
Tuesday, December 04, 2012


To my readers:  I was moved to write this article today after discovering the blatancy of material I found in my voluminous library that I had previously not had the opportunity to read.  Today I read it closely.  I composed the following article.  I thought it needed to reach a much larger article.  As I am still a columnist for, I contacted the publisher who agreed with me that it needed to reach the public as soon as possible.  This article will be running on that website which has a much broader reader base than mine.  It is up there now, this Tuesday morning of December 4, 2012.  I want my own readers to have the earliest exposure possible, so here it is.  I would appreciate your feed back.  Sometimes writing is painful and difficult.  The material I found in the book, TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY INTELLIGENCE, by Dr. Wesley K. Wark angered me to the point that the words immediately flowed and found expression.  

The article content is found below.  This is what they are planning for surveillance for our current times.

Stay tuned!


“Intelligence” for the 21st Century – “De-Orwell” People?
© 2012 by Constance E. Cumbey
All Rights Reserved

Our long perceived liberties are now at a dangerous tipping point.  I’ve been recently reflecting on my life’s  work informing the public of the New Age Movement and its related “hidden dangers.”  Those dangers are now becoming much less hidden.  Many are diverted by 2012 New Age Mayan prophecies and fail to see more here and now dangers.   Almost all from believers to those who have viewed the movie series THE OMEN or even the LEFT BEHIND books and films are familiar with the following Book of Revelation warnings:

 15And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

As I first wrote in 1981 in my expository book about the New Age Movement, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW, New Agers, and allegedly Christian fellow travelers were calling for a New World Order with an accompanying global food redistribution program -- aided of course by modern technology, i.e. computers.  Much more than mere redistribution, bad as that might be, was implied by that prophecy.  It also clearly meant  surveillance.

On the secular side, George Orwell (1903-1950) led a relatively short but insightful life.  His landmark novel, 1984, amply and graphically described the potential horrors and desensitization of a total surveillance society where we would eventually “come to love Big Brother.”  If you can no longer find that book, here is a place to read it on line for free:

The last two paragraphs of the book are the saddest part of Orwell’s prophecy.  The prisoner of the system had come to love Big Brother:

The voice from the telescreen was still pouring forth its tale of prisoners and booty and slaughter, but the shouting outside had died down a little. The waiters were turning back to their work. One of them approached with the gin bottle. Winston, sitting in a blissful dream, paid no attention as his glass was filled up. He was not running or cheering any longer. He was back in the Ministry of Love, with everything forgiven, his soul white as snow. He was in the public dock, confessing everything, implicating everybody. He was walking down the white-tiled corridor, with the feeling of walking in sunlight, and an armed guard at his back. The long hoped-for bullet was entering his brain. 

He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.

Well, there are serious elements out there in the “HUMINT” (Human Intelligence) community now demanding for real that “we come to love Big Brother.”  They consider George Orwell a practical threat to their control freak aspirations.  As they expedite their manufacture of drones and other surveillance apparatus, they plot how to “De-Orwell” the populace.  Wesley K.  Wark, a participant-author-professor on the subject of Intelligence has overseen the collection of essays by fellow spies and wannabes on the subject.  The intelligence network is an international one with USA, Brits, Canadians, and even Russians now collaborating on how to flush out the rest of us who value both security and privacy.  I have one of his major books in my personal library, TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY INTELLIGENCE.  Individual chapter writers include besides Wark, Alan DuPont, Michael Herman, Melvin A. Goodman, Matthew M. Aid, Gregory F. Treverton, Nick Cullather, John Ferris and Ronald J. Deibert.

Wark might be the most frightening thinker of all.  If his fellow collaborators agree with him, as I suspect they do, we are all in deep trouble.  The apparent consensus is that “we must learn to live with Orwell.” [1]   

“The diminution of 'Orwell', a codeword  for the fear of intelligence, will be a necessary condition for the success of a revolutionary change now unfolding in the practice of intelligence. Looking back, the  twentieth century may be seen as the age of Secret intelligence . . .

Whether rare, or the norm, public intelligence will require a new public outlook on intelligence, one beyond, as suggested above, the habit of 'Orwell'.[2]

Wark and his fellow contributors consider the task crucial and urgent.  His introductory remarks conclude with the excerpted following:

If an age of public intelligence is upon us, it will demand a revolutionary change in the practice of intelligence and in the doctrine of secrecy. New attention will have to be paid to devising intelligence assessments designed for public consumption, as opposed to products shaped for intelligence's traditional government 'consumers'. While such forms of intelligence assessment are devised, great care will have to be given to protecting the role that intelligence traditionally plays in informing government decision-making on national and international security issues. Great care will also be required in protecting intelligence sources and methods - the lifeblood of intelligence work. New restraints will have to be devised to ensure that the intelligence product does not become completely politicised [sic] in its transit to the public audience, both domestic and foreign. As US scholar John Prados put it, 'what is there to prevent public intelligence from becoming public relations?'20   Integrity of intelligence reporting will be a huge issue. The quality and persuasiveness of intelligence judgements [sic] will face an enormous test, in the open and fractious marketplace of public debate. To persuade its new, and much more diverse audience, intelligence assessments will have to be very good indeed.

Finally, there will be a reciprocal onus on public consumers of intelligence to understand the nature of the intelligence product, both its strengths and its limitations.
If public intelligence is the radical future, its emergence will build on the technological enhancement and delivery of intelligence. Public intelligence requires display, precisely of the sort delivered by Colin Powell's address to the Security Council in February 2003, with its Sigint soundtrack, and its satellite imagery. Public intelligence is unthinkable without the technological infrastructure that supports a global media and global Internet.[3]

High sounding words all to justify what we so justifiably dreaded – an age of total surveillance and snooping.  They are determined to have it, but they cannot have it unless WE FIRST LEARN TO LOVE BIG BROTHER?  As of this writing, December 3, 2012, there were 50,500 google  NEWS references alone to the emerging drone technology.  There were in more than 30 million GOOGLE hits on the scary technology.

Drones serve both spying and weaponry functions.  Are they to be used as the potential enabler of prophesied search and destroy operations against believers?  We may currently rest in peace believing they are only to be used against believers of Islamic religions and ideologies.  As we were told in law school, harsh cases make bad law.  Once the precedent is set, it is out there for use against whatever stands in the way of “glocalist” agendas (“think globally, act locally).

I for one have no present plans to embrace Big Brother.  I pray you have none either.  Big Brother is decidedly NOT YOUR FRIEND!  It has long been said that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.  That vigilance is now needed more than ever.  Otherwise, the “necessary condition” for “revolutionary fear is here!

 The diminution of 'Orwell', a code word for the fear of intelligence, will
be a necessary condition for the success of a revolutionary change now
unfolding in the practice of intelligence.[4]

[1] (Wesley K. Wark, 2005), page 6.    TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY INTELLIGENCE:  Routledge, London and New York.
[2] Ibid., page 11.
[3] Ward, Ibid., page 10.
[4] Wark, Ibid., page 7.


  1. congratulations, you're catching up!

  2. The biggest problem with the intellligence community running this, is that they usually represent the interests of the elites who are behind the globalists.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Vatican pushes RFID tracking forward:

    "Vatican clergy and employees will be issued with an identity card complete with a microchip-tracking device in sweeping new security measures designed to prevent a repeat of the Vatileaks scandal."


    ( )

  4. the very fact they would improve security measures to prevent leaks
    shows they are hypocrites and more interested in secrecy and coverups than in justice and cleaning up.

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM


    I'm sitting in a company meeting, a major company that I won't name, who is as I write unveiling their plan for completing (already well underway) the "internet of everything" through intelligent / smart technology / smart sensors everywhere. 50B devices on the internet of everything by 2020. Anything the size of a grain of rice can have its own IP address.

    Ties in very closely with your article.

    Dave in CA

  6. yes this has been being discussed on some of the fringe and conspiracy websites, which often because the writers keep track of stuff have good information even if some conclusions are off track. This system has been in the works for nearly a year, possibly older.

  7. Anonymous1:48 PM

    "How the Internet of Everything Will Change the World…for the Better" apparently...


    What’s driving the Internet of Everything?

    "The Internet of Everything is based on the idea that everyday objects can be readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable, and controllable via the Internet. Although the market defines the Internet of Everything in terms of connected everyday objects, the nature of the connection remains to be determined." ...


  8. at the very least, this could make things more expensive. and in the case of a power grid failure, how many more of these than necessary would be affected?

  9. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Here's a 46 page pdf document by Wesley K Wark.





    March 2012



  10. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Who's catching up with whom or what, Christine? (Your first post on this thread.)

  11. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Maitreya TV appearances in the US Mexico and Brazil 2010-2012 according to the liar Benny Creme.

  12. Anonymous5:13 PM

    No, they aren't trying to get spooky on us. Your links are wrong Frank. That's why they don't work.

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. she's catching up to the current situation one of her posts dealt with the UN depopulation plan of which Agenda 21 is a part. next she needs to look at Continuity of Government, FEMA, and Deep Underground Military Bunkers without losing sight of the rest of her work. Don't forget the Georgia Guidestones. These either presuppose a depopulation action, or some expected catastrophe the elites will ride out while the rest of us die they hope.

    moving everyone off rural land by a gradual progressive placement of laws and stopping building of single family detached dwellings, into high density housing is a pandemic friendly situation.

  15. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Would someone please put the information into normal English for me. What specifically do you see them planning to do? Do you see all methods of communication between everyone being spied on? How soon? How large a physical plant would be needed to do that? What would be needed in the way of staffing? Would individuals be monitored because of their past and present associations or for whatever other reasons?

    If I remember the book correctly, Winston was monitored because he was in the party, getting too nosy in used bookstores and because he had a position working for the government. He was part of 15% of the population that would be considered more intelligent. If I 'm not mistaken, 85% of the population did not get that kind of surveillance. They were covered in about 1-1/2 pages in the book. Religion wasn't a problem because it kept people occupied. While the book was a frightening picture of a totalitarian state, I never understood why he was so important to them. Why would a whole system be set up to catch the small group of people who might be thought deviant. He had no leadership abilities.

    I don't doubt you are seeing something specific Constance. I think we are all concerned about a totalitarian system and it might appear under the label New Age.

    I've seen many groups of people told in the last decades by their group leaders that they are watched and can be put into camps by an enemy with a different goal. These groups range from the far right to the far left,from pagans and occultists to Christians.

    Rather than getting worked up, can someone tell me what they see being done now. Or is it still just in the realm of possibility for the average person.
    The context of the novel.
    The plot overview.

  16. Anonymous5:46 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I guess Dorothy, whoever she is, has a stalker. She should be warned. I hope someone can do it. Should the police get involved?

  18. I will not have unauthorized personal information for anybody placed on my blogspot. The "UPBEAT" posting is VERBOTEN and I am immediately deleting it. Nobody's chosen privacy is to be violated on this blogspot!


  19. Anonymous6:31 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I will be talking about this on the radio tonight. I don't care who is doing this type of surveillance for whatever motive -- even if you put "St. Francis of Assisi" in charge, in no time flat the snooping capabilities would go to his head and he would be just plain "Francis of Assisi" and/or those who knew what to do with the potential would stage a cabal and take the snooping apparatus from him/them/whatever.


  21. Christine, this stuff has been in the works for far longer than a year. The book I used is 2005 vintage. Wark is still very much in this game, circa 2012. They were plotting it well in advance of 2001, but 2001 gave them the excuses they needed to advance their agenda. That is pretty clear in both Wark's book and in the link graciously supplied here by one of our readers of one of his 2012 papers.


  22. well it didn't get notice in the alternative press until recently, but that is typical, plans sometimes take technology development to put in play, the technology may have been developed in part to implement the plans, or improved to do so.

  23. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Sorry Constance, if my demonstration of how such a system of snooping might work was a little too strong in its application. I am, however, grateful for your gracious understanding here. God bless you.

  24. Frank,

    I do very much appreciate the information you sent on Professor Wark. It was helpful. However, please do lay off of my dear friend Dorothy.


  25. Here's a follow up to the story here in San Antonio (the town in which I live), regarding the forced wearing of RFID-chipped IDs for HS students:

    While I'm not exactly a fan of Alex Jones, this one covers the story pretty well. Jones interviews the Father and his daughter. Andrea Hernandez is forced to leave the magnet school to go back to her former school; the latter does not have the RFID-chipped ID program as it's being tried out at the magnet school first.

    Purportedly, the RFID chip program is to track attendance for some sort of reward; however, strangely attendance appears NOT to be a problem at the magnet school because one of the requirements for admission is attendance. That is, the students at this school are likely to have high attendance records in the first place, which makes it rather curious that this would be a stated reason to roll out this program.

  26. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Christine, you presume to judge Constance on the subject of her knowledge about New Age??

    Do you know what Hubris means? Or Discernment?

  27. do you know what illiteracy is? or dishonesty. take your pick and look in the mirror.

  28. Anonymous11:04 AM

    This answers some of my earlier questions. I'm just afraid that people will stop exposing the New Age movement even more. Maybe we should. I don't know. Constance, you are right about the nature of snoopers. There are bad guys like Frank out there even now. We all know how to access information about anyone whose name is known, but we don't do it and post it for public access. I know that's why so many people go anonymous when they post here now.

    Big Brother is Reading Our E-mails

    "Last week, the Senate voted to update two acts to “further protect Americans’ privacy”:

    Sen. Patrick Leahy’s Website reports that

    The Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday overwhelmingly approved legislation authored by Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) that updates the Video Privacy Protection Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, two of the nation’s premier digital privacy laws...."

    The article goes on to state why it's too late, the kind of equipment used, etc.

  29. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I am disgusted that Christine, who talks regular skubola here, dares to give Constance of all people a pat on the back about her knowledge of New Age. She doesn't know the meaning of humility either.

  30. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "do you know what illiteracy is? or dishonesty. take your pick and look in the mirror."

    Who are you talking to Christine? That was an Anon comment. But boy, are you the one who should look in the mirror. Your grammar and sentence construction are appalling. Don't take my word for it - Ask any English teacher.

