
Thursday, April 22, 2010

what björn (farmer) thinks...: Solana called to create more global management structures

what björn (farmer) thinks...: Solana called to create more global management structures


Despite my well publicized differences with Farmer (Björn Freiberg), this information is simply too important to ignore, so I am reprinting it in its totality here.  I trust you will understand.


"Madrid, April 20 .- The former High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (EU), Javier Solana, today urged to build more structures to manage the total financial structure, with the help of all world regions.
By participating in the seminar "From Rio de Janeiro to Madrid, a decade after, organized by the Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB), Spanish politician said" we have not yet been able to create mechanisms to govern the multipolarity. "
"We are very far from knowing how to deal with this structure and reach the goal of making it effectively," he said.
He explained that the realization that the world has ceased to be unipolar, "is something positive and are happy with that," but warned of the urgency of knowing how to manage to "know how to manage this without creating more problems."
Abounded that this occurs in a scenario of global problems requiring global solutions, "but there is no drive for it because of the national legitimacy."
Solana noted that despite United Nations efforts on many issues, and the G-20 on the topic of economic crisis, "still need to coordinate groups of countries based on their common elements, history, values and seek a common future. "
He also said that international relations are currently developing scenarios "within transfers of power between Member States and do not necessarily have things in common, and there was a different world view."
Regarding the relationship between the EU and Latin America, said the summit next May in Madrid between the two blocs have to be able to give substantive performance links have been forged in recent years.
He acknowledged that there are difficulties and differences on many issues, and they are an economic crisis, "but to pass these problems must be exploited and not lose the historic opportunity."
He suggested further work on the regionalization schemes, and international relations in the future will have very important groups, blocks and regions.
The seminar organized by the SEGIB met here with former presidents, representatives of multilateral institutions, academics and experts on transatlantic relations, to exchange experiences on the peaks Latin America, Caribbean and European Union."

see background about this conference here: Link
see background of this philosophy here: Link


  1. My differences with Bjorn are well known, but he remains an important source of information. I had a different interpretation of him on the Sant'Egidio information which I viewed more as a New Age Catholic Church take over than as an inside Catholic operation; however, since he posted on Sant'Egidio a few days before I discovered it elsewhere means that for all his human frailties, he is staying on top of information that is becoming increasingly harder for the rest of us to find. This piece today is important. I am going to publish the text here as well as the link.


  2. I just discovered this 2010 document which Richard Cizik (former National Evangelical Association president) is involved with:

    "Report on the Task Force on Religion and the Making of US Foreign Policy." It was convened by the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs which I do believe is like a chapter of the CFR.

    It appears to be clearly pointing to a New World religion and the diminishment of Israel.


  3. I discovered this one for a search on "World Bank" and "Sant'Egidio." Sant'Egidio is mentioned in the document.


  4. Breaking news -- Afghanistan just suffered a 5.3 earthquake. There were deaths and casualties. It struck not too far from Kabul.


  5. Sorry not to detract from the topic, but here is yet another Anti-Government Extremism Report. This one comes to us from the Anti-Defamation League, and if you guessed the themes are patriotism, God, the Constitution, and inciting violence, you would be correct.

  6. Marko8:58 AM

    My apologies as well for the off-topic post, but in my opinion, the ADL, as well as the Southern Poverty Law Center, will have a hand in the persecution of Christians in America.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    The X-37B has been launched. According to The Atlantic Wire, it could be an orbiting "predator drone".

  8. Anonymous,

    Your link didn't work. I will try and google the info.

  9. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines

  10. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Vatican to finance adult stem cell research . . .

    BUT the Vatican only supports the project because it does NOT involve embryonic stem cells.

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    The EU is in a fiscal mess...

    EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The deplorable state of EU government finances was laid bare on Thursday (22 April), following the release of 2009 budget deficit figures by the EU's statistics agency, Eurostat.

    For more...

  12. Arizona's largest power company wants control over customer thermostats

    Arizona Public Service Co. will try to answer that question with a test project that will put customers' thermostats into the utility's hands.

    The plan is one of several energy-saving strategies APS and other utilities are rolling out across the country to reduce peak energy demand, when utilities have to fire up extra power plants to supply electricity to customers.

    By offering lower bills, utilities hope to entice enough customers into energy-saving programs to significantly reduce power demand.

    APS is seeking ways to be more efficient during the hottest days of summer, when surges in demand from air-conditioners put the biggest strain on the power grid, stretch plants to production capacity and pose a threat of power disruptions.

    If regulators approve the plan, APS will invite about 300 customers to volunteer in the air-conditioning load-control test and other pilot projects starting in fall 2010.

    During hot afternoons the following summer, or when there is a problem on the power grid such as a downed transmission line, APS will be able to turn up their thermostats remotely or run their air-conditioners in 20-minute intervals, alternating with other people on the plan.

    Alternating when air-conditioners run ensures that not every unit is running at once, reducing the peak demand.

    Customers would be able to override the controls in case they didn't want to participate that day.

    The program will have a limited number of days APS can take control of thermostats and a restriction on how many hours per day they will do so, according to its application with the Arizona Corporation Commission.Participants in the trial will be offered free home-energy audits, but APS could offer customers $25 or so per summer for participating if the program becomes a permanent option for its 1.1 million customers, officials said.

    APS also wants to test several other energy-saving tactics, such as in-home displays that would show homeowners how much power they are using and sending customers information about their power usage to cellphones.

    The utility also has two new "time of use" rate plans recently approved by regulators that charge more for on-peak power and provide savings for off-peak usage.

    Those plans charge as much as 49 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity used from 3 to 6 p.m., while charging as little as 5 cents a kilowatt-hour off-peak.

    The hope is that customers will respond to the price signals, saving power by turning up their thermostats and waiting to do chores like washing clothes until 8 p.m. or later.

    "We do think there is going to be interest across the spectrum of offerings we have," said Barbara Lockwood, director of smart-grid programs for APS. "We are exploring techniques that will allow customers to understand their consumption more and help manage their costs."
    more at link

  13. Marko,

    I fear there are going to be many hands in that pie. Some from differing sides of the aisle, each with a different role.

  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Feds raid Amish Farm for 5:00 AM milk 'inspection' . . .

  15. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Associated Press (04/23/10):

    Ex-Rwandan diplomat now in Alabama probed in genocide . . .

    A former United Nations diplomat living in Alabama is being investigated by his native Rwanda for actions during the genocide that claimed 800,000 lives in 1994.

    Jean-Damascene Bizimana was the Rwandan ambassador to the United Nations and spoke for the government during the mass killings 16 years ago. Today, he is a U.S. citizen living with his family in the east Alabama city of Opelika.

    He told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday that he is innocent of any complicity in the mass killings of Tutsis. But the current Rwandan government is considering whether to charge Bizimana with genocide crimes.

    A spokesman for the prosecutor's office there says Bizimana never denounced the slaughter by Hutus while representing Rwanda before the U.N. Security Council.

  16. I think I found the Atlantic Wire article about the x-37b. I made another tiny url link. Let's see if this one works. It's quite interesting.

  17. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The start of war in space?

  18. Dear Constance,
    During the first sememster of third grade, my daughter had befriended a precious little girl who has Cerebral Palsy. My daughter was also a natural at soccer and enjoyed playing at every opportunity. She was really good at soccer so she was in high demand on any team. One day a dispute arose amongst the players when they were assembling the teams. One of my daughter's friends refused to allow the little girl with disabilities to play on their team because she felt it would cause the team to lose the game. My daughter, having a sibling with disabilities, stood her ground and defended the little girl's right to be a part of the team. The dispute escalated and they took their complaints before the third grade teacher. The teacher was heavy laden with responsibilities and she was used to these kinds of disputes errupting frequently amongst the classmates. That day, she refused to be pulled into the mayhem and she benched them all, irrespective of the facts of the matter. After school my daughter shared these events with me, along with her frustration that she had been disciplined along with everyone else, even though she had tried to promote right thinking amongst her teammates. I asked her how she felt about being benched for doing the right thing. She responded,"I would have done the right thing no matter what, Mom, but it's not right to be punished whether you do the right thing or the wrong thing, because everyone will be frustrated and no one will care whether they are doing right or wrong."
    Of course, we spoke with her teacher the next day, explained to her the actual situation, and the teacher apologized to my daughter, to the little girl who was being rejected, and to the whole class for not hearing the facts and acting justly on the matter. She publicly affirmed my daughter's right thinking, and turned the incident into an opportunity for everyone to learn some right thinking in their teamwork.

    I've shared this part of my life with you, friend, because I see that at times you get heavy laden with responsibilites and you just want the disputing to stop. However, when one continuously takes this approach, they send the wrong message to all the parties involved in the dispute.

    Individual posters like Rob will benefit, over time, from those who take the time to offer correction for wrong thinking and unwise strivings amongst those who are earnestly working to promote right thinking and wise counsel.

    You have a very long history with Dorothy that, by now, should be beneficial for you both with mutual respect and honor towards one another, particularly regarding the matters that are researched and dissected here on your blog.

    No offense to Rob, but his contribution cannot even come close to comparing in value to a 26(plus) year partnership in research and valuable contribution.
    Rob is not an individual with a disability who needs defending so that he can have a fair chance to play on the team. He can defend himself. If Dorothy calls him to account for wrong thinking, then so be it. Sometimes good things, such as right thinking rather than wrong thinking or better understanding rather than ignorance, can come from such disputes.

    I say these things to you respectfully.
    By His Grace,

  19. To SV and Rob:


    We should not have respect of persons, meaning a 26 year friendship should not be the basis for support or rebuke, right and wrong are the issue. I do not know Rob or Dorothy personally, so, I do not judge them as such. I only see what is on the screen like the rest, but, I did see Rob humble himself to apologize, and I mentioned on the previous thread that I personally respect him for that.

    I must say, looking in every now and then, I have seen many regulars here engage in spats with others, and I do not recall seeing too many apologies. The spats fade away with time, but still, no apologies.


    That was one of the first times I have ever witnessed a sincere apology on this site, so, I commend you and support you for putting away your pride and trying to do the right thing. Do not be disheartened by comments that may hurt you, God knows your heart.

  20. Jenny9:27 PM

    Dear Constance and All,

    I'm so sorry for causing so much havoc here, this started by me and got blown out like ripples in the water.

    Anony 7:09 I'm sorry for posting a comment about building a bridge etc... what I was trying to say was this pressing on towards the goal forgetting and move on

    Philippians 3:11-13

    12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

    13 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.

    I take the responsibility on myself and ask all of you to forgive me for all the wrong I done.

    To Rob and Anony7:09 again I'm deeply sorry for the stresses.

    I hope this blog will get back to where it was yesterday and excel even more.

    God Bless you.

  21. Anonymous9:42 PM


    Thank you for sharing your story and for your eloquence. You always inspire me, sister.

    So good to see you here again!

  22. Anonymous10:26 PM

    It comes and goes around here. Ebbs and flows and there are people who show up trolling interactions in varied forms. Rest in God.

  23. Anonymous10:32 PM

    In many's oppinion this is a attack on all who believe in God etc. Since this is the only report that this administration is reading with no rebuttel it is seemingly becoming policy for the military. The original writting is at the link below

    Could it be that Christians, jews, catholic will not be in the military during the last wars?
    Is this a Blessing from God?

  24. Dear Anon 8:17,
    Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
    There's the basis for a 26 year relationship eith regards to either supporting OR rebuking.

    By His Grace,

  25. Anonymous10:49 PM

    It is interesting to note that new Russian weapons are being produced using a new material known as lignostone. Prepared from compressed wood-product, this material was developed in Holland to be used as fuel. However, the Soviet weapons laboratories discovered that this unique substance, called lignostone, is as strong as steel, light, pliable, and almost invisible to radar. These unique characteristics encouraged the Russian military to utilize this material in many military vehicles and weapons. One of the characteristics of lignostone is that it burns at very high temperatures and can be readily used as an alternative fuel. The use of lignostone, and the fact that mobile Russian military units can carry large amounts of fuel (in containers 100 yards across) for their tanks and helicopters, may explain the prophecy that the defeat of this army will provide ample fuel for Israel for a period of seven years.
    Would this be what the new fast boats of Iran are made of, Hard to see by radar.

  26. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Psychiatric drugging of infants & toddlers in the U.S.

  27. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I tried to post earlier but it's not displaying, so here's trying again.

    Sant'Egidio + Erraid, a Google search led me here,

    Intentional Spiritual Communities - this is a strange web page with links to what appears to be Christian and NA retreats.

    It's on a site called 'Well Fed Spirit' which aims to offer,
    "spiritual formation & wellness resources for leaders

    from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

    and our wider spiritual communities"


    I know nothing about the 'Disciples of Christ' organization. I don't think there's a serious connection with Sant'Egidio but this is an odd web site with a real mix of Christian and NA resources.

    Has anyone come across the 'Disciples of Christ'? Looking at their website they seem to be a big organization.


  28. Dear Anonymous 9:42,
    Thanks for your sweet comment.
    My life has been very challenging this last year.
    But, God is so good and I trust Him in everything.
    I know that according to His Scriptures in
    Jeremiah 29:11-14a,
    "For I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord", that although He's speaking to Israel, I know that I serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His promises are for me and my family also. This has brought much peace to my heart when I've grown weary this last year. I've held on tightly to the promise in these passages.
    I know that I've rarely contributed research or feedback in these last months, but you are all on my heart and in my prayers. I continue to glean information, when I can, that I may be faithful and intentional in my prayer life for the sake of the nation of Israel, America, the nations of Europe and Asia, etc.
    I've been very uplifted, of late, remembering the passages in
    2 Kings 6:15-17,
    "And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him,'Alas, my master! What shall we do?' So he answered, 'Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' And Elisha prayed and said, 'Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.' Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."
    I am confident that the same is true even today for Israel and for believers in Christ Jesus, the Son of God. We do not need to be fearful. The Lord our God is with us. He will never leave us nor will He forsake us.
    I am a living testimony of His grace, mercy and everlasting love for His beloved people.
    I am always praying for you all.
    I look forward to when there is a rest from all trials. It's easy to grow weary when they hit hard and when they are enduring.
    I don't know whether I'm just speaking in gibberish or making some sense to you all or not, but these are the thoughts pressing on my heart lately.
    May you be blessed by God's love and mercy.

