
Monday, February 01, 2016

Hillsdale College - Mixed past reviews about this beautiful Michigan campus

I'm at a conference at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan.  It is sponsored by a Hillsdale institution called "The Center for Constructive Alternatives."  I ran into interesting people here last night with the very similar concerns to me on the issues.  There will be a campus tour today.  My husband attended Hillsdale College for his freshman year of college and then transferred later to Wayne State University (one of my own alma mater's).   The focus of this conference which is directed towards both writers and readers is "The Art of Biography." 

I have several friends -- some close -- with Hillsdale College backgrounds.  Harry Veryser, a noted economics professor and author himself, was Assistant to the President here many years ago.  My stepson, David, graduated from Hillsdale College before I discovered the existence of the New Age Movement.

Hillsdale was not without its own New Age infiltration.  I had been informed that one of the professors back in the 1980s was a Rosicrucian and for several years all the "Excellence in Religion" awards had gone to members of his Rosicrucian study group.  Among those invited for presentations were Barbara Marx Hubbard, John Naisbitt, Willis Harman, and Marilyn Ferguson.  Ipsa res loquitor, legal speak for "the facts speak for themselves."

I'm told the Shavano Institute still exists but has been renamed.  I asked about it in the orientation session for visitors this morning.  My educated guess for at least the period of the 1980s when they spoke was that the purpose of inviting them was not just to study "comparative ideologies."  I rather suspect there were true believers even at conservative Hillsdale College, just as just about everywhere else.

Well, a lecture is now scheduled and it would be rude for me not to attend, so I'm off.  I would love to know if anybody else out there ever followed the Shavano Institute situation.  Shavano is now  renamed as "National Leadership Seminars."

I'll be back soon and stay tuned!



  1. "Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminars are held nationwide and address issues of politics, economics, and culture. Since 1982, these programs have been attended by more than 20,000 community and business leaders."

    sidebar has links for lineup to
    National Leadership Seminar "Political Issues and Controversies" Renaissance Indian Wells Resort and Spa Indian Wells, California February 10-11, 2016 and

    National Leadership Seminar "Political Issues and Controversies" Waldorf Astoria
    New York, New York April 18-19

    The Shavano Institute apparently relocated,

    "The Shavano Institute (formerly the Colorado Institute for a Sustainable Future) is a non-profit training organization. Our mission is to support individuals, communities, and organizations to combine inner work of the heart with outer service in the world Ratings/Review of this resource:
    P.O. Box 17904
    Boulder , CO 80308

    Detailed Information:
    The Institute currently offers three programs: Leading With Spirit—transformational leadership training for social change. Earth in Mind—professional training in the new field of ecopsychology. Gender Reconciliation—healing and renewal between women and men."
    Since it may be named for Mount Shavano, it may be that its presence in Hillsdale was an extension from Colorado and it was kicked out and replaced instead of renamed.

    the Shavano Institute page itself hasn't kept up payments and is available at godaddy for whoever wants the address.

  2. Hillsdale had the Shavano trademark registered in AD 2000. "Correspondent:

    Michael D Fishman
    The Law Offices of Stephen M. Trattner
    Suite 300
    4626 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. DC 20016"

  3. Christine, Shavano was a product of Hillsdale and not vice versa!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    If Christine can obfuscate and turn things backwards in confusion here, she would! She's all about fuddle, duddle and muddy the puddle! Give us a rest, Christine!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "I have other things to do than defend this now. you can buy a kindle copy for $7.99 or borrow one free if you subscribe to kindle unlimited for $9.99 a month which lets you read any kindle book available to the kindle unlimited system."

    Now Christine Erikson is selling her wares (pushing her Mars book) over here at your blogspot, Constance.
    Please send her back to her own blog.
    She has taken over again.

  8. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Sorry Constance, but Christine Erikson is promoting Benjamin Creme type ideas here (please see the last few posts on the previous topic), which may cause some of the young in our Lord Jesus Christ to become confused or go astray. She is promoting life on other planets (claiming the Holy Scriptures support such, quoting out of context and deliberately contraversing what is written. She goes on to promote supposed alien abductions and how alien knowledge is helping medical science and bringing forth life.
    She is very close to promoting the demons Benjamin Creme and Helena Blavatsky call the ascended masters.

    She continues to falsely accuse other posters including Paul, and her posts there are extremely numerous.

  9. if you hadn't been complaining out of the blue I wouldn't have discussed. Never did I say anything resembling the theosophical garbage you accuse me of.

    I think you can't stand me because I support EO version of transubstantiation for which reason you call me a cannibal. OF course that means you consider Susanna a cannibal. or a wishful thinking cannibal I think you phrased it.

    Meantime, you rudely pull material from the previous thread to this one. It is hardly staying on topic which is Hillsdale College and Shovana and its successor organization.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Dear Constance,

    on last page of the previous topic, Christine continues to post things akin to Benjamin Creme's ideas. Also, she is unashamedly regurgitating nonsense which is Sherry Shriner like in tone.

  12. Is Hillsdale more influenced by new age, or far right dominionism? Do the two seemingly opposite world views actually share a common strategic goal?

    Hillsdale gets a lot of money from the "christian far right". The Steve & Cindy Van Andel Foundation contributed $2,520,000 to Hillsdale College. That's big money coming from an Amway family dedicated to raising up a generation of theocratic dominionist leaders.

    For the record, I believe there are many common themes between some of the leading dominionist teachers, such as Rushdoony, and the new agers who set the spiritual foundations of the U.N., i.e. Hammarskjold, Keys, Thant, etc.

    The theme is this: that man can overcome the world by his own actions, own choices, own force of will. All the opposing sides are just arguing about what needs to be done to achieve victory, or attain the "commonality", the unity of mankind, and/or create a world of our own choosing.

    All are like leaves fluttering in the breeze.

  13. Anonymous11:12 AM

    "The theme is this: that man can overcome the world by his own actions, own choices, own force of will."

    Yeah, right.
    The Great American Experiment is over, but some want it revived to do just as you described OMOTS. Some just want their comfortableness back (and nice retirement).

    Prophecy is on the fast track, so it seems that America is going the way of all flesh (and the devils' rule is about to get it's hour of power ;) (with courtesy of the apostate church to lend a hand also)...
    God has a Great Plan though-it is not an experiment-His kingdom will come after all (and in spite of) the forces of evil are dealt with, so don't lose hope my friends.

  14. dear Constance I don't read Creme's crap, but from what you described there is no resemblance between what I said in answer to someone's claim that ET life is ruled out by the Bible, and what he says.

  15. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Dear Constance, please review Christine's posts on the previous topic. She is making a mockery of this blogspot and using it to try and seduce others, who may be weak, away from the Holy Scriptures and into the New Age Gnostic doctrines of demons.

    It's like having Helena Blavatsky in miniature here!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. and of course if all alien life started on earth as humans that were genetically modified, then went elsewhere, that would fit the idea that God didn't create intelligent life elsewhere. But habitable planets for population overload here is another matter.

  18. Anonymous5:26 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Anonymous5:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Anonymous6:44 PM

    The woman from Hillsdale who drove quite a ways and interviewed my senior practically scolded me for being a Christian. You know, Christianity is SOCIALISM, she said, well, I guess in a away it is- but especially if you're reading LIBERATION THEOLOGY, invented by the Jesuits. My kid turned them down. Conclusion: there are no universities left and don't forget Hillsdale is a force behind the charter schools, claiming thy are 'classical' when in fact they are just using more common core junk. They mean "classical" in the way of it's a fact that we have had outcomes based education for so long now it seems like it's become 'classic'. That's Mr. Moore's position. Double talk as far as I am concerned.

    Al the world's a stage.

    "But Francis has been known to go his own way on several occasions, allowing friends to shoot video of him to convey messages to private gatherings: He delivered such a message to the Argentine Jewish community and to a gathering of American Pentecostals."

    ..and why NOT? He is an actor and he certainly remains the man in charge of those two groups.

  22. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I will let apostle Paul tell you, Christine, what the focus should be for those who say they love the Lord with all their heart and soul and mind and strength.
    Ready for this???

    Php 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

    1Co 2:1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
    1Co 2:2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

    Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

    Romans 11:36 For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be all glory forever. Amen.

    This is Paul's summation in just these few verses (of which there are many more), as the ultimate in relation to God, enjoying His presence for we are His portion...and He is our inheritance (Ps 16)...and within His plan and purpose is that wonderful by-product of obedience that is born of humble thanks and praise-worship in Spirit and in Truth, that right relationship to Him teaching us right relationship with others. Oh how to world needs to know this and see this

    But you offer so much more don't you? There is so much more to know according to you, Mary C Erikson.

    While the world is out there perishing in need the Truth of the Gospel, you would rather give them your empty rituals (replete with recipe for how to make your own holy water such a deal!), instructions on how to visit graveyards (don't linger ;) ), endless speculations and some actual first hand experiences about how the demonic world thinks and acts, a course on what forgiveness really is (oh really?), how to interrogate those who hold differing doctrines than you espouse etc., etc., etc., etc., etc..........(religion on steroids in other words).You would give them the hope of life on Mars! (imagine the adventure space cadets! get that book on kindle for 7.99). You offer the hope of meeting their long lost friends, and family, the aliens ;)!
    This is just some of the fascinating things that await any taker who will let you guide them in what matters most!
    And as a bonus people can know that arguing with wallpaper is a great way to hone their skills to win friends and influence people lol!
    You offer all this and much, much more right here at What Constance thinks......

  23. For a clue as to the scope and depth of Genesis chapters one through six read
    Gerald Schroeder: "The Science of God" chapter 1 "Six days and Fifteen Billion Years"
    The universe exploded:

    Day 1 24 hours 8 Billion years 1
    Day 2 24 hours 4 Billion years 2.0 X 10 to the 12th power
    Day 3 24 hours 2 Billion years 3.0 X 10 to the 12th power
    Day 4 24 hours 1 Billion years 3.5 X 10 to the 12th power
    Day 5 24 hours 1/2 Billion years 3.7 X 10 to the 12th power
    Day 6 24 hours 1/4 Billion years 3.9 X 10 to the 12th power
    End of day 6: 4.0 X 10 to the 12th power

    All this because with the rapid expansion of the universe,
    time is not the same as time much later, to put it in a nutshell.
    There is God's time and there is earth/man centric time.
    I quote:
    "As discussed,it derives from the approximate million-millionfold
    stretching of light waves as the universe expanded.

    From "The Science Of God", by Gerald L. Schroeder.

  24. Anonymous10:14 PM

    It is amazing what the bible says without saying it.

    God spoke a word and it created. Looking at this from the third heaven toward earth-for God it is little distance-done in no time! But looking from earth to the third heaven, well how long would it take us to make that trip? That is why the finite has to put this into perspective of millions and billions because so un-do-able for us, but God said 6 days and then he rested from creating. He tells us what we need to know (& when we need to know it too) plus he knows how much we can digest of it all. That alone should be enough to humble us.

    We need certain perimeters and boundaries that time (measurable) affords us because we don't get eternity. Pride tries to make us think otherwise. Genesis records how he did it....because he can....and he did. The whole bible is his word written from his perspective. When people are trying too hard in their thinking that they can grasp this with sufficiency to understand and explain it, then we are going to get it wrong on many levels trying to fit a finite way into infinite ways and power. That is why we need faith to even remotely understand at all.

    Let our words be few and our praise be much in the light of such awesomeness.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  27. Boykin is aiming to turn vets into a voting bloc.

    start the problem (ISIS etc.)

    be the solution to the problem.

    end up in charge.

    just got this in the email:

    "Special Operations Speaks


    Close ranks at VPAC; help united
    Veterans rescue the United States!

    American veteran, may I have your attention please? It is time to close ranks! Past time! Domestic, as well as foreign, enemies have the deck stacked for this November's General Election. There is no question that we, as veterans, have got a hell of a job ahead of us – unless we band together!

    Hello: I'm U.S. Army LTG William G. “Jerry” Boykin (Ret.), and for the sake of our Constitutional Republic -- as well as the plight of fellow Vets -- I urge you to join me at the Veterans Patriot Action Conference (VPAC) Feb. 18-19 at Embassy Suites in Charleston, SC.

