
Monday, August 08, 2022

Human Digital Twins

by Richard Peterson 

Earlier this year I read a news article which reported on the European Union’s plans to construct a full digital replica of the Earth to be completed by 2030. The replica incorporates a technology called digital twins which essentially is a virtual copy of any object. One may think of these objects primarily as a noun:  a person, place, or thing.

As I read the article, I recalled World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab’s words that in the near future we should expect a fusion between our technological and biological worlds.

Digital twin technology is commonly used in manufacturing facilities. Take, for example, a cutting machine which has been fitted with sensors that continually feeds data to a target computer. The target computer creates a virtual copy of its source whereby, over time, the replica is able to predict what impact different variables (e.g., speed of operation, material types cut, maintenance schedule, etc.) would have on the machine. Digital twin technology helps to anticipate the behavior of the cutting machine and helps prevent issues related to malfunctions.

A great deal of literature exists which proposes extending digital twin technology to humans. The sensors discussed range from eyeglasses which interact with the Metaverse to cell phones, and, ultimately, sensors embedded within the human body. The World Economic Forum expects digital twin technology will extend to humans.  What if salvation of the earth includes making every human on earth an input?

A digital profile of you most likely exists today. Have you ever questioned why, after conducting online research for a product – a lawn mower for example – that over the next several days lawn mower ads fill your browser? Or perhaps wondered if Seri had eavesdropped on your conversation because ads related to something you had just discussed begin to appear in your online feeds? Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Should we find this to be invasive we are able to turn off our computers and put down our phones.

Back in April I had expressed concerns about human digital twinning in a blog post which I did not publish. Later that July I reconsidered posting it as I read the World Economic Forum had partnered with China to digitally transform the world’s cities through use of digital twin technology.

Then last week this article – Biology meets AI – reminded me of the direction digital twin technology appears to be headed.  (The World Economic Forum’s session the article refers to may be found here along with news coverage here.) 

Since digital twin technology continues to appear in my news feeds, I decided to publish the piece I originally wrote on the EU’s Destination Earth:

Destination Earth & the Human Digital Twin

 I recently noticed a news article which sparked my attention:  EU to develop a digital twin of Earth to better predict climate impact.  The same was reported by the World Economic Forum a year ago.  The mention that human activity would be a data input raised in my mind some questions.

Since I work in the field of information technology, I am familiar with the digital twin as it pertains to manufacturing machinery. A digital twin may be thought of as a virtualization of a real world physical object. IBM describes the digital twin as such:


“A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object. The object being studied — for example, a wind turbine — is outfitted with various sensors related to vital areas of functionality. These sensors produce data about different aspects of the physical object’s performance, such as energy output, temperature, weather conditions and more. This data is then relayed to a processing system and applied to the digital copy.”  

“Once informed with such data, the virtual model can be used to run simulations, study performance issues and generate possible improvements, all with the goal of generating valuable insights — which can then be applied back to the original physical object.”


Another area where the utilization of digital twin technology is useful is in health care where medical professionals have the ability to monitor patients’ implanted devices and take early action should the digital twin alert them of a potential issue.


What if this technology were to be extended to humans making our virtual selves inputs for other twins?  To a degree, this is already happening absent the biometric unique identifier - yet.


Futurist Jan Amkreutz in his book Digital Spirit writes extensively about the human digital twin and how its use will develop a collective consciousness and advance human evolution. 

Amkreutz’s “writes that the sensory interface between humans and their digital twins will be one which eliminates devices (p. 178) and also:


                The meaning of technology that connects human thought and digital knowledge, or the physical me and my DT [digital twin], on a higher level of understanding goes deeper than mere 'convenience', because ultimately this type of research will lead to a seamless connection of human thinking and digeality. The most 'user-friendly' computer interface is no interface at all. We are working to do just that…” (p. 329)


And again:


             Finally, biological evolution created a species that could manipulate its environment and had some rational faculties, and now the cutting edge of evolution actually changed from biological evolution into something carried out by one of its own creations, Homo sapiens, and is represented by technology. In the next epoch this species that ushered in its own evolutionary process - that is, its own cultural and technological evolution, as no other species has - will combine with its own creation and will merge with its technology. At some level that's already happening, even if most of us don't necessarily have them yet inside our bodies and brains, since we're very intimate with the technology - it's in our pockets. We've certainly expanded the power of the mind of the human civilization through the power of its technology. We are entering a new era. I call it "the Singularity." It's a merger between human intelligence and machine intelligence that is going to create something bigger than itself. It's the cutting edge of evolution on our planet.” (p. 377)


Amkreutz book, whether or not he intended it, issues a warning:


“Digitally controlled 'smart' weapons and digitally guided weapon carriers will know and recognize their trajectories and their targets. . .Digital algorithm, the products of simulation and programming, will make the need for human judgment on the battlefield the exception rather than the rule. That would leave the war in the hands of a few human conductors of an orchestra of digital twins. No logistics for the physical movement of troops, no supply lines to protect: just a clean 'surgical procedure that eliminates the enemy. What happens, however, when the enemy has the same digital capability? Where are the living soldiers to eliminate? Who is the enemy? Civilians that have the wrong mindset?” (p. 386)

 I expect what I view as a warning may be another person’s positive.

 How close are digital twins to becoming reality? The World Economic Forum envisions a fusion between the digital and biological worlds. The WEF is working with China to help with the urban transformation of cities, i.e., smart cities.   One of the more overt portrayals of the human digital twin originates from China’s Anyang Institute of Technology which closely resembles Jan Amkreutz writings of the Digital Spirit.

 The European Commission indicates that Destination Earth or DestinE  is the product of two initiatives, the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy: 


Destination Earth is at the crossroads between two major European endeavours: the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy. The initiative will contribute to achieving the objectives of the twin transition, green and digital.”

 A component of the Commission’s Digital Strategy is to establish a personal digital twin for every European citizen.  An attendee (by invitation only) of the Commission-organized workshop – MyDigitalTwin: Trusted Personal Digital Twins in a Transformed Society – summarized outcomes which include:


“Personal Digital Twins are seen as providing a new technological edge by creating a digital alter-ego to all citizens, the ‘other digital me’.”


“PDTs are also considered instrumental in the fostering of Smart Cities and Local Digital Twins (usually clusters of DT mirroring a specific, local, reality).”


“The EU Next Generation and the Green/Digital Transition Strategies: data and their leverage both by institutions and single citizens are a must to support the transition.”

One aspect of the human digital twin is a relationship between self-measurement and social credit score systems. 

In the EU there exists a carbon reduction app which rewards citizens for behavior modification. The EU is known for its “carrot and stick” approach. What happens as people decide to opt out of digitization? What happens as the digital twinning of humans goes global?


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Understanding Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

    Agenda 21 was a plan of the United Nations concerning sustainable development, which was a result of the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

    Agenda 2030 was a plan developed on September 25–27, 2015, as described in an article, it is where… “thousands of leaders from all over the World met in New York City to present a new fifteen-year plan entitled ‘Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’ In spite of the name change, Agenda 2030 has basically the same plan and goals of Agenda 21. It only going deeper with its intentions to change the planet to United Nations’ specifications. It’s Agenda 21 on steroids… While Agenda 21 focused mainly on the environment, Agenda 2030 encompasses far more and is touted to be the “new universal agenda” for humanity. It professes to be an altruistic plan that will benefit future generations. The reality, however, is that U.N. Agenda 2030 will rob individuals of most every freedom through its imposed mandates… Be forewarned, the promoters of U.N. Agenda 2030 will soon release subtle, very clever advertisements that will attempt to form or reform our thinking on the key issues of Agenda 2030. The ads will be designed to manipulate our thinking and opinions. We will hear of plans to end poverty around the World and create universal peace… The U.N. won’t openly come out to proclaim a New World Order but instead refers to ‘Sustainable Development’ because that term sounds far less threatening. Patrick Wood, an economist and author of ‘Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,’ writes: ‘It is clear the U.N. and its supporters see sustainable development as more than just the way to a cleaner environment. They see it as the vehicle for creating a long-sought new international economic order or “New World Order.”'

    Article from March 16, 2022...

  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Because Satan does not possess omnipresence, designing the Beast System to interface with virtually everything, and relay back near instantaneous feedback, is the best he can do. The social credit score is The Law of the Beast System. A brutal taskmaster. Great Reset, NWO, New Age, whatever.

  3. Anonymous7:47 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: Trump confirms FBI raided Mar-a-Lago today

    FBI raided Mar-a-Lago TODAY as part of investigation into 'classified material Trump took after departing White House': Ex-president confirms 'my home was under siege by large group of agents who even broke into my safe'

    (There is absolutely NO justification for treating a former President this way!!! Have we turned into a third world country / Banana Republic???)

  4. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Inflation 'Reduction' Bill To Unleash TAX TERRORISM Upon The American People!

  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    7:47 PM A former President is not above the law. If it is suspected that he removed classified material from the White House, the FBI has every right to investigate. We, the American people, have every right to know the truth. Just wondering if you would feel there would be justification if the FBI were to raid the homes of the Clintons, or the Obamas, or even the Bidens?

  6. Anonymous10:02 PM

    The FBI is as crooked as Satan's hind leg.

  7. Anonymous10:08 PM

    9:53 PM

    No, we are only demanding equal time under the LAW.

    For example, when is the FBI going to raid the homes of Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, etc. for THEIR crimes???

    We the American people also have 'every right' NOT to feel like we're living in a Banana Republic in the year 2022.

  8. Anonymous10:18 PM

    9:00 PM

    Regarding today's date of August 8th (or 8/8)...

    One of the news networks mentioned that August 8, 1974 is also the anniversary date that Richard Nixon resigned as President of the United States.

    The liberal Democrats like to play these 'sick' games... by drawing comparisons between Trump and Nixon (even though there is none).


  9. His frantic mind is horrified,
    one foot lies in the grave;

    His Agency rides in the night,
    they prepare their staves....

    Raining death from chemicals,
    His arrogance has won;

    Obliteration will be swift,
    Damage without destruction!


    Joe's on throne, is he watching from hell?
    Awaiting the Don's suicide;

    Agents defeated by death from a smell,
    Boots on the ground without life;

    Rousing the Red Caps on lands where they fell,
    Muricans ready to die;

    Joe's on throne, under Nancy's old spell
    Here it the end is now nigh!

  10. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Desperate times call for desperate measures... and the DemoRATS are scared to death that Trump is going to run again in 2024 and win AGAIN (just as he WON in November, 2020)... and they will do ANYTHING to stop him!!!

  11. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Urban Warfare (cont'd)

    The agents kill the guards that try to fight....

    Bugs and bodies fill his motes beneath the neon lights....

    Vomit from Joe's nostrils rides the beach's breeze....

    Falling fog!
    The lethal gas brings intruders to their knees...

    Don takes the vote and sends Joe's soul to Hell!

    lyrics by Richard, RayB

  12. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "the DemoRATS are scared to death that Trump is going to run again in 2024 and win AGAIN (just as he WON in November, 2020)."

    What 2024????!!!! Are you ok in the head?

    With that second eclipse coming in April 2024, we are done for! DONE FOR! You can imagine what destruction these roaches will do before that time, right? It's already too late. No one saviour is coming in Jan 2025. Give it a rest!!! Yeah, hold the line, hold fast, he's coming back! BS! Open your eyes, man. And De Santis is beholden to the same supremacist fascist power Trump is.

  13. Anonymous10:54 PM

    10:43 PM

    Your partly right. But just a bit not so, "ok in the head" yourself.

  14. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Calm down, 10:34 PM

    My only POINT is that the Dems are 'scared to death' (about Trump running)... and will do whatever it takes to stop him.

    If the Dems STOLE one election, they will certainly steal the next one.

