better person
and not because He has forsaken me
with warmest regards
Gay Marie (last name omitted) aka born in wayne county
Am unsure if you caught this when I posted it, but if you go back to the thread about Obama's nobel acceptance speech you will find numerous posts I made regarding the spiral, Creme's claim it was betraya , and the mathematical impossibility of the spiral being caused by a missle. When one gets down to the nuts and bolts, the origin of the phenomenon appears to eminate from a close proximity to EISCAT. EISCAT is a Norwegian project similar to HAARP.
Born in Wayne County,
If it makes you feel any better, I have Asperger's. I have no problem with people telling their stories as long as it leads others to Jesus Christ. I hope all those listening to others' stories are doing so with discerning minds.
Whether a failed missile launch, some kind of experimental EISCAT-related event, or a true supernatural phenomenon, one part of this story doesn't make sense to me and must fit into any explanation that is put forth:
Why did Russia deny having anything to do with it at first (since they had warned about missile test activity in that area prior to that time, and if I remember correctly had military assets in that area at the time, and knew they would be blamed for anything that happened), but then come back later and say "it was one of ours"? Admitting to a failed missile launch would not have been done unless they benefited from the admission somehow - either strategically or in some other way.
Of course, trying to figure out anything Russia does is like looking into a hall of mirrors....
Happy New Year to all and a very big THANK YOU to all who contribute so much here, Dorothy, Susanna, and Constance especially.
JD, Craig, Dawn, Terri, Rich In Medford, etc. I continue to learn new things from all of you.
Rob in London, SV, Len, Doug in mi, SV, Mariel, I hope you and other missing voices are all well and will return in 2010.
It is to be observed that anything from the Nazi STORMFRONT site is only available in cached form. It would appear that google has tried to remove it.
Stormfront has been described as "the internet's first major hate site."
The following article about Stormfront is from the Anti-Defamation League website.
Interesting that Adrian Salbuchi is described as an "Argentine economist" given the number of Nazis who migrated to Argentina after the Second World War.
Salbuchi claims that Zionism is a key factor in the New World Order.
He did a show with Alex Jones last June. Wonder what's up with that???
To Gay Marie (12:15 PM)
You will be in my prayers.
Please know that God will never forsake you. Continue to trust in Him and have faith. Constantly pray to Him and ask Him to give you the necessary strength to keep fighting - and never give up.
This is a story about Obama and Copenhagen that didn't make the US media. It is important because it shows how our country can be dismissed because of the lack of respect our president will get from other world leaders.
EDITORIAL: Obama the party crasher...Foreign leaders were avoiding the president in Copenhagen
Comment heard elsewhere: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, Obama will call it a swan. No wonder he's not trusted.
And a Happy New Year to Constance and all my friends and fellow-commenters here.
Dear Constance and all,
Wishing you a very Blessed New Year in Jesus Name and hoping for you all to have better times ahead with safety/peace as you walk in the Messiah foot steps.
It's going to very interesting in the next couple if months that is for sure.
The times are moving quiet quickly as the AC sets up his dominion over all.
Even so come Lord Jesus.
Here's one Salbuchi would definitely not want you to watch!
Perhaps "zionism" needs to be RE defined before we dismiss it as a "key factor" in the NA or the NWO.
My definition of "zionism" is the participation in and support for a Jewish homeland with specific boundaries ordained by Yahweh. Zionism, at least for me, refers to support for the nation of Israel, a land specifically carved out of this earth for God's chosen people, with legalized title covered under the Abrahamic covenant.
That's all well and good.
But then we have the anti-Jew "jews" like Rahm Emanuel, Shimon Peres, and the London banking cartels...clearly these too fall under the "zionist" label at times, even though all such persons and organizations seem to have an NWO agenda that is far OUTSIDE GOD'S DEFINED PERAMETERS!
Don't forget, the vast majority of Jews not only voted for, but financed Obama's rise to power. To dismiss people like Salbuchi who are critical of a cartel of Jewish people linked by their lust for global power, is to close one's eyes to the facts at best, or create a cloak for deception at worst.
Seems to me any discussion about the global money powers, must include so-called "zionists" in order to be honest. Yes, it's true.... New Age adherents do blend old fashioned pagan NAZISM into the mix. Salbuchi mentioned the globalist plans to depopulate the earth based on genetics during the rise of a global police force system similar to the NAZI's. Salbuchi himself warns of such in the videos......yet by refusing to admit that there are many powerful people of Jewish decent, albeit most of whom are not overtly religious, but who ARE obviously intent on ruling the world by hook or by crook is of no help to the readers of this blog.
The eventual creation of a "third temple" is a carrot to assuage the religious Jews, but it's wholly designed to be a platform for the AC. It serves no other purpose.
It seems to me that Hitler and company were supported by Jew and Christian hating pagans. There are a lot more of them out there than there are Jews in the world. In fact the New Age movement is full of Christian and Jew hating occultists.
Anonymous, why don't you expose who they are. Put your brain to that effort. Show us their occult connections one by one. Don't just go after a group of people which is just sloppy research. The Nazi types have been doing that kind of sloppy work for decades in order to cover up their own one world agenda. I'll bet you personally know a lot about that kind of leadership.
The fact that Salbuchi writes articles for ARYAN UNITY and other white supremacist publications ought to serve as a big clue about whether or not Salbuchi is a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer - and what his real attitude is towards the Jewish community and Israel.
Big Hint: Jewish people are not "Aryans."
To whom were the promises of Zion made? Whom can rightfully claim to be Abraham's seed?
Gal 3:16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, "And to seeds," as of many, but as of one, "And to your Seed," who is Christ.
Gal 3:29 And if you [are] Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Obama and Solana have worked hard to obscure their family histories. They both felt the need to hide some embarrassing truth.
Hitler was a bit more pragmatic. Instead of creating confusion or attempting to hide some inconvenient facts, he simply had his birth and family records destroyed.
There's a lot of speculation as to why someone would worry so much about their family history, as if it were truly the measure of a man, or woman. But not to worry, whatever has been hidden will be revealed.
The truth of the matter, as Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us, is that a man is not defined by the color of his skin (or the name of the religious institution he or she attends), but by the content of his character.
It does not matter if one man was a bastard, another had an occultist grandma, or another had an insane person in his genetic lineage. Even so-called faint hints of of "jewish" ancestry mean absolutely nothing.
A genetic descendent of Abraham who does not accept the atoning sacrifice offered at Calvary will be cut off from the tree of life. Anyone who accepts Yeshua, as the Lamb of God, the one and only and final atonement for their sins, will be grafted in. Abraham's seed is who and what God determines it to be. It is not up to some Pope or chief rabbi to approve or verify.
Such is the inconvenient truth.
What's the matter? You won't list the Jew and Christian hating occultists who are your friends?
Gay Marie, sorry for you struggles and depression. Feel free to swing by www.peacebringer.net/phpBB3
And yes the "truthers" in essence take some facts and twist it to stir up anger and distrust. It is all part of "the plan" so to speak.
'Blue Moon' on New Year's Eve
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Once in a blue moon there is one on New Year's Eve. Revelers ringing in 2010 will be treated to a so-called blue moon. According to popular definition, a blue moon is the second full moon in a month. But don't expect it to be blue - the name has nothing to do with the color of our closest celestial neighbor.
A full moon occurred on Dec. 2. It will appear again on Thursday in time for the New Year's countdown.
"If you're in Times Square, you'll see the full moon right above you. It's going to be that brilliant," said Jack Horkheimer, director emeritus of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium and host of a weekly astronomy TV show.
The New Year's Eve blue moon will be visible in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America and Africa. For partygoers in Australia and Asia, the full moon does not show up until New Year's Day, making January a blue moon month for them.
However, the Eastern Hemisphere can celebrate with a partial lunar eclipse on New Year's Eve when part of the moon enters the Earth's shadow. The eclipse will not be visible in the Americas.
A full moon occurs every 29.5 days, and most years have 12. On average, an extra full moon in a month - a blue moon - occurs every 2.5 years. The last time there was a lunar double take was in May 2007. New Year's Eve blue moons are rarer, occurring every 19 years. The last time was in 1990; the next one won't come again until 2028.
Blue moons have no astronomical significance, said Greg Laughlin, an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
"'Blue moon' is just a name in the same sense as a 'hunter's moon' or a 'harvest moon,'" Laughlin said in an e-mail.
The popular definition of blue moon came about after a writer for Sky & Telescope magazine in 1946 misinterpreted the Maine Farmer's Almanac and labeled a blue moon as the second full moon in a month. In fact, the almanac defined a blue moon as the third full moon in a season with four full moons, not the usual three.
Though Sky & Telescope corrected the error decades later, the definition caught on. For purists, however, this New Year's Eve full moon doesn't even qualify as a blue moon. It's just the first full moon of the winter season.
Can you not see that we are in the middle of a legal revolution. Everything about Obama is just manipulated information. To pretend that everything is just open is foolish. The fact that we can't do anything about the manipulated information because of the nature of our politics doesn't mean the information is not informative. It doesn't matter who uses the information if the information is accurate.
Take some time to review what information about Obama is available and what is not. Start with the fact that his first book is full of inaccurate information by his own words.
My mother was into all the anti-Jesuit theories and I suspected she may have been right UNTIL I discovered that a MAJOR source of most modern books on them was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's ISIS UNVEILED. Blavatsky said she had written the book by automatic writing. She wrote to her sister, "I am writing Isis, rather Isis is writing me." When I discovered the New Age strategy of pitting target groups of Jews, Christians, and Moslems against each other, I smelled an even deeper rat. The test of anti-Christ is a denial that Jesus is the Christ -- it is NOT a strong affirmation that he is. I have learned of some Jesuits who fit that profile -- many more who don't.
I don't particularly like the anti-Jesuit video for all the reasons I have just stated.
And, I would not have bought a used car from from Alberta Rivera either, nor would I buy one from Bro Eric. Alberta Rivera Chick comic books used both ISIS UNVEILED and Lady Jane Queensborough as legitimate sources.
It’s fitting that James Cameron’s “Avatar” arrived in theaters at Christmastime. Like the holiday season itself, the science fiction epic is a crass embodiment of capitalistic excess wrapped around a deeply felt religious message. It’s at once the blockbuster to end all blockbusters, and the Gospel According to James.
But not the Christian Gospel. Instead, “Avatar” is Cameron’s long apologia for pantheism — a faith that equates God with Nature, and calls humanity into religious communion with the natural world.
Sorry -- this link to the "Avatar" review by Ross Douthat should work. It's well worth reading and I am surprised to find such a critique of the New Age in a paper like the Times:
Anon 5:33,
Thanks for the NYT link to the review.
Don't be surprised by such an accurate review appearing in such a left sided often sinister vehicle. It's not about creating "unity" at this point. Even the NYT is in the business of preparing victims, sowing the seeds of conflict, brother against brother, and nation against nation.
Constance, may I ask what the big difference is between Salbuchi's info and Bjorn's (Far More)'s? On the one hand we have someone who is an avowed occultist posing as a bringer of light, a one time ally who posted info you used to think was quite valuable. Even after Farmer's exposure, you still thought the info he posted recently was worth a look, granted, you did include a note of caution.
On the other hand we have someone like Salbuchi, who's info you also (at first) thought was, if not right on the money, at least worth a look. Yet you renounced everything Salbuchi shared as soon as you found out there was a darker side (anti-Zionist viewpoint) in this man's nature.
Seems to me both men actually do have a great deal of valuable insight into the NA and the NWO. Perhaps they just like spouting off about what they've gleaned from walking with the other side.
Maybe some of the posters here have the same bent. After all, when one has spent their whole life searching for, and maybe even walking with, the devil, I'd expect that person to be able to share a fairly accurate description when the occasion warrants.
Blavatsky and Bailey, Farmer and Salbuchi have all told us about the "plan" and what to expect from their perspectives. The curious thing is, we seem to believe all of them some of the time. Makes things really confusing when even the devil tells the truth on occasion.
I am well aware of the ways and types of manipulation used by Obama including use of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming to get elected. That being said, the Alex Jones, "truthers", and so on are just playing their role. Stirring the pot so to speak.
Obama is an antichrist, Solona is an antichrist, as are many others. Not sure what I said that brought such a reaction from you dorothy.
Blavatsky and the Jesuits in Isis Unveiled? It's called Hidden in Plain Sight, externalizing the heirarchy! So that such is easily 'dismissable' and therefore untouchable. Remember we fight a battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places!
Satan, influencing Blavatsky, knows how to defer and use strategies. This is a war! M. Blavatsky was also a prominent freemason, which are headed by the Jesuits too.
In Jesuit Co-adjutor Dan Brown's movie, Angels and Demons, we see how this is played out. See the video posted at 8:07PM
See this set of 3 videos. Unfortunately, I suspect the narrator/composer is a mormon, WHICH IS COMPLETELY FALSE DOCTRINE. He does not use a mormon veneer in his videos, however, they are just crammed full of facts. Only a couple of things could i find dispute with, one of which, is that he does not emphasise the point that there is NO Holy Scriptural reference to St. Peter the Apostle having ever been in Rome, and that his grave was most probably found in Jerusalem in 2003.
He who has an ear let him hear! (I also recommend that people buy a book called, Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Here are the 3 videos:
Peace and blessings,
I suggest people download the last 3 videos I mentioned quickly, before google or somebody has them removed. Especially since I posted them on this blog. Maybe make DVDs and pass them out?
Anonymous said...
It seems to me that Hitler and company were supported by Jew and Christian hating pagans. There are a lot more of them out there than there are Jews in the world. In fact the New Age movement is full of Christian and Jew hating occultists.
Anonymous, why don't you expose who they are. Put your brain to that effort. Show us their occult connections one by one. Don't just go after a group of people which is just sloppy research. The Nazi types have been doing that kind of sloppy work for decades in order to cover up their own one world agenda. I'll bet you personally know a lot about that kind of leadership.
Good point Dorothy.
Dear Constance,
Just wanted to let you know that Salbuchi was a new name to me as well. I had never heard of him, nor knew about his connections to Nazi sites until I read about him here.
I am grateful to Dorothy as well for the times when she has pointed out to me that a website I quoted containing data on a particular subject was Nazi-friendly and/or anti-Semitic.
Dorothy's heads up has often led me to do further investigation to make sure the data I had gathered wasn't bogus.
LOL Regarding the Jesuits, as with any religious order, there are good Jesuits and there are bad Jesuits.
