
Saturday, September 25, 2010


On September 21, 2010, the United States Central Intelligence Service and the European Union Institute for Strategic Studies issued their joint report which stemmed quite obviously out of the Brookings Institution conference held on March 21, 2007.  The keynote speaker was Javier Solana.  Read it by clicking on the link

Exactly 3 1/2 years later to the date, the USA and EU issued its first ever joint project -- GLOBAL GOVERNANCE 2025.  The Managing Global Security provisions are clearly noted within.  You may read and download it for yourself by clicking here.  I advise you to promptly do so before the continued lovely little game of "now you see us, now you don't" resumes.

Javier Solana's imprint is obviously all over the documents.  He has been more effective than most outside of governmental circles that KNOW might guess.

Three and one half years -- and starting with the implementation plans of the Alliance of Civilizations at that!  A time, times and half a time?  Time and events will tell!

Stay tuned!



  1. Here's how that crowd (this time the "Atlantic Council" segment) views us:

    "In addition to the shift to a multipolar world, power is also shifting toward nonstate actors, be they agents or spoilers of cooperation. On a positive note, transnational nongovernmental organizations, civil-society groups, churches and faith-based organizations, multinational corporations, other business bodies, and interest groups have been equally, if not more effective than states at reframing issues and mobilizing publics—a trend we expect to continue. However, hostile nonstate actors such as criminal organizations and terrorist networks, all empowered by existing and new technologies, can pose serious security threats and compound systemic risks. Many developing countries—which are likely to play an increasing role at the regional and global level—also suffer from a relative paucity of nonstate actors, that could help newly emerging states and their governments deal with the growing transnational challenges. "


  2. From the 2025 report -- like just right out of Solana's 3-21-2007 speech:

    "A joint initiative by the Brookings Institution
    and New York and Stanford Universities on
    Russian, Chinese, Indian, and South African
    approaches to fragile states found there are
    deep-seated concerns within emerging powers
    about the consequences of the proactive
    management of state fragility. These
    countries are wary of the internationalization
    of conflicts in their neighborhood. Yet their
    fears of internationalization are balanced by
    their fears of the consequences of failure. The
    researchers on the project argue . . ."

  3. Craig7:58 AM

    If I could posit another hypothesis for the lack of response (yet) to your most recent findings: isn't Friday usually a day of slower traffic in general? I've noticed this on most blogs/email groups of which I frequent or have been a member. Perhaps many have not seen it or digested it yet? I'm still digesting it. Certainly ominous news.

  4. This reminds me of the European Parliament's "Closer and Deeper Ties with the United States" press release which called for economic and political integration where the parliaments would play a "consultative" role. Usually when they make these announcements the process is well underway if not a done deal. Things are moving fast.

  5. Constance, Dorothy, Susanna, and anyone else interested.

    Given the original theme of this thread, I thought I would post some things on the front of establishing global governance by the USA and EU. As many are now aware, I have been following the role that information and economic integration between global players is having on the landscape. As I have shown in my previous articles the EU and US have already agreed to integrate economies, information systems, and even military operations.

    Most of this has been done through the Transatlantic Economic Council. Below you will find a link to documents showing how these players have agreed to uniform standards on Carbon Accounting Standards, e-mobility, Smartgrids, IPR Protection, financial market reform, privacy cloud computing, e-health records interoperability, nano-technology, etc.

    The document Constance shared shows long term projections, with a projected finish date of 2025. Quietly regulations and integration measures are being put in place NOW! Below are some links that everyone interested in the subject should get familiar with.

    (Repost from previous thread)

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM


    Thanks for that info. The most alarming thing to me, as an EU citizen myself, is the explicit agenda to "neuter" the US as a military power, ensuring the destruction of its national sovereignty.

    This appears to be a three-pronged approach: (1) Subjection to an international criminal court (2) nuclear disarmement and a "lovefest" with Russia (3) military integration:

    The U.S. administration is urged to close down any detention centres outside the United States, to put an end to the policy of extraordinary renditions and to ratify and accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

    MEPs believe the new partnership should also enable the two sides to address, with Russia, the various challenges, threats and opportunities of mutual concern, such as disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation,

    Lastly, it should permit better coordination of responses on other matters of joint interest such as promoting sustainable peace in the Middle East through the Quartet, the fight against terrorism and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, notably in Africa.

    Any comments on what this could all mean from a practical point of view? Do you expect that the U.S. will actually come under control of--and be swallowed by--the EU?

    Finally, is all this speculative (the document is dated February 2009)now that BHO's popularity has plummeted and the mood in mainstream has turned against this presidency?

    The Tooth Fairy

  7. Susanna12:26 PM

    Constrance and Tooth Fairy,

    I have just one more thing to say with regard to the sedevacantists which I am sure you will both want to know about.

    Here is more on the illicitly ordained sedevacantist priest, the late Rama Coomaraswamy - a close associate of Bishop Robert McKenna and the late Father Malachi Martin who was exposed by my friend the late Carrie Tomko for embracing and propogating the gnostic/pagan "perennialist" philosophy while at the same time professing Roman Catholicism.


    .....Coomaraswamy was involved with not only the Traditionalist Catholic movement, but also with Perennialism (also called "Traditionalism") whose main exponents were René Guénon, Ananda Coomaraswamy (Rama's father) and Frithjof Schuon. He was a member of the Foundation for Traditional Studies and was a regular contributor to the foundation's journal Sophia.

    William Stoddart and Mateus Soares de Azevedo discuss Coomaraswamy's double involvement in an article for the Canadian journal Sacred Web (No. 18, 2007). The topic was also covered by a blogger, Carrie Tomko,[3] specializing in investigation of the occult infiltration of Catholicism, and picked up by, among others, J. Christopher Pryor, a Lefebvrist who operates the Perennialism LeFloch Report.[4] Interestingly, Rama Coomaraswamy had never broken away from Perennialism and propagating it, along with Frithjof Schuon and Coomaraswamy's own perennialist disciple, William H. Kennedy, even when he was associated with Lefebvre's seminary entire article...

    It is very easy to confuse the "Traditionalist" Catholic movement which is Catholic and Christian with the "Traditionalist School" which is pagan and gnostic and is embodied in so-called "esoteric Christianity."

    By the way, Rama Coomaraswamy's father, Ananda Coomaraswamy - along with Rene Guenon and Fritjhof Schuon - was among the three founders of the "perennialist" philosophy.

    Ananda Coomaraswamy was affiliated with Aliester Crowley. If Crowley's diaries are to be believed, Ananda's wife, Ratan Devi, had an affair with Crowley which likely involved "sex magick."

    Fritjhof Schuon was the most disgraceful and repulsive of the three "perennialist" founders.

    As I have said before Rene Guenon, who died in 1951, was not only consecrated a "bishop" of the Alexandrian branch of the Gnostic Church of France founded by Jules Doinel, but after his conversion to sufism, he moved to Egypt.

    It would be interesting to investigate any possible Masonic activities Guenon may have been involved in given the Masonic influence in the Islamic world when the British still had a foothold in the Islamic countries -especially Egypt!

    Together, the "three amigos" embodied what Carrie and I used to refer to as the "right wing" of the New Age Movement.

  8. To JD,

    Thanks, double thanks for your excellent posting. Hope the family is doing well. Your baby daughter is BEAUTIFUL!


  9. Another wolf in sheep's clothing perpetuating "Perennialism" is clearly Dave Hunt who while professing to fight occultism and the New Age was doubling people back to William Law. William Law was Jacob Boehme's translator. It is William Law's plate, THE VISION OF JACOB BOEHME, that appears in Manley Palmer Hall's book on occult groups and secret societies. Norman Grubb was a deep proponent of this Perennialism and he published Dave Hunt's first 2 books. Dave once told me he had never met Norman Grubb. Dave continues to circulate his book, THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT together with its amazing cover replete with a solar disk in a Cross of Light and a dot in the center of the O. I have to believe that Dave was used to contain and limit my work when I came out against the New Age Movement. For 5 years I considered him my staunchest ally. I broke with Dave over these and many other considerations in early October, 1987.

    Madame Blavatsky's inspiration for the very term "Theosophy" came from Jacob Boehme.

    There is MORE, much MORE that I have kept to myself over the years.


