
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Great Britain to expel Israeli Ambassadors

UPDATED: Please read and digest this link and this link in consideration of material and comments posted on yesterday's posting.

Stay tuned!



  1. Constance,

    This looks like a witch hunt to me. It seems British intelligence has assumed Israeli involvement simply on the basis that some of the passports belonged to Israeli citizens. Funny that they are not pointing fingers at France or Dubai, or even giving any type of logic as to how Israel could have gotten copies of passports from other nations. Not to say it isn't possible, just that the logic doesn't add up at this point.

  2. We've been dealing with a death in the family. My father-in-law lost his battle with cancer March 9th. It's been hard on my wife and kids.

    Sunday night I could not sleep. I know God wins in the end, but it's hard for me not to anguish over the events that I believe are soon to take place. Jesus knew he would rise victoriously, but anguished in the garden while his friends were fast asleep.

  3. David,

    My condolences on your loss, your family will remain on my prayer list.

  4. All,

    The bill I have dreaded is now law. In opening remarks of the signing ceremony Joe Biden refered to the bill as a girder in the social network that the administration has as its goal. Our ability to safeguard private information as it pertains to our health has just been executed. Next on the hit list, your identifying information!

  5. New material added -- I am fully aware of the distressing ramifications of the new health care bill, but we need to be aware of these other pressing developments as well!

    OH, just up, federal officials say per CNN announcement I just heard that they can increase airline efficiency by letting the feds track us and our wait time via our cell phones. CNN asked, "is this a convenience, or an invasion of privacy?"

    The answer is obvious, but I fear those seeking to implement this agenda are full steam ahead.


  6. Forgot to add to last post: REFRESH YOUR BROWSER!

  7. Netanyahu reaffirms 'right to build' in Jerusalem

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asserted Israel's "right to build" in Jerusalem, following a row with the US over plans for new homes in the city.

    "Jerusalem is not a settlement, it's our capital," he said in Washington.

    But Mr Netanyahu did not mention the decision to expand the East Jerusalem settlement of Ramat Shlomo in a speech to the pro-Israel lobby group, Aipac.

    Earlier, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the meeting Israel had to make "difficult" choices for peace.

    She said the continued expansion of Jewish settlements in Palestinian occupied territory undermined the US role in the peace process.

    The Palestinian Authority is furious at Israel's insistence on building on occupied territory. It sees it as a serious stumbling block to the resumption of talks, which have been stalled for more than a year.

    Some 500,000 Jews live in more than 100 settlements built since Israel's 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are considered illegal under international law, which Israel disputes.

    more at link

  8. Constance,

    Here is a related piece from the Telegraph's blog, posted by the Deputy editor.

    Britain kicks out Mossad boss

    We’ll get the outcome of the Government’s inquiry into the cloned British passports affair later today. It will find that the passports of 15 British-Israeli citizens were taken away at passport control and in the 20 minutes they were held they were cloned and then used to equip the hit squad that whacked the Hamas leader in Dubai earlier this year. Ron Prosor, Israel’s affable ambassador, was summoned in yesterday to be told the outcome. It’s a slap on the wrist in diplomatic terms: we don’t mind the cloning so much as the fact they were ours. But I gather there’s a sting: the Mossad representative in London was ordered to leave, and was expected to fly out last night before news was released. He will be described as a ’senior diplomat’ but in the tit-for-tat game, it’s the Israeli secret service’s declared man in London who has been asked to go. Britain is furious that British citizens were put in possible jeopardy by the Israelis, but our fury is tempered by a sneaking admiration for the way it was done.

  9. Netanyahu in U.S.: Jerusalem not a settlement

    (Reuters) - Declaring "Jerusalem is not a settlement," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu struck a defiant note on Monday after new U.S. criticism of Jewish home construction in disputed territory in and around the city.

  10. S C O O P:

    The Thomas More Law Center of Michigan filed an action challenging the constitutionality of the Health Care Act only minutes after President Obama signed same. David Yerushalmi, Esq. of Arizona, is one of the attorneys on the case. I contacted him via his cell phone as he was leaving a court room in New York State and he has agreed to be a guest to discuss the case tonight on MY PERSPECTIVE internet radio on THEMICROEFFECT.COM, 8 p.m. Eastern time, 7 p.m. Central time, 6 p.m. Mountain time, and 5 p.m. Pacific time, 4 p.m. some parts of Alaska.

    Please join us. I am going to put this up as a separate blogpost as well. That is not to end the discussions on the equally important topics for today and yesterday

  11. BattleCreekDavid,

    I am so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. My deep condolences to you and your family. You have been a very valued member of our discussions here.


  12. Kerry, Dems Seek Cap-and-Trade Bill

    WASHINGTON – After a hard-fought victory on health care reform, President Barack Obama's allies in Congress are pledging to move forward on climate change -- but some environmentalists are skeptical.

    Twenty-two Democratic senators have signed a letter calling for climate legislation within the year, although some observers question if the White House will want another divisive vote as November midterm elections approach.

    Senator John Kerry, the chief architect of climate legislation, said Monday that White House officials can now "pour their energy and attention" into the issue after Sunday's down-to-the-wire vote on expanding health care coverage.

    "In the wake of health care's passage, we have a strong case to make that this can be the next breakthrough legislative fight," the Massachusetts Democrat argued.

    "Climate legislation is the single best opportunity we have to create jobs, reduce pollution and stop sending billions overseas for foreign oil from countries that would do us harm," Kerry said.

    "If we sell those arguments we've got a winning issue on jobs, on security and on public health. This can happen."

    The House of Representatives in June approved a bill that would start the country's first nationwide "cap-and-trade" system that restricts carbon emissions blamed for global warming and allows trading in credits.

    The Senate has yet to offer companion legislation, despite pressure that had been on the United States to finalize an action plan before December's climate summit in Copenhagen.

    Unlike health care, which split on sharply partisan lines, Kerry voiced confidence in winning Republican support. He is working on climate legislation with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a vociferous foe of Obama's health care plan.

    more at link

    I know this is off topic, but it appears as if the flood gates have been opened.

  13. Anonymous2:45 PM

    What additional evidence do we need to demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that everything is coming together to create a perfect global storm?

    Seems to me that the curtain has gone up on the final act. The actors are taking the stage to perform the last scene. While this is certainly no time to step out into the lobby for popcorn, neither will it do much good to keep jumping up yelling, "I smell smoke!"

    Many of our fellow patrons do in fact, also smell smoke, but after years of conditioning, they've gotten used to it. They may not be altogether comfortable with the smell, but the phrase "captive audience" certainly comes to mind.

    I suppose it's still a good idea for some to continue keeping track of the smoke build up, continue doing research on the features of the building's death trap design. But, for others, we've studied the building's design long enough, and are quite aware of the danger, including the fact that many of the exit signs posted on the walls are dummies. Move the curtain aside and those false exits lead to a brick wall, or an oven. For us, it's time to stand up and start leading, and if necessary, dragging people towards that very narrow single file exit door in the back of the theater.

    When a pond is destined to be plowed over by a bulldozer, it does no good for an informed observer to stand aside and tell the frogs they are in danger. It is not enough to point out that big noisy scary yellow machine and tell them all they better start swimming. We have to actually go in, get wet, and pluck them out of the muck. If we don't, they are going to get buried by tons of debris.


  14. 3/23/2010

    Zogby poll: 42% of Democrats had a favorable rating of Israel compared to 92% of Republicans resulting in a 50% gap between the parties.

    While the gap is higher in that poll, the finding is consistent with a recent Gallup poll that had 53% of Democrats with a favorable view compared to 80 % of Republicans.
