
Saturday, June 11, 2016

Did General Paul E. Vallely assist Military Satanism? Sneak preview of NewswithViews Part 3 of 4

Front Title Page of MINDWAR - the expanded 1980 book by Michael Aquino and General Vallely re-released by Michael Aquino as a full 204 page book in 2013.

The front, side and back cover of MINDWAR.
2013 Copyrighting by Michael A. Aquino.

The dedication page of MindWar I have highlighted General Vallely as well as a couple of other interesting names.  There are several New Agers on this list as well including John C. Lilly and Dennis Kucinich.
I have sat on this Part 3 for some time and have also not submitted other items occupying my research time. Frankly, I was disappointed at the unusual disclaimer on my factually based article that the opinions expressed were solely my own.  I had other health issues and frankly much was delayed although I have been intensely going through my library in cataloging and indexing operations.
Today, I understand that Women Defending America will be having another event in my town and another one of the three Generals mentioned to me as instrumental in the founding of that organization will be speaking.  If my information is correct, it is General Boykin.
In the meantime, General Vallely evidently convinced the locals that
  • 1.        He was the one who discovered Michael Aquino’s Satanism and exposed same.
  • 2.       He (General Vallely) cross-examined Michael Aquino at military hearings held on the matter.
  • 3.       He (General Vallely) as a “devout Catholic” never had nor never would have any intentional involvement with Satanism.

Interestingly enough, per the local communications director of that organization, General Vallely was aware of the 1986 article I wrote in my then NEW AGE MONITOR and had been aware of it since its release then.  That means that Michael Aquino was aware of it as well.  Perhaps that issuance was what inspired the obvious CYA (roughly translated:  “cover your posterior”) 1987 article by Michael Aquino demanding honesty and integrity in all military PsyOps.
If you would like a copy of my June 1986, Vol. I, No. 2 New Age Monitor sent to your email box, simply email me at  Please put “Aquino-Vallely” in your subject line so I can ferret out those requests and promptly respond.  As I received thousands of monthly emails, it is important that you label it such so I can do responsive searches and sends to your email address.
Well, Michael Aquino says he is militarily retired.  I have seen much in print claiming he is a director of NSA and its security operations.  I have not been able to verify that information and am personally leery of some of those sources.  However, Michael Aquino continues in his Satanic proselyting activities.  He also now claims to be the 13th Baron of Rachane.  It appears that this was a purchased, rather than an inherited title.  Per Wikipedia article, “Barons in Scotland”, “Scottish feudal baronies may be passed to any person of either sex, by inheritance OR CONVEYANCE.” 
Michael A. Aquino (or “Barony of Rachane” if he insists) continues his writing and Satanic proselyting on behalf of his Temple of Set.  He uses his “Barony” site to do so

Well, INTERNETARCHIVES.ORG has somewhat of a copy of the “book” that Michael Aquino and General Vallely co-authored in 1980.  General Vallely transmitted that paper to “various governmental offices, agencies, commands, and publications involved or interested in PSYOP.”

Well, internet archives has somewhat of a copy of the “book” that Michael Aquino and General Vallely co-authored in 1980.  General Vallely transmitted that paper to “various governmental offices, agencies, commands, and publications involved or interested in PSYOP.”

Well, from Amazon I learned that the Aquino/Vallely document is today a 204 plus page one.   Only Michael Aquino’s name remains on the “author/author” references.  But, General Vallely does appear in that book.  It appears as one of the prominent names on the dedication (“TO”) page.  Photographic copies of the book cover and relevant pages are attached here for your viewing.

Why the gratitude to Major General Paul E. Vallely?  To me, the answer is obvious.  The information I was given by a reliable informant in 1986 was that Aquino was actively promoting his Satanism in the United States Military and General Paul E. Vallely was his patron/protector.  That obviously appeared to be still true in 2013 when Michael Aquino again released their book. 
Part IV, coming very soon:  The methods to destroy faith (aka “taboos”) specified in MINDWAR.

Stay tuned!



  1. as I have said before, there could not have been any Army investigation of Satanism per se (as distinct from vandalism or blood sacrifices or violence inspired by it) since it was already recognized as needing chaplaincy.

    an earlier post of mine:

    regarding proof US Army recognized satanism as legitimate religion for chaplaincy I bought a copy april 1980 "Religious Requirements and Practices of Certain Selected Groups A Handbook Supplement for Chaplains" from military/info PO Box 41211 Plymouth, MN 55441 which sells photocopies of old military manuals.

    Table of Contents, Revision chart "Other" Groups lists American Council of Witches,
    Church of satan and Gardnerian Wicca among others.

    Church of satan is on page VII-21 and reads"

    "The original description pertaining to the Church of sata, appears on pages vii-17 through vii-22, in Department of the Army Pamphlet no. 165-13

    "No revision in content of original descripition has been made, however, please note change in mailing address listed at top of pabe vii-17 rom
    Church of satan po box 7633 San Francisco, California, 94102
    to church of satan PO Box 896 Daly City, California, 94017"

    That's all.

    But that shows that in 1980 it was accepted for chaplaincy issues, and was also
    accepted before that in the infamous 165-13 which I think is the thing cited
    by Satanists, and predates 1980. Temple of Set is not mentioned in the table
    of contents, but might be in the original material on the church of satan.

  2. Constance, review for typos including a duplicated paragraph.

  3. just a note, that trident symbol Aquino liked to use though it might relate to a fancy car brand I forget the name that uses it, is the same or almost the same as the Ukrainian national flag symbol.

    Ukrainians to this day adore Stepan Bandera the Nazi sympathizer and the present Kiev government and street scene includes clear neo Nazi symbolism. the Svoboda party is Nazi.

  4. Yes, there was a duplicate paragraph. Thanks for calling it to my attention. As I was writing also for NewsWithViews, I composed in MicroSoft Word 16. I had to do a cut and paste to get it over here. Usually I compose at the blogspot itself.

    Sorry for any confusion. I eliminated the duplicate paragraph.


  5. Point of all the above is that Paul Vallely had obviously lied when he told the Michigan crowd he had been asked to investigate to see if Aquino was into Satanism. Aquino's book, EXTREME PREJUDICE, makes it documented and clear that everybody in the military knew since the time Aquino joined the military about his Satanism.


  6. Check out DemUnderground discussion:

  7. Constance, I can send you a fax of the page of the Army 1980 chaplaincy other handbook (and cover) that shows the reference to the 1978 edition having included Satanism, I think this really destroys Vallely's credibility. might be important for your article at news with views.

  8. Anonymous1:41 PM

  9. Can you imagine giving Niccolo Machiavelli a credit on your new book?
    Machiavelli's "The Prince" is one of the most evil, satanic books ever written.
    A favorite of Hitler.

  10. Anonymous8:44 PM

    10 days until the Brexit vote and reshaping of the EU.

  11. What BBC won't tell you about Brexit: Decline of Britain since 1973 EEC Tony Gosling. Why leave EU?

    I hope they leave.

  12. Dear Nancy Reyes:

    Thanks for your valuable contribution. I read the discussion with great interest.


  13. Dear Christina,

    Thanks for the .pdf transmission to me via email of the Army pages on Satanism as an approved religion in the year 1980.


  14. I have paid attention to what happened in Orlando. The press is portraying it as a hate crime against gays. That can't be ruled out. Terrorism, it is for sure. HOWEVER, there are now numerous reports surfacing that the shooter had been frequenting that situation and one of his ex-spouses thought he had had homosexual tendencies.

    There is sometimes no revenge like that of a woman scorned.

    Sometimes there is no revenge, I've heard, like that of a homosexual scorned. Was he "bi-sexual"? There are many unanswered questions in the tragedy.


  15. Constance,

    you're welcome. Take note of the mention of 165-13, the 1978 manual which ALSO lists satanism as approved, cites it as having no updates or changes except a change of mailing address.

    This 165-13 is the chaplaincy manual that someone here a while back said was probably not legitimate but made up or implied that, since only available at satanist sites. I think the same someone asked why you would take the word of
    a satanist over that of an American Army general.

    well, this document and its reference to 165-13 proves Vallely lied about investigating
    Aquino, because the Army wouldn't have investigated anyone for satanism or recruiting
    for it. Not after 1978.

    there is this starry eyed ideal of AMERICA as all good and pure and wonderful and of course the Army etc. would reflect that so of course wouldn't allow such a thing.

  16. Anonymous2:30 PM

    This week.
    Movin' 'n shakin'...

  17. To Anonymous 2:30

    Thank you! It is worth "googling" using "White Book" and "European Union" as search terms.


  18. I also find the relationship between Michael A. Aquino, Major General Paul Vallely, and NATO most interesting.


  19. searching for Michael Aquino and NATO I got some interesting articles.


  21. may have been a second shooter at the Orlando night club

  22. Marko9:10 PM

    So let's look at that article you linked to just above more closely, OK Christine?

    This is just a "high level flyover" to gather some intel. If it needs further digging, well, if I have time I will, but I will leave that to anyone who wants to and is bored or something.

    Prologue: When you have already predetermined that you are going to find a certain relationship between nefarious individuals, it becomes real easy to find such relationships, or rather, to find supposed relationships, by reading between the lines what isn't there. I think that's what you did here.

    Also, I am NOT defending either Aquino or Vallely. Just to be clear.

    1. First of all, let's briefly look at the author, Gordon Duff. According to the below-linked story, Gordon has admitted that "[a]bout 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false ... 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false". Well there's a good information source for ya!

    2. The author presents his own conclusions and interpretations of things as fact, when in reality it is just speculation. And he doesn't provide source links or quotes to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind. He opens the article with:

    "In January, 2014, Major General Paul Vallely, retired from the US Army 21 years ago, met with leaders of Al Qaeda, while in Syria. His “cover” was that of “military analyst” for Fox News, the “tabloidesque” propaganda arm of what can only be called the New World Order.

    Vallely wasn’t there to report. He was there to manage, “aid and comfort” and much more. The Ukraine is a Vallely concern also. Who is this man?"

    Now, I don't like Fox News at all - I think they are evil, and represent the "nefarious" or libertine side of conservatism. But anyone can glibly call them the "propaganda arm of what can be called the New World Order". They might be. But then again they might not be that at all. And the next paragraph is full of accusations, deftly served and arranged on a nice plate for the consumption of all who are hungry for such things, but not a shred of proof is offered to back any of them up.

    Oh, and it's UKRAINE, not "The Ukraine". Anyone making that goof has lost all credibility as a reporter, commentator, or analyst. If he was even mildly interested in the subject he is writing about (Ukraine), he would not have made that mistake.

    So, what IS his interest in writing the article? Making a living. Go back to the quote above and delve further into what he said about why he does what he does at Veteran's Today. It's his bread and butter, and he said he makes stuff up because he has to. If he didn't, people wouldn't read his material I guess.

    Talk about people gathering about them those who would tickle their ears....

    3. I always find it informative to look at the "blogroll" listed on any blog, to see who they like to promote and follow.

    Here I notice "Antiwar", a far-Left libertarian website that I used to hang around, but their anti-semitism and anti-americanism got to be so foul it helped open my eyes to the infiltration happening on the Right. Far Left commonly agrees with Far Right, on many issues.

    There is Global Research, a well-known disinformation site.

    There is, where Webster Tarpley is a large contributor of articles. Tarpley is another far-Left ideologue, who is anti-American as they come without flying the Hammer and Sickle on their flagpole. (Who knows... maybe he does?)

    See, I can use the same kind of ad hominem attacks against those I disagree with as authors like Gordon Duff! :^)

    Seriously though, Webster Tarpley is bad news. Please read the following article:


  23. Marko9:11 PM

    The article I am referring to, Christine, is the one at 7:44 PM. Apparently while I was typing up my response, you got all google-happy.

  24. Marko9:12 PM

    So let's look at that article you linked to just above more closely, OK Christine?

    This is just a "high level flyover" to gather some intel. If it needs further digging, well, if I have time I will, but I will leave that to anyone who wants to and is bored or something.

    Prologue: When you have already predetermined that you are going to find a certain relationship between nefarious individuals, it becomes real easy to find such relationships, or rather, to find supposed relationships, by reading between the lines what isn't there. I think that's what you did here.

    Also, I am NOT defending either Aquino or Vallely. Just to be clear.

    1. First of all, let's briefly look at the author, Gordon Duff. According to the below-linked story, Gordon has admitted that "[a]bout 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false ... 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false". Well there's a good information source for ya!

    2. The author presents his own conclusions and interpretations of things as fact, when in reality it is just speculation. And he doesn't provide source links or quotes to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind. He opens the article with:

    "In January, 2014, Major General Paul Vallely, retired from the US Army 21 years ago, met with leaders of Al Qaeda, while in Syria. His “cover” was that of “military analyst” for Fox News, the “tabloidesque” propaganda arm of what can only be called the New World Order.

    Vallely wasn’t there to report. He was there to manage, “aid and comfort” and much more. The Ukraine is a Vallely concern also. Who is this man?"

    Now, I don't like Fox News at all - I think they are evil, and represent the "nefarious" or libertine side of conservatism. But anyone can glibly call them the "propaganda arm of what can be called the New World Order". They might be. But then again they might not be that at all. And the next paragraph is full of accusations, deftly served and arranged on a nice plate for the consumption of all who are hungry for such things, but not a shred of proof is offered to back any of them up.

