
Monday, March 05, 2012


Since Herb Peter's death in 2007, I have been broadcasting twice weekly with Joe McNeil and his THEMICROEFFECT.COM network.  There are obviously other network personalities with which I have had issues and extreme disagreements.  Some of the other broadcasters are clearly New Agers.  All the more reason my voice and perspective are needed for this batch of listeners!

 Nevertheless, Joe McNeil believes in freedom of speech and has given me a voice and outlet, even finding me a sponsor (THE FREEZE DRY GUY) which I needed as I lack financial resources to afford this on my own and have been reluctant to beg as it would diminish my message.

Due to contractual and service disputes, Joe was temporarily the air.  He needs your help to work things out and I am working with him on the legal issues to help resolve them.  He is now back on, but help is needed.

In terms of ratings, although Joe has been virtually been a one-man band, his ratings on TalkStreamLive radio have been remarkably high.  We often ran between number 4 and number 12 on internet wide rankings on talk shows.  Michael Savage, Mr. Levin and the others were often on many simultaneous stations.  Nevertheless, it has been an important outlet for me and one that is needed.

If you can see it in your heart to offer help to Joe McNeil and his struggling family on this factor, you can send your contributions to him at Joe McNeil...P.O. box 164...Kamiah, ID, 83536

Thanks, and God bless you!



  1. P.S. The "text enhance" feature here is clearly a distraction. Unless I post "click here" ignore the sneak advertisements!


  2. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "Stratfor's assessment of the European financial crisis is that it is political in nature, not economic. The European financial condition will deteriorate, and the disparity of social and economic conditions among EU member states will combine with a (perceived or actual) loss of national sovereignty, aggravating nationalist sentiment, bringing more radical ideologies to the mainstream and ultimately leading to a fundamental break in the system brought about by political, not economic, differences."

    * * *


  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    P.S. Have a nice day.

  4. Anonymous2:00 PM


    Re: "Due to contractual and service disputes, Joe was temporarily the air."

    Did you mean to say that Joe is temporarily OFF the air?

    Please clarify. Thanks.

  5. Joe is back on the air, but the finances are difficult with him and his large family. He has ran it very effectively on a shoestring and needs help.

  6. Marko5:12 PM


    1. Did you change some settings on the blog, or has Blogger done something that makes things look different and/or not work anymore? (Like the collapse/expand comments link)

    2. Is your book getting close to a publication date, or is that hush-hush info? ;^)


    I think the whole Occupy movement is going to get a big boost in the arm from Andrew Breitbart's death, and the increasingly-successful attacks on conservative media, including previously-unassailable people like Rush Limbaugh. We are now entering the 'next level" if you want to call it that, of intensity re the attack on our rights to free speech and other basic rights.

    It is no longer ironic, but maddening, that the Left, who screams constantly about censorship and free speech, is doing whatever it can to silence its critics, and in Breitbart's case (in my opinion) that goes even so far as murder.

    Things are ramping up. Civility is disappearing. Get ready for open persecution from the Left, the New Agers, the radicals, and all others who show disdain for everything good and right and true.

  7. Dear Friends,

    The discussions i find on this blogsite are interesting - usually - and helpful - usually. I've posted here once before as "anonymous".

    My concern for some time has been that the greatest threat to our freedom in Christ Jesus is more subtle than mentioned anywhere on or off the internet. This threat manifests itself in problems found in the church universally. Can't we say that the world has changed the churches - all of them - to varying degrees to be sure - more than the churches have changed the world in recent decades?

    Our Christian doctrine has gradually become less and less biblical to the point that we do not stand out in our society as shining lights any more than a "good" Buddhist or even an agnostic or do-gooder atheist ( of whom there are a few, at least). Why is this??

    The answer is found, I believe, in "gradualism". Because of diluted doctrine "Christians" are smug about their salvation and are willing to look at acceptance of Jesus our Savior as the same thing
    as believing in Him and His miraculous power to change us. Thus they are satisfied with their present state.

    Christians need to question themselves about whether they really believe in miracles and the resurrection of Jesus. We know that His resurrection is questioned now by an unknown number of people.

    But also review 2 Thessalonians 2. The world's greatest con artists are soon to appear. Are we really spiritually ready for them and their miracles? Even the very elect ( Mat 24) could be fooled if it were possible.

    I'm very concerned that if we are not truly converted our fear of not being able to buy or sell will cause many to give in to the great temptation soon coming.

    There is a lot to review and discuss either here or elsewhere. I am not involved with Christian forums very much and wonder if free speech is always allowed since i see little questioning of the commonly accepted doctrines that need clarification. (This could be just due to the widespread acceptance of modern teaching, too)

    What are your thoughts?

  8. Anonymous12:33 AM

    To Phil @ 10:43 PM:

    Yes, I do agree with you.

    The mega-churches especially seem to have 'watered down' their message to avoid offending people...often afraid to mention sin and remind everyone that there are consequences for their actions.

    Since the New Age Movement has infiltrated ALL of the churches, those of us who were raised in the traditional church just need to pray for the strength to remain unwavering in what we KNOW to be right and true....and refuse to be influenced or swayed by what is happening all around us.

  9. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Phil: I posted a reply to your question on the previous thread, since you repeated the question there - Physicist

  10. "aggravating nationalist sentiment, bringing more radical ideologies to the mainstream and ultimately leading to a fundamental break in the system brought about by political, not economic, differences."

    This makes total sense. If you go through Dave Emory's information from years ago, the German political system has always been connected to the Nazis, the respectable type, and denazification was never pursued as seriously as it should have been. The argument was keep these people on, they know how to do things they are used to doing. The real reason, was the prewar and so forth connections across the Big Puddle (North Atlantic Ocean) big money and social elites.

