
Monday, July 05, 2010

European Neighbourhood Policy CRUCIAL INSTRUMENT to Support Palestine

June 28th ISRI reporting included this intriguing passage:

"From his side, the EU Representative, Mr Christian Berger said 'the European Neighbourhood Policy is a crucial instrument to support the Palestinian Authority's Plan to establish an independent and viable Palestinian State, and involving the civil society in this process will increase its relevance and its impact'.

"During the opening plenary session, EU officials explained the ENP reporting process and Action Plan. PA officials then gave their considerations on the process and an overview of the achievements so far.

I would love to hear from the folks at and about their thoughts on any possible significance of the above.

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous5:03 PM

    BP fuels America's war machine...

  2. Constance,
    Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the European Neighbourhood Policy a 7 year policy that Javier Solana started on January 1, 2007 and ends on December 31, 2013? Also it is up for midterm review this summer?
    John Rupp

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    John, I'm not Constance, but "yes" to your question ;-)

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    does anyone know when the enp nations get their mid-term report cards? and at this pt. who"s the schoolmaster who will be issuing them? Is it not true that Israel has"nt followed thru w/ their custom designed Action Plan by not co-operating w/ the 2-state solution{final solution}that they agreed to do by the mid-pt.,when they had signed on back in jan 2007! am i dealing w/ true or false info. here? Does anybody know? Is there anybody out there??? hoping for some feedback/awnsers... thanks, tony in vt.

  5. Anonymous9:49 PM

    does anyone know when the enp nations get their mid-term report cards? and at this pt. who"s the schoolmaster who will be issuing them? Is it not true that Israel has"nt followed thru w/ their custom designed Action Plan by not co-operating w/ the 2-state solution{final solution}that they agreed to do by the mid-pt.,when they had signed on back in jan 2007! am i dealing w/ true or false info. here? Does anybody know? Is there anybody out there??? hoping for some feedback/awnsers... thanks, tony in vt.

  6. Anonymous9:59 PM

    In the early years of the EuroMed web site, the EU said that the Barcelona Process IS the peace process.

    There are various opinions which date is the ENP's mid-point. Many believe it to be July 20 while others place it into next year due the the re-launch of the process in 2008.

  7. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Here is additional info on the relaunch.

  8. Thank you for that web site. That is much worth studying and is loaded with information on this ENP. Wow it is right from the horses mouth so to speak!
    John Rupp

  9. Anonymous12:03 AM

    thank you very much. now to look-see as this aspect of the middle review is critical to the 70th week theory for ISRAEL and all of us friends of JESUS our master and our LORD! tony/vt. thanks anon/ p.s. gee them believer bros. of our over at ANTIPAS don't agree w/ this theory at all! Steve Shearer and Fred and them beleive that the antichrist will be an evangelical christian[apostate sort,of course] who will arise out of America, the mystery babylon, as the king of babylon- professing christ as an imposter christian. They writr some serious articles[food for thought] based on hard core research...makes a guy wonder??? tony in vt. we all need to be open minded and share researched facts and ideas

  10. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I sent you a message last night . Maybe I sent the same to Scott at Borntowatch.
    Sure we are living in perillious time.

  11. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Let me see! Jan 1, 2007 plus 3&1/2 years = July 1, 2007: hum, no Two witnesses + wrong date, probably wrong peace treaty!

  12. Anonymous5:24 AM

    SorryJuly 1, 2010

  13. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Anon 5:22am

    I agree. We are at midpoint of ENP and, no breaking of treaty, no cessation of sacrifices in temple be it structural, bodily or host in Catholic mass (which is ludicrous I am sorry to say)and the antichrist has not truly revealed himself.

    Wrong treaty, wrong timeline.

  14. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Antipas? That bunch of deceivers?

  15. Agie959:45 AM

    There is no physical anti-christ or mark of the beast. The 70th Week is past. We are in the End Times and we are waiting for the Lord's return. The End Times started when Israel became a nation and gained control of Jerusalem. Read "The False Prophet" by Ellis Skolfield. It will amaze you. I have a hard time with a couple of things, but for the most part was absolutely amazed.

    The links to part 1 & 2 are at the top left of the page. There are two additional chapters that were added later and the links are below titled "Bifids and Chiasms" and "Daniel's 70th Week".

  16. Anonymous10:01 AM

    To Anonymous (6:11 AM):

    Well, I'm sure that Jesus would disagree with you (understatement) that 'the host' in the Catholic Mass was 'ludicrous' . . . since Jesus Christ HIMSELF instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (the Host) at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday - the very night before He was crucified on the cross and died for our sins (yours and mine)!!!

    1 Cor 11:23-29...
    "For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, "This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself."

  17. Anonymous10:09 AM

    To Anonymous (6:11 AM):

    Well, I'm sure that Jesus would disagree with you (understatement) that 'the host' in the Catholic Mass was 'ludicrous'- since Our Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (the Host) at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday - the very night before He was crucified on the cross and died for our sins (yours and mine)!!!

    1 Cor 11:23-29
    "For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, "This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself."

  18. This one leaves me scratching my head.

    NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

    Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.

    "When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview.

    more at link

  19. WOW, I literally don't know what to say to this. Why not thank the
    Russians for providing us with the determination to reach for space
    exploration? Contributions made to the scientific world hundreds of
    years ago get you a pat on the back today? Have the Muslims in todays
    world made any kind of breakthroughs that would benefit the world on
    any front? While you're at it, why not give the Chinese and Indians a
    medal, at least they are trying to earn it.

  20. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Wow!!! Everything is coming down to the line... I must say, the tension of watching this play out is almost unbearable!

