
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Barcelona Process - Club Med - New Developments - Twittered?

State of the Union - Barcelona Process TWITTERED?

The Barcelona Process is alive and well. It was recently announced that a Jordanian has been chosen to head its current incarnation: "Club Med" a/k/a "Union of the Mediterranean." Ahmed Masade is his name.

One internet development I have up to now resisted has been "twittering." That may now change after learning tonight that EU_Med is using "Twitter" as its favored communication device.

So, I will probably reluctantly use Twitter for more communications as well. I would appreciate all the expert advice you can give me here as to how to eliminate garbage from the twitter page and columns. I evidently opened a page long ago and then did not use it. Evidently others did and have posted distasteful links. A few friends also posted there. I suspect some of my enemies visited as well!

The picture there? Oh, I have identical twin cousins, Jimmy and Johnny Butler. They were born one month to the day after me. I was the first grandchild born on both sides of the family. Less than three years later there were seven on my dad's side and five on my mom's. I decided to take a fun picture from one of my computers equipped with mirror images to create "Kimmy and Connie Butler." My family is still chuckling about the spoof.

So, I will reluctantly utilize TWITTER more while keeping my serious work here on my blogspot. Feel free to use both.

Stay tuned!



  1. Interesting article

    or tinyurl

    Has EU lost its global relevance?

    The prophecy was that 10 kings handed their power over to the beast -- whoever, whatever it is, is certain to be done to lessen humiliation and perhaps equalize themselves with another power.

    My guess is that Dr. Solana (or Dr. Who?) has opportunities lurking -- this is sure to be viewed with dismay in Europe as their chances of being equalized against the USA look minimized.


  2. "Although it was launched one-and-a-half years ago, the Union of the Mediterranean still does not function officially due to unsolved questions regarding its statute and the appointment of a secretary-general."

    I wonder who that will be? Could be a person who has become available in the past few months. Of course they'll need someone with experience dealing with Mediterranean nations...

  3. Constance,

    Did you receive the multiple emails I sent to your gmail?

  4. Dems launch defense to save Reid

    Democrats are preparing to throw the race card back in the laps of Republicans as part of a counterattack designed to help save Harry Reid’s political career.

    First, Reid’s allies plan to distribute the NAACP vote ratings of Republican senators who have scolded him. The data will be made available to editorial boards, cable programs and the blogosphere — including votes on minimum wage, community-oriented policing, education funding and HIV/AIDS programs.

    Separately, the Congressional Black Caucus plans to issue a new statement Monday, defending Reid and brushing back Republicans.

    “Senator Reid’s record provides a stark contrast to actions of Republicans to block legislation that would benefit poor and minority communities — most recently reflected in Republican opposition to the health bill now under consideration,” CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said. “I look forward to Senator Reid continuing to serve as Majority Leader to guide this important agenda through the Senate.”

    These moves to turn the race issue back onto Republicans is risky, yet it shows how Reid and his allies are ready to pull out all the stops to help the majority leader recover from his disastrous comments about Barack Obama being “light-skinned” and having no “Negro dialect.” The comments were revealed in the book “Game Change” by journalists John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.

    “There are some Republicans who are trying to use this for political advantage,” said a source close to the Reid camp. “If Senators [Jon] Kyl, [John] Cornyn and others want to have an open and honest debate about race — and if they want to discuss their records on issues of importance to the African-American community — we welcome that dialogue. But we are not going to stand idly by while hypocritical Republicans take swipes at Senator Reid, distorting his record of achievement and their own record of failure

    What has caught my eye with this story is the racial tone being projected onto the health care bill. Some of this has been happening since the begining of the debate about this bill, but it appears to be ramping up as the bill comes closer to becoming law. In truth though, it appals me to see the democrats trying to spin it this way. Reid makes some "light skinned" "lack of negro dialect" comments about Obama, yet republicans who oppose the health care bill are racist?!? Welcome to bizzaro land, where you'll get along fine so long as you don't question authority, or in any way upset the socialist progress.

  5. Anonymous12:54 PM


    There aren't enough hours in the day to do all that I do now...let alone start twittering, etc.