    By His Grace,

  29. Anonymous11:27 PM

    The Isle of Erraid is a Findhorn run retreat very, very close to Iona.


  30. Bolivian president creates 'Mother Earth Ministry'

    TIQUIPAYA, Bolivia Bolivia's president says he is creating a "Mother Earth Ministry" to promote the planet's rights and says that he would like to establish an international court with the power to punish nations that fail to obey emissions-reduction agreements.

    The court of "climate justice" would be located in Cochabama, the central city where President Evo Morales recently hosted a three-day climate-change conference. It was attended by environmentalists, Indian communities and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

    Morales revealed the plans Friday as he launched a campaign to plant 10 million trees — equal to Bolivia's population — by April 22, 2011. He did not say what he would do to garner other nations' support for the climate justice court.

  31. Dear SV

    So beautifully said... Gods peace passes all understanding when He lifts us up though the hard times. We are frail a drop out of the bucket.

    When we go home to be with our Lord He will says to us.. "see this river" it's all the tears of those who suffered on account for me.
    Jesus glances looking at the river bends down with a jar in His hand fill the jar with water. He stands up turns and says to you these are your tears I placed in the bottle not one drop was ever wasted.
    Psalm 56:8
    Lamentations 2:18

    Jesus sees our pain and catches them.

    I know I said I wouldn't text again but couldn't help myself

    God bless you loveeeeee!!

    Big (((hugs))) to all

  32. Dear SV,

    I respect very much what you have to say, HOWEVER, Rob is relatively VERY YOUNG and Dorothy and I are much more mature. Rob has called me in the past FROM LONDON and we have talked. Both Dorothy and I are mothers and we would be uncomfortable having our children treated this way -- Rob is considerably younger than our children.


  33. I add that I did read Rob's apologies and I don't really think it fair that he was accused of running a London cult without substantiation, and even if he did, there's always room for repentance.


  34. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Constance, we can never be on the same side regarding Rob. If you truly believe he is a child, that is someone under the age of 13, you are a senior adult and should be teaching him right from wrong, not encouraging his vileness and manipulation by making excuses for him. You are bringing disgrace to the fight against the New Age movement by making excuses for him and encouraging him to act that way in the future. If he is an adult, your position is even worse.


  35. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Constance, you have lied twice now in saying that Rob was accused by me of running a London cult. Want to try for three times and make yourself look even worse? You are not going to talk your way out of what you have done on in the last week. I have no intention of making excuses for your behavior.


  36. SV wrote,

    "Rob is not an individual with a disability who needs defending so that he can have a fair chance to play on the team"

    SV, You are wrong. I am disabled and registered as being so. Are you disabled SV? If not, then perhaps you should think carefully before making such rash judgements.

    I forgive you, and also forgive your further comments.

    This has to be my last post in this forum; I shall not respond to further remarks as it is fruitless and not helpful to anyone here.

    God bless you all; and may the peace and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.


  37. Dear Dorothy,

    I have forgiven you and I have also apologised where I was wrong.
    I re-iterate I forgive you, and apologise for having been too quick to anger in Jenny's defence.

    I know I am not the best person to say this to you right now, however, seeing as no-one else is saying it, I must. I do not think it at all fair to emotionally blackmail Constance over this. If it makes you happier for me not to post at this blog again on the condition that you are able to put this behind you and forgive also, after all, you also should remember you've been friends with Constance for about thirty years, and be able to put such difference behind you and agree to differ and forget the matter, particularly if I am not posting here any longer. I hope you can find peace and reconciliation.

    I believe Constance also recognises that I have suffered a great amount of trauma in my life. That is why she has gone more than the extra mile with me, not just on this matter.

    I have temporal lobe epilepsy, which is a nuisance enough, but also have post-traumatic stress disorder, having suffered from years of severe childhood and adolescent abuse and trauma, and although I am only a young man, I already suffer from stomach ulcers as a result. I am not telling this as a sob-story, but so that hopefully you go a bit easier on your friend, and put this matter with me behind you.

    God bless you Dorothy.


    Dear Constance, if I had a friend like you for twenty seven years, or thirty years, I certainly would not want to lose her. I thank you for the great kindness and compassion you have always shown me here, I am deeply sorry for the stresses I have caused you, and in that I have not always shown you the same high regard. I am very grateful to have you be a friend to me as you have done, and I will always hold you as a dear friend in my heart. It is because of this that I am leaving the site as your friend, and am ever grateful for the time you have given me. Nobody is pushing me away from the site, I choose to leave so that hopefully misunderstandings can be forgiven between you and Dorothy, and that you friendship can be properly restored as it should be.

    God bless you mightily my beloved elder sister in Christ, and my friend. May the peace and love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you always, and protect and comfort you in need.

    Thank you,


  38. Dear Dorothy,

    I have forgiven you and I have also apologised where I was wrong.
    I re-iterate I forgive you, and apologise for having been too quick to anger in Jenny's defence.

    I know I am not the best person to say this to you right now, however, seeing as no-one else is saying it, I must. I do not think it at all fair to emotionally blackmail Constance over this. If it makes you happier for me not to post at this blog again on the condition that you are able to put this behind you and forgive also, after all, you also should remember you've been friends with Constance for about thirty years, and be able to put such difference behind you and agree to differ and forget the matter, particularly if I am not posting here any longer. I hope you can find peace and reconciliation.

    I believe Constance also recognises that I have suffered a great amount of trauma in my life. That is why she has gone more than the extra mile with me, not just on this matter.

    I have temporal lobe epilepsy, which is a nuisance enough, but also have post-traumatic stress disorder, having suffered from years of severe childhood and adolescent abuse and trauma, and although I am only a young man, I already suffer from stomach ulcers as a result. I am not telling this as a sob-story, but so that hopefully you go a bit easier on your friend, and put this matter with me behind you.

    God bless you Dorothy.


    Dear Constance, if I had a friend like you for twenty seven years, or thirty years, I certainly would not want to lose her. I thank you for the great kindness and compassion you have always shown me here, I am deeply sorry for the stresses I have caused you, and in that I have not always shown you the same high regard. I am very grateful to have you be a friend to me as you have done, and I will always hold you as a dear friend in my heart. It is because of this that I am leaving the site as your friend, and am ever grateful for the time you have given me. Nobody is pushing me away from the site, I choose to leave so that hopefully misunderstandings can be forgiven between you and Dorothy, and that your friendship can be properly restored as it should be.

    God bless you mightily my beloved elder sister in Christ, and my friend. May the peace and love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you always, and protect and comfort you in need.

    Thank you,


  39. Let me start by saying, I have two important subjects I will be posting on which may get a little long winded. Also to Anon 10:32, I have read the report written on Christian Millenialism and its impact on foreign policy. It is disturbing to say the least, but I caution you concerning Baldwin. He has been advocating for christians to revolt against the government in recent columns. Stating that we need to 'TAKE' our country back.

    Now onto the subjects that I wanted to bring to attention. I was recently sent a video for a song title "Born Again American". It is a typical feel good anthem about returning to the founding principles of the nation. It speaks of the bible, the spirit, god, it is wrapped with clergy performing the song in the video as well as a couple of choirs. You can see the video here:


  40. cont.

    After initial viewing some may ask, whats wrong with such a feel good anthem? Is this not what we need now? At first I would have agreed, but after some digging I found there is more than meets the eye on this one. The Born Again American movement is a project of Norman Lear. Lear then hired Keith Carradine to write a feel good anthem for his movement. Lear openly states that despite its tone, this is not a christian song.

    Lears stated purpose for this movement is uniting all faiths under the secular banner of returning the nation to its founding principles. He also openly admits that by uniting faiths under such a banner, he can achieve secularization of them. He has used Interfaith radio programs and media to promote this movement, while allowing it to be marketed to christian programming as well without disclosing the true intent of the movement. This one is pretty deceptive, and had a few things not caught my eye in the video I might have missed the agenda at work. Below are some links that show what I am talking about.

  41. Nice job Dorothy,
    A few collateral deaths here and there
    are to be expected when a mighty
    warrior is battling against a huge
    evil regime.
    A few collateral slanders won't matter
    much either, even if they were
    completely unfounded and totally
    wrong-headed. After all, your personal
    battle to, what, bring an end ? to
    this huge monster which you always
    call NA, but which is really much more
    complex and wide spread than you
    will ever know, is all that matters.
    Nothing matters other than the
    endless finger pointing at possible
    enemies whether you're right
    or wrong.

    But by all means you should continue
    to attack attack attack, and shoot
    shoot shoot from the weeds at
    anything that's moving, even
    young people who have a young
    but vibrant faith in the one true
    God and his son Jesus.
    And never apologize, and never stop
    sniping at random visiitors here,
    because you never know when
    one of them might actually be
    guilty of something.
    Shoot first and ask questions later.
    Keep on playing that antisemite
    card and keep on shooting from
    the hip at born-again Christians.
    One of these days you might
    actually be targeting a real
    New Ager.
    Ready, Fire, AIM!

  42. Topic 2: Constance and others interested in the original theme of this thread may wish to pay attention. WARNING: this is where it will get lengthy. In reviewing some material pertaining to my work, I came acrossed Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC). MCC is a company that operates to help poor nations become complient with Millenium Development Goals. They do this by helping set up microcredit institutions, connecting companies to help build infrastructure, including Smart Grids and other Information Capture Technologies (ICT) like RFID for traceability in said nations.

    Current Board members of MCC include Hillary Clinton and Timothy Geithner. Did I mention MCC is operated by the State Department? Nations who receive procurements from MCC then have to register with the United Nations Development Business. MCC is also supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the Rockefeller Foundation. Below you will find links with the info I am presenting, I will then connect in my next post how it pertains to this thread.


  43. Norman Lear! What a meathead! The meathead behind the meathead!

  44. The Born Again American song is a great example of how easy it is to get fooled. It sounds like such a wonderful Christian and American ballad--reminiscent of Lee Greenwood's "God bless the USA." Until you realize who actually is behind the creation of the song. Then it makes you sick.

  45. Susanna9:02 AM

    To All,

    Regarding the "BORN AGAIN AMERICAN" movement.......

    JD is right about this one!

    I myself was taken in by the Born Again American video and would have regarded it as a very good and inspiring "evangelical Christian production" were it not for the fact that JD investigated it and gave me a heads up as to its being a deceptive secularist Norman Lear project being tricked out in "Christian" wrappings.

    The video had been sent to me by a trusted friend ( in good faith for sure ) and since I was busy with other research projects, I just accepted it at face value.

    Thanks again, JD, for your investigation and for the heads up.

  46. cont.

    So how does this connect with the original theme of this thread? Solana's involvement in Sant 'Egidio is through a campany called La Caixa. A company similar in nature to MCC, building microcredit and promoting sustainable development. La Caixa also has a alliance with Grameen, Accion', and other microcredit lenders promoted under the Treaty on Alternative Economic Models, which was adopted under the Earth Summit/Earth Charter Initiative.

    From a World Bank report we also find out that there has been MCC involvement in Sant 'Egidio through a subsidiary called Millenium Challenge Account. Of course through World Bank we can also see ties to Raj Patel and other nefarious people. Any body else see the pattern emerging?

    As always, my thanks go out to Susanna for helping with some of the info provided.

  47. There is something very sinister around some of the "contributers" to this forum, and Im not talking about Rob.
    Constance has repeatedly declared the fact that she does not have the time to moderate her discussion posts. Despite this there are some who seem to wish her to become partisan.
    Unless there is more humility shown towards one another then it will be painfully clear who has the upper hand in this battle for end time hearts and minds.

    In His love

  48. SV,

    You seem like a very sensible person, and it is not my intention to trade verses back and forth, but I think these two apply much better to the situation that you commented on and any situation:

    18:21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

    18:22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

    5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

  49. FYI

    In light of JD's post regarding "Born Again American", I mention the ONE Campaign. This, too, is very deceptive. It is promoted by U2's Bono who has been interviewed and endorsed by Bill Hybels and has appeared with Rick Warren--more deception to gullible unsuspecting believers (sheep).

    The ONE Campaign is Bono's "contribution" to world peace, a major endorser of the Millenium Development Goals (, and offers annual $100K to organizations that work to achieve those goals (

    Additionally, Mike Huckabee toured Africa a few years back and endorsed the ONE Camnpaign. ( That's the same Mike Huckabee whom many Christians endorsed for president.

    What was that Jesus said, "...if it were possible even the very elect"?

  50. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24 - KJV)

  51. Anonymous10:20 AM

    "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24 - KJV)

  52. Susanna12:23 PM


    One thing to be noted about LaCaixa is that while it is a bank, it is also a non profit organization. ( Can you spell "oxymoron???" LOL)

    Today's "la Caixa" is the result of the July 27, 1990 merger between the Caixa de Pensions per a la Vellesa i d'Estalvis de Catalunya i Balears, founded in 1904, and the Caixa d'Estalvis i Mont de Pietat de Barcelona, founded in 1844. From the beginning, ”la Caixa” focused on savings for families and offering its customers security in their old age, when this type of social provision did not yet exist in Catalonia. Owing to its origins, it is a financial institution, albeit not for profit and charitable and social in nature, with a private board of trustees, independent of any other company or institution.

    The ”la Caixa” Group manages a total bank turnover of over 411,522 million Euros (September 2008), with total customer resources in excess of 238,404 million Euros.

    Similarly, the Group has a portfolio of industrial interests in companies mainly in the infrastructure, energy and communications sectors. In November 2006, the “la Caixa” Board of Directors approved the company portfolio of holdings' listing on the stock market, through the Criteria CaixaCorp company, which came into effect on October 10, 2007.

    January 29, 2008 saw the inclusion of Criteria CaixaCorp in the IBEX 35......