    Here's why: This unique, first-of-its-kind event will focus solely on Veterans as key agents for political change. Too often we, who have first-hand experience with America's enemies, are the forgotten men and women in policy decisions. Well, no longer!

    Make your voice heard by becoming one of VPAC's Vets in the Fight for 2016! Together, we will become a powerful and victorious force -- IF we act now!

    You know darn well what happens in November will have a tremendous impact on the future of our Republic. With the rise of ISIS and a world at war, veterans all across our nation must begin organizing and mobilizing! NOW!

    At VPAC, you and other Veteran patriots will be equipped with the tools and strategies needed to influence election outcomes by engaging in the political process at local, state and federal levels. That's right: by attending our Vets in the Fight sessions, some of the nation's top grassroots campaign strategists will show you how to help us reach and register four million American veterans to:

    • Vote in the pivotal 2016 General Election
    • Guard ballots and ensure their delivery and certification by election officials
    • Support individuals who will defend the Constitution

    This is a not-to-be-missed event for every veteran patriot interested in preserving our great Republic. By attending VPAC 2016, you'll get to meet presidential contenders. And get this: VPAC's presidential forum not only will allow you to directly hear from the candidates, you will be given the opportunity to ask them questions about their strategies as our next Commander-in-Chief. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ben Carson--these and more have been invited to join our action-packed conference.

    Reserve your spot at VPAC today and consider making a one-time donation to sponsor another veteran to attend this critical event.

    There is absolutely no doubt that 2016 is the pivotal year for our nation's future, and VPAC is encouraging all vets to close ranks and become a vital force in this election. Will you join us Feb. 18-19 in Charlotte, SC?

    He who hesitates is lost, so don't put this message aside. You can still get early bird packages and hotel discounts, but please book today. Commit right now to becoming an influencer in 2016 and sign up for VPAC. It is no exaggeration to say this may be our last chance!

    As a veteran, you know full well that some of the present administration's actions border on treason. Let me tell you: the Iran deal is a total sellout! It does not prevent a nuclear Iran. Instead, what President Barack Hussein Obama’s deal has done is start a nuclear arms race in the most unstable region in the world.

    We MUST act now to straighten out our nation's anti-American, anti-Western, pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, pro-Muslim Brotherhood policies!

    For the Republic,

    Jerry BoykinWilliam G. “Jerry” Boykin
    LTG, USA (Ret), Special Forces

    Special Operations Speaks
    PO Box 44615
    Washington, DC 20026

  28. Anonymous10:11 PM

    This blog has had it! It is full of Christine's warped perspective... and on she jams!

    Think I'll look elsewhere!

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. a little humor, I thought of this when I said those three sound like a law firm.
    I didn't write this.

    "To: Microsoft Lawyers, Inc.
    From: Azathoth, Nyarlathotep and Hastur, Elder Attorneys.


    Our agents among the mortal herd have brought to Our attention your
    recent product entitled Windows '95. Therefore We now give you
    statutory notice of intent of proceedings to be taken against Microsoft
    by the Many-Angled Ones.

    With this suit We will show that Windows '95, and to a lesser extent
    all of the Microsoft range of products, infringe upon the recognised
    "look-and-feel" of the Elder Gods, for the following reasons:

    o Windows '95 is a crawling abomination from the darkest pits of Hell;

    o No man can be in it's presence for too long without being driven into
    gibbering insanity;

    o A cult who worship it exist in secret amongst the mortal herd;

    o Those who associate with it for too long develop common physical
    characteristics, to wit: pale, clammy skin, bulging eyes, generally
    unkempt physical appearance, tendency towards nocturnal living, change
    in diet to that which normal men do not eat (in your case tacos,
    burgers and Jolt Coke; in Ours, human flesh, Fungi of Yuggoth and the
    blood of Alien Gods);

    o Mysterious tomes that purport to explain this phenomenon are reputed
    to exist; they are bound in an unnatural substance and only available
    at a terrible cost to the user.

    o The Microsoft range of products seek to utterly dominate the world,
    and force all who dwell there to live in eternal damnation.

    As you can see, Our case is very strong, especially when you consider
    that most judges prefer not to have chittering things with tentacles
    for faces scoop out their brains and eat them.

    We hope that you will consider these points carefully and settle out of
    court, since it is not Our intention to have your senior partners spend
    the rest of their mercifully short lives under heavy sedation in a
    maximum security psychiatric hospital. After all, it was the Lords of
    the Outer Planes who gave humanity lawyers in the first place.

    Respectfully yours,

    pp. J. Arthur Hastur, LL.B., B.C.L, B.D

    From: (Dave Hemming)"


    time stamp 32:00 and keep watching. Rick Warren pursues a line of thought that
    he identifies as a good thing, with Aleister Crowley.

  32. Anonymous6:58 AM

    "... with Aleister Crowley."

    Then I'm sure Mike Cringe would be growing fonder of the ideas of Rick Warren JS by the minute!

  33. Anonymous6:59 AM

    "... with Aleister Crowley."

    Then I'm sure Mike Cringe would be growing fonder of the ideas of Rick Warren SJ by the minute!

  34. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Mary C Erikson, is that stop sign in front of your nigh on half million dollars abode down at 2580 S Whitney Blvd, Rocklin, CA 95677, for the UFOs or have the neighbors put it there especially for you?

    What a pagan looking front door, with the half sun motif on it, you've got! Was that Mike's idea or yours? It's hideous!

  35. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I bet he didn't see that coming!

  36. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Very NAM down in Rocklin n Roseville! Nothing sacred about Sacramento! I wonder what the fellow down at Saint Anna would think about MCE 's alien nonsense here...

  37. I haven't lived at 2580 S. Whitney Blvd Rocklin CA since Sept. 2011. And that's
    a duplex I only lived in a cramped half of it. And property values aren't that
    high here, and I don't believe in getting equity out.

  38. Christine,

    When the cat's away, the mice evidently play. I was engaged at the Hillsdale Conference a few days and now am back. I want to see discussion on issues -- and there is again way too much evidence that you may be monopolizing the conversation from the scan I just took. You are not to use this site to advertise your kindle book. I linked to your site and if any of your fans want to use that link to get the information from your own site, they are welcome -- but your own site and not here should be your primary tool.


  39. Omots,

    I'm not fully informed, but your information on Hillsdale and thoughts that there might be Dominion influences are worthy of investigation. Excellent information and comment. Thanks!


  40. Constance, I apologize for the reference to the kindle book it was in context of give the arguments a fair shake and see that I am not promoting new age notions and in fact have a scenario that would render discovery of alien intelligent life compatible with a six day creationist framework in which all life at least intelligent life began on earth, thereby avoiding anyone's faith being shaken.

    The rest at the previous thread were mostly part of a discussion several were involved in regarding Scripture and Roman Catholicism especially the Eucharist. I am going to silent now for a while to make up for this.

  41. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Christine, aren't you blurring things again even in your apology? It is perfectly reasonable for you here to refer to your book for fuller arguments, in the same way that any decent academic paper quotes references. But giving the price and outlet for your book at the same time is advertising, and an outrageous abuse of Constance's blog.

  42. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "When the cat's away, the mice evidently play..."

    Well said, Constance!

    One of such 'mice', however, is patently an info-rat in mouse clothing! She is scurrying about here carrying all sorts of unclean infestations: Ms Eekson herself!

    Roseville and Rocklin are riddled with New Age and occult leanings. Just type Rocklin New Age into google and see what comes up! I wouldn't be surprised if a lot more is exposed about MCE and Mike Ting than she's willing for us to know about!

  43. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Erikson's going silent for a few days makes up nothing of the damage she continues to do to this blog.
    That was just another of her non-apologies. She lays in wait for the next time.....

    Something disturbing drives this woman.

    It is a pattern that she has formulated to manipulate the obvious good grace of the blog's host, while insuring that her information (spin) gets it's offing here, and it must be for kicks that she is here to stir the pot for all the wrong reasons. If her motives were good she would have ceased and desisted these behaviors when Constance issued her reprimands a while back, so her disrespect, in light of that, is proof positive that her motives are entirely self-serving, repeatedly returning as a parasite to a host.
    Her return is the same as pictured for us in Luke 11:23-26. (it really fits)
    She, in all honesty, should be banned from posting here---period.

  44. I suggest we all pray for Christine and for ourselves as the Lord taught us to pray:

    "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us . . ."


  45. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I was just bored. Thanks 6:42 pm. Oh, come on share with us Christine. Wasn't anyone even a little bit curious about the best poster here?

    Call Sign: KJ6PHY, Licensee ID: L01641798, Grant Date: 06/01/2011, Expiration Date: 06/01/2021, Certifier: Mary C Erikson, Registrant: Mary C Erikson, 6139 Woodside Dr., Rocklin, CA 95677
    Read more:

    6139 S Woodside Dr., Rocklin, CA 95677 an address for M. Erikson age '60s
    2580 Whitney, Rocklin, CA 95677 Just another address for M. Erikson

    I can't afford Spokeo. Interesting if Erikson Industrial Park in Sacramento, CA was named after someone in the family. It's less than a half hour away. Robert Half's organization which was founded in 1948 there, has Tami Erickson working as Director of Financial Services at that very big organization.

    Oh well, it's a common name.

  46. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Thank you 3:21 PM, the info makes it so much easier to trace her: for legal purposes only, you understand!

    Why there must be a plethora of people here considering suing her for one thing or the other...

    Thank you!!!

  47. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Looking on Google Street view at 6139 S Woodside Dr., Rocklin, CA 95677, it's a bungalow! What an apt abode for the likes of Ms Erikson: nothing upstairs! Lol

  48. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Was thinking of sending a taxi over but looking on the street view, someone has beaten me to it... Mike's?

    Unless it's really a UFO in disguise? Lol!

    Pizza, anyone?

  49. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Constance @ 12:41 PM

    Yes. And I have.
    Funny, (not haha) that you bring that up about forgiveness. That seems to be one of the very topics that especially makes her mad. In her own voluminous posts, her take on that subject runs counter to the statement you made in asking us to regard her in that light.

  50. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "Oh well, it's a common name."

    Erikson is the epitome of common!

  51. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Luke 11:23-26King James Version (KJV)

    23 He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

    24 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.

    25 And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.

    26 Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

  52. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I think unforgiveness in someone can set them up for that very thing, 5:13 PM.

  53. To bed, and pray for sleep tonight. I'll be doing the internet program live at 10 a.m. at and/or You can call in live by dialing 208-935-0094.


  54. Again, while Christine gets over-exuberant sometimes here, I think we should set nobody up for information they don't want revealed. However, I did go to the website and I see that Christine is a Ham radio operator. My old deceased friend, Joseph Carr, who lived in the Washington, D. C. area with his wife Bonnie and two children was a Ham Radio expert and leader. Joseph was the author of THE TWISTED CROSS.


  55. And for the record, Christine has sometimes been financially generous to those she learned, such as Dennis Cuddy, had special pressing needs. She does have a kind heart. I only wish she were sometimes more sparing in her use of words.



  56. To my understanding nothing is cheap, housing wise, in most of California. I would assume that includes Rocklin, so let's be kind on the bungalow issue.


  57. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Yes, she closed the deal on her den in Woodside Dr. on the 7/13/11 for just over $155k.

    The last occupants had only been there for about 4 months or so when it was put back on the market for $50k less than they got it for...

  58. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "Again, while Christine gets over-exuberant sometimes"
    That is the least of what is wrong.
    Utter self-righteousness is what produces those smug and awful lectures (whatever the topic).

    And why does she tout her alms before men? (she's told us herself)

  59. Sorry this is off the subject of Christine, but,
    As someone who has recommended the Shoebats father and son, and
    for quite some time now, I've got to say that in my opinion they have run clean off the rails.
    They now have converted to Roman Catholicism, which is fine, I guess, but in true
    Jesuit form they now loudy proclaim all Protestants to be heretics and infidels. Nice.
    I few weeks ago father Shoebat, Whalid was a proud Protestant himself. Before that,
    he says, he was a Palestinian Brotherhood thug.
    Who knows about their motivation. Maybe next week they'll convert to Jainism.
    I still wonder how much of their daily updates about Christian persecution are even legit.
    Sometimes it seems that the cover photos of the articles look a little bit ...staged?
    I don't know but I believe that the Jesuits got to them and that's who they work for now.
    I'm going to avoid all so called Bible prophesy and eschatology which seeks to predict
    the near future, from now on.
    I've come to the opinion that all the prophesies are there for us to glorify God when we see
    it happening, during and AFTER it happens and not before.
    It's not about predicting the future. It's about glorifying God.
    That said, I still think that Whalid's take on the end times is maybe a more accurate one
    than the conventional wisdom that says we should be looking for a revived Western Roman
    Empire, especially now as Turkey is well on it's way to reviving the Eastern Roman Empire,
    which became the 400 year long Ottoman Empire. It was dismantled at the start of WWI.
    I do think that the AntiChrist comes out of Turkey.