  10. THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT is supposed by William Law and Dave Hunt. Dave claims that God told him to finish that unfinished book for William Law. The book clearly is an attack on those who use the Scriptures as their life reference points.


  11. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I've posted this already but I'll post again as it relates to Rich's comment:

    "This reminds me of the European Parliament's "Closer and Deeper Ties with the United States" press release which called for economic and political integration where the parliaments would play a "consultative" role."

    Don't forget environmental integration and how that relates to the economic state of the country.

    In July, Obama signed Executive Order #13366 creating stewardship of the Oceans, coasts and Great Lakes. Very important is the part that reads:

    (iii) pursuing the United States' accession to the Law of the Sea Convention;

    I had to look up the definition of the word accession to make sure I was understanding it correctly. This one seems to apply:

    International Law . formal acceptance of a treaty, international convention, or other agreement between states.

    So in other words, The executive order pursues formal acceptance of this agreement!

    Here is what Oliver North wrote about the UN's LAw of the Sea Treaty (LOST) back in 2004:

    "The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has already created a Byzantine array of international organizations to administer the provisions of LOST. Everything from compliance with global environmental agreements, to the collection of “User Fees” from private companies, to disputes over military operations above, on or under international waters are subject to mandatory dispute resolution by one or more of these international bodies."

    See more:,2933,301279,00.html

    It looks like US taxpayers could be the ones that end up paying for the destruction of marine life and habitat that has resulted from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The devastation is unbelievable, though it has completely been dropped from the news other than to say everything is just fine and dandy. I can tell you that right now in southwest Florida we are finally seeing the effects. We were told that southwest Florida would not be affected by the spill thanks to the Continental Shelf and the loop current. Well the loop current has been non-existant in the Gulf for the past couple months and the oil definitely breeched the Shelf. I took pictures at my beach yesterday and trails of blackened sand at the high tide line are sad and disgusting. Birds are dying in Sarasota County and the sand on the beach in Siesta Key has tested toxic for levels of hydrocarbons. This beach was rated #1 in the nation just a few years back.

    So if this treaty is ratified by the Senate through the Clear Act, I am afraid that the US tax payers will end up footing the bill for the destruction of the environment in the Gulf, which I still believe was sabotage. The Clear Act was already ratified by the House, please call your Senators and tell them you'll hold them accountable if the Clear Act is ratified.

    Once again, the POTUS is making sure that there is a massive redistribution of wealth going on, and America's sovereignty is close to gone.

  12. Constance,

    You are welcome and thank you. It's hard to believe she is already starting to roll.

  13. Susanna5:05 PM


    I think I know how you feel with regard to Dave Hunt.

    For many years, I didn't want to believe that the late Father Malachi Martin was anything but a loyal Catholic priest.

    It has been very disappointing to see evidence that points to his being a closet sedevacantist!

  14. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Dennis Cuddy's research shows the world currency "the PHEONIX" will be introduced in 2018, and that the One World Religion will be fully in place, according to the POWER ELITE'S scheduled agenda, by 2025! This is mentioned on the news with views article of Cuddy's- Part 19 of the secret nazi plan- series. Amazed as ever, tony in vt. May the Good Lord keep us all in His wonderful care, amen.

  15. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Dear Constance,

    Hope you are feeling better.

    You may be interested in the fact that the very good Dr. Solana is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at a 3-day "Global Forum" at an U.S. embassy in the EU on October 7, 2010 (Thursday). His keynote speech is entitled, "The EU as a Global Actor?":

    Highly recommend visiting the following website, from which yours truly obtained the link, and reading the post by Adamantine, entitled "Keynote Speech: The EU as a Global Actor? (Guess Who ? ) (Hint: He is a retired elderly gentleman.)":

    or tinyurl:

    Thanks for your blog.


    A fellow watcher

  16. Dear Anonymous "fellow watcher" 8:10 p.m.

    THANK YOU for the program information. I could not help but notice that CATHERINE ASHTON did not appear on that particular program. It appears to me that she may be being ignored.


  17. Susanna,

    Still hard for me to even believe on Malachi Martin who was a thoroughly charming and erudite individual. We had many conversations over the years and he once did a radio program for me after release of his book THE WINDSWEPT HOUSE.


  18. Dave Hunt showed me his very nasty side. Malachi Martin had not. I deeply hope Malachi Martin repented of any of his earthly sins before his death. We did have some serious differences over the years, but after reading his THE WINDSWEPT HOUSE, we patched them up, or so I thought.


  19. Anonymous10:02 PM

    9/24/10 update on Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA):

    or tinyurl,

  20. Tony in VT,

    From the conversations I have had with Dennis, his timetables are dates of scheduled completion. For example, while his time table for the Phoenix is set at 2018, one would be wrong to think that we could not possibly see such before then. Even now the UN is pushing the Phoenix Economy (by that very name). They are attempting to change the reserve currency system to SDRs based on Carbon Trading, and working to devalue existing currencies and precious metals while promoting digital currency systems.

    I personally don't believe we will ever see a paper and coin world currency. Replacing ones national currency with a new one can be difficult, so why cause yourself the extra headache. The evidence suggests that when the transition occurs, it will be within a cashless format. We have been programmed to accept such for some time, and a new smart card is far less conflicting.Credit card companies such as Visa are already promoting digital currencies.

    My point is that technological advancement has allowed the folks who plan things to get ahead of schedule. In some ways this has hurt the planners, as political movement has not been as speedy. This may be why now it seems as if everything is moving in fast forward. There is no longer time to wait for popular reception of integration, the information age has made it a open book.

    Don't get me wrong, I sincerely hope the 2018-2025 dates are closer to accurate. Such would give people more time to possibly turn back the tide, or at least to educate others. I just think that the trigger will be pulled before those in power ever lose control of the situation. Which if one simply looks at the rate that people are becoming aware of global governance, seems like a possibility.

  21. JD,

    Please check out the various Atlantic Council pieces and articles on "Cyber Security" and "Strategies for a Cybered World."


  22. Anonymous10:32 PM

    El Pais article, dated 9/25/10, on the very good Dr. Solana regarding France's deportation of Roma, his new book, time in NATO, the EU, etc.

    or tinyurl,

    Original link:

    or tinyurl,

  23. Anonymous10:35 PM

    P.S. Seem to be unable to make a direct link to a google translation of the El Pais article; click first link above, then see article entitled "Solana: 'No one can expel Europeans from one EU country.'"

  24. Evidently Javier Solana has written a book. Bjorn Freiberg writes about it on his blogspot. I cut andur pasted the picture from Freiberg's blogspot.

    Refresh your browser to view.


  25. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Constance, charm and erudition and deception and immortality in a single person are not mutually exclusive, aren't you wise enough to realize that? Some of the most evil people are the most charming, that's how they get away with it. Whether Malachi Martin flattered your ego is quite separate from who he actually was.

  26. I'm humble enough to realize that it does happen -- I don't know where Malachi Martin ended up at the very end and neither do you. He did not flatter me -- we did have our differences over which we had several vigorous and heated telephone discussions. Your own spirit comes across as mean-spirited.


  27. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Constance, I don't claim to know where Malachi martin ended up and never have so why put words in my mouth? If I come across as mean-spirited maybe its because I am provoked into irateness by you who often come across here as self centered. Sorry if that hurts but it's my observation.


  28. Anonymous11:47 PM

    my my,the accelerated rate of change unfolds befor our very eyes! trampling over everything in its path, the beast runs rampant.force times mass = momentum! Its here and its wierd. Its like a root fire burning underground and surfacing here, there, and everywhere as they orchestrate from the sub-terranian pit./I can see them-they can't see me, i feel out of sight. i'm covered by the blood of Jesus and shrouded by the Holy Spirit. i have activated my prayer capsule, and am ready for take off in accordance with His timing and His ultimate purpose for us who belong to Him. The Lord loves us like crazy and He delights in us...oh but to imagine the riches of His Glory that will be made known to us. I pray for an outpouring of His spirit of Love and for an infusion of wisdom and strength to all God's people. Thanks JD for the imput on Dennis Cuddy's work and the perspective you unveiled concerning the timeline. Plans can change, but i reckon the AGENDA remains the same, as sure as eggs is eggs./so long for now, its getting late...let us not talk falsely now,.. the hour is getting late!! blessings to all/ tony in vt

  29. Anonymous1:25 AM

    From the Wall Street Journal 09/25/10...


