
Monday, April 19, 2021


Most of us here can hopefully fully understand the implications to us of the great COVID global reset that is obviously been in the works. I warned everybody here about it more than a year ago and said "Mark my words, a RESET is coming." Most of that was ignored as too many went off discussing everything else, relevant or irrelevant.

I'm far more concerned for those here on what's deceiving US! As bad as Pope Francis has been I've never heard him deny Jesus and promote GAIA worship, at least directly -- although the agenda he's promoting does go too largely that direction. But LOVE JOY TRUMP has in many critical spots promotion of other gods, including the Earth and the Universe as entities deserving worship.

NOW FOR THE COMMENTER WHO CRITICIZED ME FOR THE ARTICLES ON JOHN E. FETZER AND THE FETZER INSTITUTE, you were obviously not curious enough to check out is current status as one of the best-funded and most powerful NEW AGE organizations intentionally pushing the entire Benjamin Creme, New World Order, New World Religion, Cashless Society, promotion of the Great Invocation as the world prayer, cleansing action for dissidents, etc., ad nauseum, for yourself/yourselves (if you represent more than one).

The Fetzer Institute is powerful and heavily financially endowed and aggressively pushing everything I have fought since 1981 -- 40 years ago. I believe that John E. Fetzer may well have been the force that prevented early disclosure of Nazi occult activity. He was promoting the I AM Movement before World War II. That was the Theosophical branch of the New Age occult movement that spawned the Silver Shirts pro-Nazi organization that sent William Dudley Pelley to prison for treasonous activities. Roosevelt put Fetzer in charge of media censorship for World War II. Fetzer was one of the first persons to enter Joseph Goebbels office in Berlin after the allies advanced there.

There is documentation on the very large website that they now believe they are going to succeed entirely in their original agenda whereas in May 1982 they failed. This, they say, is because now a majority of people are SBNR -- Spiritual but not Religious.

Fetzer sold the Tigers and liquidated his TV/Radio empire because of his extreme disappointment and depression over the non-appearance of Maitreya on May 20, 1982. I suspect on many grounds that I may have been an intervening variable. Benjamin Creme's disappointing to Fetzer press conference on May 20, 2015 was precisely five days after Benjamin and I had our WRIF debate that listened to by thousands in the Detroit area. The Detroit Free Press ran a major article on the work I was doing to fight things 10 days before that interview which is why the rock & roll station sought me out for their one hour of public service time on Sunday evenings. The first weekend after that article, I was supposed to have debated Benjamin Creme, but the trans-Atlantic line went down and they were unable to connect with Creme. I had the entire hour to myself to explain exactly what was happening. The station had over 500 requests for tapes of that interview. The tapes were not given, but the next weekend, the debate did occur and Creme was admittedly devastated. He said on many interviews in many places, including the Allen Dale Show in San Antonio, Texas that I would "pay dearly" for my interference with the Christ's Reappearance." This was and is the same "Reappearance" of their New Age "Christ" which LOVE JOY TRUMP is not so subtly promoting in substantial portions of that book.

I am much more worried on this blogspot about what is infecting us. Most of you have no problems with the Pope Francis praising of Agenda 21, Agenda 30, etc. Most of us see through the LGBTQ agenda and the Biden/Kamala Harris roles in continuing to promote it. We see the evils of the very non-biblical transgenderism. But too many of you fail to see where the infiltration comes in what we supposed to be our camp -- the tares planted among the wheat.

You are yawning at LOVE JOY TRUMP (many of you), failing to recognize the Trump condoning of it etc. At any rate, as Moses complained to God about the Israelites angry at him, "you know, I have not taken so much as an ass from them."I think I can safely say the same. I have not gone out like so many like Texe Marrs, and others making making literally millions from you selling you tapes, videos, overly sensational books about Illuminati." At the same time, he was openly advocating blatant anti-Semitism. Tal Brooke has done some of the same.

So many have successfully played the "watch the fundamentalists run" game and too many of you have ran with them.

My thoughts this morning.



  1. I have published this way today because my html abilities asre still limited and Google has evidently changed its formerly intuitive and friendly blog posting interface to one requiring html programming language skills. I'm trying to learn what I must, but it has slowed me down. HOWEVER< much can be said in the comments.

    LOVE JOY TRUMP is written by a pseudonymous "Bethanon" an obvious QANON name. It's foreword is by MY PILLOW owner MIKE LINDELL and I suspect he also financed its publication. He is aggressively pushing the book, calling it an indispensable QANON handbook on his MY PILLOW advertising site. Such a pity. I had formerly admired him, but now must call his discernment and Christianity into account. In this book, we read among is many heretical, New Age, and "New Apostolic Reform" synthesis of heresies that:

    1. Trump is helping to usher in the AGE OF AQUARIUS.
    2. Trump is ushering in the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth.
    3. Gaia worship is necessary and good.
    4. Our beloved God the Father is really "ANU", an evil founder of "hierarchical religion"

    I suggest you familiarize yourself with this evil book. The author claims she is fihting "Luciferianism". I have news for her. What she is pushing IS "LUciferianism."


  2. Thanks for posting. I know life has had i'ts huge trials for you but thank you for your continued research.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Whoever the Antichrist is, he won't be the Antichrist until the moment that he is overtaken and inhabited by the devil himself, just as Judas was overcome by the devil on the night he betrayed Jesus.
    Up to this point, Donald Trump hasn't done anything to indicate that he is that person, in spite of all the relentless propaganda that the Marxist Left has vomited, daily, over the past five years.
    NO ONE knows who the antichrist is, and no one is going to know until that man walks into the temple and declares himself to be God. The closest anyone comes to that, is China's Xi, who in fact does consider himself to be God, but so does every other grandiose nutcase on earth.

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM


    With all due respect, to keep things balanced, may we get your responses please to the two articles mentioned and linked here and which were posted in full earlier in the previous thread?

    You'd previously written "...last weekend, I listened with no small dismay to the taped portions played of the interview between the very fine born-again Secretary of State for Georgia where Trump demanded he make a public statement that he was 'recalculating the election results' and that he find Trump an addition 11,000 plus votes."

    And later yet again:

    "the revealed events of Trump's phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State asking him to find 11,000 some votes for him, I do see evil in Trump."

    Question: Had you not read this article in the previous post addressed to you?

    The Media Are Lying About Trump's Phone Call With Raffensperger

    And also...

    You wrote "after January 6th and his clearly inciting speech, I cannot vote for Trump at any future time and if I had foreseen that event, I would not have voted for him then. "

    As well as...

    "After January 6th, and before that the revealed events of Trump's phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State asking him to find 11,000 some votes for him, I do see evil in Trump."


    "That speech of Trump was clearly inflammatory. I was deeply worried that it would incite something"

    Perhaps you didn't read the article at the link posted earlier in the (same) previous thread?

    Trump’s Rally Speech Was NOT Illegal “Incitement”

    Former Prosecutor Jeffrey Scott Shapiro: “The president didn’t commit incitement or any other crime. I should know. As a Washington prosecutor I earned the nickname ‘protester prosecutor’ from the antiwar group CodePink.”

    Incidentally, this was also posted on the previous thread:

    Leaked audio surfaces of John Sullivan ADMITTING Antifa and BLM involvement in Capitol siege

  6. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Beth Anon has a YouTube channel where you can actually see her, you can also click on the various headings at the top of its screen for more stuff. Disprove from the Bible her theological errors.

  7. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Here's the LOVE JOY TRUMP content description:

    "This book is a game changer for those who are fearful about the future. Are you, or a friend or family member concerned that Donald Trump might be a bad man or even evil? After all, the media seems to blame him for everything.

    Maybe it is time to learn who this man really is without the negativity of what he calls the 'fake news.' For a growing number of people, Donald Trump is a much beloved figure and a world-class leader. But if your viewing is limited to the mainstream media, you might never know this.

    Love Joy Trump: A Chorus of Prophetic Voices is a collection of prophecies made by real prophets including Kim Clement, Amanda Grace, and thinkers like Mike Lindell of My Pillow—who frequently receive messages, visions and direct knowledge from God. These prophets are from a variety of traditions, but they all agree that this business mogul and one-time playboy was anointed by God to lead us in a fight against evil forces and people.

    While you may have heard Donald Trump talk about draining the swamp, not everyone is aware of just how much swamp there is to drain and how many extremely evil swamp creatures there are. Fortunately, with Donald Trump we have a leader with the toughness and the spiritual fortitude to take on this epic battle.

    But while we are battling, we are also living in amazing times at the beginning of a new millennium of worldwide peace, innovation and advanced technologies. However, in order to enact God’s plan for us, we need to do our part by supporting President Trump’s leadership.

  8. Anonymous9:56 AM

    (LOVE JOY TRUMP is published by Relentlessly Creative Books LLC.)

    Monica Rix Paxson, Founder

    Relentlessly Creative Books LLC

    Offering a middle path between self and professional publishing.


    With a career in publishing that began before the introduction of the laser printer, Monica has founded a number of companies including Relentlessly Creative Books LLC. She is the author and the publisher of a number of bestsellers including in 2019 the highly controversial and #1 Amazon bestseller QAnon: An Invitation to the Great Awakening.

  9. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "About BethAnon

    "BethAnon is a wife, mother, grandmother, lover of God. She has traveled the world and enjoyed a life of incredible beauty and appreciation. Beth is a lover of books, a person who makes the effort to search a matter out, and a lover of truth. This is what brought her to dive into everything Trump in 2015, when she first heard of The Trump Prophecies by Mark Taylor. This search became a relentless pursuit, guided by God, to connect all of the prophecies that she could find about Trump from all over the world. In 2017, with the appearance of the Great Awakening, her immersion only grew stronger. What started out as a search for the real Donald John Trump, quickly became a fight for our religious freedom and freedom in general, with the threat of socialism/communism rising against the American people. As we come up to this election to restore our Republic, we must stand in our authentic divinity against the beast system, in all its manifestations. Donald Trump is chosen by God for this time, to lead the charge for the Restoration of our Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. As America regains her Sovereignty, the rest of the world will follow and that is why people all over the world are praying for President Trump. After the swamp is drained it is time for peace on earth. Amen Selah."

  10. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I have no absolutely no need to familiarize myself with this book. All trends are only that. Trends. God's playbook is what we need to be reading, who cares about a Trump cult? I don't. I did not vote for him because I am a worshipper of former President Trump. The media loves books like this, but I and so many like me, don't buy this ploy. His policies lined up close enough to my own convictions from God to vote for him, and now he is no longer President, by God's over-ruling hand that has allowed the current political "gods" to cheat and steal to win in this political theater, thus we have what America is now getting, and rightly so, because America, indeed the rest of the world also, has turned it's eyes to idols of many kinds, and that is Biden's purpose in the office now, handing this nation over so all will bow down to the globalist idols ready to rule the world (and one specific global idol will come in due time like the Bible has foretold, the world is being made ready as we speak and is close, quite close). The Trump era is over and the grace that brought that opportunity to attempt to keep globalism at bay is yesterday.
    So I won't yawn my way through it........just like I disregard the Obama cult and the Biden cult and the New Age cult, and any as priority we only have to cut to the chase and leave all these to fall by their own weighty flaws. That is the duty at hand for those who trust the Lord. To give yet another cult idea this much attention is just what the dark side wants. I am informed and stay that way--but I don't need or want to get sidetracked by more books selling agendas. Gotta keep my head above water and the world is drowning in tons of very subjective books all across the board. Enough already.

    Seriously, my dear Constance, I think you are major distracted now.

    You are getting caught up and snagged in the trees, I hope and pray you are not somehow at a too low elevation to see the entire forest. Sorry, but all you are doing is helping sell these worthless books by giving them notice and give these people trying to make $$ by giving Trump cult status, when you focus only on him. Isn't that exactly the opposite of what we should do?
    Mike Lindell is a nice man, but choosing a wayward direction now. So what? People that start well can get off the rails. That's not new. And God can deal with that and them. Don't let your work of these many years do the same.
    Like all things today, gone tomorrow.

    People really need to stick with the Bible, stay concentrated there. All else is becoming more and more deceptive.

  11. Anonymous11:57 AM

    The Mark of the Beast, Part 1: Trump Embraces 45 As the Number of His Name | Bible Prophecy 666

    Preemptive comment - Have you watched it? No? Then you don't know what you're talking about ... I return you back to the link:

  12. Do I believe Trump is THE ANTICHRIST? NO! He's obviously not smart enough for that job! Do I belieeve he is AN ANTICHRIST? YES! Nobody could allow and bless the things said about him in this book and not be an antichrist!

    Does the Trump Movement constitute a cult? YES. If nothing else, the lengthy, rambling post by 8:37 the post by 10:02 AM. the post by 9:56 AM prove it! You are clearly mesmerized, you do not understand what the New Age Movement was/is all about, and you are not disturbed by the book's obvious promotion of GAIA WORSHIP. Earth worship, the welcoming of the "Age of Aquarius" (much more likely: The Age of the Antichrist".

    I pray for you all to be released from the Luciferic possession obviously either blinding you or gripping you.


  13. Anonymous12:29 PM


    As I live & breathe, I never thought that you would ever stoop to a disgraceful low. But you actually did. In spades.

    "Does the Trump Movement constitute a cult? YES. If nothing else, the lengthy, rambling post by 8:37...prove(s) it!"

    You have been respectfully asked more than once to give account of your statements in response to well written factual articles to the contrary and instead of responding in kind and answering the points made you do THAT. One must believe then that you CAN'T rebut what those articles said and lashed out in heated anger instead. For shame!

  14. Constance,

    I voted for Trump in both elections. I viewed his "movement" to be based upon the following campaign promises:

    Cancel ruinous trade deals such as the Trans Pacific Partnership, which he did.

    Rewrite the ruinous trade deal NAFTA, which he did.

    Stand up against China by imposing tariffs in order to achieve a fair trade policy, which he did.

    Make an honest attempt to nominate CONSERVATIVE, CONSTITUTIONALISTS to the Federal bench along with the USSC, which he did.

    Attempt to bring back manufacturing to America for American workers, which he did.

    End the Anti-American "Critical Race Theory" propaganda in our schools, which he did.

    End the transgender policies in the military, advanced by the Obama/Biden Administration, which he did.

    Be a consistent spokesman for the Pro-Life movement, which he was.

    Secure our borders, particularly our southern border, which, in spite of the deep state & Congress's lack of cooperation, he did.

    Hold NATO accountable by requiring them to pay their "fair share," which he did.

    Attempt to bring some semblance of peace in the Middle East, which he did.

    Refuse the deep state pressure to expand American military aggression into more "endless wars." Trump is the first President in my lifetime that did not start any new wars.

    Work with the Black community in order to create enterprise zones and create jobs (instead of promising more government dependent social programs), which he did.

    I could go on but I will stop here. In short, I voted for Trump because he stood for many of the things that I believe in. To imply that those that voted for Trump belong "to a cult" is extreme, and completely unfounded.

    You call Trump "AN ANTICHRIST." What do you call Joe Biden? Biden is a pathological liar ... who is it that is the "father of all lies?"

  15. Anonymous1:40 PM

    So I take it Biden isn't "helping to usher in the Age of Aquarius"?

    Biden isn't furthering "Gaia worship is necessary and good"?

    You are the one that is under Luciferic possession, blinded and gripped by it!

    How condescending of you to feel we are under Luciferic possession, and need prayer from a disgusting Pharisee like you!

    We all know that Trump is a hyper egotist etc. But now we have one of the most vile humans on earth as our president! His handlers goal is to destroy what little is left of this republic, and usher in the New Age!

    Constance, you need to live in the here and now. You have no desire to expose the real players in the New Age. Your only interested in degrading conservative christians. You never really left the left! Please go back to your Pharisee roots in the Democratic party, and stop pretending to be a Republican.

    You have no relevance here at all. Your suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome! Your lukewarm, and an offence to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

  16. Anonymous1:55 PM


    You said: "Does the Trump Movement constitute a cult? YES. If nothing else, ...the post by 10:02 AM. the post by 9:56 AM prove it! You are clearly mesmerized, you do not understand what the New Age Movement was/is all about, and you are not disturbed by the book's obvious promotion of GAIA WORSHIP. Earth worship, the welcoming of the 'Age of Aquarius' (much more likely: The Age of the Antichrist'."

    I do not understand your conclusions. YOU headlined this thread with the evidently New Age book 'LOVE JOY TRUMP' including a full color picture of it and said in your concluding statement "I suggest you familiarize yourself with this evil book."

    I didn't promote the reading of that book, YOU did!

