
Sunday, November 04, 2018

Leadership in Transplantation: From Tactics to Strategy - Francisco Javi...


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Share this with all you can before Tuesday!

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Here's a blunt example of leftist 'celebrity' mindset:

    SNL MOCKS ‘Gross’ NAVY SEAL GOP Candidate Who Lost His Eye to an IED Blast in War

    The vile attack came during the SNL’s faux news segment “Weekend Update” where Davidson was mocking multiple Republican politicians for their looks. The comedian stated he’d “realized there are some pretty gross people running for office this year”. When a picture of Crenshaw was put on the screen, co-star Michael Che blurted out: “Oh, come on, man!”

    “Hold on,” Davidson told him. “You may be surprised to hear he's a congressional candidate from Texas and not a hitman in a porno movie,” he ridiculed Crenshaw to the uproarious laughter of the liberal crowd. “I'm sorry, I know he lost his eye in war or whatever.”

    “Or whatever” proves NBC, SNL, and Davidson clearly have no honor or decency, especially considering the jokes on the show get pitched, edited, and reviewed...

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Being "fair-minded": Most of the Democratic candidates for president were at its yearly convention the YearlyKos, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards!

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Wow, you proved the Daily Kos is a Democratic, Left-leaning content site! Great detective work!

    But did you read the article?

    I was especially interested in the economic facts presented in it.

    Any opinion about those?

  5. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Why the Globalists are Splitting Up the Catholic Church

    During my September 3rd infoscan, I ran across indications that the globalists may be using the Catholic pedophilia scandal to create a schism in the Church between the “progressives” under Pope Francis and the “traditionalists” under Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. My preliminary read on their strategy is as follows…

    1) They’ll have Parolin’s “traditionalist” half of the Catholic Church heal the longstanding schism with the “traditionalist” Eastern Orthodox Church, and that reunited Church will back Putin in creating the real, multilateral New World Order and becoming the “real Antichrist.”

    2) They’ll have Francis’ “progressive/communist” half of the Church go down in flames with the decoy, unilateral New World Order and the decoy Antichrist(s) of the West.

    It appears that the mechanism they’ll use to cause the schism will be an attempt to remove Pope Francis from office against his will, possibly by convening an Ecumenical Council without his consent. Since the Church has no standing procedure for the forced removal of a Pope, any effort to do so will be of questionable legality, and it will therefore divide the Church between Francis loyalists who will still see him as Pope and “traditionalist rebels” who will follow Pietro Parolin in reuniting with the Eastern Orthodox Church.

  6. Anonymous11:59 PM

    9:38 PM

    My point had been simply to clearly establish (for those that might not know) the kind of organization behind that website's editorial.

    Nothing more.

    That being said, the article was certainly interesting.

    And THAT being said it should be balanced out by the reading of such things as:

    And THAT being said, really the NON-ACTION on POSITIVELY CRUCIAL ACTS like ELIMINATING THE FED (etc) are things that BOTH parties (EXCEPT for people like Ron and Rand Paul) are culpable for. So because of that we currently have much-less-than-optimum voting choices to pick from.


    And anyway, the Democrats are hardly our "Knights In Shining Armor" coming to rescue us...

  7. I just watched the posted video of the "antichrist" Javier Solana being interviewed.

    Just a few observations:

    First, this guy has zero charisma. He's supposed to be this supreme leader that the entire world is going to follow, yet, a brief view of the "crowd" in this small auditorium reveals that it is only about 25% full! You'd get a bigger crowd at the local library for a talk about "Slugs; Why I Find Them so Fascinating."

    Next, he looks rather disheveled. Change that to REALLY disheveled. He's wearing a poorly tied knit tie that looks like the only place you might find one like it is at the local Goodwill store. I haven't seen one like it for about 25 years. His left shirt sleeve is not buttoned or, it is lacking a cuff link. What kind of a guy shows up for an interview forgetting to button his shirt sleeve? His suit looks like it has seen much better days. On top of all that, he needs a shave! In other words, Mr. Dynamic looks to me like he'd have a very hard time winning a small town council race, let alone fooling the entire world to follow him into the abyss.

