Tuesday, April 04, 2023

The Plight of Dr. Aaron Edwards (and us all)

By Rich Peterson

 “I’ve just been dismissed by a Christian college for tweets on homosexuality – if I wasn’t safe, no one is.” 

These are words written by Aaron Edwards, a former lecturer of theology at Cliff College, an evangelical Bible college in the UK.  Aaron Edwards was removed from his position for bringing “disrepute” to the college. The offense was that he expressed the Biblical position on homosexuality over  a public forum.  Specifically, Twitter. The college demanded he remove the tweet. Edwards’ refusal led to a two week suspension followed by termination.

Mr. Edward’s suspension was followed by a hearing where, reportedly, should he be asked by same sex attracted students for prayer how he might respond. Various news articles report Mr. Edwards was threatened with a referral to Prevent, the deradicalization component of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. Read here, here, here, and here. 

Cliff College principal denies any threat.  Perhaps it was a promise?

Whether or not Prevent was mentioned to Dr. Edwards is unclear but it certainly is not a stretch to accept that would have happened.

Aaron Edwards’ experience brings to memory thoughts of the Alliance of Civilizations and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy of which I had written about a few years back. The Alliance, becoming the “Mother Tongue” of the UN, would also become the “global conscience” in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The UK Home Office eagerly partnered with the Alliance to harmonize its counter-terrorism efforts with the UN Global Strategy.

The Alliance of Civilizations uses religion to combat religion. Its definition of extremism, the root cause of terrorism, is especially hostile towards Christianity:  one cannot be an adherent of an “exclusive truth” claim.

The threat to refer Dr. Edwards to Prevent (or not), is consistent with the counter-terrorism strategy’s goal to combat religious fundamentalism. Back in 2007 as I read the through the Alliance of Civilizations/Council of Europe counter terrorism materials, I recall thinking they  intend to use beliefs about homosexuality as a means to categorize people as either tolerant or extremists.


“No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe upon human rights guaranteed by international law…”  Ponder that.

UNESCO policy is to include sexual orientation as part of cultural diversity. For Aaron Edwards to speak openly of homosexuality as sin would be viewed as an infringement of another’s rights.

What happened to Aaron Edwards speaks volumes. His words of warning are ominous:

“Whilst my situation remains difficult for me and my family, it is also a microcosm of the greater difficulties awaiting other Christians in the post-Christian West. The growing expectation is that we should keep quiet about our beliefs, especially if they may offend others.”


“Western progressive ideals of inclusivity no longer include many Christian beliefs. Indeed, the vociferous responses to my tweet demonstrate the problem my tweet was highlighting. There are some Christian beliefs that Christians are no longer allowed to express, not even to other Christians.”


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Anonymous said...

Thank You 2:37 PM!

We all need a good laugh once in a while.

Anonymous said...

'Kill a White Guy' - Police Revealed Racial Motive in Killing of New Orleans-Area Handyman


Anonymous said...

Backwards Thinking: Democrat Cities Are Suing Kia and Hyundai for Making Cars Too Easy to Steal


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

America Last: NY Hotels Evict Struggling Homeless Veterans to Make Room for Illegal Aliens


Anonymous said...

What could go wrong? Kamala Harris named as "AI Czar" - AI Learns to Design Computer Chips!


Anonymous said...

A new poll from YouGov/The Economist shows that President Biden’s approval rating has INCREASED to 50%!

Even more impressive, the same poll showed Biden's approval at just 39% last June — it has shown steady improvement ever since

Anonymous said...

Biden Heads to the Beach as Border Crisis Explodes, DHS Forces Officers to Work All Weekend


Anonymous said...


Fauci and his fellow Nazi's ignored this to plant fear and demand control-like good Nazi's do
(and a certain Fauci/government disciple who posts here used the same tactics on this blog but to no avail).

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Probably quiet in here as some of you are apparently in DC.

A large group identified as the “Patriot Front” have been matching around the US Capitol building and National Mall this afternoon.

The Patriot Front is a hate group in the United States that espouses white nationalism and neo-fascist ideologies. It originated from the broader alt-right movement and broke away from the neo-Nazi group Vanguard America following the Unite the Right rally in 2017.

What is wrong with people?

Anonymous said...

Lonely, 9:00 PM?

The troll missin' his peeps.

Anonymous said...

NPR drops bombshell, reveals that it’s quitting Twitter permanently over Twitter owner Elon Musk’s “exceptionally harmful” and “dangerous” decision to shamelessly and inaccurately label NPR as “government-funded media.”

In a scathing press release, NPR accuses Musk of “undermining” its “credibility” by “falsely implying that we are not editorially independent.”

Here is NPR’s full statement:

“We are not putting our journalism on platforms that have demonstrated an interest in undermining our credibility and the public’s understanding of our editorial independence. Actions by Twitter or other social media companies to tarnish the independence of any public media institution are exceptionally harmful and set a dangerous precedent.”

Not surprisingly, Twitter and Musk did not return requests for comment on NPR’s announcement from NBC News.

Anonymous said...

The bedwetters at NPR just can't get a grip.

Craig said...

Well, well...

So Carroll gets a one year window to strike--a ONE YEAR WINDOW was opened JUST FOR HER--since she was WAAAAY past the statute of limitations. And her book, which came out in 2009, claims 'rape', while she never claims this during the trial, as she inconsistently states this or that about 'what happened'.

E. Jean Carroll ADMITS to Trump Lawsuit Scheme After Verdict

Robert Gouveia Esq.

Now that trial is over, E. Jean Carroll can finally talk about the case, and she did! Jumped right on CNN to celebrate, and in doing so, revealed more about her scheme to get Trump.

#TrumpTrial #WitchHunt #TrumpVerdict

Ya know, I was leaning toward skipping the 2024 Presidential vote, but now I'm more inclined to vote for Trump. The Oligarchy has had it in for Trump from the beginning, and this is more of the same.

Anonymous said...

NPR is even more dangerous than ABC and CBS because they have the APPEARANCE of being impartial. But NPR is just another Marxist infused fake news. NPR is indeed government funded propaganda, in addition to the funding that they receive from thoroughly globalist corporations like Pfizer. NPR and PBS are Marxist. They pose as bastions of Democracy but they are the opposite.
The interview where Leslie Stahl tries over and over to defame Trump is classic. She keeps saying that his claims that he was spied upon by the DNC were ridiculous. He was discredited over and over by her in that interview. She kept chiming in with the DNC talking points, which were lies, and she kept insinuating that he was paranoid and crazy. He kept saying; "I was spied upon!"

But, whoops, it turns out he was spied upon. He was right and she was spewing her Marxist, anti-American lies.
He was also accused, continually, of numerous other crimes and misdemeanors which have all been proven to be lies.

"Democracy cannot live without the truth; totalitarianism cannot live without falsehood.Democracy commits suicide if it lets itself be invaded by falsehood, totalitarianism if it lets itself be invaded by truth" _Jean-Francois Revel

Anonymous said...

Adolf Hitler had the complete control of all the media of his time; newspapers, radio, and the Newsreels which were played before every movie in the movie houses. All those big three sources of information were safely in Hitlers pocket and reported propaganda in lock step with the NAZI Party. NAZI actually means National Socialist Democrats, the very definition of our current crop of Democrats in Congress, the Senate and the White House, which they continually accuse the Republicans of being, naturally...
Donald Trump gets nothing but hostility from all the many more forms of media in these days. Fox News is the ONLY news source that has defended him, in spite of the fact that half the country likes him, and now even Fox News is swinging the other, woke way, as even Rupert Murdoch and his sons are knuckling under to the woke agenda.
Yet, in spite of these hard facts Donald Trump remains popular among the heartland, sensible conservatives of this country.
Despite Trumps complete lack of support from mainstream media, the woke mob loves to call him dangerous and nazi, and whatever lies they can think of.

Anonymous said...

Nazi Zelensky, Who is at War with the Eastern Orthodox Church, Enjoys Symbolic Chat with Socialist Pope Francis


Anonymous said...

7:53 am - Craig - victim shaming, really?

8:10 am - Trump's campaign wasn't "spied upon" - they were investigated for crimes which resulted in MANY convictions.

8:27 am - intelligent people who report truth, conservative and liberal alike (and especially Christians) tend to dislike criminal elites who lie and sexually molest women.

Besides...he intentionally and deliberately (by design) stokes "the media" because that's what dumb anti-american people like most about him. It's his most admirable quality to be hated and treated with disdain by higher IQ persons. It's what endears him to his base.

But we can't NOT talk about him either because he remains a looming threat to our democracy.


p.s. - Go to Church.

Anonymous said...

X just got out of his Holy Spirit Not Welcome General Baptist Pseudo Christian Cult meeting, and he's feeling empowered by the arm of the flesh!

You are a good friend of the devil dr X, because you're easy peasy for him.

Satan's piss ant dr X!

Twist, slither, hiss.

Anonymous said...

Parts of Philly are now like a third-world country


Anonymous said...

Veteran Confronts Texas National Guard for Ignoring Gov. Abbot's Order to Stop Illegal Alien Invasion(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

President Biden calls white supremacy 'most'dangerous terrorist threat' in speech at Howard


Anonymous said...




Craig said...

X @ 9:49 AM,

I’ll stick with “alleged” victim. If you want to claim ‘a jury of peers’ found Carroll credible, I will note that there is a somewhat recent case in which a man was convicted of rape and sent to prison based on a woman’s testimony, yet later this same woman recanted—after being overcome with a guilty conscience—thereby proving that man innocent of the crime for which she accused him. People lie.

The discredited Steele dossier was the basis upon which the spying began. No Steele, no basis for ‘investigation’, aka witch hunt. Once again, people lie.

How exactly is Trump “a looming threat to our democracy”?

Anonymous said...


10:09 a.m.,

You are a malignant narcissist in dire need of psychiatric help. What a poor, futile and loveless existence you lead - seriously, get out of mommy's basement, or wherever your heartless person is cowering, and get the help.

Anonymous said...

"The troll missin' his peeps."

You'd better be goose-stepping back along the primrose way to them, 10:44 p.m. and join their hate-fueled march towards the ditch of the Everlasting Bonfire.

Y'all don't come back real soon, ya hear!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Gay boy Jim Hoft at TGP will 'report' this inconvenient fact?

Mexican border crossings are down 50% since Title 42 expiration, homeland security chief says


Excerpt: U.S. border patrol agents have seen a 50% drop in the number of migrants crossing the border since the pandemic-era immigration policy known as Title 42 expired at midnight on Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said on CNN's "State of the Union" program on Sunday.

"Over the past two days, the United States Border Patrol has experienced a 50% drop in the number of encounters versus what we were experiencing earlier in the week before Title 42 ended at midnight on Thursday," Mayorkas said.

"It is still early. We are in day three. But we have been planning for this transition for months and months."

Mayorkas said that U.S. Border Patrol agents had about 6,300 encounters with border-crossers on Friday and another 4,200 on Saturday, compared with more than 10,000 shortly before Title 42's expiration.

Anonymous said...

You would do, Craig, for there is no love in you and you are either utterly deluded, deliberately deceptive, or both.

Take X's advice and go to church... your grandiose, narcissistic self could sure do with finding some humbling and conviction.

The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct

Eliza Relman and Azmi Haroun Updated May 10, 2023, 4:09 AM GMT+8

At least 26 women have accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct since the 1970s.
Renewed attention was brought to the allegations amid the #MeToo movement and a national conversation concerning sexual misconduct.
On Tuesday, a Manhattan jury found Trump liable for the sexual abuse of columnist E. Jean Carroll.
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At least 26 women accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct, including assault, since the 1970s.

A deluge of women made their accusations public following the October 2016 publication of the "Access Hollywood" tape, in which Trump was heard boasting about grabbing women's genitals in 2005. Some of Trump's accusers made their stories public months before the tape's release, and still others came forward in the months following.

Trump has broadly dismissed the allegations, which include harassment, groping, and rape, as "fabricated" and politically motivated accounts pushed by the media and his political opponents. In 2016, he promised to sue all of his accusers. In some cases, Trump and his lawyers have suggested he couldn't have engaged in the alleged behavior with certain women because he wasn't physically attracted to them.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," the Republican presidential nominee said during a 2016 rally. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

The president said these "false allegations" against him were made by "women who got paid a lot of money to make up stories about me." And then alleged that the "mainstream media" refused to report evidence that the accusations were made up.