    So when I posted additional details about that book which is the MAIN TOPIC of this thread (in the 4 such posts) to help in facilitating YOUR requested familiarization (especially including the wilder things such as "Love Joy Trump: A Chorus of Prophetic Voices is a collection of prophecies made by real prophets including Kim Clement, Amanda Grace, and thinkers like Mike Lindell of My Pillow—who frequently receive messages, visions and direct knowledge from God.") that makes ME "clearly mesmerized, (and) not understand what the New Age Movement was/is all about, and...are not disturbed by the book's obvious promotion of GAIA WORSHIP. Earth worship, the welcoming of the "Age of Aquarius" (much more likely: The Age of the Antichrist"?!?

    Not to mention in "Luciferic possession obviously either blinding (me) or gripping (me)"?!?


    In fact it's sadly reminiscent of the saying:

    "When you point a finger at someone, four fingers are pointing right back at YOU."

  17. Anonymous2:03 PM

    So we who voted for Trump are basically cultists? What would you Constance, call those who voted for Biden/Harris? Are we now better off, and under a morally superior leader now?

    You need to sober up!

  18. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Well said RayB @ 1:14 PM.

    The too much focus on our former President Trump by blog owner Constance and others, who can't give proper credit where credit is due (and now for the history books), yet give an absolute pass to the Obama/Biden regime, operating in proclaimed evils, and running as a global steamroller over everything decent, reasonable, and moral, in their openly New Age agendas on max, is over the top.....quite unreasonable come to think of it.

    And too bad.
    Things that can start off well, may not sustain to finish well.......

  19. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Trump Derangement Syndrome:

    Straining at a gnat, and swallowing a Biden/Camela

  20. Anonymous2:44 PM

    2:38 PM

    Too true!

  21. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The Qanon “Great Awakening” closely resembles Jim Wallis’ expectations that a whole new denomination would emerge based upon “shared values” by the “spiritual but not religious.”

    Some of the comments here are hard to believe as they either lack knowledge of Qanon and/or spiritual discernment. It would be wise to not so easily dismiss this new age ideology decorated for the political right. For example, the next couple of paragraphs are from the pages of Love Joy Trump:

    “This executive order, and all of the accountability that has happened since, shows us that the end of the old cabal powers has already happened, and the 3D Earth quarantine matrix is dissolving more every single day as high vibrational photonic light from the Great Central Sun infuses Gaia and all of humanity with pure Divine Source energy. Ever since the end of the Mayan Calendar on 12/21/2012, a 26,000-year cycle officially ended, marking the completion of the dark age and the beginning of a brand new 7th dimensional Golden Age on Gaia where evil physically can no longer exist.”

    “Not only has this time on the planet been prophesied by many indigenous tribes and prophets, but the current astral alignments and aspects happening in our galaxy are telling us that we as a species are currently ascending to much higher frequencies and dimensions along with the earth as the veils between worlds dissolve. Gaia’s electromagnetic frequency is also known as the Schumann Resonance, her normal base frequency is 7.83 hertz, it now gets up to 70 hertz on a consistent basis as the sun continues to send solar flares and massive waves of Christened Crystalline Consciousness energy to the earth. We are ascending and there is nothing that can stop it. It is why you are here right now, it is why everything is changing so rapidly and drastically, and it is why a 6,000 year old paradigm is crumbling and a new earth, Nova Gaia, is emerging before our very eyes.”

    BethAnon. Love Joy Trump: A Chorus of Prophetic Voices . Relentlessly Creative Books LLC. Kindle Edition.

    (Is this the defender of your faith Anon 10:02? If so that leaves you in a pretty precarious position.)

  22. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Qanon prophet Charlie Ward paints a similar picture as BethAnon’s. Ward speaks of a coming economic system based upon the blockchain and quantum computing. Those who are not vibrating at a higher frequency will not enter into earth’s higher dimension of consciousness when it is ushered in. (Sections 1:04 – 1:17.)

    Why is it acceptable to criticize similar writings from the new age visionaries on the political left such as David Spangler, et. al., but not those on the far right? Since when does criticism of the political right place one in the camp of the political left? To suggest that political criticism of the right makes one a Biden supporter is absurd. Call a spade a spade regardless of which direction it comes.

    I find it unlikely that Trump is ignorant of Qanon; many who surround him certainly aren’t.

    Regarding the ascension that BethAnon and Charlie Ward speak. What might it involve:

    When Will Ascension be Complete? Some sources say this Shift that the Earth and humanity are making into the Fifth Dimension will probably be complete within the next decade or so; others give no date. But all seem to agree it will be sometime in the near future, although many individuals will be moving into the Fifth Dimension at their own rate sooner when their frequency is high enough to match the vibration of this higher dimension.

    You might ask: How can this possibly happen so quickly? How can this world turn around from where it is today and become this utopian kind of world? There is still so much darkness on the planet—wars, hatred, prejudice and injustice.

    The answer is two-fold: First, thousands of people on the planet are now already experiencing awakening at an unprecedented rate—and this awakening appears to be accelerating as time goes by. At some point, the hundredth monkey phenomenon will inevitably take hold.

    And secondly, not everyone on the planet at this time is making the choice (consciously or unconsciously) to make the shift into the Fifth Dimension.

  23. Anonymous2:53 PM

    All Souls on the earth have the choice to enter this new dimension, given they have assimilated sufficient light to hold the frequency that exists in that higher dimension. But many will be choosing to leave the Earth within the next decade or so to move on to other third-dimensional experiences in other parts of the universe because they will not have finished with what their Higher Self wishes to experience in third-dimensional reality.

    Those of us who are choosing to stay and make the shift with the Earth may be going through some intense and rapid changes, as our bodies and minds make the radical shifts needed to move into the higher consciousness requisite for moving into the Fifth Dimension.

    Frazier, Vidya. Awakening to the Fifth Dimension -- A Guide for Navigating the Global Shift . First Edition Design Publishing. Kindle Edition.

    I’ve found that many Christians are illiterate of scripture. Many Christians have accepted Qanon as the defender of their religious freedom. Is not this worth examination and contrast of how it measures against scripture? If not, I don’t know what is.

  24. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Or, Joe/Camel ?

    Ads stated 'Smooth Character'

  25. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Wow. Totally agree. More Christians need to realize this cause if the New Age takes over Republicans, our only choice is to try to moderate Democrats. I still think 3rd party is the only way to go but what Christian leaders aren’t false teachers?

    Instead of retrenching & digging in and throwing luciferian links from the Claremont Institute’s subversive anarchist magazine, American (un) Thinker. .. consider that Mrs Cumbey KNOWS these demons up close & personal and might be right.

    She’s not abandoning the Bible or Conservatism. It’s ok to have differing opinions.

    Chris Bail just published a book discussing social media and echo chambers and found when people were challenged with opposing viewpoints contrary to the “stream”, instead of dialogue & moderation, the dominant group retrenches & becomes more extreme & finds themselves agreeing & taking positions they never imagined having at the outset.

    As Christian we can do better than that. We are the peacemakers.


    Ps - btw, my last post on last thread WAS a mostly word for word satire of RayB’s “Revolver.mag” linked post describing Duane Wright as a waste of human life that deserved killing and then just a tool of mainstream media so I think the responses were a little harsh on Ray.

  26. Anonymous3:13 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Anonymous3:16 PM

    22% of New Agers identify as Republicans

    46% of New Agers identify as Democrats

    33% no lean

  28. Anonymous3:20 PM

    There’s that “100th Monkey” interconnected consciousnesses bullcrap that Mike Adams from Natural News was talking about on Friday onstage during his presentation at the liberty conference new age infomercial in Oklahoma.

    So a seeker church. This is not your parent’s religion.


  29. Anonymous3:30 PM


    I think that was 2014. Wonder what it is NOW.

    This also doesn’t include all the Christians that had no idea they were, in fact, deeply involved in New Age practices like Christian Yoga, intercessary prayer, Bethel Music, etc)


  30. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Nope. I have not failed to put an “x” on all my posts on this thread. I do forget to do so sometimes but not today


    p.s. as if I need to justify myself 2 someone who is too embarrassed to sign her posts.

  31. Anonymous3:40 PM

    X is in 🐷 heaven! His fellow gnat strainer has pontificated.

  32. Anonymous3:52 PM

    "I find it unlikely that Trump is ignorant of Qanon"
    I find it unlikely that you are ignorant of the blood on the hands of your leftist progressive idols. X, you knowingly, willingly, complied with your New Age masters and you talk against others?

    "Many Christians have accepted Qanon as the defender of their religious freedom."
    Hm. You accepted Joke Biden to cast your vote for (because he was your righteous choice over Trump), believing he will protect your religious freedom, bring justice?
    You do exactly what you scathingly accuse others of.

    I never gave Qanon a moment of my time.
    I trust Jesus, not other Christians.

    I truly despise the policy making of the progressive liberal agenda that hates the Bible and Christians who are real Christians who believe it. They are your people, X. And I am thoroughly disgusted with those on the right who bowed to politics to think they must play politics instead of uphold the principles for governance laid out in our founding documents. They have treated them as rags and now rags they are. Rinos McCain and Romney (Constance Cumbey's idea of good politicians) and too many others are your type of politician too! But go on and place your trust in those people, X.

    Politics is too far gone. So are the ones that place their hopes in politics, like unbrotherly "brother" X, who needs to reread and actually believe the Bible himself while he's so busy thinking all others not cut of his cloth are illiterate in it.
    What a shill for evil masters you are.

  33. Anonymous3:57 PM

    X the defender of Biden's butchers is a purist.
    Wow...who knew???

  34. Anonymous4:06 PM

    "As Christian we can do better than that. We are the peacemakers.


    Then you will have to get those barely hidden fanged snarls out of your sheep bleats when you post X.

  35. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anon 3:52 PM,

    Your post is unhinged.

    The post you take issue with was not written by a poster signing as X. I, the writer of that post, typically vote republican. I did not vote for Biden. This does not mean I give a free pass to anyone with an R behind their name. Nor do I immediately reject legitimate criticism when it is warranted. Criticism of the right does not automatically make one a leftist. It may serve you well to distinguish the difference.

    Criticism of Qanon is legitimate. Why are you taking it as such a personal attack? Is your politic and spiritual belief system so enmeshed it becomes intolerable.

  36. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Pardon me, that was a comment for X because I mistook your words for his.
    In light of that you can see I took issue with that person and not you.

    And I never said Qanon should not be criticized. Because I personally and completely dismissed it I said: "never gave it a moment of my time"--because it did not deserve to be taken as truth. That is my criticism of it.
    I (obviously) don't follow lock step with Republicans myself if you read what I said (but not meant for you) but for X who excuses everything left because he actually is leftist, and non-stop critical of others for not being progressive as he is. I (obviously) do not excuse everything right.
    Politics has gone too far is the point I concluded with if you'll notice, and that is what I "attack" as you called it...excuse me, it is X who needs to distinguish the difference.

  37. Anonymous5:15 PM

    2:51 PM:

    You said: "(Is this the defender of your faith Anon 10:02? If so that leaves you in a pretty precarious position.)"

    Please try to pay closer attention to what people write. Kindly REREAD my 1:55 PM post. When you're done doing that, among other important points, you'll have seen that I posted all 4: 9:23 AM-9:38 AM-9:56 AM-10:02 AM and WHY I did.

    Speaking of which, I see that some are laboring under the impression that Trump support here must automatically equal New Age support.

    Not hardly.

  38. Anonymous5:27 PM

    "Speaking of which, I see that some are laboring under the impression that Trump support here must automatically equal New Age support."

    This is why poster X is so often rebuked because repeatedly broad brushing all Trump supporters as the same and New Age to boot.

    Apparently Constance needs to start paying closer attention to distinguish that herself.

  39. Is it possible to support the best of MAGA while still confronting the QAnon cult? Conversely is it possible to confront the QAnon cult while still supporting the best of MAGA?

  40. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Yes, J...and what some here have actually done. I believe that is the focus you are wanting to maintain from what I gather in your posts.
    I get nowhere with that when X, (the most prolific at coming up with constant undermining digs), in disingenuous sideways probes and pushes into leading questions to twist words to paint myself and others, as Qanon followers with New Age leanings, while all I did was vote for and appreciate a President (Trump) who stood on Constitutional ground to build society for us all rather than destroy it for all, exactly as Biden (his choice) is now doing. Just watch this nation progress further into chaos on his watch..but what criticism does the left do of that? None, of course, because that is the goal.

    I can discern the right stands (to be defended and protected) that I believe I should take as a person of a Biblical worldview (once provided by our freedoms but now threatened and some even gone) without excusing abuses of the mushy compromised right, while calling out the progressive, gone full lunatic left. X does not seem to try to brother up anywhere but in the far left corner.
    Now I wonder what's becoming of the blog owner....

  41. Constance,

    How about the Death cult of Abortion on Demand, which Obama/Biden/Harris and the Democratic Party all ENTHUSIASTICALLY support and promote?

    If a "politician" openly supports the murdering of babies in the womb, does that qualify, in your mind, for that person to be considered "AN ANTICHRIST?" If not, why not? If so, does that make Biden and the Democrats the party of the ANTICHRIST?

  42. Oh no !

    The Mainstream Media is caught in another major league lie ...

    Officer Sicknick Died of Natural Causes, Not Riot Injuries

    "This was just another massive lie used to gaslight the American people and justify an ongoing manhunt for Trump supporters who had the audacity to protest an illegitimate election."

    "The D.C. medical examiner told the Washington Post that Sicknick suffered two strokes caused by a blood clot at the base of his brain stem."

    “Francisco J. Diaz, the medical examiner, said the autopsy found no evidence the 42-year-old officer suffered an allergic reaction to chemical irritants, which Diaz said would have caused Sicknick’s throat to quickly seize,” the Post reported. “Diaz also said there was no evidence of internal or external injuries.”

  43. Anonymous6:34 PM


    We've covered this time and time again --- the Republican Supreme Court gave us Roe v. Wade nearly 50 years ago and despite controlling the Supreme Court since (almost 50 years now), have not reversed Roe V. Wade.

    Until the Republican USSC reverses Roe -- Republicans remain the party in control of supporting, promoting and ENABLING abortion in the US. Democrats currently can SAY they support women's healthcare which includes, as of now, republican access to abortion, such support would be meaningless if the republican USSC overturned Roe. It would then, largely, become a states rights issue.


  44. Anonymous7:02 PM

    And during all that time you mention, X, how many Republicans did you vote for for President or House or Senate?
    Just answer the question.
    I await your reply to answer specifically.

  45. Anonymous7:10 PM

    RayB said: "This was just another massive lie used to gaslight the American people and justify an ongoing manhunt for Trump supporters who had the audacity to protest an illegitimate election."

    Not really. I heard pretty early on that Sicknick was not the same officer that got struck by fire extinguisher or flagpole. It was widely reported thereafter that prosecuting anyone for "killing" Sicknick was turning out to be problematic, that a connection between any injury and his death was difficult to establish. The FBI and Justice Dept were calling on everyone with video of the event to share it with them as they were obviously trying to track Sicknick's whereabouts amoung the violent protestors. Now we know he had a stroke. Could a stroke be in any way directly related to the stress of the Jan 6th? I think so and IF video was uncovered showing Sicknick was physically assaulted, they might have tried harder to link the injury, stress and stroke together. An "allergic reaction" to stroke was/is, perhaps, nebulous (I'm not a medical doctor so just guessing).

    We now know, because one of 1000's of medical examiners around the country who are responsible for assessing and recording "causes of death" did his job --- just like they all did/do recording Covid deaths in a reasonable and responsible manner.

    No one has been charged for killing Sicknick.

    Two men have been charged with assaulting Sicknick by allegedly spraying him with a chemical, but not with his death. Julian Elie Khater, 32, of State College, Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, West Virginia, were each charged with nine counts, including three counts of assaulting an officer of the United States with a deadly weapon, conspiracy to injure an officer and physical violence on restricted grounds.

    What IS interesting is the LIES that were added to that hysterical snowflake quote Ray posted. The Trump and now Biden Justice Department didn't need "this massive lie" as a necessary means to "gaslight" and "go after Trump supporters" who simply protested. 100's of MAGA insurrectionists were arrested and charged for illegal things they were FILMED doing on January 6th.

    Finally -- you want to know an ACTUAL big lie -- "an illegitimate election". He lost. It wasn't even close. Zero evidence of fraud.


    p.s.- MAGA insurrectionists are responsible for their significant federal crimes just as any protestor that breaks the law is responsible for their crimes.

  46. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Another deluded post with zero evidence of facts at 7:10 PM.

    Must be on the far left's dole because you are working it hard to spread the narrative.

  47. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Since "x" is bringing up what transpired near the end of the previous thread here, okay then, let's not miss it here:

    8:21 PM - Anonymous said...