Remember the poem from our childhood:
There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good
She was very,very good
But when she was bad she was horrid.
One of the biggest "ooga booga" myths about the Jesuits is the one according to which Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt is described as being a card-carrying member of the Jesuit Order.
While Weishaupt claimed to have modeled the Illuminati on the Jesuit Order, he himself was never a member of the Jesuit Order. Moreover, even Weishaupt's notion of what the Jesuit Order was all about was seriously flawed.
For one thing, the Society was not founded with the avowed intention of opposing Protestantism. Neither the papal letters of approbation nor the Constitutions of the order mention this as the object of the new foundation. When Saint Ignatius began to devote himself to the service of the Church, he had probably not even heard of the names of the Protestant Reformers. His early plan was rather the conversion of Mohammedans, an idea which, a few decades after the final triumph of the Christians over the Moors in Spain, must have strongly appealed to the chivalrous Spaniards.
But getting back to Weishaupt, the truth about Weishaupt's relationship to the Jesuits is that Weishaupt, whose father died when he was five years old and whose rationalism was due to the influence of his godfather, Johann Adam Freiherr von Ickstatt and not to the Jesuits, nevertheless began his formal education at age seven at a Jesuit school.
The thing that likely causes confusion about Weishaupt's Jesuit affiliation is the fact that it was not until AFTER the suppression of the Jesuits by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 that Weishaupt was made Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt - a position that had been held exclusively by the Jesuits until that time.
After the Illuminati and its agenda were exposed when documents were intercepted in 1784, Weishaupt lost his position at the University of Ingolstadt and was forced to flee Bavaria.
On May 1, 1776 Weishaupt formed the "Order of Perfectibilists", He adopted the name of "Brother Spartacus" within the order.
Though the Order was not egalitarian or democratic, its mission was the abolition of all monarchical governments and state religions in Europe and its colonies.
Weishaupt wrote: "the ends justified the means."
The actual character of the society was modeled on the Jesuits, and was an elaborate network of spies and counter-spies. Each isolated cell of initiates reported to a superior, whom they did not know, a party structure that was effectively adopted by some later groups.
Weishaupt was initiated into the Masonic Lodge "Theodor zum guten Rath", at Munich in 1777.
His project of "illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason, which will dispel the clouds of superstition and of prejudice" was an unwelcome reform. Soon however he had developed gnostic mysteries of his own, with the goal of "perfecting human" nature through re-education to achieve a communal state with nature, freed of government and organized religion.
He began working towards incorporating his system of Illuminism with that of Freemasonry.
He wrote: "I did not bring Deism
into Bavaria more than into Rome. I found it here, in great vigour, more abounding than in any of the neighboring Protestant States. I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati."
Weishaupt's radical rationalism and vocabulary was not likely to succeed. Writings that were intercepted in 1784 were interpreted as seditious, and the Society was banned by the government of Karl Theodor, Elector of Bavaria, in 1784. Weishaupt lost his position at the University of Ingolstadt and fled Bavaria.
He received the assistance of Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
(1745–1804), and lived in Gotha
writing a series of works on Illuminism, including A Complete History of the Persecutions of the Illuminati in Bavaria (1785), A Picture of Illuminism (1786), An Apology for the Illuminati (1786), and An Improved System of Illuminism (1787).
Adam Weishaupt died in Gotha on 18 November, 1830. He was survived by his second wife, Anna Maria (née Sausenhofer), and his children Nanette, Charlotte, Ernst, KarlKarl von Weishaupt
Carl also Karl Romanus von Weishaupt was a Bavarian Lieutenant General and War Minister under Maximilian II of Bavaria from April 5, to November 21, 1848.- Biography :...
, Eduard, and Alfred.
Weishaupt was buried next to his son Wilhelm who preceded him in death in 1802.
John Robison,a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and a member of a Freemason Lodge there, said he had been asked to join the Illuminati. After consideration he concluded that the Illuminati were not for him. In 1798 he published a book called Proofs of a Conspiracy in which he wrote: "An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments ... the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors." This book was sent to George Washington, who replied:
It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation)....
P.S. Even though Catholics are forbidden to become Masons because of the indifferentism and naturalist philosophy embraced by the Masonic Lodge - beliefs which are incompatible with Christianity - it is, nevertheless, only fair to say, that before the Grand Orient de France began to admit atheists in 1877, one was required to profess belief in a "Supreme Being" in order to become a member of the Masonic Lodge.
Weishaupt's atheistic radical rationalism is one of the reasons why Weishaupt was unsuccessful in his attempt to merge the Illuminati Order he founded with Freemasonry.
For what it is worth.....
Q. But aren't there some lodges that allow atheists?
Yes, but these lodges are not recognized by most other lodges. They are considered irregular and outside the mainstream of Freemasonry. As a result mainstream Masons do not recognize them to be brothers or allow visitation between lodges. The largest of these would be the Grand Orient of France which famously allowed atheist members to join in 1877. The United Grand Lodge of England and most of the other Grand Lodges around the world dropped their recognition of the Grand Orient shortly after.
As for his gnostic "perfectibilism," Weishaupt is lauded as a member of the "Invisible Basilica!"
by T. Apiryon
Copyright © 1995, 1997 Ordo Templi Orientis. All rights reserved.
Weishaupt died in 1830, but the idea for his Illuminati order did not.
Theodor Reuss (1855 - 1923 e.v.) Theodor Reuss was an Anglo-German tantric occultist, utopian socialist, journalist, singer, and promoter of Women's Liberation; and the successor to Carl Kellner as head of O.T.O.
Reuss was born the son of an innkeeper at Augsburg on June 28, 1855 e.v. He was a professional singer in his youth, and was privileged to work under Richard Wagner, whom he first met, along with Wagner's patron, King Ludwig II of Bavaria, in 1873. He took part in the first performance of Wagner's Parsifal at Bayreuth in 1882. He later became a newspaper correspondent, and travelled frequently as such to England, where he became a Mason in 1876. He also spent some time there as a journalist and as a music-hall singer under the stage name "Charles Theodore."
In 1880, in Munich, he participated in an attempt to revive Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Order of Illuminati. In 1885, in England, he joined the British Social League, which some say he joined to spy on Karl Marx's daughter for the German Secret Service. While in England, he became friends with William Wynn Westcott, the Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Wescott provided Reuss with a charter dated July 26, 1901 for the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry and a letter of authorization dated Feb. 24, 1902 to found a High Council in Germania of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Gérard Encausse provided him with a charter dated June 24, 1901 designating him Special Inspector for the Martinist Order in Germany. In 1888, in Berlin, he joined with Leopold Engel of Dresden, Max Rahn and August Weinholz in another effort to revive the Illuminati Order. In 1895, he began to discuss the formation of Ordo Templi Orientis with Carl Kellner...
....While living in London, Reuss became acquainted with Aleister Crowley. In 1910, he made Crowley a VII° of O.T.O. (based on Crowley's previously held 33° in the Scottish Rite), and in 1912, he conferred upon him the IX° and appointed him National Grand Master General X° for the O.T.O. in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland by charter dated June 1, 1912. Crowley's appointment included authority over an English language rite of the lower (Masonic) degrees of O.T.O. which was given the name Mysteria Mystica Maxima, or M:.M:.M:. In 1913, Crowley issued a Constitution for the M:.M:.M:. and the Manifesto of the M:.M:.M:., which he subsequently redrafted and issued as Liber LII, the Manifesto of the O.T.O. In 1913, Crowley wrote Liber XV, the Gnostic Mass for Reuss's Gnostic Catholic Church. Crowley also dedicated his Mystery Play The Ship (1913) and a collection of poetry, The Giant's Thumb (1915) to Reuss....read entire article...
Oh Susanna....talk about a woman who knows how to stick to the facts, LOL!
I love ya girlfriend!
Mary Jean
The "Ecclesiastica Gnostica Catholica" is the "Gnostic Catholic Church."
There are many elements of the "Ecclesiastica Gnostica Catholica" (EGC) that have been made to appear strikingly similar - if not identical - to elements of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Catholic communions.
At one time, the EGC even went to the trouble of obtaining valid but illicit ordinations to the Roman Catholic priesthood in order to administer the Sacraments to those who had been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church on account of their formal membership in "regular" Masonic Lodges or "irregular" masonic organizations" such as the Ordo Templi Orientis founded by Theodor Reuss under the inspiration of tantrist/occultist Carl Kellner
The EGC is the "ecclesiastical arm" of the Ordo Templi Orientis founded by Theodor Reuss.
Adam Weishaupt is one of its "saints."
As you browse the list, you will see that Paul Gauguin is listed as an EGC "saint."
Gauguin's grandmother was Flora Tristan. She was closely associated with the famous 19th- century magician/magnetic luciferian, Alphonse Louis Constant (a.k.a. Eliphas Levi) when they were both members of a wierd utopian socialist cult headed by socialist "prophet" Simon Ganneau, who claimed to be the reincarnation of Louis XVII - the dauphin whose father Louis XVI and mother Marie Antoinette were guillotined by the French Revolutionaries.
Louis XVII was the "Elvis" of the time and though he reportedly died in the Temple, there were, nevertheless, many who believed that little Louis had "left the building."
Dear Mary Jean,
Thank you.....I think! LOL
Applause to Susanna for her scholarly and informative posts.
Applause to Dorothy for her invauable contributions and books sent to me for deepening my understanding of the issues.
Thanks to all making contributions here . . . so many of you I don't currently have time to compose the enormous debts I have to you!
More special mentions:
Terri "YesNaSpanishTown"
Dave in Battle Creek
Muchas gracias!
Here is the article on the ILLUMINATI founded by Weishaupt from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
The following passage from this article is instructive:
His order was to be based entirely on human nature and observation; hence its degrees, ceremonies, and statutes were to be developed only gradually; then, in the light of experience and wider knowledge, and with the co-operation of all the members, they were to be steadily improved. For his prototype he relied mainly on Freemasonry, in accordance with which he modelled the degrees and ceremonial of his order. After the pattern of the Society of Jesus, though distorting to the point of caricature its essential features, he built up the strictly hierarchical organization of his society. "To utilize for good purposes the very means which that order employed for evil ends", such was, according to Philo (Endl. Erkl., 60 sq.), "his pet design". For the realization of his plans, he regarded as essential the "despotism of superiors" and the "blind, unconditional obedience of subordinates" (ibid.), along with the utmost secrecy and mysteriousness. At the beginning of 1777 he entered a Masonic Lodge and endeavoured, with other members of the order, to render Freemasonry as subservient as possible to his aims......
Susanna said,
'While Weishaupt claimed to have modeled the Illuminati on the Jesuit Order, he himself was never a member of the Jesuit Order. Moreover, even Weishaupt's notion of what the Jesuit Order was all about was seriously flawed.'
Wikipedia is no doubt Jesuit controled. Don't trust it! Heres a GET YOU OFF THE SCENT quote of theirs: 'AFTER Pope Clement XIV’s suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773, Weishaupt became a professor of canon law,[13] a position that was held exclusively by the Jesuits until that time.'
Instead, try wikicompany:
What wikipedia fails to tell you is that the Jesuits continued to hold positions at Ingolstadt University between 1773 and 1814 as Ingolstadt remained a stronghold for Jesuits. Adam Weishaupt, founded the Illuminati in 1776 as a front for the banned Jesuits to hide behind. He did this with the backing of Rothschild, an esoteric Catholic convert and Knight of Malta (an order of knights of the Roman Catholic Church) Incidentally, the Rothschild flag has the two headed eagle of the {Un}Holy Roman Empire, as does the 33 degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry!
Adam Weishaupt began Jesuit school at age 7, in Ingolstadt. Later, he became Professor of Canon Law at the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt, Bavaria. From here, under guidance from Rothschild, he set up the Perfectibilists or Illuminati (also known as the Company: CIA anyone?), officially May 1st 1776, to continue Jesuit/Alumbrado activities and infiltrate Europe and the Americas and reek their revenge! Weishaupt's codename was Sparticus, you know, the Rebel from within who attacked the Roman Establishment. There are many links. Please pray first for discernment.
Sorry Susanna,
but there is an exoteric version of Roman Catholicism, which in many ways pertains to Christianity, for the laity, including ordinary priests and low level jesuits, and then there is an esoteric version for Jesuits of the fourth order and above, as well as for Cardinals, the pope, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones etc (Kerry, Clinton & Bush Jnr((Maternal Grandfather A. Crowley, Satanist and 33 Arch Free-Mason, Paternal Grandfather, Prescott Bush, Arch Freemason, Skull & Bones = Knights Templar re-established, Nazi beneficiary)) all these three men and others take the Eucharist, forbidden to non-Catholics!) I believe there are Roman Catholics who are earnest in their belief in Jesus Christ, but the system of Roman Catholicism especially at the upper ranks is nothing but disguised Sun-Worship, recognised by those of the upper levels, many of whom are Satanists.
We all know of the Murderer Thomas More, don't we? How he burned Holy Bibles and burned many Christians at the stake, as well as crucifying them upside down. Well, he is the honored 'saint' for the RED MASS, held yearly at the Supreme Court, and avidly attended by top legislators, lawyers, RC Bishops, and the US 'weaver' Cardinal Egan, as well as Bush Jnr, the Clintons, and many others.
You've seen the thread some blogs back, here, where Roman Catholic bishops and Cardinals can be clearly seen at Bohemian Grove, surely.
The Jesuit Order was banned by the Papal Bull Dominus ac Redemptor (1773) by Clement XIV under pressure from Europe's Catholic monarchies because of the Jesuits underhanded nepharious activities, such as starting the 7 year war. Later, Napoleon would cause the French Revolution to avenge the Jesuits against the French King and Papacy. A papal bull, 1814 then reinstated the Jesuits, after much blood had been spilled. See:
Clement XIV exposed the Jesuits as his murderers as he lay dying from what was believed was slow poisoning (Today being denied by jesuit engineered historical revisionists).JOHN PAUL the FIRST, anyone?
The symbols used by the 32 an 33 Scottish Rite, by Skull and Bones, and by the Illuminati can be found throughout Roman Catholic Cathedrals and church buildings, throughout the World.
One Example, then, God willing, I hope to leave the subject for people to research, is the Pyramid and all-seeing eye.
This can be found on the confession boxes at Milan Cathedral, Italy. Also, an entire RC church is dedicated to it in Poland. The images can also be found on Orthodox Churches, which since Catholic Skull&Bonesman Clinton & Jesuit controled Solana carpet bombed Serbia, and massacred the Serbs in Croatia, has been cowed into recognizing the primacy of the RC Pope.
