
Monday, December 12, 2016

Democratic Party McCarthyism (Joseph -- not Eugene) for the 21st Century

Update:  Today the Electoral College votes were cast.  The news is that Donald Trump did receive the 270 votes plus needed despite the long and loudly orchestrated campaign to threaten electors against casting votes for the winner of the popular votes of THEIR INDIVIDUAL STATES in favor of Hillary Clinton who allegedly won the "popular vote".  Harvard Professor Lessig's campaign was evidently and thankfully unsuccessful.  How will Trump do as President?  Time and events will tell.  This was an election year when we had to make difficult choices.  Supreme Court appointments were paramount in my own decision-making.  

On the European front, there was deadly terrorism both in Germany and in Turkey.  The Russian ambassador to Turkey was publicly assassinated and all could view that event on televised video recordings.  Just as the Democratic Party accusations of Russian connections with the GOP remind me of the McCarthyism of the 1950s, today's events ominously remind me of the start of World War I and the Sarajevo assassination that triggered the lineup of European powers against each other.

Times are turbulent indeed!


I'm old enough to remember the unpleasant days from my childhood when the "Cold War" started, Joseph McCarthy accused practically everyone and their brother of having Moscow "Red" links, and "Russian connections."    Back in those days, it was often the Republicans making the charges against the Democrats that they called "fellow travelers" to alleged Communist influencers.

Well, here we are in the 21st century, nearing the end of the second decade of same, no less.  The current administration of the United States Executive Branch, i.e. President Barack Obama was shown during the latter days of his first term assuring the Russians that he could work much more closely with them once he had been re-elected.

And so there was "peace on earth" or so it illusorily seemed.

All that appeared to change in my eyes once Barack Obama who once espoused marriage as between a man and woman then publicly "evolved" his view to one of "marriage equality", i.e. man marries man, woman marries woman.  The winter Olympics were set to be held in southern Russia.  The conservative Russian Orthodox community promoted laws passed by the Russian government outlawing "homosexual propaganda."   The United States sent openly "gay" members to Russia to represent the United States government in the Olympic doings.  Vladimir Putin said to the USA and to all that "gay" athletes were welcome to come but "please leave our children alone."

Maybe coincidence, maybe not, but suddenly the "Cold War" was back on and heating up at that.  EXCEPT this time the accusers were generally Democrats accusing Republicans and Evangelicals of being "Russian sympathizers."  At an annual Press Association "roast", Barack Obama cynically stated that conservatives liked Vladimir Putin.  Perhaps he was referring to some of Pat Buchanan's public observations -- perhaps something else.  After all, I don't get "classified briefings."

That the intelligence services of the USA appear at least superficially to this observer to have been to at least some extent "politicized",  I am more than skeptical about the late claims reached by "consensus" (mostly Democrats with dissenting Republicans).  That John McCain is angered and perhaps holding a grudge against Donald Trump is understandable.  Senator Lindsay Graham is no great surprise either.

Suddenly, Barack Obama demands an investigation to be completed before his rapidly expiring term of office ends.  And now today, we read from an on-line news source, "The Hill" in major news presentations from MicroSoft, the following:

At least 10 members of the Electoral College are asking U.S. intelligence officials for more information on ongoing investigations surrounding President-elect Donald Trump's relationship with Russia.The electors, including the daughter of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Christine Pelosi, wrote an open letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for the information ahead of their Dec. 19 meeting to vote for the next president."The Electors require to know from the intelligence community whether there are ongoing investigations into ties between Donald Trump, his campaign or associates, and Russian government interference in the election, the scope of those investigations, how far those investigations may have reached, and who was involved in those investigations," the letter read. "We further require a briefing on all investigative findings, as these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether Mr. Trump is fit to serve as President of the United States."Nine democrats and one Republican signed the letter."Separate from Mr. Trump's own denials of Russian involvement in the election, the confirmed communication between Trump's aides and those associated with the Russian election interference activity raise serious concerns that must be addressed before we cast our votes," the letter read.

I, for one, smell a big, fat rat?  How about the rest of you?

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Nope. Trump ties to Russia are very open. He chose a campaign leader with such ties. The whole nationalist movement is on the rise internationally and it is New Age to the core as the Nazi movement was. Wikileaks is a KGB operation that only exposed Clinton and never brought up any dirt on Trump. They couldn't hack Trump's emails? Sure!!!! The MSM was in the tank for Trump giving him a huge amount of free publicity compared to the air time the rest of the Republican candidates got. All Trump's dirt was kept under the pillow. Trump was presented as the messiah who would save the US and "make it great" again, whatever that meant. Conservative media was in the tank for Trump. One world government knows decades in advance who will be president and only have to sell it to the voters. Trump was priming the pump with suggestions that he was running for the highest office since 1980. Anyone who thinks the New Age control of One World Government will be reversed because Trump came into office will be the owner of many bridges. That Clinton would have carried on Obama's direction is a given though we hardly heard what she planned to do compared to his bloviating. She was the designated loser this time. The sheep are just being kept quiet and hopeful by Hallmark card politics.

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Dorothy, you're as perverse as ever.

  3. I have doubts about WikiLeaks being a KGB operation. New Age/Anarchist/"Anonymous" is far closer to reality. Assange was a "cradle" New Ager raised by New Agers who even cared enough about his New Age education to send him to Steiner (Anthroposophical Society) schools. He describes himself as a "Child of Aquarius" in his autobiography.

    The New Agers want to see both sides come down -- so they can be the Phoenix to arise from our collective ashes.


  4. I can't recall if the party quite lived up to my rhetoric. But
    all of my life at the time was there, in the invitation, if not
    at the event. Among these rather soulful wilderness years,
    also learned to hate religion. I say hate, but I'm enough of
    child of Aquarius not to want to hate anything. Let us say
    learned in the period before going to university - my next
    move, to study Mathematics and Physics at Melbourne -
    the extent to which organised religion was probably a kind
    of evil. I would come to understand my dislike of religion
    to be a crucial part of my confidence. Take that as you
    will. I'm sure it's true of many of us.


  5. And this:

    I don't know if I was eccentric or whatever, but I know I
    was single-minded. They sent me to some kind of Steinerstyle
    school where it was all about expressing yourself. There
    was a scooter, I remember, and an obnoxious little girl who
    wouldn't share. In accordance with the school's philosophy,
    I decided to express myself without hindrance, so I hit the
    girl over the head with a hammer. This caused a giant fuss,
    of course, and I had to leave, although the girl was fine.
    We just kept moving. Lismore, about 130 miles from
    Brisbane, is the place I associate more with my schooldays.
    You could say Lismore was the centre of the counter-culture
    in Australia, and it later became a Mecca for backpackers,
    a place where people seeking an alternative lifestyle came
    to roost. The second Aquarius Festival, the Aussie Woodstock,
    was held around Nimbin in 1973, and many people
    stayed on and set up co-operatives. My parents ran a puppet
    theatre. Over those years, there was a sense of fight-back
    against corporate agencies. . . .

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

  7. Anonymous10:59 PM

    So, are you saying there is no New Age connection in Russia? That the antisemitic movements have no New Age ties? Seems to me the anti-Christian, antisemitic movements fit right in. Somewhere we were told the New Age movement people have infiltrated everything. There were a number of books that said the antisemitism in Russia was growing out of the New Age movement there. Oh well.

  8. Anonymous11:44 PM

    This is rubbish. Clinton News Network has been so blatantly anti-Trump. Word has it that the leaks are from inside the government. There are disgruntled FBI agents that got the information to Assange. Assange family are in some cult, but I think that he has put up damaging information for whatever reason. His reasons are not particularly important if the information he supplied is true. Was he favoring Trump? Perhaps, or perhaps he is just really disgust by the Clinton family like many others.

    Clinton has been responsible for needless wars, dead ambassadors, dead other people, pay for play, going against sexual victims of her husband and probably worse. Who would want this so and so as President. You'd have to be a masochist to want someone like this in office. Trump might not be the perfect President either, because he is putting Goldman Sachs people in his administration and possibly some neocons who will take us to war, but I'd prefer to see him have a shot at governing. We know the Clintons will sell out the country and the NWO will come very quickly.

    This Cold War rhetoric is dangerous. I think someone is pushing us into nuclear war with Russia and if that be the case many will die in the process. This is a very New Age idea, population reduction.

    Clinton was wearing her purple revolution suit again and is trying to steal the election any way possible.

    Assange may have come bizarre spiritual affiliations but that does not change the content of the quality of what was in the emails. Clinton thinks we're a bunch of "deplorable" translate that into "useless eaters". She has controlled all the mainstream media and will finish the job Obama started, destroying the country. She's a lying, cheating self-serving bitch at the very best and at the worst..... fill in the blanks. Let's hope and pray the electors do the right thing and don't participate in this fraud being perpetrated. The CIA is incensed that they are being questioned. I will remind all of you that the CIA was founded with former Nazis and the roots have not changed.

    There are a few other scandals that concerned the CIA like poker parties with prostitutes. The press is trying to say they are above reproach. Nonsense.

  9. Anonymous12:23 AM

    11:44 the things you said about Clinton are true. That information was pounded into our heads for many many months. Now can you share all of the negative information available about Trump? Probably not. That got very little air time. A fourth of the eligible voters, those who were made to feel passionately about Trump, was all that was needed. Child's play. "I don't support Trump but I voted for Trump because I didn't want to see Killery in office." And "I will hold his feet to the fire if he doesn't keep his promises." "I'm pleased with his choices so far." "New Age? I don't believe in conspiracy theories. Ha Ha." "Don't worry. Jesus is coming." Pull the string to see what the programmers have planted.

  10. To Anonymous 10:59 -- I assume you are speaking to another, not to me. I well know about the Russian New Age connections that are and have been abundant for many years. Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, and Blavatsky are originals. Barbara Marx Hubbard well noted in her 1988 speech to a Seattle Unity Church that "from the top to the bottom, the Soviet leadership has made the Quantum Leap." Gorbachev was a New Age leader globally!


  11. Trump had not been my candidate -- but when considering what Hillary, Al Gore, Barack Obama and the rest of that crowd were saying and doing -- the "hold one's nose and vote" choice became obvious.


  12. To Anonymous 12:23 -- "Now can you share all of the negative information available about Trump? Probably not. That got very little air time. . . ."

