
Thursday, August 25, 2011

National Cathedral sustains significant damage in earthquake - The Hill's Twitter Room

National Cathedral sustains significant damage in earthquake - The Hill's Twitter Room

Preliminary reports were that although there was shaking, there wasn't that much actual damage to the Washington, D. C. area. Now, we know there was signficant harm done to important D.C. structures. For example, the Washington Monument and the National Cathedral.

National Cathedral Head Mason Joe Alonso estimated a piece weighing about 3,000 pounds toppled from the central tower. He called the damage to that section of the cathedral "mind-boggling." . . . Damage included arch displacement, cracking, falling limestone and rotating pinnacles on the Cathedral's neogothic towers.

The Washington Post also commented on adverse effects from the quake:

Insurance officials also warned that homeowners with quake-related damage might not be covered because standard policies don’t include an earthquake provision. Small cracks can lead to big problems over time. Gas leaking from snapped pipes is among the most serious concerns, and utility companies urged residents who smell gas to evacuate their homes immediately and call 911. They also urged people to look for cracks in drywall, shifting foundations and tiny leaks in water pipes. . . .
I once went through a major 5.5 mw aftershock in Anaheim, California three days after Los Angeles was hit by a 6.2 quake in October 1987. Trust me, the 5.5 mw aftershock was as much earthquake as I ever care to experience. The 5.8 quake was considerably stronger.

The Virginia earthquake was relatively mild by the catastrophes the world has seen in Haiti, in Chile, in Japan and elsewhere. Still, I am reminded of Jesus' words to his disciples about what the signs of his coming would be. One sign was earthquakes in many varying places.

My personal opinion: we should consider the DC quake a gentle but compelling wakeup call!

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    on , there is a post by wickis on dan.11 A good jag of comments follow the post, that lead to a previous post by someone called TRUTH, and the comments following Truth's post, are really interesting! concerning the possible timing of events we are ALL SO EXCITED AND curious about, put out by some mindful researchers. if interested, take a look see! blessings to all, tony in vt. Hi Constance, say,.. do you think its solana/obama as antichrist/false prophet??...and do you think the 3 that are subdued by the beast could be egypt,libya and sudan???

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    hi, here i am again, tony,...i want to say how much i liked that poem by yeats,..i seen it befor but it hit me soo much more this time!/ also, i think mentioning Herb's name Constance and wishing he was here to discuss this all, is really not only a practical thing to say but also a beautiful thing to say. Herb was of the meek/...meanwhile elenin approaches, and irene encroaches... GOD IS IN CONTROL, ABOVE N BEYOND ALL WE SEE N DONT SEE!/ Rick Larsons 1 hr. youtube video on The real star of bethlehem sheds light, showing God's orchestating, wonderous skill and display of beauty n power! praise Jesus!!

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    ...and in the words of Cat Stevens of old,...."and everything's emptying, ...into WHITE!" i love that line as it makes beautiful sense to me. the album was, tea for the tillerman, and the song was called, Into White, i believe. Boy cat stevens wrote some nice music and he coined some profound metaphors along the way! so long, tony in vt.

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Hospital patients now being microchipped with "electronic tattoos"

    Also, the proven link between animal microchipping and cancer


  5. Anonymous3:20 PM

    The Washington National Cathedral, officially named the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, is a cathedral of the Episcopal Church located in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. Of neogothic design, it is the sixth-largest cathedral in the world, the second-largest in the United States,[1] and the fourth-tallest structure in Washington, D.C. The cathedral is the seat of both the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori as of 2011; and the Bishop of the Diocese of Washington, John Bryson Chane as of 2011. In 2009, nearly 400,000 visitors toured the structure. The congregation numbers 800.

    The Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, under the first seven Bishops of Washington, erected the cathedral under a charter passed by the United States Congress on January 6, 1893. Construction began on September 29, 1907, when the foundation stone was laid in the presence of President Theodore Roosevelt and a crowd of more than 20,000, and ended 83 years later when the last finial was placed in the presence of President George H. W. Bush in 1990. Decorative work, such as carvings and statuary, is ongoing as of 2011. The foundation operates and funds the cathedral, which is not funded by the U.S. government.