    Ashli Babbitt was a typical MAGA hypocrite and whore..

    Babbitt (35), in short, was a dangerous social cancer...


    9:41 PM - Anonymous said...

    I hope that you all now understand how very much that: I'm a fellow Christian like you!

    That's why I had said "LifeSiteNews is a garbage new-age MAGA Conspirituality website. Talk to your spouse, your family, your doctor and/or your pastor before you rely on these alt-right conspiracy political websites overcome by evil lying spirits."

    And that's why I have now said "Ashli Babbitt was a typical MAGA hypocrite and whore (and) a dangerous social cancer"!


    11:04 PM - Anonymous said...

    -Oh, and please consider that a 'shout out' to all of you typical MAGA hypocrites and whores!


    8:31 AM - Hutch said...

    Anonymous 9:41 P.M.

    I didn't read anything in your post that would suggest that you're "a fellow Christian." I'm not defending her or her actions. It seems that in your estimation, she deserved what she got because of her lifestyle?


    8:45 AM - Anonymous said...

    That was satire of x's posts, Hutch, to make a point.

    And you got the point!

    "I didn't read anything in your post that would suggest that you're 'a fellow Christian'."


    9:37 AM - Anonymous said...

    X has something of the Josef Stalin about him.


    5:55 PM - Anonymous said...

    I so thought 8:45 am figured out my satire...."to make a point" but alaa, she too, got the point.

    I completely satire'd RayB's 5:56 post above from Revolver magazine which skewered Duane Wright, portrayed Mr. Wright as a worthless criminal who "deserved what he got because of his lifestyle and race and that the press coverage of the young Mr. Wright's accidental shooting while he was resisting, really, your responses accurately portrayed how you SHOULD have responded to his posts. Probably a little harsh on RayB. He is not like Josef Stalin.



    7:31 PM - Anonymous said...

    "I completely satire'd RayB's 5:56 post"

    You failed miserably and whether or not you are the incessant X or someone mimicking him, you are nonetheless a truculent troll.


    8:00 PM - Anonymous said...

    7:31 PM

    I made it quite obvious that I was mocking x's position when I posted at 9:41 PM (& 11:04 PM).

    Not to mention nor did I sign it "x".

    Amazingly he's trying to pin his original posted foulness on RayB.

    Like a snake he twists and turns to try to dodge the actual point of those two posts:

    There was nothing in his actual posts (from which his vile phraseology was copied) that would suggest that he's "a fellow Christian."

    And you're quite right:

    He's as 'good' as a TRUCULENT TROLL

  48. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Zero evidence of what exactly?

    Journalists report what they are told. The family knew a little and the police gave some statements but didn't clarify or follow up on those statements and "unnamed sources" originally, we now know, mistakenly presumed Sicknick must have been one of the officers hit by a fire extinguisher. Maybe you could identify those "unnamed sources" and attribute a motive to them specifically but when officers observe one of their own collapse and need CPR resusition (from which he never regains consciousness to share what happened to him that day) it's not WILD that they would presume Sicknick must have been that guy hit with a fire extinguisher.

    The actual cause of death was reported as speculation even in liberal "rags":

    Left-Leaning Pro-Publica reported on January 8th:

    "Last they had heard, Sicknick was in critical condition on a ventilator, according to family members who spoke to ProPublica. While some news reports had said an unnamed officer was in critical condition after being bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher, family members did not have details of his injuries. They say Sicknick had texted them Wednesday night to say that while he had been pepper-sprayed, he was in good spirits. The text arrived hours after a mob’s assault on the Capitol had left more than 50 officers injured and five people dead.

    “He texted me last night and said, ‘I got pepper-sprayed twice,’ and he was in good shape,” said Ken Sicknick, his brother, as the family drove toward Washington. “Apparently he collapsed in the Capitol and they resuscitated him using CPR.”

    But the day after that text exchange, the family got word that Brian Sicknick had a blood clot and had had a stroke; a ventilator was keeping him alive."


    Nearly an hour later, the department issued a statement rebutting news reports that an officer had died. The department finally reported that Sicknick had died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, adding that this was the result of injuries sustained during the attack the previous day.

    By the time family members reached the hospital, they say, Sicknick was dead. In separate interviews with ProPublica, family members say they are still waiting to learn exactly what happened."


    p.s. - I, too, pray for you all to be released from the Luciferic possession obviously either blinding you or gripping you.

  49. Anonymous8:33 PM

    That is to say that there was nothing in his actual posted vile phraseology and how it was applied that would suggest that he's "a fellow Christian."

  50. Anonymous8:45 PM

    8:27 pm : I'm sorry my satirical post yesterday went right by you and now infuriates you for falling for it.

    I didn't lie. Those things about Ashli Babbitt appear to be absolutely true. I looked into numerous sources to confirm the adultery and polyamory story as well as the criminal charges. If you want to call me out for anything I said about the honey dripping aadulteress Ashli Babbitt then you'd likewise be calling out RayB for his posts about Duane Wright, the young black man accidentally shot instead of tasered in Minnesota. I used the exact same language he linked in just changing the racist words to apply to her moral character, the list of differing past criminal behavior while cutting it down shorter and adjusting the "he/she" pronouns to make it fit.

    I'll go back to explain further, I guess. No need for it over here.

  51. Anonymous8:47 PM

    8:33 pm Are you speaking about my satirical post mocking RayB's 5:56 post or are you calling out Ray's 5:56 post for the "vile phraseology" I merely mocked?


  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. To 2:53 pm: Trust me, I know NEW AGE when I see it. You obviously exemplify it! Not a compliment!


  54. For the record: I am giving NO PASS to BIDEN for the obviously dangerous moves he is currently making, including but not limited to picking a very dangerous fight with Russia that our country cannot presently afford. His stands on abortion, transgenderism, same sex marriage are obviously dangerous and disturbing.

    HOWEVER, I believe Trump's behaviors, lack of basic civility, thin-skinnedness, insulting tweets ad nauseum, obvious narcissism, documentable untruths brought out the heavy vote against Trump. Trump was a highly polarizing figure and the opposition did turn out. Had he minded his manners, controlled his tongue and tweets, I believe he really could have been re-elected in a landslide, not the fake false victory he has convinced his groupies was the case.

    Trump, as I feared, has been taking us down in flames. He did NOTHING to discourage the QANON cult! He and Mike Lindell (whom I firmly believe was the real publisher of"LOVE JOY TRUMP) are very tight. Lindell is very open about his QANON alliance (see foreword he wrote for LOVE JOY TRUMP) and I do not believe that Trump was innocent of it and the blasphemous claims made for him in that evil book!


  55. Among the "golden nuggets" of LJT:

    This executive order, and all of the accountability that has
    happened since, shows us that the end of the old cabal powers
    has already happened, and the 3D Earth quarantine matrix is
    dissolving more every single day as high vibrational photonic
    light from the Great Central Sun infuses Gaia and all of humanity
    with pure Divine Source energy. ~ver since the end of the Mayan
    Calendar on 12/21/2012, a 26,000 year cycle officially ended,
    marking the completion of the dark age and the beginning of a
    brand new 7th dimensional Golden Age on Gaia where evil physically
    can no longer exist."
    "Not only has this time on the planet been prophesied by many
    indigenous tribes and prophets, but the current astral alignments
    and aspects happening in our galaxy are telling us that we as a
    species are currently ascending to much higher frequencies and
    dimensions along with the earth as the veils between worlds
    dissolve. Gaia's electromagnetic frequency is also known as the
    Schumann Resonance, her normal base frequency is 7.83 hertz, it
    now gets up to 70 hertz on a consistent basis as the sun continues
    to send solar flares and massive waves of Christened Crystalline
    Consciousness energy to the earth. We are ascending and there
    is nothing that can stop it. It is why you are here right now, it is
    why everything is changing so rapidly and drastically, and it is why
    a 6,000 year old paradigm is crumbling and a new earth, Nova
    Gaia, is emerging before our very eyes."
    Pages 239-240


    "Bethanon" tells us at the end of the book that she has studied continuously under a guru
    Prem Walal" since 1982. Lindell's foreword includes the following "modest claims":

    President Trump is working to bring a physical peace on planet
    Earth in preparation for the Spiritual Awakening and manifestation of Peace on Earth in our lifetimes. America First refers
    to restoring our Republic and maintaining our freedoms so our
    brothers and sisters from all over the world can do the same.
    We have been asleep to the massive deception that has been
    suffocating the individual pursuit of happiness and the search for
    God within ourselves, because of deliberate indoctrination and
    propaganda. Trump has put himself in a position of defending
    "we the people," by accepting his mission from God to serve
    humanity. His resilience against the slings and arrows of the
    enemy is remarkable and can come only through divine intervention and protection.

    (See page "x" of Lindell foreword_


  57. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Mrs. Cumbey,

    I hope you get a chance to watch and review TheContagiousMind's new age launch event being held this (maybe last?) Friday with the release of Mike Adams (from Luciferian website "NaturalNews") free audiobook about "Morphic Resonance".

    "Shocking video reveals cell tower transmissions interfering with xylitol crystal formation, showing disruption of “morphic resonance”



    "My live presentation coming up this Friday — streamed live, for free, at — covers this topic in more detail.

    I am also about to release a free, downloadable audiobook entitled, “The Contagious Mind” which provides over 7 hours of audio (and a downloadable, printable transcript) which explores this topic in great detail, providing how-to information on how you can become a more effective receiver and transmitter into the morphic resonance database of knowledge which I call “God’s cloud storage system.”

    Register now to be alerted to the free audiobook download at

    I also strongly recommend you purchase and read all the books by Rupert Sheldrake — or read his website at — who will no doubt be fascinated to see these microscopy photos and videos. As of this writing, he is not aware I have been working on this subject, but I look forward to sharing more video microscopy results with him. Sheldrake is giving a live online talk about morphic resonance on April 30th, at 7pm UK time. See the details of that talk at this link."


  58. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "He did NOTHING to discourage the QANON cult!"

    Really Constance?
    Big deal. What a Yawn. How do you control your supporters? Whose got time and resources for that unless your Globalist scum because that who sees to that stuff. But notice Biden sure did not make that effort did he? He let his lie, burn, loot, destroy crowd riot to their hearts content while Trump was mighty busy trying to save the nation and fight the lies and constant fights that were constantly thrown at him.

    Obama and the Clintons are just mild little kittens compared to big meany Trump huh?

    Constance you have lost your edge. Since when was it all supposed to be a personality contest??

    You are about the New Age, okay...I can spot it too. And before I found your blog. And I have no doubt dubious people come around any and every candidate and politician no matter the party but you are taking the cake making it about Trump so exclusively. That book LJT is trash. It will fail in it's agenda too. Modern prophets are bogus beyond the pale and people can figure that out if they are really about the truth to begin with, but I think it is truly too bad that you are not seeing the big picture anymore.
    The Soros gang, the minions for Obama, Clinton, Biden etc etc all the elites are going to keep enjoying your friendly fire against decent Trump supporters and there are a lot of us. Enough to give him the election he won with multi-ethnic, multi-economic scale of voters, even international cheerleaders among leaders and citizens alike and the jealous Dems stole because they can't win on merits. is being proven more and more and every election has seen cheating in Dem circles for decades. They cheated in key districts to take it from regular America and you cant seem to believe that. But oh well, you miss the boat sometimes like everybody else can..

    But now, though I used to send people to this blog for info, I won't be doing that again.
    We have the truth of God to steer us through these ugly times and understanding way beyond the media manure you are so keyed into now.... I'm betting the truth probably cuts right through the middle of the extremes you are believing about Trump himself.
    You have rushed to judgment on over the top disinformation this go round. Your thinking McCain and Romney are worthy politicians told me I'll never recommend you again. Unamerican, unethical political hacks of the first order. These are some examples now of sad mistakes on your part.

  59. Anonymous11:18 PM

    10:34 pm:

    The flat out lies that drip so easily out of your mouth is very unbecoming of a Christian. Your works tests of flat out loyalty to Trump for Christians is ridiculous. Trump didn't win the election. It wasn't stolen. Nobody cheat (other than maybe Trump) and Christians don't HAVE to maintain the White House for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to flourish.

    If Q-Anon is evil and so embedded in Trump's inner circle (including Lin Wood and Mike Lindell who's words and accolades have been posted here time and time again) why have no supposed Christians other than me, one other and Ms. Cumbey now called them out as lies??? Can a bad tree bear good fruit"????

    It's going to be OK. Pray for Biden as I prayed tirelessly for Trump. God can strike a straight blow with a crooked stick.

    Until then I seriously also pray for you all to be released from the Luciferic possession obviously either blinding you or gripping you.


  60. Anonymous11:29 PM

    So we who believe (falsely, according to Mrs Cumby), that voter fraud led to the Biden election, are Trump's groupies!?

    Plus, we are under some Luciferian spell? And your praying for our deliverance.

    You need a psychiatrist.

  61. Anonymous11:50 PM

    "Christians don't HAVE to maintain the White House for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to flourish."


    This is the utter bull you think I believe. Maybe you believe that because you don't think things through well enough, who knows what is the deep seated reason you are so unable to reason things with others. Time and again you go there. Like I and others are desperate without Trump for some weird reason known only to yourself.

    You are becoming more an idiot every time you presume and assume and get it so glaringly-- WRONG!

    Why you need me and others to be as bad off as you just assumed in the truly stupid judgmental crap you just dished, plus your obvious biases that can't manage to call out your own liberal political "leaders" (cheaters) in it's egregious behavior, makes you beyond pathetic.

    You need to get a clue....then get a life.


    Ted Shoebat pointed out that anyone could predict Trump's win in 2016 because of all the people in rallies as compared to hillary. So that predictioncoming true doesn't establish that prophet.

    What I thought noteworthy was that while both charismatics and witches were getting revelations to support Bill Clinton, the witches were against Trump and did hex ceremonies against him. Didn't work.

    Trump's policies were dead against the political side of the New Age. I didn't listen to all of his speeches or read most of his tweets, but I don't recall any New Agey sounding stuff. The real issue of whether he is new age ornot, would be what HE says and does, not what some people say about him. given how fake these prophets are, prophesying from their hearts as God twice condemns false prophets as doing, you could easily have some who liked some policies and his persona, who started hearing from "god" or rather their own semi schizosubconscious whatnot you wouldn't even need a demon.

    This could also be a demmonic deception with a view to carving some electorate from him or his equivalent in the next election.

    Trump's exposure to the see good everywhere pollyanna bs of Crystal Cathedral pastor whatsisname because of his father is a weakness. Since he said the swamp is deeper than he realized towards the end, he might be wakingup. I think someone who pursued his policies rather than he himself might be better for next election. Trump apparently dumped someone who criticized Jared Kushner, so he's blinded by family as an issue andloyalty to that. not good. a severe weakness. But then, I don't know on what basis Kushner was criticized.

    excessive loyalty to class and family and tolerating those who do bad things with "discretion" is exactly how all the worst wickedness, sexual and otherwise, and new age and flat out overt devil worship, percolates through systems.

    Constance has followed mainstream mediain saying no proof of fraud. In fact all the courts said there was fraud, but not enough to change the outcone. They should ordered a second look, because with all that fraud proven and determination the fraudsters wouldn't stop till they got their man over the top.

    WISCONSIN WANTED TO DECERTIFY ITSELF but the governor wouldn't call the special session to do so. that would have put the election in the House, which might have resulted in worse trouble, I don't know.

    What's this about Ashli Babbit being an adulteress? her HUSBAND has a live in girlfriend they and Ashli shared him.

    Constance mentions bad manners vs. good manners. This appreciation of "manners" is a great weakness on her part. Perhaps she was traumatized toomuch by bullying as a child, and now will accept anyone who acts nice. Trump was refreshing with his style.

    Constance mentioned Quaker ancestry in connection with not being all that supportive of guns, but if her idiot ancestors had had their way, we would have been invaded by the Japanese in WW II. One of their commanders said they feared they would meet a gun behind every bush, In those days everybody was armed.

    Constance is loyal to Jesus so that she can reject overt heresy when it shows, but she is weak in peripheral ways. But she has done a lot of good.

  63. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Notice that Constance hasn't apologized to the folks whom she falsely accused and unfairly maligned today (such as 12:29 PM and 1:55 PM).

    That speaks volumes.

  64. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Good on you, Christine.

    Your post was measured and well said.

