
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Researcher, par excellence, Carl Teichrib, will join me tonight on the air for what I hope will be the first in a number of interesting future shows.  Since the early 1990s, Carl has focused on New World Order, New World Religion issues.  I just spent half an hour on the phone with him and we decided to continue the conversation tonight on the air.  Please plan to join us at

Tune in and stay tuned!



  1. Nobody has commented yet, however, on the Talkstreamlive ratings tonight, we ended up #7, so obviously many listened. Thanks! Carl was an EXCELLENT guest with much to say and I am having him back Thursday night. You might want to consider ordering the show from the archives. There was importantcontent.


  2. Dorothy9:44 PM

    I definitely am not in sync with tonight's guest. How could I be with someone who thinks Kah is good.

    Anyway, he did introduce some of us to a new aspect of New Age. Evolutionary Christianity which seems to have been going on for some time now. Here's a website to check out. To be fair, he was exposing it.

    That got me thinking about the IONS Darwin Project that I wrote about several years ago. Here are two websites to check out. You put the pieces together.

    If you start thinking how oneness is wonderful, it didn't happen by chance.

    I haven't had a chance to check these out from the Facebook page on Evolutionary Christianity. You can do it if you are interested.

    Evolutionary versions of each religion—Evolutionary
    Christianity, Evolutionary Buddhism, Evolutionary Islam, Evolutionary Judaism,
    Evolutionary Hinduism,

  3. Looks to me like Kah finagled this more talented researcher to do his work for him. I have real problems with Kah, but so far my impressions of Carl Teichrib is that he is an honest and well motivated researcher. We are just starting to talk extensively. I know the other person Gary Kah used to put together the same book that Teichrib assisted with at Kah's request (a woman in Kansas) and I am frankly suspecting that Kah wrote little of that book on the New World religion himself.

  4. Michele Bachman and her husband are under real CNN and elsewhere persecution for their "reparative therapy" work for homosexuals wishing to change their sexual orientation. As of tonight, I am quite upset with
    Anderson Cooper!


  5. Dorothy11:23 PM

    Ask your guest about his connection with Jacob P who you don't trust. How many strikes does it take?

  6. Dorothy5:10 AM This for 38 names connected with the movement

    Evolutionary Christianity
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    November 26, 2007. Michael Dowd. .

    And you'll find:
    Flat-earth theologies, thus, cling to ancient understandings that originated in times when people really did
    believe that the world was flat and that the Sun and the stars revolve around us. For example, flat-earth
    forms of Christianity today are those that still interpret sin, salvation, the gospel, the kingdom of God,
    heaven, hell, the second coming of Christ, and other core concepts in ways that pre-date the discoveries of
    Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin, and all succeeding generations of celebrated scientists.
    Flat-earth forms of Christian faith are out of sync with the needs of Christian men and women and.....

    (rolling my eyes)

  7. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hi Dorothy,
    Thanks for posting the above.

    More from the site...

    "...The world doesn't need to be saved. 'The world' is maturing, and we are part of the process whether we think we are or not. The good news is that the bad news is actually good news in disguise..."

    Biblical Christianity and The Great Story - A conversation between Michael Dowd
    and a Christian college student

  8. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Dorothy and Constance

    By Jacob P - did you mean Jacob Prasch?

    May I ask why he is not trusted? I'm always looking for info that may help me discern.

    A reply would be appreciated.

  9. Who is "Jacob P"?


  10. No, I don't trust Jacob Prasch. My guest until now has not been privy to my information, those using him often keeping him far removed from talking with Yours Truly. Remember, he didn't discover any of this until the 1990s, when I had been into it a good 10 years and had returned to my law practice. Not everybody is at the same level of understanding at all times!


  11. Rick Perry partners up with New Age movement for his August 6th event called "The Response". It is has been billed as a day of prayer. What could be wrong with that you ask?

    Although this article is from the left stand point. It does list those who are involved. Those who have studied the New Age Movement will recognize many of those people involved such as the International House of Prayer, Jim Garlow ( a spiritual adviser to Newt Gingrich) Cindy Jacobs, and C. Peter Wagner.

    Many of those involved believe that they are Joel's Army.

    This event is probably going to be a catalyst to him running for the Republican Nomination.

  12. Anonymous11:55 AM

    "For example, flat-earth forms of Christianity today are those that still interpret sin, salvation, the gospel, the kingdom of God,
    heaven, hell, the second coming of Christ, and other core concepts in ways that pre-date the discoveries of
    Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin, and all succeeding generations of celebrated scientists."

    Does this guy know that Bishop Copernicus, Galileo and Newton subscribed to the same form of Christianity that he's opposed to.

    Has he read Galileo's letters and exchange with the Jesuit theologian Robert Bellarmine.

    The things ignorant people come up with...


