
Monday, May 06, 2019

John E. Fetzer and Constance Cumbey - - Fighting either for or against the “New Age”

Personal Update:  My husband has been hospitalized since Saturday night.  His blood sugar had dropped to a dangerous level.  Please pray for our family!  Barry has been a rock to me during the 38 years of my labor and research!  Thank you!

UPDATE:  Barry was discharged from the hospital after 4 nights there.  He came home late Wednesday night.  He is doing much better and thanks you for your prayers!



John E. Fetzer and Constance Cumbey - - Fighting either for or against the “New Age”:  Two former Seventh Day Adventists originally from the Fort Wayne, Indiana area – very, very different paths!

The immense ironies have not escaped me.  One of the greatest perpetrators of the New Age Movement came from the same corner of Indiana where I was born and raised, although he arrived much earlier than myself (1909 vs. 1944).  That was John E. Fetzer.   One sounding the major warnings against the New Age Movement, myself, also came from that same corner of Indiana.  John Fetzer was born in Decatur, Indiana.  I was born in very nearby Fort Wayne, Indiana.  Ironically,  for formative years of our respective lives, we were both once Seventh Day Adventists.  Out of curiosity, I searched online for mentions of our respective selves in SDA archives.  The following is from the James White Library of Andrews University, the flagship Seventh Day Adventist university located in Berrien Springs, Michigan.  Mr. Fetzer (1909-1991 and myself (1944 - present) took very, very different paths.  Ironically, I only learned of Fetzer’s Seventh Day Adventist background after reading a by now well publicized book by Brian C. Wilson, a professor of Comparative Religions at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Kalamazoo, Michigan is where John E. Fetzer was headquartered for many years and where he built his business empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  Kalamazoo
is the home of the Fetzer Institute recipient of the huge fortune left by Mr. Fetzer on his death in Hawaii in 1991.   Mr. Fetzer left his immensely large fortune to propagate and propagandize the New Age Movement.

Ironically, all I knew of Fetzer until 1988, the year Marilyn Ferguson called me to brag that she was enroute to his very large New Age conference was that he (Fetzer) was a long time Detroit Tigers baseball team owner.  Marilyn Ferguson called  me with a nearly bragging, "ha ha" voice to say she was enroute there and so were many others.  This was his "Healing the Whole World" Conference John Fetzer held in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Prominent figures from around the globe -- New Age and globalist elites were to be in attendance.  Indeed they were.  They included such New Age luinaries as Marilyn Ferguson, Maurice Strong, Robert Muller (the UN Muller, not the famous Special Prosecutor),

Marilyn Ferguson and I were rivals -- literally competing for souls.  She for the New Age Movement, myself against same.  I met her personally on a few occasions and was even in her home on 3 different occasions at her her invitation and urging .  The New Agers were anxious to check me out, but considered me a very real threat.   I know Marilyn Ferguson was a dedicated New Ager for most of her adult life.  I personally overheard her very worried mother who happened to be in her house one of the two different days I was there plead with her daughter Marilyn to go back to Jesus.  Over the years I had several encounters with Marilyn Ferguson, including but not limited to a live television debate against her on an Marilyn Ferguson and I met on several occasions.  She sent my publisher, Huntington House a threatening letter.  When that moved neither them nor myself, she next sent me a letter somewhat more conciliatory.  We had breakfast in a Windsor Ontario Restaurant in 1982.  In 1984 I was surprised to be called by her secretary and invited to come to her home in Los Angeles, California for the first New Age “World War IV” party.

I said I would let them know.  I called Bill Keith, president of Huntington House,  my publisher and told him of the sudden invitation for an event only two days away.  Richard Trosclair, his partner, called they called me back saying it was very important I be there.  They would make the arrangements for the flight.  I called a fellow researcher, Sylvia Beadleston McKevey in San Jose who agreed to fly up to Los Angeles and join us.  We both stayed with another researcher friend Betty Irwin in the Los Angeles Palos Verdes area.  On Sunday afternoon we three made our way to Marilyn Ferguson’s home at the top of Mt. Washington in L.A   The New Agers were obviously curious to look me over.  It was quite a disparate collection of backyard with name-tag attendees.  Indeed, Timothy Leary was one of those present in her backyard party.

I was at her home on two future occasions -- one was in early October 1987, right after a major earthquake in the LA area.  There I met her mother, justifiably worried about Marilyn being involved in a movement denying Jesus, and I met her husband and children along with the family parrot.  The next time I had a live encounter with Marilyn Ferguson was in the early Spring months of 1988.  An Indianapolis TV station producer called to ask me to debate her on a live television program.  Apart from that, we had many long telephone conversations from time to time over the years.  All calls were initiated and placed by her.  Motives are some times difficult to gauge, but I suspect she respected me.  I also assume she was calling to try to find out how much I knew.  Certainly, she learned that I knew plenty.  Most certainly she could never say she was not fully and politely warned.  Marilyn Ferguson could be a very likeable and personable individual.  I’ve prayed that when she died on October 8, 2008 in Banning, California at only age 70, that maybe she better late than never had accepted her worried mother’s warning -- one that I personally heard her give in October 1987.

As to John E. Fetzer, I learned from Dr. Wilson’s book that he graduated as valedictorian from Emmanuel Missionary College in Berrien Springs, Michigan.  While in attendance there he organized and ran its first radio station.  That station he later purchased and relocated it to Kalamazoo, Michigan changing it from its religious format to a more secular one.

I am suspecting that John Fetzer may have known much more about me than I did about him, most likely starting in the year 1982, the year my work detailing the hidden dangers of the New Age Movement went very public.  Now that I've delved into online historical documents of the Fetzer Institute, the John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust, and the Franklin Fetzer Fund, I'm even more convinced of that.  I'm further suspecting that John Fetzer may have been a major contributor to the travel and advertising costs of Tara Center, including funding the worldwide Newspaper ads that ran on April 25, 1982.

I faced tremendous challenges and foes in outlining the horrifying plans that New Age activists were not afraid to put in print.  They were riding high in 1982.  Between 1975 and 1982 and for many years thereafter, another personality, Benjamin Creme, an Englishman of what he claimed was Jewish and Scottish descent toured the world in style proclaiming first that a new “Christ” was coming and after July 19, 1977, he was here. 

I am now suspecting that John Fetzer was a major contributor to what had to be the enormous travel bills for Benjamin Creme and his claimed messianic cause.  I now know from books publicly placed on the market and documents available online from the Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan, that former Seventh Day Adventist long since turned to New Age spiritualism and beyond studied and read Creme along with his nephew, Bruce Fetzer, also from a Christian heritage.

John Fetzer was one of America’s wealthiest men.  Childless from his marriage to another Seventh Day Adventist, Rhea, he left his entire vast fortune to be used for propagating New Age beliefs and their goals of a New World Order, a New World Religion, and to secure acceptance for a new “messiah” they freely admitted was not Jesus.

The irony also has not escaped me that Fetzer also might have been a large factor in the treatment I received from those in the Evangelical community trying so hard to persuade the Christian world first that there was no New Age Movement.  When that effort failed, there were major attempts to redefine it -- denying both its obvious Luciferic and political aspects.  The effort was to tell Christians that it was not a threat to Christianity and the other monotheistic religions of the world, Jews and Moslems included.

If you have not already read my now several years old articles on the internet about “The Hijacking of Evangelicalism”, you might want to now retrieve and read them.  If you have already read them, you will want to review them.   I am about to update them with information I have gained on Fetzer’s possible role in that process -- in his close personal relationship with Paul N. Temple and Temple’s Institute of Noetic Sciences.

It is now my growing suspicion that Fetzer may have even paid a substantial portion of the cost of producing the world-wide newspaper ads ran in a half million dollar campaign.  I am also suspecting he had helped to pay Benjamin Creme's obviously heavy travel expenses.  Those ads ran in upwards of 20 major papers on April 25, 1982.  They proclaimed that their new “Christ” would be introduced to the world within two months.  They firmly believed they would do so. 

It is my belief that with the help of God, we took them and that campaign by surprise and they have been delayed for upwards of 37 ears -- between 1982 and 2019. 

It is further my belief that they are now on the march and sanctifying the New Age belief system complete with Alice Bailey (Lucifer Publishing Company, Lucis Trust) via attempting to confer public sainthood on John E. Fetzer and his “spiritual” work.

Where have the Seventh Day Adventists been on this?

I did a little digging on the internet tonight.  I also found this quote from a Kalamazoo site:

Fetzer Institute

But most of the money went to the John E. Fetzer Foundation, which he established in 1962. Called the Fetzer Institute today, it sponsors research into what Fetzer called the connections between body, mind and spirit - another interest of his from his youth. In August of 1987, Fetzer moved his foundation and its staff of nearly 30 to new headquarters overlooking Dustin Lake on West KL Avenue in Oshtemo Township. The structure is an equilateral triangle shape representing the three connections he believed in. His interest in parapsychology and spirituality began at an early age, and he claimed to have had several spiritual experiences that influenced his later life. While spending a year bedridden with complications of influenza, he made this commitment, "If I am permitted to live, I will devote my life to the spiritual work of the Creator." For the next 73 years he did. . . .[1]
Well, as I read the texts that John Fetzer and I were both raised with, he was doing mirror image opposite work to that of the Creator.  More accurately, he was following every biblically forbidden spiritual practice as well as the “Thou Shalt have no other gods before me” from the 10 Commandments.  What led him that way?  Was it an excuse to him that his mother once confessed to having visited a fortune teller?  Ironically, my own mother once confessed that to me.  There was a time in her post Seventh Day Adventist years that I was dismayed to find her with a Ouija board.  These were religious practices condemned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church.  They were also clearly condemned by Scriptures. 
Is there Seventh Day Adventist fault in these deviations from the faith?  Maybe.  I’m reading into the Fetzer experience as outlined by biographer Brian C. Wilson that Fetzer equated some of his own “spiritualism” to Ellen G. White, the prophetess of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Maybe there was far too much emphasis in the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the writings and “visions” of Ellen G. White and too little on the plain wording of Scripture.  I am thinking that I remember little emphasis on Deuteronomy 18 that contained an explicit list of spiritual practices forbidden to the Israelites as they entered the land that the Lord took from others for pursuing those practices.  Here is the express language taken from the King James version of the bible.  It reads just about the same way in every other version:
When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.  There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord : and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.
For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners : but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.
The Seventh Day Adventists also, following the teachings of Ellen G. White, characterized many of the Gnostics as the true Christians -- the “true church” that went underground for a period of 1,260 years.  I heard this teaching many, many times during my youthful years in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Seventh Day Adventist Church.  Thankfully, we also sang “give me the Bible, holy message shining.”  Fortunately for me, that part stuck.  There were others, like David Koresh, John Fetzer, and others now deeply ensconced in the occult who interpreted things very differently or in the characterizing the Roman Catholic Church as the Beast of Revelation, missed other scriptural indicators of what the real beast would eventually bring forth -- as foretold in Revelation Chapter 9, the rise of the occult.  Another sad indicator of that was a site for a former Seventh Day Adventist I found on the internet.  She had formed her own church devoted to radical feminism, goddess(es) and all.  She calls herself “Katia” and is now openly into all forms of the occult, radical feminism, Eckart Tolle.  Here is something she wrote:
I went to Seventh Day Adventist schools and boarding schools during all my childhood and teen years. They teach a love for the Cathars big time. Our elementary school teachers made us read stories and color pictures of Waldensian and Albigensian children walking perilous mountain cliffs, hiding from the Inquisition on pain of death, carefully writing out copies of the Bible.
I left the Adventist church as a young adult because they don’t acknowledge the Divine Feminine, but I still have a friendly attitude toward some of their doctrine. I have been studying the Gnostic Cathars more in depth than usual lately and found some old notes I made last year. I realized the Adventists have a lot in common with the Cathars — who were called Waldensians and Albigensians in their day, only the Roman Catholic Church called them Cathars, originally a derogatory term meaning “purists” or “pure ones.”
Here is what I jotted down last year when I realized the uncanny similarity between the SDA’s and Cathars / Waldensians / Albigensians. The SDA founder, Ellen G. White, visited the Cathar / Waldensian valleys area in Europe (Italy and France border area) twice in 1885 to 1887 while she was in Europe. Chapter 4 of her famous book, The Great Controversy, is about these cool heretics. Adventists really really honor heretics!, good for them.[2]
Here’s what she is doing today, per her blogspot/website:

Author: Katia

Katia is a consecrated independent sacramental bishop. She directs the online Esoteric Mystery School and Interfaith Theological Seminary. Check it out at
 TO BE CONTINUED.  Paul Walter has copies of Hidden Dangers available on his website.  Alternatively, you may download a free electronic .pdf version from


[1]  This is the website for the Kalamazoo Public Library.
[2] or tinyurl  The blogger calls herself “Katia” and she is obviously well-versed in SDA theology and teachings as well as her unfortunate and obvious involvement in the occult, sanctified in her mind by its equation to her own belief set.  Her article goes on to discuss other parallels.  I looked up Ellen G. White’s own comments in my copy of “The Great Controversy” and did note that she had indicated that those fleeing had been subject to some degree to pagan influences.


  1. Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer9:53 AM

    Constance Cumbey wrote: "The Seventh Day Adventists also, following the teachings of Ellen G. White, characterized many of the Gnostics as the true Christians -- the “true church” that went underground for a period of 1,260 years."

    The Seventh Day Adventists are right about the Gnostics. The Gnostics teach that the creation was corrupt from its origins and this it is what science teaches today. Do Christians still believe the Bible when it says that "the earth is fixed on foundations and shall never be moved?" No! They believe that the earth is moving very fact around the sun. So why do Christians (not including Gnostics Christians) still believe that the creation was pure or "very good" at its origins when there is scientific evidence that proves that it was not? It's difficult for most people who are caught up in the Christian religious delusion to get over it.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer is filled with strong delusion and hot air.

    Yes, we believe the foundations of the earth are put in place by God.

    What is your definition of foundation? Flat?

    the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level.
    synonyms: footing, foot, base, substructure, understructure, underpinning; More
    an underlying basis or principle.
    "this idea is the foundation of all modern economics"
    synonyms: basis, starting point, base, point of departure, beginning, premise;

    Job 26:7
    7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

    Isaiah 40:21-22
    21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

    22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Pentagon: China Has TRIPLED The Number of Muslims in Labor Camps to THREE MILLION

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    DESTROYING Abortion Supporter's State Of Denial Leaves Them SPEECHLESS

    In Times Square, STUNNING SILENCE As Ultrasound Of Abby Johnson’s Baby Is Shown LIVE On Big Screen

    NEW YORK, May 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― The youngest child of pro-life author Abby Johnson made his on-screen debut in New York last week through a 4-D ultrasound.

    Johnson and her unborn child appeared at Focus on the Family’s “Alive from New York” pro-life rally in Times Square on Saturday afternoon. The event was planned as an affirmation of the dignity of unborn human life in the face of New York state’s new pro-abortion legislation. During the rally, Johnson went into a mobile medical unit behind a stage where a technician transmitted a 4-D ultrasound of her child on giant screens in the square.

    Between 10,000 and 20,000 people, INCLUDING A NUMBER OF ABORTION ADVOCATES HOLDING A COUNTER-DEMONSTRATION had gathered in Times Square for the rally.

    Broadcaster Kevin McCullough described the moment as unforgettable.

    “For the first time in all my years of Times Square, I will never forget that moment,” he wrote for the Town Hall news website.

    “In the middle of literally the world’s busiest intersection, a quiet fell across multiple blocks that was so deafening you could literally have heard a pin drop,” he continued.

    “No angry chants in protests, just a sleepy little baby’s face, in beautiful 4D, staring out across New York City’s busiest neighbourhoods.”

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    CNN to Cut as Many as 300 Staffers in Wake of Plummeting Ratings!

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Is Whatfinger News the next Drudge Report?

    More news and more liberty WITHOUT all the Drudge attacks on nutrition and natural medicine!

    Tuesday, May 07, 2019
    By: JD Heyes
    Natural News

    Regular visitors to the Drudge Report in recent weeks have noticed a change in the news fare offered by the aggregate master: A distinct, if not yet overt, anti-Trump bias creeping into the stories that Matt Drudge and his staff post.

    It was subtle at first, but then became more pronounced throughout the winter and into spring: Stories reflected negatively on the Trump administration and the president himself as compared to the first two years of his term.

    Some have attributed the Drudge Report’s change in tone regarding President Trump to a very public, nasty falling out with conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter, a close friend of Matt Drudge (they were seen together attending one of the GOP debates in 2016 and had been spotted together in 2014 attending an NBC playoff game). 

    Coulter and Drudge were early supporters of President Trump. But after a nasty public spatover the president’s lack of progress for his promised border wall (for which he can thank Congress), Coulter seems to have written off the Trump presidency. And he, her.

    Well, never fear, conservative news hounds: A viable alternative site has emerged that not only features the best independent media reporting, but is turning heads for its comprehensive inclusiveness to all ideas:

    Whatfinger News, according to “Mike,” one of its creators, is a news aggregate site “started just as a blog where three soldiers sat around and gave a thumbs up, [thumbs] down or a middle finger for products, news and such,” he said in an interview.

    “People liked seeing the comments, we posted more, they said post news, we did, more people came, and here we are. That simple. That fast. All word of mouth,” he noted. 

    Just the beginning

    By any measure, Whatfinger News is now a news aggregate player. According to Similar Web, a website ranking firm, the site unofficially attracted around 4.3 million visits in March (the latest month figures  available). That means the site is already sending some serious traffic to sites fortunate enough to be featured.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      And it’s just the beginning.

      “Our goals is to grow, we are tiny and a new site,” Mike says, adding that Whatfinger News has only been up and running officially for about 18 months. 

      “We’re motivated. Just wanting the news at our fingertips and not just from fake news which dominates media,” he continued. 

      As for the site’s goals, Mike says many of them are yet to be realized, but progress is being made nonetheless. The site will incorporate soon, other legalities will be taken care of, and an “intense expansion phase” that has been delayed while he and others work through issues will be starting soon, finally. 

      “So that will be fun to watch it grow, and readership expand,” he said.

      What kind of stories are featured? “We show all news and from all links and label them so no one is tricked into clicking what they do not want to visit,” he said. For instance, if a news source is known to lean Left, politically, readers will be shown that.

      “That happens often on other aggregates,” said Mike of news sites that sort of ‘trick’ readers into visiting a link that contains material they don’t want to read or patronize. “Also we show all sources and more of it than other aggregates,” he added.

      Whatfinger News does link to more well-known conservative and independent sources such as Breitbart News, the Washington Examiner, and The Epoch Times. But you’re just as likely to find a link to a story from an up-and-coming indy publisher as well.

      So long as the story itself has been given a “thumbs-up” from Mike and his crew.