    During the interview, Mr. Spellbinder slowly droned on and on, talking in circles without really saying anything. About half way through, I found my eyes starting to droop. Maybe the trick of this "antichrist" will be to give a long, rambling speech which will no doubt put everyone to sleep, and then implant that chip while they are all in dreamland. If that's his gig, I'd have to admit, it's a pretty clever tactic! Bore them all to death and then give them all the mark ... who would have ever thunk it?

  8. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Midterm Tuesday 2018 Coverage - Open Thread With All Day Updates

    Votes are being switched and others not counted in several states as turnout is heavy in many districts

    1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    2. Anonymous11:50 PM

      MSNBC Puts Voter Count On The Screen The Night BEFORE The Election

  9. Anonymous11:53 PM

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Macron pushes for true European army...

  11. Anonymous9:35 AM


    Where did you get the notion that the antichrist is going to like Liberace as to disqualify this individual as a person of interest?

    While Solana may bore you he maintains a very high stature with the Europeans, China, and other countries within the ENP. While he may be getting older he’s in very good health and works circles around people in their 20s. You are aware the pope is older than Solana?

  12. I never said THIS pope is the Antichrist. What I have said in the past is that, as ALL of the Reformers accurately stated, the SEAT (or office) of the Papacy is the seat of the Antichrist. In other words, the Papacy is the perpetual, ongoing usurper of the real Head of the Church on earth, Jesus Christ. In place of Christ's gospel of grace, it offers a false gospel of works, sacrifice and strict legalized sacramentalism. In virtually every way, the Papacy itself fulfills the Scriptural description of the Antichrist.

    Solana, on the other hand, fulfills virtually nothing when it comes to Biblical prophecy ... as in ZERO. Solana's supposed power (or more accurately, had) is derived from the REAL power brokers that operate behind the scenes. He has never been an autonomous entity. He is now, and has never been anything else, nothing other than one puppet, among many, that are all dancing for the REAL puppet masters that are working together to pull the Globalist strings in the social, economic, political, academic, mass media and religious realms.

    Furthermore, to think that this frail, mixed up old man is the "one" that the "entire world will follow" is rather comical. He literally acts and looks like he is on his last leg! I wasn't joking when I stated that he'd have a hard time winning a local council seat in a small town election.

  13. Anon posted to RayB @ 9:35 AM ...

    "Where did you get the notion that the antichrist is going to like Liberace as to disqualify this individual as a person of interest?"

    First, I never said anything about "Liberace," YOU DID. Rather strange that you drew that analogy. The couple of times I recall seeing "Liberace" I was left with the impression of an effeminate weirdo with lots of frill, jewels and women's makeup. Is that the image you have of the AC? LOL !!

  14. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Your knowledge of Solana is clearly minuscule.

  15. Anonymous11:38 AM

    You called it 10:44 AM..

  16. You Are Being Initiated: The OA Revisited

    An interesting blog dealing with the occultic messages and themes in Netflix series "The OA". I watched the first few episodes and realized it was going to involve torturing a captured young woman into having repeated near death experiences. Then I decided it was too morbid, and I decided to stop watching it.

    This blog author interprets "The OA" as being really about initiating its viewers into co-masonry, which is a branch of freemasonry that is for women but is more mystical than regular masonry. Co-masonry overlaps with theosophy.

  17. "During the interview, Mr. Spellbinder slowly droned on and on, talking in circles without really saying anything. About half way through, I found my eyes starting to droop. Maybe the trick of this "antichrist" will be to give a long, rambling speech which will no doubt put everyone to sleep, and then implant that chip while they are all in dreamland. If that's his gig, I'd have to admit, it's a pretty clever tactic! Bore them all to death and then give them all the mark ... who would have ever thunk it?"

    Ray B
    That's exactly how they talk. Think Zbigniew Brazizinski, or Henry Kissinger; slow, deep, monotone, drooping eyes and expression...and saying next to nothing...yes, that's exactly the style.

  18. Let's review the prophecies vis a vis the Antichrist and for the record, I never said that Solana is the antichrist. I will, however, confess to saying that he could be an educated guess, which he is.