    Constance, I must say, you are a torch bearer that I hold in the highest of esteem. My God bless you and protect you in Michigan. Thankyou for your steadfastness!

    Your work and book, "Hidden secrets of the rainbow" are an inspiration to me.

    Love in Christ,


  21. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I think that many people use the date

    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    because in the book of Daniel it says from the abomination of desolation until the end is 1260 days. So using time and date website, Dec 31, 2013 -1260 days is July 20, 2010. Which also just happens to be the 9th of Av....
    well July 19-20 is because of how they calculate a day.

    Anyway, the point is not to count forward from the start of the treaty, but backwards from the end. Almost all the prophecies count forward from "THE MIDDLE", including the witnesses, the duration of the AC's reign (42 months) and the amount of time that Israel will be nourished in the wilderness 1260 days.

  22. I thought his mission was space exploration on a shoestring budget. He must be watching too much Star Trek and must be equating Muslims with Klingons.

  23. Marko1:09 PM

    Just some rambling thoughts....

    I think it rather amusing at times (even though I myself have been - and still am! - guilty of doing this) at all the attempts to figure out a time line of how God is going to bring this age to a close.

    Why can't I just be content with knowing he has all things under His control, and focus on learning what it means to cling to Jesus? Because in the end (and we're most likely approaching that - the end!), that's all that matters.

    I guess we're like people driving into and through an accident that has just occurred on the highway. We all want to know exactly what happened, so we take our eyes off the road, and look to the sights that meet our eyes and try to piece together the sequence of events from the evidence we see, forgetting for the moment the road we're on and the destination.

    I think for some - and if I'm honest with myself, I'd say I've been guilty of this way too many times - we pull off the road and hang around the accident scene, discussing possible scenarios with other passers-by, and the whole time we are doing this we are not progressing along the Road we should be traveling down.

  24. Marko,
    Thank you for your honesty.
    We should be keeping it between
    the lines and not rubbernecking.

    Besides, isn't the purpose of
    prophesy that we will know and
    recognize all these things taking
    place and glorify God when we
    see them, because He gave us
    the "heads up" ? _as opposed to
    guessing about what might be
    happening just around a given

    He has not called us to fear or
    anxiety, but the Holy Spirit is
    always about peace, love,
    and, even now, joy.

  25. Anonymous1:39 PM

  26. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anon 10:01 or 10:09

    My statement of ludicrous was that the host of the mass was not the cessation of sacrifice that Revelations speaks of, and trust me, it is not. But, here we go again, everyhting has to be anti-catholic around here.

    Marko and Paul

    I agree with you completly, but, when people press certain issues and steer people towards certain timelines and individuals and they are wrong, they have a responsibility to admit they are wrong and move on, not pretend like it never existed, for, if they are wrong about such things, what else might they be wrong about to the many who cling to their every word?

  27. This is worth looking at. CNN just came out with a headline entitled "Biometric ATM Gives Cash Via Finger Vein Scan". Just go to and scroll down to TECH headlines and click on the title. Read the whole article. Very interesting.
    John Rupp

  28. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Marko, we are so excited about seeing Jesus that the car sceen might be us going down the road with our eyes fixed on the destination constantly holloring " are we there yet?, how much longer? are we there yet?" We are not easily distracted. Jesus said to watch and wait. There are also scriptures that elude to the wise not being surprised by the timing. I have about 30 or 40 possible dates in mind. If one passes I just look to the next one. I haven't heard anyone say "Thus sayith the Lord it shall be this date". We are just looking for possible timing.

  29. Off topic but please.

    Could someone please give me a capsule refresher primer on Ayn Rand, and her NA connection. It's important at the moment. Thanks in advance.


  30. Susanna5:50 PM

    John Rupp, Jr.

    I posted this to you on the previous thread, but because you mentioned the biometric ATM's article again here, I wanted to not only let you know that your inquiry was not ignored but also to make sure you didn't miss my reply.

    I am glad you saw that article on biometric ATM's from CNN entitled "Biometric ATM gives cash via finger vein scan".

    I tried to post that article along with a couple of others on the last thread, but for some reason I was having a problem again and it wouldn't post. I refrained from trying to post it so that I wouldn't have the same thing happen to me that happened with my Thomas Merton post which "posted" about four times.

    Anyway, Biometrics can include finger prints, retinal scans, voice and face recognition, etc.

    Here are a few other articles you might find interesting and informative if you haven't already seen them.




  31. John Rupp, Jr.6:11 PM

    Thank you so much for your response on biometrics. Thank you also for those links so I can study more on this.

  32. Susanna8:09 PM


    First of all, I want to say that I think Ayn Rand's novel ATLAS SHRUGGED, which is something of a mystery thriller, makes for a heck of a good read.

    Perhaps it is because her anti-Communist stand derives from the fact that her own father's privately - owned pharmacy was confiscated by Bolsheviks in Russia that Rand is able to make the valid points she makes about the evils of socialist/communist encroachments into a capitalist, free-market economy.

    Apart from that, I must say that with regard to Ayn Rand's religious beliefs, if there is anything to indicate that Ayn Rand had ties to any New Age beliefs, I have never seen any. In all the biographies I have read, Ayn Rand was known to have been a convinced atheist.

    In fact, Ayn Rand, who claimed to have become an atheist at the age of thirteen, opposed religion at its most basic level insofar as she believed that it was untrue in all its manifestations and that its consequences were disastrous.

    Her own philosophy of "objectivism" can be summed up in two words. "Rational self-interest."

