
Wednesday, September 01, 2010


I am reading the above book by author Nick Bryant.  It is is both compelling and dismaying.  The author, Nick Bryant will be my radio guest tomorrow night.  I am interested in talking with him on several levels about this book and its subject's immense, ugly ramifications.   He paints a discouraging picture of governmental corruption which reached the highest levels of power.

Still busy unpacking, not to mention reading, so I have little space here to elaborate, but please join us on the air tomorrow night, 8 p.m. Eastern time, 5 p.m. Pacific time.   You may call in with your question to 888-747-1968 while the program is being aired.  If you miss it, it will be rebroadcast later.

Thanks and STAY TUNED!



  1. Been aware of this authors information for some time now. I look forward to the program.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Auctioneer's: of ORDER OF THE GERMAN EAGLE by Adolf Hitler to Prescott Bush.

    " Adolf Hitler Document Signed -- Awarding the Order of the German Eagle to Non-Germans -- Lot Includes Photocopy of Hitler Signed Document Awarding the Eagle to Prescott Bush, Father and Grandfather of U.S. Presidents
    Document signed “Af Hitler” as Führer and Chancellor, datelined Berlin, 17 March 1938. With large 3" blind stamped seal depicting the German Eagle atop a swastika. In German, document translates in part, "Attached are the lists 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201…In the Name of the German Reich. I am awarding to the 25 foreign nationals specified in the attached list the Order of the German Eagle…" Also included in lot is a photocopy of a 7 March 1938 document signed by Hitler awarding the Eagle to "Herrn Prescott Bush," who appears to have received the "honor" with other Americans including Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh and IBM President Thomas J. Watson; lot also includes a replica of the German Eagle. Single page document measures 8.25” x 11.5”. Two file holes in blank left margin and paper clip indentation at upper right. Light soiling and small tear in creased upper portion. Penciled notation in German on two lines in lower blank area, not in Hitler’s hand. Three folds. Very good condition.

    Categories: World War I & II Race & Religion

    This item sold in 2009 for $5,910

    If you would like to buy, consign or sell an item similar to this please write

    Lot # 272
    Item # 27626 "


    "The Order of the German Eagle (German: Verdienstorden vom Deutschen Adler) was an award of the German Nazi regime, predominantly to foreign diplomats. The Order was instituted on 1 May 1937 by Adolf Hitler.[1] It ceased to be awarded following the collapse of the Nazi Government at the end of World War II."

    Please check & research this!

  3. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Speaking of 'scandals,' here are 3 very interesting videos that some of you may want to review and discuss. (Just follow the money.)

  4. I had to reread this just to make sure that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. BP has had a second rig in the Gulf of Mexico explode, which is now seeping oil into the area. These are still very early reports, so information is not fully in yet.

    Oil sheen spreading from Gulf platform explosion

    NEW ORLEANS, La. – A mile-long oil sheen spread Thursday from an offshore petroleum platform burning in the Gulf of Mexico off Lousiana, west of the site of BP's massive spill.
    Coast Guard Petty Officer Bill Coklough said the sheen, about 100 feet wide, was spotted near the platform owned by Houston-based Mariner Energy Inc.
    He said Mariner had deployed three firefighting vessels to the site and one already was in place fighting the blaze.
    The Coast Guard says no one was killed in the explosion and fire, which was reported by a commercial helicopter flying over the site around 9 a.m. CDT. All 13 people aboard the rig were rescued as they floated in the nearby water in survival outfits called gumby suits.
    The platform is in about 340 feet of water and about 100 miles south of Vermilion Bay on the central Louisiana coast. It's location is considered shallow water, much less than the approximately 5,000 feet where BP's well spewed oil and gas for three months after an April rig explosion.
    All 13 people aboard the rig were found floating in the water, sticking close together, Coast Guard spokesman Chief Petty Officer John Edwards said.
    "These guys had the presence of mind, used their training to get into those gumby suits before they entered the water. It speaks volumes to safety training and the importance of it because beyond getting off the rig there's all the hazards of the water such as hypothermia and things of that nature," Edwards said.
    All were being flown to a hospital in Houma to be checked over. Coast Guard Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesau said one person was injured, but the platform's owner, Houston-based Mariner Energy, Inc., said there were no injuries.
    "Mariner has notified and is working with regulatory authorities in response to this incident. The cause is not known, and an investigation will be undertaken," the company said in a statement. It said the platform was located on Vermilion Block 380, approximately 100 miles off the Louisiana coast.

    more at link

  5. Anonymous3:09 PM

    JD, not BP, a different company Mariner or something

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM


    The platform is owned by Mariner Energy, The Times-Picayune reported.