    What planet are you from? Or did you watch only FOX news? From morning to night on CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, NPR, NEW YORK TIMES, ETC., ETC., we heard around the clock pronouncements on Donald Trump's numerous faults.


  13. If what I just read here is true, my smelling apparatus is working very well indeed:


  14. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Constance, if you can't come up with Trump's faults, maybe someone else can. No, we didn't hear about them. One had to go to many small alternative media sources to get that factual information, and then verify it. I challenge anyone reading this to make a list of Trump's faults. Skip the broad meaningless generalizations.

    There is no way that the EC is going to move enough votes to take it away from Trump. There would be rioting in the streets. Obama would declare an emergency. All it is is a big show by the Democrats to keep their base excited and loyal. The D establishment has nothing to offer them now except noise. What it is doing is getting Trump supporters more supportive of Trump, more behind him whatever he does. Use your nose to smell the stink coming from him for the next four years as he moves us further into the New Age movement. Someone should be tying what he is doing into information about the New Age agenda if anyone besides one or two of us is still worried about it. At this point no one is doing that.

  15. Anonymous2:21 AM

  16. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Watch for Europe to continue to spin out of control. Putin and Trump are against the "new age" movement as far as I can tell. The EU is likely to disintegrate; this started years before Brexit in fact.

    One possibility is that the new agers are incredibility frustrated with their lack of success of their efforts to create conflict between Russia and the United States. For the immediate future it does not look like there could be a world war ignited between these two countries. I think this war was the original objective. Furthermore, there is a possibility that Europe, or NATO itself - today largely consisted of US troops - could be the entity that attacks the Eastern Seaboard of the United States in a massive and horrific surprise. Perhaps this is the last couple chapters of Revelation with the whore of Babylon?

    The aftermath of a surprise attack on the US could provide the foundation for the final hours of humanity.

  17. Marko1:48 PM

    There are obviously plots and subplots going on, as various groups and people vie for control.

    There is no New World Order playbook that everyone is going off of, as anon. 4:58 suggests at the top of this thread with statements like "One world government knows decades in advance who will be president and only have to sell it to the voters." That, to me, is just laziness in research. It's like if I took a connect-the-dots picture, and drew lines from every dot to every other dot, or drew lines from just one dot to all the other dots. The resulting picture would be meaningless.

    The New Age Movement has its plans, the Elites of the world have their plans, Tyrants have their plans, etc, etc. Often the various plans overlay or converge or have the same goals, but too sometimes they diverge and are in opposition. This is sometimes intentional (as in the "dialectic" that gets mentioned a lot, or as in the scissors strategy that states like Russia use), but it can also be true opposition. I think that Trump represents a true opposition player to at least SOME of the Elites / New World Order crowd. The amount of opposition he has received can't be explained in any kind of dialectic that makes sense.

    The only "grand unifier" of what goes on in this world, because he has been given temporary reign over it, is Satan.

    Some people I would look to for helpful explanations of "what's really happening" lately would be Diana West at her blog, Cliff Kincaid from AIM and USA Survival (although he can get tunnel vision sometimes, and lose the forest for the trees), Carl Teichrib of Forcing Change, Dr. Peter Jones from Truth Xchange, Jeff Nyquist at his home page and in the Update Brazil video series on YouTube, Robin Eubanks for her work on exposing the trojan horses within our education system, Trevor Loudon from NewZeal, Nevin Gussack, who is VERY knowledgeable about a lot of things - I could sit and listen to him for hours.

    These all have their blind spots, but taken as a whole I've found them to be highly informative.

    Also, regarding disinformation and false narratives, Joel Harding has some good articles recently on his "To Inform Is To Influence" blog.

    There are some good writers at American Thinker and Breitbart.

    I think here are a few assumptions, from what I know currently, to start with, when trying to figure it all out:

    1. The CIA has been, and still is, compromised with Russian agents. Probably the State department too. Trump is on thin ice as he picks various people, because you can bet that Russia will try to "protect its assets" by trying to place other assets on his "pick list" by whatever means available to them.

    2. Wikileaks appears to be from someone inside the NSA, not Russia. For some good analysis on this topic (on which nobody can say anything conclusive just yet), see Diana West's latest column here:

    3. Russian interests and strategies coincide much more with the Democratic Party and the Left than with Trump. This is true historically as it is now.

    There's a lot to digest and analyze in current world events, and anyone promising an easy writeup is the one trying to sell you a bridge.

  18. Anonymous1:49 PM


    Please release my comment from the spam filter. Thanks!


  19. Liberal media is playing up a report by the Central Intelligence Agency that hackers aligned with the Russian government had allegedly provided Julian Assange with the hacked emails his website WikiLeaks published during the fall, but a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan is going public again to blow the story out of the water. He is the second after Bolton to refute the weapons of mass-distraction.

  20. Marko4:23 PM

    "One possibility is that the new agers are incredibility frustrated with their lack of success of their efforts to create conflict between Russia and the United States."

    Please explain this. It goes against everything I know about the New Age movement, which has done nothing but try to get us together, in a big bear hug of peace, love and brotherhood. That's what Barbara Marx Hubbard was involved in while the Soviet Union was still in place, and what Gorbachev was trying to achieve, and both of them are influential New Agers (or were), as Constance noted above.

    I think it oversimplifies things to say that a world war is the objective of New Agers. For some it is, but not for all. That is why we here have differing viewpoints of whether there will be war or not, and who will be fighting who. Depends on which New Ager you talk to. The more dangerous ones, of course, are the ones who want a war to decimate the world's population (as long as they are among the surviors, eh?)

  21. Marko4:35 PM


    I think we might have to something drastic like abolish the CIA. I think it is too compromised to salvage.

  22. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Constance, you are spot on about Lindsay Graham.

    From Podesta Emails-Wikileaks:

    "John -- don't let Lindsay Graham get lost in Eric Cantor's earthquake... To: Date: 2014-06-11 00:58 Subject: John -- don't let Lindsay Graham get lost in Eric Cantor's earthquake...

    I presume it has occurred to you all, but I would urge the POTUS to discreetly talk with Lindsay Graham in the next few days to congratulate him on his impressive primary win. He perhaps shouldn't directly put a call into Graham -- which would probably get out -- but perhaps pass the word to invite Graham to call him. Graham is the best future Republican ally of the administration for the next two years, and in a close Senate may provide a critical vote on a number of occasions -- much more so than he has recently. Keeping the call discreet may be in Graham's best interest and future latitude. You know far better than I how to make it happen, but I think it's important that it happen. I'm sure Graham will have to continue to fulminate against the administration for the next 5 months and beyond. Hope you're doing well. Seems like it from here. Best, Paul Paul Harstad HARSTAD STRATEGIC RESEARCH, INC "


  23. To 1:55 pm

    I'm irritated -- again, we hear about Trump's faults daily on CNN, CBS, NBC, Time Magazine, Atlantic Magazine, New Yorker, New York Times. I've written extensively about my own concerns vis a vis the same in the past. I don't know what game you are playing. He is elected now. He was not my Republican candidate of choice, but when up next to Hillary Clinton, he was the safer choice. Agahin, one can't turn on the media or read a mainstrem publicastion without a recital of Trump's faults. Cliff Kincaid and I once did a 2 hour radio program at vis a vis that, but maybe you don't listen to that one either. Now that he's elected, I'm not about to immediately put myself on an "enemies list" by stirring up a fight with someone sometimes deemed "thin skin". I suspect you yourself may be in that category.

    Have you heard of an attorney named "Lessig"? You may be playing right into his last ditch Electoral College strategy hands.


  24. Can it get any more confusing?
    Trump is a New Ager.
    Trump is anti-New Age.
    The CIA says it was a stolen election.
    The FBI says no it wasn't.
    Putin is the enemy
    Who says Putin is the enemy?
    Why does Putin have to be an enemy?
    Maybe he's not...
    All I know is that I don't know anything about the political world.
    I'm pretty sure you don't either.
    I'm glad that we won't be hearing too much from either
    Clintons or Bushes any more.

    I do know this:
    Jesus is the Son of God. Read what he says.
    I know this:
    The mystery of God is:
    The hope of the Gospel. (see Colossians)

    You're being played.
    I'm being played.
    They are smart and they are working harder than we are.
    So we might be fools in this world.
    I don't care.
    Jesus is my hope
    Jesus is my Savior.
    Jesus is my strong tower
    I'm going to sleep well tonight in spite of everything
    because Jesus isn't confused at all and He has it all
    under control.
    These are the days of great deception.
    No Dorothy you don't have it figured out
    No Christine you don't have it figured out.
    I'd say the same to Constance but she isn't talking
    like she knows it all. She has some humility to go along with her intelligence
    and that's why I find this blog compelling.

  25. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Good on ya, paul. Thanks for that refreshing post.

    I agree with every word you wrote.

  26. My 2 cents on Trump, the election, Putin, etc.

    First, Trump WAS opposed by the entire establishment. The Main Stream Media (along with Hollywood, TV, Recording industry, etc.) is owned primarily by only 6 corporations ... and they were virtually all lined up against Trump. The powerful Banking industry, Wall Street, etc. were against Trump. Why? Because, unlike Clinton (add the Bushes, Obama, etc.), Trump is not a puppet that is under their control. Trump was also opposed by the war mongering Neo-Cons that were desperately attempting to stop his nomination after he had it locked up. Why? Because they are bound and determined to use the military in order to advance their foreign policy agenda, which will eventually lead to a One World Government. The US corporations opposed Trump due to his stand on illegal immigration along with trade policies that have decimated American labor, but have made corporations rich beyond their wildest dreams.

    Putin, with all his baggage not being denied, stands in opposition to the Globalist elites that are attempting to create their One World Government. The OWG cannot come to fruition with a strong, independent and powerful Russia (America must also be severely diminished). That is precisely why NATO forces have gathered en mass on Russia's border (in the exact same area from which Hitler launched his attack on Russia in WW 2, a war in which Russia lost 20 million people). The presence of NATO troops is a provocation that is designed to create an "incident." The lunatic warmonger John McCain (along with his Neo-Con cohorts) calls Putin a "murdering thug" while Putin heads a nation that has thousands of updated and advanced nuclear weapons. Also, the fall of the Ukrainian ELECTED government was a CIA coup, also meant as a provocation.

    Now, the establishment is floating the false claim that it was RUSSIA that elected Trump, and not the American electorate. The establishment is also using pressure on the Electors to switch their vote from Trump to Clinton ... due to the "hacking" of the election by Russia. Soros also funded and organized the rioters that "protested" Trump's election ... all designed to make it appear that Trump's election was not legitimate.