  15. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Tonight, NY Senator Chuck Schumer was talking to Rachal Maddow about his concern about
    "Republicans getting back in power"

    Of course, Chuck Schumer has very TOUGH 'Nuu Yawk ways' of dealing with the opposition...
    "We have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you."

    (Rules for thee, but not for me. Rinse and repeat.)

  16. Anonymous11:02 PM

    10:58 PM

    Re: "We have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you."


    Yeah... like sending FBI 'goons' to Mar-a-Lago for a dawn raid??? LOL

  17. Anonymous11:52 PM

    What Eric Trump told Sean Hannity tonight...

    Eric Trump reveals HE told Donald FBI raided Mar-a-Lago: Ex-President's son claims agents 'ransacked his dad's office' and that safe was EMPTY - and says all D.C. wants to do is 'attack Biden's greatest threat'

    Eric Trump appeared on Hannity Monday night where he accused the current administration of wanting to ‘attack Biden’s greatest threat’

    His comments come after his father Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home was raided by the FBI earlier in the day

    He said his father's 'office was ransacked' but agents found 'nothing in the safe'

    The investigation is said to be focused on material that Trump brought with him to Mar-a-Lago after he left the White House

    Trump was spotted leaving Trump Tower in New York on Monday night after announcing his Mar-a-Lago home had been raided

    Republicans have since vowed to get revenge on the FBI if they take back Congress in November in response to the 'rogue behavior' of the agency

    GOP leader Kevin McCarthy called out US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Twitter, telling him 'preserve your documents and clear your calendar'

    In January, the National Archives removed 15 boxes from Mar-a-Lago that they said Trump should not have taken with him from the White House

  18. Anonymous12:16 AM

    McCarthy vows to investigate Garland over Trump raid: ‘Preserve your documents and clear your calendar'.

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy publicly warned Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday night that he faces an investigation over the FBI’s raid of former President Trump’s home if Republicans gain the majority in the November elections.

    “Attorney General Garland: Preserve your documents and clear your calendar,” Mr. McCarthy said on Twitter. “When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned.”

    The California Republican said after the raid of Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, “I’ve seen enough.”

  19. Anonymous9:54 AM

    'Hillary was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 emails AFTER they were subpoenaed':

    Trump tears into the double standards of the FBI and D.C. in statement revealing Mar-a-Lago was raided

    Donald Trump on Monday reacted with fury to news that his Florida estate was raided while he was in New York City

    He accused the FBI of double standards, noting that Hillary Clinton's email servers were wiped in March 2015, without her being punished

    Trump accused the Clintons of carrying antiques out of the White House and not suffering consequences

    The search by the FBI is believed to have been carried out to claim documents from Trump's presidency which were stored at Mar-a-Lago, against rules

    All documentation and correspondence to and from a president is required to be kept in the National Archives

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Be Ready For A GREAT FALL

  21. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Bernie Kerik: "If FBI Raid Will Not Stop Donald Trump - Their Next Step Will Be Assassination" (VIDEO)

  22. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Biden Increases IRS agents to almost 170,000 - 70,000 will be armed - to target middle class Americans

  23. Anonymous12:03 PM

    40% Increase In Deaths After Covid Vaccine – San Diego TV Reports

    Blood clots, miscarriages, Bell’s palsy, myocarditis and deaths were all found to have been sharply increased in 2021.

  24. Anonymous12:36 PM

    The Democrats pass massive spending bill that weaponizes the IRS against Middle America and introduces the Great Reset groundwork before they are ejected from power after the midterms.

  25. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Regarding the 40% increase in the number of deaths per day from the Covid vaccine...

    The average was 7,500 death per day x 40% = 3,000 more per day for a new total of

    10,500 deaths per day.

  26. Anonymous12:54 PM

    FBI Raid On Trump Confirms The Security State Picks Who Americans Are Allowed To Vote For

  27. Anonymous1:05 PM


  28. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Joe has seen the depths of Old Jill's Hell,
    Witchcraft FAR beyond Garfinkel's spell;

    He sends the raid at midnight gleefully......
    then kills the babes and licks them endlessly!

    lyrics by paul

  29. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Invitation's to be maimed, guns and knives, media fame
    Every day all the same;

    Murder, chaos, anarchy, all are done so legally,
    Goblins love this killing spree!

    Not afraid of punishment, with a cretin's government,
    There's nothing for them to regret!

  30. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Jim Jordan DESTROYS Nadler for Supporting Illegal Activities of Hunter Biden

  31. Anonymous1:40 PM

    1:16 PM

    That {Chorus} is spot on!

  32. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Satanist Nancy's Stand Up Comedy Routine

  33. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Great lyrics, love it keep em up

  34. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Biden administration says Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' policy is OVER: Migrants will now be allowed IN to the US to wait for their court dates after judge lifted rules requiring that they stay south of the border


    The only 'good news' is that we, who live here in Texas, won't be able to tell the difference!!!! (LOL)

    Texans have seen a steady stream of migrants cross our border for so long... it's like someone turned on a faucet and left it on 24/7.

    Oh, but don't bus any of them to Washington, D.C. or New York City. Those bleeding-heart liberal hypocrites, while professing their 'support for open borders' and actually LIVE in a sanctuary city, squeal like pigs when busloads of migrants arrive in their so-called 'sanctuary' city... NOT IN MY BACKYARD!!!

  35. Anonymous2:48 PM

    2:17 PM

    I have lived in Phoenix since 1976. It was like a military siege where no weapons were needed. Entire neighborhoods were taken over. Entire segments of the economy were monopolized. Crime skyrocketed. Home invasions soared. Drug abuse skyrocketed. The desert around the metro area is filled with garbage. NO ONE was happy about it! My First Nation friends were not happy about it. Black people were not happy about it. Long time hispanic residents were not happy about it. But we deserved it! WE got fat, wealthy and lazy, and largely childless! Church became entertainment. Everything was convenient. We lost all reason. And more! So here we are, and this nation is gone! It's toast. It is beyond Orwellian. It is beyond BIZARRO WORLD!

  36. Anonymous3:43 PM

    To 2:48 PM

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

    Houston is the 4th largest city in the U.S. However, I live in a suburb... so, I don't know first hand what goes on in our inner city (except the stories about out of control rising crime shown, on our local news night after night).

    No one wants to call what's happening an 'invasion' (deliberately planned)... but, what else can we call it???

    Also, the drug cartels are making lots of money, charging each person who crosses our Southern Border.

  37. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Trump: FBI raid of Mar-A-Lago is 'prosecutorial misconduct'

    Former President Donald Trump said his Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida, was "under siege" and raided by FBI agents early Monday. Trump made the comments in a post on his social media platform Truth: "Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before," Trump wrote, adding "These are dark times for our Nation... "

  38. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Russia says Pentagon running “biowarfare facilities" in Ukraine

    At a recent press conference, Russian Foreign Minister Serei Lavrov once again lobbed the accusation that the Pentagon (aka the Pentagram) helped Ukraine develop “biological warfare facilities” in both Kyiv and Odessa.

    Echoing the words of top-ranking Russian diplomatic negotiators at the Russia-Ukraine peace talks in Belarus, Lavrov explained that Russia has compiled strong evidence pointing to the fact that the Pentagon is “preoccupied with the chemical and biological installations in Ukraine.”

    “The Pentagon built two biowarfare labs and they have been developing pathogens there in Kyiv and in Odessa,” he added, explaining that the Pentagon’s biggest concern with the facilities now is losing control over them.

    “And you know what it may be like in future,” he added. “And the Americans decline flatly and resolutely to start an inspection mechanism as part of the convention for the prohibition of chemical weapons.”

    The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is also deeply embedded with Ukraine. Lavrov says CIA agents have been swarming Ukraine to provide “training” for the Ukrainian army – and not to wage war with Poland as some believe.

  39. Anonymous9:27 PM

    11:52 pm said: GOP leader Kevin McCarthy called out US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Twitter, telling him 'preserve your documents and clear your calendar'

    Isn't ironic that NOW suddenly Keven McCarthy is concerned about document preservation and, of course Garland will preserve his records, he's s trustworthy public servant whose last name isn't Trump. I'd bet dollars to donuts that Garland has never flushed government property down the toilet in his entire life.

    This is what happens when you elect an adulterous criminal, surrounded by criminals and completely devoid of integrity to the highest office in the land.

    This is all Maga's fault. You should have known it was a snake when you picked it up.


  40. X & Death Cult Leader Nancy Pelosi = 'Digital Twins'

    Pelosi Says “China Is One Of The Freest Societies In The World,” A “Strong Democracy”

    “China is one of the freest societies in the world… Strong democracy, courageous people.”

    From the article:

    Apparently, Nancy Pelosi believes that China, ruled by a violent and genocidal dictatorship, is a “strong democracy” and “one of the freest societies in the world.” And suddenly, so much of what they’ve been doing makes so much more sense. If she truly believes this, then no wonder she’s desperately trying to turn America into China. No wonder she’s fighting for authoritarianism and communism in this country. She thinks a violent and genocidal dictatorship is the golden standard.

    Crazy Nancy thinks China is a Democracy built on freedom. X congratulates Death Cult Dear Leader Biden for ending Roe v. Wade. Crazy Nancy and Dr. X are Digital Clown Twins in search of a Circus.

  41. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Five polls reveal that 70% of Americans do NOT support the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago!!!

  42. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Pelosi obviously misspoke and meant to say Taiwan not China.

    Leave it to Ray to report it like it's "apparently" true.

    Not as bad Trump calling 9/11... 7/11.

    "Apparently" Trump at one time must have believed 9/11 happened in July at a 7-11 store.


  43. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I've never seen a cult leader and his sycophants celebrate the execution of a well-deserved and legal search warrant.

    Grow up. It was a proper warrant and Trump is an ordinary citizen subject to the rule of law just like the rest of us. If he hasn't done anything illegal or tried to cover up or hide any government documents then he's got nothing to worry about.


  44. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The search warrant was issued by a Republican appointed judge and the search was conducted under the orders of a Trump appointed FBI director.

    Who knows what highly sensitive information Trump has passed to his buddy, Putin…

    Trump has called himself the chosen one; he has claimed to be the most honest human being, perhaps, God has ever created; he has said he is the most innocent and persecuted person in the history of the United States.

    He is a vile man, proud, boastful, hateful, mocking, vengeful, lover of mammon, sexual abuser of women, adulterer, and the list goes on. An avid reader of Adolf Hitler’s writings, a racist, guilty of sedition and treason.

    Yet, there are deluded morons such as Craig and white supremacist RayB, et al, supporting Antichrist Trump with their placards reading, “In Trump we Trust”: says it all, doesn’t it.

    When or if Trump returns to power, real Christians such as X will no doubt be persecuted by evil and deluded people, who are Trump followers and call themselves Christians yet are far from the truth. Such will put true Christians to death, thinking they’re doing God’s will.

  45. I have to admit that Anon 7:02 AM and X are both quite adept at constructing straw men (and red herrings) en route to their trolling.

  46. Rich,

    Thanks for putting this together. We're inching closer and closer.


  47. Judge who signed off on Mar-a-Lago raid donated thousands to Obama

    Sky News Australia

    The federal judge who gave the green light for FBI agents to raid the home of Donald Trump donated thousands of dollars to Barack Obama and has in the past represented clients linked to Jeffrey Epstein.

  48. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Judge Bruce Reinhart, who reportedly signed off on FBI search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence, previously served as a federal prosecutor... before going on to act as defense counsel for some employees of Jeffrey Epstein.

  49. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago mansion, donated $2,000 to Barack Obama's campaign and represented Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express pilots, his scheduler and 'Yugoslavian sex slave'

  50. Anonymous8:35 AM

    And the witch hunt continues...

    Trump to testify under oath today in NY civil investigation . . .

