
Thursday, November 25, 2010


'Nuf  said.  Have a blessed and relaxed Thanksgiving Day.  I'll try my best not to overeat!

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    My prayerful wish is for a Happy, blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving to all of you, too!!!

  2. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Flyers claim that TSA have deactivated body scanners!!!

    (Is this a small victory for the POWER of the people to finally rise up and shout 'Enough is Enough'???)

  3. Slumdog8:41 AM

    Sorry if someone else posted this, but I've been warning about "Hate crimes" for years, but it doesn't seem to register.
    "This underscores why many of us opposed passage of the federal hate-crimes bill, which lays the groundwork for making Christian morality into a form of hate punishable under the law,"

    The proof that "Hate Crimes" are political is that only "Christian" groups are listed, yet Islam does more than just preach that Homosexuality is sin, Islam takes violent action against it:
    "Islamic Sharia law is extracted from both the Qur'an and hadiths. Islamic jurisprudence are expansion of the laws contained within them by Islamic jurists. Therefore, they are seen as the laws of Allah. You need only look to the rulings under Sharia to see the accepted mainstream interpretation of Islam and it's commandments to its followers. Homosexuality under this law, is not only a sin, but a punishable crime against 'god'. In the case of homosexuality, how it is dealt with differs between the four mainline schools of Sunni jurisprudence today, but what they all agree upon is that homosexuality is worthy of a severe penalty."

    Berit Kjos:
    "This legislation may be the most ominous attack on "free speech" and Christianity since the founding of our nation. Yet, the silence of the mainstream media is disturbing."

    Did some of the people you voted for support this bill?
    I think this is an import question for a group that that endeavors to expose New Age Advancement.

    Oh, Happy Thanksgiving, the history of may soon be a crime.

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    To the anons and others who share my views, happy Thanksgiving, you are in my prayers, thank you for all the great info, keep up the good fight.

  5. Slumdog,

    I just read the article by Berit Kjos whose work I respect. I see it was a 2007 article last updated 10-8-09. What is the current status? The information presented is deeply disturbing.



  6. Slumdog6:36 PM

    This is the current status:

    "WASHINGTON – The Southern Poverty Law Center has placed a virtual who's who of pro-family and Christian organizations, including the Family Research Council, the American Family Association and the Traditional Values Coalition, on a list of 13 "hate groups" for opposing the homosexual political agenda."

    The Berit Kjos report is to show the for foresight Crossroad's had!

  7. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone from

    Not Anonymous,


  8. Berit Kjos IS Crossroads. That is the name she usually publishes under. Yes, she had great foresight on this which, in my opinion is a sign of an important seal of Revelation opening or very much in progress -- THE FIFTH SEAL OF REVELATION on those who keep the faith of Jesus and the Commandments of God.

    Very dismaying but not surprising action from the Southern Poverty Law Center.


  9. Anon 4:37,

    Was it necessary to categorize your well wishes as to only those who share your thoughts and views?