    I guess I'll just have to continue to remain 'out of the loop'. LOL

  6. THE ECONOMIST has an interesting article regarding Catherine Ashton and the High Representative. They said it and she was "depressing" but that the European Socialists were very happy to control the post.



  7. Anonymous2:05 PM

    CO2 Trade War Hits Midwest

    It's round one in the 2010 fight against global warming and Minnesota has landed the first punch against coal-fired electricity that crosses its borders. The state is seeking to place a tariff on carbon dioxide turned out by coal plants in North Dakota..............

  8. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Ammonia Burgers


    What’s the secret ingredient in hamburgers sold at McDonald’s, Burger King and your children’s school cafeteria, in perhaps most of the hamburgers sold in this country? Ammonia. No, this isn’t the latest import scare from China. For the past few years, burger makers have been saving money by using filler from Beef Products Inc. consisting of fatty meat scraps often more contaminated than regular meat, to which ammonia has been added to kill the pathogens. The scraps had previously been used only in pet food and cooking oil. But E. coli and salmonella have still been found in this filler. You may not have known any of this, but the federal government did. Read Michael Moss’s investigation, just not while you’re eating.

    Eight years ago, federal officials were struggling to remove potentially deadly E. coli from hamburgers when an entrepreneurial company from South Dakota came up with a novel idea: injecting beef with ammonia.

    Officials at the United States Department of Agriculture endorsed the company’s ammonia treatment, and have said it destroys E. coli “to an undetectable level.” They decided it was so effective that in 2007, when the department began routine testing of meat used in hamburger sold to the general public, they exempted Beef Products.

    With the U.S.D.A.’s stamp of approval, the company’s processed beef has become a mainstay in America’s hamburgers. McDonald’s, Burger King and other fast-food giants use it as a component in ground beef, as do grocery chains. The federal school lunch program used an estimated 5.5 million pounds of the processed beef last year alone.

    But government and industry records obtained by The New York Times show that in testing for the school lunch program, E. coli and salmonella pathogens have been found dozens of times in Beef Products meat, challenging claims by the company and the U.S.D.A. about the effectiveness of the treatment. Since 2005, E. coli has been found 3 times and salmonella 48 times, including back-to-back incidents in August in which two 27,000-pound batches were found to be contaminated. The meat was caught before reaching lunch-rooms trays.

    In July, school lunch officials temporarily banned their hamburger makers from using meat from a Beef Products facility in Kansas because of salmonella — the third suspension in three years, records show. Yet the facility remained approved by the U.S.D.A. for other customers.

    Presented by The Times with the school lunch test results, top department officials said they were not aware of what their colleagues in the lunch program had been finding for years.

    In response, the agriculture department said it was revoking Beef Products’ exemption from routine testing and conducting a review of the company’s operations and research. The department said it was also reversing its policy for handling Beef Products during pathogen outbreaks. Since it was seen as pathogen-free, the processed beef was excluded from recalls, even when it was an ingredient in hamburgers found to be contaminated.

    continued at...

  9. Infectious diseases mutating at alarming rate

    The most lethal infectious diseases on the planet are mutating at an alarming rate worldwide. The reason: Overuse and misuse of the drugs that were supposed to save us.

    LANTANA -- It started with a cough, an autumn hack that refused to go away.

    Then came the fevers. They bathed and chilled the skinny frame of Oswaldo Juarez, a 19-year-old Peruvian visiting to study English. His lungs clattered, his chest tightened and he ached with every gasp. During a wheezing fit at 4 a.m., Juarez felt a warm knot rise from his throat. He ran to the bathroom sink and spewed a mouthful of blood.

    ``I'm dying,'' he told himself, ``because when you cough blood, it's something really bad.''

    It was really bad, and not just for him.

    Doctors say Juarez's incessant hack was a sign of what they have both dreaded and expected for years -- this country's first case of a contagious, aggressive, especially drug-resistant form of tuberculosis. The Associated Press learned of his case, which until now has not been made public, as part of a six-month look at the soaring global challenge of drug resistance.

    Juarez's strain -- so-called extremely drug-resistant (XXDR) TB -- has never before been seen in the U.S., according to Dr. David Ashkin, one of the nation's leading experts on tuberculosis. XXDR tuberculosis is so rare that only a handful of other people in the world are thought to have had it.