    The New York civil investigation, led by Attorney General Letitia James, involves allegations that Trump’s company, the Trump Organization, misstated the value of prized assets like golf courses and skyscrapers, misleading lenders and tax authorities.

  51. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Trump suggests FBI could have PLANTED evidence during the 10-hour long 'power flex' raid at Mar-a-Largo because his team were blocked from watching - and DOJ 'wanted security cameras turned OFF': Melania wardrobe was 'ransacked'

  52. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:02 AM

    I wouldn't call Craig and RayB morons, but other than that, I agree with you wholeheartedly. All of this is leading to persecution against the followers of Christ who stand for truth, and the evil Trump supporters will think they're doing God a favor.

  53. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Ohhh poor Melania! Ransacking her wardrobe? NOW they've gone too far! LOL

  54. Anonymous9:30 AM

    9:01 AM (probably X)

    No one here ever stated that by voting for Trump, the lesser evil, we were doing God a favor!

    But continue to turn reality 180 degrees, because it is your nature.

  55. Anonymous9:32 AM

    BREAKING NEWS: Trump leaves Trump Tower to be grilled under oath: Ex-President set to give testimony in business probe after calling Attorney General Letitia James a 'racist' whose leading a 'witch hunt'

  56. Anonymous9:34 AM

    9:01 AM

    Please explain how Trump supporters are 'evil'???

  57. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "Crazy Nancy and Dr. X are digital Clown Twins in search of a Circus"


  58. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Yet, 9:01 AM does not see the EVIL in Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Bill Gates, Dr. FAUX-chi, etc.

  59. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago mansion, donated $2,000 to Barack Obama's campaign and represented Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express pilots, his scheduler and 'Yugoslavian sex slave'

  60. Anonymous9:49 AM

    X, and Cumbey, don't see "the evil in Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Bill Gates, Dr. FAUX-chi, etc.", because they are Luciferians!

    They pick the greater evil consistently, because it is their pharisaical nature to be contrary to the gospel, and they love their ungodly religion!

  61. Anonymous10:17 AM

    'Rule of Law' according to O'Biden, exposed!

  62. Anonymous10:27 AM

    7:16 AM @ Craig.

    You got that right.

    I hope RoM will have opportunity to address those that abuse the blog.
    They need to be shutdown or severely curtailed.
    I am not against disagreement, but I am against the manipulative antics employed by certain ones here. It's all to frustrate and prevent other views than their own. I think it's agenda driven by the 2 trolls (and 'poet' good grief be gone) - X in particular and now the 'friend' - parades through this blog with a gas can and a lighter.
    That's patent dishonesty and targeted malice on display.

  63. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Rich can't be bothered by dishonesty and targeted malice. Injustice means nothing to him.

    Christine is restricted, while X defecates all over the blog.

    Rich has been asked to act on this blatant injustice, but refuses!

    So continue to hope 10:27 AM

  64. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The most honest man ever who previously indicated that invoking the Fifth Amendment was a sign of guilt ... career criminal Trump now takes the 5th himself just like every mobster.

    Trump takes the Fifth, refuses to answer questions in probe of his business dealings

    Wed, August 10, 2022

    Excerpt: Former President Donald Trump did not answer questions from the New York attorney general’s office about his business dealings during a deposition Wednesday, invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

    The deposition came as part of an ongoing probe into the former president’s businesses launched by New York Attorney General Letita James. In a statement, Trump said that he "declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution” and attacked James for what he called a “despicable attempt” to attack his company.

    James’ office has been conducting a civil investigation into the Trump Organization for “fraudulent or misleading” business practices, including knowingly providing inaccurate valuations of assets to benefit the company. There had been some speculation that Trump might invoke his Fifth Amendment privileges to avoid discussing his net worth, which critics say Trump has exaggerated for years.

    An October 2018 report in the New York Times found that Trump had participated in a series of tax schemes related to his father’s real estate empire. In 2019, former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen discussed these business tactics during 2019 testimony with the House Oversight Committee.

    Trump had previously said that invoking the Fifth Amendment was a sign of guilt. While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Trump noted that some staffers for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had used the Fifth Amendment to avoid answering questions from a House committee investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. "So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment,” Trump said in Council Bluffs, Iowa. “Like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”



  65. “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” – Lavrentiy Beria

    Who was Lavrentiy Beria?

    Under Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin, Beria served as Marshal of the Soviet Union and state security administrator. He became Chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus (NKVD) during World War II, and was promoted to deputy premier under Stalin from 1941. Beria was the longest-lived and most influential of Stalin’s secret police chiefs, wielding his most substantial influence during and after World War II.

    At a meeting attended by U. S. President FDR, Stalin introduced Beria to FDR as "our Heinrich Himmler" (Hitler's head of the nefarious Gestapo). Beria oversaw the notorious 'Kangaroo Courts' of the Soviet Union that was used as a propaganda facade in order to persecute Stalin's political enemies. Stalin's 'enemies' were ALWAYS found guilty, and typically executed, all under the facade of the 'legal system.'

    Does this sound familiar??? As Mark Twain accurately observed: "History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes"

  66. Anonymous12:17 PM

    10:27 AM 'friend' - parades through this blog with a gas can and lighter / manipulative antics / patent dishonesty / targeted malice

    Wow! Where? I missed all of that! Because they disagreed with you?


  67. 7:02 AM is a perfect example of what happens when you drink too much KoolAid, in this case, served up by the bucket of one 'Brother James Key.'

    Brother James is totally, as in wholly, completely, utterly, obsessed with one single notion, and that is that Donald J. Trump is the Anti-Christ. He's been able to dupe a small number of fanatics, whose only complaint is that the bucket of KoolAid is too small.

    7:02 AM, I'm concerned for you. You need to pry bar yourself away from Brother James Key's youtube channel and earnestly search for a life, while there is still time. Seriously, there is far more to life than that charlatan that you've placed all of your hope and trust in.

  68. Anonymous12:32 PM

    At first I presumed, since Christopher Wray and the Federal Judge were republican appointees and the judge even had ties to Trump's wingman, Jeffrey Epstein that surely Trump was tipped off about the search and they found absolutely nothing there and all this Maga gnashing of teeth and tears is all just political; however, then Trump indicated he thinks evidence was planted which to me indicates he knows there was incriminating evidence there that they found and took with them. Trump wasn't there. If Trump didn't have anything incriminating there why would he not presume his buddy, Christopher Wray's search to be a completely fruitless search, versus one that found evidence he now has to deny?

    RayB's "does sound familiar" -- except Trump is the role of a failed Stalin wanna-be or the actual "kangaroo court".



  69. Judge Who Signed Off on FBI Raid Made Anti-Trump Posts (but no doubt, he was impartial)

    Woke Judge shared content about ‘white privilege’.

    Donated $1,000 to Obama's Presidential campaign, along with $500 to RINO Establishment candidate Jeb Bush's miserable campaign in 2016.

    PS: No wonder X loves this 'impartial' judge.


  70. Oops! I forgot to mention. X's impartial judge also made public rants AGAINST Donald Trump.


  71. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT MISS ...

    This Monologue by Will Cain on Our “Banana Republic” Must Be Heard and Shared by All

    "What we've had for years is an FBI that's interested in really one mission, and that is eliminating rivals of the Uniparty and Permanent Washington."

    "Everyone knows what this was really about. Finding something, anything they can use to keep Donald Trump from running for President. Now here is the interesting question: why? Well, he's a threat to the entrenched unelected power in Washington."

  72. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Rayb said: "Oops! I forgot to mention. X's impartial judge also made public rants AGAINST Donald Trump."

    So has nearly every educated person in this country.

    Your claims of a political witchhunt is to oppose such claimed political witchhunt with your own unfounded and unevidenced witchhunt?

    You have no idea whether the judge had proper legal basis to execute the search warrant. You just make presumptions and speculate based upon the words of a lifelong degenerate and reprobate who lacks any evidence of salvation, sactification let alone integrity.

    I have no idea who this federal judge is. He's probably a federalist working on behalf of the Pope anyway meaning I would distrust him as much as anyone.

    My own conspiracy theory would look something like Opus Dei is sacrificing Trump but they can't look like they are in on it so Desantis and Hawley and Rubio issue statements supporting Trumps lies and outrageous claims just hoping for his support when they run and he withdraws from running for President.

    This show is a GOP show. If evidence was actually planted, GOP and Opus Dei operatives did so. Biden and the democrats have nothing to do with it. Joe wasn't made aware nor did he sign off on it.

    That's my conspiracy theory --- clearly stated as speculation and not fact.



  73. In case you are under the delusion that Biden's FBI has not been politicized ... WATCH THIS FIRST HAND TESTIMONY:

    Activist Mom tells her harrowing story of an FBI raid at her home - Shout Out Patriots Video

    Being too vocal got this Colorado mom put in handcuffs. The FBI arrived at Sherronna Bishop's home, beat down the door, handcuffed her, and spent three hours raiding her house.

  74. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Yes, RayB @ 1:01 PM

    Trump IS 'a threat to the entrenched unelected power in Washington'.

    That's why they will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop him from running for President again.

  75. Anonymous2:16 PM


    Just because Trump politicized the FBI and DOJ (as Eric Trump admitted today on Twitter) doesn't mean that's how Biden operates.

    Don't fall for the Maga rhetoric. No one likes being served a search warrant. But no one in the history of the US has deserved an FBI raid more than traitor bunker Trump.



  76. Do you REALLY want to know what's going on? Take the time to watch this interview:

    Trump Raid Deathblow to Democracy – Martin Armstrong

    "Last month, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said the time to prepare is now for the chaos that is coming in 2023. The destabilization of America has been kicked into high gear early with the FBI raid on President Trump’s Florida home this week. Armstrong explains, “This really is unprecedented . . . . In the United States, we are supposed to have civilized transfer of power. That’s all coming to an end."

    Watch it here ... Armstrong is an expert that needs to be listened to:

  77. Anonymous3:27 PM

    It is my understanding that Trump's lawyers SUGGESTED that he plead the fifth in today's civil case in NY... not because he has anything to HIDE, but because that bat s--t crazy NY Attorney General Letitia James & her 'minions' are CAPABLE of God-only-knows-what in their obsessive witch hunt (e.g. 'phrasing' a question in a certain way to trip him up)... and I would not put ANYTHING past them!!!

  78. Anonymous3:31 PM

    President Trump still lives rent free in X's head ;) .......


  79. Ok, I'll play along ....

    X, tell us exactly how Trump 'politicized' the DOJ & FBI ... and ... give us SPECIFIC examples and cases that prove your point.

    Otherwise, you need to apologize (AGAIN) for lying.

    Thanks for another opportunity provided by you to expose you for what you are.

  80. Anonymous4:13 PM

    3:27 pm

    But how could they "trip him up", isn't Trump the smartest most intelligent person in all the land?

    Such name calling of duly elected New York officials too. How Christian of you. What evidence do you have that Mrs. James and her minions suffer from any mental illness?

    It appears the outstanding Tish James is on the brink of putting Trump and many of his grifting criminal organizations out of business for good.

    Tish James' Summer of Trump: Depositions loom, fresh appraisal docs pile up in NY probe's 11th hour

    Excerpt: It's the Summer of Trump for Letitia James and her band of Trump Organization investigators.

    With statute of limitations deadlines looming, New York's attorney general has signaled that her office is wrapping up its massive, three-year inquiry into an alleged pattern of financial fraud at Donald Trump's multi-billion-dollar hotel and golf resort empire. There will be no summer slowdown as James races to file the result of that probe, an expected encyclopedic lawsuit quite possibly seeking to put the company out of business entirely.

    Depositions from Donald Trump and his two eldest children, plus an ongoing, giant evidence dump from longtime Trump appraisers Cushman & Wakefield — to include Cushman's entire archive of communications with Trump and Trump Org — will make for a very busy July as the finish line nears.