Trump has not yet made good on his promise to sue any of the women — although two women have sued him – and the White House says that Trump's election proves the American people don't consider the allegations disqualifying.

Anonymous said...


Pretending sexual offenders should be protected by statutes of limitations or trusted because, on occasion, victims of rape have lied is pretty pathetic. And, our jails of full of 'innocence' claiming men who were convicted by biased juries -- just ask them.

You simply could indicate you still believe Trump didn't do it despite the verdict without trying to generally undermine all women victims with their greatest fears of not being believed because some women before them have lied, powerful men (i.e. - "stars") can do what they want without consequence or because they didn't scream, fight back or yell.

It's also pathetic to suggest all the convicted criminality that surrounded Trump's campaign and administration involving Russians should be ignored because of the unsubstantiated (yet not proven wrong) and completely misunderstood/misrepresented Steele Dossier.

The Steele dossier has always been misunderstood


Excerpt: The story of the Christopher Steele dossier took its latest turn this week with the acquittal of Igor Danchenko, an analyst who worked on the dossier and was accused of lying to the FBI about it. The case that John H. Durham brought against Danchenko was so weak that the judge threw out one of the charges before a jury could deliberate on it, and the jury spent only one day before it acquitted Danchenko of the charges against him.

This likely ends the quixotic quest of Durham to discredit the Mueller probe into former President Donald Trump’s Russia ties and lend credence to Trump’s claim that it was always a hoax. History will look back on this week as another chapter in the saga of the Steele dossier, which has always been over-hyped and used by both sides to advance their agendas.

First journalists treated the sensational dossier as proof of Donald Trump’s Manchurian Candidate-style nomination for the U.S. presidency. Supporters of the former president believe he was the victim of a “witch hunt” and that the dossier was a critical part of it.

For those of us in corporate investigations, it is neither....

...What Steele found alarmed the veteran intelligence officer so much that he felt compelled to reach out to U.S. authorities, a rare event in a private investigation. The findings were shocking, but not far-fetched when contextualized with what the public records showed, and what was going on before our eyes.

Much of the Steele dossier hasn’t been disproved to date, but rather has gained greater credence based on Trump’s turbulent presidency. For instance, Trump’s imprisoned campaign chair Paul Manafort passed along campaign data to a Russian agent. Trump lied to the public about having no aspirations for deals in Russia when his team had been chasing a project in Moscow throughout his campaign. Most infamously, Trump undermined U.S. intelligence in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin by his side by agreeing with the dictator that he thought Russia had nothing to do with interfering with the U.S election. In this way, much of what the Steele dossier claimed about Trump being influenced by the Russians seems true. We still don’t have hard proof and may never have it...


Anonymous said...

x is defending the Steele Dossier! What's the next low this serial liar will go?

Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...


The gods of government have blood on their hands.
Those who are willfully still excusing and enabling them are guilty by their association to them too.

You know who you are, and so do we, government worshiping troll.

Craig said...

X @ 3:02 PM,

More of your straw men and red herrings, I see.

Let me set you straight. Those lying about rape/sexual assault are the ones making it more difficult for other REAL victims to come forward—not some convict claiming ‘I didn’t do it’ (validly or not), whose claims will be immediately dismissed. Like the guy I mentioned above, who actually committed suicide under the weight of the false charge. At least he was posthumously exonerated when his accuser became convicted of her lies.

I recall a case in which a young White woman pursued a young Black man for a sexual rendezvous, and when it became known that the two indeed rendezvoused, the woman claimed ‘rape’ in an attempt to save face in her conservative town. THIS is the kind of thing that renders the ‘believe all women’ false on its face.

As always, each case should be taken on its own. Besides the two parties, only God knows for sure. I’ve no idea about Carroll, which is why I prefer “alleged” victim. And, if you were intellectually honest and politically unbiased, you’d state the same.

As for my “People lie” statement above, I’m mocking you. Turnabout is fair play, I’ve heard it said.


Hillary Clinton and Democrats settle Steele dossier electoral case for $113,000

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.

That is according to documents sent on Tuesday to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which had filed an administrative complaint in 2018 accusing the Democrats of misreporting payments made to a law firm during the 2016 campaign to obscure the spending.
Trump, nearly six years after beating Clinton, alleges his 2016 opponent is guilty of ‘racketeering’ and a ‘conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood’.

The Clinton campaign hired Perkins Coie, which then hired Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm, to conduct opposition research on Republican candidate Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. But on FEC forms, the Clinton campaign classified the spending as legal services.

“By intentionally obscuring their payments through Perkins Coie and failing to publicly disclose the true purpose of those payments” the campaign and DNC “were able to avoid publicly reporting on their statutorily required FEC disclosure forms the fact that they were paying Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on Trump with the intent of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election,” the initial complaint had read.

Anonymous said...

The bedwetter at 9:49 AM who accused Craig of victim shaming needs to see this.


A MASSIVE fan no less!

Craig said...

Anon 4:04 PM,

I think Carroll was being facetious/sarcastic in her remark.

She doesn't like Trump, and I don't think she liked him then, either.

(And I IMMENSELY DISLIKED "The Apprentice", too.)

Anonymous said...

Very strong fish smell in 3:02 PM post.

Beaucoup fish smell circles E Jean Carroll, and we all know how rotten the Hildabeast is.

Anonymous said...

"(And I IMMENSELY DISLIKED "The Apprentice", too.)

4:11 PM"

So did I, tuned out in the first five minutes and never watched it again.

But that many years ago she posted that.

Sounds like a "crush" to me.
Her words, even recently, leave one scratching their head about what she's really implying about him.

Anonymous said...

Craig said: Let me set you straight. Those lying about rape/sexual assault are the ones making it more difficult for other REAL victims to come forward—

I agree, however, that doesn't refute my objection to your victim blaming.

Women also fear coming forward because the fact some women lie has been overstated by so many guilty men and their defenders that such overstated doubt results in their double victimization.

Far and away...most rape victims aren't lying. Sure it happens, people do lie, but to highlight such while discussing any particular individual sexual assault, especially one where a jury of 9 (6 men and 3 women) who got to listen to all the evidence and have already determed, by law, that it DID happen by a preponderance of the evidence is an attack on the victim.

Sadly only the 'luckiest' victims get their rapists incarcerated and even fewer ever get financial compensation. Perpetuating the rare hysterical lying woman myth isn't helpful and it isn't a valid defense (after the fact).

As far as that article on the Steele Dossier. I have no idea what a technical FEC campaign disclosure settlement fine has to do with anything. The article I provided acknowledged it was obtained as opposition research. Stating the allegations as though it was a determined fact isn't really fair as the settlement denied wrongdoing but it has nothing to do with the FBI being alerted by the shocking nature of what turned out to be accurate rumors heard about collusion with Russians.

The convictions speak for themselves as does the Mueller report (if one reads it instead of the spin summaries of such).

Aren't you getting sick of trying to defend, rationalize and justify Trump's lies, spin and misdeeds? It must be exhausting.


Craig said...


You wrote: I agree, however, that doesn't refute my objection to your victim blaming.

So, who's the "victim" I'm 'blaming'?


The Steele dossier was paid for, in part, by the Clinton campaign/Democrats. Conflict of interest, much?

I'm hardly "trying to defend, rationalize and justify Trump's lies, spin and misdeeds". More straw men...

Anonymous said...

Re Trump's IQ: I heard some Lodge fellow state that no way was Trump a Freemason because he was not smart enough (like that was a bad thing : - )

He had a right smart Uncle thought


Anonymous said...

E jean Carroll is no shy flower.
She is all brass and quite tactless.

Her big mouth would not have shied from telling of some real trauma.

She is very bold about her many fantasies, some which seem to include Trump.

Anonymous said...


"The House has shown millions of dollars going to at least nine Bidens like dividends from a family business. As a long-time critic of influence peddling among both Republicans and Democrats, I have never seen the equal of the Bidens.

The whole purpose of influence peddling is to use family members as shields for corrupt officials. Instead of making a direct payment to a politician, which could be seen as a bribe, you can give millions to his or her spouse or children.

Moreover, these emails include references to Joe Biden getting a 10 percent cut of one Chinese deal. It also shows Biden associates warning not to use Joe Biden’s name but to employ code names like “the Big Guy.” At the same time, the president and the first lady are referenced as benefiting from offices and receiving payments from Hunter.

Indeed, Hunter complains that his father is taking half of everything that he is raking in."

Anonymous said...

So, who's the "victim" I'm 'blaming'?

Duh, Craig! Obviously Jean E. Carroll and any woman who brings a court case for having been raped and/or sexually assaulted.

Anonymous said...

8:14 PM,

I think I am going to find a way to contact
Jean E. Carroll and let her know the libelous comments you have written here, so on behalf of other women she can sue your ass beyond bankruptcy and back to the Stone Age (where you obviously belong, Mr. ((or whatever your secret, preferred pronoun is)) Troglodyte).

Craig said...

What is the substance, the contents of my 'blame'?

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 8:33 AM

Obviously your detractors here(ravening wolves), are unhappy with the truth.

Anonymous said...

What the F Happened to This Place? Dave Chappelle Trashes Democrat Hellhole of San Francisco


Anonymous said...

News from the Democrat Hell Hole known as Seattle:

Drag queens perform sexually charged Mother’s Day show in front of children in Washington

Footage has emerged of children in attendance at an adult-themed drag show in the Seattle area.

On Saturday, the ReMyx’d bar in Arlington, Wash. hosted a drag show titled, “Celebrating Mothers.” The promotional flyers for the event described it as an “all-ages” show featuring $12 bottomless mimosas.

Videos recorded during the May 13 event showed one of the scantily-clad performers, “Columbia Blue” using a pole, wearing stripper heels and gyrating sexually on the floor during several dance routines. Children can be seen sitting next to adults in the venue.

Anonymous said...

More lies from our Liar-in-Chief:

Biden And DHS Secretary Claim 'White Supremacy' Is The Greatest US Terror Threat

If you were ever confused as to why the political left has been using the words 'white supremacy' every time they mention conservative ideals in their rhetoric, then you might just be a regular person trying to think logically. After all, millions of minorities are also conservative, libertarian and pro-constitution. Millions of minorities are anti-socialist, pro-2nd Amendment and pro-meritocracy. The accusation of white supremacy simply doesn't apply.

Yet, this narrative continues. Why? It's called social conditioning – Tell a big enough lie, tell it thousands of times, and eventually the public might subconsciously associate conservatives or conservative principles with racism even if the claim is provably false. They will even suggest a conservative is a “white supremacist” despite the fact that he or she is not white.

More here:

Anonymous said...

Based on her past posts, Constance is also guilty of wildly applying the bogus 'white supremacist' tag.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The Biden crime syndicate is one of the most evil secret societies in world history, guilty of child trafficking and high treason against America, FBI And DOJ whistleblowers allege


Anonymous said...

@1:01 PM,

Vigano in an open letter to Trump: “It is you, dear President, who are ‘the one who opposes’ the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.”

Vigano's language here shows, perhaps, just who that Antichrist is - we can find support for the madness of so-called Christians bowing before Trump on websites such as the one at the bottom of this post, whether identifying themselves as Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or of a Protestant strand:

"*Much like in Scripture when it is the demons who attest to the divinity of Christ, it is almost like the demonic globalists can’t help but attest by their hatred for Trump* that he is the leading figure of an America that Viganò labeled: “The defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed.”


Anonymous said...

X has gotten awful quiet. Sup, X - can't back up your claims of Craig victim shaming?

Anonymous said...

If Jerry Nadler had a billion dollars in the bank, there would be a long line of women claiming that he had raped them and/or he had assaulted them and/or he had abused them and touched them against their will, even if they had to make the claim that it all happened twenty years ago and that they were afraid to come forward about it at the time.
There is no shortage of women, or men, who are willing to lie if it means they might get a million dollar settlement. In fact the number of people who are willing to perpetrate a major fraud is growning every day.

Anonymous said...

”In fact the number of people who are willing to perpetrate a major fraud is growning every day.”

You’ll find the wannabe Narcissist in Chief, DJT at the top of that list.

Anonymous said...


Russell Moore kinda sums up my point in this clip of his interview on the subject of sexual assault and ms Carroll

I know he’s on the progressive side of the SBC, he’s no Al Mohlar, but still I hope you take his point to heart.

“Dismissing Trump's E. Jean Carroll verdict has 'devastating implications,' says Russell Moore”


When god made man He called it good, when He made woman for man it became very good.