    These are VERY dangerous times. America has not been this divided since the Civil War. If they are successful in somehow preventing Trump from finishing his first term, that just might be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back.


  27. While the Main Stream Media floats the FAKE NEWS about Russia "hacking" our election, it ignores a HUGE story out of Detroit, where a whopping 37% of Detroit's precincts tabulated MORE votes than voters that are registered!

    Voting fraud in America's urban areas is endemic, and yet, virtually nothing is reported about it, and virtually nothing is done about it by the Federal Government!

  28. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Paul, you find it compelling because you get to spout off and there are only a few people who openly post here. Everyone who posts here seems to agree with each other. It's comfortable. Physicist steps in with factual scientific information which is strong enough. It challenges no one but Christine. It's your safe space. There are many people who need a safe space.

    When did this website start? With the thousands and thousands of people who visit this site, as Christine has said, why do you assume you know me Paul?

    Those who want to see how mind control works, as New Age does it, should watch Leah Rimini's series on Scientology on A&E. It's excellent. By the way, Teichrib's columns will be free to the public in the future. Serious academic information on New Age. Apparently he provided information to many other scholars at their request. Too bad there never was a get together of those studying the topic.

    Marko, good write up. Never stop learning about New Age. The movement is so big that no one person has a total handle on it.

    Constance, thank you for the brief summary on media sources. It doesn't answer the question. I know you are very professionally busy, elderly, with your health and Barry's situation to keep your time limited.

  29. Anonymous11:42 PM

    BRAVO, Paul @ 8:00 PM!!!

  30. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Guess what went into the spam folder

    Paul, you find it compelling because you get to spout off and there are only a few people who openly post here. Everyone who posts here seems to agree with each other. It's comfortable. Physicist steps in with factual scientific information which is strong enough. It challenges no one but Christine. It's your safe space. There are many people who need a safe space.

    When did this website start? With the thousands and thousands of people who visit this site, as Christine has said, why do you assume you know me Paul?

    Those who want to see how mind control works, as New Age does it, should watch Leah Rimini's series on Scientology on A&E. It's excellent. By the way, Teichrib's columns will be free to the public in the future. Serious academic information on New Age. Apparently he provided information to many other scholars at their request. Too bad there never was a get together of those studying the topic.

    Marko, good write up. Never stop learning about New Age. The movement is so big that no one person has a total handle on it.

    Constance, thank you for the brief summary on media sources. It doesn't answer the question. I know you are very professionally busy, elderly, with your health and Barry's situation to keep your time limited.

  31. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Twice into the spam folder. I wonder on what basis so much goes into the spam folder.

    Paul, you find it compelling because you get to spout off and there are only a few people who openly post here. Everyone who posts here seems to agree with each other. It's comfortable. Physicist steps in with factual scientific information which is strong enough. It challenges no one but Christine. It's your safe space. There are many people who need a safe space.

    When did this website start? With the thousands and thousands of people who visit this site, as Christine has said, why do you assume you know me Paul?

    Those who want to see how mind control works, as New Age does it, should watch Leah Rimini's series on Scientology on A&E. It's excellent. By the way, Teichrib's columns will be free to the public in the future. Serious academic information on New Age. Apparently he provided information to many other scholars at their request. Too bad there never was a get together of those studying the topic.

    Marko, good write up. Never stop learning about New Age. The movement is so big that no one person has a total handle on it.

    Constance, thank you for the brief summary on media sources. It doesn't answer the question. I know you are very professionally busy, elderly, with your health and Barry's situation to keep your time limited.

  32. Anonymous12:35 AM

  33. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Three times into the spam folder. Someone must stay up all night monitoring this website.
    Paul, you find it compelling because you get to spout off and there are only a few people who openly post here. Everyone who posts here seems to agree with each other. It's comfortable. Physicist steps in with factual scientific information which is strong enough. It challenges no one but Christine. It's your safe space. There are many people who need a safe space.

    When did this website start? With the thousands and thousands of people who visit this site, as Christine has said, why do you assume you know me Paul?

    Those who want to see how mind control works, as New Age does it, should watch Leah Rimini's series on Scientology on A&E. It's excellent. By the way, Teichrib's columns will be free to the public in the future. Serious academic information on New Age. Apparently he provided information to many other scholars at their request. Too bad there never was a get together of those studying the topic.

    Marko, good write up. Never stop learning about New Age. The movement is so big that no one person has a total handle on it.

    Constance, thank you for the brief summary on media sources. It doesn't answer the question. I know you are very professionally busy, elderly, with your health and Barry's situation to keep your time limited.

  34. Anonymous12:37 AM

    See Paul. Your posts stay up because.......

  35. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Four times a post disappeared. It was posted between 12:35 and 12:37 There must be some code word that tells spam to kick in if it appears. What's the magic word? Anybody know?

  36. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Yes, we are being played. Maybe the idea was to give us Trump all along as an outsider, but he did meet Kissinger 3 times, has Goldman Sachs in his administration so, maybe he is the chosen to usher in the NW currency when the system of debt dies under its own weight?

    Just a thought, but as you said we know who our Savior is and it is not Trump or Clinton. That's for sure.


  37. Merry Christmas everyone,

    Just thought I would share a little music video we had a part in makeing to bring our thoughts back to the Lord this Christmas.

    God bless,

    Grant Sutton

  38. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "No Dorothy you don't have it figured out"
    It's good you are staying current, but perhaps you should look to God more than to men to know what is really going on, dear.

    "No Christine you don't have it figured out."
    The harder this poor soul tries (to figure it out) the more off base she gets. Here's her problem in a nutshell:
    A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility.

    Constance is a blessing, and why I come here, too.

  39. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Written at 7:22 pm. "Now that he's elected, I'm not about to immediately put myself on an "enemies list" by stirring up a fight with someone sometimes deemed "thin skin." This, dear people, is across the board why one hears nothing about the movement. It's why things go to the s place, here and elsewhere We are to be treated like senile old people in a community nursing home. Kept fed, given circuses. Despite all the amazing advances in information sharing, we need a samizdat and to learn to speak in code in the US if we are to individually survive.

  40. Anonymous11:37 AM

    11:06 Yes, faith and assumptions can keep one busy for a lifetime. Somehow it didn't work out in Syria.

  41. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Anon 11:06

    Regarding Christine and "Here's her problem in a nutshell".

    The problem is she is a nut: psychic vampire feeds, reptilians, men on mars, chakras, Planet X, her mother's attempt to possess her body (please! if that were possible she'd more likely pick a 20 year old's body not one of an old neanderthal), possession and bowel movements, etc.

  42. We seemed to have gotten the best of 2 evils, yet we get evil.
    Fiorina/Trump support spy agency back doors.

    Trump also supports gun restrictions for people with the no-fly restriction.
    We can all remember that at one time Ted Kennedy was on the no-fly list.
    It is, can be, will be the catch-all list to restrict movement and the back door to gun control. AKA populaces subjugation in the name of security....

  43. Anonymous3:40 PM

    1:50 Like

  44. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "11:06 Yes, faith and assumptions can keep one busy for a lifetime. Somehow it didn't work out in Syria."

    But that depends on whom and in what your faith is placed so be sure you are being careful.
    Evil is extremely crafty and does seem to get the leg up. Globalism is still on track (yes @ 1:50 PM). Both ends are being played against the middle and anymore nothing is surprising these days so all we can do is watch it unfold as everything is headed off the charts. It's not like we were not warned, and warned..(and keep sounding the alarm).

    I look higher like paul said in, his 8:00 PM post. I have to. So little adds up these days.
    Trust no one But God (He wrote a Book).

  45. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Sites like this with a huge number of articles should be regularly searched for information. Articles from multiple political points of view are linked. Given that there appears to be no neutral sources for information any more, best to see what is being put out and by whom. While trust in the workings of God is essential, he did plop us down on earth and gave us examples, brains and instructions.

  46. Anonymous4:42 PM


    If you are trusting God and what He has already told us then we will be using our brains, and see the examples, follow the instructions, and take the cues for what is next to know.

    Do not suppose that faith being spoken of and thinking are divorced from the other as you seem to be implying about others. Be as sure of sources as you can, but only One source is infallible.

  47. 4:19
    Hard to see who you speak for.
    Who is it "best to see" for?
    One either trusts in God or not, ye of little or no faith.
    The only instructions I get from Jesus on living in this time is "WATCH".
    I'm not ever going to be a Prepper.
    I'd rather be dead than locked in an underground container with a five year supply of
    canned peaches, Spam and jugs of water. Those people will be dead withing a week
    of a nuclear blast. That's not faith, but a lack of it.
    See: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo.
    Death doesn't scare me at all, though I'm not looking forward to the act of dieing.

  48. Marko4:56 PM

    Anon. 4:19 - That's a pretty good site. I've heard it referred to as a better version of DrudgeReport. Drudge has fallen off my radar these days - he's too sensationalist and links to sites that are known disinformation or clickbait sites. He used to be good; not so much now.

  49. Marko5:05 PM


    I respect the path you have chosen for the living out of your faith. I hope you respect mine as well, if, as God leads me to "love my neighbor as myself", I am led to store up a little extra food and whatever else so as to help them in the coming hour of need, and in doing so, extend God's hand of love and mercy to those around me, and maybe God will use whatever small efforts I expend to bring more into His Kingdom.

    It is also why I spend so much time studying what is going on politically, philosophically, etc, and sharing with others, so that when the darkness descends, they will have been given some measure of light to guide them, and not fall into deception.

    "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished." --Proverbs 27:12

    We all have our part to play, and one is not more or less important than another.

  50. Grant NZ @ 2:09
    Very nice music.

  51. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "We all have our part to play, and one is not more or less important than another."
    I hear you paul, and I commend you.
    I hear you Marko, and I commend you also.

    I'm doing some prepping myself, but it is in the hope that I have something to share as I also share the Gospel. People need that first and most, and a bag of beans and rice (etc) might come in pretty handy for my family members and my neighbors. This world isn't my home, anyway...but either way, to God be the Glory and in Whom we must trust as you are pointing out in your 4:53 PM post, paul, and Marko @ 5:05 PM.
    To him that gathered little it was enough, and to him who gathered much had none left over (when they gathered the manna) ;)

  52. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Aw what the heck. Let's try for delete #5. Let's see if I can take out the concern words.