    The popular author Ayn Rand also discusses a theory that she called 'Rational egoism' (or more specifically: 'Rational self-interest'). She holds that it is both irrational and immoral to act against one's self-interest. Thus, her view is a conjunction of both rational egoism (in the standard sense) and ethical egoism, because according to objectivist philosophy, egoism cannot be properly justified without an epistemology based on reason......

    ........Her book The Virtue of Selfishness (1964) explains in depth the concept of rational egoism. According to Rand's ethical egoism, every rational individual's own life should be his or her own highest value; rationality is every human being's highest virtue, and one's own happiness is the highest purpose of one's life.

    Charity and altruism have no place in Ayn Rand's philosophy and ethics.

    Interestingly, it was the late Anton Szandor Lavey - founder of the Church of Satan in 1966 - who stated that his religion was "just Ayn Rand's philosophy, with ceremony and ritual added."

    Since, in the last analysis, New Age religions involve self-worship ( i.e. "becoming a god" ), perhaps we need look no further than LaVey's "creed" for evidence of Randian ties to New Age thought.

    I hope this has been helpful.

    If, in the meantime, you happen find evidence of specific ties between Ayn Rand and any New Age religion, I would appreciate your sharing them since I would also be interested in learning about such ties.

  33. Susanna8:09 PM


    First of all, I want to say that I think Ayn Rand's novel ATLAS SHRUGGED, which is something of a mystery thriller, makes for a heck of a good read.

    Perhaps it is because her anti-Communist stand derives from the fact that her own father's privately - owned pharmacy was confiscated by Bolsheviks in Russia that Rand is able to make the valid points she makes about the evils of socialist/communist encroachments into a capitalist, free-market economy.

    Apart from that, I must say that with regard to Ayn Rand's religious beliefs, if there is anything to indicate that Ayn Rand had ties to any New Age beliefs, I have never seen any. In all the biographies I have read, Ayn Rand was known to have been a convinced atheist.

    In fact, Ayn Rand, who claimed to have become an atheist at the age of thirteen, opposed religion at its most basic level insofar as she believed that it was untrue in all its manifestations and that its consequences were disastrous.

    Her own philosophy of "objectivism" can be summed up in two words. "Rational self-interest."

    The popular author Ayn Rand also discusses a theory that she called 'Rational egoism' (or more specifically: 'Rational self-interest'). She holds that it is both irrational and immoral to act against one's self-interest. Thus, her view is a conjunction of both rational egoism (in the standard sense) and ethical egoism, because according to objectivist philosophy, egoism cannot be properly justified without an epistemology based on reason......

    ........Her book The Virtue of Selfishness (1964) explains in depth the concept of rational egoism. According to Rand's ethical egoism, every rational individual's own life should be his or her own highest value; rationality is every human being's highest virtue, and one's own happiness is the highest purpose of one's life.

    Charity and altruism have no place in Ayn Rand's philosophy and ethics.

    Interestingly, it was the late Anton Szandor Lavey - founder of the Church of Satan in 1966 - who stated that his religion was "just Ayn Rand's philosophy, with ceremony and ritual added."

    Since, in the last analysis, New Age religions involve self-worship ( i.e. "becoming a god" ), perhaps we need look no further than LaVey's "creed" for evidence of Randian ties to New Age thought.

    I hope this has been helpful.

    If, in the meantime, you happen find evidence of specific ties between Ayn Rand and any New Age religion, I would appreciate your sharing them since I would also be interested in learning about such ties.

  34. Susanna8:12 PM

    John Rupp, Jr. 6:11

    You are most welcome. It was my pleasure to be of help.

  35. Susanna8:15 PM

    Sorry guys about this double post. This time I KNOW I only hit the "publish" button one time. I don't know why it posted twice.

  36. Susanna8:16 PM

    John Rupp, Jr.,6:11P.M.

    You are most welcome. It was my pleasure to have been of help to you.

  37. Susanna10:30 PM

    Has anyone been following the story about the hotly contested competition between Boeing and EADS to build a new generation of Aerial tankers for the U.S. military???

    Here is the latest entry into the bidding war.......state-owned Ukranian plane builder Antonov.

    UPDATE 3-U.S. Aerospace says it, Antonov to bid for U.S. tankers

  38. Susanna10:34 PM

    WH: Obama filling Medicare post, bypassing Senate

    Associated Press Writer

  39. Susanna,

    Thanks for that reply it helps out a lot. The summary you gave was pretty much what I was getting out of 3 YouTube clips I watched of interviews of her. It's been so long that I've had to respond to a question about her that I just couldn't get my memory on track.
    I appreciate your time in responding, I was responding to a question from someone very important to me, about Rand.


  40. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Please go to John Todds videos on YouTube, wherein he explains what Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand were about. It's mind-boggling. Will

  41. Constance this is huge news. Great find! I had been looking for this type of news to surface. It's exactly what we would expect to see at this point in time on the prophetic time line.

  42. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Don't mean to be disrespectful, but what's the point in all this? Why pick your brains over all kinds of irrelevant stuff, scrutinizing everything that comes out of the EU or the White House, losing sleep and peace trying to connect imaginary dots? Live your lives as best you can trying to be in good terms with God and stop all this nonsense. Until the AC appears and gets Israel and Palestine to sign a 7-year peace treaty all this apocalyptic talk is futile. Though I can sympathyse with people trying to take their focus off their pain, if such is the case. I agree with anonymous 5:22AM.

  43. Craig1:31 AM

    Anon 1:12AM:

    You wrote:

    Don't mean to be disrespectful...

    Then you wrote:

    ...stop all this nonsense.

    That sounds a bit disrespectful, doncha think?