  13. Anonymous12:18 PM


    Reparative therapy does not work for everyone. It can be harmful to some people too. What's needed instead is to teach people to control their impulses, and self-discipline. The rest will fall in place. One may not always be able to choose whom they are attracted to, but they can choose how to act on that.

    To claim they cannot, would be to claim that they have no free-will and are robots.


  14. Anonymous12:42 PM


    I was hoping to hear why you don't trust Jacob Prasch.

  15. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I would hope that your guest could catch on on his own where people like Kah and Prasch are concerned. Internet searches are useful.

    For those concerned about Constance's public comments about Prasch, just do a search using the box on the front page of this site.

  16. Prasch has never called nor spoken to me, yet he attacked me years ago with many lies in print. I tried to reach him without successs. Supposedly, Jewel Grewe and Sarah Leslie tried to reach him and spoke to him about it as well.

    My feelings are personal and very deep on Mr. Prasch. I don't agree with Barbara Aho on everything, but she appeared to have some important conclusions on Prasch.


  17. Prasch and Tal Brooke of Spiritual Counterfeits Project are close. Tal Brooke is rabidly anti-Semitic.


  18. This is the Prasch article which I believe may date back to the late 1990s which upset me so much. He even misspelled my name as well as flagrantly misrepresented me.


  19. More on the dangers of Rick Perry


  20. Anonymous7:25 PM


    FYI: Although you may already be aware of this, under the recent list of attendees of the 2011 Bilderberg Meeting, each person was grouped according to their country and listed by last name first.

    Javier Solana was listed under the International Organizations group as:

    Solana Madariaga, Javier, President, ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics

  21. Anonymous6:51 AM

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM


    Many of the greatest scientific minds in history were Roman Catholic. I guess they didn't teach that fact in public schools. Tut tut.

  23. Dorothy8:17 PM

    Is the EU falling apart? I hope so but I'm not holding my breath.

  24. The news on the Hmong Christian community is nauseously disturbing to me. A few years ago, I did legal work for a local Hmong Christian church and that is how I learned about that people group. I have feared, likewise, that disillusionment in the entire pre-tribulation rapture crowd could lead to similar consequences on a much larger scale, as well as to wide spread Christian disillusionment. I have real personal problems with Prasch, but if true, this is important and disturbing information.


  25. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Strange coincidence! Constance, I hadn't even noticed that Prasch wrote the Hmong article. Today I followed a link from another blog to the story (both the story and the Banner Ministries website being previously unknown to me) and thought I'd share; but before commenting here I read through the thread to see if anyone had beat me to the punch regarding the alleged massacre, and kept thinking as I read, Jacob Prasch? Never heard of the guy. No one had mentioned or linked to the Hmong story, so I posted and thought nothing more of it. The mention of Prasch in your reply struck me as a non sequitur...until I went back and read the article's byline. Weeeeird. Sorry about that, Constance - I really did not post in response to the Prasch discussion, honest!

  26. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Jacob Prasch clearly writes from his thoughts and ideas. The criticisms of constance were rather shallow and judgemental, and not in a righteous judgment kind of way. However, that being said and I am sure constance looks to walk in this, forgiveness is always in order. Yet, Jacob P's material needs to be always taken with a grain of salt, as he is blunt and rambles on. The article Constance posted took me very little time to see it as noise and pride.

  27. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Repartative therapy stuff...
    the whole situation with Bachmann clinic is sad but it is the way of the world. Pressure being placed r/t counseling one calling self a committed christian struggling with homosexual urges to help change as being ill, and wrong. Personally I will always do what is right and ask for wisdom and discernment. Do pray for the therapist caught in the middle of those politics. I will post thoughts on politics in general next.

  28. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Thanks for info on Rick Perry. I think you will find connection on one candidate or the other in the repubs. I don't know that anyone can even contemplate or consider such a run without those ties.

  29. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Thanks for the info on Perry. I do not think there are any canidates that will be untainted. Perry, Pawlenty, Bachmann, Rowney and so on all have connections of one sort or another.

  30. Dorothy11:08 AM

    If you want to keep up with what is going on in the world of religion, particularly the Catholic one, get on the free mailing list for the New Oxford Review.

    They have a list of stories every day, and for the month you can go in the archives.

  31. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Has anyone been able to validate the The news on the Hmong Christian community and the article written by Jacob Prasch?

    You can read the article everywhere on the Interent but is it true?

    Am I right that this was to have happened in May of this year?


  32. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Interesting, Jacob himself notes that he is not a "nice person" as clearly the article slamming constance and others posted indicates. However, nothing gained in distorting the events. Appears to have some verfication...

  33. Anonymous1:58 PM

    another article here:

    So not just Jacob P.
    also varied articles reporting slaughter of folks at a "protest."

