
Monday, February 10, 2020

TWO CREEPY CONCEPTS: "Accelerationism" and "Uberveillance"

As much as I have learned about the New Age Movement over the past nearly 40 years complained of by pro-Alice Bailey writer, Isobel Blackthorn, there is always more to learn.  What I have learned these past few days has given me great cause.  They are two dangerous concepts of "Accelerationism" and "Uberveillance."  The concepts are related.  They are also a vital part of the New Age Movement end goals -- taken to extremes.

"Accelerationism" started with academia and since 2013 has spread rapidly into both extreme left and right wing fringers.  When I discovered the New Age Movement's existence in 1981, there were many discussions in New Age circles of "Punctuated Equilibrium."

This was also a belief held by Hitler -- that his violence would accelerate a "new man."  Quoting from back cover of the 1974 MacMillan Press first American edition of THE OCCULT AND THE THIRD REICH (1971 Jean-Michele Angebert)

As Hitler himself said, thirty years ago, "he who has seen in National Socialism only a political movement, has seen nothing." The authors of The Occult and the Third Reich have analyzed this statement and find that "Nazism is only the most recent outcropping of a militant neoPnganism locked in a death struggle with its arch enemy, traditional Christianity, a struggle which will go on to the end of time." A member of the occult Thule Group, Hitler sought to justify his theory of the "supreme race" by acquiring the integral knowledge of good and evil. . . .
This knowledge, hidden in the past, contained the secret of the genesis of the world and, as Hitler believed, the justification for Nazi political theory.

 "Accelerationism" and its accelerationist actors crosses the bridge of the "radical center" claimed by New Age theoreticians from far left to far right.  It embodies the chaos theories of the New Agers.  It's proponents boast about the profusio of New Age spiritualities enabling it.  It ranges from virulent anti-Semites again seeking the same "final solution" as Adolf Hitler.  It embodies the chaos theories claimed by New Age practitioners over the years needed to break through to "punctuated equilibrium."


As a recent VOX news article said about the Movement:

It’s called “accelerationism,” and it rests on the idea that Western governments are irreparably corrupt. As a result, the best thing white supremacists can do is accelerate their demise by sowing chaos and creating political tension. Accelerationist ideas have been cited in mass shooters’ manifestos — explicitly, in the case of the New Zealand killer — and are frequently referenced in white supremacist web forums and chat rooms.
Accelerationists reject any effort to seize political power through the ballot box, dismissing the alt-right’s attempts to engage in mass politics as pointless. If one votes, one should vote for the most extreme candidate, left or right, to intensify points of political and social conflict within Western societies. Their preferred tactic for heightening these contradictions, however, is not voting, but violence — attacking racial minorities and Jews as a way of bringing us closer to a race war, and using firearms to spark divisive fights over gun control. The ultimate goal is to collapse the government itself; they hope for a white-dominated future after that.
Accelerationism has bizarre roots in academia. But as strange as the racist movement’s intellectual history may be, experts believe it has played a significant and under-appreciated role in the current wave of extremist violence.
“It’s not an ideology that exists in a theoretical sense,” says Joanna Mendelson, a senior investigative researcher at the Anti-Defamation League. “It’s an ideology that has actually manifested in real-world violence.”

Accelerationists also find use in those "transformed" by New Age spiritualities,  A recent article found at the Nowhere.News website has an extensive discussion of that aspect of the Accelerationism Movement.

The Accelerationists are often long on memos.  Norway's Bredvik killer, New Zealand's Mosque shooter left long memorandums of why they were committing their violence to help bring in the "new man" and the "new society."  Here is a lengthy online memorandum of what Accelerationists believe.
That will give you a great deal to swallow and digest.


Pictured above is the Uberveillance logo designed in 2010 to illustrate that movement.  Uberveillance was a term said to be coined by MG Michael in 2006.  Uberveillance includes human microchip implants and that will be the topic of my next blog post.

Thank you for your patience!  I turn 19 on Saturday.  I'm a Leap Year Baby and get one birthday every four years whether I need it or not!

Stay tuned!