    Oh, and it's UKRAINE, not "The Ukraine". Anyone making that goof has lost all credibility as a reporter, commentator, or analyst. If he was even mildly interested in the subject he is writing about (Ukraine), he would not have made that mistake.

    So, what IS his interest in writing the article? Making a living. Go back to the quote above and delve further into what he said about why he does what he does at Veteran's Today. It's his bread and butter, and he said he makes stuff up because he has to. If he didn't, people wouldn't read his material I guess.

    Talk about people gathering about them those who would tickle their ears....

    3. I always find it informative to look at the "blogroll" listed on any blog, to see who they like to promote and follow.

    Here I notice "Antiwar", a far-Left libertarian website that I used to hang around, but their anti-semitism and anti-americanism got to be so foul it helped open my eyes to the infiltration happening on the Right. Far Left commonly agrees with Far Right, on many issues.

    There is Global Research, a well-known disinformation site.

    There is, where Webster Tarpley is a large contributor of articles. Tarpley is another far-Left ideologue, who is anti-American as they come without flying the Hammer and Sickle on their flagpole. (Who knows... maybe he does?)

    See, I can use the same kind of ad hominem attacks against those I disagree with as authors like Gordon Duff! :^)

    Seriously though, Webster Tarpley is bad news. Please read the following article:


  25. Marko9:15 PM

    I had a post above the one at 9:11, but this stupid blog keeps removing it. I will keep trying to post it, so the 9:11 comment makes sense.

  26. Marko9:18 PM

    So let's look at that article you linked to just above more closely, OK Christine?

    This is just a "high level flyover" to gather some intel. If it needs further digging, well, if I have time I will, but I will leave that to anyone who wants to and is bored or something.

    Prologue: When you have already predetermined that you are going to find a certain relationship between nefarious individuals, it becomes real easy to find such relationships, or rather, to find supposed relationships, by reading between the lines what isn't there. I think that's what you did here.

    Also, I am NOT defending either Aquino or Vallely. Just to be clear.

    1. First of all, let's briefly look at the author, Gordon Duff. According to the below-linked story, Gordon has admitted that "[a]bout 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false ... 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false". Well there's a good information source for ya!

    2. The author presents his own conclusions and interpretations of things as fact, when in reality it is just speculation. And he doesn't provide source links or quotes to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind. He opens the article with:

    "In January, 2014, Major General Paul Vallely, retired from the US Army 21 years ago, met with leaders of Al Qaeda, while in Syria. His “cover” was that of “military analyst” for Fox News, the “tabloidesque” propaganda arm of what can only be called the New World Order.

    Vallely wasn’t there to report. He was there to manage, “aid and comfort” and much more. The Ukraine is a Vallely concern also. Who is this man?"

    Now, I don't like Fox News at all - I think they are evil, and represent the "nefarious" or libertine side of conservatism. But anyone can glibly call them the "propaganda arm of what can be called the New World Order". They might be. But then again they might not be that at all. And the next paragraph is full of accusations, deftly served and arranged on a nice plate for the consumption of all who are hungry for such things, but not a shred of proof is offered to back any of them up.

    Oh, and it's UKRAINE, not "The Ukraine". Anyone making that goof has lost all credibility as a reporter, commentator, or analyst. If he was even mildly interested in the subject he is writing about (Ukraine), he would not have made that mistake.

    So, what IS his interest in writing the article? Making a living. Go back to the quote above and delve further into what he said about why he does what he does at Veteran's Today. It's his bread and butter, and he said he makes stuff up because he has to. If he didn't, people wouldn't read his material I guess.

    Talk about people gathering about them those who would tickle their ears....

    3. I always find it informative to look at the "blogroll" listed on any blog, to see who they like to promote and follow.

    Here I notice "Antiwar", a far-Left libertarian website that I used to hang around, but their antisemitism and anti-Americanism got to be so foul it helped open my eyes to the infiltration happening on the Right. Far Left commonly agrees with Far Right, on many issues.

    There is Global Research, a well-known disinformation site.

    There is, where Webster Tarpley is a large contributor of articles. Tarpley is another far-Left ideologue, who is anti-American as they come without flying the Hammer and Sickle on their flagpole. (Who knows... maybe he does?)

    See, I can use the same kind of ad hominem attacks against those I disagree with as authors like Gordon Duff! :^)

    Seriously though, Webster Tarpley is bad news. Please read the following article:

  27. Anonymous9:19 PM

    10 out of 23 posts are Erikson's. Here comes the ruin of another thread.

  28. Marko9:20 PM

    So let's look at that article you linked to just above more closely, OK Christine?

    This is just a "high level flyover" to gather some intel. If it needs further digging, well, if I have time I will, but I will leave that to anyone who wants to and is bored or something.

    Prologue: When you have already predetermined that you are going to find a certain relationship between nefarious individuals, it becomes real easy to find such relationships, or rather, to find supposed relationships, by reading between the lines what isn't there. I think that's what you did here.

    Also, I am NOT defending either Aquino or Vallely. Just to be clear.

    1. First of all, let's briefly look at the author, Gordon Duff. According to the below-linked story, Gordon has admitted that "[a]bout 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false ... 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false". Well there's a good information source for ya!

    2. The author presents his own conclusions and interpretations of things as fact, when in reality it is just speculation. And he doesn't provide source links or quotes to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind. He opens the article with:

    "In January, 2014, Major General Paul Vallely, retired from the US Army 21 years ago, met with leaders of Al Qaeda, while in Syria. His “cover” was that of “military analyst” for Fox News, the “tabloidesque” propaganda arm of what can only be called the New World Order.

    Vallely wasn’t there to report. He was there to manage, “aid and comfort” and much more. The Ukraine is a Vallely concern also. Who is this man?"

    Now, I don't like Fox News at all - I think they are evil, and represent the "nefarious" or libertine side of conservatism. But anyone can glibly call them the "propaganda arm of what can be called the New World Order". They might be. But then again they might not be that at all. And the next paragraph is full of accusations, deftly served and arranged on a nice plate for the consumption of all who are hungry for such things, but not a shred of proof is offered to back any of them up.

    Oh, and it's UKRAINE, not "The Ukraine". Anyone making that goof has lost all credibility as a reporter, commentator, or analyst. If he was even mildly interested in the subject he is writing about (Ukraine), he would not have made that mistake.

    So, what IS his interest in writing the article? Making a living. Go back to the quote above and delve further into what he said about why he does what he does at Veteran's Today. It's his bread and butter, and he said he makes stuff up because he has to. If he didn't, people wouldn't read his material I guess.

    Talk about people gathering about them those who would tickle their ears....

    3. I always find it informative to look at the "blogroll" listed on any blog, to see who they like to promote and follow.

    Here I notice "Antiwar", a far-Left libertarian website that I used to hang around, but their antisemitism and anti-Americanism got to be so foul it helped open my eyes to the infiltration happening on the Right. Far Left commonly agrees with Far Right, on many issues.

    There is Global Research, a well-known disinformation site.

    There is, where Webster Tarpley is a large contributor of articles. Tarpley is another far-Left ideologue, who is anti-American as they come without flying the Hammer and Sickle on their flagpole. (Who knows... maybe he does?)

    See, I can use the same kind of ad hominem attacks against those I disagree with as authors like Gordon Duff! :^)

    Seriously though, Webster Tarpley is bad news. Please read the following article:

  29. Marko9:34 PM

    I hate to sound like a spoiled brat child throwing a temper tantrum, but I'm really tired of trying to use blogspot as a forum for serious discussion. It's very frustrating in many ways. Maybe tomorrow my post will "stick".

    Short version, without any links:

    1. The author is suspect, by his own admission.
    2. The author speculates, and comes to conclusions, without linking to any sources or even quoting them.
    2.5 The author is writing about Ukraine, but keeps referring to it as The Ukraine. (!)
    3. "Veterans Today" is a suspect site, and links to other suspect sites in its blogroll. The worst (to my knowledge) are Global Research, Antiwar, and, which Webster Tarpley contributes much to.

    Tarpley is bad news - a far-Left ideologue, tied to LaRouche and other baddies.

    Christine, this is what happens when your "research" is nothing more than doing a Google search to find what you already know to be true. My guess is that I could probably find faults with the other links you posted, but I haven't the time.

  30. Marko,

    first off regardless of Duff the information he encapsulates can be found scattered elsewhere, except maybe for the Vallely issue.

    secondly, Fox and what it represents is a vital part of the new world order. Or didn't you hear Bush use the term? and haven't you read the history and updates or even paid attention to all the information on individuals and networks at this blog?

    the new world order and new age is primarily hosted by USA having kicked off in Britain with some roots in Germany. USA and NATO are a major part of its strike force. The NWO is primarily an effort to make a neo feudalist/fascist world rule useful to wealthy elites in various countries most of whom are also comfortable with occultism, it being all the rage with respectables and government connected or actual government people in the USA and England in the late 1800s. Also infected
    Russian elites under the last two tsars.

    "Oh, and it's UKRAINE, not "The Ukraine". Anyone making that goof has lost all credibility as a reporter, commentator, or analyst."

    nope, the word Ukraine means something like Frontier. The Frontier. a place wavering between control of one war lord and another, Cossacks took over and some treaties signed, but it didn't have any kind of national sense until Gen. Ludendorf of Germany got into the game before WW I

    Tarpley has some issues and the farther east he goes the less he knows (but thinks he knows anyway) farther east than Venice he is a dunce. And is a fool for the "moderate" muslims who can't really be trusted except those that will put their lives on the line against radicals like the Kurds and some others do.

    Ukrainian nationalism is an artificial recent development. Tarpley cued me to that but a quick tour of online history and Wikipedia confirms it.

    Vallely and Boykin say all the right things and yes islam is a threat, a political system disguised as a religion. But that doesn't mean these people who would lead us against it are any good.

    Boykin made a fool of himself in front of people too vastly ignorant to realize it. Boykin said the Constitution quotes the Bible more than it does any other document.

    The Constitution does not quote the Bible once, neither does it quote any other book.

    Tarpley can be an idiot. And I don't like his rejection of abortion and gay agenda as something to fight because they are "wedge" issues.

  31. I don't care for veterans today usually, but this article combined things I already knew about and I hope you already know about McCain and the terrorist buddies, photo and all, right? that's really old news. Al Qaeda and Al Nusra are our terrorists when opposed to Assad in Syria. Elsewhere we fight them.

    wise up.

  32. Anonymous9:49 PM

    And she is reposting old material for attention. (pat pat on the head from Constance ;) ) We know Satanism is a recognized religion. We all know anything goes these days, so much is shamelessly out in the open.

    Her redundancies are just to get and keep the upper hand of each thread.

    That's not news, either.

  33. Anonymous9:52 PM

    "I don't care for veterans today usually"
    Well, isn't that special?

    Gonna prove yourself a jerk all over again on this thread too, aren't you?

  34. anon 9:49

    what is most likely news to many is that it was recognized as far back as 1978.


    more proof Vallely is a liar.

  35. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Is 1978 back when you began practicing Satanism, MCE?

  36. I never practiced Satanism.

    1978 is prior to 1980

    1980 is prior to the alleged investigation of Aquino.

    The investigation could not have taken place because satanism was already recognized by the Army

    therefore Vallely never interrogated Aquino about satanism.

    Therefore Vallely lied.

  37. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Not talking about Aquino or Vallely. I think you are into some really wrong thinking and doing from way back, that is my take. And besides, I'll get all I need to know about all the other from Constance, not you.

    Don't need your hairsplit split 40 ways regurgitations by your excessive posting, because I can read for myself, and draw my own conclusions, so can it.

  38. Christine,

    Could you slow down the quantity of your posts?! Also, refrain from personal exchanges with other posters.


  39. Anonymous3:51 AM

    I think that Turkey is much closer to joining the EU than anyone realizes. One interpretation is that the anti-christ will come from either Greece or Turkey, as he must go South and East to the pleasant land. Only Greece and Turkey fulfill this criterion of the locations of the four generals that followed Alexander the Great.

    There is a possibility that the EU will drastically reorganize following the Brexit and a possible war with Russia where the Baltic states are lost. Watch for ten members, Erdogan or a Greek leader to surprisingly take control of the new organization, and then invade first Syria and then Israel.

  40. Marko6:29 AM

    "There is a possibility that the EU will drastically reorganize following the Brexit and a possible war with Russia where the Baltic states are lost."

    I agree. Check out this article:

    This is the most interesting statement to me:

    "What makes the Estonian find so frightening is that it is the kind of thing that Russian officials might use to justify a Russian intervention there..."

    Note that the author of that blog is a seasoned analyst, who doesn't (to my knowledge) study prophecy or anything like that, so he doesn't have that to "taint" his perspective.

  41. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...1:41 PM
    Constance, review for typos including a duplicated paragraph.

    WOW, really? The typo queen knows it when she sees it, thanks be to gaud!

  42. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Blogger Constance Cumbey said...2:39 AM
    Could you slow down the quantity of your posts?! Also, refrain from personal exchanges with other posters.

    You may need to do some fact finding here Constance, a refrain to Christiner may mean something she sings afterd every verse?

  43. The British have never been both-feet-in this Euro thing.
    How could they be, when the Bank of England is the de facto
    bank of the world?
    The central bank of Central Banks is London; Bank of England,
    ergo G.B.'s membership in the European Union is a conflict of
    And the Rothschilds are tap dancing to a new tune, called
    "Even More Money".

  44. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The quantity of her posts is an issue definitely, the quality of her posts is much more the issue the majority of the time.

