
Monday, September 04, 2006



Well, it looks like September is starting somewhat rough for Dr. Solana. He is getting criticism on his “secretive handling” of the Iran issue by his 25 member states. Read about it here.[2] However, he might have something to smile about. The European Union (e.g., Javier Solana) is releasing a “Green Paper” on terror-mitigating measures. Read about that here. In addition to banned substances on travel vehicles, it seems they now have to clamp down on literary fuel on the internet. Academics might have restrictions placed on their internet paper releases. Travelers might be screened for viruses. As the repressive measures continue, both here and there, it’s getting increasingly hard to say which is scarier: the terrorists, or the crisis=opportunity responsive measures of those who were already anxious to curtail civilian liberties. It will be interesting to see the definitions given of “terror,” especially since Solana has recently so very plainly made it clear that he fears “religion and misuse of religion” above all else. Read about that here[3].

As friend Herb Peters says, stay tuned!

[1] Article, “EU seeks improved and consistent anti-terror measures” by Paul Harrington, Yahoo! News, September 4, 2006.

[2] EU Observer, September 2, 2006, article by Mark Beunderman.

[3] Solana speech on June 27, 2006, referring to religion as a potential “toxic brew.”


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    I just finished watching a Google video, The Real Face of the European Union.
    It's quite nicely done and gives a good overview why the United Kingdom has taken such a strong stand against merging into the European Union.

    Richard North who helps put out was one of the commenters. Reading his blog regularly, one can see the changes that have taken place in the UK even though the Constitution didn't pass. The video speaks of the Euro which was rejected by the UK and the vitamin laws to be passed lost weren't if I did my research correctly. Many of the other things have become law even without the Constitution.

    This video will help you understand the danger of the European Union, why it is being fought. It will also show what fights are before us as the North American Union winds its way into place here in the US.


  2. Anonymous3:29 AM

    September 4, 2006, 11:37 AM (GMT+02:00)

    The extraordinary buildup of European naval and military strength in and around Lebanon’s shores is way out of proportion for the task the European contingents of expanded UNIFIL have undertaken: to create a buffer between Israel and Hizballah. More

  3. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Thank you for the link to Debka.

  4. I direct EVERYBODY to a very CLOSE READING of the first linked story, the part near the end when it says the European Commission decided last month, inter alia, "TO TRAIN MUSLIM PREACHERS IN EUROPEAN VALUES."

    That sets A MOST DANGEROUS PRECEDENT and the bottom line meaning to all Christians and Jews should be self-evident. If they can interfere in Muslim religious training, then ours is FAIR GAME as well.

    May the Lord help us all!!!

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Please read my comment at 5:12 and the follow-up in the previous set of comments. I am calling attention to it as threads die off quickly when individuals read only the current article and set of comments. I still am trying to make sense of the comment "The hour is now." posted at Lucis Trust.

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Looks like I have a bit of reading to do tonight. Constance, I sent you an email with some Alliance information that sounds very similar to the Muslem training post. They intend to create a central authority to which all local religious organizations are held accountable.


  7. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Dorothy wrote:

    "I still am trying to make sense of the comment 'The hour is now.' posted at Lucis Trust."

    If that was recent post, can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Herb Peter's discussion board has now been down for approximately five hours, due to a "missing file."

    Anonymous wrote:

    "They intend to create a central authority to which all local religious organizations are held accountable."

    Just saw an advertisement posted on a Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., announcement board re. "An Interfaith Meeting for Christians, Islamists and Jews."

    It is getting "knee-deep," so to speak, around here.

    May the Lord have mercy on us all.


    A Fellow Watcher

  8. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Watcher, no it had nothing to do with Herb's site. It has to do with the links I posted at the previous article, the one with 114 comments. I searched out the term "The hour is now" to see if there were other references at Lucis Trust, but found nothing in the same context as in the link to the article I posted. Will they be attempting to plant some kind of leader who will get much publicity leading to calls for participation in the religious aspect of the Alliance of Civilizations Rich is talking about?

    Again, see Connie's writeup at Amazon about the Armgeddon Script by LeMesurier.

  9. Anonymous8:11 PM

    The blurbs about the training of Muslim imams in "European Values" was all over Google's news headlines about two weeks ago. I was going to post it, but figured everyone was seeing it too. My bad.

    If you like Google, customize and use the personalized home page (I do) and you can edit the top news stories to display a whole lotta headlines; mine is set to eight. They will periodically refresh themselves.

    Anyway, a qoute from an EU officeal that caught my eye out of that flurry (2 weeks or so ago) was "We want an Islamic Europe."