    ``He is really the future,'' Ashkin said. ``This is the new class that people are not really talking too much about. These are the ones we really fear because I'm not sure how we treat them.''

    Forty years ago, the world thought it had conquered TB and any number of other diseases through the new wonder drugs: Antibiotics. U.S. Surgeon General William H. Stewart announced it was ``time to close the book on infectious diseases and declare the war against pestilence won.''

    Today, all the leading killer infectious diseases on the planet -- TB, malaria and HIV among them -- are mutating at an alarming rate, hitchhiking their way in and out of countries. The reason: Overuse and misuse of the very drugs that were supposed to save us.

    Just as the drugs were a manmade solution to dangerous illness, the problem with them is also manmade. It is fueled worldwide by everything from counterfeit drugmakers to the unintended consequences of giving drugs to the poor without properly monitoring their treatment. Here's what the AP found:

    • In Cambodia, scientists have confirmed the emergence of a new drug-resistant form of malaria, threatening the only treatment left to fight a disease that already kills one million people a year.

    • In Africa, new and harder to treat strains of HIV are being detected in about 5 percent of new patients. HIV drug resistance rates have shot up to as high as 30 percent worldwide.

    • In the U.S., drug-resistant infections killed more than 65,000 people last year -- more than prostate and breast cancer combined. More than 19,000 people died from a staph infection alone that has been eliminated in Norway, where antibiotics are stringently limited.

    ``Drug resistance is starting to be a very big problem. In the past, people stopped worrying about TB and it came roaring back. We need to make sure that doesn't happen again,'' said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who was himself infected with tuberculosis while caring for drug-resistant patients at a New York clinic in the early '90s. ``We are all connected by the air we breathe, and that is why this must be everyone's problem.'

    more at link

  10. Oh I had to laugh at this.

    30 Years of Global Cooling Are Coming, Leading Scientist Says

    From Miami to Maine, Savannah to Seattle, America is caught in an icy grip that one of the U.N.'s top global warming proponents says could mark the beginning of a mini ice age.

    Oranges are freezing and millions of tropical fish are dying in Florida, and it could be just the beginning of a decades-long deep freeze, says Professor Mojib Latif, one of the world's leading climate modelers.

    Latif thinks the cold snap Americans have been suffering through is only the beginning. He says we're in for 30 years of cooler temperatures -- a mini ice age, he calls it, basing his theory on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the world's oceans.

    Latif, a professor at the Leibniz Institute at Germany's Kiel University and an author of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, believes the lengthy cold weather is merely a pause -- a 30-years-long blip -- in the larger cycle of global warming, which postulates that temperatures will rise rapidly over the coming years.

    At a U.N. conference in September, Latif said that changes in ocean currents known as the North Atlantic Oscillation could dominate over manmade global warming for the next few decades. Latif said the fluctuations in these currents could also be responsible for much of the rise in global temperatures seen over the past 30 years.

    Latif is a key member of the UN's climate research arm, which has long promoted the concept of global warming. He told the Daily Mail that "a significant share of the warming we saw from 1980 to 2000 and at earlier periods in the 20th Century was due to these cycles -- perhaps as much as 50 percent."

    According to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado, the warming of the Earth since 1900 is due to natural oceanic cycles, and not man-made greenhouse gases. The agency also reports that Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007.

    Many parts of the world have been suffering through record-setting snowfalls and arctic temperatures. The Midwest saw wind chills as low as 49 degrees below zero last week, while Europe saw snows so heavy that Eurostar train service and air travel were canceled across much of the continent. In Asia, Beijing was hit by its heaviest snowfall in 60 years.

  11. Mitchell: Mideast stagnation endangers US aid

    On eve of visit to region, American special envoy threatens Israel with sanctions if it fails to advance peace talks, two-state solution. Secretary of State Clinton says working to restart negotiations 'without preconditions'

    Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 01.08.10, 19:58 / Israel News

    WASHINGTON – On the eve of his visit to the Middle East, US special envoy George Mitchell threatened that his country would freeze its aid to Israel if the Jewish state failed to advance peace talks with the Palestinians and a two-state solution.

    Mitchell clarified in an interview to the PBS network that the United States would use incentives or sanctions against both sides.