    ...Corporate social responsibility...

    Due to its nonprofit status, the bank controls the largest charitable foundation in Spain, and one of the largest in the world. This foundation makes major investments in such public welfare causes as care of the aged and infants, curing Alzheimer's, technologically advanced classrooms, old-age centers, and the like.

    Through its Social Programme, “la Caixa” funds social, environmental and scientific, cultural and research programmes. The ”la Caixa” Foundation is Spain’s leading private foundation, the second in Europe and the fifth in the world in terms of budgetary volume (550 million Euro for 2008), according to data from the European Foundation.

    In 2007, the “la Caixa” Social Programme undertook specific programmes to combat poverty and social exclusion (the CaixaProinfancia programme and the Incorpora employment integration programme) and the creation of MicroBank, a social bank whose primary activity is to award social and financial micro-credits to people who are at risk from social or financial exclusion and to groups with limited resources. It also promotes access to rental apartments to sectors of the population who have difficulty in accessing the property market and care programmes focused on dependency, for individuals in advanced stages of illness, child vaccination and international cooperation.

    The “la Caixa” Social Programme also provides resources for education and research programmes, environmental protection and the dissemination of culture through its centres, such as the recently opened CaixaForum Madrid.

    In 2005, the bank received the Gold Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya for these efforts.

    Gee. I wonder if this is one of the reasons why Spain is financially going the way of Greece????


  53. Whoever wrote this comment on the last thread, you have hit the nail on the head and you have refreshed me. May God Bless you. Didn't intend to post again but I do admit that sometimes something truly valuable happens here and it's worth looking at from time to time. You posted a spiritual reaction to things that I completely agree with.

    Anonymous said...
    To Rob and Anon @4:53


    Thank you. I respect your courage here, not only for standing up for what is right, but also for being humble enough to apologize when you felt you needed to, an example, many here should follow.


    It was unintentional for my comment to offend you. I do not assert that I know so much. My point is: the masses who are oblivious in thier everyday lives, will be oblivious to most things, taking in what is fed to them without much question. So, who then is the real prize for Satan? Those who have a sincere desire to search for the truth and expose his lies, which I think you all do. He knows this, and is much more clever than you or I. The New Age Movement, Maitreya, Javier Solana and many others are nothing new, they are obvious to those of us searching for answers. They may indeed be part of it, but this may be where he wants you to focus, on the obvious. I don't say take your eye off of anything, I say keep your eyes on everything, and do not get so caught up in the obvious, for he is the master deceiver and that is right where he wants you. For all of our knowledge and research skills, I think we will all be surprised at what we thought we knew when things really unfold.

    For a long time I've been more afraid of the "Christian right" coming to power than the political left.

    The political left is very obvious in what it does and what it believes. It's blatant in it's denial of God and does not attempt to convert as much as it attempts to corrupt and create rebellion against it's ideology.

    Watch for what we vehemently agree with more than what we vehemently disagree with. We're getting ready to elect a religion to office in 2010 and 2012. But it isn't Christianity and it won't fix the country.

  54. Whoever wrote this comment on the last thread, you have hit the nail on the head and you have refreshed me. May God Bless you. Didn't intend to post again but I do admit that sometimes something truly valuable happens here and it's worth looking at from time to time. You posted a spiritual reaction to things that I completely agree with.

    Anonymous said...
    To Rob and Anon @4:53


    Thank you. I respect your courage here, not only for standing up for what is right, but also for being humble enough to apologize when you felt you needed to, an example, many here should follow.


    It was unintentional for my comment to offend you. I do not assert that I know so much. My point is: the masses who are oblivious in thier everyday lives, will be oblivious to most things, taking in what is fed to them without much question. So, who then is the real prize for Satan? Those who have a sincere desire to search for the truth and expose his lies, which I think you all do. He knows this, and is much more clever than you or I. The New Age Movement, Maitreya, Javier Solana and many others are nothing new, they are obvious to those of us searching for answers. They may indeed be part of it, but this may be where he wants you to focus, on the obvious. I don't say take your eye off of anything, I say keep your eyes on everything, and do not get so caught up in the obvious, for he is the master deceiver and that is right where he wants you. For all of our knowledge and research skills, I think we will all be surprised at what we thought we knew when things really unfold.

    For a long time I've been more afraid of the "Christian right" coming to power than the political left.

    The political left is very obvious in what it does and what it believes. It's blatant in it's denial of God and does not attempt to convert as much as it attempts to corrupt and create rebellion against it's ideology.

    Watch for what we vehemently agree with more than what we vehemently disagree with. We're getting ready to elect a religion to office in 2010 and 2012. But it isn't Christianity and it won't fix the country.

  55. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Arizona Illegal Immigration Bill becomes law . . .

  56. Anonymous2:11 PM

    To Steve @ 12:48 PM:
    Re: "For a long time I've been more afraid of the 'Christian right' coming to power than the political left."

    I agree with you.

    Check out this May, 2008 book review of Jeff Sharlet's, "The Family"

  57. New global 'FAT' tax to rein in banks

    Gordon Brown claims credit for International Monetary Fund plan to impose tough levy on biggest banks' profits and pay

    Tough proposals to cut the world's biggest banks down to size by taxing their profits and pay were outlined by the International Monetary Fund tonight in an attempt to spare taxpayers another massive public bailout of the financial sector.

    In measures more stringent than Wall Street and the City had expected, the fund called for the introduction of a twin-track approach to the three-year banking crisis that would both force firms to pay for any future support packages and raise new taxes on their profits and remuneration.

    The report, prepared by the Washington-based institution for the G20 group of developed and developing nations, was seized upon by Gordon Brown as evidence that his push for an international crackdown on the banking sector was gaining support.

    Leaked in advance of the fund's meeting this weekend, the blueprint emerged as the investment bank Goldman Sachs released better than expected first quarter revenues and admitted its bonus and pay pool had reached $5.5bn (£3.3bn) in the first three months of 2010

    more at link

  58. Steve and Anon 2:11,

    If you read through the last couple threads, you will find information some of us have been posting regarding this very matter. Not just speculation of such, but how it is actually coming to pass, as well as warnings about subvertion of grass roots movements by dominionists looking to incite a violent uprising.

  59. Anonymous3:06 PM

    To JD & Steve:

    As more and more people start to 'awaken' right here in America, can a declaration of Martial Law be far behind?

  60. Anon 3:06,

    I don't believe anything of that nature will happen until those in power are "given a reason". This is why I have been drawing attention to the "christian" groups advocating "taking" the country back by all means neccesary. Of course anyone who has been paying attention should realize these are groups that have been infiltrated with dominionism theology, New Age/New Thought/New Kingdom theology, the same groups that draw from Coe, Robertson, Dobson, and who's fringes are littered with Pikes and Dukes.

    I am afraid we may be seeing the begining of a truly engineered social revolution leading to a synthesis of left and right. But if the above mentioned have their way, I suppose that the right will be the synthesis won't they?

  61. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Must read...

  62. Dear Rob,
    I am a mother of a child who is both mentally and physically disabled.
    Of course I couldn't possibly know that you have a disability, nor could you know that I have a child who is disabled, but I can ascertain that you are not mentally disabled. You speak with both clarity and ability. Hence this is the basis for my comment when I state that you are able to defend yourself. This is a logical conclusion and is based on facts. I have written nothing that should have been an offense toward you nor do I require your forgiveness.

    Dear Constance,
    I spoke up for one reason only, while I certainly can agree that the more mature and experienced should be patient and longsuffering with the younger and less experienced, from a purely pragmatic viewpoint it is not helpful to "cut off one's nose to spite their face".
    The mature and experienced contributors have kept your blog flourishing with trustworthy, well-researched and brilliantly dissected information and as such they are invaluable to your ministry here.
    I promise you that I did not come here to "stir up the pot", Constance. My intention was to encourage a different perspective when these conflicts arise.

    By His Grace,

  63. Anon 3:50,

    Herescope also carried this as a series. A very good piece that I agree all should read, as these are many of the doctrines at work these days. The article does miss that these same principles are found largely in Holism, just under different names, or that Holism and its principles belong to Pantheism or Panentheism.

  64. Anonymous5:54 PM


    Rob is very intelligent and articulate, and perfectly capable of defending himself. Thank you for expressing so well what I also feel.

  65. Anonymous6:03 PM

    You have defended the right of all to be treated with a sense of decency on this blog with your well thought out comments. I recognize it has taken courage for you to publicly take that position, the kind of courage I respect and the kind of courage we all will need from others in what I believe will be the difficult days ahead.

    Other posters that I have been in contact with also understand what is happening. With the exception of one who did post publicly, they decided not to disrupt the threads any more than has been done, believing the time it would take to face down would take away from the battle against the New Age movement.

    In an earlier post I mentioned the use of Alinsky rules should not be allowed here. Here is an analysis of some of the rules.

    Many here probably think those tactics are only used by those associated with the "progressive" political left and they would be immune from those tactics being used in their own community, here being the community of posters and readers of this blog.

    The fact is that the rules are based on manipulation of emotions. Very few of us have total control of our emotions at all times, so we can be turned against each other by those who use Alinsky rules and have no concern for morality. To them it's a game, a contest for the winning.

    Get an understanding of the rules and see how they are being used in your community, your political organizations, and in your religious organizations. I've not come across any books that tell how to cope with those using the rules. If you know of one, let me know.

    The only way I have dealt with the Alinsky tactics is to verify, verify and even more verify the "facts" I've encountered. When someone starts pulling my emotional chain, I look to see what their agenda is. The method sure works with those sending me letters telling me I've just inherited millions of dollars and the very nice gentleman wants to help me obtain them.


  66. Agie959:42 PM

    Wow! I will let the article speak for itself:

    Israel: Both the King of Saudi Arabia and the Pope claims to be sons of Abraham, and a part of God`s plan of salvation of mankind. And they share the same views on Israel, and calls Jerusalem an «occupied» city.

    The Vatican and the Arab League have agreed to work together to promote peace and justice in the world, the Vatican said Friday. The deal was done after a meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and the league’s secretary-general.

    n a separate meeting, Amr Moussa and the Vatican’s foreign minister, Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, signed a memorandum of understanding between both sides, a Vatican statement said. During the cordial meetings, emphasis was placed on the importance of the agreement, which is intended to foster increased cooperation between the parties with a view to promoting peace and justice in the world.

    Particular importance was given to the role of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, the Vatican statement said. The meetings allowed for an exchange of view on the international situation, especially in the Middle East, and on the need to find a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to the other conflicts which afflict the region, the Holy See said.

  67. Anon. 10:32,

    One thing that the article you cited made me wonder is if the military is currently being "reconditioned" in accepting the ideals of the new world order. I'm not sure how better to phrase what I just wrote. I'm not sure where to even look for information on this matter. The new age brainwashing of military personnel could lead to the belief that "extremist" Christians are a threat to the nation (and the world).

    Hopefully, what I wrote makes sense because it seems like I'm rambling. Chuck Baldwin seems to be of this opinion. (I don't know enough about Chuck Baldwin, so I'll accept JD's word about him.) Now we just need some more concrete information.

  68. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Sorry for the intrusion. Already sent some of you this link. Just published an article on 7 principles for transcending suffering. Now while it does not directly relate to New Age, suffering and coping with it is one of factors drawing folks into New Age. I hope and trust you find this a sound biblical article. Feel free to republish, reprint, and use as see fit:
    If link doesn't work let me know.

  69. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Regarding microeconomics, in Hamlet we read, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
    For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry."

    "On Polonius's terms, there is little to argue with in his perhaps ungenerous advice. His logic is thus: lending money to friends is risky, because hitching debt onto personal relationships can cause resentment and, in the case of default, loses the lender both his money and his friend. Borrowing invites more private dangers: it supplants domestic thrift ("husbandry")—in Polonius's eyes, an important gentlemanly value.

    "Incidentally, in the days when Hamlet was first staged, borrowing was epidemic among the gentry, who sometimes neglected husbandry to the point where they were selling off their estates piece by piece to maintain an ostentatious lifestyle in London."

    Borrowing and lending have major risks. Goodnatured lending to others most often leads to the empty pockets of the lender or a hope to get on one of those Judge Joe type shows on television. Borrowers too often believe in the old line, "What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine."

    Better charitable work than private banking.


  70. David,,

    To an extent I have to agree, many military members are being conditioned to deal with "domestic terrorism". Of course as the left goes about pushing the buttons of the people, there are many in the right who are playing into their hands, some intentionally some unintentionally. Baldwin is definitely one of those playing the game (go over to NWV and read some of his latest articles and see what I mean)

    It probably won't take much to set this powder keg off. A protest where the police are a little over zealous, or perhaps where a handfull of protesters have spent too much time listening to Baldwin, Pike, Duke, Alex Jones and others. One severe riot where people are injured or one extreme act by the fringe right will be about all that is needed for some of the military men to justify their programming. Of course there are many other factors still to consider, private contractor mercenaries, UN "peacekeepers", RIOT squads, etc. As not all US military will agree to tow this line, in fact many may get lumped in WITH the right wing "extremists".

    We need to be very carefull of those that come claiming to be our brethren calling for insurrection. We need to handily rebuke these calls, while demanding a stop to the rhetoric from the left.

  71. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Not sure how much we want to read Bjorn Farmer's blog since he seems to be engaged in syncrocity. Here is one of his posts from last year on another blogspot.

    björn (farmer) said...
    polus = lupos

    11 JUNE 2009 12:39
    björn (farmer) said...
    'shining' meaning of diana - moon goddess, film "moon" tomorrow (with kubrick ('shining') 'od 2001' elements, japan moon crash today, supertorchritual (goro adachi) links it to north korea as in one line around the globe with rio-paris(diana death), me with "Iron Maiden - flight 666"(6/6) as crash was 666 km from rio with machine serial number 66, first bodies found on 6/6.

    Here's the blog that it comes from:

    Here's the definition of syncrocity and its occult connections:

    This style of blogging is still being used by Farmer which is occult at its very core. Wonder what spirit is driving him. It looks like he's playing to Constance's interest in Solana and trying to vindicate himself for his public blog audience.

