
Monday, June 14, 2021

Please watch the HBO Series on Qanon "Into the Storm"

I have been watching many videos and doing much reading about Qanon. The more I read, the more alarmed I become. QANON is NOT OF GOD and it is DANGEROUS. A very informative video illustrating Qanon origins and direction is HBO's current series ON THE STORM. If you have access to HBO documentaries, please make every effort to watch it. Friends of mine came back from Antrim County, Michigan. They told me that they were making statements there that Donald Trump would be reinstated as President of the USA in August 2021. Both high unlikely, not to mention delusional! Michael Lindell, MY PILLOW owner and CEO spoke, I'm told at the Antrim County, Michigan rally. My friends tell me the book LOVE JOY TRUMP was being actively marketed and sold there. Lindell wrote the foreword for that book. The book is one of the worst combinations of New Apostolic Reform and outright NEW AGE occultism I have seen together in one place. I am hearing statistics that many Evangelicals believe Qanon is correct. This lack of discernment is distressing! Stay tuned! CONSTANCE '


  1. Ominous Vaccine warning… Updated


  2. Democrats join the growing chorus of Georgians suspicious of voter fraud as election audit continues

    "Poll workers, including Democrats, are speaking out about thousands of bizarre Biden ballots as election integrity advocates fight for an audit in Georgia."


  3. Trump wasn’t involved in tear-gassing protestors for ‘Bible photo-op,’ new report confirms

    The report concludes that 'the evidence did not support a finding that the [Park Police] cleared the park on June 1, 2020, so that then President Trump could enter the park.'

    SHOCKING !!! You mean to tell me that the main stream media lied actually lied ?

  4. WELL, vis a vis the Dominion Voting Machine allegations, in Episode 6 of INTO THE STORM, I learn that the alleged "expert" on the Dominion Voter Machine supplying Mike Lindell and others on "proof" is a chief QANON 8kun (formerly 8chan) owner and strategist. It is sickening to see Evangelicals sucking up to him.


  5. Deception enough to deceive the elect "were it possible." You say, "I'm the Elect, I can't be deceived". The minute you think you CAN'T be deceived, you are the most open to DECEPTION> So very many have been deceived by the evils of Qanon with no discernment for its obviously Satanic features.


  6. That person's name is RON WATKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where's SNL's "Churchlady" now that we need her? "Isn't that convenient?"


    SNL = Saturday Night Live "Dana Carvey"

  7. Re Ron Watkins:

    Ronald Watkins (born 1987 or 1988)[2] is an American conspiracy theorist and former site administrator of the imageboard website 8chan.[3][4] He has played a major role in spreading the discredited far-right QAnon conspiracy theory,[5][6] and has promulgated baseless conspiracy theories that widespread election fraud led to Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.[5][7] Watkins served as site administrator for 8chan from 2016 until his resignation in November 2020.[1][8] He is the son of Jim Watkins, the owner and operator of 8chan.[9] Some journalists and researchers believe that one or both of the Watkinses know the identity of, or are themselves, "Q", the person or group of people behind QAnon.[10]


  8. Anonymous1:00 AM

    QAnon is a hack, from day one, but really only a diversion.
    Actually we have much bigger problems than that.

    Dangerous lies are coming out of the woodwork from more than just Qanon.

    If people don't want the truth you can't make them take it.

  9. Thank you, Constance. You are absolutely right and it's frightening how many people believe this nonsense. I look forward to your updates.

  10. Anonymous6:47 AM

    North Korean Defector on U.S. Ivy League Education: ‘Even North Korea Was Not This Nuts’

    Yeonmi Park, a North Korean defector and human rights activist, says some aspects of the increasingly woke culture at elite universities in the U.S. are more “nuts” than the totalitarian education in her homeland.

    Park fled North Korea to China in 2007 and later moved to South Korea in 2009. In 2014, she began attending Barnard College and later transferred to Columbia University in 2016.

    Her 2015 memoir "In Order To Live" provides an eye-opening account of her escape from North Korea into eventually the West.

    "I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” Park told Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different, but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”

    Park stated that the intense focus on gender issues, such as preferred pronouns, in nearly every class, left her confused. “English is my third language. I learned it as an adult. I sometimes still say ‘he’ or ‘she’ by mistake, and now they are going to ask me to call them ‘they’? How the heck do I incorporate that into my sentences?” she said. “It was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization.”

    “In North Korea I literally believed that my Dear Leader [Kim Jong-un] was starving,” Park recounted “He’s the fattest guy; how can anyone believe that? And then somebody showed me a photo and said, ‘Look at him, he’s the fattest guy. Other people are all thin.’ And I was like, ‘Oh my God, why did I not notice that he was fat?’ Because I never learned how to think critically. ”That is what is happening in America,” she added. “People see things, but they’ve just completely lost the ability to think critically.”

  11. WOKE is working the Left.
    QANON and its TRUMP CULT is working the right.
    They are both converging in their "radical" New Age Center.

    May the Lord help us all!


  12. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Time to put our 'critical thinking' hats on, folks!!! (The is not 'about' Trump.)

    Joe Biden did NOT receive 79,685,131 votes on November 3, 2020. It's impossible and here's why...

  13. Those of you minimizing Qanon as so many have minimized the New Age Movement over the years definitely need to view the HBO documentary INTO THE STORM.

    If you don't have HBO on your TV system, you can also watch it on Amazon Prime. I believe that with Amazon Prime (I have it), you can view it on your computer or perhaps cast it to your TV. I have HBO as part of my Comcast package.


  14. Constance 7:29 AM,

    WOKE is working the Left.
    QANON and its TRUMP CULT is working the right.
    They are both converging in their "radical" New Age Center.

    May the Lord help us all!


    I agree that QAnon has all the earmarks of being a part of a dialectic that is intended to take more steps toward making the New Ager NWO dream real.

    I think the paleoconservative element of the MAGA movement would do best separating from the QAnon portion -- or at least more often critically confronting it.

    I suspect pragmatism will make most unwilling to confront or alienate people they see as being a part of their coalition.

    IMO such pragmatism is misguided ... and it is exactly what the dialectic relies on, in order to continue working.

    A recent example that proved to me everything I wrote above, was the very obvious and flamboyant NWO and UN serial provocateur Sacha Stone turning up suddenly on U.S. soil with a new image to act as creative director of a multi-state tour and series of rallies. Robert Steele is constantly joined at the hip with Sacha Stone. Both of them are creatures of intelligence. Sacha Stone's father was British intelligence. Robert Steele is U.S. intelligence.

    I'm talking about the "Arise Freedom" tour.

    The purpose seems to me to be nothing less than encouraging violence to make an excuse for more totalitarian crackdowns and to make it easier to discredit Christians and conservatives.

    If you research Sacha Stone you will find he is a quintessential New Ager.

    And he is anti-Semitic to boot. He said he talked to religious leaders all over the world and asked them if they would put aside sectarian differences to put the human heart first. And he said only the Jewish leaders told him no.

    He further likes to subtly insinuate that globalists are Jews, because he calls them Sabbateans. Of course Sabbateans were a Jewish mysticism sect, while the New Agers make a salad of every mystical tradition from every culture that they can possibly re-imagine. He can't possibly be so naive as to imagine globalist New Age spirituality is only limited to a sect of Jewish mysticism.

    Constance somebody named Joyce wrote a lot about Sacha Stone on your blog several years ago, maybe it was 2009 or 2011, I can't recall. He actually came here and left a comment.

  15. Constance, this is the 2009 blog comment thread in which Sacha Stone comments at the very end. He had apparently noticed that Joyce had been posting comments about him.

  16. For some reason Sacha Stone very frequently ends up surrounded by Scientologists and ex-Scientologists. One current example is Leigh Dundas, whose name appears with his at the top of the home page for the "Arise Freedom" tour.

    Scott McKay's name also appears next to their name. Scott McKay is a prominent QAnon influencer.

    What is sad is that so many of us are suckers every time for the provocateurs and the agents of controlled opposition. They must think we are really dumb.

  17. To 8:55 am -- MILLENNIUM REPORT is clearly QANON in its orientation, scope, and content! Probably Ron Watkins was a source! INTO THE STORM -- even the visuals on MILLENNIUM REPORT suggest that theme of QANON. Yes, QANON is a cult now professing Trump as its Savior! Trump has obviously encouraged and abetted QANON. I do not for one moment believe he was ignorant of QANON. He loved its adoration of him!


  18. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Yenomi Park describes what it was like for her and her family living in North Korea...

  19. MOREOVER, "The Millennium Report" in the article you suggest on the allege election results is a total anti-Semitic rag. If that is where people are getting their information, they are in trouble. MOREOVER, vis a vis the election:

    It was a very close election and turn out was very heavy on both sides. Trump was a highly polarizing figure. He made MANY unnecessary enemies such as John McCain, Mitt Romney, the entire Bush family, etc., etc. He made enemies of many of his past appointees.

    Trump, aided and abetted by Qanon forces and Michael Lindell continue to perpetuate the myth that Trump really won. IMHO, he did not. Where Am I now placing my political assistance until further notice? Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Congressmen Upton and Meijer from the State of Michigan and others in the Republican Party courageous enough to stand up to the mob violence of Qanon and the Trump cult.



  20. Anonymous9:27 AM


    First of all, I am NO fan of QAnon. I think for myself.

    I just do not understand how anyone who can add 2 plus 2 and get 4 could possibly believe that Joe Biden received enough votes (legally) to become President. It makes no sense whatsoever.

    With all due respect: When you say that 'the elect' will be deceived... is it possible that you too can be deceived - at least in this one area?

  21. Re 6:47 am and other comments on Yeonmi Park: Something did not smell quite right to me about it, so I googled my suspicions with her name and "Unification" -- I was right. It was the UNIFICATION MEDIA GROUP -- dedicated to the "religion" of Sun Myung Moon who claimed to be the LORD OF THE SECOND ADVENT, not to mention "KING OF THE UNIVERSE," etc. Many, many Christians compromised with Moon to enjoy his monetary disbursements, included but not limited to Tim & Beverly LaHaye and Jerry Falwell.


  22. To 9:27 am, but you obviously were a fan of "The Millennium Report" which clearly is publishing the Qanon line!


  23. Anonymous9:37 AM

    That was merely ONE example. I wanted to point out that this was not 'about' Trump; this is about a STOLEN election period.

    Constance, I am a huge admirer of yours; but, in this one area, you and I are just going to have to agree to disagree.

    Meanwhile, I will continue to pray that the TRUTH comes out (for us all). If I am proven wrong, I will admit it.

  24. Anonymous9:47 AM

    FYI There's a LOT of new Covid vaccination-related dangers information posted this morning on the previous thread.

    (I'll only repeat this one:)

    Check this out:

  25. Constance,

    Just a couple of questions:

    1) I am one, after doing prolonged research, that has concluded that the election of 2020 was thoroughly rigged in Biden's favor in the key battleground states. I firmly believe that Trump actually did win the election. Does that make myself, and others that are likeminded about the election, followers of the "QANON cult"?

    2) I recently posted a link to a 5+ hour video exposing Freemasonry, which documented their deep roots into the occult, and even Satanism. Their "god" is Lucifer, declared so in the writings of their "masters." Do you believe Freemasonry to be a "dangerous cult" ?

    PS: I also believe that Nixon actually won the election against JFK in 1960. Does that make me a crazy "conspiracy theorist?"

  26. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Congressmen Upton and Meijer from the State of Michigan and others in the Republican Party courageous enough to stand up to the mob violence of Qanon and the Trump cult."

    Woke Cult (permeates the left), Trump Cult (only a portion of the right)....but wait!!...then there is the insidious establishment Deep State Cult! (solidly working against our freedoms for decades and finally fully gave away the store to Obama - now Biden)

    Constance how are you missing that one?? You have posted about this for years and now "Trump Cult" is the be all end all cult of cults?

    Bad seeds have produced a really bad crop all across the board and you are honing in on one portion after all those posts of years that showed a much broader picture???

    Big Media has gotten you to successfully believe for instance, that the Deep State of Liz there to further her family name Cheney, Mitt and/or fake flake Pierre Delecto Romney, and attention junkie Adam Kinzinger are brave and fighting for us???

    Are you kidding me?
    Have your views become that short-sighted?
    You're keeping the bathwater?...and lost sight of baby? :( ......

  27. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I have a theory that the Globalists realized that they 'dropped the ball' big time... when their 'chosen' candidate, Hillary lost to Trump in November 2016... and they wanted to make CERTAIN that this did not happen again in November, 2020.

    The very fact that the Globalist-controlled mainstream media spent the last 4 years verbally 'slicing and dicing' Trump non-stop 24/7... and spent the first 6 months of 2021 giving Joe Biden a free pass on everything (including his growing dementia) speaks VOLUMES!!!

    Was Trump also used to 'divide and conquer'? No doubt that he was used.

    However, the big question should be: Which administration is going to fast forward the United State of American into SOCIALISM? I think we already have our answer.

  28. To 9:50 AM

    Either you are an agent for Qanon, and/or you have not read LOVE JOY TRUMP; A THOUSAND YEARS OF PEACE and the other Qanon books that clearly demonstrate it to be a combination of New Apostolic REform and straight out NEW AGE.

    My views are not short-sighted. Liz Cheney bucked her family on the same-sex marriage issues. She is courageous. She voted on the impeachment the way any sane person should have voted had they been the Capitol the day of the January 6th insurrection as she clearly was


  29. To 9:50 AM

    Either you are an agent for Qanon, and/or you have not read LOVE JOY TRUMP; A THOUSAND YEARS OF PEACE and the other Qanon books that clearly demonstrate it to be a combination of New Apostolic Reform and straight out NEW AGE.

    My views are not short-sighted. Liz Cheney bucked her family on the same-sex marriage issues. She is courageous. She voted on the impeachment the way any sane person should have voted had they been the Capitol the day of the January 6th insurrection as she clearly was


  30. Anonymous10:12 AM

    If the 2020 election was so legit why is the left and compromised right fighting against the proof that would once and for all end the speculation of it's credibility?

    They should welcome review to restore voter confidence. Let the chips fall...
    But they won't.
    Why? What are they afraid of?

    And why did the left need so many virtually overnight back room back door changes to election laws that undermined ethical handling of ballots in key battleground areas of the country?? And why were Zuckerberg dropboxes left with zero oversight for ballot casting in select Democrat districts? That is just a tiny skim off the top of the many anomalies of that election!!!
    If so legit why did it need so many carnival barkers to sell it to the American public because the air waves and print media have gone above and beyond to keep all questioners and questionings away? Why was Dominion bias not addressed by media?

    And the beat goes on....

  31. Qanon IS GLOBALIST!

    And for those among you who are sympathetic to it, just what do you believe to be "THE PLAN" to them? It is exactly the same plan that the New Agers have been advancing as long as I have studied that Movement. And if you don't believe me, again, read LOVE JOY TRUMP!


  32. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Constance, it is also quite possible that the majority of us, who voted for Trump, have absolutely NOTHING to do with QAnon - period. Furthermore, many believe that, had the election not been stolen between November 3rd and November 4th, Trump would have won in a landslide. And this scared the h--- out of the Globalists!!!

  33. Anonymous10:31 AM

    How are you arriving at such a thought?
    Maybe you really are short-sighted because certainly trying to man handle others opinions to fit a narrative you are banking on.
    I am not QAnon. President Trump is now former President Trump.
    I saw your review of the book and don't doubt it's author is stupidly wrong, definitely new age.
    So, no I won't read it, because the cat is already out of the bag, that ship has sailed and you want to spend your money and time on a sliver and a slice of what is now moot? People have named their poisons and America is broken by it.