    (Info. from Wikipedia)

  6. That fallen angel toppled from the Cathedral seemed so symbolic of what has happened to our country as of late -- same sex marriage, multiple wars with trillion dollar indebtedness. Wilder than even the end time movies depicted things.


  7. Anon 12.23AM, Your link to unsealed propecy should read



  8. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Well it looks like this 'movement' to give Rick Perry the Republican nomination has now taken on a life of its own....more like a run away freight train.

    (How else can one 'explain' how Rick Perry is speeding ahead of all of the other candidates....with the 'lame stream media' now declaring him to be in the No. 1 spot....even though he has not participated in or won any straw polls?

    So, in November, 2012 our 'choice' for President of the United States could very likely be either a Bilderberg 'puppet' or another Bilderberg 'puppet.'

    (In other words, Obama or 'Obama 2.0'!!!)

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Washington Monument earthquake damage worse than first thought...

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Your right anonymous at 9:25. It couldn't be because of his own effort. It couldn't be that he is the most articulate (Ron Paul may be a close second) of the candidates and not as loopy as Michelle Bachmann. Unlike Sarah Palin, he never quit his govenor job. So he'll say and do anything to get elected--look at the other choices. But no--it's all some crazy conspiracy theory of yours.

    Look, he's ahead in all the polls because he is by far head and shoulders everyone else. It's like a John Wayne movie.

  11. Anonymous12:25 AM

    thanks phil, tony.

  12. My prayers for everybody on the Eastern seaboard this morning. They say the hurricane is larger than all of Europe combined. I cannot help but suspect something of an apocalyptic nature in it. It is sobering, for sure!


  13. Anonymous5:03 AM

    To Anonymous @ 1:30 PM
    Re: "It's all some crazy conspiracy theory of yours."

    I am the Anonymous @ 9:25 AM, and I have lived in Texas for the past 4 decades.

    Rick Perry has been our Governor for the past 11 years. As the former Lt. Gov., Perry 'inherited' his 'promotion' up to Governor only because his predecessor, George W. Bush ran for, and was elected, President in November, 2000.

    Rick Perry's record as Governor of Texas has been one of lies and deception....although always 'delivered' with a smile and 'good old boy' Texas charm.

    But, hey....don't take my word for any of this. Get busy and do your own homework.

    Here is a link to everything you need to know about Rick Perry (archives compiled over the past 2 decades of speeches, quotes, etc.)

    Then, after doing your own research....if arrogant people like you choose to remain in denial and fail to heed the warning....well, all I can say is that you deserve everything you get in November, 2012!!!

    Like I said, you'll be getting 'Obama 2.0" (LOL)

    (FYI: I also remember when people, who tried to issue warnings about Barack Obama back in 2008, were also accused of being 'conspiracy theorists'...and the rest, as they say, is now history!!!)

  14. Anonymous12:58 PM


    Schori is the same woman who claimed that abortion was a blessing.

    May God have mercy on her.


  15. Anonymous4:29 PM

    (Google translation.)

    "The weight of the think tank is already being felt in many important decisions in Spain. Just last month the Spanish government approved the Security Strategy, which examines threats and risks facing our country within 10 years, a period of unusual weather on the political calendar subject to legislative sessions. The strategy is a 90-page document prepared by the former secretary general of NATO and European exrepresentante for foreign policy Javier Solana, the board of the ECFR, the European Council on Foreign Relations. A European think tank founded, among others, by Spanish philanthropist, Diego Hidalgo."




  16. Recommended reading:

    "Son of Hamas" by Mosab Hassan
    Yousef. God bless him.


  17. Anonymous5:59 PM

    * * *

    ECFR's Board and Council

    ECFR's Board members are: Martti Ahtisaari (co-chair), Emma Bonino, Joschka Fischer (co-chair), Karin Forseke, Timothy Garton Ash, Ivan Krastev, Mabel van Oranje (co-chair), Andrew Puddephatt, Aleksander Smolar, Javier Solana

  18. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Political and Security Committee (PSC), 8-23-11:


  19. I read Son of Hamas about a year ago. You are right, Paul, it is a first rate book. I would love to interview him on my internet radio program soon. I'm not sure how to make contact.


