
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Tony Blair and Rick Warren together: Partnering for a New Age "New World Religion"?

Today a participant on this blogspot posted a link to an important Lighthouse Trails report.
Blair and Warren
The report is important evidence that implementation New Age plans for the "New World Religion" long expressed by Lucis Trust are well under way.

I think the report placed unjustified importance on Tony Blair's purported conversion to his wife's alleged Catholicism.  The evidence is conclusive that both the Blairs made a full and public profession of New Age earth worship long ago.  I have heard of no renunciation of their well publicized Mexican rebirthing ceremony which occurred in 2004.  There are allegations that both Blairs occult practices were compulsive and obsessive.

Traditional Roman Catholic theology affirms Jesus  Christ as exclusive Lord and Savior.  Traditional New Age teachings emphatically deny it. [1]  The Apostle Paul plainly warned the Corinthians that they could not have communion from both tables.  The New Ager who originally told me that the name for what I was observing was "the New Age Movement" also told me she was equally active in both Unity School of Practical Christianity, a clearly New Age church and Bethesda Church in Detroit (a large, influential Pentecostal congregation).  New Agers were encouraged to have continued affiliations with Christian and Jewish congregations -- all in the interests of spreading New Age "enlightenment" to those circles!

As for Rick Warren, he has had another "Rick," Richard Abanes, try to give him false bona fides as an "anti-New Ager."  At the same time he is loudly defended by New Agers such as Marianne Williamson. As Marianne Williamson was here in the Detroit area pastoring a local Unity Church, Renaissance Unity, for several years, I had the opportunity to witness and record many of her television programs on local stations.  She clearly and loudly proclaimed that "we do not believe Jesus was THE CHRIST.  We believe Jesus was A CHRIST" was the clear message I witnessed her publicly saying on live public television.  Marianne would spiritually confuse her congregation by having gospel choirs perform.  Her good friend, Jean Houston, did not like that.  On one program I watched, Jean Houston excoriated Marianne Williamson for having bad musical templates!

It appears to me that Tony Blair and Rick Warren are both important participants in a type of New Age "rebirthing."  They are attempting to rebirth multitudes of Christians in beliefs that they must participate in both prophetically warned of redistribution and initiation systems.  We know, at least from media accounts, that Tony Blair underwent New Age rebirthing.

I submit that the New Age process is one of termites from within, wrecking balls from without.  Looks to me as though Rick Warren and Tony Blair, wittingly or unwittingly, may be accomplices in both processes.

May the Lord help us all!

Stay tuned!


[1]  See page 9 of that link to page 12.  It seems "the Aquarian Masters sitting in council" have "formulated an answer to the question."  Compare that to the clear scriptural warning that in the last days men would give heed to doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1).  Just who were these "Aquarian Masters sittting in council"?  Sounds clearly demonic to me!


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Glad to help. Over at my place I've added this post of yours right under the link to the Lighthouse Trails link.

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    *"...the link to the Lighthouse Trails piece."* Sheesh.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    >>Specifically, Anna said her role within the religious sector had to do with an extremely devious Illuminati ploy, creating a false Christianity leading to mass genocide.

    >>"My huge area of concern, is an extremely deceptive ploy by both the illuminati, and the core of Vatican cult members, to unite all people under a false Christianity, that will give reason for genocide," said Joanna [Johanna Mikelson?],...


    Massive Pseudo-christian movement steeped in Sustainable Development/Agenda 21-type ideology? Nope, nothing to see here, folks. No connection whatsoever.

    Don't know much of anything about the above site or its owner, but I'd be interested to know more about the interviewee. If she's legit, hearing more from her could be informative. Anyway, just struck me apropos of recent RW/Saddleback Cult headlines.

  4. Blair's alleged conversion was, in my opinion, nothing more than a political strategy. I've always thought so. Thank you for exposing the truth about him here.

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM


    Thanks for shining the light of truth on Warren and his heresy. He is what some call a 'bridger,' promoting 'Christianity' on one hand and promoting NA / mystical teachers and authors on the other.

    His recently introduced 'Daniel Plan' (sustainable health and wellness) is co-directed by three well-known mystics, with all three denying Christian / Biblical beliefs.

    On another note, I'm saddened to hear about Bethesda in Detroit. We attended another sister church growing up in Detroit but had friends who attended there. I wonder if there are signs of them sliding into emergent / contemplative teachings.

    As usual, a great post! Thanks for your very exceptional work keeping us informed.