See this set of 3 videos. Unfortunately, I suspect the narrator/composer is a mormon, WHICH IS COMPLETELY FALSE DOCTRINE. He does not use a mormon veneer in his videos, however, they are just crammed full of facts. Only a couple of things could i find dispute with, one of which, is that he does not emphasise the point that there is NO Holy Scriptural reference to St. Peter the Apostle having ever been in Rome, and that his grave was most probably found in Jerusalem in 2003.
He who has an ear let him hear! (I also recommend that people buy a book called, Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Here are the 3 videos:
Peace and blessings,
Peacebringer, you wrote
"And yes the "truthers" in essence take some facts and twist it to stir up anger and distrust. It is all part of "the plan" so to speak.
11:54 PM"
Obama's background as given by him and the media is not trustworthy. All the "truthers" have been doing is pointing this out. Should this be ignored because the outing of it irritates some?
World Net Daily has been at the forefront of covering stories not allowed into the mainstream press. Those opposed to freedom of speech follow a pattern of calling any who opppose them the foulest of names. Unfortunately it works because decent people can't believe deliberate lying can be anyone's way of acting.
My threads on Nazism in the New Age movement at Israel Forum were recently closed which means I can no longer post on that topic. This despite the huge following of those threads. The second one had over 1,800 views. http://www.israelforum.com/board/showthread.php?t=16546 The first one had over 43,800 views.
http://www.israelforum.com/board/showthread.php?t=12369 Two individuals consistently engaged in a pattern of vilification of me and my information. They couldn't be stopped even after warnings. It was easier for the moderators to give into what they wanted, which was to force me to quit posting, rather than fighting them.
Now I'm not by any means in World Net Daily's league. I'm what would be called small potatoes. Yet the tactic was used successfully against me. The question is, what can and will the average person do to fight those who would inform them about the changes taking place. Based on what I've seen over the past 30 years, nothing. Almost everyone thinks the problem will be taken care of by others, particularly they believe that moral people with money and power will take care of them. Just a suggestion...look around you and see if you can name who you think is leading your cause, taking care of you. If what I've read can be believed, even the tea party/town hall people here in Illinois have been bought off.
If you don't read WND regularly, you should. They do convince some to be activists. The following story deals with the vilification of WND being done over at Wikipedia.
A thread is also being started to demonstrate how this has been done to other conservatives at Wikipedia. Constance can verify what was done to her information on Solana over at Wikipedia.
While Wikipedia can, in my opinion, be trusted where history is concerned, anything dealing with current political issues should be carefully analyzed.
Christianity is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We must be born again. We must repent of (be genuinely sorry for, and turn from) all sins in our lives, and put on the new man daily. We cannot do this in our own strength, we must rely in the strength that God provides us through His Holy Spirit, and our denying self daily and our own will, and surrendering to God's will and His Grace through His Only Begotten Son Lord Jesus Christ. All the religious clutter man makes gets in the way. We must rely on the Holy Bible, not adding nor taking away, we do not need the teachings of men outside of this, especially when they are not in COMPLETE harmony with God's word. Therefore, we do not need the teachings of Augustine, who took from Aristotle, nor Calvin, who took from Augustine, we do not need the teachings of Luther, nor of any pope or Jesuit or similar, nor of Ellen White, nor Miller, nor any other that takes away from God's word.
I will say one thing in favor of 7 day adventists, though, that is that although they are terribly wrong about Jesus Christ and Michael the Arch-Angel, as HEBREWS shows, they are right about Saturday being the Sabbath. I am not a 7th dayer though, I am not a Catholic, nor protestant, I am a Born Again Christian, and I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for having mercy on me a destitute sinner, now clean and dwelling in Jesus Christ, for in Him we are more than conquerers and sin no more has dominion over us! When we slip, we turn and repent, but he is always there for me. Praise God! I do not judge people who go to a building where members of the church gather on sunday though, and at present, it is hard to find an alternative.
We must whether Jew or Gentile, turn to Jesus Christ, confessing that we believe He is Lord and Savior of all, the very same spoken of by the prophets, and remorsefully repent from the heart, repenting also of all false doctrine, earnestly and humbly asking Him to forgive us our debts and cleanse us in his blood.
Ask God tonight to really reveal Himself to you. If you really want to get through these last days, we've got to love God with all our heart, soul, understanding, and strength. We must fully trust in him, not leaning on our own understanding and rely in His strength, because of ourselves we cannot do it. All have fallen short of the glory of God, and our righteousness is as filthy rags before Him. That is why we must turn to Him and acknowledge the truth that we cannot do it on our own, for we are not worthy of Him. The righteousness in the blood of Christ, He who never sinned and yet was wounded for our transgressions, must cleanse us we must rely on Him and dwell/tabernacle in Him and He will come and make His home with us. Set not your sights on worldly treasures, but rather store your treasures, through faith, in heaven. We are saved by Grace and this wonderful grace causes us to love God and obey His Commandments, The Greatest of which is to love God with everything we've got, abiding in His love, and the second is to love our neighbors as ourselves, for the works are no longer works because we do them out of love, striving to do so so that our right hand does not know what our left hand is doing. If we do not do them in love then we are not being faithful to God for we are not abiding in Him and trusting in Him, we must remain under His grace. Visit the sick, the imprisoned, the lonely, the elderly, feed the hungry, counsel and comfort the distressed. For if we do this even unto the least of our brethren, (all other human beings), Christ will count it that we have done it unto Him, be sure that you do not do it for reward though, but out of love. To he who has more will be given, and the first will be last. Bless those who curse and persecute you, fear not those who can kill the body, but fear God who can cast both body and soul into hell.
God bless you all mightily.
Good bye, Jay (Rob in London).
Perhaps I have a different understand of "truthers" as being the "truth behind 911" crowd.
Yes, there is much that doesn't match up about OBama. However, the Alex Jones and others stir things up and it is purposeful. It has been posted here many times the connectionis of varied members of that particular set, which are not related on interested in true truth, but simple political polarization.
We just have seen a series of posts about Salbuchi, who has interesting information on surface but his information is not really "truth" based. Sorry if you respect the likes of alex jones and others who point to some things, but do so more to polarize and fear monger than any central foundation of truth. At least that is my opinion.
So again, not sure why you are reacting to my post, unless you believe that Alex Jones and others are truly rooted in "truth." I don't, I see it all as political games ulitamely to achieve the desired results, which as you said are legal changes. Note that there are things that Oprah pushed Gerald CElente and others "forecast" that is generally being manipulated by others. So sorry if I do not take an approving nod to folks that seem simply stirring things up over any real foundation of truth. Really in my mind the 911ers and "obama's history" folks are not much different. Fact is if Obama was not doing things things it would be Hillary or Biden or someone else meant to push the agenda. Make no bones, Obama was pushed. As noted Hypnosis and neurolinguiest programing was used in elecection. Add that to the poor campaign of McCain...well, it is clear Obama was meant to be in office.
Now that all said, I am a firm Beleiver that God is in control. Whatever is going on behind the scenes, God is still in control and things are moving toward what God has foretold and ordained.
Now somehow perhaps you read what I state to suggest that things should not be brought to light, and that is not my point of view at all. Darkness should be brought to light, period. My point is that most of these folks are not trustworthy and serving other agendas.
Dear Jay/Rob in London,
With all due respect, you really do need to go back and carefully reread all the articles I posted about Weishaupt, the Illuminati and the Jesuits.
It might also behove you to take the time to do some independent research into the history of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt and the Jesuits - using sources other than the ones archived at Wikicompnay/Fascist Empire Planet.
After you do, if you are still satisfied with the credibility of the articles at the Wikicompany site and the other links you posted, far be it from me to rain on your parade.
I,however, remain unconvinced of their credibility.
I was born a Roman Catholic and have been a Roman Catholic all my life. I am very familiar with all the old anti-Catholic saws....which, by the way, no one has ever been able to PROVE
beyond a reasonable doubt as in a court of law......
As for the Jesuits, I have already said that there are good Jesuits and bad Jesuits - just as there are good Protestants and bad Protestants.
Fortunately, I know about many of the good ones. In fact, I happen to live about an hour and a half away from the Shrine of the North American Martyrs - a group of Jesuit missionaries who were tortured and murdered while preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Native Americans in upstate New York.
As for your statement:
Later, Napoleon would cause the French Revolution to avenge the Jesuits against the French King and Papacy.
First, it wasn't Napoleon. It was the Jacobins and Robespierre.
Secondly, it wasn't the Jesuits who were being avenged. It was the Knights Templar. When king Louis XVI was guillotined, someone is said to have dipped his hand in the monarch's blood and flung it over the surrounding throng crying "Jacques Demolay, thou art avenged!"
Jacques Demolay was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar who was burned at the stake on March 18, 1314 on the orders of King Philip the Fair who had successfully managed to bully Pope Clement V into suppressing the Knights Templar.
Recently, moreover, the Knights Templar have been cleared of the charges of heresy that had been levelled against them.
See also:
Jay/Rob in London
God Bless You too and Happy New Year!
I follow many different websites, not including Alex Jones and Rense who I consider very suspect.
One of the websites I follow is World Net Daily, and I do not consider them what the left calls "truthers," a slanderous term used by supporters of Obama and generally the left.
Speaking specifically about Obama, we have been presented with an image that does not match with facts about his life. Birth records, school records, medical records, passport information, family information, political contacts, etc. are at odds with proveable research. There have been numerous court cases attempting to gain this information, but they have been dismissed. Dismissals have not led to any clarification. Even his first bio which had been written by Ayers, according to Cashill, was described by Obama as maybe not the truth, but that's how he remembered it. These are serious, constitutional matters, not just gossip. Just because they are ignored by the establishment media does not mean they are not serious.
There are legitimate individuals who attempt to get the behind the scenes information. These individuals may be anywhere on the political spectrum. They care about truth and about letting others know the truth.
Then there is a branch of the information system which has been called "provisions made for dissidents." These are setups meant to divert those seeking to understand what is going on behind the scenes. Usually there is a mix of serious information, propaganda and deliberate lies. Serious information gets readers to believe the lies. One way to look at them is as tourist traps. Let's say one is planning to go to a destination quite a distance away. Along the line there will be signs saying See the Giant Gorilla, or Look at the Largest Collection of Ceramic Plates, or the only Gas Stop Before the American Desert or like Wall Drugs, the only place to get fresh water before the desert. As interesting as all of the stops might be, one will never reach a goal if all of the diversions are responded to, which is why these places are set up.
The equivalent sites are Who Really Killed Kennedy, Are Aliens Really Circling the Earth, Crop Circles, Healing through Holistic Health, Who Brought Down the World Trade Towers, etc. The Coast to Coast radio show can get anyone running in circles.
Only through experience and reliance on others can someone separate honest research from the traps. Then we have the manipulators whose specialty is saying "Move On, Nothing Happening Here."
Almost everyone who continues to read here knows these things. We've learned from our mistakes in trusting false sources. We've learned to check out the information others give us here on the internet and in the books we read and the files we've accumulated. We've noted patterns of information given by false sources. I don't know about others, but I've found it very hard work.
Peacebringer, the search for background as to what is going on is very complex. Don't dismiss any information easily. Check it out. You might come to your own conclusions as to why Obama information is so unavailable.
May God bless all of us in the new year!
Dorothy had posted earlier about WND. She had sent an email containing the same information earlier. It jogged my memory so to speak.
I am not a very good researcher. But when I hear something or see something, I often make a note of it on paper or something like that. There really isn't any organization to it.
I made such a note on something Glenn Beck said many months ago. For those of you who have been around for awhile, you may remember about how I feel about Glenn Beck.
I feel that he is getting stories out there (although that may change). Also, through him the 9/12 movement started, which has been a good thing. I have over looked his religious leanings because I felt strongly about his message about Progressives (we would call it the political side of the NAM).
Back to my note. A caller had asked Glenn a question "have you seen..." . When Glenn asked where the caller replied World Net Daily. Glenn had paused and said, you need to be very careful of what you read and your sources.
I believe this may have been the second time he said as much. The other time it was just a headline of WND that particular day.
My whole point is this:
1) I believe that WND is being silenced through intimidation much like Dorothy was on her thread (and I am sure like Constance has many times).
2) I believe that Glenn Beck is silenced in the same sort of ways which is why he separates himself from WND as a legit source.
3) Wiki can not be trusted as I am sure long time posters will recall all of the trouble Constance had with Squeakbox and the Wiki staff.
4) You must sometimes sort through some trash to find a treasure. I take Alex Jones to be an example of that. I don't really trust what he says even though he may be right on some instances.
5) Happy New Year (even though it is still 30 minutes till my time)
Dorothy, my initial comment was directed at an individual disillussioned by some others, who in fact lose sight of truth. The words were meant as encouragement that there are people out there skewing things for there own agenda and using truth. Information and disinformation. Exposure of true facts from disreputable folks that do not stand up. So Dorothy again your reaction really had very little anything to do what I was really saying and does not disagree with it at all. I am well aware of folks that are seeking truth. I am well aware that there is a purposeful quagmire of mixing truth and lie, exposing truth via disreptuable sources. There are other complications. There are people severely abused and minds manipulated to point where what memeories are real and what are not are difficult to discern through MK ultra and the like. The instance of the false get pointed at to discredit those who truly have been hurt. Always a question of what is real and what is not. This is the working of the enemy, create as much confusion as possible to make the truth difficult to ascertain. The greater the potential of information, the more difficult to sort truth and reality from lies and imaginations. It takes experience and time to sift through the non-sense to get a sense of truth. This site is good for this. So my "dissimive" comment directed at "truthers" be it 911 or Obama, or whatever the slang is directed at is not any different than what you say. I would never say do not point that which is false. Call spade a spade. Yet, I also know that we are in such a times as now because we are to be in such a time as know and pieces being moved, played, and moved again. Through it all though God is in control.
Regarding Israel, I just saw the following on the Breitbart BIG GOVERNMENT site.
It looks like a few of Obama's secundos - including Code Pink, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are trying to cause trouble in Gaza.
I doubt that any of this will be reported in the main stream media.
Obama Funder Jodie Evans Provokes Crisis in Egypt Over ‘Hamas-Aid’ Event, Obama Pals Ayers and Dohrn in Cairo with Code Pinkby Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King
.....Hamas, Code Pink, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jodie Evans and Barack Obama. Quite a witches brew. And Huffington Post and Politico wonder why Americans doubt Obama’s committment to win the war on terror.
