
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


UPDATE TO ALL:  This is what I get for posting late at night without my reading glasses on!  The article which was made known to me in the current blog comments section was itself dated 2009.  I thought it was a 2011 article.  It is bad enough, however, and what is discussed here is still on the table.  I included links to what I thought was the report.  The forthcoming annual report is "under embargo" until September 6, 2011.  It will be interesting to read that.  I have suspected, as Joan Veon did before her death, that what is happening may be a contrivance to justify global governance.  I apologize for any confusion in making people think this JUST came out.



  1. Farmer has an interview with Bat Ye'or showing at his blogspot.


    With leads also to this article quoting Javier Solana:

    Anna I. López Ortega

    The killing of Oslo has raised fears about all the far-right parties in the European Union. First, the Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Union, Cecilia Malmström said - five days after the slaughter, the importance of working with preventive measures to keep people "with extreme ideologies move from words to deeds." Later, Malmström announced that the interior ministers of the Twenty-tested in September, the "radicalization and xenophobia."
    In Spain, the Security Strategy presented by Javier Solana warned last June in just six lines the need to combat any forms of intolerance, racism and xenophobia and promote dialogue with the religious confessions of immigrant populations, especially with Islam.
    The tragedy in Oslo and the island of Utoya can become an exceptional opportunity to raise tolerant and empathetic policy but which is required deep reforms and much more transparency. Or even achieve "more democracy, more openness and humanity" as stated by the head of the Norwegian government, Jens Stoltenberg. In September, the Nordic country held elections and the polls predict that after the tragedy, the Labour Party sweep to consider these facts as a kind of 11-S for Americans, a 7-J for the British or 11-M the Spanish.
    Now the hate speech of the new extreme right in Europe shakes the foundations of the welfare state and its decay by attributing the entire system to the current political class to allow the expansion of Islam and the "practice of multiculturalism ' . Certainly a model that for decades has been the paradigm most appropriate to combine the freedom and equality. However, this time blaming immigrants of abusing "the social services that have cost us so much the real Europeans." This is populist arguments that voters bought in Europe to the French National Front, the FPÖ in Austria, the Vlaams Blok in Belgium and more recently to the True Finns party.
    The 20-N, the citizens of this country have the opportunity conduct a major exercise of responsibility by rejecting the populist and xenophobic options are part of the democratic system.


    I wonder where Javier was when the global money discussions arose?


  2. In case we forgot the links

    Salvador de Madariaga - Rene Wadlow - David Littmann - Bat Ye'or - World Federalists - World Citizens.

    And of course

    Salvador de Madariaga - Javier Solana de Madariaga


  3. This UNCTAD report also



  4. Bjorn's former article on this:

  5. From the Telegraph news article:

    "Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion."

    The author is most likely unaware of what I would consider a larger entity that is strongly pushing and even taking steps to make reality (not merely suggesting) the dropping of the dollar as the world's reserve currency - The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation). This is an economic and *military* bloc of countries that are anti-West and should be considered armed and dangerous. Russia and China are members, along with Iran and a bunch of the "stans" in Central Asia. There are member states and observer states, the total of which is ten.

    They will (not "would" or "might") take full advantage of the chaos that will result from the collapse of the dollar.

    Here's the wiki article about the SCO (interesting logo, eh? Did Obama borrow from it??):

    Jeff Nyquist has written about the coming financial collapse and the ensuing wars from the East. Here's a link to his archived articles...lots of good reading:

    Not everything revolves around the machinations of Europe / Solana. Europe is self-destructing as we watch, and the wolves of barbarism (Eastern empires) are waiting in the wings.

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM


  7. Anonymous11:15 AM

    George Soros sued by ex-girlfriend over New York apartment promise....

    (It will be very interesting to see what happens to HER!!!)

  8. The link provided by THE TELEGRAPH went to the 2009 Report.



  9. Re George Soros,

    It's nice to know he has other things on his mind these days beyond ruining OOOOPS "correcting" the USA as his book FALLIBLE vowed he would do!


  10. Where some of Spain's money is going:

    Thus, among the organizations that were benefiting from the generosity of the Executive are, for example, the Association of Lesbian and Gay Families, which carries a grant of 7,000 euros justified with the assertion that will be used for the "diffusion of legal and social situation "of these families" in Spain and Europe. "

    AND, particularly here:

    Virtually no friend of the association is exempt from the gifts in the Official Gazette published yesterday. CIDOB Foundation, chaired by former Defense Minister and former Deputy Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, Narcis Serra, takes 7,000 euros to develop a project that will discuss "a new strategy for the European Neighbourhood Policy dimension East and the Mediterranean. " This organization has as its honorary president to another historic socialism, the former secretary general of NATO, Javier Solana.