    James' investigators have by now recorded subpoena-mandated depositions from some 40 witnesses. Those include less-than-enlightening sessions with the Trump Organization's two top executives, former CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump, who has helmed the business as executive vice president since his father became president in 2017. All James has left the hottest depositions for smack in the middle of summer.

    Please Pray for Tish James and the safety of her, her "minions" and all their families as they take on this menace to society.


  81. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Rayb at 4:07

    I merely reported what Eric Trump confessed to on Fox News (as being discussed and debated on Twitter) where Eric Trump implied that's how his dad handled things by saying:

    I know the white house as well anyone. I know the system. This did not happen without Joe Biden's explicit approval


    If that's not enough FOR YOU, FOR ONCE, to apologize to me for inappropriately again calling me a liar...there's this article from July 2020 while Trump was still in office and before all his big lie politicization shenanigans.

    POLITICIZATION OF THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT: President Trump has repeatedly and publicly called for the Justice Department and the FBI to investigate his perceived enemies — and in doing so, he's crossed a longstanding line against politicizing our nation's law enforcement agencies.

    Excerpt: Former FBI Director James Comey also testified that Trump asked him for a pledge of loyalty and then requested that Comey drop the investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — and after Comey refused both requests, he was fired.

    Troublingly, it appears that the Justice Department is allowing itself to be pressured by Trump’s demands. In November 2017, then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions informed members of Congress that he was considering appointing a second special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton’s alleged role in approving the sale of a uranium company to a Russian state company. In January 2018, after yet another round of tweets from Trump, the Daily Beast reported that Justice Department officials had agreed to take a “fresh look” at Clinton’s use of a private email server. Two years later, in January 2020, the department ended the investigation, conceding nothing of consequence was found.

    There also appears to be consequences for officials who do not follow Trump’s bidding. In February 2020, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jessie Liu resigned from the Treasury Department after Trump withdrew her nomination to serve as undersecretary for terrorism and financial crimes. News reports suggest that Liu’s resignation and revoked nomination were related to Trump’s dissatisfaction with her work as U.S. attorney — specifically, Liu’s perceived lack of involvement in politically sensitive investigations, including the cases of Trump ally Roger Stone and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

    Liu’s resignation occurred following the surprise reversal of Justice Department sentencing recommendations in the Stone case, a reversal that prompted the withdrawal from the case of multiple career prosecutors. In May, another stunning reversal occurred, with the Justice Department said it would be dropping its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. The motion to dismiss the charges was signed by interim U.S. Attorney for the District Timothy Shea, and raised serious questions about political interference at the Justice Department as well as about the involvement of Attorney General Barr.

    As the president attempts to use his power to use his power to have his enemies investigated, we’re seeking answers from the Department of Justice

  82. Anonymous4:28 PM

    forgot the link:

  83. Anonymous5:00 PM


    Another "specific example" of FBI interference and politicization is/was the firing of Comey to obstruct justice (firing an FBI director to protect himself from an espionage investigation would seem about as wrongful and political as it gets) and appointing federalist society member(opus dei), GOP crony and college buddy of creepy Kavanaugh, Christopher Wray.

    What Defenders of Trump's Right to Fire Comey Are Missing
    The question isn’t whether a president can directly control the bureau—it’s whether other institutions, and the public, are going to let him get away with it.


  84. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Traitor Bunker Trump indeed.

    Craig has obviously falsely stated my post and those of X's as being based on strawmen and red herrings: well, either Craig is deliberately lying, or it's unintentional and therefore his intelligence is beneath the low grade I'd genously afforded him.

    Oh the chaff which proceeds from you, Craig, is clearly quintessential to your very character. There's something very fishy about you and Antichrist Trump has snared you in his net of deceit.

  85. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Craig lives rent free in yo head don't he, 5:13 PM?


  86. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Trump taking the Fifth Amendment today - over and over - Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment - horrible!


  87. X,

    ROFL ! Firing Comey was not in an attempt to "obstruct justice." Comey had proven himself to be a political partisan and Trump, as Chief Executive, acted legally in removing him from office. As FBI Director, *Comey repeatedly lied and had completely mishandled Hillary Clinton's unsecured "emails" (which broke Federal Security laws) and was recommended to be removed by Attorney General Sessions, along with Deputy Attorney General **Rod Rosenstein, who then wrote (to Trump):

    "The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions."

    I asked for SPECIFIC examples on how EXACTLY Trump politicized the DOJ and FBI, this is what X posted:

    " ... Eric Trump IMPLIED that's how his dad handled things by saying:

    "I know the white house as well anyone. I know the system. This did not happen without Joe Biden's explicit approval." So, ergo, Trump is guilty and throw away the key, all based upon X's perception that Eric Trump "IMPLIED" and X interpreted it! ROFL !!

    *Comey had political connections not only to the Clintons, but also to Obama. He was a compromised Director that allowed his political views influence his leadership. One such example: his handling of the POLITICAL saboteurs, FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok and the subsequent cover-up by Comey's Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

    **Deputy Atty. General Rod Rosenstein was a holdover from the Bush Administration. Rosenstein was the ONLY U. S. Attorney that Obama retained. Trump trusted Deep State advice by appointing the Establishment's Rosenstein to serve as Dep. Atty. General, who later abundantly proved that he was no friend of Conservatives, or, Donald Trump.

  88. Anonymous5:56 PM

    X @ 4:13 PM

    Re:"What evidence do you have that Mrs. James and her minions suffer from any mental illness?"

    Anyone who has an OBSESSION with destroying another human being clearly has a mental illness,
    whether it's Letitia James or YOU. That is not normal behavior.

  89. 5:28 PM ... Innocent people do it all the time. It's a Constitutional RIGHT that prohibits CITIZENS from testifying against themselves, and, by providing 'information' that prosecutors may use to twist out of context in order to establish their case.

    Try reading the U. S. Constitution some time. It may prove to be enlightening.

  90. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Trump is still being dissected like a frog under a microscope by the swamp.
    Tells us all we need to know about them, not him.

    Let's see the Biden's Clinton's Obama's --- a whole passel of Democrats/RINO's stand up under that extreme scrutiny. They can't.
    They're (still) scared to death of Donald Trump.
    I love it simply because those actual criminals know he knows what they are, what they've been up too (and on the taxpayer dime besides)...and thanks in a large part to him for taking the heat, we do too.

  91. Anonymous6:46 PM

    This is absolutely hilarious...

    Trump Made It A Felony To Mishandle Classified Documents In 2018

    Reports indicate Trump had been holding onto materials that were supposed to have been turned over to the National Archives. But officials have not commented on what was contained in those records ― and whether there are implications for U.S. national security.

    The lack of information leaves only speculation about what sort of potential criminal activity the Department of Justice is looking into.

    Oddly enough, one of the multiple laws covering the mishandling of government information is one that Trump himself amended during his tenure in the Oval Office, as pointed out by Tennessee state Sen. Jeff Yarbro (D) on Twitter.

    Tucked into a bill Trump signed into law in January 2018 was a provision increasing the punishment for knowingly removing classified materials with the intent to retain them at an “unauthorized location.”

    Previously, someone found guilty of this crime could face up to one year in prison. When former CIA Director David Petraeus was charged in 2015 with mishandling classified data, he pleaded guilty under this statute to avoid a felony charge, as Politico pointed out. A similar situation unfolded a decade earlier, when former national security adviser Samuel Berger pleaded guilty to removing terrorism-related materials from the National Archives in 2005.

    Now, a person convicted of violating this law can face up to five years in prison ― making it a felony-level offense to mishandle classified documents under 18 U.S.C. 1924.

    Could 2018 Trump have unknowingly put 2022 Trump in a tough spot?

    Lock him up.


    p.s.- I'm not scared. There's no way Traitor Bunker Trump wins another Presidential election. He's a loser. He's always been a loser.

  92. Anonymous7:20 PM

    You may be right X. There probably isn't a chance Trump can win another Presidential election.

    Another puppet will be installed.


  93. Delusional, poorly educated X ...

    Did you know that as the Chief Executive, a President can LEGALLY declare ANY Government document in HIS possession 'classified' or 'declassified?' Did you know that? No you didn't. It's called the 'separation of powers,' and as Chief Executive, Trump as President, or, as former President, cannot be held accountable for being in possession of classified material.

    On his last day in office, Trump officially DECLASSIFIED ALL OF THE FBI DOCUMENTS regarding Operation Hurricane (OP). OP was an FBI attempt to (falsely) link Russia with the Trump campaign (i.e., the completely phony Steele Dossier ... paid for by the Clinton Campaign), of which FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe played a part in. Trump submitted a copy of the OP documents for the FBI to redact prior to it being released to the public. The FBI has NEVER released these DECLASSIFIED documents to the public. In all likely hood, Biden RECLASSIFIED these documents after taking the oath of office in order to protect the corrupt FBI and Democrats connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign. It was THESE DOCUMENTS that the FBI were probably searching for. In either case, being that Trump legally DECLASSIFIED these documents (and others), as a former President, he cannot be charged with a crime in connection to having CLASSIFIED or DECLASSIFIED documents in his possession.


  94. Question for Dr. X ...

    Was Hillary Clinton ever charged for mishandling CLASSIFIED, TOP SECRET State Department material that she had (which also included 33,000 emails) on her non-secured, private, personal computer?

    State Department regulations are crystal clear regarding the handling of secure State Department classified material. Hillary Clinton unequivocally violated those regulations, thereby committing a FELONY in the process. This is one of the major reasons that FBI Director James Comey (who had ties with Obama and the Clintons) was fired by Donald Trump, as recommended by Attorney General Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein.

    Often times, when discussing matters with X, I have a deep sense that I am dealing with a petulant child. Does anyone else feel that as well?


  95. Funny, isn't it?

    X wants to "lock up" Donald Trump for NOT COMMITTING ANY CRIME, but doesn't want to "lock up" Hillary Clinton who DID commit a number of crimes.

    What more can you expect from the "christian" that CONGRATULATED JOE BIDEN FOR ENDING ROE v. WADE???


  96. Joe Stalin-Biden's Amerika:

    IRS Job Listing: Special Agents Must ‘Carry a Firearm and Be Willing to Use Deadly Force’

    Sidebar to this story; recently, the friendly folks at the IRS recently purchased $700,000 worth of AMMUNITION. THAT is a LOT of AMMO.

    Are you beginning to get the sneaking suspicion, with each passing day, that America is morphing closer and closer into a modern day, totalitarian Communist state?

  97. Anonymous9:59 PM


    Sure sounds like a legal and factual argument more than a legal conclusion. Trump hasn't been charged with that crime...yet...anyway. Maybe the goverment was just reclaiming its property. Nobody other than Trump himself likely knew/knows exactly which documents and what their legal status was at the time he took them and today are. That's why they raid. They know or have probable cause to believe there are confidential documents there. It's not like Trump has a history of being accommodating or honest. Sooooo...They go get the confidential documents and sort out the details thereafter.

    Sure eager to make a cursory public defense. Former Presidents can't make classified documents unclassified. If the FBI is corrupt...Trump made them that way. If they do charge him unlike Stalin's Russia he will have ever opportunity to defend himself with the best lawyers his Maga minions can pay for and he's innocent by law until proven guilty by law. Unlike Stalin's Russia he can also choose to hypocritically take the 5th again and not have such used against him in any criminal proceeding

    On another note: Rayb at 5:57pm -- Trump plead the 5th in a civil prosecution of his organization. Civil juries CAN and WILL consider such in their deliberations. Today was a chance for him to defend his undefendable criminal organization. I think Trump plead the 5th because he's incapable of not lying and if he had lied, they could then add a criminal charge of perjury to the whole matter. Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen may explain it best in this short tik tok.