This is my estimation, but I’d guess for every singular woman who actually lies and actually holds onto the lie through a conviction or other civil type verdict there are probably 10,000 men who get away with sexual assault and rape. At least 26 women have accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct since the 1970s. He’s not entitled to the benefit of doubt, especially after a jury made a finding of fact corroborating his sexual misconduct.


Craig said...


Well, I'd say your WAG is as good as any other.

I suppose we can agree to disagree on this "devastating implications". As far as I can tell, there was NO actual evidence in the Carroll case. It was 'she said, he said'--her word against his. Neither you nor I can possibly know if she is telling the truth or not. You think she is being truthful (agreeing with the verdict); I don't know, but I'm short of buying it.

What I think or what you think in this particular case matters little to any victim past, present, or future.


As to your doubling down on my "victim blaming" (then side-stepping it), I'd REALLY like to know what in the world you mean (or meant).

To my way of thinking, "victim blaming" would be something along the lines of accepting that a woman was raped, then claiming that it was her fault because of her provocative dress and/or demeanor. That's 'blaming the victim'. And that doesn't apply here.

But I DO know that in the WOKE world this "victim blaming" accusation is a go-to means of trying to stifle conversation or, worse, to 'cancel' someone. So, I think I deserve some sort of explanation from you, given that you are the one who accused me of it.

A) So, who is the "victim" and how is said victim being 'victimized' by my uncertainty and doubt with respect to the Carroll case?

B) What (and/or whom) exactly am I "blaming" with respect to the Carroll case?

Craig said...

The last two questions should more properly be with respect to my position regarding the Carroll case

LSWA said...

x is Woke so no one will ever get a straight answer from him. His round and round going nowhere beefs about everything thought to be Conservative is why he is here.

He has no intention of getting to or defending the truth.

He has proved that for almost 3 years here according to archives at this blog.

I've looked to see where the division really comes from at this blog and it is coming almost (not quite but almost) exclusively from his "discussions" and disinfo-mercials. He is so pretentious he can never be taken seriously, ever, from the time he first presented himself as x.

Anonymous said...

Although I don't agree with Vigano on some of his Catholic theology, I totally believe him to be a man of honor. He has been very consistent in exposing the plot to create a one world government, in which all individual freedom will disappear.

This should be read by every concerned citizen:

Anonymous said...



1:01 PM

Anonymous said...

Liberalism sounds good on paper (at least to those with limited amounts of brain cells), but when it comes to its application, it fails. That's why New York City Mayor Adams wants to do this:

Eric Adams wants to revoke NYC's 'sanctuary city' status amid massive migrant influx
"We could potentially get thousands of people a day in our city."

"The law of sanctuary city was in place long before I became mayor. I’m following the law. As a law enforcement person, you know, we follow the law," Adams said. "We are now in court now, today, asking the judge to revisit this law to deal with this humanitarian crisis because, even when they decided to put in place that law, no one thought they would be dealing with a humanitarian crisis of this proportion."


Anonymous said...

Another hot bed of radical liberalism that won't enforce the law. Remember the "summer of love," when anarchists took over a large section of the city, and rape, robbery and murder became the new "Rule of Law?" Just like a Third World failed state, Seattle can't even delver mail to certain areas ...

Seattle stops mail for zip codes where postal theft is rampant

Mail delivery has since been stopped at residences across the zip code where mail can be accessed by using a master key, also known as an arrow key.

An entire zip code in South Seattle is not getting mail delivered because of mail theft, primarily impacting people who use cluster mailboxes in apartments to townhomes, after thieves have allegedly gotten ahold of a master key that works all over the 98118 zip code.

The zip code is one of the most ethnically diverse in the entire US and covers approximately 49,000 people, but it is unclear how many are not receiving their mail deliveries.

Anonymous said...

Am I understanding LSWA right?

You read of complaints about this blog from another blog.

You decided to read through years of comments to see if you agree with those complaints.

Now it is time for you to complain too.

Anonymous said...

I think the first time I may have said “victim shaming” but I wasn’t “cancelling” you, just correcting you.

You revictimize victims, such as ms Carroll and all victims when u make the unsubstantiated implication that they are liars because a few women have lied before.

You have no evidence ms Carroll is a liar. U said so yourself, yet u offer into the argument the fact that some random woman lied about being raped, therefore Carroll, 2 u is more likely lying than not which communicates to all victims of sexual assault that they are gonna also be suspected as vengeful chick fabricators unless they have solid video evidence (which isn’t often the case).

This isnt your fault. It’s kind of an understandable defense mechanism, one that leads those close to perpetrators to either deny or diminish their crime in order to avoid dealing with the difficult cognitive process of accepting that they were capable of such a thing. As Russell pointed out, Christians should be focusing on the perpetrators misconduct versus zero’ing in on the victims behavior such as the “women lie all the time about rape” myth (and blaming all women for the myth that only applies to a very rare few).

The general idea of victim-blaming/shaming involves replicating injustice by focusing attention on the particular situation rather than the general problem. In cases of victim-blaming shaming, persons may be criticized for in any way addressing a problem by addressing the victim. Victim-blaming not only involves an inconsistent ethic, but because of this inconsistency promotes that which it opposes.

I don’t/didn’t criticize u for not believing Carrolls story. I don’t think it’s an entirely forbidden subject. U “may be” criticized for focusing on a victim and some people take that too far. I suggested the addition of an example of another women lying about sexual assault was where you went over that line into general victim shaming/blaming. The “real evidence” part to as if juries aren’t able to weigh facts and determine legal truth absent hard video or forensic evidence is another myth that precludes other victims from coming forward.

As a male myself, I don’t behave perfectly here either. We as humans and particularly as Americans have this ethos that bad things only happen to bad people and good people don’t do bad things as well as the boys will be boys ethos Trump mentioned in his deposition whereby “stars” like him can, in his mind, sexually assault women and they like it, “fortunately” he claimed. Well, 23 women (to date) reported NOT liking it.


Anonymous said...

10:23 am

That's an interesting conflation of events.

First, the 2020 (almost 3 years ago now) Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone was really just a few blocks in the artsy Capitol Hill neighborhoods of Seattle, it wasn't ever a "large section" of the city. The police, after weeks or some say years of over-policing the neighborhood, abandoned it. This was a failure of the administration and local government versus an insurrection-type event. The city even recently settled a lawsuit for deliberately abandoning the area. The people there did the best they could. They obviously failed. Lawlessness never works as it also didn't for the Jan 6th insurrectionists and their leader, Trump.

Second. Zip code 98118 is 13 miles away from Capitol Hill. It's not related to "CHAZ" at all. The mailboxes getting robbed halted mail there in zip code 98118 for one day, Monday May 15th since someone got ahold of a master key and undertook to steal mail and would, presumably, continue to have access should mail delivery continue. Mail service is set to resume today after an assessment of the situation and the undertaking of repairs.

A USPS spokesman said: "“Improvements to the affected equipment are being made throughout the next two days, and mail is expected to be delivered to the affected residents tomorrow,” USPS said Monday. “We appreciate the patience and understanding of the community as we work to preserve the safety and sanctity of the mail.”


Anonymous said...

7:14 am

I know, right?

Can you just imagine how boring that other blog must be to be so focused and commenting on this blog?

You just know it’s some new age alt right qanon place trying to police the web for conservatives like me critical and discerning of their faux conservative trump idolizing team of insurrectionists & heretical dominionists.

Bunch of CINO’s they are.


Anonymous said...

7:14 AM

Another one of X's unsigned posts?

X @ 10:10 AM

"You just know it's some new age alt right qanon place trying to police the web for conservatives like me critical and discerning of their faux conservative trump idolizing team of insurrectionists & heretical dominionists."

I couldn't stop laughing as I typed this PRICELESS tripe from dr X.

Thank You X for the laugh. But I do have some little bit of compassion for the psychotic. Even for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Stand-up comedian extraordinaire dr X has coined a new acronym to define himself.


Christian In Name Only

Anonymous said...

Old Video of E. Jean Carroll Resurfaces, Confirms She's a Wackadoodle - Even Crazier Than We Thought(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...


10:57 AM

E. Jean is a bonafide nut. And, she uses God's Name in vain numerous times in the video. (For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. - Psalm 139:20)

She also sums up life at the end of the video by quoting the antithesis of Christianity: "Eat, drink and be merry" while swigging on a bottle of beer.

LSWA said...

People don't have to read through 1000's of comments here to pick up the gist of what and who all the division is about. Going thread to thread reading sections of comments it shows up very quickly.

One person more than anybody else kept presenting himself as the culprit.
He's been noted as the one guilty of posting more strawman arguments and red herrings than anyone else to exploit division.
Obviously x wins the prize for most divisive here, probably just about anywhere there is a discussion board.
Maybe he has another moniker on other blogs?

Anonymous said...

11:17 AM?

Why if it’s not RayB gone all incognito of a sudden…

Anonymous said...

7:14 am was not me. I’m never up that early. There were several posts on the subject of ms Carroll the last few days that were not me either.

Also CINO is not a new concept. I did not coin the term. I’m not surprised you haven’t heard the term which has been applied towards the tea party and thereafter, Maga professing adherents by Christian’s outside of politics, the dominionist tea party and Maga in particular since Trump is such an obvious example of a CINO as a reprobate unrepentant adulterer, liar and sexual predator.

For example, Here’s an article from a Church of God online periodical from April, 2014

Are You a Christian in Name Only? : RINO is an acronym used in the political world. Is it possible to be a CINO—a Christian in Name Only? How can you avoid that and practice genuine Christianity?



PS: it might be helpful if you somehow identified your posts with a mark too

Anonymous said...

BOMBSHELL: Obama Admin Had No ‘Actual Evidence’ Of Collusion By Trump When It Launched Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

The Obama administration possessed no real evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russian government officials when it launched its investigation into the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new bombshell report.

On Monday, Special Counsel John Durham released the findings of his years-long investigation into the origins of the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign in the months before, during, and after the 2016 presidential contest. Despite the agency’s claims that the inquiry — commonly referred to as Crossfire Hurricane — was predicated on the belief that Trump’s campaign was colluding with Russian officials leading up to the election, Durham’s report found the FBI had no evidence to warrant such an investigation.

“Indeed, based on the evidence gathered in the multiple exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigation, neither the U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation,” the report reads.

The baseless investigation into the Trump campaign started after Australian intelligence notified the FBI about “concerning comments” from George Papadopoulos, an unpaid foreign policy advisor for the Trump team, about the Russians purportedly having dirt on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. In his report, Durham details the recklessness with which leading FBI officials, such as then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and then-Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok, launched Crossfire Hurricane and further revealed that the FBI did not possess evidence of Trump-Russia collusion as late as March 2017.

The FBI launched a full investigation “without (i) any significant review of its own intelligence databases, (ii) collection and examination of any relevant intelligence from other U.S. intelligence agencies, (iii) interviews of witnesses essential to understand the raw information it had received or (iv) using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence,” the report reads. “In addition, FBI records prepared by Strzok in February and March 2017 show that at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI had no information in its holdings indicating that at any time during the campaign anyone in the Trump campaign had been in contact with any Russian intelligence officials.”

Anonymous said...

Oh so Ray is back and apparently thinks it’s ok to sexually assault “bonifide nuts” who have used the Lords name in vain.

Apparently Ray thinks she’s a bad person who just got what she deserved.

Trump must be the unluckiest person around that any of these 23 nuts that accused him of sexual misconduct could successfully convince a jury of 6 men and 3 women, by a preponderance of the evidence that Trump sexually assaulted them and then went on to lie about it, defaming the nut victim.

Btw…Trump took the Lords name in vain in Greenville, North Carolina while speaking to crowds at a Trump cult rally in 2019. (For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. - Psalm 139:20). So that about sums Trump up as well.


Anonymous said...

NEVER FORGET: Nancy Pelosi Swore She Had “Cold Hard Evidence” of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Family – A COMPLETE LIE – Video


Will Constance et all be posting their apologies for 'colluding' with the lie of 'Trump/Russia collusion?'

Anonymous said...

Durham's report doesn't exonerate the convicted criminals, largely now pardoned for their crimes, of corroborating with the Russians.

