
Monday, October 29, 2018



Forget the "black helicopters".  Forget the "chemtrails".  These are mere diversions or a successful variant of the time-honored of the time honored New Age game of "watch the fundamentalists run."  The real danger is now everywhere - GEOSS -  a total global "system of systems" in place, poised to monitor virtually everything.

GLOBAL EARTH OBSERVATION SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS was constructed between 2005 and 2015.  It's proponents describe it in almost messianic terms.  One of its leaders, a Ms. Ryan rapturously describes it as "a Movement" as well as an all-encompassing system.

GEOSS is literally and figuratively  "Big Brother on steroids."  It encompasses satellite surveillance systems from Europe through China -- USA included.  

This is not my first time writing about this all- encompassing satellite/sensor observing "system of systems".  I posted the following on March 18, 2006 to this blogspot:

, , , And that is not to mention the 2008 year the Europeans hope to tie together various creepily acronymed entities such as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), GEOSS (Global Environment and Observation System of Systems). But you can relax. Everybody will be perfectly safe. After all, their planned system will monitor every ship at sea. According to their generously free CD, it can even monitor people out on a walk! Sleep well. Our EU big brothers (and they brag that George Bush helped with the GEOSS project) will monitor our every move. And no doubt, they will come off looking like heroes with their fusion energy project called ITER. That rhymes with bitter. , . . 
ITER may not be as successful today as its proponents hoped, but GEOSSS is going strong just about everywhere.  Most of us are blissfully unaware!  Where is GEOSS today?   What do its proponents say on their websites? 

From one of its user handbooks:

Introduction SomeI History The GEO Strategic Plan states that “GEO is a coalition of governments and participating Organizations having as its mission the implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to meet the need for timely, quality long-term global information as a basis for sound decision-making”. Earth observations from diverse sources, including satellite, airborne, in-situ platforms, and citizen observatories, when integrated together, provide powerful tools for understanding the past and present conditions of Earth systems, as well as the interplay between them”. The GEOSS Platform formerly called the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) has been created to provide the technological tool to implement the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). The birth of the former GCI has been in 2008, as Clearinghouse catalogue, in 2012 the GCI evolved into a Brokering infrastructure with the inclusion of the GEO Discovery and Access Broker (GEO DAB). The first user interface, the GEOSS Portal was initially created in 2010 and in 2016 has seen great enhancements in terms of user experience and enhanced discovery, access and visualization functionalities. In 2017 the formerly called GCI has evolved into a GEOSS Platform. 

A sobering thought is GEOSS combined with drone technology.  That makes some of the prophecies about global persecution of believers easier to comprehend.

I've spent enormous time researching this recently and the web available material is so extensive, encapsulation is sometimes difficult.  There is a lot here to wrap one's brain around.

Research this yourself and Stay tuned!



  1. Every computer and computer network has to have a System Administrator.
    So I wonder who the System Administrator is for this Beast of a system.

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Solana had his hand in this with the global positioning satellites that were sent up while he was high rep for the EU. They have put them all in place to cover the planet. Perhaps he may still be advising or something for those who produced that giant spy in the sky.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    The mention of ITER as something dubious makes me wonder about the reliability of the rest of this report.

    Nuclear power comes in two types, fission and fusion. Fusion gives more energy and fewer noxiously radioactive by-products (and is far safer if the reactor goes wrong) but it is much harder to implement technologically. ITER is the next generation research fusion reactor, currently under construction in France, and is a worldwide collaboration. Nothing sinister at all, just a rather difficult problem in the physics of hot ionised gases.

    GEOSS sounds sinister but has nothing to do with ITER at all.


  4. To Anon @ 1:39 PM ...

    Please provide us with some concrete proof to back up your statement:

    "Solana had his hand in this with the global positioning satellites that were sent up while he was high rep for the EU."

    I haven't been successful in finding anything at all that links Solana with this, so I can't wait for your answer.

  5. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I see a little silhouetto of a man
    Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
    Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me
    Gallileo, Gallileo
    Gallileo, Gallileo
    Gallileo Figaro, magnifico

  6. Anonymous 2:47 PM,

    It's not the energy itself. It's the control of access to energy.

  7. RayB 2:49 PM,

    Constance wrote a post in 2005 called Europe's Eye in the Sky.

