
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

John Earl Fetzer, The Fetzer Institute, Benjamin Creme, the 1980s and NOW

Some of you blogspot readers and participants have thought the activities of the richly endowed, financed and highly networked activities of the Fetzer Foundation are now irrelevant.  That is hardly the case.  Those who received the disinformation of some Evangelical circles such as Walter Martin and Tal Brooke believe that few of importance had real plans during the 1980s and have them for now to take out the Christian world.  Again, clearly not true.  There is now a highly public campaign of which the Fetzer Institute is now a major player to make the very ugliest plans of "The Christ is Now Here" proponents of the 1980s happen now.  They are so very confident that they will now succeed whereas in May 1982 they had a major disappointment because now, "a majority of people are SBNR -- 'spiritual but not religious.'"

The Fetzer Institute and its components, including the John B. Fetzer Memorial Trust Fund, have freely published and are extolling as good and necessary just about everything of which I warned starting in 1981, Benjamin Creme and all.  For example, here is one they now have on their "Spiritual Library" in the form of an interview by Fetzer Institute Executive, Bruce Fetzer, a former Baptist Christian from Raleigh, North Carolina, who is the nephew of founder John Earl Fetzer (1901-1991).  For the record, John Earl Fetzer, a former Seventh Day Adventist, was the person in charge of censorship for World War II and post events surrounding Nazism -- probably the one who kept news of Hitler's occultism so long bottled up; the enormously wealthy owner of many radio, tv, and cable stations.  He left his entire huge fortune and the income it would engender from investments to making his dream of the New Age, complete with a new world financial system, a new world religion, and a new "Christ" who admittedly was not Jesus to happen as quickly as possible.

Even this past Sunday, the CBS 60 Minute program had a segment on one of these "feel good" everybody love everybody across political lines.  It had a look and a feel to it, encouraging "facilitation," and I promptly googled it along with "Fetzer Institute" and bingo -- it was a Fetzer Institute funded program.  It is in the workshops, the 'facilitation,' the 'meditations', where people go into their altered states that cause the New Age desired 'paradigm shifts' that cause the shifts in world view that they hope will lead to the acceptance of a "new gospel" that very clearly isn't.   What is really being done with 'facilitation' is "initiation" -- hoped for initiation into their 'occult mysteries' that could well cost participants their very souls, as it most likely cost John Earl Fetzer his own soul.

Here is what I just found in the Fetzer archives this morning (copyrighted 2018 material) vis a vis even the extremes of Benjamin Creme and 'The Reappearance of the Christ" in statements by Bruce Fetzer himself:

The other thing I think needs to be elaborated on is that, in the history, at least in the archives as well as in some of the oral histories, there’s a fair amount of discounting of the 80’s and that John was trying to build in terms of creating a direct relationship between the upper and the lower. By that I mean the hierarchy and the physical, the inner life and the outer life. Here is a book, I brought a couple of selections here. Not all of the library that John gave me to read, but this is one of the books from Benjamin Creme called The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. It’s an interesting book because it’s one that John read as well. What it does is describe the relationship between the Masters and the hierarchy and the Christ Consciousness, and its application in the physical realm. The manifestation in this physical presence. It’s important as an independent reference, because the channelings with Jim Gordon talk very directly about the White Brotherhood, which is a council of Masters working with the Institute in the early days. John very much believed that there was a higher order to the universe that was giving direction to him to inspire the Institute, to carry on this inspiration in dynamic ways in the future, without creating a religion, by the way.''

This interview was not ancient history.  It was recorded by Bruce  Fetzer on July 6, 2011 and considered signficant enough to the Institute's aggressive work to be there now.

Reading and listening (a handy feature of Microsoft's EDGE Browser to read documents out loud) to other Fetzer library on live archived and searchable interviews,  I learn that on March 10, 1982 John Earl Fetzer was eagerly awaiting the 'cleansing action' where many of us would 'disappear' or be sent to 'another dimension'.  On April 25, 1982, his channeler, Jim Gordon, sent Fetzer a letter of congratulations -- the very day the world wide ads ran saying 'the Christ is now here.'  May 20, 1982 was their day of great disappointment, but still their work to implement this anti-God vision continues with force as they strive to honor John Earl Fetzer's vision.  I have learned that Michigan judges have been placed in Fetzer funded 'facilitation operations' and I'm sure it is a very small step towards forcing all us Michigan lawyers into same as part of "Continuing Legal Education."

So much is happening on so many fronts, but the Fetzer operation is a very important front.

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    This, like many other facets of the New Age and the New World "ideals", are definitely coming together, just in time for the "reset" of absolutely everything of this world. But we know it won't end well in what we read from the Bible.

    So glad this world is not my home, and I sure want others to have that same peace and assurance in Christ Jesus as well. John 3:16 & John 14:6

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Dr Floatly says...

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Furious Fauci tears into Rand Paul for claiming he's 'using his $420,000' salary to take down scientists that disagree with him', attacking him 'without a shred of evidence' and inspiring people to want to KILL him

    Fauci and CDC Director Rochelle Wallensky are testifying in front of the Senate Health Committee on the government's COVID-19 response

    Roger Marshall asked Fauci several times to hand over his financial disclosures, which are publicly available documents

    Paul accused Fauci of trying to silence scientists over emails published by Republican lawmakers appearing to show Fauci dismissing a COVID origin study

    Fauci suggested the Kentucky Republican's rampant criticism is responsible for threats against his family, and linked it to a man recently arrested with a hit list

    The hit list contained prominent Washington, DC figures like Fauci and Biden

    The man told authorities he wanted to 'fight evil demons in the White House'

  4. I realize everybody here is either pro or con vaccine, but I ask, was that the topic of my current post?


  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    It's all connected, Constance... especially if MOST of your bloggers here (who refuse to be vaccinated) end up in internment camps!!!

    Emergency broadcast / plan to put unvaxxed in internment camps

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    The COVID/White Horse rider, is the greatest New Age threat to Christians, and will continue until Y'shua returns!

    Death Cult leader Biden is pure filth!

    Francis also pure filth!

    The unvaxxed are courageous. Unfortunately there are too few heros.

    X #1, and X #2, are among the scum that will persecute Christ followers.

  7. Anonymous5:32 PM

    To Rich Peterson-Medford:

    In response to your 8:37 AM post on the previous thread...

    So, are you claiming that Washington State is NOT pushing bill WAC 246-100???

    The article states in part...
    If passed, WAC 246-100 will allow local health officers at “his other sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”

    (FYI: This ISSUE is not 'about' being a Christian... as there are probably atheists & agnostics who have also done plenty of research... who have come to the same conclusion that these 'vaccines' are extremely dangerous and they believe they have the right to refuse them.)

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM

    FBI refuses to tell Ted Cruz if any agents actively participated in January 6th riots

    'I can't answer that': FBI executive assistant director REFUSES to tell Ted Cruz if any agents or confidential informants 'actively participated' in Jan 6th. Cruz also demands more information and the ID of 'plant' ~ former Marine, Ray Epps and whether he was involved in any alleged FBI incitement of the Capitol riot

  9. From Alice A. Bailey's The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (NY, NY: Lucis Trust, 1957):

    1. May Christ return to earth. This return must not be understood in its usual connotation and its well-known mystical, Christian sense. Christ has never left the earth. What is referred to is the externalisation of the Hierarchy and its exoteric [ED: unhidden] appearance on earth. The Hierarchy will eventually, under its Head, the Christ, function openly and visibly on earth. This will happen when the purpose of the divine will and the plan which will implement it is better understood and the period of adjustment, of world enlightenment and of reconstruction has made real headway. This period begins at the San Francisco Conference (hence its major importance) and will move very slowly at first. It will take time but the Hierarchy thinks not in terms of years and of brief cycles (though long to humanity), but in terms of events and the expansion of consciousness.

  10. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Since the Globalist agenda is to DEPOPULATE the earth by a certain percentage... Christians, as well as Atheists, will be caught up in this collateral damage. The main purpose is to replace humans with robots. Robots make better 'workers'... since they don't require sleep, food, water, medicine... they also won't be needing vacation time, sick days, or disability... or future Social Security, or pension checks.

  11. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Gov. Inslee Setting Up COVID Internment Camps in Washington State, Issuing Job Listings For “Strike Team” Coordinator

    Washington Bill, If Approved, Will Authorize 'Strike Force' To Send Unvaccinated To COVID 'Internment Camps'

    ‘They Have Already Set Up The Internment Camps’

  12. Anonymous1:37 AM

    SMOKING GUN: Military documents prove Fauci lied about gain of function coronavirus research in Wuhan – #ArrestFauci

    We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tony Fauci lied under oath about dangerous “gain of function” coronavirus research, which was, in fact, taking place in Wuhan, China, just prior to the unleashing of the plandemic.
    Never-before-seen military documents obtained by James O’Keefe and his team show that the Fauci Flu was, in fact, concocted in a laboratory through gain of function experiments. This same research was apparently also used to develop the “vaccines” under Operation Warp Speed.
    The documents in question, which were never supposed to be publicly released, stem from a report compiled by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). These documents contain admissions about gain of function experiments that prove Fauci to be a liar for denying that they occurred.
    These documents were discovered in a top-secret shared drive and corroborate with a report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DoD) that was written by U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow, and later obtained by Project Veritas.
    “The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses,” reports explain.
    “The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.”
    According to these same documents, the NIAID, under the direction of Fauci, directly funded the very gain of function research on bat coronaviruses that Fauci claimed never occurred. This research took place in Wuhan, as well as at several sites in the United States.
    Keep in mind that Fauci has repeatedly stated under oath that neither the NIAID nor the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has ever been involved with gain of function research even though the proposal rejection letter sent by DARPA to EcoHealth Alliance, which initially petitioned it for funding, mentions it directly.

  13. Presently, I do not believe that vaccinations for Covid19 come anywhere close to the Biblical specifications for the Mark of the Beast, but here is what I believe that the massive Republican and Evangelical/Catholic against Covid vaccine may well lead to:

    1. A Court test that the government may dictate vaccination;
    2. A court determination that it may;
    3. That Court ruling and/or determination can either lead to:

    a, Massive resistance ending in violence that will in turn justify repression againt declared Christians/political conservatives;
    and / or

    b. A very dangerous court precedent which in turn could become "Stare Decisis" in what could be later court action to enforce say microchip implants and/or other real manifestations of the prophesied Mark of the Beast / 666 system.

    Personally, I am fully vaccinated and boosted and glad I am -- I had no bad side effects whatsoever and so far, with the Grace of God, me and my family have so far evaded the very dangerous coronavirus / Covid19 disease in all its present strains.


  14. Anonymous6:22 AM


    "I realize everybody here is either pro or con vaccine, but I ask, was that the topic of my current post?"


    "combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!"<>

  15. Aononymous 5:32

    For an understanding of what I said go back and re-read the posts prior to mine.

  16. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Covid 19 has become a weapon of mass distraction.
    Everyone is so taken up with the vaccine debate that the real globalist efforts go
    by unnoticed.

  17. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "I believe that the massive Republican and Evangelical/Catholic against COVID vaccine may lead to:"

    Obviously myopic. But that's not vaxx related.

    It's 'planed' to lead to those things anyway.

    If a person willingly takes the New Age vaxx, they will likely take the "prophesied Mark" as well.