  31. Can't we all just try to be constructive and nice?!


  32. I answered - obviously the answer was aimed at - whoever asked me about hubris implying I had this and wrongly accusing me of saying Constance didn't know what the New Age was.

    never mind sentence construction, do you understand the message or not? I write like I think. Oddly enough, this is more like sentence structure in some non English languages, though I don't know anything but a few words in any. But I have read a bit about them.

    now, there are TWO SEPARATE ISSUES in most New Age things.

    1. New Age Movement, the pop version, is heresy and occultism, with an occasional pointer to externalizing the hierarchy and all that stuff. Usually the pointer is more to political and social arrangements that are supposedly consistent with NAM philosophy.

    (some of these are in fact steals from Christianity and common sense from the days of our great grandparents, but that's another matter.)

    2. The New World Order, a term that means whoever is using it wants it to mean, but in general 99%of the time refers to globalist anti national one world government under the control of people who are mostly - ta da! into lines of thought that are New Age, whether pop occult or flat out overt satanism.

    regardless of the goal of those advocating them, and often less because of a satanic purpose deliberately pursued than because of more usual fleshly concerns like reputation, peer acceptance, career and money.

    Examples would be high density housing - problem fire and explosion and disease immediately impact everyone.

    no capacity to be off the grid or able to supplement food or power if there is a problem now and then.

    elimination or reduction to meaninglessness of national boundaries and separate laws - problem if there is injustice or tyranny anywhere, there is nowhere to go to escape it.

    errors begun one place propagate everywhere fast.

    environmental excess - when this is a sacred cow, any nonsense that can be marketted as good for this can fly, even when it isn't and other factors (ulterior motives and career and power and money and greed and theft by round robining from eminent domain to an eventual end user different than originally stated, for purposes different than originally stated, and often of no help or actual harm to the environment.

    another problem the discrediting of legitimate and biblical concerns about the environment by "environmentalism" being used by anti Christian elements.

    legitimate agricultural techniques discredited by association with NWO or NAM in the minds of many, e.g., permaculture.

    I could go on and on, but these motives and effects can be in play without a NAM or a NWO power grab conspiracy and without overt satanism.

    and these problems are good talking points to fight all this, when dealing with people who either are not Christian, or don't believe in conspiracies, or don't give a hoot, or don't share your eschatological views.

    tyranny and bad intentions and bad judgement are best fought by quarantine - which effect is created automatically by separate governments and laws, and the reduction of economic interdependence.

    There is a saying that if one economic major player sneezes another one across the world gets a cold.

    This is VERY BAD. never mind NAM and NWO totally interconnected grids of any sort, economic or electrical, mean that a serious failure in any part endangers the whole, and you can't prevent this by trying to make things smoother.


    separate governments, laws, economic systems and networks, and tariffs.

  33. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Hello 11:04 AM,

    are you trying to be nice? You are incredibly trying and classically nice!

    Thank you.

    Love and care,

    Frank. SMILES!

  34. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Christine @12:09 p.m.

    I would not jump to conclusions, since nobody knows what the documents actually contain. And financial mismanagement, has been dealt with.

  35. Anonymous5:19 PM

    "never mind sentence construction, do you understand the message or not? I write like I think"

    You said it Christine. Nuff said.

  36. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Hello Anon 11:04 AM,

    are you trying to be nice?

    You're incredibly trying and classically nice! Thank you.

    Love and care,

    Frank. (SMILES)

  37. about jumping to conclusions - the stated purpose is to PREVENT leaks. that says it all.

  38. Anonymous9:24 PM


    Everybody is entitled to a certain amount of privacy.

    For example, if my church had a priest who was an exorcist , nobody else in the church including the other priests would know. Only the Bishop would know.

    Even in the Orthodox church certain things are private. You cannot give to Cesar what belongs to God.

    I am just saying, that we can't jump to conclusions, unless we know xyz etc.

  39. First and foremost, some of this privacy you speak of is inappropriate for RC and Orthodox. Secondly, it is not giving to Caesar what belongs to God, because that phrase was about worship issues. Thirdly, the practice of RC and increasingly Orthodox has been to relocate instead of penalize and defrock certain people, and corruption hides under "don't reveal the nakedness of your father" aka Noah drunk being covered
    by his sons, while in fact that is irrelevant.

    The nakedness to be covered by this misapplication would be that of Ham, and his son Canaan for whatever he did in the matter, which concept was violated by letting Noah know who to blame. Clearly this is corruption twisting Scripture, just like the "don't judge" nonsense, which is applied to cover up and empower evil, contrary to the context where Jesus warned we will be judged by the standard we apply to others so don't be a hypocrite.

    Being an exorcist is not some private matter anyway, why should it be, and it isn't something to be hidden, what is shameful about it?

    Finally, this policy was put in place in the wake of revelations of misconduct.

    There are only two possible reactions, coverup and prevent more leaks, which is being done and EXPLICTLY TO PREVENT MORE LEAKS, or apologize and do a public house cleaning and overhaul procedures so discipline and kickouts are a lot easier to do.

    The latter has not been the style of either church for a long time.

    Jesus warned about wolves in sheep's clothing and false shepherds and so forth.

  40. BTW protestant clergy are as big a problem as RC but you don't hear as much about it. Both have infiltration from satanism.

  41. Thank you for that last statement about the Protestant clergy, Christine.
    It really puts a capper on the rest of your current crop of comments here.
    Everything you say is charged with it's own brand of self-declared omniscient authority. It's comical how you never flinch as you roll out your "facts", for which you have no way of knowing if they be factual or not.
    So, you know that the Protestant clergy are as infiltrated as the RC clergy, (who are still wrestling in court with the thousands of lawsuits and probably billions of dollars of payouts ), because... why ?
    Because you say so.
    I'm not saying that the Protestant side is without corruptions, but your sweeping declaration, comparing it's foibles to that of the gigantic RC pedophilia scandal is insane.
    You don't seem to have a humble bone in your body.

  42. Anonymous12:50 PM

    From the Illinois Family Institute, a very long article on a push for accommodations for transgender students at an Aurora Illinois school.

    Gender-Confused Committee Member Vilifies Aurora Faith Community
    Written By Laurie Higgins | 12.06.12

    On Thursday, Nov. 29, at the second meeting of the East Aurora High School ad hoc committee formed to revisit the possibility of establishing policy regarding students who experience gender confusion, over 120 people showed up, including approximately 10 pastors and 15 chaplains. (more at the link)

    What the branch of New Age pushing sexuality changes is up to now is covered in the article. After you read this, check up on why they feel heteronormative is such a bad thing. I just learned about it, Already a lot has been written vilifying people who believe there is such as thing as normal.

  43. Anonymous1:28 PM


    I do not disagree with you, I am just saying that we do not know if the documents in question, have anything to do with abuse to begin with.

    I brought up the exorcist as an example, of the need for privacy, not because it's shameful to be an exorcist, but because it involves spiritual warfare.

    You are right about the publicity issue though. Schori hired lawyers to threaten Bishops into silence in the Episcopal church over abuse lawsuits. The media was silent on this issue, because she's a woman and very liberal.

    There were similar things done in the C of E.

  44. To Anonymous from Illinois:

    THANK YOU for the information and for teaching me a new word: heteronormative. There is a Wikipedia article on "heteronormativity" and it is truly disturbing. We are in wicked days indeed. If God doesn't do something soon, Sodom and Gomorrah will need a formal apology!


  45. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Get monotheistic religion out. Zen meditation OK.

    "That benefit is the impetus behind Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (“M-Fit”), a fledgling military initiative that teaches service members the secular meditative practice of mindfulness in order to bolster their emotional health and improve their mental performance under the stress and strain of war.

    "Designed by former U.S. Army captain and current Georgetown University professor Elizabeth Stanley, M-Fit draws on a growing body of scientific research indicating that regular meditation alleviates depression, boosts memory and the immune system, shrinks the part of the brain that controls fear and grows the areas of the brain responsible for memory and emotional regulation." (more at the link)

    This training doesn't come cheap.

    "The Jha lab has been awarded a $1.72M grant to continue the STRONG PROJECT over the next 4 years. This continuation of the project aims to track the impact of pre-deployment resilience training over the deployment cycle."

    Dr. Jha is also a guest lecturer at the Upaya Zen Center.

  46. Constance,

    Check your email.


  47. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I'm anonymous at 3:07. In no way was I supporting what is going on with the Marines. It was meant to be an informative post.

    The original story never did show how the program was connected with another religion. I dug deeper because I knew there was something worrisome there. As a friend pointed out, this is very troublesome because the military allows no religious support from their Judaism or Christianity. When someone is in the workplace and is forced to attend a religious event such as something connected with Buddhism, Justice Thomas had put it in law that it was not admissible. Here the military is making a group of individuals support an alternative religion, Zen. This commenter pointed out that those who took the course probably never recognized that meditation was a part of another religious lifestyle.

    We can only hope some religious organizations will point out what is being promoted here. And so New Age infiltrates everything.

  48. Speaking of Orwell;
    True to form, the UN refuses to allow facts to get in the way of Approved Modern Science.

  49. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History

    In a radio interview, Wall Street Journal reporter Julia Angwin (who's been one of the best at covering the surveillance state in the US) made a simple observation that puts much of this into context: the US surveillance regime has more data on the average American than the Stasi ever did on East Germans. Indeed, the American government has more information on the average American than Stalin had on Russians, Hitler had on German citizens, or any other government has ever had on its people. —

    Washington's Blog

    Dave In CA

  50. Anonymous12:35 PM

    url for above article..

    Dave In CA

  51. Anonymous4:05 PM

    A man in India is living in exile after being charged with blasphemy for debunking a "weeping Jesus".


  52. Anonymous9:02 PM


    Sadly, Christians have lost on this issue of sexual orientation, because they have not been able to put forth coherent arguments.

    The distinction that needs to be made is between genetic pre-disposition (what one experiences ) and genetic determinism (what one does).

    These people would have to prove that same-sex attracted individuals or gender identity is a different species of human with just respect to sex, or that they have a pre-determined normative attribute or mechanism that always leads, in a pre-determined way, to specific, stereotyped behaviour.

    This cannot be proven as long as free-will exists.

  53. yeah, you may not be able to help feeling attracted to the wrong stuff whether it is same sex or hetero fornication or theft or murder or compulsive lying or whatever, but you can refuse to act on it.

    Action usually comes after a lot of coddling the ideas and feelings in your heart.

    Luther once said, you can't stop birds from flying around your head, but you can keep them from making nests in your hair.

  54. Anonymous9:53 PM


    The argument being made is that this is innate, the same as someone's eye colour or skin colour.

    Hence this would have to be proven that it is pre-determined in such a way, that it always leads to a person acting on specific behaviour such as sodomy. Just as our eyes are pre-determined to operate in a specific way.

    Or in other words there is a new species of human, when it comes to sexuality.

  55. I understand that, but the point is, even if there is some genetic warp back of some of this, it is still a warp, an abnormality, and to be resisted.

    I don't buy the genetic thing, but the main problem in even your post, is the assumption that a pre determined condition means pre determined action.

    Operation of eyes - we do well to keep from looking at certain things. compare to operation of genitals - we do well to not use them in certain contexts or certain types of partners.

    both are choices.

    predetermined color of eyes doesn't say anything about what you apply yourself to look at. such as porn.

    predetermined inclinations does not equal predetermined actions.

    you do not have to act on your thoughts and feelings. That is the point neither side is getting.

    That point derails the gay argument, and is missed by those who accept the premise of the gay argument - that a genetic warp would mean another species or something - while denying this exists, but accepting that IF it existed THEN it makes a difference.

    It doesn't. and it wouldn't be another species of human anyway. Any more than a hermaphrodite or sexually ambiguous human is another species. It is just warped.

  56. Anonymous10:32 PM

    "both are choices."

    Yes, but the argument being made is that it is not a choice, but something innate that you are born with.

    "predetermined inclinations does not equal predetermined actions."

    Yes, but the argument being made is that by keeping people from acting on what they are inclined towards, is causing harm to them.

    Hence, these views held by Christians cause harm to these people, leading to them becoming suicidal etc.

    These are not my arguments but those of the gay community.

    Hence it's up to them to prove that pre-determined inclinations always lead to certain pre-determined actions.

  57. the very argument that keeping them from acting on predetermined inclinations harms them, is false.

    if someone has a predetermined psychopathic problem and bad temper is it harming that person to demand they not act on this?

    If someone has both diabetes and an inherited sweet tooth, it is not harming him to keep him from sugar.

    We might as well dump all animal training on this basis, and let the dog poop all over the rug and tear up the drapes, shoes and mail. that is all inherent predetermined inclination on the part of dogs. We might as well let them kill neighbor's pets and breed to overpopulation and starvation. We might as well not restrain ourselves or children from overeating to obesity and dying young.

    We might as well let children play on busy streets and play chicken with trains on tracks.

    All of these are predetermined inclinations so it is harmful to prevent them.

    When are such arguments presented? I don't see them. Once in a blue moon by anyone online but myself.

  58. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Top story on Drudge (12/07/12):

    Mayan apocalypse: panic spreads as December 21 nears

    Fears that the end of the world is nigh have spread across the world with only days until the end of the Mayan calendar, with doomsday-mongers predicting a cataclysmic end to the history of Earth.

    Ahead of December 21, which marks the conclusion of the 5,125-year "Long Count" Mayan calendar, panic buying of candles and essentials has been reported in China and Russia, along with an explosion in sales of survival shelters in America. In France believers were preparing to converge on a mountain where they believe aliens will rescue them.

    The precise manner of Armageddon remains vague, ranging from a catastrophic celestial collision between Earth and the mythical planet Nibiru, also known as Planet X, a disastrous crash with a comet, or the annihilation of civilisation by a giant solar storm.

    In America Ron Hubbard, a manufacturer of hi-tech underground survival shelters, has seen his business explode.

    "We've gone from one a month to one a day," he said. "I don't have an opinion on the Mayan calendar but, when astrophysicists come to me, buy my shelters and tell me to be prepared for solar flares, radiation, EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) ... I'm going underground on the 19th and coming out on the 23rd. It's just in case anybody's right."

    In the French Pyrenees the mayor of Bugarach, population 179, has attempted to prevent pandemonium by banning UFO watchers and light aircraft from the flat topped mount Pic de Bugarach.

  59. Anonymous12:15 AM

    My immediate concern is for all of the people who (out of fear or panic) may commit suicide, or have a heart attack, or have a stroke on December 20th!!!