  60. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Have always thought Walid Shoebat a fraud.
    Follow the money.

  61. The Jesuits were founded as a militant arm of the Vatican whose primary purpose was to use any means available (both legal and illegal) to counter and ultimately destroy the Reformation. The Jesuits have been known for centuries to be an organization that infiltrates Protestant movements (including churches & universities)in order to subvert and ultimately destroy all vestiges of Biblical Christianity. They are involved in education, politics, finance and all major religions. Rome has as a doctrine to one day rule the world, with its "pope" as that leader.

    Virtually all of the Reformers recognized and emphatically declared that the papacy was in fact the seat of the Anti-Christ as described in Revelation 17. For centuries, this view was considered to be the "orthodox" (note small "o") view of the Anti-Christ. The modern doctrinal systems of "Futurism" and "Dispensationalism" ... both false ... have done much to direct attention AWAY from the papacy and Rome.

  62. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Posted 8Feb 4pm Detriot time

    Hi all,

    I have just come off the phone from Constance and she asked me to advise everyone that her main computer has crashed.
    Fortunately it is under a service contract but it will be away for repair for around 7-10 days.
    Constance would be gratefull for your prayers on the matter as you can all well imagine getting it back in perfect working order with all of its data intact as soon as possible is very important.

    God bless,

  63. Amen RayB,
    And the Knights of Malta became the footsoldiers and the Jesuits
    (Vatican) became the Headquarters.
    _All from which come Freemasons and the many fez-wearing Orders
    from all over the Middle East.

    In other words "Egypt and Babylon".

  64. It's amazing to realize that Martin Luther's Ninty Five Theses
    was all about Indulgences and little else as far as indicting
    the Papacy.
    He wanted some reform and he got a Revolution which is
    still going on.

  65. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Yes, don't like him. He's very sensationalist and his eschatology is questionable at best. Why, who supports him?

  66. Anonymous12:41 AM

    p.s Paul,
    Didn't know they converted but I know Walid's wife was Catholic so that makes sense. There's a few interesting things going on this week in Rome The Pope is brought two dead bodies in glass to Rome, Padre Pio and some other Padre, and he will also meet with a Russian Orthodox in Cuba.

    Kind of disturbing images, but Daily Mail's were a lot worse. Supposedly Padre Pio had stigmata on him. Debates about what the source of these are which I will not elaborate on.

    It's a kind of funny tradition to save dead bodies to worship, and without biblical precedence.

    In another unprecedented move, the Pope will try to heal the centuries old schisms with the Orthodox Church:

    Prior to this he asked Rouhani to make peace in the Middle East, Rouhani immediately cast doubt on the Holocaust as he continued his tour of Europe picking up lots of business contracts, but he made sure to do it on Holocaust remembrance day. Rouhani doesn't exactly strike me as a peace maker.

    Pope Francis is very busy.

  67. Marko8:45 AM

    I've always liked Hillsdale College, from a political perspective. They are very big on teaching their students respect for the Constitution, and are steeped in conservatism in general.

    I do have concerns about possible links with Dominionist teachings. However, we can sometimes get in a position of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, when critiquing Dominionist teachings.

    No mention of Hillsdale College can be made without mentioning Russell Kirk. Russell Kirk used to teach there later in his life, and lived in or near Mecosta, Michigan.

    I admire Russell Kirk, who had a great influence on conservatism in the last century. I don't agree with everything he said, but he was a great defender of Western Christianity and its values, and a proponent of its necessity in the West for the maintaining of a free society. One of his "big ideas" was that there was a tension between freedom and order. Too much of either is a bad thing. His greatest work is probably "The Conservative Mind".

    I think what I like most about Kirk is that when looking at his life, you see a man who followed truth wherever it led him, and Christ was his guiding Light. In that pursuit, he sometimes got things wrong, and sometimes got things right. We are all like that. The better men and women living their lives out on this side the Golden Shore are the ones who let that reality keep their pride in check.

    I borrow a signature line from someone else on an email list (or "reflector", as they say across the pond) to which I belong in the Yahoo Group called "Permanent Things":

    "Pray for us scribbling sinners now and at the hour of our death." -- Russell Kirk

  68. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The ("roman catholic choirs are singing") red arm band fascists turned into Hindus for the superbowl.

    no surprise there.

  69. Anonymous9:24 AM

  70. From the link below ...

    "Canonised under Pope John Paul II, Padre Pio's brand of popular, mystical Catholicism was less popular with the Vatican authorities when he was alive."

    "He regularly recounted having experienced both heavenly and diabolic visions, other clerics claimed to have witnessed him levitating in ecstasy and he was frequently associated with apparently miraculous recoveries among the seriously ill."

    "From the age of 31 until the end of his life, he regularly presented with stigmata - body marks corresponding to the wounds Jesus Christ received during his crucifixion, according to biblical accounts."

    "One sceptic wrote a book suggesting Padre Pio maintained his wounds with acid while a prominent doctor theorised that he suffered from a rare form of haemophilia."

    If this entire circus isn't demonic ... what in the world is??

  71. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Very nasty going ons with the deceased in Greece too. The Orthodox Church has prevented crematoriums from operating in the country.

    "Cemeteries in Greek cities are so overcrowded that bodies are often only kept in the ground for three years. Then families have to pay for exhumation - and (then continue paying) for the bones to be kept in a building known as an ossuary. But many cannot afford to pay even for this limited degree of dignity in death."

    ~ K ~

  72. All churches including protestant opposed cremation when it first came into Europe and USA from mostly hindu and Buddhist sources. it was considered to be desecrative to the body, treating it like garbage (but garbage gets buried also) and the pagan connections to the practice including in pagan European history made it dubious. Pragmatic issues and advertising won out. The European countries in general don't let you keep a body buried unless you own the land it is on. In Germany its about 20 years, in France I don't know the time frame. This goes back as long as Christianity made an issue about preserving the dead body somewhat, and the living needed space to live and grow food and so forth. Some monasteries honored their dead by special stacking of bones in a design or something.

  73. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Clear off, Crustine, you gnostic nutter! Always with the gruesome and grizzly (and no, I am not refering to yours and Mike's relationship)!

  74. Didn't they say that Padre Pio's face is in fact a mask ?
    Hmmm. It only makes sense.
    If it can be a mask it might as well be fitted with a stigmata
    sprinkler system.
    Very simple and easy to do.
    Reminds me of the old Traveling Sideshow and the freaks
    of nature displays, etc.

  75. anon 3:52

    you clear off you dishonest accuser. as for gruesome take it up with anon 3:16 who brought the matter up regarding Greece.

  76. Anonymous5:54 PM

    So the new age Xfiles new series comes back on tv and this blogg starts having silly comments on aliens.
    Still some probably will welcome a break from the usual Catholic, Eastern Orthodox nostic war thst dominates this site.
    Wish Constance would ban some of the new age nostic commentators hijack this site

  77. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Anon 5.54...

    Hijacking is saying it lightly.
    The offending parties on this blog are long term squaters that defy eviction of the landlord
    Even the new age inspired Occupy Wallstreet mob moved on eventually but it would appear the protesters on this site havent put up tents, they are in for the long haul and have built nostic Cathedrals of long passed unbiblical religious traditions and proclaim biblical inerrancy.
    To the protesters/squaters ... " do everyone a favor ... go find a vacant lot somewhere else to dump your rubbish" .

  78. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Anon 7.13pm,

    It isn't possible to defy eviction of the landlord in cyberspace. Constance isn't prepared to ban the offending party (as I infer from the lack of action after her warnings are repeatedly ignored), we either have to keep silent or put up with insults when we correct trash about Martians, psychic vampires, chakras and heaven knows what else, and the outcome is that Constance's blog is a lot less than it could be.

    Tolerance by the blog owner for the main offender also means tolerance of insults hurled at her guests. I can take care of myself but others have given up and it is a great shame, because Constance still does fine work against the New Age.

  79. Supposedly I "damage" the blog.

    I show a "warped perspective" when I post an update on Boykin, a dominionist embedded in evangelical, milirary and "patriot" circles, a friend of Vallely friend of satanist/setian Aquino, of concern to Constance. (yes, OMOTS "the two seemingly opposite world views" new age and far right dominionism DO "share a common strategic goal" and Anthony Sutton proved that big capital was back of communism. in general crony capitalist elites back free market and small government when that helps them, big government and socialism when that helps them. )

    I show how to make some things New Age uses work AGAINST New Age, keep ET life if discovered from undermining Christian faith by their very existence, and I am called New Age.

    RC bashers (not focus on contemplative prayer from RC warp of Desert Fathers centuries ago but against the whole liturgical type church scene) are divisive like Marko says, and their falsehoods require response. My critics posts often take up more space than mine.

    I have refuted them with Scripture and facts on all their complaints many times, and corrected lies about me and the same old lies keep getting repeated, plus one very wicked person demands "forgiveness" and slights me for "not honoring" a certain wicked woman who forfeited any "honoring" beyond helping her live longer (which I did), and despite repeated correction from the Bible this wicked person despises the words of Christ regarding those who do evil and do not repent (class
    them with publicans and tax collectors, i.e., the scum of the earth you do not associate with).

    " Anonymous said...
    New Age? Nothing wrong with that. The Buddhists have it right. Even closer to THE TRUTH the Hindus know what the world is about. Why argue with Christine. She is getting there and will surpass all of you in knowledge "

    No I am NOT "getting there," you are blind. I have been there done that sort of and I REJECT IT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE JESUS CHRIST AS MY KING AND MY GOD. such bits of reality as you guys think supports new age in fact DON'T support new age, they are irrelevant at best, and looked at correctly work against it. Hinduism is a mishmash of demonic deception, legitimate history and hysterical exaggerations. Buddhism of the theravada or hinayana the original sort was because Buddha had enough wisdom to see part of the truth but not all of it. Mahayana is reinfiltration of hindu and bon and other pagan bullshit and manichaeism elements into buddhism.

    The baghavad Gita is one of the most evil books ever written. After every "sermon" krishna concludes that since all is illusion and a manifestation of himself, there is no killer there is no killed so Arjuna (having second thoughts about a fratricidal war) should go ahead and kill. No reference to the evils his cousins did that started the war. No reference to how if he doesn't kill them they will kill him and his other cousins they are fighting against. Just a metaphysical
    argument to drop the bomb so to speak. PERFECT VALIDATION FOR A PSYCHOPATHIC SERIAL KILLER WITH DELUSIONS THAT NOW WOULD BE RESPECTABLE RELIGION OR PHILOSOPHY. I wonder how many died wrongly because of such thinking as krishna taught? BG or no BG that kind of metaphysics is out there, and it is Hindu of the pantheist rather than simple polytheist original vedas to the core.

    "Chritine, why do you take the Christian article out of context and try to get it to mean the opposite from what it states, just as you do with Holy Scripture, you deceptive New Ager!"


    And it is YOU that take Scripture out of context and make it say what it doesn't, I match Scripture with Scripture and keep context.

  80. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    "I show how to make some things New Age uses work AGAINST New Age, keep ET life if discovered from undermining Christian faith by their very existence, and I am called New Age."

    Isn't it great we have Christine to protect us from those little green men from "undermining" the "faith" of Christians.

  81. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Hey guys, lay off Christine. You can see how many serious people she has kept around this blog, people who really want to learn about New Age. It's just that they are all shy, hiding themselves, reading the blog without ever adding anything, obviously because they know so little. You go girl. You make this blog just what it is though I won't say what that is. Constance knows what she is doing, part of her very long term plan. Sorry you don't see it.