Though clearly politically motivated, even Durham, who was appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr, couldn’t escape the conclusion that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should have looked into an initial report that Russia had approached the Trump campaign with vague offers of providing harmful material on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

It says so right buried on Page 295 of his 306 page report, where Durham merely states that, based on the information it received, the FBI should not have opened a full-fledged investigation right away.

“Under the FBI’s guidelines, the investigation could have been opened more appropriately as an assessment or preliminary investigation,” Durham writes. “FBI investigations opened as preliminary investigations, short of full investigations, include time limits and a narrower range of authorized techniques to mitigate risk and avoid unnecessary intrusion.”

The whole claim there was no real evidence to start an investigation is bunk. It's like claiming the police can't follow up on a tip that came in anonymously over a crime-stopper telephone call. Investigations very often commence over rumor and innuendo in the effort to FIND such real evidence and prosecute criminals trying to operate in secret. Warrants and such are often based upon reasonable suspicion.

In this case, Trump himself encouraged Russia to hack Clinton’s email, which promptly happened, and it was later revealed that Donald Trump, Jr. was eager to get a meeting with Russian operatives to receive dirt on Clinton, so it seems reasonable that an investigation, limited or full, was warranted at the time.

In the case of such a high-profile probe, it is appropriate that the DOJ’s actions are scrutinized to make sure that it acted in accordance with the law and to come up with ways to improve in the future. That investigation, however, had already been conducted. In 2019, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a report that strongly criticized the FBI’s handling of the case and offered recommendations on how the bureau could improve going forward.

Durham accusations don't go further than what the new rules on political investigations, which the DOJ subscribed to after their internatl investigation, which MAY HAVE prevented or delayed such a broad full investigation (based upon all the convictions - we are just talking about the timing now). Just as it likewise might have curtailed, delayed or restricted the unfruitful and untimely FBI investigations into Hillary Clintons emails.

It's also why probably why the FBI was treading more carefully with the Hunter Biden laptop investigation and all the campaign finance criminality surrounding Trump and prositutes.


In other words, the FBI didn't do anything illegal at the time, despite his goal of trying to uncover illegality.

Anonymous said...

Media Silent as UK Data Show Sharp Increase in Excess Deaths

John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired accident and emergency nurse, nurse teacher and author of two nursing textbooks, analyzed the latest U.K. data showing a sharp increase in excess deaths. Campbell said if this was a terrorist attack “it would be a state of war.”

New statistics released by the U.K. government show a sharp increase in excess deaths throughout the country in 2022 — a trend that has continued so far this year.

The data, released last week by the U.K. Office for National Statistics and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, show that between May and December 2022, 32,441 more deaths than usual were recorded that exclude COVID-19 as a cause of death.

Official U.K. statistics also showed that in the week ending April 21, 2023, the number of deaths exceeded the five-year average by 22.1% (2,540 excess deaths), while in the week ending April 28, the excess figure was 12.9% (1,569 excess deaths). Only 3.8% of deaths during this period mentioned COVID-19 in the death certificates.

Anonymous said...

Many Pregnant Women Were Forced to Get COVID Shots. Here’s What Happened to Them.


COVID-19 shot contents are biodistributed into the bloodstream within hours and cross “all physiologic barriers including the maternal-placental-fetal barrier and the blood brain barriers in both the mother and the fetus,” according to maternal-fetal medicine expert Dr. James Thorp.

Story at a glance:

Compared to the flu vaccine, COVID-19 shots are associated with a significant increase in adverse events among women of reproductive age.

Data revealed a 27-fold higher risk of miscarriage and a more than two-fold increased risk of adverse fetal outcomes across six different categories following COVID-19 shots.

Birth rates in multiple European countries fell significantly at the end of 2021, months after COVID-19 shots became widely utilized.

Researchers have called for the immediate suspension of COVID-19 vaccination for all persons of childbearing and reproductive age.

While a typical vaccine must undergo 10 to 12 years of trials before it’s released, during the pandemic, COVID-19 shots were made available to the public just 10 months after development, courtesy of an Emergency Use Authorization.

Anonymous said...

Durham in a nutshell argued that while "there is no question that the FBI had an affirmative obligation to closely examine," (page 54) the FBI should have launched a preliminary investigation rather than a full one.

There was no effort to take down Trump established. It's just a longwinded review of the FBI's own investigation and rule changes together with 'you messed up surveilling Page' and 'be more careful next time with political-affiliated sources.'

What a flop.


Anonymous said...

12:34 pm

Dr. Thorp is a longstanding disinformer who has come up with another way to try to imply vaccines aren't safe for mother's and injured pregnant mother and their fetuses by looking strickly at VEARS data (which isn't meant for that purpose at all).

Here is what he said he analyzed..

What we did was we compared the COVID-19 vaccine adverse events over 18 months with that of the influenza vaccine over 282 months. Now, Tucker, the FDA and the CDC, this is governmental data and they use a danger threshold. We did it exactly by their recommendations of two-fold or greater is abnormal. And what you said is true. We found:
** a 1200 fold increase in severe menstrual abnormalities
** a 57 fold increase in miscarriage
** a 38 fold increase in fetal death or stillbirth rates
** 15 other major pregnancy complications, all far exceeding the CDC and the FDA values of safety.

There are SO MANY complications and confounding factors in such a study it's just incomprehensible that anyone would undertake it, let alone report it as indicating anything.

Of the top of my head...

1. Most pregnant women didn't even get a flu vaccine over the last 23 years.

2. Of those that did, and later had a pregnancy complication, unless it happened the same day, surely nobody was reporting such to VAERS.

3. Most women under 50 don't get flu vaccine shots nor do any of them monitor and report to VAERS "mentruel irregulaties";

4. Because the MrNA vaccines were new VAERS reporting was much more hyper diligent and obervant of micro changes and nominal "adverse events".

5. VAERS also contains 1000's of fake "adverse reactions" made, presumably, by anti-vaxxers trying to taint the system politically against the Covid vaccines...the Flu vaccine has never been political. Here's an incomplete list of some of the funniest ones like report #2277527 that claims "Every vaccinated woman he knows had a miscarriage" or #2074759 wherein a man claimed he grew a forehead penis:


6,7,8...the list could go on forever showing how comparing voluntary uninvestigated adverse reports for 23 years of the Flu vaccine to 18 months of covid reports is worthless "research".


Anonymous said...

Anyone interested in REAL covid vaccine research with regards to pregancy and babies/fetuses...

Explainer on COVID vaccination, fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding


COVID-19 Vaccination Can Protect Against Stillbirth
According to a regularly updated online explainer by Victoria Male, a lecturer in reproductive immunology at Imperial College London, 16 studies have assessed COVID-19 vaccination safety with respect to stillbirth, and none has found an increased risk of stillbirth following COVID-19 vaccination.

A meta-analysis reviewing some of those studies, the explainer notes, “found that COVID vaccination actually reduces the risk of stillbirth,” likely because of the risk posed by coronavirus infection. The meta-analysis, published in Nature Communications in May, found the “risk of stillbirth was significantly lower in the vaccinated cohort by 15%.”

Dr. Brenna Hughes, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Duke University Health System who has studied COVID-19 during pregnancy, also directed us to a study published this month in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology that found vaccinated women in Australia were about 80% less likely to experience a stillbirth compared with unvaccinated women. Hughes told us the claims in the posts were “quite false.”

Numerous studies have found that pregnant people who get infected with the coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, have a higher risk of stillbirth and other bad outcomes for both the mother and the baby than those who do not get infected.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study of more than 1.2 million delivery hospitalizations between March 2020 and September 2021, for example, found that American women with COVID-19 had nearly double the risk of a stillbirth compared with those who did not have COVID-19. The risk was more than four times as high when the delta variant was dominant.

A meta-analysis of 111 studies, which included more than 42,000 pregnant women, found that COVID-19 significantly increased the risk of premature delivery, preeclampsia, neonatal death, maternal death and stillbirth. The risk of stillbirth among those with COVID-19 was nearly 2.4 times higher than for women without COVID-19.

Research suggests that among women with COVID-19, it’s infection of the placenta, or what’s called SARS-CoV-2 placentitis, that increases the risk of stillbirth. The placenta is a temporary organ that develops during pregnancy that delivers nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, among other functions.


Anonymous said...

Up late sleeps in x posting from his parents basement
or some Woke hellhole
living off of honest every day people's hard work
so he can infest a blog.

Same old, different day,
blah blah rotten blah..

This is it for him
since he desperately needs to be here.
He got no reason to live.

Anonymous said...

Birth rates have been dropping around the world for decades now. Over 2020, 2021, 2022 live birth rates have actually been pretty flat.

For example, take this article from July 2020, well before the covid vaccine.

Fertility rate: 'Jaw-dropping' global crash in children being born


You can even chart any country you want and see there has been no "cliff" associated with covid or covid vaccines...


Excerpt: As a result, the researchers expect the number of people on the planet to peak at 9.7 billion around 2064, before falling down to 8.8 billion by the end of the century.

"That's a pretty big thing; most of the world is transitioning into natural population decline," researcher Prof Christopher Murray told the BBC. "I think it's incredibly hard to think this through and recognise how big a thing this is; it's extraordinary, we'll have to reorganise societies."

Why are fertility rates falling? It has nothing to do with sperm counts or the usual things that come to mind when discussing fertility.

Instead it is being driven by more women in education and work, as well as greater access to contraception, leading to women choosing to have fewer children.

So from a macro point of view -- there is no shocking global concerns reflected in the gross data regarding child births, covid and/or vaccines. The actual scientific studies evidenced that women and their babies did better vaccinated than unvaccinated but the differences don't appear to be big enough to alter or significantly change the larger gross worldwide numbers when it comes to birth rates. Undoubtely, women, pregnant or otherwise, did MUCH better against the delta variant in 2021 when vaccinated.

The entire population of the world has been exposed, to some extent, either through vaccination or the live wild virus (in it's many variations) such that this vaccination status is meaningless now. The current variants, though deadly on occasion don't seem to be that life-threatening to anyone. No one knows what the cumulative effect of multiple infections, like multiple common colds, can have on the humand body; but, for now, its seemingly no longer novel, consult with your real doctor (not some online grifters and quacks) and vaccinate if you want or not.


Anonymous said...

"and vaccinate if you want or not."

No talk of forcing the vaccines like you vehemently did for your government idols a while back 1:41 PM?

Not so sure of your "information" now are you???


Anonymous said...

U.S. Code 2381 Treason etc.


Anonymous said...

2:03 pm

it's not 2021 anymore.

My last vaccination, like a large percentage of the populcation was December 2021 when I got the third dose just prior to omicron.

I have no idea what you think I'm unsure of??

Time has shown me to be correct about vaccine safety and efficacy.


Anonymous said...

LSWA needs to get a life.

Anonymous said...

X just hates it when LSWA and others speak the truth.

Paid troll X trolls at will with the good blessings of the Hierarchy here.

@ 11:38 AM X suggests that I identify myself with a mark.

X is such a good lil Luciferian!

"Time has shown me to be correct about vaccine safety and efficacy."

Liar X, you wouldn't know the truth if it was the size of a bowling ball, and shoved up your nose.

Anonymous said...

I missed 12:29's post regarding supposedly alarming excess deaths as reported by John Campbell.

It's so easy to mess around and cherry-pick numbers when talking about a small percentage of deaths over and above some guestimate calculation of expected deaths. Change the denominator by just a few people and all the sudden you go from 5% under to 10% over.

For example, May 2023 (this month OHID implemented a correction to the estimate of excess deaths previously reported for week ending 13 January 2023. The previous estimate did not fully adjust for the bank holidays for Christmas and New Year in the previous 2 weeks. This revision changed the estimate of excess deaths for week ending 13 January 2023 from 3,750 to 2,096, a decrease of 1,654 (44%). That one small revision has reduced the estimates of excess deaths across all the population breakdowns reported in the excess mortality tools for that week.

Some UK statistics use a five year model based upon 2015-2019. In other words, they use prepandemic numbers to come up with the expectation model (their best guess of the numbers that would have been expected to die absent the pandemic) and others use a 5 year historical model (which gets out of whack depending on the covid waves and deaths that followed in 2020 and 2021 - averaged out against each other).

I don't know if they were but both models should be adjusted for things like the aging populations in the UK and the US, specifically, as the baby boomers come of age and die off at higher numbers over the next 25 years. The US does this. I don't know if the UK has but if the average is prepandemic this could result in large adjustments as we are 4-9 years on from 2015-2019.

