
Thursday, October 13, 2011



This is the "Transitional Law Enforcement Project" contracted with the NOETIC CORPORATION by the United States Department of Defense.    QUERY:  IF THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE SHOWING PUBLICLY, WHAT DOES THE 'CLASSIFIED' MATERIAL LOOK LIKE?  I shudder to think!

Appreciate your inputs and your own research on this one, especially as the obvious world wide New Age Revolution advances via events such as "Arab Spring," "OccupyWallStreet" and the like.  As regards the "Noetic Corporation," fascinating occult choice of names!  An accident?  I doubt it!

By the way, make sure your archive the material.  The New Agers have a way of using "disappearing ink."

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Deeply creepy. Well found Constance. Re 'international law', there is of course no such thing as international criminal law, only international treaties. The phrase is a contradiction in terms, for law is enforced within national boundaries. Even in the EU the Belgian police cannot charge across the French border in hot pursuit.

    God divided us at Babel into nations - via languages - for our own good. We undo that division at our peril. In a world poppulated by fallen people, wars fuelled by nationalism are less worse than a world dictatorship, as we shall someday discover. Meanwhile, it is perfectly possible for nations, like individuals, to be friends without getting into bed with each other.

    Another myth used to foster Internationalism is universal human rights. In fact you don't want the same laws across different cultures. Even legal systems are provisional - you can see this in Mosaic Law, where God permits divorce and most subsequent remarriages in ancient Israel (Deut 24) but Jesus says that the practice is adulterous (Mark 10). Had God prohibited it, He knew that the people would have simply shacked up together after a divorce, and the nation would have been in a worse situation. The USA has learned painfully that you can't run a culture like that in Iraq with the same constitution as the USA. For laws to work, there needs to be a broad consensus. God permitted the people of Israel to vote by acclamiation on whether or not to accept His proposed constitution for ancient Israel.

    We are meant to treat each other well, but it is mistaken to argue that the reason is because of each other's 'human rights'. How come we supposedly have those rights? God does not grant such rights anywhere in the Bible, and secular philosophers have never come up with any coherent answer. Rather we have CIVIL rights, granted us by whichever State we are part of. A simple demonstration of the impossibility of universal human rights is that freedom is held to be a human right, yet if you commit a serious enough crime then you lose your freedom (in jail) although you don't stop being human. With civil rights there is no such contradiction - the State granted them, the State withdraws your right to freedom until you have served your time.

    Incidnetally the main beneficiary of the Arab Spring in Egypt is proving to be Islam, not New Age/humanism. On Sunday the armed forces of the Egyptian State for the first time fired on a peaceful demonstration by Coptic Christians protesting about the burning of their churches by Islamic extremists. Some fear that a new genocide is imminent.

  2. to Anonymous, while God didn't exactly define human rights, the very statement you make that we are to treat each other well, does admit to a certain kind of human rights concept. God did specify to Noah that humans shouldn't kill each other, and that who murders must die, and as time wears on and people get more clever at ways of being nasty without murder more detail has to be drawn.

    It is true that rights are defined and granted by states, but there is an overarching rule God gave about not oppressing, not doing evil just because it is the power of your hand to do so, not abusing spouses or children, and warning of vengeance even for the stranger and alien in Israel who calls to YHWH because of being oppressed by His people, in which case God would act against His people.

    The theory presented in the Declaration of Independence is that some rights exist, inalienable that is not properly takeable, and NOT even properly to be given or sold away, that the state should recognize and enforce. This formal and God based theory is absent in the Constitution however. Probably because the Declaration was written to appeal to legislators in England and masses at home and abroad who were religiously (spec. Christian) oriented, while the Constitution was framed by mostly deists and masons who were nominal Christians.

    The big debate about the Christianity or lack thereof of the founding fathers, is because the distinction between actual and nominal Christian is not recognized by many, and nominals can easily be clergy (incl. in liturgical forms of Christianity such as RC and Anglican and Eastern Orthodox), and even when masonic membership and deistic thinking exist, some midrange degree of more than nominal but compromised Christianity can exist. The broad overlap between socially useful and God oriented as far as morals and law goes, further obscures this.

    International criminal law to a certain extent exists, in the form of extradition treaties, and laws in treaties. And the paper at issue is about law enforcement and so forth in American controlled venues outside the USA borders, by definition international.

    meanwhile, what dubious alliances are reflected by the name of the company and the choosing of it?