    Now, the EU is a peaceful version of the united Europe that was Hitler's dream, but is frankly just the latest version of the old dream of restoring the Pax Romana that never succeeds.

    It is also something that was proposed by the end of the war Nazis looking to rebuild later.

    So it may be, that this situation is intentionally to bring the nationalist and racist feeling to the top, and then eventually work out an alliance of nationalist and racist european nations.

    The alchemic style and the hegelian dialectic, and the occultic and hegelian secular pragmatic ideas, are both involved in these people's thinking, involves conflict, and also reduction of something to a mess to extract what will be used to build the ultimate goal, in alchemy's case the Philosopher's Stone.

    Ominously enough, the philosopher's stone itself is something that is to transform other things.

  11. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The left twisting Rush Limbaugh? Are you serious? What planet are you on?If Rush wants to stop helping the left, he should shut his big fat mouth. No...wait...encourage him to open up his mouth. Then maybe we can get rid of the ultra-conservative, hate-filled wing-nuts once and for all! Keep on talking, Rush...keep on talking.

  12. "The mega-churches especially seem to have 'watered down' their message to avoid offending people...often afraid to mention sin and remind everyone that there are consequences for their actions."

    there are some preachers speaking out against this. perhaps handing out short lists, without comment on them, of internet links to these people would be a good thing to do at these churches.

  13. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anonymous Message Attack Planned on Olympics 2012 by The Government behind the Government

  14. Susanna6:24 PM

    When I once quipped that people can go and worship their
    sneakers under our Constitution, I was just kidding! LOL

    See post at 5:00 AM and click onto


  15. Anonymous7:58 PM

    1136 anon, it sounds to me like you have a lot of frustration and anger. what could be the cause? and i would be careful about accusing others of being hate-filled. i seem to detect some hate in your post.

  16. I can't speak for all denominations, but I know there are huge problems within Methodism, huge problems within the charismatics, the Catholic Church is experiencing it's share of problems, and many others are as well.

    I have a very close relationship with my pastor, which I am blessed with. He and I often talk about the sad state of the church as a whole. We both drive 30 miles to a small country church where, while far from perfect, is itself departing from a large denomination. There are some more here and there around my area of the country, but they are getting farther between.

    Find people who share your adherence to the faith and you will find a church. A lot of times it's dishevelling to see that the most solid places of faith, rarely look like the ideal place in ones head.

  17. URGENT

    I've been reading this blog since 2008 and have commented both as YesNaSpanishTown and simply "Anonymous". Today I received an email of this YouTube video. You may be aware of who Joseph Kony and "Invisible Children" are. I have a friend who is part of the organization.

    One thing that I have learned from Constance's work and my own research is that "Crisis = Opportunity" and it's sister, "Order out of Chaos". God help us! The video below explains a truly evil crisis that will produce a truly more evil "opportunity". I am at a loss as to how to respond to well meaning Christians who don't understand. The issue itself is truly unconscionable. But what these people are doing is playing into the hands of the Evil One.

    As Christians we should have led the way years ago; now it is in the hands of deception. We wrangle about many issues on this blog--ad nauseum. We need to address this one.

    As serious and deceptive as OCCUPY is, this issue tops it in my mind. Yes, of course, Kony is evil. Yes, of course, he must be stopped. Yes, of course, children must be saved. But we must not join the globalist, united "we are one" power and all that will ensue in its wake. God help His people to truly see what this means! The video and the movement is aimed again at young adults who are untaught and unstable. OCCUPY does not attract a conservative crowd. This issue unites and attracts all.

    Your thoughts on this please.

  18. More on Kony 2012

  19. Yesna,

    Could you please email me any relevant info on your topic.

  20. YesNa:

    I saw a couple of people interviewed last night on the PBS Newshour regarding the crusade against Kony, and how it was such a good thing.

    I agree that red flags are popping up all over for me.

    For one, this anti-Kony crusade got started by targeting young girls between the age of 11 and 17 to "get on board" with the protest. This was stated by one of the guests on the show.

    Another thing that bothered me was the implication by Judy Rudruff and her guests as they talked that this kind of groundswell movement could be used in the future to attack all kinds of "undesirables". And isn't it odd that the organization under which Kony operates is called "The Lord's Resistance Army"? Does anyone think that won't be used to paint all Christians as guilty by association?

    Yes, this is as dangerous - and I agree, perhaps even more dangerous - than the Occupy movement. It will fan the flames of Christian persecution even higher.

    I just had a really bad feeling while watching the PBS Newshour segment.

    [Fri, Mar 9]

  21. on Kony, Alex Jones and Griffin Tarpley have pointed out that Kony isn't even operating in Uganda any more, that the opposition forces do the same as his even more so, including raping and murdering, and there are the anglo american elites looking to gain from all this.

    part 1

    part 2

    part 3

  22. YesNa:

    This is very key what you said:

    As Christians we should have led the way years ago; now it is in the hands of deception.

    It is becoming more and more apparent that the enemy has co-opted the mission of the Church in the world and those who discern this now have no logical argument left to convince people that while they are doing good, they are also helping evil.

    Thanks for your commentary YesNa - it "clicked" for me as a great way to describe what we are now up against!

  23. Here's another angle on the Kony thing:

    In this story, SecDef Leon Panetta says essentially that we need to get international permission to perform any military action.

    So....if military action is the preferred method of catching Kony, then we will be using a widely popular cause to submit our national sovereignty to an international body, putting another rather large nail on the lid of the coffin own sovereignty has been buried in.

