
Monday, February 29, 2016


Dear Friends,

Not too many advantages to a Leap Year Day birthday, but the humor of it increases with age.  Today, I am having my 18th birthday, since arriving on earth on February 29, 1944.

I'm occupied with so many thoughts and projects, but I'm grateful to God for giving me this much time.  My life has been sometimes sad, sometimes happy, sometimes frustrating, but never boring.  I can take almost anything but boredom.

When I first (in April 1981) discovered the New Age Movement, the disturbing development that led to my researching and writing THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW (Huntington House, 1983), I was in "Leap Years" only 9 years old.  In real time, that would have made  37.

Well, the Leap Year birthday has never been good for much but laughs.  When I was a little girl who thought she was turning 8, I was disturbed to tears by my father putting two candles on my birthday cake and saying "you're only two."

At my present stage in life, it's a lot of fun, when asked my age, to have said for the past four  years "17" and now, today, "18."

Thanks for being my readers and I'll have real meat to chew on soon.

You may download my two books for free for my birthday (see, you're getting the present!) by going over to internet archives by clicking on this link for HIDDEN DANGERS and this one for A PLANNED DECEPTION.

 We are living in perilous times indeed, but I do believe the good Lord gave us a sense of humor as a safety valve!

Stay tuned!


  1. Many happy returns of the leap year, Constance, with love and respect from England. Do you have to have to have four parties today to make up for the lack in other years?

  2. Happy birthday Constance,
    Just to think, Sweet 16 was just a few short 8 years ago!

    The New Age that took root has blossomed into every element of society
    I see it has permeated it into business philosophy.
    Reiki is running rampant in the medical community.
    Churches have mainstreamed The gods of destiny, mammon, and mysticism.
    Schools are teaching Mohammedanism and Yoga with no regard for the supposed separation of church and state.

    Beside these, I would like to get your take on what has transpired with this New Age stuff since the 80's?

    It seems we do not have to look for the boogeyman in the thicket any longer.

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Happy Happies Constance - oohhh, the excitement, today you get the key to the door and can be served in our British pubs!

    ~ K ~

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I well remember February 29th 2004 because it was the last day of my (so far only) trip to Israel, and as warm as a decent summer day in England.

    And February 29th 2012 as there was a celebratory dinner for my favourite sports club, which had at last won its league.

    Happy Birthday Constance!


  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Happy Birthday Constance!! I have so much respect for you and the work you have done. May God's grace shine down on you. I believe one day, you will truly hear the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ saying, "Constance, well done my good and faithful servant."


  6. Happy Birthday Constance!

    This is also a good day for me since its the first day I've felt really decent since I got what may have been a flu.

  7. Looks like Moonies are active in Ukraine, and sort of accepted by the schismatic metropolitan who supports Kiev.

    "Gleb Pavlovich Yakunin, former clergyman of the Moscow Patriarchy, was defrocked in 1994 for gross violations of Church canonical beliefs. He did not acknowledge the decision of the Church, and supported the so-called Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchy (UOCKP), which is not recognized by a single Orthodox Church worldwide. The UOCKP is led by Mikhail Denisenko, the self-proclaimed "Patriarch of Kiev and of all Russia - Ukrainian Filaret", and who used to be a Synod member and a metropolitan of the Kiev diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    In 1992, Denisenko was defrocked by the Church for flagrantly violating his ordinal vows and for anti-Church activities. At the present time, Mr. Denisenko supports close contact with the "Unification Church" of Sun Men Moon, and even called upon his personal representative, "archmandrite" Vikenti Miskovi for the solemn pronouncement of prayers at a public conference of the Moonists' "International Family Foundation" on October 1996, and for the benediction for all assembled. "

  8. Susanna4:06 PM


    I wished you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday, but it may have gotten lost in the shuffle.

    So HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!! And may you live to be 25+!!!! LOL

    Best Always,


  9. Happy birthday Constance,

    From the Southern Hemisphere at 10.32am on the 1st of March

    God bless,
    New Zealand

  10. Anonymous4:55 PM

    My happy birthday to you Constance, got lost in the shuffle too , I bet.

  11. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Christine should give you a lovely birthday present Constance, and permanently vacate your blog.

  12. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Happy Birthday Constance.

    Doug T

  13. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Happy Birthday Constance. Praying that God blesses you throughout the year.

    In case you missed this from Patrick Wood and Carl Teichrib:

  14. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "It is false fascist sociopolitical religious systems such as Messianic Judaism, Sacred Namers, Dominionists of every stripe Identity groups and white supremacist "churches" that falsify God's Word and replace His Word with their own."

    All Jesuit inventions Susanna, and you already know this. Jesus didn't not say, "Keep the commandments AND THE ones that the ROMANS re-wrote AND GO through the QUEEN of Heaven to get to me, then you can get to the Father."

    "white supremacist" Brahahahahahahah! Oh are you exposed! LOL!!!

  15. Anonymous10:29 AM

    75 people agree with Susanna's world view. LOL!!

    We are all one through Christ Jesus what are we through Marion?
    Swimming in a lake of fire?

  16. you can't equate opposition to racism with support of homosexuality. Rome didn't rewrite ten commandments they use Deuteronomy version you use exodus version or vice versa I forget which and the content is the same.

  17. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The second attempt to post my message was made at 11:03 am.

  18. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Third attempt to leave this message appears at 11:05 am. Things never change.

    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

    I know someone who posts here and asked how she accessed the site. She told me, the link which no longer worked for me. There had to be a way she could use the link I always used, so I decided to try Firefox and Internet Explorer. Interestingly both link addresses work on Firefox and Internet Explorer, though not through Chrome.

    In the past I didn't follow up on "Page Not Found" messages, assuming the pages had been taken down. Two more experiences with other "Page Not Found" messages which would have reached conservative sites started me questioning what was happening, so I posted the warning on many different pages on Facebook only to learn that this has happened to others. Two people suggested I had been infected with malware and to start from scratch with Chrome. However, the specific nature of the problem suggested more was going on.

    I'm posting the information here to let you know that people trying to reach this site may not be getting through. If this has been helpful, I've been happy to help.

  19. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The fourth attempt to leave this message is being sent at 11:08 am
    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

    I know someone who posts here and asked how she accessed the site. She told me, the link which no longer worked for me. There had to be a way she could use the link I always used, so I decided to try Firefox and Internet Explorer. Interestingly both link addresses work on Firefox and Internet Explorer, though not through Chrome.

    In the past I didn't follow up on "Page Not Found" messages, assuming the pages had been taken down. Two more experiences with other "Page Not Found" messages which would have reached conservative sites started me questioning what was happening, so I posted the warning on many different pages on Facebook only to learn that this has happened to others. Two people suggested I had been infected with malware and to start from scratch with Chrome. However, the specific nature of the problem suggested more was going on.

    I'm posting the information here to let you know that people trying to reach this site may not be getting through. If this has been helpful, I've been happy to help.

  20. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The fourth attempt to leave the message was sent at 11:09 am. I'll wait a while before I try a fifth time if the fourth disappears.

  21. Happy Birthday Constance!

  22. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Fifth attempt to post this. The time is 2:34 pm.
    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

    I know someone who posts here and asked how she accessed the site. She told me, the link which no longer worked for me. There had to be a way she could use the link I always used, so I decided to try Firefox and Internet Explorer. Interestingly both link addresses work on Firefox and Internet Explorer, though not through Chrome.

    In the past I didn't follow up on "Page Not Found" messages, assuming the pages had been taken down. Two more experiences with other "Page Not Found" messages which would have reached conservative sites started me questioning what was happening, so I posted the warning on many different pages on Facebook only to learn that this has happened to others. Two people suggested I had been infected with malware and to start from scratch with Chrome. However, the specific nature of the problem suggested more was going on.

    I'm posting the information here to let you know that people trying to reach this site may not be getting through. If this has been helpful, I've been happy to help.

  23. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Fifth attempt to post my comment, which is just a helpful comment about an attempt to rech this blog, having nothing to do with the blog contents, was at 2:35 pm.

  24. Hi Dorothy,

    I think this information is more than helpful to others having a problem, it is significant.

    why would chrome not work for this site unless someone in google doesn't like this site? we all know something of the NWO involvement of Zuckerberg and Gates, not many know Google is NSA software. hmmmm.

  25. okay, this is getting weird.

    I just saw Dorothy's post saying she couldn't get on here using Google Chrome, she had to use Firefox and Internet Explorer. I posted the above, and when it appeared, Dorothy's post I was responding to was gone. and no indication of deletion by author or administrator, just GONE.

    this happened before someone had a post that vanished almost immediately I was responding to it.


    extremely peculiar intellectual exercise.

  27. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Chritine, are you trying to excuse yourself for your "missing" post in question ? The one advertising the res seer's psychic talents that Ray B and others told us about... hmmmm?

  28. Marko3:54 PM


    No, she isn't.

    This blog (and in general) has, for a long while now, had a habit of "eating" posts. They appear for a short while, and then disappear. I think it's the anti-spam "feature" of that does this. (What I call a bug, most software companies call "features".)

    There are several posts above where someone is testing this out, and obviously their posts are being removed as well. If a comment is actually posted and it sticks, the only way to remove it is if the blog owner removes it, or, if the person posting it is logged in, if they remove it. Then the comment says "Removed by author" or "Removed by a blog administrator".

    Maybe someone should give Constance another platform out here in Internetland for her blog to continue. This is was (and is) free, and you get what you pay for.

    Wordpress is one way to go; but it is much more "hackable". There really isn't a lot out there that is free AND easy to use and reliable.

  29. Marko4:02 PM

    Happy 18th Birthday, Constance!

    If I could, I would set up a nice, shiny new blog for you somewhere that doesn't have all the issues you have with this one. But to be honest, you'd probably be trading one set of problems for another. Better the devil you know, than the one you don't, yes?

    Best regards,


  30. Anonymous4:02 PM

    "This blog (and in general) has, for a long while now, had a habit of "eating" posts. They appear for a short while, and then disappear. I think it's the anti-spam "feature" of that does this. (What I call a bug, most software companies call "features".)"

    Well I doubt that's what happened to her post in question but I guess it is possible. Mind you, it's a real pity it hasn't happened to all her posts. They are quite evidently of spam quality after all!

  31. anon 3:36

    I am not trying to "excuse" anything, and I never posted that. you know that. you made it up. you or Dan Bryan who also falsely claimed to have seen it. and RayB who started the story.

    you should be ashamed of bringing your lies up on this thread on Constance's birthday.

  32. Anonymous4:21 PM

    What lies , Chritine ?

    I believe Ray B over you and your variety of fruit-cake any day of the week! You got caught with your pants down: tough!

  33. I don't care what you believe. I didn't do it. In Jesus Christ's Name I swear I did not do that supposed ad, not here and not anywhere. ever.

  34. RayB was lying a few months ago when he claimed what I had deleted for a rewrite had something "vile" and/or "obscene" in it, two occasions. And chronically misrepresents my stands on various subjects as anyone can see. RayB and others follow the New Age teaching that fringe research is New AGe relevant which is a lie.
    Dan Bryan argued for reincarnation and against Jesus preincarnate The Word having always existed then deleted all his posts on my blogs.

    hows that for credibility, eh? zip. I wouldn't believe any of you people if you told me what time it was.

  35. Anonymous5:23 PM

    No, still not convinced!

    I'll gladly and truthfully tell you what time it is, though on you not believing it or accepting it gracefully I am sure your arrogance won't accept it: it's time, high time you were banned from this blog along with your extra-terrestrial aliens, psychic vampires, defense of fornication, bragging of your resident seer's abilities, ufos, chakras, tantric sex magic, cities on Mars, Nibiru, orange ether blobs, green nutrient gel, telepathy between Biblical figures, and all the other disgraceful and nutty things you come up with, not to mention your false accusations, quarrels , lies, embellishments, foul and coarse language, blasphemy, man-made traditions, hatred of your mother and her memory, etc, etc, etc!

  36. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Btw Chritine , where's the evidence for your claims that Christians in the 1800's were planning to evangelize extra terrestrial aliens?