  45. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Chrome is denying access to this site again. goes to and a Page Not Found message Used Firefox to get here. This has happened several times in the past with Chrome. Just FYI.

  46. Fascinating tale

  47. Anonymous9:45 PM

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...9:45 PM

    Interestingly it was proclaimed on 6/16/16 -----666

  49. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Pennsylvania Catholic Church using 'mafia-like' tactics to fight sex abuse bill

  50. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Yes, Dan. Notable isn't it?
    He seems to rack up those particular numbers often.

  51. Interesting that Russia's propaganda machine doesn't seem to be doing as well it would probably wish in convincing the Russian people that Russia and Ukraine are "one people". They won't be fooled again (to borrow a line from a Who song).

    In fact, the lyrics from that Who song I think describes fairly well the attitude of the Russian people toward anything their government says, since the time of the "death" of the Soviet Union and the "new" revolution.

    Regarding the "new" promises of the New Age, or any other "new" way we think we found for improving Mankind, the final two lines pretty much repeat this truth from the Bible: "There is nothing new under the sun."

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss....


    We'll be fighting in the streets
    With our children at our feet
    And the morals that they worship will be gone
    And the men who spurred us on
    Sit in judgment of all wrong
    They decide and the shotgun sings the song

    I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
    Take a bow for the new revolution
    Smile and grin at the change all around
    Pick up my guitar and play
    Just like yesterday
    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again

    The change, it had to come
    We knew it all along
    We were liberated from the fold, that's all
    And the world looks just the same
    And history ain't changed
    Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war

    I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
    Take a bow for the new revolution
    Smile and grin at the change all around
    Pick up my guitar and play
    Just like yesterday
    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again
    No, no!

    I'll move myself and my family aside
    If we happen to be left half alive
    I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
    Though I know that the hypnotized never lie
    Do ya?

    There's nothing in the streets
    Looks any different to me
    And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
    And the parting on the left
    Are now parting on the right
    And the beards have all grown longer overnight

    I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
    Take a bow for the new revolution
    Smile and grin at the change all around
    Pick up my guitar and play
    Just like yesterday
    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again
    Don't get fooled again
    No, no!


    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

  52. "pope" Francis declares that the "vast majority" of Catholic marriages are "invalid" because they "didn't understand" the Catholic "sacrament" of marriage! This guy is simply amazing.

  53. RayB 12:55

    well isn't that just special. that should make divorce oops, I mean annulment, almost automatic on demand.

  54. Anonymous RayB said...12:55 PM

    "pope" Francis declares that the "vast majority" of Catholic marriages are "invalid" because they "didn't understand" the Catholic "sacrament" of marriage! This guy is simply amazing.

    Dear Susanna,
    Can you speak to this latest news article?

  55. Anonymous5:23 PM

    "that should make divorce oops, I mean annulment, almost automatic on demand."

    Since you don't even believe in marriage enough to do that yourself, why even comment on this subject at all?

    Has been proven here by your own words,,,you don't do relationships of any kind well, anyway.

  56. I believe in permanent heterosexual monogamy. preferably not more than one partner in one's lifetime.

  57. Anonymous6:52 PM

    You believe, but don't practice, MCE @ 6:02 PM.
    Hmm. (What other things from the Bible do you "believe" but don't practice? Never mind, please don't answer that)

    Got it.

  58. anon 6:52 what do you mean I don't practice? I got one consort. we're faithful. that's permanent heterosexual monogamy.

    regarding my remarks about Ira Einhorn likely being behind the idea senator whatshisname (Sidley or something like that) had, I was wrong, if The Unicorn's Secret is right. Einhorn was gotten into it as being perfect for the project, and definitely was not some last minute bit player. And Sen. whatshisname didn't get the idea out of the blue but from the context that Einhorn was a major player in. So while he hadn't met the senator before that, he was definitely considered necessary to get it going.

    Einhorn's claim to have been framed by the CIA because of his research into psychotronics and mind control is nonsense. OThers in the same field didn't end up with someone in their closet dead. Einhorn several times made efforts to prevent that closet being gone into. The apartment below him got corpse purge drip, which he trumpeted had no human chemical indications, but those would have been broken up to non recognizable by the chlorine and other chemicals he used to preserve the body bits.

    While I can understand a lot of people being fooled by him, because of some predisposition to oddball research without God given discernment and biblical premises to work with, and his classic psychopath style of charm and so forth, I can't understand why anyone would believe in his innocence later. A lot of them didn't, he lost a lot of friends, and one man who had rented a cabin to him and Holly wouldn't rent to him and his new girlfriend. (Einhorn settled into monogamy later, but was an unspeakably promiscuous bastard most of his life and bragged about it.) But some, including I think Catherine Austin Fitts still thinks he was framed, if I recall a passing remark of hers in an interview online correctly.
    Some people have blind spots. A lot of her info and analysis is good, but she has an appalling willingness to coexist with "Mr. Globalist" and new agey tendencies. more satanism in the military, navy and marines, info from Kay Griggs, the full over 6 hour interview. search her on youtube and you can listen to it in 4 segments. you can fast forward using the line that shows on the bottom of the video when you hover the cursor on the video.

  59. Anonymous8:42 PM

    """Anonymous RayB said...12:55 PM

    "pope" Francis declares that the "vast majority" of Catholic marriages are "invalid" because they "didn't understand" the Catholic "sacrament" of marriage! This guy is simply amazing."""

    People say their vows of marriage before God, not the pope. He has no say so to say anything about them and/or their vows.
    Who on earth does the pope think he is????? Does he think he is God??

  60. Anonymous8:51 PM

    (Einhorn settled into monogamy...)

    Covering Einhorn's rear for him to "legitimize" that creep, like you are trying to cover yours MCE?
    What a joke you make of sacred things...much like the pope who rewrites the Bible to fit his world view.

    I got it right. You don't practice obedience to the teaching of the Bible, you just make it up as you go, and then noisily, excessively, pontificate.

  61. " Anonymous said...
    (Einhorn settled into monogamy...)

    Covering Einhorn's rear for him to "legitimize" that creep,"

    nothing of the sort, merely keeping to the facts. in fact, if people only knew of Holly Maddux and her successor, they might think he was monogamous. But he was a sleazebag until I guess he ran out of steam or was too busy or got some obsession going based on thinking the woman was compatible with his ultimate goals, or whatever.

    I didn't cover his rear, I exposed his immorality, hundreds of sex partners if he is to be believed.

    " like you are trying to cover yours MCE?"

    I am not trying to cover anything. you should be ashamed of your refusal or inability to tell one thing from another. check the dictionary for definitions of monogamy.

  62. Anonymous10:03 PM


    Can't bring yourself to say the word marriage regarding what you say you believe can you?

    Skirting the issue in your words to cover your rear. Why even bring up the word monogamy while talking about his creep's immorality? Tossing the word around to cover your rear just like I said. You are so predictable and easy to detect in your inept slyness.

    The facts are you are a hypocrite, MCE.

  63. Anonymous10:16 PM

    She's kidding herself thinking what she is doing equals biblical marriage.

    It's just 2 ticks and no dog.

    Plain old sin.

  64. Constance asked me not to engage in these arguments so this is the last word.

    "marriage" is whatever the local customs and law define it as, including pedophilic polygamy in some Mormon backwaters and Islamic sometimes. it can (almost died out
    everywhere now) be polyandric one woman with several men.

    I am not a hypocrite. marriage as the Christian views it is monogamous, so much so that existing polygamous families in Africa were broken up by missionaries not sure this was always a good idea. A man would convert and have to kick out all but one wife. I wonder what kind of a Christian witness that was to the other wives and their children.

    Jesus referred back to "the beginning" when He talked about divorce. and that was before "marriage" was developed to distinguish various kinds of financial and tribal identity by inheritance relationships or lack thereof.

  65. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Your answer is a dud @ 10:20 PM. But suit your own's what you do.

    "Constance asked me not to engage in these arguments so this is the last word."

  66. "Because of this, a great majority of our sacramental marriages are null because they (the couple) say 'yes, for the rest of my life' but they don't know what they are saying because they have a different culture," Francis said.

    What do ya call this? Which kind of -ism do we have here? 'Relative Cultural-ism'?

    I cannot find any basis for what Francis seemed to have said in this article, in the catechism.

  67. Dan

    "What do ya call this? Which kind of -ism do we have here? 'Relative Cultural-ism'?"

    I think what he means is, they have no concept of staying together till death they can't even conceive of themselves as old and dying this is an existential crisis they haven't even dealt with.

    in addition, in all cultures, once you have this routine drill of what you go through to get what you want, you don't think about and YOU DON'T MEAN what you say. its just verbal crap of no importance you have to say to go through the ritual that makes things respectable etc. etc.

    AND IT IS NOT ABOUT GOD it is about society, law, social respectability, social event, etc. etc.

  68. another way of saying it would be, thoughtless careless perjury not even recognized or thought of as such. till death do us part is said with reservations in the heart, that the marriage will last a lifetime if various other situations don't happen. exactly what is meant by phrases and words assuming their content is thought of at all other than what to remember to recite for the ceremony.

  69. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Precisely what Erikson and Mr Seer are doing. They aren't committed in the true biblical sense (so it's sin), they are just doing what is culturally "relevent" and acceptable at this time. So much for the big "explanation" of what she says it is-they are just doing what is 'right in their own eyes' as the book of Judges concludes, talking about a time when the people of Israel were not following God as individuals (the majority) and as a nation collectively.

    Just spin, not truth, but trying to call it truth, so you fit right in with the bad culture of today Justina! (and we thought it was her last word LOL!..still she must preach what she does not personally practice)


  70. Constance Cumbey said... 2:39 AM
    Could you slow down the quantity of your posts?! Also, refrain from personal exchanges with other posters. Thanks! CONSTANCE

    Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... 1:23 AM
    "What do ya call this? Which kind of -ism do we have here? 'Relative Cultural-ism'?
    AND IT IS NOT ABOUT GOD it is about society, law, social respectability, social event, etc. etc.

    As Chritine can tell you what I am thinking I will tell you what she means!

  71. I didn't attempt to tell you what you were thnking. I was explaining the issue you were misinterpreting the issue is the highly commonplace phenomenon of going through the motions and its just a ceremony.

    if you can't understand the difference between telling you what you are thinking and correcting your misimpression then refrain from wasting space and reader's time. frankly, it looks like its all about YOU in your mind.

  72. Anonymous2:10 PM

    @ 1:59 PM


  73. oh, and, uh, speaking of subjectivism and/or giving a false impression in this case of professionalism Dan Bryan, being president of a venture company sounds real good until a little checking shows it operates out of your home not a proper office.


    looks a lot more classy than it is.

  74. Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...2:28 PM
    looks a lot more classy than it is.

    Correct as usual, I moved my office and opened a personal consulting firm of ONE shortly after selling our corporation in 2000. Is there anything else you would like to know?

    What's with the Gong?

  75. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Remember the gong show?

    This one is starring Mz Erikson.
    Deserves a GONG almost every time she posts LOL!

  76. excuse me my error not president but "Staff Engineer at Dan Bryan Ventures LLC" uless you are engaging in humor it sounds like you are angling to get partners and/or employees and/or trying to look better staffed to prospective clients.

  77. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Dont you mean GONG to the power of 4.

  78. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...7:07 PM
    "Staff Engineer at Dan Bryan Ventures LLC"

    What do you want Christine? Ask the question or be Gong?

  79. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Christine says
    "I didn't attempt to tell you what you were thnking. I was explaining the issue you were misinterpreting the issue is the highly commonplace phenomenon of going through the motions and its just a ceremony.
    if you can't understand the difference between telling you what you are thinking and correcting your misimpression then refrain from wasting space and reader's time. frankly, it looks like its all about YOU in your mind."

    What a joke... the pretty well sums up what she writes the majority of the time.

  80. Anonymous7:41 PM


  81. Anonymous8:29 PM

  82. Dan,

    your business style of terminology is consistent with the dishonesty and pomposity of the business culture that labels a janitor some kind of engineer or technician.

    exactly what I expect to see in someone who would bald face lie and say he saw an ad I never posted.


    I've been off line for the last 30 hours due to a severe fall while walking my dogs. One went one way of somebody's on street mailbox and one went the other. When I attempted to corral them, I lost my balance and went down head first against the sharp wooden mailbox holder. I was bleeding profusely and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. I lost a great deal of blood and required 11 staples in the head that require removal.

    But that is not the point of this post to you, I HAVE REPEATEDLY ASKED YOU TO REFRAIN FROM THE RUDENESS AND PERSONAL STATEMENTS THAT I VIEWED JUST BEFORE THIS -- WHEN I LOGGED ON, I SEE YOUR POST TO DAN. Please, please, please CEASE AND DESIST. If I had taken time to respond to every insult or perceived insult I ever had, nothing else would have ever been done.

    Can't you consider being like Jesus is the old spiritual that includes these words, "AND HE NEVER SAID A MUMBLING WORD!"


  84. Anonymous12:06 AM

    So sorry about what happened, Constance. That was an awful fall, but I pray you have no lingering issues and heal quickly, in Jesus name.

  85. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Sorry to hear that Constance.
    Just reading your post felt painful.
    Hopefully you will have no visible scar.