      Read more about the bias at news media cartels at: and

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM


    Published: May 7, 2019

    Their infractions run the gamut. They’ve beaten members of the public, planted evidence, and used their badges to harass women. Others have lied, stolen, dealt drugs, driven drunk, abused spouses, and pursued relationships with minors, among a wide range of other infractions, depending on the aggressiveness of their state’s rules for police behavior...

  8. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Here's a taste of what the NWO has in store for the rest of the world for the 'non-compliant'...


    Published: May 7, 2019

    China has developed a new portable laser weapon that can zap a target from nearly a kilometre away, according to researchers involved in the project.

    The ZKZM-500 laser assault rifle is classified as being “non-lethal” but produces an energy beam that cannot be seen by the naked eye but can pass through windows and cause the “instant carbonisation” of human skin and tissues.

    Ten years ago its capabilities would have been the preserve of sci-fi films, but one laser weapons scientist said the new device is able to “burn through clothes in a split second … If the fabric is flammable, THE WHOLE PERSON WILL BE SET ON FIRE”.

    “The pain will be beyond endurance,” according to the researcher who had took part in the development and field testing of a prototype at the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shaanxi province.

    The 15mm calibre weapon weighs three kilos (6.6lb), about the same as an AK-47, and has a range of 800 metres, or half a mile, and could be mounted on cars, boats and planes.

    It is now ready for mass production...

    It could also be used in covert military operations. The beam is powerful enough to burn through a gas tank and ignite the fuel storage facility in a military airport.

    Because the laser has been tuned to an invisible frequency, and it produces absolutely no sound, “nobody will know where the attack came from. It will look like an accident,” another researcher said.
    The rifles will be powered by a rechargeable lithium battery pack similar to those found in smartphones. It can fire more than 1,000 “shots”, each lasting no more than two seconds.
    The prototype was built by ZKZM Laser, a technology company owned by the institute in Xian. A company representative confirmed that the firm is now seeking a partner that has a weapons production licence or a partner in the security or defence industry to start large-scale production at a cost of 100,000 yuan (US$15,000) a unit.
    Chengdu Hengan Police Equipment Manufacturing company, a major hardware supplier for Chinese law enforcement agencies, also released a laser “machine gun” last month.

    The weapon has a range of 500 metres and it can fire several hundred shots per charge, according to the company’s product brochure.

    Only a decade ago, such powerful laser weapons were something out of science fiction.
    Wang Zhimin, associate researcher at the Research Centre for Laser Physics and Technology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, said technological improvements in recent years meant scientists were able to develop smaller and more powerful devices in the same way that mobile phone manufacturers had done.

    “This is no longer science fiction. They are already a fact of life,” he said.
    'Law enforcement' could counter “illegal protests” by setting fire to banners from a long distance and protest leaders could be targeted by setting fire to their clothing or hair which would mean they lose “the rhythms of their speech and powers of persuasion”.

    Do not be dismayed but rather let that serve as a reminder to NEVER forget to pray for the Divine Protection of God Almighty!

    "If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go."

  9. I've just attempted a few corrections -- grammatical and typo in nasture.


  10. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Disturbing Undercover Video Shows Priest Joking About His Sexual Abuse Of Deaf Boys

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    A skeptic's view of claims in the news story I posted at 6:24 PM...

    No, China Hasn't Built A Laser Assault Rifle That Can 'Carbonize' People

    From what we know and what the design team has said themselves, the ZKZM-500's actual capabilities are likely far more limited than the wild claims.

  12. "Is there Seventh Day Adventist fault in these deviations from the faith? Maybe. I’m reading into the Fetzer

    experience as outlined by biographer Brian C. Wilson that Fetzer equated some of his own “spiritualism” to

    Ellen G. White, the prophetess of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

    Maybe there was far too much emphasis in the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the writings and “visions”

    of Ellen G. White and too little on the plain wording of Scripture."

    yes I think you are right, another anomaly is his time of serious illness preceeding this er, awakening.
    SDA and Mormonism and Church of Christ, all in varying degrees of heresy Church of Christ possibly the

    least heretical if at all except for flawed eschatology, and others, come from the "restoration movement"
    or what one Orthodox writer called the cottage industry of finding the true or original church. The idea
    shared by all was that either the church died out shortly after the Apostles, or thanks to Constantine
    (a lie started by an islamic apologist trying to explain the radical differences between Christianity and
    islam, taken up by an atheist later and put to work by heretical type bible thumpers), and continued dead
    in the water until the restoration movement (which fragmented and ranged from sloppy exegesis and
    scattered biblie reading to full on heresy with occfultic manifestations).

    The influence of the latter, a timebomb of a flow lurking to pick up on whoever it can, operates in churches
    with a visionary background and Mormonism additionally has a masonic background. the appeal to "ancient

    mystery schools of wisdom" etc. is esentially an appear to paganism and anti Christianity.

    There have been a few musical performers with a similar time of desperate illness and they came out of
    it with unusual talent, and never did this manifest as supporting anything holy, the love sonts might not be
    inherently unholy but there was no explicit godliness either, and their personal lives were the pits.
    Some individual songs glorified promiscuity and womanizing with some nostalgia for the pumped and


    Tom Jones and Julio Iglesias are the top two in this category. without necessarily the illness (I didn't read
    his biography) but a definite strange shift, Frank Sinatra is another one. sure he made a metaphorical deal
    with the devil in getting mafia etc. help for his floundering career, but that doesn't make your voice better.
    that doesan't make you the object of irrational swooning and obsession. I think there was a more literal
    deal with the devil, and the rat pack incl. some playing with that stuff in one case very publicly.

    The influence of "media" "entertainment" etc. shouldn't be overlooked. never mind if it makes you feel good.
    Disney has been held up as good old fashioned entertainment for family and children, ignoring some occultic stuff from the getgo, and the whole issue of fantasy as itself questionable. it doesn't help one deal with
    reality and when it goes overboard you get delusional obsessions and schizophrenia. the very word fantasy
    is from fantasm or phantom.

    Something of interest: at times I was able to semi see some spirits one didn't get out of the car before the
    door closed on it, but it got loose. I talked with Mike about it, we agreed they were a bit like the cartoon
    characters who can get smashed flat or whatever and recover.

    BEHAVIOR? time to rethink and question everything. "conservative values" have included a lot of questionable stuff incl. a kind of civil religion, where Christ is valued as a social cohesive device not as a
    way out of the fleshly and worldly social scene. Its sort of like what C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters
    called Christianity and....
    and it doesn't matter what or how virtuous is on the other side of the "and" as long as it eventually grows to eclipse and replace the Christianity part of the phrase.

  13. Anonymous3:30 PM

    This last post reminds me of H.R. Pufnstuf.

  14. Anonymous3:50 PM

    More censorship on somewhat controversial right of center voices:


    "Please steal this video from me. I'm on Double Secret Probation and they are about to shut me down. I've been getting weird copyright strikes for videos over a decade old and the word on the street is they are DYING to cut me loose." - Gavin McInnes

  15. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Anonymous 3:30 PM


    A title character like THAT for a KID'S show?

    Never cared to watch it but if H.R. Pufnstuf actually WAS a surly, scatterbrained, intellectually vain, royal pain-in-the-ass then you and I are in full agreement!

  16. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Climate prediction models are all rigged to produce false “proof” of human-caused climate change

  17. Christine,

    I know you probably mean well, BUT, I'm having immense difficulty deciphering what you are saying above. About Constantine, I get tired of a lot of the Constantine bashing. Up until Constantine, it was perfectly legal in old Rome to crucify Christians, throw them to lions, force them into gladiator fights, etc., etc. Also, Constantine's mother deserves a lot of credit for traveling to Jerusalem as a relatively aged woman and working to preserve sites connected with Jesus' life.


  18. I've just changed the format, added some material, made some corrections. Let me know what you think of the new blog look.


  19. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Ι like the new look, Constance.


    Laura Loomer Brings BANNED Conservatives To [Twitter CEO] Jack Dorsey's House

    On April 30, 2019, I rented a projector and projected the names of every prominent Conservative who has been banned by Twitter onto the $10 MILLION home of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. I also projected my hashtag #StopTheBias, which President Trump himself has tweeted in response to the censorship of his supporters on Twitter.

    Jack Dorsey told Rolling Stone Magazine that he "loves protest and activists", and that he respects me for fighting for what I think is right.

    Since Dorsey loves protest so much, I took the protest straight to his house.

    On November 21, 2018, I was permanently banned by Twitter for calling Rep. Ilhan Omar "anti Jewish".

    Before my ban, and even after my ban, many more conservatives have been banned on Twitter.

    Two days after I went to Jack Dorsey's house, I was banned on Facebook and Instagram, and labeled as a “dangerous person”, a terrorist. Others who were banned include Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, and Paul Joseph Watson.

    I have not committed a crime. My only crime is that I am a Conservative Jewish woman. I am now banned on every single social media platform and have been banned from making a living in America simply because of my politics.

    I went to Facebook today and confronted them in Silicon Valley about why they banned me and labeled me a terrorist.

    1984 is here.

    Please support my legal battle against censorship and Big tech tyranny! Donate today at, and sign the petition. Together, we can #StopTheBias

  20. Anonymous9:41 AM

    If you can't win the game:


    It's well-nigh past time that the: Banned, Will-Be-Banned and the Might-Well-Be-Banned, Etc. all go to and HEAVILY PROMOTE Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. ALTERNATIVES. Ideally they should now hold a conference to consensus-pick the best one alternative to FB, the best one alternative to Twitter, the best one alternative to YouTube, etc. and ALL agree to use THOSE for sure (using any ADDITIONAL others at their own individual respective discretions). KEEP fighting FB, etc. perhaps WHILE they do it...

    BUT. DO. IT.


  21. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Human Rights Watch Uncovers Details Of Mass Surveillance System Used By Police in Xinjiang

    For years, Xinjiang has been a testbed for the Chinese government’s novel digital and physical surveillance tactics, as well as human rights abuses. But there is still a lot that the international human rights community doesn’t know, especially when it comes to post-2016 Xinjiang.

    Last Wednesday, Human Rights Watch released a report detailing the inner workings of a mass surveillance [system] used by police and other officials. 
    What’s going on in Xinjiang?

    Xinjiang is the largest province in China, home to the Uighurs and other Turkic minority groups. Since 2016, the Chinese government has cracked down on the region as a part of the ongoing “Strike Hard” campaign. An estimated 1[-3] million individuals have been detained in “political education centers,” and the IJOP’s surveillance system watches the daily lives of Xinjiang residents. 
    Facial-recognition-enabled cameras...line the streets in front of schools, markets, and homes in Kashgar. WiFi sniffers log the unique addresses of connected devices, and police gather data from phone inspections, regular intrusive home visits, and mandatory security checkpoints.
    Who are they targeting? Well, basically everyone, focusing on individuals who fit one of 36 suspicious “Person Types.” 

    °People who travel...

    °People with “problematic” content and software on their phones...

    °People, phones, or cars that go “off-the-grid”...

    °People who are related to any of the above...

    °And people who are not.The application flags all sorts of people. People who consume too much electricity, people subject to a data entry mishap, people who do not socialize with neighbors, people who have too many children…the list goes on and on...

    Any small deviation from what the IJOP system deems “normal behavior” could be enough to trigger an investigation and prompt a series of intrusive visits from a police officer.
    In Xinjiang, the police know a huge array of invasive information about you, and it is their job to collect more.

    And as all behavior is pulled into the state’s orbit, ordinary people can become instant suspects...

    Wandering from algorithmic expectations targets you for further investigation.

    Invoking the “slippery slope” is a misnomer, because the privacy violations we predict and fear are ALREADY HERE. 

  22. Anonymous11:37 AM


    The Privacy Project

    It’s Time to Break Up Facebook

    By Chris Hughes

    Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook, says the company is so big and powerful that it threatens our democracy.

    May 9, 2019


    He controls three core communications platforms — Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — that billions of people use every day. Facebook’s board works more like an advisory committee than an overseer, because Mark controls around 60 percent of voting shares. Mark alone can decide how to configure Facebook’s algorithms to determine what people see in their News Feeds, what privacy settings they can use and even which messages get delivered. He sets the rules for how to distinguish violent and incendiary speech from the merely offensive, and he can choose to shut down a competitor by acquiring, blocking or copying it.
    The most problematic aspect of Facebook’s power is Mark’s unilateral control over speech. There is no precedent for his ability to monitor, organize and even censor the conversations of two billion people.
    For many people today, it’s hard to imagine government doing much of anything right, let alone breaking up a company like Facebook.

    This ISN'T by coincidence.

    Starting in the 1970s, a small but dedicated group of economists, lawyers and policymakers sowed the seeds of our cynicism. Over the next 40 years, they financed a network of think tanks, journals, social clubs, academic centers and media outlets to teach an emerging generation that private interests should take precedence over public ones. Their gospel was simple: “Free” markets are dynamic and productive, while government is bureaucratic and ineffective. By the mid-1980s, they had largely managed to relegate energetic antitrust enforcement to the history books.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      This shift, combined with business-friendly tax and regulatory policy, ushered in a period of mergers and acquisitions that created megacorporations. In the past 20 years, more than 75 percent of American industries, from airlines to pharmaceuticals, have experienced increased concentration, and the average size of public companies has tripled. The results are a decline in entrepreneurship, stalled productivity growth, and higher prices and fewer choices for consumers.

      The same thing is happening in social media and digital communications. Because Facebook so dominates social networking, it faces no market-based accountability. This means that every time Facebook messes up, we repeat an exhausting pattern: first outrage, then disappointment and, finally, resignation.
      The cost of breaking up Facebook would be next to zero for the government, and lots of people stand to gain economically. A ban on short-term acquisitions would ensure that competitors, and the investors who take a bet on them, would have the space to flourish. Digital advertisers would suddenly have multiple companies vying for their dollars.

      Even Facebook shareholders would probably benefit, as shareholders often do in the years after a company’s split. The value of the companies that made up Standard Oil doubled within a year of its being dismantled and had increased by fivefold a few years later. Ten years after the 1984 breakup of AT&T, the value of its successor companies had tripled.

      But the biggest winners would be the American people. Imagine a competitive market in which they could choose among one network that offered higher privacy standards, another that cost a fee to join but had little advertising and another that would allow users to customize and tweak their feeds as they saw fit. No one knows exactly what Facebook’s competitors would offer to differentiate themselves. That’s exactly the point.

      Watch: A founder of Facebook says it should be broken up:

  23. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Paul Joseph Watson to sue Facebook for defamation after being falsely labeled a “dangerous” terrorist!

  24. Anonymous12:12 PM

    If people do nothing...

    The alt media will soon be gone along with Trump and the Constitution:

    The Three Stages Of A Revolution

  25. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Former head of German sex abuse study claims bishop threatened him to hide findings

  26. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Bill Threatens To CRIMINALIZE Christian Speech As ‘Hate’!

  27. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The Ultimate Goal Of Globalists Is To Make YOU Into A Monster Just Like THEM

    Wednesday 08 May 2019
    Brandon Smith

    In recent months I have been writing extensively about the psychology of globalists as well as the strange cult-like beliefs that drive their philosophies. In my article 'Global Elitists Are Not Human' I outlined evidence that globalist motives and behavior are directly comparable to the ideals and behavior of narcissistic sociopaths (or what some people might refer to as psychopaths). I theorized that globalists are in fact a highly organized cult of narcissistic sociopaths, that they look for the inborn character trait of sociopathy in the people that they recruit, and that these people are like a separate species from normal human beings, as they lack most traits that we would associate with normal human behavior such as empathy and self examination.

    In my article 'Luciferianism: A Secular Look At A Destructive Globalist Belief System', I showcased evidence that globalists and their institutions (like the United Nations) were tied to the luciferian philosophical cult. I also explored my epiphany that luciferianism was actually a religion designed by narcissistic sociopaths for narcissistic sociopaths; a belief system that exonerates and applauds their destructive behaviors.

    To reiterate, the only way to understand the methods and madness of globalists is to research and understand the thinking of narcissistic sociopaths. This is, I believe, the big secret that we are not supposed to know about. The root factor that could change the world is if humanity finally realized that these people are NOT like us...

  28. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Must-See: Facebook Chris Hughes Co-Founder Calls for Government to Break Up Social Media Giant (VIDEO)

  29. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Evidence Democrats And The MSM Have Embraced Islam's Principal Of 'Taqiya': They Insanely Believe They Can Blatantly Lie To The American People & Are 'Above The Law Of The Land'!
    - Democrats Embrace Of Techno-Tyranny Proves They Couldn't Care Less About 'Freedom'

    May 9, 2019

    Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

    In the extremely important video that we've embedded directly below titled "Taqiyya: The 1st Thing You Need To Understand About Islam", videographer 'No More Lies' perfectly explains for us the Islamic principal of 'Taqiyya, or taqiya', a key component of Islam that appears in the Koran and a core teaching of Mohammed that not only permits but encourages Muslims to lie to 'non-believers' in order to either 'smooth over differences' or 'gain an upper hand over their enemies' by pretending to be friends.

  30. Anonymous2:33 PM

  31. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Another false allegation, this time leading to the innocent, falsely-accused man's death at the hands of the liar's brother.

    Teen allegedly kills man wrongfully accused of sexually assaulting his sister

    A teenage boy fatally attacked a man after the teen’s younger sister told her brother that she was sexually assaulted by the man on a public bus in Utah — an incident that investigators say never happened, according to reports.

    Police say the 16-year-old girl told her 17-year-old brother that she was sexually assaulted aboard a Cache Valley Transit District bus around 3 p.m. April 23, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.

    The brother immediately sprang into action and tracked down 62-year-old Michael Fife — the man his sister accused — as the man was exiting the bus in the city of Logan, according to the news outlet.

    The teen then attacked Fife, who suffered head injuries and was beaten unconscious.

    Fife fell to the ground and was left lying on the sidewalk as the teenage boy fled, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

    Later that night, the boy’s sister reported the sexual assault to police, who discovered that surveillance footage from the bus showed that the assault never happened.

    “Logan Police detectives reviewed the video footage of the alleged assault,” authorities said, according to the news outlet. “The video showed Mr. Fife walking past the girl, but no sexual assault occurred.”

    Fife died from his injuries four days after the attack.

    The identities of the teen brother and his sister were not released because of their ages.

    The Cache County Attorney’s Office is also investigating the case.


    This question was asked of The Lord: Lord, what do you say about new age spirituality, psychics, mediums, buddhism and the like?

    Thus says The Lord: All is wickedness, deceptions clothed in falsehoods, presented to the masses under the guise of so-called truth and enlightenment, the wide path leading to destruction. For those who embrace such things cast stumbling stones at their own feet, and those who teach such things teach doctrines of demons, and shall surely fall into the pit.
    Beware. For these teachings are of the spirit called antichrist; propagated by those sent out by the evil one to disguise and pervert the Truth amongst the people, to deceive the whole world (and if it were possible, even the elect); cunning ones who seek only to steal, kill and destroy, to the devouring of whole nations. For the thoughts and desires of the people are perverse. They practice abomination, and do not retain God in their thoughts. They are consumed by lust, easily devoured by their own evil thoughts and desires.