  24. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I would like to share this page with sermons on it (not too long). It has been given to me by Malcolm Bowden who is a member of this church. He has also a page on the internet that I found very interesting.
    Malcolm Bowden is also on Youtube.

  25. I am typing this from my phone, so linking is a issue. Look at the about section for Invisible Children and check out members and partners. One will find directing members include the likes of Jeremy Rifkin, while partner organizations include a LOT of subsidiaries of World Shift Network. We are getting into the who's who there.

    CNN is giving this organization a lot of time and a huge platform. Definitely worth digging down deep on this one. Thanks for bringing thiis up YesNa

  26. Marko2:09 PM

    This is what is happening to our children, because of this Kony story. From a caller on NPR, where they were discussing this story:

    DONVAN: Thanks for your call, Alison. I just want to - a little bit of time left, Joe in Lansing, Michigan.

    JOE: Yeah. And, you know, to that last point, my only complaint I guess would be just that, is whether they realize it or not, they're targeting a much younger audience than they realized. You know, my daughter's 14 years old, and she's just enthralled with as well all of her friends. They're just all over their phones and calling each other. And so they're actually - whether they realized it or not - getting, you know, money and support from children that really don't understand that by some token this old news. But also, they really don't have an idea of the gravity of the situation itself.

    DONVAN: But, Joe, what about just the part of it that she has become civically awake as a citizen of the world today?....

    Citizen of the World! That's what we all are now, eh? And if I don't like being a citizen of the world, then what?

  27. supposedly being a citizen of the world would eventually make you safe from oppression by national govt. but what if the world govt. is the same damn thing? then no borders to cross to safety.

    It is good for her to know about what goes on in the world, and not take all kinds of safety and things for granted everywhere, not be ignorant or stupid. But world citizen has connotations that fit a bad agenda.

  28. Anonymous3:18 PM

    In reference to your 3/1/12 blog, Constance:

    * * *

    Füle stresses EU commitment to Union for the Mediterranean as key catalyst for projects on the ground


    Europe has a duty and an interest to support the democratic transitions in the Arab world, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle said in speech in Barcelona today, in which he stressed the EU’s commitment to the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) as a catalyst for concrete projects.

    Speaking at a working breakfast organised by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), in the presence of new UfM Secretary General Fatlallah Sijilmassi, Commissioner Füle said Europe - more than any other international actor - must support and engage with these transitions to ensure their success, “not only because it is important and the right thing to do; but also because it is in our own self interest”.

    “Indeed, what happens on the other side of the Mediterranean is not only a strategic issue for Europe; it is a matter that impacts on our societies and our destiny. We have a common fate centred around the Mediterranean Sea.”

    While the EU was delivering on its pledges to the region, the Commissioner warned that significant political and economic challenges remained. He said the process of democratisation would be long, with inevitable setbacks and frustrations:


    The EU was stepping up its engagement with regional organizations such as the Arab League, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the 5+5 or the Arab Maghreb Union, he said, and added: “Among these organisations, the Union for the Mediterranean plays a special role. It is a unique forum where 43 partners can develop common strategies.”


    The recent decision by EU foreign ministers to transfer the UfM’s Northern Co-presidency to the EU “demonstrates our commitment to support the Union for Mediterranean”, he said. “This arrangement will ensure the full complementarity between the ENP and the work of the UfM.


    The Commissioner said the EU would continue its financial support and increased its technical cooperation with the secretariat of the Union for Mediterranean.


    The Commissioner told his audience that the vision for the EU response to the Arab Spring had been laid out last year in two joint Communications of March and May 2011, and he detailed the implementation of the proposals made in these documents, around the so-called ‘3Ms’ – money, mobility and markets.

    For money, he said the EU planned to make available additional grant funds of up to €1 billion for the Neighbourhood as a whole for the period 2011-2013, on top of the €5.7 billion already programmed, (cont'd)

    * * *


    * * *

    Thanks to Rapture Ready news for the link (fwiw, brings to mind pouring money down a hole).

  29. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Particularly note the 6th paragraph, above:

    "The recent decision by EU foreign ministers to transfer the UfM’s Northern Co-presidency to the EU “demonstrates our commitment to support the Union for Mediterranean”, he said. “This arrangement will ensure the full complementarity between the ENP and the work of the UfM."

  30. Anonymous3:58 PM

    With reference to Constance's comment, on 3/1/12 blog.

    * * *

    Constance Cumbey said...

    What this is all about is FRANCE giving up their domain and returning it to the EUROPEAN UNION. It is a relative defeat for Sarkozy and resurrection of the EU and its European Neighbourhood Policy. It specifically references the Barcelona Process which predated the Mediterranean Union one. I wonder where Javier Solana was when this one was crafted?


    4:20 PM

    * * *

    Sarkozy may be going "down," while the Revived Roman Empire (i.e., EU) building continues, via the UfM, ENP, etc.:

    "Nicholas Sarkozy said he will give up politics if he is not re-elected (cont'd)

    * * *


    * * *


  31. Anonymous4:20 PM

    A bit dated, but relevant.

    * * *

    European Poll: Israel Biggest Threat To World Peace

    Results of a new poll commissioned by the European Commission show that Israel is believed by Europeans in 15 countries to be the greatest threat to world peace, greater than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan. (cont'd)

    * * *


    * * *


  32. Ruth of Exeter, UK5:08 PM

    My 14 year-old daughter showed me the Kony film today. I was at first cautiously pleased that she was showing some altruism, though large groups of shiny young people raising their fists in the air and chanting together always makes my hackles rise these days.