    And so, for them, it actually WILL be 'the end of the world'.

  60. Anonymous12:21 AM

    "if someone has a predetermined psychopathic problem and bad temper is it harming that person to demand they not act on this?"

    They deny that there is something wrong with them. The argument is that consensual behaviour between adults hurts nobody else.

  61. Anonymous5:05 AM

    "In America Ron Hubbard, a manufacturer of hi-tech underground survival shelters, has seen his business explode. "We've gone from one a month to one a day," he said. "I don't have an opinion on the Mayan calendar but, when astrophysicists come to me, buy my shelters and tell me to be prepared for solar flares, radiation, EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) ... I'm going underground on the 19th and coming out on the 23rd. It's just in case anybody's right." "

    Ron Hubbard?? Either he changed his name to that of the founder of scientology or this is a hoax. I note that he doesn't actually SAY that any astrophysicist has bought that stuff off him, and I don't know any colleagues who are worried about natural events later this month. Of course humanity is capable of blowing itself up any time.


  62. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Homosexuality genetic? Nonsense, they aren't very likely to have offspring that carry their genes are they?

  63. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Christine, at the top of the page, 6:57 AM, you wrote (all grammatical errors are kept as in the original statements made by you): 'congratulations, you're catching up!'

    At 10:48 PM you went on to write:

    'When are such arguments presented? I don't see them. Once in a blue moon by anyone online but myself.'

    Your hubris and delusions of grandeur are of such magnitude and are a foul stench! You attitude is reminiscent of a certain creature that was cast out of Heaven for similar offenses.

  64. zombieron9:03 AM

    Physicist, what's more amazing is that Ron Hubbard, the Scientology founder, is dead. So, he wouldn't have to worry about any end-of-the-world predictions. I don't think the dead worry about anything, but that's purely speculative.

  65. Anonymous9:14 AM

    'The "clearing house" for factual information about the raving, lying, lunatic sociopath who fabricated Scientology and Dianetics ...'

  66. "'When are such arguments presented? I don't see them. Once in a blue moon by anyone online but myself.'

    Your hubris and delusions of grandeur are of such magnitude and are a foul stench! ""

    kindly show me where online, more than TWO separate persons, you find my argument being presented.

  67. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Christine, you wrote: "kindly show me where online, more than TWO separate persons, you find my argument being presented."

    You really do have a problem Christine. When you begin to admit you've a problem then you may be on the road to recovery. When that happens, rest assured that he many of us will declare encouragingly: Christine, 'congratulations, you're catching up!'

    Now suppose I challenge you, Christine, to find the same words in the same format as I've just used in my response, elsewhere online.

    In light of the silliness of my last sentence, do you now see how ridiculous your response is?

  68. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Help needed from anyone out there. Recently I read about a study that showed that sexual bonding changed one's body chemistry and led to emotional bonding. It was one of those days I was overwhelmed with information and I didn't keep the link. I keep going back now to realize how valuable that piece of information is. It explains why someone very young who had a homosexual experience forced on them would continue the behavior. It explains a lot of things.

    Any link you can find would be very helpful.

  69. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Almost certainly, 2.16pm, you came across a claim on a Christian website that a hormone called oxytocin is released far more when you lose your virginity than in subsequent sexual encounters, and that it thereby bonds you to your first sexual partner.

    This is not true or is greatly exaggerated. Look up oxytocin on Wikipedia. NB I speak as a committed Christian who believes that sex is rightfully reserved for heterosexual marriage. This is one of several untrue stories that Christians repeat uncritically to each other without checking up, because it backs up our moral view. We owe it to the world to be accurate, not least because it can make us look foolish otherwise.

  70. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Christine, much of the time your thoughts posted here are very raw, not thought out, off the top of your head for the moment. At the very least you are thinking about what crosses your eyeballs, which is more than I can say for the general population who don't think at all and respond like Pavlov's dogs to the informational bell being daily rung through television, etc.

    Before anyone gets uptight about the above comment, remember that the study of every thing you (in the plural) do is being done at every upper level school internationally. That box of corn flakes you pick up has a very long history of why you are picking it up.

    Christine, your comments at 10:48 are very much on target yet never talked about. All of our comments and actions have a history which involves the intellectual physical, emotional, spiritual and whatever things have come together.

    Our physical body controls only two directions, live or die. Do it or don't do it, live or die. Homosexuality, cross the street against the light, overeat, drugs, murder, are all decisions based on what is in our head at a particular time. So what leads to happiness, fulfillment, joy, patience, kindness, helpfulness is also a result of the decisions we can make. Nothing is set in long term stone for the individual or the population. Taking on Christian or Jewish beliefs guarantees nothing for an individual, but as history has shown, it's a worthwhile path and has a very high success rate.

    Who has the time to think everything through? We act based on what we have accepted as valid teaching. As your post shows, what the general population has accepted these days leads to disaster. The population as an entity leads to life or death based on the decisions of the collective. For instance, the Nazis took a collective path that led to disaster because the majority of the individuals thought it was a good path. As individuals they didn't things things through but were foolishly optimistic based on false information.

    We can help ourselves by learning what is around us, but we can't change overnight the world in which we live. We have to learn how to live in that world while making every effort to change it.

    Christine, you point out very well in that post what happens when people don't think things out.

  71. "to find the same words in the same format as I've just used in my response, elsewhere online."

    I didn't say anything about the exact same words and format I said the same ARGUMENT, the same message, the same general concept, which is NOT the same words, you can say the same thing in 20 different ways.

    as for off the top of my head, yes, but this is stuff in my head already on these subjects from years of looking into them.

    as for oxytocin, it wouldn't release in a forced unpleasant situation likely, and it focusses you on the individual you are with not just the kind of thing. It does play a role in pair bonding, as shown in chemical studies of monogamous voles.

    now, the thing about homosexuality is that there is a strong possibility of some kind of spiritual contagion involved, something psychic or paranormal. this also figures in heterosexual things as well.

    Also some people feel they have to reinact traumas or something.

    Exorcism might be an appropriate measure to take in dealing with molestation victims.

  72. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Yawn Christine! And to your sycophantic and patronizing lover at 4:03 .... yawn, yawn, yawn!

  73. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Whoever you are at 5:16, I have criticized Christine many times for what I see as her lack of discretion. Your simplistic response goes far beyond what she is doing.

    Speaking at your level of understanding:


    Now, back to the world where rational people live.

  74. Anonymous6:16 PM

    5:45 PM, you get a grip! You are truculent and arrogant, a sycophant extraordinaire!

    One thing I'll say about Christine, (who often speaks sense but not the issue of her hubris has not done so) is if she and you and all your neighbors were to lay all of your problems, your neighbors', and hers, on your respective front lawns, she'd look them all over, and end up taking back her own!

    For all of your supposed klugshaft I'll say this you offense to human decency, Es iz nit geshtoygen un nit gefloygen, yet you're full of it!

  75. Anonymous6:17 PM

    5:45 PM, you get a grip! You are truculent and arrogant, a sycophant extraordinaire!

    One thing I'll say about Christine, (who often speaks sense but on the issue of her hubris has not done so) is if she and you and all your neighbors were to lay all of your problems, your neighbors', and hers, on your respective front lawns, she'd look them all over, and end up taking back her own!

    For all of your supposed klugshaft I'll say this, you offense to human decency, Es iz nit geshtoygen un nit gefloygen, yet you're full of it!

  76. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Also 5:45 PM, one thing your khokhme will sadly and evidently never grasp is that motto which could just as well have been geschnaydet with you in mind: Di greste narishkayt fun a nar iz az er/zi meynt az er/zi is klug!

  77. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Also 5:45 PM, one thing your khokhme will sadly and evidently never grasp is that motto which could just as well have been geschnaydet with you in mind: Di greste narishkayt fun a nar iz az er/zi meynt az er/zi is klug!

  78. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Yes, For your sake, I wish you could contribute more to the exchange about what is going on around you. Just being angry is not enough. Somehow I thought there were people who found their way to this blog who were past silly exchanges about what is going on. My hopes were shattered a long time ago. On well. I will keep sending information to here hoping that maybe some newcomer is finding a link.

  79. Anonymous6:58 PM

    6:54 PM, ditto!

  80. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Constance, why do you appear to have such individuals commenting here. Is it a leak over from NWV, News With Views, or the Microeffect? No man can serve two masters.

    I can understand the complexity you are facing. We all face what direction provided to us we are able to turn.

  81. Anonymous7:15 PM

    UN calls on Israel to open nuclear facilities

    'General Assembly approves resolution calling on Israel to open its nuclear program for IAEA inspection, join NPT [Non-Proliferation Treaty]'.

    'The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution Monday calling on Israel to quickly open its nuclear program for inspection and backing a high-level conference to ban nuclear weapons from the Middle East which was just canceled.' ...,2506,L-4315276,00.html


  82. Anonymous7:18 PM

    7:09 PM, who are you to judge Constance? Why not try and get that beam out of your eye first and then you'll be able to see clearly to help Constance take any speck out of hers you might then find with clear vision.

  83. Anonymous7:27 PM

    What's your problem with News With Views and Microeffect anyway Anon 7:09 PM?

    News With Views have some excellent articles exposing the NAM. Anyone would think they'd exposed you, or made some unfavorable comment about you, you've so much venom for them!

  84. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Well, 7:09 PM. Have they? I find their articles to be right on target myself.

  85. I think the complaint about NWV and microeffect, is based on their not being solid Christian anti New Age.

    Constance is not serving them by posting or appearing on them. She is
    educating the audience that reads them.

  86. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Not so sure the 7:09 PM poster complaining about NWV accepts 'solid Christian anti-New Age' principles Christine. Indeed Constance is educating the audience of NWV and Microeffect as you say, and she is doing so with sound Christian teaching no doubt, Christine. Well said! I do, find some of the articles of NWV to be honest and excellent at exposing those individuals and their nepharious agendas who refuse such solid Christian principles you so rightly allude to Christine. Frank.

  87. Anonymous9:07 PM


    There are other sources besides wikipedia. Try studies that show that it makes men more committed. The reasoning is that commitment keeps a couple together, helping avoid subsequent breakups and cheating.

    This is likely to create a tug of war with more sexual partners a person has, because you have already bonded to the previous one, and are likely to compare one encounter with the other.

    It's the same with men who view pornography and no longer find their wives attractive, because there is someone else in their head.

  88. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Anon@5:08 a.m.

    They can now have children through surrogates. So this way they can have a same-sex partner and also have a child.

    Yes, humans are genetically programmed to derive pleasure from stimulation to certain bodily regions. In effect, all a human needs to do is image an activity, try that activity and the result will be either enjoyment or distaste. Morality merely tells us whether the activity fits within God’s plan or not.

    There are no limits to what permutation of pleasurable activities humans can devise or be pre-disposed to, but we are not born with those objects predetermined.

  89. Anonymous9:23 PM


    Tonight NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt reported that by, "Sept. 2014 every new car will have a black box."

    Let's hear if for old junker cars!!

  90. Anonymous3:40 AM


    Humans are a union of spirit and material, and of course oxytocin and emotion are inter-related. But when I heard the claim that it was specifically a losing-virginity hormone I didn't just accept it like too many of my brothers and sisters in Christ - I thought "That's interesting, let's check it out." I googled it and looked at some scientific papers on the subject, all of which are online. Wikipedia is fully referenced nowadays on technical subjects so is a good place to *start*. I gave one reference for the person I was responding to, ie Wikipedia. You disagree with my comment but don't give any supporting reference. I'd welcome it if you back up your comment with a reference; then we can discuss the matter properly. Are you Anon@2.16pm to whom I was originally responding, please?


  91. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Constance gives those two mentioned places much credability as do other serious writers, such as Dennis Cuddy, people who search for a much larger outlet for their research. Because of the internet it appears there is much freedom for truthful information to come out. Almost no one recognizes how tightly things are already controlled. If things weren't so controlled, Constance's information would be discussed continuously on a large scale.

    Beck had to go outside of the controlled system. Yet he limits now what comes out of his domain. Limbaugh talks on the air so much about his own views that the three hours he is on carries very little information. And so it is with the rest.

    The underground stream of information is huge and it influences almost all of those individuals who want to know more. Think Jones, think Icke, think Maars. Think Microeffect. Think NWV.

    Analyze where you get your political information. There is the mainstream day to day source. Forget about depending on it. Few are privy to insider information coming from union, village hall, political organizations or any such places. Search the web to see what you can learn and you'll find huge numbers of uninformed busy bodies along with honest sharers of good information, paid flacks reporting for some organization or other. You will also find websites, blogs, you believe you can trust because something makes you feel you share a point of view. The problem is you aren't able to see how you are being manipulated.

    Constance's research and the research of honest and serious others can hardly find an outlet these days. So, these researchers use places they might otherwise ignore, places that use them to provide credability for an uninformed public. Think a Nazi allowing space to someone who tells others to read the Bible but who then gives that audience other messages. It happens in a controlled society.

    The tea party movement is piddly compared to the underground stream moving around us, and that stream is the New Age movement.

  92. as for the hormone thing, it acts as a bonding with a partner period, in theory it should work to keep you fixated on your first partner, helping monogamy, but this happens each time there is sex and probably before that during courtship and foreplay.

    In the event of breakup or death and getting over the partner and having a new one, it would work to make the new bond.

    When teens have sex and then are not allowed or forced to marry and stay together, but forced to split up, this just conditions them to be less and less affected by the hormone's action.

    Social pressure to have sex without being in love first and to be "mature" and "discreet" and not allow yourself to cling to the partner, work against the hormone's function.

    conversely, monogamy keeps rearing its head in contexts that work against it, indicating a built in tendency for this.

    decades ago, I noticed something about promiscuity encouraging, even demanding, polynesian cultures which nonetheless had poems complaining of faithless lovers and heartbreak. (the reputation of these societies for the girls coming out to sex party with sailors in the days of sailing ships, vs. their demand for virginity at marriage is an interesting study in definitions. Seems sex with a stranger doesn't count, so as long as a girl doesn't have sex with a local boy she is still a virgin.)

    tendency to bond to and prefer particular prostitutes, and themselves to have preferred customers.

    the phenomenon of the favorite wife among others in a harem.

    among utopian and later hippie groups that denounced monogamy, it tended to develop anyway.

