
Monday, October 25, 2021

New Developments: WEF, Lucis Trust, Pope Francis, Matthew Fox, etc.

 I apologize to all for my slight presence both in writing and reading comments.  I had a severe bout of eye strain that required recent emergency in-eye shots for macular degeneration in my strongest eye.  Both my eyes had cataract surgeries, with the surgery for the right eye being more successful than the left.  I have another retinal specialist visit scheduled for this Friday, October 29th.  Fortunately, I have an excellent doctor -- but I have had to religiously avoid eye strain, and a lot of close reading and computer usage.

With that being said, however, I have attempted to keep up with youtube big screen TV viewing on relevant topics.  I also hear from many, including Grant from New Zealand and Rich of Medford.

What is happening now?  It is occurring almost too fast on too many fronts to intelligently and cohesively synthesize.  However, major developments include:

    1.  The two present great white hopes of Lucis Trust / World Goodwill appear to be:

            a.  The World Economic Forum

             b.  Pope Francis.

    2.  Excommunicated (1993) former Roman Catholic Dominican Priest Matthew Fox (now an Episcopalian priest), a main purveyor of "Cosmic Christ", anti-Christian morality standards, and earth worship, is now openly bragging that Pope Francis Laudato Si Encyclical was written by one of Matthew Fox's main Creation Spirituality (i.e. Earth Worship) students.

    3.  The Pope virtually declared war on EWTN for adhering opposing these and other Vatican developments, calling his opposition "of the Devil."  Given my past history with Matthew Pacwa, the Jesuit priest running much of EWTN, I wish I had faith in EWTN's ability to withstand the Pope's demand that they abandon those stands.  Both Randy England (a cradle-Catholic and author of UNICORN IN THE SANCTUARY) were come against by Pacwa in the early 1990's for our opposition to Matthew Fox.  Pacwa clearly owed us both apologies -- none have ever been received, at least by Yours Truly.  My information on the Pacwa "reaming" came from Randy England, himself, approximately 15 years ago.  I did, however, encouragingly see that a portion of his book about the extreme heresies connected with Fox were up on EWTN's library website.  The article I wrote about Pacwa and my concerns about his running of EWTN were published on this blogspot, and I am attaching a link to it here for those wishing to refresh those memories.  If Pacwa has changed his stance, I rejoice, but given my past experiences with him, I remain cynical, at least for the present moment.  It would be very nice if I were wrong.

Well, I've overstrained my eyes for the night.  But, please 

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Constance & All Others...

    Please Note: These double posts are (one or both) being DELETED.

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Please see the ending section of the previous thread for important further details.

    And as I mentioned there, Constance, please have someone help you transfer to a better, more secure platform.

    Thank you!

  5. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Any who may not've seen them:

    Don't miss the posts exchanged with X towards the end of the previous thread!

  6. Anonymous8:46 AM

    What makes you so sure the anti-Jesuits aren’t complicit in this whole thing. If they think the pope is evil, why not come out of her and join us Protestants? Obviously papal succession and being the vicar for Christ Isn’t true and it’s not the true body of Christ so why are they not walking away as Luther did?

    I believe them to be complicit and their divisiveness is designed to attract Protestants to them back-dooring itching ear Protestants towards one church in her.


  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    At the end of the last thread, the gist of what X wrote @ 2:44 AM

    'obstinant and disobedient to Him is literally killing people'

    X was referring to his very pro vac obsession.

    So, if I believe that the vax is ungodly, and unsafe, I'm ungodly for not taking it, doctor X?

    And your the spokes person against the cult of Mary?

    Your a Luciferian cult of your own, you serpent.


  8. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Spreading lies, deliberate misinformation, gossip, adding to the gospel and, more arguably, not loving your neighbor are unbiblical, I believe.

    I’m not your pastor. Your walk is your walk.

    We’re all sinners and responsible for our actions, however, the consequences of these sins with regards to the vaccines isn’t just its effects on our wall with God but our physical lives.

    There’s nothing unbiblical about the vaccine itself or any vaccine which is why the antivax conspiracy crowd (mis)quotes our founding fathers as though they are idols and the constitution is scripture (at times).

    If you’ve got a chapter and verse, please share.

    Peace, x

  9. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I didn't want you to appear to be all alone X.

    Did I forget to sign my name?

    Your loving alter-ego.

  10. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The religion of X @ 11:01 AM

    X declares his 'mission' here

    "Spreading lies, deliberate misinformation, gossip, adding to the gospel and, more arguably, not loving your neighbor are umbilical, I believe."

    Thank you X for at least being honest as to your mode of operation here.

  11. Anonymous11:28 AM

    X's christianity is the same as Joe Biden's.
    Putting babies and puppies in harm's way, their specialty.

  12. Anonymous12:17 PM

    A Biden administration is the best chance for SAVING puppies' lives!

    Don't you understand that?


  13. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Same as he's the Anti-Abortion choice, as I've had to keep reiterating to you deluded right-wingers time after time after time!

    If you love unborn babies:


    If Puppies Lives Matter:


    I hope you finally get it now, I'm tired of reiterating.

  14. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Luke 8: 43-48:

    "Now there was a woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years; and though she had spent all she had on physicians, no one could cure her. She came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his clothes, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped.

    X, you trust in the most vile men for your perverted 'hope'.

    Your faith is deeply rooted in this perishing world.

    Rather than humbling yourself, you double down on your contempt for Christ followers.

    The Christ followers here can easily see what a clown you are.

    Our rights end at your nose, as you have stated. But you will stubbornly go down swinging.

    Your the Nazi who will turn in the faithful.

    You will think your doing God a favor.

    Enjoy the fruits of your labors.

  15. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Deleted Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves to "Conform".

  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Potbelly Goblins Are Now In Charge Of Your Health

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Noam Chomsky Says, Lock Vaccine Skeptics In Their Homes and Deprive Them of Food

  18. Anonymous1:37 PM


  19. Does anybody ever comment on the subject matters posted by myself?


  20. Anonymous1:54 PM

    AG Garland Says He's "Not Aware" Zuckerberg Poured Over $400-Million To Interfere In The 2020 Presidential Election And Takeover Polling Places

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM


    What you just posted is common knowledge to readers here. We read it, ingest it, and continue on.

    We have been battling a disinformation agent here for quite sometime now.

    Goes by the letter X

  22. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Hi Constance.

    I hope and pray you continue to make progress with your eyesight.
    It has to be a real trial for you at times, but glad for the provision of God in good doctor care! I hope you stay encouraged that you can get better sight as you heal in spite of setbacks and hopefully not straining them too much.

  23. Anonymous3:24 PM


    So enlighten us poor inferior intellects why you have gone out of you way to repeatedly delete important informational news links while at the same time blatantly ignoring post after post of racist 'poetry'.

    We would, I'm quite sure, all love to hear your answer.

  24. Anonymous3:33 PM


    And don't neglect to enlighten us poor inferior intellects as to why you have deleted the 1:35 AM post of the previous thread!

    Craig said...

    Anon 1:35 PM wrote:

    "Just maybe that little old lady walking to 6:00 AM Mass, looking so 'miserable' (as you assume) may have had serious health issues due to her age and was in chronic physical pain."

    I have to admit I thought the same thing. Or strong emotional pain due to some (non-RCC) cause.

    1:54 PM

  25. Anonymous3:34 PM

    1:35 PM

  26. Anonymous with all of the time stamps, who would like to be enlightened: I've been away from the blog for a couple of days. I just did a quick check of comments on the previous blog - they're still there. Apparently, you've got some eye problems of your own. Maybe a change in eyeglasses would help you with further enlightenment.

    In my opinion, this is Constance' blog, and if she wants to delete comments, it's her option to do so. She's being wrongfully accused on this one.

  27. Constance, Thank you for the interesting information. I'm going to go back and look at your previous posts on this subject. I'm not informed enough about WEF, Matthew Fox, Pope Francis to comment. I'm looking forward to your continued updates on new developments.

    I pray for the restoration of your eyesight and your ability to do all that you need to do to accomplish your mission here on earth. I pray that Father God will give you all that you ask of Him in Jesus' name.

  28. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Yes, Craig... I too would like to know why that 1:35 PM post was deleted.

    Constance, please explain what was so objectionable about this...

    Anonymous @ 1:35 PM wrote:
    "Just maybe that little old lady walking to 6:00 AM Mass, looking so 'miserable' (as you assume) may have had serious health issues due to her age and was in chronic physical pain."

  29. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Majoring in the minors is often on display here....

    It is just a blog.
    In the bigger scheme of things we can all take or leave the whatevers.

    And it is does belong to Constance, to do with as she pleases.

  30. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Pfft. X is very easy to dismiss. He posts a whole lot, a whole lot of
    not worthwhile reading to begin with.
    And his attitude (about basically everything and toward most everyone) really stinks.
    Then there is the sicko poet. Oh gosh.
    So yes, I concur. Whatever.

    There really are better things to do with our time..

  31. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Hutch @ 5:13 PM

    Kindly don't take it upon yourself to presume to proclaim judgment upon subjects that you do not fully understand.

    The "important informational links" obviously refers to the double-posts which I have been posting for a long time which, when I found out they were being removed were thereupon more recently immediately followed with this accompanying message:

    Note: These double posts are (one or both) being DELETED.