    P.S.- 7:20 pm -- that's true if someone like Desantis, Cruz or Hawley wins. That's why the GOP should nominate a Christian man like Adam Kinzinger. Until then, there's no one esle to blame for the corporate takeover of our government than the GOP and it's opus dei USSC (think Citizen's United). I'm praying the dems take more firm control of house & senate this fall and find a way to legislate around Citizen's United. They are the only ones that MIGHT possibly do that. It's a very long shot but absolutely necessary.


  98. X's Death Cult Dear Leader continues to lead X and his legions into the pit, where all LIARS will spend ETERNITY. Forsake the Death Cult KoolAid X, it's costing you your eternal soul.

    Inflation was announced at 8.5% for the month of July, one of the highest rates in forty years.

    Death Cult Leader Joe Biden just said inflation is at 0%. They lie so brazenly it’s incredible.

    Liars such as X typically have no problem believing, and following, other liars.


  99. X stated: "That's why the GOP should nominate a Christian man like Adam Kinzinger."

    Adam Kinzinger was one of only 3 Republicans that recently voted WITH the Death Cult Democrats to 'protect' the right of women to murder their babies in the womb (Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act).

    Kinzinger also joined 47 other 'republicans' to codify Sodomite 'marriage.'

    NOTE: THIS is the type of "Christian man" that X, in cult like fashion, endorses and follows. SICK !

  100. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Yet investigation after investigation exonerated Hillary Clinton. I think they had trouble coming up with intent to commit crimes. Being a political public figure in high office I think it is hard and there's pretty much no way not to violate some law somewhere at some point in time. For example, every time Trump ripped up every note and paper he hand wrote was technically a violation of the records act yet it was supposedly commonplace in the Trump Whitehouse. In the late 2000's executive technology laws were still pretty vague and relatively unknown & unenforced until somebody hacked Hillary's private servers and made a big deal out of it. She was probably using such because she didn't trust public ones and didn't know it wasn't legal. Sec of State Collin Powell did it too. I really don't know all the details or care as her minor violations of government policy pales in comparison to the multitude of investigations and known illegal and intentional criminal acts of Trump and most of his close advisors (many who were convicted of federal crimes).

    I don't need to play a bunch of whataboutism and distract from the issue of Trump getting locked up. He'll either be charged and; hopefully, convicted (there's always a chance he'll die before the prosecution comes to fruition or jury nullification could acquit him) or he'll just be given grace as the former President and allowed to walk away (which I doubt - he's been up to his eyeballs in gross criminal misconduct for year and nobody is that far above the law). I sincerely doubt he'll get more than a few years, at most, in federal prison. My (unfortunate)
    guess or prediction is the narcissist would kill himself rather than repent and serve his time for his many debts to society.


  101. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Raby said: "Kinzinger also joined 47 other 'republicans' to codify Sodomite 'marriage.'

    Well, of course, the GOP is now controlled by billionaire homosexual Peter Thiel and gateway pundit's, Jim Hoft. It's not like either party really stands against homosexuality (unless it's pretend-hate to motivate hateful voters).

    Also, Adam Kinzinger still has an "A" rating on his Susan B Anthony Scorecard.

    The Ensuring Women's Right to Reproductive Freedom Act is more a libertarian act protecting the rights of women to move freely around the country and have access to birth control. The law, as I understand it (cursory review) doesn't provide unfettered access to abortion nor restrict states of regulating medical abortions in their states.

    I don't think I would have voted for it but I'm not in favor of the vastness and lack of empathy being demonstrated by many of the GOP controlled states either.

    It's likely a political vote. Kinsinger is never going to appeal to the alt-right maga side of the GOP and it's not like he was the deciding vote on this legislation. He's had a pristine abortion record thus far so I have no reason to question his faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ, based upon this single vote (I'm not a hypercalvinist or whatever you are seemingly pretending to be with all these works based tests).


  102. Anonymous11:26 PM

    10:13 pm


    While I'm absolutely SHOCKED and AMAZED that you are concerned with lying at all considering the man you worship and the lies you personally state here all the time.

    As far as Biden's claim that (core) inflation was zero percent in July, I'd call that a politician's stretch more than a lie. Core inflation (ignoring the more viliotive food and oil prices) was definitely flat or near zero month to month after having increased slightly for preceding months and the trend, with Gas prices dropping, is that by year end inflation will be largely in check. Combined with the unexpected news about jobs where Biden has led us back beyond pre-covid numbers, this is all still GOOD NEWS for America. Adding jobs is an indication we are holding off a recession.

    You are an American, right? Easing inflation, Jobs, approval ratings rebounding, a lawmaker President fighting inflation versus a lawbreaker gone President, Roe v Wade overturned.

    Things are looking hopeful for America under Binden, finally.

    We need this. Don't ruin it with lies and spin.


  103. Anonymous11:53 PM

    'San Antonio is being invaded!': Texas residents are woken by explosions and low flying military helicopters as US military captures the town in surprise training exercise

    The training exercise will take place from Monday to Tuesday from 6 PM to 3 AM

    Air and ground mobility operations, and close-quarter combat training in a dark and realistic environment are on the agenda for this week's training program

    Safety precautions were set in place to protect participants and residents, as many training exercises will take place in the city's Alamodome near downtown

    Footage shared on Twitter from local inhabitants shows loud noises of low-flying helicopters, mimicked gunfire and contained explosions at night

    Complaints were made to city officials and neighborhood representatives about the lack of notice, as many residents were confused by Monday's events

    One resident warned neighbors: 'Beware: The Exercise is not Military. Lock your Doors. And be vigilant'

  104. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Ninth Texas County Declares Invasion At Southern Border

    August 10, 2022

  105. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Trump's attorney Lindsey Halligan speaks out on the raid.

    Must see 4 minute video...


  106. Let's not conflate or confuse climate, weather and pollution:

    Dr. Patrick Moore - A Dearth of Carbon?

    Vancouver Sun

    Conversations That Matter features Dr. Patrick
    Moore in part 2 of our Conversation where he takes issue with NGO’s over climate, genetically modified organisms and what he says is the truth about carbon.

    Dr. Moore says we were literally running
    out of carbon before we started to pump it back into the atmosphere, “CO2 has been declining to where it is getting close to the end of plant life, and in another 1.8 million years, life would begin to die on planet Earth for lack of CO2.”

    According to Moore it is life itself that
    has been consuming carbon and storing it in carbonaceous rocks. He goes on to say, “billions of tons of carbonaceous rock represent carbon dioxide pulled out of the atmosphere, and because the Earth has cooled over the millennia, nature is no longer putting
    CO2 into the atmosphere to offset this.”

    Conversations That Matter is a partner program
    with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.

  107. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So the Climate Change Death Cult is trying to destroy the earth?

    I'm SHOCKED!!! NOT!

    Revelation 11:18

  108. Anonymous11:01 AM

    This woman suffers the same mental illness as Dr. X


  109. HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents

    Search for potentially incriminating documents that pointed to a politicized FBI

    From the article:

    Reports from Wednesday set the tone for exposing the FBI’s real motives for the raid on Trump, reminding readers about Trump’s declassification of a binder of documents on January 19th, 2021, which contains hundreds of pages about the Crossfire Hurricane scandal and the Russia hoax.

    Two different DOJ Attorney Generals have defied President Trump’s direct lawful order to publish the documents in the Federal Register: Attorney Generals William J. Barr, and Merrick Garland.

  110. Anonymous11:12 AM


    For further understanding from Scientists NOT on energy industries payroll (i.e. - Heartland Institute*).

    Ask the Experts: Does Rising CO2 Benefit Plants?
    Climate change’s negative effects on plants will likely outweigh any gains from elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels

    Excerpt: n addition to ignoring the long-term outlook, he says, many skeptics also fail to mention the potentially most harmful outcome of rising atmospheric CO2 on vegetation: climate change itself. Its negative consequences—such as drought and heat stress—would likely overwhelm any direct benefits that rising CO2 might offer plant life. “It’s not appropriate to look at the CO2 fertilization effect in isolation,” he says. “You can have positive and negative things going at once, and it’s the net balance that matters.” So although there is a basic truth to skeptics’ claim, he says, “what’s missing from that argument is that it’s not the whole picture.”


    Researchers do not yet know why higher atmospheric CO2 alters crops’ nutritional content. But, Myers says, “the bottom line is, we know that rising CO2 reduces the concentration of critical nutrients around the world,” adding that these kinds of nutritional deficiencies are already significant public health threats, and will only worsen as CO2 levels go up. “The problem with [the skeptics’] argument is that it’s as if you can cherry-pick the CO2 fertilization effect from the overall effect of adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere,” Myers says. But that is not how the world—or its climate—works.


    *Heartland Institute: The Institute was founded in 1984 by Chicago investor David H. Padden (roman catholic - likely opus dei), who served as the organization's chairman until 1995. Padden had been a director of the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., since its founding as the Charles Koch Foundation in 1974. Padden was also a former director of Citizens for a Sound Economy, the Acton Institute, the Foundation for Economic Education, and the Center for Libertarian Studies.

    In the 1990s, Heartland worked with the tobacco company Philip Morris to question serious cancer risks to secondhand smoke, and to lobby against government public-health regulations. Starting in 2008, Heartland has organized conferences to question the scientific consensus on climate change.

    After the election of U.S. President Barack Obama in November 2008, the Institute became involved with the Tea Party movement. In 2011, the organization's director of communications said that "the support of the Tea Party groups across the country has been extremely valuable." Heartland was among the organizers of the September 2009 Tea Party protest march, the Taxpayer March on Washington.

    It reported revenues of $5.8 million in 2018.

  111. Anonymous11:25 AM


    Russian hoax?

    When will you stop believing Trump's incessant lies and self-serving propaganda?

    Republicans incriminate Trump, decimate his ‘Russia hoax’ narrative

    Aug 25, 2020

    Excerpt: In a bombshell report, the GOP-led Senate Select Committee on Intelligence concluded that Trump campaign contacts with Russian spies amounted to “a grave counterintelligence threat.”

    But that stunning conclusion is merely the tip of an iceberg of lies and treacherous behavior by Trump and his top advisers detailed by the report. Over the course of nearly 1,000 pages, the Senate report pulverizes President Trump’s endless claims that the “Russia collusion hoax is the greatest political scandal in the history of this country.”

    Indeed, new evidence makes it abundantly clear: Not investigating the vast number of “alarming” Trump connections to Russian intelligence operatives would have amounted to a “dereliction of duty and responsibility” by America’s law enforcement agencies.

    More importantly, the Senate report shows that the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign and special counsel Robert Mueller did not go nearly far enough. More on that shortly.

    First, the collusion. “On numerous occasions,” former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort passed “sensitive Campaign polling data and the Campaign’s strategy” to a man who – according to the Republican-led committee – was a Russian intelligence officer. What could possibly justify Trump’s top campaign adviser handing highly confidential election information directly to a Russian spy?

    It gets worse. The Senate report linked Manafort’s Russian spy-confidant directly to the Kremlin’s brazen campaign to sway the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. Moreover, the GOP-led committee alludes to two pieces of classified information which “raise the possibility” of “Manafort’s potential connection” to Russia’s hack and leak of tens of thousands of “sensitive political documents” pilfered from Democrats.

    After years of stunning revelations about Trump World links to Russia, the specter of the president’s top campaign adviser participating in the most egregious assault on American democracy would be a truly breathtaking development.


  112. Anonymous11:26 AM

    X @ 11;12 AM

    "Researchers do not yet know why higher atmospheric CO2 alters crops' nutritional content"

    Of course they do X. It's because the soil biome has been exhausted, and destroyed by unbiblical, unnatural, intensive farming methods, and GMO seed manipulation etc.