    U.S. Backs $30 Billion in Bonds to Stabilize Key Institutions, Sub Prime Legacy

  30. Dear "Peace"

    I am so very glad it it is God judging me and not you. Literally, nobody knows the trouble I've seen but Jesus, as the old spiritual goes. I have caught more persecution and taken it on the chin than you will ever know. Yes, you do come across as "mean spirited."


  31. Dear Tony in Vermont,

    You have been a consistent and faithful watcher yourself. I share in your kudos for JD's most excellent work!


  32. Anonymous8:31 AM

    ANON AT 11.47 said "/so long for now, its getting late...let us not talk falsely now,.. the hour is getting late!! blessings to all/ tony in vt"

    Dylan methinks. Woo hoo!
    Some of his Christian songs are the most powerful I have ever heard!
    "A Hard Rain's a Gonna Fall" (Not Christian but so insightful)
    "When He Returns"
    "When You gonna Wake Up?"
    "I Believe In You"
    "In The Garden"
    "Saving Grace"
    "Property of Jesus"
    to name a few.
    Praise God!


  33. Dear Tony and P,
    Bob Dylan has some beautiful
    Christian songs that some might
    not even realize are Christian;
    I was thinking of "Make You
    Feel My Love".
    "...I'd go hungry,
    I'd go black and blue
    I'd go crawling down the avenue
    Go to the ends of the earth for you
    To make you feel my love"

    Does that remind you of
    anyone you know ?

  34. aentsiReported, per some biographical videos, Bob Dylan was a believer. He was active, at least for a time, with John Wimber's Vinyard Ministries. It is my opinion that Dylan was sincere.


  35. Anonymous9:49 AM

    UFOs 'attacked U.S. nuclear missile sites': Retired Air Force Officers to break their silence

    Read more:

  36. Susanna10:15 AM

    Dear Constance,

    Like you, I hope Malachi Martin repented of any heretical leanings he may have had. I was always a great fan of his, so you can imagine my disappointment as a conservative Roman Catholic.

    Because of the fact that on the surface, Malachi Martin's writings appeared to be so orthodox, it is hard to think that he may have been a sedevacantist.

    But we must not forget that sedevacantism is a subset of the Catholic Traditionalist movement which basically denied the validity of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.

    Unfortunately, there is a photo of Malachi Martin presiding over the illicit ordination of Rama Coomaraswamy - which would have resulted in his ipso facto excummunication.

    Not only that, but Malachi Martin reportedly was claiming that he was secretly consecrated a "bishop" by Pope Pius XII in the years preceding his death.....and this does not bode well - especially since sedevacantists do not acknowledge that there has been a true pope since pope Pius XII!!!

    And even if he were secretly consecrated this would not have authorized him to ordain priests or consecrate bishops without the permission of the reigning pope.

    In his own very subtle way, Malachi Martin undermined the authority of the pope. I know about the people he hung out with in Monroe Connecticut......a little clique devoted to performing unauthorized exorcisms.

    This clique included "demonologists" Ed and Lorraine Warren who were involved in the infamous possession case here in Massachusetts ( Maurice "Frenchy" Theriault), Rama Coomaraswamy who embraced "perennialism" at the same time he professed Roman Catholicism ( how could Malachi Martin participate in any way in the ordination of such a heretic???), and a Tibetan Buddhist monk named Rev Jun.

    Here is a group of photos of "Rev. Jun," his "disciples," and Lorraine Warren (lower left). Malachi Martin is in the photo to the right. I have never seen any information about "Rev. Jun." He appears to be some sort of Tibetan monk.

  37. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Looks to any outside observer that the past two threads here have been mean spirited, malicious and filled with gossip and innuendo all trumpeted as good research just to attack a few priests. what I see is also a bunch of guitl by association garbage. If such and such a sedevacantist was a heretic then they all must be heretics. If one priest had the same last name as a new age nutter that priest must be a new age nutter. The one priest who tried to defend himself against the backbiting here says his posts were deleted and i know they did since I saw them there one second and the next they were gone. I dont think any of this was about truth. and i sure dont feel the Holy Spirit or Jesus is behind what Ive witnessed here lately.

  38. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Constance wrote:
    "Literally, nobody knows the trouble I've seen but Jesus, as the old spiritual goes. I have caught more persecution and taken it on the chin than you will ever know."

    Luke 12:48 Constance.

    You've been given much Constance for your fight against the New Age movement. God gave you a wonderful brain and drive to work with. You were given an opportunity to give the fight a larger audience because of your position in the community. You've gotten an international reputation for your work. Your work is referenced at the University of Michigan. Do you really think all of these things were given to you because somehow you are such a special person?
    More special in God's eyes than others?

    All of us who have taken a public stand against the New Age movement have faced persecution and very difficult times. The more of a fight we were able to put up, the bigger the persecution and the more difficult the times. If all of us complained about these things publicly, we would have one big pity party going on here.

    I'm sure you've noticed the many, many others who have fought the New Age movement to the best of their ability without continuous public autobiographies. Over the last 30 plus years I've seen many, many of those people. People whose names will never be known. I value them as co-workers in the fight, just as I've valued you, no more and no less.

    Chin up old girl. God has given us what he thinks we can handle. That includes you.


  39. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Anonymous 10:17
    Get off your high horse. Those of us who have commented on the individual who calls himself "father" have worked behind the scenes documenting what has really gone on in his background. "Father" isn't a patented title. He's like a wily politician who says whatever the audience wants to hear. Several hours work of work on your part can easily document what is going on. Thanks to the internet it's all there for you at the click of your fingers. Not like in the old days when one had to go to meetings, libraries, offices and travel across the country to document what is going on. It's obvious that you haven't done that kind of work but just want to make observations off the top of your head.


  40. Anonymous10:50 AM

    the only thing ive seen are claims, innuendo, gossip and slander. I looked at your "proof" and it was laughable. so save your sanctimony and ego for someone who agrees with you that gossip and guilt by association equals truth.This blog is becmong the center of Satans attack on good priest like father ashcraft. Christ has nothing to do with the garbage and deception ive seen here and Ill be sure to spread the word.

  41. Anonymous11:01 AM

    the only thing ive seen are claims, innuendo, gossip and slander. I looked at your "proof" and it was laughable. so save your sanctimony and ego for someone who agrees with you that gossip and guilt by association equals truth.This blog is becmong the center of Satans attack on good priest like father ashcraft. Christ has nothing to do with the garbage and deception ive seen here and Ill be sure to spread the word.


    You describe Fr. Ashcraft as a "good priest" yet he has not revealed when and by whom he was ordained. There is nothing "good" about one who claims authority yet will not answer such a simple, basic question.

    He also uses the initials OSB after his name which implies an official associated with the Benedictines, a Roman Catholic order, yet will not answer a simple question about the exact nature of his association with them.

    Dorothy, I agree with you 100%. There is something very "rotten" in the land of "Ashcraft."

    The Tooth Fairy

  42. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Anonymous 10:50
    "Christ has nothing to do with the garbage and deception ive seen here and Ill be sure to spread the word."

    Spread it among the people you know who think Christ can be channeled to find out what he is thinking. The rest of us will continue to check things out in the real world.

    Why do your words seem to fit in with Ashcraft's known tactics? Should we be sprinkling holy water on the computer after you post?



  43. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Hey Dorothy,

    I'll bring the holy water if you bring the matza ;-).

    The Tooth Fairy

  44. Anonymous11:28 AM

    To Anonymous 10:17 AM:

    I have been posting on this blog for the past 4 years and I have NEVER once had any of my posts deleted.

    It's amazing to me that Father Ashcraft would imagine that he would be the first!!!

    Maybe he just enjoys placing himself in the 'victim' role as a way to manipulate others? After all, no one can prove his claim either way now can they???

    Also, how do we know that YOU are not Father Ashcraft (posing as an anonymous poster) 'defending' Father Ashcraft?

    Hmmmmmmm . . .

  45. Anonymous11:50 AM

    To Anonymous @ 10:50 AM:
    Re: "This blog is becmong the center of Satans attack on good priest like father ashcraft."

    Going by the words of Jesus who said: 'by their fruits ye shall know them' . . . some of us devout Catholics on this blog smell some 'bad' fruit.