  11. Anonymous11:50 AM

    From the Telegraph:

    UN wants new world currency to replace dollar

    (But....Edmund Conway's report is dated September 7, 2009!!!)

  12. DER SPIEGEL perspective on London riots:

    It is no coincidence that intelligent observers are drawing parallels between the popular uprisings taking place in the Arab spring and the street battles of this London summer. The British teens, with their hooded tops may be the citizens of a functioning democracy which is proud of being the world's oldest. But elections mean nothing to them and will not do anything to change their personal situation. The prospects of these youth in London are as dismal as those of young people in Cairo or Sana'a: They need unemployment benefits, odd jobs, state handouts and perhaps a bit of petty crime to stay afloat. The message to the British underclass couldn't be any clearer: Born poor, you will remain poor and that naturally also applies to your children and grandchildren. Your chances of winning the lottery are greater than breaking out of your class."

    "In no other country in Europe is inequality as cemented in society as in the United Kingdom. Today, as in the past, a person's name, family and place of birth is decisive when it comes to establishing a career. Regardless whether a person is a politician, executive or journalist, they all went to the same schools, studied the same subjects and speak the same refined English they were taught by their parents."

    "The riots are in no way a purely British problem. There is social distress all across Europe, as hard-up countries are forced to scrimp and save. And there are teenagers and 20-somethings all over who will be forced to assume a mountain of debt that has been carelessly accumulated by the postwar generation. They are already being referred to as the Lost Generation. The rioting youth in London are the ugly flip side of this generation. But they all feel lost, regardless of where they are in Europe.",1518,779413,00.html



  13. To Anonymous 11:50

    I noticed that too. The 2011 UNCTAD report is embargoed until September 6. 2011 at 5 p.m.


  14. From the Telegraph news article:

    "Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion."

    The author is most likely unaware of what I would consider a larger entity that is strongly pushing and even taking steps to make reality (not merely suggesting) the dropping of the dollar as the world's reserve currency - The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation). This is an economic and *military* bloc of countries that are anti-West and should be considered armed and dangerous. Russia and China are members, along with Iran and a bunch of the "stans" in Central Asia. There are member states and observer states, the total of which is ten.

    They will (not "would" or "might") take full advantage of the chaos that will result from the collapse of the dollar.

    Here's the wiki article about the SCO (interesting logo, eh? Did Obama borrow from it??):

    Jeff Nyquist has written about the coming financial collapse and the ensuing wars from the East. Here's a link to his archived articles...lots of good reading:

    Not everything revolves around the machinations of Europe / Solana. Europe is self-destructing as we watch, and the wolves of barbarism (Eastern empires) are waiting in the wings.

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    From the Telegraph news article:

    "Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion."

    The author is most likely unaware of what I would consider a larger entity that is strongly pushing and even taking steps to make reality (not merely suggesting) the dropping of the dollar as the world's reserve currency - The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation). This is an economic and *military* bloc of countries that are anti-West and should be considered armed and dangerous. Russia and China are members, along with Iran and a bunch of the "stans" in Central Asia. There are member states and observer states, the total of which is ten.

    They will (not "would" or "might") take full advantage of the chaos that will result from the collapse of the dollar.

    Here's the wiki article about the SCO (interesting logo, eh? Did Obama borrow from it??):

    Jeff Nyquist has written about the coming financial collapse and the ensuing wars from the East. Here's a link to his archived articles...lots of good reading:

    Not everything revolves around the machinations of Europe / Solana. Europe is self-destructing as we watch, and the wolves of barbarism (Eastern empires) are waiting in the wings.

  16. Anonymous1:48 PM


    Re: "The 2011 UNCTAD report is embargoed until September 6, 2011 at 5 p.m."

    Interesting....just 5 days before the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

  17. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    WND Exclusive

    Did Israel just stop 'spectacular' terror attack?

    Sources say it would have devastated both Jewish state and Gaza population

    By Aaron Klein

    TEL AVIV – Israel stopped what would have been a spectacular border terrorist attack planned from inside the Gaza Strip, according to Egyptian security officials.

    The Egyptian officials said there is information the attack Tuesday was aimed at the sole pipeline that supplies Gaza with gas. The pipeline, located at the Israeli town of Nahal Oz, is manned and provided by Israel.

    Israeli security officials would not comment on the matter.

    In a rare incident, on Tuesday all electricity, phone and Internet service was suspending for about 18 hours in the Gaza Strip.