    We were divided into nations at Babel, not because we needed to be separate, but because we refused to scatter and repopulate the earth, instead of being local and in the service of some aggressive kind of power seeking elite with an adventurist bent of some sort that seems to involve some challenge against heaven.

    My main complaint about one world government, is that without borders to cross you got nowhere to go if things are mishandled at home, and if the laws at home are bad, the laws next door will be identical.

    Refugees need a place to go.

  3. Anonymous5:48 AM


    This is Anon@4:41AM. I am glad we agree that people should treat each other well, but regarding 'human rights':

    1. You haven't DERIVED the concept of human rights from the agreed fact that people should treat each other well. Saying 'therefore' is not an argument. And I suspect you won't be able to, because...

    2. You haven't refuted my demonstration of the logical incoherence of the concept: someone jailed for a serious crime remains human, so if freedom is a 'human right' then it is wrong to jail them, whereas if it is simply a civil right subject to good behaviour then there is no contradiction.

    "International criminal law to a certain extent exists, in the form of extradition treaties"

    Yes, I said that there are international treaties, so no problem there. I object to calling these 'international [criminal] law'. The designation opens a huge can of worms associated with clashes of differing State laws outside their original State boundaries.

    We were divided at Babel because, as God is explicitly quoted as saying once the Tower was under construction, "nothing [ie, no debauchery] they now plan will be impossible for them" (Gen 11:6). God's response had the effect of scattering them, as originaly intended, but the reason is that stated. This is the horror that will come about under the Antichrist. Keep faith!

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    PA Claims to Jewish Holy Sites

    The Palestinian Authority plans to use membership in the United Nations' UNESCO cultural committee to lay claims to Jewish holy sites. PA Minister of Culture Hamdan Taha said the PA will seek World Heritage status for several sites, beginning with Bethlehem. The PA bid to seek full UNESCO membership has led to conflict as the US warns that by accepting the PA, UNESCO will be putting its US funding at risk.

    See full article at

  5. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Is this America's answer to 'the Arab Spring'?

    The American Autumn

    There is a grassroots protest movement unfolding across America, which includes people from all walks of life, from all age groups, conscious of the need for social change and committed to reversing the tide.

    The grassroots of this movement constitutes a response to the "Wall Street agenda" of financial fraud and manipulation which has served to trigger unemployment and poverty across the land.

    Does this movement constitute in its present form an instrument of meaningful reform and social change in America?

    What is the organizational structure of the movement? Who are its main architects?

    Has the movement or segments within this movement been co-opted?

    This is an important question, which must be addressed by those who are part of the Occupy Wall Street Movement as well as those who, across America, support real democracy.


  6. Anonymous8:51 PM

    It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

    Envisions 'New Economic World Order' no longer dominated by 1 superpower

    A George Soros-funded economist taught a course to the Occupy Wall Street protesters purportedly to help the activists better understand what caused the global financial crisis.

    Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz also recently addressed the so-called social protests rocking Spain.

    Besides accepting funding from the controversial billionaire, Stiglitz has engaged in numerous projects with Soros and sits on the boards of Soros organizations, including one openly seeking to remake the world's economy.

    Stiglitz is a leading proponent of more government regulation of the economy.

    He previously chaired the Commission on Global Financial Issues of Socialists International, the world's largest socialist organization.

    Last year, he gave a lecture titled "A New Economic World Order" in which his presentation called for the world to be "no longer dominated by one 'superpower.'"

    During his teach-in for the Occupy Wall Street protesters last week, Stiglitz declared banks "prey on the poorest Americans."

    "There's a system where we socialize losses and privatize gains," he told the anti-Wall Street protesters. "That's not capitalism, that's not a market economy, that's a distorted economy and if we continue with that we won't succeed in growing, and we won't succeed in creating a just society.

    "One of the things the banks did was to prey on the poorest Americans [through predatory lending]," continued Stiglitz. "We knew about it. There were some people who tried to stop it, but they used their political power, [that is] Wall Street used its political power, to stop those who would stop them."


  7. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Is this America's answer to 'the Arab Spring'?

    The American Autumn

    There is a grassroots protest movement unfolding across America, which includes people from all walks of life, from all age groups, conscious of the need for social change and committed to reversing the tide.

    The grassroots of this movement constitutes a response to the "Wall Street agenda" of financial fraud and manipulation which has served to trigger unemployment and poverty across the land.