    1. A vile personal shall arise.
    2. To whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom.
    3. He would come in peaceably, with the aid of a few, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
    4. Thereafter, he would make war on God's people and prevail them for a time, times and half a time. (3 1/2 years.)

    Now as regards Solana and RayB's "analysis":

    1. The night I first discovered him, 11-22-1995, he had signed a treaty on behalf of the EU, the WEU, and Israel on 11-20-1995.
    2. Two days later, Israel had the strongest earthquake in its history on 11-22-1995. It was so strong that royal heads fell from mummies in the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
    3. He was chairing the Barcelona Conference to do a virtual rebuilding of the old Roman Empire.
    4. The Barcelona Conference had 3 critical aims:

    a. Battle religious fundamentalism - worldwide/globally;
    b. Establish a free trade zone in the Mediterranean by 2010 for the 27 countries involved in the Barcelona Process.
    c. Get the USA out of the Mediterranean and/or greatly reduce its presence there.

    Of course, RayB, I'm sure his job creation as HR (High Representative) created by Section 666 of the European codes at the Vienna Conference in December 1998 had no prophetic signficance -- mere coindence, I'm sure ~???

    Much more, RayB, but you should do your own research -- and yup, Pope Francis is at least 4 years older than Dr. Solana.

    For the record, the prophecy never said the AC would be charismatic or have nice shiny new tie!


  19. Anonymous10:58 AM


    As far as the FINAL fulfillment goes, be careful not to confuse the Anti-Christ (the Beast) with the False Prophet.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Let’s also not forget that Recommendation 666 of the 10-nation Western European Union military alliance transferred emergency powers to the High Representative (Section 666 of the Europa Code) in event of a crisis. Recommendation 666 developed by Solana, for Solana, while he served as High Representative; a military framework which remains alive today as those WEU functions were transferred into the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy.

    The July 2000 Solana Decision classified those documents so they are no longer available to the public. Archive everything of importance!

    And now PESCO – the “sleeping beauty” of the Lisbon Treaty – has awakened. The Commission describes PESCO’s Core Defence Groups as the re-activation of the previously existing structure, a reference to the framework developed by Solana while he served as Secretary General of the Western European Union.

    Solana continues to shape the EU’s militarization agenda which has been fast tracked to be autonomous and in place no later than 2025.

  22. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Solana's the one who wrote the playbook (now the White Book) the EU uses today and if he is not the AC, it is possible he is the one who could "groom" whomever it will be.

    Anti-christ will be revealed according to 2 Thess, perhaps as a man hidden in plain sight. A "sleeper" if you will.
    Since whomever it will be, will be the very counterfeit of Christ, perhaps too, he will have no "comeliness" that they should desire him in that sense.
    Christ had His 3 1/2 year ministry on earth and AC will have his too.
    It's getting close.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Thank you Richard, for that incredible State Watch contribution. I knew about the classification of documents when it happened in the early 2000's and that it had been called by State Watch people "Solana's coup", but I had not seen that detailed account. Yes, things are happening. If Solana is who I suspect he MIGHT be, he is longer in the tooth. I am suspecting he was the one to be trotted out in the early 1980s, but when the New Age Movement developed an unexpected backlash (See Donald Key's book EARTH AT OMEGA, page 88), there were hasty delays and retreats. As regards Benjamin Creme's "The Christ is in London waiting for the Media to discover him" story, i note he did not come up with that version until 5 days after he had a public radio debate against me. Up until that time, "the Christ" was a modern man in a modern country being prepared for national and international leadership. After our debate and their cat was out of the bag on the size and scope of the New Age Movement, suddenly, he was a poor altruistic man waiting in London in the Pakistani community waiting for the press to come and find him.

    I'm suspecting we may have slowed them down by more than 30 years, but they are not stopped. When Krishnamurti did not work out as the world "Maitreya"/"Messiah/"Christ" they hoped for him to be in running their expected "New World Order," they announced it had not happened. That announcement has never taken place as to whom they planned to trot out in 1982. I suspect he is still among us, longer in the teeth, and not too happy at the career delay.

    Is it Solana? I don't know, but he certainly appears to be an intelligent guess.