    Houston-based Mariner Energy is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company in the Gulf of Mexico. About 85 percent of its production comes from offshore, with a growing share of that coming from deepwater developments, according to its website.

  7. Anonymous3:23 PM

    More on that Louisiana oil platform explosion from CNN:

  8. Anonymous3:33 PM

    What are the odds that there would be two explosions in a little over 4 months?

    Something 'smells' real bad here.

  9. Peacebringer, Anon,

    You are correct, apparently I needed to read it one more time. lol

  10. Anon 3:33,

    Two rig failures and the third oil spill in the US in that amount of time. We still have a mess here in Michigan and Enbridge is playing fast and loose on the clean up and reimbursements.

  11. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Stephen Hawking claims that God has no role in the Universe and that modern physics proves it...

  12. Anon.3:56

    Gerald Schroeder says it's ridiculous to
    suggest that there is no prime mover,
    or creator or architect to the dazzling
    wonder of creation. He says so in
    dozens of different ways in his books,
    which include "The Science of God",
    "Genesis and the Big Bang" and " The
    Hidden Face of God"
    Dr Schroeder earned his Ph.D. at
    MIT and now works out of the
    Hebrew University, the Volcani
    Institute, and The Weizmann
    Institutes in Israel.

    Steven Hawking is not the only
    brilliant mind in the world, just
    perhaps the most conceited.

  13. Paul, Anon,

    The tone of this is a little less than the average scientist claiming a lack of need for a deity. Hawkings falls just short of stating that the universe is his god. You get a better feel for what I am talking about within the quotes from his book in this CNN piece below. He describes his belief as M-theory, essentially saying that all matter came together to create itself. So by reason, the universe is god, so is everything within it. This is in short a scientific spin on New Age beliefs.

  14. God said that Steven Hawking has no role in the coming Universe and He can prove it!


  15. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Good one, Constance!!!

  16. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I sat back constance just laughing with your comment. How about this constance steve Hawking has zero role about the universe neither does nostrildomus. I say nostril why because he stinks with all his so called predictions he made long ago.

    Eagle Eyes

  17. Too bad for Stephen Hawkings. Well, one day he will know for sure, but then it'll be too late.

  18. Constance,

    The show you did tonight is the most significant program you've done. The wider implications of the material are destined to reveal the real time/today legacy of Luciferianism in action. The deeper roots of the Satanic ritual abuse sanctioned by the CIA, will inevitabley lead back to Operation Paper Clip then back to Nazi Germany with it's Occult roots in all the New Age theology. Thank you so much for this program!!!
    For those lucky enough to visit this blog and all it's valuable information the dots are clear for the truth seeker with the intellectual honesty and courage to rethink everything they see in the world today. You continue to provide a very powerful advocacy for the cause of Christ in an astonishingly evil onslaught against the world at this moment in time. Keep up the great work, you remain in my prayers. God bless you!


  19. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Interesting article by Thomas Friedman yesterday regarding the peace process convening in Washington today:

    "President Barack Obama is embarking on something I've never seen before — taking on two Missions Impossible at the same time. That is, a simultaneous effort to heal the two most bitter divides in the Middle East: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Shiite-Sunni conflict centered in Iraq. Give him his due. The guy's got audacity. I'll provide the hope. But kids, don't try this at home."


    Obama has already won a Nobel Peace prize. If he pulls this off, you've gotta wonder. Healing the most bitter divides in history?

    Today I re-read Isaiah 14:12.
    "How you have fallen from heaven, O Morning Star,son of Dawn!"

    Morning star-The Hebrew for this expression is translated "Lucifer" in the Latin Vulgate.

    I first became alarmed about Obama because of his logo- 'the morning star rising'... said the logo designers. Obama was first mentioned on the Lucis Trust site in the Easter Festival Talk back in 2008. Curiously, the logo on the Lucis site is reminiscent of the top half of Obama's logo during his Presidential campaign.

    Isaiah 14:12 has a footnote in my bible that leads to Jesus' words about Satan in Luke 10:18.

    "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

    In checking my concordance the Hebrew for lightning is "Barak" and "Bama" means "the heights" and especially heights of idolatry as in Ezechiel.