  37. I rebuke your false accusations and twisting of words and twisting of Scripture that is what you call "quarrels." foul and coarse language is almost never over the past year BUT YOUR STATEMENTS ARE FOUL AND COARSE AND OBSCENE, IF YOU ARE THE SAME AS OTHER ANONYMICE AND RAYB, BUT OH, THERE ARE NO FOUR LETTER WORDS. STILL FOUL AND COARSE AND OBSCENE. the "foul language" merely encapsulates it simply. you vomit it line and after line

    I don't lie and I don't embellish. you on the other hand talk about "man made traditions" so undoubtedly you are one of those who blaspheme the Body and Blood of Christ.

    Bogomil influence went beyond Bulgaria as far as England and back of the Albigensians. they went farther than you do I suppose, denying God made the physical universe and denying the Incarnation to some extent but brought denial of the Eucharist in. This was no part of the original Reformation.

  38. anon 6:04

    it was in a book somewhere before I was online. so far no go on finding it. but Pecival Lowell and Schiaparelli were pushing the idea of civilizations on MArs, which fact you can find anywhere online, and the reaction was none of the garbage now but "let's convert them" whenever they get here or we can get there.

  39. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Of course you're a liar and a false accuser, and a foul mouthed and coarse language unrepentant fornicator, Chritine. Here are just a few of some of the people you have lied about, falsely accused , attacked or deeply offended in some way or other : Constance, Ray B, Rich in Medford, Paul, K, Physicist, Dorothy, and the list goes on and on!

    I am sure your mother was a loving and long-suffering woman. She must have been seen as a hero in the community for having put up with your sorry self ! She deserves the Purple Heart!

    Advertising your wares ( and Mike's? ) here : disgraceful!

  40. Anonymous7:04 PM

    So far 11 posts out of 37 belong to Christina!

    She should be banned!

  41. impossible cut them down by delete and rewrite and repost adding something I forgot or answering someone I missed, because you people will accuse me of posting "vile" things and deleting them or that ad I never posted. This was done a few times.

    you people should be banned. meanwhile, let me remind you of your
    (or whoever's) big faux pas quoting a bible commentary on ecclesiastes 12:6 which spoke of the subtle animating principle and other phrases any metaphysics occultist and new ager would be comfortable with.

    the problem is not the existence of a usually invisible side to oneself. the problem is "energy workers" tweaking it to facilitate demonic entry or influence.

    I have never attacked Constance. I only called Dorothy to account for turning on me after I defended her, and Constance said some very telling things against Dorothy who had been very mean and unpredictable to Constance over the years. My guess is Dorothy is a queen bee wannabe type, which does not invalidate her research, but sets her up to fail because she has ego and ambition in play.

    I forget Rich of Medford's issues, probably some incoherent mishandling of my words I figured had to be deliberate.

    Physicist is a fearful idiot. someone here mentioned tesla and haarp technology, so someone here is on the ball if you aren't. those things go beyond Heaviside and play in the zone of Maxwell's quarternion. After many many arguments, Physicist finally admitted that there is SOMETHING left over when you do the "Maxwell" actually Heaviside equations. But you can't engineer it so you are supposed to ignore it. In other words he about admitted what he'd been denying all along.

    you can engineer it if you use a three dimensional approach to understanding it, that SOMETHING is the socalled zero point energy field aka the ether.

  42. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Sixth attempt to post this message. Time is 8:14 pm Christine you had nothing to do with my not posting here.
    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

    I know someone who posts here and asked how she accessed the site. She told me, the link which no longer worked for me. There had to be a way she could use the link I always used, so I decided to try Firefox and Internet Explorer. Interestingly both link addresses work on Firefox and Internet Explorer, though not through Chrome.

    In the past I didn't follow up on "Page Not Found" messages, assuming the pages had been taken down. Two more experiences with other "Page Not Found" messages which would have reached conservative sites started me questioning what was happening, so I posted the warning on many different pages on Facebook only to learn that this has happened to others. Two people suggested I had been infected with malware and to start from scratch with Chrome. However, the specific nature of the problem suggested more was going on.

    I'm posting the information here to let you know that people trying to reach this site may not be getting through. If this has been helpful, I've been happy to help.

  43. Anonymous8:18 PM

    The sixth attempt to post here was at 8:16 pm. Christine you had nothing to do with my decision not to post here.

  44. Attention Constance:

    The following post by Christine is either a deliberate lie, or she has me mixed up with someone else. This is just another typical example in a long list that illustrates her recklessness. I am NOT the person she cites in her example below:

    Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    "RayB was lying a few months ago when he claimed what I had deleted for a rewrite had something "vile" and/or "obscene" in it, two occasions."

    Another complete, absolute lie. I have NEVER followed ANY New Age teaching, etc.

    "RayB and others follow the New Age teaching that fringe research is New AGe relevant which is a lie."


    This woman is completely out of control. I really believe you have a moral responsibility to do something about her.

  45. ""RayB was lying a few months ago when he claimed what I had deleted for a rewrite had something "vile" and/or "obscene" in it, two occasions.""

    says he didn't do it. I think your name was on at least one such post. I don't feel like wading through the archives to find it and you probably already deleted it anyway. if not you, your reckless false accusations and twisting of words and twisting of Scripture are every been as "Another complete, absolute lie. I have NEVER followed ANY New Age teaching, etc.

    "RayB and others follow the New Age teaching that fringe research is New AGe relevant which is a lie."



  46. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I just got to read Dorothy Margraf's post a little bit ago that was here and now gone.
    This is strange that she is not able to stay posted.
    Wonder what that is about?
    I'd love to keep reading Dorothy's material and thanks Dorothy for the heads up. You are helpful.

    If only that was happening to all of Ms.Erikson's posts so that they would disappear.
    What a great place this blog would be if she could not post here.

  47. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Seventh attempt to post this, this time through Firefox. Time 9:11 pm
    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

    I know someone who posts here and asked how she accessed the site. She told me, the link which no longer worked for me. There had to be a way she could use the link I always used, so I decided to try Firefox and Internet Explorer. Interestingly both link addresses work on Firefox and Internet Explorer, though not through Chrome.

    In the past I didn't follow up on "Page Not Found" messages, assuming the pages had been taken down. Two more experiences with other "Page Not Found" messages which would have reached conservative sites started me questioning what was happening, so I posted the warning on many different pages on Facebook only to learn that this has happened to others. Two people suggested I had been infected with malware and to start from scratch with Chrome. However, the specific nature of the problem suggested more was going on.

    I'm posting the information here to let you know that people trying to reach this site may not be getting through. If this has been helpful, I've been happy to help.

  48. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Seventh attempt to post the same thing, this time through Firefox. Time 8:13 pm. To repeat, Christine had nothing to do with my decision to stop posting on this blog.

  49. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Seventh attempt to post the same thing through Firefox has failed. Time now 9:14 pm. That deleting didn't even take one minute.

  50. Anonymous9:48 PM

    *8 Sending through Firefox in two parts. This is part 2
    I know someone who posts here and asked how she accessed the site. She told me, the link which no longer worked for me. There had to be a way she could use the link I always used, so I decided to try Firefox and Internet Explorer. Interestingly both link addresses work on Firefox and Internet Explorer, though not through Chrome.

    In the past I didn't follow up on "Page Not Found" messages, assuming the pages had been taken down. Two more experiences with other "Page Not Found" messages which would have reached conservative sites started me questioning what was happening, so I posted the warning on many different pages on Facebook only to learn that this has happened to others. Two people suggested I had been infected with malware and to start from scratch with Chrome. However, the specific nature of the problem suggested more was going on.

    I'm posting the information here to let you know that people trying to reach this site may not be getting through. If this has been helpful, I've been happy to help.

  51. Anonymous9:51 PM


    (I copied and pasted here for Dorothy in case this one just sent disappears too)

    Anonymous said...
    Trying #8. Went to the blog through Firefox. Sending in two parts.
    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

    9:47 PM

    We'll see if hers remains or not.

  52. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Sending through Firefox Repeat of Part 1 which was abruptly deleted. Attempt #8
    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

  53. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Just to let others know what is happening. My attempt to send the same post through Firefox was done in two parts. Both parts were deleted. I repeated part 1 at 9:52 pm. My guess is it will be deleted.

  54. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Very Weird.
    Dorothy's (8th attempt) 9:47 PM post disappeared and so did my 9:51 PM post that was a copy and paste of her post.

    What is this?

  55. Anonymous9:59 PM

    8th attempt also failed. It is now 9:55 blog time. My attempt to go through Firefox in two parts with Part 1 repeated failed. All three posts were deleted within minutes, so no one can say they were deleted because they were too long.

  56. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Dorthy, I am 8:37 PM who copied and pasted your 9:47 PM post @ 9:51 PM and it is gone too.

  57. Anonymous10:08 PM

    FYI My post has nothing to do with the content of this blog, either pro or con. It talks about difficulty with access to the blog through Chrome. I've shared the information on Facebook and others have encountered the same problem getting access to some sites. It appears that censorship is going on.
    Dorothy Margraf

  58. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Interesting to note that going through Chrome again I see that my seventh and eighth attempts to post the information through Firefox have been deleted as well as my record keeping posts. The post has nothing to do with the blog contents either pro or con. It is about access to the blog through Chrome. I posted the information on many pages on Facebook and others replied they also had difficulty getting access to pages, getting Page Not Found notices when the pages were easily available through other sites. Censorship is going on.
    Dorothy Margraf

  59. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I intend to keep trying to post what has been deleted until it appears. Readers here must be made aware of the censorship going on. The next attempt will be attempt #9. Watch for it.
    Dorothy Margraf

  60. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Going through Internet Explorer attempt #9 in two parts to get the information out. First part:

    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

  61. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Part #1 of attempt #9 was posted at 11:34 pm through Internet Explorer and appeared on the blog. I will now attempt to post part #2 of attempt #9 to get the information out.

    I know someone who posts here and asked how she accessed the site. She told me, the link which no longer worked for me. There had to be a way she could use the link I always used, so I decided to try Firefox and Internet Explorer. Interestingly both link addresses work on Firefox and Internet Explorer, though not through Chrome.

    In the past I didn't follow up on "Page Not Found" messages, assuming the pages had been taken down. Two more experiences with other "Page Not Found" messages which would have reached conservative sites started me questioning what was happening, so I posted the warning on many different pages on Facebook only to learn that this has happened to others. Two people suggested I had been infected with malware and to start from scratch with Chrome. However, the specific nature of the problem suggested more was going on.

    I'm posting the information here to let you know that people trying to reach this site may not be getting through. If this has been helpful, I've been happy to help.

    Dorothy Margraf
    The time is now 11:36 pm

  62. Anonymous11:38 PM

    It is now 11:37 pm and Part #1 of Attempt #9 has been deleted already. Part #2 appears but will shortly be deleted I'm sure.

  63. Anonymous12:31 AM

    It is now 12:27 on March 1 Part #2 of Attempt #9 has stayed up, so I'm going to post Part #1 again of the post I've been attempting to share. If it stays up, great. I'm doing this through Chrome. If it doesn't stay up, I'll try both Firefox and Internet Explorer. I have no idea why so much censorship has taken place and who is doing the deleting.

    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

  64. well " Anonymous said...
    Well Christine drove Dorothy away with the vile things she said to her!" from an earlier thread. but Dorothy said "Christine had nothing to do with my decision to stop posting on this blog."

    Think you people can maybe follow the advice of a pagan king to Sarah, "tell the truth in all things," since you can't follow the Ten Commandments and not tell lies about people? or the words of Paul about not lying to each other? I don't recall any arguments with Joyce.

    JD whined oohhh so delicately about Dorothy calling someone an "ass" seems he was ashamed to be on a blog that had such phrasing and was worried he couldn't be "respectably" here - that's right, the used the word respectable, the watch word of the despicable pharisees that Jesus called spawn of vipers and rotting corpses disguised by white sepulchers. Then JD had the gall to tell someone to develop a thick skin. hilarious hypocrisy.

  65. Has anyone watched the new series 'Colony' on the USA network?

    It provides a good depiction of what the globalist would like this world be.

    Most all ride public transportation, bikes or walk.
    Only the elite and government officials have 'the stuff'.
    There is rationing, with meager existence.
    Frills of all capitalism's fruits are gone, especially for the average citizen.

    Those that step out of line, their family members go to factory concentration camps to work, implying they are never seen again.

    LA is ringed with a fence, and has been taken over by Aliens.
    No one has seen the aliens, so it may speak to a deception of sorts, that they are in control in 7 or so regions in the country.

    The land between these centers are no-man's-land.
    Small lethal drones with mounted guns are used indiscriminately.