    Therefore, again I say to you, beware...

    For evil comes in many forms
    And shall only increase by measure,
    Reaching unto new heights in wickedness...

    Behold, right has become wrong;
    And wrong has become right,
    And the right of the individual
    Who has become a god unto themselves...

    For My children have removed
    Themselves far from Me, searching
    In vain for they know not what.

    For I tell you the truth, what they call god is nothing! - Dead works, useless faith, all in all a leading away from The Truth; lies upon lies, deception hidden within deception, both great and subtle, vanity and vexation of spirit; falsehoods passed down from one generation to the next, deceptions built upon the ever-shifting sands of religion, philosophy and science, masquerading as truth!
    For the evil one does indeed wear many disguises by which he ensnares the people, clever contrivances both subtle and obvious; stones of stumbling, rocks of offense, abominations hidden under the guise of peace and enlightenment, full of self and self-indulgence - DELUSION! Yet the fulfillment they seek through meditation and enlightenment leads only to spiritual starvation and bitter thirst, as they wander aimlessly through a vast desert of lies wherein all dead men’s bones are found, hidden within the mirage of inner peace.

    Peoples of the earth, YahuShua HaMashiach
    Is The Fulfillment of all things,
    The Truth and Understanding you seek,
    The Meaning of Life!...

    HE is The Bread which came down
    From Heaven to feed those who hunger,
    The Fountain of Living Waters for those
    Who thirst, The Prince of Peace...

    The ONLY Way, The ONLY Truth, The ONLY Life...

    Says The Lord God.


  34. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Being Liberally 'Woke' Is Causing Death, Destruction  And Destitution: 'Get Woke, Go Broke'!

    May 9, 2019

    By Susan Duclos
    All News PipeLine

    According to Urban Dictionary the term "woke" is described as "The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue." The problem we see today stems from the overuse by liberal social justice monsters who think that being "woke" is an excuse to manufacture outrage over just about anything that offends their delicate sensibilities.


    When a business or industry decides to jump on the liberal "woke" bandwagon, basically alienating half the nation, they see a  downtick in business, advertising, and sales, but over time as that stance resonates throughout the country, they see dramatic loss of revenue.

    One example of that was Dick's Sporting Goods that decided to side with the tyrannical gun control liberals, by halting the sales of certain types of rifles, they like to call "assault rifles," and then banned sales of all guns to anyone under 21 years of age, even if the state's age of adulthood is legally 18.

    In late March we see the ramifications for Dick's as they reportedly lost $150 million in sales following their getting "woke" and bowing to the social justice crowd of gun-grabbers pushing for gun control.

    Another industry that decided to bow to their "woke' players is the NFL, who rather than taking a stand against players kneeling during the National Anthem at games, instead fiddled around hoping the controversy would go away. It didn't.  Ratings tanked over the months of controversy, and now we see that the NFL network has been forced to make $20 million in cuts and slashed a number of their formally popular shows, because of their "woke" protesters using the Nation Anthem to kneel, while disrepecting the American flag.

    (If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of America.)

    Via New York Post:

    The NFL Network is being forced to cut $20 million out of its projected budget and, in the process, already has eliminated at least five shows, including one that featured Deion Sanders, The Post has learned.

    The less-than-hoped-for budget has made negotiations with on-air personnel tense, and there is a feeling some will either not be retained or be forced to take pay cuts, according to sources.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      What Dick's and the NFL troubles both have in common is they both decided to jump into politically divisive issues, and both ignored the reality of who their customers and fan are and what they believe.

      A study reported on in 2018 found that "intense sports fans, tend to endorse conservative policies. So, Dick's and the NFL just didn't alienate half the country, they alienated the majority of their base and it has cost them tens of millions of dollars, all because they thought they were "woke" by following the liberal socialist agenda.

      Dick's and the NFL forgot the golden rule in business: Know your base, know your customers and cater to them because that is what business is about.... the customers.

      To show a stark contrast to how those that have bowed to the the perpetually outraged social justice crowd have fared, we see an example of how those that have refused to bow down and cave to the online mobs, are thriving.

      Chick-fil-A, a company created on Christian values, who refused to go against their religious beliefs during the entire traditional marriage versus same sex marriage issue, were ridiculed, boycotted by the liberal social justice crowd. They have cities that refused to allow them to build, constant harassment by Democrats and liberals, and yet because they did not jump into a political battle, just maintained their long held beliefs and principles, they have now become the "3rd largest fast-food chain in US sales amid growing popularity."


      The bottom line here is simple. You get liberally "woke" you go broke, you cause death, destruction and destitution, but if you refuse to cave to the liberal social justice monsters, you survive and thrive.....and are, in fact, happier people!

  35. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Propaganda music video champions 'Social Credit System'...

    Inside China surveillance hell: 'All your life in the record'...

    Cameras, barbed wire, torture...


  36. Just a few gems from GrantNZ's (5:39 PM) link above regarding Pope Francis calling for global governance:

    "The nation-state is no longer able to procure the common good of its populations alone. The common good has become global and nations must associate for their own benefit," Francis said. (Promoting the destruction of sovereign, independent states.)

    "The nation-state is no longer able to procure the common good of its populations alone. The common good has become global and nations must associate for their own benefit," Francis said. (Right out of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto!)

    "When a supranational common good is clearly identified, it is necessary to have a special authority that is legally and concordantly constituted and capable of facilitating its implementation," the Pope stated. ( A "special authority" that will rule over the sovereignty of nations and define what is left of individual freedoms.)

    NOTE: I have warned on numerous occasions that the Vatican is a major player in the plan to construct a despotic, totalitarian global dictatorship. Don't think for one second that when Francis is replaced, the course that they are on will change. Why? Because JP II, and Benedict were promoting the very same agenda!

  37. Feelings hurt by what someone wrote or said? Were you offended in some way?

    Now you can report your offended feelings to the police! Violation of the 1st. Amendment, you say? What 1st. Amendment?

  38. Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech as enumerated in the 1st. Amendment?

    If you live in the State of Florida, be warned that there is a new law that will soon be signed by Governor DeiSsantis. The Governor will be making a special trip to Israel, where the signing ceremony of the new anti-semitism law will take place. Once it is signed, be aware that any criticism of the STATE of Israel will be viewed as "anti-semitic," and will be subject to prosecution.

    Also, all institutions of education in the State of Florida will be required to follow the guidelines as put forth in this bill.

    For a break down of what this all entails, read this editorial from the Sun Sentinel:

  39. Anonymous11:40 AM



    The Surge Of Illegals Under TRUMP Is WORSE Than Any Year Under OBAMA!
    The numbers are actually FAR worse than under Obama BECAUSE the majority of illegals likely CAN'T be deported as they're from Central America and can [NOW] claim asylum under the bipartisan open borders bill passed in February and SIGNED BY President TRUMP!

  40. Anonymous11:43 AM

  41. Anonymous12:19 PM



    Another Sign Things Are Spiraling Out Of Control At Breakneck Speed In The Big Cities: With The Breakdown Of Law And Order, The Bloodshed Begins

    By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
    May 10, 2019
    [There is] a very disturbing trend that's beginning to take place in cities all across America that portends a complete breakdown of law and order ahead; several big cities are NO LONGER ENFORCING THE LAW FOR NUMEROUS CRIMES such as shoplifting, theft, trespassing, vandalism, disorderly conduct and a NUMBER of other crimes!
    This trend is the complete disregard of the law and a persistent ignoring of very serious problems that affect the health, safety, and wellbeing of all that live, work, or do business in them and the surrounding suburbs. This cannot go on without some very serious consequences. When people are forced to take the law into their own hands, the situation can get out of hand quickly. Violence and chaos are far too easy to start and difficult or even impossible to stop without massive devastation. 

    When there is no law then that is anarchy and many of the larger cities in the United States are descending into it. 

    Anarchy is a slippery slope. When leaders issue orders to not arrest people for crimes, that is a WARNING SIGN that things are going downhill at a rapid rate!

  42. Anonymous12:29 PM

    When Socialists Run Wild...


  43. Anonymous12:51 PM


    By John W Whitehead
    Constitutional Attorney
    Charlottesville, Virginia

    What characterizes American government today is not so much dysfunctional politics as it is ruthlessly contrived governance carried out behind the entertaining, distracting and disingenuous curtain of political theatre. And what political theatre it is, diabolically Shakespearean at times, full of sound and fury, yet in the end, signifying nothing.

    Played out on the national stage and eagerly broadcast to a captive audience by media sponsors, this farcical exercise in political theatre can, at times, seem riveting, life-changing and suspenseful, even for those who know better.

    Week after week, the script changes (Donald Trump’s Tweets, Congress’ hearings on Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, the military’s endless war drums, the ever-widening field of candidates for the 2020 presidential race, etc.) with each new script following on the heels of the last, never any let-up, never any relief from the constant melodrama.

    The players come and go, the protagonists and antagonists trade places and the audience members are quick to forget past mistakes and move on to the next spectacle.

    All the while, a different kind of drama is unfolding in the dark backstage, hidden from view by the heavy curtain, the elaborate stage sets, coloured lights and parading actors.

    Such that it is, the realm of political theatre with all of its drama, vitriol and scripted theatrics is what passes for “transparent” government today, with elected officials, entrusted to act in the best interests of their constituents, routinely performing for their audiences and playing up to the cameras, while doing very little to move the country forward.


  44. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Remember This Group at Center of the Dakota Access Protest? They’re Caught in a Massive Lawsuit

    Far-left environmentalists are just more enlightened and moral than you and me — at least, that’s certainly the impression they give off.
    Now, according to a lawsuit filed in Minnesota this week, the far-left environmentalist group Honor the Earth allegedly helped cover up the sexual abuse of young boys.

  45. Anonymous1:17 PM

    If Big Tech Gets Its Way...


  46. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Donald was supposed to 'clean up' the government remember? One then, must ask...

    WHY would he do THIS:

    Trump CONTINUES Obama's War On Whistleblowers!

  47. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Who signed the letter to the EU? The signatories included Germany's former foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, as well as Jean-Marc Ayrault, Carl Bildt, Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz and Guy Verhofstadt — former prime ministers of France, Sweden, Poland and Belgium respectively. Former NATO secretary generals Willy Claes and Javier Solana also added their names, along with former UK foreign secretaries David Miliband and Jack Straw.

    The EU and Israel...
    (who can't keep his hands off of this issue?)

    tic toc tic toc tic toc.......

  48. You may gain insights on more recent plans of Fetzer Institute and their linkages/approval of Pope Francis by checking out this. If it comes back dead, I've saved a copy and you can obtain it my emailing me for same. United Religions, Alliance of Civilizations, New World Religion, et al, it's all here.

    It is a report entitled Symposium on
    The New Narrative
    for a
    Global Movement for Spiritual Transformation. It is the "framing paper" for that event.


  49. Thank you Constance!

  50. Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer9:31 AM

    A new article of mine is titled "Global Paradigm Change | Rights of Nature: Now A Global Movement." It is located at The first part of the article is presented below.

    Tom Goldtooth (Bdewakantonwan Dakota/Navajo), Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network and internationally renowned Indigenous environmentalist, stated that “we cannot have the recognition of our rights as indigenous people if we do not recognize the rights of nature.”

    Mr. Goldtooth's traditional Bdewakantonwan Dakota homeland ancestral-headquarters is Mille Lacs Lake (Mde/Bde Wakan) in Minnesota. The "Rum" (Wakan/Wahkon) River watershed, which includes Mille Lacs Lake, is also part of Goldtooth's Bdewakantonwan Dakota traditional homeland, which is a large area in central Minnesota that the Bdewakantonwan Dakota were unjustly and violently forced from. Following the evil principles of the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and Domination of Indigenous Peoples a group of invading European colonists tricked and used a displaced East Coast band of Ojibwe to violently force the Bdewakantonwan Dakota from this sacred (wahkon) watershed homeland of theirs.

    Now-days, there are Bdewakantonwan Dakota rights activists and advocates working to rectify unresolved past injustices and current injustices being committed against the Bdewakantonwan Dakota in this sacred traditional Minnesota homeland of theirs. I am a Bdewakantonwan Dakota rights advocate who is promoting Dakota environmentalism throughout the "Rum" (Wahkon) River Watershed, and as a part of this advocacy work-I am seeking to gain legal personhood rights for the badly named "Rum" (Wahkon) River.

    "The idea that a feature of nature, like a river, is a living being might seem like a strange concept to some, but it is nothing new to Indigenous and other traditional peoples around the world. While the Western philosophical system is underpinned by the idea that man is separate from nature and in dominion over it, Indigenous philosophical systems tend to conceive of humans as a part of nature, often in a stewardship role to help maintain its balance."

    The Western philosophical system is based on the Bible passages: Genesis 1:28, fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea" and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth,... and Psalms 2:8-9, Ask of me, and I shall give thee [the pope and European Christian nations] the heathen [Indigenous Peoples] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth [which includes all of the Indigenous People's land] for thy possession. Thou shalt break them [commit genocide and "ethnic cleansing" against them] with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.


    The last paragraph in the article reads:

    I, like the world renowned Indigenous activist Steven Newcomb, believe that we need a decolonization global paradigm change to solve the global climate change crisis. I am promoting this global paradigm change by (1.) advocating for the liberation of indigenous peoples from Christendom's domination so that they can become free Independent Indigenous Sovereign Nations once again, and by (2.) promoting the current revival of the 1960s hippie New Age/Hindu spiritual philosophy and counterculture eco-village communism or tribalism. I believe that an important goal of this global decolonization paradigm change movement is the retribalization the world.

  51. Regarding Constance's post @ 10:47 PM ...

    Make sure you go to the link that Constance provided and READ it in its entirety:

    Here are some of the highlights (or lowlights) of their "New Narrative" put out by the Fetzer Institute:

    "A Vision of a World Transformed by Oneness and Love: If we can "wake up" to an all-centered consciousness of oneness and love and to the SACREDNESS OF OURSELVES, OTHERS, and the natural world, WE CAN TOGETHER CREATE A GLOBAL COMMUNITY of life in which all persons can live in dignity and sufficiency and in which the natural world can flourish.F"

    NOTE: Obviously, this is a complete denial of the universal, sinful state of the human race. Denying that mankind has an inherent sin nature, in effect, denies the need for the sacrificial death upon the cross of Jesus Christ. In this "global community," TRUE Christians will not "fit in." The question is this; what will be done with them?

  52. More from the Fetzer Institute's "New Narrative":

    "The Path: This transformation from a consciousness of separation and fear to a consciousness of oneness and love is possible."

    NOTE: This is a clear, polar opposite of elementary Bible truth, and that is, that possessing a FEAR of God is the beginning of spiritual knowledge. People that ignore this principle will be counted among those that are "ever learning, but unable to come to a knowledge of the truth."

    Verbatim statement from the Fetzer Institute's rationalizing the use of "... Pope Francis' encyclical as a starting point."

    "Our reason for taking Pope Francis’s encyclical as a starting point. Finally, it may be helpful to note the principal reasons why we selected Pope Francis’s recent encyclical Laudato Si’: The Care of our Common Home as the starting point for our dialogue. First, viewed through the lens of the movement worldview outlined above, WE READ THIS ENCYCLICAL AS AN ELOQUENT ARTICULATION OF A CHRISTIAN VERSION OF THE NEW NARRATIVE THAT SETS FORTH AND DISCUSSES IN SOME DEPTH EACH OF THE 5 ESSENTIAL BUILDING OF THE NARRATIVE. Second, we hope that our symposium will be very much in the spirit of Pope Francis’s gracious and respectful call for a global dialogue among faiths and worldviews on how we can find a global common ground from which to address the critical challenges facing humanity. THIRD, WE THINK THE ENCYCLICAL DEMONSTRATES THAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO TAKE THIS CONVERSATION ABOUT THE NEW NARRATIVE ONTO THE GLOBAL STAGE. It is also important to emphasize that selecting the encyclical as our starting point is in no way intended to privilege the Christian perspective. In this regard, WE HAVE BEEN VERY HEARTENED BY THE RELEASE OF THE ISLAMIC DECLARATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE, A REMARKABLE DOCUMENT THAT VOICES MANY OF THE SAME THEMES AS THE ENCYCLICAL."

  53. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Ole Fuzzy strikes again @ 9:31 AM.
    TD is delusional...(with visions of grandeur filling his head)

  54. Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer10:58 AM

    If man has an "inherent sin nature" due to "the first sin ("original sin") committed by the first human being ("Adam") and that sin was to have also supposedly caused the creation/earth, which was originally suppose to have been a kind of paradise wherein every living thing was drinking from the fountain of youth, to fall into a state of corruption-then why would any sane person believe humans have an "inherent sin nature" and that we therefore need the "sacrificial death upon the cross of Jesus Christ" to save us from its sin consequences when scientific discoveries have proven that the creation/earth was corrupt or full of death and corruption for four billion years before the first human being came into existence on earth. The early century Gnostic Christians were right, the creation/earth was corrupt from its origins, it was never pure or "very good," as the Old Testament "God" falsely claims in a Bible scripture. Satan is a liar, be careful who you worship and serve.


  55. Just pause and think about what the above demonstrates.

    We have on the one hand an organization whose entire stated purpose is to create a Christ-denying, New Age global conscienceless that will ultimately lead to a global government. Their system is based upon lies, which shouldn't be surprising, because the real author of their "consciousness" is none other than that old Serpent himself, Satan. Consider that this this same Satanic organization is using Pope Francis' encyclical as a "starting point" in which to help achieve their nefarious goals, while also praising the "Islamic Declaration on Climate Change" because it is in basic agreement with PF's encyclical!

    The false science of Climate Change, along with the UN's despotic Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, are all being used as a construct for the creation of global government. What's the Vatican's official position on all of this? They completely support the entire agenda.

    Many apparently divergent entities are all uniting and working towards the exact same goal; global totalitarian government.

  56. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Dear Dahlheimer,

    God, the God Most High and Holy Lord of the Bible, is forever good, Dahlheimer. That is not a news flash, this is timeless truth. From eternity past to eternity future, all in between, there is never a flaw in Him...ever.

    You, however, are not good, like all other human beings born in original sin, and yours is sticking out all over the place, in your insistence in your warped beliefs, that you are "gooder than God". The Lord made provision for you to have that corruption's penalty and power removed from you, but you aren't having your refusal, you are not bowing the knee and confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord, but make yourself and what you espouse to be higher and better than He.