    But continue your Luciferian New Age spin. Laughter is good medicine in these dark times.

  113. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I'm sure dr X believes Bill Gates will solve our food production problems!

    You know, in a biblical, natural, and healthy way!

  114. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Media Stopped Describing Targeting Of Trump As "Raid" After Former FBI Agent Complained


  115. Isn't it amazing that 'Dr.' X runs a business, 'travels' the world, and yet has time to troll in here literally 24/7? By the way X, what exactly is it that you hold your 'Doctorate' in? NOTE: I'm not asking this because I believe you to be a monumental, self-deluded phony. I'm asking because I'm just curious.

  116. Anonymous11:46 AM

    RayB @ 11:40 AM

    X wouldn't LIE to us, would he? I am shocked, I tell you... SHOCKED!!! LOL


  117. Dirty little secret: the WEF does not need you. You're just taking up valuable space and consuming valuable resources. The future does not include YOU. (By the way, keep taking those EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' along with the boosters. Despite what these elitists declare about a future that does not include you ... ignore it.
    They can be trusted. And yes, Joe Biden really did win that election).

    WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World

    From the article:

    "Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Harari concluded, “because because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering, Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”

  118. Anonymous11:52 AM

    IRS Deletes Job Posting Seeking Applicants Willing to 'Use Deadly Force'

  119. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Didn’t the IRS take down Al Capone and involve guns?

    Criminals, including people like Trump, don’t like IRS agents coming around investigating their operations and threatening to dismantle their criminal cash operation. Desperate people do desperate things so packing a side arm is sometimes more essential for an irs agent than the ordinary cop for their own personal protection.

    The top-level IRS employees are Special Agents (SAs), the “police force” of the IRS. These agents carry badges and firearms and investigate tax crimes, such as embezzlement.

    In times like these where finding good employees is a little harder to do, advertising a job opening where you get to carry and shoot guns may entice interest from bored accountant types counting beans somewhere. Making this into something sinister is really laughable (but I understand why trump hates the irs)


  120. Anonymous12:13 PM

    RayB @ 11:48 AM

    Globalist technocracy is making "it possible to replace the people". That is why there is 'no such thing' as 'We the People' here in the U.S. at this time. The gloves are off!

    Our God loves People! Be fruitful and multiply! The Globalists god, Lucifer, hates God's Creation. They therefore, will go through the fire. Remember that when they come for you.

  121. Anonymous12:23 PM

    X @ 12:11 PM

    Spin master(left hand path) X, speaking "criminal cash operation" regarding Trump, but of course, NOT O'Biden? The Demomcrats are untouchable!

    And only X can consider "sinister" "laughable"

    No X, it is your diseased mind that is sinister, and at times laughable!

  122. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Comparing Al Capone to today's tax payers? Look at X spin like a top and excuse every effort to oppress humanity.

  123. Anonymous1:52 PM

    11:35 AM

    Indeed, the very unhumble elitist X and his hero worship of Gates (and other myriad globalists in our government and out of it) has to back what they are planning...drinking and eating waste. Their version of Soylent Green is in the works..
    Elites gonna elite.

  124. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Ever wonder RayB if X is not just one person, but a network of trolls hovering here, and always at the ready to answer every single issue that comes up day by day??

    If Rich would ever be able to find time to look into that would be nice..

  125. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Joe Biden has released 22 or 23 years of his personal tax returns. You can check out his financial history yourself. Cherry picking a few statements by Biden's wayward drug addict son, Hunter, while he was using, as the only evidence of supposed impropriety (my guess is the few times he reference the "big guy" he was really talking about his drug dealers and/or puffing up his connection to his old man and meal ticket). Hunter isn't our President and Joe Biden has been competely transparent about his personal financial history.

    Another example of Trump's "criminal" cash organization...


    excerpt: ... Trump may not have deliberately set out to facilitate criminal activity in his business dealings. But, as this Global Witness investigation shows, licensing his brand to the luxurious Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower in Panama aligned Trump’s financial interests with those of crooks looking to launder ill-gotten gains. Trump seems to have done little to nothing to prevent this. What is clear is that proceeds from Colombian cartels’ narcotics trafficking were laundered through the Trump Ocean Club and that Donald Trump was one of the beneficiaries. One key player in the laundering of drug money at the Trump Ocean Club was notorious fraudster David Eduardo Helmut Murcia Guzmán, whom a U.S. court subsequently sentenced to nine years for laundering millions of dollars' worth of illicit funds, including narcotics proceeds, through companies and real estate.
    A large number of those involved with the Trump Ocean Club in its early phase were Russian and Eastern European citizens or diaspora members. In an interview with NBC and Reuters, Ventura Nogueira said that 50 percent of his buyers were Russian, and that some had “questionable backgrounds.” He added that he found out later that some were part of the Russian Mafia.

    Since the Russian government’s alleged interference in the 2016 election, a lot has been made of Trump’s heavy reliance on funds from Russia for his licensing deals. Trump relying on funds from Russia is not in itself a problem – some of these funds are no doubt from legitimate sources. What is deeply problematic, however, is the fact that some of this money appears to have come from criminal networks.
    The dubious dealings of Trump the businessman also raise questions about the commitment of Trump the President to tackling crime and corruption. Trump got elected by repeatedly pledging to “drain the swamp”, but in the nine months since his inauguration he has actually taken steps that could worsen corruption in the U.S. and internationally. Indeed, one of his administration’s few legislative successes to date has been to overturn the implementing regulation of a ground-breaking anti-corruption law.

  126. Anonymous2:15 PM

    1:52pm -

    Unlike you who appears to worship Trump and Peter Thiel and Jim Hoft.

    I do not nor have I ever indicated any commitment or even love of Gates.

    I'm not a fan of GMO foods and not a fan of his efforts to expand GMO foods and 'feed the world". The man is wealthy and can spend his money however he wants and I simply do not mistake his attempt at altruism, and trying to make the world a better place, making mistakes along the way as intentional acts of evil.

    It's not like Gates is anything like heretical, traitor, bunker Trump as far as I know (I dont know Gates' personal struggle with sin and I empathize with the burden, difficulty and temptations of managing that large and vast financial empire ...there's a reason Jesus warns of the difficulty rich men have getting into heaven)

    As a non-Christian, Gates (Thiel and Hoft too) are not my Brothers in Christ so I pray for him/them that they find the salvation he/they have obviously searching for in "works" in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  127. Anonymous2:45 PM

    X sympathizes with poor Bill Gates burdens, difficulties, and temptations, but....Orange Man Bad !

  128. Anonymous2:46 PM

    X is most definitely a fan of Gates and All Globalists, wanting all their excessive overreaches and oppressions to continue. That is why he insists Biden is bringing "hope" to America. His humanism eclipses his "gospel" "intentions".
    That was proven by how much and how often he was throwing in with the TPTB to come after the unvaccinated with more punitive measures because he repeatedly referred to us as murderers, insisting people be vaxxed and with whatever measures that would take.
    X fools no one.
    He's playing the fool.

  129. Anonymous2:53 PM

    X's daily duties.

    Virtue signal, twist, slander, wash, rinse, repeat! 24/7/365

    Oh,,,, and his two small businesses.

    Where does he/she/it/they/them/.... find the time?

  130. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Well, we know he wears a Superman cape and thumps a Bible at people. All that bravado has to be targeted right here at this poor blog, ya know.....

    Those tighty-whiteys are really pinching and chaffing him now because he is highly motivated to get us all corrected..and on the government leash--yesterday! I wouldn't be surprised if he has "Santa Klaus'" number on speed dial to hurry and get that global show on the road. Their manufactured daily, now hourly, crises are not to be wasted!

    I don't think it a stretch to imagine X also carries a whip, wearing spurs LOL

  131. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Yes, "throwing in with the TPTB to come after the unvaccinated" with punishments, should alert any Christian, that X has the spirit of an antichrist.

  132. Anonymous3:48 PM

    No longer a conspiracy theory...

    World Economic Forum brags that China is controlling weather with “cloud seeding” chemtrail operations

    The world’s largest communist dictatorship, China, has invested some $168 million into efforts to control the weather, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF).

    The globalist “Great Reset” organization run by Klaus Schwab put together a video – watch below – that reveals China’s plans to create artificial rain through “cloud seeding,” which many refer to as chemtrails.

    Must see video...


  133. Notice how X (the ... um ... 'christian') always defends the enemies of God?

    He refers to Adam Kinzinger as a "Christian man." Adam Kinzinger was one of only 3 Republicans that recently voted WITH the Death Cult Democrats to 'protect' the right of women to murder their babies in the womb (Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act).

    Kinzinger also was among 47 other 'republicans,' and ALL DEMOCRATS, to protect Sodomite 'marriage' by making it Federal Law.

    Notice too how X ALWAYS sides with and defends the Death Cult Dear Leader Biden, who, along with his fellow Death Cult Democrats & RINOs, works diligently to promote the expansion of abortion, transgendering of (mutilating) CHILDREN, along with the God hating LGBTQ+ agenda.

    Every single time X uses God's name in one of his posts, in any manner, he does so in vain. Why? Because he consistently proclaims positions that are anathema to God and His Word.

    X is the type of professing 'christian' that does a great deal of damage to Christ's Kingdom.


  134. X's Commander in Chief Joe Biden's 'military' in action:

    US Military Hosts Drag Show, Encouraged Children to Attend With Bouncy Castles and Face Painting

    From the article:

    Kids subjected to “hyper-sexualized” performances.

    A ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summer Festival’ hosted by the U.S. Military featured “hyper-sexualized” performances by drag queens along with bouncy castles and face painting in a bid to encourage children to attend.

    Yes, really.

    The event took place at the US military’s Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE) this past weekend and was promoted by organizers as a “kid-friendly” get together.

    The festival included a number of guest speakers and performances, including a drag show by Joshua Kelley aka “Harpy Daniels – The Navy Drag Queen,” reported American Military News.

  135. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I didn't suggest punishments for the unvaccinated, I suggested opportunities for the unvaccinated to maintain their selfish unwise status while also paying the exta burdens they were placing upon soceity.

    I suggested a tax or surcharge on insurance. Like they do with smokers.

    I can't understand any conservative beholden to hyper- libertarians like Rand Paul and his like, would feel any resistance to paying their own bills. It's much cheaper to avergage that risk around to the entire group of unvaccinated persons versus making each person pay their own way and be bankrupted in medical bills should they be one of the many, in 2021 who were acquiring and requiring such extreme medical care while unvaccinated.

    That's all neither here nor there now as the situation has evolved and the virus, currently, appears to have become less lethal. Plus the fact that it is no longer "novel" really seems to have ended the whole vaccinated/unvaccinated dichotomy for now.

    However, conservative estimates of the 2021 unnecessary hospitalization costs of the unvaccinated put that total in the BILLIONS of US tax dollars.

    Why do you demand that I pay for your wanton selfish "murderous" ignorance? Very Marxist and unlibertarian of you.


  136. Anonymous4:24 PM

    3:48 pm --- I answered about Adam Kinzinger that still has a A rating according to SBA scorecard for promoting right to life policies and laws yesterday. The act you state is more largely a freedom of movement act and access to birth control so no state can hold women prisoner or catholicize them.

    The rest is still not as evil and unamerican as traitor, bunker heretic, homosexual loving Trump and his evil new age heretical sycophants.

    I'm praying for you Ray. This Maga qanon lying and hating dark path you are on has me worried for you.