    And, Judge Hutch, if you'll turn your keenly observant eyes to the VERY START of this new thread, you will see the aforementioned deletions in all their glory.

    And, Judge Hutch, I'll also thank you to keep your uninformed opinions to yourself.

  32. Anonymous7:13 PM

    P.S. Yes it's her blog, duh, but with power comes responsibility. And to act accordingly. It's NOT too much to hold her accountable and ask her WHY she is going out of her way to repeatedly delete those double-post important informational news links while at the same time blatantly ignoring post after post of racist 'poetry'. Just sitting back and accepting such behavior regardless of WHO it's from is the way of the sheeple.

  33. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Note: These double posts are (one or both) being DELETED.

  34. Anonymous7:29 PM

    7:17 PM

    How DARE you post such horrendous filth!

    It should be removed immediately!

    We are all in DANGER!



  35. Anonymous7:43 PM


    Roughly 20 years ago I had Sky Angel television. EWTN channel was part of the package of channels. I watched it to see what was being broadcast. I watched it a several times to see if the gospel was ever preached there? It wasn't. It was largely chatter about sacred visions of Mary, and other 'miracles'. Lots and lots of table talk between priests, and nuns about the blessed virgin, the holy father, and always miracles etc. After just five minutes or so of watching I usually felt spiritually unwell, and switched to something wholesome.

    Why bother searching to see if there is anything to find of value in the cult? It's obviously an institution the Lord would not want those that are His to be a part of. Let them bite, and devour each other.

    There are worse things than the RCC to be concerned about, and pray about right now. The Lord will give warning to anyone captive to Babylon. In the RCC, or outside of the RCC.

  36. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said more than 40% of the people who died in Maryland over the last 6-8 weeks were jabbed
    His actual quote:
    "I hear a lot of times people feel it's a rare event that fully vaccinated may die. I happen to be the senior advisor to Governor Hogen in the state of Maryland. In the last 6 to 8 weeks more than 40% of the people that died in Maryland were fully vaccinated."

    Misleading x said:
    "the unvaccinated, who still make up 60-70% of the covid deaths in Maryland yet so few over the age of 65 (where most of the deaths occur) remain unvaccinated at all."

    The remaining 60% of the people (there in reference to the article) that died makes no mention of covid deaths of unvaccinated, that specific detail is not part of this equation, but x wants us to believe that the deaths were unvaxxed exclusively so he can up "his" numbers to bolster his argument of how the unvaxxed are dying and spreading covid. That is his spin once again. Slippery, slimy x and his "facts" don't add up..surprise surprise..
    Redfield would know about this topic being in the trenches on this issue, but not self proclaimed "expert" x, yet x spreads disinfo with every breath.

    You are wrong again ole death breath x!

  37. To Hutch:

    I greatly appreciate your kind words. Thank you!



  38. To all:

    Consider taking the time to read Psalm 91 today ... it is very apropos to the unsettling world we are living in today.


  39. Constance,

    I hope and pray for a full recovery from your physical ailments.

    The older I get, the more precious is the promise of a resurrected, new glorified body.

    "For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me." - Job 19:25-27

  40. Anonymous11:33 AM



  41. Anonymous11:52 AM

    "The Tracker you Got from Vaccination" - Prince (1996)

  42. Anonymous12:04 PM


  43. Richard1:20 PM

    Join in x's quest to leave this blog overturned,
    Disseminating sludge and dark doom;

    Spewing out turds from the evil he's felt,
    he wakes up ole' Grant from his tomb;

    Pumping and dumping his boys like a rag,
    he explores the pleasures of sin!

    He makes the best of the cards he's been dealt,
    he cheats just like Joe so he wins!

  44. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated will develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by end of the year

  45. Richard1:21 PM

    Joe unleashes all his filthy wrath,
    wannabe killing machine;

    He rips down all who clog Barry's bath,
    rejoicing in all obscene.....Throne of Fire!


  46. King of all darkness, the initiation,
    pathetically baptized in flames;

    x next in line to the Obamination,
    trade children throughout his domain;

    Learning dark arts that rule the impure,
    inherit Fauci's boxes of fleas;

    Thousands of eons this pervert endures,
    fulfilling the last prophecies!

  47. Anonymous2:10 PM

    X is like a cross between Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo on this blog.
    Hybrids of the self-aggrandizing ego sorts, and condescending "know it all" jerks who only think they know something. It isn't real life, in real time, what they know, and doesn't stop them because big media is a bunch of Socialist Nazi types.
    So the theatrics in X's posts are equal to the non-stop bias clown show put on by those two blowhards nightly.

    And who is watching them?
    LOL! Virtually no one!

    Their ratings stink.
    With very good reason.

  48. Anonymous4:58 PM

    2:10 PM

    Say what you will about me, at least I have a Degree. And I daresay that someone the likes of you DOESN'T. So on that basis alone you should be deferring to me. When you said "clown show" you spoke prejudicially. But Don and Chris and myself graduated from Clown College some time back. (Although alone of us three, I have a Phd.)

    And that means that you should be bowing the knee to ALL THREE of us.

    When told to do something by your betters, do it, or it will be the worse for you.



  49. All things X must rise again as twilight's blanket falls,
    Scattered bones,
    Children's heads on homes,
    Blood pouring from his walls.....

    He brings forth his desire,
    Twisted, lustful, dance in the fire,
    Demented, dumb, your loss he seeks,
    He corrupts this blog with insanity!

  50. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Obviously 4:58pm (and 12:17pm + 12:22 pm yesterday)

    are not my actual posts.

    I'm apparently frustrating him by just not replying to his moronic assertions and further disrupting Mrs. Cumbey's desire to discuss roman catholicism and the new world order.

    I did ask a question about the anti-Jesuits and whether Mrs. Cumbey thinks there's any chance they will come out of her and join us Christians in "protest" versus complaining from within?

    Further, why are the anti-Jesuits participating in so much disinformation? It's surely not factual or religious, so it must be political, right?


  51. Anonymous7:05 PM

    x 5:18 PM

    I am not 4:58 PM.
    I can tell the difference between your posts and an imposter.
    You don't use the same type of verbiage.
    That being said, you still put on a clown show of bogus and your
    snark and snarl are coming from a bad place in you. Because your arguments are not based on facts (just your version of "facts"). You set up your posting theatrics (strawman and red herrings as clearly pointed out previously but you don't learn and we are on to you) to overstate the leftist narrative you are hyping here and frankly you are given to hysterics about death by covid.
    Like there is no other way to die in this world.
    Get real.
    You do resemble the 2 CNN clowns aforementioned.
    You're vaxxed to the maxx..shouldn't you be happy now?
    By your posts you aren't. And you live in pretend world to think you have the high moral ground around here.
    Imposter or not, I think you're pathetic all on your own.

  52. Anonymous7:25 PM

    All kinds of ilk is coming out of the woodwork to join the new world order, x.
    That isn't news around here.

    This blog has had a lot to say about that from Constance herself and others who comment and link info who have been on that watch for a long while too.
    That's why we can smell your brand of globalist rat so well, while you gratuitously name drop
    Constance's name on occasion.
    Even your "nice" is ratty.....

  53. Anonymous7:56 PM

    So how about your man AG Merrick Garland eh, X?
    Since you are on board with CRT curriculum, I assume you are pretty happy with him ;)

    And your man Fauci, caring so much for the puppies, has got to make you proud to stand with him...

  54. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Multiple sources confirm JILL BIDEN has asked about using 25th Amendment to get rid of Kamala Harris

  55. Anonymous8:03 PM

    TWIX Commercial endorses little BOY dressing in ‘Princess outfit’

  56. Anonymous8:09 PM

    X Receives Laying On Of Hands At Opus Dei Event

  57. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The radicals and their rapists in skirts sure appreciate your support X!
    Those angry dare they get upset...seeking to unseat the high and mighty leftists and their agendas, to protect their kids!

  58. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Sometimes the headlines write themselves:

    First ‘Gender X’ passport issued by United States…

  59. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Garland grilled about FBI informants on January 6th…

  60. Anonymous8:47 PM

    'Dr. Pierre Kory treated 200 members of Congress with Ivermectin'

  61. Anonymous9:06 PM


    Maybe you should become Grant FROM New Zealand:

    The Wicked Witch of New Zealand announces NEW mandate

  62. Anonymous9:17 PM


    Book your flight yet?

    New Zealand Prime Minister proudly admits she helped create two classes of people, while holding human rights hostage

  63. Anonymous9:20 PM

    UNIMAGINABLE CRUELTY: Fauci provisioned medical experiments conducted on LIVING beagles that were eaten alive by parasites in the name of “science”!

  64. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Uh-oh. THIS sounds just a little TOO jarringly possible for comfort:

    The Invasion of Taiwan is the Crisis for the Great Reset

    Pray that God Almighty intervenes to protect the good people of Taiwan!

  65. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Did you know that if you live near a Six Flags you can get two daily meals for only $150 A YEAR?

    This guy has eaten nearly all of his meals at Six Flags for the past seven years. It only cost him $150 a year.

    Fresh out of college and something of a coaster-fanatic already, Dylan was perusing the options for Six Flags' annual pass when he stumbled upon what might be the deal of his lifetime — for a one-time fee of $150, he could eat two meals a day, every day at the park for an entire year. Since his office was just a five-minute drive away, it was a no-brainer.