  82. One of the most Catholic countries on planet earth (and perhaps even Mars ... right Christine?) ... Mexico ... also happens to be one of the most corrupt nations in history.
    Their "Catholicism" has morphed into "worshiping" what is referred to as the Death Saint. This "Saint" also happens to be the favorite "Saint" of the Mexican Drug Cartels. Not much different from worshiping their other statues made by men (I know ... I know ... they don't actually "worship" saints ... they just bow down and pray to them).

    Here's the link to this creepy story:

  83. Here is another story about "Dead Saints" on display in various "churches" all over Europe.

    When I was a little kid, Catholic statues always gave me the creeps. This is REALLY creepy!

  84. anon 10:13

    it was harassers like you that drove off people over some years I am sure this log has lurkers, mines got over 50,000 visits lifetime, an almost no comments. most blogs don't have comments made but they are read.

    anon 10:34

    Mexico is not all that Catholic except nominally. santa muerte is NOT a Catholic saint, and there are a couple of other "saints" venerated by locals in south America that are not authorized. it is in fact disguised devil worship.

    Rayb those are incorrupt saints, those whose bodies miraculously never decomposed could be a miracle could be adipocere.

  85. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    "Rayb those are incorrupt saints, those whose bodies miraculously never decomposed could be a miracle could be adipocere."

    Oh sure ... "incorrupt saints" ... by the way ... what is the Scriptural reference for "incorrupt saints?"

    That Waxed Dummy (Lenin) in Red Square has to be treated with new wax every couple of years.
    It's amazing how a little bit of wax and make up can make "incorrupt" look so nice. Unfortunately, underneath it all is nothing but a bunch of lies and corruption ... and a lot of rot. No "miracle" for Lenin and no "miracle" for this fraud concocted by Rome to fool and dupe their people. It's amazing what people will fall for.

  86. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Have been gone for a bit and come back to the same old...
    Typical Christine.
    Her King and her God, huh?
    It is noticeable that she bypasses the Savior's Cross with hardly a mention, going straight to her religion as her "savior", not what HE has already done. (it's about what she thinks and does--hers is a "do" religion). Merely a kicked up version of "do be a do bee, don't be a don't bee". Bee like me is what she really means, LOL!
    In all the verbiage she deposits here, the Jesus the Savior and Lord is downplayed, and her rituals and reckonings about that take front and center in all she posts. Her focus and thrust is there--not upon HIM.
    Point being, many can *talk about God, but how many *actually know Him?
    Therein lies all the difference for any of us. All of her fightings and warrings stem from this very thing. This is her intellectual pursuit. Jesus is not an idea for her mind to toy with-HE is a Person. (2nd Person)

    His name is not to be tossed around to make her own points. Her own points! The Point is Him..the true anti-dote of the Old Pagan New Age!!!.....but with her it is all eyes and ears on her--and why she takes glory away from where it truly belongs (steals the Thunder).
    Once upon a time this blog was about the exposing and fighting the New Age, she has made it about her twisted version of that......and steals Constance's thunder, too.

    Same old rot bee whut she got ;)

  87. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    "Mexico is not all that Catholic except nominally."

    Christine continues to throw out all kinds of unsubstantiated garble as evidenced by her above statement. Mexico is the world's #2 most Catholic nation on earth ... 83.9% of its population is Catholic. Although its population is much smaller than that of the USA, it has 93 MILLION Catholics compared to the USA's 75 Million.

    Christine, at least make an ATTEMPT to be accurate with your information before posting. It really hurts your credibility.

  88. Anonymous12:46 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I was visiting with a local Catholic who is hell bent on changing the 'church' from within, of course Luther realized this was not possible and he also had NO intention of ever leaving the Roman 'church' of which he was a full expert on (ex Catholics always make the most knowledgeable and convincing Protestants). That won't do at all. Certainly it's undesirable to have lots of disgruntled, intelligent and former insiders running around warning the masses... so as the local priests continue to out vote her and plot to have her removed from the local Diocese and to prevent this exodus from happening in large waves as Babylon once again moves in tight for their next bloody crusade (which will probably out number their former crusades from the Nazi's to the Waldensians), a plan could have been invented. This plan could be released on RC TV and convince Roman Catholics who are well steeped in the finer art of Protestant hate already, that there is the NEW thing, this NEW movement is NEW and certainly NOT OLD and MOLDY and part of the same persecution and same problem Luther warned us all about. This NEW plan for a NEW age, I mean it could be sold as "Just Discovered in the 80's!" Extra! Extra! It's the 'New Age Movement'. So it was so interesting when that Catholic, she said how she so looked forward to some new church classes, with NEW church teachings and how she hoped it would not be New Age, and she was interested to find out how new age it might be. She was all about the NEW AGE infiltrating her 'church'. It was her last hope that the RCC was know...for real about it's official church teachings and somehow she could fix it from within. I am sure she could name the 'Protestant organizations' who were responsible. The same view and the person who always claims Rick Warren is infiltrating the RCC (LOL) when in fact Leadership Network can be traced to Jesuits.

    Then it hit me, that New Age thing was probably a planned circus drama invented for Roman Catholics who really thought as Luther once did, or rather were loyal to Jesus and becoming aware. It's so a diabolical sort of way. I am going to buy her a copy of Hitler's Pope, maybe. The walls of clever brainwashing are steeped in Jesuitism (deception). I am wondering if the NEW AGE story was part of their writing team's greatest hits, probably so. Hey Catholics, it's the New Age! Yeah, that's it, uh huh. Sorry kids the RCC was Babylon all along, suck it up and press. Get over it, the Protestants you were taught to hate are right. She also about dropped out of her seat when I reminded her the Catholic schools took Common Core first, she obviously believed the lies about that. Get over it Catholics, wake up and come out of her!

  90. Anonymous4:08 PM

  91. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Watching this blog has become great fun. Too bad Constance is without a computer until hers is fixed. She could rejoin the fun.

  92. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Off the subject but, Does anyone care to comment on this video...



  93. KC 5:32

    skipping through it is part of the nephilim thing pure in his generations eh, well, that has to be about spiritual and moral issues not bloodline not lack of genetic contamination, because ONLY Noah was pure in his generations. Not his sons. not his wife or their wives. Therefore there was no point from this ideology in saving anyone but him alone, and no other humans. mercy to him but then the human race dies out with him. Didn't happen that way.

    Noah was 600 years old when The Flood came, he'd lived through a lot of generations, unlike us who live through our own generation, see the end of a couple prior and the beginning of a couple more.

    The nephesh is the immortal plus mortal part of the being the life of the animal is in its blood Leviticus says (or Deuteronomy?) man doesn't HAVE a nephesh man IS a nephesh Adam "became a living soul" animals are nephesh also they also have the breath of life Genesis says regarding all those that died in the Flood.

    This whole nephilim ideology hinges on flawed, unbiblical understanding. hybrids would have hybrid nephesh.

  94. RayB
    do you know what "nominal" means? population statistics do not show what is going on other statistics about behavior and values show what's what.

    if you are viewing Jesus as ruler and God, you have Him as Savior if you are viewing Him as savior that eliminates need to obey Him you are on shaky ground.

  95. KC I deal with all this at various posts on and
    reduction of righteousness to mere genetics is a materialistic kind of Gnosticism.

  96. Anonymous7:40 PM

    "if you are viewing Jesus as ruler and God, you have Him as Savior if you are viewing Him as savior that eliminates need to obey Him you are on shaky ground."

    That is another mouth full of marbles answer.

    Scripture gets it right. You need to actually know what you believe and enunciate it from that authority. It seems you just shot from the hip and missed the target.
    Many people in Jesus day were ready to call Him King but not Savior, totally misunderstanding Him and missing what he offered--freely--apart from religion. You must be one of those.

  97. anon 7:40

    no one who called Him King and stayed with that lacked Him as Savior. I get my ideas from Scripture, ALL of it, you get your ideas from segments spoon fed with interpretations. I suppose you call correct doctrine "lordship heresy."

    "Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not what I say?" Luke 6:46

  98. The good doctor8:05 PM

    I hope you are taking your meds consistently, Christine. Love and care.

  99. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Ms. Erikson @ 6:51 PM

    Come on, really? You would give advice to the rest of us about obedience to the Lord?

  100. anon 10:44
    if that is a snipe at my relationship with Mike, as I have said before we don't have sex, and marriage by living together a year and a day was normative in Roman law for the lower classes and Paul didn't dispute this, though he disputed other
    issues that were pagan values baggage in the moral scene and taken for granted
    enough in Corinth that the converts might figure if everyone does this its okay.

    definitions and requirements for marriage vary from legal system to legal system with common law marriage being still valid to contract in some states and DC, and recognized by ALL states once contracted.

    in my case, noting I Cor 6:16 (sex makes the two one flesh) if I had been in some "affair" I would not consider myself free to marry legally someone else, even though the law and much of church thinking allows it, because already one flesh with the prior person, absent biblical grounds for divorce and remarriage applying this to a de facto marriage.

    Mike and I present as husband and wife and very few know we are not legally married so we are not giving a bad example to idiots who can't tell the difference between short term arrangements and marriage equivalent.

    By the way, all your marriages done secularly would NEVER have been considered valid but only a form of fornication by any churches including of the Reformation before the rabid anti clericalism of the French Revolution.

  101. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Your general attitude (and very numerous expressions of it here) of being righteous in your own eyes (and you brought up and explain again how right you are in your cohabitation situation, not I-you are mighty defensive aren't you, so picking at those scabs of yours must mean you are not resolved and at peace about that after all??) is enough to make my point. Obedience to Christ includes esteeming others more highly than you do yourself. You have a very telling shortfall in humility. And the blog has suffered damage in the discord you sow here.
    Not Christ-like, yet you would advise the rest of us about obedience to the Lord?

  102. I don't sow discord. you do. as for self righteous blah blah why should I let false statements stand? and you anonymice sow discord dragging up RC as harlot of Babylon.

  103. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Quit being the scab of the blog 12:04 PM.

    It isn't about you.

    1. The good doctor12:24 AM

      Oh dear, MCE, you really haven't been taking your meds as you should, have you?

      Diagnosis: Narcissistic Personality Disorder with Borderline and Histrionic PD traits with schizoid tendencies.

      Prognosis : Dire , unless real effort is made by the patient, M C Erikson, to seek help through CBT and DCT, Repentance and a real willingness to change.

  104. you don't even know what repentance is needed. I am not going to talk about that, I am working on it but it is nothing of concern to you, and you fit the description better than I do. On some points I have repeatedly corrected you with the Bible and you arrogantly stand on your misapplied proof text that for situations that didn't fit. you anonymice need to do a lot of repenting and I suspect some of you need to leave the New Age, and its "Christian" counterfeit (mostly counterfeit) kinds of subjectivistic states of mind contemplation or fast track version of it letting go of the mind and aiming to get taken over by God (you hope) instead of worshipping Him with your mind and you rely on what pastors and experts have told you the Bible says instead of checking for yourself.

    last thread, the section of the Bible that shows the whole context of Jesus talking about eating His flesh and blood and proves thereby that He WAS being literal, was responded to with something like "at last some Scripture," but no indication you actually READ it like any other piece of important information for detail. if you had done so you would have admitted that His reaction to their reaction showed HE MEANT IT LITERALLY not metaphorically.

    I think you are doing lectio divina "soaking" even though it isn't called that in your circle IT IS THE SAME THING looking for a mood effect from Scripture not information and quick to deny doctrine it teaches that your pet prophets or pastors or whatever denies. "at last some Scripture" instead of "I didn't get it before I see what you mean."

  105. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. Dear All:

    I have computers, but unfortunately my main one that is the real brains of the system is down. Most was backed up -- unfortunately some was not. I have a 3 day on site service contract, but HP said they were honoring it by shipping me a box (arrived next day) for packing and shipping to HP service center in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Say prayers that it was issue other than my 2 terabyte hard drive. I had a way of creating files on the C Drive. I sent an authorization to back up files BUT I am probably going to lose a lot. My research files were backed up. Some of my client files with current work were sitll not fully backed up. The crash occurred suddenly during the night and when I tried to wake the computer in the morning, there was first a corrupted file message and then the dreaded blue screen and then the dreaded black screen.


    AGAIN, too many posts. While I have valued you, I have lost many VALUED posters who just could not take the barrage of your posts combined with an apparent stream of consciousness style of writing.

    Please don't take advantage of me while I'm down. The computer crash has nearly decimated me this week and I'm struggling to catch up and reconstitute as much information as I have lost.