    ...Until the AC appears and gets Israel and Palestine to sign a 7-year peace treaty all this apocalyptic talk is futile.

    The way I interpret Scripture, the AC will not be revealed -- known to most Christians -- until the mid-way point of a treaty (which doesn't necessarily have to be a peace treaty, either as this is not specified in Dan 9:26-27 or anywhere else) at the "abomination of desolation." If I'm correct on this, then it may be important to speculate as to whether a particular 7 year treaty involving Israel which could possibly result in a cessation of temple sacrifices which could point toward the AC is signed.

  44. Anonymous4:25 AM


    Just to share some insights. From the Catholic perspective. There will be no rapture. An illumination of conscience will take place where people will see themselves as God sees them and it will be global and they'll know that Jesus is God. It will follow a brief period of evangelization and then the Anti-Christ rises to power and tells people, what happened to you was real, but it was not the Christ Jesus, but the Christ within you. A call to a higher consciousness etc. The AC will not be an atheist, he'll just deny that Jesus is unique.

    The illumination will also seal those people who will accept Christ, before the world follows the anti-christ and takes the mark of the beast.

    I don't want to start a fight over these theories, but just share a different perspective. This is again not an official teaching, but a theory a lot of people had on the last days.

  45. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Denise @ 11:54 AM

    Just to clarify - the name of Constance's book is "The Hidden Dangers of the Raibow."

  46. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Are Wall Street financial analysts suddenly becoming more 'religious'?

    Barton Briggs (the patron saint of the Wall Street apocalypse) suggests the likelihood of a future era in which 'people with wealth' will face 'another time of cholera when the Four Horsemen will ride again and the barbarians unexpectedly will be at their gate.'

    For more...

  47. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Ok Craig mea culpa. Would "exercise in futility" instead of "nonsense" suit you better? What would be your way of saying to someone that they're wasting their time while trying to respect them? You're twisting Scriptures to suit your views: most people without an agenda or bias see that AC reveals who he truly is halfway through the PEACE treaty after he has deceived most of the world. Whadda ya say, Craig?

  48. Anonymous 12:33 am,

    Thanks for the John Todd refrence.


  49. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Thank you Susanna for your 10:30 post.

    Yes, I have, and have sent several emails to Senator Murray over the past two years on this very subject. While I disagree with Murray on virtually everything, she deserves kudo's for standing up and at least (temporarily?) derailing the EU's winning tanker bid, which had previously been awarded to EADS over Seattle based rival Boeing.

    The fact is, no one from Washington State could ever hope to win an election or re-election without Boeing support, so in my opinion, Murray was involved more for political expediency rather than any real patriotic feelings for our country.

    That said, sub-contracting America's defense industry to the Europeans or any other multi-national corporation (as is routinely being done now) is a recipe for disaster, especially during these harsh economic times.

    On a related note, if one of our large hydro-power dams were to go down, it would be years before they could be repaired, if ever. America no longer has the manufacturing capacity to make the giant turbines. Those would have to be ordered from China.


  50. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I don't know if anyone has ever seen this website, but it helps link networks and people together. I thought that it may help some with the outstanding research that is done here. Here is the link

  51. Anon 9:55am:

    you wrote:

    You're twisting Scriptures to suit your views

    Which Scriptures are you referring to? The only verses I mentioned in this particular comment was Daniel 9:26-27 which say nothing of a peace treaty. Many people assume this; but, if it's not explicit in the text than support for a peace treaty cannot be definitively defended. It may be a peace treaty, it may not be. That's basically all I said.

    As far as the "respect" issue, I'm not going to get in a war of words on this as I made my point in that comment.

  52. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Corporate/Police State:

    "....local police and federal officials work with BP to harass, impede, interrogate and even detain journalists who are covering the impact of the spill and the clean-up efforts.....BP has virtually bought entire Police Departments which now do its bidding: "One parish has 57 extra shifts per week that they are devoting entirely to, basically, BP security detail, and BP is paying the sheriff's office.""

  53. Anonymous3:21 PM

    The disturbing news concerning the EPA/coastguard/ and BP web of deception continues to grow even more disturbing. Would advise reading the comments, too.

  54. Susanna4:14 PM

    omots 10:53 AM,

    Not only do I agree with what you said, but I also have a really big problem with sub-contracting America's defense industry to ANY foreign power... period...most especially to countries like Russia or any of its former appendages and/or satellites.

    If anyone thinks that a Russian sub-contractor has not been considered, here are a couple of other interesting articles that would appear to indicate otherwise.

    This one is from July 2, 2010....

    Also in March, there was discussion about a possible joint venture between a U.S. defense contractor and United Aircraft Corp of Russia, an aerospace consortium partly owned by the Russian government, to bid for the lucrative contract.

    At that point, Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary, said the U.S. Defense Department intended to run a fair and open competition and would welcome all qualified bidders.

    U.S. Aerospace describes itself as an "emerging world class supplier" of structural airframe machined components and assemblies for U.S. commercial and military suppliers....

    This is interesting in light of the fact that in March, Russia's United Aircraft Corporation denied that it was planning to enter a lucrative contract to replace the U.S. Air Force's fleet of aerial tankers.

    Russian firm denies rumors of U.S. aerial tanker bid

    An earlier report from the Seattle Times dated March 19, 2010 reads...

    'Bizarre' tanker twist: Russians will bid against Boeing for Air Force contract

    Russia's government-owned aerospace company United Aircraft will announce Monday it is competing against Boeing for the $40 billion refueling-tanker contract, a Los Angeles attorney for the company said Friday.