    Trumps' actual flaws are not what the left needs them to be. They are his own like mine are my own too, but he is not what the left says he is. They hate him for what he does, not what he says. But he is anti-elitist and the left is all about elitists. They serve themselves heftily on the taxpayers dime, they underhandedly grab power and abuse it to the inth degree and too many on the other side of the aisle are helpful in that too.
    The ignorant big mouths that attempt to curry Trump's favor, and all their "prophecies", are so forgettable. That will go by the wayside in time. The truth does come out eventually.
    I suspect Trump thinks more like Norman Vincent Peale (his upbringing) than influenced by the "prophets" etc that want to get some light shined on themselves via him. And that is a flawed belief system. So what? He isn't a spiritual leader. He just happens to be right about governing a Constitutional Republic (which is being systematically destroyed by the left (with help from some on the right or it would not be happening). this has not happened overnight.
    Everyone has their "bag". But Biden and the elites are the worst bag coming down the pike, taking their cues from the worst of the worst in history in the duration.
    I agree about Constance. She gets a lot right, but her blind spot is pretty good sized here lately.
    X and his sucking up to her is so smarmy. He's a greasy one, speaking with forked tongue, talking but not walking a Bible worldview while he says he prays for you, so that jerk can save his prayers for himself. He'll get his someday.
    It's time for Jesus to come and straighten this whole mess of a world out.

  65. Anonymous1:06 AM

    11:18 PM post was written by an unthinking person evidently---

    Just so ya know, the Trump ship has sailed (and I'm ok with that because grateful for what we had while it lasted) and do make a note that the Gospel is still tracking.

    I (we) don't live in a free country anymore, but the Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation.
    (You are looking for political solutions so your thinking is too horizontal)

    You have some severe listening issues, and don't get along with others very well do you?

    Not the easy going guy you think you are (that makes me laugh that you think that!)

    And being candid, you need to examine yourself to be sure you are in the faith---the bitter in you really shows (you need to get vertical and really seek the Lord Jesus).

  66. To 1:06 Nice thoughts, BUT, you won't find much gospel in QANON or BETHANON's LOVE JOY TRUMP (which I strongly suspect was financed by Mike Lindell -- he is aggressively selling it as well as fore worded it). How so many Christians were taken in by QANON, I would like to know. I'm suspecting mass delusion or even worse -- mass possession.


  67. To 1:14 am

    I agree with much of what you say about Trump's accomplishments while in office which is also why I voted for him _- PRE January 6! I was bothered by the fact that he made many unnecessary enemies which I'm sure was a major factor in his election loss. He also created a culture where the COVID virus spread much more easily -- many Trump supporters were busy shaming people with vaccines and masks. BUT, THEN came QANON which I for one moment don't think Trump was ignorant of -- he refused to denounce it, sent them little teaser signals, and even praised facets of it. I rather suspect that if you looked at the LOVE JOY TRUMP book, you might be as upset as I. As I recall the 1st Corinthian warnings, you cannot have communion from the table of God and the table of Devils. The devils are clearly showing up loud and clear in LOVE JOY TRUMP. I bought two copies -- one to dissect and the other to show to skeptics like those here on the Board. There is no way to square Gaia worship with worship of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.

    WE all have our red lines. That is mine. It should be likewise with those who take at least the portion of the 10 Commandments seriously: THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME.

    Trump allowing without denoucing those proclaiming him a universal global leader, one ushering in the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth, ushering in the Age of Aquarius as this book clearly does is allowing himself to be used in AN (not THE) Antichrist spirit. What is taught in that book is both Luciferic and anti-Christ, despite Bethanon's claims that she is fighting Luciferianism. I have news for her, she is promoting it.

    She has been a New AGer for at least as long as I have been publicly fighting it. She started with her Prem Walal guru back in 1982 per that book.


  68. Further with 1:06

    Ny allegiance is to JESUS, not to Trump and his Gaia promoting allies.


  69. In TRUMP you trust. So very sorry!

    In GOD we trust. All others pay cash!

    I do have a proposed excellent job for Trump, however. I think he would make a wonderful ambassador to North Korea. He did a good job of calming that situation down and now Biden is tearing down.

    Had Trump minded his manners while in office, he certainly would have been re-elected, but he made many unnecessary enemies. One blatant example is John McCain. That, I'm sure, cost Trump the State of Arizona.



  70. It looks like few or none of you read that book and know Mike Lindell's role in it. I took the time (with my bad eyes and all) to read the hard copy of that book, all 324 pages. Obviously those of you out there praising "Bethanon" and Mike Lindell have never read it -- if they did and weren't shocked at the contents, then anything going in the New Age Movement -- Aquarian Gospel and all -- would be hunky-dory for them.


  71. I could never support Biden -- but I'm willing to support Adam Kinzinger of Illinois who is taking a brave stand to break the QANON hold on the Republican Party.


  72. Adam Kinzinger is a Republican Congressman from Illinois.

    Trump, reminiscent of Nixon, has named an enemies list and listed Kinzinger, the entire US Supreme Court (his appointees included), Vice President Pence and so many others -- anybody who ever disagreed with him or raised an eyebrow at him.

    AND there is no way I could give Trump a pass on the events of January 6th and if you believe that was a BLM-ANTIFA event, I have a bridge to sell you!


  73. I'm so very sorry to see so many you blindly marching forward into the Age pf Aquarius with Mike Lindell, Bethanon, Bethanon's Hindu guru since 1982, the Starseed company, the Gaia Earth worshippers. Maybe you can evangelize some along the way. Good luck!


  74. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Frankly you have New Age Paranoia on the brain to feel so self-congratulatorialy justified in so condescendingly and all-too-indiscriminately sneering at so many good people on this blogspot.

  75. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Planned Parenthood condemns founder Margaret Sanger's tie to white supremacy, but pro-lifers call it a 'fake reckoning'

    Pro-life activists have responded after Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson denounced the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, and accused the head of the abortion giant of attempting to undertake a “fake reckoning” regarding Sanger's ties to the eugenics movement.

    Johnson, who heads the nation’s largest abortion provider, wrote a New York Times op-ed Saturday titled: “I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder.”

    Johnson, who took over as president in 2019, noted that questions about Margaret Sanger’s views on race have loomed large in recent years. She stressed that “We must reckon with Margaret Sanger’s association with white supremacist groups and eugenics.”

    “Up until now, Planned Parenthood has failed to own the impact of our founder’s actions. We have defended Sanger as a protector of bodily autonomy and self-determination, while excusing her association with white supremacist groups and eugenics as an unfortunate ‘product of her time,’” she wrote.

    Until recently, we have hidden behind the assertion that her beliefs were the norm for people of her class and era, always being sure to name her work alongside that of W.E.B. Dubois and other Black freedom fighters.”

    She acknowledged that Sanger “spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan at a rally in New Jersey to generate support for birth control” and “endorsed the Supreme Court’s 1927 decision in Buck v. Bell, which allowed states to sterilize people deemed ‘unfit’ without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge."

  76. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Other Christian Forums, Bulletin Boards, Online Communities

    This page provides links to various Christian Online Communities, Forums and Bulletin Boards.

  77. Anonymous5:30 AM


    My allegiance is to JESUS... not to Trump. Also, most of us who voted for Trump have NEVER been a fan of Q-Anon... and believe that January 6th was the day when both good AND evil came together to ultimately compromise Trump... and bring him down.

    I DO believe that Trump 'won' the election in a landslide last November... with 80 MILLION Americans voting for him... which was overthrown in a brilliant COUP (stolen election) between November 3rd and November 4th. There is plenty of evidence to support this!!!

    If we were to discover that Trump would later betray us... it would have been much easier to deal with THAT at a later date than what we are dealing with NOW with China 'puppet' Joe 'dementia' Biden... who is overturning everything Trump did to protect us (just because he CAN)... along with this NON-STOP FLOW of drug cartel-financed illegals (among them future 'soldiers' against us!!!) AND child sex trafficking pouring across our Southern Border.

    Constance, do you actually view Biden as the LESSER of two evils here???

  78. I tried reading Love Joy Trump last night, and it became very tedious. The "prophecies" at first made me feel like laughing. After a while I felt discouraged that people would be able to mistake these "prophecies" for the voice of God speaking through a human. Superficially, they often use archaic Biblical language. The way the language is used betrays a lack of understanding and appreciation for the original context and meaning. Phrases, styles and tropes seem to have been lifted out of the Old Testament and sprinkled into contemporary politics.

    It's been said that to recognize a counterfeit, an expert on counterfeits studies the real thing, not the counterfeits. Knowing the real thing very well, the expert can then spot the fake. Nobody who reads the Bible with any reading comprehension would be fooled by these prophecies. It makes me feel like people don't understand the Bible and they are used to not understanding it. Then maybe they don't understand the prophecies, either, but maybe that seems appropriate to them. Maybe they wouldn't even believe something they can understand.

    I feel saddened that so many Christians apparently have such a superficial relation to the Word of God. I feel like the kind of people who would love this are the same kind who share a FaceBook meme to pray a specific, special prayer today and get something you want from God. It becomes embarrassing to suddenly have something like that show up in one's FaceBook feed, because it is just dumb.

    I only got about halfway through and didn't find the flaming, obvious New Age lingo and woowoo talk yet. Only once do I recall finding a call to use violence and force, but I could have missed a lot. After a while my eyes glazed over and I was skimming it, finding it very tedious to focus on.

    If Constance had not quoted some of the obvious New Age stuff, I could possibly have put the book down without ever finishing it, and could have remained unaware that it is so New Age.

  79. Here is an example:

    "As I heard those words, I suddenly saw the Nation of America come up before me again and I watched as the Nation was placed upon A Large Wooden Table, a Table that had the Appearance of an Ancient Altar. As I stayed watching, suddenly I became aware of a multitude of Angels that were surrounding the Ancient Altar. As I looked at them I saw that some were dressed in crimson garments and wore golden crowns upon their heads, while others wore garments of many colors like that of the Rainbow. Their faces shone like the midday sun, and their hair was like rivers of silver and gold. As my eyes looked upon them I knew by Revelation that these were 'Guardian Angels Assigned to the Nations of the Earth'. Now as my eyes were drawn away from the angels and back to the Nation of America which stood before me, suddenly I saw the Hand of God move towards the wooden Altar where the Nation of America was laid bare before Him. Now I watched as the Hand of the Lord suddenly took hold of President Donald Trump and as I looked at the President I saw him Become as a Silver Sword in the Hand of the Lord and like a Sharp Scalpel in the Hands of a Highly Skilled Surgeon. I watched as a Work of Divine Reconstruction Began to Take Place Over the Nation."

  80. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Planned Parenthood condemns founder Margaret Sanger's tie to white supremacy, but pro-lifers call it a 'fake reckoning'

    Pro-life activists have responded after Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson denounced the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, and accused the head of the abortion giant of attempting to undertake a “fake reckoning” regarding Sanger's ties to the eugenics movement.

    Johnson, who heads the nation’s largest abortion provider, wrote a New York Times op-ed Saturday titled: “I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder.”

    Johnson, who took over as president in 2019, noted that questions about Margaret Sanger’s views on race have loomed large in recent years. She stressed that “We must reckon with Margaret Sanger’s association with white supremacist groups and eugenics.”

    “Up until now, Planned Parenthood has failed to own the impact of our founder’s actions. We have defended Sanger as a protector of bodily autonomy and self-determination, while excusing her association with white supremacist groups and eugenics as an unfortunate ‘product of her time,’” she wrote.

    Until recently, we have hidden behind the assertion that her beliefs were the norm for people of her class and era, always being sure to name her work alongside that of W.E.B. Dubois and other Black freedom fighters.”

    She acknowledged that Sanger “spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan at a rally in New Jersey to generate support for birth control” and “endorsed the Supreme Court’s 1927 decision in Buck v. Bell, which allowed states to sterilize people deemed ‘unfit’ without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge."

  81. I skipped a few more pages and finally came to Q about two-thirds of the way through, in the chapter, "The Earth Belongs to Us - We Are Q" by Bulmaro Aguilar, who is Komorusan Q714 on YouTube. I suppose I may as well read the Q and New Age portion of the book later.

    He says something that seems to contradict all focus on prophecies in the book. It is also unBiblical, obviously.

    "What comes next will shock most because it hasn't been written and it doesn't conform to any written prophetic timeline of events that mankind has been conditioned to believe. Our Father in heaven denies any and all prophetic events as described in any books. We have free will and from this time forward, the righteous must regain total control and dominion of the earth."


    And then more telling us what God really thinks, no need to consult the Bible (sarcasm).

    "So who are the righteous sons and daughters of the Most High? These are those who stand for what's right, those who have a moral compass, those who live in principle and teach their children to do so."


    And a little later:

    "God is the conductor of the Trump Train. The Luciferian Reign is over. All aboard!"

    The very next chapter is about Mike Lindell who also fancies himself a prophet and who predicted in 2015 that Trump would win the presidency. He believes God told him to go all in to support President Trump. I don't see anything overtly New Age in Mike Lindell's short chapter. I do see overtones of prosperity gospel. I can see why Lindell and Trump would hit it off. Trump attended Norman Vincent Peale sermons. Lindell's favorite saying is, "With God, all things are possible."

  82. BethAnon wrote a chapter about the "found tribes of Israel". Her "kindred" Melissa at Freedom Force Battalion on YouTube believes that Donald Trump is the real heir of the Scottish throne that was hijacked by the fake British monarchy. A connection is claimed to a magic stone, the Coronation Stone in England. It is said to be the same stone that Jacob was blessed with at Bethel. It is claimed Moses and Solomon sat on the stone.

    BethAnon says, "When the rightful heir would sit on the throne, the coronation stone actually spoke their name. Remember folks, so the natural lies within the supernatural. All things are possible with God." Notice she tied this last sentence in with Mike Lindell's favorite saying, and she is regarding Lindell as a real prophet because he successfully predicted the Trump presidency. By implication to the weak minded she has just authenticated the magic stone even more and has also tied it to Trump even more.

    She rambles over standard British Israelism and then mentions the promise from God that there would always be a descendant of David on the throne.

    She makes a tenuous connection with Trump's geneology to claim he is really the rightful heir to the thrones of Scotland, Ireland and England.

    She claims the magic stone represents Christ as he crushes all the false kingdoms when God's kingdom manifests on earth. (A reference to the rock in the book of Daniel, crushing the clay feet, then becoming a mountain that fills the land).

    She ties in Trump to lineage from Judah and also from Merovingians. She claims the enemy has made Merovingians into the enemy into the media because the enemy inverts and perverts everything.

    The ruling tribes of Israel transplanted to America and are set to free the world from the evil line of Cain.

    All this from her "kindred" Melissa, and she believes it wholeheartedly.

    She never says Trump is the heir to the throne of David and thus the Messiah. But she strongly implies it.

    Christ is reduced to a magic stone in this narrative, a magic stone that, it is strongly implied, would say the name of Trump if he were to sit on his rightful throne. Not said outright but implied.

  83. A chapter by Melissa Redpill the World ties in the Q style Great Awakening with the Millennial reign of Christ on earth. It is claimed that the Battle of Armageddon consists of Trump and Q's white hats fighting the NWO Beast.

    "Sadly," says Melissa Redpill the World, "most 'Bible scholars' don't recognize it yet."

    She ends with, "How do I know this is true? You mean, beside the Trump presidency overturning the entire world's corrupt systems? Because the LORD gave us a sign in the heavens. You've probably heard of it. It's called the Sign of the Son of Man. Its very specific details are described in Revelation 12:1-2. What a wonder!"

    She devotes a lot of detail to applying astrology to Revelation. She then says, "This is the Birth of the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth. No doubt about it."

    She ends her chapter tying it all in to the election of Trump. "Guess what day Jupiter entered Virgo to begin this amazing four-phase earth-shattering wonder. The day Donald J. Trump was elected as President of the United States of America. Welcome to the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth."