  34. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Depends on who is telling the story as to whether it is "protests" or "gathering" the truth may come from the governement official who made a mocking statement while blaming deaths of lack of sanitary hygiene:

    On Friday 6 Mау, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga gave another account of the incident saying that an illusory devout quest and unhygienic conditions kіƖƖеԁ the Hmong, not her government. “Hmong people had gathered since early Mау and camped in unsanitary conditions believing that a ‘supernatural force’ would arrive to lead them to ‘a promised land’,” she ѕаіԁ."

  35. Debra,
    It sounds to me the minister you are talking about is or is a product of Rodney Howard-Browne. He started what has been known as the laughter reivival in Toronto known as the "Toronto Blessing" back in 1995. His so called revival has gone through 7000 churches in Hong Kong, Australia, Norway, Canada, South Africa and here in the United States. His home church is called The River in Tampa Bay, FL. One time I saw him on TBN with Kenneth Copeland and they were talking back and forth to each other in tongues. I personally think he has the same hypnotic power in audiences that Benjamin Creme has. Just a wave of the hand. You did good by getting out of there when you could. Rodney Browne is now doing the "Great Awakening Tour" he also calls the "Great Shake-up".

  36. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Some on this blog have trashed Bob Mitchell in the past, but he does have a very interesting video called "The Mark of the Beast" that was just put up at his blog Shofar Ministries.

    It has clips of several very interesting advertisement commercials from Verichip among others. Some of the same things some of you have mentioned in the past.

    Whether you agree with him or not, I think you will find very interesting.

  37. Anonymous9:31 PM

    To 4:22 PM

    Just to clarify....
    Actually, no one on this blog has ever 'trashed Bob Mitchell in the past.' He was clearly the instigator and the one to do the trashing of others - who simply fought back and refused to take it.

  38. Dorothy11:30 PM

    Just too cute. I was looking through some links. One was Oh that sounds interesting. It opened up to Fellowship Of Reconciliation (FOR), an old leftist religious group.

  39. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Italy's 2400 tons of gold: real target of 'IMF terrorists'?

  40. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Following up from the previous discussion on marriage.

    Civil marriage has been reduced to a piece of paper, hence churches need to ditch civil marriage. Live-in-couples already have benefits without a marriage certificate, so why shouldn't church only marriages.?

    The Anglo-American legal tradition defined civil marriage as conjugal union, that consummated a marriage.

    People no longer wait to get married to have sex, so this definition of marriage was thrown out a long time ago.

    There needs to be a distinction made between civil marriage and a sacred one.


  41. Anonymous6:45 AM

  42. Anonymous12:04 PM

    From World Net Daily (07/15/11)

    'Rapture' real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves

    'Families don't know if missing loved ones are dead, arrested or hiding in jungle'

    The executive director of a ministry that works with the persecuted church in the northern reaches of Vietnam says he's outraged that a "prophecy" by an American preacher apparently cost the lives of many tribal Hmong people who believed it.

    The prediction by Harold Camping, 89, of Oakland, Calif.-based Family Radio, was that Jesus Christ would return to Earth to "rapture" his followers to heaven on May 21. Camping said mankind had run out of time, and the Creator of the universe would arrive on that Saturday.

    For more...

  43. I just picked up on the cheap a copy of The Weiser Field Guide to Ascension: The Meaning of Miracles and Shifts in Consciousness Past and Present by Cal Garrison as research. I came across this:

    [The process of ascension] shifted into first gear a little over one hundred years ago, with the advent of the Theosophical movement, and went into overdrive back in 1998 when we made our formal entrance into the Age of Light.

    Can someone enlighten me regarding the bolded portion?

  44. Dorothy3:55 AM

    I did some checking because it was an interesting question. The answer is boring. All it means is that some believe we entered the Age of Aquarius in 1998. There are more comments about when we enter this mythical age of aquarius than I care to count.

  45. Dorothy,

    Thanks for checking. Like you, I was hoping for something more definitive, some main event.

    I did learn that the earth has a Kundalini and that before the great birthing into the new age, she will have to reposition it. Up until 2008, the Kundalini was rooted in the Tibetan mountains (surprise); however, its new home is in the mountains of Chile in preparation for this birthing. This is apparently in anticipation of the magnetic pole shifts. [pp 67-68].

    I wasn't aware that Saint Germain (not a surprise) and Merlin (yes, that Merlin) as well as Mother Theresa are Ascended Masters. I was kinda hopin' for Elvis too as that would account for all the Elvis sitings in the '70s and '80s postmortem. But, I digress...

  46. Dorothy10:51 AM

    This is a very thick website.

    The history of the New World Order is given in two parts.
    Part I - from 1773 to 1975
    Part II - from 1976 to 1998

    While I would argue where some of the links lead, there is enough documentation here to show that the idea of a New World Order/One World Government is not a new Obama idea but goes way back. It shows where the idea of a New Age movement began in the idea train.

    Choose from all of the information where you want to look further. If you have no time now, save this post and look during the cold winter months where snow keeps you in.