    Does this movement constitute in its present form an instrument of meaningful reform and social change in America?

    What is the organizational structure of the movement? Who are its main architects?
    Has the movement or segments within this movement been co-opted?

    This is an important question, which must be addressed by those who are part of the Occupy Wall Street Movement as well as those who, across America, support real democracy.


  8. Anonymous9:04 PM


    My post at 8:56 PM is now missing. It was there one minute and gone the next.

    (It was my second attempt at posting this information.)

  9. OccupyWallStreet is the New Ager's long awaited global revolution. It started with "Arab Spring," but was planned for a very long time to take place. I was interested to see Dennis Kucinich, a New Ager's New Ager come out in strong support of it today. This is what they hoped would happen much earlier, but the "social networking" has now progressed to the point where it is feasible. Reuters had an article on line yesterday about how George Soros' money was funding at least parts of it.


  10. Interesting: Says "9 comments," but in another place says "11 comments." I have deleted only one as "spam," and that was one that led to a London call girl operation.


  11. Well, playing "Devil's Advocate," Stiglitz was probably right about the "predatory lending" and at usurious rates at that. I witnessed plenty of it among my clientele who lost their homes to predatory lending practices.


  12. The 8:56 post is here if it is the one about "The American Autumn."


  13. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Thanks, Constance.

    Yes, I do see that my 8:56 PM post re: "The American Autumn" is there now. However, it was missing for awhile last night.

  14. May God deliver us from the "American Fall" (pun intended).

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Guess who REALLY planned the Occupy Wall Sreet Millionaire March?

    They're calling themselves 99 New York. It's a master organization of many New York progressive advocacy groups that have been working with Occupy Wall Street (talking to their General

    Assembly) since its early days.

    The Millionaires March a kick-off to the fight against the expiration of New York's millionaire's tax took a tour around Manhattan's ritzy Upper East Side..."New York's wealthiest continue to enjoy unparalleled luxuries while working people and families across our state are struggling day in and day out just to make ends meet...the inequality must stop," said Camille Rivera, Executive Director of UnitedNY
    So from there you can see that this is just beginning, and get a sense of what they want to achieve. They're also pushing to restore state and city budget cuts and create jobs.

    Now here's who they are specifically:

    The Working Families Party
    New York Communities for Change
    Strong Economy For All Coalition
    Community Voices Heard

    Those are some pretty established New York groups that span across the state, and they have some powerful people behind them. One of those people is Doug Forand, the head of Red Horse Strategies.
    Red Horse is a political consulting group that counts Governor Cuomo and Carolyn Maloney among its clients not Occupy Wall Street protesters, to say the very least.

    For more...

  16. occupytheworld7:59 PM about the Koch brothers' hand in the Tea Party that threatens the liberty of everyone? You're so focused on Soros, but both Koch bros. together have way more money. But, of course all of you have been brainwashed by Fox News or even worse...Glen Beck.

    Let's do away with the EPA and FDA so we can all be sickened and poisoned even more by what the evil corporate world puts in our environment and what they do to our food. We want more listeria in more than just cantaloupe. And, let's have more outbreaks of e-coli and salmonella. Mmm...I want my food to shut down my kidneys. By the way, those of you who live near Lake Erie...don't go in it!

  17. occupytheworld8:03 PM

    Here's an idea to put an end to Occupy Wall Street...give these mainly young people a future with job security.

    "Do you hear the people sing,
    Singing the song of angry men,
    It is the music of a people
    who will not be slaves again..."

  18. Anonymous10:30 PM

    To: Occupytheworld

    Let's see, the 'occupy' crowd hates big businesses and small businesses that are financially stable, or even prosperous...hmmm......who is there to employ 'the masses? And you want stable jobs, too? It can't be the government because they're broke! Moreover, many of today's young people don't choose careers or fields that require much hard work or sacrifice, whether it be mental or physical. Everyone wants a check, but more and more are less than willing to do anything to obtain it, other than hold out their hand and expect it.
    If you expect me to pay for lazy, able-bodied youth, then why shouldn't I expect you to pay for my expenses?