    So now there are bigger fish to fry and choosing to be stuck on the RINO's stupidity is not in your or our favor.
    Deep State each one of those you name about a cult!!!!!!
    Their type of "governing" is how the progressive left and the farthest right took regular America's freedoms away.

    They are not courageous, they are shameless!

  34. Lately I've been thinking about and researching China, and I have come up confused.

    I thought Trump stood up to China like no president in decades.

    I thought Biden was hopelessly compromised by China through his son, Hunter.

    What to make of it, then, that Biden was attempting to talk the G7 into solidarity against China?

    What to make of the many Chinese patents given to Ivanka during Trump's term?

    Anyone think they can reasonably answer these questions?

    I'm asking because I really wonder and I really don't know.

  35. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Congressmen Upton and Meijer from the State of Michigan and others in the Republican Party courageous enough to stand up to the mob violence of Qanon and the Trump cult."

    Blindly and broadbrushedly praise anti-Trump politians regardless of how bad they may be for America simply because of pent-up personal hatred of Trump via a hatred of Qanon.

    Good plan.

  36. Anonymous11:02 AM

    J: what part of Joe Biden is China's PUPPET, do you not understand?

  37. Anonymous11:05 AM

    10:07 AM
    B I N G O

    Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic is a waste.
    Why are people stuck on a whodunit from one portion of Trump camp and not seeing the massive deception in what is going down (in flames) at the hands of O'Biden and the Soros et al globalists which is much more encompassing than that smaller part of the whole?

    Yeah. Short-sighted is the word.

  38. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Liz Cheney's OBSESSIVE hatred for Trump is more about her attempt at covering for the political sins of her Globalist father, Dick Cheney than anything else!!!

  39. RayB 9:49 AM,

    1) I am one, after doing prolonged research, that has concluded that the election of 2020 was thoroughly rigged in Biden's favor in the key battleground states. I firmly believe that Trump actually did win the election. Does that make myself, and others that are likeminded about the election, followers of the "QANON cult"?

    I think it is logically possible that:

    a) The election was rigged

    b) QAnon is controlled opposition to manage the people who suspect the election was rigged

    The answer to your question would depend on how well you sort info from disinfo. My opinion of you after being acquainted with you online for a while is that you do not tend to go for the outlandish sources. So I personally give you the benefit of the doubt, FWIW (not that you care what I think or should care!).

  40. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Yes @ 10:55 AM.

    Myopics are definitely not looking with a wide angle lens.

  41. Anonymous11:19 AM

    J @10:40 AM,

    You have to remember that in the world of politics, things aren't always black & white, there's a lot of grey too.

    And also things are staged (if you will) for appearances' sake.

    Talk is cheap BUT now Biden can claim he's not in bed with China. See? (And look closely at anything that may later happen to actually come of it, it'll not too unlikely be a 'slapping on the wrist' against outlined infractions policy at best and a statement of 'our joint concern' at worst.)

    And on the other side:

    The Trumps are business people, whatever else they may be. China is the world's 2nd biggest market. China is not 'black' and we are not 'white', that is to say that despite China's communist government there are a number of good things not associated with communism in China. And the United States is by no means perfect. So: Grey.

  42. Anonymous11:22 AM

    "QAnon is controlled opposition"
    QAnon is Globalist! Duh!!!!!
    And Constance is so sure we who voted for DJT but still find favorability for a whole lot of his tenure don't know that...
    He insulted the he!! out of the (vicious) left and (phony) right globalists and for that I am grateful. It had some wonderful moments and now they are history.
    And what is is what will be (for such a time as this).
    God is in control.

  43. Anonymous11:22 AM

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who WON the election (before it was stolen that is).

    During the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe spent most of his time in his basement. When his handlers did hold a rally for him, the 'crowds' that showed up to hear him speak were very SMALL.

    Large crowds DID, however, show up for Trump... MULTITUDES at every single rally!!!

    2 + 2 + 4.

  44. Anonymous11:24 AM

    2 + 2 = 4

  45. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Yes, God is in control... and only HE sees the big picture.

  46. 11:19 AM,

    You have to remember that in the world of politics, things aren't always black & white, there's a lot of grey too.

    And also things are staged (if you will) for appearances' sake.

    Talk is cheap BUT now Biden can claim he's not in bed with China. See? (And look closely at anything that may later happen to actually come of it, it'll not too unlikely be a 'slapping on the wrist' against outlined infractions policy at best and a statement of 'our joint concern' at worst.)

    Good points.

    One liberal author thought disapprovingly that maybe Biden is going to "triangulate" like the Clintons did.

    This could be a response to the very widespread disapproval of China and the growing admission that the COVID virus came from the Wuhan lab. Even Dems disapprove of China in large numbers.

    It gets to the point where being openly and obviously soft on China would sacrifice credibility and hand ammunition to the opposition.

    Show me, don't tell me. Let's see how well Biden and the G7 walk the talk.

  47. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Covid-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled
    By James Perloff

    Drawing on statements of numerous scholars from around the world-virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, pathologists, microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, including Nobel Prize winners, as well as front-line ER physicians and family practice MDs-veteran journalist James Perloff asks hard questions about the global response to Covid-19

  48. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Playing both ends against the middle is an old old trick and doing the devil's bidding, the globalists are having a field day.

    In the micro and the macro it has been heading on this downward spiral for many decades, particularly since the League of Nations and it's descendants, offshoots, persistent and pervasive branches of influence, in every sector of society.

    This blog has covered so many of those things and pretty comprehensively for years, until recently.....when the blog owner is seemingly trying to make it all about one man.
    Exactly what the globalists want everyone to believe, so their sleight of hand goes largely unnoticed.

    Pay no attention to that "man" behind the curtain...

  49. Anonymous12:35 PM

    12:15 PM,

    Yes, sadly when one gets overly fixated on ANY potentially dangerous subject (the New Age Movement NOT withstanding) paradoxically ​one STILL leaves oneself vulnerable to harm or causing harm regarding that simply because one has made oneself unbalanced in one's cognitive processes and as a result can much more easily think, do or say things that are actually counterproductive to what, on paper, one meant to achieve!

  50. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Covid-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled
    By James Perloff

    Here is the table of contents:


    1. The Economic and Health Impact of the Lockdown
    2. Destruction of Civil Liberties
    3. Was the Lockdown Necessary? Experts Speak Out
    4. The Social Distancing and Mask Controversies


    5. Putting COVID-19 in Perspective
    6. Fake News Stories Intensify the Panic
    7. An Important Disclaimer
    8. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (1) Early in the Pandemic—Misleading Sampling Weights and Inaccurate Models
    9. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (2) Conflating It with Other Diseases
    10. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (3) Death Certificates
    11. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (4) The Nursing Home Controversy
    12. Accuracy of Testing


    13. Mainstream Story of the Origin
    14. The Bioweapon Theory
    15. Accidental Leak or Deliberate Dispersion?
    16. The 5G Theory
    17. Other Theories about COVID-19


    18. Population Reduction
    19. Bill Gates
    20. Deep State Goal #1: Global Vaccines
    21. Eight Reasons Why We Don’t Need a COVID Vaccine
    22. The Storm over Hydroxychloroquine
    23. Deep State Goal #2: Global Digital ID
    24. Deep State Goal #3: Cashless Society
    25. Contact Tracing/Surveillance State


    26. Possible Scenarios
    27. Hope and Encouragement

  51. Anonymous1:12 PM


    We are already seeing so much of the compromise with China. Biden acts just like O did (with Medvedev) remember it.."I'll have more flexibility when I am re-elected".
    (How did he know he would be re-elected?)
    Why did Joe say I don't need you to vote for me but help me after I am elected.
    Did Chineses spying help Joe out since he is joined at the hip through his son?
    Globalists help get each other "elected".
    How many times have these scenarios already played out in world affairs? This isn't new...this is recycled...but going to reach a desired end. Billionaires using capitalism are in it to win it to take out capitalism. Look at the lineup of names and ideologies..look at the business deals, big corporations and big government all coming together to impact the way the whole world runs.

    There is s showdown coming on the horizon. East against West, Globalists against Nation States.....big everything against little us. The real Gospel persecuted going off the rails more and more every day and Jerusalem is on a chopping block. (God said: My Name is there. He plays for keeps and there are those ready to poke the very apple of His eye. This is by design. (We have read the end of the Book so we do know the outcome correct?)

    Russia, China, and Iran are a triple axis in Ezekiel 38-39, and certainly others are on board. There was always some type of shortfall before and the timing was not quite right but now who is missing among those players? They're on board. Study that. It's eye opening.
    Just a little bit more time...
    Especially with America on the ropes and Israel a sitting duck..this is happening in real time.
    And we have front row seats in this theater.

  52. Constance said (in part) @ 10:15 AM:

    "Qanon IS GLOBALIST!"


    Now that you have expressed your concern about Globalism, please consider the following:

    The Pope is the ABSOLUTE leader of 1.2 BILLION followers. He also influences countless others, including politicians, economists, etc. The RCC's Doctrines & Dogmas claim that the Pope rules over Heaven, Hell and the World. The RCC claims he has absolute authority over ALL of the souls of mankind. The Pope claims the title for himself that is reserved for God Almighty; the "Holy Father." You've never really stated any of your concerns regarding all of this (and much more), so we really do not know where you stand on the Papacy & the RCC. Maybe you'd like to give us your in depth views on this important subject?

    Back to the "GLOBALIST" issue and "QANON." It seems he/she/it has company!

    The Pope is a GLOBALIST! Again ... THE POPE IS A GLOBALIST!!

    Shocking but true. The Pope pushes for the globalist UN's Agenda 21 & Agenda 30. He has repeatedly called for the removal of national borders, which, in effect, ends the sovereignty of nations. He has been a consistent critic of "nationalism" and "populism," even comparing it to "Hitlerism." He has been an outspoken advocate in favor of GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. He has strongly supported the GLOBALIST agenda for the "Great Reset," while also calling for a "new economic order." He has promoted unifying the GLOBE's "religions."

    Does the Papacy fit your criteria for being the leader of a Globalist cult?

    In comparison to those claiming to be followers of the RCC, the "followers" of the so-called QANON are minuscule, and largely insignificant. I've stated this before; of all the people I know, only two have expressed an interest in QANON, and the one was only a casual follower. The other is somewhat of a nutcase, and would be so regardless of any influence by QANON.

    Furthermore, I don't know a single person that fits your description of thinking of Trump as some type of "savior."

    It seems to me that you are lumping all of Trump's supporters, and those that have serious questions regarding the election's integrity, with being members of the "QANON Cult." Please clarify. Is that what you are actually saying?

  53. Anon @ 11:22 AM ...

    Let's not forget that Sleepy, way past his prime, Basement Joe was able to obtain 17 MILLION more votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016. AND, he had an extremely unlikable running mate, that, during the primaries, couldn't poll about 3% !

    You are right. Trump was pulling in tens of thousands at every rally, while Biden couldn't fill a parking lot.

    The best illustration that I saw was this: "Riding through Pennsylvania, I took a sign count. Trump signs were everywhere, Corn was way behind in 2nd., a distant 3rd. was Biden." LOL

  54. Anonymous3:07 PM

    RayB asked: "I am one, after doing prolonged research, that has concluded that the election of 2020 was thoroughly rigged in Biden's favor in the key battleground states. I firmly believe that Trump actually did win the election. Does that make myself, and others that are like-minded about the election, followers of the "QANON cult"?


    "prolonged research", you were just posting quotes and links last night from lifesitenews, an opus dei disinformation website trying to further destabilize Protestant America.

    If anything, Biden's win in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania and New Mexico demonstrate that Trump's 2016 "win" was actually the rigged election via the paperless ESS voting machines. Opus Dei is so distraught over having their election controls exposed after states like Michigan, New Mexico and Georgia adopted the more reliable Dominion voting systems with paper ballot backup and suddenly the Democrats weren't missing thousands upon thousand of votes and winning again.

    The "anomalies" reported in counties using Dominion really weren't actually revealing a Dominion conspiracy (as all the audits and recounts have confirmed), instead we should be looking into the other counties and their ESS voting systems which are, to a large extent, not as easily reconcilable to explain why Trump votes appear to be significantly overrepresented.

    I think Trump knew too...he made a deal summer of 2016 with Opus Dei and went into the fall campaign in 16 and 20 believing he just had to keep it close and the ESS tabulations and vote switching/canceling programing would put him over the top despite polls showing him massively trailing. Now Opus Dei just wants to keep the focus on Dominion as a countermeasure towards anyone looking into why ESS counties were so off AND to prevent any more states undertaking to rid themselves of the apparently controlled ESS systems.

    Plus, the added bonus of onerous rule changes to try and keep so many people from voting.

    Consider also that Georgia had years of questionable election results until the 2018 Governor’s race resulted in many lawsuits. A judge ordered the state to replace its voting machines. Georgia chose the Dominion voting machines. The 2020 election in Georgia was the first time a Republican did not win every Georgia race since 2002 when the state began using ES&S voting machines..... In the wake of Trump’s “big lie” and the Georgia senate races, Republican state legislators across the country are canceling orders for Dominion voting machines and ordering ES&S voting machines instead. Apparently, the new AZ 2020 election recount only involves counties employing Dominion voting machines; Republicans are not re-counting the votes from counties that use ES&S voting machines.

    I'm not claiming this is proof, it's only a theory...but it sure as heck is more possible and likely than ANY conspiracy theory about the 2020 election.


  55. Anonymous3:24 PM

    x said...

    I don't "dig up dirt". I simply give things a cursory review and dirt sometimes just happens.

    1:02 AM

    Anonymous said...


    So how, for example, did you find out about the proprietor of Citizen Free Press?

    1:12 AM

    That was not a rhetorical question.

    What is your answer?

  56. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "Plus, the added bonus of onerous rule changes to try and keep so many people from voting."

    What a bogus statement that is.
    Minorities came out in droves to vote for Trump.
    People who had either not voted, feeling disenfranchised, or never felt they had someone in their corner until Trump stepped in by way of coalitions with inner city pastors and prison reforms and an economy truly roaring into life to provide jobs with better pay and incentives that no Democrat ever provided for minorities, including "Messiah Obama". What I just mentioned and only scratched the surface of is a bane to any globalist and why they had to be rid of President Trump.
    All the Democrats ever offered them was the government tit.
    No belief in them as persons with potential to see their way past being on the government dole.
    Biden is racist from the get go. Made a "career" of it.
    That's your guy X.
    How shameful you don't recognize the brighter opportunities that were made, the strides made for people all across the board.
    The Dems turned everything into politics, gummed up and monkey-wrenched every conceivable area of advancement because they have to keep government big to keep their big egos in their government jobs serving only themselves, ruining great opportunity for everyone else..
    Your politics cost lots of people more than money and nobody is done paying for terrible fallout you progressives brought on. Shame on you and your lefty politicians. Not a day of that kind of politics works for anyone but them.

  57. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Yes ...GARY at fatherlyadviceaandrant has all the "absolute proof" anyone needs to draw a conclusion.


    He's just reproducing Lindell's junk video and re-promoting supposed "anomalies" using nytimes and its Edison Research's estimated vote count numbers, as adjusted.