  47. To Anonymous 6:45,

    Please read this piece from Herescope with regards to Tom Horn and his credibility:

  48. To Dorothy,

    I tried to go to the site you recommended at your 10:51 post; however, the tiny url didn't work and I received an error message going there. The longer link was cut off, so I wonder if you could please try again as I (and I expect others) are anxious to see the material.


  49. Dorothy1:41 AM

    The longer link would have worked. The tiny url was missing the end letter. The correct tiny url is

  50. Anonymous8:36 AM

    These very disturbing quotes from various members of the New World Order elite should remove all doubt that the goals of the New World Order are real and can no longer be denied.

  51. important article about IHOP and dominionism.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

  52. Lee Penn joins me tonight, July 19, 2010. Carl Teichrib will be with me again Thursday, July 21st.

    Please join us at


  53. Dorothy, I'm now looking at the recommended site. It's "international Jew" thesis is jumping out at me. Right away I noticed "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" the first Rothschild link. Although Eustace Mullins is dead, I smell him all over the thing. Is it supposed to be "Exhibit A"? Mullins was an unabashed occultist and accomplished liar.


  54. I used to have frequent fights with the editor, Virginia Mevis, of THE WISCONSIN REPORT over "Peter Beter." He was a vicious anti-Semite. No joking aside, if I were a male and had his name, I would change it!


  55. From the top introduction:

    "Eustace Mullins
    Jackson Hole, Wyoming

    My fights with Useless, ooops, Eustace Mullins began in 1986.


  56. Anonymous8:29 PM

    "Tal Brooke is rabidly anti-Semitic."

    So is the MicroEffect but i dont see u making any effort to get away from it. hyprocrite.

  57. Dorothy8:54 PM

    Yes, there is antisemitism among the various items, but then again I listen to the microeffect, follow the blog even though some strange people posted and actually read News With Views at one time. I've learned to be tolerant in order to learn more.

    As I told someone else, it would have been wonderful if others had put together so much information from another point of view, but no one has. I would have used that information. Instead we work with bits and pieces of information that go nowhere. There is no coordinated battle going on against the New Age movement and there never will be.

  58. Dorothy10:05 AM

    I should point out that I've spent 30 years exposing antisemitism in its many forms and one of the reasons was I saw antisemitism and anti-Christianity on a large scale in the New Age movement. These movements are very seductive. They are as seductive as New Age thinking is and they have a longer history. They succeed because they tell partial truths. Like New Age they succeed when the partial truths are absorbed without examination of the entire picture. All three movements are hardest to fight, internally or externally, when one gets some benefits from them and refuses to let go of the benefits.

    Those who got free apartments furniture, art work, jewelry and even shoes and eyeglasses among other things that had belonged to the killed Jews rationalized their antisemitism.

    Those who even now get jobs and contacts because they convince themselves they can agree with the giver can become Catholic haters.

    Those who think they are saving the country or doing some other good such as helping pregnant women or helping homosexuals marry can be convinced to go along with Christian haters.

    Those helped through some New Age health program or who have their stress relieved contemplating a crystal can be convinced that New Age ideas are valuable.

    No one supports anti-Christianity, antisemitism or absorbs New Age in one great leap. While being antisemitic they can support Christianity. While supporting New Age ideas they can hate antisemitism. While fighting New Age they can support a little bit of antisemitism. All three things are easy to fight until they touch one personally. Coming out of New Age thinking is as hard as coming out of antisemitism or anti-Christian ideas. It takes a great big leap out of the slime, totally.
    It is coming out of the culture as cult. And it hurts because one has to admit they were wrong.

    I rationalized sharing the material I did even though I saw antisemitism there because I wanted to show others how big the problem really is. I fear very few who read here have any idea of the scope of the New Age movement. While some information can be found here and exclaimed over, it isn't enough to protect anyone and everyone, yet it is the best available. That's the pity of it all. Keep in mind I've been very deeply involved in the research from the very beginning and am not just talking as someone new to the fight.

    All I can add is that I shouldn't have shared that information. I was tempted and gave in. Please check out everything you read there. While you will learn a lot, as in all things check even the sources and information you think are solid. Do not be tempted to put your foot into the slime. You might find it too hard to pull out.

  59. Anonymous9:19 PM

    FYI: It's interesting that many of you who distrust Gary Kah do not know that Carl Teichrib was Kah's chief researcher for many years in Indiana until Teichrib returned to Canada to pursue his own work. Also, Teichrib & Prasch will appear on the platform together this September in Appleton, WI for a prophecy conference.

  60. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Oops! CORRECTION: In my last comment, I reported that Carl Teichrib & Prasch will share the speaking platform in Appleton. Actually, GARY KAH & Jacob Prasch will speak together, not Teicrib & Prasch. Sorry.