    If Father Ashcraft is unwilling to answer questions that need answers and / or clarification, without becoming defensive and placing himself in the victim role, then that should be a huge red flag for anyone on this blog (Catholic or non-Catholic).

  46. Anonymous12:36 PM

    If Father Ashcraft is unwilling to answer questions that need answers and / or clarification, without becoming defensive and placing himself in the victim role, then that should be a huge red flag for anyone on this blog (Catholic or non-Catholic).

    Exactly. Why is Ashcraft so evasive?

    He comes over to this blog using the title of Fr. and claiming authority yet when asked for his credentials he becomes immediately evasive.

    Constance Cumbey is a licensed attorney. I am sure if asked she would have no problem telling us where she was licensed to practice law and when, and whether she is still in good standing with the relevant professional licensing body. If she is willing to back up her professional credentials with facts why won't Ashcraft?

    The Tooth Fairy

  47. I have my suspicions, but I don't think the one who claims to be the Tooth Fairy is really the Tooth Fairy.

  48. Hi Susanna,

    Do you know where the picture can be found of Malachi Martin presiding over the Coomersawamy event?


  49. For the record from the State Bar of Michigan member directory:

    "Only active members are eligible to practice law in Michigan.

    Constance E. Cumbey - P25520 (active and in good standing)

    Of Counsel
    Brown & Brown PC
    2525 S Telegraph Rd Ste 202
    Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

    Phone: (248) 253-0333
    Fax: (248) 341-4384

  50. I'm still having LOTS OF TROUBLE understanding why the hullaboo over "Fr. Ashcraft/Fr. Ashcroft" should eclipse the critical information I have posted on US/European Union collaboration on the "New World Order" cum "GLOBAL GOVERNANCE"


  51. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hello Constance I just want you to be encouraged- I myself visit your blog on a daily basis- although I do not always contribute. When I read frivolous tit for tats, I just scroll over them and stick to the posts with substance. I appreciate it greatly that you are making us aware of the latest happenings re the global governance. I was interested to see South Africa mentioned? In South Africa the wife of the Dutch Reform Church , Johanna Brandt was the first person to coin the New Age (1876-1964 )so says Chrissie Steyn-our own grande dame of the New age in an article in the Odyssey. I will be able to post you the complete article and details a bit later in the week. I also have a postage stamp with Mrs Brandt`s face on and honouring her with Sol Plaatjie (not sure who he was and why they were honoured-will have to look at the stamp again!)-weird.

    Chrissie Steyn says in this article (Odyssey Apr/ May 1995) that it was Johanna Brandt and not Alice Bailey who coined the phrase `New Age`?!

    (apologies for writing so haphazardly-I had to go back to my documents to get the correct info)

  52. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hello Constance I just want you to be encouraged- I myself visit your blog on a daily basis- although I do not always contribute. When I read frivolous tit for tats, I just scroll over them and stick to the posts with substance. I appreciate it greatly that you are making us aware of the latest happenings re the global governance. I was interested to see South Africa mentioned? In South Africa the wife of the Dutch Reform Church , Johanna Brandt was the first person to coin the New Age (1876-1964 )so says Chrissie Steyn-our own grande dame of the New age in an article in the Odyssey. I will be able to post you the complete article and details a bit later in the week. I also have a postage stamp with Mrs Brandt`s face on and honouring her with Sol Plaatjie (not sure who he was and why they were honoured-will have to look at the stamp again!)-weird.

    Chrissie Steyn says in this article (Odyssey Apr/ May 1995) that it was Johanna Brandt and not Alice Bailey who coined the phrase `New Age`?!

    (apologies for writing so haphazardly-I had to go back to my documents to get the correct info)

  53. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Constance (@ 2:20 PM).
    Re: I'm still having LOTS OF TROUBLE understanding why the hullaboo over "Fr. Ashcraft/Fr. Ashcroft" should eclipse the critical information I have posted on US/European Union collaboration on the "New World Order" cum "GLOBAL GOVERNANCE"

    It absolutely does NOT eclipse any critical information that you have posted, Constance. However, it is of GRAVE concern to at least 4 of your devout, faithful Catholic bloggers who have been posting here for a very long time.

  54. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I'm still having LOTS OF TROUBLE understanding why the hullaboo over "Fr. Ashcraft/Fr. Ashcroft" should eclipse the critical information I have posted on US/European Union collaboration on the "New World Order" cum "GLOBAL GOVERNANCE"


    I answered you in detail on the previous thread. Perhaps you missed it. I will add a little bit however:

    The Tooth Fairy is a citizen of the EU and has worked tirelessly over the years on political and community affairs, on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis and at times to the detriment of said fairy's health. To this end, the Tooth Fairy wonders exactly what you expect of any of us over here?

    Lately the Tooth Fairy has been caring for a distressed neighbor who recently lost her 24-year old daughter suddenly whilst the fairy simultaneously holds down a demanding full-time job and deals with personal health problems and family hardships (the details of which I won't bore you with). That the fairy has actually managed to "catch up" at this blog for the first time in several weeks is, in itself, a real luxury and accomplishment (in the mind of the fairy).

    What more do you expect of me and others like me? Do you think we are "apathetic" because we don't comment in a way that you want to hear at your blog? Do you have so little respect for us and the details of our mundane, quietly difficult and--yes--sorrow-filled lives in comparison to those you actually respect?

    I sometimes wonder if you realise how you come across to people on this blog.

    The Tooth Fairy

  55. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Battle Creek David,
    Keep thinking about that. You have a harder topic to work with than those of us who checked out Ashcraft.

    There is so little information on the identity of the Tooth Fairy, male or female, sexual orientation, method of travel and stealth ability in homes, knowledge of the teeth of all children, bank accounts which provide funds, determination of which teeth are valuable, generational activity, home base, legal activity because of failed performance, etc.

    You've taken on quite a research task.


  56. Susanna3:17 PM

    Hi Constance,

    Here is the photograph. The bishop doing the consecrating is sedevanantist bishop Jose Ramon Lopez-Gaston


    The photo accompanies an article by Rama Coomaraswamy entitled....


    Here is a link to the other photo that reportedly includes Rama Coomaraswamy along with Malachi Martin and Bishop Lopez-Gaston:

    Bishop Jose Ramon Lopez-Gaston - the one who illicitly ordained Rama Coomaraswamy - is himself an illicitly ordained bishop and is of the Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc succession.

    I have already mentioned the late Vietnamese Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc. Thuc was excommunicated TWICE for his illicit ordinations. If I remember correctly, I think he even ordained a couple of occultists but I would have to go and look it up.

    After Thuc repented the first time, the excommunication was lifted by Pope Paul VI, but then Thuc went and conducted more illicit ordinations and was excommunicated second time! To my knowledge, this excommunication was not lifted because Thuc didn't publicly repent. This is not to say that he could not have repented before he died and been saved......excommunication is, after all, something a person does to himself and not something imposed from without by the Pope.

    Here is more on Rama Coomaraswamy and his relationship to Malachi Martin.


    The Rev. Dr. Rama Poonambalam Coomaraswamy, born 1929, is the son of Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy and of Luisa Runstein, an Argentinian Jewess, his fourth wife.

    Raised a Hindu, Coomaraswamy was educated at the Gurukul University at Haridwarin India and at Harvard University in the United States. After marrying an American Catholic woman in Bombay, India he converted to Roman Catholicism.

    After having worked for 30 years as a thoracic and cardio-vascular surgeon, he trained and became licensed in psychiatry.

    He became noted for his close collaboration with Mother Teresa and her charity works in India.

    However, as the Roman Catholic Church began to implement institutional change in response to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), Coomaraswamy grew increasingly alienated. He forbade his children from attending the local church. In reaction, Mother Teresa nonetheless advised his wife to defy his decision, beginning a series of polemics between the two (e.g., Coomaraswamy vs. Mother Teresa [see his website for transcripts]). Coomaraswamy eventually declared himself a sedevacantist.


  57. Susanna3:19 PM


    Prior to his declaration as a sedevacantist, Coomaraswamy had become close to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The former was appointed a Professor of Church History at the New England seminary of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). It was in that capacity that he successfully influenced a significant number of students to subscribe to sedevacantism, resulting in the separation of nine SSPV priests, among them Clarence Kelly, Daniel Dolan, Donald Sanborn, Jenkins, Anthony Cekada. The group then formed the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV). Coomaraswamy again joined a splinter group of priests which had left the SSPV over controversy on certain topics.