    By Rami Grunbaum

    Here's the latest twist in the Air Force tanker saga:

    The Russians are coming.

    Russia's government-owned aerospace company will announce Monday it is competing against Boeing for the $40 billion refueling-tanker contract, a Los Angeles attorney for the company said Friday.

    United Aircraft of Moscow plans to unveil a U.S. partner and offer a modified version of its Ilyushin Il-96 wide-body plane, said John Kirkland, a Los Angeles lawyer representing the group.

    The still-unidentified partner, "a U.S. public company and existing defense contractor," would assemble the planes in the U.S., he said. The Russian interest in the tanker bid was first reported Friday by The Wall Street Journal.

    United Aircraft was formed under the authority of then-President Vladimir Putin in 2006 to combine the most famous names in Russian aviation: Sukhoi, Tupolev, Ilyushin, MiG.

    Kirkland acknowledged it faces "significant hurdles ... there are obvious security issues, there are sanctions and restrictions on buying things from Russia." more....


    According to high-ranking Russian SVR officer who defected to the United States in 2000, the top three entities on Russia's "no-goodnik" list are the same entities who topped the list compiled by the former Soviet Union.....namely, the United States, NATO and that order.

    Moreover, Russia has not stopped trolling for advanced technology - especially advanced military technology - just because she has tricked herself all out in fancy-sounding "social democracy"-larded new labels since the early 1990's.

    Russia's demand that the Mistral attack ship that she is planning on purchasing form the French be completely loaded with all the latest technological "bells and whistles" as a condition of purchase speaks for itself on that score.

  55. Susanna4:26 PM

    Possible "Spy Swap" in the works.

    Moscow 'offers former Russian colonel and nuclear expert to U.S. in Cold War-style spy swap to bring Anna Chapman home'

    By Mail Foreign Service
    Last updated at 8:56 PM on 7th July 2010

  56. All,

    The latest article in my series is up over at my blog. I will be away from my computer over the next couple days as my wife is going in tomorrow to have her labor induced for our baby girl. If you comment on the piece I will try to answer when we get home from the hospital. As always questions and comments are more than welcome.

  57. Anonymous9:27 PM

    U.S. Plans Cyber Shield For Utilities, Companies

  58. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Even though we have completed 3 1/2years of the European Neighborhood Policy without witnessing a stop to sacrifice, I am continuing to view the European Union's Barcelona Process with interest. This may still prove to be the basis of the "confirmed covenant with many".

    The Barcelona Process is the basis of the ENP (2007-2013), the Union for the Mediterranean, the Alliance of Civilizations, as well as other related enlargement initiatives. The EU also views it as the framework for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process as these are members of the EuroMed enlargement process.

    Daniel 8:9 reads " And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land."

    Now read what Solana has to say about the ENP:

    "European Neighbourhood Policy is not a policy aimed at EU enlargement,[it is] aimed at developing closer relations between the European Union and its new neighbours to the East and South, making them benefit as much as possible from their proximity to the EU." - Javier Solana, High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, 2005

    Even though Solana dislikes the word enlargement, this is exactly what the Europeans are doing.

  59. Anonymous3:15 AM

    People here are playing in the Devil's playground, thinking about his schemes and plans almost constantly, being anxious, trying to unearth satanic plots, seeing all the evil in the world, in short dwelling on evil. The world is in a bad shape, morally and intellectually among other things, and Craig is a good although sad illustration of that, but it doesn't necessarily mean we're that close to the AC's appearance on the world scene. This blog is a din of conflicting and often erroneous views that lead nowhere." Love the Lord your God " not "Try earnestly to find out who the Antichrist is and try to stop him". Craig, I wonder how you will fare when martyrdom time comes? You seem filled with more zeal to prove me wrong then to be a man of God. Where strife is, bitterness and unforgiveness are always lurking. Peace to all.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. The mid-term review for the Euro-Med partnership(the one that includes Israel) is scheduled for the 15th of this month. I have a feeling we will know then or shortly after if Solana is indeed the beast. To the above, you sound like you're afraid of something you shouldn't be.

  62. Anonymous3:41 AM

    President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing'

    With Congress officially on recess, President Obama will on Wednesday use his ability to make recess appointments to name one of his more controversial nominees: Donald Berwick, nominee to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

    The April nomination of Berwick -- president and chief executive officer of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement -- was in trouble and might not have been able to meet Senate confirmation due to comments Berwick made in the past about rationing health care. Even if Berwick could have been confirmed by the Senate, Democrats have little appetite for another round of fighting about changes to the health care system, Democrats said.

    For more...

  63. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Biometric ATM gives cash via 'finger vein' scan...

  64. Anonymous3:55 AM

    A 5.4 earthquake hits Borrego Springs, California (shaking all of San Diego County) on Wednesday afternoon...

  65. Anonymous4:00 AM

    'Perfect Citizen' Program Places 'Sensors' Throughout Web

  66. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Flashback: Donald Berwick “We Must Redistribute Wealth”

    July 7, 2010 - Today, President Obama officially made Donald Berwick his recess appointment to be the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

    In 2008 while speaking on the British health care system in the UK, Berwick said wealthy individuals must redistribute their wealth to those less fortunate for health care funding. Also during this speech, he told those in attendance that he opposes free markets.

    “Any health care funding plan that is just equitable civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.”

    For more...

  67. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Agie 95 said:

    "There is no physical anti-christ or mark of the beast. The 70th Week is past. We are in the End Times and we are waiting for the Lord's return. The End Times started when Israel became a nation and gained control of Jerusalem. Read "The False Prophet" by Ellis Skolfield. It will amaze you. I have a hard time with a couple of things, but for the most part was absolutely amazed."