    According to American law, Mitchell said, the US can freeze its support for loan guarantees to Israel. He added that all options must remain open and that the sides must be convinced about what their important interests are.

    The US envoy noted that some progress had been made and that his country would continue its efforts to resume the negotiations.

    The American guarantees allow Israel to raise funds at low interest rates and improve the Jewish state's credit rating. The last time the US threatened to freeze the loan guarantees was during the term of President George Bush Sr. and former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.

    Ahead of Mitchell's visit, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held talks Friday with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh and Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit. Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman is also in Washington.

    Clinton's aim is to recruit Egypt to host a possible meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in which a resumption of direct negotiations will be declared.

    The secretary of state Hillary Clinton said after meeting with her Jordanian counterpart that she was working to restart peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis "without preconditions."

    "We are working with the Israelis, the (Palestinian Authority), and the Arab states to take the steps needed to relaunch the negotiations as soon as possible and without preconditions," she said.

    Clinton and Judeh said that resolving those matters first would eliminate Palestinian concerns about continued construction of Jewish settlements in disputed areas. They said negotiations should begin as soon as possible and be bound by deadlines.

    "Resolving borders resolves settlements, resolving Jerusalem resolves settlements," Clinton said after meeting Judeh at the State Department. "I think we need to lift our sights and instead of being looking down at the trees, we need to look at the forest."


  12. cont.

    Peace efforts in the past have tended to focus on broader issues, including settlements, the fate of Palestinian refugees and water, with even more contentious matters like borders and Jerusalem being left for so-called "final status" talks.

    "If you resolve the question of borders then you automatically resolve not only settlements and Jerusalem but you identify the nature on the ground of the two-state solution and (what) it looks like," Judeh said.

    Both Clinton and Judeh spoke out against new Israeli housing construction in east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as their capital, saying it was damaging to the process.

    'Hunger for a resolution'
    When he travels to the region, Mitchell is expected to be carrying letters of "guarantees" outlining the US position.

    The letters are likely to contain gestures to both sides. For the Palestinians, that would include criticism of settlements and the belief that the borders that existed before the 1967 Arab-Israeli War should be the basis of a future peace deal.

    For the Israelis, they would acknowledge that post-1967 demographic changes on the ground must be taken into account, meaning that Israel would be able to keep some settlements.

    Clinton did not address the letters in her remarks. But she said the administration wanted a resolution that meets both the Palestinian goal of a clearly defined and viable state based on the borders that existed before the 1967 war "with agreed swaps" and the Israeli goal of security within boundaries that "reflect subsequent developments."

    "There is a hunger for a resolution of this matter, a two-state solution that would rebuke the terrorists and the naysayers, that would give the Palestinians a legitimate state for their own aspirations and would give the Israelis the security they deserve to have," she said.

    "This is a year of renewed commitment and increased effort towards what we see as an imperative goal for the region and the world," Clinton said.

    Egypt and Jordan are essential to the peace push as they are Israel's only Arab neighbors to have fully recognized the Jewish state.

  13. Anonymous2:57 PM

    The Talmud Unmasked

    The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians

    Rev. I. B. Pranaitis

    Roman Catholic Priest; Master of Theology and Professor
    of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical
    Academy of the Roman Catholic Church
    in Old St. Petersburg.

    St. Petersburg
    Printing office of the
    Imperial Academy of Sciences

    St. Petersburg,
    April 13, 1892
    Archbishop Metropolitan of Moghileff


    "Let our writings be open to all people. Let them see what out moral code is like! We need not be afraid of this test, for we have a pure heart and a clean spirit. Let the nations investigate the habitations of the children of Israel, and of their own accord convince themselves of what they are really like! They will then exclaim for certain with Balaam, when he went out to curse Israel: 'How beautiful are thy tents O Israel: how beautiful thy homes!'

    "In its attitude towards non-Jews, the Jewish religion is the most tolerant of the the religions in the world... The precepts of the ancient Rabbis, though inimical to Gentiles, cannot be applied in any way to Christians."

    "A whole series of opinions can be quoted from the writings of the highest Rabbinical authorities to prove that these teachers inculcated in their own people a great love and respect for Christians, in order that they might look upon Christians, who believe in the true God, as brothers, and pray for them."