  137. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Merrick Garland says HE approved search warrant on Mar-a-Lago that led to FBI raid and asks federal judge to UNSEAL it: AG puts ball in Trump's court and insists it was ex-President's decision to go public

    Attorney General Merrick Garland also called for the threats and verbal attacks against FBI and DOJ officials to cease in his brief public remarks

    A response to the DOJ's petition to unseal the warrant is required by Monday

    Republicans have been pushing Attorney General Garland and FBI Director Wray to speak in
    the days since the FBI's unannounced search of Mar-a-Lago

    Donald Trump announced on Monday night that FBI 'raided' his Florida home

    A day later, one of his top allies in Congress, Rep. Scott Perry, had his cellphone seized by the FBI while he was traveling with his family

    The FBI operation at Mar-a-Lago was apparently related to National Archives

  138. Anonymous4:29 PM

    3:48 PM @ RayB

    Gives Jesus black eyes..and x's type (a make believer) is the bane of the Church of the Lord, backing social justice causes without fail. He is with those who will (and really already at it) persecute real Christians. And RayB, he/they will answer, but for us who love the Lord we only recognize this world is not our home--and they can have it. The servant is not greater than his Master and we know how Jesus was persecuted. Meanwhile we will stick with the Gospel..and it's cost to walk in obedience to Him.

    Yes, he's consistent...votes and/or supports humanist agendas every time, hates the stands of courageous Christians and parents who want what is right for their children, by loudly supporting every progressive socialist policy and practice they come up with every chance he gets.

    Globalists are his heroes like I said. He proves it with every post.

  139. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Now u r just trolling. How about contributing to the forum versus stalking and commenting on me non-stop.

    Rich. Can RayB and Qanonymous be limited to one post a month, at most? As they are worse than Christine (and she believes aliens are invading or mind controlling I seem to recall).

    Qanonymous is the same woman bad mouthing Mrs Cumbey too.


  140. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Happy to do my part.


  141. Anon @ 4:29 PM ...

    You are so right. Very well stated. He consistently sides with the Dark Side while falsely proclaiming he is on the side of Light. His actions sow a great deal of confusion, and we know that God is not the 'author of confusion.'


  142. 87,000 new IRS agents that Death Cult Leader Biden claims will be concentrating their efforts on "billionaires." Right. How many billionaires are there???

    For a true and honest assessment, read this:

    Huckabee: Expanded IRS Audits Will Target Pro-life, Christian, Conservative Nonprofits


  143. X is on a roll ... another nonsensical post.

    He states:

    I'm praying for you Ray. This Maga qanon lying and hating dark path you are on has me worried for you.



    NOTE: I can't tell you encouraging it is that someone like X staunchly disagrees with virtually everything I post. Why? Because, if the likes of X AGREED with me, I would suspect that there is something wrong with me.

    As other true Christians on this blog, I rest in Christ, knowing that He knows the truth. X can only throw his darts and shoot his arrows, but they bounce off our armor and do ZERO damage.

  144. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Well Rayb I do agree with you...

    As a true Christian on this blog, I rest in Christ, knowing that He knows the truth. Rayb can only throw his darts, countless lies and misinformation (specifically debunked and refuted time and time again) and shoot his arrows (cult like political spin), but they bounce off our armor and do ZERO damage.

    Please find a church Ray and repent.


  145. Anonymous7:55 PM

    At 4:42 PM is poor widdle, x.
    Who stalks us and comments constantly though I did not address him directly. I wrote to RayB.

    I stand up for Constance even on the occasions I have not agreed (which is not too often) speaking up to the ones who have been unnecessarily caustic.
    Uncivil x abuses her blog by siding with globalists she exposes here and the people who come here with whom he disagrees.
    Klaus Schwab would be proud of the thorn in this blog's side that he is in behalf of the many New Age/NWO agendas he promotes---every single chance he gets.

  146. Anonymous8:05 PM

    How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

    Excerpt:... We found that support for Trump in the 2016 election was higher in areas that had more searches for topics such as “erectile dysfunction.” Moreover, this relationship persisted after accounting for demographic attributes in media markets, such as education levels and racial composition, as well as searches for topics unrelated to fragile masculinity, such as “breast augmentation” and “menopause.”

    In contrast, fragile masculinity was not associated with support for Mitt Romney in 2012 or support for John McCain in 2008 — suggesting that the correlation of fragile masculinity and voting in presidential elections was distinctively stronger in 2016.

    The same finding emerged in 2018. We estimated levels of fragile masculinity in every U.S. congressional district based on levels in the media markets with which districts overlap. Before the election, we preregistered our expectations, including the other factors that we would account for.

    In the more than 390 House elections pitting a Republican candidate against a Democratic candidate, support for the Republican candidate was higher in districts that, based on Google search data, had higher levels of fragile masculinity. However, there was no significant relationship between fragile masculinity and voting in the 2014 or 2016 congressional elections. This suggests that fragile masculinity has now become a stronger predictor of voting behavior.

    Just saying...x

  147. Anonymous8:09 PM

    MCE's off the wall posts have not been as bad as what "X" posts.

    "X" doesn't deserve to post here even once a month.

    I recommend once a year (if even that).

  148. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Says the limp noodle @ 8:05 PM.
    Trump lives rent free in his head!!!

  149. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Populist in appeal, globalist uniter of the Elites.
    Klaus Schwab's guru.

    What a hack this fruitcake is..

  150. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I wonder if Constance still thinks Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger deserve to be portrayed in a positive light now, considering their recent anti-christian voting?

    Your not very candid Constance, because if you were, it would reveal your radical leftist pharasaical, world view. That view is why you have contempt for conservative Christians, but you are always kind to liberal religionists.

    You should be honest and rename the blog, The Dark Twisted Mystery of Constance's Phoney Liberal 'Jesus'.


  151. Subjecting yourself to getting jabbed with an EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' does have consequences:

    You are 25X More Likely to be Injured and 20X more Likely to Die if you get the COVID Shot

  152. Anonymous10:20 PM


    I've debunked healthimpactnews so many times now you MUST know it's a lie by now and just don't care sharing lie upon lie. Aren't you embarassed posting this made up crap. Do those numbers even sound possible on their face?

    I'm gonna look at the article but just off your summary I can see it's patently untrue and complete fabrication.

    Here's what says about healthimpactnews.

    Healthimpactnews dot com

    CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE: Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

    Overall, we rate Health Impact News a Quackery-level pseudoscience website for the promotion of anti-vaccination propaganda as well as chemtrails, geoengineering, and false information regarding GMOs.

    The website is an offshoot of new age alternative medicine guru and snakeoil salesman, Brian Shilhavy.

    Here's a list of just a few of the verified false stories on healthimpactnews:

    Failed Fact Checks Headlines:
    1. “6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020” – False
    2. "Formerly healthy people are suffering serious harm or even dying from taking the flu shot" – Inaccurate
    3. "Baseless Conspiracy Theories Claim New Coronavirus Was Bioengineered" – No Evidence
    4. "181 Dead in the U.S. During 2 Week Period From Experimental COVID Injections" – False
    5. "The high-dose Fluzone vaccine caused the deaths of 23 senior citizens during a clinical trial". – False

    Overall, we rate Health Impact News a Quackery-level pseudoscience website for the promotion of anti-vaccination propaganda as well as chemtrails, geoengineering, and false information regarding GMOs.


  153. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Lol...he based the 20x and 25x "statistics" upon Wayne Root's observations and claims about the health and vaccinated status of the some of the 200 guests at his adulterous wedding. Then Kirsh claims to have "validated" Root's observation (notice he's not saying he validated Root's actual data) by conducting a "survey" of 50,000 of his own covid denial readers and 600 responded with their own anecdotal stories. Talk about confirmatio bias. These people are from Kirsh's own idiotic covid denying website among the registered readership. So...a bunch of people like Rayb who are willing and desperate to lie for political purposes.

    The funny part is where he indicates you can verify the data yourself as if reviewing the "evidence" provided by a group of covid deniers is gonna provide any insight whatsoever. But I said what the heck and took a peak. appears there are over 900 responses and there's no personal identification to verify just persons like respondent #429 who claims 150 of her friends and family were vaccinated, of that vaccinated group 38 were injured and 11 died. Then she claimed 60 of her f&f were unvaccinated and no injuries/one death. #179 knew 57 vaccinated and 7 of them died, #240 31 vaccinated and 5 of them died. In the whole survey there were only (supposedly) 15 unvaccinated deaths versus somehow 427 vaccinated deaths.

    It's just so sad, unGodly, pathetic and child-like.


    p.s. - If I weren't so honest, I'd register and simply respond with my own lies to every survey just to see if it even makes it into the data pool. It's not like these are peer reviewed studies actually looking for evidenced truth. They KNOW they are lying. It's obvious by the overstated claims and flimsy data. They must know.

  154. Anonymous8:34 AM

    The elite Democrats are really not very smart, overall. And if they are smart, they definitely have zero wisdom.
    The relentless attacks on Donald Trump may even keep him from being in the White House as President after 2024, but this latest stunt, even if they find something to charge him with, will ensure a Republican victory and a president who will pursue Trumpian policies. In all likelihood, Donald Trump will be the number one advisor to Desantis, or whoever.
    Goodbye Nancy, Goodbye Chuck, Goodbye Jerry, Goodbye Adam, Goodbye AOC, Your tactics and methods are built on sand.
    Your tactics and methods are based on hatred, not anything resembling love of this country, the greatest country on earth.
    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and you lefties are essentially atheistic and LOST.

  155. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I just watched, for the second time, a video of the CFO of Pfizer saying out loud that the vaccines have a chip in them, which will "ensure compliance".

    What else do I need to hear?

  156. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Fox News host Brian Kilmeade (who has been filling in for Tucker Calson this week) has been called out for showing photoshopped image of Judge Bruce Reinhart.

    On Tucker Carlson Tonight, Thursday, with guest host Brian Kilmeade, Fox News showed a clearly photoshopped image of Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off on the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort that took place on Monday, August 8th. The image took a 2017 post from Judge Reinhart, while he was waiting out a hurricane hoping to watch the New York Giants, and put his image over that of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein getting his foot rubbed by his now-imprisoned cohort Ghislaine Maxwell.

    August 12, 2022...

    Or, maybe that story was more of a 'red herring' to distract from THIS story on Fox the other night...

    Brian Kilmeade interviewed Tech millionaire and longtime Democrat megadonor, Steve Kirsch... who told Fox News on Wednesday night that he’s fed up with the party and blames the American political establishment for killing “hundreds of thousands” of citizens with experimental Covid vaccines!!!

    August 11, 2022...

    (FYI: Two 'unspoken rules' on Fox News are to avoid discussing the following subjects: 1) The dangerous side effects of the covid vaccines; and 2) the stolen 2020 presidential election.)

  157. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Anonymous8:42 AM,

    Can you provide a reputable link to your claims, please, so as to verify them and, moreover, to further investigate the context in which such is alleged to have been said?

    Thank you.

  158. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Anonymous8:45 AM,

    What “stolen election”? Evidence please, rather than echoing the ramblings of Narcissist Trump.

    You don‘t have to blindly follow Fuerer wannabe Trump, even though he expected complete subservience from
    the military, complaining (falsely) that Hitler‘s generals always followed his orders (Rommel, anyone? ).


  159. How the Monkeypox Vaccine Scam Mirrors the COVID Vaccine Scam: Animal Trials show Monkeypox Vaccine does NOT Stop Transmission

    NOTE: It's a homosexual virus that is spread via sodomy. Homosexuals (and bi-sexuals) make up about 98% of recorded cases. In other words, the spread is directly related to BEHAVIOR. Instead of closing down Sodomite activities (gay bars, kink fests, orgies, etc.), they want YOU (and your CHILDREN) to be 'vaccinated.' But don't let that stop you from getting jabbed, because your Death Cult government has your best interests in mind.


  160. I think we should all consider what X has to say about 'repentance.' Over and over again, he admonishes me, and others, to "repent," example:

    "I'm praying for you Ray. This Maga qanon lying and hating dark path you are on has me worried for you.


    Here's what X means when he/she/it tells us to repent:

    Become a follower and supporter of the Democrat Death Cult.