    Paul, you find it compelling because there are only a few people who openly post here. Everyone who posts here seems to agree with each other. It's comfortable.

    Those who want to see how mind control works, as NA does it, should watch Leah Rimini's series on Scientology on A&E. It's excellent. By the way, Carl T's columns will be free to the public in the future. Apparently he provided information to many other scholars at their request. Too bad there never was a get together of those studying the topic.

  53. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Marko, good write up. Never stop learning about NA. The movement is so big that no one person has a total handle on it.

  54. Reading the posts above, I had the impression that things were going into "Spam" that perhaps should not be there. I just went in and marked them "not spam" so now they should appear above. Sorry -- I'm not familiar with the algorithms and Google "bots".


  55. To 8:39 pm -- there was an alleged "get together" of those studying the topic in the 1990's. It was held at Michigan State University. It was put together behind my back and then I was invited to come AND BRING ALL MY RESEARCH. That would have required a good two moving vans. I then learned that atheists and some nominated for the Templeton Progress in Religion Award had been invited and that they had pre-planning meetings in Atlanta where the Templeton Progress in Religion person picked them up from the airport and drove them to their hotel. Needless to say, some money was involved in that venture and I also smelled a rat there -- perhaps two rats -- Doug Coe and Paul N. Templeton? We need a real meeting of the real researchers. That crowd -- partly my friends, partly spies? . . . I believe worked to try to shut me out of my own networks. If the New Agers hadn't stayed on my case lambasting me for spoiling their plans, i.e. Martin Palmer, Matthew Fox, I might not have gotten any credit at all!

    Oh well, such is the nature of war. And it has been a long, nasty and dirty war from 1981 through the present time and continuing.


  56. For the record and for obvious reasons, I chose not to attend that conference, pleading a lack of time.


  57. Still lots of nastiness dripping perhaps from the State oF Illinois?

  58. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Constance ~

    When you think about it... the fact that you are still standing, and have managed to survive ALL that you've been through over these past 35 years, it is a real testament not only to your faith and strength, but also to the spiritual protection that you are obviously receiving from God and His heavenly angels.

  59. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Constance, the goal is to warn others about the NA movement. I have been working to make others aware since 1982, perhaps harder than you in the last ten years. I did it without contacts or help from anyone. My research is voluminous I was there from the very beginning and saw what was going on, contributed to your efforts without getting recognition for the first 20 years. I stayed in the battle when almost everyone else dropped out. Why they dropped out is another story. For very obvious reasons I stopped posting here. If you want to stop information from coming out on your website about the NA movement from another researcher, you have the right to do so. You are an extremely intelligent lawyer. If you don't know how your blog works and why things go to spam, you have had the past 21 years to learn. By the way, I was totally unaware of the controlled effort to get NA researchers together. Interesting that I did not receive an invitation. Perhaps because no one except you seemed to know how much research I had done.

  60. Anonymous12:31 AM

    "Using the same “behind closed doors” approach we’ve come to know when Congress is about to do the wrong thing, the GOP-controlled House passed a bill that gives the Department of Justice authority to establish an electronic tracking system designed to keep tabs on people with mental illnesses 24/7. The bill, H.R. 4919, passed 346-66 under a suspension of the rules–meaning no hearings or amendments."

    Another part of the article shows concern about tracking more individuals in the future.

  61. To 12:31 am



  62. To 12:20 am

    Because we have had so little communication in the past 10 years, you have no idea of the work I have done. The University of Michigan archival folk could give you some idea, but I'm certain it has exceeded yours. You are welcome to post here, but everytime I tried to give you credit or be nice, frankly you bit me.


  63. Anonymous4:11 AM

    The bill passed by a vote of ...


  64. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Constance, the goal is to warn others about the NA movement. I have been working to make others aware since 1982

    Go ahead then, do it - put your work online or write a book! Just how many are you influencing with the fruits of your labors at present?

  65. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Anon. 4:11 am....

    Your post has the same number codes that you were pointing out from the 12:31am post!

    "The bill passed by a vote of ..."

    That's a 3-letter word followed by a four-letter 4 word, followed by a 6-letter word, followed by 6 more characters, then 6 more characters (excluding spaces). Hence, 3 4 6 6 6.

    Fascinating what numbers can reveal!


  66. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Ditto to what 8:16 AM said.

    If your research is so voluminous and important, why hasn't there been a book? You can self-publish now for practically nothing, as well as post YouTube videos to your hearts content, as well as the old-fashioned blog or email newsletter.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Well, Illinois, just where is your book? I've been busy cataloging, indexing, and the Bentley Historical Library folk will well attest to that. My research takes terabytes of computer space. Where is yours? Trolling as an art form? Moreover, whenever I've put important material together for NewswithViews that reaches major audiences and is indexed with major news, you have thrown literal sulks and tantrums. Those who listen regularly to my Saturday radio program know well that I put heavy material and resources before them. It's easy to pick and tear down. Where is YOUR book? After all, as you say, you can self-publish now for practically nothing. That was hardly the reality with my second book for which I spent over $50,000.00. Publishing is not free -- even in this day and age. Oh, I've had New Age publishers approach me, but if you had a grain of political sense about you, you would know that their objective would be to control rights and bottle it up, just as was the fate with THE OCCULT AND THE THIRD REICH, and Elaine DeWar's book CLOAK OF GREEN, providing you are even familiar with it.


  69. Illinois, we didn't talk until 1983, so therefore, you couldn't have been doing that work since 1982.


  70. Illinois, to my view, you despise those who view these events from a biblical perspective. You have chased many of them from this blog spot in the past, including but not limited to Joyce and Ruby.


  71. To Grant of New Zealand:

    Thanks much for the needed nusical interlude!


  72. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Constance, thank you.

    Thank you for all the years of focused diligence, taking all the expense, plus, all the flack you have had to endure (friendly fire as well as unfriendly), to get the out the message and in mass, of vital information you have shared willingly with everyone.

    God above knows what all of it has, and will yet, accomplish.

    May the Lord bless you always......and Merry CHRISTmas.

  73. Anonymous12:22 PM

    1:37 I am in Illinois and was the one who posted it.

    Reminder to some and new information to others:
    I started serious researching in 1979 when I learned about Humanism and heavily researched that network. I went on to actively learn about Communist front activity from someone who was a specialist in the field. I became very active in the pro-life movement. During that time I also researched what was happening in the schools because of what happened in Kansas. I picked up a huge amount of information on cults from the researcher on communist front activity whose son had been taken in by the Hare Krishnas. All of that tied in to information on the New Age movement which is how I verified over time that you knew what you were talking about when you talked about NA.

    Why no book or published writings? I'm Jewish. You know that I was and am attempting to wake up the Jewish because of the antisemitism and Nazi connections to NA. The Jewish community numbers are much smaller than those of the Christian community. The percentage of Christians who worked to share information about the NA movement is much larger than the Jewish numbers could be. In addition the Jewish community is not as well organized as the Christian community, and pathways to share information are not there. Also, just as there are many in the Christian community pushing NA or refusing to listen, the same thing has been going on in the Jewish community. I learned early on that Christians wanted to hear about NA from other Christians, not from someone Jewish as end times played a major role in acceptance of that information. So while doing my own thing I kept you aware of everything I found so that you could share it with your followers. The information had to get out. When someone wanted source information I directed them to you and your work as in "A well respected Detroit lawyer... Her material is archived at...) For decades I was on the telephone with you and sent you many packages of information. When the website started in 1995, I was there posting information, something I continued to do under my own name and anonymously. Information had to be gotten out, and credit was a far second.

    Part 1 of 2

  74. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Part 2 of 2
    Do I keep up with what you are doing? Yes. I listen to the show and read the main article and the comments on this website. My work, other than posting anonymously here? For many years I sent out information to an email list of over 70 people. I regularly posted on my own page and on many others on Facebook. I still share information in person with almost everyone I encounter and until maybe five or six years ago told them about your work. I told them about your archived information at the UM to give the topic credibility and to separate it from what most thought was just another conspiracy theory. (By the way, I called Cloak of Green to your attention. I was doing research on the international Greens when I came across it.) Over the years I've also had handicaps thrown in my path, only I never shared that information with others. For me the topic was NA.

    Let's not deal in personalities. As you've attempted to analyze me, I've also analyzed you and your connections from the beginning. I've kept my mouth shut because sharing negative information would only affect how others see NA and who is sharing information about it. There is a manipulative technique called poisoning the well. I don't engage in it. Just so others know, it took several of us working together behind the scenes to expose a few posters. There are a few people who will not put up with liars in order to have their ears tickled. You may have known what they were up to, but other readers were much too trusting.

    I've attempted to set the record straight. If anyone has any questions I would be glad to answer them.

    8:22 If you have a problem with the author of the article or the House for voting that way, don't just hint. Numerology is part of NA practices, but I don't think somebody went around Congress saying "You vote yes and the others will vote no so that the numbers come out sending a signal to others in our conspiracy."

    It may be that readers here are content with the information they get from you, Constance. No problem if that's how it is.

  75. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Part 1 of 2 was put in spam Here it is again.

    1:37 I am in Illinois and was the one who posted it.

    Reminder to some and new information to others:
    I started serious researching in 1979 when I learned about Humanism and heavily researched that network. I went on to actively learn about Communist front activity from someone who was a specialist in the field. I became very active in the pro-life movement. During that time I also researched what was happening in the schools because of what happened in Kansas. I picked up a huge amount of information on cults from the researcher on communist front activity whose son had been taken in by the Hare Krishnas. All of that tied in to information on the NA movement which is how I verified over time that you knew what you were talking about when you talked about NA.

    Why no book or published writings? I'm Jewish. You know that I was and am attempting to wake up the Jewish because of the antisemitism and Nazi connections to NA. The Jewish community numbers are much smaller than those of the Christian community. The percentage of Christians who worked to share information about the NA movement is much larger than the Jewish numbers could be. In addition the Jewish community is not as well organized as the Christian community, and pathways to share information are not there. Also, just as there are many in the Christian community pushing NA or refusing to listen, the same thing has been going on in the Jewish community. I learned early on that Christians wanted to hear about NA from other Christians, not from someone Jewish as end times played a major role in acceptance of that information. So while doing my own thing I kept you aware of everything I found so that you could share it with your followers. The information had to get out. When someone wanted source information I directed them to you and your work as in "A well respected Detroit lawyer... Her material is archived at...) For decades I was on the telephone with you and sent you many packages of information. When the website started in 1995, I was there posting information, something I continued to do under my own name and anonymously. Information had to be gotten out, and credit was a far second.