  8. TO physicist:

    New Agers were citing "ITER" and they were citing "GEOSS" when I wrote the earlier piece I referred to. Physics is well above my pay-grade -- not yours and not Solana's. (He does, after all, have a doctorate in physics.) It was the all-encompassing snooping system -- eye in the skies and just about everywhere else concerning me. Solana has mentioned both systems in the past in hopeful terms. I'm not saying one necessarily links to the other, but both were subject to favorable mention by Solana in past times. My focus today is on the completed GEOSS system and there are many, many places to check it out on the internet.


  9. The global positioning satellites that I understand the EU currently have up includes at leaslt


    See the foregoing:

    Solana to get power to switch off Galileo in security threat
    JAVIER Solana, the EU’s foreign policy supremo, would be given the power to switch off the Galileo satellite system if it
    is misused in a way that endangers the security of the European Union, under a plan due to be discussed by member states’ diplomats in the coming weeks.

    By DAVID CRONIN AND DANA SPINANT 3/3/04, 5:00 PM CET Updated 4/12/14, 9:48 AM CET
    According to the blueprint, seen by European Voice, the high representative for foreign affairs would issue instructions “to take any measure necessary to safeguard the security” of the EU. The concession holder of the system “shall immediately execute any instructions addressed to him”.

    Solana “would be responsible for matters where the operation of the system affects the security of the Union or the member states”, “in particular as a result of an international crisis, a threat to the proper operation or actual misuse of the system”. , , ,

    Sorry, I have to take the dogs out -- back later!


  10. Anonymous5:54 PM

    RayB, needs to do his own homework.
    Constance has written much in the history of this blog about several topics he easily nixes..

  11. Anon's very adult above response to a very reasonable request:

    RayB said...

    To Anon @ 1:39 PM ...

    Please provide us with some concrete proof to back up your statement:

    "Solana had his hand in this with the global positioning satellites that were sent up while he was high rep for the EU."

    I haven't been successful in finding anything at all that links Solana with this, so I can't wait for your answer.

    2:49 PM

  12. To Anon @ 5:54 PM ....

    I understand the reason that you resort to your childish response. You made an assertion based upon your own imagination.

    Do you happen to be the "Anonymous" that made the hilarious claim that you are "99.99% certain" that Solana is the Antichrist? Just wondering. LOL !!

    PS: Being that Solana is approaching a very ripe old age, he'd better hurry up and build that Dispensationalist fictional "3rd. Temple." How else is he going to proclaim himself to be "god" if the Temple isn't built?

    Here's a clue: there is a person, by virtue of the office he holds, that declares himself to be the "Holy Father" that heads up 1.2 BILLION followers, who, by his words and actions, declares himself to be above the real Holy Father.
    He also claims to be the rightful monarch over all the earth, heaven and hell, hence his 3 tiered crown. I wonder who that "man of sin" is?


  13. Just a quick note:

    Constance's Politico link above, referring to Solana “would be responsible for matters where the operation of the system affects the security of the Union or the member states”, “in particular as a result of an international crisis, a threat to the proper operation or actual misuse of the system”. , , , was written in 2004 (with a recent update). However, the update did not reflect Solana's current, diminished position.

    It's important to note that Solana's power back in 2004 was vastly different from what it is now. Currently, he would have no official capacity regarding making decisions as to the operation of this system.