  86. Ohmygosh Constance,
    I hope you heal quickly and thoroughly and
    find a dog walker for those rambuncious K9's.

  87. Constance, I am so sad to her of your fall.

    Please get someone else to walk them. And please finish your fourth article. I suspect your problems and accidents will cease or greatly diminish once there is nothing to stop.

    this material may be old news to you but some people weren't even alive when you first wrote about Vallely and it is old material now raised new and in new and
    dangerous for them context. I think you are under some kind of attack attempt which has been divinely kept from accomplishing its goal. The sooner they have nothing to gain by this the sooner it will likely end.

    Back some years ago the temple of set was working on electric amplification of psychic attack. might have something to do with whatever got the dogs' acting up. not to mention the episode with the car.

    (But watch out for efforts to discredit you in some way.)

    maybe you should walk the dogs separately or get one of your neighbors to walk them.

    BTW any post I send here is apparently also sent to your email - but never gets there, but bounces back as undeliverable to the gmail account from blogger. Been like that for months or years I forget.

    I did not engage in rudeness or personal statements. I just undercut Dan's credibility and threw in his face the sneaky pattern that bore extreme fruit in his flat out lying about that ad he said he saw. It never existed here or anywhere or in my mind. so he's a liar and apparently a smooth one.

    What he and RayB and that anon did is inexcusable and as long as they refuse to admit their evil deed someone will likely believe it. may God avenge me of them.

    which sort of thing is likely capable of undermining any credibility of mine in fighting the new age

  88. Anonymous9:56 AM


    There isn't a pain reliever strong enough to erase the pain in the arse you are to everyone!

    There isn't enough staples to close your yap either!

  89. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The High Wizardess of arse pain has it all figured out! It was "electric amplification of psychic attack".

  90. Did she just say "Credibility" ?

  91. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Ouch Constance, that sounds like a nasty fall.

    All the very best for a full and speedy recovery.

    ~ K ~

  92. Thanks to all for the best wishes. I'm feeling relatively better today -- my dogs are not huge wicked dogs -- they are a 22 pound Havanese male (age 10) and a 20.2 pound Bichon Frise (male). I've decided it is safer to drive them to the dog park than to walk them down my street where they can sniff the base of the mailboxes and throw my balance off when they are sniffing two different sides. As for the "psychic attack," Aquino and Vallely might think they're good, but they're not THAT GOOD!


  93. Richard12:19 PM

    "I think that Turkey is much closer to joining the EU than anyone realizes. One interpretation is that the anti-christ will come from either Greece or Turkey, as he must go South and East to the pleasant land. Only Greece and Turkey fulfill this criterion of the locations of the four generals that followed Alexander the Great."

    Interesting point of view. We also once thought Juan Carlos or his son from Spain would be 'the One'. I presume that interpretation comes from Skousen though, right? Why couldn't he come from further northwest? I don't agree with this monster being a Muslim. How can the Armilus, the anti-messiah, be a Muslim when Jews cannot accept him? But then Islamic world will not accept him if he is of the House of David. Either he will after all be one of the two and end up slaughtering the opposing group, or he will be a 'neutral' superman, shouting blasphemies (lies) at God after he comes in by peace. There are probably variables that I don't know of. Yet this man is believed to turn up at the onset or end of a tremendous war. I agree that it could be Gog and Magog, not Armageddon when Christ returns. If Satan is going to pull of the mother of all deceptions, then it better be one that 'comes with the clouds from the heavens'.
    If there is a war first, I see NOTHING being able to stop even a small nuclear bust-up except an 'alien' invasion or what appears to be one.

    This is an opinion based on the viewpoint of the researches in the UFO phenomenon which I think must be connected to all of this end of day theatre. Again, there are many variables.


    The New Age and Its Relationship To The Antichrist - Nowhere To Run with Chris White

    Daniel 7 - A Blueprint To Identify The Antichrist: Chris White

  95. Richard I believe you are correct in the big picture view of this.
    I believe there are two wars. The deception may be different between the two.

    The first will be with Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.
    Ezekiel 38 and 39
    The second will be from the four corners of the earth along with Gog and Magog.
    Revelation 20

  96. Richard,

    please give me your opinion of some similar issues on my blogs http://politicalyunclassifiable
    Chris White cued me to this, but my conclusions are a bit different than his.

    The UFO issue is complicated by a likely breakaway civilization, and the possibility some people here would present recently genetically engineered fake aliens to rule through. Aside from demons and more ancient genetically engineered
    lineages I focus on in A Possible History of Life on Mars

  97. Anonymous4:37 PM

    """""""""""""Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    please give me your opinion of some similar issues on my blogs http://politicalyunclassifiable
    Chris White cued me to this, but my conclusions are a bit different than his.""""""""""""""

    So that means you will carry on that discussion with Richard at your personal blog correct?

    If he decides he does want to, by all means have at it...
    ..over there.

    Please and Thank you.

  98. Christine,

    Please keep the "Life on Mars" stuff away from my blog.

    Thank you,


  99. Richard,

    There has never been any credibility to the Juan Carlos theory in my opinion. That theory was advanced by Dr. Charles Taylor. There may have been some who accepted his interpretation -- I was not one of them.


  100. Richrd, if you do want to discuss what I have written on my blogs please comment on the blogs not here. I am resetting the posting rules to allow anonymous posting.

  101. Let's review some of the prophecies on the Antichrist:

    1. A vile person shall arise to whom they SHALL NOT GIVE the honor of the Kingdom. (Daniel 11:21).
    2. He shall come in peaceably with the aid of a few and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
    3. He would trample the whole earth underfoot. (Daniel 7:23)
    4. By peace he would destroy many. (Daniel 8:25)
    5. He would impose a total tracking economic system on the world (Rev. 13).
    6. He would honor in his estate a god of Forces, a God whom his fathers knew not. (Daniel 11:38)
    7. Such as did wickedly against the covenant he would corrupt by flatteries. (Daniel 11:32)


  102. However, my jury is still out on Javier Solana and his entire "global governance" crowd.


  103. However, my jury is still out on Javier Solana and his entire "global governance" crowd.


  104. Constance,

    the tanshumanist agenda includes a radical life extension. If Solana were to go into stasis (maybe even as a head kept alive until placed on a body a few years or even a few centuries later), he could be the antichrist after all, but not yet.

    indeed, that could be like the prophecy that the antichrist survives or revives from a lethal wound.

    but Daniel 7:23 is not about the antichrist, but the empire he rises out of. That fourth beast has the ten horns and the eleventh horn comes up among them and displaces three, and it has eyes and speaks arrogant things. read the whole chapter the antichrist is that eleventh horn.

    so he will take over a world ruling empire that has crushed the other world major powers around it, this is NOT the ancient world empires of the statue dream, or else the angel would not have said that these are four kings that arise after Daniel because he was living in the first kingdom's time.

    Chris White's videos posted above explain the things the usual prophecy experts have missed about all this, and then just copy each other and keep the error going.

  105. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...2:33 PM
    The New Age Chris White

    Dear Christine,
    Thanks for the Chris White videos.
    He presents a good overview of the newage belief systems.
    His Daniel 7 video, presents an interesting view point.
    I look forward to reading why you disagree with him on your website.

  106. Dan, its the not politicallyunclassifiable (or "unclassifiable confusion" as someone described it).

    Pretty much I agree I just started digging to see what fitted the scene now, while he doesn't attempt to identify the beasts. Several other theorists on youtube do make plausible identifications, though the four headed leopard seems to be something no one can figure and I have two theories on it.

  107. Marko6:34 PM

    It's my opinion more and more these days that when you play the game of "Spot the Antichrist", it can get to such a level as to be a distraction from more important endeavors.

    That aside, what about the first part of the 2nd chapter of 2 Thessalonians? Is that not also talking about the Antichrist?

  108. newage = sewage

  109. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Marko, the falling away is going on as we speak. The Apostasy of the church (throughout all the denominations) is underway and very advanced. the religious and political climate is getting pretty ripe for it so that groundwork is solidly laid for what will be next when the anti-christ comes on the scene. Notice how close the follow is for his entry. There is a comma plus the word and.........

    Constance and Herb Peters found something very significant to watch those years back and things have only added to the watching that is still taking shape, but a definite shape appears to be make sure to match things to Scripture going carefully, so we'll see.
    The nuts and bolts (and beyond) of the world system he will command has been is progress for a while, to be ready in time for the falling away to complete and the devil's plan commence with a short 3 1/2 year reign of the man of perdition.

    Jesus said watch.

    ...and keep your eyes on the Lord :)

  110. Seems the Satanistas have taken over Travis Air Force base.

    "To have the Air Force assault me and drag me out of a retirement ceremony simply because my speech included the word ‘God’ is something I never expected from our military.”

  111. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Got that right, Paul.

  112. omots,

    this sort of ting develops bit by bit over time. the crime rate by American servicemen in Okinawa has had the locals demanding we leave for over ten years.
    The Philippines were glad to see that base closed by the volcano, all the prostitution those guys were fuelling including real young. The military is a cross section of he population, more so when drafted, and the American population is hardly virtuous or seriously Christian for the most part I fear. America has always been a mission field for revivalists and others trying to bring reform and would succeed for a while.

    Not unlike Israel under the judges, they'd be okay for a while, and after the judge died the next generation would start apostasizing.

    the once saved always saved idea doesn't help. the denunciation of "lordship salvation" and saying you don't have to stop sinning and don't have to obey Christ to be saved doesn't help.

    this time, we got an undermining of decency and godliness even in law and formal statements and so forth. this is worse, and shocking as the event at Travis is, it is not that surprising when you stop and think about it.

    especially given the decades of overt Satanist influence that Constance is writing about: it was approved in 1978 or earlier, and trackable due to publishing Mind War and the New Age occultism type experiments getting publicized, since the early 1980s. it is now 2016. I guess this is what you can expect.

  113. Anonymous12:20 AM

    In all of America from coast to coast, and for all of the time there has been an America, you must be The One and Only American who ever got it all right, Erikson.

    "we got an undermining of decency and godliness"
    (seriously, like you even know what decency and godliness is in the first place?)

    According to your version of things "God's grace is shed on thee" as the line in the old song goes, never happened. You can't seem to see it here, anywhere, ever.
    Imagine that.
    And I don't have a "romantic" view of America, I have a view that is grateful for the blessings that God granted this nation at it's birth and blessed the world thereafter. That too is passing...just as all on earth come...and then go.

    So I imagine that you are an extremely negative and hateful, ungrateful person, a true apostate, is what I imagine.

  114. anon 12:20

    "I have a view that is grateful for the blessings that God granted this nation at it's birth and blessed the world thereafter. That too is passing...just as all on earth come...and then go."

    thank you for making my point for me.

    "So I imagine that you are an extremely negative"

    just realistic and read a lot of history

    "and hateful,"

    look to yourself. every excuse even things that are no excuse you gotta go off on me.

    "ungrateful person,"

    how would you know? I thank God every day for lots of things.

    "a true apostate, is what I imagine."

    operative word is "imagine." apostate from what? the equation of America with a shining city on a hill some poet equated America to from a line in the NT which was in context about visibility of your faith and of godliness that your works cause people to praise God, but propagandists subtly interwove America with Israel and God's land and all sorts of things?

    apostate from Jesus or apostate from the cult of America? sure we did some good, and have been generous and have sent missionaries with the core Gospel even if some wrong doctrine went with it. But there's been another side and you would do well to look at the view people outside have of us as a group.

    you people here keep mentioning now and then that God's judgement is going to fall on us sooner or later. I don't know if you are one of them, but what I notice is a double mindedness about this. If anyone takes it out of the realm of general theory into real time likelihood and how to survive it which might not include assuming you are serving God by joining some resistance group or calling for revenge for any massive bombing that might happen, such a person is ungrateful, ungodly, blah blah.

    I'm sure some saw Daniel and many definitely saw Jeremiah in those terms exactly. disloyal or whatever.

    I am no Daniel and no Jeremiah and not in their league even But I suggest they might be models to consider for the future.

    Those who have to fight because in the military or drafted later should do so, if they are not led to run from the draft likely to happen. or to not reenlist. After all, though it might seem they are opposing God's will, it might not be THIS time that America is supposed to fall, and if it is, the fight will slow advance allowing escape of God's servants.

    If not in the military, don't fight, run.

    (But if you are one of those detailed to help evil elites, maybe just kill them or run off leaving a door unlocked so to speak. those are the ones who brought this mess on us.)

  115. Anonymous2:22 AM


    Anon 12.20

    Did Christine really say
    "we got an undermining of decency and godliness".

    Very surpriseing comment from her given she is living with a man unmarried.

  116. anon 2:22

    I have addressed this issue before. briefly, we are biblically married. the lack of legality prevents his debts becoming mine. I might add, even a betrothal qualified as marriage and the woman was called the man's wife, and a resulting legal decision later in sorting things out was that if someone had spent a night under his future father in law's roof he could not complain if his bride was not a virgin as he might have done this himself. marriage is not an institution a set of rules and responsibilities it is a relationship. the issue is not in what condition you come to marriage but in what condition you come to your mate.

    this puts the typical experimental live together situation in the same category as those who legally marry with understanding they will divorce if they have a few problems later, and those who distinguish between levels of commitment and belonging are sinning if they are doing sex before legal marriage. if not, then not. But to break up and have another relationship without biblical basis for divorce, is the same moral problem as divorce and remarriage.

    kinda makes for a sterner standard than your slipshod legality focus, doesn't it?


    calculate possible impact on you, preset big cities and you can write in your own.