    That ain't workin'. Never did and never will. Can't and won't work for you, or the others, the walking dead and those who have already died in their trespasses and sins, supposed higher beings, of the old pagan rot of the ages, repackaging itself to be "new" (and according to you "improves" as it progresses). God and truth are unchangeable.
    Will you die in your sin because of your sinful pride that actually truly hates that God is good, and you are not?
    Up to you.
    John 3:16 is still open for the taking. Go look at it with fresh eyes and be shocked at what you have totally missed, totally discounted, and despised, thus far.

    You are a bitter heart and soul, Thomas Dahlheimer. You need to personally address that.
    Your own life doesn't add up, and you know it. You know it, like no one else can know that about you.
    Here at this blog beating the air, flailing around in endless fight and circular arguments over unrealities, completely unproven, that never have the answer, can't even come close. But, I guess it gives you some semblance that you are alive.

    Your fight is futile, the grandest nothing of all.
    Is all a cruel joke, and a pity.

  57. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Immigrants in the US illegally are self-deporting.

    The Surprising New Effect Of Trump’s Immigration Crackdown

    “…The number of immigrants who have applied for voluntary departure has soared since the election of Donald Trump, according to new Justice Department data obtained by The Marshall Project. In fiscal year 2018, the number of applications doubled from the previous fiscal year—rising much faster than the 17 percent increase in overall immigration cases, according to data from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. The numbers show yet another way the Trump administration’s crackdown on immigration is having an effect: More people are considering leaving the U.S., rather than being stuck in detention or taking on a lengthy legal battle with little hope of success.”

  58. Anonymous3:09 PM



    Sooo simply switch to one of THESE!

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM


      Your privacy really matters, and these search engines can help you stay private online:

  59. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "It is not just lesbian love; nuns commonly fall in love with their priests or parishioners."

  60. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Detention cells SO overcrowded US using AIRCRAFT to move migrants!!!

  61. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sharing community, culture, faith: Study finds religious people are happier!

  62. What a surprise!

    After the Vatican/China deal, persecution of Chinese Christians increases!

  63. Anonymous4:17 PM

    A Message To The Globalists Whining About TRUTH Being Dangerous To Society: YOU Haven't Seen ANYTHING Yet!

    Big Tech's Censorship Is Much More Than Just A 'Battle Of Ideas' - It's WAR!

    The War For 2020 And The Future Of Humanity Is ON!


  64. Anonymous4:40 PM


    Remarks from 2006 sound remarkably similar to President Trump’s stance on illegal immigration...

  65. Anonymous4:59 PM


    By Peter Rosenberger / WND

    A minister called into my talk show to share his struggles while his wife cared for her dying mother and elderly father. Identifying as a bi-vocational pastor, he commiserated on how to help his wife. It quickly became apparent that his aspiration to help his wife stemmed from his desire instead to be helped by his wife. Interrupting him, I asked: “Who’s doing the laundry?”

    Protesting that he held two jobs, I waited for him to realize how poor his excuses sounded out loud.

    As his voice trailed off with embarrassment, I bluntly stated, “She’s watching her mother die while caring for her father. She needs to come home to a clean house with laundry that’s washed, folded and put away. She also needs a well-stocked pantry, a nice meal and a clean kitchen. While you’re at it, clean the bathroom by her standards not yours, and she needs to sleep in a freshly made bed without the Marvin Gaye music playing – if you know what I mean.”

    Boring in, I challenged him further. “If you care for her in this manner without expecting anything in return, you will gain a greater understanding of how our Savior loves His bride. You’ll preach differently, and it will change your congregation – and they in turn will change the community. But it starts with YOU learning to love and pastor sacrificially in YOUR home.”

  66. I have a question:
    From whom did the Bdewakantonwan Dakota take the land ?
    There can be no doubt that the Bdewakantonwan Dakota had a war or at least a series of battles with someone. They must have won the war and that's why they came to possess the land in question. So who was it? The Mohicans? Te Sioux?
    Just curious.

  67. Anonymous10:45 PM

    It is difficult to determine exactly where the Dakota people came from before the recorded era. The most similar people to them linguistically were Great Lakes–region speakers of Chiwere, a linguistically conservative[citation needed] (i.e., similar to ancient proto-Siouan) Siouan language. However, the Dakota language, Dakhótiyapi/Dakȟótiyapi, is also very closely related to that of the Dhegihan and Hokan Siouan peoples — both of whom have oral histories explaining that they came west from present-day Ohio in migrations ending around the 13th century.

    A single line of older history seems to have survived from the Dakotas — that they had come to live with the Winnebago, but the Winnebago soon became angry and ordered them to leave.[citation needed] Combining this with the histories of the Dhegihans, it is possible to surmise that the ancestors of the Dakota people may have also been refugees from further east who started taking refuge with other Siouan allies — possibly even predating the move of the Dhegihan Sioux peoples. The Winnebago may have been forced to send the Dakota off to find a new homeland because of overcrowding or because the Dhegihans' arrival on the Plains disrupted commerce and trading along the Mississippi River. Either explanation, however, can only be an educated guess.[7]

    First contacts with Europeans
    The Dakota Oyate lived in Minnesota prior to the 18th century.[3][8] Most of their early history was recorded (haphazardly) by a white man named James Walker close to the end of the 19th century, as he offered aid among the Lakota/Dakota people. He recorded much of what he knew in three books: Lakota Myth, Lakota Belief and Ritual, and Lakota Society. According to Walker, the group was originally one people with one chief, which grew and developed four sub-factions over time, each with their own equal chiefs. In these two groups there also evolved two distinct dialects of the original language, Nakota and Dakota. Their capitol[clarification needed] was situated at a place known as Ble Wakan (recorded as "Boo-reh wah-kaw"), which is currently identified as Lake Mille Lac (known in Dakota as Bde Wakan).[9]

  68. Anonymous11:39 PM

  69. Anonymous4:22 AM

    May 11, 2019

    Amid Food Shortages, Severe Rationing Has Been Mandated In Communist/Socialist-Run Countries - Americans Need To Learn From These Examples

    [Photo - Venezuela: People search for food among garbage]

    By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

    With the Democratic party being taken over by their communist/socialist factions, where far left, liberal party leaders are hard pressed to generate the same type of coverage as their louder, socialist and communist-like members with their "free stuff" for all, and the Green New Deal and Medicare for all hype, it is imperative that we look at what is happening in Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.

    To see the direction and results of those types of policies, and how quickly a nation can go from thriving to barely surviving.


    Too many Americans seem to think that for a thriving nation to reach the status of  crisis, suffering from shortages of food, medical supplies and basics including toilet paper, it would take decades of failed policies, but Venezuela teaches us that a nation considered to be the "richest nation in South America" can fall so hard and so fast that in a matter just a few short years, they are in full crisis mode.

    The political unrest in Venezuela aside, in 2014 Venezuela was considered one of Latin America’s fastest-rising economies...

    But starting in 2014, the South American nation began suffering a startling collapse. With Venezuela’s gross domestic product plummeting even more than the United States during the Great Depression, many of its nearly 32 million inhabitants became unable to afford food, and resource-starved hospitals did not have enough soap and antibiotics.

    THAT is how fast a thriving nation can start collapsing!
    It isn't just "poor" nations that can go bust in a relatively short period of time, but even rich and thriving nations, implementing socialist and communist polices, can crash fast and hard and leave the masses suffering and starving.

    Just look at Venezuela, from the richest nation in South America to what you see today!

    1. Anonymous4:24 AM

  70. Anonymous6:26 AM

    The notion that the native Americans lived in utopia before European encounter is crazy. They are sinful the same as every other man.

  71. So then under Dahlheimer's thinking, the Bdewakantonwan Dakota peoples, if they were to receive some imaginary large sum of money for reparations, would then in turn give all that money to those Sioun peoples from whom they seized the land.
    And then those Siouan peoples could in turn try to figure out who they owe the money to, and give it all to them.
    Great plan.
    Eventually, it would all go to Japeth, Noah's son.

  72. Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer10:41 AM

    paul wrote: "I have a question:
    From whom did the Bdewakantonwan Dakota take the land ?
    There can be no doubt that the Bdewakantonwan Dakota had a war or at least a series of battles with someone."

    There is no evidence of the Bdewakantonwan Dakota taking the land from anyone. Paul, your statement "there can be no doubt that the Bdewakantonwan Dakota had a war..." to take the land is not true. Lying is a sin. Evidently you also believe that there is not doubt that the earth is 6,000 years old.

  73. Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer11:00 AM

    A new article of mine is titled "Global Paradigm Change." It is located at A part of the article is presented below. The article has a lot of reference links.

    The author of the best-selling book "Gods of the New Age," the late Caryl Matrisciana (1947-2016), also produced a popular documentary video on today's massive infiltration of New Age/Hindu or Eastern mystical meditation and yoga into Christian churches. It is titled Yoga Uncoiled - Christ Centered Yoga False Christianity - Documentary. Another Caryl Productions video on this topic is titled: WIDE IS THE GATE - The Emerging New Christianity VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2.


    The ex-Roman Catholic Priest and now world renowned Episcopalian eco-theologian, Reverend Matthew Fox, promotes a somewhat New Age/Hindu-Buddhist/Sufi Islam/indigenous people eco-spirituality expression of "Christianity". Fox is one of the leaders of the Creation-Centered spirituality movement. He believes that his expression of "Christianity" will radically transform Christianity, so that it becomes a new faith that will unite humanity and resantify Mother Earth.

    Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949) was a great prophetess of the New Age movement. She coined the term New Age. She prophesied that when this movement sufficiently infiltrated the Christian church it would radically transform the church, old scientifically outdated dogmas would be eliminated and the new faith of the new church order would then usher in the New Age, or "Kingdom of God."

    The scripture Ephesians 4:11-12 says the five-fold ministry of the church - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers - would last "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. I believe that the apostolic church, the Roman Catholic Church, is, at this present time, giving birth to the perfect man. And that when the Roman Catholic Church gives birth it will die and a new church order will be established.

    The old church order believes that humans and God are separate entities and that humans are only human and that God is divine. The old church order also believes that God is located above the stars and looking down on us. The new church order believes that God resides in the deepest depth of the recesses of our souls and that we can become one with Him/Her and experience our divinity as Jesus did. And do so, by doing good works and practicing a particular type of daily mystical meditation and contemplation. The members of the new church order will enter into "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ," the stature of the divine.


    During the 1983 Mr. & Mrs. I. C. Rainbow family reunion my Uncle Don Rainbow, after speaking with me about my 1983 meeting with Rev. Matthew Fox and my belief that our family was being called to come together in Wahkon and form into a counter-culture kinship tribe, addressed the seventeen families gathered at that Rainbow family reunion and said: " A Rainbow is a sign of God's salvation plan and I believe that we may be used to glorify God more than any other family in the world." Today, I still believe that my Rainbow family relatives are being called by God and Jesus Christ to come together in Wahkon and form into a counter-culture kinship tribe. The world will see the sign of the rainbow appear in Wahkon.


    Today, I continue to believe in my early 1970s prophecy wherein I prophesied that the Roman Catholic Church would come to an end and that a new church would be established, and that it would be called the Wahkon Catholic Church. And that its headquarters would be located in Wahkon, Minnesota. The Rome Catholic Church gives birth to the "perfect man" in Wahkon.

  74. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Uh, yeah... Okay. So you evidently want to wrest the crown from Christine for being the poster who posted the most far-out notion from your noggin to ever appear here. Hmmm. 'I Expelled An Evil Spirit Out Of My Anus' Vs. 'My Wahkon Catholic Church Prophecy'. Tough call.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Wahkon is a city in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, United States.

      The population was 206 at the 2010 census.,_Minnesota

      Tom wins.

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Tom, THINK of all the chaos this would cause!

      ALL the things that would have to be changed.

      Here's just a FEW examples:

      Wahkon wasn't built in a day.

      All roads lead to Wahkon.

      When in Wahkon, do as the Wahkonians do.

      Russian hands, Wahkonian fingers.

  75. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Wahkon will be the new Wakanda!

  76. Anonymous1:58 PM

    It's the Wah-con boogie!!! Everybody's dancing. The punch bowl is electric. Hide the little boys. Bad moons arising.

    Thomas, dude, your completely FREEKIN NUTS!!!!!!

  77. Anonymous6:41 PM

    TD's navel fuzz is deeper and ranker than ever as witnessed above.

  78. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Yes indeed, and each time you mention fuzz it's even funnier than the next time!

  79. Anonymous10:34 AM

    What’s in a word?

    FBI Director Wray sounds JUST LIKE COMEY when he says:

    ‘We don’t spy, we investigate’

    By J. D. Heyes / TNS
    May 13, 2019 

    FBI Director Christopher Wray has been praised by many within D.C. circles as a straight-shooter and law-and-order kind of guy, and yet earlier this week he proved that he’s NOT much different than the same swamp creatures out to depose POTUS Donald Trump.

    During testimony on Tuesday before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee regarding the bureau’s 2020 budget, Wray told the panel he wouldn’t use the word “spying” to describe the Obama deep state’s…


    on the 2016 Trump campaign.

    "Well, it’s not the term I would use. Lots of people have different colloquial phrases,” he said. “I believe the FBI is engaged in investigative activity, and part of investigative activity includes surveillance.”

    Fired FBI Director James Comey...said something similarly asinine last month:

    “I have no idea what (Attorney General William Barr)’s talking about. The FBI doesn’t spy. The FBI investigates,” Comey told CBS This Morning, according to Fox News.

    Got that? The standard FBI response to accusations of ‘spying’ is obviously, “No, we do surveillance.” [But] of course, when you conduct surveillance on someone without their knowledge:


  80. Anonymous12:01 PM


    By John Vibes / Truth Theory

    This month, George Orwell’s legendary novel Nineteen Eighty-Four turns 70 years old, and the warnings contained within the story are now more relevant than ever. Orwell’s predictions were so spot on that it almost seems like it was used as some type of accidental instruction manual for would-be TYRANTS.

    In the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, there is an all-encompassing surveillance state that keeps a watchful eye on everyone, in search of possible rebels and points of resistance. Censorship is the norm in this world, and is so extreme that individuals can become “unpersons” who are essentially deleted from society because their ideas were considered dangerous by the establishment. This is an idea that is very familiar to activists and independent journalists who are being removed from the public conversation for speaking out about government and corporate corruption on social media.

    Orwell is famous for coining the term “double-speak,” which is a way to describe the euphemistic language that government uses to whitewash their most dirty deeds. For example, in Orwell’s story, the ministry of propaganda was called the Ministry of Truth, just as today the government agency that was once known as “The Department of War,” is now called the “Department of Defense.”

    [And, using a VERY SIMILAR 'velvet-covered condom': SPYING is now called "surveillance"!]

  81. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Tommy Robinson is being re-tried for the same contempt of court at the hands of Theresa May’s Attorney General, just days before the election, in which he is running for Parliament. I’m sure this isn’t politically motivated.

    Rebel Media is going to cover the events, since the UK media is all left-wing biased.

    Tommy Robinson UPDATE: Ezra Levant goes to UK to cover trial, campaign

  82. Anonymous4:14 PM


    Who's There?

    "R.U. Sumwon"

    R.U. Sumwon who?

    "Are you someone who supports Trump?"

    Man asked if he supports President Trump

    Paul Joseph Watson
    MAY 13, 2019

    New Zealanders are receiving home visits from police to check on their political views, with one individual claiming that authorities asked him if he supported Donald Trump.
    In one clip, armed police arrive at a man’s home on Sunday morning to question him in relation to his political beliefs.
    The man is happy to talk to the cops, but they refuse to do so on camera and eventually leave.

    In a separate clip, another man relates the story of how he was visited by armed police (again on a Sunday morning) because he makes YouTube videos criticizing mass migration.

    The man’s wife and daughter, who were both upset by the experience, were also interviewed by police.

    “I was asked if I was a Trump supporter, I was asked if I was a racist and have I got any ethnic minority friends,” said the man, who runs a YouTuber channel called Cross the Rubicon, adding that police also quizzed him on whether he owned guns.

    Within a week, police returned to the house – FIFTEEN of them this time – CLOSING OFF THE ENTIRE STREET – to AGAIN interrogate him on his political views.

    “They’re trying to FORCE me to shut my mouth and to keep it shut,” the man said.

    He also warns that governments are exploiting the mosque shooting to DEPLATFORM CONSERVATIVES.

    One wonders whether random Muslims receive home visits from police after Islamic terror attacks. Unlikely.

  83. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Here's How To Review All The Recordings Alexa Has Of You And Your Family:

  84. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Cops Sexually Abuse Women and CHILDREN at an Alarming Rate and No One is Talking About It!
    We can no longer count on police to save us from the worst in our society.

    In many cases, rather than being part of the solution, America’s police forces—riddled with corruption, brutality, sexual misconduct and drug abuse—have largely become part of the problem. As the Philadelphia Inquirer reports, “Hundreds of police officers across the country have turned from protectors to predators, using the power of their badge”

  85. Anonymous4:37 PM

  86. Constance I dom't see what needs deciphering. what is so difficult?
    understanding words or difficulty believing I'm onto something?
    its called pattern spotting.

    I am pointing out a pattern. Someone who may or may not have some occultic
    connections - and a heavy focus on a false prophet can make such a spiritual connection -
    goes through a heavy down state, and comes out of it with unusual talent.

    Fetzer took a highly productive but wrong direction after an illness.
    Certain other people in other fields did likewise. a deceiving spirit was likely
    involved in all cases.

    a lot of stuff we grew up with and are used to might be something best dumped. the
    fantasy life encouraged in children is unwholesome in itself, and fairy stuff is a kind
    of famiiar spirit demonism. the idea of fairies as nice is recent. in fact, they were
    deceptive, evil and many called them "good" or suchlike because of fear of them.

    Meanwhile, whatever else Trump may have been into, he was criticized in his campaign by someone for NEVER HAVING TAKEN ANY OF THE INITIATIONS. So like the body snatcher movie hordes, in a shared and mutually inductive light trance and type of thinking and reacting, they sense something alien to them (Trump) and attack.

    The new format looks good.

    Excellent denunciation of the cult of "free markets" which allow
    a few to control everything. in an antitrust case
    the decision included the statement that the company had acquired
    "kingly powers" in other words that they were able to operate like a
    ruler, controlling essential access to things that originally optional had
    become mandatory for most people.

    The free market idol generally means freedom
    for a small elite clique. Historically, kings have been appealed to by oppressed
    persons. Mayhem for instance referred to damage
    that rendered a man unsuitable for the king's military service. IT WAS EXTENTED
    TO PROTECT ALL. Once murder and rape were treated as family
    matters and forgiven for a bribe. The king's laws intervened and put the matter
    in the government hands, protecting people who had no protection. "the king's
    peace" in the markets and highways protected
    commerce. This is the early history of development of English law.

    King Alfred the Great, BEING A CHRISTIAN KING concerned with actually putting
    Christian values in practice like concern for the poor, redirect the plough tax to the support of the poor.

    the welfare state has its precedent biblically in the thid year tithe,
    to be used for the poor and levites. This was mandatory and a public checkup
    of a wealth producer's distribution of it was done.