    It is as if, absent serious demand contrary, monogamy is our default setting, but weak enough to allow for re partnering if something goes seriously wrong, but the trend is there.

    oxytocin's action probably also depends on genetic factors. I first read about it in regards voles who are monogamous vs. those species who were not.

    this wikipedia article covers several angles on this. looking for a mechanistic absolute angle is bound to fail, it is only part of this.

    exeximi 3


    Fantasy Driven Faith

    check their other posts also. (Tom Horn's books give some valuable information OTHER than the nephilim scare. Sounds to me like he is engaged in trying to relate every new freaky thing to stuff in - and mostly outside of - The Bible, which in fact is written with a view to what we need to know, and if his ideas were important we'd see more such in The Bible.)

  94. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wow, I feel like I'm sitting in Christine's living room here.

  95. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Big brother can predict your future with 98% accuracy.

  96. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Christine's posts are a perfect example of how the New Age movement has gained control of the culture. Her thoughts are posted with unquestioned confidence on her part. Few challenge her voluminous postings. The blog owner gives her unlimited and unchallenged access to share her thoughts. After a while there are those who think her an authority of some kind. There are many, many Christines out there, influencing the unwary. There are too few who will take the time to challenge.

  97. really. Then why don't you be honest enough to criticize Constance directly.


    hypocrite. clever game player. your biggest attacks and even claiming something is New Age is when it is most anti and along the same lines Constance pioneered, most true to her leadership.

    I notice patterns.

    So, just what is New Age about that article in Herescope or its other articles?

    what is New Age in my saying that Tom Horn does supply some good information aside from his eschatological wierdness, info about transhumanist subculture and genetic engineering now, never mind the nonsense about hybrids lacking souls or line of transmission of spirit of species is through the father or any other unbiblical or extrabiblical notions, the Book of Enoch included as dubious.

    What is New Age about distinguishing between fact and fantasy, cutting the link between good temporal research and bad eschatology which uses the former to wrongly support the latter?

    Let's see YOU post something that shows you are following the research path Constance showed us?

    I think you are a troll.

  98. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Well said Christine! I agree with your remarks at 5:48 PM. I have not always agreed with you on every post, but you are spot on with this one. I was almost surprised that anon at 4:17 PM did not try to lecture and patronise us all with some nonsense about having over 30 years experience, etc. Great post, keep it up. Frank.

  99. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Christine, because you link to one anti-New Age site it doesn't make you completely trustworthy. You have linked over and over again to New Age sites, giving credence to strange ideas, not documenting your pronouncements, covering your tracks with statements like "well I don't believe everything." Does it really bother you that I point out your style? The physicist challenges you, but very few others do when they should. It's not like you're some kind of dainty little flower whose feelings are so easily hurt. Of course you are free to post anything you want anywhere you can. It's just that many people are new to information about the New Age movement. They may think you some kind of authority because of your style. I am just pointing out that you are not.

  100. the vast majority of information about undesirable stuff and New World Order stuff and New Age stuff in my experience is not from entirely reliable sites. And the majority of Constances' information came from the New Age itself. grow up.

    Besides which you or some fraud denounced a definition of the NAM which is uniform throughout secular and Christian sources. To you only a limited zone of totalitarian politics qualifies as New Age, which is precisely the part of it that is opposed by New Agers of a more anarchistic bent than would fit the NWO.

    Troll or into some kundalini disguised as Holy Spirit charismatic church with dominionist tendencies perhaps? Or worried that people will make the connection between politics and occultism and the kind of folk superstition occultism your own family might be into? or perhaps you are full scale occultist, and like the excellent researcher with a blind spot, Peter Levenda, does not want to face that some stuff you are into or teachers you revere are part of the problem?

    any number of scenarios.

    As for physicist, he is totally ignorant of the ether/electric universe etc. implications of the original Maxwell work, which was altered explicitly to remove it, and is as slippery and good at shifting ground as my biological so called mother on the one hand or any heroin junkie angling for cash on the other I have met, I have no respect for him.

    I encourage everyone to do their own research and come to their own conclusions.

  101. zombieron8:40 PM

    Of course, the Scientology founder was actually L.Ron Hubbard.

  102. Anonymous9:27 PM

    It's time for the Christine Show with special guest Frank. Now heeeeerrrre's Christine.

    Christine said...Thanks you Ed for filling in in my absence while my Chakras were out of sorts. They made me go into an uncontrollable psychic vampire feeding frenzy.

    Frank said...The Lord rebuke you Christine.

    Christine said...Give it up Frank, you have a comprehension problem.

    Frank Said...Rebuke, rebuke, rebuke you Christine. Chakras and vampires and reptiles oh my!

    Christine said...Let's all focus on something we can all agree on. Let's talk about Agenda 21.

    Frank said...I'm half way there with you Christine, but I'd prefer to attack Dorothy, she's Jewish, no-one will mind.

    Signs held up for audience applause.

  103. regarding my remark about Protestant clergymen, which was met with hostility, here are a couple of links supporting this.

    scroll down to the research on Protestant ministers' sexual activity outside of marriage.

    collection of news reports about protestant ministers sexually abusing children.


    A Biblican view of the animal rights issue.

  105. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Hey all you, so trying to be smart trolls ... why don't you post some honestly researched content instead of just shooting everywhere with so many vain and empty critical words? Yeshua warns of a snare coming on the whole world, and being ensnared IS something that any sound minded person WILL find terrifying!

  106. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Anonymous 12:13
    You wanted something informative. Here is quite a good article describing how to prepare group members to protect themselves against the Alinsky style confrontation tactics used by unions and the left.

    They were developed recently and used in several towns in Ohio by conservatives.

  107. Anonymous4:09 AM

    "As for physicist, he is totally ignorant of the ether/electric universe etc. implications of the original Maxwell work, which was altered explicitly to remove it..."

    Christine, when you can write a cogent essay explaining how the experiments of Michelson, Morley and others were inconsistent with the existence of aether on the obvious interpretation; when you can demonstrate your understanding of how Einstein resolved the problem with theories that have since been proven to better than one part in a billion (which is the limit of our capacity to test today); when you can write down and solve Maxwell's equations (which are consistent with Einstein even though they pre-dated him - he solved a mystery there); when you can write a paper in comprehensible English correcting the world physics community; when you can solve the equations of general relativity - relevant to cosmology and the universe - as applied to an electrically charged black hole to derive the Kerr-Newman solution; when you are able to quote references for your statements; in short, when you have demonstrated the capacity to understand what you are talking about, THEN you will be worth listening to on these subjects. It takes the small proportion of the population who can do this about a decade of study. Good luck.

    I was disgusted by your opening comment on this thread that Constance was catching up with you. On the subject of New Age I consider that you are not fit to lace her boots.


  108. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Troll at 9:27 PM. Is that the best you can do? Lol, Frank.

  109. Anonymous9:51 AM

    On this site: the only really solid authority is the word of God, so please don't smugly quote some changing Christ rejecter(s) as if he (they) were God. God fearing Dr. T. Barns and now Dr. C. Lucas Jr. have quite different insights than Einstein. Recall Yeshua said the deception would be very great (strong delusion) ... so but by the grace of God in humility before Him, all will only believe 'the lie' as the strong truth.

  110. Anonymous10:03 AM

    If Christine wants respect here then she should do something worthy that would win it. Constance has written one of the best books on the New Age movement. Christine has merely invaded Constance's blog with a great excess of secondhand dilettante comments.

  111. Anonymous11:49 AM

  112. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Can't copy/paste link but Goggle 5 doves John Tng
    and see link there by Gino ... for today Dec 10th... really appropriate to us all here I think ... and also very well said ... about the basis for true knowledge that comes by hearing the word of God.

  113. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Anon 11:58 AM cont...

    See latter day letters Dec 2012 section ... then Gino's comments for today 2012-12-10 re. shroud of Turnin

  114. Anonymous12:46 PM

    See Sarah Palin's Facebook message re Hanukkah 2012 as being possibly the MOST important 'lighting' time since original ...

  115. hee hee, everyone get a load of this
    "cogent essay explaining how the experiments of Michelson, Morley and others were inconsistent with the existence of aether on the obvious interpretation;"

    The Michelson-Morley experiment was TOTALLY INCONSISTENT with the existence of ether, because it DISPROVED the ether.

    HOWEVER, they assumed the ether flow was in one direction, and set their equipment accordingly. So they got a negative result. Another experiment of theirs was less conclusive, and someone named Sagnac set the stuff correctly and found an ether flow.

  116. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Christine, putting quotation marks around a sentence doesn't make it authoritative.

    I also suspect you were reading a David Icke thread on the ether topic. Why do I say this? Because some other genius, like you, also used the very "scientific" term "stuff" in his response.

    "Originally Posted by ianmoone1 View Post
    "Ha! for the 2nd time now I've proved Albert Einsteins Nobel Prize winners much vaunted e=mc^2 theorem wrong at David Icke Forums and shown how and why and for the 2nd time - not a single effin comment!

    "For fricks sake and you doults reckon ATS is a CIA cointel pro web forum!

    "When stuff like this which is world breaking in its significance cannot even get a comment - you KNOW that theres something very wrong!"

    Not that you're ianmoon1. It just appears you drink from the same cup.

    Physicist, you are correct. I just spent some time reading different websites which talked about the Morley Michelson Morley Experiment. Aether, ether, light traveling on ether, Einstein, ....I don't understand the significance of the science and I don't see a connection to the New Age movement.

    Here's a website if someone wants to have a go at it.

  117. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Me: "cogent essay explaining how the experiments of Michelson, Morley and others were inconsistent with the existence of aether on the obvious interpretation;"

    Christine: "The Michelson-Morley experiment was TOTALLY INCONSISTENT with the existence of ether, because it DISPROVED the ether."

    Yup, that's what I said, without using any CAPITAL LETTERS.

    You: "HOWEVER, they assumed the ether flow was in one direction, and set their equipment accordingly. So they got a negative result. Another experiment of theirs was less conclusive, and someone named Sagnac set the stuff correctly and found an ether flow."

    Yes, Michelson-Morley wasn't a there-and-back optical path experiment which is a better test, but those are harder to do. I declined to get into these technicalities because this is meant to be a blog about New Age, not physics. What I said contained nothing incorrect. Fizeau and Foucault did those better tests and if the first generation of them was equivocal as to the result, they have now been repeated using modern technology which is much more accurate, and the result is utterly decisive: no aether.

    A regular feature of your thought is to cling to anomalous experimental results from early experiments when apparatus was somewhat string-and-sealing-wax, and suppose that those anomalies are evidence for neglected physics rather than experimental errors. This is not to criticise the experimental pioneers, who did the best they could with the apparatus they could design, often ingeniously, with the technology of their time. But whenever an advance in technology is made, physicists revisit the basic experiments to repeat them to greater accuracy, a fact of which you seem to be unaware.

    "hee hee, everyone get a load of this"

    Sadly you show up only yourself. I once sought to educate you in good faith, but you preferred to believe nonsense about theoretical physics and out-of-date experimental anomalies. Whatever part of your life you devote to physics, you are currently wasting while also misleading others.


  118. Anonymous8:13 PM

    This is a good article in the economist, on the future of Christianity in the West. It talks about how Christians are slowly becoming a minority.

    "By the end of 2013 the churches will have lost the battle over gay marriage, with their reputation for tolerance a casualty. Secularists will press their advantage, challenging what they regard as the privileges of a declining minority religion. Cries of religious persecution will mount as Christians struggle to defend what outsiders see as a baffling sub-culture."

  119. Anonymous8:39 PM


    I just refuted the God- made me that way argument, by pointing out that genetic pre-disposition and genetic determinism are not exactly the same, because human beings can be pre-disposed a number of things.

    The arguments being made for gay marriage are in fact arguments that highlight the failure of marriage itself.

    Where have people got the idea that marriage is no longer about sex or children , but is now based on a an agreement between two people?

    It's because of high divorce rates, single parents, rampant promiscuity etc.

    The definition of marriage has already been changed.

  120. "Where have people got the idea that marriage is no longer about sex or children , but is now based on a an agreement between two people?"

    well, clearly gay marriage IS about sex, albeit perverted sex.

    and some of them want children and adopt, or if lesbian either use artificial insemination or a brief sex for reproduction only purposes with a male, either a stranger or a gay who is on the deal and won't be trying to keep her.

  121. Anonymous4:57 AM

    It is worth asking what marriage actually is. Biblically, it is a covenant between a man and woman. (Perhaps both sides of the Reformation could avoid diverting here into whether it is also a sacrament.) For God to recognise it as a marriage it must be understood by the man and woman to have the intent of permanence, exclusivity and intimacy. Nowadays these elements are conventionally formalised in spoken vows. One more thing: it must be public, ie the authorities must know who is and is not married, because the authorities have to enforce laws concerning inheritance and adultery. Nowadays this is ensured by the State recognising certain people to conduct weddings, although earlier in history a couple simply moved in together and *informed* the authorities that they considered themselves married.

    The gay marriage issue is more farce than tragedy, but it is likely to lead to denial of conscience-based choices by Christians farther down the line. In debates, Christians should remember that this is not about definition of marriage, or legalization of 'gay marriage' - it is merely a matter of State RECOGNITION of what is marriage.

  122. anon 4:57 you are absolutely correct and this gay marriage and gay rights thing already is causing problems in conscience based choices by Christians, I recall reading about some Catholic adoption agency that was being told it had to adopt to gay couples.

    It is also harder when a legal relationship exists, and one of them repents. Constance in an earlier post dealt with a child custody thing about this. Imagine an ex gay getting saddled with alimony payments when trying to start a hetero family. And divorce in a community property state.

  123. tying it all together, in keeping with Constance's recent posts....

  124. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Anon@4:57 a.m.

    I agree about state recognition of marriage, but

    Is there a conscience clause that comes with this law?

    I know churches are exempt, but what about religious schools and other places run by religious groups.

    In Canada, for example Bill C-13 targets Catholic and Evangelical schools.

    The Catholics agreed to accept the mandated gay clubs, but continue to teach chastity. The govt refused. The gloves are off.

    Why would this be done, if this is not an attempt to re-write what we know about marriage itself.

    I suspect it is only a matter of time before we see the outlawing of teaching Christian doctrine on sexual morality on the grounds of discrimination.