    More discernment required on this blog.


  72. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Marko said...

    It is very obvious to me and to many others here that there are agents of the enemy here who post and subvert and get us to attack each other.


    There are a bunch of angry people, and most have good reason to be angry, we don't need superstition to cloud what is a fight over hurt feelings, Stop being superstitious
    and just look at the situation.
    Many differing religious viewpoints come together and fight, many feelings are hurt.

    This feels like a laboratory...
    This ecumenical experiment...
    This lord of the flies gathering, we should ALL be ashamed...

    I hate superstition when it is used to replace the obvious...

  73. Susanna9:58 AM

    Agie95 and All

    Re: From the article Agie posted.

    Israel: Both the King of Saudi Arabia and the Pope claims to be sons of Abraham, and a part of God`s plan of salvation of mankind. And they share the same views on Israel, and calls Jerusalem an «occupied» city.

    The article certainly does "speak for itself," but not in the way one might think.

    While I am sure that you posted that article in good faith,Agie95, it does not cite any documented sources to substantiate the claim that Pope Benedict XVI either referred to Jerusalem as an "occupied" city or to indicate that he was taking sides in the conflict between the Jewish and Arab communities over the city of Jerusalem.

    I did some digging myself and couldn't find any sources that would have substantiated the article you posted either. Here is what I did find:

    The only persons I have discovered thus far who have referred to Jerusalem as an "occupied city" are people like Rafiq Husseini, the chief of staff to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president who was quoted in a May 11, 2009 article from the New York Times as saying in reference to the Pope's visit to Jerusalem:

    Rafiq Husseini, the chief of staff to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, said Israel was trying to keep the Palestinians’ “mouths shut about how the city has been occupied and is still occupied.” He said the Palestinians were determined to “ensure that the pope understands he is coming to an occupied city.”

    Mr. Husseini was speaking at a hastily assembled news conference in the mainly Palestinian Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem, after the closing of the media center in the nearby Ambassador Hotel. The Israeli police stood by, but did not interfere.....

  74. The article from agie95 may not cite sources, but if one reads between the lines, it is just another push for the ecumenical movement to drive things towards a one world religion.

  75. Anon 9:15

    You insult every single poster on this board with your comment here. You seem to fail to have a understanding of what the true definition of Ecumenical is, or its application.

    ec·u·men·ic (-mĕn'ĭk)
    1.Of worldwide scope or applicability; universal.
    a.Of or relating to the worldwide Christian church.
    b.Concerned with establishing or promoting unity among churches or religions.

    Not a single person here has promoted a universal doctrine, they make no claims at a attempt toward unity among the christians, nor do they attempt to prmote unity across denominations or religions. Just because someone stands up for a Catholic when another poster refers to them as following the 'whore of babylon' does not make it ecumenic, especially when said defender openly states of their differences with said church. Just because someone stands up for a jew, when someone on here begins espousing antisemitic material, does not make it ecumenic.

    The fact is it is disrespectfull and hatefull on the part of posters who make such statements and accusations, and some of us understand we are called to stand in love for all people, not just those we agree with. Most of these accusations are made without a single shred of evidence either, and if there is any it comes from hatefull and biased sources like Ted Pike or David Duke.

    Whether you realize it or not, there are some who post here who never add one thing of value to a conversation, NOT ONE! They only post blatantly false accusatory material, or they sidetrack conversations with ramblings of themselves. Most of us who have been here for any period of time have seen this and come to recognize that there are patterns to the behavior, that are so uniform they can not be accidental.

    Many of us on this board have been personally attacked, not for our beliefs, but for the very material we are presenting. We have been called vicious names when a attacker can not properly defend their position based on the material presented. Many of these same attackers still lurk here, and often show up when the board gets on a roll presenting information. Someone went after Constance in a similar fashion not that long ago.

    If you wish to rail someone, please due so with a basic understanding of what you are actually accusing said person of. There is a core group of people here, who have been around long enough, and watched this unfold over and over, who KNOW what is happening here. Every one of us are tired of hatefull false accusations and the distractionary tactis being used.

  76. Anonymous1:39 PM

    TO JD:



  77. WillW1:40 PM

    JD said...

    To an extent I have to agree, many military members are being conditioned to deal with "domestic terrorism". Of course as the left goes about pushing the buttons of the people, there are many in the right who are playing into their hands, some intentionally some unintentionally. Baldwin is definitely one of those playing the game (go over to NWV and read some of his latest articles and see what I mean)

    JD, your disapproval of Mr. Baldwin doesn't surprise me, as a Christian who believes in his responsibility to speak out concerning the wasting of our Constitution, coming under your anathema is apropos with your holding your "tongue" as it pertains to the dangers of Islam.
    I'm confident that you will not be found on SPLC's "Hit List."
    Here is an example of what people like you are tacitly enabling:

    "Investigative reporter Bill Gertz has revealed: “Almost two years before the deadly Fort Hood shooting by a radicalized Muslim officer, the U.S. Army was explicitly warned that jihadism — Islamic holy war — was a serious problem and threat to personnel in the U.S., according to participants at a major Army-sponsored conference.”

    I think if you did research into the amount of space dedicated to Christian criticism , compared to Islamic criticism, you would find that the four or five leading contributors on this blog have a huge disparity weighted against the Christians.
    I trust this will fall on deaf ears, and why I bother warning you people escapes me, I suppose HK-91, omots, and Paul give me some hope to wake you all from your slumber.
    You remind me of the children in C.S Lewis' The Silver Chair as the witch blows smoke to hypnotize.

  78. Anonymous1:42 PM



  79. Anonymous1:45 PM




  80. Anonymous1:48 PM





  81. Will,

    It is not Baldwin's verbal defense of the Constitution that bothers me, it is his call to arms amongst Christians that does. His calls for secession, his calls for armed revolution. I for one am tired of hearing the dominionist call to rebuild a empire for Christ, or to "retake" this nation for Christ, that IS NOT our calling. Our call is to go into the wold and preach the gospel, and when it falls on deaf ears, to shake the dust off and move on. Too many have forgotten that Jesus exclaimed that His kingdom was not of this earth, that includes America. To try to build a nation for Him under any other fallacy is in vain and for ones own doing.

    As for Islam, I have spoken against the teachings and where they differ from sound Christian doctrine. The thing that some fail to realize is that Islam is not the most immediate threat to their faith or their freedom, apostate christian teachings are. Last time I checked the United States has the majority of muslim extremists scattered across deserts of the world, granted there are some within our own nation, but the threat they pose is nothing like the threat apostate ministers are heaving upon us now.

    As I write this apostate ministries are gearing up and promoting revolution, including Baldwin. As I write this Tea Parties are being infiltrated by New Thought/New Kingdom theologies, dominionism, Holistic doctrines etc. You can quake over a jihadist who may very well end your nation or your life, I serve neither of these things first. I will worry more about the false doctrines that are a very imminent threat to the faith, that will not only destroy the physical freedom of many, but also the spiritual freedom.

    You have clearly written that you worry first of your nation and Constitution and second of your faith and the principles upon which it stands. This may not be a popular comment, but I would rather watch the US Constitution go up in flames than see one person given over to a seducing doctrine. That is not to say that I wish such to happen, just illustrating that too many have their priorities jumbled. Yes the AoC and other global governance groups have written a handfull of texts to bring some muslims into their fold, but the apostates have rewritten the entire gospel to fit those groups. Now those same apostates are talking about taking the nation back in a secular revolution that encompasses these very principles, and because someone was smart enough to wrap it in an American flag, christians are lapping it up. When this clash begins, it will not be the far left nor the far right that suffers most, it will be those who refuse to bow to the whims of either side because they will be seen as an enemy of both. When the conflict ends it will not be in a grand victory by either side, but in a whimpering synthesis of both. Only those who refused to bend to either side will still remain an enemy. I could go into great length laying out what should be VERY OBVIOUS by now, including getting into the Arizona Immigration Bill which is part of the scheme and will end most likely in a violation of civil rights, but I am afraid it will be moot to do so.

  82. Dear All,

    It is irrelevant whether or not I agree or disagree with the posting of the last three threads.

    They may be written in seemedly British English, but I did not write them; God is my witness.

    My need to state this is to show I am, and have remained unil this very thread, committed to what I had earlier written, and am only writing this as I believe my character has been unjustly destroyed here enough, and moreover, because I meant what I had said earlier, in my final thread, with integrity and dignity.

    Dorothy, you continued to kick and destroy even after my last thread, which shows you have no thought for anyone but yourself. I forgive you once more, and pity you that you have the heart of a viper and yet are too poor and too wretched and too blinded by your own sin to see it.

    SV, I forgave you because you'd stated without enquiry that I'd no disability and you were wrong. You also have not behaved in a just manner towards me. I forgive you for that also.

    I will pray for you both.

    I am now wiping the dust off my feet, and take comfort in these words:

    John 15:15-20 (King James Version)

    15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

    16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

    17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.

    18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

    19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

    20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

    God bless,


    Rob in London.

  83. To Anon with the questions:

    The tone you use belies your intent. I refuse to be baited by your tactis, especially with questions you should not be so quick to type. Thank you for proving my point so sufficiently!

  84. WillW3:57 PM

    JD, so you are a pacifist?
    So you let others secure your God given freedoms through the authorized Constitution paid for in blood?
    Never did I say that my faith came after my patriotism, but though it is hard to sort how they fit together, nevertheless they do, but your rant is sad only because so many here follow your lead.
    You did not provide any documentation.
    You said: " As I write this apostate ministries are gearing up and promoting revolution, including Baldwin." Show your documentation.
    I see Dorothy has taught you just how to accuse the brethren. I see which side you are on.

  85. To Rob, Anon 9:15, JD


    I hope you see this, yes your character has been attacked, and it is shameful that some of the regulars here stood silent at almost every occurrence, but once again, I support you, and remember, God knows your heart.

    Anon 9:15

    I think you had some valid questions that should be asked and answered, I have posted previously that many here are still knee deep in the very things they feel they are exposing.


    You seem like a very intelligent and well-meaning young man. I have witnessed many a time when you have come to the aid of regulars, and I have witnessed many times when newcomers were viciously attacked and you said nothing. before you respond in anger, reflect upon my words.

  86. Anonymous4:08 PM

    JD (2:58),

    Thank you for giving me so much to think about.

    Mary Jean

  87. Anonymous4:16 PM


    There is in JD's post to suggest he is either unpatriotic or a pacifist. He is making the point, and it is an important one, that he does not worship the United States, he worships God.

    Mary Jean

  88. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I am sorry, my post should have said:

    "There is nothing in JD's post to suggest he is either unpatriotic or a pacifist."

    Sorry about that,

    Mary Jean

  89. Susanna4:38 PM

    Anonymous 11:39 A.M.

    Re:The article from agie95 may not cite sources, but if one reads between the lines, it is just another push for the ecumenical movement to drive things towards a one world religion.

    "Reading between the lines" is the equivalent of guessing or speculating. It is not the equivalent of proving something to be true by way of substantiating evidence.

    You can make the same guess a million times, but at the end of the day your guess is still going to be just that... a guess.

    The guess will never be a proven fact until you provide.....well......PROOF.

    Just for the record... if the author of the article Agie95 posted had provided convincing evidence that the Pope did made such a statement, I can tell you that I would have regarded the Pope as having been most unwise to make a statement that implied his favoring the Muslim cause over the Jewish cause in the Jerusalem dispute.

    For the sake of the Christians dwelling there - both Roman Catholic and non-Roman Catholic - he must remain neutral while pursuing peace.

  90. Susanna5:04 PM


    You are right about ecumenism. Those who rant and rave about it the most show by their rantings and ravings that they don't even know what ecumenism is.

    Ecumenism is not the same thing as indifferentism or syncretism.

    Ecumenism does not mean that one religion is as good as another.

    What ecumenism DOES represent is the willingness on the part of persons of various religious communties to work together for the sake of those religious beliefs and moral values that they DO agree on while honestly acknowledging their differences and respecting one another's sincerity where they honestly disagree.

    This is a far cry from indifferentism which is defined in terms of "one religion is as good as another." It is also a far cry from syncretism which is the attempt to reconcile disparate or contrary beliefs such as paganism and Christianity. As far as I know, all authentically Christian denominations condemn both indifferentism and syncretism as heresies.

    In any case, today, the word ecumenism is used predominantly by and with reference to Christian denominations and Christian Churches separated by doctrine, history, and practice.

  91. Will,

    You accuse me of attacking, yet did so to me, obviously never reading or following any of the links I have cited over the past couple weeks supporting what I am stating. Since it is proof you desire, lets start with Baldwin.

    "At this point, I do not believe there is any way to avoid it: a showdown between freedom-loving states and the federal government is inevitable. But not only is it inevitable, it is absolutely necessary! The central government in Washington, D.C., is quickly morphing into a monarchy--or at the very least an oligarchy. And neither the Donkeys nor the Elephants inside the Beltway are willing to do anything to stop it.

    Either the states determine to defend the rights and liberties of the American people now, or we are destined to be governed by DC's despots. Furthermore, we cannot cede to the US Supreme Court--or to any other federal authority--our independence, and most certainly, those fundamental elements necessary to our very survival. Only the states and the People, respectively, can maintain these bulwarks"

    So what is Baldwin refering to? The States verbally jostling with the Feds? Not if the tone of his article "Remembering the Alamo" is any indication. In which he clearly compares present Americans to those who were killed defending said fort.

    Or how about his latest article?

    "A CONCURRING (BIBLICAL) OPINION FOR SECESSION" In which he has the nerve to compare the United States to biblical Israel in building his case for secession of the states. On a side note he also makes comparisons to the peacefull seperation of Sweden and Norway, two nations that are ingrained with occult doctrine.

    If you want more on Baldwin, I would suggest going over to NWV and actually reading his articles.