    Modern notions of tithing are dead wrong, it was the PRODUCERS of wealth
    not the average consumer struggling along that were subject to the tithe.
    MANDATORY CHARITY. and Christian charity is also mandatory,
    look at Matthew chapter 25 when those who call Jesus Lord are cast off because
    they didn't help those they could have helped and effectively didn't help Jesus
    either "as you did it unto the least of these you did it unto Me" He says.

    the real drain is corporate subsidies kickbacks
    and military industrial complex. Also the real estate market, higher property values means higher taxes and higher
    cost of rents and purchase passed on to higher prices in businesses and a
    demand for higher wages ensues covered by higher prices..... the formula that
    blames inflation on the increase of circulating money has been criticized
    Interest ANY interest on loans was once counted a sin, now taken for granted.

    great article on globalists psychology and cult motives. narcisissm is being looked
    at now on youtube channels two of my favorites are TheNarcisissticResistance and
    begood4000 the latter also addresses the demonic angle. THERE IS PUSHBACK from
    borderline personality disorder and narcisissts types in power, demonetizing such
    youtube channels and even a BPD supporting post on a parental alienation blog

  87. Anonymous6:55 PM


    Constance and
    all! WHAT


    CLEARER than


  88. Anonymous7:47 AM


  89. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Pence: It's ‘Fashionable’ To Attack Religious Liberty

    By Michael Gryboski, CPR

    Vice President Mike Pence warned about the attacks on religious liberty during his commencement address to Liberty University graduates on Saturday. 

    Speaking at Liberty’s Williams Stadium in Lynchburg, Virginia, Pence said he believed “it’s become acceptable and even fashionable to ridicule and discriminate against people of faith” in the United States. 

    “It wasn’t all that long ago that the last administration brought the full weight of the federal government against the Little Sisters of the Poor merely because that group of nuns refused to provide a health plan that violated their deeply held religious beliefs,” said Pence, speaking about the nuns' refusal to pay for (directly or indirectly) abortions or birth control methods that could induce abortions. 

    “When my wife, Karen, returned to teach art at an elementary Christian school earlier this year, we faced harsh attacks by the media and the secular left.”
    Pence [noted] that the Trump administration has taken “decisive action to protect religious liberty.”

    “I promise you, we will always stand up for the right of Americans to live, to learn, and to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience.”

  90. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Parents sue after teacher repeatedly asked 8-y-o if he was trans, provided reading materials, videos!

    National Security

    Displaying 30+ Stories
    'He Feels Confused': Parents Sue After Teacher Repeatedly Asks 8-Year-Old if He's Trans
    Emily Jones

    A couple in Woodburn, Oregon is suing their school district after they discovered their eight-year-old son was asked repeatedly by his teacher if he was transgender.

    The parents, who are keeping their identity private, are suing the district for nearly $1 million because they say their son's second grade teacher held him back from recess on multiple occasions to personally ask him if he believed he was really a girl.

  91. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Parents sue after teacher repeatedly asked 8-y-o if he was trans, provided reading materials, videos!
    The parents, who are keeping their identity private, are suing the district for nearly $1 million because they say their son's second grade teacher held him back from recess on multiple occasions to personally ask him if he believed he was really a girl.

  92. Anonymous9:00 AM



    May 13, 2019
    Daniel Horowitz
    Conservative Review

    What happens when our government takes down its interior checkpoints north of the border in New Mexico?

    Well, the cartels, with the drug and human smuggling are:


    according to one local official.

    In an interview with CR, Couy Griffin, the chairman of the Otero County, New Mexico, county commission, explained how our government has exposed his county, and by extension, the rest of the nation, to unprecedented criminal activity from the Mexican taking down the two secondary Border Patrol checkpoints in his county...

    “The cartel is winning and winning big; they are kicking our butts,” complained the commissioner of this sparsely populated but large county bordering Texas, near El Paso. “We get so tied up and focused on the asylum seekers or the illegal immigrant aspect of what’s going on at our southern border, but the reality of it is that it’s nothing but a mere smoke screen for the cartel. They’re using these large groups of migrants as nothing more than a smoke screen to smuggle their drugs across the southern border. Meanwhile, as soon as those agents are exhausted, those critical spots, they’re sending boatloads of drugs across the border in unsecured areas. The shutting down of the checkpoints on the major drug smuggling corridors is a recipe for disaster. Now they have a green light to shuttle drugs through our counties and through our rural areas, with no security in place.”

    Otero County, while itself not on the international border, has two highways originating from the two main border towns where the illegal immigrants are coming in and the cartels are operating – U.S. Highway 70 and U.S. Highway 54. For years, there has been a checkpoint on each highway on the way to Alamogordo, the foremost town in this county. Griffin noted that while the cartels used to relegate their activity to remote parts of the southeast corner of the county, “Now, with our checkpoints being shut down, there’s no need to take it out to the middle of nowhere when THEY CAN JUST RUN IT RIGHT UP THE MAIN ROAD.”

    Otero County Sheriff David Black told me that his tiny three-man narcotics team and other deputies now have to deal with the cartels all on their own without any help from Border Patrol: “We have rerouted all of our overtime money to interdictions on the highway.” Black noted that his informants tell him the large stash houses in El Paso and even in source cities in Mexico like Juarez are now empty because the cartels “are taking advantage of the unprecedented open borders because nothing is stopping them.”

    Obviously, his three-man narcotics team catches only a small amount of the drugs, but what they’ve seen demonstrates the relationship between the surge in the border migration distracting agents, the taking down of checkpoints, and the increased drug traffic.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      “In February, before the closing of the checkpoints, we seized $3,500 worth of drugs, including meth, heroin, and marijuana. In March we seized $23,000, and in April we seized $61,790. For our county, that’s a lot.”

      In total, there are six checkpoints in the El Paso Border Patrol sector: one in El Paso County, Texas, two in Otero County, N.M., and three in Doña Ana County, N.M. Customs and Border Protection has confirmed with CR that all six remain shut down. Thus, there is not a single checkpoint operating in New Mexico. While the politics of Doña Ana County and the central state government in the urban areas of Albuquerque and Santa Fe have rolled out the welcome mat to illegal immigration and cartel activity, officials in the more conservative and rural counties, such as Otero and its neighboring county to the north, Lincoln, resent the secondary effects and fear that more is coming.

      “I’ve never seen all these checkpoints closed in my life, and I’ve been in Lincoln and Otero Counties for 30 years,” said Lincoln County Sheriff Robert Shepperd in an interview with CR. “I have friends who are out on ranches who now have to lock their doors and do things they shouldn’t have to do. It’s eerie watching these checkpoints look like ghost towns.”

      Sheriff Black in Otero believes that in the greater El Paso area, the cartel operatives are picking up those who sneak in while Border Patrol is tied down. “I guarantee you they are picking them up in truckloads and driving them north with nothing stopping them in our county.” Black feels a responsibility not only for his county but as a gatekeeper for the entire country. But he has only the resources of a 65,000-person county to deal with the largest transnational criminal organizations at a volatile international border.

      The El Paso-Juarez region is a hotbed for transnational cartel and gang activity. Kyle Williamson, the special agent in charge (SAC) for the DEA’s operations in the El Paso sector, explained to me in an interview last week that three major cartels are operating in the region: Sinaloa, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), and La Linea (Juarez Cartel). They are all served by three major transnational gangs operating in the Juarez-El Paso region, including the violent Barrio Aztecas, which were just elevated to a Tier 1 threat by Texas DPS’ gang threat assessment. According to Williamson, Sinaloa is still the dominant cartel in the region, but Cartel Jalisco New Generacion is “coming on strong and pushing a lot of meth.”

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Williamson echoed the concerns of the local officials about the lack of checkpoints – with a federal perspective of particular concern to the DEA. “When they catch drugs at the checkpoints, unlike at the points of entry, we as DEA actually respond to those. At the points of entry, it’s Homeland Security Investigations that responds. Border Patrol catches a lot of drugs at those checkpoints, then we go out there and take the prisoners and drugs, continue to develop the investigation and get them into court.”

      Thus, when the Border Patrol is diverted in order to process the influx of illegal aliens, it hampers the DEA’s core mission. “These checkpoints are a very effective and important second line of defense, absolutely vital and necessary.”
      On top of the diverted federal resources, the more conservative rural counties in New Mexico must deal with the open-border policies of the governor, who doesn’t seem concerned about the empowerment of the cartels or the drugs coming into her state. Earlier this year, Governor Michelle Grisham scoffed at the notion that there even was an emergency and initially rebuffed requests for help from Hidalgo County when it was slammed with thousands of migrants. She even removed the National Guard troops from the border, who could have been used to free up more border agents, so they could return to the checkpoints.

      Three weeks ago, Couy Griffin and his fellow commission members declared an emergency in Otero County because of the closure of the checkpoints. “If Governor Grisham really had a heart for the people, she would redeploy the National Guard to our border, which would relieve those agents from the border to come back to our checkpoints, but she won’t do that,” said Griffin in our interview.

      Couy believes it all boils down to politics. “The politics of our state is what’s killing our state. It all just boils down to politics.”

      Meanwhile, as American leaders fight over politics, cartel leaders fight over turf, drugs, and human smuggling routes made possible by these policies. Those with years of experience in law enforcement seem certain that things will only get worse from here. “About six months down the road is when we are going to start seeing a spike in property crimes and a spike in overdoses,” predicted Sheriff Black ominously. “We have not seen the worst of it yet; it’s still coming.”

      Sheriff Shepperd sees the same picture just one county north. “It’s like the calm before the storm.”

  93. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains "Deboosting" "Troll Report" & Political Targeting in Interview

  94. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Our Government In Action...


    Issued by career bureaucrats without authority to do so

    Ninety-eight percent of the rules issued recently by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were unconstitutional because the bureaucrats who created them lacked authority, a new study finds.

    The Pacific Legal Foundation, which conducted the research, also found that nearly three-fourths of the rules from the Health and Human Services Department, 71 percent, are unconstitutional, based on who finalized and issued them.

    The majority of unconstitutional rules were from the FDA.

    “Among substantive final rules considered to have a significant regulatory impact by the Office of Management and Budget, 80 from the FDA were unconstitutional – 93% of all substantive and significant HHS rules,” the study found.

    The study looked at 2,952 rules from HHS over a 17-year period from 2001 through 2017.

    Most came from those “low-level officials and career employees who lack constitutional authority.”

    “Such rules are unconstitutional,” the report said. “The Constitution requires that significant government decisions must be made solely by ‘principal officers’ appointed by the president after Senate confirmation. Issuing a regulation with the force of law is one of those actions that only principal officers can perform.”

    Report co-author Thomas Berry, an attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation, argued that in a democracy, “those who make the rules need to be accountable to the people.”

    “That’s why the Framers included the Appointments Clause in the Constitution,” he said. “Only properly appointed officers in the executive branch may issue regulations that are binding on the public. This preserves democratic accountability for significant executive branch actions.”
    “Among the hundreds of illegal FDA rules, 25 rules were classified as significant because they had an impact on the American economy of at least $100 million or had other significant economic impacts,” said Angela Erickson, PLF’s strategic research director and study co-author.

  95. Anonymous1:38 PM


    'Anxiety, fear, distorted emotions or thoughts, altered sense of self'

    It’s touted by millions across the globe for its ability to lower stress, zap anxiety, or increase focus, among other mental health benefits.

    But a new study finds meditation isn’t always a sure-fire calming therapy for everyone. In fact, it can backfire for many and WORSEN symptoms!

  96. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Huge crowd supporting Tommy Robinson on the day before his court appearance:

    Tommy Robinson facing “massive injustice,” say cheering supporters | Jessica Swietoniowski

  97. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Rep “Omar is an Islamist”, according to Imam Tawhidi. There’s an important distinction between a Muslim and a Muslim who is an “Islamist.”

    Imam Tawhidi: Reps. Omar & Tlaib are extremists

  98. Thomas Dahlheimer said: "There is no evidence of the Bdewakantonwan Dakota taking the land from anyone."
    No kidding? No evidence, huh?
    Oh so you must have done some deep research on that question, huh Thomas? Did you Google; "Who did the Bdewakantonwan
    Dakota Indians wage war on in order to possess the land on which they now live ?"
    And no answer came up so your conclusion is that the land was uninhabited, (even though it was prime hunting and fishing land,
    and fertile soil for farming) , and the Bdewakantonwan Dakotas just said hey let's stay here, there's no one else around!
    Clearly your research was thorough and your outrageous claim is amazingly true, even though every country on earth tells a different story.
    Your contention that we, the American people owe this tribe of Indians, whom we fought wars against, and defeated, _we owe them a great debt of reparations. Brilliant. And every war through history now needs to be revisited and the winners declared losers and the losers declared winners. Super.
    That is an idiotic claim that's just ridiculous enough to make all sorts of this dumbed down generation believe it.
    Never mind the facts. It's a feeling you have, and that's all you need because, well, that's how you feel.

  99. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Even if you DON'T embrace Mr. Dahlheimer's views of OTHER matters, it's long since past time that you embraced...


    Look within and inspire yourself!

    We exist as supercharged waveforms and 'Karma' is the driver of will. This life is nothing short of an unfolding vector of perennial ecstasy!

    ONLY a traveller of the totality may bring forth this canopy of ecstasy. Where there is yearning, grace cannot thrive. Turbulence is born in the gap where being has been excluded.

    You must take a stand against delusion. You may be ruled by illusion without realizing it. Do not let it confront the growth of your vision quest. Stagnation is the antithesis of starfire.

    Imagine a blossoming of what could be! It is a sign of things to come. Eons from now, we warriors will live like never before as we are re-energized by the stratosphere.

    We are at a crossroads of rejuvenation and suffering.

    Our conversations with other pilgrims have led to a redefining of supra-joyous consciousness. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the nexus via vibrations.

    Humankind has NOTHING to lose!

    **This has been a Public Service Announcement from The Wahkon Catholic Church**

  100. To 6:28 pm and all the rest
    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE!!! The Wahkon Catholic Church is the Sacred Heart Church in Wahkkon, Minnesota and it is NOT a Roman Catholic Church, but instead the LIBERALCATHOLIC CHUrCH. The Liberal Catholic Church was founded by Wedgwood (its first bishop) and then Charles Webster Leadbeater and is a BRANCH of THEOSOPHY. By no means is it Catholic. It is far closer to Gnosticism and beyond than to Roman CatLholic. Never forget, the Theosophical Society's first magazine was named LUCIFER. Here is a video you can watch to see the very New Age beliefs of the LCC for yourself:


  101. Anonymous8:21 AM

    But, there has been these New Age types within the 'real' Catholic church for quite some time. In Grand Rapids MI, were I grew up, one of my childhood friends family were very active in their Catholic church. All their children went to Catholic school thru college. My friend's mother would always tell us kids, that in the future there would only be "super humans". She told us the rest of humanity would be culled. This was in the early 60s. Over the years I have met other self proclaimed Catholics that were very New Age.

  102. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  103. Anonymous11:07 AM


    "Today, I continue to believe in my early 1970s prophecy wherein I prophesied that the Roman Catholic Church would come to an end and that a new church would be established, and that it would be called the Wahkon Catholic Church. And that its headquarters would be located in Wahkon, Minnesota. The Rome Catholic Church gives birth to the 'perfect man' in Wahkon."

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Well, in any event, Thomas' 'prophecy' is NOT of "Sacred Heart Church" no matter how New Agey it might be (and evidently is) and even though it may be (and evidently is) GENERICALLY called "Wahkon Catholic Church". His 'prophecy' was, he said, made in the early 70's and although SHC/WCC was established* well after that, it does NOT fulfill his 'prophetic' utterance.

    We can, then only wait with bated breath for the fulfillment TO occur!

    (We're all on 'pins and needles' about this momentous upcoming matter, so please don't keep us in suspense TOO long, Tom!)


    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Tom, a thought. Have you been SO doggedly bullheaded about your professed beliefs (DESPITE overwhelming evidences to the contrary) simply because you are very insecure about an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT matter and are perhaps trying to compensate for a, uh, let's say 'shortcoming' somewhere else in your life? If so, might I suggest that you take note of Mark Robert's testimonial post at 10:57 AM.

  104. To 8:21

    I am well aware of the New Age infiltrations into the various Catholic denominations, as I am aware of them among the Protestant and even Evangelical ones as well. Willis Harman and the Institute of Noetic Sciences was busy working the Evangelicals and I have hard documentation from 1977 to absolutely prove that. Nazareth College in MIchigan, a Roman Catholic school had a nun who was closely allied with John Fetzer and joined his board. She gained his favor by recommending and praising Alice Bailey to him. Still, you have to recognize that this was infiltrated, the Liberal Catholic Church was New Age/Occult/Gnostic from the very beginning.


  105. Anonymous2:18 PM

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    See NaturalNews newstories...

  106. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Danger Danger!

    You Can't Watch This!

    Banned Free Speech Might Topple Tyranny!

    Chew On This, Democrats:

    If The First Amendment Isn’t For EVERYONE, Then It Isn't For ANYONE! 

    May 15, 2019

    By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

    Danger! Danger! 

    If the Democrat/globalists have their way, the video directly below and the story you are about to read will one day be 'banned content'. So please spread them far and wide if you are a lover of freedom and are ready for a full-scale 'peaceful' revolution against tyranny. 

    Living within this Orwellian age where 'truth is treason' in the globalists 'empire of lies', it's time for a mass awakening that sends globalist tyranny back to the cesspits of Hades where it belongs. But as we'll explore within this story, should Democrats and globalists have their way, the blatant censorship of Conservatives we're seeing now will be nothing less than how the Democrats are able to steal the 2020 election. 

    With the websites of Jon Rappoport and Creeping Sharia just the latest websites to be memory-holed from Wordpress, with Rappoport banned for exposing the horrific dangers of vaccines while Creeping Sharia was banned for exposing the creeping of totalitarian Islam into American's lives, how much longer will free thought content like this story and the video below even be available to peruse online? We thank you, ANP readers, for helping us stay in this war! As many ANP readers know, the Poynter Institute for Journalism recently targeted ANP for 'extinction', just as the Washington Post libeled us as 'Russian propaganda' after the 2016 election. The 'book burners' taking ANP offline would be a feather in their caps. 

    So let's arm up with ideas and information, America, and prepare to take this country back in 2020 from the 'global government coup plotters' who long ago stole America away from the American people. For as Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert recently warned in far fewer words, if these 'scoundrel deep state coup plotters' are NOT held accountable for their crimes of treason against America, our nation and freedom will be forever dead and gone.  

    And while Attorney General William Barr recently assigned the top federal prosecutor from the state of Connecticut to examine the origins of the 'Russia collusion investigation' that has held America hostage for the past 2+ years and gave us a Democratic congress in the mid-term elections, how can America reverse those 2018 mid-term election results that were clearly pursuaded by Democrat/deep state lies? Maybe the answer is, President Trump SHOULD get 2 extra years in office as he himself recently suggested. 