  76. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Part 2 of 2 went into spam. I presume Part 1 of 2 will go into spam for a second time though I just reposted it. I have no intention of trying to repost something up to eleven times as once happened. Time will tell if Constance takes it out.

  77. Marko2:49 PM

    Speaking as someone who works in I.T., I would guess that one or more of the following are true when a post gets placed into the spam folder:

    1. There are certain words or phrases that trigger a post as spam

    2. The IP address of the poster is inside a range of IP addresses (or on a list of IP addresses) flagged as "spam domains" (and it's not hard to get on one of those "blacklists" from time to time, and not easy to get off them)

    3. There are too many html links in a particular comment

    It's hard to know what it is. I doubt that a call to blogspot (Google) would get you anywhere, since they probably aren't going to share how their anti-spam filtering works. (If they did, spammers could go further into figuring out how to defeat it.)

    From my own observations, if I include too many html links in my comment, it doesn't go through.

  78. Obviously, this issue is heating up and is very serious. I've sent a copy of this article onto NewswithViews. There is an attorney named Lessig. According to some reports I've read, he has been using the Russian Conspiracy theory strategy as a last ditch effort to derail the Trump presidency by trying to persuade the Electoral College to cast votes for Hillary Clinton regardless of the voters of their states.

    Very disturbing -- now both sides are accusing the other of supporting a "New World Order."

    Confusion, it would seem, is the very essence of the game.


  79. It is serious, indeed.

    Nyquist put out a good article on 29 Nov with a warning from one of his contacts:

    From the article:

    "The entity behind this is, amazingly enough, the Russian Federation. The Russian government sees this as a perfect and truly unique opportunity to permanently destabilize the United States. The Russians don’t possess the means required to defeat the United States militarily, at least not without destroying themselves in the process. They do, however, possess the means to use the political instability present in your country today to their advantage and … permanently cripple any and all faith the American people still have left in their government and constitutional system."

  80. If the United States falls, the rest of the West falls with it, as Trevor Loudon says repeatedly.

    Whatever rises from the ashes of that catastrophe will not be good.

  81. Constance,

    Sorry to be a pest, but can you remove my comment (previous to the one at 10:35 am) from the spam folder?


  82. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Constance, thanks for taking my two part comment out of spam.

  83. Anonymous4:02 PM

    He can't stay silent, can he?

  84. Anonymous11:30 PM


    It is very disturbing to say the least. Julius Assange has said plainly that Russia was not the source for Wikileaks. I don't remember a case of such direct meddling on the part of a President post election. If the electors don't go rogue, we will continue to see a divided nation. Obama pulling this stunt at the 11th hour is clearly not in the interests of the nation. As someone said, why did he not do anything about hacking his 8 years in office, and why did he say something before Trump won?
    Let's hope that common sense prevails.

    The other issue is that we try to influence elections all the time. I'm not justifying foreign influence over elections, but Obama clearly tried to keep Netanyahu from winning the Israeli election so this wreaks of hypocrisy.

    In addition Clinton News Network which has become irrelevant along with all the other controlled media have Michelle saying "now we know what it feels like to not have hope". The Progressives are showing themselves to be a bunch of spoiled crybabies and it's very ugly. Insurance premiums have gone through the roof and decent healthcare has become unaffordable, thanks to this administration and the guy is still defending his failed program.

    We are now entangled wars that are completely insane and causing more terrorism all over the world. Jobs are no longer full-time and with benefits, for young people. Fewer people can buy homes and young people are forced to stay with their parents well into their 30s. The manufacturing base of the country has been largely destroyed.

    What I'm really wondering though, with all of this effort to get rid of Trump, is Obama worried about the sex trafficking being exposed. If you look carefully at the research on Pizza gate which has not been censored, it's pretty damning.

    Besides pizza gate new allegations of child sexual abuse on an institutional scale have been exposed in Europe and in US, in soccer and in gymnastics. I'm wondering if this is a last ditch effort to prevent the swamp from being drained. It remains to be seen whether or not a Trump administration would do anything at all about this, but maybe some of the people involved are nervous about being exposed.

    Clinton said, "if he wins we will hang from nooses". Now why would she say that?

  85. The EU is in the process of mirroring the US military industrial complex.

  86. Baltimore city school system is mainstreaming Eastern Religious practices.

    Holistic Life Foundation

  87. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I suspect that it's only the likely consequences of an armed population, thanks to the Second Amendment, that is preventing Obama and Hillary from mounting an unconstitutional coup. Wish we had the same safeguard here where I write in Britain...

  88. Marko8:29 AM

    From the article:

    "The assumption of many appears to be that the CIA is an honest broker. It is imperative to understand that it is not. This is a dangerous escalation of the PC-Progs' power games. Using the CIA for a domestic political message, leveraging the cachet of public respect for the CIA, is unprecedented.

    The politically progressive influence operators — the media, Hollywood, and academia — were in full operational mode throughout the campaign. They ran multiple misinformation/disinformation operations designed to confuse and fool voters. Their payloads included everything from "Trump is a serial molester" to "Trump is a fool." And worse.

    But American voters, for the first time, saw through the PC-Progs' influence ops. We bypassed the legacy media, and talked to each other. Trump used his bully pulpit, and Twitter, to speak directly to Americans.

    The PC-Progs are terrified now. They are willing to take down the country in their attempt to cling to power. They know they are busted. Thus, "Fake News! The Russkies did it!" But the descent to use the CIA as a political weapon against the triumphant American voters should be seen for the desperation ploy it is."

  89. 7:22
    Yes and there'll be one more as soon as I go buy myself a gun.

  90. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Stay strong Constance, you truly are appreciated!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


  91. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "Soft power is not enough in our increasingly
    dangerous neighbourhood." (Juncker)
    From the article from the link you posted, Dan Bryan.

    Solana thinks this too........and more so..from the link @ 4:02 PM.

  92. Thanks to all -- Dan Brian for the information on Baltimore schools -- very, very similar to what was going on in Detroit schools in the early 1990s and may be happening again -- haven't had feedback from there lately. Thanks to Anonymous 12:37 for the information. Thanks to KC for the kind words. I'm human too and they are appreciated from time to time.


  93. accusations of Russian hacking - dishonestly implies voting machine means info given wikileaks
    a. if so who cares? isn't what's in them more important than how they were got?
    b. false narrative anyway. someone said weeks ago it was disaffected NSA guys . Bolton and
    Assange also deny it was Russia, and claim to know the source, it was an inside leak.
    c. did this cause anyone to vote or change a vote and what's sauce for the goose is sauce for
    the gander USA has intefered in sovereign nations' elections for decades.

    DNC strategized getting Trump to be GOP candidate b/c thought he'd turn people off timestamp 6:00 shows how out of touch
    with American people DNC was.

    idiots argue Trump is not biblically qualified to be president because of his adultery and multi
    marriages ignoring other presidents' unchastity, the semi satanic Skull and Bones
    connections of several, and that we are not voting for bishop but for president. Meanwhile
    this election has had a wild display of hypocrisy

    Trump may not be a Christian technically, but that doesn't mean his agenda isn't inimical to
    some satanist interests. As one guy in a TV series said to a forensics guy, you may not believe
    in God, but you do His works.

    Someone suggested Trump was to make Clinton look good by comparison and bow out
    then he changed his mind and decided to run for real. This ongoing anti Trump effort to
    compromise the Electors doesn't look like he was supposed to win if so then for once we got
    a president elect who was elected not selected. the recounts are showing Dem fraud and more
    votes than Trump was first listed as having. (I think she was supposed to get elected, die in
    office and leave us with Tim Kaine in charge he was discussed months before pick I read
    I got my suspicions about him, no basis as yet, but the dead serious satanists have almost
    always been churchgoers, so his Catholicism and anyone's denomination is irrelevant when
    looking at this possiblity.)

    miscl. links
    Patrick Wood's Technocracy News
    technocracy resembles socialism but it is different overlaps eugenics and transhumanism (humor new age bullshit generator from Lee Penn's facebook post) series on Trump appointments looks askance at their connections
    might be renegades blog archive all December

  94. The Vatican has admitted as having an intricate part with the UN in writing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development paper. It is hard to say which of the groups is getting flees from the other? Maybe it is mutual?

    Quoting item 2:
    "In fulfilling its specifically spiritual and moral mission in the international community and within the framework of its particular status in the United Nations, the Holy See actively participated in the negotiations over the course of nearly two and a half years, both in the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals and in the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda."

    Read More if you are interested in this proud connection of the Roman Church and the UN.

  95. Anonymous1:25 PM

    One of Christine's links: A challenging contest might be to see who knows the most about the entire list of groups and studies on the right side. It's a wowsa list of information for any really good conspiracy tracker. I'm intrigued Christine. Then again some might think a generalities laden site could be an information competitor for that list.

  96. Anonymous2:58 PM

    My bad for not following up, doing a search when Constance mentioned visupview in the past. So much to keep track of.

  97. Christine;
    "accusations of Russian hacking - dishonestly implies voting machine means info given wikileaks"

    What the hell is that, a sentence?
    _ And from there is just gets more vague.

  98. Anonymous10:57 PM


    The head of all intelligence agencies Clapper said there was no evidence of Russian hacking but the CIA and FBI say there is, so the press didn't bother giving much coverage to Clapper. The absolute bias in the mainstream press these days is not even subtle. It would be nice if they tried to appear impartial but they don't seem to be able.

  99. Anonymous4:20 AM

  100. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "It would be nice if they tried to appear impartial but they don't seem to be able."

    Dear 10:57 PM, It is the hour of darkness falling upon the whole earth. Of course, their storyline plays. It is supposed to, for such a time as this........

    Long lay the world in sin and error pining.

    The Lord is coming (again) to bring an end to all this. he will completely sort this mess out.
    The truth has already won, but meanwhile folks need to be sure of where (and in Whom) they are standing.


  101. To Dan @ 2:18 PM ...

    The implementation of Agenda 2030 is a major step towards One World Government. Of course, pointing out the Vatican's support for this won't help you to win any popularity contests in here.