  20. I'm asking for prayers for Susanna and our other East Coast readers as they are under tremendous weather stress tonight. Susanna's area suffered a tornado earlier this year and I heard the newscaster say today that Massachusetts was a risk with this tornado, but Springfield stood to suffer the most.


  21. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Praise be to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that the East Coast has 'dodged a bullet' as far as a worse case scenario.

    It could have been so much worse....a major catastrophic event (with endless and unimaginable repercussions).

    Personally, I have many relatives and friends who were in "Irene's" path.


  22. Goodnight Irene

  23. Interesting information on ECFR, probably a form of "shadow government" for EU. Thanks!


  24. The video of the PSC was interesting as showing practically nothing. Catherine Ashton appeared nearly isolated to me. She is the highest paid politician in the world today, straight salary wise. I do believe that is because her job and the paycheck were created for Javier Solana who is probably running things behind the scenes anyway and/or laying low while Europe works through its budget woes which he also probably saw coming!


  25. Anonymous5:22 PM

    At the 20.20 marker, on his 8-26-11 show, Mr. Hal Lindsey spends over 3 minutes clarifying his previous statements on the 10-nation Western European Union (WEU), aka the modified Brussels Treaty Powers.

  26. See Hartmann - Geeky Science - The Ultimate Spy Tool

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  28. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Constance Contact: top right corner.

  29. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Low life copper thieves have taken their criminal activities to a whole new 'level'....

    Copper thieves leave a 33 mile stretch of I-95 of Palm Beach County, Florida in the dark.

    Over the past 4-6 months, they have managed to steal 175,000 feet of copper wiring, used for overhead lighting, from 18 sites!!!

    The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries has set up a website where law enforcement authorities in the United States and Canada can report thefts. The information is relayed to recycling plants within 100 miles of the incident.

    Someone, please pass this information on....and help stop the madness!!!

  30. Susanna5:48 PM

    Dear Constance and All,

    Thank you for your prayers and your kind concern.

    Praise God, I didnt suffer any flooding or further damages in the wake of Hurricane Irene.

    Unfortunately, other people here in Western Massachusetts were not so lucky.

    Here is a link to some photos of the flooding and damages caused in Western Massachusetts by Hurricane Irene.


    LOL Since the tornado on June 1, even Alaska has heard about Springfield Massachusetts!


    By the way, I was in a store shopping when the earthquake occurred. All of a sudden, the whole building started shaking and continued to do so for about a half a minute. After it was over, a woman came into the store and confirmed vis a vis a radio report that she had just heard what I already suspected - that what I had just experienced was an earthquake. It was quite unnerving.

  31. Susanna5:52 PM


    If I have not been posting as much as in the past, it is because I am still in recovery mode from the tornado. Workers have been in and out of here almost on a daily basis. Recovery is progressing at a steady pace, and consequently I have been quite busy.

    I have been trying to sneak in and out of here as time permits.

  32. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Report: Israel sends 2 warships to Egyptian border

    Military sources tell AP Israeli Navy sent additional warships to maritime border with Egypt following intelligence indicating viable terror threat. Meanwhile, Iran set to send 15th fleet to area as well as 'to thwart pirate activity'

    Published: 08.30.11, 17:28/Israel News

  33. Anonymous1:59 PM

    good to see Susanna back...thoughts are with all effected by the devastation wrought by this hurricane.

  34. I am grateful to God that Susanna and her family were spared the hurricane damage!

    We all need to keep each other in prayer as we go through these turbulent times.

  35. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "A writer for the IHT [International Herald Tribune], Joe Fitchett, has an interesting story about some little known about goings on over at the EU summit in Copenhagen. Yet another step in the integration of NATO assets into an emerging European army. This follows on from previous stories I posted by Javier Solana (Dec 8) and Giles Merritt (Dec 11). (2002)

    * * *

    “Giles Merritt, the SDA’s [Security and Defense Agenda] director, was named by the Financial Times last year as one of the 30 most influential people in Brussels.” (2010)

    * * *

    “Perhaps the only thing to admire about this [SDA] group is that it is fiendishly clever. Merritt, a former lobbyist for the comparably unscrupulous tobacco industry,…”

    * * *

    Another NATO [II]


    Op-Ed by Giles Merritt

    "Rather than be in any way linked to NATO, however, it might well be preferable to create this new North African security umbrella under the aegis of the EU."