  10. The following is taken from the first press release of "The Institute for Strategic Studies" - ISS (28th November 1958).
    The formation of the new institute for the study of defence and disarmament was simultaneously announced in London and New York. The Institute was to have its headquarters in London and the initial finance for the first three years operation was generously provided by the Ford Foundation in New York. The first Director was to be The Hon. Alastair Buchan; The Secretary of the Institute was to be Commander H.E.B. Jenkinson, Royal Navy (Ret'd).
    The Institute was intended to further the study of strategy and security as a whole, and its membership would not be confined to British subjects. The founder members of the Council of the Institute were, however, all drawn from Britain. They were :-
    • Sir Kenneth Grubb, CMG (Chairman, Commission of the Churches in International Affairs)
    • Chairman: Richard Goold-Adams (Writer and Broadcaster)
    • Vice Chairman: The Rt. Hon. The Lord Salter, GBE, KCB
    • Hon. Treasurer: Professor P.M.S. Blackett, FRS (Professor of Physics, Imperial College of Science, London)
    • The Rev. Alan Booth (Secretary, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs)
    • Rear Admiral Sir Anthony Buzzard, Bt., CB, DSO (Director of Vickers-Armstrong Ltd., Director of Naval Intelligence 1951-1954)
    • Air Chief Marshal Sir Ronal Ivelaw Chapman , GCB, KBE, DFC, AFC (Vice Chief of the Air Staff 1953-1957)
    • Lieutenant General Sir John Eldridge, KBE, CB, DSO, MC (Comptroller of Munitions, Ministry of Supply 1953-1957)
    • Kurt Hahn (Formerly Headmaster of Gordonstoun and Salem Schools)
    • Captain B.H. Liddel Hart (Historian and Military Analyst)
    • Sir William Hayter, KCMG (Warden of New College, Oxford; British Ambassador to Moscow 1953-1957)
    • Denis Healey, MP (Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Group, Parliamentary Labour Party)
    • Michael Howard, MC (Lecturer in War Studies, Kings College, London)
    • Sir James Hutchison, Bt., DSO, MP (President of the Assembly of Western European Union, 1957-1958)
    • Marshal of the RAF Sir John Slessor, GCB, DSO, MC (Chief of the Air Staff 1950-1952)
    • Sir Henry Tizard, GCB, AFC, FRS (Chairman, Advisory Council on Scientific Policy and Defence Research Policy 1946-1952)
    • Donald Tyerman (Editor of The Economist)
    • Canon H.M. Waddams (Secretary, Foreign Relations Council of the Church of England)
    • The Rt. Hon. The Lord Weeks, KCB, GBE, DSC, MC (Deputy Governor of the British Zone of Germany 1945; Chairman of Vickers Ltd.)
    • The Hon. C. M. Woodhouse, DSO (Director General of The Royal Institute for International Affairs since 1955)

  11. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Thanksgiving. A national day of mourning for Native Americans. What an awful thing to celebrate.

  12. Anonymous4:38 PM

    PIIGS (Port. Italy, Ireland, Greece Spain) are in trouble. These verses keep coming to mind. Is this how the worst of these countries will dealt with?

    Dan. 7:7 ¶ “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast — terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.

    Dan. 7:8 ¶ “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

    Dave in CA

  13. Anon.
    It is not a day of mourning for
    Native Americans.
    You are wrong.

  14. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Paul..actually I'm not. I was invited to be a part of an inter-tribal meeting because it is a national day of mourning for them. Tell someone else that garbage. I know better.

  15. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Don't presume to speak about things you don't know about Paul.

    buh bye now...

  16. Anon.
    So if some person builds a website
    and says they represent ALL the
    people, and declares it a National
    Day of something, then I guess
    that makes it a National Day of
    something, eh ?
    I doubt if the vast majority of
    American Indian tribes even
    know about your website.

  17. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Well first of all genius it isnt my website. Secondly:

    Leonard Peltier on National Day of Mourning:

    You just keep making a fool of yourself with every ignorant post genius. Try shutting up and doing some research rather than run your obviously racist mouth. Pass the turkey and remeber fondly the murder of Native Americans. Lovely holiday there genius.

  18. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Sigh, really shouldn't be feeding the trolls. It is noteworthy though that the United States of America has ton of sins and responses from others. One of which resulted in that "anger" based response. It is the nature of sin and fallen man. Anyone who perhaps advocates US as a "Christian Nation" or gravitates toward all is right with the practice of theonomy in any culture will be mistaken. Now, they may point out that the actions were not done following the "code" but it is part and parcel of mindset. Too some, rest assured the Native American represented a "pagan" religion that needed driving out like the canaanites. There is much that can be twisted there.

  19. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Oh and btw, sire you leave a video from Pelteir, who "Peltier is considered by the AIM to be a political prisoner[14] and has received support from individuals and groups including Nelson Mandela, Rigoberta Menchú, Amnesty International, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, Tenzin Gyatso (the 14th Dalai Lama), the European Parliament,[15] the Belgian Parliament,[16] the Italian Parliament, the Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Rev. Jesse Jackson."

    So now while there are many who do not recognize the sins done, it is worth noting the agenda of those supporting such actions. This reads as a who is who list of support.

  20. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Watch out for the rise of Germany as the new financial world super power. Germany has their own central bank, their own currency, and are ready to break away from the Euro. The Germans are also savers and sound business people. They have a strong close relationship with Russia....and will go head to head with China.