    If Gary hasn't figured out yet that the NY Times (via Edison Research) isn't reporting actual vote counts to the media as the election unfolds then all his information is suspect and likely complete non-sense (I'm not gish galloping through it). No one, including the media, is allowed to "plug into" the vote count systems in any state so they use statistical modeling via exit polling and hand inputting of some real numbers where and when available (using boots on the ground but they can't be at every precinct everywhere). When states that counted absentee ballot last switched over to counting such mail-in ballots and the first initial results confirmed the presumed belief of a huge swing to Biden, the "models" simply required a large adjustment. That is what accounts for the dramatic Biden after midnight boost you see in those swing states where the absentee ballots got counted last. Gary is simply analyzing a vote count model as though it was reporting real numbers. It wasn't.

    In other words, the surge in mail-in votes gave a false, initial impression of a Democratic or Republican lead in some of the most competitive states. Mail-in ballots largely favored Biden, so states like Florida, Ohio and North Carolina that count those votes first may appear to be swinging early toward the Democrat. Conversely, in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Trump may appear to take an early lead. These so-called red or blue mirages will disappear as the night goes on and more ballots are counted.


  58. The truth, as light, always seems to find a way to expose the darkness!

    Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Changes Tune on Election Results, Admits Fulton County Irregularities

    Even though SOS Brad Raffensperger has been compromised by the likes of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, he's in a position where the evidence keeps piling up that the election was stolen.

    I said from the very beginning that Fulton County (Atlanta) was where the election was stolen, and so did Trump. Raffersperger, instead of doing a full blown investigation on Fulton, he turned his attentions elsewhere, even though it was obvious there were multitudes of irregularities. NOW, he's forced to admit it!

  59. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Is it secret that is published by "Kane" aka Steven Megrimis, who independently posts self-edited right-wing news articles out of his parent's basement or childhood home in Bloomington, Indiana?

    No, it's not a secret. He recently even bragged about covid-killer Ron Desantis liking his fake news website on his facebook page.

  60. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Get free or live free.
    In the realm of earthly life that is what all comes down to doesn't it?
    Those that want to get free stuff or those that want to live the stuff of life free.
    And it exacts a cost unfairly to support those who want things handed to them and it is unfair that some won't do their part for the whole.

    Either one of these ways is costly, but only one is worth it.

  61. Anonymous6:27 PM


    Chain of custody documentation not being filled out entirely in 4 counties across Georgia doesn't prove anything except some election officials are probably gonna get fired for not doing their jobs entirely. You don't get to throw out or negate an entire county's votes because some bureaucrat didn't fill out the proper paperwork. For all we know, the undocumented custody trail of certain boxes is probably where Trump specifically picked up those "droves" of supposed minority votes.

    Further, Raffensperger put attention on Cobb County after Republican complaints of irregularities there. Of course, none were now the goalpost changed to "we actually wanted Fulton County investigated". Turns out he did investigate Fulton in the state-wide signature match audit (on top of the recounts) which again, I assume (I'm not searching and finding it) found nothing.


  62. Anonymous8:33 PM

    X is firmly in Constance's corner. Says a lot about her!

    Pharisees flock together. They are mainstream, lukewarm, and the enemies of Christ, and the gospel. They strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Therefore they are only truly useful to the devil. They are all under a Luciferic spell that they are guided by.

  63. The other side of the dialectic.

    Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends and Family

  64. Anonymous9:44 PM


    Here's the full official white house story on the new National Strategy to counter the white supremacist violence and provocation. It's a little bigger than "say something" while not going overboard on targeting people just based upon their speech and unamerican ideologies.

    "Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism"

    You should turn in and report your extremist friends before they commit domestic terrorism so they can get help and maga new age reprogrammed before they do something dumb like storm a federal building and get sentenced to x years in jail or even shot. Biden's not going to force security forces stand down to terrorists like Trump did.


  65. X 9:44 PM,

    You should turn in and report your extremist friends before they commit domestic terrorism so they can get help and maga new age reprogrammed before they do something dumb like storm a federal building and get sentenced to x years in jail or even shot.

    You should turn yourself in for help if you really believe that, and you should repent if you really don't believe it.

  66. Anonymous10:15 PM

    In other news...

    SBC elects Alabama Pastor Ed Litton as the new SBC President after a contentious election.


  67. X,

    I can honestly say that I am beginning to understand now why you get under so many peoples' skin to such an extent.

  68. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Sorry...meant to say "deprogrammed".

    I do believe it.

    For example, Portland never would have become such an epicenter were it not for the persistent local tolerance of "patriot pride" domestic violence and terrorism.

    I'm not saying the reaction to patriot pride was healthy or productive but I understand it.

    Imagine if the police in some small southern MAGA town coordinated with groups of armed and violent minorities and stood by while the minorities sprayed citizens with paintballs from the backs of trucks. They'd lose their heads and go rogue on the law too.

    If someone in your family is seriously arming up to "storm the capital" or "kidnap a governor" or otherwise undertaking to commit treasonous and/or insurrectionist acts it might be time to actually be "patriotic" and save them from themselves.

    "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." Ephesians 5:11 NKJV


    p.s.- J -- I don't believe YOU are Maga programed...I'm not seriously lumping EVERY Trump voter into one pot and thinking they all need to be reported.

  69. X,

    What you said to me is a form of begging the question, and you did so in a cocky, condescending and hateful tone.

  70. X,

    How would you feel if I asked you if you are Chinese communist paid troll, and told you to turn yourself in and maybe obtain freedom and leniency if you agreed to become deprogrammed and work as a double agent?

  71. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Video: Houston Channel KRIV Fox 26 Reporter Ivory Hecker Releases Tape of Bosses; Sounds Alarm on 'Corruption' & 'Censorship'

  72. Anonymous11:02 PM


    I'd laugh. It's not a crisis. I'm no troll and I presume you're not a MAGA insurrectionist with extremist friends.

    Looking back I see what you mean, I added the last part after skimming the Breitbart link. I meant it figuratively as I commented more toward the brietbart article than you and your personal friends.

    You really do need to stop hanging out with terrorists [joking].



  73. Youtuber Mr Reagan raises the question "why was there no counter protest at Capitol Hill?"

  74. You have to admit it seems really odd given all the confrontation leading up to and after the election there wasn't a very visible and published counter protest.

  75. Anonymous11:13 PM

    People who think January 6 was a violent insurrection are idolatrous idiots who refuse truth.


  76. Insurrection? ROFL !!! Recall that crazy Pelosi and other Democrats described Jan. 6 as an "armed insurrection," as did their cohorts in the fake stream media.

    Police Appear To Open The Capital Building Door And Let Protestors In

    NOTE: This isn't the only video that I've seen of the January 6 protest whereby doors were literally opened to allow people in. Also, as you watch this video, do you see anyone that is "storming the Capital"?


  77. New Video Shows ANTIFA Breaking into the Capitol Building Before the “Insurrection”

  78. Anonymous12:56 AM

    RayB at 11:36

    That video was obviously doctored. The contrast was cranked up to make the persons appear dressed in black head to toe. This is just Robert Geiswein (1st to enter) and the rest of the Proud Boys led by Joe Biggs along with a confederate flag.

    You can even make out the altered Q on the sweatshirt of the guy that led the pursuit and backed up Capital Police hero Eugene Goodman all the was up the stairs immediately thereafter.

    "Video Investigation: Proud Boys Were Key Instigators in Capitol Riot"
    Wall Street Journal


  79. RayB, If you think the Capitol invaders were mostly ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, I have a bridge to sell you. Brooklyn or Chappaquiddick, take your pick!


  80. Antifa, BLM, Woke Movement on the left, QANON, PROUD BOYS, Militia Groups on the right -- both working their factions towards the same ugly end - welcome to the REAL "Harmonic Convergence".


  81. The Millennium Report clearly appears to be an all-Qanon and beyond production!
    It is NOT a credible source!

  82. Anonymous1:17 AM

    As far as being "let in"....

    every Maga terrorist insurrectionist in that crowd knew the police didn't want them there past the outside barriers, on the capital steps, anywhere near the entrances or window, entering and in the building.

    You can try to polish that turd all you's still a turd of an argument.

    "How Police Tried — and Failed — To Stop Capitol Attackers | Visual Investigations"

    The New York Times:

  83. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Right my estimation, the right has many more guns and political ability/organization to assume totalitarian/authoritarian control. There are miles away from any form of libertarian ideals.

    Thus...the more immediate threat to the US.

    Welcome to middle, Mrs. Cumbey ...where everyone hates you for not picking their side.

    Like J, I'd be interested in your take on Sacha Stone as well as any thoughts you have on Opus Dei.


  84. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Now we see fully manifest what Constance blew the whistle about back in the early eighties with her two ground breaking books on the then quite secretive New Age and Globalist agenda movement.
    The very ideologies and beliefs warned about seem to find ground in both sides of the political spectrum.
    The book Love Joy Trump is laced with New Age speak.

  85. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "Welcome to middle, Mrs. Cumbey ...where everyone hates you for not picking their side."

    Apparently X's "Middle" is Left-Of-Center (repackaged).

    So then his "Left" must be Mao Zedong & Co.

  86. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Constance said...

    "The Millennium Report clearly appears to be an all-Qanon and beyond production!

    "It is NOT a credible source!"

    Well, one must learn to separate information from the source of the information and judge the information on its own merits and NOT automatically DISMISS it for the sole reason of where it came from.

    And that works BOTH ways, i.e. we must NOT automatically ACCEPT information without judging it on its own merits for the sole reason of where it came from either.

    That being said, we should in fact (NOT pre-judge but) pay extra attention for possible (up to and including: untruthful) 'spin' (or worse) in certain information from certain sources, such as for example Qanon articles from The Millennium Report. Realize and remember that a source may (either innocently or by design) have a not-so-legitimate article or two buried in amongst a bunch of wholly legitimate articles. And an article may be a not-so-legitimate article not necessarily because it's outright wrong but sometimes because it, itself has truth and significant error mixed together within it. Sometimes even the visual format style and/or the phrasing style of an article (as seen in its entirety at the original website) are questionable. The following article is a case in point. All that does NOT, however delegitimize good articles a website may have!

    So to make the point further, here are a few passages from an article from The Millennium Report (BTW I'm NOT saying that this particular article is 100% correct [or 50% for that matter] just that it's interesting that such an article with such passages as this would be at that particular source):

    TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: An Ongoing Social Engineering Project to Mind Control Humanity

    Tavistock Agenda Revealed–Fascist America & Global Control
    Tavistock’s tentacles are...physical, emotional, mental and spiritual control. The lies are different in each dimension of experience. Their backdoors and...shortcuts among cultural institutions have created a stranglehold on global culture.

  87. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Tavistock began with research on “shell shock” or post-traumatic stress, propaganda and applied mind control. They have broken down our whole country with collective ego death. They have used Jung’s metaphysics to remythologize and “spiritualize” society, using the memes of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ as dope for the New Age.
    Unpacking each association reveals widespread effects encompassing Intelligence, Military, Government, Occult Symbols #1 NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist (Worldview). Co-opting ancient occult principles, Tavistock took the healing principles of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.
    In their endless bag of demonic tricks we also find: behavioral modification, mass brainwashing, “buzzwords,” memes, suppressed science, manufactured wars, counterculture, LSD, New Age, cults, -isms, disinformation, false-flag ops, crisis creation, postmodern apocalypse theory, presence-in-absence, manufactured psychological shocks and stress, encounter groups, Aquarian Conspiracy, corporate feudalism and more.
    More than an international institution, Tavistock became a nonlocal community of practice — a dark “invisible college,” the H.G. Wells-The Open Conspiracy Castaglia of the cryptocracy. Tavistock’s grandmother is the drug empire of the British East India Company and Theosophical esoterics, Aleistar Crowley, Helena P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. Its grandfather is “The Open Conspiracy” of H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Cecil Rhodes and Fabian socialists. The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) helped create the Fabian Society.
    ['Interesting' last paragraph:]

    Even though its agenda has jumped the boundaries of its parent organization, Tavistock has seeded chaos leading to the death of an outworn post-industrial mindset, clearing the stage for a transmodern information society with a distinctly fascist tone. Or, perhaps, as chaos theory suggests, something entirely new and wonderful will emerge from the most creative sector of society. That future is still in our hands.

  88. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Let's take a brief break from all this!

    The Hooray for Hollywood Dept. You can rest easy, for THEY surely don't have an agenda! Just pure, sweet entertainment!

    What's a good All In The Family clip from the days when None Dare Call It Conspiracy reached over 5 million copies?

    I'm sure that they wouldn't DREAM of, say, maybe having Archie make an out of place allusion to it (like saying "international bankers") to try to make it look as equally ridiculous (by association) as an immediately following speech of his on the topic of gun control, spinning THAT to try to make the idea of legitimate law-abiding citizens legally conceal carrying look absolutely ludicrous!

    Uh, how about Barney Miller? Surely trashing NDCC would never happen THERE!

  89. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Putin pressures Biden before talks: As the two presidents prepare to face each other in Geneva within hours, US stealth jets launch in response to Russia's biggest naval exercise since end of Cold War 300 miles off Hawaii - and dozens of Chinese warplanes circle Taiwan after American carrier group arrived

    USAF stealth fighters were scrambled to Hawaii on Sunday as Moscow launched naval exercises in Pacific, while in South China Sea, an American carrier group has steamed in as Beijing's warplanes tear around Taiwan!!!

  90. Anonymous7:06 AM

    This morning, we should transfer our focus from debates on the election and vaccines to...

    RUSSIA AND CHINA'S WAR GAMES: Moscow's naval exercises in the Pacific (300 miles off the coast of Hawaii)... and China's warplanes in the South China Sea (near Taiwan)!!!

  91. Anonymous7:15 AM

    How to defeat Critical Race Theory!

  92. Anonymous7:20 AM

    During the past 6 months, I have had the chance to review many videos of that terrible incident of January 6th. What comes across time and time again is this fact... the police DID 'stand down' and 'allow' the protesters to enter the Capitol building.

  93. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Global Lockdowns Could Kill ONE MILLION CHILDREN: Study

  94. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Is it possible that Trump agreed to lose the election to protect his life, his family, his business? Let's face it. He is a fighter and could have fought much harder if he really wanted to be in office. Why did he push the vaccine agenda? Some say for political reasons, but look at the number of deaths and injuries from these experimental vaccines now? Sorry for those who received them.

    There is something about the entire situation that is incoherent.

    I have not figured it all out, but there is something that is amiss. Anyone who has any thoughts feel free to comment.

  95. 7:22 AM,

    The carnage is everywhere. The data is in. It's time to stop allowing further damage.

    Where do we begin? Charity begins at home. I am going to start biting off the little pieces that I can chew. It will begin with my son's school. I want him to attend it both unmasked and unvaxxed. It's such a modest goal in the scheme of things, but I'm not a lion, I'm a mouse.

    But remember the mouse in the story chewed through the lion's ropes that were tying it. I feel it's time for me to start chewing. I'm only a lion online. Not in the real world. I've been living as a caged mouse, and I need to start using my teeth and chew through one wire at a time and one rope strand at a time.

    I think millions of us need to do this as individuals. This is where it needs to begin. We need to start by biting off what we can chew, one mouse at a time, one bite at a time.

    We need to get over the learned helplessness of having been caged mice for a year and counting.

  96. I think it's well past time to review the genetic fallacy:

    Consider the Source

  97. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Barbara Comstock: GOP Will Pass the Trump ‘Kidney Stone’ Soon – He’s ‘Not Going to Be the Future of Anything’

    Former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” called former President Donald Trump a “political kidney stone” that the Republican Party should move past “sooner rather than later.”

    Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “Barbara, why are there only two? Why it just Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who see this the way you see it?”