    I can only imagine the future whereby the 'occupy'
    crowd looks back at age 30 or 40 (their golden years) and reminisces about how they added to the great annals of human history. Oh how they will marvel!' Many will boast of their years 'worked' or should I say 'Labored' in fields like Professional Protesters, Professional Polling Thugs, Professional Stoolpigeons, or as Professional Spies for the Anti-Christ. But their glory is as dark as the wine they must ingest to look at themselves in the mirror!


  19. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Am I the only one who sees this Occupy Wall Street movement as a transparent 'crisis equals opportunity' for the eventual establishment of Martial Law and ushering in of the New World Order?

  20. Anonymous11:51 PM

    To: Anon. 11:02 p.m.

    I think you're on target!!

    Only time will tell, but didn't that site
    talk about having food and water on hand?
    If martial law is the objective of some, it would be difficult on many of us who like to eat fresher fruits, meats, and veggies. Or those who drink bottled water over tap because of older plumbing systems in their homes. Canned foods while great for storms or camping just don't compare. However, when faced with possible civil disobedience charges or other trumped up charges for going to the store during off peak hours, than bring those pork and beans on!!


  21. TO: "Occupy the World"

    I have news for you. I was reporting on Maurice Strong, George Soros, and others YEARS before Glen Beck ever did so. I hardly take my information from him. In fact, I have seldom watched him. I once had a call from the producers of THEMIROEFFECT.COM internet radio program that Glen Beck's staff wanted to get in touch with me for information on Maurice Strong. They wanted me to call them. I suggested instead that they have them call me. To the best of my knowledge, I did not hear from them. I also reported on THE FIRST EARTH BATTALION which is what JON RONSON's book THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS is about, a good 20 years before he did.

    Don't assume I get my information from those sources. I do my own independent research and they may just as well have gotten theirs from me.

    ADBUSTERS, OCCUPYWALLSTREET, and the other operations are most definitely NEW AGE operations in every sense of the word. Watch carefully: It is . . . THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT in progress.

    Pass the popcorn and watch the long denied revolution now in ugly progress. The dialectics of THE TEA PARTY and OCCUPY WALL STREET are playing out.

    The theme songs: WE MUST HAVE CHANGE. Problem is that everybody is being convinced the "CHANGE" would / could should inure to their benefit.

    It will be Nazism without Switzerland to flee too -- a worldwide fearsome "global governance" with little room for monotheists when all comes down.


  22. On this listing of New Age / "Alternative Media," Adbusters leads the list (at least alphabetically). The context speaks for itself:

    For greater exposure of your metaphysical, holistic, visionary website,
    please send us your URL, for potential inclusion on our links page... and please link to us as well at Our link page includes exceptional websites that focus on: Activism • Business (Conscious and Holistic) • Children • Consciousness & Human Potential • Directories • Environmental • Healing • Holistic Law • Media (Books, Periodicals, Mass Media) • Meditation • Metaphysical/Spiritual • Music • Peace
    Please note that this page is UNDER DEVELOPMENT

    New Dimensions Radio
    Ukiah, CA
    (707) 468-5215

    Wisdom Network
    Bluefield, WV
    (304) 589-5111 FAX: (304) 589-7252

    Al Jazeera TV
    Alternative Press Index
    Alternative Press Review
    Arabic Sahafa
    Arianna Huffington
    Big Issue
    Buzz Flash
    Clamor magazine
    Common Dreams
    Counter Punch Magazine
    Democracy Now
    Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
    Free Speech
    Global Ecovillage Network
    Grist Magazine
    Guardian Unlimited
    Guerrilla News Network
    Indy Media
    Indy press
    Info Shop
    In These Times
    Media Filter
    Michael Moore
    Middle East Media Research Institute
    Middle East Report
    Mother Jones Magazine
    Nation Magazine
    Our Media Voice: Campaign for Accountability
    Project Censored
    Public Integrity
    PR Watch
    Progressive Magazine
    Progressive Populist
    Project Censored
    Reason On Line
    Robert Fisk
    Toward Freedom
    Utne Reader
    Working For Change
    Z Magazine

    From: or tinyurl

    ADBUSTERS is the origin of OccupyWallStreet (and about everywhere else).


  23. Anonymous3:33 AM

    The Tea Party and the Occupy movement are two sides of the same coin.

    Can you say "Divide and Conquer?"

  24. Amen Constance,
    There is no practical difference
    between Democrats and Republicans
    when it's the ELITE of both camps
    that are pulling the strings. They've
    figured out how to co-opt the
    good intentions of both sides
    to suit their own ends.
    Tea Party or Occupy, it doesn't
    make any difference. They are
    all lemmings running off a
    cliff together.