  125. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Lawsuits against churches ‘inevitable’ with gay ‘marriage’ law: UK Independence Party

    " If churches are forced by new legislation or by civil suits to conduct homosexual “marriage” ceremonies against their beliefs, it would constitute “a piece of tyranny by which the rights of hundreds of thousands, millions even, of people of faith … will be ruthlessly trampled upon,” said the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP).

    The Cameron government has announced that same-sex “marriage” legislation will be introduced next week.

    David Cameron's government has announced that gay "marriage" legislation will be introduced next week.

    But in a statement issued November 15th, UKIP warned that the writing is on the wall for churches if the government introduces legislation creating gay “marriage.”

    It is “inevitable that gay couples will seek the right to marry in Church and that Churches will refuse to permit them to do so,” said UKIP.

    Despite the government’s assurances, “there will, very soon after the introduction of gay civil marriage, be a challenge in first the domestic courts of England and Wales and then in the European Court of Human Rights alleging that the exclusion of gay people from the right to have a religious ceremony of marriage is unlawful discrimination against them on the grounds of their sexual orientation.”

    “[T]here is a very strong likelihood that the Court at Strasbourg will agree that it is an unlawful discrimination on those grounds and order the United Kingdom to introduce laws which will force Churches to marry gay people according to their rites, rituals and customs.”

    The party said it is sure that the current government would “swiftly bend the knee to such a ruling and introduce such legislation” forcing churches to conduct gay “marriages.”

  126. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Even I surprise myself at times when I realize how on top of things I can find myself. The other day I posted information here on how one conservative leadership group worked, based on experiences they had, to confront unions and the left in the next planned political confrontation. Well, I'm sure most of you have read what happened in Michigan today. It's why our leaders have to learn to be prepared in advance so as not to be caught off guard. If you didn't read the post at 3:38 am, take a few minutes to check it out. You never know when you might be called on to be part of a leadership group.

  127. Anonymous4:48 AM

    The ‘gay marriage’ debate in England is not about legalisation nor about definition, but merely about recognition by the State of what is and is not marriage. The State can recognise and not recognise what it wishes, to society’s gain or detriment – just as we can decide what we recognise (or not) in our private lives. But it is strange that a State which is so influenced by multiculturalism treats the views on this issue of every other human culture with contempt. (There was plenty of homosexuality in ancient Greece but it was never confused with marriage.) And strange that a State which has treated marriage with such contempt that its tax policies financially favour unmarried cohabitation should suddenly press vehemently for an extension of the right to marry. Well, Free churches (and Rome) are formally private institutions in English law, so those who have registered to conduct State-recognised weddings can simply deregister, and conduct weddings behind closed doors with family and friends according to a decent liturgy, then pack the couple off to repeat their vows in a registrary office ceremony to satisfy the State. But the frontline is the Church of England, because (for better or worse) it is Established, and its clergy are obliged to perform marriages. They are in the frontline, because government guarantees of freedom of conscience are empty before European ‘human rights’ legislation, and gay couples would soon run test cases. We should pray for our Anglican clergy brethren, and specifically that their bishops - often spineless - will back them. Further down the road I believe that secular States are likely eventually to derecognise marriage of any sort, as an expedient solution to clashes like this one and the demands of Muslims for polygamy.

  128. Good points, but given the inheritance issues and claims of child support and alimony and carving up property in divorce, I doubt secular states will derecognize marriage, though they may develop a multi tiered system.


    Hollywood's satanic agenda.

    This skubala started as method acting I guess, and went on to this. Method acting is a kind of self hypnosis. Even if these people are not in all cases dealing with actual spirits but a kind of self induced MPD this is compatible with spirit influence and something can slip in during all this. Some of them definitely are claiming something like real spirit influence.

  130. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Christine, they'll just make it a legal requirement at 18 to specify to whom your estate goes on death, and keep that will up to date if any of the beneficiaries dies. Child support will be settled by DNA. Alimony is already payable if you have merely cohabited.


    all is not as it seems with some
    "conservatives," as Constance showed about Gingrich.

  132. Anonymous12:23 PM

    In three parts:
    Christine just posted a link to Cutting Edge. I would like feedback from others on my concerns about the kind of information found there.

    Information about the New Age movement can be overwhelming, not only straight information, but the kind found at Cutting Edge and a thousand other such places. There is so much that is called "information" there that checking it out would be a seemingly endless task.

    I think there is a parallel with cult promotion. There was a book called Karma Cola: Marketing the Mystic East by Gita Mehta. It described how those pushing the spiritual side of the New Age movement learned the techniques used by cult leaders in India. It is a very insightful book. The techniques are used by those promoting and those saying they are fighting the New Age ideas.

    Those wishing to stop others from seriously looking at what is happening in the New Age movement use a cult promotion technique called Information Overload. In the '80s and '90s the Moonies would take new, gullible, uninformed people on weekend retreats where they were kept away from those outside the Moonie group. At that time they would be presented with huge amounts of information showing the dangers of the culture outside of their group. By the end of the weekend the "guest" would have so much information to digest that it would be impossible to think clearly about any of it. Then the "guest" would be asked if they wanted to join the group, it was a now or never kind of question. The person would find themselves in a bind. Because of the technique of Information Overload, they felt they didn't want to make a mistake and choose the wrong path, so they ended up saying yes to the Moonies who had also during the weekend bombarded them with a technique called Love Bombing. How could the guest say no to such loving people who only wanted to help, particularly if the world was going to suffer if the "guest" didn't step in to fight back. I don't think the Moonies use the same weekend technique now. They've moved on to faster working methods. (Follow at Part 2)

  133. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Part 2

    I think websites like Cutting Edge do the same thing. Here the reader is being helped with so much "helpful" though deceptive information by generous people who only want to help.

    With no objective information about the New Age movement available from the mainstream media, readers then turn to the website and similar other ones to find out what is being kept from them, or in other words, what is the latest happening thing in the political world.

    What the websites do is turn people away from really following up on the kind of specific information provided by Constance. Why? Because the uninformed reader doesn't get a big emotional punch from the material here. There is no constant talk about demons, spirits, and other things related to themes related to the spiritual world that can't be checked out. The reader is asked to emotionally accept on the word of the writer. Instead the reader is asked to look through dry, boring, academic, factual material that needs to be and can be checked out. Who needs to take the time to learn about what is going on in the schools, the UN, etc. when all that is necessary is to believe that it's all the work of Satanists and that the beliefs go back to the beginning of time!

    Websites like that also serve another purpose for New Agers which could be called the Lyndon LaRouche effect. LL could make the most factual piece of news sound crazy by surrounding a straight statement with a ton of propaganda mishmash. Many looking at these websites at the request of another can find themselves thinking that anyone who believes that something like New Age is happening are a bunch of fruitcakes who will believe anything. (Follow at Part 3)

  134. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Part 3
    Another purpose these websites serve is to turn ordinary people away from trying to do anything about what is happening at the political level. The websites do this by presenting everything going on, except for their own information, as corrupted.

    Yes, there is a New Age movement. Yes, it is international in scope. Yes, New Age ideas have infiltrated many, many parts of our culture. Yes, something can be done to fight back. And yes, the information can be checked out and analyzed by almost everyone who wants to take the time to do it.

    Here is an example of an exchange I had with a friend. The New York Times had an article about the effect the end of the Mayan calendar is having in Russia. I told a friend that nothing would be happening. He cynically laughed and agreed, saying that people who believed that stuff were off the wall. I pointed out to him that the article showed that New Age ideas are also being promoted on a large scale in Russia that they weren't just American fringe ideas. If they weren't, the Mayan calendar effect wouldn't be felt in Russia. I told him that if it was just an American fringe thing the New York Times wouldn't have covered the story. I also reminded him that New Age was anti-Christian and antisemitic. I didn't hard press at that point, but I do believe I gave him something to think about from a different point of view.

  135. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I wouldn't say that Information Overload is a major technique used the the New Age movement to cover itself. It's a fact of life in EVERY topic since the coming of the www on the internet, which is effectively the world's largest encyclopedia but with zero quality control. Discernment is needed.

  136. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Bishop cracks down on New Age pushing nuns in Madison, Wisconsin

  137. that particular link is very precise and not overload. and what is going on in the UN is INDEED according to Constance's research in HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW the work of satanists aka luciferians whose beliefs go back a long ways.

    whether or not their false god exists, whether or not New Age practices put you into contact with real demons, the FACT that such ideas play a role in what's going on is pretty well documented.

    why don't you post a link to something you consider legitimate?

  138. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I would say Information Overload is used by the New Age movement because the movement churns out huge numbers of specifically named organizations to give itself credibility. Only if a person has the time to trace out the links at the different websites can one see the connections.

  139. Anonymous1:23 PM

  140. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Anon@4:48 a.m.

    The gay lobby is very organized and pours in millions towards it's causes. Even Islam is not as organized.

    For example, we are seeing the active blackmailing of developing countries that will not legalize gay marriage and other Western sexual values, by threatening them with cutting Aid.

    One would think that with all the problems in the world, our governments are more concerned about gay marriage

    Nigeria to Western nations: We’d sooner refuse aid than legalize same-sex “marriage”

  141. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Yes, Islam vs the gay lobby is an interesting spectator sport.

    All of this nonsense makes me wonder just what British PM David Cameron got up to as a teenager at his very exclusive male boarding school. And a previous PM, Anthony Charles Lynton ("Tony") Blair, who even gave the gay magazine Attitude a positive interview while PM, was known as Miranda by his lawyer colleagues, one of whom here implies that there were other reasons than his looks:

    Google "Charles Lynton" for an interesting but unverifiable story about an obviously unrelated person...

  142. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Miranda is the nearest heavenly body to Uranus...

  143. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I would not trust David Bay and his blog Cutting Edge any more than I would trust information from the shills Alex Jones or Glenn Beck.

    David Bay of Cutting Edge falsely claims that the 1611 KJV was tampered with in production by Francis Bacon and his Rosicrician crowd, supposedly sanctioned to do so by King James himself, a man staunchly against witchcraft and Rosicrucianism as his writings show.

    I would tread very carefully in what I was reading on Cutting Edge, or better still, steer well clear of Cutting Edge.


  144. who cares what the rest of the blog says, I am only talking about that one piece.

    no one can be "trusted" either they lack some info, have a wrong agenda or bias thrown in, bad judgement or whatever. read everything selectively and trust no one.

    The biggest problem regarding Islam and the gay thing, is that point in shariah law requiring FOUR EYEWITNESSES to get a conviction.

    So while gay marriage would be an out in the open situation everyone could see, in practice islamic countries have often been homosexual hotbeds.

  145. Anonymous8:01 PM

    A blog that questions not just some minor interpolations but the whole legitimacy of the KJV Bible which is as accurate an English translation of the Greek as one can get is a good reason to steer clear of it. You may not care Christine, with your outrageous arrogance, but I assure you that many true Bible-believing Chrstians do! Why don't you try a legitimate source for once? Then again, as the physicist pointed out, you do not source anything you confront him with, so I guess such a site as cutting edge which, like you, does not back up any of its outlandish claims in a serious manner is sadly seen as okay with you. Frank.

  146. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Anon@4:48 p.m.

    You are right that marriage is a natural institution.

    So the church does not marry anybody. The couple confers the marriage to each other. The church still recognizes the marriages of non-Christians, but would not recognize the marriage of homosexuals, which poses legal challenges, such as why does a divorced person, hired by a Christian school get spousal benefits, but not a gay couple.

  147. I haven't read their kjv section and yes I have given some sources to physicist. I notice when I pointed out he was saying Michelson Morley was not inconsistent with the ether he didn't even deal with that fau pas just his usual responses. MM was the
    first challenge to the ether theory, but made assumptions. Maxwell used quarternion in order to incl. the ether, Heaviside used the other notation to eliminate it.

    Maxwell didn't help being apparently a tad mystical about the ether, which is of course inappropriate. It is not God merely a creature of God. Heaviside didn't like the mystical angle and quite rightly rejected the attitude while failing to distinguish between the issues of ether existence and ether worship, something a bit easier to do when distinguishing between sun worship and sun existence.

    I couldn't find the KJV stuff without a search. Found it. Well, it is NOT saying what you say it is.

    "Before we get started in this first article in our journey to discover hidden truth about the 1611 King James Version of the Bible, let us remember our main premise: even though some of the most evil men in world history had their hands on the King James Bible from the inside out, they could not change one bit of the text! The text remained as perfect a translation as possible in the English world. Jesus Christ protected the text. "

  148. Anonymous12:54 AM

    This is an excellent, well-documented article based on where cultural change is
    formulated. This article appeared on Constance Cumbey's Timeline page at
    Facebook. This New Global Ethic is meant to replace Judaism and Christianity.

    Thanks to those who gave me feedback on the Cutting Edge website.


    Cult of Green: The United Nations Environmental Sabbath and the New Global Ethic
    November 28, 2012
    By Carl Teichrib
    NOTE: This essay was first published in Forcing Change back in2007.

  149. Anonymous1:11 AM

    A while back on this blog there was discussion about the government connection to pedophilia. I don't remember if this film was linked to. It is called Conspiracy of Silence. It was made but at the last minute the Discovery Channel withdraw their support and paid the costs for making of the film. Watch it at either of these sites.

  150. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Anon @12:23 and 12:25: Excellent information as always. Thanks.

  151. Anonymous3:06 AM

    "yes I have given some sources to physicist. I notice when I pointed out he was saying Michelson Morley was not inconsistent with the ether he didn't even deal with that fau pas just his usual responses."

    I actually wrote, as anybody can check, that "the experiments of Michelson, Morley and others were inconsistent with the existence of aether on the obvious interpretation". Why on earth do you claim that I said the opposite?

    "MM was the first challenge to the ether theory, but made assumptions. Maxwell used quarternion in order to incl. the ether, Heaviside used the other notation to eliminate it."

    Quaternions (with no letter 'r') are the Clifford Algebra of 3-dimensional space. Heaviside used the language of vector calculus instead. But this has nothing to do with the aether. If you are expressing the same physics then whatever mathematics you use will not affect the answer, only the relative difficulty of reaching it. It is like doing long division in the Roman or Arabic number system - one is easier to work with than the other, but you still get the same answer. (In fact the Clifford algebra of 3+1-space would have been best, but today we are saddled with vector calculus by long convention.)