    In light of what is being perpetrated on America through The Clear Act, the executive order imposing the formation of the National Ocean Council (LOST) to create 7 separate regions of governance within our waters, I think there is much about the current POTUS to watch and pray about.

    I know I am probably alone here in believing that a slow perpetuation of Agenda 21 is being perpetrated upon this country as a result of the DWH explosion and subsequent use of Corexit to "correct-it", but I've been alone in my thoughts before.

    "Core-Exit"- how reminiscent of the Georgia Guidestones.

    Continuing what Isaiah 14 has to say regarding Lucifer we read:
    "Like a corpse trampled underfoot, you will not join them in burial, for you have destroyed your land and killed your people."

    To read more about what's going on with the poisoning of the Gulf, which is NOT being discussed anymore in the MSM, as well as Agenda 21 tactics since the spill, I would suggest a couple links:

    (about oily rain from the National Geographic)

    (Lots of hair-raising stuff from bona fide scientists on this site)
    (about the POTUS new executive order LOST)
    (Agenda 21 review)

    (Underground catastrophe from the use of Corexit)

    Interesting times we live in, to be sure.

  20. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Didn't listen to the show, but in view of HK-91's comment, thought this fits in well with the last 2 comments:

    Was Obama a CIA agent in Afghanistan assisting the Taliban in the war against Russia?

    There's a lot of 'Splaining to do regarding his time at Columbia.

  21. Anonymous10:20 PM

    This posted for about 30 seconds and then disappeared. I am going to try once more:

    Interesting article by Thomas Friedman yesterday regarding the peace process convening in Washington today:

    "President Barack Obama is embarking on something I've never seen before — taking on two Missions Impossible at the same time. That is, a simultaneous effort to heal the two most bitter divides in the Middle East: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Shiite-Sunni conflict centered in Iraq. Give him his due. The guy's got audacity. I'll provide the hope. But kids, don't try this at home."

    Obama has already won a Nobel Peace prize. If he pulls this off, you've gotta wonder. Healing the most bitter divides in history?

    Today I re-read Isaiah 14:12.
    "How you have fallen from heaven, O Morning Star,son of Dawn!"

    Morning star-The Hebrew for this expression is translated "Lucifer" in the Latin Vulgate.

    I first became alarmed about Obama because of his logo- 'the morning star rising'... said the logo designers. Obama was first mentioned on the Lucis Trust site in the Easter Festival Talk back in 2008. Curiously, the logo on the Lucis site is reminiscent of the top half of Obama's logo during his Presidential campaign.

    Isaiah 14:12 has a footnote in my bible that leads to Jesus' words about Satan in Luke 10:18.

    "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

    In checking my concordance the Hebrew for lightning is "Barak" and "Bama" means "the heights" and especially heights of idolatry as in Ezechiel.

    In light of what is being perpetrated on America through The Clear Act, the executive order imposing the formation of the National Ocean Council (LOST) to create 7 separate regions of governance within our waters, I think there is much about the current POTUS to watch and pray about.

    to be con't

  22. I believe program will be rebroadcast later tonight.


  23. To anonymous 10:23

    The only difference I have with your excellent research and interpretation is "SLOW" -- TO MY OBSERVATION IT HAS BEEN 'FULL SPEED AHEAD' ON THE AGENDA 21 IMPLEMENTATION.


  24. Anonymous6:58 AM

    This link is to a video series about the Larry King / Boys Town / child abuse scandal.

  25. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Link to "Conspiracy Of Silence" series The Franklin Scandal.

  26. Anonymous11:24 AM

    New York Times article (09/02/10)


  27. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Anonymous (11:24):

    The company that I retired from just sent me notice that they will no longer pay 85% of my medical benefit (with me paying the other 15%). As of October 1st, they will pay only 83% - with me picking up the other 17%. (Their budget fiscal year runs from October 1st thru September 30th.)

    Although I do consider myself extremely fortunate to have this, it's still quite a shock (without much of an advance notice) to discover that I will be paying $101 MORE each month for myself and my husband (with us both living on a fixed income).

    I feel that there is a definite link here (a 'filter down' effect) directly due to the passage of the Health Care Bill (ObamaCare).

  28. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Dear Constance,

    Yesterday, I posted the article regarding PRESCOTT BUSH being awarded the ORDER OF THE GERMAN EAGLE by ADOLF HITLER, with evidence of it having been up for auction.