    Brian Gerrish, our premier researcher and campaigner in the SW of England recently gave a talk in Penzance (available on You Tube) and was talking about how the Bishop of Exeter is now working with Gramscian Marxists in the political arena. Just as Rick Warren is doing at Saddleback in the US, pushing Agenda 21. His beautiful ancient cathedral played Lennon's 'Imagine' tune on its church bells at New Year.

  33. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Hi Ruth,
    Brian Gerrish from the UK is a very brave man. First time I've seen a reference to him on this blog.
    L from London

  34. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Kony 2012: Wrapping Imperialism in “Activism”

    Youth Movement Promotes US Military Presence in Central Africa

    The platform of social media is being used in unprecedented new ways, one such example is a new online documentary about the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), an extremist rebel group operating in Central Africa.

    The documentary is unprecedented, not for its educational attributes but for its capacity to use visual branding, merchandising and highly potent emotional communication to influence the viewer to support US military operations in resource rich Central Africa under the pretext of capturing the LRA’s commander, Joseph Kony.

    Click on link for so much more:

  35. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Did you notice the day of action for the Kony thing? April 20. Isn't that earth day?

  36. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Oops I was wrong earth day this year is the 22nd.

  37. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Не позваляйте сломать себя, товарищи! Не слушайте лживые СМИ. Они лгут. У нас тоже не говорят правды, Но к счастью осталось ещё поколение жившее в СССР, и от них мы можем узнать правду. Хотелось бы пожелать вам, товарищи, не поддаваться на лож и не терять силы духа. Удачи, товарищи!

  38. Susanna11:58 AM

    Anonymous 10:24 AM

    Oh yeah? You do and you'll clean it up!

  39. Kony 2012--Invisible Children

    From their website:

    Just as the French Revolution saw the Third Estate of government rise up to defend the rights of the common people, the time has come for a new generation to stand up for the rights of the invisible. A new estate founded on the belief that all men and women in the world are created equal, and that Justice for all is not a fantasy. A generation that will fight for justice and peace in the most remote corners of the world.

    In August of 2011, we will come together to map out a new revolution. We will discuss impacting public policy, international justice, our role in global humanitarian efforts, effective fundraising, what it means to be an empathic citizen and other relevant topics that will challenge and inspire you. Our goal is to create an educational program custom tailored to your strengths and interests, get to know our most elite supporters on a personal level, and arm you with new and applicable skills in the arenas of your talents.

    Join us and awaken the powerful leader and advocate that resides inside of you.

    You will say it all started at The Fourth Estate, because it will.

    ...part of the Occupy movement?...

    The Fourth Estate: The power of the press and mob rule

  40. anyone able to translate the Russian post?

    btw there is a bill moving through congress that would demand impeachment for Obama if he doesn't seek congressional approval instead of NATO and/or UN only for the next military adventure.

  41. Our Russian post-er said (via Google Translator):

    Does not allow himself to break down, comrades! Do not listen to false media. They are lying. We also do not tell the truth, but fortunately there are still generations lived in the Soviet Union, and from them we learn the truth. I would like to wish you, comrades, do not succumb to false and do not lose the power of the spirit. Good luck, comrades!

  42. A message to our Russian commrade (via Google Translator):

    Может вы знаете Иисуса Христа, путь Истины и Жизни. Мы верим, что Он умер за грехи наши и воскрес, чтобы освободить нас. Тот, кто Сын, Иисус, делает свободным истинно свободны! Пусть Бог благословит вас по-настоящему.

    May you know Jesus Christ, the Way the Truth and the Life. We believe that He died for our sins and rose again to set us free. Whoever the Son, Jesus, makes free is free indeed! May God truly bless you.

  43. "Do not listen to false media. They are lying. We also do not tell the truth" hilarious, don't listen to their lies listen to our lies.

    There is a certain, er, contradiction if I am not mitaken, between the two translations? I prefer the second, but I have no idea which one is accurate.

    Okay, I ran it through Google translator, the second one is accurate.


    UN's United Religions Initiave

  45. Anonymous11:06 AM


    Can you please disable the "text enhance" feature that you mentioned turning on in the first post?

    I am using "adblock plus" for firefox, and apparently there are ads that now pop up or make themselves visible to people who don't use adblock plus, and now every time I go to refresh the page I get this annoying error that asks "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?...."

    It also might fix the problem of not being able to collapse comments any more.

    Sorry to be a whiner.... I just liked the old functionality better.

    Or maybe blogger changed something?

  46. I would LOVE to disable the "text enhance" feature. I don't recall ever authorizing it.

    Any practical information on how to do it is deeply appreciated.


  47. I would LOVE to disable the "text enhance" feature. I don't recall ever authorizing it.

    Any practical information on how to do it is deeply appreciated.


  48. Yes, Constance does check the blog and read comments, including the sarcastic one that got shunted to spam. I just found it and authorized its release.


  49. April 20th
    April 20th, while not Earth Day is
    a very big day among radicals
    and anarchists and satanists.
    It's Hitler's birthday ! Yeah ! And,
    apparently for that reason, it's the
    anniversary of the Waco, Texas ..., AND the Oklahoma City
    bombing, and, also the Columbine
    CO high school massacre.
    So now it's the Day of Action for
    the Kony thing. That should put it
    in perspective.

  50. That business about getting involved with north africa explains the cozying up to islam and encouraging the flood of moslems into Europe.

    Hitler was favorable to Islam because of its violent inclinations, and said that it would have been a better religion for Aryans than Christianity, I think he said this to the Grand Mufti who visited him, and was the grandfather or grandfatherinlaw or something like that of Yassir Arafat.

    These people tend to treat family traditions a whole lot more seriously than we do. which leads to another subject, which I have to put in a separate post because it takes too long for this one 4,096 character limit.