  61. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Is anyone else concerned about Carl Teichrib's collaboration with Tom Horn and his excesses? Teichrib contributed a chapter in Horn's latest book, Pandemonium's Engine. Not convinced? Take a look at one of Horn's many websites:
    Are you scared yet?

  62. Eurozone Crisis could prove to be “Global Earthquake”:

    ‘It’s going to be Lehman on steroids’

  63. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Constance -

    Because Tom Horn and his website keep getting mentioned on this blog and this weekend is their "future congress" in Branson, Missouri....I am wondering what your understanding is of the genesis 6 debate. Were the Sons of God men or angels? I know Sarah Leslie has recently written a couple of articles on this at but I am wondering your opinion.

    Thank you -


  64. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The War In Jerusalem Will Spare Nobody. After the Jews, It Will Be the Christians’ Turn.

  65. By Whose Power Does Bill Johnson Perform Healings?

    “What have I done? This guy thinks he hobbled in here…wait until he tries to walk out!”
    – Bill Johnson, 2009

  66. Anonymous11:18 AM

    For the record Camping wasn't from the pre-tribulation crowd.

  67. I've had a lot on my plate that I am not free to talk about lately. I will appreciate your prayers and will be posting a new article on my blogspot very soon, this weekend.

    Thanks and God Bless!


  68. Dear KC,

    I've had reservations similar to Sarah's about Tom Horne who in my opinion is a well intentioned person. I've held back on sending my updated Hidden Dangers for that reason as I want to be very careful before releasing an updated edition of my earlier work which I have made available for download from this site.


  69. To 8:29

    The MICROEFFECT gives me a platform and complete freedom to say what I have to say. Tal Brooke would never do that and he threatened those who did give me platforms, such as John Loeffler, with ostracism in the Evangelical world unless he distanced himself from me.

    You have an obviously nasty spirit about you.


  70. Dorothy's plan would be wonderful if there were buckets of money without strings attached. The dangers of setting up a machinery of "coordinated effort" to fight the New Age Movement and disseminate information is that it would create a structure that could be taken over by contrary interests. I believe this may have happened to EWTN when Fr. Pacwa (who in my opinion offers phony opposition to the New Age Movement while fighting those such as myself and Randall England who really did offer straight information).

    I freely confess to decline temptations to start my own cult and to profiteer from my work. I vaguely remember reading some scriptures admonishing us to be instant in season, out of season and not to do our work for "filthy lucre" either.

    I don't have the resources to buy my own radio and/or television networks; publish my own books and papers (although I gave up much to self-publish my second book after I was blackballed among publishers even though HIDDEN DANGERS had been a number one best seller. I don't have resources to buy large bandwidth internet sites. Hence, if NEWSWITHVIEWS will publish my occasional articles (of which I may have written many more had I not caught such caustic criticism from friends for the worthwhile contributions I did make because they had other beefs with that publisher), I feel I should take advantage of its much larger base (a million plus hits a month) over my relatively smaller one Likewise, on the MICROEFFECT.COM, we have been usually been in top ten internet talk stream radio rankings. That too is a platform I could never independently afford. WMUZ, a purportedly Christian station in Detroit was virtually bankrupting me with a $3,000 upwards per month bill from which they diminished any advertising value by proclaiming another law firm "their preferred legal advertiser).

    I have had to take advantage of the resources provided me and as long as those sources have not censored me (and WMUZ with all the money I spent there did attempt to censor me on occasion), I feel I must use them.

    If anybody finds anything out there 100% that will give me 100% freedom, please let me know. This blogspot gives me freedom, but I realize that from time to time I need broader dissemination to do the work.

    I have much valuable information that needs to be synthesized and shared, but working with some reminds me of walking on eggshells and that is crippling to my output, even though I respect those individuals and their contributions, sometimes they have inadvertently diminished mine.

    Try doing the work I have done with a severely handicapped husband and limited income and then trying to disseminate needed information without critically wounding spirits and, oh well, why should I complain. I'm glad that God is my ultimate judge!


  71. Dorothy2:08 AM

    Your response says it all. It might as well be labeled ME ME ME. Perhaps it is that you just as not a very good team player and thought you should and could do it all by yourself. To label those who attempted to work with you as cult members is shameful. For 30 years I shared information with you. I didn't think of myself as a member of a cult. I thought of myself as someone working toward a goal with you while recognizing your limited working style and allowing for it. Only now many years later I recognize I should have been more forceful, left the association behind and started something on my own. Too many people did what I did. Wasted time. Oh well live and learn.

  72. Dorothy2:59 AM

    To everyone,
    It should be clear that I think Constance is a decent, well-meaning woman. She has accomplished much with her research and her efforts. As a friend she can be very warm and caring. There is no doubt that she is extremely intelligent and has a steel trap as a memory bank.

    She is honest and can be trusted. She has a drive to learn more and more. She has treated those who she considers her opposition with respect and consideration.

    If she were not all of those things I would not have stayed in her circle all of those years.