    The thread did post, however, I am somewhat puzzled that the thread has been removed.

    I now repost the information of the aforementioned thread, and hope it is not again somehow deleted:

    Nate D. Sanders Auctions.
    Autograghs, Coins & All Collectibles

    "Adolf Hitler Document Signed -- Awarding the Order of the German Eagle to Non-Germans -- Lot Includes Photocopy of Hitler Signed Document Awarding the Eagle to Prescott Bush, Father and Grandfather of U.S. Presidents
    Document signed “Af Hitler” as Führer and Chancellor, datelined Berlin, 17 March 1938. With large 3" blind stamped seal depicting the German Eagle atop a swastika. In German, document translates in part, "Attached are the lists 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201…In the Name of the German Reich. I am awarding to the 25 foreign nationals specified in the attached list the Order of the German Eagle…" Also included in lot is a photocopy of a 7 March 1938 document signed by Hitler awarding the Eagle to "Herrn Prescott Bush," who appears to have received the "honor" with other Americans including Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh and IBM President Thomas J. Watson; lot also includes a replica of the German Eagle. Single page document measures 8.25” x 11.5”. Two file holes in blank left margin and paper clip indentation at upper right. Light soiling and small tear in creased upper portion. Penciled notation in German on two lines in lower blank area, not in Hitler’s hand. Three folds. Very good condition.
    Categories: World War I & II Race & Religion
    This item sold in 2009 for $5,910

    If you would like to buy, consign or sell an item similar to this please write"

    Please See:

    From Wikipedia

    The Order of the German Eagle (German: Verdienstorden vom Deutschen Adler) was an award of the German Nazi regime, predominantly to foreign diplomats.

    The Order was instituted on 1 May 1937 by Adolf Hitler.[1] It ceased to be awarded following the collapse of the Nazi Government at the end of World War II.


    The Order of the German Eagle was a diplomatic and honorary award given to prominent foreigners, particularly diplomats, who were considered sympathetic to Nazism.

    At least two Germans were also awarded the Order, Constantin von Neurath who received a Special Degree of the Order of the German Eagle on 20 April 1939, and Joachim von Ribbentrop on being appointed Foreign Minister.[2]

    Further research on this would be helpful.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  29. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Dear Constance,

    Yesterday, I posted the article regarding PRESCOTT BUSH being awarded the ORDER OF THE GERMAN EAGLE by ADOLF HITLER, with evidence of it having been up for auction.

    The thread did post, however, I am somewhat puzzled that the thread has been removed.

    I now repost the information of the aforementioned thread, and hope it is not again somehow deleted:

    Nate D. Sanders Auctions.
    Autograghs, Coins & All Collectibles

    "Adolf Hitler Document Signed -- Awarding the Order of the German Eagle to Non-Germans -- Lot Includes Photocopy of Hitler Signed Document Awarding the Eagle to Prescott Bush, Father and Grandfather of U.S. Presidents
    Document signed “Af Hitler” as Führer and Chancellor, datelined Berlin, 17 March 1938. With large 3" blind stamped seal depicting the German Eagle atop a swastika. In German, document translates in part, "Attached are the lists 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201…In the Name of the German Reich. I am awarding to the 25 foreign nationals specified in the attached list the Order of the German Eagle…" Also included in lot is a photocopy of a 7 March 1938 document signed by Hitler awarding the Eagle to "Herrn Prescott Bush," who appears to have received the "honor" with other Americans including Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh and IBM President Thomas J. Watson; lot also includes a replica of the German Eagle. Single page document measures 8.25” x 11.5”. Two file holes in blank left margin and paper clip indentation at upper right. Light soiling and small tear in creased upper portion. Penciled notation in German on two lines in lower blank area, not in Hitler’s hand. Three folds. Very good condition.
    Categories: World War I & II Race & Religion
    This item sold in 2009 for $5,910

    If you would like to buy, consign or sell an item similar to this please write"

    Please See:

    From Wikipedia

    The Order of the German Eagle (German: Verdienstorden vom Deutschen Adler) was an award of the German Nazi regime, predominantly to foreign diplomats.

    The Order was instituted on 1 May 1937 by Adolf Hitler.[1] It ceased to be awarded following the collapse of the Nazi Government at the end of World War II.