    The most recent episode (Colony 107) showed a typical one world religious service, were it was described that the legacy religions were not wrong, just not complete.

    The show is a little spicy with occasional skin. It also has allot of violence.

  66. when you see the post from Dorothy highlight copy and paste into a text file before it can disappear.

  67. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Chritine, both you and Dorothy are a pair of rebellious unpleasant old bags with an Antichrist spirit and delusions of grandeur. What is it with those ridiculous wigs you both wear anyway? Are they rats you've caught with your teeth that you both now wear as trophies? Two of the nastiest old women I've ever come across! A pox on both your houses!

  68. Anonymous9:10 AM

    It is now 9:01 on 3/2. Following in a separate post is part #1 of the post which keeps getting deleted in some sort of censorship attempt. This will be Attempt #11 to get Part 1 up (Part 1 has been taken down ten times in one day.) Part #2 of Attempt #9 is still up. Why am I bothering? To let others know that access to conservative sites, including this one, are being blocked with Page Not Available messages when in reality the pages can be accessed through other browsers. Researchers here need to know what is going on. When Part 1 appears and stays, I'll be gone again. As I said, no problem, the research on the New Age movement has gone in different directions. As some record keeping posts have stayed up, I'm posting Part 1 separately.

  69. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Part 1
    I'm Dorothy Margraf. A few of you may remember who I am. I posted here in the past, but stopped quite a while back, though I continue to follow what is posted here because occasionally something appears that is important to my focus on New Age. The New Age movement is huge and if others find it more profitable to focus on another aspect than I do, I can only hope their efforts bear fruit. I've continued my 34 years of research on the New Age movement and previous years of research on related topics which I share on Facebook.

    The purpose of this note is not to bring you up to date on what I'm doing. Since we've gone in different directions, there is no reason for anyone to care what I've been doing.

    Habits are hard to break and I checked on this site daily using Chrome and Several weeks ago I started getting the "Page Not Found" message every time I went to that link. I wondered whether I had been blocked or whether the blog had gone down. There was no way to find out. A thought came and I put "Constance Cumbey" in a search to learn if the blog had gone down. I learned the blog could be accessed using the link, and that is what appears on the page where was in the past when I get to the main page.

  70. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Ole spit and piss is at it again at 12:38 AM ....... turning Constance's birthday well wishes thread into her own personal spew match....

    ....and more boring than ever.

  71. Anonymous2:24 PM

    80 popes did not care
    And sent them to the Judas Chair.
    50 million tortured killed
    A river of blood the popes did spill.

    Power corrupts but absolute power
    corrupts absolutely.

    The torture machines of the Inquisition
    The popes approved and put in position.
    They all added their cruel touch
    The work and the weapons they liked so much.

    Power corrupts but absolute power
    corrupts absolutely.

    The scarlet and the purple robes they wear
    Cannot hide the torture, anguish and despair.
    The Catholic church a false morality
    Champions of torture and mortality.

    Power corrupts but absolute power
    corrupts absolutely.

    The travesty of the papacy
    Is nothing but a piracy
    Designed to manipulate
    And not to educate

    Power corrupts but absolute power
    corrupts absolutely.

    The Pius popes murderous alliance
    Hitler, Mussolini, Pavelic, compliance
    Christian sadists terrorize and brutalize
    The past and present you must realize

    Power corrupts but absolute power
    corrupts absolutely.

    In Croatian Bosnia Franciscan friars
    Sent the Serbs into the fires.
    Participated in the bloody slaughter
    Mothers, fathers sons and daughters.

    Power corrupts but absolute power
    corrupts absolutely.

  72. since Constance was looking into the Moonies and is I guess working on her remaining two articles in the series on Vallely etc., I thought I'd see if there was any involvement of moonieism with Satanism. Was I in for a surprise. Satan Joins The Moonies!
    details at the article. This is essentially the same theology as that of the Process Church of the Final Judgement. the article states that supposedly satan wrote God and Moon a letter of apology. bah humbug. Also this tidbit "Moon's name "Sun Myung Moon" (Shining Truth) is not the name he was born with. Moon changed his name when he decided to pretend to be the messiah. Moon's real name is: "Young Myung Moon" which means: SHINING DRAGON in Korean."

    "...Sun Myung Moon is an avid believer in psychics. He visits them often and accepts their advice according to reports that I have heard as well as others who have left the group and reported these things. Nan Sook Hong , who recently divorced Moon's eldest son Hyo Jin, told a Boston Globe reporter that she was chosen to be Hyo Jin's wife (at 15 years old) by a psychic in Korea who Moon had sought out. I found this information hilarious, as I was told as a member that Moon was the best qualified in history to choose marriage partners for his followers. When it comes to his son however, Moon takes no chances and only goes to the best psychics for advice. Moon himself tells his followers that no one knows the Spiritual World better than he does, and yet here he is going to a non-member for advice on choosing a wife for his son!..."

  73. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Brother Sun, Sister Moon?

  74. yeah, that st. francis prayer always struck me as creepy. Granted it describes them
    as our equals like fellow servants of God but get this:

    "Be praised, my Lord, through all Your creatures,
    especially through my lord Brother Sun,
    who brings the day; and You give light through him.
    And he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor!
    Of You, Most High, he bears the likeness."

    notice he calls brother sun "lord" and says he bears God's likeness, a final
    line added at his death refers to "sister death," but St. Paul calls death
    the last enemy to be defeated.

  75. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Yes, 2.48pm, I'll stick with the Son.

  76. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Anonymous 10:26 AM

    RE: All Jesuit inventions Susanna........

    What is the matter? Were you too lazy to provide solid evidence to Susanna for your claims but too embarrassed to cite Jack Chick's Alberto Rivera comic books which are also favorites among white supremacists?

    Covenant Sword and the Arm of the Lord is not a "Jesuit" invention. It was a Baptist invention and it developed from a Baptist congregation called the Zarephath-Horeb Community Church and a far right political organization dedicated to Christian Identity and survivalism. Hislop is also one of the top ten on their cranks r' us hit parade.

    But this is not the first time a certain species of Baptist - especially Southern Baptists - have morphed into radical right wing fascist cults. THEY are also the ones who invented Messianic Judaism. It was not the Jesuits.

    The old "Jesuits done it" meme is not only as old as kitty litter but for those who use the term, it also translates into "lunatic fringe."

    Boy oh boy are YOU exposed!!!!!


  77. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Anonymous 10:29 A.M.

    That is Chelsea Clinton in the picture. Ergo 75 people agree with Chelsea Clinton's point of view.

    What are you smoking???

  78. Anonymous5:38 PM

    4:44PM, who are you kidding and laughing at, pig-face? Go pray to a statue or play with k abbas ah, which ever horror is your forte!

  79. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Anonymous 2:24 P.M.



  80. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Anonymous 5:38 P.M.

    Takes one to know one. Looks like I hit a nerve, eh butt face? Go practice some more bibliomancy and bibliolatry and whatever other occult horrors that YOU try to serve up as "God's word"........

    I also have a few ideas about what you can go play with........

  81. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Q: How do you know when Chritine's lying?

    A: She starts typing!

  82. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Anon 6 :14 PM, so have I for you, you ungodly devil!

  83. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Go and kiss the pope's ring, devil!

  84. Anonymous7:12 PM

    This is terrible and sad.
    The devil loves the kind of back and forth that has been going on here.

    When reviled, revile not in return.

  85. Anonymous8:02 PM

    It was Protestants who started the Rosicrucian Fraternity in Germany between 1607 and 1616 and the speculative Freemasonry in England in 1717.

    Speculative Freemasonry is a Protestant invention as is Rosicrucianism.

    There were no Jesuits in England to speak of at that time. The Protestants murdered most of them.

  86. Anonymous9:19 PM

    FYI, Protestant England is the VATICAN of Freemasonry!

    With the decline of cathedral building in the aftermath of the Protestant movement, mason guilds began accepting non-masons as members to bolster their dwindling membership. Eventually, the non-masons outnumbered the masons, and the guilds became places for the discussion of ethics and morality while retaining the secret signs, symbols and gestures of the original guild. Four such guilds merged in 1717 in London, England, to form the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. (A "freemason" was a highly skilled mason who enjoyed the privileges of membership in a trade guild.) Masons gradually spread throughout the world.

    James Anderson (d. 1739), a Scottish Presbyterian minister, wrote the Book of Constitutions in which he contrived the "traditional" albeit spurious history of freemasonry. Masons hold that God, "the Great Architect," founded freemasonry, and that it had as patrons, Adam and the Patriarchs. Even Jesus is listed as "the Grand Master" of the Christian Church. They credit themselves with the building of Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, the Pyramids and Solomon's Temple. In all, freemasonry borrows liberally from the history and traditions of cultic groups such as the Druids, Mithars, Egyptian priesthood, Rosicrucians and others to weave its own history.

    The Catholic Church has difficulty with freemasonry because it is indeed a kind of religion unto itself. The practice of freemasonry includes temples, altars, a moral code, worship services, vestments, feast days, a hierarchy of leadership, initiation and burial rites, and promises of eternal reward and punishment. While in America, most Masons are Christian and will display a Bible on their "altar," in the same lodges or elsewhere, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or other non-Christian religions can be admitted and may use their own sacred Scriptures. (In France, in 1877, the "Grand Orient" Lodge eliminated the need to believe in God or the immortality of the soul, thereby admitting atheists into their fold. This atheistic type of freemasonry spread particularly in Latin countries.) Moreover, the rituals involve the corruption of Christianity. The cross is merely a symbol of nature and eternal life, devoid of Christ's sacrifice for sin. INRI (for Christians, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, i.e. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) means for Masons Igne Natura Renovatur Integra, i.e. by fire nature is renewed entirely, referring to the sacred fire's (i.e. truth and love) regeneration of mankind just as the sun regenerates nature in the spring.

    The rituals are also inimical to Catholicism. During the initiation rite, the candidate expresses a desire to seek "light," and he is assured that he will receive the light of spiritual instruction that he could not receive in another Church. Moreover, he will gain eternal rest in the "celestial lodge" if he lives and dies according to Masonic principles. Note also that since Masonry involves non-Christians, the use of the name of Jesus is forbidden within the lodge. For Catholics, (and hopefully all sincere Christians), Christ alone is the light who entered this world to dispel sin and darkness.


  87. Anonymous9:28 PM


    A second difficulty with freemasonry for Catholics involves the taking of oaths. An oath is a religious act which asks God to witness the truth of the statement or the fulfillment of a promise. Only the Church and the state for serious reason can require an oath. A candidate makes an oath to freemasonry and its secrets, under pain of death or self-mutilation, by kneeling blindfolded in front of the altar, placing both hands on the volume of sacred law (perhaps even the Bible), the square, and compass, and repeating after the "worshipful master." Keep in mind that the candidate does not yet even know all the "secrets" to which he is taking an oath. This oath is wrongful because of to whom and to what the candidate is swearing.

    Since the decree "In Eminenti" of Pope Clement XII in 1738, Catholics have been forbidden to join the Masons, and until 1983, under pain of excommunication. Scanning official documents, the Church has condemned freemasonry and other secret societies at least 53 times since 1738, and has specifically repeated the condemnation of freemasonry 21 times. (The Orthodox and several Protestant churches also ban membership in the Masons.) Confusion occurred in 1974 when a letter by Cardinal Franjo Seper, then prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was interpreted to mean that Catholics could join masonic lodges that were not anti-Catholic, an interpretation widely advanced by the media; however, the same congregation declared this interpretation as erroneous in 1981.

    On Nov. 26, 1983, with the approval of Pope John Paul II, the Sacred Congregation (whose prefect was Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI) reiterated the ban on Catholics joining the Masons: "The Church's negative position on Masonic association ... remain unaltered, since their principles have always been regarded as irreconcilable with the Church's doctrine. Hence, joining them remains prohibited by the Church. Catholics enrolled in Masonic associations are involved in serious sin and may not approach holy Communion." Neither this declaration nor the 1983 Code of Canon Law imposed the penalty of excommunication on Catholics belonging to the Masons. However, the Holy See has upheld that belonging to freemasonry and participating in its rituals is a mortal sin which prevents one from receiving holy Communion..........

  88. Anonymous9:29 PM


  89. Anonymous9:46 PM

    English Protestants and Freemasons were also behind the infamous Hellfire Clubs.