    According to Max Keiser (financial analyst and host of RT's Kaiser Report): "The Teutonic genie is being let out of the bottle....America is punching itself in the face."

  21. Anonymous2:06 PM

    According to Wikipedia...

    Much like Columbus Day, Thanksgiving is seen by some as a celebration of the conquest and genocide of Native Americans by European colonists. Professor Dan Brook of UC Berkeley condemns the "cultural and political amnesia" of Americans that celebrate Thanksgiving, saying that "We do not have to feel guilty, but we do need to feel something."[43] Robert Jensen of AlterNet is somewhat harsher, saying that "One indication of moral progress in the United States would be the replacement of Thanksgiving Day and its self-indulgent family feasting with a National Day of Atonement accompanied by a self-reflective collective fasting."[44]

    Since 1970, the United American Indians of New England, a protest group led by Frank "Wamsutta" James that has accused the United States and European settlers of fabricating the Thanksgiving story and whitewashing a supposed democide and injustice against Indians, has led a National Day of Mourning protest on Thanksgiving at Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts in the name of social equality and in honor of political prisoners.

  22. Anonymous2:06 PM

    (Continued . . .)

    Another notable example of anti-Thanksgiving sentiment was when hundreds of supporters traveled to Alcatraz on Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the Occupation of Alcatraz by Indians of All Tribes. The American Indian Movement also holds a negative view of Thanksgiving and has used it as a platform of protest, most notably when they took over a Mayflower float in a Thanksgiving Day parade.[45] Some Native Americans hold "Unthanksgiving Day" celebrations in which they mourn the deaths of their ancestors, fast, dance, and pray.[46] This tradition has been taking place since 1975.[47]

    However, the perception of Thanksgiving among Native Americans is not universally negative. Tim Giago, founder of the Native American Journalists Organization, seeks to reconcile Thanksgiving with Native American traditions. He compares Thanksgiving to "wopila," a thanks-giving celebration practiced by Native Americans of the Great Plains. He writes in The Huffington Post that "the idea of a day of Thanksgiving has been a part of the Native American landscape for centuries. The fact that it is also a national holiday for all Americans blends in perfectly with Native American traditions." He also shares personal anecdotes of Native American families coming together to celebrate Thanksgiving.[48] Jacqueline Keeler of the Dineh Nation and the Yankton Dakota Sioux also celebrates Thanksgiving. She sees it as a celebration of Wampanoag generosity to starving, impoverished colonists while still lamenting the violence that followed.[49] Members of the Oneida Indian Nation marched in the 2010 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with a float called "The True Spirit of Thanksgiving."[50]

  23. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Any interested in "Frank James" aka "Wamsutta's" speech of the aforementioned day of mourning can find it here:

  24. Anonymous2:17 PM

    it is interesting looking at backgrounds of supporters and the varied agendas, which in general fit right in with UN agenda. Sadly those who walk and follow the dominionist/theonomy/reconstructionist view points walk a narrow path for these things that have occurred. Really sad the ongoing twists and turns of sin upon sin. Yet, also there is good, as is oft the case. Question is where is perspective, on the sins and wrongs? On trying to write perceived wrongs. It is a trick web when the ways of man seek to untangle and untwist the varied threads of the fallen world.

  25. Anonymous2:27 PM

    China said on Friday it was determined to prevent an escalation of this week's violence on the Korean peninsula but warned against military acts near its coast as U.S. and South Korean forces prepared for exercises in the Yellow Sea.

    North Korea, stepping up its rhetoric just days after it shelled a South Korean island, said the four-day naval drills starting on Sunday risked pushing the region toward war.

    The U.S. military said the exercises, planned long before Tuesday's attack, were designed to deter North Korea and were not aimed at China.

    "We've routinely operated in waters off the Korean peninsula for years," said Captain Darryn James, a Pentagon spokesman. "These latest provocations have been by the North and they need to take ownership of those, not us."

    Calling for calm, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met North Korean ambassador Ji Jae Ryong in Beijing and talked by phone with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan.