    When the Lord returns, will he find faith on earth? Will He find courage?

  18. Anonymous9:45 AM

    8:30 AM

    The vaccine is foundational to the globalist efforts

    The globalist have pampered/sissified, blinded, and dumbed down the sheep to take the vaxx, and the "prophesied Mark." Both will be accomplished by force. Better to take a stand now, and be courageous, than losing all anyway, later.

  19. All this psycodrama is a British psychological operation to undo the American revolution and re-establish their empire. Here's how:

    The Notorious London Spy School Churning Out Many of the World’s Top Journalists

    The Tavistock roots of the 'Aquarian Conspiracy'

    How the British use the media for mass psychological warfare

  20. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I live in ultra liberal New England, where Christians are a tiny minority. The staunchest anti-vaxx person I know here, is a liberal, progressive. She has more courage, and faith than all the soy milk fed 'christians', (around here at least.)

    To posit that anti-vaxx folks are "Republican and Evangelical/Catholic" shows staggering foolishness!

  21. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Invermectin 'Works Through All Phases' of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents

  22. Anonymous10:37 AM

    9:45 AM
    Spot on in reply to the limited understanding of 8:30 AM.
    This current ploy of Covid and vaxxing is the practice run.
    Please pay attention folks..

  23. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "evaded the very dangerous coronavirus / Covid19 disease in all its present strains."

    Glad to hear you have avoided the virus, Constance. I hope you do not get it.
    I have had it (was miserable for a few weeks) and have my natural immunity as a result.
    I know a good number of people who have had it...I know 16 others of my friends and family that have had it. One is a stroke victim and severe diabetic, she hardly got sick at all.
    We (my spouse and I) got sicker with it than the others I know that have had it. A dear friend (about 40 years old) was fully vaxxed and contracted covid 2 months later and got very sick. Go figure..
    My sister had very mild symptoms but ended up in hospital with pneumonia, thankfully she is ok now. Another sister with asthma used Ivermectin and got over her breathing difficulties fully within 4 days of using it.
    But all things considered, including my very elderly father who got it (has a number of co-morbidities) and he did not get as sick as we did, and I find it amazing he was not a honestly the CDC and WHO stated stats prove that well over 90+ % do survive it because it is not nearly as dangerous as you suppose. It is dangerous for some but mainly for most it is not.
    I think you are listening too closely to the narrative though, I certainly understand that you wanted to be vaxxed and did so, as I should have the freedom to decline it.
    Believing the media and those who created this virus (Rand Paul and others have Fauci/China's number) and who proposed the "solution" to it's prevention etc is a real mistake. And why are other treatments and measures prevented so vehemently such as the Great Barrington Declaration, those very notable epidemiologists/scientists who disagreed with the approach of Fauci, etc? Seriously, why would I trust these very ones who are using this to their global advantage? This whole matter needs some real discernment!
    The vaccine is not the mark of the beast but it's forerunner. Getting the target sufficiently softened up is working wonderfully for the globalists--and their "reset" is going to be implemented soon. They have many complying worldwide and will use force (and manipulation of reward/punishment) to get to everyone else not on board.
    It is a setup for what is really coming, and sooner than people realize.

    Stay well, Constance. There is still much for you to do to get the word out of what is going down all over the world.

  24. Anonymous12:12 PM

    To 11:06 AM

    Re: "The vaccine is not the mark of the beast but it's forerunner. Getting the target sufficiently softened up is working wonderfully for the globalists--and their "reset" is going to be implemented soon. They have many complying worldwide and will use force (and manipulation of reward/punishment) to get to everyone else not on board."


    Very well expressed... and I absolutely agree with you 100%.

    I have close relatives and friends who have been vaxxed and who have also taken the booster. I pray for them every single day that God protects them and that no harm comes to them. Only time will tell... because this 'vaccine' is EXPERIMENTAL (everyone who has taken it is a guinea pig).

    I choose NOT to take the vaccine... because, my extensive research over these past two years has shown me that this is not a 'vaccine' meant to protect me... but a bio weapon meant to destroy my immune system and my DNA. This damage may be long term... and may not show up in everyone right away... or, by the grace of God, many may be protected by God (because 'with God, all things are possible').

    The big question / red flag for me is WHY has the idea of FORCED vaccines been shoved down our throats, non stop 24 hours a day / 7 days a week for the past 2 years... if not to CONTROL THE MASSES... and for what PURPOSE???

    The fact that we are being made to feel that we should not have a CHOICE to get vaccinated is enough for me to say 'NO' to any mandate. As a child of God, HE gave me the gift of a free will. Therefore, I should have the right to decide what is right for me. I am not going to allow any government to take away my freedom to say 'NO'... I will never allow any government to CONTROL me.

    If it comes down to the choice of 'give me liberty or give me death'... I will choose 'death' in this life... KNOWING that I will be spending ETERNAL LIFE with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the next life, HEAVEN!!!

    Meanwhile, I will continue to pray for ALL of US... who have strong views on both sides of this ongoing debate.

  25. Anonymous12:42 PM

    To Rich Peterson-Medford @ 6:49 AM

    After going back to the previous thread and reading that 7:00 PM post, plus the uncalled for remark from 8:37 PM which followed... I completely understand and agree with your comment to him or her the next morning at 8:37 AM. Thank you for clearing this up for me.

  26. Anonymous12:55 PM

    To 8:30 AM

    FYI: The 'real globalist efforts' are to DEPOPULATE the earth down to a certain percentage via vaccines and boosters (clot shots)... and as these are the new weapons of mass DESTRUCTION... they are absolutely NOT 'going unnoticed' by those of us who choose to remain unvaccinated.

  27. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Video: Dr. Robert Malone responds to Project Veritas Bombshell

    “Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Robert Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL

  28. Anonymous1:58 PM

    The House of Cards Is Collapsing: EU Government Officially Admits Covid Vax Destroys Immune System

    Meanwhile, the House Oversight Committee has released thousands of pages of documents proving Fauci committed perjury when he claimed he was never involved in gain-of-function research!

  29. Anonymous1:59 PM

    10:04 am: "To posit that anti-vaxx folks are "Republican and Evangelical/Catholic" shows staggering foolishness!"

    I don't know who you think made this claim but I don't think many, if any, anti-vaxx folks are real Christians at all.

    Anti-vax, as you can see around you in New England is largely a New Age, one-world religion, ecumenical heretical practice and belief.

    I leave room for some truly low-IQ Christians that are influenced by group-think among their heretical communities, families and friends but, at this point, those still espousing lies and propaganda undermining the campaigns to vaccinate and save lives are an outward example of their non-elect status.

    As non-Christians heading towards a cliff, anti-vaxxers and their roman catholic allies are my mission field.


    p.s. - Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I took a break from the last topic since I disagreed with it entirely and knew it would involve far too much of my time over the holidays. Vigano is no Martin Luther. He wants to take the roman catholic church back to the days when services were held entirely in Latin, parishioners were not allowed to read, let alone own a bible and protestants were murdered by the "church". The day I listen to what Vigano has to say with any credibility is the day he and all the other opus dei members leave the roman catholic church, profess their faith and salvation in Jesus, through faith alone and officially disassociate their membership in the roman catholic cult. Neither pope Francis nor Vigano are Christians.

    p.p.s. - Fetzer Institute's emphasis on facilitation of love and forgiveness only works as a new world order endeavor once a neutral "peaceful" "facilitator" is needed to settle the disputes and warfare between opposing sides. First step - they have to set up opposing sides, arm them and then trigger them. The one-world peacemakers need a war of the worlds first and they can't do that if we stick to our biblical teaching and prayer while avoiding our own rebelliousness (i.e. - rebellion and dominion theology).

  30. Anonymous2:06 PM

    To clarify--

    I'm not saying it's unChristian to choose to be unvaccinated individually but, rather, it is unChristian to be anti-vax for political purposes.


  31. Anonymous2:15 PM

    January 12, 2022 - SMOKING GUN DARPA documents prove Fauci lied, MILLIONS died #ArrestFauci

  32. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Hey, X @ 1:59 PM

    YOU are the one who seems to be 'heading towards a cliff'... with your condescending remarks about 'low IQ Christians' etc.

    Also, I am a conservative, traditional pre-Vatican II Catholic... who would LOVE to help Vigano bring the Catholic Church BACK to the Church that Jesus MEANT for us to be!!! (Too bad you're not on the 'same page' with us... or anyone else for that matter.)

    Just curious: HOW do you arrive at your misplaced 'logic' that... "Anti-vax is largely a New Age, one-world religion, ecumenical heretical practice and belief"??? (In other words, how can not wanting to destroy our immune systems by taking experimental 'vaccines' be considered 'New Age' or a 'religion'???)

  33. Anonymous2:56 PM


    Post after post you called the unvaccinated murderers. Your clarification is insincere and a lie.

  34. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Hey, X

    Here is one more news flash for you...

    Bombshell: Nearly 75% of UK Covid DEATHS Were VAXXED, Govt Data Shows

  35. Anonymous5:38 PM

    "The devil comes to kill, to steal and to destroy" _Jesus Christ

  36. Anonymous6:34 PM

    2:58 pm

    There was a time I’d spend hours breaking down how infowars in misinterpreting the data and lying to you but it’s just not worth it bc there isn’t an honest bone in your body that actually cares about the truth death statistics, stratified by age, of the unvaccinated.

    Infowars is lying to you. Even the study/data they cherry pick numbers from indicates vaccines are safe and effective. If u don’t understand how statistics and data are being manipulated for propaganda purposes, I pity you.


  37. Anonymous7:29 PM

    You are to be pitied that the statistics (look them up at the CDC and WHO websites) say well over 90% of people all age brackets survive covid. But you need fear to be about what you are about.
    Why is that o ye of little faith..(in the Lord)?

    You choose fear and the cherry picked bits put out by people who want to lord over everyone that you are determined to believe (swallow) and are horrible, damage is great in the half truths they print, and you dare point your dishonest bony judgmental finger at others?
    The left lies like no one else. Nobody else has put out lies at their level, the basest, lowest bottom feeders of all. They win the gold medal for lying, and they provide your sources.

  38. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Good news to the majority of us.
    But X won't like this positivity presented by Dr. John Campbell.

  39. Anonymous8:01 PM

    at 2:56 PM

    No joke. x hates the anti-vaxx people and has zero love for Catholics.
    If he want to make them his mission field then he better take that hate he holds against them off. That is, unless his mission is to be a thorn in their side because he is not a good samaritan in the least.

    That's his mission here.

  40. Anonymous8:52 PM

    X @ 1:59 PM

    Since your a wierdo, how would you know what constitutes a "real Christian?"

    The so called vaccine, does not stop transmission. So stop your New Age Nazi bullshit!

    Stop trying to guilt trip Christ followers, and your virtue signaling is disgusting!

  41. Anonymous9:18 PM

    "but here is what I believe that the massive Republican and Evangelical/Catholic against Covid vaccine may well lead to:"

    Constance said that at 5:56 AM

    "I don't know who you think made this claim but I don't think many, if any, anti-vaxx folks are real Christians at all."

    x said that at 1:59 PM

    Lots of assuming and speculation going on..
    What good is that doing?

  42. Anonymous9:33 PM

    “ anti-vaxxers and their roman catholic allies are my mission field.”