    I have pointed numerous people to the well documented articles Herescope has been producing about the New Apostolic Reformation and other heretic techers in the Christian Right and their infiltration of the Tea Party movement. These articles quote these groups comments such as "We are all here (National Tea Party Convention) for a little R&R- revival and revolt"

    Keep in mind many of these are the same groups in bed with Doug Coe and The Family. I would suggest reading the entire series of articles and actually following the well documented links, which only strengthen my case.

    Or how about the Norman Lear project I described earlier, Born Again American? You know, the one being sold as a movement for Christians to "take back" their country by any means neccesary, while its leader openly admits it is not a christian movement, but one designed to promote Interfaith in recapturing the nation.

    As Far as me being a pacifist, I support the proper defense of this nation. However what you are missing is the actual defense part. There are legal parameters under which to do so, the first is the legislative power of the state. If this were to fail, the National Guard is said next line of defense. What these people are suggesting is insurrection at this point.

    You are correct to say you never directly stated your faith came after your patriotism. But you did advocate on behalf of apostate ministers, the same ministers who have put the Constitution before the Word. The same ministers who fail to correct their apostasy, yet are willing to start a revolution over the Constitution. In like manner you fail to correct them for the same apostasy and openly condemn me for doing so, yet advocate defense of the Constitution by any means neccesary. Despite what every biblical mandate regarding our faith and nations says to the contrary. So you tell me, where was I wrong? For the record, I have no desire to attack you. I am simply hoping someone will see the problem with priorities that many christians in this nation seem to have these days.

  92. Susanna,

    I should have made clear my position, I was referring to the meeting itself and not whether he supported Israel.

    Many of you have offered clear and concise facts supporting issues that are posted, and I have found valuable information here, but, along with that information, many also SPECULATE about Raj Patel, Maitreya, and Solana to name a few. So is it not fair that I may also SPECULATE as to the nature of the aforementioned meeting? Or must my SPECULATION meet with the general consensus of the posters here?

  93. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Here's Chuck Baldwin's reading list. If you know nothing about any of the writers, you should at least be familiar with the name Eustace Mullins. or

    A friend of my son and his wife went to their national convention and asked if Jews could be part of the government they are proposing. The answer was No.

    This report came out of Missouri in 2/09

    Look under Political Paraphernalia for Baldwin's name. Just under that you'll see a reference to the Hutaree group.

    Of course there will be things the general public is saying now. Reminder, that's how propaganda works. Mostly truth mixed in with lies. Do you think they would get people to join if they didn't spread the net wide enough?


  94. Anon 4:05,

    I may often respond stearnly to a post I feel is unneccesary or hatefull, but I do my best not to respond in anger at all. Which is why at times I may respond immediately or may not respond at all. There are also some cases where a response can be pointless, given a parties history. I am not saying it may not be worth a response, but that said response is bound to errupt into a fight. There have also been new comers who I have defended despite them having done something wrong, this happened recently.

    That is not to say I did not correct what said person did that was wrong, but in said case the person was completely unaware of their error and was railed against for it without explanation. You may be suprised by who would raise their hands if a poll was taken of who has had some form of verbal spar with me. Many of the hands raised would consist of people I consider close friends, and would likely say the same of me. These same people would likely tell you also that when I disagree with someone, it is with compassion, no matter how stearn my comments are or may seem.

    I do appreciate your comments, we all need correction from time to time. Most of us just do not like it when it's our turn.

  95. Mary Jean and Susanna,

    Thanks to you both for your support

  96. Susanna5:54 PM

    Anonymous 5:16

    There is nothing wrong with speculating per se - just as long as the person doing the speculating honestly indicates that this is what he/she is doing.

  97. Anonymous6:00 PM

    What better way to bring about a one world religion than uniting all Christians under one banner and then changing the terms of what they are to believe and do. The New Apostolic Reformation is pushing just that, a one world religion headed by Protestant Reconstructionist Christians.
    Just what would happen to Catholics, Methodists, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, and all of the other religious groups under the changed system they are promoting?

    Did it happen before? Yes, in Nazi Germany when the new style Christians supported Hitler and Nazi Germany. There were two kinds of Christians in Germany at the time. Ones that allowed themselves to be used. A much smaller group that didn't. They saw the paganism in the political system early on.
    "Many German Christians at first openly welcomed Hitler’s Nazi party to power as a historic moment of Christ’s work on earth through and for the Aryan "Volk." A leading Lutheran theologian wrote in 1934, "Our Protestant churches have welcomed the turning point of 1933 as a gift and miracle of God."

    "A "faith party" of "German Christians" began to develop and grow in influence. In their first national convention in April 1933, in Berlin, the delegates stated their goal to reorganize the 27 Protestant regional churches in Germany into a single, national church under the leadership of a national bishop.

    "The "German Christians" published a number of programmatic papers during 1932-1933 that give us an insight into their hopes and goals. They wanted an evangelical church rooted in German nationhood based on an Aryan model. "We want a vital national Church that will express all the spiritual forces of our people," stated one "German Christian" document from 1932."

    In other words it was German Christians under National Socialism. When the larger group started to wake up to how it had been used, it was too late.

    I gave Constance the book "Like a Mighty Army" by Shuster that came out in 1935 and detailed what was happening to the religious groups in Germany. Used copies range from $15 to $40. I was hoping she could put it up on her blog.

    Does the New Apostolic movement have a political component. Yes. Having a strong Christian faith doesn't prevent people from being used.
    Destruction comes down on the heads of all. It didn't separate out the German Christians.


  98. WillW6:03 PM

    Dorothy, you should avoid propaganda: may your followers read the whole thing.

    Accordingly, I strongly recommend that readers locate and consume as many of the following books as possible. Some will be difficult to find, while others will be easily obtained.

    "A History of the American People" by Paul Johnson
    "History of the United States" by Alexander H. Stephens
    "Political Sermons of the American Founding Era, 1730-1805" Edited by Ellis Sandoz
    "Common Sense," "The American Crisis," and "Rights of Man" by Thomas Paine
    "Discourses on Government, Vol. 1" by Algernon Sidney
    "The Rights of War and Peace" by Hugo Grotius
    "Commentaries on the Laws of England" (Book 1) by William Blackstone
    "A View of the Constitution of the United States of America" by William Rawle
    "Two Treatises of Government" by John Locke
    "Lex Rex, or the Law and the Prince" by Samuel Rutherford
    "The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral" by Sir Francis Bacon
    "Of the Law of Nature and Nations" by Samuel Pufendorf (A large set of at least 8 volumes, but highly regarded and widely quoted.)
    "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat
    "Vindiciae, Contra Tyrannos" edited by George Garnett
    "Hitler's Cross" by Erwin Lutzer (I consider this book to be of highest priority for every Christian minister and layman. If you have not read this book, go buy it immediately!)
    "The True Story of The Bilderberg Group" by Daniel Estulin
    "The Secret Team" by L. Fletcher Prouty
    "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins
    "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin
    "Defending The Declaration" by Gary T. Amos
    "Christianity and the Constitution" by John Eidsmoe
    "Christianity and the American Commonwealth" by Charles B. Galloway
    "We Hold These Truths" by Lawrence Patton McDonald
    "The Five Thousand Year Leap" by W. Cleon Skousen
    "Freedom in Chains" by James Bovard
    "Global Bondage" by Cliff Kincaid
    "The Late Great U.S.A." by Jerome Corsi
    "A Foreign Policy of Freedom" by Ron Paul
    "Constitutional 'Homeland Security,' Vol. 1" by Edwin Vieira, Jr.

    Of course, I also encourage readers to not forsake the greatest of all books, The Holy Bible. As President Theodore Roosevelt said, "No educated man can afford to be ignorant of the Bible." And as President Andrew Jackson said, "That Book [the Bible], Sir, is the Rock upon which our republic rests."

    Obviously, I would not agree with every word or every conclusion propounded by the authors listed above (except the authors of the Bible, of course).

    JD, you may not agree with C. Baldwin, but his reasoning is not without integrity, and as a brother in the Lord should certainly not be more a target than say Islamic terrorists.
    My view will end here, as I know what gate-keepers you are. Just examine the the trite dishonest post Dorothy made, which you blithely ignored.

  99. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Unlike you I presume that readers here know how to use a link. You seem to think they don't and posted what was at the link.

    As I said, operations such as Baldwin's Constitution party know how to throw a wide enough net to catch a lot of suckers. I was one of them. I'm on the email list and thought he said some good things. That is until I followed some of the links he gave and found the reading list. The rest I found fit in well with that information.

    You wrote: "JD, you may not agree with C. Baldwin, but his reasoning is not without integrity, and as a brother in the Lord should certainly not be more a target than say Islamic terrorists."

    At this point I would say that both should be equal targets. Do some checking on how Islamic terrorists link up with our home grown ones. McVeigh worked with international terrorists in learning how to set up a bomb. Both don't like our government and are willing to work together. Many people don't like our government, thinking the problems just started. Anyone reading here should know the problems go back to at least the start of the New Age movement with its duplicity.

    How easy it seems to be to set up false trails to get individuals off the right track as they are looking for information on what is really going on behind the scenes.
    Discussion group manipulation works on discussion websites as well as in real life.

  100. Anonymous7:00 PM


    Do you really think the readers here didn't notice the "sleight of hand" you just pulled by referring to so-called "gatekeepers" on an unmoderated blog?

    Do you really think people here are that stupid so as to be mesmerized by your "brother in the Lord" schtick?

    If you have information to add or points of disagreement that will contribute to the discussion here, by all means say so. Trying to manipulate people's emotions, however, is downright sinful.

  101. Dear Susanna 5:04,
    Thanks so much for your comment! I could not have articulated that as well as you did even if I had tried!

    By His Grace,

  102. Will,

    What was dishonest about Dorothy's post? She provided Baldwin's reading list and stated Mullins was on it, which you confirmed. (note: Baldwin does not denounce Mullins for being a New Ager)

    She shared a personal story, which you have no way of refuting. She then pointed out the MIAC report and drew attention to the FACT that Baldwins name appears in the same section as Huratree. She then gave a opinion on propaganda.

    You leveled accusations against me, which I have proven were false. Yet now that I have done so, there is no apology on your part. You refuse to stand corrected and continue to lob false attacks against others. Yet you have proven the point I was attempting to make in my initial comment to you.

  103. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Vatican fury at 'dark forces' in Britain: Aides warn offensive Foreign Office memo threatens Pope's historic visit

    The Pope's visit to Britain has been plunged into jeopardy by 'dark forces' within the Foreign Office, Vatican officials declared yesterday.

    They were furious at a 'seriously offensive' memo by Whitehall officials containing suggestions of what Benedict XVI might do during the trip - including opening an abortion clinic.

    full Daily Telegraph report;


    Thank goodness we have a General Election in a few weeks time and possibly a change of government.


  104. Susanna8:02 PM

    Hi SV,

    It is great to hear from you!

    Thank you for your kind words.


  105. Dear Dorothy,
    You have my greatest respect and you always will.
    I know that it must be difficult to remain longsuffering, at times, after all of the years that you have invested harvesting the truth and threshing the chaff.
    I know that there are differences between even the two of us, yet I truly believe in Yahweh, the Lord of Israel, my Lord and Savior.
    I know that Yahweh has given me a heart like Ruth for she wisely said, "Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God." When Boaz instructed Ruth to glean only in his field, she bowed down to the ground and said to him,
    "Why have I found favor in your eyes, that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?" The words he spoke in response to her have always girded me with strength and endurance, "The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for shelter."
    The Lord God of Israel provided the kinsman-redeemer for Ruth, the foreigner, and He has provided the Kinsman-Redeemer for me through His Son, because it is under His wings that I, also, have come for shelter.
    The Lord of Israel has given you the strength to endure, the understanding to comprehend the truth from the untruth spoken against God's people, and the generosity to teach others so that they may have greater understanding as well.
    I will encourage you in steadfastness and longsuffering, friend. For as Proverbs 16:21 teaches us, "The wise in heart will be called prudent, and sweetness of the lips increases learning." I know in your heart you desire to increase learning here through this ministry or you would have forsaken this forum long ago.
    May our friendship increase, as the Lord allows, for troubled times are certainly upon us.

    By His Grace,

  106. Anonymous8:52 PM

    To the ever lovely SV,

    Thank you for your beautiful words of tribute to Dorothy, someone from whom I, like you, continue to learn so much, and whose steadfast presence here also touches me deeply.

  107. Susanna8:52 PM

    Dear Constance,

    Here is a special treat.


    by George Weigel

    George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington’s Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he holds the William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies.

  108. I have heard from some who post that the the enemy is here, well I can tell you he is, and that is not SPECULATION! How do I know this?

    Alliances sometimes are formed on the basis of friendships and familiarity.

    Fighting and vicious attacks are commonplace when one's ideas, and religous viewpoints differ from another.

    Pride runs rampant here, many are willing and quick to attack, but resistant and slow to apologize.

    Will anyone tell me these thing do not occur on a frequent basis? They are surely not attributes of The Lord's will. They are indicative of the master deceiver.

    Troubled times are ahead indeed. There WILL BE a global government, and it WILL NOT be your version. There WILL BE a global religion, and it WILL NOT be the one to which you currently belong.

    I am sure most here have an earnest desire to do thier best, but remeber:

    Romans 9:16
    So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

    We must love one another, we must forgive one another just as Jesus instructed us. If we do not, than our intelligence and desire will mean nothing. We will be separated from Him forever.

  109. I have no intention of running a spot with so many "moderator" hurdles that nobody feels like posting.

    If that is "moderating," I expressly reject it here.