  84. Anonymous11:12 AM

    What I can't figure out is how you think your blog is so infested with Qanon people. It isn't!! But you throw the book at us! Literally! Like we are buying in but how wrong you are!
    We just notice that you have settled on a personality flaw and dug in on Trump when it is glaring that the true enemy is not him but the globalist puppets of the progressive left.
    This blog is full of people who (voted for him) and have called out President Trump for unnecessary things he has said at times (but Jan 6th was not over the top as you claim and Dershowitz and Turley--left leaning lawyers openly say that) but thankfully he did say things for us to call out political scum like your friends the McCain's and that nasty self-righteous virtue signaling snake Romney and others on the right who are deeply deceitful as well as glory your ridiculous Kinsinger--ok give this twerp his 5 minutes of fame and let's get on with real governing..that sadly is too late for because the weasel is in the hen house. Biden is right where he is because America has not turned away from it's idols and yes certainly the new Age infiltration (on the left but also the right) is very much rot that has eaten away at the life of this nation. Trump himself has some New Age in his spiritual makeup through Norman Vincent Peale but all in all the mixed bag he is did not get in the way of his governing. I found his take refreshing actually because the fake nice guys of the swamp hate regular America. His loud bold NY talking style bothered me at first but he showed another side-softer and compassionate side and proved it in what he did--so Trump exposed the reeking swamp and I appreciate him for that!! His style actually brought many more votes to him because he cut to the chase and spelled things pretty clearly so votes came to him from otherwise libertarian voters and democrat strongholds who listened long enough to Candace Owens (just one example!!) coupling her voice to his to see the filthy hands of the left, who have the media in their pocket and you, dear lady Constance, have bought the narrative about Trump and the election from them, not regular fed up America. The people's voice got shut down shut up by our "representatives" and "courts" and the fix was in--nice work Soros and other adherent Nazis.... If what Qanon types had to go before the courts had been heard at least wouldn't all of us gotten to hear it and judge for ourselves? So that was a horrible thing to do to free speech. Bad speech is still speech and we can decide for ourselves (except when Nazi Dems with big media undercut and rule otherwise)

  85. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The "prophets" and Lindell can waste their time and money on their Qanon gibberish and I don't care because they are dead in the water. But evil is marching on in another fashion and that is why I can't figure out why you come out so rough shod against your own blog readers because we voted for Trump and actually if--literally if--there is even another election and now I doubt will be--would vote for him again! And not because we have bought the Qanon business but because we hate the filth and lies of the left and I pray the uglies of the right that bow before Pelosi etc will get run off. Good grief i think 3/4 at least of dc should leave and never return. We need to ship Romnoid to a 3rd world country where he can learn some humility and get over his royal pain in the a** self like the hemorrhoid he is and take you dumb Kinsinger with him! Don't let the doorknob hit them on the way out! The Dems all need to be packed up and be shipped to China. Do an air drop of that motherload of idiocy and evil. That would take care of our China problems as they would be quite busy trying to rid themselves of that scourge.
    Covid response is largely bunk, the controlling of the left is proof it was all about that from the get-go. The virus is real (but pretty tame overall because so survivable and several people I know did get it and recovered fine-even some with co-morbidities at the time) but there was much better ways to handle it (things already available before we got Faux-chied) and not kill our good economy that common sense trump was spearheading to let loose the freedoms for all the peoples of this country to have good opportunity but elitist Dems who bow to Globalists couldn't let that happen so their schemes in the swamp took care of that with panic porn and skewed voting machines. Voila! Biden the groping sniffer pathological liar is Prez! You cant make this stuff up because in this day and time anything goes and the truth is stranger than fiction!
    So there we have it.
    You have bought the narrative Constance while you accuse us of that. We are aware of more than you know so your broad brush of us was insulting and needless. Warn about the book because that is what your blog is for, but lumping most Christians with Qanon is a real mistake. I agree with 5:30 are only men and we should only trust so far, even good men, or men who can do good things while they are messed up themselves but trusting the evil open and proud evil of the left is lunacy and why poster x is a mere troll here trying to sound sheep but speaks a wolf message.

    I thought Christine pegged you pretty well Constance. You do have a blind spot.

  86. A chapter by "Lindsay and Conner" is titled, "How We Realized Trump is Leading Our Earth into the Golden Age".

    Lindsay says, "The very first thing that came into my awareness that triggered a sort of awakening for me as far as Trump goes, actually came from an astrology article. Some of the best astrologers I have ever come across, Starseed Astrology, put out a prediction of Trump winning the 2016 election, during the primaries, long before he was duly elected as President of the United States. They have since predicted many other things regarding the Trump administration, such as Kavanaugh's confirmation, the Farm Bill, the Rehabilitation of the U.S. Economy, and many more. It is pretty profound to see that the stars truly have aligned to give Trump and the Earth Alliance backing him a successful presidency."

    Connor says, "This is not to say that Trump has lived as a Saint, and yet, his bravery is profound, and let anyone among us who has never acted unskillfully or unconsciously cast the first judgment."

    What follows is a a lot of standard QAnon narrative, combined with legitimate NWO research and with some New Age stuff sprinkled in.

    Then this part stood out to me: BRICS is held up as an alternative to the NWO.

    LOL! BRICS is NWO. Just read David Rockefeller's writings. He knew the nations of the world couldn't be united into the NWO if led openly by the U.S. and/or Western Europe. He knew they would be more likely to unite behind a BRICS front.

  87. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The people X follows...

  88. Anonymous11:57 AM

    It's very obvious that writer is out to lunch!
    A waste of time that tripe is..

    Real Bible reading people can spot the errors easily.
    Sad so many in the church today do not truly read and adhere to the truth the Bible teaches.

    America has turned her back on the Lord, the world has, and why globalism is breathing down our necks. Former President Trump can't fix that. It's not up to men to do that, though the globalist view is that they can and attempt this they will--and are, right this minute.

    And they get a brief day in the sun trying, so God won't fix has run it's course like the Bible tells us, and then God will fix that. Much has yet to be revealed but in the interim, I just know that the kingdom now business is horribly misguided and used of the devil. The devil is so crafty working in all angles.

    America is for the history books. The nations will find out that they are all a drop in the bucket, and Christ will reign on the earth He made when He is good and ready.
    In the meantime, people need to know that the Lord Jesus is the Savior and the Lord Who can give us light and life in His name. Believers in Jesus must get real, to really love the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and strength..and your neighbor as yourself. That's how we are to live until He comes for us.

  89. To 11:13 Well, stay with Christine, if that's your preference. My personal opinion is, although I like her on many levels, is that she has SERIOUS blind spots, including an undeserved affinity for Donald Trump and giving him passes for all serious wrongs, including but not limited to the demands against the Georgia Secretary of State (who is a fine born-again Christian, despite Trump groupies protestations to the contrary. Your blind spot to me at the moment is putting too much faith in a mere mortal -- Trump. Trump has encouraged such adulation. No true Christian could or should. We are all mortal, have sinned, come short of the Glory of God. You fail to recognize that your "king Cyrus" has cost us the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Thank God, we have the Supreme Court in its present form -- that is probably the reason God allowed Trump a presidential term. The liberal Democrats are working hard to try to change much of that by an attempted packing of the Supreme Court. Hopefully, Nancy Pelosi will not allow that legislation to come to the Floor.


  90. Anonymous12:12 PM

    We all need to calm down, take deep breaths and remember 3 very important things...

    1) The battle between good vs evil has been going on since Adam and Eve.

    2) Our faith should be in GOD (our Heavenly Father in Heaven) ONLY... not in Trump or Constance (in other words, not in any human being).

    3) We need to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for divine guidance and strength in these very dark days!!!

  91. Constance said to RayB (I am the "1:14 AM" poster she addresses) @ 3:07 AM (in part):

    "There is no way to square Gaia worship with worship of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost."

    "WE all have our red lines. That is mine. It should be likewise with those who take at least the portion of the 10 Commandments seriously: THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME."


    I am so glad to have read your statement that emphatically states what your "red line" is. You are so right to hold to such an unwavering conviction. Question:
    how do you reconcile the often stated position of the Roman Pontiff on this issue with your "red line?"

    I hope you take the time to read up on what the leader of 1.2 BILLION people has to say on the subject!


    From a PF Tweet (verbatim):

    "As many spiritual masters have taught us, heaven, earth, sea, and every creature have an iconic capacity or mystical capacity to bring us back to the Creator and to communion with creation." #SeasonOfCreation #GeneralAudience
    6:33 AM · Sep 16, 2020

    AND ... for much more on the subject, go to the link here:

    DISCLAIMER: By posting this link, I am doing so without my personal endorsement of the link, or, the provider of this information.

  92. To 5:30 pm You OBVIOUSLY have not read all that I posted nor understood my work these past full 40 years. Because I can no longer give Trump a pass (and I can't), you ASSUME my preference for Biden who is, like it or not, President for not. The QANON dreams that the election will be overturned are nothing but fantasies.

    Even the secular press is now recognizing the New Age roots of Qanon, but many here on this blogspot do not.

    I believe that if Trump had not made that call to Raffenburger asking him to find 11,000 plus votes for him, we might well have won those critical Georgia races. But no, Trump had to threaten and declare as enemies Georgia Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffenburger, probably turning out the motivation of Georgian Republicans to turn out and vote and increasing the motives of the others.

    I'm afraid that whether you recognize it or not, you have made Trump your earthly saviour. As I see it, apart from the Supreme Court, and the temporary lull he brought in the North Korea situation, he has made very much a mess of things and given the left many, many excuses to isolate, marginalize, and persecute us.

    As we learned in law school: Never ASSUME anything because to assume makes an ASS of YOU and ME.


  93. Anonymous12:20 PM

    11:38 am-

    The people you actually follow.... is click-bait fake news published by "Kane" aka Steven Megrimis, a psychedelic drug user who independently posts self-edited right-wing news articles out of his parent's basement or childhood home in Bloomington, Indiana.

    Here's a picture of him he proudly displays out on Facebook of himself on mushrooms.


    p.s.- Ooops, I guess Steven Megremis secret identity as Kane @ isn't a secret anymore.

    "For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, so that his deeds will not be exposed." John 3:20 NASB

  94. (more)

    Based on my above link, do you consider Pope Francis to be a candidate that fits your criteria for being "AN ANTICHRIST?"

    I would sincerely love to hear your answer.

    Thank you!


  95. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Yes, we are ALL flawed human beings, Constance... including you.

    Many of us believe that the November election was STOLEN FROM Trump between November 3rd and November 4th in a brilliant COUP... and that there is much evidence to support this (although the 'fix' was in and it would not be overturned). We do not believe that Trump 'lost' that election... as 80 MILLION people voted for him in a landslide.

    IF this is all part of 'God's plan'... that remains to be seen by all of us.

    May God help us all ultimately learn the TRUTH.

    Time will tell.

  96. Anonymous12:31 PM


    12:08 PM,

    You could not be more wrong. I never bought the King Cyrus junk.
    Trump is not the answer. Never was, and I voted for him knowing that.
    And the good Governor of Georgia is not good.
    I think it's you that has placed some undue good faith in men, not exclusively perhaps but too much for sure..
    Glad I don't put my trust in you either Constance...

  97. To 11:12 In MYHO, you need deprogramming from both the Qanon and Trump cults. Romney, though a Mormon, in my opinion is a very decent man. It is too bad he had not been elected President. It sounds like you have adopted and embraced Trump's enemies list and made them your personal enemies. I'm sure I'm too now on that list. I'm so sorry, and I pray your eyes will be opened. J has posted excellent materials and I thank him/her for taking the time to do so.
    I will remind you that Trump also made enemies of the entire Supreme Court, including his 3 appointees in naming his enemies list. He also demonized Vice President Trump and did nothing on January 6th to discourage the move to catch him. He did not check up on Pence's safety on that day nor did I hear him make negative comments about the noose hung outside for "hanging Pence" nor the mob screaming for that to happen.

    The assault on the Capitol has shown the whole world how vulnerable and easily penetrable our centers are.


  98. To J:



  99. Anonymous12:40 PM

    X, I have asked you twice, now the third time. Why are you here? You waste an awful lot of your time here, and have few, if any supporters! Your a nuisance here at best! Please do tell? Do you just derive a perverse pleasure being a troll?

  100. Are these the words of "AN ANTICHRIST?" What saith Constance?

    Watch the video for yourself. Pope Francis emphatically states that "having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ" is "harmful and dangerous." One can only know Christ through the "Catholic Church." And "Remember: being a Christian means belonging to the CHURCH (i.e. CATHOLIC CHURCH)."

    In direct contrast, Christ states NOTHING about the necessity to belong to "the CHURCH:"

    "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

    "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

    "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:28-30

  101. Constance,

    Have you ever actually studied the Mormon Cult? Have you ever studied the life of Joseph Smith & Brigham Young? Do you know that Joseph Smith prophesied that a "Mormon" (he claimed it was him) would, as President of the United States, "lead the United States back to obeying the US Constitution?"

    There is no doubt that your Mitt Romney knew of Smith's prophesy.

    Kind of sounds "New Agey" don't you think?

  102. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Trump has been a pawn in the game of the The Grand Chessboard (as spoken of by Zbigniew Brzezinski), being instrumental in pushing forward the agenda of the Deep State by the misapplication of the Hegelian Dialectic for its nefarious aims.

    Never once did Trump expose the truth behind 9/11 (Trump's attorney? Traitor Giuliani... says it all), his links, as well as those of his erstwhile family friend Bill Clinton, to Epstein, and so much more. His attitude and the picture painted around him, as well as the pretended coup at the Capitol (where police, etc., just let folks wonder in and occupy the building), have all been staged to further the Globalist agenda. Trump is very much a part of the Globalist swamp: you've all been duped and it has brought the worst out in some of you.

    Constance has not long lost her lifelong partner, her husband. How shameful of some of you that you use HER platform to show her nothing but contempt for her daring to say what she believes and thinks. Your cult like reactions have done nothing but prove her right. What awful people some of you are and yet you have the nerve to claim you are Christians. Disgraceful!


  103. Was the "election" of Joe Biden a fulfillment of the "White Horse Prophecy" that was made by Joseph Smith way back in 1840?

    That is what some Mormons claim:

    Barron: Vote Biden to Fulfill the White Horse Prophecy

    According to Smith's White Horse Prophecy ... “This nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and … this people … shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.”

    The Mormon writer goes on to say:

    The “White Horse Prophecy” has traditionally been referenced whenever Mormon politicians have sought the presidency, but now it bears an uncanny resemblance to the current political situation.

    AND ...

    "By voting for Joe Biden, members will not only be “actively involved in making [their] community the best possible place,” but they will also be acting in defense of the Constitution to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy."

    Read the entire article here:

    PS: Did Joe Biden condemn this false prophecy, which was promulgated by this well known CULT? Being that he didn't, does that make him "AN ANTICHRIST?"

  104. Bethanon's guru since 1982 - my mistake on former name -- I got the "prem" part right, though.

    I would like to thank Prem Rawat for the priceless, yet free,
    beautiful gift of knowledge of the self, that I received from him
    in 1982. I have been practicing the techniques of knowledge of
    the self every day since then, which offers me a daily repeatable
    experience of inner peace and joy with a cup that fills and overflows in my heart center. Over a billion people have heard Prem's
    message to date via a myriad of media. It is always a breath of
    fresh air. (Words of Peace Global) (The Prem Rawat Foundation)


  105. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Reply to Constance at 12:20 PM (from Anonymous at 5:30 AM)...

    Constance, I have been an admirer and loyal follower of yours since 1983... having bought and read your best selling books several times... and been a frequent poster on this blog for the past 15 years... having acquired several close friendships along the way. I have always had the utmost respect for you.

    You have made some excellent points. While I am not 'ruling out' your assessment of Trump (as TIME will reveal the truth to us all)... I can not bring myself to call Biden my 'president'... as I believe the election was stolen in a brilliant coup between November 3rd and November 4th. Thus, I view him as an ILLEGAL president. Plus, Joe ​Biden has done more damage in the first 4 months of his administration that Trump could have EVER done in 4 years.

    FYI: I have NEVER been a Q-Anon fan or follower... and do NOT consider Trump (or anyone else) my 'savior'.

    So please follow your own advice... as you are now 'assuming' (making an ass out of you and me).

  106. Constance,

    Any particular thoughts regarding Pope Francis's "Gaia worship" type Tweet?

    From a PF Tweet (verbatim):

    "As many spiritual masters have taught us, heaven, earth, sea, and every creature have an iconic capacity or mystical capacity to bring us back to the Creator and to communion with creation." #SeasonOfCreation #GeneralAudience
    6:33 AM · Sep 16, 2020

  107. Anonymous1:05 PM

    To 12:48 PM

    I don't think that a healthy debate makes us 'awful' people. Grow up, please!!!

  108. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Wow. Things are cooking now!
    How in heck did Constance Cumbey arrive at the notion that Trump was and is that powerful?
    Why have you made this about one man????

    His personality didn't lose the election for him.
    How overly simplistic is that?

    God let him win in 2016 and God let him "lose" in 2020.
    Daniel 2:21 spells it and what I have believed and said that all along.

    But this is the takeaway: It is America that was on trial, not Trump.
    And America was weighed and found wanting.

    God's in His Grace has let America enter the point of no return in the Biden "presidency" (I agree with Thomas Sowell about that!) The dustbin of history awaits. Woe to them through whom offenses have come. Biden spells a sum total for us now. No wonder it's over.

    And X has hopes in moderate democrats now? You named your poison of full on leftist globalist libs buddy, drink it's dregs chump!