    This was a financial life hack for the ages, and look what our guy did with his money while he saved on groceries by eating at Six Flags:

    After just seven years of daily meals at the theme park, Dylan paid down his student loans, got married and bought a house.<>

  66. Anonymous10:11 PM

    From Megatons to Microbes: Trying To SCARE Us Into the New World Order

  67. Anonymous11:08 PM

    How did Florida end up with one of the best COVID-19 case and death rates in the US despite Gov Ron DeSantis refusing to implement mask or vaccine mandates?

    (I love how those clueless morons just answered their own stupid question!!! LOL)

  68. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Two reasons why the evil Globalists want to see ALL children vaccinated:

    1) They will become completely dependent on an endless supply of prescription meds from Big Pharma for symptoms of their vaccine injuries & side effects for their rest of their lives.

    2) They will be unable to 'produce' MORE children.

  69. Anonymous11:22 PM

    In time, there will be two classes of people left on this earth:

    1) TRANSHUMANS (the vaccinated)

    2) The rest of us, who are UNVACCINATED (who still have our souls AND our immune systems)

  70. Journal accepts and at the last minute rejects paper on myocarditis from vaxxes:

    Paper pulled with no explanation #FollowTheSilence (from Livestream #101)

    DarkHorse Podcast Clips

  71. Anonymous12:44 AM


    Here's a link that gives a little more explanation or speculation about why anti-vaxx quack docter, Peter McCullough had his/their certainly biased and untrustworthy paper retracted. It wasn't the first time one of these groups the authors were affiliated with had a paper retracted.

    "COVID-19 vaccine-myocarditis paper to be permanently removed: Elsevier"

    More on McCullough, on Oct 6th, at a political rally where Peter McCollough was a paid speaker and idealogue, McCullough claimed real doctors would be afraid to show up. One of Oklahoma's top infectious disease physicians, Dr. Anuj Malik, director of infection prevention and control at Ascension St. John, said that the doctors he spoke of were not afraid to attend. They were just not interested in sitting through what would be seen as a “politically-motivated, ideological speech by a modern-day quack.”

    McCullough has been running around the country trying to make a a name for himself in his broad campaign against vaccine mandates and the vaccine itself. A group of defiant Houston nurses have hired him as a so-called "expert witness" in their appeal against a vaccine mandate at Houston Methodist. Meanwhile Dr. McCullough has been losing his credentials at multiple health systems due to his persistent dissemination of harmful misinformation. A Dallas County court granted a temporary restraining order against him in July on behalf of Baylor Scott & White Health for continuing to claim titles, including vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, even after he was fired from Baylor in February.
    In addition, Texas A&M College of Medicine, Texas Christian University and University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine have also cut ties with McCullough for spreading misinformation.

    Craig, what you may see as censorship is just coordianted planned new world order misinformation designed to spread fear and mistrust of our government and it's institutions, including our health systems in an attempt to bankrupt our treasury. In the meantime, McCullough is just another grifter. When their "study" does make it to print (someone somewhere won't care about their reputation as long as they get clicks), please link it so I can have another laugh.

    "Heart Inflammation More Common After COVID-19 Than After Vaccination"

    Also...the World Health Organization is monitoring Vaccine safety worldwide and issued this statement on vaccines and mycarditis just a few hours ago. I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have about it.

    "COVID-19 subcommittee of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS): updated guidance regarding myocarditis and pericarditis reported with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (27 October 2021)"


    p.s.- I'm not saying if my son was yet unvaccinated and vitamin D deficient, I wouldn't have advised him to consider the Pjizer vaccine. He's in school in Nashville and works primarily outside at one of our facilities so he was good either way by the time he got vaccinated.

  72. Anonymous1:10 AM

    It's very interesting to watch the new age left merging with the desperate alternative right and start advocating completely progressive liberal issues. Republicans are now fighting for animal rights? What's next, fighting for privacy rights? Oh yeah, they are doing that too, while pretending to complain about the proposed IRS rules monitoring banking transactions despite their party's longstanding support of law enforcement's carte blanche right to search and seize whatever they want.

    Personally, I may sympathize with beagles being abused and I hope any tests being conducted upon animals are seriously important enough to warrant such, however, God has given us dominion over the earth and the right to subdue it. If animal testing can save human lives, I'm supportive. I'm not interested in doing it, but generally supportive.

    I also think all the Fauci scapegoating is misplaced political nonsense. He's done his job well from all I've read and worked harder than any other bureaucrat through this pandemic to save lives. I can only imagine how hard his job was last year trying to do such under bunker Trump.

    oh, yeah...the Beagle story appears to also contain fabrications and misinformation. It doesn't even make sense for any legitimate testing for allergies to have sand flies completely "eat the dogs alive". Perhaps it's a colloquialism --- like when I'm hunting in Alabama and the mosquitoes are "eating me alive" doesn't really mean I'm "literally" being eaten alive.

    "NIH says shocking images of beagles being eaten alive by sandflies in cruel lab test had nothing to do with them or Fauci (but admits to similar ones AND cutting the dogs' vocal chords to keep them quiet)"


  73. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Hmmm... wonder if x works for Dr. FAUX-chi?

    It is flattering that the globalists are threatened by the posts that are educating people to the truth on this blog.

  74. Anonymous5:32 AM

    RE: ‘Multiple sources confirm Jill Biden has asked about using 25th Amendment to get rid of Kamala Harris'

    Just had the thought, whether staged or real ("Never let a good crisis go to waste.") this is possibly paving the way for...

    HILLARY CLINTON be installed as the U.S. Vice-President!

    And with borederline senile 'Sleepy Joe' quite possibly a half-step away from resigning "due to health reasons"...

  75. Anonymous5:42 AM

    California Democrat with 5 Emmy nominations for Conan O’Brien Show arrested for threatening to kill Matt Gaetz and his son

  76. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I'll never forget that during a Conan O'Brien show broadcast from Comic-Con they staged a mock murder of Trump, showing staffers throwing him out of a high story window of the building they were located in to fall to his death.

  77. Anonymous5:57 AM

    CDC’s Walensky threatens cops who refuse covid shots, says they’ll be sent to reeducation camps

  78. Anonymous6:00 AM

    How an MSM Journo Realized ‘Plandemic’ Was CORRECT

  79. X,

    Predictably, you wrote:

    Here's a link that gives a little more explanation or speculation about why anti-vaxx quack docter, Peter McCullough had his/their certainly biased and untrustworthy paper retracted. [and etc....]

    Careful, your ad hominem MO is on full display. Without actually seeing the paper you’ve no idea of its contents and therefore its validity. Is the information at the link you provided trustworthy? You’ve no idea. Perhaps the truth will leak out in the form of the original paper—which initially passed full peer review—so that we will all be able to decide.

    And McCullough is hardly “anti-vaxx” as you charge. One can listen to his overall stance in this exchange with Tucker Carlson:

    Dr Peter McCullough explains how people can be treated for the " pandemic "

    Here’s a snippet:

    Tucker Carlson Today Dr Peter McCullough May 7, 2021 2

  80. X @ 1:10 AM,

    Perhaps if Faux-chi was not involved with ‘gain of function’ research, this novel coronavirus would not be in existence in the first place—its preexistence as an untainted coronavirus in the bat caves retained. And it never would have gained this function of enhanced transmissibility to humans. And we wouldn’t be in this global boat we are now in.

    I’m reminded of the following. In the 1980s I worked an extra job part-time. At this job was a high schooler who told me he used to wait outside a particular convenience store for shoppers leaving their cars running in the parking lot while they ran inside to shop. He would then sneak over and lock the cars and wait until the shoppers would try to no avail to get back into their cars. Then he’d emerge and offer the use of his Slimjim—conveniently in his back pocket—to unlock their cars. Once the cars were opened, the now-pleased shoppers would usually give him a few bucks for his ‘trouble’.

  81. Listening in, it seems plain that America has lost its founding ideals. Before it gets too nasty:

    The Hessians came.
    The United Empire Loyalists came.
    The American Indians came.
    Runaway slaves came.
    Draft dodgers came.

    Maybe you can find a new life smoking out our Nazi New-Agers and spoiling their Findhorn Frankentomatoes. Give it a try:


  82. What Is Going On?

    Vatican Abruptly Cancels Live Broadcast Of NWO Pope And Death Cult Leader Joe Biden–Will Only Release Edited Footage

  83. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "It's very interesting to watch the new age left merging with the desperate alternative right"

    Get a clue, you flaming hypocrite.
    x, you are up to your neck in complicity with it and yet you harangue others.
    That's so you.

  84. Anonymous10:16 AM

    The drama queen of denial, parasite x, won't acknowledge the egregious wrongs of those working to further the work of political extremists doing experiments on people, those playing God, that he openly supports and speaks in behalf of, who are guilty of terrible crimes against humans, and as we find out also, puppies, other animals.

    The Biden death cult he is part of has gone to greater lengths to be cruel to babies and puppies...with his nodding approval. We can certainly notice he won't condemn it.
    How godless and sick and wrong are you determined to be, x?

  85. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Speaking of flaming hypocrites and speculation

    Presuming it was actually a lab leak...