    The blackout was reportedly caused by Israeli military bulldozers operating near the fuel pipeline in the Israeli town of Nahal Oz, which is close to the Gaza Strip.

    At about the same time the electricity went out in Gaza, the Egyptian officials said Israel passed a message for Egypt to be on high alert for possible attacks from inside the Gaza Strip.

    For more...

  18. Marko2:46 PM

    From the Telegraph news article:

    "Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion."

    The author is most likely unaware of what I would consider a larger entity that is strongly pushing and even taking steps to make reality (not merely suggesting) the dropping of the dollar as the world's reserve currency - The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation). This is an economic and *military* bloc of countries that are anti-West and should be considered armed and dangerous. Russia and China are members, along with Iran and a bunch of the "stans" in Central Asia. There are member states and observer states, the total of which is ten.

    They will (not "would" or "might") take full advantage of the chaos that will result from the collapse of the dollar.

    Here's the wiki article about the SCO (interesting logo, eh? Did Obama borrow from it??):

    Jeff Nyquist has written about the coming financial collapse and the ensuing wars from the East. Here's a link to his archived articles...lots of good reading:

    Not everything revolves around the machinations of Europe / Solana. Europe is self-destructing as we watch, and the wolves of barbarism (Eastern empires) are waiting in the wings.

  19. From the Telegraph news article:

    "Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion."

    The author is most likely unaware of what I would consider a larger entity that is strongly pushing and even taking steps to make reality (not merely suggesting) the dropping of the dollar as the world's reserve currency - The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation). This is an economic and *military* bloc of countries that are anti-West and should be considered armed and dangerous. Russia and China are members, along with Iran and a bunch of the "stans" in Central Asia. There are member states and observer states, the total of which is ten.

    They will (not "would" or "might") take full advantage of the chaos that will result from the collapse of the dollar.

    Here's the wiki article about the SCO (interesting logo, eh? Did Obama borrow from it??):

    Jeff Nyquist has written about the coming financial collapse and the ensuing wars from the East. Here's a link to his archived articles...lots of good reading:

    Not everything revolves around the machinations of Europe / Solana. Europe is self-destructing as we watch, and the wolves of barbarism (Eastern empires) are waiting in the wings.

  20. China just launched a military aircraft carrier. Could well be ominous news for all of us:


  21. In the midst of everything else, there was some nice news, at least as I perceive it. The United Arab Emirates donated $500,000 to the residents of Joplin, Missouri so that their students could all replace their laptops lost in the tornado. The NBC report I heard also said that those donating to Joplin for other relief would have their donations matched by the UAE.


  22. Some may dispute the last one, but somehow it reminds me of Jesus story of THE GOOD SAMARITAN.


  23. Here is a link I found on the UAE - Joplin story:

  24. Marko,

    As I recall, you sent me the initial story I read vis a vis the Tunisian and Egyptian riots of "Are we witnessing the start of global revolution" or something to that effect. Following up on that, I discovered the extremely significant Rene Wadlow connections.

    Thanks for all the valuable research you do!


  25. Here is a 2009 "not official" UNCTAD press release about the need for a new global exchange system:


    Geneva, 19 March 2009 - Exchange-rate adjustments cannot be left to the market and must be subject to multilateral oversight, an UNCTAD report on the global financial crisis says. Changes in nominal exchange rates should reflect differences in rates of inflation between trading countries, the study recommends. That way, real exchange rates will be kept constant, allowing fair competition between producers from different countries and preventing potentially damaging speculation.

    The report, titled The Global Economic Crisis: Systemic Failures and Multilateral Remedies (1) , was released today. It was written by economists serving on UNCTAD´s Secretariat Task Force on Systemic Issues and Economic Cooperation in advance of upcoming international conferences on the global economic crisis.


  26. Excerpts UNCTAD published from the full report:


    The report highlights three specific areas in which the global economy experienced systemic failures. While there are many more facets to the crisis, UNCTAD examines here some of those that it considers to be the core areas to be tackled immediately by international economic policy-makers because they can only be addressed through recognition of their multilateral dimensions.

    The report investigates three interrelated issues of importance to developed and developing countries alike, and proposes measures to address the systemic failures they have entailed:

    how the ideology of financial deregulation within and across nations allowed the build-up of pressures whose unwinding has damaged the credibility and functioning of the market-based models that have underpinned financial development throughout the world;

    how the growing role of large-scale financial investors on commodities futures markets has affected commodity price volatility and fed speculative bubbles; and

    the role of widespread currency speculation in exacerbating global imbalances and fuelling the current crisis in the absence of a cooperative international system to manage exchange rate fluctuations to the benefit of all nations.