    I have been saying for a long time that the Vatican is a MAJOR player in the elite's planned dream of a despotic, totalitarian, One World Government. What has always amazed me is the fact that the Vatican has made their New World Order positions extremely clear, that is, to those that "have ears to hear." For those that love truth, they will follow that truth no matter where it leads. If it leads them to the truth of Rome's schemes, so be it. Others take the much wider path and employ the "pick and choose" method in order to arrive at what their perception, or rather, deception, of "truth" is.

    God is not fooled, nor is He mocked by those that take the "half way" approach to the truth. In fact, for those that "received not the LOVE of the truth," God actually sends them "strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
    2 Thessalonians 2:10,11

    We are living in a time in which Satan has seemingly been "let loosed" to spread his wicked deceptions upon the world. He is extremely effective, so much so, that he is able to fool, if possible, even the elect.

    I urge everyone that professes to believe in Christ ... stand upon the only Rock that can be truly trusted: Christ and His Word. "Let God be true, and every man a liar."

  102. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Explain this. Why is it completely acceptable to go after the Pope and Catholics, but God forbid anyone goes after Trump and the Republicans who put him into office? Yet both are seem to be pushing the One World Order. Well, it may be that those who believe God speaks through them are pretty sure of themselves. A more powerful position than that of the Pope or Trump I guess.

  103. Anonymous7:19 PM

    "What the hell is that, a sentence?
    _ And from there is just gets more vague."

    Because there is no actual plain as day truth to glean from her posts. Just the same ole mouth full 'o marbles....what would you call that?....because that is not dialogue or even information, it's just confusing.

    Must be taking cues from the author of it.

  104. To 6:35 PM ...

    Dan's post stated that the Vatican had worked with the UN in the development of Agenda 2030. The Pope is the religious leader of 1.2 billion people. If the fact that the Vatican is promoting the implementation of Agenda 2030 doesn't bother you, not much will.

    As far as Trump "pushing the One World Order" ... please cite exactly when, where and what he said to indicate that. I can't wait to read your proof.

  105. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Well, the Pope rules nothing. He doesn't govern all of those Catholics. He has no Congress to work with. What he says is just an opinion. There are limits where he is considered infallible, and political opinions aren't included in those limits. He can only suggest what should be said about the environment from Catholic pulpits. Instead of just writing blaming the Pope, are you looking around for a group to work with to fight back?

    Trump is a business globalist. He has business interests in 30 countries, which means he has had to work with 29 foreign governments. He is now in a position to affect legislation in Congress that will benefit all of the companies and countries where he does business. His products are made outside of the US. It's all nice and fine to hope that all legislation can benefit and make happy the people in the US and people in those countries at the same time. He knows the US will go on after he's out of office. The businesses are his babies with long and complex histories. He will be with them when he's out of office and has his name in a few books and in a few articles. He's a businessman and not a humanitarian doing charitable work You have heard of corporate fascism. It's nice to have great faith in him, but human nature is what it is, and he is his history. There is much more available, but no matter how many links each of us can put up, we won't convince each other.

    Just make sure you don't become one of those New Age Catholic bashers. As someone once wrote, they have something for everybody.

  106. Anonymous11:05 PM

    The Vatican is a business!

    Filthy lucre built it's high, self-righteous walls.
    The political power wielded by popes for centuries is testimony to it's terrible impact for the entire globe that the world is trying to come to grips with.

    It's history.
    And it is still being written.
    It's going to be judged one day.
    God sees and knows how badly his name has been mistreated and misrepresented by the Vatican. Of course, it isn't alone. The whole world religious world will answer, but don't think you're one-sided, terribly slanted view adds up.
    It doesn't.

  107. Anonymous12:00 AM

    There, you see?..
    ....I can agree with you, 10:52 PM. But don't try to excuse the Vatican like it hasn't had a bad global impact (that continues and is mounting).
    That is pure fiction.

  108. I retrieved two statements from the Spam section that the Google bots evidently placed there. I have also issued an update rather than a whole new article to reflect today's critical events. Please refresh your browsers.




  109. Rome has always been very effective at creating the image that it wants the public to see. Yet, if you do some research and scratch beneath its surface, a very different Rome appears.

    I am currently reading Avro Manhattan's "The Vatican in World Politics." Written in 1949, it is a riveting, very well researched and documented 265 page book that reveals how Rome operates behind the scenes in the political world. It also covers extensively the major role the Vatican played in helping Mussolini and Hitler not only come to power, but how Rome aided them to maintain that power.

    This is true history, told by a man that spent his entire adult life studying Rome and uncovering its secrets.

    Here is a link to a FREE PDF download:

  110. RayB said... 9:28 AM
    Here is a link to a FREE PDF download:

    Hi Susanna,

    Have you read this document?
    Is there any particular part that you find to be particularly false (disregarding the slant of the paper)?

    It appears to me there is a distinct parallel between the plethora of organizations societies, orders within the Catholic church. There appears on the surface to have a distinct hierarchy, yet there are parallel hierarchies with the Jesuit, that go beyond that of the basic faith. The NAR 7 mountain mandate looks allot like that of the Jeuit efforts, to effect all areas of society for God, (albeit they are late coming to the game). I see that same never ending network entities as does that of the New Age.
    Anyway I would like to have your opinion.

  111. Anonymous6:04 PM

    It seems that no one has read the links dealing with Trump, the NWO and LaGarde. Just to let regulars know, they are information about New Age developments. Here they are again.

  112. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Back to Visup. Seven articles on The Family, which Constance wrote about earlier, appear at that website. Constance could tell how accurate the information is if she had the time though. If Catholicism is organized in some way, so is Protestant Christianity, and these articles show the organizations within the Protestant community. How did Constance describe it? Termites from within and wrecking balls from outside. Why would the NA movement organizations want to destroy Judaism and Christianity? Why would so many want to help, both here on these pages and elsewhere?

    NA has been explored for over three decades here. Many of get so busy describing the trees in the forest we forget there is an actual forest that has an overall description. We need to remember that so we know what place in the forest each tree may hold, i.e., how something is leading to one world government or one world religion. I guess the other option is ignore everything and say a prayer which may be just as good and less stressful.

  113. Susanna7:48 PM


    I have not read the document which was first published in 1949, and I do not know anything about Avro Manhattan. Therefore I have no opinion to offer about Avro Manhattan or his works......although I have learned that one of his works has been published by Jack Chick and that Jack Chick also employed Avro Manhattan, as an anti-Catholic Church writer for his newspaper, The Battle Cry..

    While there may be a plethora of organizations societies, orders within the Catholic church, none of them - including the Jesuits, Opus Dei, et al - is indispensable to the Catholic Church.

    As for any entanglements the Roman Catholic Church may have with politics, I have already made it clear several times on this blog that while I am obliged as a Roman Catholic to embrace the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, I am not obliged to embrace the politics or personal/private opinions of any pope or prelate. If I were unwilling to embrace the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, then I would be guilty of hypocrisy if I were to continue to call myself a Roman Catholic.......especially since no one is holding a gun to my head to be a Roman Catholic in the first place.

    FYI, I ran a little search on Avro Manhattan and discovered that Born in Milan, Italy on April 6, 1914 to American and Swiss/Dutch parents of Jewish extraction.

    His friends included H G Wells, Pablo Picasso, George Bernard Shaw and scientist Marie Stopes ( said to be Manhattan's lover ) whose works were compatible with socialist/New Age thinking.

    Marie Stopes especially was not only was a British author and palaeobotanist but also a campaigner for eugenics, contraceptives and women's rights. Her sex manual Married Love (1918) was controversial and influential, and brought the subject of birth control into wide public discourse. In 1922, Stopes even wrote a New Gospel to All Peoples. Not surprisingly, the Anglican Bishops were not receptive to it and the Catholic bishops even less so. Stopes collaborated with Margaret Sanger.

    In 1944 Picasso joined the French Communist Party, attended an international peace conference in Poland, and in 1950 received the Stalin Peace Prize from the Soviet government. In a 1945 interview with Jerome Seckler, Picasso stated: "I am a Communist and my painting is Communist painting." In 1962, he received the Lenin Peace Prize.

    With his wife Jane's consent, H.G. Wells had affairs with a number of women, including the American birth control activist Margaret Sanger, adventurer and writer Odette Keun, Soviet spy Moura Budberg and novelist Elizabeth von Arnim.
    In 1940, Wells published a book called The New World Order that outlined his plan as to how a World Government would be set up. In The New World Order, Wells admitted that the establishment of such a government could take a long time, and be created in a piecemeal fashion.

    George Bernard Shaw was the person who recruited Annie Besant into the Fabian Society. And as we know, Annie Besant was a disciple of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and member of the Theosophical Society. In the late 1920s, Besant travelled to the United States with her protégé and adopted son Jiddu Krishnamurti, whom she claimed was the new Messiah and incarnation of Buddha.

    Such were the friends of Avro Manhattan.........

  114. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Susanna, are you saying Birds of a feather flock together? Of course they do. The fact remains that no group of individuals has succeeded as a moral utopia.

    Evil is seductive and will work to sway Catholics, Protestants and Jews away from the moral teachings offered to them. As an example 90% of the followers of a belief will live by the standards. Ten percent may go from slightly tempted to total acts in opposition. If an organization is small, that 10% will will be a small number of people. If an organization is large, that 10% will be a large number of people. If an organization has been around for 200 years that 10% will be much smaller than those in an organization that has been around for thousands of years. Those who are sure they have all of the answers have more material to work with the larger and long the group they are opposing has been around. Their generalizations are gross in both meanings of the word.

    It's good you posted a rebuttal. That's the job of those who have moral standards and who see attacks on beliefs that keep a community of diverse people working together. There are many people who want to identify themselves with who they believe is a supernatural leader without ever leading lives that parallel the moral teachings associated. There are also those who trust too much that all people have developed consciences that enable everyone to separate truth from evil teachings. If such a person existed, they would need no affiliation with any religious teachings.

  115. Perhaps I didn't make myself clear regarding the "Free PDF Download." It is not an article, but an entire book.

    The Free PDF Download is the complete 265 page book (published in 1949) by Avro Manhattan entitled "The Vatican in World Politics."

    Just a quick observation: there always seems to be a pattern on this site regarding attacking the "messenger" rather than considering validity of the message. If we are only to read material by people that we are in 100% agreement with on ALL matters, well ... we won't be reading much, now will we?

    Avro Manhattan appears to lean towards socialism, which was not at all uncommon in post World War 2 Great Britain. Manhattan's political leanings should not discount the factual material that he presents in his aforementioned book.