    Although a married man with a subsisting marriage, he was ordained a priest by the Most Rev. Jose Ramon Lopez-Gaston, a sedevacantist bishop from the lineage of the Vietnamese Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre Martin, in 1999 and began work as an exorcist, collaborating with the Most Rev. Robert McKenna. (He has since publicly stated that he no longer participates in exorcisms, citing advanced age.) (See his statement defending the actions of both Lopez-Gaston & himself); Coomaraswamy also claims that Fr. Malachi Martin, who claimed to have been made a bishop and Cardinal by Pope Pius XII in secret (in pectore) for the Christians of the Communist Bloc, conditionally re-ordained him.

    Coomaraswamy is also involved with not only the "Traditionalist Catholic" movement, but also with the Guenonist movement (also called "Traditionalism" and "Perennialism") co-founded by Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy (Rama's father) and Frithjof Schuon. He is a member of the Fondation for Traditional Studies and a regular contributor to Sophia.

    His works include, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition (1972) and The Invocation of the Name of Jesus (1999). Dr. Coomaraswamy is also the editor of The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (2004).

    Father Rama Coomaraswamy died July 19, 2006 due to complications relating to bone cancer.


  58. Anonymous3:21 PM


    I would offer to "answer any and all questions" but I don't wanna ruin the mystique. There are some secrets that remain secrets for a reason.

    Let's just say that "esotericism" DOES have a place, at least in one very narrow, limited realm--that of pillows and notes and coins and teeth.

    The Tooth Fairy

  59. Susanna3:28 PM


    Here is the picture of Malachi Martin participating in the illicit ordination of Rama Coomaraswamy. I had trouble posting here and lost part of what I was going to share.

    They accompany this article.



    Here is the bio of Rama Coomaraswamy.


  60. For the record I love the tongue in cheek between the Tooth Fairy, Dorothy, and David. Knowing each of you a bit better than the average bear, and the personality reflection in each statement, probably contributes to my amusement.

  61. I concur with "Tooth Fairy" on his opinion of Fr. Euteneur. No great mystery on the Ashcraft-Ashcroft radio -- I have been suffering with a bad ear ailment for the past 2 plus weeks, not to mention FAR from finished unpacking from a chaotic move. (JD is my blog witness -- he has seen it up close!)

    "Fr. A" and Dorothy were evidently communicating with each other about anti-Semitism on THEMICROEFFECT.COM and Fr. A. (whom I assumed to be a Greek Orthodox priest) volunteered here that because of the anti-Semitism which he concurred with Dorothy regarding, he would never go back to He suggested he had much better alternatives for me. I suggested on line here that he try to call me which he did and one half hour into a long conversation, I noticed I was only an hour from air time and had no guest scheduled. I had once been interviewed by him on his radio program, and so I asked if he would like to return the favor and be my guest on very short notice.

    The tenor of this conversation has gotten ugly. My biggest puzzle on the whole thing was a claim that Fr. Ashcraft's posts had been "deleted." I am the only one who can do that to the best of my present knowledge and I had not.

    My interpretation of his calls to me were that he was unsuccessful in trying to post -- not that he posted and same was deleted.

    That part puzzled me.

    Toothfairy, I am neither perfect nor infallible and have never claimed to be. I have sometimes promoted people I later had to repent for doing so.

    As I remember the scripture, "BUT IF YE BITE AND DEVOUR ONE ANOTHER . . ."

    Bjorn has his deep faults and we have our deep disagreements, but the information he sometimes puts out is important. I don't know his full motives for doing so, "but for whatever motive they are preaching the gospel, still the gospel is being preached . . ."

    I would respectfully, TOOTHFAIRY, to another big tactic of the New Agers,
    D - I - V - E - R - S - I - O - N and I am suspicious whenever that occurs. Tempests in a teapot can sometimse be diversinoary, and LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT FAULT CAST THE FIRST STONE.

    Are you, "Tooth Fairy," without fault? I, for one, am not and neither is anybody else of whom I am presently aware.


  62. The next time one of my kids lose a tooth, I will set up a camera and I will capture photographic evidence. I'll post it on You Tube. Although, neither one has a loose tooth currently. Just wait 'til I get the scoop on Santa Claus.

    Sorry, Constance for getting away from the current topic. I had just visited Fulfilled Prophecy and was trying to get my head around their new position regarding the ENP and prophecy in general. I for one think it's certainly important to keep tabs of any high profile individual who strongly advocate any kind of global system. I think 2025 is a little far off, but who knows?

  63. David,

    My niece is about to lose another tooth, I will update you on my findings with a 1500 page report, as well as a committee review of the findings of said report. I will also fund a full on media campaign to establish the validity of said report and committees findings. If this does not satisfy you, wait a few years and I will deny the existence of said report or the findings there in.

  64. I mean, I believe that this global system will be implemented before 2025. This is just a hunch, but it's based on the research JD and Susanna keeps uncovering. The technology exists.

  65. JD,

    I'm only interested because I hope to exploit the Tooth Fairy and make a cheap buck. Other than losing a tooth, of course. Especially, since Kaleb's permanent teeth are almost all crooked.

  66. Anonymous5:07 PM


    I read through parts of the document and found it alarming and a further expression of prior postings to this blog. A couple times you shared your surprise at the lack of response to the focus of this posting. There is evidently something you are seeing - some kind of bell went off - that some of us may not have picked up on or didn't give enough importance to. Could you share with us what we may be missing?

    I followed the US / EU merging throughout Bush's presidency. Is it picking up speed, coming to closure, are we on the verge of a major transition, etc.? So much is happening on so many levles I don't want to become desensitized to important issues.

    Would love to hear your thoughts,

    Dave in CA

  67. David,

    Then what you need is a official group to come forward and establish the dangers of teeth to the well being of the Earth. Said group can then establish a intergovernmental panel to establish the number of teeth allowable for each individual, then tax all found in excess of said amount. You will need scientists not afraid to fudge some numbers, I think we may be able to find some that are currently available. I think I can arrange all of this, but warn it will get pricey.

  68. Anonymous5:13 PM


    The Tooth Fairy would be close-to-perfect if said fairy were not driven to distraction by reading things like this:

    I mean, I believe that this global system will be implemented before 2025. This is just a hunch, but it's based on the research JD and Susanna keeps uncovering. The technology exists.

    Don't you know that this takes the fairy away from important work? Do you people do this around Christmas also, and if so, how does Santa Claus cope and do any of you even care?

    The Tooth Fairy

  69. Dave,

    I know your question was directed toward Constance, but I believe I can answer at least part of your inquiry. On the subject of EU/US integration, take a look at the first two links (all contain some information) in my 12:01pm post in this thread. You will see many agreements that have come about since Obama took office, some within the past few months.

  70. This one is too weird not to post.

    UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens

    THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth’s first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.

    Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN's little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.

    She is scheduled to tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before - and that means the UN must be ready to coordinate humanity’s response to any “first contact”.

    During a talk Othman gave recently to fellow scientists, she said: “The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day humankind will receive signals from extraterrestrials.

    "When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.”

    Professor Richard Crowther, an expert in space law and governance at the UK Space Agency and who leads British delegations to the UN on such matters, said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ person.”

    However, he thinks humanity’s first encounter with any intelligent aliens is more likely to be via radio or light signals from a distant planet than by beings arriving on Earth. And, he suggests, even if we do encounter aliens in the flesh, they are more likely to be microbes than anything intelligent.

  71. Constance,
    It's just that it's the perfect time to
    blow a whole bunch of diversionary
    smoke; because your posting regarding
    The U.S., The U.N. and the E.U. is so
    relevant, noteworthy and world-
    This is their hour and the power of
    They are pulling off the biggest
    scam in history and it's people
    like this little forum that are
    calling them out.

    Obama from within and
    The U.N. from the outside.

  72. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I mean, I believe that this global system will be implemented before 2025. This is just a hunch, but it's based on the research JD and Susanna keeps uncovering. The technology exists.