    "Maxwell didn't help being apparently a tad mystical about the ether"

    There are reasons why he did that. His equations of electromagnetism predicted that electromagnetic waves would propagate apparently through a vacuum. Now, all other waves require a medium to 'do the waving' - water waves, sound waves in air etc. So an 'aether' was postulated that did the waving in the case of electromagnetic waves, even though it could not be detected. No Wonder Maxwell got a little mystical. But he didn't get occult like quite a few Victorian physicists, for he was a committed evangelical Christian.

    If this aether existed then it should be possible to observe the motion of the earth through it. And the speed at which waves came toward you should be the sum of the speed at which they propagate through the aether plus your speed relative to the aether. But the answer was always the same, whether the light (which is electromagnetic radiation) merely went out from you (as in the Michelson-Morley experiments) or out and back (Fizeau and Foucault), even though it was going at different speeds relative to the aether on the outward and return leg. And it made no difference whether you did the experiments 6 months apart when the earth was moving at differing speeds relative to the aether because of its orbital motion round the sun. The cleanest answer was that there was no aether, and the constant speed of light also pointed to relativity theory. But we have still had to learn to live with waves propagating through a vacuum, and I have sympathy with those who find it weird.

    That's more than enough physics for a blog about New Age, but I wished to publicly correct your misleading statements. Please stick to the subject Christine.

    ", which is of course inappropriate." It is not God merely a creature of God. Heaviside didn't like the mystical angle and quite rightly rejected the attitude while failing to distinguish between the issues of ether existence and ether worship, something a bit easier to do when distinguishing between sun worship and sun existence."

    I hope that you are not suggesting Maxwell, who is rightly regarded as one of the all-time greats of physics, was a pagan.

  152. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Anonymous 2:58
    I appreciate your compliment so much. I really worked on that analysis.

  153. 1. I DON'T DO ICKE. I rely on other stuff.

    2. sorry if I misinterpreted the MM experiment statement the context sounded like physicist asking me to explain the opposite of what you were doing.

    3. modern physics is not wrong, just incomplete. you CANNOT write ether into an equation with vector algebra, you CAN write it in with Quaternion. Heaviside wanted it OUT, so he used vector algebra.

    "The Four Maxwell's Equations are in fact due to Oliver Heaviside, Maxwell having presented a more cumbersome version with twenty equations. Although one of the greatest applied mathematicians, Heaviside is omitted from our List because he didn't provide proofs for his methods. Of this Heaviside said, "Should I refuse a good dinner simply because I do not understand the process of digestion?""

    scroll down to Maxwell followed by Heaviside

    note reference of Maxwell to "Seal of Solomon" in that poem. To notice something may give rise to a hexagram or hexagon is one thing, to call it the Seal of Solomon shows acquaintance with occult literature, unless he was merely thinking of it as being a Jewish symbol which related somehow to YHWHism.

    4. you don't put something in quotes to make it look authoritative, you put it in quotes to show it is not your own words.

  154. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "you CANNOT write ether into an equation with vector algebra, you CAN write it in with Quaternion. Heaviside wanted it OUT, so he used vector algebra."

    Christine, Heaviside's motivation is irrelevant today. You are factually wrong in saying that there are things you can do with quaternions that you cannot do with vector algebra. It's like comparing addition, multiplication etc done in Roman numerals (M, D, C, L, X, V, I) with addition and multiplication done using Arabic numerals (1,2,3... etc). One system is more convenient than the other but you can get the job done either way. Mathematics is not physics, it just expresses it: epistemology is not ontology. But today there is a better and more general scheme called Clifford algebra. If you want to see how vector calculus and quaternions are special cases of this, read the works of David Hestenes of Arizona State U. They are fully technical, but you are discussing technical matters here.

    You can express the same physics in 20 equations the way Maxwell did, or condense them into four the way Heaviside did, or even into one the way Hestenes has done with his more powerful math, but the physical content is the same. Credit for the discovery of the physics should go to whoever wrote down the physics first, not the nicest mathematical way of phrasing it. That was Maxwell, when Heaviside was just 15 years old. According to the logic in that crackpot website on hyperdimensional physics to which you give the link, asserting that they should really be called Heaviside's equations, they should actually be called Hestenes' equations! Do email Hestenes and let him know.

    "modern physics is not wrong, just incomplete"

    In saying that modern physics is not wrong, which is most generous of you as a non-physicist, you have actually backtracked without admitting it, because modern physics is incapable of explaining some of the experimental anomalies from decades ago that you are convinced were real rather than experimental error from a time when experimental technology was less advanced. As for modern physics being incomplete, yes of course; why do you think we do research? But the stuff that *you* say is incomplete was settled more than a lifetime ago. That is how far off the pace you are, and will remain until you show a little humility and are prepared to learn physics the way everybody else does.

    "note reference of Maxwell to "Seal of Solomon" in that poem. To notice something may give rise to a hexagram or hexagon is one thing, to call it the Seal of Solomon shows acquaintance with occult literature, unless he was merely thinking of it as being a Jewish symbol which related somehow to YHWHism."

    Very likely. I stand by my statement that Maxwell was a committed evangelical Christian.


  155. Christine,
    You aren't a physicist and you aren't a mathematician.
    You also don't fool anyone when you pretend that you are either of those, so give it up.
    That you consider yourself brilliant is obvious, though.
    Why do you keep digging a deeper and deeper hole ?

    As for your link to a site which supposedly exposes sexual crimes within the Protestant churches, I couldn't find a single link to a single newspaper anywhere that would verify the supposed crimes. It seems that your website is supplied it's info by the general public, just like Wikipedia, and so one is left to just believe these accusations or not.
    If the 700-plus accusations are true, though, I wonder why the general news sources haven't jumped on the major scoop and brought this to everyone's attention. Apparently it's a MAJOR story
    which can only be found on a certain website, just like a lot of the major scientific breakthroughs that you tout as fact, which can only be found on some
    private website.
    I did notice that they also have lists for sexual predators in the ranks of policemen, scout leaders, teachers, janitors, doctors and others, though.

  156. I have never pretended to be a physicist, I have pointed out the words of physicists that don't quite fit with the standard picture. dishonest accusation doesn't make you respectable.

    as for Maxwell, he had 40 equations and Heaviside simplified it to 4. logically something HAS to have gone missing in that process.

    protestant clergymen and sexual abuse, when you say you can't find a single news item YOU LIE. I checked, abstracts of news are right there.

    The support of the congregation and elders

    ALL Protestant denominations - 838 Ministers

    147 Baptist Ministers

    251 "Bible" Church Ministers (fundamentalist/evangelical)

    140 Anglican/Episcopalian Ministers

    38 Lutheran Ministers

    46 Methodist Ministers

    19 Presbyterian Ministers

    197 various Church Ministers
    click on a link you get all the incidents with source and link to the article.

    talk about digging yourself into a hole....

  157. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "I have pointed out the words of physicists that don't quite fit with the standard picture."

    You are not competent to make that statement because you don't have a proper understanding of what the standard picture is; or of how experimental anomalies that were once cutting edge fail to be reproduced when the experiment is repeated down the line with better technology.

    "as for Maxwell, he had 40 equations and Heaviside simplified it to 4. logically something HAS to have gone missing in that process."

    This shows how you are out of your depth. I can write a 3-dimensional vector equation as one equation in vector form, or I can write down its 3 components as 3 equations each of scalar form. The two versions are absolutely equivalent. If you don't understand what I am talking about, kindly educate yourself until you do, and in the meantime do everybody here - not least yourself if you did but know it - a favor by shutting up about physics.


  158. the standard picture does not incl. ether theory, and if it did it could not be rendered in vector equation it needs the other approach to incl. it. Heaviside made his changes WITH THE EXPLICIT INTENT of eliminating ether. therefore you can be sure something went missing.

    No comment on the material in the links of course as usual. just the usual repetitions.

  159. Friend7:35 PM

    This verse is for you Constance, thank you for your ministry.

    'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind'

    2 Timothy 1:7

  160. Anonymous12:09 AM or

    Great news: Your permanent record is now available on demand

    Now, NCTC can copy entire government databases—flight records, casino-employee lists, the names of Americans hosting foreign-exchange students and many others. The agency has new authority to keep data about innocent U.S. citizens for up to five years, and to analyze it for suspicious patterns of behavior.


    "The electric and magnetic field strengths are interpreted as a physically existent force fields,
    which are able to describe forces between electric and magnetic poles. Maxwell has – analogue to fluid mechanics – this force fields associated with two underlying potential fields,
    which are not shown anymore in the today‘s traditional vector notation.....
    For a very long time scientists are convinced that the potentials do not have any physical
    existence but merely are a mathematical construct. But an experiment sugested by Yakir
    AHARONOV and David BOHM
    has shown, that this is not true. There arises the question
    about the causality of the fields...."

    an example of what I am talking about, page 6 of the pdf file.

  162. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Christine, you have turned what is a very serious issue, New Age, into a running joke. by your inane effort to show the world, that couldn't care less, what a serious, intelligent person you are. If you had an ounce of moral concern about anything left in that brain or soul of yours, you would apologize to every serious person left trying to get value from this blog.

    I hope someone can tell of of any serious contributions you have made to this blog. The main thing going for you is that you remain anonymous, no real name, no address, no way for anyone to know who you really are. You have turned this serious blog into a therapy session for which you are charged nothing. You have become the ultimate charity case, paid for by the research time of serious writers here.

  163. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Christine regards your post at 11:01 PM: Constance, Paul, Physicist, myself and others have shown you the utmost patience.

    At the link, , you would have read the first few

    'Title: Horror of All Horrors! Original 1611 King James Version Shows Masonic Handshakes All Throughout The Genealogies....
    Subtitle: Dozens and dozens of perfectly formed Masonic Handshakes adorn the first section of the original 1611 KJV, stamping this original Bible with the unmistakable stamp of Freemasonry - Rosicrucianism. You will not believe your eyes!'

    No evidence is provided to support such claims.

    David Bay at Cutting Edge continues:

    'Our research indicates that the official KJV scholarship committee completed their work in 1610 and handed the manuscript to King James. The King then promptly gave that manuscript to Sir Francis Bacon, who possessed it for about one year, until 1611, when he handed the manuscript back to the King, who promptly sent it to his official printer.'

    What research? Why don't they share it? Or provide notes, links, and a bibliography? After all, extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence! Yet they provide none. I am not going to provide links to King James's writings to show what they are saying about him is nonsense, seeing as they provide nothing themselves, and they're the ones making the claims! For if I were to do so, I would merely be falling for the peril of endless and fruitless diversions as so eruditely warned about by the astute anon poster at 12:23 PM.

    Neither does Cutting Edge gain further credence just because they include the disclaimer: 'Cutting Edge Ministries is NOT saying that Sir Francis Bacon "wrote the KJV". We will never say that.'

    This is done merely to disarm and obfuscate, and get you running down the endless rabbit holes of diversion without caution, and to try and prevent any challenge to their outlandish claims by the reader.

    Of course Francis Bacon never 'wrote' the KJV, neither is any evidence presented by Cutting Edge to support their outlandish claims that he had the KJV 1611 manuscript for a year, from 1610-11, for him to tamper with and insert occult symbols into (Masonic handshakes, despite this being 106 years before the advent of freemasonry), with the collusion and consent of the then British King, who according to Cutting Edge then 'promptly put it into print', without a word or murmur from the vibrant Christian community which for the last century had been infuenced by Christian greats such as Tyndale and Foxe.

    I have patiently humoured you in my post here Christine, stating the obvious only so you may wake up from your slumber and so that you do not inadvertently hoodwink others into such nonsense.

    Either back up your claims, especially when outlandish, or you espouse the extraordinary claims of others, or do not make them until you have researched and evidenced things properly yourself. Do you realise that our blogger physicist has a Phd in his field, and from Cambridge University of all places? Take a deep breath and swallow your pride. Careful it's not a camel!

    Christian Love,


  164. look, you or someone complained about cutting edge rejecting KJV something nowhere evident unless you search for it and it seems NO THEY DON'T.

    All this fracas because they had the best real simple lineup of problems about George Bush. I guess you are a Bushite.

    I have never claimed to be a physicist, I have always relied on the work of physicists and "physicist" should swallow his pride, forget about the status quo and look at this stuff instead of accepting what is handed him.

    long before I was on the scene, he was posting anonymously and some people have the wierd idea that checking his credentials would be snooping on privacy, which is dead wrong, such inquiries are ROUTINE in the professional world. Perhaps someone of his name is there but if emailed at the Cambridge account if any would they in fact BE this guy?

    anyone who claims he does not present his status as basis for believing him (so no valid reason to check credentials) when that is exactly what he does every time he signs himself "Physicist," is out to lunch at best, dishonest at worst.

    I don't care what physicist does or says, I post only for the education of others here.

  165. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "No comment on the material in the links of course as usual. just the usual repetitions."

    Christine, two of those three links were simply biographical sketches of Oliver Heaviside. The third I did comment on - I called it crackpot, because it is. I do not intend to detail why on a blog that is meant to be about New Age. I have not ignored any direct question you have asked and even if I merely stopped to correct everything you got wrong then it would subvert this blog significantly. Please stop misleading people by talking ill-educated nonsense about physics. There are plenty of subjects about which I know little, but I have the sense not to pose as an authority about them in public.

    As for repetition: it is you who repeat yourself, when I explain where you have gone wrong and you just rephrase your previous comment without any change in content. That is because you don't understand physics properly. Early on I tried to explain the relevant bits to you, but you thought you knew better so now I just write what is necessary to prevent others being taken in by your inadvertent inaccuracies.

    "the standard picture does not incl. ether theory, and if it did it could not be rendered in vector equation it needs the other approach to incl. it. Heaviside made his changes WITH THE EXPLICIT INTENT of eliminating ether. therefore you can be sure something went missing."

    Your first sentence is simply wrong. What can be expressed using vectors can be expressed using quaternions. It's a different language for the same thing. Like when English and French both describe the same thing. Maxwell was first to write down the equations that are universally accepted as correct, although he used a cumbersome language for them. The paper by Waser for which you give the link is not very good - Hestenes of Arizona State U understands these things better and you should refer to his works, in which the most concise and clear formulation of Maxwell's equations to date is given.