    Fear the Lord and keep His

  25. Anonymous6:13 PM

    It doesn't really matter who is who and who is doing what. There is a time for everything and now is the time for everything the Bible said would happen to happen.
    It can't be stopped. We should watch in awe and be prepared, not argue about something that has been in the plan since the beginning of time.

  26. Anonymous6:17 PM

    It doesn't matter who is who and who is pulling the strings. We can't change anything or do anything about it. We should be watching in awe and be prepared. The things we are witness to have been in the plans since the beginning of time. Its in The Book and anyone who has read it knows how its going to go down.

  27. Anonymous6:18 PM

    sorry about the double post google is acting googley

  28. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I think you guys are maligning the Tea Party. I don't see it as a flip side of Occupy Wall Street, but rather a desire to trky and return to the US Constitution. (My perception may be flawed, but I think I am closer to the truth then are the accusers. I suppose some of them like Newt, so that may be why they are seen on this blog in a negative light.) The Republican party mainstream tries to maginalize the Tea Party, because, like the Dems, they prefer business as usual, and they apparently don't want the Tea Party to rock the boat.

    PS- occupytheworld seems to fear the EPA being constrained, but if we still had DDT, which has been banned, perhaps the cantaloupe would not be tainted.

  29. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Anyway, let's not get too alarmed. I saw the other day on Farmer's blog, I think, some of JS's tweets and stuff, and some were suggesting (whether toungue-in-cheek or not, I don't know) that he come and help save the euro. The G20 is giving Europe a time when they must get their financial act together, and I think it was only a few days, about a week or so. So, maybe they will decide to ask JS to rescue the EU. Maybe he will get his November surprise early this time.

  30. I'm watching the now obviously worldwide New Age Revolution and am so overwhelmed, it is difficult to encapsulate my emotions into words. There is deep remembrance of what happened in Mexico between 1926 and 1935 when women rushed to burn religious objects. On my tablet computer this morning, I viewed a Virgin Mary statute splintered and lying in the streets. I believe it was Rome and obviously it was taken from a church by "occupying demonstrators."

    It is truly happening now!


  31. Here, in print, in the Italian Press, it is admitted that the demonstrations had been PLANNED FOR MONTHS:

    The protest had been planned carefully for months, and as the scheduled day began, tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of Italians had made their way to Rome from all over the peninsula. In a day of global demonstrations, it looked to be the biggest march in the world in solidarity with the indignado movement in Spain and the Occupy Wall Street protests in the U.S.

    Read more:,8599,2097038,00.html#ixzz1b37YOTFX

  32. Anonymous5:47 PM

    To Anonymous @ 10:03 PM

    No, I don't think your perception is necessarily flawed. Although the INTENTION of the Tea Party demonstrators is to 'return to the U.S.Constitution'....there are powerful forces at work who are USING the Tea Party for their own separate agenda - which is to divide and conquer.

  33. Anonymous5:47 PM

    To Anonymous @ 10:03 PM

    No, I don't think your perception is necessarily flawed. Although the INTENTION of the Tea Party demonstrators is to 'return to the U.S.Constitution'....there are powerful forces at work who are USING the Tea Party for their own separate agenda - which is to divide and conquer.

  34. Anonymous5:48 PM

    To Anonymous @ 10:03 PM

    No, I don't think your perception is necessarily flawed. Although the INTENTION of the Tea Party demonstrators is to 'return to the U.S.Constitution'....there are powerful forces at work who are USING the Tea Party for their own separate agenda - which is to divide and conquer.

  35. Anonymous5:45 AM

    "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you."

    Seditious stuff, eh? It's from the New Testament (James 5).

  36. Anonymous1:57 PM

    No, I don't think your perception is necessarily flawed. Although the INTENTION of the Tea Party demonstrators is to 'return to the U.S.Constitution'....there are powerful forces at work who are USING the Tea Party for their own separate agenda - which is to divide and conquer.

    Anon 5:48

    I agree with you. There are good people with strong moral compasses in both the Tea Party and in the OWS. Many in the latter movement are disgusted by the devastating effects of greed in the United States and wish to return to a time when the common good was prized above individualism.

    So long as people of good will continue to demonize either side at the expense of the other the tactic of divide and conquer will continue to succeed.