Oh, and speaking of witches, Code Pink’s Wiccan co-founder took time off from her ‘dirt worship’ and made a rare visit to the front lines with the Code Pink partners to help Hamas from Cairo. You can read her reports which feature her Baby-Boomer angst and her disdain for protest chanting and fasting here....read entire article....
More on Code Pink's interference with the War on Terror here.
Code Pink was founded by four radicals: Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin, Diane Wilson, and a radical Wiccan activist calling herself Starhawk.
Here is the lowdown on the aforementioned Code Pink Wiccan co-founder STARKAWK's rare appearance at the "front lines" from the entry on Starhawk's blog dated DECEMER 31, 2009!!!
By Starhawk | Published: December 31, 2009
More on Code Pink from Sweetness and Light:
P.S. Starhawk is affiliated with former "Green Jobs Czar" and self described communist Van Jones - and both are affiliated with the Institute of Noetic Sciences and sit on at least one of its boards.
I agree with Dorothy. And this is a story that all should read.
The general population does not accept that they are being lied to all day long. Sorting out the truth from the lies is hard work and next to impossible. But we continue in it. I do not trust Glenn Beck or Alex Jones but I read, listen, file stuff away in my mind. Sometimes a bit of truth gets through. We are living in fascinating times.
To stir the pot further: Have any of the posters here read books by the founder of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch? I have read his Blue Book and it reads like the author was a Free Mason. I also read something called THE BELMONT BROTHERHOOD (on the www) and if true it seems odd to me that an organization (JBS) that was started to expose the NWO people such as Federal Reserve bankers and CFR people would have as founding members those same people. Seems to me the JBS was used to lure in conservatives and keep them controlled and dumbed down.
Dear Anonymous 7:35,
With regard to the John Birch Society, you might want to check out a book entitled THE STRANGE TACTICS OF EXTREMISM by Harry and Bonaro overstreet. Part I of the book concentrates on the JBS.
Here is the preface:
This partiular thread and it's
comments section has it all.
I'm going to print it up.
Amen Susanna, Jay, Dorothy, omots,
Peacebringer, Dawn, Dave in BC
and most of all Constance.
Thank you all for sorting out the
perilous times we live in.
Jay, thank you for spelling out
these things so succinctly and
explaining the difference between
wheat and tares, even when
they are intertwined.
I pray that God's love rules this
forum and the people who
contribute here.
What's the difference between Glen Beck and a circus clown? Make-up! Except most people would know not to take a circus clown seriously.
Anon. 9.32:
Beck may be a clown, but at least he's not president. The amazing thing is how Americans could fall for electing a clown as president.
Interesting story on Starhawk, Susanna!
The JBS and many others on the right are either unwilling dupes or actual plants by those who would destroy Conservatism (and America). I think William Buckley Jr. was correct in ejecting the John Birchers from the Conservative movement decades ago.
Here is an excellent article, most of which I find I am in agreement with. It's the best article I've run across regarding the damage the JBS has done to their own cause. (Does this not, in itself, speak of infiltration?)
The other night Chris Matthews had a
segment on the, (I can't remember
the title), something like "top ten
stupidities of the year", in which
he had his own panel of yes-men
Of course the big ones were:
9/11 Truthers, and
Obama's birth certificate
His summation of these questions
was of course a dismissive,
condescending "grow up and
get real", and his panel of "experts"
all dutifully agreed.
It is interesting though how the NA
is allowing itself to be exposed
as long as the ones doing the
exposing mislead everyone as
to the motivations and intentions
of the people involved.
Chris Matthews, Glen Beck,
Kieth Olberman and really all
the talking heads on TV are
shills for the NWO. They know
who signs their checks and they
have contracts which, no doubt,
tell them exactly which lines
not to cross.
It's actually becomes less
complicated in some ways:
Satan is called the "Prince of the
power of the air".
Buckley's original article "outing" Robert Welch can be downloaded here:
Please note that I don't agree with everything Buckley, I don't. But I think he was correct in foreseeing the damage to Conservatism that the JBS could have brought.
Off topic - New Age Mecca
In my search for relocation, I had considered Asheville, NC, mainly for the climate. Googling Asheville + New Age Mecca, it appears it is the new Sedona of the east. Since around 2000, people have been drawn there by what was referred to as "Close Encounters" magnetism because of the quartz, ley lines, portals, energy and the veil being thinner between the dimensions. Asheville's NA nickname is City of Light, and there are those who believe once the paradigm shift occurs, this will be a haven, because the watcher (guardian angel of light) resides in the mountains. The population was once mainly Bible Belt Baptists, now the majority is NA. . Sources for this info were Wikipedia and a local publication-New Frontier.
Perhaps this is old news for many at this site, but it was new for me.
Anon 11 PM writes:
Gal 3:16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, "And to seeds," as of many, but as of one, "And to your Seed," who is Christ.
Sounds like one of our old friends is back incognito. The inconvenient truth is that "seed" is used today as well as in Genesis as a plural term: same with the Hebrew form "zera." Just one of many examples:
"And I will make your seed like the dust of the earth, so that if a man will be able to count the dust of the earth, so will your seed be counted. (Gen. 13:16)"
Another example is your very own next Galatians verse:
Gal 3:29 And if you [are] Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Here seed is clearly not a single person.
"A genetic descendent of Abraham who does not accept the atoning sacrifice offered at Calvary will be cut off from the tree of life. Anyone who accepts Yeshua, as the Lamb of God, the one and only and final atonement for their sins, will be grafted in. Abraham's seed is who and what God determines it to be. It is not up to some Pope or chief rabbi to approve or verify."
Which contradicts God's eternal word in the Torah!
"[The Torah's] ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. It is a tree of life for those who grasp it, and those who draw near it are fortunate." (Prov. 3:17-18)
Such is the inconvenient truth.
May everyone have a happy, healthy, peaceful and blessed new year.
Evangelical Pacifism in the War on Terror – by Mark D. Tooley
Will turning the other cheek keep us safe from Islamofascists?...
December 31 2009
Any wonder why we cannot intercept terrorists? Read on.
From AtlasShrugs.com
Houston: Rocket launcher, jihadist writings found in apartment -- no charges filed
Talk about bringing in the new year with a bang ............
uh Houston, we have a problem.
Rocket launcher? Check. Jihadist writings? Check. But no worries -- the Feds found no ties to terrorism!
Keystone Kops Alert from Houston: "Rocket Launcher Found In Apartment: No Charges Filed," from Click2Houston.com, December 31 (thanks to Rich):
HOUSTON -- Police went to a southwest Houston apartment to break up a disturbance but ended up finding something else, KPRC Local 2 reported Wednesday.
A woman called police on Monday and said a man was forcing his way into her apartment in the 5300 block of Elm Street.
When officers went inside, they found something that made them concerned enough to call the bomb squad.
They found an AT-4 shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. It can shoot a missile nearly 1,000 feet through buildings and tanks.
"It gives infantrymen the advantage with an ultra-light weapon that can stop vehicles, armored vehicles as well as main battle tanks and fortifications," said Oscar Saldivar of Top Brass Military and Tactical on the North Freeway.
That type of rocket launcher has been used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The renter of the apartment didn't want to talk to KPRC Local 2.
"This is my house," the woman said. " Get away from here. I don't want to talk to nobody."
The woman did tell police that the rocket launcher belonged to Nabilaye I. Yansane, someone whom she allowed to store items at her apartment.
Police records show that she didn't want Yansane at her apartment, so she called them.
According to court documents, officers also found Jihadist writings that allegedly belonged to Yansane. The woman didn't want to talk to KPRC Local 2 about that, either.
"I don't know," she said. "You'll have to ask the police."
Yansane was charged with criminal trespassing and pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to three days in jail, which he has already served. No charges related to the rocket launcher or writings were filed.
"Other people could have had access to the apartment, so maybe if a rocket launcher was located there, as is stated in the offense report, maybe it belonged to somebody else," attorney Garl Polland said.
Prosecutors said there are no state charges for having the unarmed launcher or possessing Jihadist writings, unless they contain some type of threat.
The former director of Houston's FBI office said rocket launchers can be dangerous if they're in the wrong hands.
No kidding, really?
"I don't know any other use for those weapons except in combat," Don Clark said. "I've had them in combat, used them in combat. That's what they are used for."
Houston police said they did a thorough investigation and did not find any ties to terrorists or a terrorist network.
Sounds really thorough. I am so relieved.
Dorothy wrote that the movie "Avatar" is new age and pantheistic. True; but it is also anti-American leftist laptrap. Here is a good review by Debbie Schlussel (debbieschlussel.com):
December 17, 2009, - 1:51 pm
Don’t Believe the Hype: “Avatar” Stinks (Long, Boring, Unoriginal, Uber-Left)
By Debbie Schlussel
If you want a Cliff’s Notes (or, I guess, Debbie’s Notes) version of my review of “Avatar,” refer back to my review of the just as awful (but about half as long) “The Battle For Terra,” (which was released in May). The story, plot, etc. of the two movies are exactly the same.
Despite the out-of-control hype over “Avatar,” the movie is silly, long, boring, and heavy-handed. And did I mention, sleep-inducing? I’ve heard other movie critics and reports say that the 3D animation in this movie is “the most visually stimulating movie I’ve ever seen,” “the best 3D ever,” “Oscar material,” “will change cinema forever,” “a Hollywood colossus,” and even that it “caused motion sickness.”
Don’t believe the hype. This bloated, highly overrated movie is none of these . . . with the exception of the “Oscar material” claims, since we know that the contemporary Academy Awards famously award far-left tripe like this. Did James Cameron really spend years of his life on this rotten stew?
Clocking in at nearly three hours, “Avatar” is an incredible waste of time. It’s essentially a remake of “Dances With Wolves” and every other movie where we evil Americans terrorize the indigenous natives, kill them, take their land, and are just all around imperialistically wicked and inhumane. Oh, and we’re destroying the environment, clearing precious giant trees and natural landscapes and killing rare animals and their habitats, in order to invade and harvest valuable substances under the ground. Sound familiar? Yup, just like a million diatribes from Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, and every other far-left outlet about how we invaded Iraq for oil.
Yes, “Avatar” is cinema for the hate America crowd.
And, like “Dances With Wolves,” there is, of course, the standard stock White male and/or human character who “becomes one of them” and sympathizes with their plight, begging the evil humans–or evil Americans, take your pick–to stop the invasion, destruction, and wholesale theft. It’s been in a million movies you’ve seen, including this summer’s far superior if equally heavy-handed and manipulative, “District 9″ (read my review).
Avatar (Conclusion)
The story: Sam Worthington (who was fantastic in “Terminator: Salvation” – read my review) plays Jake Sully, a paraplegic U.S. Marine, who was injured while at war. His twin brother, who died under other circumstances, was a scientist and part of a government project developing “avatars” for interaction with the native race of the planet Pandora (wow, what an original planet name). He’s not actually working for “the government” or “the military,” but a contractor a la Blackwater. Yes, the propaganda is that thinly-veiled.
The U.S. has invaded Pandora to harvest a valuable mineral beneath the earth. It is using the avatars–beings comprised of the mixed genetic material of their human operators and the alien race on Pandora–to communicate with the natives and try to get them to cooperate and sympathize with the human goals. Each avatar is controlled by the mind of the human possessing its DNA, while the human is “sleeping” inside a computer-equipped pod.
Jake is recruited because he has the same DNA as his deceased twin and, like his brother, resembles his avatar and can connect with it. The scientists are headed up by Susan “Sigourney” Weaver who plays her typical indignant, bitchy liberal self. Weaver is mad that the military people don’t want to understand and interact with the natives and instead want to harvest minerals instead of keeping the ancient trees that interact like computers with the other beings on the planet. But Jake is secretly working for the Marine General who wants to ship in, destroy the trees and the natives, and ship out, so we can save the dying earth, where “they’ve destroyed the mother” (meaning, Mother Earth).
Ultimately, though, Jake falls in love with one of the most prominent natives, the chief’s daughter, and learns to fly his flying dragon. He begins to oppose the Marine General. But it is too late. The soldiers are ordered in to start destroying Pandora’s nature and people.
Sound exciting to you? Trust me, I’m making it even more interesting than it is. I could barely stay awake. And the 3D isn’t as great as people are saying, either. Smurf-like natives made to look like overgrown American Indians, complete with warpaint, mohawks, and long ponytails (that have computer-like USB cable tendrils in them, which can communicate with nature–ludicrous). Does that sound like earth-shattering stuff to you? They looked like Jar Jar Binks with arrowheads. That’s not to mention the basically topless state of the female avatars, whose nipples are barely covered by a few strategically placed threads. Nice for a PG-13 flick with audiences sure to be populated by kids galore.
Sure, it was cool to see floating mountains and different animals and plants in bright colors. But ten minutes of that was enough. I didn’t need a full-course meal of three hours of America-hatred to go with it.
And I laughed a lot . . . at times that were supposed to be serious. To me, this joke of a movie was ridiculous in its absurdity and overt hating on Western civilization.
My father used to say that one can judge the strength of capitalism and freedom in a society by the level of creativity and originality in that society. “Avatar” is yet another loud, garish example from Hollywood that capitalism and freedom in America aren’t strong at all. It’s neither original nor creative.
It’s just a long bore. And a waste of your ten bucks. Not to mention three hours you’ll never get back.
Why drive to the movies, pay for tickets, and spend hours in a dark room, when you can just as easily read Noam Chomsky or the speeches of Hugo Chavez in the comfort of your own home and couch?
Same difference.
“Avatar” is an intelligence test. If you fell for it, you failed.
Great posts. Thanks for sharing!
I see some criticism of Glenn Beck here. I am not a groupie but I notice that FrontPage.com has made him their "Man of the Year." From their article:
"Whether you love him or hate him, or consider him to be a must-see TV or DVR necessity, radio and TV talker Beck is a bright new star in the conservative firmament. You might get fired up by his calls to action or wince at his emotional outbursts – you even might tune in today only to see if this is when his head finally explodes—but you have to admit, this was the Year of the Beck."