    Her weaknesses would be none of anyone's business except they have stood in the way of the kind of fight against the New Age movement that was necessary. I have my own strength and weaknesses regarding the fight against the New Age movement which anyone should feel free to comment on here.

    Perhaps there are other fighters against the New Age movement who can learn how to make the fight better than we have done.

    It takes more than information to fight against the New Age movement. It takes people who are willing to work together with that information. No one person can do it alone.

  73. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Regarding the bombing in Oslo, Norway:

    Why would “terrorists” - who presumably want to kill as many people as possible - choose to attack a near-empty office building on a public holiday?

    Also, Oslo police were conducting a bombing exercise at a location near the Oslo Opera House just 48 hours before a terrorist blast hit a government building in the Norwegian capital.

    And finally:
    Is the attack a slap on the wrist for Norwegian meddling in the globalist agenda? Norway is not a member of the European Union and its recent actions will have undoubtedly angered many of the power players amongst the global elite within that inner circle. Specifically, Norway’s support for full Palestinian statehood, set to be voted on at the UN in September, Norway’s decision to reverse its support for the bombardment of Libya and withdraw completely from the NATO operation on August 1, and Norway’s move to freeze a $42 million dollar payment to Greece, an obvious hindrance to recent efforts to prop up the country’s dire debt crisis, are all massive issues that could have caused a fall out between Norway and the Anglo-American establishment.

  74. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Can anyone tell me if the photo of the alleged killer in Norway, that is shown here at a UK website, pictures him in Freemasonry regalia? It sure looks like it to me. And my TV news is calling this guy a Christian. They love to do that.

  75. Anonymous9:34 AM

    By my observations, reading the comments of Constance and of Dorothy...Dorothy has a mean streak that Constance does not have. This IS, after all, the blog of Constance and not the blog of Dorothy. Dorothy should get a blog of her own since she has a bone to pick at this one all the time.

  76. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Ooooops. I neglected to include the URL which has the photo I asked about. Again. Does this look like some sort of Freemasonry regalia?

  77. Dorothy,

    I never labeled anybody, you included as a CULT MEMBER. You, of all people, are somebody that would never be susceptible to one. I do, however, believe that you have placed me sometimes in a position where others could be vulnerable to such pressures. You have insisted that I start an ORGANIZED AND COORDINATED movement, something that requires financial resources you well know I do not have. There is also a real danger of take over dangers in the establishment of same. I respect your work, but I suspect that on many days, sadly, you do not fully understand mine.


  78. Dorothy,

    I have urged you on MANY OCCASIONS to start your own blogspot as you have much valuable information to share. I would link to your spot. I've done the best I could with limited resources and organized opposition that did much to limit my reach in particularly evangelical circles and a few even in Catholic ones. You don't always listen to my radio program, but the regular listeners know that I have given you much credit on the air on a frequent basis.

    I also have been concerned about some having been chased off this blogspot by you because of certain disagreements that sometimes I shared and sometimes I didn't. Nevertheless, Joyce, Rudi, Paul and others had important things to share and on other occasions, we had robust disagreements. That made the site livelier and more interesting. I was told by some that they had left contributions to the site because of your active opposition to them.

    Then, you put up a link to a statistic showing declining readership after chasing some of the readers away. This should not be.


  79. To John Rupp, Jr.

    Thanks for the valuable contribution vis a vis the new Rodney Howard-Browne tour.


  80. Wasted time? Well, we did manage to get the facts out on the New Age Movement, world wide, and it can never be put back in the little box they tried to convince us contained all. For all practical purposes, I was (with God's help) working with the equivalent of one hand tied behind my back. To this day when the New Agers themselves write of their serious opposition, I am frequently the only person mentioned. The very fact that starting in the late 1980's that many New Age, globalist planners felt they had to change terminology to "global civil society" (Mary Kaldor, et al) says something of our success in outing the New Age Movement and its ugly agenda.


  81. Wasted time? Well, we did manage to get the facts out on the New Age Movement, world wide, and it can never be put back in the little box they tried to convince us contained all. For all practical purposes, I was (with God's help) working with the equivalent of one hand tied behind my back. To this day when the New Agers themselves write of their serious opposition, I am frequently the only person mentioned. The very fact that starting in the late 1980's that many New Age, globalist planners felt they had to change terminology to "global civil society" (Mary Kaldor, et al) says something of our success in outing the New Age Movement and its ugly agenda.


  82. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The world of self-publishing now has changed a bit and there is something you can consider. We now are in the day and age of e-books and e-readers. So if you put together a revised edition of Dangers in e-book form and sell it for the appropriate fee that can bring in help. You can even get things put into book form at a POD level using Create Space. You might even want to take Hidden Dangers and your other book and make them available FREE in e-reader form on the various providers. Amanzon with Kindle, Nook, and Smashwords. Think about it.

  83. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Great suggestion, Peacebringer7 - that Constance make her book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" available for free.