  51. I keep running into the idea, that the industrial revolution and capitalism etc. destroyed the link between family (or extended family) and trust and so forth, and resigned everyone to the level of cogs in a machine and something to use.

    What this ignores are two things. First, the earlier system treated individuals as cogs in smaller related machines to use, second did not encourage trust or trustworthiness towards outsiders.

    That means, that the attitudes of exploitation that operated in smaller circles, now became both larger and more atomized,
    it did not create these attitudes.

    Otherwise St. Paul would not have had to write so much on the subject of parents treating children right, husbands loving wives as themselves, and so forth, extending the love your neighbor as yourself and do not have double standards based on rank, etc., from interactions between unrelated persons and even strangers, into the family and household itself.

    This is itself a kind of exaltation of individualism within the family, recognition these people are not extensions of yourself like clothing or shoes or tools, to use and abuse at will.

    I am very suspicious of this kind of attitude. The problem was not the providing opportunity and activity and options unrelated to being related to someone or not, but of failure of Christian virtues to get entrenched enough, incl. among bosses, that the negative side of industrialization, capitalism and city life would not happen.

    Currently there is an ex CIA fellow talking open source intelligence which is greater dependence on unclassified sources of information (and teaching people how to do it) and tells some interesting stories about how much money is wasted on standard approaches. Trouble is, this has always been a part of intelligence operations, data mining and connecting dots discovered, within the public and non classified sources of information.

    But the above critiqued attitude is part of his statements when he was supporting Occupy.

    So what's the game? I notice the linked documents on his site incl. the First Earth Battalion stuff, which is not in itself entirely useless, HOWEVER this is presented without caveat of any kind, either specific to it or built into the system presented by the page. And FEB was part of a new agey descent into occultism (parodied in the movie Men Who Stare At Goats, hilarious, a documentary going into the background is Crazy Rulers of The World) by the military who to this day have used dowsing and so forth to help locate what they want. Obviously not that effective.

    In the Church hearings I think it was, it came out that the Remote Viewing efforts didn't really get you any better info than standard means of getting it, and sometimes was flawed. This stuff works, but not that well. The whole thing started because the Russians were supposedly ahead of us in this regard.

    Again, questionable results. One guy got into Beria's office past a guard whose mind he made not notice him, to prove to Beria it could work. Fine. One time, one particular person, hardly something you can use to move an armed group with.

    Then there was the woman who could move a table across her cottage floor, took 45 minutes of straining and sweating and concentrating, not touching it.

    The first thing I thought on reading this (Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain) was that you could move that table farther and faster with less effort using your usual God given physical muscles.

    Anyway, with these connections I got my doubts about Robert Steele (I got the last name correct, I think I got the first name correct) and his agenda.

    of course, the blogosphere and the internet in general can be a powerful force against elites, this forum is an example of this, and some people who are new agey or overly community minded might honestly dislike some of the directions the elites are taking us.

  52. Anonymous3:19 PM


    Hitler was well disposed to Islam simply because of the shared attitude to the Jews. In fact there is evidence that the idea of the final solution reached the Nazis, who hitherto had simply conaidered deporting all of the Reich's Jews east, from Haj Amin the Mufti of Jerusalem, in his meetings with Reinhard Heydrich. Check out Craig Winn's Prophet of Doom website about Islam, and put Heyrich and Amin jointly into the site search facility.

  53. thanks, really interesting article!

  54. I am reading that Prophet of Doom site. Thought occurs to me, that the cozying of elites up to islam is not so surprising, since although most of their lifestyle often led in secret is prohibited by shariah, you need four eyewitnesses to get a conviction on ANYTHING (this is actually against the koran which limits this to accusations of adultery against a woman) and wealth and family has always protected the depraved in islamic countries, also the custom of families falsely testifying to protect accused members, and when their witnesses outnumber the eyewitnesses this is enough to free the perpetrator - and punish the victim, and likely the eyewitnesses as well. Built into islam is a pervert's and other corrupt type's dream.

  55. Phil,

    I’m getting caught up on reading some of the comments here and got yours. You wrote:

    My concern for some time has been that the greatest threat to our freedom in Christ Jesus is more subtle than mentioned anywhere on or off the internet. This threat manifests itself in problems found in the church universally. Can't we say that the world has changed the churches - all of them - to varying degrees to be sure - more than the churches have changed the world in recent decades?

    Our Christian doctrine has gradually become less and less biblical to the point that we do not stand out in our society as shining lights any more than a "good" Buddhist or even an agnostic or do-gooder atheist ( of whom there are a few, at least). Why is this??

    The answer is found, I believe, in "gradualism"…

    This is the Hegelian dialectic at work. If you imagine Christian Truth in the center and those who oppose it on the left, the tactic is to convene a meeting with those in the center with those on the left in order to find a ‘happy medium’. This pushes Truth a bit to the left. Once this is done the process is begun anew ad infinitum so that Truth keeps getting pushed further and further left to the point in which we now have Christianity out in left field.

    This has been the goal of anti-Christian sentiment for some time as specified in the Alice Bailey writings among others.

    I have an article just posted which shows how one popular ‘Christian’ leader, an “apostle” in the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), namely Bill Johnson, is cleverly promoting a different jesus, a different gospel by a different spirit [II Cor 11:1-6, 12-15]:

    He has the audacity to write, “Heresy has become the term used to describe anyone who disagrees with a particular leader, but that is not so. We need to give more grace to those who differ from us. The essential doctrines of the church – the Virgin Birth, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, the Atonement, and the like – qualify as issues we should fight for.”

    Well, I’m fighting and I’m calling his Christology heresy and comparing this with New Age Christology.