    As Big League Politics reports in this new story, the video directly below is the trailer for a new movie coming out today called “You Can’t Watch This”. The movie will chronicle the big tech purges of Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Tommy Robinson, Gavin McInnes, and Paul Joseph Watson with this blunt truth warning taken from the movie's description speaking much louder than mere words: "If the First Amendment isn't for EVERYONE, then it isn't for ANYONE". Think about that, Dems.  

    The movie, set to be released on May 15, will offer a behind-the-scenes perspective on the recent waves of censorship at the hands of big tech companies that has resulted in prominent conservatives being removed from the public sphere. 

    Responding to Big League Politics’ request for comment, British filmmaker George Llewellyn-John explains that he hopes to inform the world that social media is a vital part of modern life, and excluding members of the public from it represents a direct threat.

    Llewellyn-John made clear that he does not politically align himself with some of the figures in the movie, but finds it important to tell their story because “if the First Amendment isn’t for everyone then it isn’t for anyone.”

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      In this new story over at the Daily Mail they report upon something that's really very old news to those of us who've been paying attention; google has a left-leaning media bias. As the DM story reports, stories from only 20 different media outlets were featured in google's top stories box in November of 2017, 62% of those from left-leaning media sources, with 10.9% of their links going to CNN, 6.5% to the NY Times, 5.6% to the Washington Post while Fox News only got 3% of their links.

      While the mainstream media won't even report upon the massive censorship of Conservatives, it is finally getting a lot of attention in Congress though if nothing is done to fix this major problem before 2020, the damage to America and the credibility of our electoral system will be irreversible. The following excerpt comes to us from this Epoch Times story.

      After a seemingly endless stream of conservative personalities being banned from social media platforms, the right-leaning community and even many anti-censorship supporters on the left have increasingly backed the idea that the government, not the private sector, may need to step in after all.

      Conservatives have been reluctant to embrace government intervention in big tech’s policing of content, even while largely disagreeing with the policing framework, which includes a heavy focus on stamping out “hate speech,” a hatchling of the ideology of political correctness bemoaned by the majority of Americans, but more vocally on the right. 

      But with the censorship showing no sign of abating, ideas are beginning to be formulated by representatives on how to counter it.

      And the ideas which some are suggesting include having 'big tech' stripped of their government protections.

      One of the most commonly debated ideas is stripping social media of their “platform” designation if they continue to enforce rules akin to editorial policy. 

      Interactive computer service providers are shielded from liability for content created by their users under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. 

      Some conservatives have argued that social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter have gone so far in restricting, filtering, and sorting users’ content on their platforms that they should be treated as providers of that information, and thus be liable for it.

      “Twitter … can’t say on one hand, ‘We’re neutral and thus we shouldn’t have to respond to lawsuits,’ and then, on the other hand, tell me and other outspoken conservatives that our behavior results in suppression on their platform,’” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Fox News on July 27. “They can’t have it both ways.” 

      Gaetz and at least three other Republican lawmakers had their accounts hidden from search suggestions on Twitter in 2018, until the company restored the functionality under media pressure. Twitter said the issue affected tens of thousands of accounts, but Gaetz questioned why among lawmakers only Republicans seemed to had been affected and filed a complaint against the company with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

      As we see in the Infowars created graphic above, 'big tech' has embraced their role as 'modern day book burners' with all of the companies listed having taken it upon themselves to 'police' the speech and content of their users. 

      With big tech's book burning nothing less than an attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election for the Democrats and fully launch America into the globalist's 'New World Order' and global tyranny, as we had reported within this ANP story on Monday, from now through Tuesday, November 3rd of 2020, we should expect nothing less than the globalists doing everything within their power to ensure a Democrat victory and a President Trump defeat. 

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      So why does 'Big Tech' seek to fully control our thoughts and the kinds of news that we're exposed to? In the book "World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech", author Franklin Foer lays out for us how the 'trojan horse of corporate control' is now inside our gates, having replicated itself a billion times over and shape-shifted into tools we use hundreds of times a day without even thinking. 

      As his book reports, a handful of humans in Silicon Valley, through their decisions, govern the lives of seven billion tech consumers every day. And it goes so far beyond just that. As this 2018 story over at Epoch Times titled "10 Ways Big Tech Can Shift Millions of Votes in the November Elections—Without Anyone Knowing" reported, the explosive growth of a handful of massive platforms on the internet—the largest, by far, being Google and the next largest being Facebook—has changed everything. 

      Millions of people and organizations are constantly trying to get their content in front of our eyes, but for more than 2.5 billion people around the world—soon to be more than 4 billion—the algorithms of Google and Facebook determine what material will be seen and where it will turn up in various lists.

      In randomized, controlled, peer-reviewed research I’ve conducted with thousands of people, I’ve shown repeatedly that when people are undecided, I can shift their opinions on just about any topic just by changing how I filter and order the information I show them. I’ve also shown that when, in multiple searches, I show people more and more information that favors one candidate, I can shift opinions even farther. Even more disturbing, I can do these things in ways that are completely invisible to people and in ways that don’t leave paper trails for authorities to trace. 

      Worse still, these new forms of influence often rely on ephemeral content—information that is generated on the fly by an algorithm and then disappears forever, which means that it would be difficult, if not impossible, for authorities to reconstruct. If, on Election Day, Mark Zuckerberg decides to broadcast go-out-and-vote reminders mainly to members of one political party, how would we be able to detect such a manipulation? If we can’t detect it, how would we be able to reduce its impact? And how, days or weeks later, would we be able to turn back the clock to see what happened?

      With 'big tech' clearly favoring Democrats while censoring Republicans and Conservatives, and proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that 'big tech' can influence the outcome of elections, should the modern day book burners be successful at helping the Democratic party steal the 2020 presidential election, all bets are off about what 'future America' might look like.

      "You Can't Watch This", the movie, will be available at 3 pm today on Vimeo at this link:

  107. Anonymous3:02 PM





  108. God Bless Alabama!
    I think I want to move there.

  109. Anonymous8:27 PM


  110. Anonymous8:45 PM

    White House Launches New Tool For Reporting FACEBOOK/GOOGLE/TWITTER Bias!


    By Makena Kelly
    The Verge

    On Wednesday, the White House launched a new tool for people to use if they feel they’ve been wrongly censored, banned, or suspended on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

    “Too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear ‘violations’ of user policies,” the site reads. “No matter your views, if you suspect political bias caused such an action to be taken against you, share your story with President Trump.”

  111. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Alabama has broken the ice. Let's pray that more states will follow suit.

  112. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Amen to THAT!

    Speaking of which:

    Louisiana next...

    And more states coming...

    And KEEP praying!

    ◄ James 5:16 ►

    "The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective!"

  113. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Below is a video of Jacinda Ardern at the International Union of Socialist Youth Festival in 2007 the year before she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
    Now Prime Minister of New Zealand.

    We are a population of 4.8 million people and 9.5% are on government funded benefits.
    However the morning news were suggesting 1million people were.
    Get an extreme leftist in power in the USA and expect things to plummet.
    We are or have lost freedom of speech.
    We don't knows what is branded as hate speech and incitement yet they keep
    reminding all citizens that Incitement carries upto 14years imprisonment in New Zealand and yet people who commit murder get sentences of half that length.
    It appears that if anyone says anything of an anti Islamic nature its incitement but you can say anything against Christian beliefs.
    A Prominent New Zealand University P Professor was on television blaming Christianity for terrorism.

    Even this comment is posted anonymously because everyone aware Police are sent to your home to have a "off camera" talk to you if you have a conservative view on matters.

  114. Anonymous12:35 AM


    Seriously thinking of immigrating to the USA.
    Was aggressively told I had to wear pink to work tomorrow as a show of respect for "diversity".
    I replied I don't have anything pink and I'm not Barbie.
    Bet they would object if I wore a pink Trump for 2020 MAGA cap... that's probably illegal and classed as incitement.
    I am disgusted how bad it's getting.

  115. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Forget the Christchurch "justification" for totalitarianism (just file THAT under "Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste") the wheels of 1984 were ALREADY in motion, here's from almost SIX YEARS AGO!

    This Tiny Island Just Became a Police State

    By Christopher Blakeley
    Aug 27 2013
    If a country passes domestic surveillance laws that bolster the ability of the state, what’s to stop them from spying in an effort to combat a real problem that exists in their country? Should New Zealand put cameras in every home...?

  116. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Although I am by no means Catholic, I found this website of interest:

  117. Anonymous1:58 AM

    New Zealand Is A Police State

    By Lindsay Perigo
    Breaking Views NZ

    There is now apparently a police-compiled Enemies List circulating among New Zealand's totalitarian Globalist elite...advancing the agenda of the most evil man on the planet, George Soros.
    From MANY accounts police are ACTIVELY harassing people on this list.

    Freedom Of Expression

    Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.

    That's what NZ and UK Labour want to DESTROY, Section 14 of our Bill of Rights (lifted from the UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights), and anything resembling it, in all countries hitherto free or semi-free. Beyond the criminalisation of criticism of Islam, Soros wants the destruction of Western Civilisation. The likes of [certain, named NZ leaders] are his willing accomplices.

    And so, the Orwellian Police State is upon us – see HERE:

    Freedom-lovers are on notice: you may be about to be arrested for what in 1984 are called Thought Crimes.

    Come on then, Thought Police: arrest me for my thoughts.

    It doesn't get any worse than, "I disagree with what you say but defend to the death your right to say it," now does it?!

    Seditious and revolutionary stuff in the Land of Political Correctness!

    As Orwell said, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

    What you could consider doing instead, though, Thought Police, is gathering signatures on my Citizens' Pledge. If everyone signed up to this, understood it and meant it, we wouldn't have to worry about a thing, now would we?!

    It goes as follows:

    "Just as I reserve the right to hold and express my opinions on any matter whatsoever, I promise to respect the right of all others to do the same. I renounce unreservedly the use of coercion and violence in the promotion of my opinions."

    It shouldn't be hard to get signatures. A recent poll on Stuff, quickly REMOVED when the results were so decisively un-PC, showed 90% of respondents saying that while [certain] anti-gay tweets were offensive, they certainly shouldn't be illegal. New Zealanders GET IT that there's no such thing as a right not to be offended; snowflakes who don't get it should consider migrating to IRAN or NORTH KOREA.

  118. Anonymous2:07 AM

  119. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Hi guys,
    You would be wise to keep and eye on all things New Zealand.
    By the end of the year they are coming out with new hate speech laws.
    The NZ PM is overseas advocating America should have no semi automatics.
    I hearken back to WWII Japan's comment on thoughts of land invasion of America which was "are you crazy theres a gun behind every bush".
    The PM is tipped to move on to a UN posting when not in power just as her mentor Helen Clark.

  120. Anonymous10:53 AM

    The REAL story of the woman behind Roe v. Wade...

    Norma McCorvey was the plaintiff named 'Jane Roe' in the unprecedented court case which resulted in the January 22, 1973 Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion.

    At the time of the court battle, she was a confused 21 year old woman with one child... who supposedly had been raped and found herself with an unplanned second pregnancy... who was seeking a legal abortion.

    The only problem was that the story that the American people were told was a LIE. She was never raped... and most important of all, she has NEVER had an abortion!!!

    Not only that, but Norma has spent the past 46 years deeply regretting her decision to be USED as a 'pawn' by the pro-abortion activists... publicly stating that this was the 'biggest mistake' of her life... and she has made it her mission to devote the rest of her life to see that the Roe v. Wade law is overturned.

  121. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Arrested Development Dept.

    Wake Up Call For Witless Wonder

    Aggressive Abortion-Supporting Snowflake Steals Pro-Life Sign, Subsequently Can't Cope With The Consequences

  122. Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer10:43 AM

    Constance Cumbey wrote:
    "PLEASE TAKE NOTICE!!! The Wahkon Catholic Church is the Sacred Heart Church in Wahkkon, Minnesota and it is NOT a Roman Catholic Church, but instead the LIBERALCATHOLIC CHUrCH. The Liberal Catholic Church was founded by Wedgwood (its first bishop) and then Charles Webster Leadbeater and is a BRANCH of THEOSOPHY. By no means is it Catholic. It is far closer to Gnosticism and beyond than to Roman CatLholic. Never forget, the Theosophical Society's first magazine was named LUCIFER. Here is a video you can watch to see the very New Age beliefs of the LCC for yourself:"

    The Sacred Heart Church in Wahkon, Mn is 100% Roman Catholic. It's a church of Saint Cloud diocese. I attained church serves there for 30 years before I left the Roman Catholic Church to become a New Ager. For Cumbey to put out false information like she did in her above statement is mindbogglingly. Where does she come up with baloney like that. Look up Sacred Heart Church (in Wahkon, Mn) on the internet. When I wrote that I believe that the Roman Catholic Church will become the Wahkon Catholic Church I was not referring to the Sacred Heart Church in Wahkon, Mn I was referring to the entire Roman Catholic Church getting a new name and a new world-wide headquarters located in Wahkon, Minnesota. Jesus Christ is Lucifer, look it up in the Bible's Book of Revelation.

  123. I'm a traveler of totality with a canopy of ecstasy.

  124. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Sacred Heart church in Wahkon is Roman Catholic.

  125. Anonymous3:47 PM

    All RIGHT, should President Trump indeed do this, he will go a long way in restoring confidence in his anti-illegal immigration pronouncements:

    BREAKING – The fight for America begins: Trump to invoke Insurrection Act that authorizes National Guard, military action inside U.S. borders

    Friday, May 17, 2019
    by: Mike Adams
    Natural News

    This is bombshell breaking news. See the emergency Counterthink video update, below.

    According to sources cited by The Daily Caller, President Trump is poised to invoke the Insurrection Act to fight for America’s survival against the ongoing invasion of illegals who are flooding the United States as a tactic to destroy the country from within. The Daily Caller is now reporting:

    According to multiple senior administration officials, the president intends to invoke the “tremendous powers” of the act to remove illegal immigrants from the country.

    The Insurrection Act, passed by Congress in 1807, allows the president to deploy National Guard and U.S. military troops to combat “rebellion” against the United States of America. The Act has been invoked by other presidents to quell violent uprisings such as the L.A. Riots.

    It is clear that President Trump now recognizes the open rebellion against America being committed by the Governor of California, mayors of “sanctuary cities” and fake news “journo-terrorists” who are brainwashing Americans to hate their own country. The ongoing land invasion of the United States of America is an act of war being openly supported by Democrats and Leftists who are using illegal immigration to nullify U.S. voters and overrun the United States with anti-American militants, criminals and terrorists. (See for frequent updates on the coming civil war.) As Stewart Rhodes from Oath Keepers has accurately described, the illegal immigration is designed to import terror cells who plan to carry out a “Tet Offensive” inside the United States, once activated by enemies and traitors who are literally seeking the complete destruction of America.
    Important analysis in this emergency broadcast Counterthink video
    Watch this emergency broadcast video, here, and read the highlights below:
    It is crucial that President Trump knows he has widespread support from the American people
    As all of this is about to go down, it is crucial that President Trump knows he has widespread support from the American people to take the actions necessary to defend this nation from its domestic enemies.

    We the People will be tasked with supporting these efforts as Trump works to clean house and root out the treasonous traitors who are conspiring to destroy this great nation.

    If we all succeed, we may once again restore democracy and the rule of law to America. If we fail, America falls to the authoritarian tyrants, and the nation will be deliberately dismantled and fed to the globalists.

    We are now fighting for our lives. We are blessed to have Donald J. Trump as our President as America faces off against treasonous actors, deep state traitors and authoritarian globalists who despise this nation and what it stands for.

  126. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Why Are Both Jesus And Satan Referred To As The Morning Star?

    The first reference to the morning star as an individual is in Isaiah 14:12: “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” (NIV). The KJV and NKJV both translate “morning star” as “Lucifer, son of the morning.” It is clear from the rest of the passage that Isaiah is referring to Satan’s fall from heaven (Luke 10:18). So in this case, the morning star refers to Satan. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus unmistakably identifies Himself as the morning star. Why are both Jesus and Satan described as the “morning star”?

    It is interesting to note that the concept of the “morning star” is not the only concept that is applied to both Jesus and Satan. In Revelation 5:5, Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is compared to a lion, seeking someone to devour. The point is this, both Jesus and Satan, to a certain extent, have similarities to lions. Jesus is similar to a lion in that He is the King, He is royal and majestic. Satan is similar to a lion in that he seeks to devour other creatures. That is where the similarities between Jesus, Satan, and lions end, however. Jesus and Satan are like lions in very different ways.

    The idea of a “bright morning star” is a star that outshines all the others, and Jesus is the One who is called “bright.” Satan was a morning star. Jesus, as God incarnate, the Lord of the universe, is the BRIGHT and morning star. Jesus is the most holy and powerful “light” in all the universe. So, while both Jesus and Satan can be described as “morning stars,” in no sense is this equating Jesus and Satan. Satan is a created being. His light only exists to the extent that God created it. Jesus is the light of the world (John 9:5). Only Jesus’ light is “bright” and self-existent. Satan may be a morning star, but he is only a poor imitation of the one true bright morning star, Jesus Christ, the light of the world!

  127. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Peter speaks of the cataclysmic fall of Lucifer and his renegade angels this way: “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell (Greek, tartaroo, a “place of restraint”), and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment” (II Peter 2:4). These angels had “sinned.” But what is “sin?” The Bible defines it as rebellion, lawlessness. “Sin is the transgression of the law,” John wrote (1 John 3:4).

    One third of the angelic hosts, apparently, sinned -- violated the laws of God -- and acted wantonly. They attempted to overthrow the Government of the Creator God. They precipitated violence on a cosmic scale never before heard of or seen! They went astray from the paths of peace, goodness, faith, righteousness.

    They looked upon God as a tyrant, a malevolent dictator, not fit for His office, not capable of running the Universe. They wanted their way. They wanted their ambitions -- right now! They wanted to seize God's Throne and take over -- He wasn't running things right, in their eyes. Perhaps they were jealous -- perhaps they thought He was playing favorites and they didn't feel on the 'inside group.'

    The prophet Ezekiel tells us what happened to one of these two cherubim. "Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God. . ." (Ezekiel 28: 11-13).

    Note that this COULD NOT BE describing a literal king of the City of Tyre. The garden of Eden perished at the Noachian deluge, and Tyre did not become a city until much, much later. This king, as we shall see, was actually a super-powerful spirit being – which are known as cherubim!

    Ezekiel continues: "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the saphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, TILL INQUITY was found in thee" (Ezek. 28:13-15).

    Consider, for a moment the import of these statements. Ezekiel is describing a beautiful, resplendent, angelic creature -- one of the two anointed cherubim that covered God's Throne in heaven! This creature walked upon the holy mountain of God, in the garden of God in Eden. It was a created being -- and it was a perfect creation!