  27. Link for free .pdf download (hard copy is $22) of full report:


  28. Here is a scholarly paper about transitions from one global reserve currency to another based on the transition from the British sterling pound to the US dollar. It also contains much about the UN discussion that is also contained in that Telegraph article:


  29. This has been out there SINCE 2009 which confirms much of what Joan Veon said to me:

    "Key messages
    UNCTAD’s longstanding call for stronger international monetary and financial
    governance rings true in today’s crisis, which is global and systemic in nature. The crisis
    dynamics reflect failures in national and international financial deregulation, persistent
    global imbalances, absence of an international monetary system and deep
    inconsistencies among global trading, financial and monetary policies.


  30. This is my topic for the radio program tonight due to start in another 8 minutes at


  31. To Marko:

    Your information is vital and important. Re "Europe is self-destructing," however, I have to take the Daniel and Revelation prophecies literally. They clearly prophesied that those nations "would not cleave together," but that they would hand their power eventually to "one man." It would be handed by "The Ten" who would also in the Battle of Armageddon come up against the powers of the Kings of the East which your Shanghai Organisation very well might be, but then again, as I've often said, "your guess is as good as mine."



  32. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Is Rick Perry trying to serve two masters?

    "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24)

    In other words, Rick Perry can not have it both ways: agree to be a 'puppet' of the Bilderberg Group (Obama was their last Presidential choice back in 2008)...and, at the same time, attempt to pass himself off as a Christian.

  33. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I tried to post a comment here but perhaps I am no longer postable. I am horrified by the argument between Constance and Dorothy. It reminds me of my husband's daughter and her whole family calling us names after my husband returned to the Christianity of his youth. We lost our whole family and our friends when we became serious Christians. And Anonymous (one of the Anons) called me a wimpy "warm and fuzzy" person. I gave up about everything which would be a comfort in my old age to become a Christian.


  34. Anon. 7:14,

    Rick Perry is not serving two masters in my opinion.

    I encourage you to read and get acquainted with the NAR and IHOP. Rick Perry is aligning himself with these folks. They are off the charts in their belief system. Very dangerous for all Christians.

    Both of these factions push for coming together as ONE.

  35. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Here is an interesting headline on Drudge-

    MARK OF THE BEAST? Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses...

    This is the article title on Breitbart-

    Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses

  36. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Did Texas Governor Rick Perry's recent August 6th prayer event leadership team include cult members?

    The prayer event I'm speaking of is The Response: a call to prayer for a nation in crisis. The cult Gov. Rick Perry has involved himself with is the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The NAR has dozens of offshoots and an assortment of names such as Dominionists, Latter Rain, Kansas City Prophets, Third Wave, Joel's Army, Manifest(ed) Sons of God, Five-Fold Ministry, to name a few. Another offshoot, and the one I'll deal with here, is the International House of Prayer (IHOP), a splinter group of the Kansas City Prophets. Confusing? You betcha!

    I'm not alone in my view that much of the NAR and IHOP theology and doctrines are unbiblical, most conservative Bible scholars, apologists and pastors agree.

    For more . . .

  37. Mariel, your comments are always welcome. I am deeply saddened, too. I will check the "spam" section to see if google erroneously routed it there.


  38. Hi Mariel,

    I checked the "spam box" and found a couple evidently from Marko that didn't belong there. I didn't find anything that appeared to be from you or others here -- just commercial ones trying to use the spot to steer people to possible scams.


  39. To Anonymous 11:40 re Governor Perry:

    I'm not familiar with the Texas governor, but if he is connected in any way with the IHOP, MSOG, NAR movements, I'm terrified.


  40. The more I've learned about Michele Bachmann, the more I am coming to respect her as an honest and hard working politician. She may not be the greatest historian out there, however.


  41. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Is there a movement gaining traction toward paying for items with our smartphones?