    And RayB is correct...why no word on the globalist Pope and his anti-christ message?

    The focus is wrong to be all about how disappointed some are in DJT!
    I get it about the New Agers and "Bible thumpers" that have latched onto Trump but there is a much bigger problem than them!

  109. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Bravo 1:02 PM!

  110. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Indeed, healthy debate is good stuff.

  111. To 1:06 pm I've said plenty to many about Pope Francis and his obvious soft on LGBTQ, pro-Civil Unions for gays, and his obvious adoption of the Agenda 2000/2020/2030 programs.


  112. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Constance said to 5:30 PM:

    "I'm afraid that whether you recognize it or not, you have made Trump your earthly savior"

    I scrolled, and I didn't find any 5:30 PM poster? Shame on me if I just missed it somehow?

    I did find a 5:30 AM poster though. Nothing that 5:30 AM said deserved such a foolish, and rude statement from you!

    I have been on this blog for at least 19 years, I believe, and from the early days I have often wondered if you were actually pro, or con New Age? You really don't get New Age like you say you do! New Age has been with us since the garden of eden. You like to pick out New Agers you hate. You post old, water under the bridge articles on the likes of John Fetzer etc etc. You fail to expose the big, current players. It's easy to live in the past, but it's ineffective, and trite.
    Print up a fire proof resume to show Y'shua!

  113. To 12:48 pm

    Thank you!


  114. Anonymous1:42 PM

    1:05 PM,

    Healthy debate is stifled where anyone who disagrees is attacked from all sides, as has just happened to Constance on HER blog. This is a blog about fighting against the New Age and Constance has CLEARLY EVIDENCED her claims.

    NO counter-arguments RELATING DIRECTLY to the New Age QANON book, 'Love Joy Trump', have been made by any of you attacking Constance for SPEAKING THE TRUTH (as J. has further illustrated with her excellent observations on the aforementioned book). Diversions and playground reasoning has been the response of many of you CULTISTS in so denial because your 'President', your master, Donald Trump has been RIGHTLY criticised. If you wish for maturity then I suggest you reflect upon and examine your own behaviour.

  115. Anonymous1:45 PM

    You are welcome, Constance.

    I am truly sorry this has happened to you.

    God bless you richly for your courage and determination to stand up for the truth,

    A friend.

  116. Anonymous2:00 PM

    To 1:42 PM

    No one is 'attacking' Constance.

    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  117. Anonymous2:08 PM

    2:00 PM,

    I refer you to my earlier posts. I find no heat in your posts and those unkind ones of others, only utter coldness and indifference. I refer you to my earlier posts. Provide counter-evidence and prove Constance wrong, or quite simply, shut up!

    UNTIL you do, I shall regard further comments from your TROLL-self to be as flotsam bobbing on a sea of deception, which is the CULT OF TRUMP.

  118. Constance,

    I'd really like to hear what you specifically have to say about this. Does this qualify PF as, in your opinion, "AN ANTICHRIST?"

    Any particular thoughts regarding Pope Francis's "Gaia worship" type Tweet?

    From a PF Tweet (verbatim):

    "As many spiritual masters have taught us, heaven, earth, sea, and every creature have an iconic capacity or mystical capacity to bring us back to the Creator and to communion with creation." #SeasonOfCreation #GeneralAudience
    6:33 AM · Sep 16, 2020

  119. Anonymous2:51 PM

    There has already been a number of posts talking about the book and the waste of time it is. I posted it is trash (mentioned that more than once). Others here have thrown shade on it also.
    Where have you been?
    Selective reading is selective "hearing".

    Missing a lot some of you are.
    Constance has mistakenly lumped Trump supporters here all in the same QAnon lump (though a number have said they are not Q believers and I sure am not) just like Big media and Big Tech have done, and all of that favors the flaming liberal left. My question is : why?

    Constance is not in support of the left but she sure has listened to their inflamed and half baked or twisted reporting about Donald Trump. That's too bad.

    I would say she needs much better and much wider sourcing for her information.
    This is the age of deception alright..extremes on the left but also on the right are having a field day. Kooks and flakes are printing "news" and books and mainstreaming it like crazy out there. I am classic middle America and I ain't buying the their garbage.

  120. Anonymous3:06 PM

    That's right RayB. The Mormon's have an end times mission to fulfill too. Somewhat like Kingdom Now stuff.
    Romney thinks he was saving the union by countering Trump. You know that Mormon conscience of his.. ;)

    I think the ole devil invented Islam and Mormonism, which are quite alike in a whole host of ways when you look closely. Amazing parallels in those two blasphemous cults! But hey, everybody's waiting for a "messiah" these days. The globalists may give them all a platform if they buy into the Great Reset first, that is. No wonder they needed Our former President Trump out of the picture!

    Come quickly Lord Jesus!!!!!

  121. Anonymous3:07 PM

    To 2:08 PM

    FYI: Only TIME will tell who is 'right' or 'wrong' about Trump. We will all have to pray that God leads us to the truth.

    Until then, we each have a right to share our thoughts and opinions... without being told to 'shut up' by you, or accused of belonging to a cult. (Something about the First Amendment, etc.)

    Also, I certainly haven't sensed any 'coldness' or 'indifference' in any of these posts... but rather just the opposite.

    Since this blog is not run as a dictatorship... it looks like you are the only 'troll' around here.

    We all need to respect everyone's right to agree to disagree.

  122. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The Pope recently specifically called for Global Governance. Ms Cumbey has said nothing about that. Nothing. I was surprised there was no article about it.

  123. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I don't see how you can separate the Q-Anon, New Age White Nationalism, Dominionism and NAR from MAGA/Trump. They are all just wings of the "Conspirituality" that is MAGA -- the Trump supporters criss-cross between the various conspiracies seamlessly such that when you get down to details kicking out one leg of the stool, the other conspiracies simply deny that leg and the stool remains valid to them on the two remaining legs.

    And both sides do it to some degree or another. As America divides into blue and red teams, the biggest enemies are those few still thinking independently in the middle who refuse to take either extreme and remain objectively critical of each side.

    From the Paper titled "Make America Great Again as White Political Theology"

    “Trumpism” is not a coherent socio-political doctrine. Where it does cohere is in its symbolic attempts to parry the cultural shocks endured by the self-perceived victims of liberal progressivism – those who see whiteness not as a privilege, but as a state of fragility, those who also narrate this fragility as constitutive of the end of Christian America or, more broadly, Judeo-Christian civilization. The rationale for Trumpism is not simply policy-based, or economic. Rather, resonating under Trumpism and the promise to Make America Great Again (MAGA) is a white political theology which is deployed in a new “spiritual war” for the soul of America and indeed, the soul of the West. More troubling is how this “spiritual war” articulates itself in the new culture wars and, for some, the inauguration of a geo-political apocalypse which finally resolves the clash of civilizations. This article investigates how MAGA functions as white political theology both within the White House and amongst Trump’s base. Following from this, we explore this political theology as a vast ideological apparatus engendered by neo-liberalism in spiritual-racialist terms.


  124. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "Why some New Age influencers believe Trump is a "lightworker": The New Age philosophy-Trump connection has concerning parallels to the role mysticism played in Nazi Germany"

    or the Youtube video by Lorie Ladd: Is Trump A Lightworker


  125. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Derek Chauvin

    The Jury is in. Verdict between 4:30 and 5 pm.


  126. Anonymous4:04 PM

    We have a verdict on you X!

    Here it comes now!


  127. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "The assault on the Capitol has shown the whole world how vulnerable and easily penetrable our centers are.


    12:34 PM"

    Strange to me that when Middle America was non-stop threatened (and Portland and Seattle etc were in tatters) and the kangaroo courts and show trials held against our then President, on and on and on of trouble and you saw no vulnerability then? But it was when the halls of the Capitol, where the elites are, it is then we are threatened? So let me get this straight, DC's worth protecting but not Mom and Pop of the tableland?

    Methinks you better back up the bus to look again at the flames set by Antifa and BLM the summer before the election. Also get another hard look at Biden's border. And take a much longer look at the Great Reset on it's way very shortly and Biden's emboldening Iran again ala Obama, to name only a few of the "fires" that are set to burn, well, pretty much everything.
    You know what? One last time I'll say's goin' by The Book.
    God is not mocked.
    Left or Right, New Age or Old pagan, anywhere, everywhere...God the Lord of heaven and earth, will have the last word.

  128. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I don't see how x, who claims to be a christian, can't seem to separate himself from the Biden butchers.

  129. Anonymous4:26 PM

    11 member jury Verdict on X @ 4:19 PM

  130. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Let's take our cue from X!


    Biden family corruption

  131. Anonymous5:15 PM


    On all 3 counts.

  132. X,

    I don't see how you can separate the Q-Anon, New Age White Nationalism, Dominionism and NAR from MAGA/Trump. They are all just wings of the "Conspirituality" that is MAGA -- the Trump supporters criss-cross between the various conspiracies seamlessly such that when you get down to details kicking out one leg of the stool, the other conspiracies simply deny that leg and the stool remains valid to them on the two remaining legs.

    Sure you can separate it. Much of the core MAGA agenda existed as paleo-conservatism long before Trump or QAnon.

    The slogan "make America great again" was borrowed from Reagan.

  133. Anonymous6:51 PM

    To 6:33 PM

    OK... so will someone please explain to me how it was the 'Dominion' software (also used in Venezuela to elect Chavez) that brought Trump DOWN (in at least 6 states) in the November election???

  134. Anonymous7:22 PM

    America literally now has two systems of justice as DoJ refuses to charge Capitol Police officer who shot unarmed pro-Trump protester Ashli Babbitt

    Tuesday, April 20, 2021 by: JD Heyes

    (Natural News) It’s been trending this way for years and became especially pronounced during the Trump era and presidency, but now it’s out in the open and blatant: America officially has two systems of justice, one for elites and one for the rest of us.

    During the 2016 presidential campaign cycle, reports laid bare that Hillary Clinton not only abused her authority as Barack Obama’s secretary of state by installing and using a private email server against regulations (that Obama knew about), she was completely let off the hook despite the fact that on numerous occasions she:

    — Shared and thus exposed classified information on an unsecured, hackable, open system;

    — She deleted tens of thousands of emails that were supposed to be preserved because they were under congressional subpoena;

    — She had dozens of servers and other devices physically destroyed in order to prevent anyone from accessing materials contained on them (which were believed to be a) classified; and b) documenting illegal activity).

    Hillary never faced a single charge. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was directly targeted by Obama’s Justice Department and FBI, as was Trump’s entire campaign, via the use of FISA warrants that were illegally obtained.

    The only punishment was a slap on the wrist for a now-former FBI staff attorney, Kevin Clinesmith.

    Now this: The DoJ has opted not to press charges against a Capitol Police officer, who is still unidentified, though he shot and killed Jan. 6 Capitol riot demonstrator and former Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, even though she was unarmed and the officer in question never gave her a command or issued a warning.

  135. Anonymous7:23 PM

    You have likely seen the viral video of Babbitt appearing to crawl through a broken window in a set of doors that led to the House chamber on that fateful day. She was part of the protests, no doubt; the protests, for the most part, consisted of a riot (not an “insurrection” as the liars in the Democrat Party and their media claim). But she was unarmed and at 5′ 2″ tall and maybe weighing a buck ten, she was certainly not a physical threat to the officer who shot her.

    But he did it anyway, and now he’s gotten away with it.

    “The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice will not pursue criminal charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer involved in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt,” the DoJ announced April 14.

    “Officials examined video footage posted on social media, statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses to the events, physical evidence from the scene of the shooting, and the results of an autopsy. Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the statement continued.

    Meanwhile, police officers all over the country are being charged and prosecuted for a lot less and, in most cases, simply for defending themselves or for following departmental protocols. Those who are prosecuted are also usually fired.

    But not this Capitol Police officer who took the life of an American citizen who did not appear to be a threat to him in any way that justified drawing his weapon and killing her.

    The Babbitt family attorney was outraged, and rightfully so.

    “The shooting of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021 by an unidentified U.S. Capitol Police Officer was an unjustified use of deadly force which violated her constitutional rights,” attorney Terrell N. Roberts III said.

    “It is clear from video footage that Ashli did not pose a danger to the officer, or any other person, when she was shot. Ashli was unarmed. She did not assault anyone. She did not threaten to harm anyone. There was no excuse for taking her life,” he added.

    Again, America, if it wasn’t obvious to you beforehand, it should be now: We have two systems of justice, and under Biden it’s only going to get worse.

    See more reporting like this at

  136. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Seems that Constance Cumbey is not alone in her blind broadbrushed mudslinging to include the innocent along with the guilty:

    “Ten guys go and do something stupid and suddenly, we’re the devil,” says a member of the Arizona chapter of the Oath Keepers, about the members that stormed the Capitol on January 6.

    Three members of the Oath Keepers, a far-right militia group, told Sharyn Alfonsi that they don’t support the actions of those who stormed the Capitol on January 6: “It’s stupid. We don’t do that. That's not Oath Keepers.”

  137. How many Trump supporters believe in QAnon? It depends on who you ask.

    Western Journal says it's 4%.

    Forbes says a majority of Republicans believe the QAnon conspiracy theory is partly or mostly true.

    Wired Magazine says 7% of Americans believe in or support QAnon, but only a fraction of this percentage believe in the most outlandish claims.

  138. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I actually forgot there was such a thing as Qanon. I don't have television and don't watch MSM day and night and I have heard next to nothing about it among my friends and family. So it isn't a topic to me. Nor the people that write books like Constance wrote about on this thread.
    Out here in good ole ranch country we have better things to talk about. However I have heard a lot about what a louse Mitt Romney is.
    A lot of people are ashamed they voted for him.
    Next door they can't stand Liz Cheney either.

  139. Anonymous9:25 PM

    There are several MUST SEE videos at this one link:

  140. To 8:42

    Apart from your unashamed adoration of Donald Trump, why do you dislike Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney? Because they didn't bless the Capitol insurrection-invasion, maybe?


  141. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Come on Constance, 8:42 PM never even mentioned Donald Trump. Nothing he said was wrong.

  142. Anonymous10:39 PM

    10:21 PM

    She's been going off half-cocked since, after a number of evasions (by ignoring them) she was finally forced (at 8:37 AM) to confront the very serious points made and questions raised about her shaky-foundationed stances. And instead of actually answering them all she could bring herself to do was resort to smearing the poster.

    Look up the term "Cognitive Dissonance".

    You'll see her picture.

  143. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Constance just so you know...I have really disliked Romney long before the Trump presidency. He is a self-promoter, haven't trusted him since 2002. And Liz Cheney is not one bit popular in the state she supposedly represents. So sorry to disappoint, but Q crap didn't tell me to feel that way, that's my own opinion and thank you very much I'll keep it. I have grown to deeply distrust G. W. Bush too. He has knuckled under to globalists. Clinton, Bush family, Obama, Biden.......all globalists. They all protect each other, at our expense and have for a long time. And not surprising to me that these have stuck it to President Trump. He represented us.

    So that's just a short list few of the politicians pretending they care about their constituents. People out here where I live are sick of the DC parasites. All most of them do is protect their own bottomline. And Biden especially is very quickly killing our western way of life, where Obama left off.
    Does that answer your question?

  144. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Just thinking and remembering when this blog was about following the Un and the Eu and other nefarious institutions and persons of the endgame of the Global elites to expose what they want to do to bring on one world governance. When it was about watching the undercover works getting exposure (though Globalists are all out and proud now is that why we don't read articles here anymore about these things trying to fundamentally change our way of life all over the world?) Have people forgotten?

    Covid and Climate Change as the impetus for the Great Reset is not really even mentioned here yet they are proposing huge changes they want to see happen to the Global economy to counteract those supposed devastating impacts. By the most survivable "pandemic" ever! The impact is people were being masked (silenced) and social distancing (to separate people and create distrust), with the added bonuses of the race card routinely played, and to the hilt, to start what could amount to a civil war (now wouldn't that help the Globalist cause!). Crisis still equals opportunity you know! A plandemic/scamdemic if ever there was one! And those pesky fossil fuels, I guess only America burns, need to be gone because killing the planet and all other panic porn they can come up with. And social injustice is all wrapped up in our use of it besides. So none of this is a thing??

    The names of Global heavy hitters were brought up to follow the money and social experiments on the masses that those billionaire social engineers spend to bring it all on so they can save us getting rid of the many (even manufactured) scourges of varying kinds (like they are God or something). And of course the information peddlers, the media and technology that needs to do everything for us include think. My, my how good of them to care so!