    ALL: Please pray for me!


  107. Marko,

    Thanks for your thoughtful post and comments on Russell Kirk. I never met him, but I once met his widow. Russell Kirk was a close friend of Harry Veryser. Harry has been very encouraging of my work over the past thirty five years. Jeff Nelson, a friend of Harry's with whom I am also acquainted is married to Russell Kirk's daughter and I understand they have two children.


  108. Anonymous10:27 AM


    Are you beginning to get the picture that your disrespect toward Constance and her work, and disrespect for others in general, is damaging to the ongoing work here? You have your way to "fight" the new age and this blog has another. Is like oil and water and that does not mix.

    Please respect Constance enough to see that your posts are in the way of getting her message out.
    The discord you sow here should stop, allowing posters to return to keep the focus where it belongs. The focus is not to be you.
    That is what your own blog space is for.

  109. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Why don't posters here trust that Constance, who was brilliant enough to research the New Age movement, is brilliant enough to have her own agenda for what is the purpose of this blog. For years she has given Christine full reign to do what she does on this blog. Now you may disagree with what Constance has forced to happen, but that probably is because you don't understand Constance's underlying scheme of things. Step back and analyze clearly what has happened and know it is Constance's will. Pray for her. I'm sure she can use prayers to do the right thing.

  110. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said @ 11:19 PM

    "Mike and I present as husband and wife and very few know we are not legally married so we are not giving a bad example to idiots who can't tell the difference between short term arrangements and marriage equivalent."

    This post really illustrates quite well as to the rebellious attitude on display here. Notice that she states that they are "not giving a bad example" and then refers to those that question their non-married co-habitation (i.e. living in sin) as "idiots."

    On an unrelated subject, the other day, she posted (no doubt by mistake) what appeared to be some type of blog advertising for the "physic counseling" services of her "seer" friend "Mike." The ad was very occult/New Age in nature ... and she removed the posting within literally several minutes ... obviously after seeing that she mistakenly posted it here on this blog ... instead of on the blog that she intended it to be. I literally read it twice and couldn't believe my eyes ... it was that bad.

    No one that is grounded in God's Word will be influenced by her convoluted postings on this blog. However, I am concerned about younger people that might be on here "searching" and being unduly influenced by her un-Scriptural rants.

  111. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said ...

    "... instead of worshipping Him with your mind and you rely on what pastors and experts have told you the Bible says instead of checking for yourself."

    This is a very common illustration that is used to attack Bible believers. What is amazing here is that she is a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church (Catholicism without the Pope in Rome) and a staunch defender of Roman Catholicism. Both systems of RC & EO emphatically state WHAT their adherents MUST believe upon penalty of losing their eternal soul! So our friend Christine is a religious robot, and yet, condemns all Bible believers in here as being the programmed robots that only believe what they are being taught to believe.

    How do you spell H Y P O C R I T E ?

  112. RayB

    "On an unrelated subject, the other day, she posted (no doubt by mistake) what appeared to be some type of blog advertising for the "physic counseling" services of her "seer" friend "Mike." The ad was very occult/New Age in nature ... and she removed the posting within literally several minutes ... obviously after seeing that she mistakenly posted it here on this blog ... instead of on the blog that she intended it to be. I literally read it twice and couldn't believe my eyes ... it was that bad."

    you are a liar and a follower of the devil who is called the accuser and slanderer.
    That statement you posted is a total falsehood, and I never posted such a thing ANYWHERE.

    I wouldn't be surprised if you are a flat out satanist. I am sure you are no Christian, I can't imagine anyone who however heretically protestant style actually loves Jesus and the Bible doing what you have just done. Generation of vipers and whited sepulcher that inside is full of rot and dead men's bones comes to mind, things JESUS said to the Pharisees.

    Constance, please ban anonymous posting. anyone with a legitimate reason to hide their identity can use gmail or anything to create a total false online presence and post with a linked ID in blue that can be banned when they act up. All RayB does is start fights with his anti RC stuff. I don't recall him posting anything useful. These people rarely contribute anything and take up space and half my posts probably maybe less would never have been here if not for them.

    Now, here's my plan. Absent events like this, I am going to ignore you anonymice. and non anonymice detractors (I hardly recall any).

    I have corrected and rebuked you anonymice with Scripture, facts and history, and you despised them all and continue posting falsehoods, both about me and about the Bible.

    you despise biblical correction and instruction calling the latter smug lecturing, And yet you dare say I lack humility? your main driver seems to be the sin of pride. Proverbs says a fool hates instruction.

    you complain of my insulting you in the past which was a response after much patience to your insults and slanders and showing you "disrespect" probably by not caving in to your unbiblical and ignorant arguments.

    you accuse me falsely and then say I am an accuser of the brethren A classic example recently is this: "And why does she tout her alms before men? (she's told us herself) " you are a liar. I did not say I had helped Cuddy I pushed others to do so. Constance told about me. I might have once mentioned I sometimes give to charity in response to a hostile query, but I doubt I even did that. you are a liar.

    you draw me out into an argument so you can then complain to Constance

    you say NOTHING to blatant new age posters which brands you as hypocrites

    "Virtually all of the Reformers recognized and emphatically declared that the papacy was in fact the seat of the Anti-Christ as described in Revelation 17" so quoth your infallible popes who are wrong. RC has issues but this isn't one of them and one of the biggest issue you shrug off.

    Read THE BABYLON CONNECTION? by Ralph Woodrow which shows Hislop mishandled his sources and was sloppy and towards the end of the book lists page after page of standard pagan practices which were either mandated by God in the OT worship or part of Israelite usual non condemned practices.

    some of you denounce "religion" which brands you as part of Viola's deception. the Church closed ranks around the bishops and had no unauthorized gatherings to block out heretics. you will either eventually be part of some major heretical developments if you aren't already, or you will reinvent the wheel.

    Since you despise correction and are liars and hypocrites, there is no point dealing with you.

    Dust my feet off time. in a few months I may answer you again since newbies by then won't know the truth.

  113. The good doctor12:17 PM

    Christine, you attacked Ray B. in the following manner:

    "you are a liar and a follower of the devil who is called the accuser and slanderer.
    That statement you posted is a total falsehood, and I never posted such a thing ANYWHERE. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a flat out satanist."

    And yet many at this blog will surely remember when you told us that your "Resident Seer", (as you call your live-in lover) aka Mike, whom you uphold as your occult oracle and scryer extraordiniare, was a Satanist!
    What reason should we have to doubt Ray B over you? I tell you, none whatsoever!

    Now, the first step to recovery is recognizing and owning you have deeply entrenched persona issues, which, no doubt stem from your childhood difficulties and your refusal to forgive your mother. This is typical of the diagnosis I have given you above.

  114. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Well, not shocking RayB.
    She has left enough "clues" here for us to know we smell a rat. The rat droppings have been "hidden" (couched) in terms that she wants us the think will help expose the new age, so done in plain sight, throwing a bit of Bible here and there to confuse what she is really saying. Meanwhile, her argue with wallpaper technique is a diversion for the droppings to be scattered abroad here at this place.

    But it adds up. If she was a true believer and obedient as she says she is, then she would not resort to such tactics, would not create the havoc that is left in her wake. She works for the author of confusion himself. I, and others, did not sign up for her course on how not to be godly, but pushes her lecture series anyway. Talk about taking advantage.........

    Constance has a very full plate and way too gracious. Somebody is jealous or hateful (well both) to say it is on purpose that the blog has fallen into the rat's nest that is the mind and leavings of Justine Erikson.

  115. "And yet many at this blog will surely remember when you told us that your "Resident Seer", (as you call your live-in lover) aka Mike, whom you uphold as your occult oracle and scryer extraordiniare, was a Satanist!"

    I said he was an ex satanist. no scrying, no oracle, just physical eyesight different ability.

  116. I am hoping that there are still some of you who are savvy enough to scan through the comments to find something relevant to discuss. As for me, I skip anything Christine writes, as well as any of the mostly crude and ignorant responses written back to her, which certainly doesn't leave much.

    For what its worth, here's what's happening in my neck of the woods....

    This week the Spokane City Council voted to sign the "International Charter for Compassionate Communities". The Charter was created by ex-Catholic nun Karen Armstrong in connection with her work promoting a single global ethic and tolerance of ISLAM via the Alliance of Civilizations. Most of Constance's readers should be very familiar with Ms. Armstrong.

    The sad fact is, only one of our City Council members, Mike Fagan, had enough discernment to oppose signing the ICCC. Fagin's opposition was based on the fact that the City Council is using the Charter to specifically single out ISLAM as a religion that is being unjustly persecuted while ignoring the persecution of Christians and people of other faiths around the world, which by the way, is happening mostly at the hands of Muslims. Fagan has been accused by other council members of being an "intolerant conspiracy nut".


    In my opinion, those who love (or are addicted to) the anonymous back and forth bickering on blogs like this are no better than dry leaves, or luke warm sewage water, to be blown away, or flushed. Don't let all of the work that Constance has done come to nothing. Use what you've learned here, or in your own research, and make a difference in somebody's life.

    That's my perspective.

  117. Anonymous2:20 PM

    1:26 The Jesuits control both ends of the Islam show. The Catholic Bishops embrace the Muslims and the Brotherhood whilst waiting for a Marion apparition that will finally join the twins Romainsm and Islam together again. And the flip side of the coin includes the ADL/DHS gang who seek to regulate conscience via hate speech laws and the Zionists/Nazi/Racists who took over the TEA party from the Browns (sentenced in 07) promote the Islamophobia ideology to the Protestants along with a myriad of helpers from Showbat to Geller in order to get Protestants to fit into the category of racist haters and general dumb, white Bubbas clinging to their guns and religion, in order to burden these Protestants with the Jesuit dirty work of fighting Muslims with the end goal of claiming the "temple" again for Rome. Joining Islam, defeating Islam, either way works for Rome.

    Of course their flagship case for promoting the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood (controlled by the Jesuits as much as their brothers the Masons and the B'nai Brith)is 'taking over the US' , The Holy Land Foundation Trial, which presented 'secret evidence' against the so-called Muslim community leaders who dared send food to the Palestinians, includes men who now share THE VERY SAME rooms at the hotel (communications management prison) in Illinois, (headquarters USA for Alinsky Obamaite Catholics) with TEA party founders (once anti-war and anti-tax)professed devoted Christians, Elaine Brown and her Husband, who got three times the sentence than the Muslims (secret-evidence-linked them to Hamas). So when you get to court, Bubbas, know that the secret evidence man will testify against you as well.

    No need to fight omots, this is Biblical. All that posting becomes fodder for court scoundrels and judges who take orders from Rome.

  118. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Communications management prisons (who is there?)

    Knights of Malta, Oak Initiative:

    Raids Trials Arrests and appeals

  119. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Oak is Joyner, and Team B II is the report they use.

    Controlling all sides, that's what Jesuit trained, Carol Quigley taught us in Tragedy and Hope. They control ALL sides, so let's not take a side, let us believe in Jesus.

  120. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Joyner is a Lucifarian, says former employee, was knighted in NAZI caves. Reminds me again of Aquino.

  121. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "with the end goal of claiming the "temple" again for Rome. Joining Islam, defeating Islam, either way works for Rome."


    Getting control of the "temple" could be beneficial for presenting and anti-Christ in the flesh who desires worship and would be a goal of BABYLON.

  122. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Gotta' look at the Team B I and not just the wiki

    Provoking Soviets, provoking Muslims, it's all fair in love and WAR, that's the goal. Lots of weapons sales ...

  123. Anonymous2:43 PM

    about team b I
    from wiki

    Time Magazine editor Strobe Talbott stated in 1990 that:
    “ Bush allowed a panel of outsiders, deliberately stacked with hard-liners, to second-guess the agency's findings. Not surprisingly, the result was a depiction of Soviet intentions and capabilities that seemed extreme at the time and looks ludicrous in retrospect.[35]

    In the future will we all say, Team B II (oak initiative, Holy Land Foundation Trial, Islamophobia) looks ludicrous in retrospect?

  124. Susanna3:32 PM

    omots 1:26 PM

    Sounds like ex-Catholic nun Karen Armstrong is crusading more for "syncretism" than for "tolerance."