    Dave in CA

  6. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "Serbia seen as precedent

    NATO defense ministers will gather at the bloc's headquarters in Brussels for a two-day summit on Libya on Thursday to discuss contingency plans for implementing a no-fly zone over Libya outside of the UN structure. It is thought that the precedent set by NATO's air attacks on Serbia in 1999, which came without UN backing, could be cited as justification should the bloc decide that the situation requires immediate action."


  7. Anonymous9:19 PM


    The Anglican church in Canada is questioning whether baptism is necessary for people to receive communion. They want an open table where anybody including non-Christians can receive communion.

    "How, in our multicultural and pluralistic society, can our churches be places of hospitality if we exclude table fellowship with the non-baptized? This is not an academic question," wrote Rev. Nicolosi, the pastor at St. James Westminster Anglican Church in London, Ont., and an official Church consultant on how to build membership.



    "13 killed in clashes between Copts and Muslims in Egypt
    The bloodshed — on the edge of a Cairo slum — renews worry about the government's willingness to protect minority Christians. The army intervened only after Muslims set fire to homes and businesses . . .,0,5789132.story



  9. To DAVE in California:

    What I reported on Bethesda is 30 years old. I have no idea on where they are now. As a point of interest, however, there was a law book salesman who took interest in my research back when I was starting. He set up a luncheon meeting and Pastor Beall was there and I met him. I will report to you that at that time he told, per the organizer, that he thought there was nothing to worry about on the New Age Movement. If he ever changed that position, I do not know. I was never invited to speak there, although I did speak at Thomas Trask's Brightmoor Assembly of God Church at that pastor's invitation.


  10. B R E A K I N G N E W S

    Brand new story in London Financial Times by Marwab Muasher and JAVIER SOLANA:

    "Push ahead now for a solution in Palestine."

  11. Off topic, but important opportunity:

    Discernment Ministries (Herescope) is having a conference in New Cumberland, PA (near Harrisburg) April 8 and 9. See for details. There is a great line up of speakers/topics including Dr. Martin Erdmann who wrote "The Spiritualization of Science, Technology, and Education in a One-World Society" for The New England Journal of Nanomedicine in 2009.

    Dr. Erdmann’s topics for this conference are “The Hermetic View of Man as Magus: A Terrestrial God's Destiny to Perfect Himself and Society” and “More than Human: The Transhumanist Agenda of Transforming Humans into Posthumans”.

    JD had some interesting information on his blog regarding transhumanism. JD writes, "There is a belief that not only is human consciousness evolving into godhood, but that it can be artificially stimulated."

    Carl Teichrib has written regarding Technocracy in Forcing Change. These are important concepts that intersect RFID issues and the deception that will facilitate its implementation.

    Please consider this conference if you live within driving distance of Harrisburg, PA.

  12. Discernment Ministries (Herescope) is having a conference in New Cumberland, PA (near Harrisburg) April 8 and 9. See for details. There is a great line up of speakers/topics including Dr. Martin Erdmann who wrote "The Spiritualization of Science, Technology, and Education in a One-World Society" for The New England Journal of Nanomedicine in 2009.

    Dr. Erdmann’s topics for this conference are “The Hermetic View of Man as Magus: A Terrestrial God's Destiny to Perfect Himself and Society” and “More than Human: The Transhumanist Agenda of Transforming Humans into Posthumans”.

    JD had some interesting information on his blog regarding transhumanism. JD writes: There is a belief that not only is human consciousness evolving into godhood, but that it can be artificially stimulated. Carl Teichrib has written regarding Technocracy in Forcing Change. These are important concepts that intersect RFID issues and the deception that will facilitate its implementation.

    Please consider this conference if you live within driving distance of Harrisburg, PA.

  13. Discernment Ministries (Herescope) is having a conference in New Cumberland, PA (near Harrisburg) April 8 and 9. There is a great line up of speakers/topics including Dr. Martin Erdmann who wrote "The Spiritualization of Science, Technology, and Education in a One-World Society" for The New England Journal of Nanomedicine in 2009.

    Dr. Erdmann’s topics for this conference are “The Hermetic View of Man as Magus: A Terrestrial God's Destiny to Perfect Himself and Society” and “More than Human: The Transhumanist Agenda of Transforming Humans into Posthumans”.

    JD had some interesting information on his blog regarding transhumanism. >. JD writes: There is a belief that not only is human consciousness evolving into godhood, but that it can be artificially stimulated. Carl Teichrib has written regarding Technocracy in Forcing Change. These are important concepts that intersect RFID issues and the deception that will facilitate its implementation.

    Please consider this conference if you live within driving distance of Harrisburg, PA.