  110. I'll leave the secret societies to the New Agers and the Reconstructionists -- not here!


  111. Forgive me, offline and doing a lot of reading, etc. last two days. I will say one thing, I have never hung my friends out to dry the way my claimed friends did so with me here -- that may be many things, but where I come from, it is not usually called friendship. If somebody does not wish to read another's comments, the "collapse comments" feature is available to them. It's just about time we all realized none of us is perfect. There is a mean spiritedness involved in chasing others off a site. Several very good people have been chased off and others are not participating due to the bickering. I did not lie about the word "cult" being used in regard to Rob -- see below:

    From DOROTHY, I would like an answer to this:

    Are you or are you not the "Anonymous" signing a name "Dorothy" who wrote the following to "Rob of London":

    "Rob in London, you are joke. You are running a cult type church service in here, lying in the process. Anyone who knows what is going on knows that England (that's the home country of London) is several years ahead of the US in promoting the New Age push. If you had any ability other than killing time, you would be reporting on what is going on in London as well as fighting it there. Try doing that instead of patting yourself on the back by the hour, telling everyone how holy you are.


    12:01 PM"


    9:29 PM

  112. To Susanna:

    Thanks for the George Weigel article. You are right, it is a treat! I have long admired Weigel as an historian, analyst, and writer.


  113. Jenny,

    That was a good catch on the Bolivian research. Thanks!


  114. Dear SV,

    I have always valued your participation and contributions here and I still do.


  115. To Anonymous 9:03

    You are right, there is deep concern over Farmer, his obvious synchronicity and motivation. For that reason, make sure you can verify everything independently and TAKE THE WHEAT, LEAVE THE CHAFF.

    To paraphrase Apostle Paul who wrote, "for whatever motive they are preaching the gospel, still the gospel is being preached." I would add here that "for whatever reason he is disseminating the information, still the information is being sent."


  116. Constance, and all,

    I have meant no disrespect to you or anyone else (even those I had disagreements with) with my comments today. The last thing I wish is for anyone to leave here, especially those I had disagreements with. I care about the work done here, but there is a huge problem no one is wanting to face up to. A New Age tree has been planted in our backyard and is begining to bear fruit. We have been comfortable to deal with the mystical end, the green end, the political left end, and even some ends within the church.

    However it is this last branch that is the one begining to bear fruit. Are we to ignore it because it may upset some? Are we to keep it hidden because it has now wrapped a red, white, and blue flag around itself in hopes that it will make a adequate disguise?

    I have both attempted to play peace keeper and defended people when they are unfairly attacked here. I would prefer to do neither, but it seems lately there is much need for the latter. I don't agree with how every disagreement is handled, but I don't agree with how every correction is either. I have had disagreements with almost every single person on this board at some point or another, some were of my own doing. I have also learned more from those same disagreements than I have on my own. I have even taken my fair share of thrashings from Dorothy.

    My point being, this is supposed to be a place dedicated to exposing the New Age and what is transpiring in this world. Many here work dilligently to make sure this place has valuable information that others can gather and learn from. I agree that in a perfect situation the bickering should stop, but we both know it won't. Not so long as people continue to post hatefull rhetoric, or as long as people refuse to stand corrected when they are called on fallacies or misrepresentations. Yes some of us have developed friendships and other forms of communication outside of this blog, for me, this is nothing I would not extend to anyone who posts here.

    Many here still have much to learn, myself included, but some must be willing to do so. In the times we are in, disagreements and some bickering is to be expected. I would ask if such is neccesary that it be done with some respect, but to completely stifle it will surely doom the ability for some to learn. We all have a huge problem looming, and it goes far beyond the little scuffles we see here.

  117. I had read some about Dominion theory. I never connected Baldwin to it. It make sense though.

    I began to half way distrust the "tea party" when it went some what national. My real "smelling of a rat" came when Mr. Gingrich seem to take hold of it.

    My stance on these types of things (including Ron Paul & Tea party), has always been Crisis=opportunity. Or as Rahm Emanuel said once, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" .

    I feel that they will be used to create a situation, either them being the good guys or the bad guys.

    I do believe that to an extent we have been indoctrinated to "worship the United States" instead of God.

    People will disagree with me I am sure. It is such a different way of thinking. Our whole lives what have we been taught?

    Of course I love my country! But Jesus is the only leader that can make it right. Nothing we do will make it better for his return. He is going to come no matter what we do.

    The question is: How do you separate those who really do believe in Dominion Theory and those who really just love their country and want to see it be better? Perhaps, this person has even been endorsed or helped by those involved with the Dominion Movement?

  118. Anonymous12:56 AM

    The statement take the wheat and leave the chaff is full of holes without any explanation of what is to be considered wheat. Everyone has a different opinion of what is considered "wheat." What a Nazi may think of as wheat is not what Mother Theresa may have thought of as wheat.

    Want to trade Bible verses?
    Matthew 7:16-20 (King James Version)

    16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

    It doesn't say keep bad trees around in case they do come up with some good fruit.

    Again I ask you where it says Rob runs a cult in London. You are reading something I wrote and deliberately making up your own words. You don't know how to say you made a mistake.

    I've know you many years. You like to have friendships with those who you think will provide you with information. We are then expected to be patient with those bad trees in your yard. You expected that since I said nothing publicly in the past I would just back off when Rob said such ugly things. Why don't you quote them and say how you are taking the wheat from his ugly statements.

    Hung you out to dry? Want a trading cliche? I'll say you were willing to throw me under the bus when Rob tickled your ear.

    Yes, Joyce is gone. Do you want to state who Joyce really is? You knew but were busy taking the wheat from the chaff. Joyce left on her own when her "anonymous" mask was taken off by those of us who took the time to find her out.

    Yes, some of us have formed friendships off this blog. It's not the first grouping that has taken place off this website and it won't be the last. You might start with the grouping of Bjorn and Joyce.

    Constance, I've been your friend for many, many years, but have never considered you the Mother Protector of all information on the New Age movement. Knowing you use this blog and your radio shows to bring business to your law practice, I've kept negative criticism to myself and have until now have never said publicly anything detrimental. Now that I know what you really think of me by supporting what Rob has said on several occasions, making excuses for him, things have changed. Unless I'm banned, I will just continue to post factual information for those who read things here. I've added many many things that you've never covered. The pedestal is down.

    I prefer to go back to researching the New Age movement. I am not bothered by anyone's religious faith, that is as long as they are honest, moral, not Jew hating and telling me what I must have faith in because they say so. They can tell each other, but I would hope they would leave me out of it no matter how happy it makes them.

    Thanks JD, SV, Susanna and Anonymous for the support you've given me.


  119. Anonymous12:59 AM

    The statement take the wheat and leave the chaff is full of holes without any explanation of what is to be considered wheat. Everyone has a different opinion of what is considered "wheat." What a Nazi may think of as wheat is not what Mother Theresa may have thought of as wheat.

    Want to trade Bible verses?
    Matthew 7:16-20 (King James Version)

    16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

    It doesn't say keep bad trees around in case they do come up with some good fruit.

    Again I ask you where it says Rob runs a cult in London. You are reading something I wrote and deliberately making up your own words. You don't know how to say you made a mistake.

    I've know you many years. You like to have friendships with those who you think will provide you with information. We are then expected to be patient with those bad trees in your yard. You expected that since I said nothing publicly in the past I would just back off when Rob said such ugly things. Why don't you quote them and say how you are taking the wheat from his ugly statements.

    Hung you out to dry? Want a trading cliche? I'll say you were willing to throw me under the bus when Rob tickled your ear.

    Yes, Joyce is gone. Do you want to state who Joyce really is? You knew but were busy taking the wheat from the chaff. Joyce left on her own when her "anonymous" mask was taken off by those of us who took the time to find her out.

    Yes, some of us have formed friendships off this blog. It's not the first grouping that has taken place off this website and it won't be the last. You might start with the grouping of Bjorn and Joyce.

    Constance, I've been your friend for many, many years, but have never considered you the Mother Protector of all information on the New Age movement. Knowing you use this blog and your radio shows to bring business to your law practice, I've kept negative criticism to myself and have until now have never said publicly anything detrimental. Now that I know what you really think of me by supporting what Rob has said on several occasions, making excuses for him, things have changed. Unless I'm banned, I will just continue to post factual information for those who read things here. I've added many many things that you've never covered. The pedestal is down.

    I prefer to go back to researching the New Age movement. I am not bothered by anyone's religious faith, that is as long as they are honest, moral, not Jew hating and telling me what I must have faith in because they say so. They can tell each other, but I would hope they would leave me out of it no matter how happy it makes them.

    Thanks JD, SV, Susanna and Anonymous for the support you've given me.


  120. Goof in "The Blind Side" intentional?

    I just got through watching this inspirational movie.

    There was a Bible verse that was written on a wall. I wouldn't put it past Hollywood to change it. Because how it is state sound like, we are all just like God.

    Movie: "With Man this is possible, With God all things are possible."

    Matthew 19:26: "with Man this is impossible, with God all things are possible."

  121. Anonymous6:35 AM

    As an outsider who reads here daily I find all this bickering very unpleasant. I agree with CC that we should read whatever is posted and use our own intelligence to sort through it all. But I tire of sorting through all the petty fighting. I find lots of stuff that I don't like. But I just read it, write it off, and in some cases stop bothering to read future posts from those I have written off. I am amazed at the childishness of some of the comments made of late.

  122. Dawn,

    Baldwin does not march lockstep with some of the more obvious groups such as NAR, but that is his appeal. He can write all he wants about reclaiming america for Jesus, or building a christian nation, or returning to founding principles, then turn around and point the finger of apostasy at others who do the same.

    Interesting that Talk to Action the self admitted resource directory for NAR, has levied its support of both Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin, as well as the Palins. Also of interest should be that Todd a staunch NAR member, was a proud member and supproter of Chuck's party until Sarah managed to get on the ticket with McCain.

    They also quote Chuck and support his political views.

    As a labled Baptist Baldwin may not be able to endorse NAR. However in all of his rantings he doesn't refute them either, and he seems all too happy to have their support. Is it any wonder though, he espouses a almost identical message, he just dresses it in different clothing.

  123. Agie959:54 AM

    Regarding the post on the Pope, first my post was not in a mean spirit. I have not posted anything on this site or any other negative about Catholicism. While I do not agree with them, I do not speak against them. Although, I do believe that the Pope will be in cohorts or will be used by the antichrist.

    The first visit was actually in 2007. The Middle East visit was actually in 2009. The Boston Globe wrote a piece in 2007:

    Time magazine did the an article in 2009 on the Middle East visit:,8599,1897183,00.html

    Here the Washington Post provides evidence that the Vatican at least thinks it is an occupied city. It is not concrete evidence though:

  124. JD,

    My quarrel has most definitely NOT BEEN WITH YOU. Your contributions have been substantive, not mean spirited, and deeeply appreciated.


  125. WillW:

    Your own reading list is full of books I definitely WOULD NOT RECOMMEND for Dorothy or anybody else to read except as "Exhibit A." Immediately catching my eye were books by Useless ooops, Eustace Mullins, a most untrustworthy source who is definitely New Age himself! Southwest Radio Church and Marlin Maddoux kicked Mullins off their networks after viewing the incredibly blatant writings by him.


  126. To Anonymous "K" - 11:24

    What a catch! Sant'Egidio along with the other major New Age "Intentional Communities." Thanks!


  127. To Agie95:

    The piece on the Agreement was a real shocker to me. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


  128. To Anonymous 2:11

    The Family is about a group that claims be Christian, but in reality at its esoteric core is neither "Christian" nor "right." I have written extensively about it both on and here on my blogspot and you can find it in the archives. It has some powerful interlocking leadership with THE INSTITUTE OF NOETIC SCIENCES, a key New Age group.


  129. I agree with Dorothy on Chuck Baldwin's use of Eustace Mullins. I also know John Eidsmoe to be connected with the Christian Reconstruction / Dominion Movement. I have had longer standing suspicion of the Tea Party movement than most of the others here, Dorothy included. She is absolutely right that Eustace Mullins should jump out at one as a perverted source. I personally have written enough well publicized material to put people on notice of both his occultism and anti-Semitism.

    I still disagree with Dorothy over Rob and Joyce. I still would like an answer from her on how she intended Rob and others to interpret this paragraph that someone signing their name as "Dorothy" wrote to Rob:

    "Rob in London, you are joke. You are running a cult type church service in here, lying in the process. Anyone who knows what is going on knows that England (that's the home country of London) is several years ahead of the US in promoting the New Age push. If you had any ability other than killing time, you would be reporting on what is going on in London as well as fighting it there. Try doing that instead of patting yourself on the back by the hour, telling everyone how holy you are."

    So, evidently she accused him of running a CULT here rather than London. Same difference! I see Rob as being a young man searching and sorting things out. That does not justify this degree of sarcasm.



  130. While I disagreed with Joyce's theology in part (Messianic Judaism), her contributions along with Rudy's on Ervin Laszlo other facets of the New Age Movement were invaluable. We lost both Joyce and Rudy due to what I perceive no less than uncalled for stalking of Joyce who had her own compelling reasons known by me but kept in confidence as to why a lower profile needed to be kept to keep from endangering herself and her family.

    I do not view anybody's driving Joyce or Rudy off with pride. It was uncalled for in my opinion.


  131. To Dorothy:

    "You might start with the grouping of Bjorn and Joyce."

    This shows how little you know about this or how I discovered what Bjorn was up to last summer.


  132. Anonymous1:06 PM


    With all due respect, how can anyone with a healthy self esteem be 'driven off' without their permission?

    In all fairness, a few of us devout Catholics on this blog have experienced being bullied in the past by certain posters (and they know who they are), who would have LOVED to see us go away . . . but we didn't . . . even when attacked as the 'great whore of Babylon' demanding that we 'come out of her.'

  133. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Dear J.D.
    I am sick of your grandstanding,
    you promote "peace and unity" under the banner of "information" which most of it is readily available online.
    That other poster is right, you try to "own" the blog comment section and see yourself as some kind of watchdog, castigating any who dare present an opposing viewpoint.
    You are a bully.

  134. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Food for thought . . .

    Maybe a few decided to leave this blog as new 'alliances' were being formed and they no longer felt like 'a big fish in a little pond'?

  135. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I also side with that other Anon who said did Jesus practice kabala?

    You are a bully, "oh Jesus loves me more I have contributed much, and am a core person on this blog so I can destroy any person whom I don't agree with"

    Jesus and God do not love you more for your contributions, therefore you can not destroy whom you want on this blog mr bully.