    Agie, just wanted to thank you for that link . Downloaded the book and have been reading it. It's fascinating! And evidently based on 20 years of research as well. I am looking forward to finishing it over the next few days.

    It certainly gives one plenty of food for thought!

    Thanks again,

  68. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Anon 3:15,

    For those who are merely relying on their knowledge of the Lord to save them, Peter provided this warning, “For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.”

    Obviously if one thinks it be a waste of time to discern the times, or identify the deception rampant in the world, one may choose another activity. The fact is, a sober and clear headed assessment of this world only validates the scriptures. Likewise, the scriptures provide a sober assessment of this world, and glorify God. While ignorance of the devil’s schemes is inexcusable, it is also folly for anyone to presume immunity from the corrupting influence of demons.

    This blog serves at least one important purpose that I can see, and that is it documents precisely how corrupt the world has become and how close we are to the end of days. But then again, so does The Drudge Report or the six o’clock news, that is, if one has eyes to see.

    Indeed, if we are approaching the final trumpet blasts, (and everything I see indicates this is so), then we need to be sober and awake. We are called to be diligent workers, not passive or uncaring bystanders ignorant of the times.

    When all seems hopeless and lost, that is when a man’s faith will either shine, or be extinguished as mere pretense. As Paul warned the Corinthians, “For I fear lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I wish, and [that] I shall be found by you such as you do not wish; lest [there be] contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, backbitings, whisperings, conceits, tumults; lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced.”

    As it is written, "All flesh is as grass, And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, And its flower falls away, But the word of the LORD endures forever."


  69. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Interesting information:

    "llinois-based Nalco Co., manufacturer of dispersant Corexit 9500, recently hired Ramola Musante to run the company's Washington lobbying effort. Musante previously worked at both EPA and the Department of Energy. Nalco also recruited Ogilvy Government Relations, whose lobbyists include Drew Maloney, past assistant to former House Majority Whip Tom Delay (R-Texas). "

    Also, director of CIA Leon Panetta, sits on BP board.

    Thanks to anonymous 3:21 PM for the link.

  70. Susanna11:20 AM

    To the "Anonymous" who is following the "life and hard times" of French President Nicolas Sarkozy:

    Scandals knock Sarkozy off course
    Published: July 7 2010

    Sarkozy struggles to reassert authority
    By Ben Hall and Peggy Hollinger in Paris

    Published: July 7 2010

    As a little historical aside here...for those who do not know who Liliane Bettencourt is, not only is she one of the richest women in France, but she is also the heiress to the L'Oreal cosmetics fortune.


    Liliane's father, Eugene Schueller, was the founder of L'Oreal. He also bankrolled the infamous French Fascist organization known as La Cagoule -whose membership included Liliane's husband the late Andre Bettencourt.

    During the early twentieth century, Schueller provided financial support and held meetings for La Cagoule at L'Oréal headquarters.

    La Cagoule was a violent French fascist-leaning and anti-communist group.

    L'Oréal hired several members of the group as executives after World War II, such as Jacques Corrèze, who served as CEO of the U.S. operation. This involvement was extensively researched by Michael Bar-Zohar in his book, Bitter Scent......


    I'll just bet Comrade Merkel's little black heart must be bleeding canal water over Mr. Sarkozy's most recent political conundrum....... N'est-ce pas?

  71. Susanna11:37 AM



  72. Susanna12:15 PM

    The following article from Breitbart was posted on the latest Drudge update.

    EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

    Jul 8 11:25 AM US/Eastern

  73. Anonymous12:32 PM

    FRom Joel Rosenberg an interesting comment regarding Netanyahu:
    "Most interesting to me was an answer the PM gave to Larry King towards the end of their hour-long conversation last night. King asked Netanyahu if he ever has the chance to relax. Netanyahu said yes. On Saturday — the Sabbath — he rests and relaxes and he noted that one thing he looks forward to is reading the Bible for an hour an half with his youngest son, who recently won a contest on Bible knowledge. He said the time refreshes him spiritually and that he and his son are learning a great deal from God’s Word. I really appreciated the PM’s remarks and it reminded me of Psalm 119:97-100, “Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.”

  74. I just spoke with John W. Spring. He fears that what is happening in the gulf may be an underwater volcano eruption. We are going to feature a discussion about the BP Petroleum Explosion / Earth Day Gaia Sacrifice? / whatever . . . tonight on my internet radio program, MY PERSPECTIVE at

    Tune in!


  75. To John Rupp:

    Yes on both questions. Rich of Medford, however, believes that the 2008 review of it by Sarkozy and Angela Merkel may have resulted in a changing of a few dates. I don't know myself.


  76. Knowing the scriptural warnings, the history of 7th Day Adventists, and various other flat predictors, I am very leery of any sort of date setting. "No man knoweth the day nor the hour . . ." However, we were told to know the seasons and to WATCH and when we saw these things come upon the earth . . . to know that his coming was near, even at the door.

    Time and events will ultimately tell. The important thing is to be ALWAYS READY to meet the Lord -- IN THE AIR, not ON THE AIR as the various false prophets telling us they have been called to televise the second coming would have us believe.


  77. Anonymous3:19 PM

    From World Net Daily (July 8, 2010)

    A "virtual conference" has been announced for Saturday, July 10, that is intended to focus on the real goal of the pro-life movement across the United States: "Ending Abortion."

    That's even the name of the "Ending Abortion" event, which features more than 30 leading pro-life experts grouped into 10 "power panels" that will address different challenges – and look at possible solutions.