You can't be alarmed by the numbers any given week or, even, cherry-picked periods like they did with 2022. Most of 2020 when we were on lockdowns, excess deaths were down overall everywhere despite many covid deaths. However, note that overall for the year 2022 in the UK significantly less people died in the UK than the previous 2 years (approximately 577,160 deaths which was lower than both 2020 and 2021). Although such number still represented a 30,000 "excess deaths" over the 5 year average, that still isn't indicating an issue when there were about 50,000 covid deaths in the UK in 2022. Covid slipped to the 6th leading cause of death in the UK and the third in persons over age 80 after having been being #1 in 2020 and 2021.

2023 seems to continues to trend downwards and return to normal despite the hype given to any particular week. We've got a new major cause of death and aging populations. Excess deaths over historical averages will likely continue...hopefully modestly as new averages self-adjust to account for the pandemic and it's lasting consequences on health.

Absent the covid vaccine -- it would have been tremendously worse.

See: "Excess Mortality in the England"


Anonymous said...

Would have been "tremendously" better, had the pharma-nazis offered hydroxychloroquine, or ivermectin. But the scamdemic was a setup for further control(mark of the beast) to come.

Why not make billions while destroying mankind(population control)?

To think that 'christians' took this demonic cocktail without thinking! Does not bode well.

Anonymous said...

6:26 pm

Zero evidence that HCQ or Ivermectin were effective at all let alone having the sufficeint enough efficacy to be relied upon as the only course of action. They were tried and tested. The final studies did not indicate any gains.

The covid vaccines saved an estimated 20 million lives worldwide through the end of 2022. If they wanted to do "population control" they could have delayed its introduction by a year citing safety concerns and watched as the Delta variant tore through the population and killed another 10-20 million or so in 2021-2022.

You say it's demonic and Christians shouldn't have taken the vaccine because its a set up for the mark of the beast. Do you have a chapter and verse for that or is it just your personal opinion or feeling? I can't really debate your feelings. My opinion is anti-vaxxers are the new new age right who will end up being the authoritarians that make us few remaining Christians take the mark or else. I don't believe the actual mark of the beast will be a trick or a sneak attack pretending to save your life like a vaccine. I think you'll know you are alligning yourself against God when if and you are faced with that choice. Unfortunately the penalty for far too many who foolishly refused the covid vaccine was actually death. That's my flexible current opinion on the matter.


Anonymous said...

This is from June 2022 but wanted to reshare it for anyone that remains doubtful and/or just hasn't seen it and thinks I made up the 20 million lives saved by covid vaccines figure.

COVID-19 vaccines saved an estimated 20 million lives in 1 year


Excerpt: COVID vaccines reduced the potential global death toll during the pandemic by almost two-thirds in their first year, saving an estimated 19.8 million lives, according to a mathematical modeling study yesterday in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

An additional 600,000 lives could have been spared if a World Health Organization (WHO) goal of vaccinating 40% of the population of every country by the end of 2021 had been met, the authors of the study say.

To estimate the impact of vaccination worldwide, researchers from Imperial College London used a proven model of COVID-19 spread using country-level data for official COVID deaths that occurred from Dec 8, 2020—when vaccines were first rolled out—to Dec 8, 2021. They conducted a separate analysis of expected excess deaths to account for under-reporting of COVID-19 deaths during the study period.

They then compared the two analyses with a scenario that didn't include vaccination to arrive at their estimates. The data spanned 185 countries and territories.

The model accounted for variation in vaccination rates between countries, as well as differences in vaccine efficacy in each country based on efficacy data for various vaccines. They excluded China from their analysis because its strict lockdowns and large population would have skewed the results.

The scientists estimated that 18.1 million deaths would have occurred during the study period without vaccination. Of those, the model estimated that vaccination prevented 14.4 million deaths, or 79%. When they accounted for under-reporting, however, they found that COVID vaccination prevented an estimated 19.8 million deaths out of a total of 31.4 million potential deaths that would have occurred without vaccination—a reduction of 63%.

Of those prevented deaths, they estimated that 15.5 million (78.2%) were due to direct vaccine effects. The remainder were due to indirect vaccine affects through reduced disease transmission and lower burden on healthcare systems....


Craig said...

You’re funny, X. But not in a “ha ha” kinda way.

Any “grace” you extend is peppered with back-handed ‘compliments’, complemented with word salad-esque twisted ‘explanations’ amidst condescensions. And there’s the de rigueur straw men and red herrings mixed in for bad measure.

You wrote: You revictimize victims, such as ms Carroll and all victims when u make the unsubstantiated implication that they are liars because a few women have lied before…

And you wrote: …I don’t/didn’t criticize u for not believing Carrolls story. I don’t think it’s an entirely forbidden subject. U “may be” criticized for focusing on a victim and some people take that too far. I suggested the addition of an example of another women lying about sexual assault was where you went over that line into general victim shaming/blaming.

Your logic fails you, for your conclusion does not follow. The subject was Carroll, and I used an example (and I later used another), to illustrate that it’s possible she lied. Using an example or two is hardly tantamount to making some sort of general claim about ALL such cases. I should have gone WAAAY back, back into time, and used the Biblical example of Potiphar’s wife. In any case, you’ve STILL not given an adequate definition for “victim shaming/blaming”—and now the non sequiturgeneral victim shaming/blaming”. But I’m OK with dropping it here, for I’m confident you cannot anyway.

I understand your position is one of seeing Carroll as a ‘victim’; whereas, I am withholding such assessment, considering she may have lied for whatever the reason. Accordingly, I don’t currently see her as a “victim” in the first place, so you’re imposing YOUR beliefs upon me, with such accusations of “revictimizing”. If she’s not a victim in the first place, then she can hardly be ‘revictimized’—whatever that might mean (re-assaulted in the same supposed manner?; and, if so, by whom?).

Using your logic, we should not ever, e.g., state OJ got away with murder. A jury found him ‘not guilty’.

You also wrote: As Russell pointed out, Christians should be focusing on the perpetrators misconduct versus zero’ing in on the victims behavior

How is she a “victim” if she’s not really a victim, i.e., not telling the truth? Again, you’re assuming the very thing (Carroll is ‘victim’, Trump is perpetrator) that I and others question. So, I reject your and Russell’s premise. Both you and Russell cannot possibly know if the verdict is indeed a true reflection of that day’s events. It might be; it might NOT be.

And you condescendingly wrote: This isnt your fault. It’s kind of an understandable defense mechanism, one that leads those close to perpetrators to either deny or diminish their crime in order to avoid dealing with the difficult cognitive process of accepting that they were capable of such a thing.

I’m not ‘close’ to Trump, so none of this applies to me.

Anonymous said...

x, nutjob and jerk that he is, just can't help himself, Craig.

Anonymous said...


Talk about word salad.

I did over-explain the concept to you.

I understand you wanting to limit the subject to just Ms Carroll but you brought the other women into the story by claiming their lies about sexual assault support your contention and/or belief that Ms Carroll might be lying. They don't. They are irrelevant. Of course she could be lying but other women lying doesn't demonstrate that UNLESS there's just something about those sneaky lying women using sexual assault to undermine powerful men being your point??? Using such stories and strategies to undermine any women is a terrible and hurtful strategy to ALL real victims (including Ms. Carroll if she is indeed a real victim which I safely presume because I'm not willing to bend reality to defend Trump).

Whether you like it or not, at law...she is a victim.

At law...OJ is innocent criminally, but was held accountable civilly, thus still a killer by a preponderance of the evidence.

The rest is between God and them. Justice at law differs from judgment by Him. Sin is beyond illegality and justice is His to administer perfectly.


p.s. - How many indictments and convictions will it take before you finally abandon Trump? At this point, how could anyone possibly believe Trump in any he said, she said sexual situation considering his history of adultery, fornication, prostitution, self-confessed "grab them by their p____" statements recorded and repeated in depositions and allegations by 23 women (and counting), heck, even his wing-manning around with Jeffrey Epstein - absent massive amounts of cognitive dissonance?

Anonymous said...

Dear X,

Yes, and any word salad vomited by Craig CHINO, is full of cabbage scented straw with lumps of red herring in it projected out of his asinine orafice. Yes, a brain-sullied moron is Craig, who spews 'red herring' and 'strawman', yet rarely, if ever, provides evidence for such aspersions because there rarely, if ever, is any.

Anonymous said...

Criminal or Not, Trump’s Case Is a Moral Test for Christians


Anonymous said...

CRAIG: Casting Rape-victims as Always Incredulous and Greedy!

Anonymous said...

5:41 AM could be X?

But of course X would deny that because he always signs his post X

Either way, 5:41 AM sounds like a silly child having a tantrum. Ranting but making no sense at all.

Anonymous said...

And 9:36 AM lying like a dirty dog. Maybe the same two year old from 5:41 AM????

You use the word 'Always' to define Craigs constant fixed bias toward supposed or real 'rape victims'.

As satanist x likes to say "chapter and verse". Where is the proof 9:36 AM??????

Anonymous said...

Satanist X @ 8:37 PM stated:

"Zero evidence that HCQ or Ivermectin were effective at all"

Really X....ZERO? So that's your "flexible current opinion on the matter"?

Wouldn't you make more money writing comedic material than trolling blogs?

You should give it a try.

Anonymous said...

More complete insanity from Satanist X @ 8:37 PM

"My opinion is anti-vaxxers are the new age right who will end up being the authoritarians that make us few remaining Christians take the mark or else"

Anonymous said...

"I did over-explain the concept to you."

That's not all you overdo, overachieving phony @ 11:51 AM.

No one here comes close to your overdo of gossip, slander, misinformation, and manipulative antics.

I guess you need to go back and reread your how to wins friends and influence people book since you don't follow the Bible to avoid making a jacka** out of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Waddup, 9:44 a.m.,

Mommy taken away your widdle ole pacifier again? Your Twumpy Wumpy wannabe face diaper full of the same ole de armento cacas dribbling out? Get a life, you rabid little phalus, and get out of mine. You vile, little Nazi shit.

Anonymous said...

Impeachment Week: Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland


Anonymous said...

This blog has quite a Tarbaby problem on full display (again) at 11:51 AM.
He aims to be crafty like his daddy the devil.
So he's on target as a D- christian, and an A+ accuser of the brethren.

Anonymous said...

11:16 a.m.,

There is nothing Biblically based about you. You are a vile, little tapeworm, a maggot of a man with no spine. My grandfathet blew bastards like you off the beachrs when he landed at Normandy on D-Day, you little Nazi, crowd following, gutless viper!

Anonymous said...

11:23 AM

Thanks for revealing your evil spirit. No doubt the same type of demon X is possessed by.

Those demons get so upset when exposed. They always get vulgar, and spew venom.

Anonymous said...

Will be interesting to see if RichofMedford deletes the vile, hate filled posts of 11:23 AM + 11:29 AM ?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:28 a.m.,

Sure sounds like your projecting the dung of your evil, Trumpster Dumpster heart, full of vain pride and a love of mammon, lies and murder all over this blog again. You are the type the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of when he said, "they honor me wirh their mouths but their hearts are far from me", you are the kind who Jesus Christ called, "vipers", money-changing liars, Jesus whipped out of the temple. I may speak harshly, having watched you attempt to bully somebody far more Christian and gutsy than your seared conscience will ever allow you to be, but where I am wrongI will repent, but you will not and are about to fall into the same ditch as loveless Craig - repent before you end up in the Everlasting Bonfire made for the Devil and his minions possessing you now.

Anonymous said...

Watch this video of Trump's 'accuser.' It is VERY revealing as to what a nutcase this woman really is:


Anonymous said...

11:41 a.m.,

Sure sounds like the only nutcases are you and those like you. It is blind and evil people like you who brought Hitler to power, people like you who persecuted the mentally ill, the Jews, the Gypsies, murdered them and murdered Protestant, Orthodox and Roman Catholic priests alike. You are an unthinking moron, full of insecurities and a desperate desire to belong to the cruel, the seemedly strong, doing untold evil to innocent people because of your cowardly, cockroached heart to those you decide to scapegoat, you devil.

Anonymous said...

Nail. On. Head.


Anonymous said...

11:37 a.m.,

There is nothing vile about my posts. They are straight to the point and honest. I am rebuking gutless, spineless, evil, cowardly bullies, which you are wishing to protect ... why would you wantvto protect such cowardly scum, 11:37 a.m.? No doubt you are one of them. If you don't repent, then I hope the Lord comes quickly and deletes the likes of unrepentant, greedf filled, heartless bullies such as you with the brightness of His coming.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me, the degree of blindness/stubbornness that Pharisees such as 11:41 AM + X, are possessed by!!!