    Now THAT is funny. Such a piety X evangelizes with such scorn and hate. A winning combination.

  43. Anonymous10:04 PM

    8:52 pm said: "how would you know what constitutes a "real Christian?"

    The Bible, duh.

    You can know you have been reborn if you demonstrate love for your neighbor. Jesus told His disciples that love would set them apart as His followers (John 13:34–35). Having love for fellow believers is a mark of a reborn person (1 John 4:20). Showing love to others, including one’s enemies (Matthew 5:44; Mark 12:31), is a quality of someone who has been born again.

    Vaccines reduce transmissions and reduce covid severity and there are susceptible members of civilized soceity that can't get vaccinated, nor participate in soceity because they are vulnerable and/or have co-morbidities. Protecting them by getting vaccinated would be a loving gesture beyond just a nod to ones civility.

    Christians that chose not to get vaccinated wouldn't lie about their reasoning in order to shy away from their sinful selfishness and they would accept any consequences established by earthy authorities with grace.


    P.S. - I AM encouraged by John Campbell's optimism. I hope this is the end of needing any further mandates and we just go to a less deadly endemic phase of a less deadly covid whereby older persons and people susceptible get annual voluntary covid vaccinations specifically targeting whatever variant is afoot that year. We're all not getting younger and a covid death is now a somewhat slow and lonely gruesome death.

  44. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Uh, WHO is 'cherry picking'... X at 6:34 PM?

    I am calling your bluff...
    There are countless sources, other than Infowars, plus many reputable doctors and scientists (who don't work for the globalists!) ~ who have revealed increasing EVIDENCE that vaccines are anything BUT 'safe and effective'. There are too many well documented posts to count, on previous threads here on this blog over the past 2 years.

    No... actually, the rest of us 'pity YOU'!!!

  45. Anonymous12:05 AM

    2:52pm said: "Also, I am a conservative, traditional pre-Vatican II Catholic... who would LOVE to help Vigano bring the Catholic Church BACK to the Church that Jesus MEANT for us to be!!! (Too bad you're not on the 'same page' with us... or anyone else for that matter.)"

    No wonder you don't sign your posts.

    Also, Martin Luther already did this in 1517-1520.

    Even though you hate us Protestants and consider us accursed, I will continue to pray for your salvation.


  46. Anonymous12:52 AM

    11:42 PM

    Read the entire study that infowars linked to and cherry-picked from for yourself.

    "UK Health Security Agency: COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - Week 1: 6 January 2022"

    In particular, look review Table 13, and go to the far right column for further analyzes the exact numbers from Table 12(b) that Infowars published and inappropriately summarized as their way to deliberately misrepresent the entire report. Totalling the numbers and making the claim 75% of deaths were vaccinated isn't an accurate or informative interpretation of the data.

    Table 13 shows age stratification and vaccination status unadjusted rates of covid deaths

    Ages : Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated Rates of Covid Deaths
    18-29 - Unvaccinated rate 5.00 times higher than vaccinated
    30-39 - 4 times higher
    40-49 - 5.22 times higher
    50-59 - 5.86 times higher
    60-69 - 5.16 times higher
    70-79 - 5.77 times higher
    80+ - 4.56 times higher

    If you read the full report (along with all the other reports published by UK Health) you should be able to discern yourself that your lay statements and summary of alt-right media you have engulfed yourself in are wholly (and deliberately) inaccurate.

    At this point, I have gleaned that your ignorance is intentional and I should not and will not continue to debunk nonsense for you.


  47. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Mainstream scientists now embracing vaccine depopulation explanation for why the vaccines are killing so many people

  48. Anonymous2:00 AM

    X at 12:52 AM
    Re: "At this point, I have gleaned that your ignorance is intentional and I should not and will not continue to debunk nonsense for you."


    Woo... Gee, I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight. LOL

    Sticks and stones, etc.

    Hey, X... Don't go away mad; just go away!!!

  49. It's about perspective:

    Brit Hume on 'absolutely staggering' Capitol riot revelation

    Fox News

    Fox News senior political analyst highlights the difference between how capitol and BLM riots were covered on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

  50. One can hardly say with any intellectual honesty or gross misrepresentation that Vigano seeks to bring forth a reformation or that he plans for entire services to be conducted in Latin. His message essentially is time is up . I agree with that assessment whether it be for the Catholic or the Protestant.

    Thus, to lord Martin Luther’s superiority over today’s Catholics is not an act of kindness or compassion. Protestantism has no room for snicker or ridicule. It was Luther’s anti-Semitism which was used to justify Volkish political theology (Luther’s personal anti-Semitic beliefs which the Lutheran Missouri Synod distanced itself from). It was primarily Protestant-majority electoral districts which delivered power to the National Socialists.

    Some Protestant self-righteous reflection might be in line on this discussion board. It is possible to disagree with another’s theology without labeling them as hateful. That is an uncivil projection which has become commonplace within this forum.

  51. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I don't want to distract from 8:29 AM with my timing or imply any disagreement with it. I fully agree but still retain skepticism about Vigano.

    I am one of those who has had an uncivil tone sometimes. Consistently gracious tone and attitude is the work of a lifetime. I have a lot of work to do. It's easier to be nice while suppressing truth. It's easier to become frustrated and exasperated when speaking truth. I need to work on speaking truth in love. But sometimes things need to be said even if they have to be said imperfectly. I can only apologize for my attitude and tone but I can't take back things I meant and believed unless somebody convinces me with an actual valid argument.

    Because of mistaken assumptions made about me on the last comment thread I need to respond one last time.

    At 10:43 AM on the comment thread attached to the last blog post, somebody said:

    I guess you will just have to go find other someones to hate Trump with you and tout your "righteousness" somewhere else then...because you can't and don't convince anyone here that you are anything other than bitter--and blinded by it. That is wrong right out of the batter's box know matter how right you might be.


    My bitterness consists of my disappointment that I am so close yet so far away from the people who form the MAGA base. I could go down a list of issues and problems and check the boxes in agreement regarding:

    * law and order, not defunding the police

    * energy independence, not shutting down pipelines

    * Constitutionalist, not activist, Supreme Court appointments

    * Pro life advocacy

    * Defense of freedom of religion, including against the LGBTQ lobby

    * Dismay at cancel culture and its support by woke corporations

    * Skepticism of legacy media

    * Horror at grotesque spectacles like Drag Queen Story Hour

    * Education, not indoctrination, in public schools

    * Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome

    * Law and order, not chaos, for handling of immigration at the borders

    * Anxiety about Christian cultural decline and American decline

    * Disgust with most Democrat politicians

  52. Anonymous10:13 AM

    All of that, BUT ALSO

    * The firm belief that NO president is above the law

    * A rejection of the belief that EVERYBODY who is a Democrat is evil

    * A rejection of political violence

    What has been the most disappointing of all has been Christians uncritically imitating the speech and attitudes of non-Christian Trump supporters, including an amoral priority on #winning.

    The majority of Americans are not on the extremes of the Left or the Right. The majority are the "exhausted majority." That is three-fifths of all Americans. But to converse online means that disagreement with one of the Americans who is on the one-fifth extreme on either end, will assume one to be at the opposite one-fifth.

    There is little to no space for the exhausted majority to disagree with EITHER side.

    And Christians HERE perpetuate this problem.

    I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton in 2016 because of my geographic location. It wouldn't really have mattered in my state. But ever since Trump got elected I sat on the MAGA fence and observed and read and listened and conversed in fascination.

    Once I made up my mind about the Big Lie and the January 6th response to it, I climbed down off the fence and realized I was standing on the same ground as the Never Trumpers.

    I was accused of duplicity so I clarified where I have come to stand now that I have achieved moral clarity. Upon clarifying, I was next accused of virtue signaling.

    As I continued to try to converse, I realized one of my biggest problems is that I've been educated, and people who are not educated have a bias and hostility toward it. I used to experience that hostility when I was a young student working in factories. I recognized it although it's been a long time.

    I kept feeling baffled about people assuming my feelings that I didn't actually feel. I finally realized they find educated writing to be somehow offensive.

    I responded to being criticized for smoothness, by becoming a little rougher. I realized smoothness and tact would generate suspicion that I'm trying to sell something. After that I was called caustic.

    This is when I decided it would be best just to go away, because it's not just difficult, it's impossible.

    I have learned some valuable lessons about social emotional cause and effect, communication and perspective taking. I don't expect anybody to learn anything of the kind from anything I've said.

    But I needed to clarify to correct the assumptions made about me, by those who blasted me for making assumptions about them.

    This will really be my very last post, and again, I AM NOT X.

  53. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Your not too full of yourself are you 10:13 AM????

  54. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Hopefully your honest about this being your last post 10:13 AM

    One X, is one too many.

  55. Anonymous10:44 AM

    10:29 AM and 10:32 AM,

    What makes you hate me? Is it that you think I'm wrong, or that you think I'm right? I bet if I were really dumb and mean, you'd just enjoy the Lulz. Are you even Christian? Are you even interested in the topics of the New Age and the NWO? Why are you here? Did you come here from 4chan or 8chan? Are you just a QAnon conspiracy theorist? Who are you, and why are you here?

  56. Anonymous10:45 AM

    But, if they are hateful, then they should be labeled as such Richard.

    "That is an uncivil projection which has become commonplace within this form"

    You need to decide if you are a guy, or a girl Richard.

    This current Luciferian society is not civil! If you want civility, then remain in your closet.

  57. Rich of Medford called me this morning vis a vis his concerns about some a blog commenters. He asked me to repeat my ABC & NBC false gospel warnings, which I cheerfully do here:

    Two false gospels:

    1. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be a member of the ABC Church and thou shalt be saved.
    2. Believe on the Lord Jesus Chrsit and be a member of the NBC Church and thou shalt be saved.
    ABC = "Anything but Catholic"
    NBC = "Nothing but Catholic"

    The Gospel: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved!

    Some Catholics do, some don't.
    Some Protestants do, some don't.


  58. Anonymous11:05 AM

    See, your a liar X.

    Are you even Christian?

    So if I hate Trump, and live in the past, while ignoring the coup, the current massive evil on the left, then I'm Christian?

    Why not let the dead bury their dead X?

    Are you not the real NWO New Age representative here?

    There's too much tendency "within this forum" to dwell on the past, while the world is currently a raging cluster-fuck.

    John Earl Fetzer, and Benjamin Creme are dead!

    Pharisees gotta Pharisee. It's indelibly etched in their persona.

  59. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Rich likes that lukewarmness. The fence rail is comfy cozy.

    Pharisees gotta Pharisee.

    Truth is truth, and lies are lies.

    Put em in a blender, and homogenize!

    Serve lukewarm, and shoo away the flies.

  60. Anonymous11:17 AM

    You who are professing Christians here, only X bothers you, these kind of people don't?

  61. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine

  62. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Nobody denied being a QAnon conspiracy theorist. It's a simple question, a yes or no would suffice.

  63. Anonymous11:35 AM

    There are no QAnon followers here. You should know that!

    But there is an ultra left wing New Ager(X), posing as a "Christian brother."

  64. Anonymous11:38 AM

    There is no possible way for anybody to prove whether or not any QAnon followers comment here. That's why I asked the question. Can you speak for every Anonymous commenter here?