    I actually care about you people. That's why I'm posting this. you can find active military bases and what kind of stuff they have online to determine the risk of being near them. There is a CBW (chemical biological warfare, yeah, we make horrible diseases for use though its illegal by various treaties) in the sw corner of Washington state. if this were blown up but not incinerated prevailing winds could take some contents somewhat west and southwest of it.

  118. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Marriage involves recognition by the authorities, because the authorities need to know who is married to each other in order to enforce laws relating to marriage. There are indeed some circumstances in which, in principle, Christians may consider themselves married in God's eyes but not in the authorities' eyes - if the authorities have totally derecognised marriage, for instance, and declared all relationships as a private matter, so that a couple exchange binding vows in front of friends and congregation leaders. (You can see derecognition coming in some virulently secular jurisdictions around the world.) But a wish to preserve your joint income from laws that would take it if you marry is NOT adequate reason. Don't you love the money more than you love each other?

    You excuse this behavior by saying that you don't have sex because of his heart trouble. But Jesus said on the mount that one should not commit adultery in your heart, ie have the intention, which is just as bad. And what if he got better by a miracle, Christine? Would you then continue to be celibate; or get married to have sex; or have sex and find another excuse?

  119. anon 5:25

    I bring up the no sex to make you all happier. it is not an "excuse" it is a fact.

    there are no laws to enforce regarding us. we are both sterile and the only issues of visitation and information reserved for legal spouses and immediate family if in the hospital can be resolved with paperwork regarding that, and inheritance by a will.


    There is no penal code punishment for adultery. Unless in the form of bigamy involving two registered marriages.

    Many states have no fault divorce, in other words, divorce on demand. CA is one, and with its ERA in its Constitution (and some other states) both partners are responsible for each other economically, depending on individual ablity.

    "marriage involves recognition by authorities" involves but ultimately does not depend on.

    for people who are aupposedly Christian, which means to be in the world but not of the world, you are very oriented around the things you should despise, and value only as they are of use to God's interests. Legalities, national identity, politics, economic theories, etc. etc. "our conversation" better translated our citizenship is in heaven.

    There is also no penal code punishment for fornication of any category unless it is done for money.

    "But a wish to preserve your joint income from laws that would take it if you marry is NOT adequate reason. Don't you love the money more than you love each other?"

    its not joint income all his is tied up in his debts mostly. its my income I am protecting.

    love? what do you know of it when you can talk like this? marriage is about permanence, as C. S. Lewis said it is a matter of making people be true to those things they say in moments of passion, or words to that effect.

    you see no commitment unles there is legal paperwork. But with easy divorce that is no guarantee of anything.

    you holler about gay marriage destroying the "institution" of marriage, and ignore the real issue, that it is perversion. as for the "institution" of marriage, when divorce is easy, when there is no imprisonment or fines (or flogging) for adultery or for casual sex unless pay is involved, exactly what institution of marriage do you have? you have live in lovers who are authorized by the state, vs. live in lovers who are not authorized by the state.

    Jesus addressed ADULTERY lusting after a woman (or man) who belongs to another man (or woman). public association as partners claiming each other is marriage enough. even betrothal qualified as marriage enough for the adultery issue. We have been wearing rings and referring to each other as husband and wife, earlier fiancé for years.

    you are very CONFUSED if you can't even in your own standards tell the difference between fornication, which is what you think is the issue and "adultery" which would be about either of us with someone else.

    vows are a Roman legal tradition concept. many cultures incuding traditional Jewish do not do vows. Eastern Orthodox do not do vows. the permanence and exclusivity vow is implicit in the ceremony which is a publicization and blessing (sacramental) of a relationship. The same effect is had by presenting as man and wife.

    discrete misconduct is abomination. open association claiming each other is not.
    living together with the attitude this might go to a greater level of commitment is a kind of fornication. marriage with the attitude you will divorce if you get tired of each other or some minor problems develop is also morally a form of fornication. paperwork or no, it is not that much of a commitment. There are basically two forms of violation of the commitment: adultery (cheating on the boyfriend or girlfriend) or abandonment or such abuse as forces one to leave same effectively as abandonment or kicking one out.

  120. I don't know why you people insist on dragging this up. I have addressed this many times. enough.

  121. Anonymous6:26 AM

    You defy Christian conduct.and fail to marry for moneys sake.... so are you condoneing theft now... render unto Caeser that which is Caesers and to God that which is Gods... Caeser didn't create marriage but he did strike coin and you fail to marry for coins sake not the Lords.

  122. I do not defy Christian conduct. I am a faithful consort of one man.

    theft? you are really confused. "render unto Caesar" is about the tribute tax, something you would probably be too patriotic to pay to an occupying force to support it with your worldly attitude. I suppose.

    render unto Caesar is about paying taxes and distinguishing between such secular issues and loyalty to God. there is no THEFT involved.

    you are seriously morally confused. I don't know how you manage, with such a confused mind, to conduct yourself in a Christian manner, you sound almost retarded to mild insanity, you can't tell one thing from another and blur issues.

    and your phrasing, "fail to marry for coins sake not the Lords" what would failing to marry for the Lord's sake be?

    I can give you a good reason to not legalize this marriage for the Lord's sake (don't answer a fool according to his folly, notice I didn't say not marry but not legalize the marriage.)

    Once married to a man he loses respect for you. often. In addition, a common game in satanism is to employ biblical phrases out of context to create an opposite effect to their intent. "honor your parents" context was godly parents if this means obedience since this is to ensure you live long in the land God gave you and his won't happen if you disobey God. ranking your parents or spouse too high sets you up to do that. Jesus gave only the example of physical survival care for a parent in the honoring issue. But the Satanists will treat it as reason to obey in everything including follow the evil parent in evil.

    another thing in this case would be the role shift from caring for the woman's opinion and feelings to now she is chopped liver and is there to care for the man's opinion and feelings and to hell with any opinion or feelings she has the gall to have other than as dictated. submission to the man, husband as head, this is exactly how it plays out including among Christians, in practice. this is also why it is said "marriage is the death of love."

    now if we made this legal, he could feel freer to revert a bit here and there. because he would see himself (and be encouraged to see himself) as in charge. so I would lose a measure of control, and this would be AGAINST the Lord's interests.

    and I have explained this at least twice before over the years you people have hounded me.

    so yes, I refuse to legalize this marriage for the Lord's sake, as well as for the issue of money.

    when I first got involved with him I didn't know anything of this. I found out, never mind how. I figured I'd better stay with him since I was his ticket out. A lot of them would take up with Christian women or men (legally or otherwise) and say they want to attend but wifey or hubby will get mad, and slip away that way....and stay alive.

  123. this was a worst case scenario situation, police, sheriff, elected politicians, classy types, a few Mormons a few "Catholics" miscellaneous street types on drugs, at least one prostitute probably preening herself as sacred, and a network including at least one of the guys who made sure the Waco raid went down even after the mysterious leak of the plans.

    the networking includes Fort Leonrd scene in Missouri that is detailed in the book What Witches Don't Want You To Know. the exact same weird mix of fags, kkk, voodoo types and bisexuals.

    some of his involvement was in Germany while in the army, in the 1970s, and took it up later in the 1980s thanks to meeting a person who shared interests in drugs.

    so you want me to get all hoity toity and do it right to please YOU (and who the hell are you? who died and left you in charge? since when are you my boss or judge or anyone whose opinion I should worry about?) and risk destabilizing a power balance and maybe deadly chess game on a mutual standoff that for now they are getting tired of lurking around and fading away (with one ex member and a current member visiting now and then living across the street)?

    I don't think so.

  124. Anonymous8:07 AM

    So now we know. It's not that you avoid marrying him because you prefer your income; it's that you don't trust him. That is indeed a good reason not to marry someone, but in that case cohabiting as a couple (rather than merely as flatmates) is wrong too. And would you please answer the other question put at 5.25am: What if he got better by a miracle? Would you then continue to be celibate; or get married to have sex; or have sex and claim it wasn't fornication?

  125. anon 8:07

    if cohabiting as a couple is wrong for not trusting someone, then so is remaining married legally to one you don't trust. I don't think you would admit that, especially if the trustworthiness is more ensured by your presence than your absence.

    none of this is any of your business or worth answering. your intent is to break us up one way or another. you do not accept biblical information except as filteed through your American culture that you read into the Bible (like I am sure you read some protestant errors into it but that's another matter, same mental mechanism however).

    St. Paul said that a couple should not go celibate for great lengths of time except with mutual consent so that neither would get tempted by the devil. that right there would validate staying with someone who under some circumstancs to be avoided would not be trustworthy maybe.

    I am sure that referring to the Bible will not mean anything to you since you think in bumper sticker simplicity slogans. you never deal with he repeated point that only the patrician romans had marriage by ceremony in temples which were still not fully valid till they'd lived together a year and a day, and that the typical lower class romans were married by living together a year and a day, yet Paul did not address this as not marriage.

    I see no point in discussing anything with you. it is not going to make Constance happy to have her blog space taken up with this, but of course that doesn't matter since you provoke such converstions, instead of taking it to my which was created specifically and excplicitly for you people to spew your garbage over there and not here.

    and of curse, you show your dishonesty in this: "So now we know. It's not that you avoid marrying him because you prefer your income; it's that you don't trust him."

    no, its not either or. its BOTH. but you twist my words, which were not a change of story or a self contradiction but additional information.

    And I can trust him if the right circumstances are maintained.


  126. and no, it would not be fornication because we are biblical standard married. public presentation as exclusive claiming of each other, heterosexual, monogamous pair bond, permanent, broadcast the attitude by wearing rings.

  127. Anonymous8:34 AM

    "none of this is any of your business or worth answering. your intent is to break us up one way or another."

    Good heavens no! I would be delighted if you GOT MARRIED.

  128. Anonymous11:23 AM

    By the multitude of your words we have all the guesswork taken out for us.

    Chritine says:::"""and no, it would not be fornication because we are biblical standard married. public presentation as exclusive claiming of each other, heterosexual, monogamous pair bond, permanent, broadcast the attitude by wearing rings.""" equals====not married in God's eyes.
    Your explanation doesn't right your wrong.

    You are all talk.


  129. Check out this short video in which college "students" at the University of Washington are asked about gender identity, etc. This says a lot about where we are and where we are heading via our "educated" youth ...

  130. Interesting read.

  131. Anonymous RayB said...5:31 PM
    our "educated" youth ...

    Dear RayB,
    This is sad, and it will take another 5 years in the real world for these students to be deprogrammed if it ever happens.
    I see smarter homeless people who live on the streets of Baltimore than this set!
    Because people are unwilling sacrifice and invest in their children, but turn that responsibility of rearing their young to others, this is the results as it should be?

    This is already the 3rd or 4th generation of this and another example of that relative culture-ism I spoke of earlier.

  132. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Which of mind and body can lie?

  133. We are praying for Sister Hillary.

    Deborah Fikes,World Evangelical Alliance, Permanent Representative to the UN

  134. Marko5:26 PM

    Euroskeptics seem to be on the rise these days. Whatever power the EU has seems to be dissipating over time.

    A populist woman has become the mayor of Rome, Italy:

    Quote from the article:

    The decisive victory of the populist movement in Rome and Turin is also indicative of a larger trend throughout Europe marked by diffidence toward what many see as the gradual surrender of national sovereignty to the European Union, especially in the face of a mismanaged European migrant crisis.

  135. Marko5:28 PM

    btw.... the "Brexit" vote is tomorrow... any thoughts from our friends across the pond which way the vote will go?

  136. Marko5:34 PM

    I'm not sure I agree with the quote from the article I quoted. It doesn't make sense? The rise of populism in Europe is indicative of a diffidence toward surrender of national sovereignty of the EU? To the contrary, it shows a rising apprehension and awakening to the monster that the EU is.

    Maybe I'm misreading the quote?

  137. Susanna5:55 PM

    Marko, 5:28 PM

    The Queen of England herself is in favor of Brexit. Check out the following from Breitbart London.

    Her Majesty The Eurosceptic Queen: EU Courts ‘Denigrate’ Britain By Protecting Terrorists

  138. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Yuck and double yuck to see even more long explanations of weirdos idea of marriage!
    Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dear Mz. Erikson, Cease and desist as you were told by the blog owner!

  139. Hi Dan,

    Sadly, these kids in the video are not the exception. College is little more than social engineering along with the purposeful intent to dumb down these kids so that they can no longer properly analyze anything ... because they have NOT been taught to THINK independently and do proper research, etc.

    I was a Political Science major and saw the trend way back as to the direction higher education was going ... I ended up dropping out (one of the best decisions I ever made) mainly because I was sick of being "taught" that Western Civilization was trash and that Karl Marx had the right ideas, but just needed a little fine tuning, etc. I also saw this trend in my senior year in high school, where I participated in an "experimental" class called "Problems in Social and Economics" ... nothing other than Marxism.

    We have nieces and nephews that were "believers" before they went to college. Having now been "deprogrammed," virtually every single one of them no longer expresses faith in Christ. (Of course one could argue they were never really "believers" i.e. born again in the first place). "What profit is there for a man if he gains the whole world and loses his eternal soul?"

  140. RayB,

    It's really sad, isn't it? Real history as a subject was sidelined long ago for "social studies". Actually, we had "American History" in 8th grade, and thankfully the text wasn't Howard Zinn's "history" book, which is used in way too many schools today.

    I look back at my high school education and can see the indoctrination happening then, too. We had "fun" electives we could take for credit, like the one where the class teamed up in pairs to create our version of Utopia. Each team tackled a different aspect of this "perfect" society, like Law Enforcement, elections, food distribution, etc.