    The reason I say this is because her New Age "misty waffle" ( hat tip to a Christian friend of mine for that one ) has already attracted the criticism of Christian philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig who has criticized Armstrong's "anti-realist" views about statements concerning God - particularly her assertion that "'God' is merely a symbol that points beyond itself to an indescribable transcendence."

    Craig argues that Armstrong's view of God as ineffable is "self-refuting" and "logically incoherent". Indeed, if Armstrong's claims were true, it would be hard to understand how divine revelation could be possible.

    But that is just the point, gnostics reject divine revelation and prefer their own opinions "private revelations," and "misty waffle."

    Not satisfied with simply leaving the convent when she realized she had no true vocation as a Roman Catholic Religious sister, Armstrong apparently found it necessary to justify her choice (No one is forced to remain a nun. Vows can be dispensed.) by writing a memoir (Through the Narrow Gate)which is mildly redolent of the more lurid bogus convent tales of Maria Monk.

    Armstrong also claims to have gone from a conservative to a more "liberal" and "mystical" Christian faith called "religion-generic mysticism" similar to that advocated by Aldous Huxley in his book The Perennial Philosophy.
    Armstrong's worldview links the virtue of compassion with belief in God - but without caring too much about the details of how that God is conceived.

    She is also a fellow of the Jesus Seminar - a group of scholars and laypeople which attempts to investigate the historical foundations of Christianity. The Jesus Seminar once tried to peddle the theory that Jesus wasn't the Author of the Lord's Prayer.....which leads me to suspect that they invent more history than they investigate.

    Armstrong's assertion that God is "merely a symbol that points beyond itself to an indescribable transcendence" is but one more variation of the syncretistic, esoteric, pagan, gnostic "Perennial Philosophy" according to which there exists an "esoteric transcendent unity" of all religions even if they outwardly contradict one another. According to the Perennial Philosophy, there is no SINGLE true religion. Moreover, the idea of a Perennial Philosophy is central to the New Age Movement.

    Regarding the Spokane situation, the problem with "tolerance" as it all too frequently pertains to the Islamic community is that it tends to be one way. It doesn't address the intolerance and persecution of other religions on the part of certain radical followers of Islam. Referring to Armstrong's organization Councilman Mike Fagan mentioned this very point.

    Councilman Mike Fagan, who voted against the charter, said he opposed the group that wrote the charter because it supports “solidarity with and acceptance of Muslims,” but does not mention persecution of other religious groups.

    “What I don’t understand or agree with at this point is this organization spotlighting and singling out the issue of Islamophobia,” Fagan said. “If this organization was everything that they claim to be on their web, I would’ve expected some mention of the persecution of Christians and other religions worldwide to be just as prominent.”

  125. Anonymous3:47 PM
    Such an interesting list of names.
    May need more wall space

  126. Anonymous3:50 PM

    When MCE gets moved out of the way the good posting can come back.
    Thanks folks.

  127. Anonymous4:30 PM

    "In my opinion, those who love (or are addicted to) the anonymous back and forth bickering on blogs like this are no better than dry leaves, or luke warm sewage water, to be blown away, or flushed. Don't let all of the work that Constance has done come to nothing. Use what you've learned here, or in your own research, and make a difference in somebody's life."

    Christine may be the only non-anonymous poster here. There is a big reason everyone is really anonymous here. Being anonymous doesn't take away from the validity of the comment. You want to talk about what you are interested in and they want to talk about what they are interested in. To each his own.

  128. Constance has always allowed "anonymous" comments. There must be some benefit I suppose, but from what I've seen, posting as "anonymous" allows people to say things to others they would never say if they had to do so using their real identity, or face to face. "Anonymous" can also be used by the utterly devious to argue both sides of an issue, to hide personality disorders, or just to spread insults and create discord.

    The bigger issue for me is just to encourage the folks who post here claiming to have "insight", claiming to be "awake", or claiming to be "knowledgeable", to engage in the public square. I don't have a "Secret Doctrine", or a hidden agenda, and I don't live in fear of those who do.

  129. Anonymous6:29 PM

    There certainly are many ways to abuse a blog like this, but I notice that a name used has not stopped some from being insulting, pontifical, and distracting. One, in particular, very readily comes to mind.
    If that one in particular did not take over conversations here, then I think many discussions could reach better range and depth. A better exchange of ideas all around.
    And the tone would greatly improve.
    I'm anonymous because I have been insulted before, and that is not the worst by any means, but it is when my words are twisted to say what I don't even imply, ruining what discussion I hoped would come from pertaining links I post to the thread's topic, that I don't want to be targeted by the blog's worst offender. It becomes futile to hope for a different outcome as long as that ongoing behavior stops the free exchange of information before it can hardly get a start. Happens to lots of people named or not, and the biggest reason for the messes made here, thread to thread, and evidently long before I showed up.
    Enough already!

  130. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Turkey will likely try to "trick" Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states to attack Syria. This will escalate into at least a regional war between Turkey and Russia. Watch for a strong effort to get the US involved, and also watch for this war to be the excuse to disband or reshape both NATO and the EU. I expect the EU to have ten strong members in a few years and this war could be the catalyst.

  131. Anonymous7:56 PM

    omots,,,,,, your words are a little strong, as nearly every regular poster here has had back and forth exchanges with Christine, and for the most part, rightfully so.

  132. Anonymous11:50 PM


    Thank God their is somewhere where you can be anonymous. I can think of many reasons on this particular blog to be anonymous, but in addition most other blogs or newspapers require that one sign in with Facebook or some other social media. I'm sure there is something more behind this.

    There is a bit more hostility on this blog than in other places for some reason, so I can understand why people are not eager to put their names out there.



    "There was a certain amount of mob association during which the father and he were building, which was very difficult to avoid in the New York construction world," Barrett said, adding, "He went out of his way not to avoid them, but to increase them."

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      I saw it too, Ray B. All about tapping into the chakras and raising the kundalini or something similar ... atrocious!

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Christine wrote: "... he was an ex satanist..."

      So he's a Satanist once again then?

      She continued: "no scrying, no oracle, just physical eyesight different ability."

      But you don't mean physical eyesight without "special abilities ", do you? If so, you are backtracking on what you have written about your Resident Seer previously here. In that case, you are trying to deceive here or you were lying before or both! He's far from being a Christian (judging by by your accounts ... ) , so where does he get this special power from? It's not from God that's for sure! And you are encouraging such sorcery.

      The Lord rebuke you!

  134. was should be IS ex Satanist.

    I am not backtracking. I explained many times that it is an inherited ability
    to do with peripheral vision and seems to be an imperfect dominant gene. you are
    either being dishonest or displaying your abysmal reading and comprehension skills.
    I won't argue with you despicable slanderers. I only post this for the benefit of readers to not go through the archives.

  135. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "I explained many times"
    "I only post this for the benefit of readers"
    "I won't argue with you"

    There is no benefit!!!!!!
    You're out of line how many times you have explained!
    To argue is breathing to you.

    The blog is not about you or your live-in and the new age/occult beliefs under your roof. You have stationed yourself at the wrong blog.

    Not buying your excessive and self-asborbed, self-righteous line of wicked bs, Justine.

  136. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Christine, you have just written :" is an inherited ability
    to do with peripheral vision and seems to be an imperfect dominant gene."

    So which doctor ( or should that be, witch doctor? ! ) told you such baloney?

    You are telling us that his alleged 'seer' abilities are innate; that such powers, ipso facto, are something special which originates in Mike. Yet the things you have previously described your "Resident Seer " 'seeing' are not things veridically seen by the naked eye in a physical sense. There are two options available, and given Mike's past dabbling and your New Age beliefs in chakras, aliens, and the like, it is probably the latter, i.e., the origin is due to schizoid hallucinations and delusions or, more probably, are demonically supernatural (due to possession through his past Satanic worshipping?).

    Yes, most people involved in occult dabbling claim the same about their 'gifts'.

    You should get him to read, "The Beautiful Side of Evil", which exposes the reality behind such 'gifts ' as being demonic.

    You should not be encouraging him, but should seek deliverance for the pair of you and stop co-habiting outside of wedlock!

    Still perhaps we should let you and your eyesight troubled live in lover be:

    For if the blind lead the blind then both shall fall into a ditch!

  137. Anonymous10:54 AM

    A small and only very partial graphic of the voluminous droppings for the blog readers benefit.

    MCE posts look like this ever since I came to this blog:

    I,I,I,I,I,%&$#^I,I,blahblahblahblahblah,green goo,blah, blah,Mars,blah,graveyard myasima,blah,blahI,I,I,I,you idiot,I,I,I,my biological so-called mother, I,I,I,
    BVDSHJKITDFSWE#HKKLIK,I,I,I,_)_*U&$#@#I,I,I,you people,,I,I,I,I,BLAHBLAHBLAH,,,I,I,I, liars................

    The way I see it there is NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER COMING FROM MCE posting here.

  138. Anonymous Anonymous said @ 9:16 AM

    "I saw it too, Ray B. All about tapping into the chakras and raising the kundalini or something similar ... atrocious!"


    Thanks for verifying what I saw. It was so bad, I thought it possible that someone was able to post it under Christine's screen name in order to damage her. When it was removed "by the author" I knew it was a post that Christine actually made here on this blog, but intended for somewhere else.

    She claims her "live in" is an ex-Satanist ... so what is he now? The "ad" she posted was peddling his occult powers. He sure isn't getting these "gifts" from God.

  139. Lucinda11:24 AM

    This is no longer a safe place to come to.

    Constance, I'm stumped, why do you NEED MCE so much?

    What's the pay off for you?

  140. Constance makes the claim that Christine has a "good heart." Does she really?

    What does the Bible say about the condition of the human heart?

    "The heart is deceptive and desperately wicked above all things; who can know it?"

  141. Lucinda11:33 AM

    Thank you RayB.

    I know God values us all--- but He values us enough to tell us the truth about ourselves, otherwise we end up being self-deceived.

    But I'm afraid some are not lovers of truth and don't want to walk in the truth. Sad.

  142. RayB

    you and the anonymous are a couple of damn liars I never posted here or anywhere any ad for psychic services. I wouldn't be doing or helping do that kind of thing.

    I have provided good analyses that, though Constance would at first be upset seeing the size of posts would repeatedly on reading them NOT delete them but did delete some other posts of mine. Clearly she sees value in some content.
    you are shameful liars and I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    I really wish Constance would ban anonymice, as I said, you can keep anonymity by creating a fake ID to post under. The one here who was worried about signing in with Facebook, guess what, blogger is a Google product. That's as bad as Zuckerberg, it was created with NSA program code and financed in part by them. deal with it.

  143. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... RayB

    you and the anonymous are a couple of damn liars I never posted here or anywhere any ad for psychic services. I wouldn't be doing or helping do that kind of thing.

    Dear Christine,
    I saw the same thing RayB saw.
    I thought that you were just being facetious.
    I thought that you were just trying to stir the ire of the faceless anonymice!
    Now you deny your deleted post?

  144. I like this quote-

    "When the Lord Jesus gets the complete mastery as Head in our lives then all independence of action, and life, and all self-will, self-direction, self-seeking, self-glory and self-vindication will go.

    These are the things which set us apart from one another."

  145. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Justina is serving 2 masters (at least 2).
    Her focus is herself.
    Good quote, Lucinda. Thanks.

  146. Anonymous3:19 PM

    "I really wish Constance would ban anonymice" [wrote Christine]

    I really wish Constance would ban YOU!

  147. Dan Bryan said

    "Dear Christine,
    I saw the same thing RayB saw.
    I thought that you were just being facetious.
    I thought that you were just trying to stir the ire of the faceless anonymice!
    Now you deny your deleted post?"

    I deny it and I call you a liar if you are claiming I offered psychic services for hire or even for free.

    I have discussed chakras and kundalini but NEVER with a view to selling psychic services.

    I have NEVER supported the view that any subtle energy or plasma whatever field is divine.

    Out of respect for Constance I used to delete and rewrite and repost instead of post addendum, and I was falsely accused many months ago maybe a couple of years, and I stopped rewriting. I thought maybe this wouldn't happen again so I did this rewrite thing again and you liars have started this up.


    you deny that The Word always existed eternally with the Father.

    I had a strange bad feel about you. "discernment of spirits" I guess? The Bible refers to an obviously paranormal ability, not mere intellectual analysis. what is called "discernment" these days would be called wisdom or teaching.

    you are banned from my blog.