    (Thanks to FP for the last link.)

  36. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "A writer for the IHT [International Herald Tribune], Joe Fitchett, has an interesting story about some little known about goings on over at the EU summit in Copenhagen. Yet another step in the integration of NATO assets into an emerging European army. This follows on from previous stories I posted by Javier Solana (Dec 8) and Giles Merritt (Dec 11). (2002)

    * * *

    “Giles Merritt, the SDA’s [Security and Defense Agenda] director, was named by the Financial Times last year as one of the 30 most influential people in Brussels.” (2010)

    * * *

    “Perhaps the only thing to admire about this [SDA] group is that it is fiendishly clever. Merritt, a former lobbyist for the comparably unscrupulous tobacco industry,…”

    * * *

    Another NATO [II]


    Op-Ed by Giles Merritt

    "Rather than be in any way linked to NATO, however, it might well be preferable to create this new North African security umbrella under the aegis of the EU."

    (Thanks to FP for the last link.)

  37. Anonymous9:35 PM

    "Another NATO


    Op-Ed by Giles Merritt

    "Rather than be in any way linked to NATO, however, it might well be preferable to create this new North African security umbrella under the aegis of the EU."


    (Thanks to FP for the above link.)

    * * *

    "A writer for the IHT [International Herald Tribune], Joe Fitchett, has an interesting story about some little known about goings on over at the EU summit in Copenhagen. Yet another step in the integration of NATO assets into an emerging European army. This follows on from previous stories I posted by Javier Solana (Dec 8) and Giles Merritt (Dec 11). (2002)


    * * *

    “Giles Merritt, the SDA’s [Security and Defense Agenda] director, was named by the Financial Times last year as one of the 30 most influential people in Brussels.” (2010)


    * * *

    “Perhaps the only thing to admire about this [SDA] group is that it is fiendishly clever. Merritt, a former lobbyist for the comparably unscrupulous tobacco industry,…”


    * * *

    "The SDA's Co-Presidents are Jaap De Hoop Scheffer and Javier Solana."


  38. Anonymous10:10 PM

    How Should We Understand Islam?
    I noticed yesterday that the hot dog vendor near my work was gone, and I asked him about it today. He informed me that he's Muslim, and that he'd taken off yesterday to celebrate Eid ul-Fitr, the “Festival of Breaking Fast.”

    Like Judaism, Islam uses lunar calendars for months. (By the way, this is why St. Paul refers to weeks and months as “Sabbaths” and “New Moons” in Colossians 2:16 -- because the new moon separated month from month, just as the Sabbath separated week from week). Yesterday celebrated the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which went from August 1st to the 30th.

    Ramadan sounds pretty intense, not unlike the way Lent was (and in many parts of the Orthodox and Coptic world, is) celebrated:
    During the month of Ramadan, adult Muslims engage in ritual fasting from sunup to sundown. This practice, Sawm, is one of the five pillars of Islam, and requires that individuals abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual intercourse. Each evening, Muslims will break the fast at sundown with Iftar, a traditional meal often beginning with the eating of dates -- an homage to a practice of Muhammad.
    Consider, then, my hot dog vendor. For an entire month, he sat or stood in a cramped hot dog cart, making hot dogs for other people -- and being unable to eat even a bite of food all day. And no matter how hot he got in his cart, or how much he sweated, he was unable to take even a drink. Certainly, he could eat and drink when it got dark, and he was back home, but I imagine standing in the heat, over delicious-smelling food, that's a small solace.

    Even on the toughest of days - Ash Wednesday and Good Friday - I've had the comfort of at least not working in a food cart, and being allowed plenty of hydration. I was struck by this, and what a beautiful testament it was to the man's faith. And it got me thinking about Islam, and how we understand that religion as Catholics.

  39. Anonymous10:10 PM


    Islam and the True God

    The Catholic Church is clear that Islam teaches some faulty and outright false things about God, and that these threaten a man's ability to come to a saving faith, or to properly do the will of God. But the Church is also clear that Islam believes false things about the true God, rather than believing things (true or false) about some other god.