Thanks Susanna,
Just trying to start the new year right:-)
Peace, love aqnd blessing,
I don't know how familiar you are with Starhawk's history, but she was - and probably still is - associated with a now excommunicated and defrocked apostate Dominican "New Age" priest named Matthew Fox. The following article is posted at the Catholic Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)site and refers to Constance Cumbey and her book A PLANNED DECEPTION:
The following article is from the SHIFT IN ACTION site which is an appendage of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
At the same SHIFT IN ACTION site there is a 9/2/08 article entitled
By the way, it was actually Dorothy who first discovered that Van Jones was a fellow at IONS - so hat tip to Dorothy for sharing her discovery. __________________________________
Van Jones worked with Lynne Twist on The Pachamama Alliance:
...The people of the eagle represent those of us living in the modern, technological world. The people of the condor represent the indigenous people of the world living close to the land with the heart and wisdom that come being attuned to the natural world.
Lynne Twist, one of the founding executives of The Hunger Project, vice-chair of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and trustee of Fetzer Institute, is also the co-founder with her husband of The Pachamama Alliance, an organization dedicated to the fulfillment of this prophecy. (Pacha means Earth or nature, and Mama is the nurturing Goddess of wisdom and spirit).
The Alliance is dedicated to preserving the Earth's tropical rainforests and its indigenous cultures, and to the creation of a new global vision of sustainability for us all.
Lynne says, "I am privileged to work with indigenous people and modern-world people in the fulfillment of this great prophecy. I believe that new and profound wisdom is available to be heard as never before-wisdom that heals the wounds of the modern world and complements our extraordinary knowledge. In parallel, the nearly unbounded technological knowledge of the modern world is critical to indigenous people in complementing the extraordinary depth of their ancient wisdom. This is a time of great transformation, possibility, and truth. This is the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy. This is the time for the eagle and the condor to fly together in the same sky, wing to wing."
For more information about Lynne Twist and other distinguished CIIS Sages, see our Website, www.ciis.edu
Starhawk is also involved with The Pachamama Alliance.
The LITTLE BLUE BOOK of the John Birch Society looks format wise so very much like the Alice Bailey Books (also 'little blue books'). Robert Welch talked therein about the new scientific religion to come. Sounded so very much like theosophy to me. I was first confronted with it my members of the John Birch Society in Phoenix, Arizona, when I spoke to the Arizona Breakfast Club there in March, 1983. They told me they were concerned and showed me why. My suspicion was that it was a diversion that kept millions of intelligent people from seeing the New Age Movement in a timely manner. Since then, the New Age Movement has been denounced by JBS Society leaders; however, it clearly appears that its founder may well have been influenced or seduced by its tenets/practices.
California Institute of Integral Studies was one of Mark Satin's initial listings for "representative New Age Organizations" in his NEW AGE POLITICS released in the 1970's.
I just think that Beck is outrageous because that's what it takes just to get people to listen to him. Since we live in outrageous times, why shouldn't be outrageous?
Anyway, two organizations to watch more than just the Democrats and liberals are "Organizing for American" and "Faithful America." These two organizations are not just Democratic entities, but more like Obamacrats. (I know, making a construction word out of Obama is on the banned list of words, but it does fit.)
Anyone who participates in these organizations have the same mind-set as Obama. While many liberals and Democrats have almost turned on Obama, these people are out advancing his agenda. "Faithful America" is really the same thing as Organizing for America. They are slowly taking over the Democratic party. They have a cult-like zeal in what they do. They are left-overs from his presidential campaign. Pay attention to what they are doing. I'm just waiting for them to become more militaristic. So far, they are not, at least I don't think they are.
To Rob in London,
Happy New Year to you! Good to hear from you again.
Eye witnesses report seeing an ORANGE "Blue Moon" on New Year's Eve!!!
For photos, check out: www.spaceweather.com
As of today, Jan 1st 2010, expansive food supplement ban in EU
Anon 8:12pm (beginning of thread) I agree that the 3rd Temple will be a platform for the antimessiah, however, spiritually speaking, since we are the temple, the a/m will attempt to set himself up in our hearts as well, hence the agenda of the NAM, to replace the true Elohim, YHVH, with a false one.
I do disagree however to your thinking that the 3rd Temple will only serve as a platform for the a/m. YHVH never changes, Mal 3:6 "For I am Yahweh, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." His covenants are forever, unbreakable (on His part anyway, we know how man treats them) and therefore, if the 3rd Temple is built to the specifications of Scripture, under Levitical law and the covenant with the tribe of Levi (and Israel), they can resume Temple service and it presumably would be recognized by YHVH.
Although, sacrifice for sin would no longer be required (nor acceptable I would think) since Yahshuah HaMashiach died “once for all” Heb. 10:10.
Proof that sacrifices and offerings are still acceptable and required are found in the New Testament (for reasons other than sin), such as in Luke 2:22 - 2:24, and this requirement has not passed away. Sacrifice (although not for sin) will continue on into the Millennial Kingdom.
Yes, the 3rd Temple will be desecrated by the a/m (there is nothing new under the sun Ecc. 1:9) but it will be a valid and Holy Temple to YHVH if consecrated correctly. And that work is well under way. It shouldn't be too long since all the accoutrements are made and an alter was started this fall.
"Protestants ... accept Sunday rather than Saturday as the day for public worship after the Catholic Church made the change... But the Protestant mind does not seem to realize that ... in observing Sunday, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the Church, the pope." Our Sunday Visitor, February 5th, 1950. See This Rock
Several have posted about the movie Avatr and its obvious NA implications. However, the other big box office hit is Sherlock Holmes.
My hubby and I just returned from seeing it. It despicable. I only stayed in the theater for my husband's sake. We should have left. It was blasphemous and anti-Semitic. I am appalled. Holmes' enemy is a diabolical maniac who wants to take over the world. The very opening scene is an occult ritual. I kept noticing cryptic writing that I thought looked Jewish. Finally a shot of a Satanic altar showed clear Hebrew letters on the base of the altar. I was livid!
My thoughts immediately went to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The movie linked the occult to Jewish symbols in a variety of ways.
Later in the movie, Holmes deciphers the Satanic ritual and we learn that part of the ritual identifies a "calf, an eagle, a man, and a lion." This blasphemous application of the throne of God from Revelation 4:6 & 7 was unconscionable.
My husband found a message board description of the movie's symbolism after we came home. (Oddly enough the message board is itself NA.) But note what one person writes:
"The greatest offence, as if the what I already mentioned wasn't enough , is the clear use of Jewish iconography and objects to create a sense of evil and danger. My wife , one of millions who can read Hebrew was shocked to see the following...
Showed a passage supposedly from the Kabbala ( a practice that was so deeply shunned at the time by Jews it was cause for hoying out of the congregation) ,.The passage purported to be about a ritual with animal parts was in fact a text about the elements of life...
they plan to kill off most of the members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons by using a device to activate poisonous pellets that will send the deadly smoke into the House of Commons turning it into a gas chamber...
This film is flawed in so many ways, but the use of Jewish symbols and sacred items in combination with the gas chamber imagery is beyond the pale."
Did anyone else see the movie?
Jay 4:30 pm (Rob in London)
There are people who keep the Sabbath and are not 7th Day Adventists. I respect some of their doctrines, however I am not comfortable with all their teachings so when I decided to observe the Sabbath, The Heavenly Father put me and some Sabbath keepers together at a Constance Cumbey speaking engagement!
There are also Sabbath keepers who are cults, like all branches of religion - there are some who are controlling, manipulative and think they alone can hear from The Almighty. Constance has mentioned some here. We know people who have had encounters with them and it wasn't pleasant.
If nothing else, start observing Sabbath in your own home with your family. If you are seeking fellowship with others, Yah will put you in touch with someone. Pray for truth and fellowship.
There are many Sabbath observant fellowship sites on the web as well.
Read Matt 24:20, the Sabbath matters
Terri, no I didn't see the movie, but your information started me searching for more information, and you were right on target.
Normally if a movie or some other piece of writing is blatantly antisemitic, there will be many articles about it. Yet I found no such articles coming out of the Jewish community. I think it might be that we've become so conditioned to New Age symbolism that we miss many things that should startle us.
Here are a few things that I've found.
"The parts of the film that alluded to the dark arts and secret societies reminded me a bit of Young Sherlock Holmes, though Ritchie's apparent dislike of Kabbalah seems to be evident in the negative imagery of Hebrew letters contained within the dark arts books used by the secret society, the Temple of the Four Orders"
This is the plot of the film.
The Temple of the Four Orders is a name made up for the film, but supposedly based on Masonic and Golden Dawn rituals. Temple people are attempting to control the world using black magic.
Now Ritchie and Madonna were involved in a cult group, Kabbalah Centre, run by Berg. (The cult group and real Kabbalah study have nothing in common.) Ritchie and Madonna have split. It seems obvious that Ritchie was just going along with Madonna's interest in the group as he was very clear a movie he was involved with in 2005 was to be based on the Kabbalah.
"Ritchie says the movie references Albert Pike's 1871 book 'Morals and Dogma', which draws parallels between Kabbalah and Freemasonry."
"Guy is “incandescent with rage” over the allegations, branding his wife’s faith a “weird religion”.
A source said: “Guy’s initial support and interest in Kabbalah turned to annoyance and hatred. Guy doesn’t believe Kabbalah is a religion on a par with Christianity. He thinks a lot of it is hokum - which has infuriated Madonna.”
Given the above, I strongly doubt that the impression of a Jewish connection with the secret society was just by chance. While the antisemitism is not blatant, the subliminal effect left in the mind of viewers is dangerous.
Thanks again for calling it to our attention.
Here is the link to the information Terri posted.
It really is a good analysis which I wouldn't have found on my own.
Speaking of jesuits, there are no good jesuits or bad jesuits, they are all blind guides plain and simple, they will lead you to hell if you follow there teachings, furthermore no one is good except God alone, just like Jesus said.
I just viewed site. It appears from my reading that the British government intended to ban certain supplements and challenges were filed to the proposed ban on the grounds that EU Court of Justice opinions forbid such bans.
I'll keep watching on this one, however.
See Colossians 2:16
"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:"
For the record, these days many Catholics worship on the seventh day as well as the first day because long ago Catholics were permitted to fulfill their weekly worship obligations by attending Saturday afternoon masses.
Maybe Susanna can tell us more.
ALL nations (and probably all religions) scripturally were corrupted by MYSTERY BABYLON. See Revelation 17-18. My scriptural analysis and belief is that DEUTERONOMY 18 would trump the Kabbalah. I personally believe that the Kabbalah resulted from God's chosen people, the Jews, coming in contact with pagan cultures and syncretyzing/synthesizing it with their existing teachings, just as is going on so many places today. Consider God's warning to Israel through his prophet Isaiah:
"Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers." Isaiah 2:6
Arthur Conan Doyle was a big time occultist deeply into spiritualism and its seances. As such, he may well have harbored deeply anti-Semitic beliefs.
I believe this is very important information. Got it from cnn.com
Researchers are already using brain-computer interfaces to aid the disabled, treat diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and provide therapy for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Work is under way on devices that may eventually let you communicate with friends telepathically, give you superhuman hearing and vision or even let you download data directly into your brain, a la "The Matrix."
One of the more controversial uses under development is telepathy. It would require at least two people to be implanted with electrodes that send and receive signals back and forth.
Dear Constance,
First, whether some of my Protestant Christian brethren agree with it or not, the reason why Catholics and most non-Catholic Christians (that I know of) observe Sabbath on Sunday is because Sunday is the day on which Christ rose from the dead and Sunday was the day on which Pentecost occurred - Pentecost being when the Holy Spirit descended upon Peter and the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire.
While the Church has approved of a Saturday evening Mass as fulfilling our Sunday Mass obligation since the Second Vatican Council, Sunday still remains the Catholic Christian Sabbath, nevertheless.
Under Jewish law, day ended at sundown.
Since the Second Vatican Council, the time for fulfilling the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation now begins on the evening of the day before, and most parish churches do celebrate the Sunday Mass also on Saturday evening. By long tradition and liturgical law, Mass is not celebrated at any time on Good Friday (but Holy Communion is distributed, with hosts consecrated at the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, to those participating in the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord) or on Holy Saturday before the Easter Vigil (the beginning of the celebration of Easter Sunday), in other words, between the annual celebrations of the Lord's Supper and the Resurrection of Jesus (see Easter Triduum)......
Psa 2:1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?
Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,
Psa 2:3 "Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us."
Psa 2:4 He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.
Psa 2:5 Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying,
Psa 2:6 "As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill."
Psa 2:7 I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, "You are my Son; today I have begotten you.
Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.
Psa 2:9 You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."
Psa 2:10 Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Psa 2:11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him
Q. I attended both Christmas Eve (Vigil Mass) and Christmas Day Masses this year. Why is it that the Vigil Mass for Christmas has different readings than the Mass during the day, but weekly Vigil Masses on Saturdays have the same readings as on Sunday?
A. The readings are the same on Saturday evening Masses because Saturday evening Masses aren’t actually Vigil Masses.
Now, before anyone gets scared, let me say that Masses celebrated on Saturday evening are, in all actuality, Sunday Masses. How? Because it is the ancient tradition of the Church that Sundays and Solemnities begin with the celebration of First Vespers, which occurs the evening before the day of celebration (for example, “Christmas” begins with First Vespers of Christmas, which is celebrated around 5PM on Dec. 24). This was inspired by the concept of a day in the ancient world, which divided our 24 hours into four nocturnal vigils and four daylight hours, the day commencing at first vigil. Although the practice of celebrating Sunday Mass during this time is a relatively new one (it became widespread around the time of the Second Vatican Council), it certainly is a reasonable, organic development. If we celebrate the beginning of our holiest days at 5 p.m. the evening before, the day has begun. Therefore, it makes sense to allow Mass for that day to occur!......
It is to be recalled that it was Jesus Himself who said that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27)
Saturday Mass fulfills the Mass obligation and is given as an option to assist people in doing so. Remember, some people have jobs such as being a nurse, doctor, firefighter, etc, who sometimes "have" to work on Sunday. Also, there could be sick/ill relatives, small children, people traveleing, etc.
The vigil has ancient roots, Easter Vigil being a primary example.
It must also be borne in mind that while Saturday "vigil Mass" fulfills the Catholic Mass obligation, it does not fulfill the obligation to "keep the Sabbath holy" as a "day of rest and spiritual pursuits" - unless as previously stated, a person is required to work.
See also:
The Saturday Vigil Mass
Question time Printable version
7 December, 2008
I could not "tiny url" the above link. Sorry.
EDITORIAL: Obama greater than Jesus
He comes from humble beginnings and defends the weak and vulnerable, because he can identify himself with their conditions.