    Comstock said, “Like I said, 35 of the House members wanted an investigation. Seven senators supported it, So I do want to give more credit to all those folks. Here’s the thing, the information is going to come out. As I pointed out when I worked on the Clinton investigations, we got a lot of stonewalling. We got hundreds of people who took the Fifth or fled the country. But you know what? The truth came out. Now it dragged out and ran into the election, you may remember, that we worked on, and George Bush won. I don’t think it helped Al Gore that all of these things were dripping out through an election year.”

    She continued, “I think as a Republican, it would be better for Republicans to engage in the truth-telling process, be out there in front, rip the band-aid off fast and get the information out. It’s going to come out through books, through media, through documents, you know, as time goes on. The longer you drag it out, the more it will run into the 2022 election cycle and the ’24. But more importantly for the American people, it keeps the danger alive.”

    Comstock added, “I don’t think our democracy is fragile. I think it’s very strong. I think we had in those 61 cases, judges, a lot of conservative judges who just kicked Trump out of court and kicked him to the curb, and said the arguments were ridiculous. You saw Republicans in Georgia stand up and in Arizona. You know, Bill Barr and the deputy attorney general, those records are coming out that they said no to all of this and said there’s no fraud here. You had a lot of people in a lot of different places. I think the more subpoenas that we have out there for information, the more you will find that a lot of people said no to Donald Trump and stood up and protected this country. We need to know that, too, because there are probably are some unsung heroes, whether in the military or in Homeland. People who are maybe career officials who are not going out there in front of the cameras. But we need to know the stress they were put under, and we need to get that story out. If Republicans don’t do it now, it’s going to hurt them in a political way, as well as making this danger go on longer than it should.”

  98. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Wallace said, “I mean, Barbara, I guess the counter-argument to that is that it isn’t over. Raffensperger may have done heroic things in the context of the count of 2020, but he also facilitated a voter suppression law in that state that would have disempowered him and his office. I think it’s not black and white. I think the observation that our democracy is in peril is beyond dispute. You talked about the truth coming out. The Republicans aren’t even for the truth. They purged Liz Cheney for telling the truth from her leadership place. Are you really convinced they are interested in the truth?”

    Comstock said, “I know it’s going to take a while. Margaret Chase Smith, she came out in 1950, she only had six supporters on her Declaration of Confidence going after Joe McCarthy, but four years later, 67 members of 9 Senate voted to censure Joe McCarthy. Then he was over. I would like to shorten that timeline. Four years was longer than it should have been, but I think, in the long run, the American people, the truth comes out, and our democracy usually rewards that. So I think a few people with courage, we already have them in the House and Senate, people who have stood up. Margaret Chase Smith only had six. We at least have seven in the Senate now. We 35 in the House, I think those few people with courage can make a majority of people. Particularly, as you see, Republicans are now very concerned that Trump is out there endorsing very weak candidates who could lose their seats. Now, I’d prefer to have better candidates that aren’t Trump endorsed that win, but if they lose, that will be another way they learn that are lessons.”

    “I do think, you know, sooner rather than later, with the truth coming out, the scales will fall from the eyes, the way they did with Joe McCarthy, and this will be — either it’s cutting out the cancer or maybe, you know, more optimistically it’s just passing of the political kidney stone that’s painful, but we can all survive it,” Comstock continued. “I do think, or democracy was built to last. It’s lasted through tougher things than Donald Trump, who is two times impeached, failed guy, who is at 47%, and it’s going down every day, is not going to be the future of anything that will ever get to the White House. If we nominate him, yeah, that’s not good because then we lose. But he’s not going to be the future of anything, except failure and sore loser. Sore losers everywhere can rally around Donald Trump, but sore losers are still losers. ”

  99. Anonymous9:17 AM

    It’s all hitting the fan at once now

    Back when Donald Trump was in office, and reference was made to “the Trump scandal,” the joke was that you’d have to ask which Trump scandal. After all, he was so broadly corrupt that at any given moment he had several scandals cascading on top of each other.

    Since Trump has been out of power, his ability to create new scandals has significantly waned. So has the number of Trump scandals that the media has managed to dig up – at least until this past week. Now it’s all hitting the fan at once.

    Maybe it’s been a chain reaction. Maybe it’s just happenstance. Maybe the people who were in position to leak such things finally got tired of the fact that he’s not in handcuffs yet. Or maybe people have begun piling on with these kinds of leaks because they know that Trump isn’t far off from indictment at this point anyway.

    The reasons for the sudden pileup of increasingly ugly Trump scandals is unclear. But the net effect is much easier to parse. We now have confirmation from major news outlets that Trump spent years having the DOJ spy on the personal data of his adversaries and allies in government. And we know that after Trump lost the election, he illegally tried to pressure the Acting Attorney General into helping him try to overthrow the result.

    The fact that the Acting AG refused to comply is fortunate, but irrelevant in the sense that Trump still committed a felony in the process of trying. And we still don’t know just how many public officials Trump was spying on, or what illegal things he might have done with the personal data once he acquired it. But given how quickly things are snowballing of late, more of that will seemingly come out soon as well.

    This all comes within the context of last night’s news that the Manhattan District Attorney is in the “final stages” of criminally indicting Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, in a fairly clear attempt at pressuring him to immediately flip on the Trump family. It’s now more clear than ever that this grand jury process will result in the criminal indictment and arrest of Donald Trump. Don’t ask precisely when it’s coming. But there’s clearly a process in motion at this point.

    And so, even as the clock now counts down on Donald Trump’s indictment and arrest on state charges, it keeps becoming more and more clear that there should also be a federal criminal case against Trump as well. If nothing else, these bombshells – which won’t sway his base but will crucially sway the opinion of the people in the middle – will help steer public sentiment in favor of his upcoming arrest in New York. Hopefully it’ll push the DOJ to bring federal charges as well. In the meantime, look for more ugly details of Trump’s criminal scandals to surface in short order. The floodgates are now wide open.

  100. Anonymous9:32 AM

    The 'divide and conquer' agenda runs very DEEP!!!

    ‘FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol’: Tucker Carlson claims the January 6 insurrection was planned by the government

  101. Anonymous9:37 AM

    9:17 AM

    The Globalists would love nothing better than to put Trump in prison... indicating that they FEAR the continuing power he has over the American people!!! (It's not enough that he has been out of office for the past 6 months.)

  102. Anonymous9:43 AM

    8:25 AM

    I agree... that Trump could have fought much harder than he did. It is very possible that Trump's family members may have been threatened. Also, that would be the one thing that would cause him to take a step back.

    P.S. I am neither a QAnon or a Proud Boys fan.

  103. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Maybe X can share a recipe for his Kool-Aid. LOL

  104. Anonymous10:08 AM

    To J at 8:45 AM

    Regarding a mouse vs. a lion...

    We must never forget one very important fact: The number of Globalists in the world are significantly SMALLER than the number of people (the MAJORITY) who want to live in freedom.

    What is it going to take for the rest of the world to stand up and fight back?

  105. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Constance, you really need to see a psychiatrist!

    The thing that makes you a disgusting, blind Pharisee, is well, you are a disgusting blind Pharisee.

    The people you pick fights with are generally not the most evil players. We all understand the dialectic here. It's you who is unable to. The kingdoms of this world are NOT the kingdoms of Yashua. We ALL know that. In voting for Trump, we were indeed choosing the better of the two candidates. And that candidate won! Twice! What Obama did to this nation, and the world during his reign was pure evil. The moral degeneracy that is rampant in the world today is by Obama practicing his craft. He called himself the first global president, and he was. He was, and is, the biggest setup man for the globalist New Age. He IS the main player! He has a Luciferic anointing. Ha cast a spell on the whole world. If you had used up some of your hatred exposing Obama, then you would be relevant here. But your not. You strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Your of no use in the fight against New Age whatsoever! Your passions have your head stuck in a very dark place. The Luciferians have you right where they want you. Stuck in the past. Straining at YESTERDAY!

  106. 10:08 AM,

    I agree with your main point.

    To answer your question, awareness comes before action. I think we spend a lot of time on awareness.

    Actions must come in many shapes and sizes, according to the abilities and resources of each individual.

    Personally I'm going to start small. But past experience is that if there is a conflict with a public school it's already a big enough battle.

    I live in a better school district now, and my son always gives me the same answer when I ask him if he wants to be home schooled or go back to public school. He always wants to be with other kids in public school.

    I'm going to start with school. I have ideas, and maybe it won't be that hard. Maybe it will be.

    Then I'm going to become a registered Republican so I can start voting in primaries. (I've always been an Independent.)

    And I'm going to start paying attention to local politics. I'm going to vote in 2022. If ever I don't vote Republican, I'm only going to vote Libertarian. I'm never voting Democrat again unless a miracle happens and the Democrats completely transform, or unless a very unusual Democrat like Manchin were to become a candidate.

    I'm going to have my husband's back regarding his employer pressuring him to get vaxxed.

    I'm going to join the Health Freedom Defense Fund. If I need to write a legal type letter to somebody I will utilize them as a resource, probably just starting with their generic templates and not even emailing them to ask for help unless it absolutely turns out to be necessary.

    P.S. No, X, I'm not going to join the Proud Boys, LOL.

  107. Constance Cumbey said @ 1:05 AM ...

    "RayB, If you think the Capitol invaders were mostly ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, I have a bridge to sell you. Brooklyn or Chappaquiddick, take your pick!"


    I would appreciate it if you would kindly not add words to my posts. I NEVER said the Jan. 6th. "invaders were MOSTLY ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter."

    What I have said in the past is that there is NO DOUBT that ANTIFA & BLM were active agents provocateurs on that fateful day. The vast majority of the Jan. 6th. protestors, unlike those in Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, etc., etc. were PEACEFUL.

    The fact that the FBI & Justice Dept. continues to round up people for merely "being there" is alarming and outrageous, especially in lieu of the fact that ANTIFA/BLM rioters, looters, arsonists, and violent assaulters have been basically given a 'free pass' out of jail for their crimes committed, en masse, of this past year.

    By the way, I noticed, so far at least, that you haven't addressed my post regarding the Pope being a GLOBALIST, etc. Perhaps you're too busy? Maybe you missed it? You can find it on this thread @ 1:20 PM. LOL !

    Thank you in advance for your response regarding the GLOBALIST Pope, which I am sure will be forthcoming ...


  108. Anonymous11:20 AM

    J @ 10:43 AM

    I agree that, due to each individual's limited power to fight back, we all need to start 'small'... but, the 'key' is that each and everyone of us should begin somewhere!!!

  109. Constance,

    While we are on the subject of January 6, what is your opinion regarding the death (I call it an execution) of one Ashley Babbitt?

    Thinking of the George Floyd case, shouldn't the Capitol Police Officer that shot Ashley Babbitt be "outed" by the media and prosecuted for using undue, unwarranted EXCESSIVE force upon an American citizen?

    Any opinion on the matter?

    Thanks again,


    PS: Recall the media and the rabid Democrats making their unfounded claim that the "insurrectionists" MURDERED a Capital Police Officer? How did that 'story' turn out?

    Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after riot, medical examiner says

    An autopsy revealed that Sicknick, who died hours after the Capitol riot, suffered two strokes at the base of the brain stem caused by a blood clot.

    Go to the NBC News story here:


  110. Attention Constance ...

    Tucker Carlson Says FBI Operatives Are Part of Organizing the Capitol Riot

    On his show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” he accused FBI operatives of “taking part” in organizing the Jan. 6 mayhem at the U.S. Capitol.

    NOTE: When seeing this, the first thing that came to my mind was when the Nazis torched the Reichstag building and then blamed it on the Communists. Hitler used the attack to ask for emergency, "temporary, dictatorial powers" via the Enabling Act, in order to deal with the insurrection. Is the "insurrection" of Jan. 6th. another one of those 'history rhyming' events?

  111. Anonymous12:05 PM

    J @ 8:45 AM+10:43 AM & Anon 10:08 AM

    Your comments recalled something I read in None Dare Call It Conspiracy and I thought that you would find it of use:

    The concluding comments from 1972's None Dare Call It Conspiracy [updated for 2021]...


    If you are unwilling to get involved because you feel it may be bad for business or may jeopardize your social respectability, just look into the eyes of your children and tell them that making a buck and climbing the social ladder are more important to you than they are.

    This is the end of our case.

    If you have decided not to do anything about it, then you can close this book, read no further, and turn out the light. That is just what you will be doing for the United States of America, and may God help us. And may He have mercy on your soul.

    If you decide that you will do something — that you at least are not yet controlled — read on — pick up the ball we are tossing you and with thousands of others, let's "end run," the conspiracy.

    Here's how: The four keys in this program are:

    1. You. What you do now is, of course, the key to this whole operation. If you delay, your motivation will wane, your concern will recede, but the danger will increase. Remember, the Insiders don't care how much you know about their conspiracy so long as you don't do anything about it. So keep reading and then act.

    2. This book: None Dare Call It Conspiracy. In writing this book we have tried to give a concise overall picture of the nature of the conspiracy. We wrote it not only to explain the conspiracy, but to give you a complete program of action now, so that the many "You's" around the country would not necessarily have to be articulate sales men to make your "end run." You can simply pass [along by flyers, posters, texts, word of mouth and the internet, links to publications and informational resources like this book] out and let [them] do the job for you. The conspiracy may be able to stifle publicity on [such things as] this book and keep it off the magazine rack at your local supermarket, but they can't stop you from distributing [such information] to friends, neighbors, relatives and business associates and especially in your precinct. With a potential [many multiple] millions distribution of this [type of information] to those mentioned above (and in a manner yet to be described), you will create a base of opinion that will throw the Insiders out.

  112. Anonymous12:07 PM

    It is quite possible that in distributing this book, questions will come up concerning certain statements and conclusions with which you are not able to deal. There are a number of organizations that have well documented material on all subjects raised in this book. But after considerable personal research the author has concluded that the organization which is the leader in this field, has had the most experience, and is doing the best job of exposing the conspiracy is The John Birch Society,* (*The Berkeley Gazette stated in an editorial of August 26, 1971, commenting on The John Birch Society's 1958 ten point predictions for the United States, "Whatever Else, Call Him [Robert Welch] 'Correct?")

    Doesn't it appear strange that this organization which works toward decentralization of political power and the exposure of the Insiders should be so vilified by the mass media, while the Council On Foreign Relations, which promotes centralization of power in the hands of a few within a world government, is practically never mentioned? So contact The John Birch Society for further back-up information []

    3. Your Precinct. The precinct is the lowest denominator in our political structure. Any politician will agree that whoever reaches and influences the most people in the precinct wins the election. When you break down the job to be done to this least common denominator, it doesn't seem to be nearly as big a job as when you look at those millions of votes that need to be switched. Many elections are won or lost by less than five votes per precinct. Remember that every vote-switch you can accomplish (by planting the seed with your [information]) really amounts to two votes, as it takes one from the other side. Start your "end run" in your own precinct now. Lists of registered voters are available from your County Registrar. With everyone working within his own precinct, the hit and miss efforts of prior years will be avoided and organization will be added to this effort. A blanket coverage of your precinct will create talk between neighbors on this subject and thereby greatly increase the number of persons reading this book.

    4. Your Congressman. You have now completed the three simple basic moves in your "end run.,' Barring a wholesale awakening by the American people, it is probably wishful thinking to believe that the CFR's hold on the Presidency can be broken [before the next Presidential election year]. But it is possible to block the Insiders' men in the House of Representatives. Congress can still lift a powerful voice against the conspiracy if only it would. It can also throw a searchlight on to the CFR's stranglehold on the executive branch of the government. No burglar tries to rob a house when a spotlight is on him. With your effort Congress can be that spotlight.