    The reputed founder of the pre-eminent London Hell-Fire Club, Philip, Duke of Wharton, was Grand Master of England in 1722-23. Second, the reputed founder of the Dublin Hell-Fire Club, Richard Parsons, 1st Earl of Rosse, was twice Grand Master of Ireland, in 1725 and 1730.

    Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe. Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality" who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts, and the members were often involved in politics.

    The club motto was Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt), a philosophy of life associated with François Rabelais' fictional abbey at Thélème and later used by Aleister Crowley.

  90. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Sure, tell that to P2, the Vatican's very own Masonic lodge, or the RC Grand Orient of Paris where your Satanist Benjamin Franklin was well known!

    FYI, freemasonry comes straight out of Pharasaic aka Orthodox Judaism and out of Roman Catholicism. It was used as a way to corrupt Protestant countries and has its origins in the Knights ' Templar , that group of Satanic homosexuals loyal to Rome!

  91. Anonymous2:26 AM

    The KKK are not Protestant, they call their leaders wizards and grand dragons, that gives you a clue they are Satanists. Albert Pike was a son of Rome! Do your own research! What a messed up and hated people you loud-mouthed ignorant Americans are (especially the Roman Catholic ones , oh , and that vile bitcheck, Dorothy)!

  92. kkk day job is prot, always hated RC as much as hated blacks

  93. okay you screaming freaks I'll give you a target I'm 1/4 Kazari Jewish, maybe 1/162 or 1/32 black not sure its a maybe,I'm in the parent church to the RC leave Susanna etc. and Dorothy alone and bitch at me. bring it on, Jesus is stronger than satan, I rebuke you satan in Jesus' Name!

  94. Anonymous6:54 AM

    "FYI, Protestant England is the VATICAN of Freemasonry!"

    What happened in early 18th century London was simply a coming-out. See the historical chapter in JS Curl's book "The art and architecture of freemasonry" for its earlier links with Scotland. Northern Irish protestantism has been riddled with it too. The Church of England was riddled with it in mid-20th century but has been largely cleansed since.

    I would not call Propaganda Due the Vatican's own masonic lodge. The links are (were?) to do with the Vatican's bank, not the Vatican generally. For background, read Gerald Posner's book God's Bankers.

  95. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Christine Dear,

    What goes around comes around. That’s called karma in the language of chakras, aliens and vampires (oh my).

    You have treated people so poorly here that finally the participants have gone into revolt. You can't help yourself but to crazily confront and run off valued contributors (maybe out of jealousy). Now every thread’s comment section has become an attack against you. Your chickens have come home to roost.

    Thanks to you this blog has become ineffective.

  96. typical dishonest twisting. nothing I said implied any such thing as you say "every thread’s comment section has become an attack against you"

    I was inviting the rabid attackers of RC to leave them and tangle with me for a change.

  97. Anonymous11:03 AM

    C'mon Constance, everybody knows what's meant by the phrase "The referee has lost control of the game". Send the serially offending player who's at the heart of it off the field, for everybody's sake.

  98. Anonymous11:26 AM

    So 2:46 AM,

    You are the ultimate victim huh?

    All eyes at center stage, everyone!
    aka Justina isn't getting enough notice from the world.
    We must fix this.
    We must stop her tantrums and give her what she wants, or she is going to turn blue in the face.


    Such theatre.
    You see, Justina? It really is about you ;) ..just like you keep telling us from one thread to the next.

    You really need to be an ultimate something don't you?
    Could you possibly be more self-seeking than you are displaying here?

    What a yawn.

  99. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I'm baffled that she is allowed to continue this here.

    She is derailed herself. Of course, she will have that effect here, too.

    Her much "learning" has made her meshuga.
    (I'm jewish enough to know what that means ;) )

    Be your "colorful" cartoon self, all you want Chritine, ... at your own blog.

  100. Anonymous12:09 PM

    OHHHHHHHHHHH....the old "Judeo-Masonic conspiracy" theory. I was wondering when that one was going to be trotted out. I don't know about the Jews, but up until modern times, blacks were certainly not allowed to become Freemasons. They were usually referred to "Prince Hall" which was a "Masonic Lodge" invented exclusively for blacks. Brother Jim Crow was alive and well in the Lodge.

    Let's not forget about English Protestant Freemason Cecil B. Rhodes who, like his mentor, John Ruskin believed that only the British elite and their "pope" the reigning British Monarch who is head of the Church of England, could and should rule the world "to the benefit and happiness of mankind."

    Shortly after arriving at Oxford, Rhodes was initiated into Freemasonry at the Apollo University lodge No. 357. On April 17, 1877, he was raised a Master Mason in the same lodge. Rhodes also joined a Scottish Rite Lodge at Oxford called Prince Rose Croix Lodge No. 30. Rhodes was also a charter member of Bulawayo Lodge No. 2566,Rhodesia).

    Again, Cecil B. Rhodes, like Ruskin, advocated a one world government controlled by Britain. Recall the old saying that describes the British Empire as "the empire on which the sun never sets."

    John Ruskin, who was one of Rhodes's Oxford professors and mentor was a STRIDENT proponent of world government. Cecil Rhodes became so enamored with the idea of a world government centered in Great Britain that he took his money from the diamond and gold mines of South Africa and set up a trust. He created ongoing financial funding for a scholarship program to disciple and train multiple generations to go into key areas of media, broadcast, journalism, politics, and economics in order to push the idea of a world government. Carroll Quigley described how this growing array of influencers would work:

    "There does exist and has existed for a generation an international network which operates to some extent in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which many identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so."

    It is to be noted that, although this group of Round Table people are not Communists, they have no problem working with Communists. Most of them are Fabian Socialists, a group started in London in 1884 and including people like famous playwright George Bernard Shaw.

    Among the beneficiaries of Rhodes' largesse was Former President William Jefferson Clinton who paid a little visit to Moscow while overseas in 1968 while our men in the military were dying for their country during the Tet Offensive in Vietnam.

    Then there are the Pilgrim Society and the English-Speaking Union. These societies, have their origins in the Cecil Rhodes-Milner Round Table Group of Great Britain, and their purpose was to reestablish the British Commonwealth of Nations and, ultimately, to bring the world under the domination of a restored British Empire.


  101. Anonymous12:12 PM


    What Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner had in mind was the formation of a master/slave society based upon the principles of eugenics as derived from Plato's Republic. Malthusian Eugenics is the philosophy of depopulation through the reduction of inferior races --"human weeds"-- and the selective breeding of "a race of thoroughbreds" as described early in this century by Rockefeller-funded, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger. When Thomas Malthus' theory of population was later coupled with Charles Darwin's evolutionary model, the result was known as Social Darwinism.

    "The combination of Malthusian population control, which included the deliberate neglect of populations and indirect methods of killing off population, with Darwinism, produced National Socialism (Germany), International Socialism (Marxist Russia) and International Corporate Capitalism (Global Socialism, headquartered in the United States).

    After Rhodes's death Protestant Freemason Alfred Milner was appointed to head up the Secret Society for which Rhodes's first will made provision. Lord Milner once remarked of himself, "My patriotism knows no geographical but only racial limits. I am a British Race patriot."

    Milner recruited a group of young men from Oxford and Tonybee Hall to assist him in organizing his administration of the new society. All were respected English Freemasons. Among them were Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Balfour among others, and some Oxford College graduates known as "Milner's Kindergarten." In 1909, Milner's Kindergarten, with some other English Masons, founded the Round Table. The grandfather of all modern British Masonic "think tanks" was born.

    In previous threads, I recall someone mentioning the Reece Committee. The Beer profile, named for George Louis Beer who was the U.S. point man for the Cecil Rhodes Round Table from 1915-18, identifies yet another member of the American Round Table, who in 1953 SUBVERTED a Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations chaired by Congressman Carroll Reece of Tennessee. According to a series of articles in the Chicago Tribune in 1951, there was a time, prior to the Cold War, when a measure of concern was growing over the shadow cast upon the American government by the British Rhodes-Milner Round Table. The following several excerpts from the Chicago Tribune were cited in an anonymously authored book, The Union Jack:

    "Why is it so easy for Americans to be confused about the source of Communism? And why can Americans not believe that the British Empire is more powerful today than ever in history? Do they think that Rhodes Scholar internationalists who have key positions in United States institutions and government are made in Russia? Certainly they come from Oxford, England. In the year 1951 there were some interesting articles printed by the Chicago Tribune on Rhodes Scholars. The Tribune of course would not do so again nor would any big newspaper. Instead they have all been assigned the job of playing down the importance and strength of the British Empire.


  102. Anonymous12:14 PM


    In the July 15, 1951 article in the Tribune entitled "Rhodes Ideals Slant State Dept. Policies," subtitled "Key Posts Held by Oxford Scholars," by William Fulton, we quote:

    "New York, July 15 - Key positions in the United States department of state are held by a network of American Rhodes scholars. Rhodes scholars are men who obtained supplemental education and indoctrination at Oxford University in England with the bills paid by the estate of Cecil John Rhodes, British empire builder. Rhodes wrote about his ambition to cause 'the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.' The late diamond and gold mining tycoon aimed at a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. His intimates have admitted the scholarships were established for the primary purpose of instilling 'political Bias' rather than providing education." End quote.

    Then on July 16, 1951, under the title "Rhodes' Ideas Find Fertile Ground in U. N." subtitled " 'Scholars' Advance British Schemes," by William Fulton, we quote:

    "New York, July 16 - American Rhodes scholars, men who have received education and indoctrination at Oxford University, England,- are prominent in the affairs of the United Nations. The U.N. is an outgrowth of schemes developed by the scholars' patron, Cecil Rhodes, the British empire builder. Rhodes dreamed of an Anglo-Saxon federation with the British dominating, an organization powerful enough to police the world and preserve the peace. In his writings the diamond despot of South Africa showed he hoped the scholarships would promote his grandiose idea. Thirty-two American collegians go to Oxford each year under terms of Rhodes' will." End quote.

    On July 17, 1951, under the title "Scholars Help British Cash In On U.S. Billions," subtitled "Rhodes Men Hold Key Dole Jobs," by William Fulton, we quote:

    "New York, July 17-'Diamonds are a girl's best friend,' the popular song goes, and diamonds also are a Rhodes scholar's best friend. Approximately 1,400 Americans have gone to Oxford University, England, since 1904 with the way paid from the estate of Cecil Rhodes, diamond magnate and British empire builder. Today numerous Rhodes scholars are in a position to repay their educational benefactor in dollars for the sparklers dug up in their behalf from the diamond lands seized by the British in South Africa during the last century.


  103. Anonymous12:17 PM


    "Rhodes scholars dominate the United States department of state, which directs the doling out of billions in foreign aid, with the United Kingdom getting the major share. The savants also hold down important positions in the economic cooperation administration, mutual defense assistance program, and other foreign handout setups. This is all in keeping with Rhodes' overweening ambitions for a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons for the purpose of enforcing peace and the status quo. He also aimed at 'the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.' With the Oxford-indoctrinated Rhodes scholars holding key positions in the Washington administration, Britain obtained 31 billion dollars from Uncle Sam in the form of 'lend lease' outlays during the war. That was followed by the 3.75 billion dollar 'gift loan' to Britain in 1946.

    During the first three years of the Marshall plan ECA largesse, the United Kingdom received 2 billion 706 million dollars, by far the largest allotment. A bill providing 8% billion dollars for the military and economic aid program abroad is pending before congress." End quote.

    On July 19, 1951, in the Tribune under the title "Rhodes' Wards Hawk Global Scheme In U.S.," subtitled "Peddle Propaganda for 'One World," by William Fulton, we quote:

    "New York, July l9 - Rhodes scholars, returning from schooling and indoctrination at Oxford university, England, are the principal hawkers of globalist propaganda in the United States. The American scholars obtain their education abroad through terms of the will left by the late Cecil Rhodes, British empire builder and South African despot.

    Rhodes aimed at the return of the United States to the British empire and a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. He hoped his scholars would be instilled with 'political bias' toward these ends, according to his intimate friends.

    So when people start yapping about the machinations of the Pope and about "Vatican" one world government conspiracies, I really do have to laugh.........


  104. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Albert Pike was an American Protestant Freemason who was born in Boston, Massachusetts and whose parents were English Protestant colonists.

    However, when the Civil War started Pike became a turncoat took the side of the Confederacy.