  14. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Discernment Ministries (Herescope) is having a conference in New Cumberland, PA (near Harrisburg) April 8 and 9. There is a great line up of speakers/topics including Dr. Martin Erdmann who wrote "The Spiritualization of Science, Technology, and Education in a One-World Society" for The New England Journal of Nanomedicine in 2009.

    Dr. Erdmann’s topics for this conference are “The Hermetic View of Man as Magus: A Terrestrial God's Destiny to Perfect Himself and Society” and “More than Human: The Transhumanist Agenda of Transforming Humans into Posthumans”.

    JD had some interesting information on his blog regarding transhumanism. >. JD writes: There is a belief that not only is human consciousness evolving into godhood, but that it can be artificially stimulated. Carl Teichrib has written regarding Technocracy in Forcing Change. These are important concepts that intersect RFID issues and the deception that will facilitate its implementation.

    Please consider this conference if you live within driving distance of Harrisburg, PA.

  15. Disappearing Post8:14 AM

    I have been trying to post, but I've apparently joined the ranks of the "disappearing posts".

    Move over Dorothy, Susanna, and others--make room for me! LOL!

    Constance, please check your email and spam filter.

    The post gives information about a conference in Penna. that will talk about t r a n s h u m a n i s m

    and t e c h n o c r a c y.

  16. Marko9:26 AM

    What kind of jumped out at me in the lighthouse Trails article was the fact that at this conference, there were no cameras or recording devices permitted, and that security was high. Those who live by the Truth have no need for such nonsense, only those who live by fear - fear of having their agenda exposed.

  17. Carol H.9:37 AM

    I would submit to you, while observing both Blair and Warren over the year(s) and what has transpired and is happening now, that both these men are under mind control. I believe it is possible.
    Both these men, with their so called "news worthiness" are certainly making great strides for the New World religion, and it doesn't seem as though they are missing a step. And their coming together now seems too uncanny not to be a work of "the hidden agenda" elites. Just my opinion, any thoughts on this Constance and others?

  18. For the record, MARKO sent me the important information about "Global Revolution" aspects of what is now happening in so many places, including but not limited to the Middle East and Wisconsin.

    Thanks, Marko!


  19. Susanna12:35 PM

    To Anonymous who addressed me and others a couple of threads ago regarding Sarkozy:

    The Drudge caption reads:



    The actual headline for the article reads:


    The following is from a July 26 and July 27, 2010 series article in Der Spiegel.


    al/germany/0,1518,496914-2,00.html __________________________________



    Not to be a wiseacre, but it doesn't take rocket science to figure out where that little weasel Sarkozy is coming from.

  20. Dorothy2:47 PM

    Blogger YesNaSpanishTown said...


    Reply: Aren't we all! He's such a solid contributor and a rather wise one for his young age.

    I talk with him occasionally and became concerned when we didn't hear from him for so long. The last we heard he and his baby daughter were dealing with rather severe flu symptoms. His wife didn't get it, having had a flu shot.

    Well little Allie is over it, but he still has a little bit left in his system. Allie is a very bright and inquisitive little thing, just learning to walk. In chasing her down one day, he walked into a chest, broke his toe and messed up the toe socket causing him a lot of pain. Nothing but time can heal it. He needed time to repair his cars. His emotional support has been needed for a family health problem. So, right now he doesn't have a lot of energy left to contribute to research. He says he will definitely be back when he can allot time and energy to do more research.

    That he'll be back as soon as he can is good news for all of us who work together.

  21. I'm on Roger Oakland's email list and just received this:

    Understand The Times urgently requests your prayers. Since the publication of the commentary, Globalization A SPECIAL REPORT by Lighthouse Trails Research and Roger Oakland, a number of situations have developed that could harm the ministry of Understand The Times.

    So, our prayers are needed. It makes me wonder just what's going on.

    On a different note (my anal-retentiveness showing), on the original article it states that Alice Bailey coined the term "new age." This is not true as I was just reading a bit of Levi Dowling's The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ and found the term in it and this book predates any of the Lucis material by 15 years. I'm not sure if Blavatsky may have used the term.

  22. There's a testimony of a former IHOP (International House of Prayer) on the CrossWise site with links to 2 other testimonies in the preface which overall provide a a good overview of what's going on there in KC. In addition, in one of the comments is a link to the testimony of a former leader of IHOP-KC:

  23. I just had a comment disappear...

  24. For the record, MARKO sent me the important information about "Global Revolution" aspects of what is now happening in so many places, including but not limited to the Middle East and Wisconsin.

    Thanks, Marko!