    This blog is off it's rails making former President Trump the sole reason why things are crumbling to hell as the only topic especially lately. Since when was he that all-powerful? I can't see how people are determined to give him god or devil status either one. He was some true pushback against what is still coming, barreling down upon everything and everybody, but he is out of the way now. (And why Biden had to get into the White House..had to! Globalism's many plans were going awry unless he got in to keep it's forward momentum!) So what of all the follow up that needs to be looked into of Globalism's push to crush everything pertaining to our freedoms and the effects on the Bible worldview some of us still hold. Because that is Global controls of every single thing is coming rapidly upon us--#1 what is really troubling for us all.

    But maybe since our free speech is all but dead we won't have blogs etc anyway, so nobody will be bringing any of that up after all...

  145. tO 10:27

    As I see and recall it, the ugly opposition to Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and other Republicans who condemned the fully condemnable, contemptible events of January 6th are based on THEIR condemnation of same. Had I been in Congress and subjected to the near-death-experience events of that day, I would have taken the same stance as them. I was no fan of Dick Cheney as Vice President, but my admitted limited observation of Liz Cheney so far gives me an impression of responsible public servant, not worried about popularity.

    I'm sorry, but my impression of the Trump cult has not been lessened by much of what I have seen on this blog. The contents and Mike Riddell (very, very, very close Trump fan and associate) backed book LOVE JOY TRUMP should have appalled anybody with any knowledge of the Bible ("Thou shalt have no other gods before Me"; Deuteronomy 18 - "There shall not be found among you . . .); "those who worship idols worship devils, you cannot have communion from the table of God and from devils). Sadly, Riddell, Bethanon and so many others collaborating on that wicked book have done all of the forbidden above.

    By your refusing to condemn it, condoning it, excusing it, or minimizing it, too many of you are doing the same thing!


  146. I have been limited on my article posting because of the interface change requiring heavier HTML skills than I presently have. I'm diligently trying to remediate myself on this while simultaneously still trying to clean up unfinished business with my late husband's passing. BUT, as Rich of Medford and others can tell you, I have invested heavy time and spent hours educating many on the "Great Reset" of Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) and associates. I have written about it in comment sections. It is an absolute lie to say that I have ignored it. AND, for the record, you should view Klaus Schwab's daughter's book THE HEARTBEAT OF THE LABYRINTH. Her Gaia positions are exactly the positions espoused in LOVE JOY TRUMP, but then again, that's "so what" to too many here.


  147. WEll, I figured out a little html, how to space paragraphs. I tried to post the above as a comment, but was informed it was too long, so now, please refresh your browser to get text as a part of this blogspot.


  148. Anonymous12:09 PM

    "It is an absolute lie to say that I have ignored it."
    She's been going off half-cocked since, after a number of evasions (by ignoring them, the following was posted nearly verbatim a number of times on the previous thread and she ignored them each and every time) she was finally forced (at 8:37 AM) to confront the very serious points made and questions raised about her shaky-foundationed stances:

    With all due respect, to keep things balanced, may we get your responses please to the two articles mentioned and linked here and which were posted in full earlier in the previous thread?

    You'd previously written "...last weekend, I listened with no small dismay to the taped portions played of the interview between the very fine born-again Secretary of State for Georgia where Trump demanded he make a public statement that he was 'recalculating the election results' and that he find Trump an addition 11,000 plus votes."

    And later yet again:

    "the revealed events of Trump's phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State asking him to find 11,000 some votes for him, I do see evil in Trump."

    Question: Had you not read this article in the previous post addressed to you?

    The Media Are Lying About Trump's Phone Call With Raffensperger


    "That speech of Trump was clearly inflammatory. I was deeply worried that it would incite something"

    And also...

    You wrote "after January 6th and his clearly inciting speech, I cannot vote for Trump at any future time and if I had foreseen that event, I would not have voted for him then. "

    Perhaps you didn't read the article at the link posted earlier in the (same) previous thread?

    Trump’s Rally Speech Was NOT Illegal “Incitement”

    Former Prosecutor Jeffrey Scott Shapiro: “The president didn’t commit incitement or any other crime. I should know. As a Washington prosecutor I earned the nickname ‘protester prosecutor’ from the antiwar group CodePink.”

    Incidentally, this was also posted on the previous thread:

    Leaked audio surfaces of John Sullivan ADMITTING Antifa and BLM involvement in Capitol siege

    8:37 AM
    And instead of actually answering them, all she could bring herself to do was resort to smearing the poster:
    "Does the Trump Movement constitute a cult? YES. If nothing else, the lengthy, rambling post by 8:37...prove(s) it! You are clearly mesmerized, you do not understand what the New Age Movement was/is all about, and you are not disturbed by the book's obvious promotion of GAIA WORSHIP. Earth worship, the welcoming of the 'Age of Aquarius" (much more likely: The Age of the Antichrist'.

    "I pray for be released from the Luciferic possession obviously either blinding you or gripping you."

    "And there is no way I could give Trump a pass on the events of January 6th and if you believe that was a BLM-ANTIFA event, I have a bridge to sell you!"
    '(She) has been respectfully asked more than once to give account of her statements in response to well written factual articles to the contrary and instead of responding in kind and answering the points made (she did) THAT. One must believe then that (she) CAN'T rebut what those articles said and lashed out in heated anger instead.'

  149. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Most of us can recognize Christine's long ramblings when we see them. I thought Constance had limited her to a post a week.

    Tired of the cluttering

  150. Christine, I have long ago done my own research and formed my own informed decisions on the Raffenburger matter. It is all too clear to me. When you called me on the phone, and/or I returned your calls, you literally screamed over me. Little or nothing was respectful and it is not candid for you to so portray same. I fear you have made Trump your saviour and have little or no concern about LOVE JOY TRuMP.. That it praises Trump appears to me to be enough for you.


  151. I am a lawyer, a seasoned political speech writer (51 years experience as same) and Trump's speech was CLEARLY INFLAMMATORY despite protestations of others. I made phone calls to local friends here expressing my concerns that the speech as ongoing was inflammatory, would lead to violence (which it did) and I reiterated the same to you many times in our phone conversations.

    I do not intend to spend whatever time remains of my research and writing career writing replies to rambling reiterations. I could do another book while wasting time on that. I probably wouldn't convince you, no matter how solid the evidence.


  152. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I couldnt agree more with you Constance! The cult like following for Trump to me is so obvious. I voted for him the first time but saw through him shortly after. I am saddened by the blindness of so many who have commented in these posts. But I guess we shouldn't be surprised, the Bible tells us so many will be deceived in the last days. and it seems that is what we are seeing. Thank you for taking a stand and not backing down!I read your book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" years ago and that is what got me interested in knowing what the New Age movement was all about ever since.

  153. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Constance wrote @ 8:01 AM

    "There shall not be found among you those who worship idols worship devils, you cannot have communion from the table of God and from devils"

    Your posts Constance, are much like the other leftist here, Mr X. You slander, belittle, and virtue signal. As if hypocrisy doesn't apply to you!
    Well it certainly does apply to you. You refuse to look into anything other than the Mainstream media sources to back up your flimsy stances. Your obsession with the scary, evil of January 6th is sad, and laughable! Compared to the insurrection of the American Revolution, it was a drop of water in the ocean! There was NO BIBLICAL MANDATE FOR THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION! NONE! You idolize the Capital Building, and what it represents, where, the fresco painting, The Apotheosis of Washington is found! The layout of DC is Masonic through and through! The US flag is a tribute to Luciferian rebellion! You are THE ONE HERE UNDER A LUCIFERIC SPELL!

    I think you hate Trump because he was German. The vast majority of Khazars like yourself, have a venomous hatred for Germany, and the German people, who suffered greatly under Khazarian machinations!

    Donald Trump has said that he is "proud" of his German heritage, having served as grand marshal of the 1999 German American Steuben Parade in New York City.

    Go look in the mirror, and you will see plenty of idolitry that you need to deal with! Take the beam out of your own eye first.

    Also, deal with your Khazarian religionist nature! It's the reason why you find passionate evangelical christians deplorable/luciferic, but any fellow religionist is treated with great kindness! You can be a 'christian', and still carry a few drops of that old Khazarian/Pharisaic serpent venom! A few drops can do much damage!

  154. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I would like to know what Constance thinks of Maxine Waters history of INFLAMMATORY remarks?

    Oh silly me, Maxine is your fellow regressive democrat.

    Please do tell anyway!

  155. To 1:04 pm

    Just as I recognize NEW AGE when I see it, I also recognize blatant NAZISM when I see it. You and your 1:04 post exemplify it! Please take your vile bile elsewhere.


  156. To 1:04 pm

    To 1:04 pm

    Maxine Waters statements pre jury verdict calling for a conviction and suggesting more mob action clearly was inflammatory and dangerous. I believe the same about Biden's suggestions pre-jury verdict calling for a conviction. I believe he should have left this to the judicial system as appellate processes could still be transpiring and as such, he should respect the separation of powers.


  157. To 12:58 pm

    Thank you, God bless you!


  158. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Amazing 'coincidence'.

    Anon 12:22 PM calls me MCE and FOUR minutes later Constance 'just' happens to also.

    Talking about adding insult to injury!

    Notice how she STILL didn't address all of the specific issues raised other than the incitement one and to (in an insulting way no less) say that she REFUSES to address them?

    That should tell us all we need to know.

  159. Anonymous2:21 PM

    She mentioned Raffenberger, yes, but did not address the issue, only giving the matter lip service saying she had formed her own decisions without saying how she had arrived at them nor specifically addressing the points made there:

    Nor separately the point made there:

  160. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The New York Times has finally confirmed what many political observers had been saying all along about the Capitol riots on January 6th: It was pre-planned, the Capitol Police knew it was coming, and authorities effectively gave a ‘STAND DOWN’ ORDER!!!

    Former Capitol Police chief Steven Sund, forced to resign under heavy pressure from Democrats, fired back a response to Speaker Pelosi. It undercuts the Democrats’ narrative that there were no requests made for heavier security. In fact, the Congress was warned six times before the capitol riots, and yet, the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms, also both resigned, failed to act upon those requests.

    But a “secret history” of the 2020 campaign reveals that radical organizations, major corporations, and party operatives assessed that THERE WOULD LIKELY BE A RIOT IF TRUMP LOST AND THEY COULD BLAME THE PRESIDENT FOR 'INCITING' IT.

    Major General William J. Walker, the commanding general of the D.C. National Guard, confirmed many of Americans’ worst suspicions about the January 6th capitol riots in his explosive Senate testimony in early March. The National Guard had been prevented from providing ample security due to what he described as concerns about “optics.”

  161. Anonymous3:31 PM

    1:55 pm -

    Constance said: I believe the same about Biden's suggestions pre-jury verdict calling for a conviction. I believe he should have left this to the judicial system as appellate processes could still be transpiring and as such, he should respect the separation of powers.

    I agree. Over politicizing the rule of law is always a mistake. Biden just needs to be presidential and show restraint to be appreciated.

    However, Biden's misstatement sure beats when Trump and Barr sent out federal marshals to hunt down and kill Michael Reinhoel in Portland. The posters so concerned with us "losing our freedoms" should surely have been more concerned about this if they weren't blinded by their Luciferian leader.

    In early September 2020, a fugitive-hunting task force run by the U.S. Marshals Service tracked Michael Reinoehl, 48, to an apartment complex in Lacey, Washington. Reinoehl was wanted as a suspect in the killing of an armed patriot prayer terrorist that had spent the day attacking people in Portland with paintball guns and mace and, arguably, was in the act of attacking him and his friend.

    Reinoehl, a self-directed antifa activist who had been named in the news media as a focus of the investigation, feared for himself and his family that vigilantes were after him, not to mention the police. Even some of his close friends did not know where he was. On Sept. 3, Reinoehl was getting into his Volkswagen station wagon when a pair of unmarked sport utility vehicles roared through the quiet streets, screeching to a halt just in front of his bumper. Members of a U.S. Marshals task force jumped out and unleashed a hail of bullets that shattered windows, whizzed past bystanders and left Reinoehl dead in the street.

    Attorney General William Barr trumpeted the operation as a “significant accomplishment” that removed a “violent agitator.” The officers had opened fire, he said, when Reinoehl “attempted to escape arrest” and “produced a firearm” during the encounter. But a reconstruction of what happened that night, based on the accounts of people who witnessed the confrontation and the preliminary findings of investigators, produces a much different picture — one that raises questions about whether law enforcement officers made any serious attempt to arrest Reinoehl before killing him.

    In interviews with 22 people who were near the scene, all but one said they did not hear officers identify themselves or give any commands before opening fire. In their official statements, not yet made public, the officers offered differing accounts of whether they saw Reinoehl with a weapon. One told investigators he thought he saw Reinoehl raise a gun inside the vehicle before the firing began, but two others said they did not.

    Reinoehl did have a .380-caliber handgun on him when he was killed, according to the county sheriff’s team that is running a criminal homicide investigation into Reinoehl’s death. But the weapon was found in his pocket.

    Five eyewitnesses said in interviews that the gunfire began the instant the vehicles arrived. None of them saw Reinoehl holding a weapon. A single shell casing of the same caliber as the handgun he was carrying was found inside his car.

    Trump tweeted immediately about the shooting probably from the "ready room" where hs watched the revenge execution unfold. By the end of September, at a Trump Campaign covid spreading rally, Trump claimed his tweet inspired the US Marshals to kill suspect in shooting of right-wing protester in Portland.

    Reinoehl was entitled to his day in court where he likely would have been exonerated.

  162. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I don't think posting from clickbait alt-right media is going to convince Mrs. Cumbey of anything.

    at 2:27pm - Who the heck is Dr. Rich Swier? It appears he's just another right wing roman catholic of Opus Dei persuasion???

    I notice how he conflates the NY Times article and the Time Magazine article and attributes wide range of speculation into actual knowledge.

    Democrats aren't to blame for the Jan 6th insurrection simply because they suspected alt-right gang bangers MIGHT riot and that would look bad for them in a war of psy-ops.

    and, John Sullivan was working on an Alt-Right movie where his role was to be filmed by the crazy dumb left-wing agitator. He and his Proud Boy leading brother are both Trump supporters.


  163. Anonymous7:33 PM

    This blog is now a total waste of time. Frankly, because it can't call a spade a spade without bias - rather extreme bias - and quit making it all about one man. Trump is only one man, a mere man, I don't care who tries to pump him way way up or tear him way way down, both over-the-top sentiments over one man, who is no longer our President. I have moved on, but this blog has not.

    Constance is a very busy lady, has had much to contend with on a personal level and otherwise, and has been admirable in all of this, and it is right to call out the book she reviewed by a Qanon follower & writer & who backs the book (& I have stated more than once here that it is trash-no I have not read it and going by excerpts from it, is obvious it is what I believe along with her about it--trash) so calling it out is her work of years and right to highlight.

    because she is so busy and there is much in the news on the entire front of what is trending that should make us all quite concerned (& Constance also is only one person) but can't get to those other bigger more important and pertinent topics to post articles about them, so I am sad to see her limited time spent going on & on & on about the one man, Donald Trump. And doesn't seem to realize how she has segregated her blog readers into unfitting categories. I am not now, and never was a Qanon follower, though accused repeatedly that I am, when I spoke against it. I have a distaste in my mouth for many years (prior to Donald Trump's Presidency for which I have been greatly appreciative and felt accomplished good things, was headed for the most part in a good direction) for politicians she greatly admires, that in my neck of the woods, are mostly useless, not representing their people because absolute grandstanding opportunists (hurtful to their states and I ought to know since I live where supposed to be from) so they are as much the opportunists as those writing New Age books about the man Trump.
    For this reason I believe her vision is skewed & believe she has lost her edge to be able to step back & see a bigger picture by losing focus to see one thing and apparently one thing man the expense of all other things and people, & must no longer be looking deeper at much, much worse in the global puppetry & slight of hand operating that we are left with in this current political landscape. I hope she still is, but seems very distracted with the other of late. The far left in it's extremes (and could never have done it without compromised establishment RINOs of the just a few I named) is not being called out except in a very cursory manner.

    Someone said it so well: straining at a gnat and swallowing a Biden/Camel.
    Constance has unintentionally strained her blog straining at the only and only topic she seems to think is the only thing to post about, and apparently unwilling to call out the liberal progressive disinformation agent troll of the blog while so busy trying to sniff out Q people (who are basically not even here!)

    Bye, folks. Hope people get this figured out but if they don't they don't. I have better things and places for my time.

  164. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Other Christian Forums, Bulletin Boards, Online Communities

    This page provides links to various Christian Online Communities, Forums and Bulletin Boards.