    You snatched the words right out of my toothy mouth. Yes, the technology exists, and is far more advanced than the average person realises. Whether the political will exists to make this happen is another matter.

    I am wondering why these timelines are now getting pushed out allegedly to 2025 - is this a red herring to put us all to sleep, or is the rollout process going to take this long?

    My own Fairy Godmother works in the telecommunications industry and tells me that the problem (block, so to speak) is mainly with the "integration process." There are too many systems all over the place and centralizing them into one big system is both tedious and complicated in the extreme. There is both a legal side to this and a practical (planning) side to this. So maybe this is one way in which "the devil is in the details."

    Finally, I remain remotely and hopelessly hopeful, hoping against hope, that none of this will actually be allowed to happen in my lifetime.

    The Tooth Fairy

  73. What's this ?
    A voice of reason, or just a
    voice crying in the wilderness?

  74. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Are you, "Tooth Fairy," without fault? I, for one, am not and neither is anybody else of whom I am presently aware.



    I never claimed to be "without fault" and you know this. What you are doing here is using a legal rhetorical trick (surprise, surprise), trying to imply that I have no right to criticize you because I myself am imperfect.

    Let's assume arguendo that your point is a valid one, and apply that same logic to an analogous situation and see what happens. Okay, here goes:

    What right do YOU, Constance Cumbey, have to criticize Dave Hunt, or Paul N. Temple, or Eustace Mullins or Javier Solana? I mean, are YOU YOURSELF without fault?

    Get real, Constance. I may be a fairy but I'm not stupid.

    I have the right to criticize you, just as you have the right to criticize me. The mere levelling of a criticism, even when unwarranted or otherwise unfair, does NOT imply that the one from whom the criticism originates is in any way "perfect" or above criticism themselves.

    The Tooth Fairy

    P.S. Word verification is "turtly" - cute :-)

  75. Craig6:12 PM

    Well I couldn't pass this one up after the recent post on aliens:

    Pope's astronomer says he would baptise an alien if it asked him

    "An alien – 'no matter how many tentacles it has' – could have a soul, says pope's astronomer"

  76. Anonymous7:27 PM


    Constance - you explained that you hadn't deleted the posts. I never doubted for one moment that you might have done so. I also believe Fr. Ashcroft when he says his posts disappeared shortly after they were published in the comments.

    'Disappearing comments' do happen sometimes on Blogger Blogs so maybe it's just some kind of soft bug thing? A quick search on the topic will confirm that these issues do arise.

    Free blogs, etc. are great but the downside is that users have no control over server upgrades and are at the mercy of the techie teams, their coding and default settings. Likewise servers and programmers have a tough job on their hands to try and 'please all the puters all the time' when they have no control over the end users choice and age of computer, operating systems, browser, firewalls and security systems. Throw in the possibilty of viruses and trojans running anonymously in the background, unprotected wireless connections, and human error, and it's amazing that we can all interact as we do.

    Thanks for posting the 2025 Global Governance document link. It's a heck of a lot to take in and I value your experienced legal eye and opinion on the matter. Thank You.


  77. Anonymous7:28 PM

  78. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Dave in CA said,


    I read through parts of the document and found it alarming and a further expression of prior postings to this blog. A couple times you shared your surprise at the lack of response to the focus of this posting. There is evidently something you are seeing - some kind of bell went off - that some of us may not have picked up on or didn't give enough importance to. Could you share with us what we may be missing?"


    Constance - I'm so pleased that Dave wrote this. I second what he's saying and welcome any 'gap filling' help you can offer. Many Thanks,


  79. Susanna7:59 PM

    JD 12:01 P.M.

    Just checked out the links you posted. YIKES!!!

  80. Anonymous9:36 PM


    Take a look at this article. While we know the ENP is an extension of the Barcelona Process, we also know the Mediterranean Union is also.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Anonymous10:15 PM

    The only communicating I did with Ashcraft is what was on this blog. I just validated what he said about the bashing that takes place in the chat room.

    One of the regular posters here had come across information about Ashcraft, learned through a valid Catholic forum. It was shared with several of us who then used our research skills to dig deeper.

    Over the years there have been many individuals skulking around this blog, working to plant false information and turn us against each other. Some of us have had to work
    together to protect each other's backs since it was not being done by you Constance.

    New Age games operate at many levels. Some of us need to look at what is happening in our own back yards before we tackle the international situation where we can only be passive observers.

    You find it intellectually challenging to find out what is going on in the halls of the EU. Undoubtedly there are important readers of this blog whose names we will never know and who you find it challenging to outwit.

    Many of us are not part of that tennis match. We work to fight New Age promoters in our community, schools, libraries, churches and at times even on this blog. Areas that you seem to find boring and not intellectually challenging enough.

    Thank you very much for the information you find, but it can't be the sole focus of our fight against the New Age movement. You've alerted many people to what is going on, but you can't maintain control over what areas of study they must pursue.

    Tooth Fairy made a gentle criticism of your style. You are turning it into a lawyer's courtroom battle. Why not just give it some thought.


  83. Constance,

    I've been checking on updates to the Barcelona Process and finding some interesting things. I'll call you tomorrow about this.

    Also check your email.

    "This particular moment is of special interest in that the implementation of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) opens the door to what we could call a third phase in Euro-Mediterranean relationships. After the classic period of the EMP between 1995 and the setting up of
    the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), the second phase represented the progressive implementation of the ENP with widening perspectives of participation of the member countries,
    especially after the implementation of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), which came into force in January 2007, to fund programmes of regional
    and bilateral cooperation between the European Union and its neighbouring countries.

    "Finally, this third phase to which we make reference adds a new institutional framework and
    new instruments that must have the capacity to re-launch the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
    in that it will benefit from institutional reinforcement, such as the creation of the General
    Secretariat of the UfM, which is a significant step forward."

  84. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "One of the regular posters here had come across information about Ashcraft, learned through a valid Catholic forum."

    Which was nothing more than gossip that you fruitcakes use like its fact. reading Fr.Ashcrafts responses the ones that didnt get deleted and i saw some that did, he answrd the gossip tho he really shouldnt have. He even told us he even a member of the priest forum at that site. All you did was take some nasty gossip from a unmoderated forum by what I can tell and posted by people Father says were angry at him cause of his anti new age and pagan stuff and i saw where there were people defending him to (which u ignored cuz u have a vendetta against him for some reason) and you chose to believe the gossip. no proof of the gossip at all. You all just want to believe it so you did. You people are sick and Christ would not condone what your doing. And yeah Im Catholic. Baptized and raised and attend mass faithfully. I just dont get my kicks attacking priests like some of you do.

  85. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Is it time for us to prepare?

    eFoods Direct: 1-800-409-5633

  86. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Fighting the New Age in our schools and churches is a pretty big job. Usually only one person recognizes a problem and is turned on by the others who don't see it. Years ago when I realized that our child's public school "gifted" program was doing a type of brainwashing and using Values Clarification I objected publicly. I had to fight the superintendent, the teacher, the curriuculum chooser, the other parents, the school board and I accomplished nothing. The program is still going. Schools are still buying Jr. Great Books and Philosophy For Children books and the Foundations of both prosper. The teacher who used the books on our child and the others is retired on our taxes, living comfortably, and very involved in The Walk To Emmaus movement for which her values changing and facilitation skills are very useful.

  87. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Anonymous 8:10,

    Blessings to you! I did the same back in 2001. I had been approached by a concerned father (non Christian) over the use of Harry Potter in the language arts curriculum of our school district. The father, another woman and myself met with the school board. A snippet of my presentation even made the 11:00 news!

    My own children were in high school, so I wasn't even affected personally, but felt it was important as a school-tax-paying citizen to speak out.

    I wrote letters to all the churches in the district including a fundamentalist Christian children's camp that ministers to hundreds of children in our district. I implored them to write, speak out about the dangers and support us at the meeting.

    To my knowledge, only one pastor (other than my hubby) showed up. That pastor was on the school board himself. He was supportive.

    Of course the whole thing blew over and Harry Potter remains a "hero". In fact, many churches embrace HP as a fine example of supposed "good" triumphing over evil. This position was trumpeted by Christianity Today, Chuck Colson, faculty of Moody Bible and others. When one considers the roots and associations of these, which Constance has exposed on this blog, you will understand why warning cries are not only ignored, but are openly mocked.