    Do you actually understand Waser's paper that you quote, by the way? Could you solve those equations to derive the solutions for electromagnetic waves?

    Aether is more to do with interpretation of the equations, because people could not conceive of a wave propagating through a vacuum when all other waves needed a medium that 'did the waving' to propagate through, eg sound waves in air, waves on water. But if aether existed then it was found experimentally to have no observable consequences, even if light was passing through it at different speeds, and it eventually became more sensible to say it didn't exist and that electromagnetic waves could after all propagate through a vacuum.

    If you care to quote Heaviside IN HIS OWN WORDS on aether and the quaternionic formulation of the laws of electromagnetism, or provide a link to same, then I'll say more.

    The Aharonov-Bohm effect is certainly remarkable. I question whether it casts doubt on causality, although the non-Lorentz-invariance of the time ordering of measurement on the two particles in a Bell's-theorem type of experiment, and the 'delayed choice' experiments of JA Wheeler, certainly do. Please look these up for yourself as this blog is meant to be about New Age. Re physics, you stop and I stop.


  166. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "I have never claimed to be a physicist, I have always relied on the work of physicists and "physicist" should swallow his pride, forget about the status quo and look at this stuff instead of accepting what is handed him."

    I learned the trade from other physicists Christine. But you rely on out-of-date experiments or dilettante theoretical work that is inconsistent with other parts of physics not mentioned in those dilettante papers - a fact it takes a trained eye to spot, which you do not have.

    "long before I was on the scene, he was posting anonymously and some people have the wierd idea that checking his credentials would be snooping on privacy, which is dead wrong, such inquiries are ROUTINE in the professional world. Perhaps someone of his name is there but if emailed at the Cambridge account if any would they in fact BE this guy?anyone who claims he does not present his status as basis for believing him (so no valid reason to check credentials) when that is exactly what he does every time he signs himself "Physicist," is out to lunch at best, dishonest at worst."

    I prefer to remain anonymous at a blog which discusses the New World Order. I give my name and affiliation when publishing in physics journals or making comments on physics blogs. In view of your massive reaction when I declined to identify myself to you (see the thread beneath Constance's post of 14 April 2012, wherein Susanna who knows me as a penfriend described you as 'snooping'), I also wish to remain anonymous from you. I am content for readers here to judge which of us is out to lunch (and which has the better grasp of physics) from our words written on this blog.


  167. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Physicist, you are a class act. Christine deliberately goads you and you remain wonderfully calm.

    Christine, your mother, in reality, must be a saint. Coping with you on a one to one must be very difficult.

  168. "Do you actually understand Waser's paper that you quote, by the way? Could you solve those equations to derive the solutions for electromagnetic waves?"

    Don't need to even think of trying. All I need is to read what is said by those who can solve it. And the part I quote is about results and presence or absence of stuff, which statement was made by someone presumably capable of solving those problems. Capiche?

    info on Heaviside, his own words show he didn't like rigor or complication.


    Herz says he and Heaviside remove potentials from the Maxwell equations p. 111, the duplex equations called Maxwell equations were not used by Maxwell p. 112
    and note p. 92 paragraphs 2 and 3

    source of Heaviside view quote

    "There are physical quantities of another kind [in the aether] which are related to directions in space, but which are not vectors. Stresses and strains in solid bodies are examples, and so are some of the properties of bodies considered in the theory of elasticity and in the theory of double [rotated] refraction. Quantities of this class require for their definition nine [part of the "27-line"...] numerical specifications. They are expressed in the language of quaternions by linear and vector functions of a vector ..."
    -- J.C. Maxwell, "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism,"
    (Vol.1, 3rd Edition, New York, 1954)

    some sources point out that in simplifying Maxwell, Heaviside and Herz cut out the stuff that made Maxwell's equations a unified field, but this worked fine for telegraphy.

    And it may be that it is just as well this happened, because looking over some of that stuff where it is applied, it has considerable destructive potential.

    Yes, the New Agers tend to hog this stuff, maybe some serious Christians should take a sober look at it.

  169. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Christine, you look! I am certainly no Bushite! A most nepharious and sinister family in my opinion.

    Nevertheless, stop trying to divert! It is clear to anyone here that my points about the Cutting Edge site illustrate the truth of what the earlier anonymous poster wrote at 12:23 - 25 PM.

    Your usage of such a site and angry defence of such usage show your rebellious spirit more than you realise. The site does not back up its claims and causes the gullible to embark on a wild goose chase.

    The dangerous channeller and new ager Jordan MAxwell is another who asserts the same falsehoods against King James (the Sixth of Scotland who was also King James the First of England) and and the collaters whose translation the king authorised for issue with Christian royal decree.

    You see, the Authorised KJV translation of the Holy Scriptures is brought into question by Bay, Maxwell and others with no evidence to back up what they are wrongly claiming because there isn't any! There is no credible source from the 1600's nor later to support such slander!

    The danger is people then naively assume Bay is right. A site that makes out it is ammenable to Christians and Christian views. Thence the wild goose chase begins. They decide to internet search Bay's claims (seeing as he hasn't evidenced anything or even pretended to). What happens? They trail through reems of useless material claiming the same without real substance. Or they are lured along the way into the site of the blasphemous and vile new ager Jordan Maxwell. If their faith is not strong and they do not test the spirits thoroughly like Bereans, and if they have not put on the full armour of God they are in very dangerous territory indeed! For it is a site inspired by the cunning vile lies, a venom that trickles like honey but is very bitter to the soul indeed, from demons.

    Is this your intention Christine? To lure people to such evil doubts and time-consuming garbage?

    Learn to back up your material and humble yourself. You are fooling nobody here. You are constantly diverting people from the topic into uselessness, or trying to usurp the site and introduce a new topic, however valid, for which appears to be merely for your own ego boost. Utterly disrespectful indeed! I put it to you that you have not moved away from promoting New Age nonsense, have you?

    You call Paul a liar but by trusted account, you fail to provide any DIRECT links. Another warren you're setting up for people to get lost in Christine? Also, evidence or provide links that truly evidence your claims. What are the names of the Protestant clergy from the list you provide? What were / are their parishes? Where? Are the statistics global or pertaining to the USA or the West? Where do such statistics come from? Who compiled them? Evidence from credible and traceable sources please!

    You are the one making such extraordinary claims so you provide a thoroughly clear and traceable body of evidence.

    So my advice is plainly this: Put up or shut up.



  170. Anonymous10:50 AM


    Lastly Christine, it is self-evident to any reasonable, honest, thinking and educated individual that physicist's credentials is what he claims them to be. This is shown by the content, style and character of his writing. That is, the swift, astute, and specificity of his argumentation, with which he is willing and able to grade his language (no mean task, I can tell you) and therefore making the deep subject matter he is conveying accessible even to those without a clue such as yourself, despite what can only be your jealous and dishonest dismissal of him through your rants and pen-throwing antics.

    I reiterate, you are fooling nobody, and I sincerely hope nobody bothers to check out your time wasting links, and diversionary tactics until you can prove yourself otherwise! Realise, you're losing the rodeo of credibility here, your high-horse is going nowhere for you, so get down off it before you fall with a mighty thud! Repent of your hubris, ask God to humble you in love.

    King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

    Proverbs 16:18

    'Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.'

    In addition, before trying to judge physicist on his claims and calling Paul a liar try getting that plank out of your own eye first, then you'll see clearly to help others to remove any speck in theirs.

    By the way, the topic is, ' "LEARNING TO LOVE BIG BROTHER -- YOU ARE SLATED TO BE "DE-ORWELLED"!', why not post something reliable and credible regards that?


  171. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Okay ... I will try and repost my 10:48 AM post


  173. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Christine, you look! I am certainly no Bushite! A most nepharious and sinister family in my opinion.

    Nevertheless, stop trying to divert! It is clear to anyone here that my points about the Cutting Edge site illustrate the truth of what the earlier anonymous poster wrote at 12:23 - 25 PM.

    Your usage of such a site and angry defence of such usage show your rebellious spirit more than you realise. The site does not back up its claims and causes the gullible to embark on a wild goose chase.

    The dangerous channeller and new ager Jordan MAxwell is another who asserts the same falsehoods against King James (the Sixth of Scotland who was also King James the First of England) and and the collaters whose translation the king authorised for issue with Christian royal decree.

    You see, the Authorised KJV translation of the Holy Scriptures is brought into question by Bay, Maxwell and others with no evidence to back up what they are wrongly claiming because there isn't any! There is no credible source from the 1600's nor later to support such slander!

    The danger is people then naively assume Bay is right. A site that makes out it is ammenable to Christians and Christian views. Thence the wild goose chase begins. They decide to internet search Bay's claims (seeing as he hasn't evidenced anything or even pretended to). What happens? They trail through reems of useless material claiming the same without real substance. Or they are lured along the way into the site of the blasphemous and vile new ager Jordan Maxwell. If their faith is not strong and they do not test the spirits thoroughly like Bereans, and if they have not put on the full armour of God they are in very dangerous territory indeed! For it is a site inspired by the cunning vile lies, a venom that trickles like honey but is very bitter to the soul indeed, from demons.

    Is this your intention Christine? To lure people to such evil doubts and time-consuming garbage?



  174. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Continued from my previous post at 10:55 AM

    Christine, Learn to back up your material and humble yourself. You are fooling nobody here. You are constantly diverting people from the topic into uselessness, or trying to usurp the site and introduce a new topic, however valid, for which appears to be merely for your own ego boost. Utterly disrespectful indeed! I put it to you that you have not moved away from promoting New Age nonsense, have you?

    You call Paul a liar but by trusted account, you fail to provide any DIRECT links. Another warren you're setting up for people to get lost in Christine? Also, evidence or provide links that truly evidence your claims. What are the names of the Protestant clergy from the list you provide? What were / are their parishes? Where? Are the statistics global or pertaining to the USA or the West? Where do such statistics come from? Who compiled them? Evidence from credible and traceable sources please!

    You are the one making such extraordinary claims so you provide a thoroughly clear and traceable body of evidence.

    So my advice is plainly this: Put up or shut up.

    Lastly, it is self-evident to any reasonable, honest, thinking and educated individual that physicist's credentials is what he claims them to be. This is shown by the content, style and character of his writing. That is, the swift, astute, and specificity of his argumentation, with which he is willing and able to grade his language (no mean task, I can tell you) and therefore making the deep subject matter he is conveying accessible even to those without a clue such as yourself, despite what can only be your jealous and dishonest dismissal of him through your rants and pen-throwing antics.

    I reiterate, you are fooling nobody, and I sincerely hope nobody bothers to check out your time wasting links, and diversionary tactics until you can prove yourself otherwise! Realise, you're losing the rodeo of credibility here, your high-horse is going nowhere for you, so get down off it before you fall with a mighty thud! Repent of your hubris, ask God to humble you in love.

    King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

    Proverbs 16:18

    'Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.'

    In addition, before trying to judge physicist on his claims and calling Paul a liar try getting that plank out of your own eye first, then you'll see clearly to help others to remove any speck in theirs.

    By the way, the topic is, ' "LEARNING TO LOVE BIG BROTHER -- YOU ARE SLATED TO BE "DE-ORWELLED"!', why not post something reliable and credible regards that?


  175. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Me: "Do you actually understand Waser's paper that you quote, by the way? Could you solve those equations to derive the solutions for electromagnetic waves?"

    Christine: "Don't need to even think of trying. All I need is to read what is said by those who can solve it."

    That tells you that solutions have been found. It doesn't tell you what they mean. Quite literally, you don't know what you are talking about. A case in point is where you write, "some sources point out that in simplifying Maxwell, Heaviside and Herz cut out the stuff that made Maxwell's equations a unified field, but this worked fine for telegraphy."

    The telegraphy equations are a special case of Maxwell's equations, to which the full equations reduce in the circumstances relevant to telegraphy. Great application. Not a universal truth.

    You can write Maxwell's equations using magnetic and electric fields, or using 'potentials'; for instance, the electric field is directed from a region of higher voltage to a region of lower voltage. The voltage is the potential. This is a technical matter. What I asked for was backup in Heaviside's own words for your claim that he rephrased Maxwell's equations using vectors rather than quaternions *specifically* to dispose of the concept of aether. In view of past misunderstandings and evasions, please note that I don't want somebody else's commentary, and I don't want Heaviside saying something else. You have made the claim; now please verify it. Then we can take the matter further (although it remains the case that whatever can be phrased in quaternions can be phrased with vectors).


  176. Anonymous1:00 PM

    PART 1

    Christine, you look! I am certainly no Bushite: A most nepharious and sinister family in my opinion.

    Nevertheless, stop trying to divert! It is clear to anyone here that my points about the Cutting Edge site illustrate the truth of what the earlier anonymous poster wrote at 12:23 - 25 PM.

    Your usage of such a site and angry defence of such usage show your rebellious spirit more than you realise. The site does not back up its claims and causes the gullible to embark on a wild goose chase.

    The dangerous channeller and new ager Jordan Maxwell is another who asserts the same falsehoods against King James (the Sixth of Scotland who was also King James the First of England) and and the collaters whose translation the king authorised for issue with Christian royal decree.

    You see, the Authorised KJV translation of the Holy Scriptures is brought into question by Bay, Maxwell and others with no evidence to back up what they are wrongly claiming because there isn't any! There is no credible source from the Seventeenth Century, nor later, to support such slander!

    The danger is people then naively assume Bay is right. A site that makes out it is ammenable to Christians and Christian views. Thence the wild goose chase begins. They decide to internet search Bay's claims (seeing as he hasn't evidenced anything or even pretended to). What happens? They trail through reems of useless material claiming the same without real substance. Or they are lured along the way into the site of the blasphemous and vile New Ager Jordan Maxwell. If their faith is not strong and they do not test the spirits thoroughly like Bereans, and if they have not put on the full armour of God they are in very dangerous territory indeed! For it is a site inspired by the cunning vile lies that are a venom which trickles like honey but is very bitter to the soul indeed, from demons.


  177. Anonymous1:04 PM

    PART 1

    Christine, you look! I am certainly no Bushite: A most nepharious and sinister family in my opinion.