  14. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Talmud gets its name from the word Lamud - taught, and means The Teaching. By metonymy it is taken to mean the book which contains the Teaching, which is called Talmud, that is, the doctrinal book which alone fully expounds and explains all the knowledge and teaching of the Jewish people.

    As to the origin of the Talmud, the Rabbis regard Moses as its first author. They hold that, besides the written law which Moses received from God on Mount Sinai on tables of stone, which is called Torah Schebiktab, he also received interpretations of it, or the oral law, which is called Torah Shebeal Peh. They say that this is the reason why Moses remained so long on the mountain, as God could have given him the written law in one day.

    Moses is said to have transmitted this oral law to Joshua; Joshua in turn to the seventy Elders; the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets to the Great Synagogue. It is held that it was later transmitted successively to certain Rabbis until it was no longer possible to retain it orally.

    Whatever may be said about this story of the Rabbis, it is sufficiently known to us that before the birth of Christ, schools existed in Palestine in which sacred literature was taught. The commentaries of the Doctors of the law were noted down on charts and lists as an aid to memory, and these, when collected together, formed the beginnings of the Jewish Talmud.

    In the second century after Christ, Rabbi Jehuda who, because of the sanctity of his life, was called The Saint, and The Prince, realizing that the learning of the Jews was diminishing, that their oral law was being lost, and that the Jewish people were being dispersed, was the first to consider ways and means of restoring and preserving their oral law. He collected all the lists and charts and from them he made a book which was called the Sepher Mischnaioth, or Mischnah - a Deuterosis, or secondary law. He divided it into six parts, each of which was divided into many chapters. We shall consider these later.

  15. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The Mischnah is the foundation and the principal part of the whole Talmud. This book was accepted by the Jews everywhere and was recognized as their authentic code of law. It was expounded in their Academies in Babylon - at Sura, Iumbaditha and Nehardea - and in their Academies in Palestine - at Tiberias, Iamnia and Lydda.

    As their interpretations increased with the passing of time, the disputations and decisions of the doctors of the law concerning the Mischnah were written down, and these writings constituted another part of the Talmud called the Gemarah.

    These two parts are so disposed throughout the whole Talmud that the Mischnah serves first as a kind of text of the law, and is followed by the Gemarah as an analysis of its various opinions leading to definite decisions.

  16. Anonymous3:04 PM

    All the precepts of the Mischnah, however, were not discussed in the Jewish schools. Those whose use was nullified by the destruction of the Temple, and those whose observation was possible only in the Holy Land were not commented upon. Their explanation was left until the coming of Elias and the Messiah. For this reason some parts of the Mischnah are lacking in the Gemarah.

    In interpreting the Mischnah of Rabbi Jehuda, the schools of Palestine and Babylon followed each their own method, and by thus following their own way gave rise to a twofold Gemarah - the Jerusalem and the Babylonian versions. The author of the Jerusalem version was Rabbi Jochanan, who was head of the synagogue in Jerusalem for eighty years. He wrote thirty-nine chapters of commentaries on the Mischnah which he compiled in the year 230 A.D.

  17. Anon 2:57,

    You do realize National Prayer Network, Truth Tellers, and Ted Pike are subsidiaries of James Dobson's Focus on the Family don't you?

  18. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The Babylonian Gemarah, however, was not compiled by any one person, nor at any one time. Rabbi Aschi began it in 327 A.D and labored over it for sixty years. He was followed by Rabbi Maremar about the year 427 A.D., and it was completed by Rabbi Abina about the year 500 A.D. The Babylonian Gemarah has thirty-six chapters of interpretations.

    This twofold Gemarah, added to the Mischnah, makes also a twofold Talmud: The Jerusalem version, which, on account of its brevity and obscurity, is not much used; and the Babylonian version, which has been held in the highest esteem by Jews of all times.

    The Gemarah is followed by additions called Tosephoth. It was thus that Rabbi Chaia first styled his opinions on the Mischnah which were made by the doctors outside the schools were called Baraietoth, or extraneous opinions.

    These Commentaries were further supplemented by other decisions called Piske Tosephoth, short theses and simple principles.