    Thank God the results are not up to us. It is given to us to be watchmen on the walls and warn. Thank you for doing your part. I trust in the Lord who will try our works (1 Cor. 3:11-15).

    May you be blessed as you seek to build on the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  88. Susanna12:37 PM


    by Dan Mitchell

    There’s a wise old saying about “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” But perhaps we need a new saying along the lines of “don’t subsidize the foot that kicks you.” Here’s a good example: American taxpayers finance the biggest share of the budget for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is an international bureaucracy based in Paris. The OECD is not as costly as the United Nations, but it still soaks up about $100 million of American tax dollars each year. And what do we get in exchange for all this money? Sadly, the answer is lots of bad policy. The bureaucrats (who, by the way, get tax-free salaries) just released their “Economic Survey of the United States, 2010” and it contains a wide range of statist analysis and big-government recommendations.

    The Survey endorses Obama’s failed Keynesian spending bill and the Fed’s easy-money policy, stating, “The substantial fiscal and monetary stimulus successfully turned the economy around.” If 9.6 percent unemployment and economic stagnation is the OECD’s idea of success, I’d hate to see what they consider a failure. Then again, the OECD is based in Paris, so even America’s anemic economy may seem vibrant from that perspective entire article...

  89. Anonymous1:59 PM

    From "News in Brief" tab, top upper right, EU Observer, 9/27/10:


    Solana criticises France for Roma expulsions
    Today @ 09:14 CET

    "EU former foreign policy chief Javier Solana said France's Roma deportations are illegal, as no EU citizens can be kicked out of another member state if they have not committed a crime, El Pais reports. The Council of Europe is to nominate Solana to be part of a reflection group of "eminent persons."

  90. Anonymous2:10 PM

    At the same time the very good doctor defends the Roma, headlines also read:

    " (French President)Sarkozy eyes EU Mideast role, says US-led effort not working"

    Or tinyurl,

  91. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Someone smells like a rose (or seems to), and someone else does not.

  92. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Yesna and Anonymous,
    It's a very difficult battle when warning others what is occurring, particularly at the local level.

    I learned what was going on slowly, 30 years ago. First I learned about the Humanist movement and who signed the Humanist Manifestos, just by chance etc. Then I learned about communist front activity in the US from another person whose research skills were intense. Learning all of this was a mixed blessing. While I moved from the world of childlike dependency on the government into the adult world of responsibility for my life, I also became responsible for helping others make responsible decisions. I always likened it to stopping a child from running in front of a car. I couldn't just turn my back on others.

    Then I learned from Constance about the New Age movement and saw how all of this fit together.

    What I'm trying to say is that even those you talk to about New Age need to rearrange how they see the world and that may take a lot of time and some more input. You need to know that what you've done is not wasted and may get results you'll never know about. You won't get the credit for waking up their thinking. That's how it is.

    A person can sit and absorb all of the information about what is going on just like a scholar. It's a satisfying role because it makes a person feel superior to the average person. Or one can take on the challenge of awakening others, no matter where it leads. It's a role that's definitely not as satisfying or rewarding. I use every opportunity I can get. If someone hadn't taken the time to warn me about the Humanist movement, I would never have been posting on this blog.

    Constance has the opportunity to speak on radio shows and to give talks as a way to warn others. I can't think of another person who has that same kind of opportunity, so we must take our opportunities where we can find them. If we don't, we will answer to God later when he asks what we did with the talents we were given.


  93. Herescope has yet another part in their series: Great Awakening...or Great Deadening up on their site. Very insightful series if one is looking to see how the NAR has driven itself into it's current position of prominence.

  94. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Anon 8:10,

    Could you please post some information about the "Walk to Emmaus" program and its New Age ties? I am not familiar with the program but from my initial peek at the website it appears to a Christian program.

    I would be very interested in hearing your perceptions of it since the deception that emanates from within Christian churches themselves is sometimes where the New Age programming is the most cleverly hidden. As such I think many of us could learn from hearing about your experiences with it and your critical reflections on those experiences.

  95. Anonymous4:02 PM

    European Neighborhood Policy(ENP) to Serve as Model for NATO's New Strategic Concept:

    "NATO should engage the South Caucasus countries without relying on an eventual path to full membership and can do so with an approach similar to the EU Neighborhood policy (Sumerinli)."

    or tinyurl,

  96. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Terri & other concerned parents and grandparents,

    Michael O'Brien, novelist, painter, cultural critic, and parent, has written extensively on Harry Potter. He writes from a Catholic perspective but his analyses are relevant to all fighting the NA agenda. He even has a book out on the subject called Harry Potter and the Paganization of Children's Culture.

    He is a first-rate thinker and also an accessible one, who makes complex philosophical arguments easy to understand. Here is a link to his site:

    Here is a link to one of his many "Harry Potter" articles:

    The Tooth Fairy

  97. Anonymous4:10 PM


    Here is an excerpt from one of Michael O'Brien's articles on Hsrry Potter. This will give you a feel for what an excellent resource he is for those fighting the New Age agenda:

    Lev Grossman, in the July 23, 2007, issue of Time magazine, writes, “If you want to know who dies in Harry Potter, the answer is easy: God.” In this he has expressed the core problem with the Potter series. There is much that could be written, and has been written, about the specific problems in the books. Without neglecting the valid point that good fiction need not be overtly Christian, need not be religious at all, we might ponder a little the fact that the central metaphor and plot engines of the series are activities (witchcraft and sorcery) absolutely prohibited by God. The saturation of a generation of young readers in the ethics and ethos of darkness, cosmetized as playful fiction, will have its long-range effects. Not least of these effects will be the further promulgation of moral relativism, which in cultural forms tends to become not only the dictatorship of moral relativism but the addiction of moral relativism. As with all addictions, it is difficult for the addict to conceive of life without his addiction; indeed the substance that enslaves him has become life for him.

    The promethean nature of magic, the fire stolen from the gods, confirms at a fundamental level of identity and appetite the psychological perception in the young of our times that they can "be as gods," complete with moral boundaries defined by the self and with reward mechanisms accountable to no higher authority than their own will. With the Potter series, many Christians have accepted this because the central character embodies the perennial seduction in an apparently sanitized form, that is: "You shall be as nice gods." However, if you read the stories with some attention to what is being communicated at levels deeper than the charming plots and characters, you will find that Harry is not all that nice. He ends as a nice enough fellow at the climax of Volume 7, but only after leaving a trail of mayhem, lies, and hatred throughout the preceding six. We never really learn how Harry matures from this condition into his sterling final form — the good sorcerer who saves the world.

    The Tooth Fairy

  98. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Anon 3:55 I have no personal experience with Walk To Emmaus. I only know what I have read about it that was written by others. I found it on the internet. I have read that it started as a Catholic program and is now also done by Methodists. There may be other denoms. that are doing it. It is ecumenical. There are programs for men, for women and for minors. When you sign up for it you have a sort of mentor (overseer). You go through this several-day event in a church or similar place. When you have been through it you are then expected to remain involved in it. I consider it a form of group-think or group consensus. The retired school teacher who facilitated our child in the public school gifted program is a trained facilitator and went through training to use the specialized books in the class. She is trained in bringing a group to consensus or a mind-meld. Lighthouse Trails website has info. on Emmaus Walk.

  99. Anonymous7:43 PM

    What is the opinion of "The ToothFairy" on Fr. Euteneuer that you mentioned you agree with? I can't find his comments.
    Thank you,

  100. To Anonymous 2:27

    Thank you for the fascinating lead on Johanna Brandt. That was a new name to me. Upon googling her name with the term "Theosophy" I found abundant links between them.


  101. To Paul:

    For the most part, Vaclav Klaus, a very brave man as I see it, has been both "a voice of reason" AND "a voice crying in the wilderness." Javier Solana did not appear to like him very much.


  102. To "Tooth Fairy"

    Thanks for the O'Brien excerpt. You are right, it is very well stated and encapsulates the issues very well.


  103. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Here is another Michael O'Brien article that will leave Harry Potter/Twilight apologists speechless...