    To use an analogy: if you worship Jesus, but think He's a catcher for the Yankees, you're probably worshiping a different Jesus. So it's possible to follow after false gods -- the pagans worshiped demons (1 Corinthians 10:20), for example -- but it's also to follow after the true God with some false beliefs. So if you worship Jesus, but think He was a fisherman (instead of a carpenter), you probably just have a mistaken belief about the actual Jesus of Nazareth.

    Similarly, Islam affirms the God of Abraham is the true God. They are right in doing so, whatever other faults may exist. Christians sometimes stumble over this: how can Muslims be worshiping the same God as us, when they claim He has no Son (Sura 19:35)? The answer's easy: they're wrong about Him having no Son. Likewise, Calvinists believe that God predestines some people to Hell. Does that mean that they worship a separate god, one who actually does double-predestine? Of course not. They believe in the True God, they're just wrong that this True God predestines people for Hell.

    Any time you're trying to follow the God of Abraham, you're trying to follow the true God. He more or less says as much (Genesis 28:13). You might do so imperfectly -- with serious, salvation-threatening errors about His Nature and His Will -- but that doesn't mean you're following someone else. And this is true whether you're Catohlic, Protestant, Mormon, Jewish, or Muslim. That doesn't mean that these are all equally good roads to God,or anything of the sort. These groups aren't equally right, and many teach things which threaten your eternal salvation. But like I've said, they're wrong about God, rather than being wrong (or right) about Ba'al, or Zeus, or Odin, or demons.

  40. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Well here is some good news....

    SO MUCH FOR DOOMSDAY: Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), widely known for inaccurate reports of its threat to Earth, appears to be breaking apart. Observations by amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo of Castlemaine, Australia show a marked dimming and elongation of the comet's nucleus over a ten day period.


  41. To Anonymous regarding Islam:

    You have made some very compelling points. My own belief is that they are worshipping the God of Abraham and that they have false beliefs about God, but they are worshipping God. Ishmael continued to have contact with his father Abraham and his brother Isaac and his siblings. The scriptural account is that Ishmael assisted Isaac in burying Abraham at his death and that Esau, Jacob's brother went to live with Ishmael. Mohammed, per the accounts claimed to be perplexed by idolatry and was battling for monotheism. He had reportedly been influenced by both Jews and Christians he was close to as well as by Arabic traditions and genealogies.



  42. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "Another NATO


    Op-Ed by Giles Merritt

    "Rather than be in any way linked to NATO, however, it might well be preferable to create this new North African security umbrella under the aegis of the EU."

    (Thanks to FP for the above link.)

    * * *

    "A writer for the IHT [International Herald Tribune], Joe Fitchett, has an interesting story about some little known about goings on over at the EU summit in Copenhagen. Yet another step in the integration of NATO assets into an emerging European army. This follows on from previous stories I posted by Javier Solana (Dec 8) and Giles Merritt (Dec 11). (2002)

    * * *

    “Giles Merritt, the SDA’s [Security and Defense Agenda] director, was named by the Financial Times last year as one of the 30 most influential people in Brussels.” (2010)

    * * *

    “Perhaps the only thing to admire about this [SDA] group is that it is fiendishly clever. Merritt, a former lobbyist for the comparably unscrupulous tobacco industry,…”

    * * *

    "The SDA's Co-Presidents are Jaap De Hoop Scheffer and Javier Solana."

  43. Anonymous10:53 AM

    the god of islam is not the God we love they deny that Jesus is God therefore their god is not our God blessings connie

  44. Anon 3.20AM,
    Let us wait and see!

  45. Anonymous12:10 PM


    Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011

    MINERAL, VA (AP) - Central Virginia has been shaken by another aftershock from last week's earthquake that rattled the East Coast.

    The U.S. Geological Survey reports a 3.4 magnitude aftershock at 5:09 a.m. Thursday. The epicenter was 4 miles south-southeast of Mineral.

    Mineral was the epicenter of last Tuesday's 5.8 magnitude earthquake. More than 20 aftershocks ranging from 4.5 to 1.8have followed the earthquake.