  65. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Biden Regime Prepares For War Against Americans

  66. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I'm done. I leave all of you with each other to work out your own communication as adults, including X, who is not me. Including followers of QAnon, who probably want wrongs to be righted, and who may some day be drawn to their real Messiah, Jesus Christ. Yes, I keep getting attacked in a cowardly fashion by people after I say I'm done. This time I'm not going to respond. You can wage a cowardly attack on me knowing I can't respond without being called a liar. But I'm really done now. Saying I'm done and then commenting one more time is a trivial lie, and if you really minded lies, well then please pray to discern the truth about much bigger game than myself.

  67. Three words describe the 10:45 am poster: non compos mantis

  68. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Oh ouch!

    Richie, you such a big meanie!


  69. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Big Drag


  70. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Said X

    "I took a break from the last topic since I disagreed with it entirely and knew it would involve far too much of my time over the holidays."

    X, you slippery serpent. You knew you didn't have game. So you took a round off to dance/prance, around the ring.

    And now your back, in all your splender and glory.

  71. Anonymous12:37 PM


  72. Anonymous12:48 PM

    How UNCIVIL, to poke fun at mental illness!

  73. Im writing about Theosophy and the New Age in Sweden and its anti christian false teachings.

  74. John Earl Fetzer and Benjamin Creme are dead, but their ongoing work, unfortunately, is NOT dead. John Fetzer left his huge fortune to fund his vision of the New Age for what he hoped to be a 300 tp 500 year period. His nephew, Bruce Fetzer, is running the Fetzer Institute and is totally presently committed to implementing is Uncle's dangerous occult vision -- cashless society, new world religion, new age "messsiah" and all. Fetzer was one of America's wealthiest men. The trustees running the Institute have been skillfully investing the huge funds and they are networked with other equally or even more monetarily endowed agencies to make happen what didn't happen in the 1980s. They are most vocal that this time they intend to succeed. Fetzer Institute networks very closely with IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences), World Economic Forum. One of Fetzer's goals was to replace the Lord's Prayer with Alice Bailey's GREAT INVOCATION.

    The Creme group and Alice Bailey's Lucis Trust also enjoy plentiful funding.

    It is sheer ignorance -- possibly also deliberate disinformation to say that Fetzer and Creme are no longer important, especially when their work is presently extolled by those running the Fetzer Institute and implementing its deliberate New Age Movement agenda -- yes, cleansing action and all!


  75. the preceding comment was directed towards 11:05 poster.


  76. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Ok Constance, it's a relevant study. But, aren't there more important things happening right now, to fight against, pray about. NA is involved in nearly everything! The Fetzer Institute is just one tentacle in a giant octopus.

    If we are indeed very near the revealing of the AC, then studying the Fetzer Institute, isn't the best use of ones time.

    It seems that there might be a lot of foolish virgins when Christ returns for his bride. Maybe the foolish virgins were studying the Fetzer Institute etc. A big price to pay for not being in the moment, and looking up.

  77. Anonymous2:15 PM

    NEW Critical Evidence on Covid Jabs

  78. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Hope your doing ok RayB?

  79. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "I'm not saying it's unChristian to choose to be unvaccinated individually but, rather, it is unChristian to be anti-vax for political purposes.


    You lie, Bro.
    You have virtue signaled and marginalized those who are anti-vaxx, who state they are believers in Christ, who call Him and follow Him as Lord, who know this whole debacle is a political ploy, the entire left (and a large number of RINO right) in on it.
    When I wrote of the instance when I got sick with the WuFlu you called me a murderer. You said I am responsible for spreading it and killing others and could not be a Christian with my anti-vaxx view to be so reckless and irresponsible regarding my neighbor/neighborhood. Accused me of being a Q follower when I am most definitely not-I refused to involve myself in what I could easily sense was pretty much bogus (I warned some of my friends to abandon that nonsense), that I was against science because I posted links that documented the effectiveness of other treatments and protocols used particularly and freely in other countries with measurable, demonstrable success at very impressive rates.
    You are attempting to play chameleon but are only a bona fide hypocrite, just ahead of the curb, the "example" of what a Christian should be because you practiced what you preach. How highly you think of you (that's sickening, Bro).
    What you proved of yourself was how closed your mind, how small your heart, and how loud your mouth is. Then thread to thread repeat the cycle.
    You preach what the leftist Nazi globalists love to hear. The New Age, the New World Order, the "globalthink" coming from your narrative is also why you avoided Constance's last thread because all of these things actually tie together and this current thread she has posted is only furthering how deep this runs as she has reported on this for a long while, while you castigate and disparage all others who do not bow and scrape to the low and evil aims of those extremists you (either knowingly or unknowingly) haul water for.
    You blame everyone and everything conservative while you give true murderers and insurrectionists, rioter/terrorists a pass and claim you are all about justice.
    Your bias is extreme, as you claim you are a believer in the Lord.

    I do not hate you--but I have almost 0 respect for you. The few occasions I agreed with you I still found you wrong because your attitude is so caustic.

  80. Anonymous3:08 PM

    FBI arrests Oath Keepers leader on charge of seditious conspiracy involving Jan. 6 attack: This marks the first Jan. 6 indictment using the seditious conspiracy charge.

    January 13, 2022


    "The Justice Department has unsealed a major indictment charging the leader of the Oath Keepers militia group along with multiple other members with seditious conspiracy related to their alleged coordination in advance of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    The three indictments mark the Justice Department's first Jan. 6 use of the seditious conspiracy charge, which accuses Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and other members of the group of conspiring to "oppose by force the execution of the laws governing the transfer of presidential power" from outgoing President Donald Trump to incoming President Joe Biden."
    A conviction on the charge of seditious conspiracy carries a maximum sentence of no more than 20 years."
    Several members of the group are alleged to have stashed heavy weapons at a hotel in Virginia and positioned a so-called "Quick Reaction Force" that would come to Washington in the event of significant violence or if former President Donald Trump invoked the Insurrection Act.

    MORE: House Jan. 6 investigators contact ex-Oath Keeper featured in ABC News documentary
    "The charges against Stewart Rhodes send a strong message about the criminal conspiracy he was engaged in," Javed Ali, the former senior counterterrorism director at the National Security Council and a former FBI and DHS official, told ABC News. "While there is no crime of domestic terrorism under U.S. law, the seditious conspiracy charge that Rhodes and others will now face is one of dozens of crimes under the terrorism enhancement statute, which could boost the amount of years he and other defendants face if these cases go to trial and the U.S. government wins."

  81. Anonymous3:15 PM

    And the FBI involvement was what 3:08 PM?
    How convenient you leave that out..

  82. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "why you avoided Constance's last thread "
    Excuse me please, that the excellent article of that thread was credited to Rich of Medford.

  83. Anonymous4:05 PM

    3:15pm - You really need to brush up on your MAGA talking points versus trying to use already debunked conspiracy theories. Not presuming you care about truth, I'll still give you this recent news:

    House Jan. 6 committee dismisses ‘unsupported’ claim of FBI involvement in riot: The panel interviewed Ray Epps, an Arizona man who was on the Capitol grounds on the day of the attack and who is at the center of a baseless, right-wing theory accusing the FBI of planting agents to incite violence that day


    "The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday dismissed the “unsupported” claim that the FBI helped to incite the insurrection, a theory perpetuated by right-wing media and some Republicans looking to absolve the pro-Trump mob that stormed the building.

    In a statement, the panel said it interviewed Ray Epps, an Arizona man who encouraged others to break into the Capitol on Jan. 5 and was seen on the Capitol grounds the day of the attack. Supporters of former president Donald Trump invaded the Capitol to stop the affirmation of Joe Biden’s electoral college win, but some Republicans have pushed false claims of antifa involvement or the baseless theory that the FBI had planted agents in the crowd to instigate the violent attack.

    In the interview with the committee, Epps denied any involvement with the FBI or any other law enforcement agency.

    “The Select Committee is aware of unsupported claims that Ray Epps was an FBI informant based on the fact that he was on the FBI Wanted list and then was removed from that list without being charged,” said a committee spokesman. “The Select Committee has interviewed Mr. Epps. Mr. Epps informed us that he was not employed by, working with, or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency on January 5th or 6th or at any other time, and that he has never been an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency.”

  84. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Supreme Court votes 6-3 to BLOCK Biden's vaccine mandates for private companies in huge blow to White House COVID plan

    ('Disappointed' Joe will tell businesses to adopt rules ANYWAY and says it's up to States to 'do the right thing')

    The court's Thursday decision allows Biden's vaccine mandate for healthcare employees at facilities receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds to stay
    More than 80 million US workers would have been affected by private rule

    Conservative justices claimed Biden's rule would have presented a 'significant encroachment' on the everyday lives of American workers

    In his opinion Justice Gorsuch took a shot at White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, who previously retweeted an MSNBC host calling rule a 'work-around'

  85. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I guess it's tempting to label anyone to the right of 'Attila the Hun' as Q-Anon.

    However, if there are any Q-Anon posters on this blog, I must have missed them. (It would seem that one or two of the 'regulars' would have been able to sniff them out by now.)

    'By their fruits ye shall know them' etc.

  86. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Yale law graduate founder of far-right Oath Keepers group is charged - along with 10 others - with seditious conspiracy: Faces 20 years in prison for organizing Jan 6th riot and instructing his members from OUTSIDE Capitol building

  87. Anonymous6:33 PM

    3:21 pm

    This is Mrs. Cumbey's board and she started the last thread with a post that included/incorporated some words written by a blogger Richard of Medford about Vigano, a roman collaborator.

    I don't have a problem with catholics that I meet and socialize with in real life. My beef is with Rome, who, according to the Catholic Council of Trent, still stands today on the issuance of an anathema (condemnation) on anyone who believes salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

    If you claim to be an orthodox catholic, like Vigano, you stand by this hateful anathema today and I remain in protest over such hateful unbiblical nonsensical tradition.

    Moving on...

    Are there any historical ties between Fetzer Institute, John Fetzer, the Devos famly and/or Opus Dei (or other roman catholic "societies" like the knights of malta)????


  88. Anonymous6:45 PM

  89. Anonymous8:09 PM

    To X at 6:33 PM
    Re: "I don't have a problem with catholics that I meet and socialize with in real life. My beef is with Rome, who, according to the Catholic Council of Trent, still stands today on the issuance of an anathema (condemnation) on anyone who believes salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone."


    FYI: As a Catholic, I happen to be 'on the same page' with Constance's previous thread and Rich Peterson's post... regarding Archbishop Vigano.

    Then, YOU come along and attempt to take that discussion in another 'direction' entirely... for one purpose and one purpose only... to pour out your venom for the Catholic Church on this blog... desperately HOPING that you will be able to 'bait' one of the Catholics into a fight that will go on for days.

    But, you couldn't be more WRONG...

    (Jesus will sort everything out on Judgement Day.)

  90. Anonymous8:35 PM

    X is on the same page with the communists.

  91. Piggy-backing on 4:48 PM, the entire segment is worth a listen (he touches on the 'sedition' near the end):

    Tucker: This is worse than we thought

    Fox News

    ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host explains the dangers of government ‘censorship of political opinion.'

  92. It is true Mrs. Cumbey (whom I’ve worked with over the past 35 years) posted my work on the last thread as she has done so several times over the years. She agrees with its contents in its entirety hence making her a “co-roman collaborator.”