    It is at the Congressional level that the conspiracy can be delayed at least until there is sufficient strength to rout it. But your local Congressional candidate must be forced to take a public stand on the Council on Foreign Relations, its goals, and its power in the federal government. And once your candidate is elected you must make sure that he does not submit to the incredible pressure which will be put upon him in Washington to
    compromise his principles. The Congressman for whom you are laying the base for election must be as steadfast in Washington as he is at home in personal conversation with you. Keep in mind that a Congressman must return to his constituents every two years for re-approval.

  113. Anonymous12:08 PM

    How would you like to be a Congressman who had voted for any one of the 14 Signposts to Slavery, asking to be elected by constituents who had read None Dare Call It Conspiracy? It is therefore easier to keep a Congressman on the straight and narrow than a Senator or the President. The latter run less frequently than Congressmen and represent tremendously larger geographical areas. Although it is not easy, it is still possible for a good Congressman to finance his campaign from within his district and not be dependent on the Insiders for campaign contributions.
    If there are no Congressional candidates worth supporting in your area at this time, support one or more in other areas. Never contribute money to the Republican or Democratic National Committee. That money, except in token amounts, will never reach anti-CFR-Establishment candidates, most of whom suffer from a severe shortage of funds, at least until they are well established. Only contribute your campaign dollars to those who are committed to fighting the conspiracy. A candidate running on good
    conservative principles is not enough. We've had many such candidates, and although most of them are very good men, they never come to grips with the real problems — exposing those behind the World Socialist Movement.

    So, organize your "end run," pass out your [information] and then keep your eagle eye on your Congressman and his voting record. This "end run" concept we are suggesting is not just a game we are playing even though we use a football term.

    To summarize: You do not necessarily have to be an articulate salesman to make this "end run." You do not necessarily have to know all the in's and out's of the total conspiracy-the [information] is intended to do this for you.

    All you have to do is find the wherewithal to [pass out the information via flyers, posters, word of mouth and the internet] and one way or another see that you blanket your precinct with [it]. Then force your Congressman to stand up to the CFR Establishment.

    It is simple. It is straightforward. It is a workable plan.

    With [enough] "end runs" being made during [the next few years], you can, and [with Almighty God's Divine Providence] will, rout the conspiracy, turn the tide of history and prevent the enslavement of yourself and your family.

    Remember, seeds planted [now] will pay off not only this [next election year], but [the one after and the one after that]. [We must] build a [sufficiently large] counter-revolutionary base [in a timely fashion so that] the ball game will be [won].

    'None Dare Call It Conspiracy'

  114. Anonymous12:22 PM

    "J said...

    What you said to me is a form of begging the question, and you did so in a cocky, condescending and hateful tone.

    10:37 PM"

    X is not and never will be a peacemaker as long as his heart is full of venom.
    And why the sources he picks and his opines are off base and worse..full out propaganda for the venomous left. He is not middle ground anywhere..though he tries to pull that off. Doesn't click. It can't.

    If he truly is a christian then he should be repenting right now.
    His sorry (but not sorry) is from a double-minded heart, a sorry "apology".

    J has not failed to be gracious, X has yet to even be gracious..with anyone.

  115. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I have noticed that Constance is failing in giving some grace herself at times in the last two threads.
    It's like she doesn't really read responses and take them on their face value but reads into them instead, posting knee jerks in her replies.

  116. Anonymous12:37 PM


    Anonymous @ 9:32 AM also posted the statement from Tucker Carlson that ‘FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol' on January 6th.

  117. 12:08 PM,

    One thing I forgot about was the John Birch society. Joining it would give one the ability to be plugged in immediately to a local network that could provide assistance with becoming active in local politics.

    JBS has been steadfastly anti-communist for decades, and they sure don't look to me like they have been foolish for having claimed to see it coming.

  118. Anonymous3:39 PM


    Comparing Ashli Babbit to George Floyd is just absurd.

    Floyd was already in custody as a suspect for the alleged offense of floating a potentially counterfeit $20 he may or may not have even known was fake and, possibly for drug possession or being under he influence of drugs. At that of his death, he was no longer a threat to himself or others and the officer deliberately kept his knee on his neck way longer than necessary. A prosecutor agreed and pressed charges on behalf of the people and a jury of the officer peers found him guilty.

    Ashli Babbit was shot while in the act of committing a felony, many felonies, in fact. The unnamed legal authority there was the last line of defense between Ashli and whatever she had in her hands, backpack and the people behind her that would surely follow her had he allowed her to enter and dismantle the barricades or if he just took the precaution of trying to detain just her while the others swarmed past him overwhelming the position. He (I presume "he') was a hero who secured his position and maintained the final line between the blood-thirsty insurrectionists and a room full of Congressmen (and the VP???).

    I just can't see how anyone can seriously believe there is any comparison between the two.

    That said...if only there was republican support for a bi-partisan congressional inquiry into the matter, maybe you'd have gotten more answers.

    Additionally, officer Sicknick's death wasn't fake news. It was reported honestly with the facts available at that time. It had every appearance of being caused by the insurrectionists and the medical examiner did indicate all that transpired [Jan 6th] played a role in his condition". The medical examiner just couldn't find an injury that otherwise caused the stroke. None of this means the police weren't attacked and weren't injured Jan 6th.

    As far as Jan 6 being mostly peaceful.

    "How Police Tried — and Failed — To Stop Capitol Attackers | Visual Investigations"

    The New York Times:


  119. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Tucker Carlson’s wild, baseless theory blaming the FBI for organizing the Jan. 6 Capitol riot

    (I'm not a subscriber so this is a cashed page link)


    "Carlson’s theory is essentially that the presence of unindicted co-conspirators in the Capitol riot indictments means those people are government agents and that this, in turn, means the FBI was involved in organizing the riot.
    The first thing to emphasize is that Carlson’s theory is based on a report in Revolver News. The site is run by Darren Beattie, who appeared on Carlson’s show shortly after the above monologue. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Beattie is a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 over a past appearance on a panel with a white nationalist, Peter Brimelow, at a conference attended by well-known white nationalists.

    The second and perhaps most important point is that the basis of Carlson’s theory — that the unindicted co-conspirators are either likely or must be government agents — is extremely shaky.

    Legal experts say the government literally cannot name an undercover agent as an unindicted co-conspirator.

    Added Lisa Kern Griffin of Duke University Law School: “Undercover officers and informants can’t be ‘co-conspirators’ for the purposes of establishing an agreement to violate the law, because they are only pretending to agree to do so. … An unindicted co-conspirator has committed the crime of conspiracy, and investigative agents doing their jobs undercover are not committing crimes.”

    Among the other possible reasons someone might be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator:

    1. The government doesn’t know who they are.

    2. The government doesn’t have sufficient evidence to indict them and wants to avoid impugning their reputations or compromising ongoing investigations.

    3. They have secured leniency from the government for cooperation with investigations into others.

    While all of these are plausible, that last one seems like a distinct possibility. We already know that a founding member of the Oath Keepers, Jon Ryan Schaffer, has agreed to cooperate."


  120. Anonymous5:33 PM

    J said: "One thing I forgot about was the John Birch society. Joining it would give one the ability to be plugged in immediately to a local network that could provide assistance with becoming active in local politics."

    It would also make you a member of one of the craziest, most racist, authoritarian and anti-Semitic organizations since the Nazi Party.

    Even Conservatives back in the day referred to JBS's own, Gary Allen's 1972 book, "None Call it a Conspiracy" (quoted at length above) as "Anti-Semitic nonsense". Of course, Gary Allen promoted JBS as he was a prominent member and spokesperson until his death at age 50 from a "liver ailment" (cough, alcoholism?, I'm guessing). Gary Allen also worked tirelessly on the George Wallace campaign.

    You can be anti-communist, as I most certainly am, without jumping the shark into organized white nationalism and conspiracism cloaked in anti-communist propaganca.

    Here's Ernie's undeniable and extensive original sourced FOIA research on JBS:

    "Racism and the John Birch Society"

  121. When is your new book coming out, X? What are you going to call it? May I suggest a title? "One Thousand and One Reasons Never to Do or Say Anything Because You'll Be Called a Nazi, Insurrectionist, Racist or Conspiritualist."

  122. Anonymous6:02 PM

    How is the John Birch Society even relevant in the 21st Century? Sounds like X is trying to 'bait' someone on this blog for his own purposes.

  123. JBS is active in countering COVID-19 overreach, election integrity, stopping globalist trade agendas, and stopping the UN Agenda 21/2030.

    I see nothing racist about the JBS action projects unless you would count supporting local police as a racist activity in and of itself.

    No doubt there are people in our day and age who would! They are welcome to start their own country where they will be ruled by El Guapo. Maybe they could watch an episode of the Family Guy to learn how to do it.

  124. I don't see any anti-Semitic actions to support. Just because in the past somebody who was a Bircher said anti-Semitic things does not automatically mean that joining JBS hurts Jewish people in any way.

    Regarding None Dare Call it Conspiracy, I hesitate to comment on this because it's been so long since I've read it. I read it when I was a teen, because it was on my father's book shelf. I recall it being about the CFR and the Rockefellers. I don't recall anything about Jews. There was probably some critical analysis of international banking.

    Maybe people who have a knee-jerk reaction to critically analyzing international banking could consider that aspect as being anti-Semitic.

    FTR the Jews weren't the only bankers in history. The Knights Templar and the Venetians were quite powerful in banking historically. International banking is not my subject of expertise, so I'm not going to comment on it any further.

  125. Anonymous7:13 PM

    "None Dare Call it Conspiracy, I hesitate to comment on this because it's been so long since I've read it."

    Same here, J. I read it when in my 20's and I do not recall anything anti-semitic in it.
    I remember it basically just the way you do. If it is in there I don't think it was overt but none the less it made an impact on me for good. It spoke to what we are all living right now.

    And then a little later on I became a Christian and began to read the Bible cover to cover and over the years continued to read it that way year by year. With that secular book and a developing understanding of prophecy I could sure see dots connecting. We are far along in prophecy now---quite far. NDCiC helped me know what to look at for end time events because prophecy told me the Who and the why.

    Powerful understanding---and I need it, and share it when there is a listening ear.

  126. Anonymous7:17 PM

    [paraphrased from comment]

    The Birch Society is incorporated as an “educational” organization, one should recognize that (like the Communist Party) it is not “educational”, it is an indoctrination center. Birchers believe that they possess an Ultimate Final Truth.

    However, genuine educational organizations welcome new data — and give it serious consideration. Genuine educational groups welcome new data and candidly admit errors and then revise positions based upon new information coming to their attention. The JBS has never publicly acknowledged that it has made any substantive grave errors in its entire existence — and it is extremely hostile toward anybody (liberal or conservative) who challenges what they prefer to believe. In fact, they characterize ALL criticisms of the JBS, no matter how well documented, as “smear attacks”.

    Education is a continuing PROCESS — not a final destination. We alter our perceptions and our conclusions based upon NEW evidence — often not previously known.

    The JBS operates in precisely the OPPOSITE manner. It has never altered its perceptions or its conclusions. In fact, it continues to publish the same arguments that it did 58 years ago!

    ALL political extremists seek targets of opportunity to exploit. They especially thrive upon long-standing and bitter controversies because participants want some sort of definitive resolution where one side or the other is vanquished and rendered impotent. In these matters, extremists claim that there MUST be a zero-sum result, i.e. one side totally loses and other side totally prevails. But in a free society (and especially a representative democracy) that is NOT what we believe. [it is also a terrible way to debate political and medical decisions and choices in the midst of a worldwide pandemic]

    We believe in the basic decency of our neighbors, which is why we value negotiation, compromise, splitting differences and then working to correct any subsequent problems that develop. We don’t want to vanquish our “enemies”; we want to resolve problems amicably with our neighbors and then move on to the next issue.

    The JBS never learned that lesson — and, in fact, it never even agreed with that principle — which is why Robert Welch declared that: “…democracy, of course, in government or organization, as the Greeks and Romans both found out, as I believe every man in this room clearly recognizes — democracy is merely a deceptive phrase, a weapon of demagoguery and a perennial fraud.” And THAT is why Welch chose a totalitarian model as the template for how to structure and run the JBS.

    Political extremists often attempt to hide or sanitize their TRUE sentiments and intentions. So they exploit targets of opportunity and attempt to capitalize upon general public unease or hostility about some matter because political extremists want to use those issues as leverage in order to manipulate ordinary, decent, honorable, principled Americans into supporting extremist proposals."

    [in other're being back-doored into an evil anti-American organization with lures of "anti-vaxx", election integrity and "covid-19" conspiracy FEARbait.]


    p.s. -- If I published that book with that title I'd get sued for copyright infringement by the Republicant Party as they have mastered "never do anything" obstructionist politics for quite some time.

  127. Anonymous7:30 PM

    And you would no doubt turn me in if you knew my name an address, X, only because I read a book you don't agree with.

    You are the very type that will persecute the Church, and think you do God a favor.

    You, sir, are a perennial fraud and a globalist stooge, one of their many beasts of burden.

  128. The United States of America isn't a democracy. It's a republic, if we can keep it.

  129. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I'm not "turning" on anyone. J and you can read any book or join any organization you want. I'm "anti-catholic" to the extent I'm a bible-believing Protestant so you're free to associate and hate with whomever you want.

    I just suggest maybe NOT running in fear into the arms of new age anti-Jesus Christ organizations such as they someday will be the ones "persecuting the Church" calling Godly Christians unpatriotic leftist communist sympathizers who refuse to take the mark of the unChristian ecumenical Coalition of the new age alt-right "church" headed by an evil roman vicar.

    I'm a Christian, not a "globalist", cough "Jew".


  130. X 8:31,

    You seem to be saying in reverse that you think globalists are Jews. Is this what you think?

  131. Anonymous9:05 PM

    We can see more clearly, with each passing day, that X has an unwholesome agenda and that he will stop at nothing and resort to saying anything in order to advance it in any way that he can.

    Rather than continue to be demoralized by his poison apple posts, be heartened by ingesting good things instead!


    The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty. This book may have the effect of changing your life. After reading this book, you will never look at national and world events in the same way again.

    None Dare Call It Conspiracy will be a very controversial book. At first it will receive little publicity and those whose plans are exposed in it will try to kill it by the silent treatment. For reasons that become obvious as you read this book, it will not be reviewed in all the "proper" places or be available on your local bookstand. However, there is nothing these people can do to stop a grass roots book distributing system. Eventually it will be necessary for the people and organizations named in this book to try to blunt its effect by attacking it or the author. They have a tremendous vested interest in keeping you from discovering what they are doing. And they have the big guns of the mass media at their disposal to fire the barrages at None Dare Call It Conspiracy.

    By sheer volume, the "experts" will try to ridicule you out of investigating for yourself as to whether or not the information in this book is true They will ignore the fact that the author about to conjecture. They will find a typographical error or ague some point that is open to debate. If necessary they will lie in order to protect themselves by smearing this book. I believe those who pooh-pooh the information herein because Psychologically many people would prefer to believe we are because we all like to ignore bad news. We
    do so at our own peril. Having been a college instructor, a State Senator and now a Congressman I have had experience with real professionals at putting up smokescreens to cover up their own actions by trying to destroy the accuser.

    I hope that you will read the book carefully, draw your own conclusions and not accept the opinions of those who of necessity must attempt to discredit the book.

    Your future may depend upon it.

    None Dare Call It Conspiracy

    Most intellectuals, pseudo and otherwise, deal with the conspiratorial theory of history simply by ignoring it. They never attempt to refute the evidence.

    It can't be refuted.