    -New in Christ

  10. Anonymous9:29 PM

    The Alliance of Civilizations, as it appears to me, is more politial than spiritual in nature. That is they will focus more on enforcement.

    On the other hand, Religions for Peace is more spiritual in nature. The following link is an article regarding the gathering of Religions for Peace leaders where they all condemned the hijacking of religion:

    Apparently those who hijack a religion do so for purposes of terrorism. Let's look at what it means to hijack a religion and why the Alliance of Civilizations was formed.

    The Alliance was formed " proceed towards a partnership among civilizations, involving all stakeholders -- Governments, intergovernmental organizations and civil society. This partnership will represent a powerful response to those who feed on exclusion and arrogantly claim the sole ownership of truth..."

    This is the exact same wording that the United Nations uses to define terrorism--those who claim to have knowledge of the sole ownership of truth.

    So who are the terrorists? Consider John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

    This is a sole ownership of the truth belief. Anyone who believes it would be considered a terrorist. It is true what Constance has written in previous blog entries: In the new age one can have a religion. However, one cannot believe it to be true.

    One last important note. The Alliance intends to bring all local religious organizations under the control of a central authority. In the July 17 Geneva meeting:

    "Non-governmental organizations representing different religions and multi-religious coalitions are an important part of civil society, and because of their mainly grass roots character, their proximity to people and communities, and their symbolical-spiritual force, are well placed to help to devise balanced and effective policies, to detect and prevent conflicts and, in any case, to help to control their damage and, eventually, to solve them. In other words, religions and the institutions that represent them cannot be banned from the public sphere BUT MUST BE BROUGHT IN UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL BODIES when it comes to questions concerning mutual recognition, universal justice, and lasting peace." [emphasis mine]

    This looks like it is coming fast and furious. It is difficult to keep up with all the information coming in at once.

    I appreciate everyone here who shares knowledge. It is valuable. I find it helpful in keeping informed with the many aspects of the movement. Keep up the good work everyone!


  11. Anonymous9:53 PM


    Thanks for the Lucis Trust post. Notice how they can't resist getting their digs in at Christians at every opportunity.


  12. Rich,

    Have you read the latest from Herb? He's taken notice of the Alliance of Civilizations, especially since the former president of Iran is coming to an apparent conference here in the U.S. I even heard about it on NPR news this afternoon.

    After reading Herescope's latest blog entries I'm more certain that Rick Warren is not ignorant of the New Age implications of his "ministry."

  13. Anonymous3:00 AM


    I looked at Herb's site tonight. I am very pleased to see he's taken notice and sent out warning. The world is about to take notice--and soon!

    Speaking of the AoC and noticable things: Kofi Annan appears to have become a front page diplomat. Obviously, the UN has become a much stronger player. It is being empowered by someone or something.

    In the past, when they had to rely on the United States' power, they were more subdued. My guess is that the American people would never tolerate empowering them to globally govern.

    Now, they have a willing partner. The Alliance is looking to Europe for its lion's teeth. They are working within the frameworks of:

    1) the Barcelona Process; and
    2) the Helsinki Process.

    The Barcelona Process will serve to bridge the East-West (Christian-Muslem) divide while the Helsinki Process will bridge the North-South (rich nation-poor nation) divide. Both of these processes have the military backing of:

    1) The EU rapid reaction force;
    2) The Western European Union; and
    3) NATO.

    Remember that NATO was divided via the Berlin-Plus agreement. In the event of an emergency, US assets are transferred to Europe. Solana interprets that to include military personnel.

    Now consider what Recommendation 666 does. It hands control of the EU's military capacity to Solana in the event of a crisis situation.

    A connection of the dots leads to one person. No wonder Solana wants to keep his diplomatic efforts a secret. The EU member nations might expose his secrets by first making him open his brief case. There they may find a package of salt he uses for rubbing on open wounds.


  14. Anonymous8:29 AM

  15. Anonymous1:55 PM

  16. Anonymous5:44 PM

    This from FP forum-

    Maybe the man of piece with the drive for the mideast piece deal will repay his advocates by also piecing away their domains... Could this be the way three horns would be uprooted?

  17. Anonymous7:56 PM

  18. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Tiana at knows alot about the EU and the UK.

  19. Anonymous11:57 AM

    It looks as if there is an ongoing long term move to break Europe into regions as opposed to countries. There was an article in The Sun with the headline Mad Map To Leave Britain in Bits" that has gotten some attention. See Zuukie comment on the Public Opinion thread at


  20. Anonymous12:11 PM

    There is an interesting news article on Solana canceling the meeting with Iran because he doesn't have the power to negotiate a deal.