    We read Orwell's 1984, which wasn't studied for its condemnation of the Soviet system of control, but rather for the egalitarian view that we are all the same, in every respect, and have no right to make judgments about whether one person is better or worse than another. We read Huxley's "Brave New World", Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath" - all the "social justice" classics from the last century.

    That was the 70s.

    I went back to school in 1989, at the Journalism school at IU in Bloomington. I had an advantage then, being more than 10 years out of high school, and being solidly grounded in conservative principles. Aside from my journalism classes (which were already teaching political correctness in what to write, and how to write it), I took a class in early 20th-centruy history, a class where we talked about Democratic Socialism, and a higher-level "honors" class called "Sin, Violence and Utopia", where the professor was an eco-anarchist who thought all existing social and political structures perpetuated violence against the earth and prevented us from living in a peaceful and just community. He was really out there! Or so I thought - it's probably "normal" now.

    It was a great class though - it was all informal discussion during class time, based on the assigned readings (which were many!) We had lively discussions every period, especially as I tried to defend the traditional Christian idea that Utopia was not possible because of the sinful nature of Man. We even talked about Jesus. The professor wanted to paint Christ as a Utopian revolutionary, but I presented the more biblical view of sinful man in need of repentance and salvation, and how Christ was the savior of a sinful race of humans, who were at their core sinful. The professor taught that we were inherently good by nature, and the "sinful structures of capitalism and competition and greed" were what took us off course from living in a perfect world.

    Besides myself, there was one other young person there who was a conservative, and we were called "Fascists" by the other students. After a few times of that, I asked the person to define Fascism. They couldn't. They only knew I was one. :^)

    For the final paper I wrote a long critique of every point the professor had tried to make during the semester, referencing many of the classics of Western thought. I got an A, but then, so did everyone who turned in a paper, because "competition" was evil, as were standards of comparison.

    I'm quite certain I didn't change his mind, but hopefully some seeds were planted in the younger brains that were in that class.

  141. Marko said...12:11 PM
    It's really sad, isn't it?

    Great to hear that story Marko.
    Not looking at the systems of this world but on a personal note.

    My grandparents were so strict with my father and siblings, they were totally restricted to the farm. Bible was read, prayers offered. No so-called social life.

    My dad and mom made us children walk to church every Sunday as we had no car (for a while). But our religious instruction was in the home at what we called 'family alter' each and every night, with song, reading the bible, discussion and prayer.

    I as a parent were so busy working and growing a business, most of the spiritual instruction from us to our children was received at church and from a christian school. TV and social life became some attendance in their lives.

    Today my children do not go to church. We hope and pray for their families but understand they are a product of our partial neglect. They remain God centered but not as radical as my parents or I. I do not know or interfere with the grandchildren rearing, except to pour into them lessons of God and Godly principles as often as I can.

    So just in these 3 or so generations we see the slip in the family.
    Mammon and things became the king, gradually pushing out and replacing the King of Kings. My point being, it is OUR responsibility that has been reneged. It is really said as it is our own fault.

  142. Anonymous11:29 PM

    OK Folks, it is time to buckle your seat belts.

    The EU just lost 40% of their military and a huge infuser of cash. Next week the EU starts talks with Turkey to join the EU. Additionally, the EU needs to get rid of the many small debtor states - not Greece though - and we will soon an uncontrolled flameout.

    Putin's 4 month window to retake the Baltics just started tonight. If anyone is in Lodz, it is advisable to leave immediately, as Putin may nuke this 3rd largest city in Poland as a warning to Warsaw to not get robust Polish tank divisions in any war.

    Everything is about to start happening very quickly.

  143. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Calm down, 11.29pm, NATO hasn't changed overnite, and that is the military alliance not the EU. - a fact Putin knows well.

  144. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Indeed Marko; I'm glad that my subject is less easy to wreck than the humanities. And I'm glad too that my country has voted to quit the EU straitjacket. Love Europe, hate the EU has been my call throughout the campaigning and it doesn't change now.


  145. Susanna2:44 AM

    Physicist 2:01 AM

    Congratulations on your Independence Day!!!

    The day the world changed: Britain WILL leave the EU after voters trigger political earthquake by backing Brexit - sparking panic in global markets and effectively ending Cameron's career as PM

    UKIP leader Nigel Farrage, who was at first ready to concede defeat to the, is now beside himself with joy over the unexpected Brexit victory!

  146. Anonymous3:43 AM

    The lion stood up and walked like a man (fighting against hitler) and the heart of a man was given to it (happening right now as the UK leaves the EU).

    Next up - The whore of Babylon is surprised nuked by a new 10 member organization.

    Then, everyone chipped and beheaded,

    Then, Christ returns in glory.

  147. I am glad for Brexit. Congratulations Physicist. I agree with your perspective.

    anon 3:43, you don't understand the implications of lionlikeness. to be made to stand upright, after having its wings plucked off, and given the heart of a man instead of a lion, is a step DOWN in power not the idea of standing up like a man instead of a mouse. Lions in Scripture are two things: either ravening monsters or refer to courage and rule. This scenario hasn't played out yet. Several people have identified the winged lion of Daniel chapter 7 as Britain or Britain-America.

    The other two beasts are coexistent with it and a fourth beast will rise and conquer all of them, and out of it will come the antichrist. The other three will continue however to exist after the fourth beast is overthrown by the Second Coming of Christ.

    The change for the lion occurs before the fourth beast arises, so I figure this has to do with WW 3
    Meanwhile, Cameron has resigned as PM.;_ylt=AwrXnCJE6WxXi3QAuUyTmYlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0ZzM0ZWM1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDVklEUUJDS18xBHNlYwNzYw--

  148. Marko8:33 AM

    Good to hear from you, Physicist. I am glad as well for the UK. "Love Europe; hate the EU." I like that!

    I've always enjoyed listening to Nigel Farage, and I'm glad his years of work have paid off.

    Geert Wilders from the Netherlands (and other parties on the Right in other European countries) are now seriously considering leaving the EU as well.

    Earlier this week I tried watching portions of the discussions by the EU parliament to unite with NATO. (And I must say, if there's no other reason to leave the EU, it would be to keep from being bored to death with all the bureaucrat-speak!) Anyway, I think the chances of that happening are now less than they were.

    NATO has always been the primary defender of Europe, and most likely always will be, unless the US is somehow removed from that equation (they provide most of the funds), or something else drastic happens to make NATO a non-entity (which has been in the Kremlin's plans since it was formed).

    Those who would destroy Europe (as they would destroy the US) are using as a primary weapon immigration. The destruction of multiple cultures is now taking place by dumping large numbers of other cultures within who will not assimilate. It's happening all over the West. The UK fired a rather large mortar round into the camp of those destroyers. Let's hope that more follow suit.

    To quote from Diana West's latest blog post:

    What to say? Good news takes some getting used to.

    How about: Take that, globalists!

    Or: Nationalists of the one-world-goverment, disunite!

    Next up, Frexit, Nexit -- and US out of UN.

    Sky's the limit.

    US out of the UN -- wouldn't THAT be a treat?

  149. Anonymous Marko said...

    Good to hear from you, Physicist. I am glad as well for the UK. "Love Europe; hate the EU." I like that!

    Dear Marko,

    I think we need to be careful of what we embrace and hope for?
    I think this is all a rouse, theater, a set-up.
    We will either get Marxism, Fascism or a homogenization of the both?

    We need to be sober, vigilant and if nothing else pray for leaders and pray for derision in the God's enemy's camp.

  150. Marko2:22 PM


    Whatever will steel the hearts of Europeans and other Western nations to recognize and face straight away the multiple enemies of their culture and history, and to fight against them, I will embrace. There are elements among those who stand up to these enemies that I do NOT support (like Nazism and Fascism), but that they exist does not negate the necessity of waging a war against those enemies.

    I disagree with your set-in-stone pronouncement that "we will either get Marxism, Fascism or a homogenization of both". We actually might get more freedom! To be realistic, I think the chances of that are small, but never give up hope! Too often those who study Biblical prophecy can get too fatalistic, and consequently fail to see real hope for reversing the tide when it presents itself. Not everything is part of some nefarious plot or theatrical device to create world government. There actually are those who still oppose it, and actively.

    In regards to the necessity of preserving culture and history, Russell Kirk embraced what he called a "prudent" conservatism, which I also embrace. From his "ten conservative principles", we have number 10, which is this:

    Tenth, the thinking conservative understands that permanence and change must be recognized and reconciled in a vigorous society. The conservative is not opposed to social improvement, although he doubts whether there is any such force as a mystical Progress, with a Roman P, at work in the world. When a society is progressing in some respects, usually it is declining in other respects. The conservative knows that any healthy society is influenced by two forces, which Samuel Taylor Coleridge called its Permanence and its Progression. The Permanence of a society is formed by those enduring interests and convictions that gives us stability and continuity; without that Permanence, the fountains of the great deep are broken up, society slipping into anarchy. The Progression in a society is that spirit and that body of talents which urge us on to prudent reform and improvement; without that Progression, a people stagnate.

    Therefore the intelligent conservative endeavors to reconcile the claims of Permanence and the claims of Progression. He thinks that the liberal and the radical, blind to the just claims of Permanence, would endanger the heritage bequeathed to us, in an endeavor to hurry us into some dubious Terrestrial Paradise. The conservative, in short, favors reasoned and temperate progress; he is opposed to the cult of Progress, whose votaries believe that everything new necessarily is superior to everything old.

    Change is essential to the body social, the conservative reasons, just as it is essential to the human body. A body that has ceased to renew itself has begun to die. But if that body is to be vigorous, the change must occur in a regular manner, harmonizing with the form and nature of that body; otherwise change produces a monstrous growth, a cancer, which devours its host. The conservative takes care that nothing in a society should ever be wholly old, and that nothing should ever be wholly new. This is the means of the conservation of a nation, quite as it is the means of conservation of a living organism. Just how much change a society requires, and what sort of change, depend upon the circumstances of an age and a nation.

    (from The Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal:

    I believe the UK has voted in a prudent fashion to get rid of an element of change that had been introduced years ago, and was found to be too dangerous to their own survival. I only hope we here in the US can take similarly-prudent measures to halt the full-on attacks on our own nation. (Like getting out of the UN for starters...)

  151. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Dan Bryan, You are reading my mind @ 12:04 PM.

    This is a very deceptive time biblically speaking, and we know crisis = opportunity in certain tight circles.

    Might equal crisis in their way of thinking and reason to push harder toward their global goals? We'll see.
    Time and opportunity may come together quicker for them, rather than those of the freedom camp.

  152. Marko3:00 PM

    Dan and Anon 2:43....

    UGHH! You're all pessimists! :^)

    I realize that we are entering a period of multiple crises, and that is very dangerous for the friends of freedom.

    Most of the world's citizens (well, the citizens who have a relatively "comfy" life) get nervous when they perceive a threat to their standard of living and comfort, and will allow Really Bad Things to happen under their watch to maintain that standard of living. So I don't want to underestimate the chances for evil to advance and take advantage of a possibly destabilizing move by Great Britain. And yes, the capacity for deception has never been greater in history.

    But I also want to be hopeful when I can. A small number of people (even one person!) can change the world for the better, when it's the right time and place. Never forget that.

    I suppose Brexit (and possibly other countries leaving the EU following the UK's lead) could be the catalyst for some pretty nefarious undertakings. Can you provide some believable scenarios?

  153. Marko3:57 PM

    Dan and Anon 2:43....

    UGHH! You're all pessimists! :^)

    I realize that we are entering a time period of multiple crises, and that is very dangerous for the friends of freedom.

    Most of the world's citizens (well, the citizens who have a relatively "comfy" life) get nervous when they perceive a threat to their standard of living and comfort, and will allow Really Bad Things to happen under their watch to maintain that standard of living. So I don't want to underestimate the chances for evil to advance and take advantage of a possibly destabilizing move by Great Britain. And yes, the capacity for deception has never been greater in history.

    But I also want to be hopeful when I can. A small number of people (even one person!) can change the world for the better, when it's the right time and place. Never forget that. By any reasonable measure, this is a smack to the face of the globalists that everyone here rails on and on against whenever the chance arises, so why the gloom?

  154. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Why the gloom?

    People aren't going to change this. Way too late for that at this juncture. God is the one to do it now.

    You really need to look at prophecy much much deeper, Marko. Israel is the timepiece to watch the most carefully. Many other factors line up after that one and the scriptures are pointing to all of this.
    The times are ripe and ready for the one world government and it's assistant, the one world church.

    I am not hopeful in anyway about the religious and political scene across the world as these kingdoms have a very short shelf life now. But I am very hopeful about God's kingdom, however! That is not the gloom part at all, but be ready for persecution to come to American shores in a big way, (God's church growth plan) as has been in other parts of the world. The current politics are so divisive and when the #:^( hits the fan it will be the times of the worst of the worst (with a small seeming reprieve) and it is coming on quickly.....but..a very important but!..the church's finest hour awaits.
    This statement is to warn and is not for dramatic effect. People who call themselves believers in Christ must be prepared spiritually above all else so be ready to share the hope that lies within you. The majority are asleep.

    You'll see--we'll all see..and it isn't too long a wait now.

  155. Marko5:35 PM

    I agree with all you said at 4:53. Christ is and always was our only real hope, and we always must be ready to share that hope with others. And when the darkness falls, that hope will shine brighter.