  136. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Baloney Constance. If the two had such valuable information, they could get it to you directly without having to post it on the threads. You have an email address and a telephone number. Anyone who posts on the threads is trying to get a point of view to everyone who reads the threads, not just trying to get information on the New Age movement to you.

    If they stopped contacting you, it's because they consider you less important than getting out their point of view. You are very capable of getting the information out on your own.


  137. Can someone tell me if Sant'Egidio is still officially recognized by the church as a public lay community?

  138. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Anonymous 1:31,
    JD brings factual information to the blog, not just anonymous opinions. There is faith in a religious belief, but that faith can be substantiated by real life history. Faith without substantiation leads to faith in UFOs, strange conspiracy theories, New Age beliefs, and all manner of ideas, any words that follow the words "I think..."

    Faith in Christianity or Judaism can be substantiated because those who follow those teachings lead better lives for themselves and their community. It takes some work to support faith, but don't tell me or anyone else to have faith in something based on your word alone.


  139. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Constance, you discovered what Bjorn was up to and we discovered what Joyce and Bjorn were up to. What's the point?

    The New Age movement takes many forms and fools many.


  140. Anonymous2:22 PM

    The National Biometric ID card: The Mark of the Beast?

    (Article by John W. Whitehead -04/19/10)

  141. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Anonymous 1:41
    Ideas that are false can be destroyed. People who support false ideas can always fight back. What happens is that when false ideas are destroyed then those who support false ideas get frustrated and try to physically destroy those who have exposed them. That's history.

    Support your ideas and prove they are not false.


  142. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Constance said at 11:18 AM:
    "We lost both Joyce and Rudy due to what I perceive no less than uncalled for stalking of Joyce who had her own compelling reasons known by me but kept in confidence as to why a lower profile needed to be kept to keep from endangering herself and her family."


    Please enlighten me, dear Constance on how this explanation can possibly justify the fact that Joyce participated in her OWN non-stop 'stalking' of all of the Catholics and Orthodox Jews on this blog who simply didn't agree with her?

  143. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Thank you Dorothy for your honesty in finally answering the Anon question:



    Straight out of the horses mouth of Dorothy, "Faith in Christianity or Judaism can be substantiated because those who follow those teachings lead better lives for themselves and their community."

    Faith in Christianity or Judaism can be substantiated
    Faith in Christianity / Judaism can be substantiated
    Faith in Judeo Christianity can be substantiated
    Faith in Christian Judaism can be substantiated

    In other words, move over Eustace Mullins and JD's ecumenicism,

    Jesus can be substantiated with the practice of Judaism's Kabbalah
    Jesus can be substantiated with the practice of unity among other religions LIKE JUDAISM.

    "because those who follow those teachings lead better lives for themselves and their community."

    Congratulations Dorothy, though you tried to go around it, its in black and white now.

  144. Anonymous2:42 PM

    A reminder to ALL:

    It's becoming increasingly clear that the words in the Bible: "There shall be one flock and one shepherd" (John 10:16) are being perverted, re-packaged, sold and 'spun' by the New Age Movement in an attempt to convince and manipulate all traditional Protestants, Catholics and Jews that they are supposed to abandon the 'old' traditional beliefs and come into the 'new' ONE WORLD RELIGION.

  145. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Anonymous 1:41
    You wrote: "Jesus and God do not love you more for your contributions, therefore you can not destroy whom you want on this blog mr bully."

    Are you saying that you channel Jesus and God? That God speaks to you and Jesus speaks to you, that they are two different spirits who speak to you when you are in a trance?

    Probably not, but that how what you write comes across.


  146. Anon 1:31,

    What makes me a bully? Because I refuse to let hatefull rhetoric go unchallenged? Because I refuse to let blatant fallacies both about my faith and others go unchallenged? I don't mind anyone challenging me, only when it is based in lies, hate, or a complete lack of reality do I take issue with it. I have been challenged a lot here lately, in these cases every time they were based in name calling and blatantly false information. When I refute the false information what do I get? More name calling from people who are so self righteous that they refuse to be corrected by someone presenting FACTUAL information. I have been corrected numerous times on this blog, and stood as such. Never once have I resorted to petty name calling because I was proven to be in error. As for the sources and information I provide, if it's that easy then why isn't everyone doing it as opposed to leveling attacks, posting false information, or engaging in self centered conversation?

    Anon 1:41

    Again another nice misrepresentation of the truth. I have never claimed favor with the Lord over anyone, nor have I claimed superiority due to the content I post. Furthermore, I have never "destroyed" anyone. If someone can not take being called out in a public forum for spreading hatefull messages or blatant fallacies, I would suggest they not post hatefull messages or blatant fallacies. If this is what is considered "destroying" someone, then I would hope they would look at what they were built on.

  147. Anon 2:37

    Nice stretch.

  148. Anon. 2:37,

    I don't quite understand what your point is. You seem to be using some type of sarcasm, but I don't get it. What does Jesus and Kabalah have anything to do with Dorothy? Is Jesus practicing Kabalah a good thing? Or are you saying he didn't practice this thing and that's a good thing. I always thought Jesus was devoutly Jewish. What is your point in regards to Dorothy? I'm missing it.

  149. I have total sympathy for the Catholics on this blog and feel that the "whore of Babylon" interpretion is a Biblical misinterpretation. However, having been raised in a milieu that taught and believed that, I also have patience for those who have not rethought that (mis)interpretation. The biblical definition of "antichrist" is a denial that Jesus is the Christ. Most Catholics affirm, bot deny that doctrine.


  150. JD a bully? This was one of the funniest things I've read all day. I needed a laugh after my older son lacerated his toe last night and he needed stitches. He was trying to stand on a ceramic money bank and it shattered.

  151. To Dorothy:

    Who ever said they stopped contacting ME? They just stopped posting to this board!


  152. To 2:03 p.m.

    It appears to me that it is still recognized, judging from the pictures of Pope Benedict XVI with them.


  153. To 2:03 p.m.

    It appears to me that it is still recognized, judging from the pictures of Pope Benedict XVI with them.


  154. Dorothy,

    I discovered thanks to an anonymous source who will remain anonymous what Bjorn was up to. I dispute that you or anybody else discovered what Joyce was up to.


  155. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Manly P. Hall's research attributes the esoteric arm of Kabbalah as Judaism's concrete essentialis benidictus.

    Though many here will try to deny.

  156. Where I stand on the Kabala/Cabala

    It is Jewish occultism, pure and simple -- a crossing of the forebidden line in the stand clearly written in Deuteronomy 18. With that being said, it is not the core basis of occultism as the anti-Semites falsely allege, but it is, nonetheless, occultism.


  157. To 2:37 pm

    Joyce published many posts which I considered inordinately long and I did not agree with many of her conclusions; however, her research on New Age items and institutions often added much to the conversation. There are other valuable contributions she made privately which I am not free to discuss here.


  158. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Then what is your complaint about their stopping posting here Constance? That Joyce can't get her anti-Catholic hate rants and her distortion of the Jewish religion out to those who read the threads? Rudi wasn't in Joyce's league in my opinon. She was close to neutral and did good research. I have no idea why she stopped posting here. She was well received. You still get to hang out with that crowd if that's what you want.


  159. Anonymous4:47 PM

    From the horses mouth of JD:

    ec·u·men·ic (-mĕn'ĭk)
    1.Of worldwide scope or applicability; universal.
    a.Of or relating to the worldwide Christian church.
    b.Concerned with establishing or promoting unity among churches or religions.



    Why are you afraid to answer such a simple question?????????????????????????????????

  160. Susanna,

    You make VALUABLE points between trying to live peaceably with others who are different and syncretism.

    Thank you.


  161. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Constance, I'm sure those who are part of the New Age movement have much information to share with you. That you trust everything they say that they can't openly post is your's to deal with. Why not openly post what they tell you and tell us the source.


  162. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Anon 4:42, As you probably have read, Hall and his ilk were part of the programme that made the Closed Conspiracy an Open Conspiracy. They were, in effect, predictive programmers.

    JD, Looking forward to part 3b of your article 'Traceability in A Sustainable World'. Even my 16 year old son has taken an interest in this subject.


  163. All right anon, though I know this is a bait I will answer your blasphemous questions. No Jesus did not practice Kabbalah, I am sure there are references to such in gnostic texts or espoused by some twisted group, but my answer is no.

    Jesus was not ecumenical either. Yes His gospel is available to all, but it is not a all accepting universal doctrine. He also condemned the actions and beliefs of groups within His time. Don't worry, I am already pretty sure of how you are going to twist this one, so bring on the other shoe.

  164. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Constance at 4:44
    Maybe you aren't as knowledgeable as you portray yourself. Try researching Christian Kabbalah. That group distorted Kabbalah over 800 years ago for their own beliefs.


  165. Lorna,

    Thanks, the next part should be interesting for readers. I was hoping to have it complete and be well into other parts, but since starting I have discovered more information which required a total rewrite. I am hoping to have it available shortly.

  166. The Green Shepherd

    The White House wants churches to advance its climate change agenda.

  167. Anonymous6:09 PM

    From CBN:

    "The Miracle at Joshua Tree"
    (a short, inspirational video)

  168. Dear Anon 1:31,
    Interesting that you not only hide behind the anonymous posting mechanism, but you've added a greeting that is particularly used by me.
    I interpret that as an intentional stirring up of strife amongst the regular posters here.
    You've given no concrete or fruitful complaint against JD. You have served only to abuse his good work and his excellent character.
    This is an undeserved attack against him that I cannot simply sit back and tolerate.
    JD, you are in my prayers today.

    By His Grace,

  169. Anonymous6:38 PM


    Is Kabala/Cabala...a Jewish occultism related... related in any form to the New Age movement?

  170. Anonymous6:43 PM

    To JD's response:

    "All right anon, though I know this is a bait I will answer your blasphemous questions. No Jesus did not practice Kabbalah, I am sure there are references to such in gnostic texts or espoused by some twisted group, but my answer is no.

    Jesus was not ecumenical either. Yes His gospel is available to all, but it is not a all accepting universal doctrine. He also condemned the actions and beliefs of groups within His time. Don't worry, I am already pretty sure of how you are going to twist this one, so bring on the other shoe."

    Correct answer.

    Now, shouldn't you change your definition of ecumenic?

    Or do we straddle the fence with no shoes?

  171. Anonymous6:49 PM

    No, no, no Dorothy, don't mis-direct this to Constance.

    Dorothy writes, "Constance at 4:44
    Maybe you aren't as knowledgeable as you portray yourself. Try researching Christian Kabbalah. That group distorted Kabbalah over 800 years ago for their own beliefs."

    No, no, no Dorothy as resident authority on Judaism here you already knew this for quite sometime.

    Don't bat this ball over the net to anyone.

    Kabbalah Ball is in your court.


  172. Anonymous7:20 PM

    CARM Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry

    And heaps more....

  173. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Anonymous 2:37:

    Thank you for expressing so perfectly what so many of us out here on the fringes feel.

    I saw Joyce's harassment of Dorothy and the Catholics. It made me sick. She was a bully and she was allowed to get away with her religious bullying for a very, very long time. Too long!

    SV (and maybe Dawn, I can't remember for certain) was the only one who ever stood up to her. Everyone else just sat and watched.

  174. Anonymous7:30 PM

    "The origins of Kabbalah are directly from the occult. We do not support those who investigate Kabbalah because there is no “good Kabbalah” or “bad Kabbalah,” the same as there are no “good witches” or “bad witches.” It is all of an evil root, and it goes well beyond the scope of Scripture and its historical background. Kabbalah was never accepted by mainstream Judaism, and Kabbalah is condemned as being heretical by many Orthodox Jews to this day. We question the motives of any “Messianic Believer” who looks into Kabbalah and advise that one stay away from any “Messianic ministries” that endorse or practice it. The practices of Kabbalah are occultic at their very heart and are expressly prohibited by the Torah in Deuteronomy 4. Kabbalah is not mentioned in Scripture at all, the possible exceptions being the witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28:7-25) or Simon the magician (Acts 8:9-25) who may have practiced things that were infused into it."

  175. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The origins of Kabbalah are directly from the occult. We do not support those who investigate Kabbalah because there is no “good Kabbalah” or “bad Kabbalah,” the same as there are no “good witches” or “bad witches.” It is all of an evil root, and it goes well beyond the scope of Scripture and its historical background. Kabbalah was never accepted by mainstream Judaism, and Kabbalah is condemned as being heretical by many Orthodox Jews to this day. We question the motives of any “Messianic Believer” who looks into Kabbalah and advise that one stay away from any “Messianic ministries” that endorse or practice it. The practices of Kabbalah are occultic at their very heart and are expressly prohibited by the Torah in Deuteronomy 4. Kabbalah is not mentioned in Scripture at all, the possible exceptions being the witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28:7-25) or Simon the magician (Acts 8:9-25) who may have practiced things that were infused into it.

  176. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Kabbalah is difficult to categorize because it is a subjective non-falsifiable belief system. In other words, it rests in non-verifiable philosophy, not in historic fact. Nevertheless, kaballah is a mystical and esoteric system of observing and interpreting the universe and mankind that also seeks to reveal the true relationship between God, man, and the universe. It teaches that there is a divine being, neither male nor female, that has 10 primary aspects called sephirot which are represented in the Tree of Life (see diagram to the left). Kabbalah teaches that the supreme being created the universe through a series of those 10 aspects that descended through various levels until creation was fully realized.

    There are slightly different definitions of the word "Kabbalah". One source says it comes from the three Hebrew kbl which means "reception". Another source says "Kabbalah is a word meaning "tradition."1
    Kabbalah is also known as cabala, cabalah, kabala, caballah, qabala, qabalah, etc. You do not have to be Jewish to study Kabbalah and its proponents state that it can adapt itself to any religious system.
    Furthermore, the Kabbalist is supposed to gain understanding about God and himself by learning to understand these 10 aspects, their relationship to each other, and then apply the principles thus learned in his own life to help him return back to God -- Kabbalah teaches the soul's pre-existence.