  42. "Global Civil Society" is a plain vanilla wrapper name for "New Age Movement" takeovers. Here is one intellectualized definition:

    For many commentators, global civil society is revolutionizing our approach to global politics, as new non-state-based and border-free expressions of political community challenge territorial sovereignty as the exclusive basis for political community and identity. This challenge 'from below' to the nation-state system is increasingly seen as promising nothing less than a reconstruction, or a re-imagination, of world politics itself. Whether in terms of the democratization of the institutions of global governance, the spread of human rights across the world, or the emergence of a global citizenry in a world-wide public sphere, global civil society is understood by many to provide the agency necessary to these hoped-for transformations. Global Civil Societyasks whether this idea is such a qualitatively new phenomenon after all; whether the transformation of the states' system is actually within its reach; and what some of its drawbacks might be. This collection brings together and clarifiesemerging positions on global civil society and the key points of overlap and disagreement between them. The authors explore and critically evaluate a variety of perspectives: the cosmopolitan vision; the view of global civil society as transnational movements advocating a growing moralization of world politics; the neo-Gramscian approach and the more skeptical views, advancing new possibilities for understanding the role of non-state actors in global politics. This book brings together for the first time the whole range of established and alternative voices on global civil society, both congratulatory and critical, to set a marker for the state of the debate about global civil society today. Many of the authors provide new perspectives on what global civil society means today. This book will prove invaluable for students and researchers in the fields of International Politics, Democratization and Civil Society.

    from GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY: CONTESTED FUTURES by Gideon Baker and David Chandler

  43. Anonymous11:28 PM


    Rick Perry scares me, too. Along with his cult connections, he is the Bilderberg's choice for 2012. (Their last choice was Obama in 2008.)

    We need to ask is it possible that he just announced he was running today (August 11th), and the main stream media already has him at the top of the polls???

  44. As I had death threats and stalking from some in the MSOG Movement, I can't tell you how much that bothers me.


  45. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Rick Perry seems about the worst of the current crop to me. Now hearing that he may be with Dominionists,
    Joel's Army, etc., I find it very serious. I was disturbed at the Republican debate tonight to see Gingrich speaking well of Perry's jobs programs. Gingrich sounded very intelligent in his plans to try to get help to America NOW (not 15 months from now) but he praised Perry for his state being at the top in "jobs".
    But from what I hear many jobs are very low paid, scarcely what we would call living wages for a family.
    In other words, he represents the elite and the people in the state are mostly hard working serfs.
    That is a simplistic statement but you take my meaning. It's not the America we knew a few decades ago.


  46. Gingrich is a New Ager. If Perry is MSOG, he also shares New Age beliefs as MSOG beliefs are a very thinly disguised brand of same. I first learned of this from a New Age paper given me in Kansas City in January 1983 entitled AN EVOLUTIONARY BASIS FOR THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST AND HIS DISCIPLES THE MASTERS OF WISDOM by Ernest Ramsey, an Associate Pastor at Unity on the Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri. He had a section on what he termed "Neo-Pentecostals" and their dealing with esotericism under the guise of "types and shadows". They did not believe in a rapture. They believed we never left this planet. They believe Lucifer is NOT Satan and further Satan is not all that bad either as God created Satan to do evil and "get back" at Adam.

  47. I've posted this before; but, I thought I'd post again. Here's an article on Bethel Church's Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson in which they promote the "mantle of Jesus Christ" and "Corporate anointing" respectively which are both tantamount to MSoG. I reference Constance's passage re: Ernest Ramsey as supporting documentation of New Age influence:

    I mention Bob Jones, who is a proponent of New Breed which is yet another name for MSoG, and who provided "foundational revelation" to Mike Bickle's IHOP. Also mentioned is Bentley. Both of these guys have ties to Bethel and IHOP (and Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries).

    Those who are familiar with some of Barbara Marx Hubbard's work will see the similarity in the "birthing of the man-child" and her material. I plan on making that connection explicitly at a later date. (too much going on right now)

  48. FYI

    Aspen España

    Aspen Institute España was incorporated as a Foundation in December 2010. The Institute aims to promote social responsibility and contribute to the strengthening of civil society, providing a neutral forum for public dialogue and reflection through conferences, seminars and round-table discussions. In this pursuit, the Institute takes on the values, features and goals of the Aspen model, adjusting them to the realities of the Spanish context; a context which incorporates, in a natural way, Spain´s close ties with other regions in Europe, Latin America, and the Mediterranean. Aspen Institute España is chaired by Mr. Javier Solana and headquartered in Madrid.

  49. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Peanut oil a secret ingredient in vaccines?

  50. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I guess I shouldn't be impatient but when I read some of the comments on here regarding the politicians and I find so many people still don't know how deceptive and evil they are I just don't see how people can remain so blind. Gingrich is a horrible person. So evil. And Texas's Perry is another evil deceiver. Don't you people know about how he tried to get a law in Texas that would force all young girls to be given that Gardasil vaccination?

  51. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Er... there is already a global currency - GOLD. Europe is now seeing the impossibility of financial union without fiscal policy union, and the notion of the same fiasco on a still larger scale is roughly what I'd expect from the failed and corrupt politicians who comprise the UN.

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