    But God always uses people to do His work in history. And if we truly are about to experience humanity's darkest days, don't you think it is so very much like God to have lined up a cast of players to shine for Him in this greatest, final act of the present age?

    I'm just saying that those who rail against the globalists should at least be thankful that a large number of people woke up and gave them the boot. It's OK to have a little party for freedom. Maybe not as many are asleep as you think.

  156. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Of course it's ok to have a little party for freedom. I am enjoying the put down to the globalists too! But...for people to put their hopes there, at the expense of truly looking to the Lord who has said in His word how it's all going to go down and have their focus shifted to this horizontal plane rather than the vertical one, is really the issue I'm targeting. And the bible warns us not to be deceived. That is the concern I have.

    The devil works as an angel of light is what my bible says. He really wants to use this and I'm shooting up a flare to say wait on the Lord and watch carefully because too many things have been set on their course from scripture to say it will all turn back now. The church that is alive in Christ will indeed have it's finest hour. There have always been parallels, there has always been the false working alongside the true. Persecution will weed that out.

    And if I'm wrong so what? But if I'm correct in what the bible is showing us, then people do need to wake up. There are many asleep and many are lulled by false hopes, not keeping up the vigilance to watch as Jesus said to do. 5 of the 10 virgins woke up too late and not ready.

  157. Anonymous Marko said...
    Dan and Anon 2:43....
    UGHH! You're all pessimists! :^)

    Pessimist? Yes, when it comes to the kingdoms of this world.
    When it comes to hoping for a strong leader to solve all our problems.
    Pessimist when it comes to hoping in anything this world has to offer.

    I am not a pessimist that God wins in the end.
    I am not a pessimist that the real utopia, God's millennium is soon coming.
    I believe there will be gross darkness, when no man can work before the dawn of God's millennium.

    I think I am more a realist?

  158. a little humor

  159. Anonymous10:18 AM

    CE Do you even know what humor is?

  160. just now about to go on air with for next two hours. Topics today--

    BREXIT and EU

  161. Thanks, Christine... I found that quite funny.

    The Babylon Bee is great! Unless, of course, it makes fun of something I consider a Very Serious Matter.


  162. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I think you are right on target Dan Bryan.

    Bible prophecy isn't a ha-ha topic. Nobody has it all figured out because God reserves the right to his own surprises to stump man in his pride who thinks they can "calculate" his things (MCE), but instead watch carefully, prayerfully, checking things off detail by detail, adding up to the eternal word of God's foreknowledge and power on display, is beautiful to behold.
    I pray christians will wake up and see it is happening real time. It is awesome.
    Share the gospel now, share that mercy and grace you have been given freely by the Lord while there is still time, those of you who know it .......and are actually living like you believe him and what he has said.
    Or sit back, point fingers and laugh as scoffers love to do.
    God has the last laugh.

  163. Marko1:10 PM

    Part of our mission here is to do what we can to keep the darkness at bay. We are to salt (preserve that which is good) and light (share the gospel, expose falsehood).

    Too often I notice a tendency in my own life to watch and analyze and discuss too much, and spend too much time on the "light" side, and not get involved enough on the "salt" side. Maybe others who are fascinated by prophecy aren't in that boat - if so, great for you. I only express that concern because I see it in myself.

    The big question in my mind right now is .... Is there anything left worth preserving? This is still God's creation, as messed up as the enemy has made it, so I'm still going with "yes".

  164. "pride who thinks they can "calculate" his things (MCE), "

    unlike people who expect the antichrist to arise once the EU falls and gets replaced by some 10 nation EU army or something, I don't "calculate" or make the eastern history blind assumption that a new Roman empire would have to even a single part of it in Europe.

    And unlike the people who think Daniel 7 four beasts is a rehash of the statue dream and make assumptions based on the ten toes and so forth, I don't make assumptions.

    several points in Daniel 7 show the beasts are CONTEMPORANEOUS and a fourth beast with ten horns tramples the other three which are nonetheless still in existence at the Second Coming of Christ, and that little horn arises among the other ten and knocks out three of them.

    the only reason after centuries of blathering about Rome or Napoleon or whoever as the antichrist or Babylon the great that I bother to listen to any of this is one thing only: the part where the angel tells Daniel that knowledge will greatly increase. That's been going on increasing and nonstop for nearly 300 year now. going global long ago.

    So the three beasts are about now, and if not now then in the next 100 or 200 years.

    I go by what the Bible SAYS read it without thinking about what you've been told it means. Christ White cued me to this contemporaneous beast thing. Daniel 7:12 rules out them being ancient.

    yes we must share the Gospel, and the watchfulness thing is what we should cultivate even if we figure Jesus isn't due back for another 2,000 years because we will face Him when we die anyway. And we should work on helping the persecuted Christians, which does not include encouraging regime change which only results in radical islam gaining control and more persecution. India and Nepal have been doing some of this persecution also.

    Every effort should be made to push congress to prevent more American troops and planes in Syria because these will be used against Assad, dividing the forces against ISIS and American bombing runs on ISIS were fewer and less effective than the Russian ones. They did more in a month than we did in a year and more damage of critical ISIS weapons and oil. Screaming about some civilians getting hit doesn't help Americans always hit civilians also. YOU CAN'T AVOID THIS MOST OF THE TIME WHEN BOMBING, ASSUMING YOU EVEN WANT TO AVOID IT OR CARE MUCH. IF YOU BOMB A CITY CIVILIANS GET HIT.

    ISIS must be stopped, also Boko Haram. And we should get out of Afghanistan and stop propping up the poppy and opium production. seeing what was really going on and making the mistake of saying he was going to tell all when he got home is what got that guy Pat Tillman killed.

  165. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "Part of our mission here is to do what we can to keep the darkness at bay"
    That point is not wasted on me. It is part of hating evil like the Lord does, but is the lesser point to the one I'm making.

    I am looking at the broader view, that has all these things you are talking about swirling within it, to see the part these very things play in scripture.

    And no point for point comment comeback to you on your "calculated better than you and even God" take on things biblical or otherwise, MCE. That would take up unnecessary time and space on this blog, besides, one shouldn't waste time arguing with scoffers.

  166. BREXIT was an incredible victory against the One World Government elitists that seek the enslavement of mankind. Make no mistake about it, the Globalists were dealt a crushing blow by the Brits.

    With that in mind, how did everyone's favorite "pope" stand on this globalist issue? You probably can guess:

  167. Anonymous3:50 PM

    BREXIT - my observations from the UK.

    First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2:2 and 3.

    Please pray for us here in the UK as our country learns how to move forward after Brexit. With David Cameron (vote Remain) stepping down as Prime Minister we seem to have a 'power void'.

    The pre-vote campaigning was a cross party campaign. Having voted LEAVE, there are no political leaders in existing positions of authority who can step in automatically and take over. The majority of politicians wanted Britain to remain in the EU.

    What I am not hearing in the UK is a resounding 'hurrah, we did it'. No reassuring voices coming across loud and clear. Consequently the bitterness and negativity seems to be the headline news and drowning out the few voices that are trying to reassure and be heard.

    A politically sensitive time for Britain and Europe.

    ~ K ~

  168. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Can someone summarize the highlights from the radio show today, particularly views on Brexit?

  169. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Please be reassured, K@3.50pm, that there is plenty of "hurrah, we did it" going on here in Britain - just not in the mainstream media. Our American friends will probably be more aware than many of us that this result has huge consequences for the EU project and not merely for Britain. Incidentally it also has huge consequences for British politics, for both major political parties have been exposed as totally split. And England/Scotland differences are to the fore again. But what life worth living is not without its challenges? Brexit is good news. Here is a fine take on it by a modern historian:

    And this article includes some statistics, which explain that although the young voted heavily to stay in the EU a significantly smaller proportion of them bothered to vote at all:

    This whole issue was principally a secular one, and I have been unhappy to see Church of England vicars tweeting that all Brexiteers are closet racists, because of the immigration issue, while on the other hand fundamentalist websites insist that Britain is a Christian country and continental Europe is godless and atheistic, so God wants Britain out. (Britain and Europe are both dominated by secularist views; Britain recently recognised marriage vows taken between homosexuals.) The church should be promoting reconciliation, not division. I am reminded of both sides routinely invoking God on their side in World War I even as they slaughtered each other, and I am glad that I am in a congregation which understands its role in a secular and divided society.

  170. So what do you all think of this?

    I linked to the TruNews reporting of this only because at the end there is a link to the prophecy by a fireman that Donald Trump is "God's annointed" to lead the United States at this time back to God.

    Something that seems so good... but could be deceptively bad.

    However, nobody is beyond redemption. God showed me this back when Clinton was president, and I stopped being so openly critical of him. I felt like God gave me a specific message to pray for him instead of criticize him - to pray that he'd actually open the Bible he carried to church every Sunday and read it.

  171. Anonymous Marko said...
    So what do you all think of this?

    I think you take it with a 'grain of your salt'.
    Carter and Bush said they were Christian, but looking at the fruit?
    It is not up to us (thanks be to God) to decide who is or isn't.

    If we say he is not Christian (but he is) we deny that work of salvation we are in error.
    If we say he is Christian (and he is not) we are deceived and become a tool of the deceiver by perpetuating the lie.

    His fruit will deliver the answer. It is almost like asking is the Pope Catholic?

    We are to pray for those that rule over us, bringing God into the equation on our behalf.

  172. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Pope echoes Cardinal Marx's statements that Christians need to apologize to gays.

  173. Marko,

    Bill Clinton probably knows more about what is in the Bible than the average church going Evangelical. He attended church from a very early age and throughout most of his adult life. The "problem" with Clinton and others like him is not what he "knows" about the Bible from reading it or hearing it preached, but rather, believing it to the point of faithfully, through grace,OBEYING what God says in His Word.

    "But be ye doers of the word, not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22

    Also, Jesus said " ... if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed." John 8:31


    Ira Einhorn hit piece 4 details his associates and role in establishing networking
    for the New Age Movement. information from The Unicorn's Secret by Steven Levy

  175. Well, a disappointing "thrill" a day from Pope Francis. Now he says the Church should apologize to Gays.

    I would love Suzanne's comments on this one.


  176. Christine,

    I just watched part of your youtube on THE UNICORN'S SECRET. Are you kidding? EARTHDAY was very radical, right from the very beginning. It was openly pro-population reduction, anti-Christian, etc. Look at the early manuals/books for the Earth Day Movement created for the first Earth Day:


    Then google the names you will find as speakers for the first Earth Day and contributors. You will discover a lot. It indeed was radical right from the very start.


  177. Re BREXIT, yes, I followed it closely and it deserves analysis and commentary. For openers, I sadly suspect this will be a real "Crisis = Opportunity" for many bad elements. I also suspect it will be a "crisis = opportunity" moment for Javier Solana. I am basing some of my thoughts on this New York Times analysis of difficulties this will pose the USA in dealing with the EU.


  178. Constance, where did I say it wasn't radical? but in those days you had more of a range of types involved. Einhorn brought Haigh-Ashbury and Berkeley to Philadelphia essentially, and attracted important people who helped move this stuff gradually into the mainstream.

    I am going by information in The Unicorn's Secret, and put those names out precisely because some are recognizable as big deal New Age now, and because others show the links into the suit wearing mainstream.

    The whole idea was radical in itself but not exactly Berkeley riot meets Woodstock. After all, a suit like Edmund Muskie was to speak at the event. and a conveyorbelt. Its just that the people involved were not all a bunch of extremist hippies and so forth, many were middle of the road sorts. How much of them were into earth worship and how much just more normal environmental concerns I have no idea. Einhorn was a lot more radical than most, especially in his self promotion at the event. And he was critical to getting it done.

    Theoretically the Bronfmans would be non radical dress right, capitalist, and their corruption was discrete except where mob connections etc. got noticeable.

    Einhorn was a classic psychopath of the charming sort, who you usually run into in the medical, corporate management, clergy and military brass and political scenes. the difference was he knew how to market himself to the counterculture and help it go mainstream.

  179. first Earth Day Philadelphia

    this is what I mean about not that radial. though a little dancing is going on, most are sitting quietly enough, all are dressed like the middle class most of them are, no tie dye long haired hippy freaks or not enough to notice. The focus seemed to be the legitimate issue of seriously unhealthy air pollution in Philadelphia, though of course the other issues you mentioned got presented. They always are, a legitimate concern is used as the excuse to bring in more extreme stuff. But if anyone is on drugs they are managing it nicely. nothing like the scenes in Berkeley on some days or the Haight.

  180. Constance Cumbey said @ 12:14 AM ...

    "Well, a disappointing "thrill" a day from Pope Francis. Now he says the Church should apologize to Gays."

    "I would love Suzanne's comments on this one."

    While we anxiously await Susanna's comments, here's my take on this issue:

    First, Homosexuality is obviously a rebellious, perverted sin against God the Creator. By stating that there is a need to "apologize" to "gays," he is implying (rather heavily) that homosexuals (my preferred term)are the ones being offended, NOT GOD!

    Why should homosexuals be singled out as a "group" that is owed an apology? What about adulterers, or thieves, or idolators, or drunkards?? Or is the "pope" saying that homosexuality enjoys some type of special status as a group of rebellious sinners?