STUNNING! Always a perfect 180 degree twist.

How do they do that?

serpentine locomotion

Anonymous said...

11:31 a.m.,

The only demon filled scum on this blog are you and your ilk. You aim to bully X, who has more spine, backbone, patience, humility, originality, intelligence and Chridtlike qualities than I doubt you'll ever have, given your seared conscience, cowardice, malice, lying spirit and murderous heart. You are of your father the Devil, the father of lies, who has been a liar and a murder from the beginning.

You should title your posts, 'Legion', for the fallen angel occupants inhabiting your being are many and your posts have the vile whiff of cliff fallen pig dung about them.

Anonymous said...

12:07 PM + 12:17 PM etc. etc.

You have posted here before, it is plain to see from the persona of your hateful rants.

Your misspelling the more agitated you get!

Maybe you should again take your psychiatrist's advice and go away for some rest!

Anonymous said...

Well, I have better things to do with my day than be here rebuking you spineless, heartless, rapist supporting, mindless morons, who readily lap up the baseless vomit of red herrings and strawfilled word salads Narcissist Craig spews all over the blog (just like you fawned over Narc Craig's competing narc, RayLGBTQAnon used to do, before he got exposed and ran away with his little tail between his Pharisaical legs).

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think it may be possible that X, and posters like 12:36 PM could be the same person!

X clearly displays mania of some variety.


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, 1:10 PM is X in one of his other fragmented selves!

Sounds like he is describing himself to a T!

You can always discern satan's followers by that 180 degree spin.

Dead giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Just a short addendum to my above post at 1:10 p.m.,

My desire for you, 12:31 p.m. / 12:46 p.m., is for you to find it within yourself to seek help and get well. Even so, the statistics of narcissists seeking professional help and really trying to change via years of therapy are very poor indeed and you would find it very difficult to find a clinical psychologist and/or psyxhiatrist willing to take you on becaise of such statistics and the difficulty working with people such as yourself seems nigh on fruitless to many in the health profeasion, who understandably would rather help those damaged by narcissistic abusers such as yourself, for such peole have a high chance pf recovery given the proper therapy and strategies to recover. Even so, with God all things are possible and demonically driven, malignant narcissists such as yourself are able to find the beginnings of change through prayer, fasting and deliverance. Thereafter, it may be possible by the Grace of God for enough humility, repentance and willingness to change, for you to then seek the help of a physician in a slow yet feasible recovery and maturation of your persona.

Now, I shall not bid you godspeed as to do so is unbiblical regarding ungodly and wicked persons such as you, but I do hope you cry put to God and then get the help you clearly need.

Love and care.

Anonymous said...

P.S., undubiltably unlike you, I busy working, tapping away on my phone now and then with one thumb whilst I proceed with more important tasks than you (hence the occasional mistype): it's called multitasking, though no doubt it is too dextrous and articulate a skill for you to grasp.

Anyway, unlike your self-absorbed, scrounging lump of lard, I had better get on with work.

Anonymous said...

☆'Indubitably', there goes my thumb again. ROFL

Bye for now. 😁

Anonymous said...

Since I don't own a Television I don't, or can't, tell whose guilty or not guilty in the go along to get alone world of today. So playing devil's advocate here I will say I do observe The Media from a healthy distance in case it's contagious and Trump's hated of The Media is a factor.
In 1991 a documentary was released called 'Trump: What's The Deal?' and a movie, (dubbed the worst movie of the year), named 'Nothing But Trouble' with Daniel Baldwin in the very minor role as Artie 'Dealer 1'


Pretty sure this is a backhanded portrayal of Trump

Funny, my wife also says that Trump is nothing but trouble

Anonymous said...

Kevin McCarthy: 'They Took America Through an Impeachment Over a Lie'

(And the Durham Report proves it)


Anonymous said...

A morning with Sybil for sure.


Anonymous said...


Gutfeld nailed it.

But it's not news to many of us.
We smelled the rat right away.

Nothing will be done to rectify the shameful way the truth was suppressed and oppressed by DC Rats though. Globalism has won the day. That was their goal and they've reached it.

Our economy is going over the cliff as we speak.

Anonymous said...

4:39 pm

And you've been indoctrinated by fascist white Christian nationalist media over the course of several decades to believe all you stated is true.

I agree the USA is one of the lesser racist countries in the world but it's not like we got to this point without a struggle. If I had a $1 for every time one of my Tennessee family told me over the years something like "the biggest problem is the blacks just don't know their place anymore", I'd be a wealthier man. It's much better here in the north. Even my Baptist Church is mixed with many colors and ethnicities (I still miss all the southern church cooking though --- prefer casserole to Lasagna)

If you've ever grumbled about me blaming the Republicans for passing Roe v Wade in 1973 and keeping it legal the last 50 years since, you should think about that when trying to point the finger at the Democrats for slavery before the 1860's.


p.s. - This also may shock you. Biden has achieved far lower unemployment numbers AND greatly expanded our oil independence.

U.S. Energy Independence Soars To Highest Level In Over 70 Years


Excerpt: ...By the time President Trump took office in 2017, U.S. net energy imports had fallen 75% from the 2005 level. In 2019, net energy imports turned negative, meaning the U.S. had become energy independent. So, while it is technically correct to say that the U.S. became energy independent while President Trump was in office, the reason was the shale boom that had begun in earnest in 2005.

Net U.S. exports grew from 0.61 quadrillion British thermal unit (Btus) — or “quads” — in 2019 to 3.48 quads in 2020. In 2021, President Biden’s first year in office, net exports increased slightly more to 3.62 quads.

Last month the EIA released data showing energy production and consumption numbers for all of 2022. You can see all the data here. In 2022, U.S. net energy exports grew to 5.94 quads, which is the highest number on record. Total U.S. energy production was also the highest on record. Overall, the U.S. produced 2.5% more energy in 2022 than we consumed. By comparison, in 2005 the U.S. consumed 44% more energy than we produced.

In conclusion, 2022 marked the highest level of US energy independence since before 1950. This milestone was achieved through a combination of factors, including the shale boom which led to a steady decline in net energy imports, rather than being solely attributed to any specific presidential administration.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:39 PM

Thank you.

The liberal bedwetter @ 6:13 PM lives under a rock and crawls out from under it every single day to post nonsense.

Anonymous said...

When X gets mad he breaks out one of his other selves! It is obvious. The other persona sings the same old song, just nastier.

Anonymous said...

CNN drops bombshell, reveals that the National Archives just notified Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Justice Department that it has “critical evidence,” including a whopping 16 incriminating recordings, that could land Trump in prison because they “prove that Donald Trump” KNEW that it was illegal to “declassify” top secret documents by simply “declaring them classified.”

The recorded communications are between the National Archives and “Trump himself,” and “top Trump staffers.”

CNN reports that the “16 presidential records, which were subpoenaed earlier this year, may provide critical evidence establishing the former president’s awareness of the declassification process, a key part of the criminal investigation into Trump’s mishandling of classified documents.”

CNN continues, declaring that the recordings “may also provide insight into Trump’s intent and whether he willfully disregarded what he knew to be clearly established protocols, according to a source familiar with recent testimony provided to the grand jury by former top Trump officials.”

Anonymous said...


Craig said...

I recall it was soon after X began using his moniker that after one of our exchanges an anon stated something to the effect that X had gotten the best of me. This anon added words similar if not identical to the following: Must have been his training as a pugilist. I was unfamiliar with this word, so I had to look it up. Of course, later X would mention that he’d trained (boxing, I presume), and he boasted about his abilities.

Methinks X and this anon are akin to Doctor Jimmy and Mister Jim.

Anonymous said...


I didn't respond to the people that don't sign their names plus I presumed it was obvious; but, I guarantee you I'm not posting today, yesterday, nor have I ever posted pretending to be someone else supporting myself. Never had the need to.

I have shared items anonymously from time to time and will continue to do so as I please, especially when you are not around or I'm just sharing something I found interesting.

We've had our debates but I've been largely respectful towards you and never been vulgar or crude in any way.

I used the term "pugilist" one time here years ago and my stalker brings it up on occasion. He/she apparently has notes on me as they bring up items on a regular basis. I did train and compete for many years. This new or newer "supporter" who seems to have taken a shine on me I don't recall seeing him/her use it and I'd be surprised if anyone used the term here before me. It's an old-fashioned term only really used by those pretty deep in the sport as it conveys or alludes to a level of proficiency (i.e. - not just some kids sparring and shadowboxing at a local YMCA)

I'm also not mad or angry so would have no need to go off on you like that at all. To what end? I wasn't even mad at you about your Ms Carroll statements. It's just an improper unbecoming way to discuss sexual assaults. I'm not a woman or a sexual assualt victim so why would I be that upset?

Of course, I can't PROVE anything - people lie, right?


Craig said...


The thing is, the term “pugilist” was used in reference to you in that Anon comment before I ever saw you mention anything at all about boxing. At first I figured this Anon was just making it up as some sort of weird joke or what-have-you in their allegiance to your views. Then after I saw your first mention of boxing I figured this Anon knew you personally—which I thought was weird, for it seemed you were garnering friends or family to support your views. Or something like that.

Ensuing comments by you and this Anon made me even more suspicious of a stronger connection. Your invitations to RayB for an in-person ‘meeting’ was a big red flag.

Anonymous said...

I think it fair to say that double-minded x only impersonates a Christian. His arguments and positions almost entirely defend and support evil even when roundly and soundly refuted.
He has left himself open to all the deep doubts people have about him.

Besides that, my bet is he can't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

Anonymous said...


You misremember or just missed the first time I brought it up. It's POSSIBLE I didn't sign that particular post but I certainly wasnt pretending to be someone else. I wasn't signing any of my posts initially. I initially began doing so as a courtesy to you. Pretty sure the subject came up AFTER I was signing as x though.

It's all here in the record somewhere. I tried to search the word "pugilist" but only came up with one reference where the racist troll used it to say sometime around March 2022:

New Age Russell Brand is better than an old washed up pugilist and Nazi. Plus your doctorate in n!g worship, is toilet paper, doc x.

I further do not recall a single time it's been brought up OTHER THAN to criticize me (or let me know he/she is keeping notes on me) so in addition to order, I think your context is wrong too.

I have had impersonators posting as me as well but you're just not going to find them using such term prior to me mentioning it about myself.

I don't know anyone here in real life and I haven't posted supporting myself incognito.

Oh...and RayB claimed he wasn't challenging me to a fight but that's the way I took his post towards me and I merely accepted his offer.


Anonymous said...

New study shows COVID vaccines reduce ICU admissions, deaths

In a paper published on 3 April 2023 in JAMA Network Open, Charles Frenette, MD, director of infection prevention and control at McGill University Health Center in Montreal, and colleagues analyzed 1.513 million admissions at 155 hospitals across Canada from March 15, 2020, to May 28, 2022. The study included 51,679 adult admissions and 4035 pediatric admissions for COVID-19.

Here are some of their key findings:

During waves five and six, unvaccinated patients were 4.3 times more likely to end up in the ICU than fully vaccinated patients.

Unvaccinated patients were 12.2 times more likely than fully vaccinated-plus (patients with one or more additional doses or boosters) patients.

The rate of all-cause in-hospital death for unvaccinated patients was 3.9 times greater than that for fully vaccinated patients and 15.1 times greater than that for fully vaccinated-plus patients.

Source: Trends in Severe Outcomes Among Adult and Pediatric Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program, March 2020 to May 2022



Anonymous said...


I love this woman. She has more guts and brains than the entire Democrat party combined.

DC Liz was replaced by a real American.

Anonymous said...

Well I thought it was a really good post. I don't know why they took it down for...anyroad, yeah, Trump's nothing but trouble to the hammer and sickle crowd i.e. The Media, but I'm nobody's man I'm just an observer, and with Trump I'm thinking the Meme don't be part of the problem be the whole problem'' was taylor-made.

PS I still hold he's a funny guy (who I wouldn't want to cross BTW)

Anonymous said...

Yesterday X was addressed on his antics, and was triggered, so his psyche did a flip out, and he became mr. nasty. It is interesting that when some one strongly praises X, or mr nasty appears, the style of writing, words chosen, and general 'feel' of the post is like matching a finger print to a data base of prints. In other words, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is fair to believe X has friends, and supporters in this mind.