    "The top priority now is to keep the situation under control and to ensure such events do not happen again," the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    To help ease the tensions in the world's fastest-growing economic region, the United States is pressing China to use its influence to rein in reclusive and unpredictable North Korea, which has defied efforts to halt its nuclear ambitions.

  26. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Top story on Drudge Report (11/27):

    DHS Seizes 75+ Domain Names

  27. War is hell.
    Human history is a stacatto
    of war after war.
    The long bloody war of the
    Europeans with the American
    Indians is no exception.
    Lots of people on both sides died.
    Just as lots of American indians
    died as their tribes fought other
    tribes in bloody battles on a
    regular basis for hundreds of years
    before any white man ever
    showed up on these shores.
    What, did you think the peace-
    loving Indians were in perfect
    harmony with nature and each
    other, happy and content through
    the years ?
    Gimme a break.
    War and warriors had been a
    way of life for centuries. The
    various Indian tribes carved out
    their respective territories by
    way of war.
    I'm not one who believes
    that "might makes right",
    but more and better technology,
    as well as bigger numbers of
    soldiers, wins wars.
    War is hell, but there's always
    some people who glorify it and
    thrive on it.
    Mankind is corrupt; not just
    White man.

  28. Anonymous3:04 PM

    What happens if the Dollar and the Euro both collapse?

  29. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Will we have a new world currency called the 'Phoenix'(as in Phoenix rising)?

  30. Anon 3:07

    I guess that would depend on what you mean by currency. If you mean paper money and coin, I would say probably not. People are very attached to the symbols that their paper money represents for their respective nation and don't like seeing it supplanted by something new. If you simply mean a different unit of measure by which people trade, then I would say this is a certainty.

    The Phoenix as in the title of the article suggests something transformed. In this case it represents the entire economic system, or, a "Phoenix Economy" (look this up) if you will. What it represents is not 100% new, as the pieces are already existent, but a transformation of their application.

    As is the case with the mythical Phoenix, all is not what it seems. Just as the flames of the mythical bird scorch everything in it's path while people wonder at it's beauty, so too shall this economic system burn all those who wonder before it.

  31. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Doctors Sound TSA Germ Alert

  32. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Putin Proposes Russia-EU Union

  33. Steve8:45 PM

    Regarding America

    It was a land conquered by warfare no different than any other land in history. War is cruel...always has been and always will be. But when Europe got here, native tribes battled other native tribes. To assume they all lived here as environmental partners and shared the buffalo herds peacefully is to assume they didn't share the same type of history everyone else shares. Europe won the war and took the land. It was cruel but it resulted in the greatest nation ever to have existed.

    We have been so free to worship and believe that we've taken it all for granted and destroyed the freedom we've been given.

    As for the Native Americans, we have Acts 17:26-28

    And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for in him we live and move and have our being; as even some of our own poets have said, 'for we are indeed his offspring.'

  34. Steve8:49 PM

    Some bad things may have happened in war but the Gospel was brought to them. Not to sound mean but many traded it for reservations, culture, welfare and casinos.

    History has been badly mutilated and I'm sure none of us knows what really happened. There were ups and downs for sure. But the Gospel was certainly brought to native Americans. Some embraced it and some rejected it.

  35. Steve8:50 PM


    That being said, I hope everyone here had a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoyed time off from being a slave to our companies and our government. At some point I hope that we all realize we work almost 6 months of the year to finance everything we disagree with...including:

    1. Rationing of healthcare.
    2. Support for the Southern Poverty Law Center.
    3. Support for unions which have eliminated our jobs and created a government class of people who now earn much more than those of us who work in the private sector.
    4. The government funding of the murder of our children disguised as reproductive rights...paid for by our labor.
    5. The funding of groups like Acorn who skew elections in ways we can't even investigate.
    6. The salaries of our 'servants' in congress who call themselves our leaders (and we believe they are).
    7. The destruction of our morals and values represented by government enforcement of 'diversity initiatives' upon the companies we work for which force us to support what we disagree with and hold our checks hostage pending our support of these initiatives.
    8. The expansion of the violent homosexual agenda in our schools, our companies (diversity), our churches and now our military.
    8. We are willingly paying to fund elimination of the local farmer's ability to sell produce in a farmer's market.
    9. We are willingly paying for the government to control what our children aren't learning in school.
    10. We are willingly paying for the government to decide what our children eat for lunch at school.
    11. We are willingly paying for the government to determine what we eat at home or what restaurants can serve to us. I miss trans fats. Have you eaten at KFC lately??? It tastes like crap when it used to be good. What about the retro sodas that came out for a while made with real cane sugar? I bought real, old fashioned Pepsi from Sams not long ago. It was retro and made with real sugar. I remembered why I used to like it so much. What a blast from the past.
    12. Oklahoma just voted down the ability of courts to use Sharia law to make decisions. It is being overridden by a group of publicly funded activist judges who are writing laws that can't be counted as law because they are outside of the law of the land and should therefore be disregarded.
    13. Iowa only a few years ago accepted gay marriage because three activist judges ruled that it should be legal. That was accepted as law even though those judges had no right to over rule the will of the vast majority of people. The judges are now gone but the 'law' still exists. It was an illegal law and should never have been acknowledged. Acceptance of it was up to the people of Iowa and they seem to have accepted it, seeking an amendment to correct it sometime in the future. Meanwhile, they pay for it.

    We're getting buried in ideas that don't matter and as Christians we are allowing our own destruction because we've taken for granted what we were given. It's our own fault.

    As long as we continue to fund a government that works against all that is good or right, we are doomed as a nation and I'm afraid hard times are ahead for all of us.

    The problem we have isn't political, it's spiritual. And all of this has happened in the past. It ended with Mau, Hitler, Stalin, etc. We're funding the same kind of regime but I'm pretty sure there is no stopping it now. We've taken our freedom to worship and to be sane for granted for too

    long. We've paid for the government that will try to overrun us and destroy us. Not sure we can stop it now.

    But we can back bite one another and chastise one another until it's all done. I bet we will.

    Happy Thanksgiving


  36. Steve8:55 PM


    That being said, I hope everyone here had a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoyed time off from being a slave to our companies and our government. At some point I hope that we all realize we work almost 6 months of the year to finance everything we disagree with...including:

    1. Rationing of healthcare.
    2. Support for the Southern Poverty Law Center.
    3. Support for unions which have eliminated our jobs and created a government class of people who now earn much more than those of us who work in the private sector.
    4. The government funding of the murder of our children disguised as reproductive rights...paid for by our labor.
    5. The funding of groups like Acorn who skew elections in ways we can't even investigate.
    6. The salaries of our 'servants' in congress who call themselves our leaders (and we believe they are).
    7. The destruction of our morals and values represented by government enforcement of 'diversity initiatives' upon the companies we work for which force us to support what we disagree with and hold our checks hostage pending our support of these initiatives.
    8. The expansion of the violent homosexual agenda in our schools, our companies (diversity), our churches and now our military.
    8. We are willingly paying to fund elimination of the local farmer's ability to sell produce in a farmer's market.
    9. We are willingly paying for the government to control what our children aren't learning in school.
    10. We are willingly paying for the government to decide what our children eat for lunch at school.
    11. We are willingly paying for the government to determine what we eat at home or what restaurants can serve to us. I miss trans fats. Have you eaten at KFC lately??? It tastes like crap when it used to be good. What about the retro sodas that came out for a while made with real cane sugar? I bought real, old fashioned Pepsi from Sams not long ago. It was retro and made with real sugar. I remembered why I used to like it so much. What a blast from the past.
    12. Oklahoma just voted down the ability of courts to use Sharia law to make decisions. It is being overridden by a group of publicly funded activist judges who are writing laws that can't be counted as law because they are outside of the law of the land and should therefore be disregarded.
    13. Iowa only a few years ago accepted gay marriage because three activist judges ruled that it should be legal. That was accepted as law even though those judges had no right to over rule the will of the vast majority of people. The judges are now gone but the 'law' still exists. It was an illegal law and should never have been acknowledged. Acceptance of it was up to the people of Iowa and they seem to have accepted it, seeking an amendment to correct it sometime in the future. Meanwhile, they pay for it.