    If Dr. Fauci is responsible for the illegal and inappropriate unreported gain of function research done in Wuhan...via Ecohealth in 2018 and 2019 simply because he was the head of NIH, wouldn't it also then be Trump's fault as President then and Dr. Fauci's boss?

    Trump did eliminate the scientific advisory board after taking office in 2017, the very people that could have helped him unveil such illegal activity under his administration. He also failed to reinitiate Obama's ban on gain of function research.

    Like Hillary and Benghazi, the Trump Virus needs investigating and we need to "Lock him up" for overseeing the experimentation on people, not to mention his complicity in experiments on cute little Beagles. Trump is a puppy killer too.

    Here's an article from 2019 about animal and Beagle testing, Trump knew and allow it to continue. Blaming Fauci is like blaming a secretary for the actions of the boss. The Trump death cult must be stopped.

    Your nodding complicity in Trump's actions and the political extremists around him playing God, has no hounds.


  86. Anonymous11:17 AM

    As always you, x, the utterly disgraceful apologist of chosen leftist extremist politics, fall very, very short.
    The undercover Obama brigade doing the evil in Wuhan and actually colluding with our enemies is who is responsible for what was going on and thankfully Trump was trying to clean it up. Fauci is your side of the aisle.
    Takes a while to clean up garbage that deep and he had so much opposition from the left (and at the times the right) from the departments that were supposed to be exposing these crimes, because they were complicit to hide it all as we are finding out in bits and pieces only now.
    Look at you trying to cover your ugly ass approving the extreme political games of your people, but you fall on your own sword once again.

  87. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Victor Davis Hanson nailed it.


  88. Using X's twisted, convoluted 'logic,' Presidents are "responsible" for the actions of ALL Federal Government employees, which numbers in excess of 2 MILLION people.

    So naturally, Fuhrer Dr. Fauchi is NOT responsible for his Dr. Frankenstein evil experiments on "animal and Beagles," it was TRUMP's FAULT ... because he was the "all knowing, buck stops here" POTUS at the time. ROFL !!!

    The fact that Trump never knew about such experiments doesn't even rattle around the skull of Dr. X !

    As I have said before, one thing is constant on this blog. If truth is declared, you can count on X to show up and refute it.


  89. ANOTHER Inconvenient TRUTH (isn't it funny how the truth keeps popping up like dandelions in the spring?):

    Illinois Reports 77.7% of Its Covid Deaths Last Week Were ‘Vaccinated’


  90. It All Makes Sense Once You Realize They Want to Kill Us

    “It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required while an independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest includes thromboembolism, multi-system inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).” Tess Lawrie, Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

    NOTE: Throughout mankind's history, Governments collectively have killed hundreds of millions of people, but you should ignore that fact. We should close our eyes and ears, shut of your mind, get in line and trust them with our lives!)

  91. Richard12:34 PM

    "X's Chapel of Ghouls" lyrics by paul, RayB

    His ghouls, attack the church,
    His chants, Symbols of lies,
    His pets, snakes on their perch,
    His father, Lord of the Flies!

    His confessional, the dead of night,
    His body, starts to rise,
    His mind, where horror lives,
    He loves, your death deep inside;

  92. Anonymous12:40 PM


    It was Trumps job to know.

    Obama was made aware of the risks of such research (by a scientist, I bet) and put a moratorium on gain of function research.

    NIH employs 20,262 and commands a 37 million dollar budget and Fauci isn't even the director of that, Francis Collins is and he seems a heck of a lot more complicit and swarmy than Fauci ever has.

    So conservatives want it both ways. Clinton and/or Obama responsible for Benghazi and/or gain of function research even though he/they stopped it and Biden is head of some death cult despite being the President most likely to cause the overturning of Roe v Wade.......yet Trump couldn't have known and isn't responsible for the deaths his administration caused including, if the lab leak theory is correct, Covid 19 potentially as well as cruel animal testing, Jan 6th murders and insurrection riots, abortion mills that were open during his presidency (he was the commander and chief, why not deploy federal troops and block the doors) as well as the pervasive and permissive easy access to over the counter, order online abortifacient agents (DIY abortions) that ramped up on his watch.

    I guess Trump being a moron gives him some deniability, how could he know, he was too busy golfing.

    "Abortions by mail are available now in the US. Here’s what you need to know."



  93. "X" said @ 12:40 PM (regarding the evil Dr. Fauchi's experiments conducted upon live animals and Beagles):


    It was Trumps job to know." By the way "Dr." X, it's Trump's ... not "Trumps." LOL

    Uh, duh, "X," your Dr. Fauchi conducted these evil experiments without any fanfare whatsoever, as in SECRET, and yet, you claim that it was "Trumps (sic) job to know."

    Apparently, Dr. X thinks that Presidents are omniscient, or at least certainly should be!

    Honestly, you are 'stranger than fiction.' In my wildest imagination, I couldn't make someone up to be as weird and twisted as you are.


  94. In case you haven't yet read the impossibly moronic post by "X" @ 12:40 PM, do so. It offers a window into this tortured persons dark soul and twisted mind. Kind of like reading an excerpt of "Diary of a Madman."

    It is so incredibly childish, ignorant and stupid ... that it is actually frightening. Just a couple of points:

    X actually blames Trump for the "murders" (as in PLURAL) of Jan. 6th. FACT: there was only ONE "murder" on Jan. 6th. and that was of Ashley Babbitt, an unarmed, female Trump supporter that X referred to as an "adulterer," etc. thereby implying that she deserved to be killed.

    He also thinks that Trump, as "commander in chief," actually had the ability to order "federal troops" to "block the doors" of "abortion" facilities !!!

    He AGAIN praises the radical Abortion Death Cult Leader Biden as the man that will most likely be the "cause to overturn Roe v Wade." Dear Leader Biden has done EVERYTHING that the abortion industry would fight for, including filing two cases in order to stop the "heartbeat" anti-abortion law in Texas.

    All of this, and so much more as in a long history of nutty posts, leads me to believe that this guy is actually a danger to himself and society.

    Completely, totally, absolutely, unequivocally NUTS !!!

  95. Anonymous1:33 PM

    "Obama was made aware of the risks of such research (by a scientist, I bet) and put a moratorium on gain of function research."

    Another lie from the pit of hell.
    Only 2 weeks before Trump got into office Obama "stopped it". Fauci continued unhampered because they (Obama's shadow government) was already plotting... they were doing this undercover and liars like you x need to say otherwise because you are of the same evil agenda.

    This has been explored here already and the links provided were provable that Obama stopped nothing..that was on paper only as far as actual gain of function implementation. They didn't skip a beat. Rand Paul exposed it but you won't look at the facts because you have an agenda to keep selling.
    Like Biden, you keep telling the same lies over and over again regardless how they are proven to be lies.
    Do you do that to keep trying to convince yourself you are on the right track?

    You are a piece of work and make $$ trolling, that's your M.O.

  96. Anonymous1:45 PM

    More Than 7,700 Migrants Arrested in Texas Crackdown

  97. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "Dr Doom" aka X is a trolling freak.

    Weird and twisted are mild terms for the lengths he will go to defend, excuse, "explain away", and support outright godless evil behavior.

  98. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Trump was a President.
    Not a dictator, like the illegitimate puppet in that office now.
    We have had a system for governing in place until Biden and Pelosi got the upper hand.
    It was crumbling for a long time but they are finishing it off (faster every day) to do the globalist's bidding.
    x could not be happier with his "president" Joke Biden.

  99. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Investigative reporter says government’s aggressive COVID-19 vaccination campaign is a PSYOP

  100. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Joe spits in X's face!
    X assumes the position Joe loves;

    Sniffin' around,
    anxiously waits for his butt;

    Scream out louder!
    The welts on X's back are gettin' redder;

    He finally caves......
    Joe releases build back back for me!


  101. More from Death Cult Leader Biden's "Woke Amerika" ...

    Boy in dress wins Homecoming Queen in Missouri…

  102. Anonymous3:25 PM

    1:33 pm and RayB,

    The moratorium was lifted and regulations put in place for the process of commencing (or recommending) legal and ethical gain of function research at the very end of Obama's term.

    I don't believe NIH was paying for or ever approved "gain of function" research in Wuhan.

    The Wuhan researchers who may or may not be responsible for creating covid-19 in a lab which may or may not have been lab leaked thereafter appear to have been doing some "gain of function" research with or without Ecohealths knowledge while on Ecohealths (via the NIH's) dime. If so, Fauci would have been just as blind regarding such as Trump.

    Absent proof you all try to speculate like these were Fauci's experiments and Fauci was in charge of the entire operation in Wuhan. That there was a secret conspiracy afoot with Fauci running the actual evil experiments himself. He wasn't. This was a Chinese lab that partnered with the NIH in some research in exchange for money and access to data. What China authorized to take place or not could be a factor as well. I think China was still paying the salaries of the specific Wuhan scientists considered to be most involved. China may have authorized legal "gain of function" research outside the parameters being paid for by NIH grants given to Ecohealth.

    I say this mockingly, but it's just as likely Trump conducted these experiments in his bunker while hiding from Trump haters.


    p.s. - the only dictator wanna-be is/was Trump and his new age Maga & Qanon uninformed/misinformed sheeple.

  103. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The proof is there to tell you your government gods are worse than you think.
    In them you trust. And your denials don't keep the truth from being told.