    If and when the silent treatment doesn't work, these "objective" scholars and mass media opinion molders resort to personal attacks, ridicule and satire. The personal attacks tend to divert attention from the facts which an author or speaker is trying to expose. The idea is to force the person exposing the conspiracy to stop the exposure and spend his time and effort defending himself.

  132. Anonymous9:07 PM

    However, the most effective weapons used against the conspiratorial theory of history are ridicule and satire. These extremely potent weapons can be cleverly used to avoid any honest attempt at refuting the facts. After all, nobody likes to be made fun of. Rather than be ridiculed most people will keep quiet; and, this subject certainly does lend itself to ridicule and satire.
    One technique which can be used is to expand the conspiracy to the
    extent it becomes absurd. For instance, our man from the Halls of Poison Ivy might say in a scoffingly arrogant tone, "I suppose you believe every liberal professor gets a telegram each morning from conspiracy headquarters containing his orders for the day's brainwashing of his students?" Some conspiratorialists do indeed overdraw the picture by expanding the conspiracy (from the small clique which it is) to include every local knee-jerk liberal activist and government bureaucrat. Or, because of racial or religious bigotry, they will take small fragments of legitimate evidence and expand them into a conclusion that will support their particular prejudice, i.e., the conspiracy is totally "Jewish," "Catholic," or "Masonic". These people do not help to expose the conspiracy, but, sadly play into the hands of those who want the public to believe that all conspiratorialists are screwballs.
    One major reason for the historical blackout on the role of the international bankers in political history is that the Rothschilds were Jewish. Anti-Semites have played into the hands of the conspiracy by trying to portray the entire conspiracy as Jewish. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The traditionally Anglo-Saxon J. P. Morgan and Rockefeller international banking institutions have played a key role in the conspiracy.

    But there is no denying the importance of the Rothschilds and their satellites. However, it is just as unreasonable and immoral to blame all Jews for the crimes of the Rothschilds as it is to hold all Baptists accountable for the crimes of the Rockefellers.

    The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organization called the Anti-Defamation League as an instrument to try to convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds or their allies is an attack on all Jews. In this way they have stifled almost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboo within universities.

    Any individual or book exploring this subject is immediately attacked by hundreds of A.D.L. committees all over the country. The A.D.L. has never let truth or logic interfere with its highly professional smear jobs. When no evidence is apparent, the A.D.L., which staunchly opposed so-called "McCarthyism," accuses people of being "latent anti-Semites." Can you imagine how they would yowl and scream if someone accused them of being "latent" Communists?

    Actually, nobody has a right to be more angry at the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews. The Warburgs, part of the Rothschild empire, helped finance Adolph Hitler. There were few if any Rothschilds or Warburgs in the Nazi prison camps! They sat out the war in luxurious hotels in Paris or emigrated to the United States or England. As a group, Jews have suffered most at the hands of these power seekers. A Rothschild has much more in common with a Rockefeller than he does with a tailor from Budapest or the Bronx.

    "Since people of the Jewish faith have been the number one historical victims of the Communist Conspiracy, we wish every member of our faith would carefully
    read this book so they will become aware of the forces which often attempt to
    manipulate them."

    Dr. Barney Finkel — President, The Jewish Right

  133. Anonymous9:21 PM


    You can get NDCC the book itself VERY inexpensively and it has the charts and photos the online version does not. Nor does it have the typographical (etc) errors in the transcribed online version.

    9:07 PM

  134. Anonymous9:22 PM

    X, you are the extremist around these parts, post after post, ad nauseam.

    You know nothing about me at all, but still the type that would hunt down people you disagree with, yes, turn on them, turn them in, so sadly by your wide and deep hatred, we know quite a bit about you.

  135. Anonymous9:26 PM

    X! Progressives are globalists any day and every day of the week these days!
    Embrace your tribe!
    Every stroke of your keyboard says so!

  136. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "Rather than continue to be demoralized"

    Not to worry.

    He only thinks his words have pull.
    They would if he posted the truth, but he doesn't so not worried in the least..
    Not even annoyed by this shyster.

    However he does has my pity.

  137. Anonymous11:00 PM

    One can plainly see the wicked aspect of X's character just by such maliciously gleeful speculations of his as: "Gary Allen promoted JBS as he was a prominent member and spokesperson until his death at age 50 from a "liver ailment" (cough, alcoholism?, I'm guessing)."

  138. Anonymous12:21 AM

    George Soros lays siege to City Hall / What happened in Austin, Texas

  139. Anonymous1:02 AM

    John ("Jack") F. McManus (JBS President 1991-2015 & still President Emeritus) as well as JBS founder, Robert Welch, Jr., who had converted late in life, were both followers of Feeneyite Catholicism. Feeneyism is the doctrinal position associated with Leonard Feeney (1897–1978), a Jesuit priest and a founder of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    "Feeney's detractors considered him an heretic, a lunatic, or some combination of the two. His followers regard him as a vessel of truth in a world incurably corrupted by apostasy. To them, Feeney was, quite literally, more Catholic than the Pope.

    The "Third Order" involves quasi-monastic discipline: Although they are not cloistered or required to take vows of celibacy or poverty, members are under the strict authority of their superiors and required to sustain and carry out the tenets of the Order. Obviously, those who adhere to the Order that Feeney founded are expected to treat his teachings as authoritative [ala Opus Dei]

    One of the central pillars of Feeney's teachings is this: "Essential to the understanding of our chaotic times is the knowledge that the Jewish race constitutes a united anti-Christian bloc within Christian society, and is working for the overthrow of that society by every means at its disposal."

    Here's Feeney, writing in the January 1959 issue of his journal The Point regarding what he considered to be the paramount enemy of Christian civilization: "...One topic especially has occupied The Point ’s attention during the past seven years: the problem, in its many aspects, of the Jews. Why this emphasis? Because we think it is imperative that American Catholics wake up to the fact that the Jews, as an organized force, are the implacable, declared enemies of Christianity — of its tenets, its traditions, its moral code, its very culture. We think it is vital, too, for American Catholics to realize that the Church has always known this fact about the Jews, and, to the extent of her influence, has counseled and decreed regulations for curbing their malice. ... Our solution to the Jewish problem, however, is not merely a series of warnings and exposures to let American Catholics know what their enemies are up to. For we will be able to withstand no enemy, however well informed we are, if we are not strong from within. The ultimate point of The Point is therefore to inject American Catholics with a crusading zeal for the truths and traditions of their Faith, and thus to foster in America a strong, militant Catholicism, worthy of a country that is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception."

    Feeney was mortified that nominally Christian countries in Europe extended citizenship rights to Jews. In a Catholic polity, Jews would not be granted citizenship, and be subject to various other civic handicaps. The same most likely would be true of non-Catholic Christians.

    The most important of those recommendations, at least in my view, was that the Roman Catholic Church be made the state religion in Brazil, but also in the United States, and that freedom of religion be abolished. “The Church ... has the right to see her laws and doctrines respected by temporal public powers. The State must declare itself officially Catholic; it must offer all its resources for the preservation and expansion of the Faith."

    Toward the end of creating an authoritarian Catholic state, some limited collaboration with infidels is permissible, albeit as a temporary and most unpleasant expedient.

    Think of this directive in light of Jack's involvement with non-Catholics, including Jews, in the John Birch Society. At best, according to this perspective (given the unqualified endorsement of Father Feeney), that collaboration is a source of sorrow and apprehension for the Church, and can only be justified as a means of pursuing the eventual creation of a Catholic state."

  140. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Video: The Fake Alien Invasion (Greg Reese explains)

  141. Anonymous1:15 AM

    You can see the increasingly desperate attempts by our man X to Besmirch The Birch.

    It's starting to become laughable.

    It would be even more laughable if he weren't acting out of the aforementioned wickedness.

  142. Anonymous1:18 AM

    'UFOs could pose a threat to America's national security': Capitol Hill lawmakers issue dire warning after classified briefing ahead of Pentagon's highly anticipated report on unidentified flying objects

    Concern was evident from the reaction of some politicians following a highly-classified briefing with the Navy and FBI on Wednesday

    The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation was briefed

    A Pentagon report on UFOs could be released any time this month, which would be one of the biggest government reveals on the subject

    Some lawmakers received a peek at a 'sensitive compartmented information facility,' or SCIF, but wouldn't say what they saw inside

  143. Anonymous1:40 AM

    The covid vaccine is causing the covid variants...

    The so-called Covid variants, officially designated as mutations, are being used to extend the British lockdown. However, Dr. Luc Montagnier, a Nobel laureate and former director of the Retrovirology Lab at the Pasteur Institute reports that in fact it is the vaccinations that are producing the variants. Dr. Montagnier says that an enormous mistake, an unacceptable mistake, a scientific and medical error has been made. The Covid vaccines are causing new variants that perpetuate the problem. Dr. Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are silent about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE). Prof. Montagnier explained that the trend is happening in each country where “the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.” Montagnier’s point is supported by information in an open letter from a long list of medical doctors to the European Medicines Agency. The letter stated that “there have been numerous media reports from around the world of care homes being struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents."

  144. Anonymous1:51 AM

    The Pentagon Has Evidence Of UFOs That Cannot Be Explained With Known Technology, Trump’s Intel Chief Reveals

    John Ratcliffe, the former director of Intelligence under former President Donald Trump, revealed that the Department of Defense (DOD) has evidence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that make maneuvers impossible with known technology. These include UFOs that break the sound barrier without creating a sonic boom.

    “When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions are difficult to explain,” Ratcliffe bared in an interview with Fox News on March 19, Friday.

    These actions include “movements that are hard to replicate and that we don’t have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom,” the ex-intel chief added.

    He told host Maria Bartiromo that analysts typically look for a plausible explanation, such as a potential weather disturbance or a piece of advanced technology from American enemies, to try to explain a UFO. But he noted that there are instances where sightings elude any known explanation.

    Ratcliffe’s revelations came after the DOD declassified a 2,700-page dossier about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) – the Pentagon’s official term for UFOs. The release of this dossier in January followed the earlier release of three top-secret UAP videos last year.

    But Ratcliffe revealed that there are a lot more sightings than the Pentagon have made public.

    Pentagon to disclose classified UAP intel

    Ratcliffe declined to go into further detail about the sightings but noted that the Pentagon will be releasing a report about all classified UAPs this June. The report is part of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which is under the $2.3 trillion COVID relief bill that Trump signed into law last Dec. 27.

    Under the intelligence act, the Pentagon and other concerned agencies must produce a report on what they know about UAPs within six months of the bill’s passage. The report will be unclassified but will include a classified supplement.

    Ratcliffe said he had hoped to make a similar report before he left office on Jan. 20. But his team wasn’t able to produce a document in an unclassified format quickly enough.

    UAP reports made public recently

    Public knowledge about UAPs increased under the Trump administration following several moves that ramped up government transparency regarding UFO sightings. In April, the Pentagon declassified three videos that showed unidentified aircraft moving at incredible speeds. One video was taken in 2004 while the other two were taken in 2015.

    The New York Times and To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a Las Vegas-based media and private science organization, leaked the videos years before. The Pentagon said that it released the clips to “clear up any misconceptions” about their veracity. It also maintained that the UAPs seen in the footage remain unidentified.

    The Pentagon also recently authorized the release of more than 2,700 pages of government documents about UAPs. John Greenwald Jr., an author and the founder of the Black Vault, an online repository of UFO-related files, obtained the records after hounding the Pentagon with a series of Freedom of Information Act requests over the years. He was eventually granted access and published the reports on his website in January this year.

  145. Anonymous1:52 AM

    The Pentagon claimed that the dossier comprised the entirety of the government’s declassified UAP intel, but Greenwald argued that there is no way to verify that claim.

    In December, the Debrief website leaked two classified Pentagon documents about UAPs. One of the reports was made in 2018 and included a photo of a silver, cube-shaped object hovering at an altitude of up to 35,000 feet. A military pilot took the picture with his cellphone while flying an F/18 fighter jet off the eastern coast of the United States.

    Experts were baffled by the picture but observed that the UAP resembled a GPS dropsonde, a weather profiling device designed to be dropped from an aircraft, typically over storms. (Related: Pentagon says test findings on UFO wreckage could “change our lives forever”.)

    The other report was issued in early 2020 and included what was described as an “extremely clear” and “shocking” photo of a triangular aircraft with large, spherical white lights on each corner. Officials told the Debrief that the aircraft might have emerged from the ocean and shot upward. The picture was taken in 2019 from a military jet flying above the eastern coast and was not available to the public.


    Pentagon says test findings on UFO wreckage could “change our lives forever”

    Are the recent UFO disclosures setting us up for a mass deception of epic proportions?

    Read more stories about unexplained aerial sightings at

  146. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Since Covid-19 vaccines are said to be free for the “health of the nation,” why aren’t they giving away vitamin D and other vital supplements?

  147. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Just TWO investment firms – Vanguard and BlackRock – own nearly the entire mainstream media and most of Big Pharma, too!

  148. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Distorted, Bizarre Food Smells Haunt Covid Survivors

    How long does Covid-linked parosmia last? Scientists have no firm timelines. Of five patients interviewed for this article, all of whom first developed parosmia symptoms in late spring and early summer of last year, none has fully regained normal smell and taste.

  149. Anonymous2:20 AM

    The Great Deception #1: the PLANdemic, lockdown, and vaccines.

    The Great Deception #2: UFOs

  150. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Who are the “unindicted co-conspirators” in the January 6th protest cases?

    All signs point to deep state undercover operatives and assets of FBI, intel community.

  151. To my disappointment, it appears that Mike Pence has also fatally compromised his faith by endorsing "Mother Moon":


  152. Vis a vis the John Birch Society, although the Society has taken commendable stands against the New Age Movement, its history with Robert Welch is unfortunately different. When I spoke to the Arizona Breakfast Club in 1983, JBS members told me they were worried about then current teachings in that Society. They brought me the Blue Book of the JBS and in it Robert Welch was clearly calling for a "new Scientific religion" and that they must do their part to usher in the New Age that was trying to come to birth. He decried "religious fundamentalism." If you have that book on your shelves, check it out.

  153. To 10:30

    IF I WERE to change my thinking process so as to give Trump a pass on the events he clearly incited on January 6th, I agree I would then definitely need to see a psychiatrist. But, you are demonstrating a cult-like mentality of viewing Trump and New Apostolic Reform heretical theologies as your "Saviors."


  154. "Useless Mullins" better known as Eustace Mullins, an obvious Nazi proponent and ugliest of anti-Semitics also spoke against "The Tavistock Institute" -- something he obvously knew from inside. Mullins was an occultist-New Ager and his mentor was Ezra Pound.


  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. Trump summoned the huge mob to Washington for January 6th with every intention of disrupting the Certification of Election scheduled that day for Congress. You may think his speech was not incendiary -- as a former professional speech writer for the Michigan House of Representatives, I WILL SAY, the speech was clearly incendiary and designed to incite immediate actions. That he included the Word "peaceably" on his exhortation to march to the Capitol and he "would go there with him" (he didn't, he cowardly went back to the White House to view all on TV/security cameras) and then when Kevin McCarthy asked him to intervene to stop it, McCarthy (who went cowardly on it later for fear of Trump), Trump refused and accused McCarthy of being more interest ed in stopping it than in "stopping the 'Steal'".



  157. Donald Trump's spiritual advisor, "Paula White" has also endorsed and praised "Mother Moon".


  158. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Yes Constance, the 'violent insurrection' of January 6th was a horrible blot on the blessed history of our Babylon. The Devil is pissed, and so are you.

  159. Constance, I am glad to see you are back in the fight. I need to ask you, though. Where are you going with your recent posts? Is it that you perceive your comments section to be full of QAnon followers? Or do you think Trump could really be the Antichrist?