    This is because Pike (like his fellow Mason Cecil B. Rhodes & Co.), was an advocate of slavery. Pike's anti-Catholicism also led him to join the Know Nothing movement when it was organized in 1856, but Pike was soon disappointed when it refused to adopt a strong pro-slavery platform. In 1869, Pike was also a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and in 1871 wrote the Masonic handbook, the Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

    After the Civil War Battle of Pea Ridgeof March 6–8, 1862, Pike was faced with war crimes charges that his troops had SCALPED soldiers in the field. Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman also charged Pike with mishandling of money and material, ordering his arrest.

    Pike, facing arrest, escaped into the hills of Arkansas, sending his resignation from the Confederate Army on July 12.

    After the Civil War, however, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson (Pike was Johnson's Masonic superior) on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 32nd Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple.

    Pike's treason was not only domestic, but it may have also been a kind of double treason on account of the evidence ( see Ravalette: The Rosicrucian's Story ) that Pike, along with Ethan Alan Hitchcock and Pascal Beverly Randolph met with some Rosicrucians/Freemasons in Paris which included Emperor Napoleon III who had deposed Benito Juarez in Mexico and installed Maximilian Ferdinand, or Maximilian I, thereby helping to bring to Mexico an archduke from the Royal House of Austria.
    France had various interests in this Mexican affair, such as seeking reconciliation with Austria, which had been defeated during the Franco-Austrian War of 1859, and exploiting the rich mines in the north-west of the country.

    The Rosicrucian meeting in Paris (presided over by famous French magician/occultist Eliphas Levi who didn't die until 1870)was not only for the purpose of discussing magic and the occult, but also for discussing politics and world affairs - including the Civil War in which BOTH England and France were supporting a CONFEDERATE VICTORY!!!

    Last but not least, Pike was widely accused of plagiarism in his writings. Among the more interesting of these accusations is the one by A.E. Waite - also mentioned in previous threads on this blog and which can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt -is Pike's plagiarization of the writings of the French magician/ "magnetic luciferian" Eliphas Levi in his book Morals and Dogma.

  105. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Dear 12.09pm,

    In case you hadn't noticed,

    1. FDR who was the man most responsible for lend-lease to Britain was not a Rhodes scholar;

    2. Alfred Milner was the man who enthusiastically drafted the Balfour declaration (which as a Christian Zionist I welcome); and

    3. The British Empire had effectively ceased to exist by the end of 1956 and nobody has taken a one-world government dominated by Britain seriously since.

  106. anon 1:21

    1. irrelevant, this didn't happen in a vacuum by himself.

    2. All these people had multiple reasons for anything they did. Milner probably saw this move as useful to keeping Arab interests in turmoil, themselves often tied up with German interests.

    3. totally irrelevant, since the issue is not rule by Britain itself, but rule by its kind of civilization and their elites. a stateless state, overlapping to various dubious interests, networks that crosshatch sometimes through shared interest in perversion and pedophilia. An occultist undercurrent is evident from the getgo.

    The Renaissance pioneered the revival of paganism in an artsy craftsy way and various "gods" as harmless poetic "personifications" of this and that. Britain and America did the same. whatever occult current was revived and brought however slightly by all this would feed other tendrils of the same thing.

    The masonic presence would undermine the natural Christian revulsion to all this, one Baptist minister wrote that he was praying to God for help about his failure as a minister and The Holy Spirit told him to get rid "of that jewel," his masonic emblem or ring or something, and he did so, and things got better right away, and his eyes were opened to the evil he had blindly walked in.

    How a supposedly Christian nation, or state, or county, or city, can blithely build all these pagan temple knock offs with pagan "gods" all over them as public official buildings is a question you should ask yourself.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Anonymous2:04 PM

    "How a supposedly Christian nation, or state, or county, or city, can blithely build all these pagan temple knock offs with pagan "gods" all over them as public official buildings is a question you should ask yourself.

    1:38 PM"

    How a supposedly christian person such as yourself could blithely support paganism such as vampires, alien "science", paranormal and occultic beliefs and practices, life on Mars and converting Martians, etc, etc, etc, etc....are questions you need to be asking yourself.
    Do that privately and quietly over at your snakepit of a blog, and let this one resume the real topics at hand, without your personal baggage doing yet another hostile takeover.
    You must use The Donald's playbook of overwhelm and dominate to "trump" all conversation. You should be his campaign manager.
    Your personal nasty style would be a good fit.

  109. "How a supposedly christian person such as yourself could blithely support paganism such as vampires, alien "science", paranormal and occultic beliefs and practices, life on Mars and converting Martians, etc, etc, etc, etc....are questions you need to be asking yourself. "

    Those things are not paganism. "occultic beliefs and practices" is an umbrella concept that includes paganism, but you denounce as pagan recognition of the existence of a subtle body (aka soul and some of its structure linking it to the body) and denunciation of meddling with it.

    life on Mars is not pagan. any more than the earth being round and going around the sun.

    converting Martians (if any are physical) is not pagan it is Christian missions.

    vampirism of one sort or another is documented world wide through all cultures and more effectively fought by Christian than non Christian measures.

    paranormal is another term of varying application and most of it is dangerous, some prohibited outright.

    your line of thought is sadduccee. you effectively deny anything supernatural except God Himself exists.

    "cleanse me with hyssop" goes Psalm 50/51. the herb called hyssop is likely not the hyssop of the Bible, more likely a kind of oregano. Used as a sprinkler of holy
    water or blood of sacrifices or included in them. Oregano is one of the entity repelling herbs. (one of those you can only use as a single herb, or one of three together but not two different species or they cancel themselves out). the cleansing of course went beyond the mere chemical effect and included the action of God, but an effect of just holding oregano herb bunches or rubbing on the oil, is somehow a feedback between body and soul, making you less permeable paranormally.

    your mentality would dismiss everything untoward as nonsense and imagination. many people with occult problems get no help from churchgoers especially now, 20 or 30 years into dismissing exorcism and spiritual warfare from the proper education of Christians, except for its grandiose and slipshod new age loaded forms in the hyper charismatic scene.

  110. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "Protestant Freemason"

    Yes, and I am a Satan worshiping born-a-again Christian, alien loving, Knight of Matlta, Nazi Baptist

    Uh huh. The Jesuits have always controlled all of the Freemason 'types'. Rome cares not if THEY know they are Romans or not, it's a game of deception, Jesuitism is deception.

  111. what you are missing is that the masons took over the Jesuits.

  112. Anonymous3:46 PM

    4:44 PM Southern Baptists? They have been Sunday worshiping since Lincoln was shot. That's all controlled by Acts 29 emergent types now, the Jesuit invented -Leadership Network- and the Roman controlled Dennis Bennet "i started a (bowel) movement' of charismatic chaos --Episcopal controlled by Rome-- (**see the Catholic Catechisms and while your at it read the encyclicals, YUCK!) and his Peter Drucker fascist, corporate church blenders, Leadership Network and the potty mouthed Pastor, A Roman Catholic school boy, Oh and Rick Warren's little buddy-- Mark Driscol- and his OH MY...what a poop mouth..

    They follow in ROMES GREATEST ASSET: Billy Grahm's (a mason) foot steps:

    Southern Baptist..uh when was the divide and conquer? Looks like 2007 or there about:

    and remember his New Apostolic bowel movement part deux GLOBAL DIVERSE CHURCH does slam Luther and praises the Catholic Catechisms, mmmm, not really Protestant after all, LOL!

    Yeah they sound JUST LIKE YOU

    Of course all so-you-call New Age-Protestant churches sound just like YOU and all the other Masonic/Mythras/Mamma baby Worship teachings. Scream all day if you want to, they are all Roman now but that sloppy stink you all try to glue and paste on might stick to "Protestants" if any one knew what a PROTESTANT WAS ANYMORE it would not be so easy, good thing you invented that TV mind control and there's always blogs to mislead the sheep......zzzzzz.

    How clever ...invent a 'church' that winds up being Cesar worship and remind the followers they have no salvation if they leave it, God help us! It has to be Lucifer again, that mad genius is recognizable.

    Luther WAS RIGHT, Daniel says it all.


  113. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    what you are missing is that the masons took over the Jesuits.

    3:24 PM

    You are nuts and a complete deceiver. I am glad people don't fall for you here, find a new assignment because you have long been exposed here and when you say those lies people know instantly I am correct. Here is the visual:

  114. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Christine at 1.38pm, I wrote what I did at 1.21pm to the comment by Anon@12.09pm. While you are obviously free to reply to me here (as you did), please do not take my lack of response to you as indicating that I am not able to.

  115. Anonymous3:52 PM

  116. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Muslim Mason-Romans

    So-Called Protestant Mason-Romans

    Jewish Mason Romans

    Lucifer's governance is never hard to understand, it's a top down thing and the race separation is a huge part. Hitler liked it.

  117. Anonymous3:59 PM

    ACTORS!!! Take the stage and play your rolls, you hate this guy and you hate that guy and you say you are this type and you claim to be this part...they all collect their checks from Hollywood.

  118. anon 3:51,

    I have no way of knowing who any anonymous is who doesn't say they are of some time stamp or add a name. I don't care who they are. I respond to ideas more than to people, named or not, but with a name a pattern of idea is more visible per person.

    so please don't deceive yourself, that just because you know who you are, anyone else does also. no one knows. some might guess. most don't.

    that's the point about being anonymous. no one knows who you are.

    I repeat, stop deceiving yourself, you are invisible and unknown. and if you don't get that common sense bit through your head, you are in danger of being deceived by yourself or by others in matters of more importance.

    I say this as a kindness. don't put yourself at risk by a habit of whatever frame of mind makes you think anyone would know who you are.

    I certainly don't.

  119. Anonymous4:24 PM

    "your mentality would dismiss everything"
    No, I dismiss miss you.
    "your line of thought is sadduccee. you effectively deny anything supernatural except God Himself exists."
    Again, no. Your line of thought is demonic. You can't Bible that up, you can't make the Bible jive your extrabiblical, unbiblical junk..
    You run counter to the Bible and need to repent of your unbelief--big time.

  120. Anonymous4:39 PM

    4:07 PM

    They know.

  121. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Anonymous 3:20 P.M.

    Re: Yes, and I am a Satan worshiping born-a-again Christian, alien loving, Knight of Matlta, Nazi Baptist

    WOW!!! So you finally admit that you have embraced "perennialism."

  122. Anonymous5:27 PM

    But wait. It gets better. There are the British Israelites.

    British Israelism is a VARIANT of fundamentalist Christian theology based on pseudoarchaeology. In general it claims the lost tribes of Israel migrated to the British Isles and were the ancestors of today's White British people. It was a popular theory in the early 20th century, at least in the U.K. where it served as a theological pseudo-justification for the British Empire.

    The doctrine often includes the tenet that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King is a kind of British political messianism that likely inspired John Ruskin and his protégé Cecil Rhodes.

    Contemporary scholars, such as Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke identify the most influential writer who gave birth to the British Israelite movement as John Wilson, who wrote Our Israelitish Origins in 1840. Edward Hine also published The British Nation Identified with Lost Israel in 1871, which went on to sell 250,000 copies.

    Key beliefs are:

    1. That the White British alone fulfill the prophecies of the Israelites as listed in the Old Testament.

    2. Two House Theology - the belief that while Jews (Ashkenazi, Sephardi) are lineal descendants of the tribe of Judah, that the other tribes of Israel are not Jewish, but are the White British (and sometimes surrounding peoples).

    3. Another key tenet is the view that the House of Israel (the "ten lost tribes") never returned to the Kingdom of Israel after the Assyrian invasion and captivity in the 8th century BC, but were taken into Assyria, where eventually they moved into Britain.

    4. That the British monarchy descends from King David (the Davidic bloodline).

    5. An apostolic origin of the British church (British Israelites believe that many of the apostles visited Britain).

    6. That the English language is of Hebrew derivation.

    Most British Israelists are merely eccentric and not particularly racist. The exception is Christian Identity, an explicitly white supremacist variant of British Israelism popularized among the Ku Klux Klan and related groups during the late 20th century. Christian Identity extends British Israelism beyond merely being about the British, to include all of the so-called "white race" - Germanic, Celtic, Slav, Italic, Caucasian, Aryan, etc. It also adds anti-Semitic beliefs not shared by most British Israelites, claiming that the Jews are impostors to the claim of descent from the Israelites, and are actually descended from converts from the Khazar tribe. The 1902 book Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright by J. H. Allen is a British Israelist tract that is cited by scholars as one of the reasons why U.S. white supremacists discovered British Israelism and twisted it into the explicitly racist Christian Identity theology.