  56. Right on Christine
    Your explanation of the Hegelian
    dialectic is very useful and
    I've been having trouble getting
    it across to people that I talk with.
    This description will help me
    make it simple and understandable
    for people, so I intend to use it.
    Thank you !

    Phil I responded to your note on
    the last thread awhile back.

    Thank you for your thoughts.
    They were music to my ears.

  57. paul,

    Are you referring to my comment at 7:54pm re: Hegelian dialectic or did I miss Christine's?

  58. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Hi Constance,

    I don't know if you've seen this Solana Tweet. I think you might find it interesting.

  59. Hegelian dialectic works by thesis, opposed by antithesis out of the struggle of which comes synthesis, which in turn is the new thesis for a new cycle of struggle.

    In the EU thing, thesis would be the EU (itself a synthesis that arose from the struggle of Nazism with the modern west, containing secretly within itself the germ of its opposite the upstart Nazi here we have a touch of the taoist symbol in rotation with a white dot in the dark part and a dark dot in the white part) and the antithesis would be the foreign darkskinned alien elements. The struggle triggered by this presence and the economic collapse facilitating the opposition to it arising, disaffected racist and nationalist groups, would result in the synthesis, of each in their own lands, resurgent Nazism, the aliens sent to north africa itself made more cooperative with the EU and advanced enough to be favorable to the ambitions of those who came to Europe.

    One version of Nazi theory had a world of races doing their race specific things, under the direction of the Aryan, itself run by the highest Aryan element the Nordic.

  60. Anonymous11:33 PM


    This 'gradualism' is similar to the analogy of placing a frog in a large pot of water on top of a stove.

    Initially, the water feels cool and is comfortable for the frog. Then gradually, the water slowly heats up. When the frog finally realizes that the water is now at a full rolling boil, it is too late. He is now a 'cooked' frog.

  61. Anon 11:33 pm:

    The way the 'church' is being deceived is through mysticism. This is why I quoted in my most recent article from the Marilyn Ferguson letter to Constance as Cumbey references in her first book. It's done by this "Christ Consciousness" which is now termed 'contemplative prayer' or 'centering prayer' and they claim it helps bring one close to "god". In reality they are communing with 'familiar spirits', or, demons.

    In hyper-charismaticism this is known as "soaking in His presence" or other such language. Yet it's all the same. Those who really are Holy Spirit indwelt Christians may become oppressed and those unsaved are progressively possessed. This is the specific goal that Alice Bailey sets forth claiming this is how the "kingdom of God" will manifest itself:

    “Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity with peculiar attention to its goal, perfection…man in incarnation, by the indwelling and over-shadowing soul…The relation of the individual soul to all souls should be taught, and with it the long-awaited kingdom of God is simply the appearance of soul-controlled men on earth in everyday life and at all stages of that control…The fact will appear that the Kingdom has always been present but has remained unrecognized, owing to the relatively few people who express, as yet, its quality….” [Bailey, Alice A. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. 1957, Lucis Trust, renewed 1985, 8th printing 1989 (4th paperbook ed.) ; Fort Orange Press, Albany, NY; p 588]

    By and large our (the Christian Church) goose (and frog) is cooked!

  62. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Hi Constance,

    Hmmm. I was looking around on my own Blogger blog, and I don't see any settings that can change what I suggested might need changing. I think Blogger/Google just updated some things, and now they look and work differently than before.

    So nevermind! :^)

  63. Craig !
    Oh , I'm sorry Craig,
    Yes, your comment, not
    Thank you for it.

  64. I make a mistake regarding Craig' post:
    I try to correct my mistake to Craig:
    Christine posts a similar comment as
    Craig, and I feel I need to correct my
    Synthesis ?

    Oh well.

  65. paul,

    It seems I usually have a knack for complicating things rather than simplifying; so, consider my comment on the Hegelian dialectic an anomaly. Given my proclivity, I can easily see how my unusually simple and clear statement could be attributed to someone else...

  66. Anonymous8:57 PM


    We are bodily persons. It's through our bodies that we interact with the world around us.

    Our bodies are not external to our being, they are not foreign places we occupy or shells that we have to get rid off.

    Christians need to reclaim that Jesus Christ came in the flesh as the incarnate son of God, made man.

    Christ consciousness, denies the incarnation and God made man.

    Christians need an embodied response to New Age ideas.

  67. "We are bodily persons. It's through our bodies that we interact with the world around us.

    Our bodies are not external to our being, they are not foreign places we occupy or shells that we have to get rid off.

    Christians need to reclaim that Jesus Christ came in the flesh as the incarnate son of God, made man.

    Christ consciousness, denies the incarnation and God made man.

    Christians need an embodied response to New Age ideas."

    YES! the New Age can be analyzed as a resurgence of the old gnostic heresy, which in all its variants agreed that the physical world is evil, and the most high God had nothing to do with its creation, and usually posited Jesus as coming to save us from physical reality and as not being fully physical Himself. Other heresies denied His divinity.

  68. Anon 8:57:

    I agree with you. See my current post on my blog (just click on my name and you'll get there).

  69. physicist, I want no conversation on this off topic matter, just a URL. where did that guy repudiate the idea that Port Chicago was atomic and why and how did he account for evidence he relates that points to a nuclear sneak test? do NOT answer this with words, just URLs. I do not want to bog the blog down again.

  70. Anonymous5:58 PM


    This is the Physicist. Incidentally my last (anon) contribution to the present thread was to recommend you Craig Winn's website for links between Islam and the Nazis.