    The Order of the German Eagle was a diplomatic and honorary award given to prominent foreigners, particularly diplomats, who were considered sympathetic to Nazism.

    At least two Germans were also awarded the Order, Constantin von Neurath who received a Special Degree of the Order of the German Eagle on 20 April 1939, and Joachim von Ribbentrop on being appointed Foreign Minister.[2]

    Further research on this would be helpful.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  30. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Dear Constance,

    Yesterday, I posted the article regarding PRESCOTT BUSH being awarded the ORDER OF THE GERMAN EAGLE by ADOLF HITLER, with evidence of it having been up for auction.

    The thread did post, however, I am somewhat puzzled that the thread has been removed.

    I now repost the information of the aforementioned thread, and hope it is not again somehow deleted:

    Nate D. Sanders Auctions.
    Autograghs, Coins & All Collectibles

    "Adolf Hitler Document Signed -- Awarding the Order of the German Eagle to Non-Germans -- Lot Includes Photocopy of Hitler Signed Document Awarding the Eagle to Prescott Bush, Father and Grandfather of U.S. Presidents
    Document signed “Af Hitler” as Führer and Chancellor, datelined Berlin, 17 March 1938. With large 3" blind stamped seal depicting the German Eagle atop a swastika. In German, document translates in part, "Attached are the lists 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201…In the Name of the German Reich. I am awarding to the 25 foreign nationals specified in the attached list the Order of the German Eagle…" Also included in lot is a photocopy of a 7 March 1938 document signed by Hitler awarding the Eagle to "Herrn Prescott Bush," who appears to have received the "honor" with other Americans including Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh and IBM President Thomas J. Watson; lot also includes a replica of the German Eagle. Single page document measures 8.25” x 11.5”. Two file holes in blank left margin and paper clip indentation at upper right. Light soiling and small tear in creased upper portion. Penciled notation in German on two lines in lower blank area, not in Hitler’s hand. Three folds. Very good condition.
    Categories: World War I & II Race & Religion
    This item sold in 2009 for $5,910

    If you would like to buy, consign or sell an item similar to this please write"

    Please See:

    From Wikipedia

    The Order of the German Eagle (German: Verdienstorden vom Deutschen Adler) was an award of the German Nazi regime, predominantly to foreign diplomats.

    The Order was instituted on 1 May 1937 by Adolf Hitler.[1] It ceased to be awarded following the collapse of the Nazi Government at the end of World War II.


    The Order of the German Eagle was a diplomatic and honorary award given to prominent foreigners, particularly diplomats, who were considered sympathetic to Nazism.

    At least two Germans were also awarded the Order, Constantin von Neurath who received a Special Degree of the Order of the German Eagle on 20 April 1939, and Joachim von Ribbentrop on being appointed Foreign Minister.[2]

    Further research on this would be helpful.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  31. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Dear Constance,

    Yesterday, I posted the article regarding PRESCOTT BUSH being awarded the ORDER OF THE GERMAN EAGLE by ADOLF HITLER, with evidence of it having been up for auction.

    The thread did post, however, I am somewhat puzzled that the thread has been removed.

    I now repost the information of the aforementioned thread, and hope it is not again somehow deleted:

    Nate D. Sanders Auctions.
    Autograghs, Coins & All Collectibles

    "Adolf Hitler Document Signed -- Awarding the Order of the German Eagle to Non-Germans -- Lot Includes Photocopy of Hitler Signed Document Awarding the Eagle to Prescott Bush, Father and Grandfather of U.S. Presidents
    Document signed “Af Hitler” as Führer and Chancellor, datelined Berlin, 17 March 1938. With large 3" blind stamped seal depicting the German Eagle atop a swastika. In German, document translates in part, "Attached are the lists 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201…In the Name of the German Reich. I am awarding to the 25 foreign nationals specified in the attached list the Order of the German Eagle…" Also included in lot is a photocopy of a 7 March 1938 document signed by Hitler awarding the Eagle to "Herrn Prescott Bush," who appears to have received the "honor" with other Americans including Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh and IBM President Thomas J. Watson; lot also includes a replica of the German Eagle. Single page document measures 8.25” x 11.5”. Two file holes in blank left margin and paper clip indentation at upper right. Light soiling and small tear in creased upper portion. Penciled notation in German on two lines in lower blank area, not in Hitler’s hand. Three folds. Very good condition.
    Categories: World War I & II Race & Religion
    This item sold in 2009 for $5,910

    If you would like to buy, consign or sell an item similar to this please write"

    Please See:

    From Wikipedia

    The Order of the German Eagle (German: Verdienstorden vom Deutschen Adler) was an award of the German Nazi regime, predominantly to foreign diplomats.