    Nevertheless, stop trying to divert! It is clear to anyone here that my points about the Cutting Edge site illustrate the truth of what the earlier anonymous poster wrote at 12:23 - 25 PM.

    Your usage of such a site and angry defence of such usage show your rebellious spirit more than you realise. The site does not back up its claims and causes the gullible to embark on a wild goose chase.

    The dangerous channeller and new ager Jordan Maxwell is another who asserts the same falsehoods against King James (the Sixth of Scotland who was also King James the First of England) and and the collaters whose translation the king authorised for issue with Christian royal decree.

    You see, the Authorised KJV translation of the Holy Scriptures is brought into question by Bay, Maxwell and others with no evidence to back up what they are wrongly claiming because there isn't any! There is no credible source from the Seventeenth Century, nor later, to support such slander!

    The danger is people then naively assume Bay is right. A site that makes out it is ammenable to Christians and Christian views. Thence the wild goose chase begins. They decide to internet search Bay's claims (seeing as he hasn't evidenced anything or even pretended to). What happens? They trail through reems of useless material claiming the same without real substance. Or they are lured along the way into the site of the blasphemous and vile New Ager Jordan Maxwell. If their faith is not strong and they do not test the spirits thoroughly like Bereans, and if they have not put on the full armour of God they are in very dangerous territory indeed! For it is a site inspired by the cunning vile lies that are a venom which trickles like honey but is very bitter to the soul indeed, from demons.


  178. Anonymous1:51 PM

    test due to disappearing posts

  179. Anonymous2:00 PM

    ...... testing, testing.. 123

  180. Anonymous2:02 PM

    PART 1

    Christine, you look! I am certainly no Bushite: A most nepharious and sinister family in my opinion.

    Nevertheless, stop trying to divert! It is clear to anyone here that my points about the Cutting Edge site illustrate the truth of what the earlier anonymous poster wrote at 12:23 - 25 PM.

    Your usage of such a site and angry defence of such usage show your rebellious spirit more than you realise. The site does not back up its claims and causes the gullible to embark on a wild goose chase.

    The dangerous channeller and new ager Jordan Maxwell is another who asserts the same falsehoods against King James (the Sixth of Scotland who was also King James the First of England) and and the collaters whose translation the king authorised for issue with Christian royal decree.

    You see, the Authorised KJV translation of the Holy Scriptures is brought into question by Bay, Maxwell and others with no evidence to back up what they are wrongly claiming because there isn't any! There is no credible source from the Seventeenth Century, nor later, to support such slander!

    The danger is people then naively assume Bay is right. A site that makes out it is ammenable to Christians and Christian views. Thence the wild goose chase begins. They decide to internet search Bay's claims (seeing as he hasn't evidenced anything or even pretended to). What happens? They trail through reems of useless material claiming the same without real substance. Or they are lured along the way into the site of the blasphemous and vile New Ager Jordan Maxwell. If their faith is not strong and they do not test the spirits thoroughly like Bereans, and if they have not put on the full armour of God they are in very dangerous territory indeed! For it is a site inspired by the cunning vile lies that are a venom which trickles like honey but is very bitter to the soul indeed, from demons.


  181. Anonymous2:03 PM

    PART 2

    Is this your intention Christine, to lure people to such evil doubts and time-consuming garbage?

    Learn to back up your material and humble yourself. You are fooling nobody here. You are constantly diverting people from the topic into uselessness, or trying to usurp the site and introduce a new topic, however valid, for which appears to be merely for your own ego boost. Utterly disrespectful indeed! I put it to you that you have not moved away from promoting New Age nonsense, have you?

    You call Paul a liar but by trusted account, you fail to provide any DIRECT links. Another warren you're setting up for people to get lost in Christine? Also, evidence or provide links that truly evidence your claims. What are the names of the Protestant clergy from the list you provide? What were / are their parishes? Where? Are the statistics global or pertaining to the USA or the West? Where do such statistics come from? Who compiled them? Evidence from credible and traceable sources please!

    You are the one making such extraordinary claims so you provide a thoroughly clear and traceable body of evidence.

    So my advice is plainly this: Put up or shut up!


  182. Anonymous2:04 PM

    PART 3

    Lastly, it is self-evident to any reasonable, honest, thinking and educated individual that physicist's credentials is what he claims them to be. This is shown by the content, style and character of his writing. That is, the swift, astute, and specificity of his argumentation, with which he is willing and able to grade his language (no mean task, I can tell you) and therefore making the deep subject matter he is conveying accessible even to those without a clue such as yourself, despite what can only be your jealous and dishonest dismissal of him through your rants and pen-throwing antics.

    It is clear you know nothing of physics, Christine. You are no more than a ventriloquist’s dummy for Wikipedia. You’re knowledge content and attitude to scholastic convention is much more Jordan Maxwell than it is James Clerk Maxwell., that’s for sure!

    I reiterate, you are fooling nobody, and I sincerely hope nobody bothers to check out your time wasting links, and diversionary tactics until you can prove yourself otherwise! Realise, you're losing the rodeo of credibility here, your high-horse is going nowhere for you, so get down off it before you fall with a mighty thud! Repent of your hubris, ask God to humble you in love.

    King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.),

    Proverbs 16:18

    'Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.'

    In addition, before trying to judge physicist on his claims and calling Paul a liar try getting that plank out of your own eye first, then you'll see clearly to help others to remove any speck in theirs.

    By the way, the topic is, ' "LEARNING TO LOVE BIG BROTHER -- YOU ARE SLATED TO BE "DE-ORWELLED"!', why not post something reliable and credible regards that?


  183. Anonymous2:21 PM

    whoops ... I should have written:

    Lastly, it is self-evident to any reasonable, honest, thinking and educated individual that physicist's credentials are what he claims them to be. This is shown by the content, style and character of his writing. That is, the swiftness, astuteness, and specificity of his argumentation, with which he is willing and able to grade his language ....


  184. That tells you that solutions have been found.
    reply that is a classic misapplication and twisting. the overall context was that the vector and quaternion were about two different things, one that treats potential as a REALITY and one that doesn't (no it is NOT the same as voltage which is a measure of a flow of electrons comparable to pressure as distinct from bulk the latter is amperage)

    nobody claims quaternions aren't solved.

    Now, as one person out of Oxford put it, if you do it in vector you end up with a 0 a nothing, but in quaternion it is a something, the stuff we are taught to treat as imaginary is in fact real and therefore COULD BE PLUGGED INTO AND USED, so to speak.

    right there is where you get your anomalous stuff and zero point. There is where the ether is.

    BTW did you know that Einstein wasn't entirely original in his ideas?

    As for physicist's presentation of his stuff, that doesn't validate his credentials in anything but English and Creative Writing.

  185. cutting edge doesn't accept that KJV was altered, only that the art in the first edition was rigged with stuff, I checked two examples and could see nothing in one but the peculiar masonic grab with the knuckles instead of normal fingers on the apple was there.

    Constance kept Bjorn farmer's link after he went feri anderson witch (to judge by the blue wotan figure he decided to worship) because his other information was good. I would not have done so.

    You are looking for a site to be the equivalent of revealed Scripture.

    As I said before, Javier Solana was a red herring Constance fell for, though certain things about him and that use of three sixes on one or more directives or whatever they were called is something very strange, but that only shows there is evil present, it doesn't mean he's the antichrist.

    This in turn comes from the euro centric view point plagueing Christian eschatology.

    But as time passed and Solana faded, Constance is paying attention to more relevant stuff, that Alex Jones and others have been onto for several years. (Though he goes off on excesses and so forth also.)

    Some of the best Christian sites have flaws. As for Jordan Maxwell, he is a classic example of New Agers infiltrating the truth movement and taking over. Ditto Icke. Their information as to what is going on (except for reptillian shapeshifters, which may in fact be occasionally actually sensed and misinterpreted demonic presences in a human) is good enough, but their solutions are spiritually deadly.

    If you can't tell dangerous rot and poison from still good food do not go dumpster diving. same deal with Internet sites (and books) with problematic stuff in them.

    If you can, that's another matter. I use this analogy because I spent some time eating out of dumpsters. I know whereof I speak. No food poisoning but caught a couple of bugs from moving in on abandoned half finished meals in out door seating.

  186. go follow the links I gave click on where it says to click for every single Protestant clergy case the links work, and give you abstracts of news articles, and the paper and date they come from.

    BTW did you hear the story of Cromwell selling his soul to the devil to get military and political success, and of course while cleaning up RC excesses the flow of Holy Water stops so inhibition of demonic activities and miasmas was lacking.

    as for diversions, I am trying to bring attention to stuff that is part of the big picture. And Agenda 21 is NO DIVERSION, Constance is on its track with her noticing of UN depopulation and surveillance excesses, and if she follows them both she will be posting about Agenda 21 before long.

    Following the track on that intellligence on surveillance and deorwelling us thing, will bring her to Continuity of Government and a hellslew of stuff.

  187. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Christine, your reply at 2.45pm is virtually content-free so far as math or physical content goes. It's not even wrong. If it were an undergrad essay that I was marking then it would be impossible to correct. Revelation 3:17 aptly describes your attitude to physics.

    Yes there is a viewpoint that the vacuum, which according to quantum field theory aint so empty, is the medium through which emag waves propagate, and therefore the aether. To date there are no experimentally testable consequences of this view, so it remains somewhat... ethereal. But this has nothing to do with the 19th century debate, as quantum field theory started in mid-20th century. That is why I didn't bring it up. This is meant to be a blog about New Age. Capiche?

    "nobody claims quaternions aren't solved."

    What on earth does this sentence mean? Quaternions aren't an equation that is to be solved, they are a way of expressing some mathematical concepts, moreover concepts that turn out to have physical counterparts. If you have heard of imaginary numbers, whose square root is negative (so they cannot be regular numbers since the square of both a negative and a positive number is positive), then their mingling with regular numbers in so-called complex analysis is the Clifford algebra of 2D space. Quaternions are the Clifford algebra of 3D space [to physicists: did you ever wonder why complex analysis could not be generalised to higher dimensions... it can!], and a new feature enters here, namely non-commutativity, ie the product of two quaternions depends on their order (unlike 6*3 = 3*6). But what you actually want when doing relativity calculations is the Clifford Algebra of space-time, with 3 space and 1 time dimension. The algebra of Dirac's gamma-matrices is isomorphic to this algebra and is in retrospect a cumbersome representation of it. That's more than enough technical stuff; read Hestenes for more.

    "did you know that Einstein wasn't entirely original in his ideas?"

    Yes, that is true of special relativity; someone else would have got there soon enough. But general relativity, in which Einstein incorporated gravity into his scheme, was staggeringly original, and miles ahead of the pack.

    "As for physicist's presentation of his stuff, that doesn't validate his credentials in anything but English and Creative Writing."

    I admit that I can't match you for writing fiction on this blog, but as for English...


  188. Anonymous3:19 PM

    "did you hear the story of Cromwell selling his soul to the devil to get military and political success"

    Sounds like the usual slander by his enemies. He was ruthless but personally a very committed Christian. What's the earliest reference to this?

  189. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Christine, I apologise for speaking a little too high-brow for you. I did try and grade my language so that even somebody who dropped out of high school could understand me but my simple points, aiming for harmony with those of anon 12:23-25, obviously went right over your head!

    Commisserations. (Oops, there I go again using extra long words, sorry about that.)


  190. Anonymous3:30 PM

    "the vector and quaternion were about two different things, one that treats potential as a REALITY and one that doesn't (no it is NOT the same as voltage..."

    You can formulate either the field version of Maxwell's equations or the potential version using either Clifford algebra (of which quaternions are an example) or vector calculus. No testable predictions differ between any of the four resulting sets of equations, so whether potential is real cannot be decided like that, and we presently know of no way of doing so. Moreover, voltage is exactly the same thing as electrostatic potential - you measure potential difference in volts. Here you are simply wrong.


  191. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Christine, it's time you put the garbage back in the dumpster rather than inking it all over Constance's blog. The stench of your comments is simply nauseating.

    Reading your rubbish, one can only conclude that you must've eaten a discarded burger laden with BSE!


  192. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The Sufis in Islam have an easier time with homosexuality and we know they are favoured by the New Age. That being said, even my very liberal friends have been shocked by the UN's sexual right movement or Yogakarta principles. They argue that this is just leftist lunacy, that will be not be applied.

  193. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I see frank and physic dude and an anon ... all like raw speech. We need to all recall that we will all be judged for EVERY word. Must be getting near 'closing time' ... as many hearts are being judged and laid bare for all to see ... but still time to repent ... but maybe not much, for so very hard hardened hearts.


    apropos of Constance's post a lot of articles here on surveillance and other stuff

  195. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Col 4:6 re. gracious speech and why ...
    Eph 4:32 re. tender-hearted and why ...

  196. Aquarian News9:54 PM

    Anonymous poster at 7:15

    What is raw speech? What does that mean? I don't know what that is. Please explain.

  197. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Anon@7.13pm, I am one of those whom you accuse of having a hard heart although you have no personal knowledge of me. May I remind *you* not to judge? Perhaps you could discuss this with the Anon who described me as remaining "wonderfully calm" under the goading of another here.

  198. "by their fruits you shall know them" and "out of the abundance of a man's heart his mouth speaketh," so one doesn't have to know someone that much in person when they chatter at lot in print. what is coming out says something about them. in this case the hard heart would be stubbornness and unwilling to investigate and unless you are speed reading unwilling to examine the materials at the links.

    The others accused are more overtly "raw speakers" such as the one who likes to fling the word "stench" around and other such remarks. One of these I suspect to be a troll, since that anon doesn't directly attack Constance but goes after anyone who is pursuing the same kind of research she did before she got wrapped up in EU politics.

  199. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Good grief Christine, you explain your methods only too well in your last post. You know nothing about the anonymous people who post here, yet you postulate so much about them as fact. It's probably how you look at websites and report on them....through Christine glasses.

    You do manage to make yourself the center of attention on this blog. It's probably the only skill you have.

  200. you seem to do a real good job of making yourself central too, and not in terms of information just insult.

    I postulated nothing but WHAT THEIR WORDS WERE.

    I DO NOT NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SOMEONE TO KNOW WHAT THEY WROTE. And you can have one person playing several anons, and it still shows what was written.

    I already gave two Bible quotes supporting that. Did you recognize them?