    There will be many more upcoming threads written by me on this blog space as she has graciously asked me to take on a more active role on this forum.

  93. RayB,

    How are you doing ok?



  94. I don't know why anyone would want to dive into this:

    I Spent Hundreds of Hours Working in VR. Here’s What I Learned

    This is how it feels in the future Mark Zuckerberg promised—disembodied and unaware of my surroundings.

    The author concludes:

    I finally made it to the cyberpunk future I always dreamed of, jacked in to the Matrix, now rebranded as the Metaverse. But in all my excitement to get there, I hadn't realized that by choosing to be there, I was choosing to disappear myself from here.


    The ultimate opiate for the masses?

  95. Craig,

    This article discusses sexual assault and various other crimes taking place within the Metaverse. Very disturbing indeed.

  96. For those asking if I know there are ties between Fetzer, the DeVos Family and conservative Catholic organizations, I don't know; HOWEVER, Fetzer made some attempted Catholic ties with his New Age nun, Elizabeth Reis. Listening to transcribed tapes of interviews with her that are freely available on the Fetzer websites, Nazareth College (a Catholic school run by her religious order, Sisters of St. Joseph), rejected his attempts to locate his New Age center (Fetzer Institute) at its location, rejecting the big money he would have injected into same. Further, Sister Liz's interviews indicate that because of her espousal of occult views that initially made some inroads into that school, she was eventually during the 1980s banned from teaching in the Catholic system and subsequently, the Episcopalians of Kalamazoo picked her up and allowed her to teach, when the Catholics would not.

    Further, she complained that both Catholics and Evangelicals had been "following her around" and taping her and she complained that Bible believing people were contaminating both Catholic and Evangelical circles.


  97. Rich @ 7:47 AM,

    Will the metaverse be a kind of Maya?

  98. To elaborate on the above, is the metaverse based on the the dichotomy asserted in the gnostic rejection of the physical as evil (not real) while the spiritual (metaverse) is good?

  99. Craig,

    There is a book called Stealing Fire which is about Silicon Valley’s efforts to manipulate brain function. They make no secret technology aims to induce on-demand altered states of consciousness. Apparently, these states as well as group consciousness will make us much better workers. I expect more compliant better describes the goal.

    The Metaverse appears to be part of the transhumanist agenda.

    From Stealing Fire:

    “So no matter how varied these states appear on the surface, their underlying neurobiological mechanisms—that is, the knobs and levers being tweaked in the brain—are the same…And this understanding allows us to tune altered states with newfound precision. Consider one of the simplest and oldest ecstatic techniques: meditation. Historically, if you wanted to use meditation to consistently produce a state where the self vanished, decades of practice were required. Why? Because your target was nothing more than a peculiar sensation, and hitting it was like throwing darts blindfolded. But researchers now know that the center of that target actually correlates to changes in brain function—like brainwaves in the low-alpha, high-theta range—and this unlocks all kinds of new training options. Instead of following the breath (or chanting a mantra or puzzling out a koan), meditators can be hooked up to neurofeedback devices that steer the brain directly toward that alpha/theta range. It’s a fairly straightforward adjustment to electrical activity, but it can accelerate learning, letting practitioners achieve in months what used to take years.”

    Kotler, Steven; Wheal, Jamie. Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work (pp. 24-25). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

    “Virtual and augmented reality companies like Oculus and Magic Leap are attracting outsize media and investor attention as everyone rushes into the landscape beyond frames and screens. They are early indicators of a new way of consuming content that increasingly blurs the boundaries between what is real and what is simulated. But perhaps more than any other artist, Jones is taking advantage of this technology to knock people out of their normal frames of reference, and give them a glimpse of ecstasis. His most recent project, appropriately named MicroDoseVR, is an immersive VR game offering an atom’s-eye tour through many of Shulgin’s alphabetamine compounds. Zooming through that digital world, surrounded by deep trance music and the actual “molecules of desire,” the simulation is more than enough to knock you out of regular awareness. “That’s probably the real value of these experiences,” explains Jones. “They take us out of our conditioned world. They open a realm of everything else we might never have experienced and only dreamed of. You think you know where the boundaries are, but you see this stuff and think, if this thing I’m looking at is possible?’”

    Kotler, Steven; Wheal, Jamie. Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work (p. 145). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

  100. From Stealing Fire (continued):

    “Lilly had solved the two biggest technical problems of mechanically inducing ecstasis5 on demand. The first was that inserting electrodes through the skull and into the brain invariably caused too much damage. The second was that pulsing unidirectional current across nerve endings tended to irreparably cook the circuitry. But Lilly had developed tiny stainless-steel sleeves you could tap into a subject’s skull and then slip gossamer electrodes through, with virtually no swelling or lasting harm. He’d also built a machine that sent bidirectional electrical pulses through the brain that stimulated neurons without knocking them out of balance.The procedure itself was virtually painless—nothing more than pinpricks as the sleeve guides went in. The electrodes could be inserted to any depth in the brain, from the cortex down to the amygdala. And the guides could remain embedded and undetected for months or even years.”

    Kotler, Steven; Wheal, Jamie. Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work (p. 183). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

  101. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Saturday Night Fights at the Pharmacy

  102. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "and a covid death is now a somewhat slow and lonely gruesome death."

    Says the resident Drama Queen x.

    Wow, he so needs to think this the worst of the worst in disease/sickness so the "powers that be" can keep sticking it to us because he thinks of us as the unwashed mass of anti-vaxxers/murderers, and he, dear folks, (in his mind) is the saint around here. He can't seem to stop reminding us of his saintliness either.
    What evil he is aligned to..and doesn't even bat an eye.

    What a freak.

  103. Anonymous11:54 AM

    X = Woke Joke

  104. Anonymous12:03 PM

    To Rich Peterson @ 7:22 AM...
    Re: "There will be many more upcoming threads written by be on this blog space as she (Constance) has graciously asked me to take on a more active role on this forum."


    A warm welcome from me, Rich... as you have always been considered to be a highly respected reseacher, and a voice of reason, by those of us who have been posting here for many years.

  105. Craig, I think this may address the gnostic aspect you questioned. Again, from Stealing Fire, page 131.

    “Another example of the provisional nature of the Lexicon is the phrase "End of the Line." Defined as: "When having a DMT [dimethyltryptamine; psychedelic] experience and you feel as if you have reached the Absolute Point. The Alpha and Omega of the universe and your entire existence. Then you are having a 'The End of the Line' type breakthrough. It may very well not be true at all, but for you, subjectively, it feels as if. So, even though an "End of the Line" experience might have birthed hellfire zealots in earlier days, today we have anonymous explorers bracketing the certainty of their experience with phrases like "you feel as if" and "it may very well not be true at all."

    “If you put this all together, what seems to be emerging in the aftermath of Shulgin, Carhart-Harris, and Strassman is a kind of "agnostic Gnosticism," an experience of the infinite rooted in the certainty that all interpretations are personal, provisional, and partial. As a result, no one can claim their particular vision of the divine as correct, if there are thousands of other "visions" with which to compare it. And anyone who does try to claim the spotlight? Even a few decades ago, they could have started a cult. These days, they'll just get trolled online, then ignored.”

  106. Anonymous2:25 PM

    "Some Protestant self-righteous reflection might be in line on this discussion board"

    Right on. x really is against Catholics.
    He gives Catholics no grace at all.

    He really disagreed with Vigano post from Rich of Medford and shows how closed he is because the information is coming from a Catholic biased is that?

    But then he pretty much gives no grace to anyone else either.
    Anyway I hope Rich posts a lot more.
    He has a cool head and a ton of valuable info to pass on..or Constance wouldn't use his input.
    Good move for the blog.

  107. Anonymous5:04 PM

    X is out of game.

  108. Anonymous9:02 PM

    GOP Senator Who Fauci Called a ‘Moron’ Is Set to Introduce the ‘FAUCI Act’

    GOP Sen. Roger Marshall of Kansas will introduce the Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals Act, or FAUCI Act, due to his concerns about the lack of transparency regarding Fauci’s records, according to The Hill.

    The FAUCI Act would require the Office of Government Ethics website to list the pay and perks for administration officials such as Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The agency also would be required to provide a list of those paid by the government whose financial records are not public.

  109. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I hope RayB is doing ok.

    Haven't heard from him in a little while.

  110. Anonymous10:15 PM

    US fleet of more than 9,000 helicopters, including air ambulances, could be grounded after 5G wireless rollout on January 19th... because the network interferes with choppers' radar altimeter

    AT&T and Verizon plan to unleash their 5G networks in the US on January 19

    The roll out could mean many medevac helicopters will be grounded

    US law requires these air ambulances to have a working radar altimeters, which measures altitude

    However, 5G is found to render the devices unreliable

    The FAA is, however, allowing 119 helicopters to fly regardless of the law

    That still leaves hundreds of medevac helicopters grounded

  111. Anonymous10:27 PM

    EU, WHO both warn that covid “booster” shots are dangerous

  112. Anonymous6:06 AM

    A sermon on the Metaverse and Revelation.

  113. Anonymous7:32 AM

    January is the month to commit to celebrate life... by praying for all pregnant mothers that they CHOOSE LIFE... for we are all wonderfully made!

    "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."
    ~ Jeremiah 1:5

  114. Anonymous8:30 AM

    How Fauci has profited from the pandemic: Senator he called 'moron' leaks his unredacted financial disclosures that show he raked in $5,000 from one virtual event and he and his wife are worth at least $10 million

    Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation's top public health expert, is the highest-paid federal employee - earning more than President Joe Biden

    Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, earns $434,312 as head of the NIAID: presidents earn $400,000 annually since 2001

    The 80-year-old has led the NIAID since 1984 and also receives royalties from medical textbooks he has published since 1983

    Publicly available salary information for Fauci shows he earned $3.6 million from 2010 to 2019

    He will make roughly $2.5 million more for the years 2020 through 2024 if he stays on through President Biden's current term

    Fauci's wife, Christine Grady, is the Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health, and earns $176,000 annually

    On Friday Fauci's federal financial declarations were leaked, showing that he has three accounts, with a total of $8,337,940.90, while she is worth $2,083,097.09

    Fauci's records show that he and his wife were paid $13,298 to attend four galas and ceremonies - three of them virtual

  115. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Major Airline Pilot Describes Heart Problems Following Covid Vaccine: “I Could Have Stroked Out at 100 Feet Trying to Land an Airplane”

    American Airlines Captain Greg Pearson recalled suffering atrial fibrillation after he decided to get a work-mandated Covid-19 jab.

    Pearson gave his testimony during a press conference at AmericaFest 2021 last month, where he said he decided to get the jab after being pressured by his employer.

    Traveling between the state that I live in Hawaii and California where I have family – two states that have archaic travel restrictions – I decided between the pressure of that, and my airline that was going to require a mandate vaccine, I went and got the jab.”

    Pearson says after he got jabbed he woke up in the middle of the night with chest pain.

    “I did it at 11:30 in the morning in Hawaii. Everything was normal. I went to bed. Woke up at 3:30 in the morning with my heart pounding out of my chest,” he stated.

    “I went to the ER. They hooked me up quickly to EKG, IVs, did blood work. Quickly determined that it was an atrial fibrillation. It’s a major cause of stroke.”