    Donald Trump Jr. floated the name of Ron Desantis as being a possible presidential candidate in 2024. This could plausibly be a signal that Trump may not run for president again in 2024, after all.

    I'll grant you that it is indisputable, however; that Trump still retains a lot of influence over the Republican party.

    I'm just wondering how you see the big picture, what your overall biggest concern is right now, and what you're mainly trying accomplish.

  160. The title seems alarmist, but the part of the article that I excerpted seems like a description of life as I know it in America -- already. Especially the second from the last paragraph.

    Red Dragon Rising: China preparing for future invasion of America

    Chinese communism differs from the old Soviet model. The Chinese tweaked Marx’s theory to create a type of state-controlled capitalism, where the state partners with private companies but is always careful to remain the dominant partner. It’s very similar to the PPPs or “public-private partnerships” that have become popular in the U.S. and other western nations in recent years. The globalist World Economic Forum prides itself as the world’s premier proponent of PPPs. The WEF touts its “Great Reset,” which involves using the pandemic to destroy the current world order, based on free-market capitalism and the U.S. dollar, so they can “build back better” under the Chinese model.

    Globalists refer to the new system they want to emerge from the reset as “stakeholder capitalism” or “inclusive capitalism” but it’s anything but inclusive. Christians need not apply because they refuse to give the state authority over areas of their lives in which the state has no business meddling, such as whether you decide to bake a cake for a transgender wedding, whether you allow your child to be vaccinated, or be indoctrinated by a drag queen, or taught about masturbation in kindergarten.

    If the surveillance state detects any resistance or deviance from the groupthink it has cultivated in this new society, then the guilty party is automatically tagged as disobedient and punished. If you insist on resisting, the surveillance state, in league with its co-opted media, social media, law enforcement, banking and corporate employers, will shut you down.

    But what about the U.S. Constitution, you ask. Doesn’t it protect us from tyranny?

    In theory, yes. But the Marxists and their technocrat buddies have discovered a perfect work-around. Instead of the government violating your individual rights to free speech, free press, freedom to refuse a vaccine that violates your bodily autonomy, they simply defer to their corporate comrades in “private” industry, who are happy to step in and erase your individual liberties as they are not “bound” by the Constitution like government officials.

    Let’s say, for instance, you refuse their experimental vaccine. You can be deplatformed or suspended from your social media accounts, you could have your entire Internet connection shut down, your job terminated, your ability to move about in society limited. Eventually, if we get the full-blown Chinese model, your non-compliance could land you in a labor camp.

  161. I was thinking today about the Germanic barbarian tribes that invaded the Roman empire. Both the Germanic tribes and the Roman empire were pagan. So neither one had beliefs from God. But one of them ended up winning. The other ended up losing. I think that happened because it was God's purpose.

    It could be similar today with various factions that may both hold beliefs not from God. God could knock their heads together the way Andre the Giant would knock together two wrestlers and make them both fall down.

    I'm just not so sure that Satan is in complete control of the dialectic all the time.

    I think Trump was controlled opposition and then turned into uncontrolled opposition. I suspect God allowed Trump to do what he did, and then I suspect God allowed Trump to be defeated.

    God could have His own dialectic. Maybe after a while it will become more apparent.

    There have been times in my life when suddenly I was plunged from blessing into trial. Then I made a decision I would not otherwise have made. It turned out later to be the best decision. I couldn't see that at the time.

    We often don't really know whether we are being judged, tested, or being given a reason to make a choice we should be making that we have no way of knowing yet we should be making it.

  162. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Let's simply be fair. No, Mike Lindell isn't perfect by any means but neither is he the worst person on earth. He seems to have a good heart even though in some ways he is VERY misguided. We should therefore pray for him that God opens his eyes to both the dangers of putting human beings (ESPECIALLY politicians and religious leaders) on a pedestal as well as the hidden dangers of the New Age Movement.

    PROVIDENTIAL: How MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Financed The Wildly Successful ‘Unplanned’ Film

    Unplanned, the movie telling the story of how a former Planned Parenthood director came to realize the horrors of abortion and commit her life to the Pro-Life movement, broke box office expectations when it debuted on March 29 and has received glowing reviews for its message as well as its quality.

    But, the film’s success wasn’t guaranteed. At one time, the project was short on funds.

    It was multi-millionare MyPillow founder (and proud Trump supporter) Mike Lindell that stepped in and generously invested $1 million to make sure the movie had all the resources it needed to become the success it is today.

  163. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Physician: ‘Fanaticism’ — not science — governs CDC’s aggressive push to vaccinate even those with natural immunity

    Public health insiders increasingly are calling out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the 'insanity' of pushing COVID vaccines on people who have already acquired natural immunity.

    LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here:

  164. Anonymous11:28 AM

    January 6th was so violent was it?
    It was much more stupid (it was very stupid!) than it was violent comparatively to the non-stop liberal left "mostly peaceful protests" who really accomplished violent acts on innocent persons of 2020. Cities, neighborhoods, were held hostage for goodness sake!
    So how many of that small number who "breached" the Capitol (compared to how many showed up to hear the President and peacefully protest) were packing weapons as they were led, yes led, and guided into the Capitol building???? How many were armed since they had so much violence in mind? And who staged that walk-through? I guess that was rated extremely violent because politicians were the ones so overtly threatened, while Mom and Pop businesses burned and regular Americans who tried to defend their homes from Antifa and BLM thugs doing damage (in the billions) in the neighborhoods and government buildings in their cities are the nobodies here.
    Politicians screamed bloody murder at the thought of protesters in "their" building (evidently not the people's building) while real Americans of Main Street America were the ones truly under siege.
    How does one justify that and have no word against the truly over the top violent acts of the extreme progressive left? Ashli Babbitt and David Dorn murders are the 2 that most especially got some press (while countless others were deeply and long term very negatively affected and nobody knows their names, cares about the aftermath for them..I guess only DC politicians count then, not the rest of us), and this proves to show the violent and senseless actions of the left, yet the left gets a pass..well,, uhm, orange man bad!

    The blindness of hearts to refuse to see the much larger context in the comparisons of what really went down is frankly appalling. Left Stream Media has so many people in fear, in anguish, and apparently by the gonads, squeezing so hard, they have nearly lost their minds.

  165. To J at 10:37 AM

    Re: "I think Trump was controlled opposition and then turned into uncontrolled opposition. I suspect God allowed Trump to do what he did, and then I suspect God allowed Trump to be defeated."


    I have often thought about this. The Globalists thought they were controlling Trump when he ran against Hillary in 2016... believing that Hillary (their 'woke' candidate) would be a shoo-in as the WINNER against Trump (their 'joke' candidate). They were absolutely SHOCKED when the American people elected Trump. Even George Soros (who was able to control votes in major cities) had no control of votes in the outlying areas of the Midwest (for example). Hillary went into a RAGE at the outcome of the 2016 election. Initially, even Trump was surprised that he had won. (Of course, many of those votes 'for' Trump were really votes 'against' Hillary.)

    It is also possible that Trump was overcome with the full awareness of the Office he held... and felt an absolute responsibility to live up to what the American people wanted and needed in a President... and that meant being his own man. Over the next 4 years, those who voted for him, viewed him as a 'breath of fresh air'... in that he communicating directly with the American people... and refused to wait for, or allow the lamestream news media to 'edit' or put their own 'spin' on his words and message. This behavior was UNACCEPTABLE to the Globalists, who MUST control the President, and they spent the next 4 years verbally 'slicing and dicing' him 24/7.

    Bottom line: I see God's plan in all of this... including where we are right now.

  166. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Maybe God is trying to get us to see something. Maybe God wants us to see Trump was winning because God allowed it, not because Trump was playing 4D chess.

  167. Anonymous12:10 PM

    To J at 10:37 AM

    Re: "I think Trump was controlled opposition and then turned into uncontrolled opposition. I suspect God allowed Trump to do what he did, and then I suspect God allowed Trump to be defeated."


    I have often thought about this. The Globalists thought they were controlling Trump when he ran against Hillary in 2016... believing that Hillary (their 'woke' candidate) would be a shoo-in as the WINNER against Trump (their 'joke' candidate). They were absolutely SHOCKED when the American people elected Trump. Even George Soros (who was able to control votes in major cities) had no control of votes in the outlying areas of the Midwest (for example). Hillary went into a RAGE at the outcome of the 2016 election. Initially, even Trump was surprised that he had won. (Of course, many of those votes 'for' Trump were really votes 'against' Hillary.)

    It is also possible that Trump was overcome with the full awareness of the Office he held... and felt an absolute responsibility to live up to what the American people wanted and needed in a President... and that meant being his own man. Over the next 4 years, those who voted for him, viewed him as a 'breath of fresh air'... in that he communicated directly with the American people... and refused to wait for, or allow the lamestream news media to 'edit' or put their own 'spin' on his words and message. This behavior was UNACCEPTABLE to the Globalists, who MUST control the President, and they spent the next 4 years verbally 'slicing and dicing' him 24/7.

    Bottom line: I see God's plan in all of this... including where we are right now.

  168. Anonymous12:22 PM

    It boggles the mind when you consider... the 'selective outrage' over ONE DAY, the January 6th protests (which was actually a 'false flag event' since police 'stood down' to let them in)... versus the burning and looting of major American cities over MANY MONTHS during the year 2020 (that permanently destroyed many small businesses forever).

    Where is the JUSTICE... and for whom???

  169. “X” stated (in part) @ 3:39 PM:


    Comparing Ashli Babbit to George Floyd is just absurd."

    NOTE: I totally agree, it is absurd and here is why:

    George Floyd was a career criminal thug with a long rap sheet.

    Ashli Babbitt was not.

    On his way to Saint Hood, George Floyd spent time in prison for an ARMED HOME invasion, whereby he held a loaded gun to the belly of a Black, pregnant woman while his partners in crime ransacked the apartment. Floyd spent 5 years for his understandable little mishaps.

    Ashli Babbitt never participated in a home invasion, and never spent time in prison.

    On the morning that George Floyd ascended into liberal "heaven," he was high on drugs, which included 'Meth," along with over 3 times the lethal dose of Fentanyl. Saint George was knowingly attempting to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. Although Saint George did not seem to have a means of employment, he was able to afford to drive a Mercedes Benz SUV. Saint George also violently resisted arrest, which led to Officer Chauvin applying a technique that was right out of the Minneapolis Police Training Manual.

  170. (more)

    On the day of her murder, Ashli Babbitt, a woman, brandished no weapon. Although she attempted to enter into a restricted area of the building, she posed no immediate threat. Right behind her, watching the entire incident, were TWO Capitol Police Officers with loaded AR-15s. They never fired a shot. It was the officer in front of her that shot and killed Ashli. The officer was not personally threatened, nor was anyone in the immediate vicinity. The officer nevertheless shot her at point blank range, without any attempt, either verbally, or physically, to subdue her. NO WARNING WHATSOEVER ... ONE SHOT, to the HEAD AREA.

    Try to imagine if the officer that killed Ashli was WHITE and Ashli was BLACK ... what do you think the outcome would be? Would the media be silent? Would there be a full blown investigation? Would the Grand Jury be convened? Would he be prosecuted? I think we all know the answer to that one. AND, he'd be spending the rest of his life in prison for murder!

  171. Anonymous @ 12:22 PM ...

    You're missing the entire point. In order to help you readjust your thinking, may I suggest that you write the following 1,000 times (or more, if needed):


    Once you are washed into thinking about what really matters, the world will be a much friendlier place.

    You are welcome to come back and post once your brain has been completely fried, but please, not until then.

  172. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Brain not 'fried' yet... still doing as much critical thinking as possible (minus the vaccine 'fog' that I freely choose not to participate in).

  173. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Quick Survey

    Do you care more about winning at politics than you do about defending the Christian faith?

  174. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Since God is not 'political'... obviously, we should care more about where we are going to spend eternity than temporary things of this world. Life is short, and it's getting shorter!

  175. Anonymous3:19 PM

  176. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Who are the unindicted co-conspirators in January 6th Capitol siege?

    All signs point to deep state undercover operatives and assets of FBI, intel community.

  177. Nothing to worry about ... ignore all this and just go and get that jab. Before you do, you might want to close your eyes real, real tight and repeat over and over again ... "I trust Dr. Fauci ... I trust my Government ... I trust the media."

    Big Jump in Vaccine Reported Deaths but Propaganda Remains Strong

    "Charlotte, NC — The number of vaccine-related deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), maintained by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), showed a jump of 723 new deaths over a week in its latest data dump on June 11, but the push by the corporate media and politicians to submit to the experimental COVID-19 shots remain strong."

    "The VAERS report showed 5,888 dead through June 4, up from 5,165 deaths the previous week. The number of recorded deaths since the emergency approval of the COVID-19 shots now total more than the number of deaths recorded over the previous 29 years combined for all vaccines."

    "Additionally, there are 329,021 injuries reported including 43,892 emergency room visits, 19,587 hospitalizations, 5,884 life-threatening cases and 4,538 permanently disabled."

  178. Aren't you glad that Biden stole ... uh, sorry ... won ... the election?

    Joe Biden is Silently Making Terrifying Moves and No One is Talking About Them

    AG Merrick Garland: “In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethically motivated violent extremists specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race.”

    PS: Somehow, AG Garland failed to mention those TERRORIST groups ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, MS-13, the Drug cartels that are committing violence against millions of Americans, etc. I'm sure it was just a slip up on his part.


    Every place I wrote :Ron Wyatt is ERROR. I don't know how I cross filed hero Ron Wyatt who I believe to be the hero discovering the site of Noah's Ark in Turkey with RON WATKINS.

    My sleep has been extremely spotty lately and I APOLOGIZE. The "Proof expert" on Dominion was definitely Q's RON WATKINS.


  180. CORRECTED HERE:Cpeating what I said above, RON WATKINS was the "expert" against Dominion. That IS QANON. Again, everybody needs to watch HBO documentary INTO THE STORM. In, I beieve, Segment 5 you will hear of General Paul Vallely's and General Flynn's involvement in Qanon. Vallely, you will recall was Michael Aquino's cohort and patron on Satanic involvement for psyops in the US Military!

    Ron Watkins is the son of 8Chan (8 Chun) owner JIM WATKINS.


  181. Another necessary correction changing "Wyatt to Watkins"

    "Absolute Proof" is the movie produced and sponsored by the same Mike Lindell who also promoted and identified himself as a Qanon follower in LOVE JOY TRUMP. LJT was obviously an expensive production. I strongly believe that Lindell paid for its production: at any rate, he wrote the foreword for the book and is STRONGLY PUSHING it on his own "My Pillow" website, offering it at a deep discount there.

    By doing that, Lindell, as far as I am presently concerned, has gone to the DARK SIDE. Moreover, the evidence is compelling as shown in the HBO series INTO THE STORM that Ron Watkins [NOT "Ron Wyatt"] who that series concludes to BE Q, was the "expert" who analyzed the alleged Dominion actions. Lindell is being sued for libel and slander by Dominion and I believe they probably have a strong case.


  182. Another correction. I'm going to go back and erase the originals with the "wyatt" error:

    Repeating what I said above, RON WATKINS was the "expert" against Dominion. That IS QANON. Again, everybody needs to watch HBO documentary INTO THE STORM. In, I beieve, Segment 5 you will hear of General Paul Vallely's and General Flynn's involvement in Qanon. Vallely, you will recall was Michael Aquino's cohort and patron on Satanic involvement for psyops in the US Military!