  25. Anonymous9:37 AM

  26. [THE LESS-THAN-DIVINE MOTHER EARTH] "...Mother Earth's treasures are limited and distributed unequally. Therefore, her resources should be divided equally to all by a new UN priesthood which divines, follows, interprets, and enforces the ... [commandments of Gaia].

    "While all nations are guilty of sinning against Mother Earth, the chief sinner among nations is the wicked capitalist United States, which though responsible for about 25% of production, has sucked up Mother Earth's resources at a rate of consumption that has ravaged and imperiled the impoverished nations of the earth. US imperialism and capitalistic heresies must be extinguished and a new age of peace and security ushered in by the faithful [devotees] of Mother Earth [who is equivalent in status to the Roman Catholic's Mother Mary. Mother Mary represents and personifies Mother Earth]."

    "First, America must be punished for her sins. She must be reduced to the status of all other nations, exiled from the society of the victimized nations of the earth, properly and justly humiliated. The great Whore of Babylon (the United States) must be brought down along with the Little Satan (Israel) while the righteous (all victimized nations) are lifted from the ash heap, raised up by the wealth seized from the aforementioned predatory nations."

    "Those peoples and nations who are extremists tied to traditional religions and outdated capitalism must be defeated and eliminated as enemies of the New Law and the New World Order, for their backward looking views inhibit the rise of the inevitable global governance as well as disturb the unanimity of the Brotherhood."

    "In the place of the old, corrupt world order will rise a new utopia in which every human being will have his apportioned allotment of the world's resources. No one will be in want and all will live in peace and harmony to the end of their days."

  27. Retired CIA officer Brad Johnson asserts that the migrant caravan is a leftist operative (Honduras, Venezuela, and Cuba, with Iran) with a goal of harming the US:

    Migrant Caravans Part of Larger Plan to Damage US
    By Brad Johnson
    November 1, 2018 Updated: November 4, 2018

    I’m sure many in the caravan don’t understand what is going on, being used as political pawns.

    Brad Johnson’s bio here.

    Rebel Media, based out of Canada, has a reporter on the ground in Mexico, and he has a number of short updates. They are all worth viewing to get a picture of what’s going on. The caravan looks to be funded by Pueblos Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders). In this clip, David Menzies interviews a local Sayula reporter.

    Caravan UPDATE: Migrants “ransacking businesses” says local reporter | David Menzies

  28. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Said Mr. Consumer speaking for many other consumers of his "tribe" @ 10:45 AM ...

  29. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Artists, intellectuals call for ‘European Republic’

    BERLIN (AP) — Artists and intellectuals across Europe are calling for the founding of a continentwide republic to replace its many nation states.

    Activists planned to proclaim a “European Republic” in dozens of cities at 4 p.m. (1500 GMT) Saturday, almost exactly 100 years after the end of World War I.

    The event is being organized by a group calling itself the European Balcony Project. Its listed supporters include political scientists, philosophers and writers...

    The European Balcony Project:

  30. Anonymous12:44 PM

    UK journalist Tommy Robinson facing prison time … AGAIN - watch at

  31. Anonymous12:45 PM

    GA Teaching Aide Calls for 'Dismantling' the Church, Says It Makes 'Crappy White People'

  32. Anonymous1:08 PM

    HUGE=> Broward County Police Remove Rep. Matt Gaetz from Filming Officials Secretly Loading Boxes In/Out of Office...

    Why Does Governor Rick Scott Refuse to Step in and Remove Criminal Palm Beach County SOE Susan Bucher?

    With each passing hour criminal Democrats are manufacturing votes in corrupt Palm Beach and Broward Counties in Florida.

    Democrats run a ballot production operation in Broward and Palm Beach Counties and have perfected it...

    Roger Stone Speaks Out: The Lowdown on Brenda Snipes and WHAT RICK SCOTT MUST DO

  33. Anonymous1:25 PM

    “No big deal. They’re just stealing an election right in front of our faces”


    And brazenly laughing up their sleeves at us while they do it, too. But why not? They know they won’t be called to account.