  19. Anonymous3:09 PM

    For nearly five hundred years after the Babylonian Talmud was completed, the study of literature was greatly hampered partly due to public calamities and partly owing to dissensions among the scholars. But in the eleventh century others wrote further additions to the Talmud. Chief among these were the Tosephoth of Rabbi Ascher.

    Besides these there appeared the Perusch of Rabbi Moische ben Maimon, called by the Jews Rambam for short, by the Christians Maimonides, and by Rabbi Schelomo, Iarchi or Raschi.

    Thus, the Mischna, Gemarah, Tosephoth, the marginal notes of Rabbi Ascher, the Piske Tosephoth and the Perusch Hamischnaioth of Maimonides, all collected into one, constitute a vast work which is called the Talmud.

    * * * * *

  20. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The main parts of the Talmud, which we mentioned above, are six:

    ZERAIM: concerning seeds. It treats of seeds, fruits, herbs, trees; of the public and domestic use of fruits, of different seeds, etc.

    MOED: concerning festivals. It treats of the time when the Sabbath and other festivals are to begin, ended and celebrated.

    NASCHIM: concerning women. It treats of marrying and repudiating wives, their duties, relations, sicknesses, etc.

    NEZIKIN: concerning damages. It treats of damages suffered by men and animals, penalties and compensations.

    KODASCHIM: concerning holiness. It treats of sacrifices and various sacred rites.

    TOHOROTH: concerning purifications. It treats of the soiling and purifying of vessels, bedclothes and other things.

    Each of these six parts, which the Jews call Schishah Sedarim - six orders or ordinances - is divided into books or tracts, called Massiktoth, and the books into chapters, or Perakim.

    ZERAIM. Contains eleven books or Masechtoth.
    1. BERAKTOTH - Benedictions and prayers. Treats of liturgical rules.
    2. PEAH - Corner of a field. Treats of the corners and gleanings of the field...The olives and grapes to be left to the poor.
    3. DEMAI - Doubtful things. Whether or not tithes must be paid on such.
    4. KILAIM - Mixtures. Treats of various mixings of seeds.
    5. SCHEBIITH - the Sevents. Treats of the Sabbatical Year.
    6. TERUMOTH - Offerings and Oblations. The Heave offerings for the priests.
    7. MAASEROTH - the Tithes, to be given to the Levites.
    8. MAASER SCHENI - the Second Tithe.
    9. CHALLAH - the Dough, the portion to be given thereof to the Priests.
    10. ORLAH - the Uncircumcised. Treats about the fruits of a tree during the first three years after its plantings.
    11. BIKKURIM - the First Fruits to be brought to the Temple.

    MOED. Contains twelve Books or Masechtoth.

  21. Anonymous3:11 PM

    1. SCHABBATH - the Sabbath. Treats of kinds of work prohibited on that day.
    2. ERUBHIN - Combinations. Contains precepts about food for the Sabbath eve.
    3. SCHEKALIM - Passover. Treats of the laws relating to the Feast of Passover and the Paschal Lamb.
    4. SCHEKALIM - Shekel. Treats of the size and weight of the shekel.
    5. IOMA - the Day of Atonement. Treats of prescriptions for that Day.
    6. SUKKAH - the Tabernacle. Treats of the laws concerning the feast of Tabernacles.
    7. BETSAH - the Egg of the Day of Feast. Treats of the kind of work prohibited and permitted on the festivals.
    8. ROSCH HASCHANAH - New Year. Treats of the Feast of New Year.
    9. TAANITH - Fasts. Treats of public fasts.
    10. MEGILLAH - the Scroll. Treats of the reading of the Book of Esther. Contains the description of the Feast of Purim.
    11. MOED KATON - Minor Feast. treats of laws relating to the days intervening between the first and last days of Pesach and Succoth.
    12. CHAGIGAH - Comparison of rites on on the three feats of Pesach, Sukkoth and Tabernacles.

  22. Anonymous3:13 PM

    NASCHIM. Contains seven Books or Masechtoth.
    1. JEBBAMOTH - Sisters in Law. Treats of Levirate marriage.
    2. KETHUBOTH - Marriage Deeds. Treats of dower and marriage settlements.
    3. KIDDUSCHIN - Betrothals.
    4. GITTIN - booklet on Divorces.
    5. NEDARIM - Vows. Treats of vows and their annulment.
    6. NAZIR - the Nazarite. Treats of the laws concerning the Nazarites and those who separate themselves from the world and consecrate themselves to God.
    7. SOTAH - the Woman suspected of adultery.