    Constance, although many of us out here are mostly your silent supporters, please know how very grateful we are for all of the good work you are doing, and that you remain in our daily prayers that the Good Lord continues to give you all of the spiritual strength you'll need to continue to fight this battle against evil in the world.

  84. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Much more on that suspect in the Oslo, Norway bombing . . .

  85. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Anonymous 9:24 -

    From CNN:

    NRK reports that Breivik does not have a military background and was exempt from Norway's mandatory military service. He has not had any special military training, it adds on its website.

    He was a youth and adult member of the conservative Fremskrittspartiet (FrP) or Progress Party, VG newspaper reports, remaining involved until 2007. The party's most prominent manifesto pledge is to minimize immigration.

    His membership was confirmed by a senior party member, Jonas Kallmyr, who is quoted by VG as saying that encountering Breivik was "like meeting Hitler before World War II."

  86. Anonymous12:20 PM


    A post in Breivik's name on an online forum,, from December 2009, talks about non-Muslim teenagers being "in an especially precarious situation with regards to being harassed by Islamic youth."

    "I know of many hundred occasions where non-Muslims have been robbed, beaten up and harassed by Islamic gangs," the post reads. "I had a best friend between the ages of 12-17 who was a Pakistani, so I was one of the many protected, cool 'potatoes' that had protection. But this also made me see the hypocrisy up close and personal and made me nauseous."

    Another post in Breivik's name in October 2009 advises "Hans", described as the founder of, to "develop an alternative to the violent extreme Norwegian Marxist organisations Blitz, SOS Rasisme and Rod Ungdom" -- all left-wing movements in Norway.

    "The conservatives dare not openly express their viewpoints in public because they know that the extreme Marxists will trump them. We cannot accept the fact that the Labour Party is subsidising these violent "Stoltenberg jugend", who are systematically terrorising the politically conservative," the post reads.

    He is making a reference to the youth movement of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who heads the Labour Party.

  87. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Also keep this in mind....

    Regarding the bombing in Oslo, Norway:

    Why would “terrorists” - who presumably want to kill as many people as possible - choose to attack a near-empty office building on a public holiday?

    Also, Oslo police were conducting a bombing exercise at a location near the Oslo Opera House just 48 hours before a terrorist blast hit a government building in the Norwegian capital.

    And finally:
    Is the attack a slap on the wrist for Norwegian meddling in the globalist agenda? Norway is not a member of the European Union and its recent actions will have undoubtedly angered many of the power players amongst the global elite within that inner circle. Specifically, Norway’s support for full Palestinian statehood, set to be voted on at the UN in September, Norway’s decision to reverse its support for the bombardment of Libya and withdraw completely from the NATO operation on August 1, and Norway’s move to freeze a $42 million dollar payment to Greece, an obvious hindrance to recent efforts to prop up the country’s dire debt crisis, are all massive issues that could have caused a fall out between Norway and the Anglo-American establishment.

  88. Dorothy12:36 PM

    Somehow the very long post I made last night sharing my thoughts on all of the good characteristics Constance has and all of the good she has done just disappeared. We must be back to those days when posts just disappeared. It was up for quite a while before it disappeared. No further comment on that.

  89. Dorothy3:22 PM

    Constance, you miss the point. Anyone could put up a blog and even the very good ones are ignored because there is only so much reading any one person can do. You yourself don't read the blogs you link to otherwise you would know that a lot of them are dead. Pats on the head I didn't need or need now as I already knew 30 years ago I was a good researcher who provided you with much good information over the years.

    If the people you mentioned were such great contributors who were anxious to fight the New Age movement, they would still be around. They wern't chased off. They left because they were exposed and they didn't like it. Most of them ran off because they were Catholic or Jewish bashers who couldn't hold their own against Catholics and Jews who were more knowledgeable when it came to facts. You wanted them kept around for the tidbits of information they provided, not facing the fact that they were doing a lot of damage. They were doing for you so you really didn't care what they did to others. Then there were others who stopped posting because they could see their efforts were going nowhere.

    Constance, you weren't fighting with one hand tied behind your back. You had other people who were providing you with help who you really didn't acknowledge. Frankly, you liked being the one person referred to all of the time as queen of the opposition. It made you feel important and as you said, it brought law business to you.

    It wouldn't have taken a lot of money to get coordination going. It would have meant sharing with trusted others what you knew in a given area as you asked them to work with you to present coordinated information from two or more people. There could have been very valuable joint reports made. There could have been sharing of information on books so that not everyone had to check out the same book. There could have been people who volunteered to watch specific areas of the news so that not everyone had to read the same things. Hindsight, I know.

    As I said in the deleted post, it may be that you are just incapable of being a team player or maybe thought you should be and could be the main focus of any overall fight against the New Age movement.