    Various British Israelite organisations were set up across the British Empire and in America from the 1870s; a small number of such organisations are still active today.

    In terms of an "Antichrist" scenario, the Jesuits, the Pope and the Vatican would have to go some to top that one!

  123. Anonymous6:43 PM

    "I say this as a kindness. don't put yourself at risk by a habit of whatever frame of mind makes you think anyone would know who you are."


  124. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Dear 5.27pm,

    You fail to mention the single most important fact about British Israelists - that they regard the USA, founded from Britain, as under the covenant too. I don't know how many of these crazies exist in the USA but I'd be surprised if there are many more than the single one I have encountered in 15 years as a Christian Zionist living in England.

  125. 6:43

    you address me as if I would have any idea who you are and who you are not.

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Christine at 1.38pm, I wrote what I did at 1.21pm to the comment by Anon@12.09pm. While you are obviously free to reply to me here (as you did), please do not take my lack of response to you as indicating that I am not able to.

    3:51 PM"

    you post something anonymously. if someone else comments it might or might not be you. if you don't comment, I don't know who it is that is not commenting. there is no point being concerned how I take your silence

    when it is impossible to determine whether you are being silent or not.

    because you are anonymous.

    that means nameless.

    that means, a non entity.

    it was by trial and error we determined a couple of years ago to sort out anonymice by tagging by time of post. that is not entirely adequate, because all the non entities could be only one, or as many as post, or half the number or less.

    so if I don't hear back from you it doesn't mean anything.

    and if another anon were to comment on my remarks, which could happen, it doesn't mean anything either.

    that's the problem with anonymity. A bunch of people with identical voices yelling in a dark room. any apparent notable style also means nothing, because style can be adopted at will. with anonymity you can pretend to be three or four different people and have a nice argument online.

  126. anon 6:43

    since you don't seem to understand the obvious, perhaps because you see yourself in some kind of distinctive light as recognizable nameless or not, this is a flaw
    that played out online is harmless enough. But take it on the road apply it to some other situation, where you assume your view of yourself and of what you are doing and intending is the same "OF COURSE" anyone else would have, you could end up making serious mistakes.

    This kind of thinking can even put you in danger. what your world view is you assume is shared. what you think is proper or unthinkable or obvious or not obvious is nothing of the kind to anyone else.

    and you could end up in an argument ending in permanent social hostilities, or one of those business situations where you and the other person think each one has been cheated by the other, and the possibilities escalate.

    and as for identifying oneself with a string of time stamps, well, that gets confusing. but you could be offline for the day, and everything after your original post being done by someone else.

  127. "they know" yeah, maybe sometimes. I am sure there are a few who guess right. maybe you use some code word. absent that, I guarantee you that unless you let them know somehow, they do not know. they at most guess.

  128. Anonymous7:48 PM


    Your last two posts make no sense. You're rambling again.

  129. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Chritine, are you still here? Haven't you got to tend to advertising the res seer's psychic talents again or feed the Martians on the shed roof?

    You really are a loveless psychic vampire, and if this site had 'chakras ' (even though there's no such thing ) you'd have bled them dry by now!

    Your poor mother must've been at her wit's end with you! If there was anything she must've truly regretted then surely it was the fact she gave birth to you, a fully fledged and loveless nutter!

  130. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Anonymous, 6:47 P.M.

    Re: "You fail to mention the single most important fact about British Israelists - that they regard the USA, founded from Britain, as under the covenant too."


    Most of the members of this particular radical right wing religious lunatic fringe that goes by the name of "Christian" do live in the United States as far as is known.

    Brit-Am is another organization (founded ca. 1993) based in Israel, which also identifies the Lost Ten Tribes with the British and related peoples. Brit-Am uses biblical and rabbinical exegesis to justify its beliefs, supplemented by secular studies.

  131. I love this line:

    "This is because Allen, as well as his disciples, Herbert and Garner Ted Armstrong, all shared a strange habit of selectively quoting Bible verses carefully and surgically excised from their context. Sometimes the verses are even cut off halfway through; the effect is to mislead -- in some cases, to make the verse seem to say the exact opposite of what it actually says! "

    part one.

    This is exactly the same way pretribbers handle the bible too. But this is about British Israelism, and the origins are farther back than usually thought.

    part three is where it gets interesting.

    "LORD ACTON FAMOUSLY SAID, "few discoveries are more irritating than those that expose the
    pedigree of ideas."

    People invest a lot of emotion, a lot of ego, into the ideas they believe. When our cherished beliefs are attacked or refuted it feels as if our very being has been attacked. The way to avoid that feeling, of course, is to love the truth more than our own opinions. That way, being corrected is more relieving than painful, since it means you've come closer to your goal of alignment with truth.

    But if the pedigree of British Israelism is not biblical, where did it originate? This requires some digging into history and a little speculation.

    This article sheds some interesting light on the question. It cites Prof. Stuart Piggot, who wrote that the idea of British origin and inheritance from Israel was promoted by occultists, among them the late 18th/early 19th century poet and artist William Blake.

    "‘Your Ancestors,’ [Blake] told his readers, ‘derived their origin from Abraham, Heber, Shem and Noah, who were Druids, as the Druid Temples (which are Patriarchal Pillars and Oak Groves) over the whole Earth to witness to this day.’ And in a single phrase Blake takes us, and the Druids, back to a familiar landscape. ‘The Nature of my Work, ‘ he wrote, ‘is Visionary or Imaginative; it is an endeavour to Restore what the Ancients call’d the Golden Age.’" (Piggot, The Druids)

    It seems that for some reason, occult orders identifying themselves as Druidic had an interest in promoting the idea that their ancestors were Israelites. A secret "Order of the Ancient Druids" was founded in 1781 "on lines inspired by Freemasonry"; a split in its ranks yielded "numerous daughter orders" which "also contained its original mystic lines." One of these daughter orders, Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids of Oxford, initiated into its ranks a young Winston Churchill.(Piggot)


  132. As an aside, note that an Armstrongist idol -- a man constantly lionized by HWA and his followers as a "real leader" -- was himself said to be a “natural psychic” and belonged to Freemasonry, the Order of the Garter (a high-level occult group traditionally presided over by the Prince of Wales), as well as a secret neo-Druidic order. (He also found time to defend a medium being prosecuted under Britiain’s Witchcraft Laws. This opened the way for the recognition of paganism as a religion, followed by the flowering of Wicca and other open forms of neo-paganism.)

    None of this should come as no great shock to anyone with the slightest familiarity with the occult, as the upper echelons of British and American society (like ancient Israel) have long been honeycombed by interconnected mystery cults such as Freemasonry, Druidism, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Death’s Head, the Order of the Golden Dawn, the Hellfire Club(s), the Illuminati, the Jesuits and many others. Druidism is yet one more branch of the ancient Mysteries which ultimately descend from Babylon. The greater story of the ancient mysteries and their modern descendants is a story for another time."

    the article referred to is

    And I suspect the effort to identify the druids, on the slimmest of similarties like unhewn stone for altars, with the levites, was part of an effort to whitewash

    step one. connect them with Israelites.

    step two, made more credible by step one, dismiss Julius Caesar's account (and anyone else's) of their human sacrifices and depravities as merely propaganda to make his imperialism look good at home. Which is ridiculous, because Romans didn't need a moral excuse for imperialism, not being Christian or anything like that.

    step three, get druidry to be viewed as okay because british, and legalize it.

    step four, some generations later, revive human sacrifice (probably of lots of Christians who are not syncretistic enough). we aren't at this stage yet, but it might only be a matter of time.

    of interest is the account of Kathleen Sullivan, whose grandfather was a druid who came to the US, liked to hang out in graveyards and do rituals and was incestuous, and helped created the multigenerational Satanism and pedophilia abusive family she came from.

  133. from the article he draws on

    "The history of the Druids provides some of the more notable names involved in the movement, along with some of it’s more aberrant factions and teachings.

    “…1781, a 'secret society', The Order of the Ancient Druids, had been set up in London by Henry Hurle...on Garlick Hill in the city, on lines doubtless inspired by Freemasonry...In 1833 the Order split…majority became ‘The United Ancient Order of the Druids.’ This, with ...numerous daughter Orders, flourishes as a Friendly Society, but the rump of the 1833 split also contained its original mystic lines...Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids of Oxford (1908) it accepted as an initiate the young Winston Churchill at a ceremony in Blenheim Park.... Henry Hurles original Order…The British Circle of the Universal Bond---split and formed The Order of the Bards, Ovates and Druids in 1963—meet on Tower Hill in London. 1717 members of Druids include John Toland, William Stukeley, Lord Winchilsea and William Blake. Chief druid from 1909 to 1946 --George Watson Macgregor Reid, friend of Bernard Shaw..." 60.

    “A man named Owen Morgan or Morien around the 1920's in England managed to reconcile his pious Welsh Calvinistic Methodism with Druidism even though it meant equating Taliesin with Jesus Christ.--his writings such things as Phallic worship to the Holy Greal, by way of Druidic Mysteries.” 61.

  134. Pat Robertson (CNP) writes that his family's aristocratic lineage links to the British Churchill family. Another source states that British Israelism was a matter of Spiritual and Political provocation. The purpose was to deceive the Jews into an alliance with Britain.

    “…John Dee, the son of one of Henry VIII's court officials, grew up surrounded by this controversy and the mystical currents concerning the notion of British Empire. The latter involved a spiritual as well as a geopolitical aspect: the British were to inherit the earth, and in the process foster the spread of True Christianity. That is, not Catholicism… According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, the kings of Britain were descended from Brut, of Trojan origin. King Arthur, one of Brut's descendants, was considered the chief exemplar of sacred British Imperial Christianity. John Dee identified with this Arthurian notion of Empire, as he believed himself to be descended from the ancient kings of Britain, and was thus himself a distant cousin of the Tudor Queen Elisabeth I.”

    “Another line of thought led to the doctrine of British-Israelism, which held that the British were the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. The doctrine of British-Israelism and the Lost Ten Tribes was intended to forge a political alliance between the British monarchy and the Jews of Amsterdam, through a merger of the Arthurian Imperial tradition with Cabalistic interpretations of the Hebrew scriptures….

    “To forge ties between Jewish merchants and British Imperialists, John Dee created the concept of British-Israel, which gave the British and the Jews a common racial identity, and invoked biblical prophecy to show the inevitable triumph of British Imperialism: the British, as Abraham's seed, were to inherit the earth. Dee also introduced the Jewish Cabala to the British ruling class and its interlocking network of European royal dynasties. All this set the stage for the later absorption of European Jewish merchants and bankers into British society…In essence, the dissemination of the British-Israel doctrine was an intelligence coup carried out by the British Monarchy.” 62.

    It is from this thinking, which correlates with J.H. Allen’s writings, comes the propagation of the idea that the British Crown is of the Davidic Line. Hence, those who are spreading that idea are also disseminating British Israelism, deliberately or not.

    A telephone conversation April 7, to John Hagee Ministries revealed that, while having been charismatic, they now refer to themselves as "Info-Revival". Their church has been organized with a governmental leadership of 12 and the congregation is divided into twelve tribes. They now teach that the "Chosen people" are Israelites and all Christians must be Israelites, therefore each must become part of one of the Israeli tribes. According to the Hagee Ministry representative, those failing to adhere to one of the 12 tribes gets prayed over until they desire to belong. They do not consider themselves to be a Messianic congregation."

    Churchill's Druids and Britain's Satanic Prime Minister.

  136. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... 2:18 PM

    life on Mars is not pagan. any more than the earth being round and going around the sun.
    converting Martians (if any are physical) is not pagan it is Christian missions.

    What evidence do you have that Martians are not pagan?
    If they are not pagan why do they need to be converted?
    What was the original sin of the Martian anyway?
    Why did God suck all the water off Mars, to flood the earth in Noah's day as you implied?
    Why did God decide to destroy both WOrlds at the same time?

  137. Anonymous5:32 AM

    At least 31 posts are Christine's.

    Many more are from others having to correct her nonsense about converting so called Martians.

    This woman is a demon filled nutcase and should be banned!

    I am giving up coming here to read, it's pointless!