    Organized by the folks who have run a series of "40 Days for Life" events, which are prayer- and fasting-based pro-life protests in front of abortion businesses, the event already has seen thousands of people register.


  78. Anonymous3:21 PM

    To Constance @ 1:40 PM:


  79. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Susanna 11:20am

    Thanks for the info, I have been following the news. I think the "little horn" will find a way out, he always does.

    I also think it is possible he will be the next full time EU president when his term ends in 2012 the month before Van Rumpoy's current term ends.

  80. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Am currently embroiled in a facebook discussion and its really interesting how many people , especially in the art world, just really hate Christians. Anyhow one lady argues that Hitler was a Christian, and in searching for some Blavatsky links to prove her wrong, I just found this:

    On the Lucis Trust site, it says the following:
    "There are comments on the World Wide Web claiming that the Lucis Trust was once called the Lucifer Trust. Such was never the case."

    I believe somewhere back in my memory someone here once said they actually had in their possession an old book that said "Lucifer Publishing" in the front. If that person is still around, I'd love to know what they think of this.

  81. Craig5:09 PM

    Anon 4:52:

    If you'll read that statement on the Lucis Trust site carefully, they are not making a false statement. Lucis Trust was not formerly known as Lucifer Trust but rather "Lucifer Publishing."

    Constance Cumbey states in the following video that she has 3 books in her library with this designation:

    On another place on the Lucis Trust site:

    There are comments on the World Wide Web claiming that the Lucis Trust was once called the Lucifer Trust. Such was never the case. However, for a brief period of two or three years in the early 1920’s, when Alice and Foster Bailey were beginning to publish the books published under her name, they named their fledgling publishing company “Lucifer Publishing Company”.

  82. Craig5:11 PM

    I see the last link did not make; so, here it is in a tinyurl:

  83. Craig5:19 PM

    From Constance's first book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow she references a book by Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey's husband, titled Running God's Plan:

    "One of the goals of their hierarchy was to have a unified Europe… ‘We tried this before working through a disciple using the Rhine River valley and the inhabitants of that valley as a binding factor. That attempt was unsuccessful; but, now another attempt is in full swing...’”

    This is an obvious reference to Hitler.

  84. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Tens of thousands evacuated in Texas & Mexico as storm approaches

  85. Oh well, wether it was Lucifer Trust or Lucifer Publishing it sounds the same to me.

  86. Susanna7:20 PM


    by Capitol Confidential

    In a victory for American trade interests, the World Trade Organization rebuked the European Union for issuing government subsidies to European companies, giving them an advantage in international contract bidding.

    In what is being called a “stinging rebuke,” the WTO charged that the EU’s assistance constituted an illegal export subsidy. They requested that EU figure out a way to help European companies without adversely affecting American companies or discontinue the subsidies altogether.

    The ruling has particular significance for American company Boeing, which has been locked in a bidding war for large civil aircraft with a European company receiving these very subsidies, EADS. Boeing, which filed the case in the WTO, contended that EADS was being given an unfair advantage when bidding for American contracts since they were able to undercut American companies; the EU would provide a “loan” to EADS allowing them to bid less, with the agreement that EADS would repay the loan as planes were sold. The result? European companies were able to underbid American companies, take jobs from American workers and send them to Europe. Today, the WTO agreed that this was an unfair practice more.....

  87. Susanna7:21 PM

    Anonymous 7:10 P.M.

    Constance's program airs at 8:00P.M. Eastern Time

  88. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Thank you Susanna

  89. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Thank you Susanna

  90. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Excellent program tonight, Constance and quite an eye-opener!

  91. Constance,
    Your show was very interesting and you had a very good guest. Nothing would surprise me but at the very least whether it was intentional or just taking advantage of a disaster, this is more of redistribution of the wealth and making more of the public dependent on government assistance. Therefore more government control. Also the excuse for cap and trade and the green energy revolution. Thank you again.

  92. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Petroleum Engineer -Gulf Oil Rig Intentionally Sabotaged

  93. I almost forgot one other thing that was an eye opener for me is the restriction against the media.

  94. I almost forgot one other thing that was an eye opener for me is the restriction against the media.

  95. Susanna10:00 PM

    Obama loses drilling moratorium appeal

    Jul 8 08:48 PM US/Eastern

  96. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Anon @4:52 p.m.

    I have an archive of WW2 newspapers. Hitler was actually pro-abortion, euthanasia, eugenics etc. Not Christian. I can send them to you, if you let me know where I can do so.


  97. Anon @4:52

    I've encountered this debate more times than I care to remember. A new ager in the Medford area attempted to build the same case: that Hitler acted upon Catholic convictions.

    Anyone having a grasp of history can follow the evidence that the church was declared an enemy of the Nazi state.

    I posted a part of the debate on my blog. It includes links to some of the Vatican's writings regarding Nazism. If one were to white out the words Nazi and Germany and replace them with new age, these writings could pass as a timely warning for today.

  98. Here is the link again.

  99. Anon @4:52

    This is a must read should you continue with the debate.

  100. ‘We live in the age of the final confrontation with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give to the German people over the next fifty years the non-Christian ideological foundation for a way of life appropriate to their own character. This task cannot be carried out purely through the conquest of an ideological opponent but must be accompanied step-by-step by positive advance.’
    [A secret SS plan of 1937, aimed at removing the influence of Christianity within German society]


  102. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Off topic, but I came across this YouTube last night. Although there are 3 parts I will only put up a link to part 2 as it’s something I haven’t seen before.
    It’s on Benjamin cream, pt 1 and 3 is about his back ground and share international and so on, but pt 2 is where someone filmed Benjamin as he was what’s called by the new age as been over shadowed by Maitreya.