    I guess you have no other life than spending it hating others with your special brand of bitter gall and derangement on steroids. Plus, if you're breathing, you're lying.
    It's so easy to see through you because you post just to get responses.
    So I don't mind telling you how completely stupid you are. :)
    I will share this with you, though.
    Jesus saves.
    And you are lost as lost gets.
    Better watch out x, the mark of the beast is coming for you and at this point, sad to say, you'll gladly take it.

  104. Anonymous4:58 PM


    Your article about Illinois vaccinated covid deaths percentages is WAYYY wrong on several fronts.

    Again, without breaking it down by age, gross percentages are meaningless and looking at "last week's numbers" is surely speculative as the data is still rolling in and the past numbers change with every update. The charts even state such.

    I think the 91 break-thru vaccinated deaths number for Oct 27 weekly update appears correct.

    However - where that Twitter post misses the boat is claimig 117 as the total Illinois covid deaths for any 7 day period in Illinois, let alone Oct 27th.

    Here, on Oct 28th, the Illinois Health Department puts total Deaths for past 7 days at 206.|Illinois|Risk|community_transmission_level

    That would indicate a percent of 91/206 = 44% which is still high historically and probably still subject to adjustment. It's vastly smaller than the supposed 91/117 = 77.7% figure.

    Moreover - those same Illinois charts offer the following insight over the last few months.

    July had 222 IL Covid deaths which 40 were breakthrough = 18%
    Aug saw 506 IL Covid deaths 113 were breakthrough = 22%
    Sept saw 1023 IL Covid deaths with 287 being breakthrough = 28%
    Oct - about 900 through Oct 27th with 243 being breakthrough = 27%

    So how that one week ended up at anywhere near 77% when first reported and now appears to be 44% when the months prior were all much lower is probably a result of unvaccinated deaths at home or in institutions or some other lagging issue.

    Another issue with the article you linked. Using the statewide all ages vaccinated figure of 54% as if 54% of the population was accountable for 77% of the deaths "last week".

    This is misleading when 87% of all covid deaths in Illinois occurred in the 65+ age group that is 95% vaccinated. Another 12.7% were in the 18-65 age group where 80% have received at least one shot (as of Sept 20th) and 67% fully vaccinated.

    "80 Percent Of Illinois Adults Have Gotten At Least 1 COVID-19 Vaccine Shot, CDC Says":

    So, again, the bottom line is a very small population of unvaccinated Illinois persons, especially over age 65 where it's just 5%, are representing about 74% (1949/2642) of all IL covid deaths since July 1, 2021.


  105. Anonymous5:16 PM


    More from Death Cult Leader Trump's "Woke Amerika" ...

    Boy in dress wins Homecoming Queen in Tennessee Sept 30, 2019

    "Gay high school senior in Tennessee crowned homecoming royalty in gold dress: The photo of Brandon Allen, 17, receiving his crown in a gold off-the-shoulder sequin gown has been shared thousands of times on social media."

    *when you vote for and support unrepentant nearly life-long adulterers (Reagan and Trump) along with their horror home-wrecking wives to the highest office in the land, how can you expect young people to care about a silly little thing like morals?

  106. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Rapper Bryson Gray's anti-Biden song "Let's Go Brandon" shoots to the top of the iTunes chart toppling Adele off the number one spot despite being banned by YouTube

  107. Anonymous5:59 PM


    The gender confusion EXPLODED, when the Kenyan listened to his dumbass daughter. The Kenyans "epiphany"! Or so the story goes!

    You worship the same "prince of this world" he does.

    The Kenyan has the highest position with the prince.

    Your just slaving away for your Death Cult.

  108. Anonymous6:07 PM

    X and his morbid way off base stats.
    He only cares about death stats from covid as though others don't count in whatever other deaths they may die. Hard and unchristian you are, "brother" x.
    And he doesn't care about the covid deaths either...just the numbers.
    The dying numbers represent your agenda inhumane x, not the actual persons.
    Shameless lowest form of life x ,who has a point to prove his extremism right but has yet to bring real facts to his posts to make any legit one.
    It's so easy to tell you how ridiculous, unethical, and amoral you are.


  109. With the highest "jab rate" in all of Europe ...

    Ireland is 91% Vaccinated and Covid cases are soaring…

  110. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Can you imagine if this poor man was black?

    I hope the cop goes to prison.

  111. Anonymous6:53 PM

    5:59 PM,

    #1) X doesn't care what you say when you say such things.

    #2) But anyway, regardless of what you say about him it's best to not address him directly. If you're going to do it, do it. Just do it indirectly so that you don't feed into him.

    "Please Don't Feed The Troll"

  112. To 3:24, I deleeed the first two posts because it appeared to be spam. If you are posting "news links," please give your own summary about why you are posting them. Otherwise, it looks like advertisements to go to another site.


  113. For the writer above who said that they weren't commenting on the material I posted because it was material all already knew. There are critical links that are in the material and as you run your mouse, stylus, and/or finger over it, click on those links, and I sincerely doubt that it is material you already know -- I linked to the Lucis Trust/world Goodwill material showing their support, hopes for, and enthusiasm for World Economic Forum and Pope Francis.


  114. To 1:59 vis a vis Trump. I have unfortunately lost faith in Mr. Trump and while I voted for him in the past two elections, I would never do so again, given his summoning of the large crowd to Washington, DC for January 6, the threats against Raffensberger, his failure to timely call off the January 6th capitol rioters, his threats against Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger (2 very brave persons!), his continued lying about the election results, his continuous rallies (also a favorite tactic of Hitler). It looks to me as though Trump is now using the play book of the Nazi Party and Hitler post 1923 Munich Beer Hall PI utsch, and thereafter, people were run for many offices to control many German seats, so they could take over the country. Iy is time the Repubican Party kissed Donald Trump goodbye and oved on!


  115. Anonymous8:02 PM

    How true Constance!

    And now the Republic and our liberties are being restored under Joe Biden!

    Ever since Trump was voted out of office, I sleep so much better!

    Thanks for sharing your healthy mind.

    Thanks for feeding the troll. He's an easy going guy, once you get to know him.😇

  116. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Speaking of Nazis/Constance

    What should we do with those rioters?

    Gas them maybe?

  117. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Well, here you go again.....

    You are the one beating a dead horse, Constance.
    Trump was a president. For all his faults he was a pretty good one too. I wrote was---the word was---if you will go back and see what I wrote. Did you miss that? He won't be again. Our election system is entirely broken. America's political parties are merely rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as we speak...
    What (who) we have now is not a president, but you don't comment on that (maybe you approve of Biden???) Why do you not comment on the globalism aims of Herr Biden and who pulls his strings??????

    I most definitely think it is you who has not moved on.

    Your talking points are monotonous to me because I have moved on, but you can't seem to.
    And I think your RINO buddies are snakes. By the way Liz Cheney is toast in WY, my relatives there have her number and it is up. They can't stand her because she is a typical Washington DC sellout. And your crybaby Kinzinger is a joke on wheels - an actor, and a bad one at that. His 15 minutes are up.

    Your blog is a wreck (some of that you can't help but some you could). And your posts lately seem some behind the times from what I read from many places..
    I was reading about the Great Reset quite a while before you did your thread on Schwab.

    Have we not seen this coming??? We were just waiting to see what crisis=opportunity they would convenient that the liberal left has gone so extreme (with RINO aid-hat tip to those clowns) to make a virus (preplanned since Obama and Gates has been tireless to get that show of mass control on the road among many others) and climate change together, a double whammy, to execute their means for worldwide control that is mounting increasingly. It's all over but the shouting now.
    Pope Francis is a globalist and that has been talked about right here ever since he took that station while you seemed to be somewhat unsure of that at times, giving him way too much benefit of the doubt, when many of us here knew already knew--and not a bit surprised by what he is.

    People can find what you found and more, and they do.

  118. Anonymous8:28 PM


    Try to calm down.

    Ireland has only had 5436 covid deaths all along so for a country of 5 million fair-skinned red-heads who struggle to maintain appropriate Vitamin D levels by nature they've done awesome placing 75th in the world with just a 1,085 death rate per million. That's better than every Republican state in the US except Utah and Alaska.

    Further, this "wave" might be largish for Ireland but it is pretty tame considering what's happening currently in many US states and can't really honestly be referred to as "soaring". If Ireland is soaring...Texas and Florida were astronomically exponentially "soaring" times three in comparison.

    Last point -- Ireland's vaccine uptake included a lot of AstraZeneca and Pfizer and less Moderna. Of the 3 Astrazeneca has the most waning, then Pfizer, then Moderna. Like many places, those most at risk got their vaccines first so are the first to experience waning. The older you are the faster or more waning is likely so those two facts may be exacerbating the minor surge among largely remains a surge caused/spread primarily by the small, yet still significant remaining number of unvaccinated in Ireland.

    As reported by Health Protection Surveillance Center (Ireland's Covid Monitoring and Reporting Agency)

    "It found that between 1 April and 16 October this year, there were 402 deaths in Ireland of people who had had a confirmed case of Covid-19 and who were notified to the HPSC as having died from the disease. Of these:

    42% of people (or 155 deaths) were among people who died 14 days or more after receiving all recommended doses of a vaccine.