    It appears that recounts will be ordered in three Florida races: governor, Senate, and agriculture commissioner. All are currently within the margin that triggers a recount. But that’s all up in the air right now because the notoriously incompetent Broward County Board of Elections keeps “finding” new votes to count. That would be fine if elections supervisor Brenda Snipes were following the laws requiring transparency in the process, but she’s not. The ballot canvassing process, which is by law subject to public scrutiny, is clothed in secrecy as Snipes refuses to obey laws requiring her to permit observers through every step of the process. Not only that, but Snipes is making no attempt to even give the appearance that the ballot tabulating process is above board. That’s why Governor Rick Scott, who is running to unseat Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, filed a pair of lawsuits alleging that Broward County is violating election laws. (Scott also filed a lawsuit against the Palm Beach County elections board alleging that replacement ballots were improperly created.)

    “Late Tuesday night, our win was projected to be around 57,000 votes,” Scott explained to reporters. “By Wednesday morning, that lead dropped to 38,000. By Wednesday evening, it was around 30,000. This morning, it was around 21,000. Now, it is 15,000.”

    According to Scott, “On election night, Broward County said there were 634,000 votes cast. At 1 a.m. today, there were 695,700 ballots cast on Election Day. At 2:30 p.m. today, the number was up to 707,223 ballots cast on Election Day. And we just learned that the number has increased to 712,840 ballots cast on Election Day. In Palm Beach County, there are 15,000 new votes found since election night.”

    How is it that election officials keep “finding” new votes that, oh, by the way, help the Democratic candidates? That’s a question election officials are refusing to answer.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      As I said earlier, it’s a question nobody even needs to bother asking. The answer is blindingly obvious.

      This is not the first time that Snipes’ competence and judgment have been called into question. In 2016 she was caught destroying ballots during Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s primary race. A federal judge in May ruled that Snipes broke both state and federal elections laws.

      And then did nothing.

      At the time, Gov. Scott vowed that during the midterms, “the Department of State will send a Florida elections expert from the Division of Elections to Supervisor Snipes’ office to ensure that all laws are followed so the citizens of Broward County can have the efficient, properly run election they deserve.”

      And then did nothing. Also: “competence and judgment”? This is nothing to do with either one; it’s pure malevolence and corruption. This bitch shouldn’t be fired—she should be in prison.

      That Scott allowed Snipes to continue as supervisor may prove his undoing as she continues to “find” votes for Nelson. She should have been canned at the first sign of malfeasance, so why didn’t Scott get rid of her? Some say it’s because her firing would have inflamed racial tensions and resulted in mass protests in the contentious county. At any rate, she’s now in the position of essentially determining Scott’s political future.

      It’s no more than he deserves, for cravenly tiptoeing around this slovenly whore’s audacious criminal behavior due to fear of provoking controversy over an irrelevant issue.

      Tell me again about “the sanctity of our elections,” about American “democracy” being the envy of the world, whydon’tcha. This is 100-proof, straight-up banana-republic stuff here, folks, the pure, the blushful hippocrene itself of fraud and corruption. And the Democrat-Socialist criminal conspiracy has been doing it—not just in Flore-duh but right across the nation—for decades. And getting away with it.

      Because we did nothing.

  34. Regarding the video and Dr. Solana's concern over "acting strategically over acting tactically", one thing I would never deny is that he ACTS STRATEGICALLY. This interview itself playing to an elite crowd of transplant specialty European physicians is a classic illustration. So very, very clever. "Scheming" and "strategizing" might well be synonyms!

    So, he is about the only one responsible enough to use "strategy." Those doctors were eating right out of his hand. Notice the insult to Theresa May of England/Brexit and the kudos to Xi of China!


  35. Thomas Dahlheimer's latest post above helps prove what I've been asserting since 1982: everything the Bible says "look for" in the prophecies, the New Agers say "we're going to do."

    No wonder they don't want their folk reading the Bible!


  36. Let's review the prophecies vis a vis the Antichrist and for the record, I never said that Solana is the antichrist. I will, however, confess to saying that he could be an educated guess, which he is.

    1. A vile person shall arise.
    2. To whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom.
    3. He would come in peaceably, with the aid of a few, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
    4. Thereafter, he would make war on God's people and prevail them for a time, times and half a time. (3 1/2 years.)