  37. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Hey, Steve, yes the litnany of "lawlessnes" will grow. Throughout history the litany of lack of 'morality' or even things done in the name of 'morality' is long. Yet, there is a shifting going on beyond what is rooted in the basics. Yet, it has never been about "this world" but drawing others to the Kingdom of God.

    As you said, there is sin upon sin, the twistedness of this world is ever pervasive and beware of "getting" what think want even, as the deceptions grow ever deeper, stronger. Some more straight forward, others subtle.

    What is, is what is to be, and then He comes. Everything else is but momentary. Be wary of the ever changing winds and do not let your love grow cold.

  38. There is a new book coming out by an author named David Cronin who calls for a cessation of the Treaty of Association between the European Union and Israel. That is the treaty that was signed between Javier Solana and Shimon Peres on November 20, 1995. You may read about it here in an article by Khaled Diab in the Guardian.UK, "How the EU could entice Israel to seek peace". Link to that story is here:


    Going to bed for the night now. It looks like a very BAD SCENE for the Korean peninsula.


  39. Slumdog5:33 AM

    Steve, pretty good summation, and I think this blog needs your voice.

    Let me just add a thought given by one of the posters here.
    Marko said something like: the line drawn between Christianity and patriotism has gotten blurred. Now that's how I remember it, and if Marko is out there, he might want to elaborate, but I thought his comment to be quite probative.
    We do have an order of things and my first order is to love God with all my heart, even though I fail, but "He is faithful."

    Bless you in Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour.

  40. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Any truth to the vatican telescope at Mount Graham International Observatory University of Arizona being named Lucifer? Yikes!!

  41. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Wonder if this could affect blogs like yours?


  42. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Anony 8:25
    That kind of legislation can have profound impact. Already without the legislation there has been a 'closing' of one torrent search URL, this without any due process. Rest assured a time is coming when the free voice is stifled and conrolled, see the australia example noted in the posted article.

  43. Slumdog

    I remember Marko's comments and was impressed with them.

    I truly hate to say it but I'm not patriotic. Germans were patriotic from the 1930s through the mid 1940s. Belief in government and country are dangerous things.

    I was simply pointing out that while we all pay attention to what's going on in Europe and now in our own history (which is almost unbelievable) we are undergoing a globalist revolution that is chaining us up and we're not paying enough attention to it. We are living through the fall of the greatest nation history has ever known.

    Despite what people think of our founders (and I think ill of a lot of them), there was freedom here to worship and I do believe we were blessed mightily. We've squandered it and the consequences are coming. Nonetheless, people in America for whatever purpose have managed to spread the Gospel throughout the world because we were free to do it. And the Gospel became so commonplace that we took this great freedom for granted and we're now actively corrupting it....not all of us but enough of us that we see the offensive work of those who hate it infiltrating the church in ways that would have been shocking 20 or 30 years ago. It's not politics and patriotism for me. It's the fact that we're being chained up and bound by both when we're free within ourselves not to believe it or accept it. When we choose that, I believe persecution will come. I also believe that we will reject it and hope we're prepared to stand.

    Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you're out there and may God bless you mightily.


  44. Steve1:00 PM


    All good points. Thank you for your input on my comments. I always enjoy reading what you have to say here.


  45. Anonymous1:40 PM

    It's nice to see good will and appreciation expressed toward fellow posters here on this thread. I too appreciate the presence of peacebringer, Marko, and Steve.

  46. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Dear Constance,

    How are you?

    Thought you might like to be aware of an outstanding, even explosive, synopsis of the current state of the ENPI/WEU/Rec. 666 theory (as proposed by Mr. Herb Peters), entitled "Countdown to a Palestinian State...," at

    Have a great day.


    A fellow watcher

  47. Susanna12:27 AM

    Anonymous 7:51 A.M.

    I am still investigating the "telescope-named Lucifer" story.

    According to one article:

    LUCIFER is an acronym for: Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research


    Yeah, right!

    If I can find out the name of the horse's patoot who came up with the brilliant idea to dub that telescope "Lucifer," - acronym or no - I shall indeed post it.

  48. Dear Fellow Watcher:

    I just read the very excellent analysis you cited and I urge everybody else here to go and do likewise.

    Thank you for calling it to my attention.