    On the previous thread I made two scientific contributions outlining why the Port Chicago explosion of 1944 could not have been a nuke. The champion of the nuke claim was one Peter Vogel, and the Wikipedia article on the explosion has a paragraph stating that Vogel retracted in 2005 after 25 years:

    The reference cited is apparently to p178 of Robert Allen's book on the labour problems among the (black) munitions ship loaders, which dominates the references quoted on this URL.

  71. Can anyone tell me what,
    if anything is wrong with
    The Jehovah's Witnesses
    doctrine ?

  72. Anonymous11:12 AM


    The Jehovah's Witnesses don't, ultimately, believe that Jesus of Nazareth was divine in the same sense as the universal Creator, Jehovah.

  73. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Whose Sovereignty?

    Javier Solana


    MADRID – Despite the huge sums expended to write down Greece’s foreign debt, there has been an outcry of censure against “interference” with the country’s national sovereignty. True, in exchange for considerable European aid, Greece’s ability to maneuver independently will be limited. But are complaints that Greek sovereignty has been severely impaired justified?


    Indeed, the dynamics of interdependence have become well established – so much so that they cannot be reversed. To adhere to a narrow Westphalian concept of sovereignty in this world is an unwise anachronism at best, and a dangerous gamble at worst.

    The poet Jose Angel Valente might call this a desire “…to wait for History to wind the clocks and return us to the time in which we would wish everything could start.” But, in the prosaic world of the here and now, the concept of sovereignty has already moved on.

    * * *

    Thanks to anonymous comment at:

    for link.

    * * *


  74. Do the Jehovah's Witnesses deny
    that Jesus is the Christ ?
    Do they deny that he is the Son
    of the living God ?

  75. Anonymous1:58 PM


    Jehovah's Witnesses affirm that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah but deny that the Messiah had to be divine. They happily say that he is the (or a) son of God but deny that he is "God the son".

    They are well trained in finding implausible ambiguities in the scriptures that regular Christians would use as proof-texts. But I have not found that they have any answer to Isaiah 9:6 which states that a child will be born who is mighty God (NB in an Israelite context that can only mean the Creator), or to Thomas' cry addressed to Jesus, "My Lord and God!" (John 20:28) which Jesus accepted - He would not have done so if it were false.

    So if they believe Jesus isn't divine, who is he? It is worth asking them that for yourself, but you will ultimately get the answer that he is the most senior angel who remained loyal when Satan rebelled.

  76. Hmmm.
    Thanks Anon.
    One last question;
    Have the J.W's amended or altered
    any of their positions over the years ?
    It seems to me that they've
    recently backed off a bit of some of
    the things that they used to be
    dogmatic about.
    This booklet I have says that he
    he is indeed the "only begotten Son
    of God" _ That he is the "firstborn
    of all creation" that Jesus is the "only
    one directly created by God, whom God
    used when He created everything else",
    _ all of which I have no qualms with.

    _ I think I'm going to take the Jehovah's
    Witnesses off my own personal list of

  77. Anonymous2:57 PM


    To my knowledge they haven't changed their core doctrines recently, but all the time they get more subtle in blurring the very real differences between themselves and Christians who believe Jesus is divine in the same sense as Jehovah the Creator. It is very much worth asking them the key questions, because they won't make the differences clear on the doorstep.

    I believe that Jesus was fully God (in the Jehovah-sense) and fully human. From very early on the church had to contend with people who believed that he was divine but not fully human, and others who believed he was fully human but not quite divine. The latter belief is the spiritual ancestry of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

  78. Sorry, lately it's been "my life in court" -- Unfortunately, I'm one of the best attorneys and worst business person you ever met, so there's little money to show for it, BUT, ir's kept me off the streets, off the radio for last night.

    The "Occupy Movement" is going into full Spring throttle and here's a snippet from one of their upcoming events. Sounds very "New Age" to this seasoned observer!

    Saturday, March 17, 1:00pm Silent Procession
    American Spring - Sowing the Seeds of Change
    March from Liberty Square to Hunger Memorial
    A Call to Action on our six month anniversary: Laying to rest hunger and greed, welcoming a new season, celebrating our resilience and determination. Join a silent procession to bury hunger, greed and grief, of ritual burial and re-birth. Speakers will address issues of food sustainability, housing, health care, and the economy.

    Saturday, March 17, 2:00pm


  79. Paul,

    Jesus Christ was created by God? "First born of creation" in the Scriptures refers to "first born from the dead" meaning the first raised to eternal life as only Jesus was.

    "Only begotten" implies His uniqueness in His divinity--fully God--fully human. See Hebrews 1 and 5

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe this. They haven't changed. They are still on my "Cult" list.

    There are several websites that explain what JW's believe and how they are not Biblical. Here's one:

  80. Anonymous5:22 PM


    This is the same Anon who has answered your immediately preceding questions about the JWs. "Only begotten son of God" (John 3:16) means Jesus is of the same sort of being as God, just as I am the same sort of being as my late father who begat me, ie I am a human like he was. So Jesus is divine like his Father. "Only one directly created by God, whom God used when He created everything else" - where is that in the Bible? "Firstborn of all creation" (Col 1:15) - here the JWs argue that firstborn must mean 'first created' but the word could equally well be a reference to eternity rather than clock time, and to the eternal nature of Jesus' sonship before (proto) all creation. If this sounds a bit forced, have a look at the large number of verses suggesting Jesus' divinity which the JWs torture in far worse ways and decide for yourself. Moreover, Paul immediately goes on to say that "By him all things were created" which makes no sense if Jesus were created. To try to get it to make sense to them, the JWs put the word 'other' into this verse, ie "all other things were created" but there is no equivalent word in Paul's original Greek.