    But then something happened to change the beautiful nature and character of this brilliant, shining angelic being.

    "Iniquity" was found in him. A root of bitterness, a root of jealousy, of envy, of hatred, began to spring up (compare Hebrews 12:15).

    Ezekiel continues the description of this ancient scene: "By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.

    "Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shall thou be any more" (Ezekie1 28: 16-19).

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      What happened eons ago?

      Lucifer's heart was lifted up with pride. He became vain because of his beauty and brilliance. His wisdom became corrupted, and channeled into selfish, devious directions. God had said he "sealed up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty" (Ezek. 28: 12). But this beautiful creature became disloyal, disobedient, and destructive.

      If we can reconstruct the scene, it would appear that in that ancient world there was much merchandise and traffic. Trade and commerce existed. The world was populated by millions of angels, and their king was Lucifer. His throne was on the earth. But he wasn't satisfied. He was a great king, and the greatest human king to compare with him was the king of Tyre, the mercantile city, in the days of Ezekiel.

      But this angelic king grew restless, discontent. He was unhappy with his lot – his dissatisfaction grew as he envied the power, authority, and honor of God. He grew jealous. He said, "I will ascend into heaven." That shows he was located on the earth. "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God" (Isaiah 14:13). That shows he was a king, a ruler -- he had a throne on the earth. God had given him this authority. But he wanted MORE! And he wanted it NOW!!! He wanted to reign upon the mountain of God, "in the sides of the north" -- just like God Himself! (same verse).

      Many verses of the Bible lend support to the theory that God's Throne is located in the northern heavens, in the general direction of the North Star. King David wrote: "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King" (Psalm 48: 1-2). The city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem, as we know, is now in heaven (Revelation 21: 1-2).

      Lucifer wasn't satisfied with kingship over this earth. He wasn't satisfied with being one of the two anointed cherubim that actually covered God's Throne -- a position of great importance and supreme respect -- very close to the throne itself. He wasn't even happy when God gave him his own throne upon the earth, over millions of angels. His heart seethed with discontent. He wanted what God had! He was created to be a ministering angel -- but he wanted to be ministered to, not to minister to others. He didn't want to be a servant. He wanted to be served!

      Very likely the straw which finally broke the camel's back was the fact that God intended to create man, and to give him eventual dominion over the earth and the angelic kingdom. This Lucifer could not stand!

      He rebelled!

      And God dealt severely with his rebellion. God's attitude toward rebellion is revealed in the first book of the prophet Samuel: "And Samuel said, hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king" (1 Samuel 15:22-23).

      Lucifer was also rejected from being a king. He lost his throne, his kingdom, his power. But he still has limited authority upon the earth, and is the "god of this world," the "prince of the power of the air." He will remain in that position until God is through with him and replaces him.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.


  130. Anonymous7:19 AM

    What 'Katia' is patently unaware of, and what needs to be said here in correction, is that the Waldenses and the Cathars/Albigensians are not the same. The former were evangelical Christians around the Alps several centuries before the Reformation. The Cathars (many lived near Albi, hence their alternative name 'Albigensians') were dualists, believing that there was one good god and one evil god, who were equal and opposite; they were therefore far from being Christian although they used similar terminology (cf New Age!), but they were peaceable - Bernard of Clairvaux commended their lives in his 65th sermon. Both the Cathars and the Waldenses suffered savage persecution by the Roman Catholic church, which was scarcely aware of the difference between them (for this lack of awareness, see "Europe's Inner Demons" by Norman Cohn).

  131. Anonymous7:42 AM

    In clarification about Constantine...

    In AD312 this Roman general had a vision, which he took to be Christian, prior to a battle that he won just outside Rome for control of the western half of the Empire. The Empire had recently divided itself administratively into a western, Latin-speaking half and an eastern, Greek-speaking half. Constantine seized on this new religion which had spread underground throughout Rome’s territories, seeing it as a way to breath new life and unity into his territories. He soon won the eastern half as well.

    To society’s good, the Roman Empire’s harsh laws were softened. Slaves got a day of rest each week. But what of the church, the bride of Christ, in its marriage with the State – with the world? Adultery never works out well. Churchmen saw Christianity becoming the Empire’s approved religion as winning the world for Christ, but instead worldly thinking polluted the church. With the authorities now promoting the faith, the church grew fashionable, wealthy and class-ridden. Whereas the apostolic church had been a grassroots network that gathered for prayer, praise, preaching and Communion, a hierarchy emerged that was largely aristocratic. Instead of several episkopoi (overseers, the word translated as ‘bishop’) per congregation, as in the New Testament, there was one. (In the New Testament, a congregation’s council of male episkopoi were also its presbyteroi, elders, denoting their seniority: Acts 20:17-28. The council was instituted by the apostolos who founded the congregation, when he moved on to preach elsewhere. As founder he had unique authority over it.) Later, this bishop oversaw many congregations in an inversion of the original system. Atop the hierarchy was the Bishop of Rome, the capital city of the Empire, claiming apostolic succession from St Peter, and calling himself the Father (papa, or Pope) of believers (cf. Matthew 23:9). This was far from Christ’s words, “the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:25ff). Peter had said that all believers were priests of God (1 Peter 2:9), but ordination ‘to the priesthood’ came to separate an officer class, who alone may minister Communion to the rest. The church shifted from a synagogue model to a Temple model and became an instrument of social control. True Christians know God through their High Priest Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, so that mediation by this ‘sacerdotal’ priesthood is vain.

    Constantine’s victory was in AD312, supporters of rivals for the bishopric of Rome (the papacy) brawled in the city’s streets in AD366, Christianity became ‘established’ as the only religion approved within the Roman Empire in AD381, and execution for heresy – rather than mere excommunication – began in AD385 when a man named Priscillian was put to death. In one lifetime, persecuted became persecutors and religious dissent from Christianity was taken as treason. Babies were baptised, evidently without repentance, making Christianity an opt-out religion rather than an opt-in one. Had Satan changed his tactics, from physical persecution of the church from the outside, which wasn’t working, to his oldest trick, temptation, to corrupt it spiritually from inside? One should not lay blame on Constantine, who was demi-pagan in AD312; rather look to Bishop Sylvester of Rome, who took Constantine's deal. With the church’s new hierarchical structure, moreover, only a small number of men need be successfully targeted by the enemy to do wide damage.

    The newly institutionalised church submitted to decree by Constantine. The Donatists were Christians who objected to church leadership by overseers who had apostatised or even betrayed their flocks to the authorities during persecution before Constantine, but who now wished to reclaim leadership (hardly a sign of repentance!) The Donatists were crushed.

  132. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The four little boys grew up revering priests; they were told there was nothing closer to God.

    One St. Augustine's priest, the Rev. Cosmas Dahlheimer, took a special interest in Allen, nicknaming him "professor" because of the glasses he wore. Allen was filled with potential, the priest told him. God might one day call upon him to become a priest _ if he was good and did what he was told.

    As their children grew older, Ray and Arlene noticed that some of their sons seemed troubled.

    Allen and his little brother used to run and hide when Dahlheimer pulled into the driveway when Ray and Arlene were at work.

    "You guys, that's really rude," a frustrated mother told her sons.

    Allen grew into a restless teenager. He was hospitalized for depression. When he was released, he stunned his parents by refusing to go back to his Catholic high school and turning away from the church.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Betrayed by Silence

      For decades, leaders of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis have been reassigning, excusing and overlooking sexually abusive priests among their ranks. Some received additional retirement benefits. In August, a top church lawyer, shocked at what she saw, brought the story to MPR News. What happened next is still unfolding...

  133. Anonymous11:59 PM

  134. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Comey ADMITS voting COMMUNIST during Cold War...

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      "Both Comey And Brennan Voted Communist While Cold War Was Raging. Funny how that works!"

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      "The HEADS of Obama’s FBI and CIA BOTH voted for COMMUNISTS during the Cold War, YET were somehow able to move up the ranks within the same US intelligence community that had spent decades fighting that very ideology."

  135. well, its Suinday again, a new week.

    "Anonymous said...

    Constance and
    all! WHAT


    CLEARER than


    Obviously you go into a tilt! state when the paranormal, demons or the supernatural is mentioned. you are a

    materialst. I am surprised you are not an atheist. in any case, you are a saducee the only thing they believed

    was God and The Law but not angels (so probably not demons either), and not the general resurrection and

    judgement of the dead (though indicated in the Prophets)

    That's why you think its so unclear. Constance is not a fool, but like many has difficulty thinking
    what's going on is much more than merely human brain chemistry (which of course demons can exploit).

    SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THIS BLOG? the New Age has always included pop and practical occultism as

    I suppose you think that is all hokum and forbidden only because it is fraud. THE REASON IT IS FORBIDDEN


    (Many languages' words for witch are literally "poisoner.")

    Paul says we are not ignorant of satan's devices and that we war against spiritual evil in high places,
    and this isn't just about bad people in power. Too often some think the satan can't cast out satan thing is
    about one human evil squared off against another (fairly common as the devil loves to stir up hatred and
    kill or otherwise mess up humans), instead of the clear context of the paranormal.

    Glad to hear about the Insurrection Act of 1807 - which, by the way, would make opposition to secession

    legal, contra the unreconstructed confederate types online and elsewhere. war of northern aggression my

    foot! And the supposedly biblical style southern law and lifestyle didn't follow the Bible laws on slavery, incl.

    prohibition on returning a runaway slave to his or her master. And other issues. has the gist of my new book "How It All Began" which is a

    commentary on Genesis, go to older posts and read part 1 first. has a video about a new cooperative between some African

    countries that might be the ancestor to Daniel's fourth beast. Also a nice Orthodox akathist prayer to Jesus.
    …Catastrophe - The Day the Sun Went Out - Part 1 of 2 (Mysteries Of History Documentary) 18 months of

    minimal sunlight, in the mid 6th century, probably several supervolcanos went off at once.
    …Catastrophe - How the World Changed - Part 2 of 2 (Mysteries Of History Documentary) political

    ramifications of the disaster affecting us some of them today.
    What are "Soft Eyes" for Riding and How Your Eyes Affect Your Seat improves your vision in general whether

    you rise or not.

    Constantine didn't make Christianity the official religion of the empire, that was two emperors later. And he

    didn't introduce a top down hierarchy style, that is evident in the NT. which does not have several overseers,

    but several elders one of which was a bishop. The bishop of Rome was not atop the whole church hierarchy

    except in Roman Europe, and in fact the patriarchate system developed a bit later, to deal with the population

    increase of Christians.

  136. Anonymous1:23 PM

    POTUS Trump reportedly planning to invoke “Insurrection Act” so he can harness its “tremendous powers” to deport illegals: Will this spark widespread rebellion?

    Sunday, May 19, 2019

  137. "Both Comey And Brennan Voted Communist While Cold War Was Raging. Funny how that works!"

    Makes me wonder: "Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take council together, against the Lord and against his anointed, saying Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us." (Psalms 2:1-3)

  138. Christine,
    Tilt! state? LOL Good one.
    I haven't played pinball in a long time.

  139. Anonymous3:23 PM

    The once a week pinball posting.
    Can give you a headache..or a chuckle, or you just scratch your head, but at least scratching your head is good for your scalp...or just give it a pass.

  140. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Our weekly profound poster managed to COMPLETELY MISS that my...


    Constance and
    all! WHAT


    CLEARER than


    ...was a comment on her senseless, scatterbrained way of spacing sentences. Shocking.


  141. "you are a materialst. I am surprised you are not an atheist. in any case, you are a saducee ..."

    Take that you ... you ... materialst and saducee!

  142. Anonymous7:54 AM


  143. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The forest was shrinking but many of the trees kept supporting the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

  144. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Burger King now endorsing violent food attacks on Nigel Farage, as corporate HATE escalates

    Monday, May 20, 2019
    by: JD Heyes
    Natural News
    Burger King has now officially entered the realm of political activism, and no, not on the side of conservatives and patriots.

    In the United Kingdom, the fast food franchise, via its corporate Twitter account, is deftly urging customers to buy milkshakes so they can hurl them at political candidates Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson, and Ukip candidate Carl Benjamin — because they’ve been arbitrarily deemed “Right-wing extremists,” “bigots,” “racists,” and (you get the picture) because they believe Britain should be independent of European globalists.

    As The Gateway Pundit reported, throwing milkshakes on opposition political figures has become a Leftist thing — a viral “protest,” if you want to call it that — that is being encouraged by an American corporation.

    Last week, as Farage came into the country, Scottish police asked McDonald’s to stop selling milkshakes for the duration of his visit, but alas, Burger King didn’t get the memo or did but simply chose to ignore it.

    “Dear people of Scotland. We’re selling milkshakes all weekend. Have fun. Love, BK #justsaying,” said the company’s official Twitter account. When asked about it, the account had “no comment.”

    Naturally, it caught on:

    "Time to 'Lactose an intolerant'?" —Jedi ++ Pastor

    "Haha. Yes I do love threating people for their political views"

    Political violence on the Left will be met, eventually, with counterviolence

    “Earlier this month, Robinson had milkshakes thrown at him twice in two days while out campaigning. Last week, two activists targeted Benjamin with the same tactic,” The Gateway Pundit reported.

    It’s bad enough our political discourse has reached a level that is so divisive, so corrosive, and so intolerant we now have corporations condoning political violence — and that’s what throwing food (or punches) is, violence. But what’s worse is that there aren’t more people pushing back against it. Far too many people who claim to be supporters of ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ condone actions that suppress freedom and democracy, and now it’s becoming ‘official’ corporate policy in some circles.
    The general trend by the Left towards violence and away from the more traditional form of political discourse — debating competing ideas openly and honestly, for instance — is not going to end well. A society cannot simply subsist on mutual hatred. Something has to give, and if nothing gives, then conflict becomes inevitable. If people can’t discuss political, cultural, and societal differences rationally — ‘may the best ideas win’ — then the days of living in a viable country are rapidly coming to a close. 

    That our corporations would play into this hostility is disgraceful.





    (Tommy Robinson was jailed for reporting on Muslim RAPE GANGS!)

    Read more about how the Left has become a cult that is into violence at... and

  145. Anonymous2:35 AM

    To All,


    I just broke down current news stories on Drudge Report.

    (Not to 'pick on' that particular news aggregator but merely using it as a very valid example since it's the #1 news site on Earth.)

    Here's what I found...

    Out of 56 stories total:

    •63% were NEGATIVE*

    •30% were Neutral

    •ONLY 7% were Positive

    *(Including what WE would consider negative, such as this one: "Controversial Billboard On Highway: 'Welcome To Colorado, Where You Can Get A Safe, Legal Abortion'...")

    And what is another name for negative news?

    DEPRESSING news!

    And what happens when you are depressed?

    You become DE-motivated!

    So BEWARE = BEselfaWARE!

    Although it IS right to keep abreast of important current events rather than bury your head in the sand:

    DON'T let it depress you, instead...


  146. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Climate change scare stories reach the point of psychological TERRORISM… while scientists blame the fear on the “climate crisis”

    Monday, May 20, 2019
    by: Mike Adams
    Natural News

    The corporate media cartels have become hubs of hatred and “journo-terrorism” that targets the psyche of the masses. The quack science hoax of so-called “climate change” is used to terrorize the public into believing that their planet will somehow be destroyed by carbon dioxide — the very molecule that has been rapidly re-greening the Earth over the past four decades, according to NASA.

    Now, a new round of “science” has been studying the mental stress of the victims of this psychological terrorism pushed by the dishonest media, and they’ve reached an even more bizarre conclusion. Scientists now claim that climate change is causing “mental anguish” among humans. Seriously.

    Of course, the real source of the mental anguish is the lies and panic propaganda of the corporate media and the pathetic scientific establishment which has figured out that if you want more government grant money, you have to conduct “research” that identifies some new crisis to be blamed on climate change. In fact, the very phrase “climate change” isn’t scary enough yet to achieve the desired goal of mass mental terrorism, so media outlets around the world are now ordering their obedient writers to start using the phrase “climate crisis.”

    And if you don’t believe there’s a “climate crisis,” then you will of course be banned from all online platforms, just like Apple recently banned Natural News, claiming our content failed to mirror the “scientific consensus” on topics like climate science.

    You are now required to panic… and if you don’t, you will be censored and de-platformed

    And there you have it: All news outlets, researchers and individual voices are now required to panic over the climate, or you will be banned and silenced. This is what so-called “climate change” has come to: a dangerous CULT of quackery and left-wing lunacy. Like all cults, those who are deeply embedded in the cult demand that everyone else join their cult or be forever silenced.

    The very same people who believe in a “climate crisis,” by the way, are the kind of people who cut off their own penis and scrotum using a scalpel in an effort to become a “nullo” — a gender-neutral, obedient “progressive” who exhibits no reproductive organs whatsoever. This, we are told, is the ultimately expression of tolerance and progress.

    Or maybe, perhaps, all these lunatics are just f##king insane, and they spend their lives terrorizing each other over make-believe fear scenarios in order to achieve some illusion of self-importance as they desperately try to navigate a world that makes no sense to them because the rational portions of their brains have been short-circuited with fear, hatred and social engineering propaganda!

  147. Anonymous3:05 AM

    20 Good News Stories You Didn’t Hear About

    By Steve Hulford / INSH

    Today, the most attractive, charming, sexy and compelling news outlets enjoy unparalleled influence over the minds of tens of millions of people. At the same time, there are lots of good things happening in the world.

    There are earnest good people attempting to change things. Stories like people cleaning up our environment, and endangered animals making a resurgence. These stories don’t usually make the headlines.

    So the good news goes nowhere and the not-so-great stories mesmerize us from every screen. So here are 20 good news stories in an attempt to change just that...

  148. Anonymous4:27 AM

    P.S. To my 2:35 AM

    Realize that those figures mean that for every ONE Positive news story, there were NINE Negative news stories!

    If 90% of news aggregator's and news broadcaster's (non-neutral) news stories are Negative...




  149. To All:

    Please refresh your browser. I added a personal note at the top. My husband, Barry MacIntosh, is hospitalized since Saturday night. We are informed that the cause of his fall from bed where he was napping while I was at the Dog Park was due to extremely low blood sugar level -- We took him to Emergency where he was admitted. Thankfully I came home in time to find him. His blood sugar was dropping dangerously and we could have lost him during the night. Please keep our family in your prayers.


    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

  150. Anonymous2:36 PM

    (In case these may benefit anyone else also, in addition to Constance's husband:)

    Worried About Your Blood Sugar?

    Experts Recommend Checking Your Magnesium Levels

    Monday, May 20, 2019
    By: Isabelle Z.
    Natural News

    If you’re concerned about diabetes, the first thing your doctor might suggest is getting a blood sugar test. This can certainly identify problems if it comes back outside of the normal range, but there’s another test you might also want to consider no matter how you perform on a fasting glucose test: a magnesium check.