  138. Anonymous6:17 AM

    "since you don't seem to understand the obvious, perhaps because you see yourself in some kind of distinctive light as recognizable nameless or not, this is a flaw"

    It was your GRAMMAR that I didn't understand, where you wrote, "don't put yourself at risk by a habit of whatever frame of mind makes you think anyone would know who you are." Could you translate this sentence into English?

  139. Anonymous6:20 AM

    "What evidence do you have that Martians are not pagan?"

    Good question to Christine, 10.31pm, but before that is What evidence that they EXIST??

  140. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Winston Churchill actually resigned by letter from Freemasonry. That is a lot stronger than merely ceasing to attend Lodge. Good man!

  141. anon 6:17

    never mind grammar, what is so hard to understand when I spell it out?
    you have a self assured self approving self centered attitude obviously or you could not think everyone knows who you are when you don't say so.

    this attitude in turn can or will drive all other errors.

    said errors can result in anything from you being misunderstood to you being dead.

  142. 6:20

    I didn't say Martians are not pagan. they probably are. I said life on MArs is not pagan, and I said that in context of a list of matters that you falsely claim are inherently pagan notions.

    the idea there is life on Mars is not pagan. Martians themselves might be pagan.

  143. "at least least 31 posts are Christine's"



  144. Just try to imagine a person stumbling onto this blog for the first time and seeing a person that claims to be an "orthodox" Christian talking about:

    "Christian missionaries in the 1800's planned to go to Mars to evangelize Martians."

    "Martians "probably are pagan" but "I didn't say they were."

    "Non-marital, co-habitation with an "ex" Satanist is somehow "justified" by using Scripture no less.

    Numerous statements re: UFOs

    Numerous statements re: alien abductions

    Statements re: someone putting a curse on you ... you'll know it when your "gut" has some "bubbling and gurgling."

    etc., etc., etc.

    On and on the show goes on. The only hope for this blog is that one day the 3 Ring Circus packs up and leaves town.

    PS: typical convoluted gem posted @ 6:57 AM

  145. ""Martians "probably are pagan" but "I didn't say they were.""

    you can't be that illiterate. you have to be dishonest.


    Martians may be pagan.

    the existence of an undiscovered land west of Europe was not a pagan notion, even if pagan sourced documents and maps talked about it.

    the people on that continent were pagan.

    none of the things you say are New Age are New Age.

    New Age is a set of belefs ABOUT these and other things, not belief or suspicion the things exist.

    Gaiaism is pagan. the belief the earth exists is not pagan. worshipping the earth is pagan.

    can you tell the difference?

  146. Anonymous8:11 AM

    "the idea there is life on Mars is not pagan"

    No, just absurd. (Intelligent life, anyway.)

  147. anon 8:11

    ""the idea there is life on Mars is not pagan"

    No, just absurd. (Intelligent life, anyway.)"

    okay, NOW you are talking sensibly. it might be true it might be false, but it isn't New Age in itself.

  148. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    "Martians may be pagan."

    You make this silly statement with a HUGE assumption that Martians actually exist. I can't believe this nonsense is even being discussed, but I'll play your silly game ... where is your absolute PROOF that "Martians" exist, have existed in the past (please cite something credible ... and not that goofy book you wrote).

  149. Anonymous9:02 AM

    No less than 36 posts have been written by the resident disingenuous and incredibly disliked New Ager, Chritine !

    This joke of a woman is beyond a joke!

  150. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Ray B, 'credible' doesn't enter into her remit of thinking. She is clearly out to lunch forever!

    This lying New Age nutcase has a forked tongue, like her spiritual father, Satan! She is shacked up and shackled in sin with her "ex" Satanist resident seer, Mike, for whom she posts adverts for his "psychic talents ".

    I too saw that evil and vile post of hers she put here and quickly removed when she realised her error of having posted it at the wrong site.

    I am surprised others haven't taken her to task more over it. Still, she does live in the most decadent society on Earth. I suppose it is "run-of -the-mill" for loud-mouthed ignorant yanks to accept such things. How the Vatican must be proud of her daughter of rebellion, the greediest most selfish and violent nation on Earth, the United Snakes of America!

  151. Anonymous9:56 AM

    “Today we can talk about an Arab invasion,” the Roman Catholic leader said in the comments dated Thursday. “It is a social fact.”

    (they are bringing in their friends)

    “go forward and find itself enhanced by the exchange among cultures,” after saying that Europe is the “only continent that can bring about a certain unity to the world.”

    (sorry Bridge Maximus, but that won't happen, It's a Biblical reality, not even if you bring ALL of your friends)

  152. Anonymous9:58 AM

    King James Version
    And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

    Daniel 2:43

  153. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "I say this as a kindness. don't put yourself at risk by a habit of whatever frame of mind makes you think anyone would know who you are."


    6:43 PM

    code for stop posting, we know who you are, it's a team Jesuit sentence

  154. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Knight of Gregory marries

  155. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Anon 9:15 AM

    "I too saw that evil and vile post of hers she put here and quickly removed when she realised her error of having posted it at the wrong site."

    I missed this, what is this about?

  156. anon 9:15

    welcome to the circus here!

    seems RayB claimed I put up an advertisement for Mike for psychic services, having supposedly done this by mistake when it was supposed to go elsewhere. (This would be extremely difficult to do by the way. you don't just fire off blog posts like batch email, you know where you are and who will likely see it.) Then supposedly I deleted this realizing my mistake. But not before the brave and dedicated man of God saw it and proclaimed my guilt to all and sundry.

    (I didn't do it.)

    Then in what order I forget, Dan Bryan (who is too smart to discuss his love of reincarnation and rejection of Christ's eternal preexistence here but did so on my blog then deleted his comments to hide the evidence so is a bit dubious credibility wise) claimed he saw it also. And so did two (?) anonymice. (I say ? because with anons they might be all the same person.)

    Someone in this mess suggested that perhaps my account was hacked but decided otherwise.

    over a year ago, several quirky posts were made under my name by someone who set up another blogger/google account with my name. However, as Marko said, if you put the cursor on a blue name, a number for it appears in the lower left screen. And my posts and the fake Christine's were different numbers. This stopped.

    I can only assume that these rather dubious people were flat out lying. Because in the time frame, I had posted a perfectly normal post, and decided to delete and wait for more information before I commented. There was only that one deleted by author. If there was a spoof account, two such deletes would be evident.


  157. Anonymous5:07 PM


    Do you still have Dan Bryan's post from your blog?

  158. anon 5:07

    I reposted the lot as a blog post, here is the link.

    I did the same regarding paul's posts in case he decided to delete them. you
    will see he scoffs at the idea the EU has any Nazi background. Of course he denied posting, but you can make up your mind for yourself on this.

  159. Anonymous6:22 PM


    That's going to take a while to read before I can comment further. Thanks for posting.

  160. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Anonymous 6:21 A.M. said...

    "Winston Churchill actually resigned by letter from Freemasonry. That is a lot stronger than merely ceasing to attend Lodge. Good man!"

    Agreed. Churchill would not allow his Masonic oath to trump his commitments outside of the Lodge which included the duties and responsibilities which went tandem with his burgeoning political career. To resign publicly the way he did in spite of possible future consequences to his career was not only courageous, but also a possible indication that his continuing membership would have benefitted the Lodge more than it would have benefitted Churchill.

  161. "As a freemason WInston Churchill... well summarized in the words of the Grand secretary..."Winston Churchill was initiated as a young man but never progressed in the order and has taken no part for many years." By 1912 Winston Churchill was well on his way to political success and fame....Matters and consequence and importance were henceforth to absorb Winston Churchill's talent and energies. In the knowledge that he would no longer be able to take any part whatsoever, he resigned from the Studholme Lodge but continued his membership of the Craft. On a number of separate occasions, in the coming years, his involvement in Masonic affairs was sought and he willingly participated."

  162. Anonymous11:48 PM

    The Pope and George Soros agree:


  163. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Since the Vatican is not especially concerned about rape, the fact that women in countries like German and Sweden are the victims of this invasion would not be of great concern to him.

    Even the head of the EU told the refugees not to come because Europe is overwhelmed economically physically and in every other way. The refugees can not be properly screened. There are no doubt legitimate refugees from all the wars we've been involved in. How about stop creating wars? That would make more sense, save lives, leave countries intact like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen. That would not serve the Soros agenda to break all the national barriers.

    Why doesn't the Pope call for an end to the stupid wars that only advance the globalist's interest? This is a rhetorical question obviously. This is not Catholic bashing, before all the Catholics on the blog get upset. This is just common sense.

  164. Anonymous7:19 AM

    While it is clear that Churchill was not opposed to freemasonry after his resignation, the phrase "he resigned from the Studholme Lodge but continued his membership of the Craft" on that masonic website is absurd. What exactly does it mean? How can you do that? Patently this phrase was written to try to associate freemasonry with a great man.

  165. Anonymous8:22 AM

    In Freemasonry, there is a saying "once a Mason, always a Mason." It is always possible that Churchill applied for what is called a "demit" which would have allowed him to exit Freemasonry while remaining in good standing with the order.

  166. Anonymous8:26 AM

    More on demits.

  167. Christine, I have no doubt that someone named Paul has been to your blog, or even that he may have used a small "p" as I do,
    but I have NO use for you or your blog and I haven't posted anything on your disinfowolf website.

  168. paul,

    the remarks were all hostile and/or snarky and mocking and saying I should not come back here. that is compatible with your attitude to me. If someone imitated you
    they did a good job.

    but as I have said before, only you and God know whether you posted there or not.
    So IF you didn't I apologize, and If you did I don't apologize, so only you and God
    know if you have been apologized to or not.

  169. Anonymous9:56 AM

    4:47 PM, 9:15 here...

    It's about her having accidently posted something here she obviously meant for another site and then quickly removing it once she realised her error.

    She has posted here "by mistake " before, using the account of her "ex" Satanist live in co-fornicator, Mike Tinge (who she calls her "Resident Seer" ((her capitalisation, not mine)) and lauds his psychic abilities, which she feigns are due to genetics).

    Also, looking at some of the anonymous posts in the past, you can clearly see her signature phrases and vitriol yet this she-rat calls all anonymous posters, "anonymice ", what a vile hypocrite she is!

    In the post concerned, she was talking about how Mike offers his services in tapping into the chakras and raise the kundalini to prevent psychic attacks, or something like that. I think it mentioned reiki 'healing' and maybe even tantric sex magic methodology?

    Anyway, the post was beyond stomach churningly New Age and demonic. I almost had to rub my eyes in disbelief at what I was seeing. So you see, it wasn't just Ray B who saw the post in question, there were a few of us.

    Now , neither is it out of character for her. In the past she had been caught out admitting Mike is an unrepentant "ex" Satanist who she won't marry because he may "backside "(as she so crudely put it) into the worst side of it again. Also, she won't marry him because she is avoiding State payments which she would be jointly liable for. She recently boasted about how Mike had taught his daughter Amy "too well" in the art of fraud and writing dud Cheques!

    Have a look back over her posts (before she deletes them) on this and the previous topic's pages: you'll see just how unregenerate of a gnostic and blasphemous reprobate this supposed follower of EO really is!

  170. anon 9:56

    all that is false.

    I have never posted such an ad, or intended to do so, here or anywhere.

    I have never posted anonymously here, and it was someone (anonymous or otherwise I forget) who disliked your vile and vitriolic style who called you all "anonymice," I merely took the term up.

    the alleged ad "tapping into the chakras and raise the kundalini to prevent psychic attacks, or something like that. I think it mentioned reiki 'healing' and maybe even tantric sex magic methodology? "

    the last thing to do to prevent psychic attack is any of the foregoing.

    I drew attention to the special unusual dangers of reiki here, beyond the usual energy work dangers.

    I did not "admit" anything about Mike. as for "unrepentant" with any addiction there is a danger of backsliding especially if threats from old friends are possible. the occult and ritual magic can be addicting. Mike pursued the approach of
    those who want to get out alive - slip away slowly, claiming too busy with work to attend, take up with a Christian and claim they'd like to attend but are afraid of getting the wife or husband (legal or otherwise) angry.

    I did not BOAST but bemoaned with a touch of sarcasm Mike's previous parenting skills and how they backfired later.

    you can only be excused by assuming you have a mental and reading comprehension illness. More likely you are an unregenerate reprobate and liar.

    study my posts and see for yourself.

  171. paul said 8:50 AM ...