  21. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Charlotte, even though I could not pull up the link you offered, it did get me to look at the current news.

  22. So very much is happening, so very fast. I have passed on much of what I have discovered this week to Herb Peters who has posted much of it to his site. Here are a couple of links that might be important to both Christian and Jewish readers@
    Israel disengagement - Javier Solana
    Israel`s disengagement - a huge challenge, a great opportunity
    Javier Solana *
    Haaretz, August 23, 2005

    Brussels - Israel`s disengagement from Gaza and parts of the northern West Bank has now started. This is a momentous occasion, for both the Israeli and Palestinian people. For a long time, the quest for a Palestinian state seemed hopeless. Now the parties have a chance to do something about it.

    It is manifestly in the interest of Palestinians, Israelis and indeed the rest of the world that this operation is a success, with both sides facing important elections next year. We therefore need responsible action and leadership by all concerned, including the wider international community. Disengagement is a huge challenge but also a great opportunity. If successful, it could revive the long-stalled peace process and enable a return to the negotiating track and the implementation of the road map plan.

    The stakes in handling the political, security and socioeconomic dimens! ions of disengagement are high. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon`s determination to proceed in the face of significant opposition from within his own Likud party is striking enough. But seeing Israeli forces having to forcibly remove settler communities highlights the dramatic nature of the operation and underscores the support that the Israeli government deserves.

    For the Palestinians disengagement is a chance to win over the skeptics, in Israel and elsewhere, and show that they can actually run their own affairs in a responsible manner. If they rise to the occasion, it could provide them with the much-needed hope and reassurance that they are on their way to full statehood across the occupied territories.

    The security aspects of disengagement are essential for its success. For Israel, the logical priority is to ensure that Gaza will not become hostile territory from which terrorists launch attacks on neighboring communities and the rest of Israel. The Palestinian ! Authority faces tough decisions concerning improving its ability to maintain law and order. Statehood means, as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has emphasized, respect for the rule of law and a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Both for the sake of disengagement, but also to promote a return to political negotiations afterward, the PA must move against those individuals and groups who continue to use violence. Then there is the challenge of handling the economics of disengagement. All parties have an interest in ensuring the economic viability of one of the most deprived, over-populated and ill-serviced areas of the Middle East.

    Amid all this, one thing is clear: We simply cannot afford to fail. That was my clear message when I visited Israel and the Palestinian areas, including Gaza, a few weeks ago. I also stressed the European Union`s willingness to do whatever it can to help, at the request of the parties. The EU is already strongly engaged, with the parties and o! n the ground, in support of disengagement and the peace process. And it will continue to be so in the weeks and months ahead, in a spirit of friendship and partnership with both peoples.

    The EU and its member-states have long been by far the largest donor to the Palestinians, giving both 500 million euros annually in emergency support and medium-term assistance to institution-building projects. The European Commission has set aside 60 million euros especially for the disengagement process. Moreover, the EU backs and supports the efforts of Quartet envoy James Wolfensohn, making sure that our efforts are coordinated carefully with other donors and spent to the greatest effect. In addition, the EU is ready, if asked by the parties, to play the role of third party in the area of customs management and border control. This would help to facilitate a free flow of goods and people between Gaza and the rest of the world, in a manner that addresses Israel`s security concerns. !

    We are also helping the Palestinians to consolidate the various security organizations under a clear political chain of control. Through training, equipment and financial support, the EU and the member-states are helping Palestinian police forces to increase their operational capacity and transform their organizational setup. A core unit of EU advisers is already deployed in Ramallah and Gaza city. Provided that benchmarks for performance and accountability are met, we are ready to expand our commitments in the area of security.

    All these steps, coordinated closely with the United States and others in the Quartet, present tangible evidence that the EU does not just say it wants disengagement to succeed: We are prepared to step up our engagement to make that happen.

    * Javier Solana is the policy coordinator for foreign affairs and security for the EU.

    Source: Haaretz, August 23, 2005

    Israel disengagement - Javier Solana
    Israel`s disengagement - a huge challenge, a great opportunity
    Javier Solana *
    Haaretz, August 23, 2005

    Brussels - Israel`s disengagement from Gaza and parts of the northern West Bank has now started. This is a momentous occasion, for both the Israeli and Palestinian people. For a long time, the quest for a Palestinian state seemed hopeless. Now the parties have a chance to do something about it.