    Compare the Apostle Paul's stern warning to the words of the Bishop of Rome:

    "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abuser of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." II Corinthians 6:9,10

    Mankind is brought to the cross of Christ through the Holy Spirit's conviction of their sinful rebellion against a Holy and Righteous God. The LAW is called the "schoolmaster to Christ." This evil man in the Vatican is leading millions to believe that they can remain in their rebellion against God, and not only get away with it, but are due an apology!

    Anyone that defends this man is siding with him in his own rebellion against God's word. Ask yourself the question: which side am I on?

  181. Marko9:18 AM

    "By stating that there is a need to "apologize" to "gays," he is implying (rather heavily) that homosexuals (my preferred term)are the ones being offended, NOT GOD!"

    Excellent observation!

  182. Susanna12:26 PM

    Dear Constance,

    First of all, I can't speak for Protestants, but the Catholic Church has always taught that merely suffering from the disordered desire known as same sex attraction ( homosexual orientation ) is not a sin. I am guessing that Catholics and Protestants agree on this point.

    As Shakespeare once put it "T'is one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall."

    It is homosexual ACTS which are sinful, not homosexual orientation. And since ALL sexual activity outside of marriage ( defined by the natural law and the law of the Church as being between one man and one woman ) is a sin, there is no "discrimination" whatsoever in referring to homosexual acts as sinful.

    The rule for ALL is absolute celibacy or absolute monogamy.

    If a person with a homosexual orientation is living chastely and celibately and not giving scandal by attempting to publicly portray a perversion as something "perfectly normal," and trying to impose it on everyone else, then I don't have a problem with the Pope rhetorically asking "Who are we to judge?"

    I will say however that during his informal interviews with the news media, Pope Francis might want to consider being less ambiguous in his "off the cuff" comments about sexual morality.

    We all know what the Bible has to say about "the sin of the Sodomites." The Bible is not ambiguous about it either. It calls the sin of the Sodomites an "abomination" (Leviticus 18:22) and one of the four sins that "cries to heaven for vengeance." Vengeance from God. As in "Vengeance is mine; I will repay saith the Lord." Deuteronomy 32:35; Romans 12:19; Hebrews 10:30

    As for "discrimination" against homosexuals, there are situations which demand "discrimination" (for want of a better word) against those who publicly profess to be homosexuals - the foremost of which is the adoption of children by homosexual couples.

    Here in Massachusetts, the state legislature refused to give the state's Catholic adoption agencies an exemption which would have allowed them to continue to refuse to adopt out to homosexuals. Shortly thereafter, the bishops of Massachusetts - God bless them! - demonstrated that they had the courage of their convictions by closing down every single Catholic adoption agency here in Massachusetts.

    In this instance, I think the gay community owes the Catholic Church an apology as well as those non-Catholic Christian communions who have also refused to adopt out to homosexuals!!! Why is it OK for Christians to be "marginalized" and not OK for gays to be "marginalized?"

    Catholic Charities stuns state, ends adoptions

    Gay issue stirred move by agency

    By Patricia Wen
    Globe Staff / March 11, 2006

    The following article nails it re: the Pope's recent comments on homosexuals. He also mentions others who he feels are owed an apology. It is similar to the Reuter's article, but in my opinion a bit clearer.

    Christians should apologize for marginalizing gays, pope says

    Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service | June 27, 2016

  183. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I think they intend to double down on their agenda.

    Yes, call me a pessimist. Those holding the purse strings are very determined.

  184. What offense did the Roman Church make against the homosexual community that it thinks it needs to apologize or ask forgiveness for? Was the church not 'gay enough', 1 Corinthians 9:21,22; that it did not win some for Christ? Maybe because it was not accepting enough? When the enemy sows tares, we will just hope that the wheat will grow better than the tare? What offense is the Pontiff referring to? What was the date and time of said offense?

    Susanna said...12:26 PM
    Here in Massachusetts, the state legislature refused to give the state's Catholic adoption agencies an exemption which would have allowed them to continue to refuse to adopt out to homosexuals. Shortly thereafter, the bishops of Massachusetts - God bless them! - demonstrated that they had the courage of their convictions by closing down every single Catholic adoption agency here in Massachusetts.

    How is this a sign of good will and/or Christianity? The bishops decide that the children in their care are less important than to stand and fight against an unjust law? How is that a moral courage? The bishops should apologize to the children they threw under the bus? Let someone else adapt them out to the homosexual community; but at least my hands are clean? It could be said that the buckling under the Massachusetts law was just one of economics. We see this same type action here in Baltimore in turning Catholic hospitals over to conglomerates or universities in order to avoid conflict with unjust legal statutes. I see it as a not a moral decision as much as an economical one.

  185. Marko4:27 PM

    "I think they intend to double down on their agenda.

    Yes, call me a pessimist. Those holding the purse strings are very determined."

    Oh yes. All the gains made by the Leftists, the Elite, those with money and power - they will not be given up easily. I think Christopher Story, who probably more than any one person fought vehemently against the EU, said this on more than one occasion.

    If we are now going to take ground back in ANY arena where we have lost it, it will come at great cost. We all need to ask the question what are we willing to give? The cost of even DOING NOTHING is becoming great, because more and more innocent life is being affected by the attacks of dark forces abounding more and more!

    How's that for pessimism?

  186. Majority Catholic supreme court first strikes down state laws on gay marriage, now they take a swipe at state abortion laws. Goes along way in demonstrating:
    Pro 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

  187. Susanna8:05 PM

    Dan Bryan said at 3:50 PM

    How is this a sign of good will and/or Christianity?

    Bill Donohue who is the president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights had this to say:

    Those who characterized the Catholic Church’s actions on the issue as neglectful of the children, Donohue claimed, were “phonies.”

    “Archbishop Wuerl isn't about to allow the state to run roughshod over Catholic doctrine, and that is why he is being forced to drop the foster-care program.”

    Regarding the question as to whether or not this is a sign of good will and/or Christianity, it could be pointed out that certain Protestant denominations are contributing to the problem by officially approving of gay marriage - not only for their rank and file members, but also but also for their clergy.

    Is it a sign of good will and/or Christianity to give official religious permission and/or approval for something the Bible clearly calls an abomination?

    If anyone wants to throw stones at the Catholic Church for closing down its adoption agencies rather than adopt out to gay couples, perhaps they should consider the millstones that await those who have used Christianity to "sanctify" perversions.

    The following is but one of many examples:

    Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Gay Marriages

     06/19/2014 05:15 pm ET | Updated Jun 20, 2014


    Alex Jones interviews Lord Christopher Monckton about Brexit and theEuropen Army at time stamp 29:30

  189. Susanna8:26 PM

    Apparently, the following was leaked to Poland.

    Has Britain avoided a "European Superstate?"

    . France and Germany reported to have drawn up "superstate plan"
    . It would mean members give up armies and economic power to the EU
    . Report "leaked" in Poland where it has been branded "not the solution"
    . Leaders of Germany, France and Italy said EU was "indispensable" tonight

    June 27, 2016

    Interestingly, Brexit has been described as "The beginning of the end of the New World Order.

    We shall see.

  190. Marko9:25 PM

    This all brings me back to Christopher Story's book:

    "The European Union Collective: Enemy of its Member States -- A Study in Russian and German Strategy to Complete Lenin's World Revolution"

    I like really descriptive titles like that.

    It seems to me that France, Germany, Italy and Russia are all getting pretty cozy with each other these days. What that means is anyone's guess.

    Perhaps it is the beginning of the death of the OLD New World Order, to make ready the NEW New World Order?

    It's all about collectivism. I am suspicious of ANY collectivist arrangement, and that includes those within the Church. Yes, we are to share what we have with our brothers and sisters. But that's a voluntary arrangement. It's the involuntary ones that are evil.

    God is all about uniqueness and the individual, not the "collective". Each person has intrinsic worth - he died for the pauper as much as he died for the prince.

    It was a "collective" that decided to build the Tower of Babel. In fact, one of the EU's "icons" was a partially-built Tower of Babel. (Page VII of Story's book mentioned above has a picture of the poster that has this in it. I'll try to find a link to it. It's quite sinister-looking.)

    The worst collectives, by far, are those that insist on involuntary membership, in the interests of making a better world, a Utopia, a Heaven on Earth. This is what the EU is all about; it is what the URI (United Religions Initiative) is all about; it is what the Green Movement is all about; it is what Communism is all about - forcing all humanity into an arrangement that seeks to be build a better world than the one God built. The only way to do that is to convince the "collective" to turn away from their belief in God, and make the collective god.

  191. Marko9:40 PM

    And of course, I mustn't forget, it is what the New Age is all about!

    Re: Collectivism:

    From Chris Story's book (p. 265):

    Driven by the insane logic of Lenin's idolatrous World Revolution -- which preaches 'change' while never revealing its hand by answering the rhetorical question 'change to WHAT?', and which presupposes total collectivisation for the whole of humanity -- the covert Communists, who are currently following Lenin's deception instruction that, for the time being, 'under no circumstances [is it our task] to promote Communist views', insist that the only 'acceptable' prescription for Europe (by which they mean Eurasia) must be universal European integration.

    The whole book is like that. It's dense with information and analysis. Mr. Story would be ecstatic with joy right now because of the Brexit vote.

    Here is one of several links to the book online, at Cliff Kincaid's America's Survival website:

  192. watch out for ambiguous words. "yes we can!" - make things worse.
    "change!" the hearer thinks this means rollback bad stuff, improve things from their perspective, the speaker means get this inadequately operating bad plan chang to more adequately operating bad plan.

  193. Exactly, Christine. Well said. Imperfect humans trying to make a perfect world never turns out very well, does it?

    "Yes we can! Make things worse." -- That would make a great bumper sticker!

  194. Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Gay Marriages

     06/19/2014 05:15 pm ET | Updated Jun 20, 2014

    The Presbyterian Church has been apostate for decades. I should know, I was brought up in it. After I came to know the real Christ of the Bible, I realized that my "church" was apostate. Very seldom was any sermon preached out of Scripture, mostly what I remember was the "brotherhood of mankind social/gospel" feel good junk.

    Pointing out the obvious error of apostate "churches" does not tale the RCC off the hook ... but nice try.

  195. Anonymous Susanna said...

    Dan Bryan said at 3:50 PM

    How is this a sign of good will and/or Christianity?

    Bill Donohue who is the president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights had this to say:

    Those who characterized the Catholic Church’s actions on the issue as neglectful of the children, Donohue claimed, were “phonies.”

    “Archbishop Wuerl isn't about to allow the state to run roughshod over Catholic doctrine, and that is why he is being forced to drop the foster-care program.”

    Regarding the question as to whether or not this is a sign of good will and/or Christianity, it could be pointed out that certain Protestant denominations are contributing to the problem by officially approving of gay marriage - not only for their rank and file members, but also but also for their clergy.

    Is it a sign of good will and/or Christianity to give official religious permission and/or approval for something the Bible clearly calls an abomination?

    No of course not! What I am saying is that like they did in Baltimore, a bastion of Catholicism, they turned over their perfectly good Catholic hospital over to the heathen, instead of making a stand, find their backbone, against having to perform abortion under Obamacare. This I regret dearly as I loved that hospital even with all their crucifixes around every corner.

  196. Marko,

    "Yes, we are to share what we have with our brothers and sisters. But that's a voluntary arrangement."

    there is nothing voluntary about something the failure to do which can put you into damnation. Matthew chapter 25, that and other scenarios of judgement against believers, defined as those who call Jesus "Lord" but don't obey Him.

    The arrangement of HOW to do it, WHO to help and WHEN is voluntary, but not doing it at all.

    helping the poor and other good things can and have been used as excuses to build control freaks' paradises, and so forth.

    the welfare state isn't what costs so much and runs up the debt as much as the subsidies to companies that sell to the government especially to the military. and what is paid for isn't that good.

    taxes are rendering to Caesar. If he pleases to spend some of his money on the poor, especially if that is combined with a tax break for charity you do on your own, that is helping you meet your responsibility to God.

    outrageous overtaxing in order to pay interest that shouldn't be charged, if you want to be consistent biblically and in terms of the thought of the early church, to pay for loans from a central bank the Federal Reserve, misnamed because it is a private corporation, which shouldn't exist and engages in activities the Constitution limits to Congress,in order to pay for price gouging, corruption, and so forth is another matter. Sure its Caesar's money.....but in this case Caesar is somewhat answerable to his underlings, and he has upped the demand in order to meet demands that are dubious to put it mildly.


    interesting speculation on causes and who would gain by WW 3, the chaos would help promote a one world government. however.....the speaker promotes a world wide uprising which is either childish or dangerous.

    my post on the comments section for the video

    such an uprising attempt would be an excuse for martial law and even treat some incidents he advocates as being done by enemies and launch WW 3 this may be a publication of the elite to cause this effect. However the scenarios incl. fake alien are credible. NOTICE HE SAYS THE CURRENT MESS IN EUROPE WAS CREATED BY RUSSIA ANNEXING CRIMEA, when in fact it was started by US meddling in the Ukraine, resulting in Crimea declaring independence and requesting Russia take them in. THIS ATTITUDE OF HIS IS ODD CONSIDERING HIS HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE. it is precisely the narrative of the WW 3 promoting elements in the US which along with NATO expansion started by Javier Solana who like the number 666 on at least one proclamation, serve the elites who are often secretly satanists.

  198. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Best book about the EU is "The Great Deception" by Christopher Booker and Richard North. Easy to read, fully sourced, no wild spiritual speculation, and the title says it all. Well done the Brits for puncturing the balloon!