    That’s because many experts believe that magnesium deficiencies are behind the growing rates of diabetes in the world. Nearly half of Americans are low in magnesium, and that figure rises to 80 percent when you just look at those over the age of 70. Diabetes and magnesium deficiency often go hand in hand, so it’s well worth paying attention to magnesium if you’re at risk of diabetes or simply if you’re hoping to avoid it.

    Magnesium is a mineral that helps to metabolize your insulin and blood glucose, and it plays an important role in more than 300 of your body’s critical functions. For example, it plays a role in protein synthesis, blood pressure, and nerve and muscle function in addition to glucose control.

    A study by Israeli researchers published in the journal Nutrients found that people who took 250 mg magnesium supplements daily for three months enjoyed decreased insulin resistance. Their insulin sensitivity improved by 10 percent while their blood sugar levels dropped by 37 percent. The supplementation also caused their levels of HbA1c, which measures long-term blood sugar control, to drop.

    A different study, this one carried out by Egyptian researchers and published in Medicine, found that children with type 1 diabetes who supplemented with magnesium noted significant drops in HbA1c, fats in their blood, and bad cholesterol, along with a rise in good cholesterol.

    Meanwhile, a study from Harvard University scientists that involved more than 17,000 people with type 2 diabetes spanning nearly 30 years found that people’s risk of diabetes dropped by 4 percent for every extra 50 milligrams per day in magnesium intake. They discovered, for example, that those who had the highest intake of magnesium had a 15 percent lower risk of going on to develop diabetes than those who had the lowest intake of this mineral. The study was published in the journal Diabetes Care.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Get Enough Magnesium To Reduce Your Diabetes Risk!

      Studies have shown that getting an extra 100 milligrams of magnesium per day is all it takes to reduce your risk of diabetes by 15 to 19 percent. According to the National Institutes of Health, women should strive for 320 milligrams of the mineral daily, while men need around 420 milligrams.

      Unfortunately, a deficiency can be hard to spot because the symptoms can be mistaken for other problems. They include fatigue, weakness, anxiety, insomnia and high blood pressure. Even seemingly unrelated problems like recurrent fungal or bacterial infections and migraines can signal a magnesium deficiency. Blood tests can help identify a magnesium deficiency, which is defined as being less than 1.8 mg/dL.

      What can you do to make sure you’re getting enough of this important mineral? Obtaining it from FOOD is the best course of action.

      While supplements do exist, they should ONLY be used in EXTREME cases because getting too much of it can negatively affect your calcium levels.

      Turn to foods that are rich in magnesium like:

      Cashews, Almonds, Pumpkin Seeds, Beans, Chickpeas, Dark Chocolate and Leafy Greens like Kale and Spinach!

      It is becoming increasingly clear that proper nutrition plays a very big role in disease prevention. Make sure you seek out magnesium-rich foods REGULARLY to avoid suffering from diabetes!

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      (P.S. I just noticed that the wording of the last link was unfortunate, '15 ways to MANAGE blood sugar' would be perhaps better said!)

  151. Anonymous3:51 PM


  152. Anonymous4:21 PM

    May 21, 2019

    In The Deep State Coup Attempt, All Roads Lead Back To Barack Obama

    Watch Out For A Major Breakout Of Leftist Insanity Should Deep State Crooks Fall

    An Open Message To President Donald Trump:

    The American People Have Your Back!

    By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

    With Democrats now launching all out and desperate attacks against President Trump's Attorney General William Barr with signs emerging over the past week that deep state traitors may indeed finally face justice for their attempted coup against President Trump, we'll take a look within this new ANP story at more new evidence that 'all coup roads' lead back to Barack Obama and that it's time for the 'coup plotters' to be held accountable as heard in the videos at the bottom of this story. 

    As Gateway Pundit reports in this new story...the latest former Obama official to launch failing attacks upon Barr is former Obama AG Eric Holder who called Barr 'not fit to lead the DOJ'. That despite the fact that Barr led the DOJ for George H.W. Bush from 1991 to 1993. How did he suddenly become 'unfit' to lead the DOJ after also being confirmed by the Senate just months ago? From the Gateway Pundit story.:

    Holder previously described himself as Obama’s wingman. 

    Holder accused Barr of protecting President Trump and asserted that the Attorney General started his probe of the Intel/FBI for political reasons. 

    “He is not fit to lead the DOJ,” Holder said. 

    HOLDER: “AG Barr has deliberately misrepresented the Mueller report. He has started examinations of the conduct of Intell/FBI personnel without a predicate-for political reasons. He is protecting the President. He does not stand up for the good people he leads. He is not fit to lead DOJ.”

    Actually, it sounds like Barr may be the PERFECT person to lead the DOJ, which long ago sold out the American people to protect the 'Clinton crime family'...

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Signs US Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' Under Barack Obama And America Really DID Dodge A Full-Scale Communist Coup:

      This Is What America Might Look Like Now Had Hillary Clinton Won

  153. Anonymous5:13 PM

    May 21, 2019

    Media Lies Are Why Many Liberal Pro-Abortion Proponents Do Not Understand The Radical & Extreme Late Term Abortion Laws Being Passed In Liberal-Run States

    (Article contains graphic content)

    By Susan Duclos
    All News PipeLine

    The party of hate is also the party of death as we see more and more outlandish claims from the liberal left regarding abortion. Liberals claim that any restrictions on abortion, such as the recent slew of "heartbeat bills," being passed in a number of conservative run states, are somehow harming women's "reproductive" rights, yet they turn a blind eye to the slew of bills being passed in liberally run states that allow the termination of a pregnancy right up until the point of birth, which basically ignores the right to life for the unborn baby.

    Right now eight states, Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Vermont, along with Washington, D.C., have no gestational limits on abortion.

    In plain-speak that means in those eight states and D.C., a fully formed child that can survive outside the womb, has a heartbeat, can move their limbs, and can feel pain, can be brutally murdered.


    Apparently many liberal pro-abortion activists are completely unaware of the debate that has been raging harder than ever since a video clip of a Virginia delegate went viral where she admits that her proposal would allow an abortion even as the pregnant woman was dilating and in the midst of giving birth.

    For example, just today I ran across a discussion where conservative pundit Steven Crowder asked "Not a SINGLE DNC candidate has supported ANY type of restrictions on abortion up until birth. So I ask... who are the "extremists"? A response from a Twitter verified account for Nicolaj Leonardo, stated "Up until birth? Are you a special kind of stupid?" Another user reminded him "That is what is being condoned and actually said," and then Leonardo showed that he was actively supporting something he knew nothing about by stating "No actually it isn't, you don't have to say it...because it should be f*ckin clear you can't abort up until birth...jesus."
    We would like to introduce Mr. Leonardo, to Delegate Tran from Virginia in the short clip below, who disagrees.

    (If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of America.)

    With the abortion battle being waged in the media, online on social media, in discussions boards all over the Internet, how is it that people like Leonardo, and believe me, they are all over social media, have no clue that eight states have no gestational limits, allowing abortion up until the point of birth, yet they know all about the "heartbeat bills," that bans doctors from performing the procedure after a fetal heartbeat can be detected?

    There is a reason there are so many pro-abortion online and offline activists completely unaware of the radical and extreme laws being passed in states run by liberals, and that is directly related to how the media is portraying the issue, not only completely from the liberal viewpoints, but to the point where they are updating their guidelines to deliberately mislead the public on the types of procedures used by abortionists to perform late term abortions and partial birth abortions.

    NPR recently published their "Guidance Reminder: On Abortion Procedures, Terminology & Rights," where they instruct their reporters to NOT reference the unborn baby as a "baby" and to NOT use the term "unborn." 

    They also are NOT allowed to use the term "partial birth abortion," but rather want them to call it "intact dilation and extraction to describe the procedure, or a procedure known medically as intactdilation and extraction."

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      ABORTION PROCEDURES & TERMINOLOGY: Use the term intact dilation and extraction to describe the procedure, or a procedure known medically as intact  dilation and extraction; opponents call it partial-birth abortion. On the latter, it is necessary to point out that the term partial-birth is used by those opposed to the procedure; simply using the phrase so-called partial birth abortion is not sufficient without explaining who's calling it that. Partial-birth is not a medical term and has no exact parallel in medical terminology;  intactdilation and extraction is the closest description. Also, it is not correct to call these procedures RARE — it is not known how often they are performed. Nor is it accurate to use the phrase LATE TERM ABORTION. Though we initially believed this term carried less ideological baggage when compared with partial-birth, it still conveys the sense that the fetusis viable when the abortion is performed. It gives the impression that the abortion takes place in the 8th or 9th month. In fact, the procedure called intact dilation and extraction is performed most often in the 5th or 6th month — the second trimester — and the second trimester is not considered "late" pregnancy. Thus "late term" is not appropriate. As an alternative, call it a certain procedure performed after the first trimester of pregnancy and, subsequently, the procedure.... Also note:

      NPR DOESN'T use the term "abortion clinics." We say instead, "medical or health clinics that perform abortions." The point is to NOT to use abortion before the word clinic. The clinics perform other procedures and not just abortions.

      While many readers may find the next graphic upsetting, since the AP, NPR and others are adopting these types of guidelines, it is vitally important for pro-life advocates and activists to be able to show those being misled by the media, what exactly "dilation and extraction" aka late term abortion really is.

      [Late Term Abortion graphic]

      Partial birth abortion is even worse, hence the liberal media not wanting to use the term because it is exactly what it says. Killing a child by "flipping the fetus to a feet-first presentation, carefully pulling the body out intact in order to gradually increase the dilation of the patient’s cervix, and finally being able to remove even the fetal head in one piece," so places like Planned Parenthood can "obtain intact fetal body parts."

      They added additional guidance:

      The term "unborn" implies that there is a baby inside a pregnant woman, not a fetus. Babies are not babies until they are born. They're fetuses. Incorrectly calling a fetus a "baby" or "the unborn" is part of the strategy used by antiabortion groups to shift language/legality/public opinion. Use "unborn" only when referring to the title of the bill (and after President Bush signs it, the Unborn Victims of Violence Law). Or qualify the use of "unborn" by saying "what anti-abortion groups call the 'unborn' victims of violence." The most neutral language to refer to the death of afetus during a crime is "fetalhomicide."

      (Note: Bush signed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act in 2004)


      On the air, we should use "abortion rights supporter(s)/advocate(s)" and "abortion rights opponent(s)" or derivations thereof (for example: "advocates of abortion rights"). It is acceptable to use the phrase "anti-abortion rights," but do NOT use the term "pro-abortion rights". Digital News will continue to use the AP style book for online content, which mirrors the revised NPR policy. Do NOT use "pro-life" and "pro-choice" in copy except when used in the name of a group. Of course, when the terms are used in an actuality they should remain.

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Another thing liberal media outlets ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to report is that [at LEAST] by 20 weeks, an unborn baby can feel the PAIN of of both late term abortion and partial birth abortion.

      Via Charlotte Lozier Institute, updated December 2018: "Embryological development shows presence of pain sensory mechanisms and neurophysiology. The basic anatomical organization of the human nervous system is established by 6 weeks. The earliest neurons in the cortical brain (the part responsible for thinking, memory, and other higher functions) are established starting at 6 weeks.
      Nerve synapses for spinal reflex are in place by 10 weeks.  Sensory receptors for pain (nociception) develop first around the mouth at 7 weeks , and are present throughout the skin and mucosal surfaces by 20 weeks. Connections between the spinal cord and the thalamus (which functions  in pain perception in fetuses as well as in adults) are relatively complete by 20 weeks.


      Despite the media decision to deliberate mislead via terminology, and the online noise being made by liberals, Democrat politicians, and Hollywood characters, the majority of the public is against 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions, according to Gallup who has been periodically polling the question "Thinking more generally, do you think abortion should generally be legal or generally illegal during each of the following stages of pregnancy. How about -- [RANDOM ORDER]?," since 1996.

      This shows that while the liberal media and pro-abortion activists may be the loudest of the crowd and get more media coverage, average Americans are NOT in favor of late term abortions. 

      Since that poll was conducted over a year ago, before these radical and extreme late term abortion laws have been passed, we may see a rise in those numbers against late term abortions, and a decrease in the amount of people that think abortion should be legal in the first trimester as well.

      Interestingly, despite the 60 percent that said abortion should be legal in the first trimester, that same May 2018 poll showed that when asked "Regardless of whether or not you think it should be legal, for each one, please tell me whether you personally believe that in general it is morally acceptable or morally wrong. How about abortion?" - 48 percent said "morally wrong," with 43 percent saying "morally acceptable."


      Since 1997 they have received incomplete results or no abortion statistics from various states including Maryland, California, and New Hampshire. The latest figures from the CDC were 638,169 abortions in 2015. A total of 44,651,889 abortions have been reported to the CDC from 1973 to 2015.

      Using the Guttmacher Institute numbers, we estimate there have been more than 59 million abortions in the United States from 1973 through 2018.

      According to the CDC, 43.6 percent of the women who had abortions in 2015. had obtained an abortion previously in their life. 19.3 percent of women who aborted had two or more previous abortions.

      In 2015, 36 percent of abortions were performed on non-Hispanic Black women. Only 12.6 percent of the U.S. population is non-Hispanic Black according to the 2010 census.


      Abortion is and always will be a hot button topic, but when Roe vs Wade was decided by the Supreme Court, the media reported "the decision to end the pregnancy during the first three months belongs to the woman and her doctor, not the government," but now we see that eight liberal states and D.C. are passing bills to allow the killing of babies in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

      That was not the intent of Roe vs Wade.

      ONGOING FUNDRAISER: Despite generous donations, the still dwindling advertising revenue over the course of the last two years has forced us to completely deplete all our savings just to survive and continue to keep All News PipeLine online.

      So ANP is accepting reader donations. 

      Please help ANP stay alive.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Other Recent ANP Anti- Abortion News Stories:

      This One Picture Captures The Miracle Of Life!

      Party Of Hate Update: 'I'll Rape Your Daughter And Your Wife' - Liberals Threaten Rape Of Children, Wife Of Pro-Life Advocate

      America Totally Divided: Conservatives Should NEVER ACCEPT The Left's Religion Of Child Sacrifice!

      Feminist Heads Virtually Explode As Infighting Over #SexStrike Commences After Radical Pro-Abortion Activist Proposes A Conservative Value As If It Is A New Idea

      Pro-Abortion Extremists Now On FBI Radar As Violent Supporters Of Killing Babies Attack Peaceful Pro-Life Activists...

  154. Anonymous6:20 PM




  155. Demands new powers be transferred to international authority that ‘manages’ interests of nations.

    Pope Francis recently called for global governance to fight climate change, asserting, “The nation state cannot be considered as an absolute.”

    During an address to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, the Pope condemned “growing nationalism................

  156. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Operation: WE WUZ BURGER KANGZ, 4chan takes on Burger King #MilkySunday

  157. Anonymous10:48 PM

    The Self-Indulgent Self-Idolatry of the Eastern Orthodox Church

    I know nothing of EOC except it is 5 characters removed from AOC.
    Looks to me they are just another variant of catholic?

  158. Anonymous1:12 AM


    Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

  159. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Dear Constance,
    I'm sorry to hear about your husband and will pray for him. Instead of looking at Fetzer, you might want to see what Evangelicals are calling Trump: The New Cyrus.

  160. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Well, I think that we're ALL in agreement that Trump is The Beast and Bakker is his prophet, The False Prophet, and Evangelicals are their army...

  161. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Paul Weston - Police Terrorism V Tommy Robinson

  162. Anonymous10:56 AM

    9:57 AM.
    No we are not all in agreement. I think you are too short-sighted.
    Who cares what Jim Bakker thinks? He has no pull.

  163. Anonymous11:46 AM

    10:56 AM

    Quite AMAZING you took that seriously! (I'd suggest that you avoid anyone trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge!)

    9:57 AM

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      (Unless of course IF you were not serious either!)

  164. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Praying for your husband, Constance.

  165. Anonymous8:31 PM

    May 22, 2019

    Is This Why Online Liberals Are Getting Crazier Every Day?

    Social Media Addiction Causes A Slew Of Negative Mental & Physical Effects!

    -And More Social Justice Warriors Use Social Media For Activism!

  166. To 6:13 pm

    Thank you for yo ur prayers for my husband. He was discharged from the hospital today and is home now. Ironically, I had a bad fall yesterday leaving the Older Adults Advicosry Council meeting on which I sit. It is part of OLHSA -- Oakland, LIvingstone Human Services Organization. I had a terrible fall as I was attempting to exit the building and was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital. Fortunately, nothing was broken -- only my pride. I am bruised and battered from that, however!


    1. Anonymous2:54 AM

  167. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Democrats’ passage of “Equality Act” is the first stage in their attempts to CRIMINALIZE Christianity and throw all practicing Christians in prison (while banning their speech)

    Radical Left endorses widespread violence and assaults on conservatives and Christians… So WHAT could be their NEXT step?

  168. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Thank the Good Lord, you must have strong bones Constance!

  169. Anonymous11:05 AM



  170. Anonymous11:10 AM

    EU Head Juncker Says People Who Love Their Country Are “Stupid”

  171. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Disgraceful Leftists Throw Milkshake Over Elderly British Army Veteran

  172. Anonymous11:45 AM

    So sorry to hear about your fall too, Constance.
    It seems you and yours are having some definite difficulties right now, but thankful that in spite of them, you and your husband persevere! With God's help we can :)

    God bless you both as you both get stronger. And Constance, you are still in the fight against the evil new age and I, for one, am thankful for you!

  173. Here are some very revealing videos from Church Militant, all related, to a recent "very popular" pedophile priest criminal case that was successfully investigated, and prosecuted, in Saginaw, Michigan.

    In the first video, you will hear from the lead investigator that he knew from the very beginning, based upon his study of hundreds of such cases across the country, that he would get "zero cooperation from the Diocese." He also was vehemently attacked by the media for being a "homophobe" for conducting his investigation. It gets even worse; the "judge" attempted to stop the investigation entirely. After the successful prosecution of this case, the lead detective and highly decorated officer, was fired by his department!

    1st. video:

    In the 2nd. video entitled: "Inside The Mind of a Homopredator Priest," you'll learn how these predators "groom" their victims.
    Tragically, at least 3 and possibly as many as 5 of the victims of this predator priest committed suicide!

  174. MORE ....

    Former State Judge Michael Talbot, a Catholic with close ties to the hierarchy of the Saginaw Diocese "was appointed as an independent (wink, wink) delegate by the late Bp. Joseph Cistone in the Saginaw criminal probe into clergy sex abuse. Instead of being "independent," Talbot used his connections to the hierarchy of law enforcement to lobby to have the ENTIRE investigation into this long-time pedophile priest completely shut down! So much for the "care and concern" for the victims of these sick, twisted perverts!