    The Order was instituted on 1 May 1937 by Adolf Hitler.[1] It ceased to be awarded following the collapse of the Nazi Government at the end of World War II.


    The Order of the German Eagle was a diplomatic and honorary award given to prominent foreigners, particularly diplomats, who were considered sympathetic to Nazism.

    At least two Germans were also awarded the Order, Constantin von Neurath who received a Special Degree of the Order of the German Eagle on 20 April 1939, and Joachim von Ribbentrop on being appointed Foreign Minister.[2]

    Further research on this would be helpful.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  32. Anonymous5:30 PM

    There was a 7.0 earthquake 19 miles NW of Christchurch, New Zealand at 4:35 AM local time Saturday (Sept. 4th).

  33. Anonymous5:51 PM

    More on the New Zealand earthquake

    From CNN...

  34. Anonymous7:23 PM

    120 Days to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History

  35. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Want to see what one world government looks like? Read this article on Britain and see the parallels with what is happening here in the US.

    Britain: A Glimpse of America's Future?


  36. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I know Constance has another thread up but wanted to share my thoughts here. This is a tragic thing to have occurred and shows the levels of evil that go on behind closed doors. It also shows some things that we need to watch. Just as there are bad things that happen there are things of which to attend as well.

    1. There is very real evil that happens. And there are people of power doing evil things.
    2. When there is evil, there is plenty of subeterfuge and exageration. There is efforts to minimize and discredit or exaggerate as an ultimate way of discrediting. It is all part of either getting focus off of what is really going on or discredit those who speak truth.

    Here with Franklin Scandel there is the truth of very evil men with connections to Boys Town and rumors of higher ups in Washington. We have no real way of knowing at this point if the rumors are exaggeration or reality. It does serve to back people off, add in folks that exhibit a distinct lack of credibility (ie. those who are lyndon larouche types, or espouse potentially delusional thoughts as reality)

    Then there are the discredit. Putting folks out there that eventually will be found out, either do there fragile and broken mental health and just plan out lies. (this is seen in MK ultra and "satanism" witnesses who later discredited.) When one is discredited the whole gets dismissed. Here, a girl/woman served time do to the working of those in power.

    Now, I am from Minnesota, there is a famous case of hyteria and exageration with what happened in the town of Jordan minnesota when many innocents were falsely accused r/t enmhesment of prosecutors.

    So my point with this post, is each of us always must be dedicated to what is true. We can easily be caught up with what we "want to believe" or "rumors and appearances." Now, with that said there is very real evil going on in places of power. Some of the "rumors" may well be well founded. MK Ultra is one example. There are people who great evil was done toward. I could probably write a bit more about this concept and warning but just wanted to outline it here.

  37. Anonymous11:38 AM

    It should be pointed out and clarified that the 'Larry' King of the Boys Town, Nebraska Scandal (and Franklin Federal Credit Union)- mentioned in an earlier post on this thread - is NOT to be confused with CNN's Larry King. This is ANOTHER Larry King - also known as Lawrence King.

  38. Last commentator:

    I thought we had made the Larry King of Omaha and the Larry King of CNN difference clear, but thanks for reminding everybody else who might have had an identity confusion.


  39. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Don't forget. A prophet usually appears before the person he is pointing the world to. The next prophet will, of course, be false, and will likely appear BEOFRE the antichrist. He may even be here already among us.

  40. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Regarding the antichrist--don't forget that prophets usually come before the person they're pointing to. The false prophet will most likley be here before the antichirst to point the way. Be looking for the popular false prophet, not just the ac. He could be here right now. Anyone know a real nice guy that tells everyone what they want to hear and promises them the world, along with world unity?

  41. Your site is amazing.I am very impressed to see this,i want to come back for visiting your site.Keep doing Good as well as you can..

  42. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Hi Constance, long time no hear. Your name popped into my head tonight, so looked you up on Facebook.

    Do you have a recording of the "Franklin Scandal?" I just heard of this last year and read the book by John DeCamp about it. Unbelievable!!! I'd love to hear what the latest news is on it.

    Hope all is well with you.

    God bless you, Midgie MA