    Typically as well is the "guilt by association" game. Manhattan's "friends" were ... blah, blah, blah so therefore everything he says can't be trusted. This is nothing other than "kill the message by killing the messenger." If that tactic is employed, then the RCC is as guilty as anyone on earth, being that they covered-up, protected, and enabled pedophile priests for decades. Talk about "guilt by association!"

  116. Anonymous11:04 PM

    .....and now we wait for Ray B to find something good to say about the Catholic church since he would have us believe he is a neutral observer and not just a NA type of guy.

  117. Anonymous11:17 PM

    anonymous 6:04 ,

    I for one believe there will be an economic collapse under Trump. Whether he is a willing candidate to be a NWO player, the jury is still out in my opinion. He could also be forced into being one. According to some, both he and Clinton had the right bloodline to run the country but Clinton ended up having much to much baggage. Trump may have some too, but for the moment he comes across as a Nationalist with the exception of the statement about the world community. If he has baggage it will be dangled over his head to force him to compromise.

    The many days of market rally without any real fundamental changes other than optimism on the part of the market participants and a ton of manipulation means there are excesses in the market.. He will not have a free pass to do whatever he wants and the policies he has discussed require more debt, which means more money printing which ultimately will debase our currency further than it already has been. The reason we have been able to get away with this in the past is the petrodollar. The geopolitics behind the petrodollar has changed dramatically. We no longer hold the monopoly on the oil market. Others are trading oil and bypassing the dollar which created the conditions for dollar hegemony.

    We can only print and purchase our own treasuries for so long. We have a large trade deficit besides our national deficit. The infrastructure has been created to make all of our countries interdependent. It has been interesting to see many Christians hailing him as some kind of Cyrus. He is already acting like a king and surrounding himself with billionaires and military leaders.
    He could be placed in a very difficult position very shortly if we make it to his presidency without starting a war with Russia. There are still a few more weeks left to create more chaos in Syria.

    The one observation is that he did have 3 meetings with Kissinger whose globalist NWO credentials are well documented, and of course the Goldman Sachs presence in his administration. Some people in the financial world who are quite respected are optimistic about Trump, but maybe they will be duped too into believing he will turn things around, although they are aware of the problems.

    Obama will be setting up an organization in DC to oppose him. He has plenty of funding to harass Trump. There is no doubt that the opposition to Trump is not going away any time soon. If he is not a globalist his life will be at risk because the globalists have too much at stake to allow Trump destroy it. Time will tell whether we are just being played once again by the Hegelian dialectic. If you say this out loud, people criticize you for being a pessimist. I am not na pessimist by nature, I just think at this late stage of history we need Jesus to get us out of this mess. A lot of Christians in America think it's the promised land and can never fail. History tells us that civilizations rise and fall and usually before the fall is decadence. Large towers could be a symbol of this decadence. Here's the Economist cover for 2017:

    This is what the globalists are hinting at for 2017 prior to their 2018 date to roll out a new world currency? Perhaps.

  118. Anonymous11:44 PM

    You spoke about a several things I think and agree about also, 11:17.

  119. Anonymous12:46 AM

    11:17 I do think you are also on target though your view of Trump is kinder than my own. I would also like to point out that the links suggested Trump was in the political stable long ago. God help Americans who have become so soft and trusting. I'm not talking about the stupidity of branding the some of the deliberately dumbed down generations so cleverly as Snowflakes. Maybe facing the doings of a political Junta will harden people more and make then more aware of who is conditioning them. Men who see goats connection? See DeVos

  120. Anonymous1:35 AM Solana China Trump

  121. Susanna9:32 AM

    A SURVEY OF CHICK PUBLICATIONS ( Published by the Catholic League fo0r Religious and Civil Rights )

    .....Catholic Cabals

    Chick Publications loves to publish books that promote devil’s theories, but when it comes to conspiracy-minded plots that implicate the Vatican, few can top Avro Manhattan. In his best-selling work, The Vatican Billions, Manhattan sets the tone right from the start: “Christ was born, lived and died in poverty. His `church’ is a multi-, multi-billion concern.” In fact, the Catholic Church is “the wealthiest institution on earth.” But how did it get so rich? My favorite story is the one about the end of the first millennium.

    It seems that as the year 1000 grew near, the people of Europe became nervous. Recalling tales about the end of the world, and remembering the Biblical injunction that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, Catholics began unloading their loot. The depository, of course, was the Church.

    “When,” writes Manhattan, “following the long night of terror of the last day of December 999, the first dawn of the year 1000 lit the Eastern sky without anything happening,” many Catholics breathed a sigh of relief. “Those who had given away their property made for the ecclesiastical centers which had accepted their `offerings,’ only to be told that their money, houses, lands, were no longer theirs. It had been the most spectacular give-away in history.”

    The result was predictable. “Since the Church returned nothing,” opines Manhattan, “she embarked upon the second millennium with more wealth than ever, the result being that the monasteries, abbeys and bishoprics, with their inmates and incumbents, became richer, fatter and more corrupt than before.”

    Kind of reminds me of the Billie Holiday refrain, “Nice Work If You Can Get It.”

    According to Manhattan, at the end of the Middle Ages, the Vatican resorted to some rather bizarre means to extract money from the peasants. Various bishops, Manhattan contends, were busy excommunicating insects, the result of which was an outpouring of revenue from grateful peasants. To be specific, leeches were excommunicated in 1451, caterpillars in 1480 (and again in 1587), snails got the boot in 1481 (they were dumped again in 1487) and grasshoppers were shown the door in 1516. He says not a word about the praying mantis, but perhaps this was an oversight. Either that or the bishops thought they were too holy to excommunicate.

    In the nineteenth century, Manhattan tells us that the dogma of infallibility was struck “to lay the foundations of a novel structure directed at amassing the riches of the world with more efficiency than ever before.” In the twentieth century, the Church “secretly welcomed the Bolshevik Revolution,” but then had second thoughts and turned against “Red Russia.” Manhattan does not leave us in lurch, explaining this anomaly by stating that “Such double policies, conducted simultaneously at all levels during a period of years, were the result of the two most basic urges which have always bedeviled her [the Church’s] conduct throughout her long experience: insatiable greed for ecclesiastical aggrandizement and an equally insatiable appetite for any prospect of potential earthly wealth.”


  122. Susanna9:33 AM


    Avro Manhattan’s The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance follows the same logic. When fascism emerged in Europe, Pope Pius XI “welcomed” it as a bulwark against communism, calling Mussolini “the man sent by Divine Providence.” Not only does Manhattan fail to cite his sources for this charge, he cites not one source in his entire book. Be that as it may, we learn that Pius XI eventually turned against the fascists. That was a mistake: one of Mussolini’s physicians gave the pope a lethal injection for doing so. Pius XII was spared such a fate because he “helped Hitler into power.”

    Manhattan credits Pope John XXIII with beginning the Vatican-Moscow alliance, but awards Paul VI the title of “the father” of this alliance. Essentially, Manhattan says that the Catholic Church was anti-Marxist from World War I to the death of Pius XII in 1958, and then turned left with the formation of the Vatican-Moscow alliance.

    John Paul I, we learn, was “liquidated” because he was not anti-Russian; like Pius XI, he was drugged, only this time it was the United States government that did the job. The attempted assassination of John Paul II is credited to the Soviets, this a result of the Pontiff’s creation of the Vatican-Washington alliance. If there is a moral here, it is that popes live longer when they don’t get involved in alliances.

    Manhattan is not optimistic. The “Curia-CIA Coalition,” started by John Paul II, has already succeeded in doing what it set out to do: “America has willingly surrendered her political seniority as a superpower to that of the Vatican.” He The Vatican, Manhattan declares, felt that “the whole of North America should by historical right, be Catholic.” This is not a fantasy, he instructs, but the result of “well-calculated plans.” The ultimate goal is to establish “the Catholic Church as a global religion.”

    How could all this come to pass? Manhattan is angry with Protestants for allowing the “Catholicization of America,” by which he means the mass migration of Catholics into the U.S.; this is “destroying the traditional Protestant motivated America of the past.” Guess it’s fair to say that Latinos are not high on Manhattan’s list.

    The “enfeeblement of the major Protestant bodies,” we are told, began with “ecumenism.” This is not simply Manhattan’s view, it’s the position of William Standbridge in What’s Happening in the Roman Church. Standridge pulls no punches, holding that “the present ecumenical campaign of the Roman church differs little from its purpose during the tortures and massacres of the inquisition: that is, to take control over all who call themselves Christians.” In other words, ecumenical dialogue is a manipulative scheme designed to crush unsuspecting Protestants entire article...

  123. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Trump is totally unpredictable.
    Obama is the opposite.

    Obama (and his globalist headmasters) still has time to be very underhanded to do more harm before and after Jan 20, 2017.

    2017 may be the kickoff of a rollercoaster ride like none other.

  124. Marko2:51 PM

    in 2017, the United States will experience a total solar eclipse. The path of totality will cross from sea to shining sea, entering the US from the Pacific Coast, crossing the continent, and exiting on the Atlantic coast.

    From a wikipedia article:

    "The August 2017 eclipse will be the first with a path of totality crossing the USA's Pacific coast and Atlantic coast since 1918. Also, its path of totality makes landfall exclusively within the United States, making it the first such eclipse since the country's independence in 1776.",_2017

    Maybe God's way of marking the beginning and ending of our Republic? Something to think about....

  125. Anonymous3:15 PM

    That's really interesting, Marko.
    We'll see what both, solar and lunar, events of 2017 point to.

    I think it will be an incredible year in prophecy. 4 anniversaries that are very significant to Israel all converge in 2017. Trump's intention to move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a real poke in the eye to UN/Palestinian plans.
    That, and a number of other eye pokes, may be in the works.
    Time will tell, as they say......

  126. Anonymous5:15 PM

    How many articles do we see about failed prophecies? No one writes "Well I blew that one!" It sounds very knowledgeable to make prophecies in advance. Fortune tellers, psychics, astrologers, Nostradamus interpreters, numerologists, channelers do it all the time. If one happens to work out it means...another trip to the.... I do think warnings given to us in the Bible are meant to put us on our guard about happenings that can occur many different times in different cultures, warning us about patterns that bring disaster if we disregard them. The Bible is not a useless book that predicts a specific time and place for a happening, which if the prediction fails means the writings are useless. To make predictions based on the sun or moon gives astrologers credibility which goes against the religious theory that we are given free will.