    According to Pearson, the heart emergency could have cost hundreds of people their lives if he’d been piloting a jumbo jet at the time it occurred.

  116. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Another J6 Fed whose name was taken off most wanted is confronted

  117. Rich,

    Thanks for providing the book excerpts. I do think the gnostic body/spirit-mind dichotomy undergirds all this. Alice Bailey explains how the body is merely a vehicle through which one evolves:

    …The development of spirit can be only expressed as yet in terms of the evolution of matter, and only through the adequacy of the vehicle, and through the suitability of the sheath, the body or form, can the point of spiritual development reached in any way be appraised…(Alice A. Bailey A Treatise on Cosmic Fire [New York: NY, Lucis Publishing, 1951], pp 49–50).

    In other words, we can manipulate and improve our body in various ways in order to ‘advance’ spiritually (through yogic meditation to eventually achieve union with “the ONE”), which is the goal towards self-deification.

    In your last quote (@ 9:18 AM) I wonder if the use of “virtually” was a deceptively purposeful pun: …with virtually no swelling or lasting harm and [t]he procedure itself was virtually painless….

    As to the Hindu and neo-Hindu concept of Maya, if one subscribes to this view (as the New Age neo-gnostics apparently do [Blavatsky expressly did]), then this push for the metaverse could be a way to get the uninitiated used to such a concept. Escape the material world to the immaterial alternate universe, which then primes one for such an idea that the physical world really IS not as it appears, and we should seek its REAL form.

  118. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Just shows how dumb these folks are.

  119. Solidarity!

    100 BORIS’ 🎉 Party outside Downing Street

    No one can say they weren't wearing their 'masks'.

  120. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Do away with thinking, and go with the flow. Especially if it's cool, and fun! If it feels good, do it.

  121. Obama's dream of a single payer system for healthcare is being very aggressively pushed. During a spate of unemployment I got the ACA as a sort of emergency health plan. As soon as I was reemployed and eligible for the new employer's plan, I cancelled the ACA.

    Since then I've received a staggering amount of emails, as well as an inordinate amount of phone calls soliciting. I can absolutely definitively state that I've never been targeted by a more aggressive form of solicitation EVER. I've already received two emails today reminding me that today is the FINAL DEADLINE. I received two yesterday, also. And over the course of the last few months I've received a number of phone calls on top of this.

    The solicitations are trying to 'sell' me with advertisements of lower costs, etc. Here's the verbiage from the latest attempt (bold in orig.):

    Last chance to check out your potential savings at! Return to the Marketplace by the end of the day to review your options and pick your plan.

    Help paying for coverage is now available for many people who didn’t qualify before. Come back to now to update your information, see if you qualify for tax credits, and view plan options and costs for this year.

    I'm appalled by all this. This is yet another way to erode the middle class.

  122. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The Military, Medical, Industrial Complex just loves, and cares about you Craig. 💕

  123. Anonymous12:39 PM

    El Salvador's President Bukele produces the receipts on Biden corruption

  124. Anonymous12:55 PM

    MSNBC: "Christian Nationalist" Supreme Court "Sided With The Virus" By Shooting Down Vaccine Mandate

  125. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Burger King Murder Suspect Demands 'Woke' Justice: 'Where's Our Reparations'

  126. ...and I just received my FINAL REMINDER.

  127. Anonymous4:33 PM

    We know the Bible says something of pestilence in the end times, Craig at 3:47 maybe that could possibly be considered a pestilence, a plague of some kind for sure!

  128. Thank you very much to the several people that expressed concern ...

    Here's an update; after my bout with COVID about 6 weeks ago, I later contracted Omicron on New Year's day. I was pretty sick for about 4 days and then the Zelenko Protocol seemed to kick in and my symptoms began to alleviate. On January 4 or 5, my wife contracted COVID. Although she started the Zelenko Protocol (low risk), she became progressively worse (It took about 5 days for her fever to finally break). I won't go into details, but it developed into a very scary situation, but God mightily answered prayer and saw us through this and she was able to avoid hospitalization. Thankfully, she is now much better, but still requires plenty of rest, etc.

    (Please note ... if you get COVID or Omicron, it is very important to remain hydrated, as your body will use up quite a bit of liquid in fighting the virus. Also, once we upped the daily dosage of the Zelenko Protocol on zinc to 100 mg and Vitamin D to 20,000 IU, 3,000 IU of C, it seemed to have a very positive impact).

    Thanks again to all those that expressed a concern for us!

  129. RayB,

    If your wife is not already doing this, might I suggest Pedialyte? If you're in an area of the country that has Natural Grocers, try:

    Trace Minerals Electrolyte Stamina Tablets

    and/or try:


  130. Everybody is failing in their professional responsibilities because something is forcing them (#110)

    DarkHorse Podcast Clips

    I think the Supreme Court decision 'compromise' in allowing the mandate for health care workers to be upheld/codified sets a dangerous precedent, a slippery slope. From the beginning this should have been a question of Constitutionality, not health.

  131. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Marines OK first two COVID-19 vaccine exemptions for religious reasons - making them the first military service to do so thus far

  132. Anonymous7:53 PM

    RayB at 5:54 PM

    My prayers go out to you and your wife, and to anyone else on this blog who may be suffering right now.

    Also, thank you for the suggestions and tips on what to do if any of us comes down with Covid or Omicron.

  133. Dr. Zelenko Covid-19 Prohylaxis Protocol

    Dr. Zelenko Covid-19 Treatment Protocol

    Note that quercetin is part of it (pssst: and note also HCQ and Ivm).

  134. Putting aside the occasional new age-y things, JP nails it!

    The Narrative is Crumbling - 16 Reasons Why

  135. Anonymous8:48 PM

    More on that ongoing hostage situation at synagogue in Colleyville, Texas (since 11 AM CT)

  136. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Craig 7:05 PM,
    Ditto on the Pedialyte.
    It truly helped me.
    I couldn't eat hardly at all for 2 weeks but keeping hydrated I knew I had to do and is a huge advantage.

  137. A tip of the ol' tin foil hat:

    Score Another One for the Tin Foil Hats

    Say it isn't so!!

  138. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Glad for the good outcome RayB!
    God answered with Almighty help in your time of need!

    He did the same for my spouse and I too....
    God is so good.

  139. Anon 10:14 PM,

    Glad you had the foresight to keep properly hydrated. While Pedialyte is good in a pinch, the drawback is the sucralose (artificial sweetener). The Trace Minerals Electrolyte Stamina Tablets are better, though both more expensive and harder to obtain.

  140. Anonymous1:02 AM


    Glad Obamacare was there for you when you needed it. Certainly beats cobra coverage. It’s been a Godsend for our family.

    That said, is very easy to opt out of. They send 1-4 emails monthly but in November, December and January (enrollment window) it gets a little overwhelming.

    At the bottom of every email it says:

    “This message is paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It was created and distributed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. You're receiving this message because you signed up for email updates from the Team. You can update your preferences, receive fewer emails or pause emails until the next Open Enrollment period, or use our 1-click unsubscribe to stop receiving messages from the Team. Please contact if you have questions or problems with your subscriptions.”

    “One click unsubscribe” and you are done. You can login and stop the phone calls too.


    P.S. - glad to hear Ray and his wife are recovering.

  141. X,

    I'm well aware I can opt out. I wanted to find out how aggressive their campaign would be. We're all paying for this aggressive campaign to push socialism. I suppose you like that.

  142. RayB, You stated that you had Covid and then later contracted Omicron. What was the difference between the two? Were you tested both times?

  143. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Gender-Fliud School Bathroom Rapist Takes Third Victim

  144. Anonymous3:40 PM

    No kidding, this shoe fits the OBiden Whitehouse.
    Morbid x is a bit touched in the head by this syndrome too..

  145. Anonymous4:12 PM


    That’s just kind of silly.

    It’s appears to be customer service, not truly “advertising”. I got a few calls too, but my wife doesn’t and she hasn’t seen any “advertising” regarding the government sponsored & regulated private health insurance exchange.

    I support single payer health care. Supply and demand for-profit just in time healthcare doesn’t work.

    Obamacare is a half measure. But light years better than the illusion of health insurance we had prior to Obamacare. For example, you would have been forced to go without insurance or use Cobra at 3 times the price you paid the exchange or, if you were lucky, find a state sponsored health insurance of last resort policy. Over 50 you would had difficulty finding another job with health coverage because companies didn’t want their “rating” to increase. None of us could share any health issues online because Human Resources researched people and their families to make sure they weren’t hiring health insurance premium time bombs.

    Anyway. I’m not gonna continue talking about Obamacare. It’s already proven itself.


  146. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Daily Mail report vs Before It's News report (same story about the island of Tonga)...

    'Once in a THOUSAND years explosion': Death toll is unknown on ash-choked Tonga after underwater volcano sparked deadly tsunami wiping out internet on island paradise - two die in Peru as waves smash Latin America and US West coast


    Breaking News! Tonga "Underwater Volcano" Event Was A Mega Torpedo And Shockwave Is The Proof?!! Russian Intel Suggests Tonga Underwater Volcanic Eruption Was American Doomsday Poseidon Mega Torpedo That "Went Missing"!!

  147. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "It’s already proven itself."

    To be introductory socialism--one size fits none "healthcare".
    Your New Age stripes are showing x....

    Healthcare doesn't belong in government hands. Neither does education.
    But big brother loving pharinazi x wants us enslaved to the overlords and why he excuses the abuses so they can cram it on everyone because that is the end game.
    Why don't you live in a third world/communist country x since that is what you want for yourself and family?
    Leave the rest of us alone.....but of course you won't...because you are a plague all by your lonesome. Plagues gotta plague.

  148. Everything that involves government overreach is not "communism." what we are looking at is technocracy and a drive towards neo feudalism. Instead of looking for communists under the bed, we need to be looking for neo feudalists under the bed.

    The unseating of the feudalists and royalty and so forth was a long process involving the development of a middle class, which is probably why the middle class is targetted.

    Government involvement in things libertarians don't like them involved in wayyyy predates Marx or any theory of socialism. Alfred the Great when he became a Christian, had the plough tax put to helping the poor. in Byzantium there was imperial funding for St. Basil the Great's hospoitals, which were free to the clients.

    The Costitution provides for the patent office and the Smithsonian Institution has been a government project all along, this is something called dirigism, where government helps the devlopment and spread of technology and knowledge.

    Education is an issue, to be able to govern ourselves we need to be able to get and sort information so we need to read and write. and do math at least basic math. The government interest in an educared electorate validates government involvementin education, but clearly it is being abused.

  149. Anonymous7:37 PM

    But play it all forward to the extreme is bound to go to and that is what you get, Christine.
    New Age Communism and we are headed for an anti-christ rule.
    It is on our horizon.

  150. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Great read.

  151. Anonymous9:21 PM

    And it fulfills prophecy.

    Conquering and to Conquer.

  152. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Tsunami Waves Over 4 Feet High Hit Pacific Coast after Major Eruption near Tonga

  153. Below I’m posting excerpts from an article about the Metaverse and the implementation of a social credit system. A social credit system is what the World Economic Forum envisions to be a necessity for planetary salvation.

    The order of which I quote below is not necessarily the order of which it was written.