  165. Anonymous8:31 PM

    None of us do Constance a favor by posting comments here. She doesn't get any ad revenue. She isn't selling any books. The books she has written are freely available as pdf downloads. She isn't in a popularity contest on Twitter to gain as many followers as possible or on FaceBook to gain as many likes as possible.

  166. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Maybe we should ALL take a step back and humbly ask Our Heavenly Father to help guide us to learn His TRUTH (whatever that may be)... and move in the direction that HE wants us to go.

    Meanwhile, I will continue to pray for you, Constance and everyone on this blog (even those I have had differences with over the years).

    These are very dark times we are living in.

    May God bless all of us and keep us strong... in the coming days, weeks and months.

  167. Anonymous9:27 PM

    7:33pm - nice childish snowflake goodbye cruel world post. If you want to leave...leave. Don't be a man-child and announce it to the forum. What are you 17 years old? Back when forums were really big several mod teams I worked on made it a rule that such posts result in banishment. As Taylor Swift says: "You need to calm down".

    You also said" "unwilling to call out the liberal progressive disinformation agent troll of the blog while so busy trying to sniff out Q people (who are basically not even here!"

    You may not like my moderate views on things and my arguments which I generally back up using reputable, though largely "left-leaning" biased sources (except when I was being ironic or satiric); but, I have never posted "disinformation".

    Here is a pretty universal media bias chart

    When you post a source below the 30 line -- you're getting into straight opinions and questionable reliability.

    When you post a source below the orange 25 line -- you're posting largely propaganda

    When you post a source below the 17 line red line -- you're posting straight-up lies and fabrications (i.e. - disinformation).

    It saddens me to see professing Christians persistently posting links and arguments from such fabricating and misleading sources. It's lying. If that's you linking all the time from those bottom right websites like beforeitsnews, natural news, citizenfree, etc then you're being hypocritical calling me, your brother in Christ, a purveyor of disinformation when you (and collectively many of you) are so very invested in actual "disinformation".

    And why did it take Mrs. Cumbey for everyone to finally distance themselves from Q-anon? It's been a year of posts discussing q-anon conspiracies like pizza-gate and pedophiles, Mueller investigating pedophiles and tying in all the new age covid deniers and anti-vax freaks as well as the complete buy-in into the evidence-lacking fabricated "stolen election" conspiracy.

    I still submit we can't separate the Republicans and the Conspirituality therein. We need a PROTESTANT political party. Leave the dominionists, the pope serving supposed "conservative" roman catholics and the new age freaks like Trump, Paula White, Lindell, Osteen, Bill Johnson ...etc behind and elect enough to put a wedge between the far-right MAGA and left Democrat party and actually have a party leading with decency and TRUE belief in the Scriptures, the Gospel and in modeling Christ-like Christian behavior -- win or lose. The "True Patriot Christian Party"


  168. X 9:27 PM,

    Yes, one can separate things -- i.e., rightly divide all things.

  169. To 9:27 Mrs. Cumbey (MacIntosh) has been quite busy with other matters: the law practice I still have for the small income it can yield; an above the knees amputee husband who was died on 11-24-2020 of 4th stage lung cancer, etc., etc.,, and yes, keeping up with the research. Plus, I'm a Precinct Delegate for my neighborhood. January 6th, LOVE JOY TRUMP, Qanon, leftist riots in the street, Portland burning, Seattle taken over with a COPS New Age compound, I've kept up with the Covid thing since the beginning and warned here on this blogspot of medical martial law; so much going on and in many ways far too big to encapsulate.

    I'm glad God is my Judge and not some of you. Certainly, I do not owe Christine Erikson long explanations on her theories of Raffenburger and Trump's "innocence" on January 6th events. Sorry Christine, but that's the way it is. Many people begged me to ban you from this site over the years. I did not and will not now, but I think I have earned at least a tad more respect than you have accorded me.



  170. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Of course J.

    But in practicality....Republican primaries are already gearing up to be a "I'm more the Trump loyal republican than the other candidates". I'm a registered republican that already had issues with Republican's trying to out-Reagan one another when Reagan was as New Age and criminal and Nixon when you get right down to it.

    So locally and nationally it's bound to be the competing factions of truly conservative Republicans, New Age & Dominionist Republicans and MAGA Republicans pretending, thru the modeled "power of positive thinking", to be the Grand Marshal running the show.

    I believe, in the end, it will result in many WEAK uneducated and inexperienced candidates. Hag on "elites" all you want but just try writing or even reading through a 500 page Congressional Bill. It doesn't require a Yale education but you've got to be smarter AND/OR more experienced (local and state political on-the-job drafting and reviewing legislation) than Bobert & Cawthorne who are BARELY high school graduates.

    Either's going to be an interesting mid-term primary season.


  171. For those who think I was wasting my time reporting on Fetzer, I commend to you the following report from the Freedom Project Media on its present massive influence on education.


  172. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Touche' @ 10:12 PM

  173. Constance 10:41 PM,

    I hope people appreciate how foundational the New Age influence on education is. Millennials and Generation Z are the woke and the spiritual generations.

    Napoleon said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

    People are outraged by ten stories a day every day before lunch, and most of these stories are about people being foolish because of how they were indoctrinated.

    Anybody who wants to change the culture needs to start with education.

  174. Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World

    “One of the most useful tools in the quest for power is the educational system.”[1] The implication of this statement is obvious: Whoever controls the educational system will set the goals for the nation, establish its religious values, and ultimately control the future. From Sparta and Athens to Geneva and Harvard, education has been the primary means of cultural transformation.

    Christian educators learned how important education was for advancing Christian civilization. The Reformation of the sixteenth century stressed the reclamation of all of life, with education as an essential transforming force. Martin Luther in Germany (1483–1546) and John Calvin (1509–1564) in Geneva, Switzerland, did much to advance education as they worked to apply the Bible to every area of life. For these principal reformers, the outgrowth of the gospel included the redemption of all of life, not just the salvation of the soul.

    The Academy of Geneva, Switzerland, founded by John Calvin in 1559, attracted students from all over Europe eager for an education that applied the Bible to all of life. The effects of the training at Geneva were far reaching: “It was not only the future of Geneva but that of other regions as well that was affected by the rise of the Geneva schools. The men who were to lead the advance of the Reformed Church in many lands were trained in Geneva classrooms, preached Geneva doctrines, and sang the Psalms to Geneva tunes.”[2] Samuel Blumenfeld writes of the impact that Christian education had on the advancing reformation:

    Since the Protestant rebellion against Rome had arisen in part as a result of Biblical study and interpretation, it became obvious to Protestant leaders that if the Reform movement were to survive and flourish, widespread Biblical literacy, at all levels of society, would be absolutely necessary. The Bible was to be the moral and spiritual authority in every man’s life, and therefore an intimate knowledge of it was imperative if a new Protestant social order were to take root.[3]

    In our own nation one of the first acts performed in the New World was the establishment of schools and colleges. The Virginia colony was the first to charter a college at Henrico, Virginia, in 1619, nineteen years before Harvard and seventy-four years before the College of William and Mary. Like all the colonial colleges, Henricus College was designed around the precepts of the Christian faith, “for the training and bringing up of infidels’ children to the true knowledge of God and understanding of righteousness.”[4] The New England colonial colleges were designed to further the gospel of Christ in all disciplines. The founders of these early educational institutions understood the relationship between a sound education based upon biblical absolutes and the future of the nation. Putting the Bible in the hands of the people was an essential step toward religious and political freedom. “From the very beginnings, the expressed purpose of colonial education had been to preserve society against barbarism, and, so far as possible, against sin. The inculcation of a saving truth was primarily the responsibility of the churches, but schools were necessary to protect the written means of revelation.”[5]

  175. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Exclusive: David Icke issues emergency warning to humanity.

    Must see video discussion on how the vaccine gradually changes (transforms) your body, brain, personality.

  176. To those who have bashed Constance for having belonged to the Democratic party:

    Keep in mind that many conservative commentators have lamented conservatives' miserable failures in the areas of culture, media and education. Conservatives have tended to be better with business and the military.

    Did you know that Andrew Breitbart used to be a liberal? He tried to teach conservatives that politics is downstream from culture.

    Conservatives in my opinion are ham handed and tin eared with culture. I see the astroturf attempts such as Milo's campus tour. I know the intention but it makes me cringe a little.

    Don't attack the people who join you who can help you.

  177. Anonymous9:35 AM


    April 21st: REJECT medical tyranny and “Faucism” or lose your freedom forever (and die as a medical experiment prisoner)

  178. Anonymous9:45 AM


    This political 'war' we now find ourselves in has never been about Democrats vs. Republicans... but rather between Globalists vs. Patriots.


  179. To 9:27 AM:

    PLEASE, PLEASE be extremely cautious of David Icke. He is a long-time internationally known New Ager. He also is pushing some heavily anti-Semitic theories. He is so New Age that the local famous New Age bookseller in this area (Robert Thibodeau -- one of David Spangler's closest friends) brought him to the Detroit area for a paid speaking engagement. That was no small expense as it included the costs of fling him here from England and hotel lodging him here. He and Texe Marrs' work appears to me to have converged in deep anti-Semitism. He is long recognized as a New Ager in England. It was Dorothy Margraf who first brought him to my attention many years ago and I had warning phone calls from English observers who cared enough to call me about it when such international calls were almost prohibitively expensive. There is always room for conversion, to be sure, but I have heard absolutely nothing about that vis a vis David Icke. He appears to me to be playing a successful game of "Watch the Fundamentalists run" and making lots of money in the process.


  180. I'm watching the video and am even more skeptical. Alex Jones has had zero discernment on many of the New Age issues. I've tried to reach him many times without success, but I know he is familiar with my work as I have seen it sometimes mentioned on his site. He endorsed Ezra Pound and Eustace Mullins -- both horrifyingly into heavy, uglier aspects of the New Age Movement. Ezra Pound was pro-Fascist and pro-Nazi. One very important book about Pound (Mullins' mentor, per Mullins) is THE ROOTS OF TREASON by E. Fuller Torrey


  181. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Liz Cheney Was A Primary Culprit Of Spreading Fake News On Russian Bounties To Undermine Trump

  182. Anonymous12:28 PM

    [Medical Doctor and former Presidential candidate]

    Dr. Ron Paul’s Stimulus Warning

    for Every American

  183. Anonymous1:07 PM

    David Icke, a jew, is viewed as 'anti Semitic' mainly because he has exposed the Holohoax. But yes, he isn't someone to waste time on. He's a Luciferian


    Of Tao and Torah: New Age Beliefs Are Making Serious Inroads in U.S. Jewish Life

  184. Anonymous1:31 PM

    1:07 pm

    David Icke stars in “I am not an antisemite”

    If you believe there was any such "hoax-holocaust" or that David Icke has anything of substance to offer humanity, then I pray for you to be released from the Luciferic possession obviously either blinding you or gripping you.


  185. Anonymous2:07 PM

    What an A-hole you are X, you serpent!

    Your a twister of truth, a lying snake, and in effect, and an enemy of the gospel.

    Go take a slither!


  186. Anonymous2:17 PM

    " I pray for you to be released from the Luciferic possession obviously either binding you or gripping you"

    X, how can you bind Beelzebub, when you support the holocaust of children?

    You shameless lapdog! 🐩

  187. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Debate: Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism

  188. Anonymous2:30 PM

    x at 1:31 PM

    Well, you go right ahead and get that vaccine... and you will soon learn all about demonic 'possession' and 'binding' and exactly what that really means.

    Meanwhile, YOU are the one who need our prayers.

  189. Anonymous2:42 PM

    And yet, no one has even bothered to challenge David Icke on what he is saying about vaccines on that video. Hmmmm...

    Personally, I value David Icke's credibility over Dr. FAUX-CHI (who should be in prison for war crimes against HUMANITY, along with Bill Gates) any day of the week!!!

  190. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Yes, let's all bash the man (David Icke) who is warning the world not to take the vaccine... plus the follow up booster shots.

    What an 'evil' man to let us know how the vaccine is going to gradually change (as in TRANSFORM) a person's body chemistry, brain processing abilities, and personality... not to mention compromise a person's DNA and immune system.

    Instead... let's listen to the 'good' people who are telling us not to take the time to listen to what David Icke is telling us on that video.

    Then again... after mankind has gradually transformed into something your loved ones no longer recognize, I guess it really won't matter what anyone's opinion is of David Icke. LOL

  191. Anonymous3:12 PM

    So, Constance @ 10:11 AM

    If only, Alex Jones had called you back... maybe you would be saying nice things about him?

  192. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Must see alarming video about what the PCR test and the Covid vaccine actually DO to the human body.

    The vaccine wasn't created to SAVE US from the pandemic; the pandemic was CREATED so we would TAKE THE VACCINE!!!

    It was created in order to control the masses!!!

  193. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Take a look at who wrote this:

    The Quantum Financial System
    by Paul Vallely | Feb 18, 2021 | Economy

    We will see what happens????
    QFS Destroys Central Banking System
    QFS has no equivalent in advanced technology
    Global Currency Reset
    Donald Trump re-elected as first President of the new Republic of America
    Unity makes power

    The Quantum Financial System QFS

    Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace. The Alliance gave President Trump the magic wand of taking over the old banking system without changing it. No 3D creation is able to replace the power of a living being. To this end, artificial intelligence (AI) was designed to replace conscious beings.

    The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world. As a guarantee that every transaction; is legal and transparent for every account holder. Someone who has mastered quantum physics can understand the effect this quantum information technology has on every financial transaction that passes through the quantum financial system. – It cannot be modified. The confirmation and disclosure of this fortunate component of the QFS is the assurance and hallmark of a one hundred percent reliable, neutral and secure transfer system.

    Some people try to discredit the QFS which is the greatest financial advancement of all time. This misunderstanding may be a result of the fact that the QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It is like an antigravity machine compared to an automobile. There is no real basis to understand this technology. It has no peer; it has no equivalent in advanced technology that anyone has had before. It is new. It reigns supreme in the technology it uses to accomplish the financial security and transparency needed for currency holders to perform all financial humanitarian objectives. With the QFS, the world can be flooded with gold-backed currencies that are designed to eliminate the old Cabal financial system with central banksters in control over all financial transactions.

    QFS Destroys Central Banking System

    More at link above.

  194. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Here is a portion of what Dr. Ron Paul had to say on The Great Reset (January 4, 2021) . . .

    The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.

    Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent, individuals’ future behavior. This means that anyone whose brain is “scanned” could have his Second Amendment and other rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime. The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing “dangerous” political views, such as that the Great Reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program. This can help ensure compliance with the Great Reset’s authoritarian measures. It will also be very expensive. The resulting increase in government debt will not be seen as a problem by people who believe in modern monetary theory. This is the latest version of the fairy tale that deficits don’t matter as long as the Federal Reserve monetizes the debt.

    The disastrous response to Covid is just the latest example of how those who give up liberty for safety or health will end up unfree, unsafe, and unhealthy. Instead of a Great Reset of authoritarianism, we need a great rebirth of liberty!

  195. Anonymous10:00 PM


    “Vatican Invites Abortion Advocate Chelsea Clinton [and New Age Leader Deepak Chopra] To Talk About ‘Health’ And The ‘Soul’”
    April 17, 2021 by Lighthouse Trails Editors

    Other speakers at this Vatican event include meditation advocates Dr. Oz and Dr. Hyman, two of the doctors Rick Warren introduced to the Christian church through his Daniel Plan.

  196. Mike Pence autobiography to be published as planned despite Simon & Schuster's employees efforts to cancel the deal, report says

  197. 3:32 PM,

    Vallely seems starry eyed. Either he knows something, or he is high on his own supply.

  198. Markey and Ocasio-Cortez reintroduce Green New Deal

  199. ‘Never Any Question’: Nancy Pelosi Says She Never Believed Her Brother’s Accuser in Trial for Infamous Gang Rape of Underage Girls

  200. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Welcome to your sensory revolution thanks to the pandemic (and the vaccines).

    The way we see, hear, taste, touch and smell may never be the same again.

    Courtesy of COVID-19, we are undergoing a sensory revolution. All of the senses have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic – not because the senses themselves have changed, but because the context and environment in which we sense has been profoundly altered.

    Sensory historians like myself, who study the ways in which people in the past used their senses to understand and navigate their worlds, find that sensory shifts and perceptions tended to happen very slowly, measured in decades and centuries, not in mere weeks and months.

    The shift that is happening now is unprecedented.

    The Age of Reason empowered the eye as the sense of truth; seeing was believing, said most thinkers in the 1700s. Sight was followed by hearing, understood as more refined than the so-called lower or proximate senses. Those are smell, taste and touch, senses that had once been held in high esteem in the ancient and medieval worlds, but which lost their currency and became more associated with the animal senses.