    You will see B.C sitting as a voice of Maitreya talks to the audience who are in a deep trance state. I read about constants experience, when she saw him, but still didn’t expect it to be this creepy and disturbing.

    I can watch any horror movie on my own in the dark but this really gave me the hebie jeebies if you are going to view it I strongly advice you pry to our heavenly father and be armed god bless

  103. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Internet of things--grid connections. Don't know if this may be of help to JD...

  104. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Cutting edge technology. What are they wanting to indoctrinate with this?

  105. Agie959:35 AM

    You welcome YG. I wish more people were opened minded enough to read what he wrote. No, not to my perspective, but in testing ideas and thoughts. I was Pre-Wrath for over 10 years until I read what Skolfield wrote and investigated it. Now, it is hard to tell those I have discussed Pre-Wrath with that I was wrong. I am still looking into a few thoughts, but overall I am very impressed (which is hard to do).

  106. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Hi Rich and Savvy,

    Thanks for the offers of help and supporting evidence, regarding Hitler and Christianity. I did my best in responding to the topic, and I think I made some excellent points. There is a very well- known and nationally acclaimed artist on Facebook that painted a painting of Hypatia. In the painting, he was able to show Hypatia as a heroine and Christianity as the heinous murderer of this 'Goddess of Reason'. In fact, he painted 'reason' in the light, and 'faith' in the shadows. The artist, once a believer, is sadly now an atheist. The discussion of the painting has evolved into 60 very lengthly comments to date.I think I contributed 4 of them. Anyhow, it has basically come down to faith versus reason, and bad stupid Christians versus sound-minded, intellectual atheists, and in my opinion, unless God the Father himself steps in, there is nothing more that I or anyone else can say to change the minds of the non-believing crowd. I spent way too much time on it yesterday, but I think I at the very least, I threw out some food for thought.

    Savvy, thanks so much for your offer. If you wish to email me, Susanna and JD have my email address. I don't wish to post it here. Rich, I very much appreciate the links and additional information as well.

    If anyone is interested in the discussion and is on Facebook, you may be able to follow the comment thread as well. I am not sure if Scott Burdick's information and artwork is for everyone to see, or just for friends, but it certainly has been interesting to see how the two sides have presented their arguments.


  107. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Agie 95;

    I am about three-quarters of the way through the book, and it's hard for me to put it down. Skolfield has offered up answers to questions that have been perplexing many people for centuries. I have no idea whether he is right or not, but at least at this point in time (without reading the whole book) his arguments make a great deal of sense biblically. I too wish that others here might take the time to read it, and pass along their thoughts.

    Thanks again for the link.


  108. Anonymous2:59 PM


    You might want to get an insight into how the early Christians actually saw Hypatia. The Atheist analysis is wrong.


  109. Anonymous3:07 PM


    Hypathia was killed at the hands of a lector named Peter who was led by the Alexandrians, and not the clergy or monks, as atheists like to tell us. You might want to read this.

    You should read the account of Bishop John of Nikiu from the 7th Century about who killed Hypatia. His credibility is in the fact that he brags about the monks killing her.

    In the account from John of Nikiu, Cyril is not said to have been involved in the incident. John merely says ...

    "And they carried her to a place named Cinaron, and they burned her body with fire. And all the people surrounded the patriarch Cyril and named him 'the new Theophilus'; for he had destroyed the last remains of idolatry in the city."

    You should read the account of Bishop John of Nikiu from the 7th Century about who killed Hypatia. His credibility is in the fact that he brags about the monks killing her.

    In the account from John of Nikiu, Cyril is not said to have been involved in the incident. John merely says ...

    "And they carried her to a place named Cinaron, and they burned her body with fire. And all the people surrounded the patriarch Cyril and named him 'the new Theophilus'; for he had destroyed the last remains of idolatry in the city."

    These are two unconnected statements. He recounts the murder of Hypatia, and then speaks about how Cyril (like Patriarch Theophilus before him) became the leader of the new mobilized faction. He does not say, or even imply, that Cyril was behind the mob action against Hypatia. It is also significant that John of Nikiu, was not Roman Catholic, and did not believe in the Trinity. He also had lost his post as bishop in the Coptic Church because he beat a monk so bad that the guy died 10 days later. He was not exactly walking in the light.


  110. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Anon 7:20,

    Predictable. We have just given the WTO the authority to make these kinds of decisions...bravo. We don't have the sense to keep huge defense contracts in house on US soil, but at least our benevolent World Government is being fair about it.

  111. Anonymous6:33 PM

    HI Savvy,

    Thanks for the link and I'll pass the info along to the facebook discussion. Sad, however that the evangelicals are said to have incited the false information to show that Catholics do not have discernment in choosing their saints wisely.

    I think there are problems with both the Catholic and Evangelical churches, but in the end both groups believe that Jesus was the Christ and the in-fighting between the two does nothing to show the grace of God in a Christian's life.
    It just gives the Godless crowd more ammunition.


  112. Anonymous8:45 PM


    Catholic Bridge is a website that answers questions Evangelicals have about the Catholic Church. This was written in response to a letter sent by an Evangelical to the website.

    I do agree that if you fight a civil war with your allies, you'll lose the war.


  113. Anonymous9:55 PM

    On oldie but goodie...

  114. Thought I posted critical material here last night about recent activities of the Alliance of Civilizations, but I see today it's not here. Don't know what happened and I hope I can reconstitute it.


  115. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I checked out this digital drugs as it was something I had never heard of before. This is extemely dangerous. A real pandoras box.