    From the article:

    The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) not VR (virtual reality) will be the Key Human Interface of the Metaverse.

    The metaverse is a symbol of the new stage of our digital evolution. It requires a few things to occur, and it's starting to happen in a place most people aren't looking.

    The metaverse starts to become more realized when digital immersion starts to codify human behavior with rewards and punishments like China’s social credit system.

    The metaverse is the next operating system, a more immersive version of all things digital heading to the matrix. The future of artificial intelligence must lead to something.

    Surveillance capitalism of Silicon Valley ushered in an age where our privacy disappeared and our we entered into an era of data apartheid. This created a climate where something even more peculiar was made possible.

    The metaverse is in a sense the goal and end game of surveillance capitalism.

    At the Last Futurist, I would argue that China’s CBDC [central bank digital currency] might be the key element in the creation of the metaverse (the Digital Yuan). This is because it facilitates a centralization of all digital consumption, regulation and algorithmic purpose. It’s very odd that what the West considers an authoritarian regime would be capable of creating the metaverse, but its emphasis on AI, social credit systems and innovation makes it nearly inevitable.

    Microsoft’s strength in the productivity metaverse has become obvious in 2021. The metaverse is what results when BigTech has been consolidated into only a few or a single winner. We are already living in a world with two internets, the American and the Chinese.

    America’s internet is splintered into dozens of duopolies, while China’s BigTech is becoming more harmonized by a central agency.

    While America glorifies greed and profit, China might glorify a technological dynasty that works in a harmonious competition that is capable of creating something more than the sum of its parts. Therefore there’s an over 80% probability that the metaverse will have Chinese characteristics.

    When quantum computing, artificial intelligence and the brain-computer-interface (BCI) converge, what do you suppose occurs and where does it happen first?

    The precursor to the metaverse isn't what you think, it's actually the Digital Yuan, where China was first to arrive at a central bank digital currency attached to a social credit system that's the first sign of the metaverse.

  154. Anonymous10:07 AM


    5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event - Documentary 1-16-2022

  155. For anyone interested, I investigated the meaning of pharmakeia in the NT, specifically in its context in Revelation 18:23. What does it really mean in this context?

    By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled

  156. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Craig at 12:20 PM
    Thanks for that link you provided.
    Is a very interesting topic alright...
    What all does this involve?

    We have family members who have been in and out of drug court and rehab and thankfully some have turned to the Lord for their freedom from the influence and damage and danger that brought to them, and frankly speaking endangered other family members not even participating...but alcohol and illegal drugs is only one portion of what this entails in my book.
    Further, broader, more pervasive and acceptable is legal drugs prescribed by the good ole family doctor. Some, to keep them off of illegal ones have turned to legal ones, and it has only brought some change to behaviors of their former conduct that took them to jail/prison, caused much heartache and trouble personally and beyond them, but there is a lingering effect in attitudes and dependencies that legal prescriptions do not, and cannot, address. This runs deep. Is there some true benefit to drugs prescribed to children and their addled adult "parents" driven by pharmaceutical billions? I personally see little, in those family members and many other family members of others who are our peers at church, workplace, out and about in society in general in America.
    Overprescribed and untargeted goals for use and duration have left at least 3 generations of Americans in crisis in my estimation. The influence is everywhere and I am sickened by what I continue to see. It is a form of idolatry with devout Christians on board to turn a blind eye and I see little to give me much hope for change the way drugs and all the baggage that afterward goes with it, from diet pills to mood altering drugs, even on organic and natural "supplements" shelves that promise beyond what they can do for the human condition which is a heartsickness with a mental sickness built right into it that continues to impact generations to keep playing a terrible game with their own futures and even their souls because the dependencies are so prevalent and deep, and the Lord Who made us, is left out of the equation except in perhaps some cursory way while people keep drugging themselves to find peace and calm in their lives and there stands Jesus Christ with open arms, fully ready and able to greatly and freely afford it to them if they will acknowledge Him instead of running to the "egypts" widely available and acceptable in this day and age.
    Does even a manufactured "vaccine" somehow come under this heading too now I wonder. The "dependency" seems to be driving it so is curious to know because of the impact even upon human DNA.
    Lots to ponder here...

    (and cont)

  157. Anonymous2:39 PM

    My son is enamored with marijuana as a natural panacea of cures. He is basically no good to work a steady job. My heart breaks over where he is today. His soul is in danger because he knows the truth and has not yet turned from his pharmakeia to take God's offer. He claims it makes him "spiritual" (the knowledge of "good and evil" derived in his mind from this substance?). His own father (my 1st husband) introduced it to him and that man is still a user to this father, like son. My stepchildren (adults also) also introduced to drugs (and alcohol), led by the hand into the lifestyle by their own mother who is still under those influences. My stepdaughter is as though she is a high functioning "dry drunk" using her legal "meds". Her thinking is still in degrees altered in what I see and percieve by her behavior. Too much dependent still (this is a decades old issue), but she is good with that because she thinks this is, in part, to help her stay sober (avoid anxieties that "trigger" her) and out of that lifestyle which will mean prison the next time. I pray there is not a next time.
    There are many many factors here--in the physical and pyschological realm--body and mind--the devil's target is on people here but most certainly in the realm of the spirit of man--the part the Lord is working to draw and make alive in His Spirit. This is ongoing prayer as you can understand.
    There is no other cure anywhere else, in any one else, for what really ails the human heart, the human condition deeply irreparably damaged and endangered in the fall. The knowledge of "good and evil" may have a "drug/s" to help that along. The devil is very crafty and subtle is he not? Thank God for His gift, His Son, to set us free, in all ways, free to live life in His abundance now and eternally with Him one day.
    As you can guess I am a praying mother for a long time to see that danger averted as we currently go through this mine field of awful choices out there--just as in the days of Noah.

  158. Anonymous4:31 PM

    2:39 pm

    Not to mention new age naturopaths, chiropractors, faith healers and bloggers pushing alternative and largely, if not entirely, ineffective treatments for covid over and to the exclusion of safe, effective and life-saving mRNA vaccines which prevent and/or minimize hospitalizations and deaths without needing any new age treatments.

    Craig's blog made me think of new age Sorcerer's like Dr. Mercola, Dr. Malone, Dr. Zelenko, Tenpenney, natural news, robert kennedy and the list goes on and on trying to keep their "customers" sick and dependent upon them for magic medicine and untruthful insight.


    p.s. - why does anyone here even care if we have single-payer healthcare, you don't believe in healthcare anyway. You don't trust it and get all your "healthcare" from quacks on "public" internet anyway. Its not like health insurance covers naturopaths and alternative snack oil therapies.

  159. Anonymous5:00 PM

    As long you and your dope peddling big pharma get their way right X?
    Big dope medicine, big joke governing, big lie media, and big hype religion, all bent on "health", "education", "peace and safety" for "social justice"...all things you advocate for, all those whose boots you lick, to lead people down a "primrose path" to destruction.

    There are quacks and hacks in every field, that's not new, but those who corner that market like nobody else, are those who ram and cram their socialism, marXism, one world hoax for the wokes, that you are entirely bought into.
    You, in your wokeness, are a large part of the great big problem(s) in this world today..

    The hack and quack of the blog, reigning champ for pretending you even give a damn and have all the damn answers too, around here is you.

    Go jump up off your woke cliff for that deep dive into the morass of the third world you want for all the rest of us, (that the elites want to insure we have)..

    ..o ye of much fake.

  160. Anonymous5:12 PM

    'keep their "customers" sick and dependent upon them for magic medicine and untruthful insight."


    Your gang member Fau-chi and his personal millions made in Chinese investments, and Joke President you voted for up to his eyebrows in Chinese business via doper Hunter, have you by the gonads. That twist has to hurt, but maybe you don't really feel it with awful case of Munchausen's Syndrome you are victim of.
    You once again perfectly describe yourself and your tribe.

  161. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Major airline CEOs warn of 'catastrophic' aviation crisis when delayed 5G roll out finally begins Wednesday: FAA warns 100,000 passengers could face delays or cancelations and some planes could be grounded PERMANENTLY

    The CEOS of some of America's largest airlines wrote to federal government officials warning that a new 5G service could cause disruptions

    In the letter to federal officials, the CEOs wrote that when AT&T and Verizon's new service goes live on Wednesday it could affect commerce

    The FAA has warned that potential interference could affect sensitive airplane instruments such as altimeters and impact on low-visibility operations

    5G could also affect airplane's safety features

  162. Anonymous7:24 PM

    A perfect picture of X. Hidden behind anonymity. Tough talk regurgitated from his leftist fact checkers. Unable and ashamed to stand tall.

  163. Anonymous8:08 PM

    7:24 PM

    ROLF - that’s x

  164. Anonymous8:20 PM

    2:39 PM

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on legal, and illegal drugs. What you believe about them is exactly what I think true also.

    What the blog serpent responded with, takes nothing at all from your own personal experience, and insight. May the Lord bless you, and yours.

  165. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Thank you 8:20 PM.

  166. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Five nurses speak out about what is really going on in hospitals

  167. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The "fact checkers" are paid by the big pharma companies.

  168. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Dr. Malone’s Bio:
    - Original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies.
    - Holder of numerous domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines.
    - 100 scientific publications with over 12,000 citations of his work
    - Member of National Institute of Health ACTIV Committee.
    - Medical degree from Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine.
    - Completed Harvard Medical School fellowship as global clinical research scholar.
    - Scientifically trained at University of CA Davis, University of CA San Diego, and Salk Institute of Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories.
    - Associate professor of pathology and surgery at the University of CA at Davis, University of Maryland, and Armed Forces University of Health Sciences.

    X’s bio:
    - Blog commentator cloaked behind anonymity.
    - No verifiable credentials.
    - Irrational MarXist thinker.

  169. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Dr. Malone was supposed to be working towards the typically accelerated PhD at Salk but basically flunked out and only received his MD. If you ask any person who has knowledge of the research that was done on lipid-mediated transfer who was the brains behind its intellectual and methodological development, Inder Verma, Didier Trono or Robert Malone, you will get a lot of the first two, and none of the last one. In fact, among experts, the name Malone will either get a “Who?” or “That crackpot?” He is one of those pathetic, sad, ego-driven guys who fail to acknowledge that he simply wasn’t good enough at research (still is not) and tried to take credit for the work of others. Malone got more than full credit for the pipetting he did, but the intellectual property did not stem from his mind. Like many entitled people who feel that life has denied them things they feel they DESERVE, he has become something of a loose cannon and tarnishes what little reputation he had with crackpot theories that can not be substantiated and his long time obsession for credit not due. At best he is simply another jealous ignoranus, at worst, a murderer by way of deliberate misinformation and fame whoring.

    Discovering something doesn’t mean that you’re an expert in the entire field.


  170. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Maybe if you had made a much longer rebuttal that ran on and on a little more, trying to discredit Doctor Malone, in very predictable lefty language, then maybe someone here would believe you. Maybe if you were more long winded with your bullshit then his long list of credentials that you so miserably attempt to negate would somehow seem meaningless.

    _Not really.

  171. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I’m ballparking but somewhere between 100,000-400,000 unvaccinated Americans, including my cousin and a guy in my Bible study group died on that “he’s (and other crackpots) got credentials & knows what he’s talking about” petard despite the insistence of thousands of other doctors and researchers far more creditialed and credible.