Perhaps X is a LOT more unwell than we thought?

paul said...


Joe sniffs the blood as it trickles through the air....
Withered hand stroking all the young girls' hairs....

Losing ground, his fate's sealed for eternity,
Fatalities, realities, he wears the Coat of Bees!

Anonymous said...

Of course X will always deny

Anonymous said...

Funeral for the Masonic decree,
His life a failure and a wreck;

Open the casket, Old Louchy still bleeds,
As he tightens the tourniquet around your neck!

Craig said...

Let me correct the record re “pugilist”. Here is the post I remembered, from 09/21:


>Anonymous said...

> Hey Craig, looks like X is kicking your ass!

> Must be from his training as a pugilist.
>3:15 PM

THAT post (written 21 minutes after X’s long response to one of my comments) is the one I was referring to above, in which I mentioned having had to look up the definition.

However, unbeknownst to me until just a few minutes ago, X HAD self-identified as a “pugilist” in the preceding blog post:


>Anonymous said...

>10:27 pm

>If I thought it would make a difference I would.

>But I spent too many years as a pugilist to waste time now boxing children, dimwits, shadows & >demons on an old school unmoderated discussion forum. There’s no point in us getting angry about >upsetting evil spirits.

> I presume it’s obvious I have nothing to do with him or her and my posts are the only thing I can >control.

> X

> 11:17 PM

All this illustrates is that I did not see X’s initial post; it does not disprove or prove any relationship between X and his more vulgar ‘supporter’.

Craig said...

X @ 2:06 PM,

Until these studies erect a third category--"within two weeks of vaccination"--they mean nothing. At present we know that anyone within that two weeks window is considered 'unvaccinated'. This COMPLETELY skews the results.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for finding that. I also can’t prove it wasn’t you but I’ve read you long enough to know you're not like that and that your suspicion was sincere, unlike others I don’t bother explaining anything to. It hopefully gives you a little indication I’m being truthful in that I called it exactly as it went down. Because I knew it couldn’t have happened otherwise.

Anyway…moving on.

Do you have evidence of that skewing the Canadian study results “completely”? It may have been a confounding factor they adjusted for? I couldn’t see such changing the numbers all that much at all considering the size of their cohort. Max maybe 0.1 percent, maybe. If someone had covid already they weren’t given the covid vaccine. There were likely hospice patients that maybe died within two weeks of vaccination but that’s not typically going to be a hospital ICU admission.

Do you think there’s some big number of “unvaccinated” hospitalizations/deaths over that many months (not just spring 2021) who actually were very recently vaccinated but counted as unvaccinated?

Also the 5th and 6th waves in Canada were spring 2022, long after most had already chosen to be fully vaccinate, vaccinated +boosted vs unvaccinated.

Plus- you do acknowledge there was a gap between exposure to covid and symptoms. Do you agree there were also some persons who got vaccinated while already infected but within the 5-7 day window prior to symptoms, right? My guess would be the vaccine actually jump started their immune system and helped them survive anyway but, perhaps some did get sick, hospitalized and died. It wouldn’t be right to count such persons as vaccinated or fully vaccinated either as they were not protected when exposed and already had the virus coasting through their system.

This is all also confounded by the fact most covid deaths took 10-20 days to progress to hospitalization and death.

It’s all pretty complicated but the size of the cohort would have self adjusted for such.

Love to see some evidence versus OUR feelings and spitball speculation.


Anonymous said...

Pathologic terror,
X's vast, sadistic feast....

The only way boys exit,
is chopping piece by piece!

lyrics by Richard

Anonymous said...

The FBI playing politics is about as bad as it gets. Something needs to be done, and quick.

Durham Report Reveals FBI Shut Down Four Criminal Investigations into the Clintons
In 2014, the FBI investigated a “well-placed” confidential source’s claims that an unnamed foreign government intended to “contribute to Hillary Clinton’s anticipated presidential campaign, as a way to gain influence with Clinton should she win the presidency,” the report said.

The field office investigating these claims “almost immediately” sought a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, but it remained “in limbo” for approximately four months, primarily due to Clinton’s then-expected presidential campaign.

As stated in Durham’s report:

According to another agent, the application lingered because “everyone was ‘super more careful’” and “scared with the big name [Clinton]” involved. 321 “[T]hey were pretty “tippy-toeing’ around HRC because there was a chance she would be the next President.”

Durham’s report also revealed that three separate FBI field offices in Washington, DC; Little Rock, Arkansas; and New York City, New York, opened investigations into “possibly criminal activity involving the Clinton Foundation” less than one year before the November 2016 presidential election.

Anonymous said...

Remember Pope Francis calling for the 'removal of walls and barriers' so that illegal immigrants can enter any country they want, without hindrance? Well, don't try that at Vatican City. If you do, you'll get shot. Isn't the Pope also for removing all guns from society?

BREAKING: Man in car rams Vatican Gate, guards open fire on driver, 40

The Vatican came under attack on Thursday as a car rushed the Santa Anna Gate, which serves as one of the primary entrances to Vatican City. Gendarmes fired at the car, and the driver, 40, was apprehended.

Vatican guards took aim at the speeding car, and it was reported that the driver was suffering from psychiatric problems, reports the AP.

Anonymous said...

"Anyway…moving on."

Well, don't we all hope for that.

But don't hold your breath. He's politically, socially, and religiously constipated, with severe bouts of diarrhea.

Anonymous said...

11:47 am

Strange. I disagree...I don't think everyone wants Craig to move on and Craig is not "socially and religiously constipated, with severe bouts of diarrhea" in the least.

He's one of the most respectful posters here, just as I am towards him, despite our differences politically which we sometimes get a little snarky about. He may harbor contempt for me, but I'm not aware of such and I certainly don't hate him.

What did Craig ever do to you (whoever you are)?


Anonymous said...

That is your post to Craig, not his to you.

That is your comment x, about moving on.
Lousy try and a big fail, to try to turn the tables on Craig.
He is a very nice poster.

But you? You're deceptive and very disrespectful, disingenuous to the core. It's you who is all those things described, not him.
Just another example of why you are considered a manipulative gasbag.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart 4:16pm. I was aware it was my words...directed at Craig to redirect the conversation back to the topics at hand.

I wasn't indicating he or anyone should "move on".

You make lots of awkward unsupported comments and accusations so maybe you could try to be a little clearer about where you direct your "diarrhea".

I could have just ignored it.


Anonymous said...

The dodgy meta-analysis that anti-maskers were attempting to use to falsely claim that mask use causes harm has been retracted.

Retraction: Physio-metabolic and clinical consequences of wearing face masks -Systematic review with meta-analysis and comprehensive evaluation


Excerpt: Following publication, concerns were raised regarding the scientific validity of the article. An investigation was conducted in accordance with Frontiers’ policies. It was found that the complaints were valid and that the article does not meet the standards of editorial and scientific soundness for Frontiers in Public Health; therefore, the article has been retracted. This retraction was approved by the Chief Editors of Frontiers in Public Health and the Chief Executive Editor of Frontiers. The authors did not agree to this retraction.


Anonymous said...

Renowned legal analyst Danny Cevallos sends MAGA into full panic mode by explaining why the revelation that Fulton County DA Fani Willis has outlined unusual staffing plans for early August is VERY bad news for Donald Trump.

Willis has announced that 70% of her staff will work remotely for three weeks in August while she remains in her office with top aides and armed investigators.

Cevallos said that not only does Willis' letter to the Superior Court chief judge indicate that a Trump indictment is likely coming — it also means that she has put herself in a position where it will be exceedingly difficult to change her mind.

If she tries to call it off after sending a letter asking the judge to not have any trials at the courthouse on specific dates, she will invite the judge's wrath.

"Fani Willis is asking the court to devote, clear its resources, clear the calendar, that can only mean that she plans on big news," explained Cevallos.

"Whether that means an indictment of Trump himself or Trump-adjacent individuals, we obviously still don't know, but that is a very clear message that she has set a deadline," he added.

He went on to say that it means that she has "almost locked herself" into a "deadline" and "must be pretty certain" of what comes next.

If Trump gets hit with ANOTHER indictment, his 2024 chances will take a substantial hit.

Anonymous said...

The New York Post, Fox News, and several other media outlets were caught covering a fake news story.

Last week, the NY Post published an article titled "Homeless Vets Are Being Booted From NY Hotels to Make Room for Migrants: Advocates."

The article claimed that hotels in New York were removing nearly two dozen homeless veterans from their hotels to accommodate migrants.

Republican politicians and personalities used this story to criticize Joe Biden and other Democrats.

NY Post writer Miranda Devin went as far as saying Biden "should burn in hell for this," while Don Jr. and Kevin McCarthy also joined in the attack.

However, it has since been revealed that Sharon Finch, the Executive Director of the YIT Foundation, paid homeless people in a shelter to pose as homeless veterans.

Perhaps Fox News and the New York Post should consider implementing their own “community notes,” to debunk FAKE NEWS.

Anonymous said...

Of course The Media lies. But why?


Symbolic, psychological and imaginative “UFO Highway” – – Norio Hayakawa

As Norio points out: to creat belief systems.

Utterly Luciferian

Anonymous said...

I never really held any sort of racial prejudices but I'd never met any black people until the Army. No real problems except Basic Training graduation day when the uniform was Class A with rain coats. Brothers liked those fly raincoats. No biggy I only had to do a bunch of push-ups in front of everybody's families with a Drill Sergeant shouting at me for being out of uniform. Then when I was assign duty I got volunteered to room with a Soul Brother all in the name of 'Race Relations'. All I can say is the Grace of God works wonders. But then since we were the new all volunteer peace-time Army we were maybe a little slack so in order to improve the overall appearance (haircuts were a issue in the early 70s) every morning formation had a best uniform inspection. It always came down to 2 troops, me and MacGee. MacGee just didn't get it though, he'd Glo-coat his boots and pack his Jeri-curled hair. And his overstarched fatigues we're over-ironed till they shined. But everyday we'd bumb head as he put it and I'd win the day off evertime. I loved those guys and they like me and my pal too. They'd call us cat-eyes or Elvis.

Anonymous said...

OK Boomer

Anonymous said...

More Cowbell For Ukraine While Former U.S. Military Officers and Diplomats Plead for Sanity


Anonymous said...

Mayor Adams Fumes Over Migrant Influx: 900 Migrant Influx: 900 Migrant Arrive In NYC In One Day


Anonymous said...

HORROR IN BROOKLYN: Mob of Men Brutally Beat Woman and Kick Her While She's on the Ground(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Do Whites Also Deserve Reparations?


Anonymous said...

You Are Not Alone, Anger Is Building Across The World!


Anonymous said...

FIVE REVELATIONS IN FIVE DAYS Expose Chris Wray's FBI Criminal Enterprise Devoid of Morals and Legitimacy


Anonymous said...

donald trump says he puts “America First”.

But, he encouraged foreign powers to interfere in our democracy.
From “Russia if you’re listening” to his “perfect phone call”. That’s not “America First”

He downplayed a deadly pandemic & was willing to let Americans in blue states die from Covid. That isn’t “America First”.

He plotted a coup & incited an insurrection in order to remain in power. That isn’t “America First”.

He stole, hid & lied about having national security documents. That isn’t “America First”.

He is at this very moment, telling Republicans to default on our debt. Something we’ve never done. Something which would be catastrophic for our country. But he thinks it will hurt Biden and therefore help him politically. And that sure as sheet is not “America First”.

The truth is that it’s never been “America First”.

It’s always been trump first. America last.

Christian Patriots

Anonymous said...

Full blown apostasy, as a result of a watered-down, 'just ask Jesus into your heart' false gospel. The fact is, the vast majority of people that claim to be 'born again' are not. If they were born of God's Spirit, they wouldn't be denying the clear teachings of the Bible. It's that simple.

God, Truth, Sin, and Church: Shocking Study Reveals How Americans’ Shifting Views Are Sparking Biblical Worldview Crisis

The percentage of adults with a biblical worldview has plummeted to just 4%. Dr. George Barna, director of the Cultural Research Center, finds the results of the American Worldview Inventory report alarming.

“It’s … much more extensive than we actually expected. Typically, you don’t find that religious beliefs change very much,” Barna told CBN News. “They’re probably the most stable of the factors in a person’s life because they relate to worldview that’s formed when you’re young, and it doesn’t change much as you age.”