  46. Anonymous12:26 PM


    Since they have wrong beliefs about god they can not possibly be worshipping the same god. Their view of Jesus - who is God - is totally perverted. They many link back to Abraham but that does not mean we pray to the same god. This view is the basis of the Chrislam movement.

    Dave in CA

  47. Anonymous12:38 PM

    "Another NATO


    Op-Ed by Giles Merritt

    "Rather than be in any way linked to NATO, however, it might well be preferable to create this new North African security umbrella under the aegis of the EU."

    (Thanks to FP for the above link.)

    * * *

    "A writer for the IHT [International Herald Tribune], Joe Fitchett, has an interesting story about some little known about goings on over at the EU summit in Copenhagen. Yet another step in the integration of NATO assets into an emerging European army. This follows on from previous stories I posted by Javier Solana (Dec 8) and Giles Merritt (Dec 11). (2002)

    * * *

    “Giles Merritt, the SDA’s [Security and Defense Agenda] director, was named by the Financial Times last year as one of the 30 most influential people in Brussels.” (2010)

    * * *

    “Perhaps the only thing to admire about this [SDA] group is that it is fiendishly clever. Merritt, a former lobbyist for the comparably unscrupulous tobacco industry,…”

    * * *

    "The SDA's Co-Presidents are Jaap De Hoop Scheffer and Javier Solana."

  48. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Anonymous 10:10 & 3:20:

    Some readers might appreciate having a source link to the "Shameless Popery" blog, and author of your erroneous remarks.

    Wednesday, August 31, 2011
    How Should We Understand Islam?

  49. Anonymous8:47 PM

    To Dave in CA...

    Do you believe that the Jews worship the same God as the Christians?

    Like Muslims, Jews also do believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah. Would anyone claim that Jews do not worship the same God as Christians? I think not!

  50. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I meant to say that "Like Muslims, Jews also DO NOT believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah.

    Sorry about the typo...

  51. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Anon 8:47

    I believe Jews (those who believe the Old Testament to be the inspired word of God) have a more accurate view of who God is than do Muslims and are praying to the same God as Christians, but without the full knowledge of who God is and how to embrace God and accept His salvation as found in the New Testament. It's an incomplete understanding. Muslims do not believe the OT to be the inspired word of God. You can not compare Muslims with Jews.

    Dave in CA

  52. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I have noticed an alarming spiritual poison infecting Christian dialogue lately. That is, the claim that Islam promotes the One True God of the Bible, and that Muslims worship the same God as Christians. The shame of it all is that the New Age Movement has so infected the Church that some Christians actually believe Islam is simply a different path to the same God. Thus I want to present the following to you:

    The argument usually starts from the weak apologetic regarding the term “allah”. The generic term "allah" is translated into the English equivalent "god." And because some Eastern Rite Churches use the term “allah”, that, according to the Modernist heretic, demonstrates the fact that the God of the Bible is the same as the Allah of the Koran. The fact is, the word “allah” can be used to relate to any concept of deity including a pagan allah, totem pole worshippers allah, the allah of the Hindus, the allah of the Buddhists, or the allah of paganism. Christians in Muslim countries can properly use the term allah in reference to God the Father, or to God the Holy Trinity as being the true God.

    The concept "Allah," the Muslim idea of a single being they consider "god" with supposed eternal existence, portrays only an unmotivated and undifferentiated being. The multiplicity of gods of the ancient pagan Romans illustrates the recognition of a need for motivational variables in relation to creation. In this sense the Roman's concept, relating to creation, is superior to that of Islam. It is understood that Mohammed was disgusted with the numerous idols that were being worshiped and eliminated all but the central meteorite stone god (the black broken stone now held together by a silver framework). It seems to have been considered as the chief god of three-hundred and sixty lesser stone gods that then surrounded it. The stone of focus is located in the Ka ‘bah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

    Picture the purported being of Mohammed's construct known as Allah. It is a presumed creator but was not created and was without having any cause or reason to think, to develop ideas, to use language. Nor did it have availability of images or beings to reflect upon in order to have or develop thought processes. In other words Mohammed's Allah represents the concept of existing blankness, an empty intellect.