I also have read a couple of articles about this mindreading technology recently. I have only one word to describe it:
S C A R Y.
Mary Jean
In the course of my research on the 19th-century occult revival I discovered that what was being peddled as "Kabballah" by the occult secret societies from at least the time of the Renaissance was a corruption of an authentic Jewish prophetic tradition - probably going all the way back to Elias the Prophet - and having its origins among the Samaritans who formally broke off all ties with the Jews during the Maccabeean War of Independence - preferring instead to defect to the camp of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and name their temple after the pagan god Zeus.
Even if non-Catholic Christians do not acknowledge the Books of the Maccabees as canonical, these books should nevertheless be seriously considered from a purely historical perspective......especially since Antiochus is regarded as a type of "Antichrist."
Here are the Books of the Maccabees for anyone interested in checking them out.
According to Jewish and Christian tradition, the "man of sin" is to emerge from the "Tribe of Dan" which had not only been long considered reprobate by the Jewish community, but was also one of the tribes that morphed into the paganized/gnosticised heretical "Jewish" community that came to be known as "Samaritans."
We know from the Gospels that the Jews wouldn't give the Samaritans the time of day.....and this was because the Samaritans had sold their own Jewish brethren down the river about 200 years earlier.
I have posted this before, but I am posting it here again for a memory refresher. It is to be noted that after the division of Israel, and against the will of God, King Jeroboam of the Northern ten tribes established two temples - one at Beth El and the other in Dan.(1 Kings 12:29) King Jeroboam distrusted the providence of God and set up these temples (erecting golden calves in each temple)to consolidate his own power by preventing the people of the Northern tribes from looking to the temple in Jerusalem as the center of Jewish worship and sacrifice.
.....On the death of Solomon, Rehoboam assumed the throne. However, the ten northern tribes revolted against his rule and invite Jeroboam to become their king. The conduct of Rehoboam favored the designs of Jeroboam, and he was accordingly proclaimed "king of Israel". [6]
He rebuilt and fortified Shechem as the capital of his kingdom. He at once adopted means to perpetuate the division with the southern Kingdom of Judah. He erected at Dan and Bethel, the two extremities of his kingdom, "golden calves," which he set up as symbols of God, enjoining the people not any more to go up to worship at Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, but to bring their offerings to the shrines he had erected.
Thus he became distinguished as the man "who made Israel to sin." This policy was followed by all the succeeding kings of Israel.
According to 1 Kings 13:1-6, 13:9, while Jeroboam was engaged in offering incense at Bethel, a "man of God" warned him that "a son named Josiah will be born to the house of David" who would destroy the altar (referring to King Josiah of Judah who would rule approximately three hundred years later). Attempting to arrest the prophet for his bold words of defiance, Jeroboam's hand was "dried up," and the altar before which he stood was rent asunder. At his urgent entreaty his "hand was restored him again" (1 Kings 13:1-6, 13:9; compare 2 Kings 23:15); but the miracle made no abiding impression on him.
He was in constant "war with the house of Judah". While the southern kingdom made no serious effort to militarily regain power over the north, there was a long-lasting boundary dispute, fighting over which lasted during the reigns of several kings on both sides before being finally settled....
...Further history
Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim
The precise date of the schism between Samaritans and Jews is unknown, but was certainly complete by the end of the 4th century BCE. Archaeological excavations at Mount Gerizim suggest that a Samaritan temple was built there c. 330 BCE.[10]
According to Samaritans, it was on Mount Gerizim that Abraham offered Isaac in human sacrifice Genesis 22:2.
The Torah mentions the place where God shall choose to establish His name (Deut 12:5), and Judaism takes this to refer to Jerusalem. However, the Samaritan text speaks of the place where God has chosen to establish His name, and Samaritans identify it as Mount Gerizim, making it the focus of their spiritual values.
The legitimacy of the Samaritan temple was attacked by Jewish scholars including Andronicus ben Meshullam.
In the Christian bible, the Gospel of John relates an encounter between a Samaritan woman and Jesus in which she asserts that the mountain was the center of their worship John 4:20.
Antiochus IV Epiphanes and Hellenization
In the 2nd century BCE a particularly bitter series of events eventually led to a revolution of the Israelites against their Greek oppressors.
Antiochus IV Epiphanes was on the throne of the Seleucid Empire from 175 to 163 BCE. His determined policy was to Hellenize his entire kingdom and standardize religious observance. According to 1 Maccabees 1:41-50 he proclaimed himself the incarnation of the Greek god Zeus and mandated death to anyone who refused to worship him. A major obstacle to his ambition was the fidelity of the Jews to their historic religion and their refusal to allow their homeland to be defiled.
The universal peril led the Samaritans, eager for safety, to repudiate all connection and kinship with the Jews. The request was granted. This was put forth as the final breach between the two groups, being alleged at a much later date in the Christian bible (John 4:9), "For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans."[12]
Several centuries before the Common Era, the Samaritans had built their own temple on Mt. Gerizim to rival the Temple in Jerusalem. Here, they offered sacrifices according to the Mosaic code. Anderson notes that during the reign of Antiochus IV (175–164 BCE):[13]
“ the Samaritan temple was renamed either Zeus Hellenios (willingly by the Samaritans according to Josephus) or, more likely, Zeus Xenios, (unwillingly in accord with 2 Macc. 6:2) Bromiley, 4.304). ”
Josephus Book 12, Chapter 5 quotes the Samaritans as saying:
“ We therefore beseech thee, our benefactor and saviour, to give order to Apolonius, the governor of this part of the country, and to Nicanor, the procurator of thy affairs, to give us no disturbances, nor to lay to our charge what the Jews are accused for, since we are aliens from their nation and from their customs, but let our temple which at present hath no name at all, be named the Temple of Jupiter Hellenius. ”
“ Shortly afterwards, the Greek king sent Gerontes the Athenian to force the Jews of Israel to violate their ancestral customs and live no longer by the laws of God; and to profane the Temple in Jerusalem and dedicate it to Olympian Zeus, and the one on Mount Gerizim to Zeus, Patron of Strangers, as the inhabitants of the latter place had requested.—II Maccabees 6:1–2 ”
In 167 BCE the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the Jewish temple by setting up an altar to Zeus over the holy altar of burnt offerings in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, which was the center of Jewish religious life. Antiochus also sacrificed a pig on the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem. This event is known as the "abomination of desolation".[14]
The authority of the high priesthood was severely damaged when first Jason and then Meneleus bought their office from Antiochus.
The persecution and death of faithful Jewish persons who refused to worship and kiss Antiochus' image, along with the desecration of the Holy Temple, ultimately led to a revolt led by Judah Maccabee (Judah the Hammer) and his family. Though quite outnumbered, the Israelites, led by the Maccabee family, managed to regain control of their land. This "miracle" restoration of Jewish sovereignty in the face of Greek dominance has been since observed by Jews in the winter "Festival of Lights" holiday known as Chanukah.
Judah's priestly family, the Hasmoneans, introduced a dynasty that ruled during a period of conflict, with tensions arising both from within the family as well as from external enemies.
This Samaritan Temple at Mount Gerizim was destroyed by John Hyrcanus in about 128 BCE, having existed about 200 years. Only a few stone remnants of it exist today.
[edit] 164 BCE and after
During the Hellenistic period, Samaria (like Judea) was largely divided between a Hellenizing faction based in Samaria (Sebastaea) and a pious faction, led by the High Priest and based largely around Shechem and the rural areas. Samaria was a largely autonomous state nominally dependent on the Seleucid empire until around 129 BCE, when the Jewish Hasmonean king Yohanan Girhan (John Hyrcanus) destroyed the Samaritan temple and devastated Samaria.
Samaritans fared badly under the Roman Empire, when Samaria was a part of the Roman-ruled province of Judea.
However, this period is also considered as something of a golden age for the Samaritan community. The Temple of Gerizim was rebuilt after the Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans, around 135 CE. Much of Samaritan liturgy was set by the high priest Baba Rabba in the 4th century.
The oldest, known Samaritan synagogue, the Delos Synagogue dates from between 150 and 128 BCE, or earlier and is located on the island of Delos.[15]
There were some Samaritans in the Persian Empire, where they served in the Sassanid army. Many Jews had also lived in Persia for millennia, after various exiles and captivities.
See also Nablus#Samaritan revolts....read entire article....
Josephus Book 12, Chapter 5 quotes the Samaritans as saying:
“ We therefore beseech thee, our benefactor and saviour, to give order to Apolonius, the governor of this part of the country, and to Nicanor, the procurator of thy affairs, to give us no disturbances, nor to lay to our charge what the Jews are accused for, since we are aliens from their nation and from their customs, but let our temple which at present hath no name at all, be named the Temple of Jupiter Hellenius. ”
“ Shortly afterwards, the Greek king sent Gerontes the Athenian to force the Jews of Israel to violate their ancestral customs and live no longer by the laws of God; and to profane the Temple in Jerusalem and dedicate it to Olympian Zeus, and the one on Mount Gerizim to Zeus, Patron of Strangers, as the inhabitants of the latter place had requested.—II Maccabees 6:1–2 ”
In 167 BCE the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the Jewish temple by setting up an altar to Zeus over the holy altar of burnt offerings in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, which was the center of Jewish religious life. Antiochus also sacrificed a pig on the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem. This event is known as the "abomination of desolation".[14]
The authority of the high priesthood was severely damaged when first Jason and then Meneleus bought their office from Antiochus.
The persecution and death of faithful Jewish persons who refused to worship and kiss Antiochus' image, along with the desecration of the Holy Temple, ultimately led to a revolt led by Judah Maccabee (Judah the Hammer) and his family. Though quite outnumbered, the Israelites, led by the Maccabee family, managed to regain control of their land. This "miracle" restoration of Jewish sovereignty in the face of Greek dominance has been since observed by Jews in the winter "Festival of Lights" holiday known as Chanukah.
Judah's priestly family, the Hasmoneans, introduced a dynasty that ruled during a period of conflict, with tensions arising both from within the family as well as from external enemies.
This Samaritan Temple at Mount Gerizim was destroyed by John Hyrcanus in about 128 BCE, having existed about 200 years. Only a few stone remnants of it exist today.
[edit] 164 BCE and after
During the Hellenistic period, Samaria (like Judea) was largely divided between a Hellenizing faction based in Samaria (Sebastaea) and a pious faction, led by the High Priest and based largely around Shechem and the rural areas. Samaria was a largely autonomous state nominally dependent on the Seleucid empire until around 129 BCE, when the Jewish Hasmonean king Yohanan Girhan (John Hyrcanus) destroyed the Samaritan temple and devastated Samaria.
Samaritans fared badly under the Roman Empire, when Samaria was a part of the Roman-ruled province of Judea.
However, this period is also considered as something of a golden age for the Samaritan community. The Temple of Gerizim was rebuilt after the Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans, around 135 CE. Much of Samaritan liturgy was set by the high priest Baba Rabba in the 4th century.
The oldest, known Samaritan synagogue, the Delos Synagogue dates from between 150 and 128 BCE, or earlier and is located on the island of Delos.[15]
There were some Samaritans in the Persian Empire, where they served in the Sassanid army. Many Jews had also lived in Persia for millennia, after various exiles and captivities.
See also Nablus#Samaritan revolts....read entire article....
Josephus Book 12, Chapter 5 quotes the Samaritans as saying:
“ We therefore beseech thee, our benefactor and saviour, to give order to Apolonius, the governor of this part of the country, and to Nicanor, the procurator of thy affairs, to give us no disturbances, nor to lay to our charge what the Jews are accused for, since we are aliens from their nation and from their customs, but let our temple which at present hath no name at all, be named the Temple of Jupiter Hellenius. ”
“ Shortly afterwards, the Greek king sent Gerontes the Athenian to force the Jews of Israel to violate their ancestral customs and live no longer by the laws of God; and to profane the Temple in Jerusalem and dedicate it to Olympian Zeus, and the one on Mount Gerizim to Zeus, Patron of Strangers, as the inhabitants of the latter place had requested.—II Maccabees 6:1–2 ”
In 167 BCE the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the Jewish temple by setting up an altar to Zeus over the holy altar of burnt offerings in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, which was the center of Jewish religious life. Antiochus also sacrificed a pig on the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem. This event is known as the "abomination of desolation".[14]
The authority of the high priesthood was severely damaged when first Jason and then Meneleus bought their office from Antiochus.
The persecution and death of faithful Jewish persons who refused to worship and kiss Antiochus' image, along with the desecration of the Holy Temple, ultimately led to a revolt led by Judah Maccabee (Judah the Hammer) and his family. Though quite outnumbered, the Israelites, led by the Maccabee family, managed to regain control of their land. This "miracle" restoration of Jewish sovereignty in the face of Greek dominance has been since observed by Jews in the winter "Festival of Lights" holiday known as Chanukah.
Judah's priestly family, the Hasmoneans, introduced a dynasty that ruled during a period of conflict, with tensions arising both from within the family as well as from external enemies.
This Samaritan Temple at Mount Gerizim was destroyed by John Hyrcanus in about 128 BCE, having existed about 200 years. Only a few stone remnants of it exist today.
[edit] 164 BCE and after
During the Hellenistic period, Samaria (like Judea) was largely divided between a Hellenizing faction based in Samaria (Sebastaea) and a pious faction, led by the High Priest and based largely around Shechem and the rural areas. Samaria was a largely autonomous state nominally dependent on the Seleucid empire until around 129 BCE, when the Jewish Hasmonean king Yohanan Girhan (John Hyrcanus) destroyed the Samaritan temple and devastated Samaria.
Samaritans fared badly under the Roman Empire, when Samaria was a part of the Roman-ruled province of Judea.
However, this period is also considered as something of a golden age for the Samaritan community. The Temple of Gerizim was rebuilt after the Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans, around 135 CE. Much of Samaritan liturgy was set by the high priest Baba Rabba in the 4th century.
The oldest, known Samaritan synagogue, the Delos Synagogue dates from between 150 and 128 BCE, or earlier and is located on the island of Delos.[15]
There were some Samaritans in the Persian Empire, where they served in the Sassanid army. Many Jews had also lived in Persia for millennia, after various exiles and captivities.
See also Nablus#Samaritan revolts....read entire article....
It is to be noted that the man that came to be known as "the father of all heretics" was Simon Magus and he was a Samaritan.
Simon Magus was said to be a disciple of another Samaritan named Dositheus and both had been followers of John the Baptist before John the Baptist was murdered by Herod.