  183. "Absolute Proof" is the movie produced and sponsored by the same Mike Lindell who also promoted and identified himself as a Qanon follower in LOVE JOY TRUMP. LJT was obviously an expensive production. I strongly believe that Lindell paid for its production: at any rate, he wrote the foreword for the book and is STRONGLY PUSHING it on his own "My Pillow" website, offering it at a deep discount there.

    By doing that, Lindell, as far as I am presently concerned, has gone to the DARK SIDE. Moreover, the evidence is compelling as shown in the HBO series INTO THE STORM that Ron WATKINS who that series concludes to BE Q, was the "expert" who analyzed the alleged Dominion actions. Lindell is being sued for libel and slander by Dominion and I believe they probably have a strong case.



  184. I'm not in the slightest a defender of "QANON," but I would find ANY "documentary" that is produced by HBO to be highly dubious, at best.

    HBO has a long history of producing anti-Christian propaganda, such as "His Dark Materials." Written by a Christian hating atheist, "His Dark Materials" sets out to depict faithful Christians as Neanderthals that are in opposition to the much better informed thinkers of secular academia. It also promotes a "church" without "Christ" and one that proclaims "no gospel."

    I haven't seen it, but I have wonder if they use John Lennon's "Imagine" as a sound track.

    HBO produces lots of secular, Satanic, anti-Christian junk. Why should we trust anything that they put out?

  185. Cullen Hoback produced "Q Into the Storm."

    His documentary was apparently criticized by "extremism researchers."

    Robertson wrote in The Verge that the series "breaks several best practices for reporting on extremism", and that it "embodies all the ways that idealistic journalistic values — a devotion to humanizing subjects, a goal of exposing powerful wrongdoers, and a belief that exposing truth will set people free — fail in the face of extremist movements".[66]

    This documentary was criticized for its idealistic journalistic values. Hmmmm.

    I think I see why HBO would like it. The subject matter is inherently sensationalistic and dark.

  186. It may not have been clear I was being sarcastic. I personally like idealistic journalistic values. I think the truth is both good enough and bad enough. It's why I hated the media coverage of Trump so much.

  187. Anonymous9:25 PM

    It is all water under the bridge, Constance.
    Glad you corrected your information but really is of no import to me now.
    I am just being honest.

    And I am not going to watch HBO whatever or read a new age book to tell me how I should think and feel about what went down in this country.
    I will just do as is already from my personal outlook and practice, pray and read my Bible, watch, and pray some more (because Jesus said watch!)...and trust no man, but God.
    It has gotten old around here being accused of trusting some man as "savior" because I don't agree with some people, but whatever. I have one already, His name is Jesus. Jesus is Savior..and enough.
    And my take of what has happened and why..predates all the stupid on both sides of these arguments. Surely I am not the only one that saw this coming, surely others like me are genuinely not surprised.
    The truth is somewhere in the middle of all the hyper screaming new age new age! or It's all Trump's fault! It was "mostly peaceful", Jan 6th and AOC "threatened" etc etc etc, from every direction. And vitriol and violence from the evil agenda of the left, or even some from the right (we know who they are), elitists all, and complicit in a global end game.
    It has torn us all apart as a nation.
    Here we are, here I am..."stuck in the middle with you" (some will remember that one)

    2 Count it all joy, my brothers,[a] when you meet trials of various kinds,
    3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
    4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
    5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (that is a promise!)

    People are going to choose to believe or not believe whatever they decide no matter who (no matter who!) says/does what at this point. The point is we have a choice in things.
    America as we knew it, is gone.
    The sorting is God's to do now.
    Justice will come when He brings it, not before.

    America was once free and blessed by God, but she is going the way of all the earth.
    Life..and death. What we all face. But wow, has God been good!!!

    God, YOU give and take away...blessed be the Name of the LORD!

  188. Anonymous9:42 PM

    "It's why I hated the media coverage of Trump so much."

    Me too, J.

  189. Anonymous9:51 PM


  190. Anonymous12:22 AM

    RayB said...

    HBO produces lots of secular, Satanic, anti-Christian junk. Why should we trust anything that they put out?

    Constance said...

    Re 6:47 am and other comments on Yeonmi Park: Something did not smell quite right to me about it, so I googled my suspicions with her name and "Unification" -- I was right. It was the UNIFICATION MEDIA GROUP

    And Constance (it might be inferred) said...

    Mike Lindell endorsed and likely funded "Love Joy Trump". Why should we trust anything that he backs (like "Absolute Proof")?

    X (basically) said (and this is the basic common premise amongst all three of them - and others like them)...

    There are sources with things I disagree with. Why should we trust anything that they put out?


    Well, one must learn to separate information from the source of the information and judge the information on its own merits and NOT automatically DISMISS it for the sole reason of where it came from.

    And that works BOTH ways, i.e. we must NOT automatically ACCEPT information without judging it on its own merits for the sole reason of where it came from either.

    That being said, we should in fact (NOT pre-judge but) pay extra attention for possible (up to and including: untruthful) 'spin' (or worse) in certain information from certain sources, such as for example Qanon articles (or videos) from The Millennium Report. Realize and remember that a source may (either innocently or by design) have a not-so-legitimate article (or video) or two buried in amongst a bunch of wholly legitimate articles or videos. And an article or video may be a not-so-legitimate article or video not necessarily because it's outright wrong but sometimes because it, itself has truth and significant error mixed together within it. Sometimes even the visual format style and/or the phrasing style of an article (as seen in its entirety at the original website) or video are questionable. All that does NOT, however delegitimize good articles or videos a website or other source may have!

  191. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I recall that Dorothy got upset at Constance for putting her material on News With Views but Constance used that venue to get her material in front of more people that way though she took exception to some of what information was available there, if I am correct in that.

    That did not make Constance's work less for where it was presented, it stood on it's own merits.
    So many people are really losing the art of discernment. Students are not taught that these days and information cycles turn so fast it is nuts, so little critical thinking just critical, and that stinks.
    The shoot from the hip (or from the lip) before something has had time and real vetting-to understand it-approach, is getting severe out there. Free speech is shot down before people can get to know if what is conveyed is worth knowing or believing, or not. Lies make it half way around the world before the truth has put it's shoes on is a good quote.
    I think Trump's presidency suffered 4 years of some real extremes in that, and I admired his stick to his guns and plow ahead gumption in very spite of it, and did what people said he could not do, what the political establishment refused to do!

  192. Anonymous1:08 AM

    SHOCKING lab results on MASKS!

    ELEVEN DANGEROUS pathogens discovered!!!

  193. Anonymous1:09 AM

    After COVID-19 Showcased the “Power of Science,” J&J Exec Urges Industry to Start Thinking “Cure” in Cancer

    Prior to the COVID-19 Plandemic, cancer and cancer drugs were the biggest financial revenue streams in Big Pharma. Even at the height of the manufactured COVID-19 Plandemic, with all of the corruption involved in elevating the death statistics to try and make every death look like it was caused by COVID-19, there were still more people dying from cancer. As we have reported over the past decade, this industry is far too profitable to allow a cure, and we recently re-published the documentary: Cancer: The Forbidden Cures. But now, apparently taking their cue from COVID-19 "cures" and RNA "vaccines" which look to be ongoing products they can indefinitely inject into people to provide a steady income stream, for the first time those in the lucrative cancer industry are beginning to use the forbidden word: "cure." The pharmaceutical trade publication, FiercePharma, published an article yesterday where they quoted Peter Lebowitz, M.D., Ph.D., Janssen's (J&J) global oncology therapeutic head, at the virtual BIO Digital 2021 conference earlier this week. "Looking forward, Lebowitz said researchers and companies should think about a word the industry has sometimes avoided: a cure." "When I started off in my career, people wouldn’t say the word 'cure,'" Lebowitz told Scrip Intelligence's Mandy Jackson during the fireside chat. “They wouldn’t talk about cures.” Of course they wouldn't! Because actual cures to cancer, such as the ones the FDA banned and chased out of the country where one now needs to go to Mexico or Europe to get them, is bad for business. And while Big Pharma denied this fact for years, while collecting millions of dollars each year from the contributions of every-day Americans to their favorite cancer "charity" which helped fund drug research, we now have a major cancer scientist admitting that they never discussed cures to begin with...

  194. Anonymous1:21 AM

    [WATCH] EXCLUSIVE! Ashli Babbitt’s Attorney Terrell Roberts Drops A BOMBSHELL… New HUGE Clue To Identity Of Her Killer

  195. Anonymous2:11 AM

    The Secret To Saving America

    How to fight the good fight ​without losing your soul

    January 14, 2021
    By David Kupelian

    "become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom ye are seen as lights in the world" –Philippians 2:15

    The United States of America is in the throes of a full-scale revolution. The new administration, which openly promises to transform America, rewrite her Constitution and "reimagine" all of her bedrock institutions, is being heralded by a shockingly totalitarian censorship campaign targeting everyone in opposition, from Donald J. Trump on down.

    But this revolution is not new. For decades, our nation has been under covert, slow-motion assault by what we cryptically call "the far Left," a religious-political movement fundamentally at war with both Christianity and America.

    From the sexual revolution and the "marriage-is-legalized-rape" radical feminists of the 1960s, to today's open love affair with socialism, sexual anarchy, abortion, identity politics, radical environmentalism and "defunding the police," the Left has relentlessly pursued its goal, as Barack Obama put it, of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

    And though President Trump fought mightily against this tide for four years, tirelessly pursuing a pro-life, pro-religious freedom, pro-Constitution, pro-America agenda, as of today the revolutionaries are wildly ascendent.

    Consider that in the past year the radical Left – with whose cause Big Media, Big Tech, Big Education, Big Hollywood and the entire Democratic Party totally identify – has succeeded in:

    * Indicting the freest, most welcoming and least racist nation on earth as irredeemably racist;

    * Inciting violent Marxist revolutionaries to riot, vandalize, loot and burn America's major cities;

    * Abandoning their former "safe, legal and rare" stance on abortion in favor of wanton celebration of late-term abortion up to the moment of birth and beyond;

    * Encouraging innocent children to irreversibly ruin their lives by chemically (and sometimes surgically) "transitioning" to the opposite sex – a scientific impossibility;

    * Using the COVID pandemic as a cover for imposing unprecedented totalitarian control over Americans; and

    * Gaslighting an entire nation by perpetrating the most wide-ranging, egregious and in-your-face election fraud in U.S. history while pretending disenfranchised American voters who simply want a fair and impartial investigation are the crazy ones, "trying to steal the election from Joe Biden."

    And that's just for starters.

  196. Anonymous2:12 AM

    As America's once-great middle class becomes crushed through endless COVID lockdowns, a wealthy and privileged globalist elite is not only growing ever richer and more powerful, but also strategically deploying COVID as a pretext for engineering what they call a "Great Reset" of the world – replacing capitalism with socialism. This is neither conspiracy theory nor partisan conjecture; the "Reset" movement's leaders openly brag about it.

    'Evil in high places'

    What Americans are beholding as the new year unfolds is more than just a host of extremely daunting circumstances brought about by corrupt, misguided and power-hungry people in leadership positions. Something else seems to be at work.

    Consider that the well-intentioned but naïve liberal leaders of yesteryear are almost nowhere to be found. In their place are politicians, academics and media personalities whose breathtaking level of dishonestly and delusion (they talk earnestly about men becoming pregnant, they liken Trump to Hitler and they pretend the corrupt and shockingly senile Joe Biden is qualified to be president) suggests a surreal, dystopian, darkly spiritual dimension to the current troubled era.

    In truth, Americans today are confronted with a maniacal revolutionary movement emanating from a full-bore rebellion against God Almighty and the essential foundation stones of Western Judeo-Christian civilization – from biblical morality, to "unalienable" individual rights, to equal justice under the law, to the color-blind society championed by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., to the sacredness of children in the womb. After all, each of these priceless principles emanates directly from a deep recognition that human beings are created in the image of God – Imago Dei – and are therefore precious and of inestimable value.

    Ironically, although atheist Karl Marx famously attacked religion and particularly Christianity as the "opium of the people," he himself concocted the ultimate religious opiate: Marxism.

    For although the fantasy-world promise of socialism was a "classless" society wherein all people are equal and cared for, in the real world, corrupt leftist-elite politicians like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are so dishonest and desperately addicted to power, their consciences so seared by decades of lying, that they retain zero capacity for genuinely caring about the "poor and disadvantaged." It's all an act.

    Rather, the religion they preach – Marxism, socialism, progressivism, whatever the label – is just an opiate they cynically dispense to pacify and distract the masses, while they grow ever more wealthy, powerful and privileged, but inwardly ever more ugly, corrupt and self-deceived.

    So now comes the big question: With such genuine wickedness openly manifesting in "the land of the free," so much that it evokes the Apostle Paul's admonitions about "powers and principalities" and "spiritual wickedness in high places," what can good Americans do about the precarious state of their country? During this time of genuine tribulation and even persecution, how should moral, right-thinking Americans, who work hard, love their country, honor its history and obey its laws – and who don't pretend there are dozens of new genders and that America is a despicable racist hellhole – now respond?

  197. Anonymous2:15 AM

    'Uniquely blessed by God'

    First, remember that our current time isn't uniquely burdened by evil and misfortune. When Jesus Christ walked the earth two millennia ago, He and His Jewish countrymen lived under harsh Roman occupation, "individual rights" (including the right to vote) didn't exist and most people were "poor and disadvantaged." And then there was leprosy. Moreover, to make sure the rabble always knew who was in charge, the Romans routinely crucified people along the roadsides – escaped slaves, criminals and other "lowlifes," and especially those they regarded as any sort of threat to Roman rule.

    The intervening centuries have all too often presented equally daunting circumstances. While today's coronavirus pandemic has taken several hundred thousand American lives, 14th century Europe had to contend with the Black Plague, which killed some 25 to 50 million people – and no treatments or vaccines. Then there have been the countless wars, the costliest being World War II with over 70 million deaths, including over 400,000 Americans. Indeed, the 20th century was the bloodiest in all of human history, dominated as it was by the ever-metastasizing Marxist cancer, which consumed an appalling 100-200 million lives.

    Truth is, the human race is so regularly mired in intractable crises, one could reasonably conclude that crisis and chaos are the norm for humans, with societal peace and prosperity but rare and cherished aberrations.

    And that may be the point: America has historically constituted one of those few extraordinary "cherished aberrations," a nation uniquely blessed by God.

    America was blessed by wise founders who crafted a magnificent Constitution to be the template for a government based on individual rights and ordered liberty, not the rule of kings and potentates. Blessed with a population willing to sacrifice 600,000 lives in a war that ended up expunging the evil of slavery. Blessed with an admirably resilient Judeo-Christian culture and a population genuinely in love with their country. Blessed with extraordinary natural resources, including more oil than Saudi Arabia. Blessed with unparalleled freedom and prosperity that to this day attract more immigrants to our shores than any other country in the world, by far.

    Therefore, when they see their beloved country being stolen, defiled and "fundamentally transformed" as it is right now, right-thinking Americans feel compelled to defend her. But how?

    First and most immediate: November's election was a freak show featuring hands-down the most massive amount of voter fraud in Americans' lifetimes. If the various states that permitted and encouraged election fraud – such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and others – aren't compelled to play by the rules, America will never again be a unified, peaceful nation – ever. So that is job one.

    Even setting aside the outrageous election abuses, the major news media and tech monopolies pre-rigged November's contest long before Election Day by continually portraying Donald Trump as a Hitlerian, mentally ill traitor while casting the demented and spectacularly corrupt Joe Biden as a moral paragon and guarantor of national healing.

    They all knew better, but they did it anyway.