    Now as regards Solana and RayB's "analysis":

    1. The night I first discovered him, 11-22-1995, he had signed a treaty on behalf of the EU, the WEU, and Israel on 11-20-1995.
    2. Two days later, Israel had the strongest earthquake in its history on 11-22-1995. It was so strong that royal heads fell from mummies in the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
    3. He was chairing the Barcelona Conference to do a virtual rebuilding of the old Roman Empire.
    4. The Barcelona Conference had 3 critical aims:

    a. Battle religious fundamentalism - worldwide/globally;
    b. Establish a free trade zone in the Mediterranean by 2010 for the 27 countries involved in the Barcelona Process.
    c. Get the USA out of the Mediterranean and/or greatly reduce its presence there.

    Of course, RayB, I'm sure his job creation as HR (High Representative) created by Section 666 of the European codes at the Vienna Conference in December 1998 had no prophetic signficance -- mere coindence, I'm sure ~???

    Much more, RayB, but you should do your own research -- and yup, Pope Francis is at least 4 years older than Dr. Solana.

    For the record, the prophecy never said the AC would be charismatic or have nice shiny new tie!


  37. To all:

    I was obviously tired but agitated when I posted the above to RayB a couple of nights again. I reposted it here to correct the errors:

    "personal" to "vile person"

    "Constanc" to "Constance"


  38. Well, Dr. Solana donated a kidney to a loved one back in 2013. I personally gave him a "pat on the back" for that. Now, I'm unfortunately suspecting there was "strategy" in that. I was hoping that it was evidence of "how much good there is in the worst of us and how much bad in the best of us

    The Lord knows. I hope the loved one, however, has benefited from that kidney donation that I reported at the time.


  39. I'm putting the announcement ESOT made regarding the Solana presentation to help you view the context and understand why it was not a HUGE audience as RayB seems to think it needed to be to be significant. I would suspect the society of transplant doctors would be elite and limited.


  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. In her 8:23 PM Post Constance Cumbey said: "Thomas Dahlheimer's latest post above helps prove what I've been asserting since 1982: everything the Bible says 'look for' in the prophecies, the New Agers say 'we're going to do.'"

    "No wonder they don't want their folk reading the Bible!"

    I am a New Ager and I read the Bible. I recommend that other New Agers read the Bible. I believe that the Bible "prophecies" that Constance Cumbey is referring to in her post are dictated by Satan and are meant to influence Christians to believe that what New Agers are "going to do" is evil, when in fact what we are going to do is righteous and holy.

    Modern-day scientific discoveries keep proving over and over again that Bible scriptures sometimes do not tell the truth. Reasonable people understand this and rightly conclude that a supernatural spiritual entity is deceiving Bible believing people who cannot accept this truth. There will be a day of judgment. Please do not abandon common sense reasoning for blind trust in Bible scriptures.

  42. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What Are They Hiding In Florida? Journalists Threatened With Arrest, Fake Ballots & Court Rules Election Supervisor...

  43. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Thanks to Democrat vote fraud and election tampering, trust in our entire system is collapsing which is what they want...

  44. Anonymous12:23 PM

    California Republicans Face More Potential Losses as Late Ballots Erase Leads

  45. Anonymous3:46 PM

    But Thomas Dahlheimer you don't know the author of the Bible. You do not recognize it as the very Word of God--what He spoke to men to record. You do not have His Holy Spirit to interpret what the Word of God says so your natural understanding falls extremely short to know what the Bible says. It is spiritually discerned..and you are of the wrong spirit to know what it means.

    If you did you would have a totally new mindset to go with reading it.
    You obviously don't.
    If you prayed to the Lord of the Bible to ask HIM what He is saying there you would be dumbfounded and amazed at what it actually says. You read it to hate it (and us who believe it) and refute it to make your arguments against it and for your beliefs. And you are getting nowhere with that one.

  46. Anonymous4:34 PM

    **How To Understand The Bible**

    "Even though we might possess the world’s brightest minds, if God does not act to open our minds, the Bible will remain closed to us." (p. 5)

    "One vital key we must come to understand is that the Bible interprets itself. We must be careful not to force our own interpretations onto it." (p. 16).

    **Bible Study Course**

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.


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  49. Anonymous7:11 PM

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