    As a side note I saw a program on the History Channel about books banned from the Bible. It was quite interesting. Any comments pro or con based specifically on this video?

  127. Anonymous6:04 PM

    The point is to watch to see how things line up with Scripture. If watching what we should be then you won't be disappointed anyway. Not being specific on purpose just to encourage folks to at least look into the subject. Ask wisdom from the Lord and you should be finding plenty to see.

    Much Scripture has and still is fulfilling right now, and should propel people to watch even more closely, but the ho-hum disinterested (or whatever else) attitude was going on before Jesus was born, during, and right up to today. The Scribes and Pharisees went and looked up the prophecy for the Magi, and told them what it said and then didn't bother to saddle their own donkeys to ride the roughly 5 miles to Bethlehem to see if true or not. Epic fail there......
    God doesn't blow it. He said watch. He'll let you know the rest of the unfolding, if you're bothering to watch at all. The 10 virgins set to go to a wedding got thinned out to 5 and that is in the Bible for an example, but people downplay things all they want to.

    The History Channel can't lead to the truth like the Bible itself does, whether interesting or not. I stick with the Ancient Words and they're all in there for us already, so I don't care about the banned stuff men may assume to talk about.

    Nothing stops God's program.

  128. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Humans are fallible and get things wrong all of the time. Since many consider themselves fully qualified prophets these days, what would you say are the qualifications as found in the Bible to determine if one is a prophet by Biblical standards. It is very hard to tell in advance if one's prophecies will be coming true in the future. According to this article the standards are very high.,2100910/What-are-the-requirements-of-a-true-prophet.html Now what are the standards according to Christianity?

  129. Revelations 19:20, as well as a number of other verses in Revelations says plainly:
    "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy"

  130. It's really simple:
    The History Channel is ALWAYS deceptive and does NOT believe in the God of the Bible, nor in his only begotten son.
    They will always pretend to be objective and fair, but they never are. Nor is Smithsonian, PBS or any other TV, which
    is ruled by the "prince of the power of the air", who is Satan.
    Also, every evangelist/preacher on TV is a phoney and a fraud. Every one.

  131. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Just what is the name of the religious group you belong to Paul?

  132. Anonymous12:37 AM


    The links you posted didn't work.

    I do understand the system where they swing from left to right and back and change nothing. By giving us such a hated candidate like Clinton, it almost makes Trump seem appealing. By the way, I did not vote for either of them because I think the system is bogus and did not want to participate in a system that is not honest.

    Now that he is the President, I don't have much choice but wait and see what he does before rushing to judgment. In any case, I don't think Presidents really run the country as much as the shadow gov behind them. Perhaps he was a player way back. I think the Illuminati card game and the show Southpark or Family guy ( forget which and don't watch them) predicted years ago he would be President.

  133. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Oh, got it now. Is it the article on Tillerson? Thanks.

  134. Speaking of "Transhumanism," "The Singularity""Cashless Society", and the rest of that neo-tech scene, Ray Kurzweil was featured on CSPAN today. It was a replay of a November 29th presentation to the New York Times. He was treated with utmost respect and he talked very freely about the coming computer implants to be in us all. Very disturbing. He didn't reveal all his many, many daily vitamin supplements he takes to ready his body for "The Singularity."


  135. Anonymous1:19 AM

    If you meant 12:46 I don't know why they didn't work. Stop at the html My comments follow that.

  136. My opinions on TV are my own, based on my own reading of the Bible.
    I'll leave my church affilliation out of this discussion and off the internet.
    It's Protestant, evangelical, and we recite the Apostles Creed. I should also
    say that my distrust of all things television predates my being born again
    which was back in the seventies.

  137. Paul ...

    Just a few comments re: your TV related comments.

    I believe TV is first of all, one huge waste of time, and it is addictive. It is also a major source of disinformation, outright lies, cultural degeneracy, and practices brainwashing techniques that are recognized by experts in the field (it all starts with the quickly changing scenes and flashes of light, which puts the sub-conscious into a passive, receptive state).

    I have known many people that have spent the majority of their life wasted watching TV. Many years ago, when I was a very young boy, I went door to door with my father as he campaigned for a local political office. I never forgot what he said to me back then as we observed over and over again the TV lights that flickered in darkened front rooms: "This is a very bad sign and it will someday be used to destroy this country." My experience tells me that it is almost impossible to carry on an intelligent conversation with anyone that spends much of their time watching TV.

    Personally speaking, my wife and I have been married for 33+ years and in that entire time, we only had a TV for 2 of those years. We have always felt that removing the TV from our home was one of the best decisions we ever made. She has occasionally remarked to me: "I can't imagine anyone on their death bed regretting that they didn't spend more of their life watching TV."

    From a scriptural standpoint, much can be cited ... "Redeem the time, for the days are evil."

    "Keep mine eyes, oh Lord, from beholding vanity."

    "Be not conformed to this world, but rather, be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."


  138. Susanna,

    Respectfully, any comments on Dan Bryan's post?

    Dan Bryan said @ 12:18 PM:

    The Vatican has admitted as having an intricate part with the UN in writing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development paper. It is hard to say which of the groups is getting flees from the other? Maybe it is mutual?

    Quoting item 2:
    "In fulfilling its specifically spiritual and moral mission in the international community and within the framework of its particular status in the United Nations, the Holy See actively participated in the negotiations over the course of nearly two and a half years, both in the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals and in the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda."

    Read More if you are interested in this proud connection of the Roman Church and the UN.

  139. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Merry Christmas all.

  140. Anonymous Anonymous said... 7:27 PM

    Humans are fallible and get things wrong ......... According to this article the standards are very high.,2100910/What-are-the-requirements-of-a-true-prophet.html

    Now what are the standards according to Christianity?

    What is Christianity? Is it not Jewish/Hebrew? We are of the seed of Abraham or we are not. We are grafted into the vine or we are none of His? Christianity is a continuation of the Promise, not something different and set aside from the promise of redemption.

    The qualifications of a prophet in the Bible are simple. One talks directly with God as Moses, or is given prophetic unction as by the Holy Spirit. The qualification is simple, if the word does not come true, that 'so-called' prophet spoke presumptuously and was put to death.

    Deuteronomy 13:1-5 Put to Death
    Deuteronomy 18:20 Put to Death
    Jeremiah Chapter 23 Prophetic Despotism

    Either one hears from God or they don't. Here comes the proper 'fear of the Lord'. Fear of the one that can destroy both body and soul in hell. Many that say 'Thus Saith The Lord' are stupid boars as should immediately meet their demise (except for the grace of God).

  141. Constance Cumbey said... 12:46 AM
    "The Singularity" "Cashless Society",

    It is the 'Next' that is coming.
    People will clamor for the chip.
    You need a doctor? You need that chip! It is already in the Obama Care law just waiting to be implemented.
    When faced with feeding yourself and your family the chip will be important.
    When Trump says that all those that are not chipped will go back to Mexico? Won't that be Great!
    It will be the answer to identity theft.
    It will be the answer against the underground economy of drugs and survivalist alike.
    It will pit the wife against the husband, parents against the children. Some will take the chip while others don't.
    The chips are in the new credit cards, passports and drivers licenses as a preliminary step.

    It will give Matthew 19:29 new meaning:

    And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

    .... shall inherit everlasting life.

  142. Anonymous1:51 PM Read the review by Kathleen Sullivan

  143. On a never ending quest to improve my writing, I was intrigued by a book I came across (But Can I Start a Sentence with "But"?; so, I purchased it. It's a style guide in a Q & A format (from actual questions that came up on their website), with questions sometimes answered sometimes sarcastically. Right up my alley!

    Here's one that I think readers here may find humorous (p 29):

    Q: Should the word nature be capitalized in this sentence? "My research goal is to advance a global energy solution copied from Nature itself: artificial photosynthesis."

    A: If you want the reader to picture a goddess dressed in a flowing garment and flinging fruit and flowers everywhere, yes, cap it and change itself to herself. Otherwise, no.

  144. Susanna7:10 PM

    RayB 9:03 AM

    Re: Respectfully, any comments on Dan Bryan's post?

    Dan Bryan said @ 12:18 PM:

    The Vatican has admitted as having an intricate part with the UN in writing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development paper. It is hard to say which of the groups is getting flees from the other? Maybe it is mutual?


    As I have said many times before, I do not have to agree with the Pope's politics, scientific opinions or even his private religious opinions. For eample, as you must know if you have read my past posts here, contrary to the Pope's reported opinions on climate change, I am a climate skeptic and believe that so-called "global warming" and "climate change" are merely pretexts for imposing world socialism which, as a Roman Catholic, I roundly reject on the grounds that socialism is atheistic by its very definition - no matter how much certain ideologues may try to lard it with with Christian terminology.

    I checked out the link Dan posted. However there has since been a report from the Catholic News Service which says that Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Vatican’s permanent observer to the United Nations has backed away form his prior "verbatim" endorsement of UN Agenda 2030 Goals.

    I think there has been a lot of hollering ( and rightly so ) from the more traditional wing of the Roman Catholic Church about Agenda 30's anti-family agenda.

    The following is from the National Catholic register which is a very reliable Catholic publication.

    Aug. 17, 2015

    UN Development Goals for ‘Reproductive Health’ Would Increase Abortions Globally

    The goals include language for ‘sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning … and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs.’


  145. Susanna8:20 PM

    Ray 9:03AM

    I replied to your message, but it apparently went to spam. Hopefully, Constance will be able to retrieve it.

  146. Susanna8:21 PM


  147. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Nice catch Craig!

  148. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Too busy promoting New Order Agendas to take care of the children???

  149. Marko7:41 PM


  150. Anonymous9:32 PM

    The Illinois poster is a deeply unpleasant and disrespectful to say the least... truculent, arrogant and well above her station. Acting as though there's something special about her ... there's not! Seen her Facebook... sparse with regards to anything new and of unique value, replete with repetition and plagarism by the looks of it. Her posts here are laden with the poison of sour envy and bitter jealousy. So sad!

    In stark contrast, thank you Constance... Your work is informative and refreshing.

  151. Anonymous10:02 PM

  152. Marko9:01 AM

    Speaking of informative, Update Brazil #55 is very much so:

    Diana West and Jeff Nyquist cover "fake news", Pizzagate, and the fake birth certificate up on the White House website, among other things.

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