    So, some information about New Age got out but nothing much was done with it. After the initial burst of information in the '80s, what? Very little. Some people dropped out of New Age. Good for you. New Age continues to grow in the US, and not just in the Christian community.

    Should something happen to you, there would be nothing left behind, no one to take over the arguments against the New Age movement, no one to expose it. Very, very very few people know anything about the New Age movement now. It's considered something obscure.

    The only point in making these comments is to help others who might consider doing something to expose the New Age movement, to help them avoid the same mistake that you made and I made. My main mistakes were trusting that you were the only one that would get any attention, that you were the only one that people would listen to because you had become the focus of any opposition to the New Age movement.

    None of this takes away from the solid information you were at times able to provide. As I said in the deleted post, you are an extremely intelligent, honest and well-meaning person.

    I only hope you can see yourself what went wrong. It might help fresh faces in the battle against the movement.

  90. I disagree that Rudi and Joyce's contributions were "tidbits." Both made valuable contributions. Joyce's very long posts on Messianic Judaism sometimes irritated me, but her contributions on New Age topics were of substance. I disagreed with both Rudi and Joyce on what seemed to me to be intense Catholic bashing. Nevertheless, as far as I was concerned, they were welcome to participate on the board. I felt that something of a gang mentality was being organized against Joyce and I defended Joyce on same just as I defended Dorothy when unjustified attacks were made against her.

    The worst thing that happened was the "walking on eggshells" mentality that made people afraid to speak and contribute unless their work came up to some mythical standard of perfection "relevance" on this board and I'm afraid, Dorothy, you helped contribute to that miasmic fog.


  91. Dorothy,

    I had relatively little law business come to me. I think your issue is that you have a mistaken perception that the persecution I received was fame.


  92. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Friends and supporters do not put up comments with snide statements and innuendoes such as "her weaknesses". With "friends" like Dorothy, does Constance really need enemies?

  93. With all due respect to Dorothy and the others who have made significant research contributions over the years, my book, fully readable in book form by hitting the link "HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW" or this tiny url:

    was to the publisher BEFORE I first met and talked with Dorothy Margraf in 1983. My book went to the publisher in early December 1982. I did not have the benefit of the internet in those days nor did most of the rest of us. I have never been "ghost written" by anybody nor had any "director of research."

    I think far too many egos are at play here and we all need to remember that there is a real struggle out there that its participants would love to see us this badly divided.

    AND, THIS IS ONE MORE REASON WHY I HAVE BEEN AGAINST THE 'ORGANIZED, COORDINATED' APPROACH because this all too frequently happens in organizations and bureaucracies!


  94. The last link I posted will even allow you to have the book read to you.


  95. If something happens to me there are brilliant researchers such as Suzanne, Carl Teichrib, Berit Kjos, and yes, Dorothy.

    I am not nor have I ever attempted to be a one man show.


  96. Anonymous4:48 PM

    anony 11:53
    The book is already available. There are though rather simple methods to make e-books available on the various e-reader formats as well. Up to constance on how she wants to do things, but pointing out she could release books outside of coming to a link here and available at large. Also the e-reader and creative space are realistic options in self-publishing.

  97. Anonymous5:43 PM

    All I know is that if I had not been flipping channels one night back in 1983 and come across hearing Constance Cumbey speaking on PTL (a Christian network), I never would have known anything about the New Age Movement, what it meant, or why it needed to be exposed.

    So, I just want to say THANK YOU, Constance and God bless you for your tremendous courage, for all that you've done and all you continue to do.

  98. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I disagree with Dorothy. I read Constance's books early on and her valued information has helped many of us understand how the new age has entered our society, business and now our churches. The frightening part is how the NA has become disguised as mysticism in the church and has been accepted because of christian terminology. It's there and just morphed into something else. There are many who understand the NA, maybe not to the degree of Constance or Dorothy, but people do want to understand and warn others of the deception.

  99. Dorothy5:46 PM

    Anonymous 10:45
    Constance did an excellent job in warning individuals who came across her or her information about the New Age infiltration into Christianity. She presented the information in a very clear and detailed manner. No question about that. In addition, it was all original research. The other half of the information about the New Age movement deals with the political side which is much more than the European Union. In addition there is the cultural change that has come about as a result of New Age. Here is where a lot of other people should be involved to research and spread the information. There is no way Constance could do it all for everybody. If you have depended on her to tell you all there is to know, you've missed out on a lot.

  100. Anonymous12:22 PM

    "The MICROEFFECT gives me a platform and complete freedom to say what I have to say. Tal Brooke would never do that and he threatened those who did give me platforms, such as John Loeffler, with ostracism in the Evangelical world unless he distanced himself from me.

    You have an obviously nasty spirit about you."

    So neo-nazi anti-semites give you a platform so its okay to be there and lend your support to it, and somehow I'M the one with the nasty attitude for pointing out your obvious hypocrisy?? Wow. Talk about a twisted view.

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