  23. Anonymous3:14 PM

    NEZIKIN. Contains ten Books or Masechtoth.
    1. BABA KAMA - First Gate. Treats of Damages and Injuries and their remedies.
    2. BABA METSIA - Middle Gate. Treats of laws concerning found property, concerning trust, concerning buying and selling, lending, hiring and renting.
    3. BABA BATHRA - Last Gate. Treats of laws concerning real estate and commerce, mostly based on the traditional law. Also concerning hereditary succession.
    4. SANHEDRIN - Courts. Treats of the courts and their proceedings, and the punishment of capital crimes.
    5. MAKKOTH - Stripes. The 40 stripes (minus one) inflicted on criminals.
    6. SCHEBUOTH - Oaths. Treats different kinds of oaths.
    7. EDAIOTH - Testimonies. Contains a collection of traditional laws and decisions gathers from the testimonies of the distinguished teachers.
    8. HORAIOTH- Decisions. Treats of the sentences of Judges and the punishment of transgressors.
    9. ABHODAH ZARAH - Idolatry.
    10. ABHOTH - Fathers. Treats of laws of the fathers. It is called also PIRKE ABHOTH.

    KODASCHIM. Contains eleven Books or Masechtoth.
    1. ZEBBACHIM - Sacrifices. Treats of animal sacrifices and the mode of their offering.
    2. CHULIN - Profane things. Treats of the traditional manner of slaughtering animals for ordinary use.
    3. MENACHOTH - Meat-offerings. Treats of meat-and-drink offerings.
    4. BEKHOROTH - the First Born. Treats of the laws concerning the first born of man and animals.
    5. ERAKHIN - Estimations. Treats of the mode in which persons dedicated to the Lord by a vow are legally appraised in order to be redeemed.
    6. TEMURAH - Exchange. Treats of the laws concerning sanctified things having been exchanged.
    7. MEILAH - Trespass, Sacrilege. Treats of the sins subject to the punishment of excision, and their expiation by sacrifices.
    8. KERITHUTH - Excisions - Treats of the sins subject to the punishment of excision, and their expiation by sacrifices.
    9. TAMID - the Daily Sacrifice- Describes the Temple services connected with the daily morning and evening offerings.
    10. MIDDOTH - Measurements. Describes the measurements and description of the Temple.
    11. KINNIM - the Birds' Nests. Treats of the sacrifices consisting of fowls, the offerings of the poor, etc.

  24. Anonymous3:17 PM

    TOHOROTH. Contains twelve Books or Masechtoth.
    1. KELLIM - Vessels. Treats of the conditions under which domestic utensils, garments, etc. receive ritual cleanness.
    2. OHOLOTH - Tents. Treats of tents and houses, and how polluted and purified.
    3. NEGAIM - Plagues. Treats of the laws relating to Leprosy.
    4. PARAH - the Heifer. Treats of the laws concerning the red heifer and the use of its ashes for the purification of the unclean.
    5. TOHOROTH - Purifications. Treats of some lesser degrees of uncleanness lasting only until sunset.
    6. MIKVAOTH - Wells. Treats of the conditions under which wells and reservoirs are fit to be used for ritual purifications.
    7. NIDDAH - Menstruation. Treats of the legal uncleanness arising from certain conditions in women.
    8. MAKSCHIRIN - Preparations. Treats of liquids that prepare and dispose seeds and fruits to receive ritual uncleanness.
    9. ZABHIM - Concerning nightly pollution and gonorrhea. Treats on the uncleanness arising from such secretions.
    10 TEBHUL IOM - Daily washing.
    11. IADAIM - Hands. Treats of the ritual uncleanness of hands, according to the traditional law, and of their purification.
    12. OKETSIN - Stalks of fruit. Treats of stalks and shells of fruit as conveying ritual uncleanness.

  25. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The complete Talmud contains 63 books in 524 chapters.

    Added to these are four other shorts tracts, which have not been included in the regular Talmud. They have been added by later writers and exponents.