    55.7% of people (or 224 deaths) were among people who had received at least one dose of a vaccine;

    44.3% of people (or 178 deaths) were among people who had not been vaccinated or had not been registered as vaccinated on Ireland’s Covid-19 immunisation system.

    (Note: these percentages add up to more than 100 because people in the first group – fully vaccinated people – are also contained within the second group).

    "Anti-vaxx groups' claims about Covid deaths among the vaccinated are misleading:Anti-lockdown groups suggest that vaccines aren’t working – but the data shows otherwise."
    October 29, 2021


  119. Anonymous8:28 PM

    5:59 PM
    Troo dat!

    (that's my Cajun LA talkin')

  120. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Vax those kids!

  121. Anonymous9:00 PM

    The above article @ 8:53 PM makes a convincing case that the vax crowd, are Luciferian to the rotten fruit core!

    This all began in Eden. It ends with the rod of iron.

    Does the rod of iron end at your nose X???

    I don't think so.

    Your one of the serpent's faithful.

  122. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Trust the science.

    Trust X.


  123. Anonymous9:03 PM

    You calm down death breath x at 8:28 PM.

    The vaxx is the super spreader.
    And you are a super spreader too--you are a death spreader for babies and now we understand, for beagle pups too.

    Have you no shame?

  124. Anonymous9:05 PM

    8:07pm said:

    "Have we not seen this coming??? We were just waiting to see what crisis=opportunity they would convenient that the liberal left has gone so extreme (with RINO aid-hat tip to those clowns) to make a virus (preplanned since Obama and Gates has been tireless to get that show of mass control on the road among many others) and climate change together, a double whammy, to execute their means for worldwide control that is mounting increasingly. It's all over but the shouting now."

    How can you claim to have moved on from Maga and Trump while claiming the liberal left and rino's are taking over. MAGA is not Republican and prayerfully a wide dearth of republicans show up at the primaries to punish and reject all these inexperienced high school graduates and Chiropractors running for political office claiming they are more MAGA than all the other Faux-Maga candidates with Trump as the sole litmus test for qualification.

    THAT will destroy America and permit just the continuing crisis of stupidity the new age world order needs to take over in partnership with the Jesuits and/or Anti-Jesuits (different sides of the same monstrous coin).

    There is ZERO evidence outside the ramblings of alt right grifters that Covid-19 was planned by anyone, lest planned by Obama and/or Gates.

    What isn't made up is the ridiculous attempts to politicize the Covid vaccine. Talk about keeping a crisis brewing for as long as possible. Where have the ideas and fear of that originated? Not even Trump is anti-vaxx. It's just crazy that you and others here think it's sane. As a Reformed Baptist it's just shocking to see so many supposed Christians taking another path away from our Founding Fathers and the Bible.

    Rebellion theology -- you'll reap what you sow.


  125. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Stumbler X has no shame. None.

  126. Anonymous9:12 PM

    "How can you claim to have moved on from Maga and Trump while claiming the liberal left and rino's are taking over."

    Hey stupid.
    You once again pose the wrong idea of what was said and implied so you can spin it, you freak.

    They are done. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic means they're toast.
    The election process is done for Washington DC.
    Were you born this stupid or did you study to get a degree in stupid?
    You piece of junk extremist ideologue.

  127. Anonymous9:15 PM

    X knows it's a global world now. He does his part to bring it on.
    Stupid? Yes, but beyond that.
    Freak? On steroids!

  128. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Covid and Climate Change are the impetus for the Great Reset the globalists are bringing on.
    How did he miss that statement printed plainly and expounded upon right on the WEF website?

    Oh yeah, he doesn't do his homework. He is just the copy and paste dummy for liberal rags.

    That and I guess X is too busy looking at stats from said liberal rags, so he can count the dead that he cares nothing about, only the bogus stats for his talking points, and hasn't picked up on what is bringing it all on.
    Covid is a planned mechanism.
    He either knows that and denies it or he is just a dumbass looking for a place where he can be an attention junkie.
    Actually I think he is both.


  129. Breaking News from the People's Republic of Illinois, AKA, "Land of Dear Leader Obama"

    Illinois Reports 77.7% of Its Covid DEATHS Last Week Were “Vaccinated”


  130. There's nothing to see here folks, just keep moving right along ...

    Bombshell Press Conference: Wisconsin Sheriff Shows Massive Voter Fraud in Nursing Homes Helped Steal 2020 Election

    "Today during the press conference the Racine Sheriff’s Office brought forth evidence that the Wisconsin Election’s Commission BROKE THE LAW."

    "The Wisconsin Election’s Commission took advantage of senior citizens in nursing homes who had their votes stolen. This was illegal behavior against Wisconsin State Law. The Wisconsin Election Commission sent out instructions to nursing homes in all 72 counties on how to break state law with their residents!"

  131. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Rand Paul is a hero. There are still a few on the right. But nothing will come of it because our governing system is going away shortly.
    He has Fauci on the ropes, he is exposed for the evil he's been up to (for Zoros and OBiden etc) but sad thing is, there is nothing, no one now to really bring justice about.
    Only God.

    And He will, when the globalists get done making mincemeat of the world which is written in the Bible so it is on the calendar.
    Anti-christ and mark of the beast will be coming soon--not later.
    Covid the opportunity and the vaccine the push to gain all control, climate change to be why they need to save this planet. But this world is gonna burn and those who love it and live for it.

    I am glad for God's Plan in place.
    God's people will see His promises come true--every one of them.


  132. Abp. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’

    "The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer."

    No wonder Vigano remains in hiding, out of "fear for his life!"

  133. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Trust Biden, trust science, your rights end at my nose, New Ager, doctor X

    Your not a Christ follower X.

    Your heros are the destroyers. The Humanists/Globalist/Luciferians

    I'm happy about your painful future. You deserve it.


  134. Anonymous10:17 PM

    There was no COUP on January 6th... but there was a COUP on November 3rd when the election was electronically stolen from the will of the American people... and a FAKE president installed.

    There is a reason why President Trump has never conceded the November election... because he knows (and Biden knows) that Donald Trump is still LEGALLY our President.

  135. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Situation Update, Oct 28, 2021 - Covid swabs contain CANCER chemical; Evergrande collapse risks global financial reset

  136. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Those were good days 10:17 PM. Except for the liberal rabid Luciferian Jews, and Catholics that wanted him gone. They continually conspired to have him removed. The constant hate from those scumbags, was sickening.

    Now we have Biden, the Death Cult leader. But whatever, those under the Luciferic spell are just happy Trump is gone.

    They have their god who blinds them. We have our God who gives us understanding.

    Looking forward to Christs return. Can't happen too soon!

  137. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis carries resonance as disputes divide U.S. Catholics

  138. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I have loved ones and friends who are vaxxed and we don't fight over it. We don't let it come between us in any way. They let me be unvaxxed and I let them be vaxxed with no ill thoughts toward them or towards me, in the least. We take care of each other.
    So being vaxxed doesn't not make you unchristian, being a nazi about it does though.

    The vaxx push is, however, the precursor to the mark of the beast.

    It's coming down to the wire someday soon and we will lose everything, probably our lives too, to stand against this world with the devil running the entire show.
    And Jesus will be enough then, as he already is now.
    Those who love His appearing are short timers here. (and I'm not talking pre-trib but I know He will come for us before the wrath of God comes down).

    I pray that all here-all-come to God by way of the cross of Christ Jesus, forgiven, pardoned and cleansed by the Lord. And the fence sitters or still rebelling, will no longer refuse to come in to the fold.
    Time is short.
    And we aren't guaranteed we will wake up in this life tomorrow morning, not a one of us.

  139. Anonymous3:07 AM


    For a better understanding of the NIH, Ecohealth, Gain of Function discussion here's a long article explaining the implications of recent revelations and misunderstandings of Rand Paul and others.

    "Republicans Spin NIH Letter About Coronavirus Gain-of-Function Research"

    Posted on October 26, 2021

    On another note, this same science journalist, Jessica McDonald, who has a Ph.D. in Immunology from Yale University, wrote another article earlier this month about Merck and Pfizer's new anti-viral drugs and how they are not just "repackaged ivermectin". The article revies the new drug's components, actions and development which clearly contraindicate any correlation with ivermectin. I'm not directing this at anyone in particular, I just recall the question or assertion coming up at some point in time here or elsewhere.

    "Merck, Pfizer COVID-19 Antivirals Different From Ivermectin"


  140. Anonymous5:10 AM

    'If at first you don't succeed'...

    House Build Back Better Bill INCLUDES $600 IRS Reporting Provision

  141. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Florida's path from worst-to-first in COVID metrics raises questions about pandemic restrictions

  142. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Headline Of The Day:

    Oklahoma inmate has adverse reaction during execution

  143. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Black Lives Matter Aftermath

    In perhaps one of the greatest messaging coups of all time, the Black Lives Movement Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) – an international effort funded by some of the most powerful and wealthy leftists admittedly steeped in the Marxist playbook – took the true statement that black lives matter and used it to create chaos and destroy the livelihoods of the very people it was professing to help.

    In a new video series, sponsored by Capital Research Center and filmed and produced by No Filters Media, we look at Minneapolis one year after the protests following the death of George Floyd. Did BLMGNF help the people in the very neighborhood where Floyd died? Watch and decide for yourselves.