    Support the Death Cult Democrats, and thereby endorse the entire LGBTQ+ agenda.

    Support the Climate Change agenda (build a shrine in your tiny house to Greta Thundberg, including a candle, but don't light it ... think ... carbon footprint).

    Claim that you are "pro-life" but enthusiastically support the most PRO-DEATH administration in U. S. History.

    Congratulate Joe Biden for ending Roe v. Wade.

    By all means, get the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine,' along with all of its never ending boosters and the Monkeypox vax.

    Believe Dear Leader when he promised "get the vaccine and you CANNOT get this virus." (After being fully vaxxed and boostered, Biden is on round 3 of getting COVID) LOL !

    Support fellow, deeply committed 'christians' such as Adam Kinzinger, who recently voted to Federally PROTECT a woman's right to kill her baby, and, voted to codify Sodomite 'marriage' into Federal Law. (Apostasy is a requirement if you want to 'repent' according to X's standards).

    Blindly hate and attack Donald Trump and EVERYONE that ever voted for him.

    Falsely label Christians as "Q-Anon cult members" (even when they have never followed Q), label Trump voters, such as ... "Trump is their messiah" that "they worship Trump," "Opus Dei members," "racists," "anti-semites," etc., etc.

    Claim that you hold a Doctorate degree but refuse to ever state in what field. (This is not really necessary because it takes a special dose of Chutzpah to pull this one off, especially if you sound like an imbecile).

    Examine everyone that you're associated with and determine if they are an adulterer, particularly if you own a 'business,' as in two (wink, wink ... as if he/she/it actually does).

    Support the Marxist TERRORIST groups Black Lives Matter & ANTIFA. Make excuses for their violence, looting, arson, rape, and even murder.

    There's more, but we'll have to stop here. This is what X means when he/she/it admonishes us to "repent."

  161. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Sweden did not oppress their people like our government overlords did.

    Fauci and Birx, the CDC and WHO, etc, etc federal, state, and local, had an upper hand to undermine everything worthwhile in this nation because they did not deserve to have that power to use against us and the fallout on our children, our homes, livelihoods, economy, elections, our freedoms.......has been devastating..and still happening. The fully entrenched deep state saw to it in this country and even fallout upon other countries has been the result--the world suffered.....not because of covid, but because of the response to it. Oligarchs and Marxist Globalists has pulled the strings--to create this and manipulate it further and further into the fabric of societies. People were played the world over, and played right into the hands of the global network that is making sure that we ain't seen nothin' yet of what they have planned for everyone.
    Hold on to your hats for the ride that we will experience as aftermath to what these 'gods of this world' started and those in lockstep to their heinous plans--who intend to finish..finish off every freedom God above gave us.

  162. Anonymous11:54 AM

    RayB 11:13 AM

    And that isn't all by a long shot of what that gruesome package deal he supports, shills and trolls for, includes.

    The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He doesn't lend himself to evil and He doesn't brow beat and ridicule people into submission like that ungodly "honest" "humble" "christian" that X blurts and blasts that he is. Mr Uncivil, unkind, has an unholy spirit.....shame on his claim to be otherwise.

    His posts are toxic overload and intend that others bow the knee to the many idols he worships.
    So nope.
    If he wants to die on that hill he can. Don't care.
    My hopes are not of, not in, this world anyway.

  163. Anonymous12:44 PM


    Repent means change your mind. I state it in reference to your lying. Decide lying is biblically wrong, apologize and commit to discontinuing it. “Sin no more”.

    You can vote however you want.

    No works tests from me. You don’t have to be a democrat to be a Christian, however, for now they are the only party standing in the way of maga fascist destruction and the dems could use some more Christians to moderate some of their too liberal ideas.

    Personally, I’d prefer a new Protestant party. The GOP is too NAR new age woke liars and there’s not enough Christians left to likely have much influence in the expanding dem party. A 3rd party forces both parties to work together for the betterment of the country.


    Ps - still praying u r granted the gift of repentance. You might find it in some Bible believing church near you?

  164. Anonymous1:50 PM

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  165. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  166. Anonymous2:03 PM

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  167. Anonymous2:07 PM

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  168. Anonymous2:09 PM

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  169. Anonymous2:34 PM


    If you are going to allow X to troll unrestrained, at least take the shackles off Christine.

    That would be the just thing to do. Please respond to this request.

  170. Anonymous2:39 PM

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  171. Anonymous2:46 PM

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  172. Anonymous3:15 PM

    On or about July 28th Rayb shared a fabricated story from the homosexual website gatewaypundit alluding the deaths of three canadian doctors in a hospital (really a large hospital system) at about the same time as the hospital was providing a 2nd round of boosters was all somehow related to such covid vaccine boosters.'s some additional detail about those doctors that appears to have been available before Ray's sources lied.

    1. Dr. Jakub Sawicki, who died after he was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer signet ring adenocarcinoma almost a year earlier, according to a GoFundMe campaign set up by his wife on July 25th. She who plans to create a scholarship fund in his name. He died on July 19.

    Her is Dr Sawicki's wife's Gofundme page - maybe Ray could make a donation as an apology for sharing fabrications abour her husband?

    2. Dr. Stephen McKenzie, who was “seriously ill” before he died, according to an outgoing message for his medical office, which is now closed. He had reportedly joined Trillium Health almost 40 years ago and was one of the founding members of the neurology department. He died on July 18. His obituary, published on Aug. 5, said that he died “after a courageous battle with cancer.” Here's a link to a screenshot of his obituary:

    3. Dr. Lorne Segall, who died after a “ridiculously unfair and hard-fought year-long battle with advanced lung cancer,” according to his obituary. He died on July 17 leaving behind 3 children under 18. Here's a link to a screenshot of his obituary:

    Perhaps Trillium Heath Partners can get through to Rayb when they indicated to the press:

    Trillium Health Partners, the hospital system that employed the doctors, responded to the claim online, saying in a statement that was also posted on Twitter: “The rumour circulating on social media is simply not true. Their passings were not related to the COVID-19 vaccine. We ask to please respect their families’ privacy during this difficult time.”


  173. X @ 3:15 PM,

    We all know you have a penchant for the genetic fallacy, but do I need to inform you that websites are not gendered or sexed, nor do they have sexual preferences?

  174. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Thanks Rich.

    Whatever was there, there is no cause for you, or Constance, or her blog, to be treated in a bad manner, so I'm glad you did that.

    Cyberworld is like a magnet to these things so much of the time, and people troll for lots of reasons--taking their personal anx and hatred out on others which is ridiculous. People can and should agree to disagree, but it is not the way of some to be that gracious and generous.
    Glad you and Constance are the blog 'sheriffs'--not the trolling self-imposed one here whose whole game plan is non-stop antics.

  175. Anonymous3:37 PM

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  176. Anonymous3:37 PM

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  177. Anonymous3:38 PM

    King of all darkness the initiation,
    baptizing the boys in red flames;

    Next in line is his Obamanation,
    spread madness inside his domain;

    He masters the art that loves the impure,
    inherits the Coat of the Bees....

    Thousands of Eons this old fart will endure,
    Monster of all prophecies!

  178. Anonymous3:40 PM

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  179. Anonymous3:50 PM

    3:34 PM

    By not reeling in X, Rich and Constance are just as uncivil and often rude, as anyone who has ever posted here.

    So get up off your knees, and wipe your mouth.

  180. @3:50

    You think you have better table manners than X? I'll leave your filthy post up as exhibit A.

    I do not intend to treat this forum as Twitter. I am here to present research; not serve as a political referee.

  181. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Rich and Constance are hardly "blog sheriffs". More like unjust, left wing New Age nut cases.

  182. Anonymous3:56 PM


    Careful now, Ray is gonna accuse you of defending homosexuals and say you stand and fully support and endorse homosexuals such as Jim Hoft and his boy husband.



    p.s. - and Corporations aren't people entitled to unfettered free speech (unless you're GOP USSC Justice deciding Citizen's United)

  183. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Thank you Rich.


  184. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Yes Rich, but at least my post @ 3:50 PM is the truth!

    Your problem Rich, is you are spineless.

  185. X,

    So you pretend not to get the point I made, and then you go further into the gutter.

    Nice. Nice and Christian of you.

  186. Anonymous4:00 PM

    That was way over the top 3:50 PM.
    Certainly isn't true..
    I think X's posts are a total waste of time and don't deserve to be posted here...
    ...but I don't hate the guy, like you have absolutely shown that you do.

    Why are you even here?
    Must Rich babysit this blog 24/7 to delete your obnoxious tripe?

    Talk about rude!---and very uncivil of you.

  187. X @ 3:15,

    And p.s. Your p.s. is a red herring to boot.

  188. Anonymous4:08 PM

    If you are not here to referee Rich, then allow Christine to post as often as she would like.

  189. @4:08

    That is between Constance and Christine. As I said earlier, I do not intend to censor posters because another demands it. If you do not agree you can either collapse the comments or chose not to post here.

  190. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Yes 4:00 PM, but in essence my comment sums up your kissy kissy tendencies. So my post is true. I could have left off the last sentence, sorry. But if you are deeply offended by my comment, you are not going to be able to handle the near future! Man up

  191. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Clean up on aisle x is another example of atrocious table manners from a whole other angle than the deleted foul ignoramus that insists Rich babysit him.

    X needs a babysitter too. RayB, Craig, and others do a good job of dealing with his antics.
    His lack of candor, resorting to constant slander and gossip and badly resourced "facts" (bias) belongs at the National Enquirer--not this blog.

  192. You can exercise your free speech right to answer and counter what X has to say. Craig and RayB are able to adequately answer for themselves.

  193. Anonymous4:19 PM

    4:14 PM

    Your future is grim if you stay in this state of hate.

  194. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Well, Constance won't allow Christine to post more than once a week. I could be wrong, but she has been asked several times to unshackle Christine, and not just by me.

    I think Constance allows X to post as much as he would like, because Constance enjoys the irritation X brings Christian posters here.

  195. Anonymous4:27 PM

    RoM @ 4:17 PM

    That was my free speech compliment of RayB, Craig, and whatever others, who counter the barrage of extremely biased X.

  196. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Well 4:19 PM, you are perfect I suppose. Some people are just much more passionate about truth. I'm not worried about my future, but I hope you worry about yours.

  197. Anonymous4:34 PM

    4:19 PM

    You should worry about being Spewed out of the Lord's mouth.

    This blog is Grand Central Station for the "luke warm."

  198. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Thank you, Rich for your input.

    No matter what side of a debate we're on... we ALL need to remain CIVIL.

    Any posters, who don't, have lost the 'battle' as well as the 'war'.

  199. Anonymous4:37 PM

    To 10:35 AM

    Re: "What “stolen election”? Evidence please... "


    My argument that the November, 2020 election was INDEED STOLEN from the WILL of the American people, comes down to basic MATH that we ALL learned in school... 2 + 2 = 4

    1) The well DOCUMENTED and televised standing-room-only crowds who came out to see and hear Trump speak in big cities (as well as small towns) all over the United States throughout the entire year of 2020.


    2) By contrast, the FEWER numbers of people who turned out to see & hear Joe Biden speak... to the point where Joe's 'handlers' felt it necessary to instruct the TV cameramen NOT to 'pan the camera around' to reveal Joe's HUMILIATION... that very few people showed up for Joe!!!

    My conclusion: There is NO WAY that there were suddenly and inexplicably enough VOTES for Joe Biden to WIN in November, 2020... UNLESS they were stolen / electronically TRANSFERRED from Trump to Biden. IT JUST DOES NOT ADD UP!!!

    Those, who continue to believe that the 2020 election was FAIR and legitimate, are likely the same ones who took the 'clot shots'... and their cognitive skills may have become diminished.