But he said crisis moments like the pandemic can spark surprising shifts in perspective.

“We found a number of things that changed in terms of their views of truth, their views about God, their own assessment of their spiritual commitment, some of their moral perspectives — even their ideas and their behaviors related to religious activity, personal religious activity going to church, reading the Bible, acknowledging their sins, and asking for forgiveness,” Barna said. “Those kinds of things all shifted pretty dramatically.”

And these changes aren’t limited to the secular world. The report found just 44% of born-again Christians believe Jesus didn’t commit any sins during his life on earth, down from 58% in 2020. And the percentage of those who see a God-given calling or purpose for their lives declined by almost half from 88% to 46%.”

Anonymous said...

But he really did get 81 MILLION votes ... he really, really did:

Biden Pulls Out Cheat Sheet To Speak With World Leaders At G7 (Video)
Just before he was set to speak with World Leaders at the G7 Conference today, President Joe Biden reached into his jacket pocket to retrieve his notecards.

We covered those cards just yesterday, showing the simplistic instructions written for Biden, who is obviously struggling with the most basic of tasks.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Goes Nuts Over Bans on Sex Change Treatments For Minors: 'It is NONE of your GD BUSINESS!' (VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

It is amazing the degree of Hypocrisy from Ms. Cumbey, and her sidekick X, concerning Gateway Pundits owner Jim Hoft coming out as gay. When MSNBC, the NYT and ALL of the Mainstream Media are MASSIVELY staffed with LGBTQ promoters, and identifiers.

Anonymous said...

Where Conversion Therapy Is Still Legal


Anonymous said...


The Coming Tsunami a year later: Dr. Jim Denison on politics as religion, AI ethics, and peaceful cultural engagement

Dr. Jim Denison and Dr. Mark Turman discuss Dr. Denison’s most pivotal book, The Coming Tsunami, one year later, the history of American ideals, AI ethics, Paul’s example of peaceful cultural engagement, and hope.

Show notes:
Dr. Denison begins by giving the elevator pitch of The Coming Tsunami, discussing the history of how America’s ideals and why the culture opposes Christianity (1:58). They discuss how America has turned to politics as a new religion and why postmodernity cripples us against AI ethics questions (11:51). They discuss how to prepare rather than panic, to hope rather than fear, and how Paul and Jesus modeled peaceful engagement with the culture (14:48). They discuss why looking at the history of ideas is so important and how one kind of freedom can turn into tyranny (29:14). They talk about why opposition to Christianity in the US is significant, even if persecution against Christians is not new to the world or history (40:21). They close by considering how Christians can practically steward their influence to act as salt and light to the world (45:25).

Resources and further reading:

Get your copy today: The Coming Tsunami: Why Christians Are Labeled Intolerant, Irrelevant, Oppressive, and Dangerous―and How We Can Turn the Tide, Dr. Jim Denison

Anonymous said...

This sounds like racism, but it can't be. We all know blacks are incapable of racism.

White People Told They Are Not Welcome at Performance of BLM-Inspired Play

White theatre goers in London were urged to stay away from a play about African American history so that black audience members could enjoy the performance “free from the white gaze”.

The Theatre Royal Stratford East, in east London, has caused uproar after it told white people to stay away from a “Black Out” performance of the Tambo & Bones play on July 5.

Although the theatre claimed that “no one is excluded”, it went on to make it abundantly clear that white people would not be welcome at the performance that tells the story of a pair of African Americans on a journey from minstrels to rappers, who ultimately join the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.

Anonymous said...

Debt Ceiling Negotiations Crumble, McCarthy And Biden To Hold Sunday Call As Impasse Intensifies

"It seems as though (Biden) wants a default more than he wants a deal,,,"


Anonymous said...

The Durham Report Indicts The Deep State...And The Media


Anonymous said...

Hope Biden & G7 Globalists aren't planning to use this crisis to bring on THE GREAT RESET

Biden says he IS considering using the 14th Amendment to raise debt ceiling before June 1st 'if it could be done and invoked in time' - but says he recognizes there are 'legal challenges'

Biden said he wants to see if courts would rule use of 14th amendment constitutional to solve debt limit issue

'I think we have the authority. The question is could it be done and invoked in time,' he said at press conference

Clock ticking toward June 1 deadline on defaulting

Biden will call McCarthy from Air Force One on flight home from G7



Section 4 of the 14th Amendment reads: “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”

Anonymous said...

Ukraine's Zelensky can't be a Nazi, because he's Jewish. He just acts like a Nazi. If you voice a different opinion in the wonderful land of Ukraine, it can get you MURDERED BY THE CORRUPT THUGS of the UKRAINE GOVERNMENT!

Ukraine Admits Murdering "Quite A Few" Russian CIVILIANS Who Back Putin And His Invasion (And guess what? It's a war crime)

A senior Ukrainian official has admitted that his country has assassinated "quite a few" Russian civilians who support Putin and his war to assert control of the Donbas region. In interviews first reported by The Times of London, Major General Kyrylo Budanov, who heads Ukraine's military intelligence service, also promised more attacks are to come.

Since the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, several prominent Russian supporters of the invasion -- and many innocent bystanders -- have been killed or wounded in the campaign.

One of the most prominent such attacks happened last August, when a car bomb killed journalist Darya Dugina -- in a possible attempt to kill her father, the political scientist-philosopher Aleksandr Dugin.

Like her father, Darya was a vocal supporter of Putin and his invasion. Both she and her father were sanctioned by the United States after the war began. Given her profile, it's possible Ukraine may have intentionally murdered her in a sinister two-for-one act of punishment.

Most recently, novelist Zakhar Prielepin was wounded in a May 6 car-bombing, and Russian military blogger Vladen Tatarsky was killed at an April public appearance after a woman presented him a statuette with a bomb concealed inside it. Fifteen others were injured.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happens in regard to the debit ceiling, we know Joe loves us, and wants what is best for the U.S. and its citizens. He is defending against all threats to our 'democracy', and he is helping the Ukrainians to defeat the mean old russkies!

81 million votes!!!

Never a doubt.

Anonymous said...

1:42 PM

Lots of blood on the hands of the U.S. Government, and the dumb warmongers who support this unwinnable war.

The Democratic party was the anti-war party until Obama became president. What changed that? No one but real Christian Americans are interested in a peaceful solution to this insanity.

This will lead to the complete destruction of the U.S. and the rising of the Antichrist Barack Obama.

The good Lord is bringing judgement to ALL nations. Much much worse to come!

Anonymous said...

I'm sick and tired of people saying Republicans must vote for Donald Trump if he's the 2024 GOP nominee.

How can any Republican vote for a guy a led a coup attempt?
How can any Republican vote for a guy who repeatedly attacked the police, our fallen heroes, and POWs and wants to defund the FBI?

How can any Republican vote for a guy who was found liable for sexual abuse, boasted about assaulting women, and had 26 women credibly accusing him of rape and sexual harassment?

How can any Republican vote for a guy who ballooned the debt, opposed free trade, and started a trade war with so many countries?

How can any Republican vote for a guy who met with and enabled white supremacists?

How can any Republican vote for a guy who is encouraging/requiring other GOP leaders to let the US default just to make Biden look bad, despite what it will do to us Patriotic Americans?

How can any Republican vote for a guy responsible for the death of so many Americans by Covid?

How can any Republican vote for a guy who called for the termination of the Constitution?

How can any Republican vote for a guy who wants to break up NATO, refuses to say he wants Ukraine to win, and repeatedly praises Putin and the Chinese dictator?

How can any Republican vote for a guy who's a pathological liar, a deranged conspiracy theorist, and a racist buffoon who's clearly unfit to be president?

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM

You will be astounded at how much better you will feel if you pull your head out of your rear end.

I will post a video of Biden rambling so you can see the real "pathological liar, and buffoon"


Anonymous said...

2:17 PM

"unfit to be president"

You must be a student of the dr. X school of comedy!!!!


Anonymous said...

Especially since she thinks Liz Cheney is so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see a photo of the ugly mug, on that demonic pig I want to vomit!

Anonymous said...

Deception is Safe and Effective!


Anonymous said...

What the medical monsters aren't telling the transgenders ...

Genital Mutilation Surgery: Dreams Turned to Nightmares (watch the video ... warning, for adults only)


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Is Not Harmless
While some pro-trans advocates insist that HRT is harmless and completely reversible once you quit taking the hormones, this simply isn’t true.1 As reported by WhatsHerFace, the effects of testosterone on a girl can be both profound and permanent and can be seen within a matter of months. Effects of high-dose testosterone treatment include:

Voice deepening
Facial hair growth
Hair loss, receding hairline, balding
Increased libido
Sexual dysfunction
Increased aggression and unpredictable moods
Enlargement of clitoris
Vaginal atrophy

As noted by Cleveland Clinic,2 many of these changes persist even if you completely stop taking testosterone. Can a child or teenager fully comprehend what sterility might mean to them later in life? I don’t think so. I also don’t think they can comprehend how other physical and emotional changes might affect them, such as going bald.

Anonymous said...

4:09 PM ...

And this is the evil that Joe Biden is pushing. Remember him saying that an "8 year old" should have the right to decide if they want to transition? EVIL ! PURE EVIL!

Anonymous said...

Here are 21 of Joe Biden’s greatest accomplishments so far as president of the United States.

1. Passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems.

2. Helped get more than 500 million life-saving COVID-19 vaccinations in the arms of Americans through the American Rescue Plan.

3. Stopped a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health.

4. Made a $369 billion investment in climate change, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

5. Ended the longest war in American history by pulling the troops out of Afghanistan.

6. Provided $10,000 to $20,000 in college debt relief to Americans with loans who make under $125,000 a year.

7. Cut child poverty in half through the American Rescue Plan.

8. Capped prescription drug prices at $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare through the Inflation Reduction Act.

9. Passed the COVID-19 relief deal that provided payments of up to $1,400 to many struggling U.S. citizens while supporting renters and increasing unemployment benefits.

10. Achieved historically low unemployment rates after the pandemic caused them to skyrocket.

11. Imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, ensuring that they pay their fair share, as part of the historic Inflation Reduction Act.

12. Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland.

13. Authorized the assassination of the Al Qaeda terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became head of the organization after the death of Osama bin Laden.

14. Gave Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act while also reducing government health spending.

15. Held Vladimir Putin accountable for his invasion of Ukraine by imposing stiff economic sanctions.

16. Boosted the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by nearly $80 billion to reduce tax evasion and increase revenue.

17. Created more jobs in one year (6.6 million) than any other president in U.S. history.

18. Reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act by $800 a year as part of the American Rescue Plan.

19. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation.

20. Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act through 2027.

21. Halted all federal executions after the previous administration reinstated them after a 17-year freeze.

Anonymous said...

That is some extra potent crack you're smoking today 9:38 PM.

Anonymous said...

22. Fought hard, as in very hard, to protect the right of women to kill their babies in the womb.

23. Opened the borders, both north and south, to illegal immigrants, who continue to flood into our country in record numbers.

24. Left Afghanistan with dishonor, leaving thousands of Afghans that were pro-American to suffer at the hands of the brutal Taliban. Also left behind BILLIONS of DOLLARS in state of the art U. S. weaponry.

25. Prevented Zelensky from initiating peace talks with Russia. Continues to provide weapons that escalates the war, bringing us ever closer to an all out nuclear conflict with Russia.

26. Stupidly, on the world stage, labeled Putin a war criminal, which only provokes Putin to fight to the 'bitter end.'

27. Continues to spread outrageous lies that the GOP wants to 'end Medicare and Social Security.'

28. Sent BILLIONS of DOLLARS to Ukraine in order to shore up their pension funds, while doing NOTHING to protect Social Security solvency. Biden continues to refuse to meet with bi-partisan Senators that want to work to protect Social.

Anonymous said...

In the debt ceiling battle, Biden wants to erase a chunk of the Constitution


Anonymous said...

There are options to support the Great Awakening or the Great Task.

I just donated $500 to the Great Task.


Anonymous said...

Former Deputy National Security Advisor Claims FBI, CIA, and DOJ Will Rig 2024 Presidential Election After Successfully Rigging 2016 and 2020 Elections(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Please Tell Us, this Lost Man Who Can Barely Walk Is Running the Country...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:19

Thank you for your magnanimous contribution to The Great Work. Liz and DJT are very appreciative.

Anonymous said...


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