  81. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Anti-Occupy Law Passed By Congress Unanimously

  82. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anti-Occupy Law Passed By Congress Unanimously

    5:26 PM

  83. Anonymous8:03 PM

    More JW talk- If I remember correctly, they also teach the Holy Spirit is not a Person, but a thing, God's active force.

    Meanwhile, and this has nothing to do with the above, I am reading a free book at Smashwords called Will Christ ever come back? So far so good....

  84. Anonymous9:16 PM

    The Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Deny the Godhead of the Holy Spirit.

    Deny the Godhead of Jesus Christ.

    Deny the existence hell as a place for the wicked at judgement. The JW doctrine teaches the unrepentant soul becomes nothing after judgement.

    Deny heaven as a dwelling place for believers (except for the 144,000 who earn their way in).

    My grandparents on both my mother's and father's side were JWs.

  85. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Google Partners With The NSA

    The Justice Department is defending the government's refusal to discuss”or even acknowledge the existence of”any cooperative research and development agreement between Google and the National Security Agency.

    The Washington based advocacy group Electronic Privacy Information Center sued in federal district court here to obtain documents about any such agreement between the Internet search giant and the security agency.

    The NSA responded to the suit with a so-called "Glomar" response in which the agency said it could neither confirm nor deny whether any responsive records exist. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in Washington sided with the government last July.

    A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is scheduled to hear the dispute March 20.

    EPIC filed a Freedom of Information Act request in early 2010, noting media reports at the time that the NSA and Google had agreed to a partnership following the cyber attacks in China that year against Google. — Legal Times

    Dave in CA

  86. Anonymous9:35 PM

    It's been a long time since I've thought about the JWs. I recall my grandparents never read the Bible without having a Watchtower study guide which told them how to interpret the scriptures. I recall the Bible the JW used altered John 1:1 to read something like "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god".

  87. Dave in Ca,

    This is a slope google and the feds have been on for some time. Search the net for "google" and "In-Q-Tel"(IQT), then look at what other social media has business interests with In-Q-Tel.A simple search on IQT will give you the companies express purpose.

    My point being, that a most amateurs with a search function can find enough info to see these outlets are working directly with intelligence and National Security. Interesting to see someone take it to court, but it could take a eternity of back and forth before the feds release anything, and then it will only be a fraction of info,

  88. So the JW's believe:
    _That Jesus is the Son of God.
    _That Jesus is the Christ / Messiah.
    _That there is no other name under
    heaven whereby we might be saved,
    _ but I'm supposed to think of
    them as a cult and not Christian ?
    What's wrong here ?

    It seems to me that when the
    disciples asked Jesus how to pray,
    that he began with: Our Father, who
    art in heaven...
    and it seems to me that the key
    scripture to the Jews was always:
    "Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God,
    the Lord He is one God." That's
    pretty important.
    And it seems to me that the most
    quoted New Testament book on the
    subject, by both mainstream Protestants
    and Jehovah's Witnesses is Colossians,
    which begins, v3 with Always we give
    thanks to God the Father of our Lord
    Jesus Christ...
    and, v15) He is the image of the
    invisible God and the first born of
    every creature,
    16) and through him were created
    all things that are in heaven and on
    earth, visible and invisible; whether
    imperial thrones or lordships or
    angelic orders, or dominions, all
    things were in his hand and were
    created by him...
    _v20) and by his hand to reconcile
    everything to himself..
    ch.2v9) For in him is embodied all
    the fullness of the Godhead.

    These and countless other verses;
    particularly the words of Jesus
    in his prayer for the believers on the
    night before he was crucified, all
    show a Messiah who is in obedience
    to the Father, "ONE WITH" the Father,
    "I am in him and He is in me",

    All of which says to me that Jesus
    is the very first thing that God the
    Father created; His Word.
    John 17:3 says
    And this is life eternal, that they
    might know thee that thou art the only
    true God, even the one who sent
    Jesus Christ.
    v5) So now, O my Father, glorify me
    with thee, with the same glory which
    I had with thee before the world was

    If there's something I'm wary of
    regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses,
    it's the same thing I'm wary of
    concerning Roman Catholics and
    really anyone else who puts their
    denomination ahead of the true faith
    which supersedes all denominations.
    That's just pride.
    I don't really understand the fullness
    of the Godhead. Who does ?
    And I don't truly understand how
    God is going to judge all mankind;
    how long it will take or exactly who
    will remain flesh and blood and who
    will be in that resurrected body that
    Jesus is the firstfruits of.
    There's a lot that I don't really
    Revelations 10 says that time will
    come to an end during the days that
    the seventh angel sounds. What ?
    It also says that the mystery of God will
    end there as well...huh?

    Oh I'm taking the JW's off that list
    where I have Mormons and Christian
    Scientists and Scientologists.

  89. Anonymous6:46 PM


    Nobody is trying to take away your freedom to categorise the JWs as you wish. But you ask a specific question, as follows:

    "the JW's believe:
    _That Jesus is the Son of God.
    _That Jesus is the Christ / Messiah.
    _That there is no other name under
    heaven whereby we might be saved,
    _ but I'm supposed to think of
    them as... not Christian ?
    What's wrong here ?"

    The answer is that they don't believe He is divine.

  90. Anonymous8:17 PM

    No way I'd put money into a network that allows anti-semitism. sorry Connie.

  91. Anonymous6:15 PM

    That network is a virtual New Age haven and makes plenty of %%%% from selling out to them. And I agree with Poster above on anti-
    semitism which also generates %%%% as well and no way I'd put money into a network like that eiter. I too am sorry Connie.

  92. Anonymous11:16 AM

    2012 Olympic Medal Illuminati symbolism .Shows Rapture,WW3. Beheadings.Tribulation.