    Practically speaking, Allah can only be a fabrication of man's imagination. Allah is a human construct that serves humanistic purposes. The concept Allah should be seen as a totally unmotivated existence without purpose or need for using reason; a being without impetus to create. Allah is an imaginary construct, not a reality. It is a construct in part formulated by using Judeo-Christian teachings (Scriptures) derived within Mohammed's imagination in association with his wife who financially provided for him. Mohammed's first and only true wife was a Christian.

    In the Christian Trinity it is the members very differences that are seen as motivation for them to create. There is no similar motivation to be seen in the singular being termed Allah. In the Trinity the form of the existence of one is not the form of the existence of the others. The creation of subordinate intellectual beings gives reason for trinitarian unity and also purpose relating to each individual's form of existence.

  53. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The singular form "Allah," having an unmotivated form of existence, has no reason to create as there would be no awareness of other possibilities for existence. Islam is little more than Mohammed's way to unify pagan worshippers while having them focus upon a central place marked by an identifying stone (a meteorite).

    The central point of worship for Islam is the spot marked by the sacred black stone honored in the Kaaba (decorated small stone building) in the court of the great mosque of Mecca towards which all loyal Muslims turn to in prayer from all parts of the world.The stone of the great Kaaba was or at least it represented the major god worshiped by a multitude of lesser pagan gods. It would have been considered the local high pagan god. The lesser concepts of gods were removed at the direction of Mohammed.

    God, The Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, functions in such complete harmony that they serve as one unified being even though they are individuals with distinct existence while having different though intermingled goals or desires to be fulfilled. The goals of each serve the goals of the others which cannot be obtained independently or in disharmony. Each is identifiable as a distinct being with individual and unique forms of existence. It is due to their differences, their interactions, that gave them reason to create other intellectual beings and related platforms. Note: We are created in God's image and in their likeness:

    •Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground." [Genesis 1:26]

    •"Let us then go down and there confuse their language, so that one will not understand what another says." [Genesis 11:7]

    •Come now, let us set things right, says the LORD:
    Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow;
    Though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. [Isaiah 1:18]

  54. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Islam's Allah, is a mythological pagan construct; a non motivated purposeless imaginary existence. To formulate the concept of Allah one must be able to imagine an intellectual being having existence in a complete void –no light, no darkness, no walls, floors or ceilings, nothing to indicate that he is floating or not floating, no identity (that which separates one thing or person from another) and nothing to identify with other than itself, without need for language or reason for thought. Then, out of nowhere so to speak, being motivated to create. The fact is that the inspiration for the background of Islamic beliefs is Judeo-Christian teachings that have in part been deleted and then added to in accordance with the desires and purposes of Mohammed.

    On the other hand one can imagine a Trinity of unlimited Beings –each entirely different than the others, aware of the existence of the others, each intelligent in his own right– that are motivated to a common purpose of existence and subsequently create limited intellectual beings in their image after their likeness, who would recognize them as primary and necessary beings termed and referred to by the collective term, God.

    Trinity: a collection of three different uniquely identifiable beings having a constructive, purposeful, interrelated, and intermingled existence. The Holy Trinity is clearly the superior form of foundation for human existence. [various terms use to identity a group of beings: God, army, fraternity, congress, pride, flock, pack, etc.]

    Allah is a false god, a human construct created in the imagination of Mohammed who may have had the idea of eliminating all but one pagan god, and having the purpose of obtaining peace among members of related families often opposed to each other in frequent tribal wars. Additional motivation for unity was developed by directing the Arabs' warlike tendencies towards conquest of those not of their association.

    Allah is a non-existent being constructed by Mohammed through a perversion of Judeo-Christian teachings. Any Christian who accepts as real the non-existent pagan god termed Allah, or associates it with the Father of the Biblical Trinity, is heretical and risks eternal damnation if not repentant.

  55. A 7.1 mw earthquake struck the Aleutian Island chain of Alaska this morning. A tsunami alarm was issued but lifted about an hour later.


  56. Undoubtedly the Moslems and the Jews have faulty theories about Jesus. The Moslems admit even the virgin birth, but deny that God could have a son.


  57. To Anonymous 10:01

    I am not affirming Moslem theory as true and correct, far from it. But I also think it is an unfair characterization to equate it with the polytheistic idolatry of the Hindu cultures. As I understand it, Mohamed thought himself to be battling idolatry.