  144. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Halloween Kills Wants MAGA Hat Wearers MURDERED

  145. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Creative new way to fight Vaccine mandate

    People in France are going inside stores that force vaccine passports, filling up shopping carts, and leaving them at checkout before leaving...

  146. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Ireland is 91% Vaccinated and Covid cases are SOARING

    Who gets the finger pointed at them when everyone is vaxxed?

  147. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Facebook is now 'Meta'

    (As in...)

    "I never Meta wrongful restriction on users I didn't like that I didn't like!"

  148. Anonymous5:48 AM

    'Round 'em up! Yee-Haw!

    CDC’s Nazi-style re-education camps already planned for police and US government workers who refuse the Covid clot shots

  149. Anonymous5:49 AM


    Emergency rooms across America getting FLOODED with patients suffering acute organ failure and debilitating symptoms… media claims it has nothing to do with covid vaccines

  150. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Is The Establishment HIDING Mass Resistance To Vaccine Mandates With The "Striketober" Farce?

    New Tucker Carlson Documentary "Patriot Purge" Shows True Story Behind Jan. 6

  151. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Elementary school takes kids on field trip to GAY BAR

  152. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Harvard prof: Do NOT give kids COVID-19 vaccines!

    New York facing streets without cops because of COVID vaccine mandate

  153. Anonymous6:09 AM


  154. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Question: WHO is Halyna Hutchins?

    Well CIA sources are telling us the widely publicized shooting by movie director Alex Baldwin of Halyna Hutchins with a “prop gun,” is a signal. Let us connect some dots:

    Alec Baldwin starred in the film, The Hunt for Red October, wherein he helps hunt down a Russian nuclear submarine that was originally docked in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle.

    Hutchins grew up in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle “surrounded by nuclear submarines.”

    She was a Ukrainian spy whose husband is a lawyer defending the Clintons.

    The set where she was shot is about 30 minutes from Epstein’s 33k sq ft Zorro ranch in New Mexico — the same one that had computer rooms the ‘size of houses’ to spy on guests including Prince Andrew, when he allegedly stayed for a week there.

    Dave Halls, the assistant director who handed the gun to Baldwin, was the second unit’s first assistant director on The Crow: Salvation, the sequel to the film in which Bruce Lee’s son Brandon Lee was killed in an on-set firearms mishap in 1993. Just a coincidence?

  155. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Oh brother.

  156. Anonymous9:23 AM

    9:20 AM
    Yeah. Circus is in town..

  157. Anonymous9:24 AM

    8:58 AM starring in...

    The Hunt For Red Herrings In October

  158. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I hear circus music play whenever the parasite x posts.

  159. Anonymous9:31 AM

    9:24 AM


  160. Anonymous9:58 AM

  161. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Speech is taking a hit in everything, and for everybody (unless you do global think and speech).

    The Pope has been out of the globalist closet from the beginning. He fooled some, but not all..

  162. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Dedicated to the lettered and acclaimed exalted one X

  163. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Yep. His 15 minutes are up.

    Good riddance attention hound.


  164. When the Pope recently granted an audience with radical, Satanic pro-abortionist, Catholic Speaker of the House Pelosi, it resulted in a PR nightmare for the Vatican.
    Not ONE WORD of admonition came from the Pope to the Catholic Pelosi regarding her pro-murder stand. Instead, the Pope was filmed warmly holding hands with the radical abortion promoting 'daughter of the Church.'

    Now comes another radical pro-abortion Catholic to the Vatican, Joe Biden. So what does the Vatican do? It officially shuts down all LIVE media coverage of the event, thereby releasing only what the VATICAN's edited version of events and conversations between the two. By doing that, the Vatican controls the narrative, and also avoids the imagery of a Pope warmly greeting another pro-murder Catholic politician, without any admonition from the Pope.

    Try to imagine this fictional scenario; Hitler, raised a Catholic, visits the Vatican and the Pope warmly greets him. The Pope doesn't say a single word against Hitler's polices of "concentration camps," along with the ongoing persecution of Jews, Christians and political opponents to the state, many of whom continued to be murdered. *Such a scenario in real life would (hopefully) be unthinkable.

    If one truly believes that abortion is MURDER, please explain to me how there is any difference between a Pope NOT admonishing Hitler and NOT admonishing the Catholics Pelosi & Biden regarding their promotion of Murder/Abortion?

    *Might not be so 'unthinkable' when one considers history; 1933 Vatican/Nazi State Concordat.

  165. Anonymous11:44 AM

    It is time the Republican Party kissed Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Constance Cumbey goodbye and moved on.


  166. Biden plays the fool AGAIN:

    Biden Meets the Pope and Utters One of the Most Embarrassing Lines Ever Said by a President

    Completely nonsensical, unconnected, irrelevant statement upon greeting the Pope:

    “You’re the famous African-American baseball player in America.”

    NOTE: this is the same bumbling idiot that campaigned from his basement, wasn't able to fill a parking lot when he did campaign, made countless gaffes, and yet, managed to receive 81 MILLION votes ... by far the most in U.S. history, out polling Hillary Clinton by almost 17 MILLION against the same candidate!

  167. Anonymous12:07 PM


    Your fixated on the wrong folks. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are easy going, middle of the road servants, who lovingly serve all American people.

    Biden loves children. He is always touching, and sniffing them. He cant seem to take his mind off children. How much more can he love kids?

    You need to focus on the ever present evil, the Orange Man!

    None of us will be safe as long as Orange Man breathes

    Constance and I are working tirelessly to deliver you Trump tards from your simple mindedness. It's an evil disease of blindness that seems to cling to Republicans.

    Your loving servant.




  168. Predictably ...

    Catholic League CONGRATULATES Vatican for ‘Stiffing’ Joe Biden

    Catholic League President *Bill Donohue praises the Vatican for blocking media coverage of the event.

    The Biden administration “was banking on posting pictures of the two men grinning and shaking hands,” Donohue writes in reference to a meeting between the pope and Biden slated for Saturday.

    “But now the Vatican has thrown a monkey wrench into this opportunistic gambit,” he adds. “The media have been mostly barred from covering the meeting.”

    *Of course, not one critical word from Catholic League President Bill Donohue regarding the fact that the Pope did not admonish the powerful Catholic pro-abortion leaders Pelosi & Biden.

    Recall too that it was the very same Bill Donohue that strongly, and emphatically, defended the RCC's actions regarding the rampant pedophile priest scandals, which he claimed was nothing other than more "Catholic bigotry" and was therefore "severely overstated." Donohue's spin was short-lived, because the evidence and truth kept pouring in to prove that the crimes of RCC clergy pedophilia were overwhelmingly pervasive, not only in America, but all over the world. Not only that, the Vatican had a long history of covering up these pedophile crimes, with then Cardinal Ratzinger (future Pope Benedict) heading up the department that ran the cover-up operation from the Vatican for over 10 years.

  169. Anon @ 12:07 PM ...

    But, but, BUT you forgot to praise Profiles in Courage Award Winners; "Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger (2 very brave persons!)."

    You are so right ... "Orange Man Bad."

  170. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Biden is the laughing stock of the whole world! Most of the worlds population know full well this old dog was not elected.

    However, this signals to China, and Russia, that we are ripe for picking.

    Perhaps Constance will give us further insight on the clear and present danger that Biden is.

    Not only a threat to all Americans, but to the citizens of every nation!


  171. BREAKING: Wisconsin Elections Commission Holds EMERGENCY MEETING After Racine County Sheriff’s Dept. Accuses WEC of Class I Felony Fraud in Nursing Home Scandal

    NOTE: Keep repeating "there was no fraud, Biden really won, Orange Man tells the Big Lie."


  172. "Wars and rumors of war ..."

    China Reacts For First Time After Taiwan Confirms US Troop Presence

    Israel to Attack Iran? Washington Gives the Green Light to the 'Military Option'

    NOTE: In either case above, the USA would be pulled into a major conflict involving China. If war were to break out in Iran, the US would be pulled in and would be up against Iran along with its two major allies; China and Russia, a World War III scenario if there ever was one!

  173. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Order of Presidential Succession:

    Joe Biden (dementia)

    Kamala Harris (dolt)

    Nancy Pelosi (demonic)

    Sleep well

  174. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Liz Cheney recanted her same sex marriage stance. "I was wrong" she said. So much for "bravery".
    She does have tons of gall however. She is fully gone to the dark side now and very aggressive in behalf of the status quo establishment government who think themselves entitled, who have used and abused the American people, crushed their dreams and hopes for a long time.
    I quit bowing and scraping to them almost 2 decades ago.
    They forgot long time ago that they are supposed to work for us.

  175. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Judge Temporarily Stops Biden Administration From Firing Unvaccinated Workers

    A U.S. District Court judge on Thursday issued a temporary restraining order that prevents the Biden administration from firing both civilian and active-duty military plaintiffs who sued over religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

    Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, in the District of Columbia, ordered that "none of the civilian employee plaintiffs will be subject to discipline while his or her request for a religious exception is pending," according to a tweet by lawyer Jenna Ellis.

    "Active duty military plaintiffs, whose religious exception requests have been denied, will not be disciplined or separated during the pendency of their appeals," the judge added.

  176. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Liz Cheney is an evil Globlist Deep State puppet like her father, Dick Cheney.