  25. OK, my comment reappeared; but, I see the url is not complete. Here's a tinyurl:

  26. Marko5:08 PM

    Hi Constance:

    Thanks, but I think you must have more than one Marko around here! That sounds like something I would have sent to you, but in this case, I didn't. I haven't sent anything your way in probably over a year.

    So... kudos to whatever Marko it was who sent you that information about the "Global Revolution".... it was an interesting piece, for sure!

    Yes, there's a global revolutionary spirit rising everywhere it seems. My focus has always been on Russia and China and such enemies.... they are doing whatever they can to push us over the edge into chaos, so they can attack us when we are weakest. That's "my angle" on things anyway. Somehow the New Age fits into it all, but how and when, I don't know.

    My hunch: war III, which starts with an attack on the US. From the ashes of that war comes the New World - a "world without war" supposedly, led by "enlightened masters". They will condemn the old world of what used to be the US, and Russia, and China, and the rest, and say "look what happened to them, because of their primitive warring ways...blah blah blah". Whoever survives the world war that is coming will then have to survive whatever heretical, evil, blasphemous World Government (or attempt at such) arises in the aftermath. It will succeed, but only for a short time, as we know by scriptures.

    OK, I've blabbed on long enough....

    --the "other"? Marko

  27. Anonymous7:17 PM

    From top right section entitled "News in Brief."


    "UK and Germany call for united front on Libya
    10.03.2011 @ 08:51 CET

    In a joint letter to EU foreign policy chief Ashton, the UK and German foreign ministers, William Hague and Guido Westerwelle, have called for a united front on Libya. 'The EU should agree to an ambitious, clear response with a series of concrete actions both for the short and longer term.'"

  28. Anonymous7:36 PM

    They are thinking about it (i.e., the 10-nation modified Brussels Treaty Powers, aka the Western European Union):

    "The EU should push forward the decision to establish a no-fly zone over Libya's territory. International law allows intervention when murders are being committed on a massive scale. If the EU had properly developed security and defence capabilities, we would be able to act on our own."


  29. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "Call for 'third Intifada' by Palestinians on internet
    Mar 10, 2011, 14:47 GMT

    Tel Aviv - Palestinians were being urged for the first time via such internet-based social networks as Facebook and Twitter to launch a 'third Intifada' (uprising) against Israel..."


  30. Anonymous12:18 AM

    That's significant news, Anonymous, about the "new Intifada" being called by Palestinians. They have been relative quiet lately--few attacks have been reported. But with a new intifada...peace initiatives will increase. Netanyahu is said to be willing to give territory, and his fellow Israelis are holding their breaths...wondering how the country can be defended if strategic land is given away.


  31. Anonymous8:07 AM

    60 killed in major tsunami after 8.9 Japan quake

    TOKYO – A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing at least 60 people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control. Tsunami warnings blanketed the entire Pacific, as far away as South America, Canada, Alaska and the entire U.S. West Coast.
    The magnitude 8.9 offshore quake unleashed a 23-foot (7-meter) tsunami and was followed by more than 50 aftershocks for hours, many of them of more than magnitude 6.0.

  32. Anonymous11:27 AM


    I have seen your comment many times before regarding "those who deny Jesus as Lord and Saviour" when defending other faiths.

    With due respect, I am confused by what you mean. There are many individuals and chuches that DO NOT deny this and are still false teachers. Just by verbally affirming the statement or writing it down in doctrine does not mean the individual or church is on the right path. Even Satan's minions knew who Jesus was when He confronted them, they did not deny who He was.

  33. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "The dangerous combination of this [Spain's] government’s economic incompetence and its interventionist drive can lead us to energy rationing in the near future – resembling more the situation of Communist Cuba than of a European Union country…”


  34. Anonymous12:07 PM

    P.S. God bless the survivors of Japan's earthquake.

  35. Anonymous1:53 PM

    EU's foreign policy chief "pushed onto the sidelines as EU leaders flock to Brussels for a crisis summit..."


  36. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Prayer for JD and his family:

    Dear God: Please help JD (your good and faithful servant) with whatever he may need. Amen.

  37. Susanna4:39 PM


  38. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Insider testimony confirms to Ken Silva the redoubled ramping-up of the Great Apostasy toward the global spirituality:

    More and more big-name mainline "celebrity" pastors are predictably following Warren in boldly, openly introducing and endorsing New Age syncretism to their nominally-Christian flocks. The whoring one-world religion is really beginning to feel her oats, the brazen hussy!

  39. Anonymous12:20 AM

    BONUS! From June 2008, a withering kiss-off to Rick Warren from vocal Purpose Drivel opponent James Sundquist:

    Be sure not to miss the supplements and updated links posted by Sundquist in the comments section of the post above!