After the death of John the Baptist, Dositheus took over the group and began to invent doctrines of his own which included teachings in magic and the occult and eventually involved worshipping John the Baptist as the "Messiah" instead of Jesus.
As a result of a sort of "magical duel" between Simon Magus and Dositheus, Simon prevailed.
Now earlier, I mentioned how Kaballah is said to be a corruption of an authentic Jewish prophetic tradition going back to Elias the Prophet.
During the 19th-century, there was a revival of the so-called Johannites - many of whose teachings were similar - if not identical - to the gnostic teachings of Simon Magus.
The false tradition of the gnostics can be traced all the way back to the Acts of the Apostles.
The revival of the gnostic group specifically referred to as the "Johannites" began in the 18th-century with an occultist named Loiseaut, who was succeeded by Thomas Martin Gallardon. The so-called "spiritual director" was an apostate monk named Dom Gerle. Dom Gerle became famous - or rather infamous - on account of the prominence of his portrait in Jacques-Louis David's painting THE TENNIS COURT OATH.
Around the time of the French Revolution, there was a "schism" among the Johannites based on the politics of the time.
Those who believed that the son of Guillotined Louis XVI was still alive called themselved "Saviors of Louis XVII."
Dom Gerle was booted out because he supported the Revolution and Robespierre - including The Terror - and became involved with a "seeress" named Catherine Theot who went around proclaiming herself the "mother of God."
The Thermadorian Reaction, which toppled Robespierre from power, came about partly on the pretext that Dom Gerle and Catherine Theot were trying to set Robespierre up as "the Supreme Being."
But I digress..... :-)
Around the time when Thomas Martin Gallardon headed the Johannites, one of the female "prophetess" Marguerite - Therese des Innard Bouche (a.k.a. "Sister Salome") tried to worm her way into the court of Russia in an attempt to infiltrate and influence what would eventually come to be known as the so-called "Holy Alliance" between Russia, Prussia and Austria. However, "Sister Salome" was unceremoniously supplanted by a rival "prophetess" named Baroness Barbara Juliane von Krudener whose father happened to be a leading Freemason.
After Madame Bouche was displaced by Madame Krudener, she returned to France where she subsequently helped to recruit - and teamed up with - the infamous gnostic/satanist Eugene Vintras and, vis a vis her "revelations," backed a pretender to the French throne - a GERMAN clockmaker named Karl Wilhelm Naundorff who started his own church.
It may have been an indirect attempt on the part of Madame Bouche and her occultist confreres to infiltrate the "Holy Alliance" since the mother of the real Louis XVII would have been Marie Antoinette of Austria.
Another important thing to note is that Vintras was associated with a Polish Messianist and Martinist named Andrej Towianski. Martinism is "esoteric Christianity" and is based largely on the so-called "Christian Cabala."
Martinism is where the false "kaballah" really started to come into its own in modern times, because BOTH of the major 19th-century French occultists of the day - Eugene Vintras and Eliphas Levi who were contemporaries - were involved with the Martinist Lodge....Vintras via Towianski, and Eliphas Levi via Hoene Wronski.
Moreover, one of the more peculiar things about Eugene Vintras is the fact that he claimed to be a REINCARNATION OF ELIAS THE PROPHET!!!
His successor, the infamous Abbe Boullan, claimed to be a REINCARNATION OF JOHN THE BAPTIST!!!
The reason for Boullan's claim to be JOHN THE BAPTIST REINCARNATED is likely because of his weasel-wording of the Gospels in which Our Lord says that John the Baptist was Elias. (Matt 11:13-14)
See also Luke 1:13-17
One more thing. Vintras' gnostic church was called the "Eliate Church of Carmel" and was one of the gnostic entities that was eventually merged along with others - including Jules Doinel's Cathar Church - into the present "Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica" which is the ecclesiastical arm of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).
For further reading:
Re: Northwest Flight 253 incident
The Haskell couple (who were passengers and very credible eyewitnesses) say the FBI's story has changed 4 times - while the Haskell's story remains the same since day one.
Anonymous 5:43 P.M.
A similar story was also carried at the Breitbart Big Government news site.
Story #7 on Breitbart
7. Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell Fears FBI cover-up
The link at Breitbart takes you here......
Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: 'I was visited by the FBI'
Note: Investigative journalist Andrew Breitbart used to be the editor at the Drudge Report.
Hi peacebringer7,
I see where you are going with
Psalm 2 but, like many other Christinized "Old Testament" Scripture you are way off the mark. Let us look at a few of your Psalm 2 verses.
"Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,"
Anointed is not capitalized in any Jewish translation, while "His," when referring to God, IS capitalized in all. The Psalm happens to be by and about King David who was actually anointed:
"And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And a spirit of the Lord passed over David from that day forth, (1 Sam. 16:13)"
"Psa. 2:7 The LORD said to me, "You are my Son; today I have begotten you."
Again, "son" is never capitalized in the Jewish Scriptures while "My" is when referring to God. This verse is also about King David who God referred to as His firstborn:
Ps. 89:21 I found David My servant, I anointed him with My holy oil. --- 27 He will call to Me, 'You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.' 28 I, too, shall make him a firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.
King Solomon is also referred to as God's son in 12 Sam. 7:14, 1 Chron. 17:13, 28:6-7. None of this implies David's or Solomon's Divinity. Israel is also reerred to as God's firstborn son in Exod. 4:22-23.
"Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him"
This is a blatant mistranslation of mistranslation of the Hebrew phrase "nashku var." The verse is actually:
Psa 2:12 Arm yourselves with purity lest He become angry and you perish in the way, for in a moment His wrath will be kindled; the praises of all who take refuge in Him.
Dear Susanna,
The books of Maccabees are not in the Jewish Scriptures either.
Like the Hanuka history, they were not included primarily because the events occurred after the Scriptures were redacted and closed.
Regarding the Samaritan origin of Kabbala this is news to me. According to Jewish tradition, Kabbala(about which much misinformation exists), was originated by Moses himself and Abraham continued the tradition. Torah is infused with Kabbala. For example, the story of Jacob's ability to breed goats and sheep that were banded, spotted and streaked was accomplished by kabbalistic means. In his great book on Kabbala, "Inner Space" Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan zt"l devotes a few pages to this accomplishment. The mystery of Ezekiel's chariot is an additional example.
The story of the Good Samaritan is a sore point with Jews and is considered as antisemitic as the deicide allegation; even more so because its demeaning of Jews is more subtle. I don’t know much about Samaritans other than that they were a rival religious group that tried to sabotage the Jewish use of beacons, lights used to signal the beginning of the new month.
In the parable of "the Good Samaritan" the priest (Kohayn) and Levite cross the road to avoid helping the injured man. The Samaritan helps him. Aside from the Kohayn and Levite the third class of Jew is an Israelite (the rest of us). Instead of making an Israelite the third person, the New Testament substitutes a Samaritan (rivals of the Jews), who then becomes the example of moral love. The gist is that every Jew, even Jewish religious leaders, cannot perform a simple act of mercy. There are many churches named “Church of the Good Samaritan.” But the parable insured that a church will never be called “Church of the Good Israelite.”
Peace and blessing,
Psalm 2 ? Absolutely. It shows the
Glory of the Son of God.
Just as:
Psalm 40 reveals (perfectly) his Incarnation,
and Psalm 91 shows His Temptation, and
Psalm 41 shows his Betrayal, and Psalm 22
His Crucifiction.
Psalm 69 reveals Jesus as the
Trespass Offering, and Psalm 16 is obviously
all about His Resurrection. Psalm
68 is about his Ascension, and Psalm 45
presents Jesus the King-Bridegroom.
Psalm 24 beautifully describes Jesus
The King of Glory.
Psalm 110 gives us Jesus the
Psalm 8 shows to us believers Jesus,
The Last Adam; the Firstfruits
of the new creation
Psalm 72 presents a description of
Jesus' Millennial Reign
In Psalm 89 we clearly see The Davidic
Covenant, ( Jesus being the Son of
David, as you pointed out.
Psalm 102 gives us the Unchangable
and Psalm 118 describes the
Headstone of the Corner; the
cornerstone that the builders rejected.
All these undeniable forshadowings
and descriptions of Jesus the Christ
are revealed to us without the need
of any so-called secret oral tradition.
Or secret informatioon for the elite
only or secret tradition for anyone
who thinks that God is a respecter
of persons based on their alleged
bloodlines or birthright only.
God can make children of Abraham
out of rocks if He wants to.
The above Psalms are known as the
Messianic Psalms, but there are
also countless other Scriptures,both
from the Law and the Prophets, that
foretell, forshadow, explain, exemplify,
picture, fulfill and reveal Jesus of
Nazareth as the Son of the living God.
It doesn't take any effort to see these
obvious prophesies in the Bible.
It does take a great deal of effort
to explain all them away.
First of all thanks for the Hebrew lesson. In terms of why I posted Psalms 2, it seemed fitting, particularly in reference to the continual works of evil as is the focus of this blog. Setting up the contrast. So not sure how that is misfitting. I also understand your dismissal of ties to Messiah.
As to the Samaritan, Len, Jesus did invoke those despised for a purpose and it is nothing related to any worthy news of Jews but rather making a point about loving your neighbor.
Very important information regarding the so-called "human interfaces" and where it is headed. The brand new NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC on the stands has an elongated article on some of these developments. Jesus warned that the deception would come on the whole earth "as a snare." Looks like it is coming at tornado speed and intensityu.
Dear Len,
What I wrote was this:
In the course of my research on the 19th-century occult revival I discovered that what was being peddled as "Kabbala" by the occult secret societies from at least the time of the Renaissance was a corruption of an authentic Jewish prophetic tradition.......
I am not talking about the authentic Jewish Kabballah.....but a bowdlerized, gnosticised counterfeit which incorporated magic, sorcery and the occult into its system. Even though it was labeled "kabbala," it was anything but.
Since you are an Orthodox Jew, I should certainly hope that it WOULD be "news" to you.
When you explained the difference between true and false Jewish mysticism I paid very careful attention.
I thought I made a clear distinction in my post, but if I didn't, I am sorry. I probably should have specifically referred to it as "Christian Kabbalah."
The concern for authentic Judaism is that authentic Jews have often been excoriated and persecuted for an occult system that is not even a part of their religious tradition.
Again, I know the difference between true and false mysticism. We Catholics have our fare share of false mystics whose "revelations" go contrary to the Catholic Rule of Faith.
The false mysticism I was referring to that has been falsely labeled "Kabbala" contradicts Torah/Mishna.
As for the Books of the Maccabees, I am well aware that they are not in the Hebrew Bible which is the official Protestant Old Testament Canon.
It is my understanding that this is because, as you said, these events happened after what Jews believe to have been the closing of the canon - by Esdras after the return from the Babylonian Captivity.
Catholics do not agree that the canon was closed at that time, but my point was not to get into a discussion as to why the books of the Maccabees are not a part of the canon of the Hebrew Bible.
I mentioned them here in terms of their historical (not canonical) significance with regard to the Samaritan defection to the pagan camp of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
From a purely historical perspective, much that is in the Books of the Maccabees can be corroborated by the Jewish historian Josephus.
The story of the FORMAL defection of the Samaritans to the pagan camp of the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanes is a historical fact.
In terms of "anti-Semitism," if anyone was "anti-Semitic," it would have been the Samaritans vis a vis their willingness to embrace Hellenization - including the setting up of the "abomination of desolation" in the "holy place" (Second Temple) and sacrificing swine before it.
The following is from the Jewish Encyclopedia:
At any rate, a century later, in 332, by permission of Alexander, a temple was built on the holy hill of Gerizim, near Shechem, which thus became, if it had not formerly been so, the "ḳiblah" of Samaritan worship. Josephus, indeed, connects the building of the temple with the secession of Manasseh, putting both in the time of Alexander; but, unless Nehemiah's date be put 100 years later, the historian must have been, intentionally or otherwise, in error. It is most unlikely that there were two Sanballats whose daughters married sons (or a son and a brother) of high priests, and that these sons were expelled from Jerusalem at dates just 100 years apart. But it is conceivable that Josephus meant to discredit Samaritan pretensions by connecting the temple with Manasseh as a bribe for his apostasy.
The temple existed for about 200 years, when it was destroyed, and soon afterward Samaria was occupied by John Hyrcanus, no doubt in revenge for its opposition to Judah in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes.
The bitterness of feeling about this period is shown by the sentence in Ben Sira l. 25 et seq. (c. 200 B.C.), ("Two nations my soul abhorreth; and the third is no people: the inhabitants of Seir and Philistia and the foolish nation that dwelleth in Shechem"), and by the epithet, perhaps derived from this, in the Testaments of the Patriarchs, ΣικὴΜ λελομήνη πόλις ἀσυνήτων. The same contempt is exhibited later; for instance, in the story, which first appears in the Book of Jubilees, and afterward in the Midrash, that Mt. Gerizim was considered sacred by the Samaritans because the idols of Laban were buried there; and in the Gospels, e.g., John viii. 48: "Thou art a Samaritan and hast a devil." The animosity was reciprocated, as may be seen from some well-known stories, such as that the Samaritans used to light beacon-fires in order to deceive the Jews as to the appearance of the new moon (R. H. ii. 2), and from several incidents mentioned in the Gospels. Such being the state of feeling, it is not surprising to find the Samaritans in the time of Herod, and earlier, generally siding with the enemies of the Jews. They had their reward when the country passed into the hands of the Romans. Samaria was rebuilt and embellished by Herod (whose wife Mariamne was a Samaritan) and was named by him Sebaste (see Samaria).
Under Vespasian a revolt was put down with great severity, and the city of Shechem was occupied by the Romans, who called it Flavia Neapolis, whence the modern name of Nablus.
After the suppression of Bar Kokba's rebellion, the temple on Mt. Gerizim was rebuilt by the Romans in return for help received from the Samaritans......
Read more: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=110&letter=S#429#ixzz0ba0IpzQX
Suzanne, thanks for the information about the Samaritans. I never was taught that information from a Christian or Jewish viewpoint.
By the way Aryeh Kaplan's writings are loved by the New Agers. The problem is that Kabbalah is so vague that the words can mean anything a person wants them to mean. That's why there are so many different interpretations of Kabbalah....Christian Kabbalah, Jewish Kabbalah, Hasidic Kabbalah, New Age Kabbalah and on and on.
Paul 10:15 am mentioned a long list of psalms and their alleged prophetic notions of Jesus.