    Dr Malone’s early involvement before others far smarter and with more perseverance took over actually points to his jealous bias more than credibility on a subject he’d long abandoned. Doesn’t excuse it, just explains it.


  172. Anonymous11:07 AM

    X speaking out against the highly respected Dr. Robert Malone speaks VOLUMES!!!

  173. Anonymous11:08 AM

    God bless Dr. Mary Bowden for trying to save lives ('first do no harm')...

    Doctor accused of spreading COVID-19 misinformation sues Houston Methodist Hospital
    A Houston doctor, who was in the spotlight late last year after being suspended by Houston Methodist Hospital for spreading information related to COVID-19 they called "harmful to the community," has responded with a lawsuit.

    Dr. Mary Bowden, an ear, nose and throat specialist, who runs a private practice in River Oaks, announced the suit on Monday morning.

    In the lawsuit, she's asking for data from Methodist detailing the effects of the vaccines and financial reports.

    Dr. Bowden, who had provisional privileges at Houston Methodist, resigned in mid-November 2021 after the public back-and-forth with the hospital.

    Dr. Bowden had tweeted that "Vaccine mandates are wrong" and shared about her battle to give her patients Ivermectin, a controversial drug hailed as a treatment for COVID-19 by some.

    She says she’s tested more than 80,000 people for COVID-19 and treated more than 2,000 patients.

    "I do not want to be in the media and I do not appreciate how Methodist handled this," Bowden said. "I’m simply trying to help my patients."

  174. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "X" believes in more federal power grabs. The NWO is what he is hoping for. More power by any means to the elites and less, much less, in the hands of those who actually build this country as it was begun by those with the common ethic and goal which even in it's infancy had much potential and room for growth to improve, and handed down the opportunities for a steady and increasingly work toward that to bring it...there are still some who believe that the right course to be on. But the heart of this nation is sick in what evil it allows so our governing, the human institution it is, is running it's course and as all human endeavors do, they degrade as they go.

    He is a wolf trying to masquerade as a sheep.
    He does not care what toll this heavy-handedness takes, as long as his marxism bents and new ageism slants get and keep the upper hand. He must make his living off the backs of others to be so greedy to keep that agenda going. Anybody with a reasoning brain would be abandoning, at the very least questioning, that socialist sinking ship by now because it clearly is taking the country into the abyss if course is not changed immediately.

    Personally, I think it's too late...yet, as we all must do, I prepare for the worst while I hope for the best. Only in God (there is no politics or politician with the solution-not even one) so it has to be God if is it possible for the destruction of our society to turn a 180 toward righteousness. And if He says it's done, it's done. So be it and to God be the glory either way.
    But woe to those who helped destroy what grace had brought us. That is what I think is x's bio at present. Sad to see another person in that grip, and hope that changes.

    I'm just here, just another anonymous who reads blogs looking for information and other's insights, who sees the fade to black of this world but mainly I am looking toward the sky where Jesus will come from, at His appointed time.

  175. Anonymous11:24 AM

    X has excellent copy and paste skills. Best to stick to beauty parlor gossip x.

  176. Anonymous11:43 AM


  177. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Why look at all these impressive patents with Dr. Malone's name on them.


  178. Anonymous6:06 PM

    "actually points to his jealous bias more than credibility on a subject"

    Ah. Your doctorate. You give us a huge clue that you are lettered in jealousy, bias, and suffer a lack credibility. It is why you attack others, who are boots on the ground, trying the clean up the terrible consequences your biased peers created so you resort to your junk sources, your junk president and his junk administration, and the junk science they foster upon everyone.

    You are not hard to figure out quack x. Every time you point your bony finger of blame at someone else, your other fingers point right back at you. When are you going to learn to be civil and fair? I won't be holding my breath waiting....

  179. Anonymous6:36 PM

    So X has a bony finger~ I thought so~ ha!

  180. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Also a bony head!

  181. Anonymous7:15 PM

    You'll undoubtedly attempt a rebuttal, but here goes anyway. I've read your material for a number of years. Early on you connected with some very important information and contributed greatly to our understanding of the New Age. However, as time went on your research led you to become accusatory of fellow Christians without just cause, and you became increasingly irrational on some topics. That is, you developed a tendency to go down a rabbit hole and lose sight of the greater scheme. As I've read your posts over the past year or so I've noted a distinct loss of discernment. This has played out most clearly in your praise of certain GOP members who are anything but "courageous",and are very much a part of the fabric of the very movement you've exposed. I'd also add your myopic view of the "vaccine" that isn't. I'd strongly urge you to retire. Allow others with better discernment pick up the research from here on. You've done honorable work for many years, but you have to recognize at some point that you're no longer discerning enough to keep up with Modernity. You're not simply having hiccups now and then. Your discernment has become dangerous, spiritually speaking. Take a break. You deserve it.

  182. Anonymous7:22 PM

    If Biden got the most votes in history, why change voting laws?

    Here's your junk president and junk party at "work" x.

  183. Anonymous7:39 PM

    The Commi-crats used the filibuster just 4 days ago but still want it eliminated so it can't be used against them!

    I think that's funny as they sit in their poopoo pants and cry like babies.


  184. Anonymous7:41 PM

    7:15 PM How rude and undiscerning of you!

  185. Anonymous8:36 PM

    What a self righteous load of crap.
    Presumably you are one of the "others" that you mention and your discernment is more accurate and trustworthy.
    Obviously you're wrong.

  186. Anonymous10:19 PM

    7:15 PM

    You must not be so truthful here at the Pharisee Forum.

    I fully agree with you however.

    Notice 7:41 PM + 8:36 PM offer no rebuttal. They just hurl insults.

  187. Anonymous12:07 AM

    @10:19 PM

    I've noticed the distinct spirit of Pharisaism here, as you correctly noted. I hold no animosity for Cumbey, nor has she ever done me any wrong. The truth of what I said regarding her gradual corruption of discernment is something that as been noted by others as well. I'm not at all surprised the two people you mentioned were insulting. Truth has nothing to fear, and the insults come from a place of fear.

    My comments weren't designed to cause hurt, but to state what is obvious to most, but which the sycophants here simply refuse to acknowledge. Her discernment has been absolutely horrible of late. Asking her to retire is respectful & merciful. Demanding she continue even with such demonstrably poor discernment is selfish and cruel. Yet you and I, who speak the truth in love, are going to be called the bad guys.

  188. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Sad you call her out simply for not staying on MAGA message.

    Not a single biblical issue yet you question her discernment???

    Shame on you.

  189. Anonymous6:00 AM

    5G goes live in the US and sparks international chaos: Emirates, Air India, All Nippon cancel flights while British Airways and Cathay Pacific scramble to switch aircraft over safety fears around airports as AT&T and Verizon activate their networks at 90%

    Verizon and AT&T activated their 5G networks at 12:01 AM on Wednesday amid airline safety concerns

    Delta warned of possible cancellations and United has already started blaming 5G for delays

    The world's largest operator of the Boeing 777, Dubai's Emirates, suspended flights to nine US cities

    Japan Airlines has canceled three cargo flights and five passenger flights; All Nippon has canceled 20

    Air India is not operating between Delhi and JFK, Chicago or San Fran, or between Mumbai and Newark

    AT&T and Verizon have agreed not to switch on the 5G towers near major airports for now

    The White House intervened between the two industries on Tuesday to broker an agreement

    The CEOs of major US airlines had warned of mass chaos if the towers were switched

  190. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Hurl insults?
    How insulting and rude and self absorbed must anyone be who would jump on someone else's blogsite and proceed to make a point that the blog site owner's opinions are no longer valid regarding the general subject matter; a subject which by the way the blogsite owner single handedly brought to the attention of the whole world?
    If that's how you feel, why not simply buzz off and/or start your own blog with your own more enlightened opinions?
    Oh that's right, no one knows you and you've never published anything, much less a best seller on the subject.
    You could call it "Unpublished Anonymous Riding Constance Cumbys' Coattails" or something like that. I'm sure there would be a real stampede of followers.

  191. Anonymous9:18 AM


  192. Anonymous10:26 AM

    There is no reason to slight or insult Constance, especially here. It is her blog and we are mere guests that she graciously allows to comment.

    We can leave at any time. Maybe for some it is time.

  193. Anonymous10:29 AM


  194. Anonymous10:45 AM

    10:26 AM

    No one is insulting Constance. Merely pointing out facts!

    As far as being insulting, Constance basically placed all the Republicans here, as QAnon wackos, and blind Trump followers! There was NO evidence for that! She even claimed we were in bondage to a "Luciferic Spirit" The only posters here, that are indeed under a Luciferic Spirit, are, Constance Cumbey, X, and Thomas Dulheimer.

  195. Anonymous11:39 AM

    @ 10:45 AM
    I agree she has been wrong to broad brush paint people here in the way you described. She has made no apology for it--but this is her blog, and if people don't like that then they can let it pass or leave, because, again, this is her blog.
    Telling her how you disagree is one thing, making her out to be unfit to further work on the topics she chooses for her blog is quite another. What she reports is all tied to what we do see going on and has some important yet back burner effect compared to the more up front things going on, but this is hers to decide. Rich Peterson is also helping now which helps her especially in all she has to tackle on her personal front, yet still stays in the game. She is just one person, and the current things all converging in New Age/NWO topics is very big. I find it admirable that she is still at it, doing the best she can. And she made health choices for herself that are exclusively hers to make, just as you and I are choosing to do.

    She will retire, lay down the sword so to speak, when she chooses not when people unfairly tell her she should..on her own blog.

  196. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Sir Rich of Medford and his misplaced concern, alarm and fear over Mexican art and unchristian statements by agents of Rome are more representative of a lack of discernment than anything Mrs. Cumbey has ever stated here.

    Mrs Cumbey’s opinions and Criticisms of both the left and right are not new. She’s written with concern for years about Doug Coe and “the Family”’s in roads into conservative politics and its heretical influences.

    If you aren’t familiar with “the family”….

    I mean, really, Maga has lost any sense of being Christian. Trump recently endorsed a new age heretic, “Pastor” Kelly Tshibaka for US Senate hoping to punish/replace Lisa Murkowski in Alaska.

    Here’s Kelly telling her Washington DC “congregation” (where she also works as a bureaucrat for the department of justice) about speaking in tongues with her toddler


  197. Anonymous1:56 PM

    What has your junk president and his junk administration endorsed MEGAliberal x?

    Everyone here -- except you -- sees the big picture of what is wrong with politics/politicians on both sides of the aisle, pointedly state that truth with regularity, naming names, but your blind hatred won't see the big picture.

    Don't hate us because we are not haters like you are Westboro Baptist wannabe x.

    This is why the globalists love people like you. Division and injustice is their game.

    You don't just throw the baby out with the kill the baby. (proof in how you vote and disparage people not like you with your machete tongue).

    You are a persecutor of Christians everywhere because the wheat is among the tares just like Jesus said, but you can not discern the difference and not your job to be pulling those up because the Lord will do that harvesting one day Himself.

    But you, nonetheless without success, try heretic, x.
    If you had any decency you would be ashamed of yourself.

  198. Anonymous2:02 PM


    You better be careful while you judge people because you are no better than the New Agey evangelicals out there with your uber liberal narrative. Your stripes just run another ungodly direction.