  58. From Wikipedia, for what it's worth:

    In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: عيسى, ʿĪsá or يَسُوعَ, Yasū') is considered to be a Messenger of God and the Masih (Messiah) who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl or Gospel.[1] The belief in Jesus (and all other messengers of God) is required in Islam, and a requirement of being a Muslim. The Qur'an mentions Jesus twenty-five times, more often, by name, than Muhammad.[2][3] It states that Jesus was born to Mary (Arabic: Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Arabic: Allah). To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles (such as healing the blind, bringing dead people back to life, etc.), all by the permission of God rather than of his own power. According to the popular opinion and Muslim traditions, Jesus was not crucified but instead, he was raised up by God unto the heavens. This "raising" is understood to mean through bodily ascension.

    Muslims believe that Jesus will return to earth near the day of judgment to restore justice and to defeat Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false messiah", also known as the Antichrist).[4][5],


  59. Of course, we would take violent exception to the claim that Jesus was "not crucified," and that he was a prophet.

    But I think I would have to agree that they have false beliefs about the true God, not that they are not worshipping the true God.


  60. Marko1:50 PM


    When New Agers talk about the "prophetic", what exactly do they mean? For example, in Constance's book "A Planned Deception," on page 139 is a quote from Sojourners where they are promoting a class given by Matthew Fox's Institute for Creation-Centered Spirituality":

    "The Institute for Creation-Centered Spirituality (ICCS) offers a nine-month master's degree program which integrates the spiritual and the prophetic...."

    What do they mean by "the prophetic" in this instance?

  61. Marko,
    That's a good question. I hope you
    don't mind if I present an answer
    even though you weren't asking me
    in particular. I want to answer
    because of the ongoing
    debate/ discussion about Islam and
    it's so-called "prophet".

    Revelations 19:10 says, in a statement
    of the angel to John the Revelator,
    who had just fallen down at the
    angels' feet to worship him.
    "...See thou do it not: I am thy fellow-
    servant, and of thy brethren that have
    the testimony of Jesus: worship God:
    for the testimony of Jesus is the
    spirit of prophesy."

    To me that clarifies so many things.

  62. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Stop arguing over Islam.

    We are seeing massive attacks on parental rights in schools, with states now making sex-education mandatory in NYC and in Ontario.

    This is their way to indoctrinate kids into New Age ideas, esp since pansexualism is a big part of the New Age movement.

    Do we want kids to turn against their own parents, because they are being fed these concepts.

    Please address the real issues.


  63. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Please read lifesite news, that has updates on what's going on with respect to these issues.


  64. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Hi Savy 4:10 -

    Yes there are other issues, to be sure, but addressing today's challenges to our beliefs, worldview, and the very nature of what is truth is also critically important. I belive there's room to discuss multiple critical issues without reducing the importance of one over the other.

    Dave in CA

  65. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Australian Schools to Banish B.C., 'Before Christ,' in Textbook?

  66. This commentator (link attached) says the EU and its "10 strategic partners" should stick to one plan:


  67. Re Australia and prophecy:

    As I recall the Daniel passage, 'HE SHALL THINK TO CHANGE T I M E S AND L A W.

    The New Agers have long been focused on eliminating B.C. Jose Arguelles died in Australia of septicemia poisoning. This was his big crusade.


  68. I confess I have not looked at the "spam" filters on my blogspot in awhile and checking them tonight, to my chagrin, discovered two important posts dated, I believe August 11th, one dealing with NATO and the other with Javier Solana. They should now be posted with the article they were sent to comment upon.



  69. Lover Of Truth3:47 AM

    Anonymous 10:01

    You speak Great Blasphemies!!

    Muslims are the ONLY group in Faith that keeps the Word of God!

    So-called christians and jews are corrupt! Islam / Muslims are pure!

    Read The Revelation - Chapter one, Jesus WARNS The Churches in ASIA - these are THE MUSLIMS - obviously!!

    And White jews, chrisitans, pagans, and White Satanists are the ones killing and enslaving them!!

    REPENT Of Your EVIL!!!

    Amerikkka is Babylon The Great - The WHORE of the EARTH!

  70. Oh my god, there is really much useful information here!