  148. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "The bigger issue for me is just to encourage the folks who post here claiming to have "insight", claiming to be "awake", or claiming to be "knowledgeable", to engage in the public square." said omots

    Public Square= The World, I can assure you that I spent YEARS in the public square and came close to changing policy in several states, I can assure you that NO ONE gives a crap and taking on the UN or any UN islamo gobbity-gook, influences nothing. "They" created Islam-fear starting with the controlled demolition that was 911 and they did it to 1. have their old Stasi guy start de Fatherland agency (DHS) and 2. To start the IslamOphobia ONLY to then turn around and send out agitators who criticize those who fall for the fear mongering, it's a game, O PLEASE do tell the last time you tried to explain Tupper Saussy's book "Rulers of Evil" or even the Hegelian Dialectic OR even mention the fact that Hegel took over for Adam Weishaupt and was a professor of Cannon Law!! NO ONE GETS IT AND public square rants do nothing but rack up electronic files on YOU. Your grand children won't be able to write in cursive and they think 2 + 4 = 5. Try talking to an emergent church 20 something, (and you thought fascism was dead).

    They don't care. They are busy fighting for their right to party.

    I am DONE with public square crap, I made a simple video for legislators about the Hegelian dialectic, charter school traps, common core etc. S I M P L E. I heard crickets and frogs and snoring. Most public square activists have to spend the first year reeducating politicians. Not worth it, let them have their delusions, God gave it to them and by the way Washington... Spokane and Seattle are very witchy places, a total loss in my mind.

    NOW you watch this and imagine city, county, and state politicians. Yeah, exactly. Imagine I explain the "15 ways that the UN charter violates the US Constitution" to THIS GUY, and they are WORSE at the local levels. They don't read pithy comments, let alone understand them.

  149. Lucinda ...

    You just gave a very concise but very accurate synopsis of what real repentance actually is.
    Contrary to what a few in here promote, repentance is not being a member of a "religion." There isn't a religion in the entire history of the world, whereby being a member, or being baptized in it, or adherent of its teachings ever saved a single soul. Salvation comes by grace alone, by faith alone and in Christ alone. When one truly believes in Christ, that person, by faith, believes in what Christ (Who IS the Word of God) declares. Religion, on the other hand, is a declaration BY men as to WHAT men must DO to be saved.

    Anyways, great post on what real repentance actually is.

  150. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Proverbs 1:7 KJV The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

    So again, believe in Jesus and share the Gospel. Comment in the public square, uh, no. They don't fear the Lord, so they won't get it anyway, heard rock music lately? Their heads are full of hate for Jesus.

  151. Dan Bryan said...

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... RayB

    "you and the anonymous are a couple of damn liars I never posted here or anywhere any ad for psychic services. I wouldn't be doing or helping do that kind of thing."

    Dan Bryan said to Christine:
    "Dear Christine,
    I saw the same thing RayB saw.
    I thought that you were just being facetious.
    I thought that you were just trying to stir the ire of the faceless anonymice!
    Now you deny your deleted post?"

    12:13 PM

    Dan ...

    You are the second one to post (me being the 3rd.) that you saw Christine's post.
    I'm sure there are more. Furthermore, I wouldn't doubt that Constance has some way to retrieve the deleted post. I didn't need any other witnesses as to what I saw. She very clearly was advertising (under her screen name) her "friend's" occult "seer" gifts. Once she saw that it was (opps!) posted HERE ... she quickly removed it. Now, she claims that those that saw it are all agents of Satan and LIARS! What a sad case she is.

  152. Anonymous6:49 PM

    It's fun to notice all the 'bridge' references in emergent churches, their names include bridge, their music and their 'missions'. It's hilarious and oh, so obvious. It helps in research, thanks guys. I had one pastor tell me Jesus was a bridge builder. Uh huh. I wanted to throw my Bible at him but I smiled instead.

  153. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Dear 5:59 PM,

    Everything you are mentioning goes right along with the times we are in prophetically. It is the age of deception and quickly becoming the age of rage, among other things as well. Read Romans Chapter 1 and see how it fits. This train is picking up speed on this fast track to the Return of Christ, with many more twists and turns you (and I) aren't going to like before He gets here. If you do not have the peace and hope found in Jesus' forgiveness already, then may I suggest to you that it is time to seek the Lord in repentance and faith. If you do already have, then we must learn to rest in what is. There is nothing to prevent this now. Nothing. We can warn is most of what we can actually do now. Changes you want to see in this moment of life should have been attempted for turning things around at least 50 years ago. It is way too late now.
    The falling away is nearly complete...2 Thess tells us what (who) is the next thing after that.
    The globe is ready for the "new age" short-lived, though it may be...

  154. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I'm the fourth who saw the post under Christine's identification. It appeared to be there for a few hours. Only Constance can delete according to what Constance said in the past. Perhaps the blog was hacked

  155. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Hi Dan, Rayb etc..

    Constane has been advised of the post alledgely made by Christine and hopely Constance can see the deletion and take appropriate action.
    Also Christines post (see displayed below) with her abberant views on marriage which are totally unbecomeing anyone professing to be Christian...
    As the Lord says "DO AWAY WITH THE APPEARANCE OF EVIL" how is cohabitation a good witness to those outside the Church.

    Christines listing reads...
    if that is a snipe at my relationship with Mike, as I have said before we don't have sex, and marriage by living together a year and a day was normative in Roman law for the lower classes and Paul didn't dispute this, though he disputed other
    issues that were pagan values baggage in the moral scene and taken for granted 
    enough in Corinth that the converts might figure if everyone does this its okay.

    definitions and requirements for marriage vary from legal system to legal system with common law marriage being still valid to contract in some states and DC, and recognized by ALL states once contracted. 

    in my case, noting I Cor 6:16 (sex makes the two one flesh) if I had been in some "affair" I would not consider myself free to marry legally someone else, even though the law and much of church thinking allows it, because already one flesh with the prior person, absent biblical grounds for divorce and remarriage applying this to a de facto marriage.

    Mike and I present as husband and wife and very few know we are not legally married so we are not giving a bad example to idiots who can't tell the difference between short term arrangements and marriage equivalent. 

    By the way, all your marriages done secularly would NEVER have been considered valid but only a form of fornication by any churches including of the Reformation before the rabid anti clericalism of the French Revolution.

    11:19 PM

  156. Here is the post that I believe was removed by Christine. Note that it states "removed by the author."

    "Comment deleted"

    "This comment has been removed by the author."

    "12:46 PM"

  157. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I'm confused! Why is Constance recommending the Politically Unclassified blog by Christine Erikson to us?

    Christine has blogged two strange posts today which I've archived with Wayback so anyone can refer to the posts I've read. Am I reading correctly about Christians having Chakras, seeing auras in a "cocaine soaked environment" and Christian alien abductions?

    1 -

    2 -

    Admittedly, I struggle at the best of times to understand Christine's writings - maybe it's because I'm in the UK that I don't comprehend her colloquial writing style coupled with the fact that it's late over here and I'm tired. Either way, I'm puzzled by the blog posts and why Constance would choose to recommend this reading to us.

    ~ K ~

  158. "I thought it possible that someone was able to post it under Christine's screen name in order to damage her. When it was removed "by the author" I knew it was a post that Christine actually made here on this blog, but intended for somewhere else."

    several blogs back someone was posting fake Christine and had a fake ID with my name but the wrong code on it hover the cursor on the blue name and look at the lower left of the page. Marko caught this and told us all the means of checking.

    So maybe some of you are not liars but tricked. However, given the fact a minor version of this was done to me before, when I had been delete reposting in a short time not absent a few hours so it was a TOTAL lie, I think the lot of you are lying.

    Considering how you twist, falsely accuse and hate my deconstruction of new age and turning some of its recruitment points against it I think you are all just lying. Why the hate for a weapon against new age? must be some roiling in the guts caused by a demon you have who is protecting its own, or YOU are protecting YOUR OWN you being new age agents here.

    Constance, sorry for all this but how can I leave such slander unanswered? this is the worst yet and more harmful. Consider the mentality also, notice the attack after I made an update on Boykin. notice attacks continued when I brought up Trump and Mafia connections. I think they want me silenced because I am too good at finding stuff dangerous to their interests. There are definitely charismatics of the hate "religion" type on board here, and don't take anyone's word for it they aren't NAR or contemplative or whatever, if they use the lingo and let go their minds and give up self control to let "the holy spirit" take control, WHICH IS WHAT CHARISMATICS AND PENTECOSTALS DO, they fit the new age category right there. that is the essence of the mystical side of it.

    One commentator stated that there is a difference between a trance where you see nothing but the vision God gave you as with Peter, and a trance as usually described.

  159. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Then why are people here at this blog not opposing Constance's work, just yours?

    You need to think long and hard about that one.

  160. Because the political and Solana and whatnot issues are mostly only of interest to Christians, and secondarily to nominal Christians and others worried about their freedom, and many new agers don't like Agenda 21 measures that would take them off the land or totalitarian regimes that would interfere with some lifestyle issue. Or make demands on them. There are many videos like David Icke and others that document and attack like we do, though usually leaving Constance out, but then propose a solution that is back to the mystical whatnot, and if they reference William Cooper a subtle hint towards the militia and violence scene.

    What I do, is tackle issues that would be upsetting to people who might not at that point accept Jesus but would drop out of the new age building of critical mass if that is an issue, separate from the psychic soup somewhat, and be less of a bloc for them to use.

    These people don't buy into Christian eschatology. many Christians of the average sort don't either. But you show masons and others how the identifical of Lucifer with satan is valid, cue them on shamans and others they'd trust warning against deceptive and dangerous spirits too much for such to put with even though they deal with others that are deceptive but smoother, even that disaster Swedenborg saying that all spirits lie, YOU CAN MAKE THEM DOUBT.

    and that doubt is the sort of thing that may make it easier for them to consider and accept Jesus later on. or get back to Him.

  161. Anonymous12:29 AM

    What a muddled mess of an answer you just gave @ 12:08 AM.
    Constance does her job well, tackling the new age from it's many varied angles. She does it effectively, straight-forwardly, without the hype and tripe you add.

    What you do is make an absolute mess of her blog, and hinder her efforts.
    You are no Constance Cumbey.
    Just a wannabe..

  162. yes she does it from many angles and she is INDISPENSABLE.

    but how many people in the world give a damn about what is on this blog as long as it isn't directly interfering in their personal lives at the moment? how many Christian or secularist "spiritual but not religious" sorts? we are a minority even
    among Christians.

    I used to snort at calling this stuff "hard core" occultism, because I knew what that was and had always whether interested in practicing it, or later when I rejected it as something to do, dimissed the love peace bliss meditate and waste your time trying to help some "ascended master" it was stupid stuff and weak.

    now see it as a greater danger because non threatening. I think Constance has remarked some years ago on the possibility of mass possession. If it happens, then absent divine intervention it will include Christians who let something take them over as well as new agers who have chronically instead of periodically undermined their own boundaries.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Christine, you're adept at employing the Hegelian dialectic, n'est pas?

      Looking at the archived information pertaining to your blog, which K has generously provided as well as taking into account all of your posts asserting the existence of chakras (notwithstanding your extravagant eisegisis of Eccles 12 here) , psychic vampires, your "Resident Seer ", aliens, cities on Mars, orange ether blobs by the door (seen by Mike ), green nutrient gel, etc, one can only conclude your agenda here is nepharious at best!

      It would not surprise me if you posted the posts you claim came from Paul on your blog , if you had posted under your own name in an alternate 'fake' account so as to sow confusion and division here, with the ultimate aim of gleaning sympathy for yourself in order to sully and destroy this blog with your New Age / Gnostic and occult assertions.

      I put it to you, Christine, that that is your agenda here, isn't it?

  163. Let's face it; the subject of this blog site is Christine Erikson.
    Nearly EVERY comment is either by her or about her.
    Her tactics are a complete success.

  164. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Yes. I tried earlier to sneak in some links but they are lost amongst all the fodder. And it has come to this because of her dictates here to manipulate this place. Paul, you, as some of the rest of us, know she has a "mission" here, carried out in these very tactics she uses to take it over.
    Ignoring her has yet to work. She will have to be forced to go by Constance or this only continues. Such a shame that the comments section has been reduced to this.