    "Christine, I have no doubt that someone named Paul has been to your blog, or even that he may have used a small "p" as I do,
    but I have NO use for you or your blog and I haven't posted anything on your disinfowolf website."

    Christine disputes this. In my opinion, if given the choice between "paul" and "Christine" as to who is telling the truth ... 100 times out of 100 I will choose "paul."

  172. why don't you just read the "paul" posts and judge for yourself? Paul's remark here is a bit ambiguous. the attitude expressed at my blog was indeed that he didn't have use for it and wanted me to be sure I knew that. not the same words but it adds up to that.

    BTW several people have visited my blogs, coming from

  173. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Yes, Ray B. I completely agree with you. 100 % I would trust you and Paul over Christine any day of the week!

    The woman is a duplicitous, lying, false accuser; gnostic and a disseminator of doctrines of devils and all sorts of nonsense!

    She criticises others over their reading and writing skills yet have you seen her poor grammar, spelling and punctuation skills? She is a hypocritical joke! The laughing stock and the heavy burden of the blog: the unwelcome guest who just won't go! It is obvious she is a New Age agent of the Devil himself : what poisonous and thorny fruits this barren woman unashamedly bares, an unregenerate rebellious reprobate with a seared (or should that be "seered") conscience is what she is!

  174. Anonymous said @ 9:56 AM ...

    "Anyway, the post was beyond stomach churningly New Age and demonic. I almost had to rub my eyes in disbelief at what I was seeing. So you see, it wasn't just Ray B who saw the post in question, there were a few of us."


    I had a very similar reaction when I saw the "ad." You are correct when saying that several others saw it as well, including Dan Bryan. After I read her post twice, I stared at in disbelief, attempting to figure out if somehow someone was able to copy her screen name (exactly no less) and post this in order to defame her already defamed reputation. Then, when it "disappeared" a little later, I realized that it had to be HER that posted it and that she deleted it after realizing that she posted it on the wrong blog.

    Along the same lines of her missteps, recently, she posted in here several messages under her "ex" Satanist's companion in sin's screen name ... by mistake. Obviously, this woman is not only untrustworthy, she is also mistake prone.

    I'm really beginning to wonder why Constance puts up with this. Obviously, Christine posts far more error and falsehood in here in comparison to her occasional microcosmic crumb of truth. The only reason allows Christine in here, perhaps, is that both Christine and Constance are in the pro-Roman Catholic camp, and Christine (along with Susanna) is a mouthpiece for defending all things Rome.

  175. you are all (assuming you aren't all just one person) lying.

  176. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Yes, Ray B. I completely agree with you. 100 % I would trust you and Paul over Christine any day of the week!

    The woman is a duplicitous, lying, false accuser; a gnostic and a disseminator of doctrines of devils and all sorts of nonsense!

    She criticises others over their reading and writing skills yet have you seen her poor grammar, spelling and punctuation skills? She is a hypocritical joke! The laughing stock and the heavy burden of the blog; the unwelcome guest who just won't go!

    It is obvious she is a New Age agent of the Devil himself : what poisonous and thorny fruits this barren woman unashamedly bares, for she is an unregenerate and rebellious reprobate with a seared (or should that be "seered") conscience!

    As long as she refuses to repent and change her deceptive ways, there is no hope for her: so sad!

  177. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Ray B., now she's claiming you, Paul, Dan Bryan, and others who've exposed her antics here are all alter-egos of one and the same person: just how deluded can she get?

    She is projecting the evident traits of her all too visible anti-social and multiple personality disorders (no doubt acquired due to her hatred for her mother and her profound and long-term occult meddling) onto others here! She should turn that mirror back towards herself and seriously reflect and take stock of her sinful condition. After all, she's no spring chicken!

  178. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Chritine, where's this proof for your claims that 19th century Christians not only believed in Martians or other extra-terrestrial aliens existed but that such 19th Century Christians wanted to evangelize such Martians or other extra-terrestrial aliens, and how were they intending to do so?

    Illogical, Chritine!

    It's one small step for Chritine's proclamations of nonsense. .. and it would be one giant leap in incredulous credibility were any of us to take you seriously!

    She's life, Jim, but not as we know it!

    Beam her up, Scotty!

    Her nonsense is on warp-speed yet her chances of 'making it home' seem bleak to say the least!

  179. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I believe Paul (paul) from here at this blog. He is consistent and no pretense.

    Mary C Erikson is all about pretense.
    Even if he had an imitator commenting over at her blog makes zero difference to anyone here. It's her issue but she has to bleed all over this blog in her victim nonsense because it is her warped need for drama and attention that she comes to this place to create havoc. That is all she has to offer---------havoc.
    It has to be awful living inside her hide.
    She should keep her awful to herself.

    It is her own private matter and not for a public blog.
    She should be disallowed to post here.

    For the life of me I don't understand how it is alright that she gets to keep this terrible behavior going on and on here at this place. Doesn't help her get real and seek actual help for her many disturbances......and sure does damage to the blog's purpose.

  180. Anonymous12:35 PM

    As MCE would say: Bingo, Anonymous 12:23 PM!

  181. Anonymous12:47 PM

    So Christine (aka Justina)

    Are all aliens descendants of Adam? Is that why they need to be converted?
    Where did you receive this channeled information?
    How did these aliens find a way to get 'off world'?
    Did the giants get off world and then come back?
    Hybrid souls? Are all souls redeemable? How would you know?
    So we engineered the aliens so they can return to deceive us?

  182. Anonymous12:49 PM

    To all , please be careful if ever in Placer County (Erikson Territory: apt name for one who is all placer ((Spanish for pleasure)) and no morals!) of not being taken for a ride by a dubious "ex" Satanist called Mike.

    He'll be there wearing that vile olive-green jacket of his, with scarf wrapped round his face, Mutley goggles and a dodgy karki-brown wollen hat, which altogether makes him appropiately resemble that vampire, Hannibal Lecter!

    Just to be on the safe side for your wife and family, here´s what to avoid:

    Ford, Reg No: D9520R1

    Loaned to the driver from:

    Yellow Cab of Roseville CA
    201 Pacific St.
    Roseville, CA. 95678
    (916) 774-0303
    (916) 862-1400


    I had "select all taxis" on the verify pics ... if in Placer County, definitely don't do that!

  183. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Goodness me, I know we shouldn't go on looks alone but my word she's ugly, Anon 12:47 PM, isn't she!

    I didn't realize it was her ´channel´ until I clicked on the youtube vid... she sounds as drunk as a skunk! Couldn't bear listening to her droning lies any longer!

  184. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Just viewed the vidEO too... MCE, you can't get more NAM than you, can ya?

  185. This is rather strange ... I may have stumbled upon something while theorizing WHY Constance continues to allow "Christine" to post here.

    A couple of hours ago, I posted in this blog a statement saying basically that for every microscopic grain of "truth" that Christine posts there exists a volume of falsehood and error. I also posed the question as to WHY Constance continues to allow this, and then posted my own personal following theory; that both Constance and Christine (along with "Susanna") are pro-Catholic, and that Constance might be allowing Christine to continue to post for that very reason, etc. THAT post suddenly disappeared, obviously removed by someone. Did I hit too close to home?

  186. I too viewed the video ... I have one word to describe it ... YIKES !

  187. On the "infowolf" (Christine aka Justina) youtube channel, she also posts several videos along with the link to subscribe to "The Church Militant." The Church Militant is a rabid pro-Catholic, anti-Scriptural, against all things Protestant organization that has numerous videos on youtube (Constance Cumbey appears in at least one). Very interesting connection, very interesting.

  188. anon 12:55
    "My God, you're ugly, aren't you?"

  189. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Thank you , 12:49!

    In Sacremento here. I shall be sure to insist on a different cab if ever I use that service. I shall pass the message on.

    Once again, thank you!

  190. Open Letter to Donald Trump:

    You recently stated that you were in favor of the use of "waterboarding" for terrorists. If you really, really want to use something effective, may I suggest instead forcing the terrorists to watch, non-stop, infowolf's youtube videos.

    I know I will be criticized for being "too cruel" ... but these people are really bad people that want to do us harm.



  191. Anonymous3:01 PM

    It doesn't surprise me, Ray.

    The whole New Age thing is straight out of the SMOM, Jesuits et al. Anyone worth their salt and studying its origins knows this! Dorothy, Susanna, Constance et al know this but they are playing ostrich as it doesn't suit their agenda.

    Have you noticed a certain someone's publications? Printed on Thomas Moore publisher paper, no less!

    Yes , Thomas Murderer Moore, that heretick , Bible burner, psychopath, torturer and mass murderer of true Christians. And that whore of Babylon has the audacity to call that monster a saint!

  192. Anonymous3:04 PM

    You're bordering on the Thomas Moore with that level of torture, Ray B. ;)

  193. Anonymous ...

    The same Babylonian system struck a medal in celebration of the St. Batholomew Day's Massacre .... in which tens of thousands of Protestants in France were savagely murdered. Estimates run as high as 3,000 in Paris and another 70,000 in all of France.

    Anyone, and EVERYONE, that counts themselves as a supporter of this evil system has the blood of the martyrs on their hands. They also stand as an enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ!

  194. Anonymous3:21 PM

    MCE @ 2:07 ... we won't be watching that video, which may indeed be a compilation of your shameless pics with you and your fornicating "ex" Satanist (somebody pass the sick bucket. .. The thought of it makes anyone want to vomit at such a blatant celebration of ugly sin)!

  195. actually its a bit from Fawlty Towers

  196. Marko3:31 PM

    Just some thinking out loud here....

    Question for y'all:

    If the dangers of the Religious Left can be summed up as in the following quote (which I think is a good summation of what makes them dangerous), then can the same concerns be expressed regarding the Religious Right? The same motive lies behind the actions of both, it's only a matter of what defines each group's "Utopia", or Heaven on Earth, yes?

    "To reach the Utopian state of “social justice” the left seeks to centralize power. Only an all-powerful government can enforce the left’s definition of equality. Liberty, naturally, especially liberty as defined by our Founders, is antithetical to the lefts “equality”."

    Attempts to remake the world, tearing down the old, and establishing something "better", can plague the Right as much as the Left, especially when it is forgotten that the Kingdom of Christ is not of this world. A bunch of "Christian" politicians "Taking back America" or "Making America great again" can potentially end up being just as dangerous as the group that's in there now.

    This assumes that maximum liberty is being sought after. But a society where freedom and liberty are maximized can end up being not much better than an autocratic one. Libertine, anarchic societies have their own form of oppression and injustice.

    The best, as Russell Kirk often mentioned, is to have a proper tension between freedom and order. That tension is best arrived at when society is thoroughly grounded in Judeo-Christian ethics, but tries to stay away from creating a theocracy. Focus on changing the people's hearts and minds, not on getting the right people in office.

    Social Justice Warriors are bad news, no matter what their politics.

    Anyway. Just some Saturday afternoon thoughts.

  197. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Absolutely, Ray B at 3:13 PM!

    That would be Rome celebrating the slaughter of the Hugonaughts, carried out by that devil, 'Pope' Gregory III. Have you seen the Vatican coins and medals blatantly displaying the dragon? No, they're not going to be slaying the dragon, obviously, because they are it!

    The Vatican ... The Divining Serpent ... Revelation 17

    The word "Vatican" literally means "Divining Serpent," and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy.

    The word derives from the Latin vates, which means "tellers of the future." This name was the name given to a hillside on the west bank of the Tiber River in Rome because daily lineups of fortunetellers used to hawk their "wares" there to passersby on the street. In the fourteenth century, when the papacy was returned to Rome from Avignon (France), the present-day Vatican became the residence of the popes, and the word came to refer to the enclave in the middle of Rome that had become the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Source: Incredible Book of Vatican Facts and Papal Curiosities, by Nino Lo Bello, Liguori Publications, Copyright 1998, ISBN 0-7648-0171-6, page 135.


  198. Confessions of an Ex-Roman Catholic Nun: Charlotte Keckler

    Where in the history of the early church?
    Did Mary go through this? Of course not, she as mother, couldn't be the spouse of Christ, right? Or can she? This is so confusing.

    This takes me back to stories of/from my Ex-Roman Catholic mom.

  199. anon 3:43

    that writer flunked Latin. serpent in Latin is serpens, not "can." the exact etymology of "Vatican " is unknown, may relate to some "deity" who gives power
    of speech to infants may relate to an Etruscan settlement.