  49. Dear Anonymous:

    As I have striven to stay within the confines of the FAIR USE DOCTRINE in quoting from materials of "the usual suspects" I'm not that concerned about my own blogspot, but potential censorship, overreaching, motivations of agents provocateurs, etc., ad nauseum, always concern me.

    Thank you for calling this to my attention.




    The analysis I just read was, I now discover a later and different one than that recommended by "Fellow Watcher." The analysis I recommended is posted November 29th, i.e. Monday, and is about Javier Solana. It is also explosive, in my opinion and is entitled BEING AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME." I commend it to you. Now I am going back to read the article you recommended, but wanted to clarify what I was recommending.

    Thanks and sorry for the confusion!


  51. Indeed the Countdown article is CRITICAL READING.


  52. Anonymous6:53 AM


    Thanks for the response on the "Lucifer" telescope. I was wondering why there was not a comment that followed sometime after and started to wonder if my post was "lumped in" with being anti-catholic. That was not my intention.

  53. Shimon Perez info needed9:56 AM

    Constance, Earlier in the year, I wrote requesting information on Shimon Perez whom you stated had strong NA connections. At the time I asked for your source. The people I interact with don't want to hear "That's New Age" unless it is backed by proof.

    You had mentioned that you it was probably buried in a file. I am wondering since your move, if you are able to find that information.

    Our lead elder in my church is really into American exceptionalism and talks about the US as being a chosen nation with Israel. He went to Israel earlier this year and met Perez and lauded him as a modern-day "David". That alone is very troubling. However, I really need any hard evidence you can give me.

    Thanks in advance!

  54. YesNa,

    I will shoot you a email later today with more detailed pieces on Peres. For casual reading, I will say that Peres has been involved in New Age economics along side people involved in the religious end of the movement. (I sourced this in one of my previous articles) Peres is a recipient of the Club of Budapest's Planetary Conciousness award, which I might add they don't give away to just any one.

    This doesn't take into account his work with Clinton Global Initiative, the numerous boards he serves on for globalist organizations, his strategic partnerships with the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Fund, Soros Foundation, the various Clubs (Madrid, Rome, Budapest etc)

    It would take up a ton of space for me to detail such things here, so I will reserve detailed info for a email.

  55. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Anyone want to place bets that with the release of the latest Wikileaks....our government will be pushing for tougher legislation that will result in placing limits on our current freedom to use the Internet?

  56. anon 2:26, I was thinking the same thing. They are going to backdoor net neutrality with this.


    sorry forgot to post this with my comment.


  58. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Report warns Obama about 'new' Dark Ages

    'Airplanes would fall from sky, cars would stop, networks fail'

  59. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I'd like to hear what people here think of Bruce Wilkinson, personally I can't stand his style (he comes across to ME as being self-infatuated and his number 1 fan) and he seems to be more into magic, miracles, and wonders than submitting to the will of God. Also thoughts on John Bevere, his central theme seems to be forgiveness, offense being the Enemy's weapon par excellence. Thanks to anyone who replies

  60. Dear YesNainSpanishTown:

    I didn't dig down to the specific book I was looking for. I then downloaded a biography of his life onto my Amazon Kindle and am reading same from time to time as my time allows. His biography reveals him to be a very complex person, very much into worldwide socialism. The other book, one on his relationship with the Middle East Peace Process for which I am still searching has more New Age indicators. My jury is still out on Shimon Peres; however, it is undisputed that he is very much an insider on globalist issues. He is very close to Javier Solana. I don't want to write more until I have that book back in hand. Only the Lord knows how long that might take. I cannot at this time dispute underlying loyalty of Shimon Peres to Israel, however, based upon the biography I am currently reading.


  61. Dear YesNaInSpanishTown:

    After answering you, I read JD's response to you. You should consult with JD on this issue for now. JD can attest to how digging through my books can be akin to searching for a needle in a haystack!


  62. Re Perez information9:10 AM

    Thank you, JD, and thank you, Constance! JD, I look forward to your email.


  63. YesNa,

    I sent you a first email on Peres.


    If you want I can copy you on the info I sent to YesNa.

  64. JD, yes, PLEASE copy me! I consider all of your research of extreme value.