    Here is my definition of her demeanor and behavior:

    adjective: pig-headed
    stupidly obstinate.
    synonyms: obstinate, stubborn (as a mule), mulish, bullheaded, obdurate, headstrong, self-willed, willful, perverse, contrary, recalcitrant, stiff-necked

    She is like a persistent fungus allowed to manifest because the environment is suitable for that. I find not one thing "good-hearted" about her treatment of this blog and it's readers.

  165. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Working both ends against the middle is her specialty.

  166. Richard12:07 PM

    "The falling away is nearly complete...2 Thess tells us what (who) is the next thing after that.
    The globe is ready for the "new age" short-lived, though it may be..."

    The upcoming 'disclosure' (perhaps also of the Nemesis mini-star system) will see to that. I can think of nothing else which would wipe clean all the world's faiths in one fell swoop.

  167. Anonymous3:38 PM

    The so-called "life of this blog" is killing it.
    Thanks a lot Mary C Erikson.

  168. Anonymous5:17 PM

    "Working both ends against the middle is her specialty."

    Exactly, 11:01 AM, you've hit the nail on the head!

  169. YOO HOO, DAN BRYAN....

    you've been busy haven't you. deleted all your comments showing you deny Jesus Christ the Word is coeternal with The Father. and deleted your comments showing you believe in reincarnation.

    but I knew you'd do this, THEY ARE ARCHIVED OFFLINE. permanently. out of your reach.

    and you didn't say "okay, I see how the Bible supports the Trinity, and opposes reincarnation, now I support the Trinity as coeternal with each other and oppose reincarnation." oh, no. you just got rid of the evidence.....except you didn't do it in time.

  170. Susanna6:32 PM

    Breaking news here on the East Coast......a sad day for America

    Justice Scalia dead at age 79
    Published February 13, 2016

  171. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


    Blessings, Christina!

  172. US Launches Massive Retaliation Against Turkey For Killing 12 American Marines........
    From Bases within Turkey! Then tries to blame Russia? Is this for real?

  173. the alleged retaliation was for an incident which is reported in which is Sorcha Faal's operation
    he she or it is always claiming leaked internal MoD Russian information and
    is not to be believed. unfortunately EU Times draws on SF a lot, so since
    the incident didn't happen unless someone has separate information on this,
    neither did the retaliation.

  174. WW3 possible in 18 days

    this sounds like sensationalism but seems validated by

    If this is a ploy to mass troops to support the anti Assad effort, it will
    result in tactical nuclear use by the Russians and could escalate. Of course,
    it might be only an exercise.

  175. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Putin and Obama spoke on the phone a few minutes ago. Likely, Putin is telling Obama that Russia will destroy any Turkish or Saudi forces that enter into Syrian airspace. Russian SU-34 multi-role fighter/attack aircraft have been seen with anti-ship missiles in the last few days. This is a warning to the US Navy that Russia will sink any NATO ships that attempt to assist Turkey or Saudi Arabia should open hostilities commence.

  176. the 18 day countdown ends on the 28th. try not to be in 25 miles or downwind of a military base. stockpile things you need.

  177. "The upcoming 'disclosure' (perhaps also of the Nemesis mini-star system) will see to that. I can think of nothing else which would wipe clean all the world's faiths in one fell swoop."

    why? what possible relevance does such a thing have to religion of any kind especially Christianity? it is just one more thing God made.

    Of course, the masses and the educated are phenomenally stupid. NEw Agers will probably point to this in their typical nonsequitur way as proving their point.

  178. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Thanks for the link, Dan Bryan.

  179. Anonymous3:37 PM

  180. "Of course, the masses and the educated are phenomenally stupid."

    Can I ask you a question?

  181. Anonymous 5:59,

    Sounds to me like you are bitter about your own failure to change the world. Changing the world is/was never my intent. "Change agents" are those who seek to remake the world in their own image. My desire is to help people wake up and see the world as it really is, not to cause despair, but to help those who would be helped to see the need for redemption and to note the lateness of the hour.

    I am encouraged by all those who take a stand for what is right, what is noble, what is true, even if they be in the minority, or acting alone. I remember an interview with Ron Paul a few years ago where some media person asked him, "Why are you still in the race when you know you can't win?" I don't remember Paul's exact words, but his reply went something like this, "I'm not worried about 'winning', I'm in the race because I think it's important that someone speaks the truth."

    Ron Paul's remarks had a profound effect on me. They reminded me of the gospel message because, after all, Jesus spoke the truth, and for that he was crucified by the world.

    On of my favorite scriptures is this: "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house."

    Note that the light is given "unto all that are in the house." It is not given to those who refuse to enter the house, those who remain standing outside the banquet hall too distracted or too dense to understand that eternal darkness is fast approaching. Yet while there is still time, we are commanded to do everything we can to get as many of the "lost" to see the light and come into the house before the door closes. That to me, is what it means to "redeem the time."

  182. Anonymous12:10 AM


    Amen. Our hope is not in this world system. For those who have not read the book of Revelations lately, it talks about us standing firm in the truth as the world collapses. It doesn't talk about us stopping the judgement. The judgement on this world is from God, who is judging the gods of this world, just like he judged the gods of Egypt.

    If there are some who are hungry and thirsty, we can point them to the living water and bread of life that is without cost.

  183. Do we think we can effect the course of this country with elections? We have two parties, called the left wing and the right wing. It appears that the only choice we are allowed to have is vote for the Fascist or the Marxist. Both wings flying this country into serf-i-tude. Yet we have times when both parties do the exact same things!

    * Open Borders
    * Continued Deficits
    * Continued Wars, Military adventurism, direct or by proxy
    * Curtailment of public freedom either the guise of 'security' or for 'the common good'
    * Gun Running Al-Qeada Pakistan/Regan, Gun Running Al-Qeada Libya/Obama
    * Gun Running to Mexico Bush/ Gun Running to Mexico Obama
    * Destruction of the Middle Class
    * Big Business Welfare and Small Business Annihilation.
    * FED/Crown monetary policy, with no constraints, controls/oversight. (Money for nothing/Chicks for free)
    * War on Drugs (or is it War for the Control of Drug Supply or curtail competition?)
    * Encroachments on property with imminent domain
    * Poor Politicians become millionaires
    * Big Business & The Bankers - Too Big to Fail

    Except for the Lord we are Lost! Pray for derision! God gets a good laugh out of that!

  184. Anonymous9:43 AM

    "If there are some who are hungry and thirsty, we can point them to the living water and bread of life that is without cost."

    12:10 AM

    and we don't have to post on public forums in protest of this or that ism to accomplish that. I am not bitter omots, just disappointed at the people who refuse to see and not fooled by posting comments because I know they can understand it, their hearts are hard.

  185. Anonymous9:49 AM

    At about 30:00 what did H. P. Blavatsky say about the counterfeit Bibles? What were her own words? Which denomination did she mention by name?

  186. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Agreed OMOTS and 12:10 AM.
    Ultimately the remake you are speaking of will fall terribly short anyway, as the only true remake is the one that Christ himself will bring. We are seeing this time the bible speaks of in the Revelation for the whole earth fast approaching.
    Neither political party (or global scheming) has in mind what Christ does. That is ok (and for which they will answer). These can't be what they are not, so be it. I will wait on the Lord, and meanwhile I pray to only keep shining his light in my little corner of this world. God knows his business and I am in his hands to do with me as he sees fit. I'm leaving it all up to him.
    There is no downside in the center of God's will.

  187. To Dan Bryan RE: comment @ 1:19 AM ...

    I have heard many, many "prayers" for our nation and its leaders uttered from pulpits, etc. I have never heard a single one such as the Psalmist in Psalm 9:20:

    "Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah."

    People pray for the Lord to "bless" this nation ... a nation that not only sanctions gross sin, but celebrates it. What they really should be praying for is that men would be put into a state of fear. Fear is the BEGINNING of all knowledge and wisdom. The fear of God is completely Biblical ... and it is a message that has become lost in the days that we are living in.

    "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant." Psalm 25:14

  188. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Yes RayB. That is what I pray too, so I quote Ps 119:126 a lot......
    I don't ask God to bless America anymore. I ask Him to save souls out of her ashes.
    The kingdoms of this world will all pass away in due time, and God's kingdom will rise.

  189. Anonymous ...

    I agree. What I always pray for first and foremost is that God is glorified and honored through His people. When God's honor is treated as the preeminent goal, everything else falls into place. Today, the goal seems to be MAN centered (as in "religious humanism" & compromise) ... rather than God centered ... precisely why our "churches" have become not a whole lot more than watered down entertainment centers, etc. We are in a very sad state ... God's judgment "begins at the house of the Lord."

  190. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Personally I find it hard to pray to God for mercy on my nation (Britain) when every day it aborts 500 babies, many of them via the government-run National Health Service. If the price of ending this genocide is national calamity, which is worse?

  191. Anonymous said... 9:49 AM
    At about 30:00 what did H. P. Blavatsky say about the counterfeit Bibles?

    Dear Anon 9:49 thanks for the link, I wish he expounded more on this. I will need to see his additional videos.

  192. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Larry Summers is the second Harvard guy in a week to call for the elimination of the $100 bill for reasons of "reducing crime." At the recent WEF conference in Switzerland there was probably a big, big push to eliminate cash so that in the upcoming depression the central banks of the world can create negative interest rates with magnitudes of -5% or -10% per year. In such a case many people would empty their bank accounts and hold their money in cash, so the powers that be are coming up with a "crime prevention" reason to eliminate cash before negative interests rates are widely introduced.

  193. Anonymous9:42 PM

    That's interesting to read Anon 8:59pm, I read tonight that the Euro 500 bank note is being withdrawn.

    Europe prepares to scrap the €500 note, saying the large bills help fund terrorism - and most of the denominations are kept in Russia

    Read more:

    ~ K ~

  194. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Yes, the war on cash is on. ZIRP ( zero interest rates) is being done and NIRP ( negative interest rates) is being floated to test reactions. Of course 100 bills are supposed to bad and 500 euro bills because drug traffickers and terrorists can benefit from these large denominations.

    It is all about the implementation of the Beast system. Don't take a mark whatever you do. You will be worshipping the Beast. It's not here yet, but getting closer.

    The system is being controlled by the financial elite, very manipulated and very unjust. Now under Dodd-Frank if a bank makes poor investments and goes under they can bail their depositors in like Greece and Cyprus. Similar laws have been passed all over the world. Your money is not your money. You are now a creditor of the bank, so stand in line when the collapse comes.

  195. Anonymous said... 9:49 AM
    At about 30:00 what did H. P. Blavatsky say about the counterfeit Bibles?

    This is the best most concise research as to the changes made in the modern translations. The video is poor the content is rich and expansive.

    She details the effects of Theosophy, Ecumenical normalizing, corruption of the original Greek, and the horrendous effects of copy write laws.

    Much of this is old news, but it has helped me catch up a little more with Constance related to the occultism and the NewAge.

  196. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Christine, in response to Richard (12:07 PM), who wrote, "The upcoming 'disclosure' (perhaps also of the Nemesis mini-star system) will see to that. I can think of nothing else which would wipe clean all the world's faiths in one fell swoop.", you stated (5:59 AM):

    "why? what possible relevance does such a thing have to religion of any kind especially Christianity? it is just one more thing God made."

    How do you know it is just one more thing God made? NASA is a tool of the corrupt Jesuitical New Agers who hold power over the World's governments.

    Have you not heard of Project Bluebeam, Haarp or Tesla technology, for example? Do you underestimate the advanced technology of such political despots to pull off a very convincing show that could fool much of humanity and quite obviously yourself?

    "Of course, the masses and the educated are phenomenally stupid."

    You do stumble greatly in your vain pride, Christine! The sad thing is, what you write at this blog can cause the young and impressionable to stumble too!

    "NEw Agers will probably point to this in their typical nonsequitur way as proving their point."

    As you are preemptively doing in your post at 5:59 AM through insinuation in order to lend credence to your Alien nonsense, etc! You are leaving yourself open to the Great Deception (however that may develop) if such happens during your lifetime. In any case, you are deceived and have a deceiving spirit. I suggest you relinquish leaning on your own understanding and Gnostic nonsense and get right with God before it's too late for you!