    It is manifestly in the interest of Palestinians, Israelis and indeed the rest of the world that this operation is a success, with both sides facing important elections next year. We therefore need responsible action and leadership by all concerned, including the wider international community. Disengagement is a huge challenge but also a great opportunity. If successful, it could revive the long-stalled peace process and enable a return to the negotiating track and the implementation of the road map plan.

    The stakes in handling the political, security and socioeconomic dimens! ions of disengagement are high. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon`s determination to proceed in the face of significant opposition from within his own Likud party is striking enough. But seeing Israeli forces having to forcibly remove settler communities highlights the dramatic nature of the operation and underscores the support that the Israeli government deserves.

    For the Palestinians disengagement is a chance to win over the skeptics, in Israel and elsewhere, and show that they can actually run their own affairs in a responsible manner. If they rise to the occasion, it could provide them with the much-needed hope and reassurance that they are on their way to full statehood across the occupied territories.

    The security aspects of disengagement are essential for its success. For Israel, the logical priority is to ensure that Gaza will not become hostile territory from which terrorists launch attacks on neighboring communities and the rest of Israel. The Palestinian ! Authority faces tough decisions concerning improving its ability to maintain law and order. Statehood means, as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has emphasized, respect for the rule of law and a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Both for the sake of disengagement, but also to promote a return to political negotiations afterward, the PA must move against those individuals and groups who continue to use violence. Then there is the challenge of handling the economics of disengagement. All parties have an interest in ensuring the economic viability of one of the most deprived, over-populated and ill-serviced areas of the Middle East.

    Amid all this, one thing is clear: We simply cannot afford to fail. That was my clear message when I visited Israel and the Palestinian areas, including Gaza, a few weeks ago. I also stressed the European Union`s willingness to do whatever it can to help, at the request of the parties. The EU is already strongly engaged, with the parties and o! n the ground, in support of disengagement and the peace process. And it will continue to be so in the weeks and months ahead, in a spirit of friendship and partnership with both peoples.

    The EU and its member-states have long been by far the largest donor to the Palestinians, giving both 500 million euros annually in emergency support and medium-term assistance to institution-building projects. The European Commission has set aside 60 million euros especially for the disengagement process. Moreover, the EU backs and supports the efforts of Quartet envoy James Wolfensohn, making sure that our efforts are coordinated carefully with other donors and spent to the greatest effect. In addition, the EU is ready, if asked by the parties, to play the role of third party in the area of customs management and border control. This would help to facilitate a free flow of goods and people between Gaza and the rest of the world, in a manner that addresses Israel`s security concerns. !

    We are also helping the Palestinians to consolidate the various security organizations under a clear political chain of control. Through training, equipment and financial support, the EU and the member-states are helping Palestinian police forces to increase their operational capacity and transform their organizational setup. A core unit of EU advisers is already deployed in Ramallah and Gaza city. Provided that benchmarks for performance and accountability are met, we are ready to expand our commitments in the area of security.

    All these steps, coordinated closely with the United States and others in the Quartet, present tangible evidence that the EU does not just say it wants disengagement to succeed: We are prepared to step up our engagement to make that happen.

    * Javier Solana is the policy coordinator for foreign affairs and security for the EU.

    Source: Haaretz, August 23, 2005

  23. P.S. Moon was distinctly pink tonight. Wonder if that means anything? From the sounds of information Rick of Medford directed me to today, maybe it does. Stay tuned!

  24. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Maybe this can be their new spokesman:

    The core of the Judeo-Christian tradition says that we are utterly and distinctly apart from other species. We have dominion over the plants and the animals on Earth. God gave it to us, it’s ours—as stated succinctly in the book of Genesis. Liberals would sooner trust the stewardship of the Earth to Shetland ponies and dung beetles. All their pseudoscience supports an alternative religion that says we are an insignificant part of nature. Environmentalists want mass infanticide, zero population growth, reduced standards of living, and vegetarianism. The core of environmentalism is that they hate mankind. Everything liberals believe is in elegant opposition to basic Biblical precepts.

    _ Our religion says that human progress proceeds from the spark of divinity in the human soul; their religion holds that human progress is achieved through sex and death.

    _ We believe in invention and creation; they catalog with stupefaction the current state of our diminishing resources and tell us to stop consuming.

    _ We say humans stand apart from the world and our charge is Planet Earth; they say we are part of the world, and our hubristic use of nature is sinful.

    _ We say humans are in God’s image; they say we are no different morally from the apes.

    - We believe in populating the Earth until there’s standing room only and then colonizing Mars; they believe humans are in the twilight of their existence.

    Our book is Genesis. Their book is Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, the original environmental hoax.

  25. Something will be back up very soon -- thanks for the patience!