  14. This was a comment I left to a 2006 column:

    One is given even more pause in this after reading the Alice Bailey and LeMesurier footnoted quotes in my article. LeMesurier is a New Age activist linked to and published by the Findhorn New Age community in northern Scotland. They published him under the name of one of their publishing entities, "Thule Press." That was the name, of course, of the occult organization which fueled so much of Hitler's organization. They are theosophical in origin and philosophy -- that was where the ugly Nazi ideas of "evolving racial superiority" and "cleansing actions" came from -- Hitler did not get them in a vaccuum. Maurice Strong, Kofi Annan's mentor and a BIG PRESENCE at the UN is a tight Findhorn "Christ is now here" at Findhorn. A few months ago, I found a Lucis Trust link that showed a group meditation on "the Reappearance of the Christ" at Findhorn. Maurice Strong was very obviously in the photo in his deep meditational state. The Bailey books (published originally as Lucifer Publishing) carried the old Theosophical line that if humanity did not acquiesce in their plans, we were headed for a religious war that would dwarf all other wars. Lee Penn has written a book about one of their more recent blatant fronts, UNITED RELIGIONS. I think they are bringing all together -- rapidly and suddenly. I honestly believe God has held them back for the past 25 years since I have been closely observing them long enough to get folks warned. We are warned and they are now moving FAST before more opposition can mobilize. Prepare for ridicule and marginalization. It was prophesied that an "hour of temptation" would come on all the earth -- as Project Galileo, GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems), GMES (Global Monitoring for Environmental Security), Digital Angel, etc., ad nauseum, all converge, it appears that things may all be in place. They were hoping so in the 1980s -- when George L. Christie, founder of the Intelsat Consortium of satellites of 80 countries spoke at one of the very first "New Group of World Forums" at Lucis Trust in New York in 1983, he said "Our father's house is wired -- now all we have to do is connect along that wiring. When I say, "plan", I mean "the Plan" -- everybody knew what he meant. They have now connected and the Worldwide Web has been a clever part of their wiring. It has been necessary to be on it to know what is happening -- those not using the internet know little or nothing of Solana. They have probably heard of Kofi Annan. I fear this is coming down now and it is coming down hard. The only escape is the mercy of God -- other generations of believers had hard times -- it is delusional to believe we shall escape -- but at any rate I choose to pray what Jesus told his disciples to pray, "pray earnestly that you might escape the things that are to come upon the earth." They certainly appear to be coming.

    All ten virgins were sleeping. All ten eventually woke up. Five had enough oil in their lamp -- five did not. Folks, it is time to go oil shopping!
    # posted by Blogger Constance Cumbey : 9:08 AM

    I believe it all relevant and more so today.


  15. More references connecting Solana and GEOSS:

    EU space programs that are also being employed militarily include:


    An important book that doesn't mention GEOSS but does include Galileo and Musis is THE EUROPEAN DEFENCE AGENCY: ARMING EUROPE. Authors are Nikolas Karampekios and Iraklis Oikonomou.


  16. See the following:

    GMES is a tool of international cooperation,
    following the example set by
    meteorological services and constitutes
    the contribution of the European Union
    to the creation of a vast and worldwide
    system of observation systems,
    the GEOSS (Global Earth Observation
    System of Systems

  17. Anonymous7:46 PM

    RayB, why did I need to answer you when Constance herself did?
    Her blog is full of information you are free to explore. But you won't.
    You will just spout your opinion instead. Fine, feel free, but expect it to be challenged (and it was by Constance).

    Is it because you can't stand it when you get called up short and then must needle issues, to miss the big picture all the while?
    Sorry, but you come across as a very narrow individual.
    No. I'm not that certain about Solana. But then, I haven't made up my mind like you have that he can't be.
    Never say never.

  18. Anonymous9:01 PM

    ALL of the superpowers have their own spy and positioning satellite system. They don't want to rely on each other's, after all. The USA does. The EU does. China does, if I recall correctly. Singling out any one of these as iniquitous is not sensible. And if you want to find out where everybody is, the cellphone system is a lot easier to use for that purpose.


  19. Interesting material at this link "Sea Island Report"




  21. One of the important components of GEOSS and GMES (Global Monitoring for Environmentaal Security -- an EU Program) is "Galileo". Interesting discussion of some of its MILITARY aspects are noted in this article about BREXIT.

    The U.K.’s threat to launch its own version of the Galileo navigational satellite system over a Brexit spat with Brussels has one big black hole: Any alternative version is unlikely to match the value of sticking with the EU’s program.

    London’s access to the encrypted part of Galileo, called the Public Regulated Service and needed by the military to guide missiles and plan operations, is emerging as a key conflict in talks over the U.K.’s impending departure, with the EU saying that as a third country Britain would no longer have access to such sensitive data.



  22. An interesting history of GEOSS and the USA invitation that helped launch it is at this link:



  23. Anonymous7:13 PM

    My husband and I have been married for about 7 years now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cared about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Osita can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family and I are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Osita. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his Email: ( or WhatsApp him (+15088120454)