  104. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Holy Smokes JD, I'm glad thet you brought my attention to HERESCOPE and the NAR! This is something else! Holly Pivic, Herb's wonderful daughter, over at fulfilled prophecy, also goes into the strangeness of the NAR. DOMINIONISM can be a clever platform for Deception!/ Bob Dylan said, "The enemy i see, wears the cloak of decency...talkin' in the name of religion"./ i also just wanted to say that i have been lucky enough to have spoken with Holly over the phone a few times, and she is soo nice, that i almost fainted.Same with her mom! Herb got to be my friend, and i really miss him.tony in vt, lovin' life and all it has to offer... Praise Sweet Jesus

  105. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Anon 11.55
    It is soooo shocking to see and witness this contemplative prayer formula in reality-closer at home in our area here in South Africa. I thank God that there are people wide awake and a huge debate was waged in `church circles` about it. The latest is the contemplative prayer walk with the 7 utterances by Jesus on the cross. People have to walk to the first one and go into a little cubicle and contemplate! the same to the last of the seven-this is in the Dutch Reformed Protestant church!

  106. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Anon 5:54,

    Thanks for that information about the Walk to Emmaus, which I found very interesting. Several months ago the topic of the Alpha Course was discussed here on this blog and there were similar concerns around it. This is clearly a case of innocent people being duped by what might be called "wolves in sheeps clothing" tactics and we all need to stay alert.

  107. Tony,

    Glad to be of help. I have tried to keep tabs on this particular group given how blatant the mix of New Age and Christianity is within it. Thankfully there are good resources discussing the issue.

  108. Anonymous4:18 PM


    I have attempted to post my reply to M.L. on the previous thread but my post keeps "disappearing." It appears then that Fr. Ashcraft isn't the only one having "technical problems" here and that the post-eating gremlins are "equal opportunity" usurpers! I am hoping this thread is not "corrupt" and will allow me to post. Here is my reply:


    Thank you for your response.

    First of all, since I have never heard of any "Order of St. Basil" that is not in full communion with Rome, I would not be in a position to be either "happy" or "unhappy" about it. It does seem curious, however, that a group that wants to clearly distinguish itself as NOT being in communion with Rome would adopt an acronym that is so closely identified with a very important Roman Catholic monastic order - the acronym "OSB." Using such an acronym fosters ambiguity, not clarity, which (and I'm sure you appreciate this) is not part of Catholic tradition.

    As regards Jack Ashcraft's ordaining bishop - if Ashcraft has nothing to hide, and was validly ordained as a Roman Catholic priest, this information should be available freely on the internet. Your claim that those who question his credentials are spreading lies to damage his reputation and have diabolical motivations for doing so is fatally undermined by the fact that--at least from what I can see online--Ashcraft has offered nothing to refute said "slanderous" criticisms.

    This could all be cleared up very easily if Ashcraft would respond specifically and directly to the rumours about him with facts, evidence, and explanations. This is exactly what Brother Ignatius Mary did on his own website when he found himself the subject of an internet attack.

    As regards Fr. Fortea and Fr. Euteneuer -- it was Ashcraft himself who, on this very thread, invoked young Fr. Fortea's name in order to elevate his own reputation:

    I am in good company with Fr. Malachi Martin, Fr. Gabriel Amorth, Fr. Antonio Fortea, and others.

    Another thing I find puzzling: If Ashcraft believes Fr. Fortea is neither priest nor a real Roman Catholic, why does he refer to him as "Fr."? And why does he put himself in the same company as Fr. Amorth and Fr. Fortea? If he believes these men are heretics, shouldn't he be seeking to DISTANCE himself from them?

    Once again, if Ashcraft would simply address these issues point by point and email them to Mrs. Cumbey, I am sure she would be gracious enough to post them here for all to see, just as she did with his previous mail.

    When you consider all the above points taken together you can see what a house of cards Jack Ashcraft has built for himself and why I and many others here find him evasive and untrustworthy.

    The Tooth Fairy

  109. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I have tried several times to post the below reply to M.L. on the previous thread but my post keeps "disappearing." It thus appears that the post-eating gremlins of which Fr. Ashcraft had complained are equal-opportunity usurpers! I am hoping I will have better luck in posting on this thread.


    Thank you for your response.

    First of all, since I have never heard of any "Order of St. Basil" that is not in full communion with Rome, I would not be in a position to be either "happy" or "unhappy" about it. It does seem curious, however, that a group that wants to clearly distinguish itself as NOT being in communion with Rome would adopt an acronym that is so closely identified with a very important Roman Catholic monastic order - the acronym "OSB." Using such an acronym fosters ambiguity, not clarity, which (and I'm sure you appreciate this) is not part of Catholic tradition.

    As regards Jack Ashcraft's ordaining bishop - if Ashcraft has nothing to hide, and was validly ordained as a Roman Catholic priest, this information should be available freely on the internet. Your claim that those who question his credentials are spreading lies to damage his reputation and have diabolical motivations for doing so is fatally undermined by the fact that--at least from what I can see online--Ashcraft has offered nothing to refute said "slanderous" criticisms.

    This could all be cleared up very easily if Ashcraft would respond specifically and directly to the rumours about him with facts, evidence, and explanations. This is exactly what Brother Ignatius Mary did on his own website when he found himself the subject of an internet attack.

    As regards Fr. Fortea and Fr. Euteneuer -- it was Ashcraft himself who, on this very thread, invoked young Fr. Fortea's name in order to elevate his own reputation:

    I am in good company with Fr. Malachi Martin, Fr. Gabriel Amorth, Fr. Antonio Fortea, and others.

    Another thing I find puzzling: If Ashcraft believes Fr. Fortea is neither priest nor a real Roman Catholic, why does he refer to him as "Fr."? And why does he put himself in the same company as Fr. Amorth and Fr. Fortea? If he believes these men are heretics, shouldn't he be seeking to DISTANCE himself from them?

    Once again, if Ashcraft would simply address these issues point by point and email them to Mrs. Cumbey, I am sure she would be gracious enough to post them here for all to see, just as she did with his previous mail.

    When you consider all the above points taken together you can see what a house of cards Jack Ashcraft has built for himself and why I and many others here find him evasive and untrustworthy.

    The Tooth Fairy

  110. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I have tried several times to post the below reply to M.L. on the previous thread but my post keeps "disappearing." It thus appears that the post-eating gremlins of which Fr. Ashcraft had complained are equal-opportunity usurpers! I am hoping I will have better luck in posting on this thread.


    Thank you for your response.

    First of all, since I have never heard of any "Order of St. Basil" that is not in full communion with Rome, I would not be in a position to be either "happy" or "unhappy" about it. It does seem curious, however, that a group that wants to clearly distinguish itself as NOT being in communion with Rome would adopt an acronym that is so closely identified with a very important Roman Catholic monastic order - the acronym "OSB." Using such an acronym fosters ambiguity, not clarity, which (and I'm sure you appreciate this) is not part of Catholic tradition.

    As regards Jack Ashcraft's ordaining bishop - if Ashcraft has nothing to hide, and was validly ordained as a Roman Catholic priest, this information should be available freely on the internet. Your claim that those who question his credentials are spreading lies to damage his reputation and have diabolical motivations for doing so is fatally undermined by the fact that--at least from what I can see online--Ashcraft has offered nothing to refute said "slanderous" criticisms.

    This could all be cleared up very easily if Ashcraft would respond specifically and directly to the rumours about him with facts, evidence, and explanations. This is exactly what Brother Ignatius Mary did on his own website when he found himself the subject of an internet attack.

    As regards Fr. Fortea and Fr. Euteneuer -- it was Ashcraft himself who, on this very thread, invoked young Fr. Fortea's name in order to elevate his own reputation:

    I am in good company with Fr. Malachi Martin, Fr. Gabriel Amorth, Fr. Antonio Fortea, and others.

    Another thing I find puzzling: If Ashcraft believes Fr. Fortea is neither priest nor a real Roman Catholic, why does he refer to him as "Fr."? And why does he put himself in the same company as Fr. Amorth and Fr. Fortea? If he believes these men are heretics, shouldn't he be seeking to DISTANCE himself from them?

    Once again, if Ashcraft would simply address these issues point by point and email them to Mrs. Cumbey, I am sure she would be gracious enough to post them here for all to see, just as she did with his previous mail.

    When you consider all the above points taken together you can see what a house of cards Jack Ashcraft has built for himself and why I and many others here find him evasive and untrustworthy.

    The Tooth Fairy