Dear Paul,
I don't see a single one of them. I discussed Psalm 2 and either you did not see my message or chose to have the attitude of: "My mind is made up. Don't bother me with facts."
If you want to convince me, you cannot do it by assertion. I need scriptual evidence. Explain your conclusion for each psalm, one at a time, with chapter and verse and I will be glad to discuss them.
Remote allusions do not cut it. Otherwise I can play the game such as seeing Jesus in Zechariah 13:
“In that day too, declares the Lord of Hosts, I will erase the very name of the idols from the land; they shall not be uttered any more. and I will also make the ‘prophets’ and the unclean spirit vanish from the land. If anyone ‘prophesies’ thereafter, his own father and mother, who brought him into this world, will say to him, ‘You shall die, for you have lied in the name of the Lord;’ and his own father and mother, who brought him into this world, will put him to death when he ‘prophesies.’ In that day every ‘prophet’ will be ashamed of the ‘visions’ [he had] when he ‘prophesied.’ In order to deceive he will not wear a hairy mantle, and he will declare, ‘I am not a ‘prophet,’ --- And if he is asked, ‘What are those sores on your back?’ he will reply, ‘From being beaten in the homes of my friends. (Zech. 13:2-6)’”
Happy new year,
Anon 10:24
I wrote the comments you refer to.
Thanks for the response, but I disagree with your assessment. The veil was torn, the building vacated forever at Christ's death on the cross. The once and for all sacrifice was accomplished.
It is finished. There is no other acceptable offering other than Christ Jesus, therefore there is no need for a new temple, a new alter, or new sacrifices.
Jesus was/is THE sacrificial lamb, THE atonement, who is with us always, even unto the end of the age. ("Us" refers to those who are called by His NAME, those who KNOW Him, HEAR his voice, and OBEY).
I have posted a critical review of Avatar with which I agree. Terri thiught Sherlock antisemitic. I saww this one too, and even noticed the flashed-by Hebrew letters, along with other mumbo-jumbo.
But antisemitism never occurred to me though I am sensitive to that. Here too I agree with the critical review of Debbie Schlussel, an Orthodox Jew also tuned into antisemitism. But she did not mention this aspect at all.
From debbieschlussel.com:
* “Sherlock Holmes“: Three words -pretentious, convoluted, silly. I wanted to like this movie because I enjoyed reading the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But this movie bears little similarity to or inspiration from Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes detective series. The only things that are similar are the English accents and setting and the names Holmes and Watson. Some critics–I’ve counted three already (from the Wall Street Journal to the Gannett wire to USA Today)–are calling this, “Not Your Father’s Sherlock Holmes.” I just call it, Not Sherlock Holmes.
"Instead, it’s a pretentious, dull, boring attempt to be all things: a superhero movie, a romantic comedy, a dark thriller, and some sort of supernatural forces flick. And as a result, it’s none of the above, just a long, aimless everything-but-the-kitchen-sink piece of bloat. Did Doyle’s Holmes have acrobatic superhero style strength to swing around bridges and constructions sites? Not that I recall, but I guess director Guy Ritchie thought the “Iron Man” people were on to something and tried to make his Robert Downey, Jr. vehicle a superhero flick, too.
"This movie is confusing, unclear, and the convoluted plot undecipherable until the last few minutes, when Downey, Jr.’s Holmes explains several preposterous events from throughout the movie and explains how they were carried out through sleight of hand and con-man tricks. You wouldn’t have been able to figure it out (a cardinal requirement of a good thriller, which always gives the viewer a hint or two), even if you cared enough to try to understand what was going on.
"The “story”: Homes and his sidekick, Dr. John Watson, are on the trail of a killer, Lord Blackwood (Britain’s Andy Garcia look-alike, actor Mark Strong), who has already been executed and appears to have returned from the grave. Watson and Holmes are also on the trail of “the ginger midget,” a red-headed dwarf who has concocted all kinds of poison and animal dissections at an abandoned location. The “dead” mass murderer employs an American former nemesis of Holmes, con artist Rachel McAdams, to get at Holmes. But, soon, she finds herself working with Holmes to do . . . well, I’m not quite sure. But they are apparently trying to stop Lord Blackwood from poisoning half of Britain’s Parliament with cyanide. Then, the three of them end up on the aforementioned bridge construction site, where all kinds of acrobatic heroics ensue. The end. Yawn.
"And believe me, I’m making it sound better than it actually is, merely by telling you about it. Need to drop ten bucks and two-plus hours to feel like you’ve been robbed? Go see “Holmes.” But sadly, this is one problem the real detective concocted by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle won’t be able to solve.
"Doyle is turning over in his grave. Hollywood has turned his master creation into a carnival of the stupid. And there isn’t even that natty signature Holmes dual-billed chapeau anywhere in the movie to cover it up. Lackluster to the Nth.
"The best advice here is this: Stay Holmes.
End review!
Constance Cumbey 10:41 AM said...
"ALL nations (and probably all religions) scripturally were corrupted by MYSTERY BABYLON. See Revelation 17-18."
Nations and religions can be corrupted by lots of things. But that is not a reason for saying that something not understood about certain religious paradigms is a corruption ipso facto.
>>My scriptural analysis and belief is that DEUTERONOMY 18 would trump the Kabbalah.
No question! My rabbi says he has all he can handle to understand the exoteric aspects of Torah without dealing with the esoteric aspects. On the other hand the first chief rabbi of Israel, Abraham Isaac Kook, wrote:
"Whoever feels within himself, after many trials, that his inner being can find peace only by pursuing the secret teachings of the Torah must know with certainty that it is for this that he was created. Let him not be troubled by any impediments in the world, whether spiritual or physical, from hastening after what is the essence of life and his true perfection. He may assume that it is not only his own perfection and deliverance that hinges on the improvement of his character, but also on the deliverance of the community and the perfection of the world. Every soul that has reached fulfillment always perfects the general character of the world. All life is blessed through the truly enlightened ones, when they press resolutely on their course, without being restrained by life's obstacles... But everything is dependent on the degree of the person's humility." ("Those Destined for the Mystical" from the rabbi's essays, "Lights of Holiness.")
>> I personally believe that the Kabbalah resulted from God's chosen people, the Jews, coming in contact with pagan cultures and [syncretizing]/synthesizing it with their existing teachings, just as is going on so many places today. Consider God's warning to Israel through his prophet Isaiah:
"Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers." Isaiah 2:6
It is the pagan cultures that have attempted to syncretize Judaism with their religions. Kabbala is an ancient paradigm, as I showed Susanna, and when correctly pursued is not incompatible with Deuteronomy, Isaiah, or any other tradition.
But, just as the Jewish Scriptures have been corrupted in an attempt to prove outside religious theories, so has Kabbala been corrupted either out of ignorance or for selfish purposes.
Peace and blessing,
Susanna wrote: "In the course of my research on the 19th-century occult revival I discovered that what was being peddled as "Kabballah" by the occult secret societies from at least the time of the Renaissance was a corruption of an authentic Jewish prophetic tradition - probably going all the way back to Elias the Prophet - and having its origins among the Samaritans who formally broke off all ties with the Jews during the Maccabeean War of Independence - preferring instead to defect to the camp of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and name their temple after the pagan god Zeus."
Dear Susanna,
I was not criticizing your essay in my comment on it but was simply trying to add my own perspective. However I apologize for not adequately studying your (15-page) comment before writing mine. What I just quoted from you above is consistent with my comment both to you and, more recently, to Constance.
Now I have to find the time to study what you wrote in greater detail.
Peace and blessing,
Len, now I'm supposed to consider
Debbie S. the final word on antisemitism in the films? Forget it.
Most of the commenters were just concerned with the history of secret societies. One was a long interesting commentary on how Hebrew was considered the first pure language and why occultists believe that knowing the Hebrew name of a thing gave a person control over it. However, one person's child looked at a bracelet her father wore and said the Hebrew on it was a bad language.
Ritchie, the director, had extensive contact with the Jewish community through the Kabbalah Centre cult while he was married to his ex-wife Madonna. The divorce was extremely bitter. There was one post which said Madonna gave the Centre two and a half million dollars. I have difficulty believing that he never came across antisemitic literature and only used the symbols and Hebrew after he researched for the movie. As the rest of the movie was made up of several of his stories, he could have chosen from tons of occult symbols and made up languages.
As I said in the earlier comment, leaving thoughts in a person's head such as this movie does is very dangerous.
There is a point beyond which vigilance becomes paranoia.
Someone called my attention to this review of the film.
"But the most egregiously offensive scene in Ritchie’s wretched excess is when Hebrew letters are shown during the occult secret society’s gathering. (This apparently has escaped the notice of other critics.)
"Linking Jews to sinister scheming cabals that perpetrate blood sacrifice and world domination conspiracies is the vilest anti-Semitic stereotype perpetuated by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which the Anti-Defamation League calls “a classic in paranoid, racist literature.” Its discredited lunacy has been propagated by hate mongers from Hitler to the Blackwood-like Osama Bin Laden. Through Madonna Ritchie was associated with Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), and it’s doubtful he deliberately slurred Jews. Plus, Warner Bros. led Hollywood’s struggle against Nazism. However, the fact that Hebrew is onscreen when Holmes’ fanatical conspirators meet reveals how grossly insensitive these filmmakers who, willy-nilly, take liberties with a popular fictional character. (At least Ritchie doesn’t call Sherlock “Shylock.”)
"Had these no-talent hacks produced work with dramatis personae bearing monikers they’d concocted, I wouldn’t object (except to the anti-Semitism). But what’s particularly odious is Ritchie’s crew wrecking a well-established brand it did nothing to create. They’re deploying the same crowd pleasing formula Mel Gibson used in The Passion of the Christ: exploit preexisting brand names and add violence. Intriguingly, both films contain anti-Jewish references."
Now now Len. Let's not get nasty about those of us who are very watchful.
On Maccabees:
There are 4 books of Maccabees, great for historical and prophetic value
Anon 7:56 pm
What is His Name?
Len & all on the good Samaritan:
I heard a good commentary on this story, that all those in it did the correct thing. The Jewish priests were maintaining their clean status to be able to fulfill their priestly duties. The Samaritan was not living according to complete truth (rather, living according to their twisted scriptures) but did have a kind heart.
The usual Christian take on it makes it out to be an anti-Semitic story because they don't understand the basics of clean and unclean and the complete dedication of the priests.
His name?
Phl 2:9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,
Phl 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,
Phl 2:11 and [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Anon wrote: On Maccabees:
"There are 4 books of Maccabees, great for historical and prophetic value"
Where are there four? My R. Catholic Jerusalem Bible has just two.
"Len & all on the good Samaritan:
I heard a good commentary on this story, that all those in it did the correct thing. The Jewish priests were maintaining their clean status to be able to fulfill their priestly duties."
Not so! There are no restrictions on Priests or Levites when it comes to aiding the injured.
Anon 4:53pm
Do you know the Hebrew language does not even have a letter J in it, nor that sound? What kind of name do you think "Jesus" had?
Is g-o-d a title, office, description, role, or a personal name?
I understood it in case the person died, since he was left half dead. Is there a restriction on priests or Levites about being around dead bodies? Aren't we unclean for 7 days if we touch one?
And yes, we all should think of being charitable and kind hearted towards others, always.
The 4 books of Maccabees are found in copies of the Apocrypha. The NRSV edition has all four. I'm not a big fan of the NRSV but for an Apocrypha it was acceptable.
Anon 2:04 am asked: "Is g-o-d a title, office, description, role, or a personal name?"
According to Dr. J. H. Hertz, editor of "The Pentateuch & Haftoras:"
“Elohim, translated simply as God, is the general designation of God in the bible as the fountain and the source of all things. Elohim is a plural form, which is often used in Hebrew to denote plenitude of might. Here it indicates that God comprehends and unifies all the forces of eternity and infinity. In Gen. 1:1 the Hebrew [conjugation] for “created” (In the beginning God created ---) is singular thus precluding any idea that the subject, Elohim, is to be understood in a plural sense.”
The etymology of Elohim is given in commentary to Gen. 1 by Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban or Nachmanides). “The word, Elohim, means ‘the master of all forces,’ for the root of the word is eil, meaning force, and the word Elohim is a composite consisting of the words “eil heim,” as if the word eil is in a construct state, and heim, [literally] ‘they’ alludes to all other forces. Thus Elohim means, ‘the force of all forces.” And in his commentary to Exod. 20:3, “You shall have no other gods before my face,”
Nachmanides further states, “The correct interpretation [is that the verse] is similar to the expressions: ‘and the eternal shall be my God (Gen. 28:21)’ and, ‘to be your God (Lev. 11:45).’ The verse here states that, excepting the Eternal only, we are not to have other gods neither from all the angels above nor from all the host of heaven who are called elohim (small e). This is something like [Gen. 22:19], ‘he that sacrifices la-elohim, unto the gods, except for the Eternal only, shall be utterly destroyed. It is prohibited to believe in ANY of these beings, to accept them as gods, or to say to them, ‘You are my god. (Ps. 140:7).’”
Elohim is used in the Bible when referring to the natural course of events in the world (Nature follows its natural course). Interestingly the gematria, the numerical equivalent, of the letters that spell Elohim is 86. (Each letter has a numerical value and adding them up provides the total.) The gematria for "ha'teva," meaning nature, is also 86.
With nature taking its course, man receives no special dispensation. Therefore, the Name, Elohim -- God, is associated with justice. This is distinguished from God's ineffible Name written as the Tetragrammaton, YHVH, which is associated with mercy.
The Jewish watchword, "Listen, Israel, YHVH Elohanu (our God), YHVH is One," expresses the truth that the God of nature/justice and the God of mercy is the same God.
Anon wrote: "I understood it in case the person died, since he was left half dead. Is there a restriction on priests or Levites about being around dead bodies? Aren't we unclean for 7 days if we touch one?
There is no restriction for half-dead. A priest may not be under the same roof as a corpse, except for parents, children, brother and virgin unwed sister, or enter a cemetary.
Today, without a red cow, we are all ritually unclean. After attending a funeral, or being in a cemetary, washing of hands is sufficient for ritual cleansing.
"The 4 books of Maccabees are found in copies of the Apocrypha. The NRSV edition has all four. I'm not a big fan of the NRSV but for an Apocrypha it was acceptable."
I have never seen the NRSV.
Immanuel= God with us.
Len 1:55pm
Thank you for that VERY great explanation!
from Anon 2:04am
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