    Kaballah is the way of viewing reality based upon subjective, experiential interpretations of the world, life, death, creation, meaning, purpose, etc. It is an inner-contemplative movement and is considered to be a way of life. Kabbalah relies heavily on mystical interpretations of the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) as well as the rest of the Old Testament. Its premises are that there are secret and hidden meanings in the biblical text that can be discovered by examining the shape of Hebrew letters, the gematria of words (mathematical values), and how these word values relate to each other. The problem is that this method often draws conclusions that are in contradiction to the plain teaching of the text that it examines. Thus, Kabbalah can have a variety of disjointed beliefs. This is why David A. Cooper, a Kabbalist, says, "Kabbalah does not lend itself to a straightforward definition or even a clear-cut teaches us about the mysteries of life, how the creation works, where we are going, and how we get there."2

  177. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Where does Kabbalah come from?
    Mr. Cooper in his book, God is a Verb, asks, "What is it that cabalists receive? And from whom do they receive it?"3 Mr. Cooper's questions are extremely important especially since Kabbalistic theology is unbiblical. It teaches reincarnation, a type of karma, inner divinity, and no need for a Redeemer. Indeed, we must ask where does the Kabbalist in the Kabbalist of history get their information? They get it from the Zohar, the Zoar, and the Sepher Yetzirah which are essentially mystical commentaries and interpretations of the biblical text as written and recorded by various Kabbalists throughout history.

    Nevertheless, are we to conclude that the philosophy taught through Kabbalah is godly? If it contradicts both Old and New Testament teaching, then how can it be from God? We conclude that it is not from God but is in reality yet another deception that proceeds out of the Garden of Eden where Satan said "you will be like God," (Gen. 3:5). The Edenic lie echoes through the hearts of mankind and has taken root in the philosophy of Kabbalah.

  178. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Non Falsifiability

    Kabbalists claim to receive their mystical interpretations of reality from beyond themselves. The more you read Kabbalistic writings, the more you will see that it is mystical and unbiblical. You will also discover that the philosophy cannot be verified. In other words, there is no historical fact that verifies Kabbalah. It borrows heavily from the accounts written in the first five books of the Bible, but it also radically reinterprets so many events and so many concepts in the Bible that it is quite foreign from what the Word of God actually says.

    Please consider some of the following phrases used in the the books that teach Kabbalah and notice their ambiguity and New Age "feel":

    1.connections with other realities
    2.contemplative exercises
    3.mystical awareness
    4.higher awareness
    5.the worlds of awareness integrate along a continuum
    6.higher and lower realms of consciousness
    7.unification of the finite with the infinite of darkness
    9.cosmic fluctuation
    10.inherent light of consciousness
    11.practicing Kavannah (awareness of the implications of everything we do)
    12.the path to awareness
    13.mystical Academy
    These kinds of phrases are unverifiable and subjective and have no inherent meaning apart from assigned philosophical interpretations given to them by Kabbalah literature. Furthermore, the phrases are highly reminiscent of New Age teaching that also exalts humanity to the level of divinity, teaches esoteric knowledge, secrets of the universe, and also tries to unravel the mystical relationship between God, the universe, and ourselves -- all based on subjective interpretations of the Bible.

    Both Kabbalah and the New Age do not rest in historical facts nor in historical events that can be verified so as to support their interpretations. How do you connect with other realities? In fact, what does that mean? What is "higher awareness"? How does the finite become unified with the infinite? The answers that Kabbalah seeks to give to these kinds of questions are as equally subjective as the phrases that initiate the questions.

    Because there is no way to verify the truth of the 10 aspects of God, that Kabbalah was given to the angels for the creation of the world, etc., the Kabbalist is left to either believe or disbelieve based upon his preferences. Instead of believing what the Bible actually says, the Kabbalist is left with following the baby and mystical interpretations of a few ancient Jews.

    Unlike the Gospels, Kabbalistic literature is full of philosophical mumbo-jumbo, unverifiable and subjective ideas, and words that are strung together in such a way as to appear to be semi-coherent. The problem is that Kabbalah contradicts the Bible. Therefore, it is not true.

    1. Leet, Leonora, The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1999, p. 2.
    2. Cooper, David A., God is a Verb, New York: Riverhead Brooks, 1997, p. 11.
    3. Ibid.

  179. Anonymous7:45 PM

    CARM Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry

    And heaps more....

  180. perplexed one7:48 PM

    Has anyone noticed all the posts about Kabbalah?

    Is this an attempt to draw attention away from the material JD is presenting on this thread?

    Is it an attempt to take a not-so-subtle swipe at Dorothy because she is a Jew?

  181. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Don't Forget!

    (Kabbalah)"It teaches reincarnation, a type of karma, inner divinity, and no need for a Redeemer."

    "Please consider some of the following phrases used in the the books that teach Kabbalah and notice their ambiguity and New Age "feel":

    1.connections with other realities
    2.contemplative exercises
    3.mystical awareness
    4.higher awareness
    5.the worlds of awareness integrate along a continuum
    6.higher and lower realms of consciousness
    7.unification of the finite with the infinite of darkness
    9.cosmic fluctuation
    10.inherent light of consciousness
    11.practicing Kavannah (awareness of the implications of everything we do)
    12.the path to awareness
    13.mystical Academy"

  182. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Don't Forget!

    (Kabbalah)"It teaches reincarnation, a type of karma, inner divinity, and no need for a Redeemer."

    "Please consider some of the following phrases used in the the books that teach Kabbalah and notice their ambiguity and New Age "feel":

    1.connections with other realities
    2.contemplative exercises
    3.mystical awareness
    4.higher awareness
    5.the worlds of awareness integrate along a continuum
    6.higher and lower realms of consciousness
    7.unification of the finite with the infinite of darkness
    9.cosmic fluctuation
    10.inherent light of consciousness
    11.practicing Kavannah (awareness of the implications of everything we do)
    12.the path to awareness
    13.mystical Academy"

  183. Anon 6:43,

    My definition of ecumenic that was provided is from a actual dictionary. #1 on said list of definitions is actually the original and formal definition, the second and third are adopted definitions due to what was described as a ecumenical movement within the christian church. I provided them in trust of a fair conversation so that it could not be claimed that I was excluding meanings that have been adopted for the word.

    In fairness you did not take the route I expected you to in your response to me, for that I gladly stand corrected and offer my apologies for rushing to judgement in this instance.

  184. still perplexed8:00 PM

    What happened to the anti-Kabbalah spambot?

    What shall we do without its wise, automated guidance?

    Spambot?!? Oh, Spambot?!? Where are yooooo?

  185. SV,

    Thank you for your support and prayers, they are greatly appreciated.

    perplexed one,

    Perhaps so, in any case, thank you for noticing what I have been attempting to share, as well as your support.

  186. There are some very good Messianic Jewish organizations out there who do not dabble in kabbalah and are active in exposing NAM and emergent church issues.

    I felt it necessary to post, as some may look in, not being familiar with Messianic Judaism and put all such organizations into the same category, for instance, the Chabad Lubavitch, a very active Messianic Jewish group both politically and in the community, who wields a great deal of influence in certain areas, but also embraces kabbalah like principles, and are certainly not biblical.

    There are different sects, or divisions of Messianic Judiasm just as in Christianity.

  187. Blue annon @ 8:35:

    I would stongly suggest that you really look into the Jewish community that become Christians that you refer to as Messianic Jews.
    In particular you may want to ponder the following:

    1) is this a blending of religions?
    2) Are they using questionable tactics to convert those who are currently Jewish?

    I don't know if you have been here for a long time but there is an extremely long discussion of this sect with a couple members. You can do an advanced google search on this blog to find them.

  188. Anonymous9:16 PM

    CONSTANCE - I sent an email to your addy listed here. It's titled, 'Intentional Spiritual Communities? From one of your blog readers'

    I hope you receive it.


  189. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Perplex One, did you not see JD's original post?

    JD writes: "Sorry not to detract from the topic, but here is yet another Anti-Government Extremism Report. This one comes to us from the Anti-Defamation League, and if you guessed the themes are patriotism, God, the Constitution, and inciting violence, you would be correct."

    Then Marko's responds:

    "My apologies as well for the off-topic post, but in my opinion, the ADL, as well as the Southern Poverty Law Center, will have a hand in the persecution of Christians in America.

    8:58 AM"

    The questions relating to
    Jesus and the Kabbalah
    Jesus promoting ecumenicism
    very much applies to JD's original post thread.

    I read that ADL report and it reads Orwellian.

    Here is an excerpt from it in regards to Barack Obama:

    V. Justifying Violence as a Tactic

    “Impeachment from the rooftops, ‘cause voting and calling don’t work no more.” Post by “Deersniper” on the Gun and Games Forums, March 20, 2010.

    (The ADL writes)
    "When the proponents and condoners of violence in response to government action have bothered to provide a justification or rationalization for the desirability or need for violence, their answer has usually been that other methods have been tried and failed—violence is the only tactic remaining."

    If ecumenicism is gaining world wide acceptance then yes indeed, I agree with Marko, it is not impossible to see the ADL having a hand in persecuting American Christians.

    JD's original post brought the ADL on the same bandwagon as the MIAC report, The Monograph Report, the Southern Poverty Law Center Report and NOW this ADL report.

    Perplex One JD's research is not being ignored by any means.

    If Judaism is Kabbalahizing Ecumenizing Jesus, then those against THIS tactic will find themselves in complete dis-agreement with said reports.

    The questions relate as the original topic was open.

    Is it better to accept and ADL Kabbalah Ecumenical Jesus? Do you understand now?

    Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

  190. Anon 9:17,

    Having read your post here I actually understand some of your questioning a little better. I drew attention to the ADL piece because it shows a pattern that is emerging. While I agree that those who were mentioned that spoke of God or Jesus, are not the types that would speak in the same sense as those here. The general public is not being told of any difference. The way these documents are written comes acrossed as all who believe in the fundamentals of the faith are dangerous individuals. SPLC's document is another example unto itself as many of the christians listed are of the apostate nature and do not even remotely represent me, but these documents make no such distinction.

    Keep in mind these things are written FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION, of which the average person can not differntiate one christian from another. This is why it has become such a important yet difficult battle. When NAR or another group advocates revolution, these mouthpieces can point to them and make statements that while they are specific, to the average reader appear as blanket statements. This incites more fear and hatred amongst the groups the papers are speaking against, turns some christians towards their cause, and turns the rest of the public against all christians.

    This is why I have been adamant that while yes we need to be speaking out against what our government is doing, especially with these documents, we also need to be speaking out against the so called christian leaders giving them this ammunition. Of course it is my opinion that the clever way this has been orchestrated is NO accident on either side.

  191. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Dear Constance,

    Yours truly does not pretend to begin to understand the possible consequences of the following, but thought you would want to be informed; the following advertisement is currently (4/26/10) running in the online Jerusalem Post edition ( ):

    Antichrist myth revealed
    It's not what you think... Check it out!

    Exercise of extreme caution is urged to all who may wish to access the link.

    Thank you for your tireless efforts, Constance.


    A fellow watcher

  192. Dawn,

    Thank you for your concern. I have researched this extensively and do not like to use the term often as it may put some in the mindset that every organization out there bearing the name are involved with unsound doctrine.

    Thanks for the tip on the advanced search, I will be interested to read the information.

  193. Anon,

    For the record I don't believe it fair to lump this as a problem with Judaism, nor do I believe that the ADL fairly represents such as a whole.Many so called christian groups are doing a far better job of promoting a ecumenic gospel or even a mystical gospel than the ADL, or any other jewish group ever could.

  194. Anonymous11:20 PM

    I never would have in a million years ever thought that the Anti Defamation League would put out such 1984 doublespeak trash.

    I know a lot of people who are reading this ADL report are now seeing the ADL in a different light.

    I guess I better accept an Ecumenical Kabbalah Jesus or I'll be put in e FEMA camp like Alex Jones talks about all the time.

    Historically Unbelievable, just speechless folks. I'll be praying for all of us tonight.

  195. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Whetever happened to the 7 year Med Neighbourhood Policy that many suggested was THE 7 years under antichrist and the Solana was possible "THE MAN"?

    All this kicked off in 2007.
    The bible says that half way through the week (7 years) Antichrist stops the sacrifices??

    To stop Jewish sacrifices you must have a temple or at least some form of building for worship around which sacrifices are carried out.

    Well if you folks were correct in suggesting 2007 was the beginning of the final 7 years you have about 160 days left for the temple to be built, sacrifices to begin and Antichrist to stop them.

    Do you see any temple being built in Jerusalem?
    No doubt like most false prophets and teachers many of you will make excuses instead of simply holding up your hands and saying "Hey I was wrong. The 7 years did not begin January 2007 with the start of the Med Neighbourhood Policy."

    Oh and Constance in your article on Catholic bashing and Protestant bashing you wrote concerning the Jewish link.... "And certainly, we grafted in branches, whether Catholic or Protestant, were not to 'boast against the branches' (the Jews). Don't blame me. St. Paul wrote it in Romans Chapter 2"
    Actually it was Romans 11:18.

  196. Bob,

    Neither Herb nor I ever said, 'THIS IS IT," but we did say it was a POSSIBILITY which it still is. Furthermore, the interpretation on the sacrifices is still not certain -- Catholics believe that applies to "the host" as their mass. Others believe it is a literal temple. I for one don't know Maybe you do.


  197. Dorothy,

    That is decidedly SLANDER and LIBEL against Joyce who by inference you falsely claim to be part of the New Age Movement. She decidedly is NOT.


  198. Dorothy,

    What are your views on astrology? Was that twisted too?


  199. Yes,

    Cabala/Kabbalah is considered by the New Agers as part of the Movement. The thing to remember about the New Age Movement is the METHOD which is MYSTICISM moving people away from analytical "left brain" to "Spiritual", "symbolic" thinking.

    After all, who in their full, rational mind would ever embrace their agenda?


  200. To Anonymous 7:38

    Sure looks like occultism to me.