    She just manages to hide it a little better than he did.


  177. Joe Biden reveals Pope told him he is a 'good Catholic' and should continue getting communion, but says they didn't talk about abortion: President joked with the pontiff about getting drinks and presented him with challenge coin during 75-minute meeting

    President Joe Biden revealed Pope Francis told him he's a 'good Catholic'

    The two men did not discuss the controversial issue of abortion during their 75-minute sit down behind closed-doors at the Vatican

    'We just talked about the fact he was happy that I was a good Catholic and I should keep receiving communion,' Biden said after the meeting

  178. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Why Liz Cheney Personifies The D.C. Sewer

    From GOPUSA (June 9, 2021)

    Liz Cheney is once again taking the spotlight as a “darling” of the media, after her latest interview has gone viral and is being echoed all across the airwaves and the internet. The only problem with her skyrocketing “popularity” is that it is entirely with those on the left, and at the expense of real Republicans and the Conservative agenda. But in truth, this was by design.

    For starters, Cheney appeared for her thoroughly staged “interview” on Fake News CNN, and with none other than Obama chief campaign strategist David Axelrod. It isn’t rocket science that whenever a hard-left “news” network brings a “Republican” on as the guest of one of its hardest of hard leftist “reporters,” the goal cannot be to learn the truth or help real conservatives gain a voice. As always, the left is advancing its agenda with its standard litany of lies and distortions. So if one of its foot soldiers can aid and abet, while shamelessly claiming to be Republican/conservative (or in Cheney’s case, the shining epitome of both), all the better.

    In a revolting exhibition of duplicity and sanctimony, Cheney told the gleeful Axelrod that January 6 event at the US Capitol was “the most dangerous thing, the most egregious violation of an oath of office, of any president in history.” Of course Axelrod and CNN would happily receive a condemnation of this nature, as they presume it to give cover to the flagrant selling out of the United States to the Communist Chinese by the Clintons when they handed over ICBM technology, and the total betrayal by Obama when he gave the green-light, and the funds, to Iran so it could develop and construct an atom bomb.

    Cheney’s sentiments in regard to those matters are a bit harder to determine. Like all RINOs, she has a history of making nice with the “Deep State,” and only finds a voice to express outrage when it is against a genuine Republican. But she is hardly alone. Americans have been thoroughly frustrated for decades as “Republicans” of Cheney’s brand regularly rolled over for the left, or mildly soft pedaled their “opposition” to dangerous leftist onslaughts against America. Yet they all seem to find their collective “spine” when an occasion arises to attack real conservatism and a genuinely pro-America agenda.

    It should be no surprise that Cheney regularly flaunts herself as a “real Republican,” as opposed to those pro-Trump Neanderthals who are so bigoted and narrow minded as to actually expect something different from the GOP than what can be had from the Democrats. A political agenda that puts American security and American economic strength above that of foreign competitors is clearly not in keeping with the Leftist/Globalist mindset of her “Deep State” predecessors, most of whom also called themselves “Republicans.”

    This pattern of treachery is not unique to Cheney. Recalling Obama’s disastrous first term, with an upsurge in worldwide islamic terrorism and the longest economic downturn since the Great Depression, Americans were frustrated beyond words with both players of the Romney/Ryan ticket, who were ostensibly challenging Obama’s 2012 re-election. They continually dropped the ball during the campaign, as if they just couldn’t muster any real reason to oppose the malignancy of the Obama Administration. Far worse however is that they have both since found a “voice” to loudly and aggressively attack President Trump on any spurious grounds.

    Barring some major RINO chicanery in Wyoming (and admittedly, Cowboy State RINOs have plenty of it planned), Cheney will be given the well-deserved “boot” in the 2022 Wyoming Republican Primary. She is the embodiment of the self-serving, morally vacant caricature of conservatism that the GOP has become in recent decades. The fact that she and her kind can continue to strut and self-aggrandize as they do is proof positive of just how out of touch with real America they are, and in truth have been for a long time.

  179. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Joe is a good Catholic. Blood sacrifice, torture, spiritual enslavement, and much more are acceptable.

    Joe can murder, torture, fondle, and sniff his way to hell, with his pink blobbynesses full blessing.

  180. Anonymous1:50 PM

    1:30 PM

    The last two sentences of your post could well be applied to the 'Proprietor' here.


  181. GOP Trump critic Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger joins another RINO, Ohio's U.S. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, won't seek re-election

  182. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Emergency Rooms Across America Getting FLOODED With Patients Suffering Acute Organ Failure And Debilitating Symptoms… Media Claims It Has Nothing To Do With Covid Vaccines

    Most U.S. hospitals, it turns out, were as empty as could be prior to the release of the jabs.

    Once Biden Boosters get into people’s arms, the entire health care system could collapse from all the sick patients they create


    Student, 20, Gets Blood Clots, Has Leg Amputated, Suffers Stroke, Then Dies in Surgery After Second Covid Jab

    A 20 year-old community college student in Thailand experienced blood clots, had her leg amputated, then suffered a stroke shortly before dying after she received her second Covid-19 vaccine.

    The young woman, 20-year-old Ketsiree Kongkaew who attended Phangnga Community College, reportedly died from a haemorrhagic stroke Tuesday as doctors attempted to perform brain surgery, according to the Bangkok Post.


    Australian Radio Legend Dies 'Suddenly' Two Months After Second Covid Jab

    Long-time ABC Radio Perth, Australia presenter Russell Woolf died suddenly in his sleep Monday night.

    The 57-year-old Australian radio host bragged on Twitter about receiving his second AstraZeneca Covid vaccine on August 19th.

  183. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Re: 2:18 PM post...

    OMG, people!!

    What is it going to take for the still sound asleep 'sheeple' to WAKE UP???

  184. Anonymous2:24 PM

    You Can't Make Up Stuff Like This!!!


  185. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Tucker Carlson releases trailer for docuseries about January 6 riot: Former Army captain says it might have been a 'false flag' designed to lie to Americans in 'new war on terror' by the Left

    Carlson released the trailer for the docuseries Patriot Purge which will air on FOX Nation on November 1st.

    It examines the events of January 6 and what the public has been told about it since by Democrats and the media

    Carlson, in a clip, says: 'What exactly happened on January 6? HOW MUCH OF WHAT WE WERE TOLD ABOUT THAT DAY IS A LIE???'

    In the trailer, former army captain Emily Rainey says: 'If that was an insurrection, it was the most poorly conducted insurrection ever'

    She adds: 'False flags have happened in this country. One of which may have been January 6th

  186. Anonymous8:35 PM

    EMERGENCY REPORT: Nanoparticles to Contaminate Entire Food Supply Under Guise of Food Safety

    This exclusive Greg Reese report exposes the sinister plan to incorporate nanotechnology into humanity’s food supply in order to further control the masses.

  187. Anonymous1:48 AM


    Those proposed payments are settlement figures to families illegally separated at the border by the Trump administration.

    Put the blame where it belongs, bunker Trump messed up presuming he was bigger than the law like he always does only this time we all have to pay up.

    Another reason we should lock him up.

  188. Ice Cube Drops Out Of Upcoming Film ‘Oh Hell No’ After Declining COVID-19 Vaccine | THR News

    Ice Cube has departed Sony’s upcoming comedy 'Oh Hell No,' in which he would’ve co-starred with Jack Black, after declining a request from producers to get vaccinated.

    I think I know his exact verbiage in his declination.


  189. "There is nothing new under the sun." Read this article by Fay Voshell as she explains how our current times relate to various movements and anti-God philosophies throughout history. Brief, yet masterful.

    A few samples:

    "In his novel The First Circle, Alexander Solzhenitsyn pictures Stalin ruminating over the concept of “language as an instrument of production.” "A NEW WAY OF SPEAKING WOULD ESTABLISH THE REALITY OF THE COMMUNIST ORDER AND THE COMMUNIST MAN AND WOMAN." (NOTE: We now are commanded to refer to biological males that merely think that they are females, women. Violation of this dictum could result in loss of employment and suffer the chastisement of the authorities, etc.).

    "As we watch America and much of the world writhing under the tortuous rule of insane leaders, the answer Solzhenitsyn gave decades ago remains critically important. His words in his essay. “Live Not by Lies,” echo the words uttered by Hebrew prophets and summarized by Jesus Christ: “You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.”

    “Our way must be: Never knowingly support lies!

    "Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, which awarded her the prize for excellence in systematic theology."

    PS: I'll be printing copies of this essay in order to hand them out.


  190. Hurry up and get that experimental vaccine or you will suffer the consequences ... oh, wait, what's this?

    UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were Among FULLY VACCINATED for Past Month

    PS: You can fully trust Bill Gates. Obviously, he was just joking in the past when he, and his parents (Planned Parenthood National Board members) supported global depopulation efforts.


  191. In the world of make believe, agents provocateurs, false flags, conspiracies, planned assassinations (both physical and upon one's character) simply don't exist.

    But then there are items that find the light of day such as this:

    Lincoln Project Democrat Operatives Busted For White Nationalist Hoax

    And this ...

    Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol


  192. More "wars and rumors of wars."

    NATO (aka, USA) Sliding Towards War Against Russia In Ukraine

  193. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The COVID not-vaccines are not merely ineffective, they are literally anti-effective

  194. Anonymous12:26 PM