    These four are:
    MASSEKHETH SOPHERIM - the Tract of Scribes. Treats of the mode of writing the books of the law. Has 21 chapters.
    EBHEL RABBETI - a large treatise on Mourning. Has 14 chapters.
    KALLAH - the Bride. On the acquisition of the bride. Has one chapter.
    MASSEKHETH DEREKH ERETS - the Conduct of Lide. Divided into RABBAH - major parts, and ZUTA - the minor parts. Has 16 chapters. At the end is added a special chapter - PEREK SCHALOM - on Peace.

    * * *
    Since the Talmud was such a voluminous and disordered work, there was a need of a compendium which would facilitate its study. To supply this need, therefore, Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob Alphassi, in 1032, published a Shorter Talmud, which he called Halakhoth - Constitutions. He omitted all lengthy discussions and preserved only those parts which had to do with the practical things of life. Since this work, however, had no order to it, it was not considered of great worth.

    The first to issue a well ordered work on Jewish Law was Maimonides, styled the "Eagle of the Synagogue." In 1180 he produced his celebrated work Miscnhah Torah - Repetition of the Law, also called Iad Chazakah - the Strong Hand. It contains four parts or volumes and 14 books and includes the whole Talmud. Maimonides also included much philosophical discussion in this work and attempted to establish many laws of his own. Because of this he was excommunicated by his people and condemned to death. He fled to Egypt where he died in the year 1205.

  26. Anonymous3:18 PM

    In spite of this, the value of his work increased in time, and for a while an expurgated version was held in the highest esteem by the Jews. A drawback to this work is that it contains many laws which were of no value after the destruction of the Temple.

    An edition of the work of Maimonides, expurgated of all his philosophical innovations and of all the old, useless laws, was edited in 1340, in strict accord with the ideas of the Rabbis, by Jacob ben Ascher, to which he gave the name Arbaa Turim - The Four Orders, which are:

    ORACH CHAIIM: The seeds of Life, and treats of the daily life in the home and in the Synagogue.

    IORE DEAH: which teaches knowledge about foods, purifications and other religious laws.

    CHOSCHEN HAMMISCHPAT: private judgments about civil and criminal laws.

    EBHEN HAEZER: The Rock of Help, which treats of the laws of marriage.

    Since Alphasi, Maimonides and Jacob ben Ascher disagreed on many points, which gave rise to different interpretations of the same law, there was great need of a book which would contain short, concise solutions to controversies, and which would supply to the Jewish people a law book worthy of; the name.

  27. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Joseph Karo, a Rabbi of Palestine (born 1488, died 1577), supplied this need by his celebrated; commentary on the Arbaa Turim, which he called Schulchan Arukh - the Prepared Table. Since, however, the customs of oriental Jews differed greatly from those of western Jews, even the Schulchan Arukh, of Joseph Karo did not suffice for Jews everywhere. And for this reason Rabbi Mosche Isserles wrote a commentary on the Schulchan Arukh, entitled Darkhe Mosche, the Way of Moses, which received the same acceptance in the West as the work of Joseph Karo in the East.

    At the present time, the Schulchan Arukh is regarded as the obligatory Law Code of the Jews, and they use it principally in their studies. Many commentaries have been written on each part of this book.

    An important point to note is that this work has always been regarded by the Jews as holy. They have always held it, and still hold it, as more important than the Sacred Scriptures. The Talmud itself shows this very clearly:

    In the tract Babha Metsia, fol. 33a, we read:
    "Those who devote themselves to reading the Bible exercise a certain virtue, but not very much; those who study the Mischnah exercise virtue for which they will receive a reward; those, however, who take upon themselves to study the Gemarah exercise the highest virtue."

    Likewise in the tract Sopherim XV, 7, fol. 13b:
    "The Sacred Scriptures is like water, the Mischnah wine, and the Gemarah aromatic wine.

  28. Anonymous3:20 PM

    The following is a well-known and highly praised opinion in the writings of the Rabbis:
    "My son, give heed to the words of the scribes rather than to the words of the law."

    The reason for this is found in the tract Sanhedrin X, 3, f.88b:
    "He who transgresses the words of the scribes sins more gravely than the transgressors of the words of the law."

    Also when there are differences of opinion between the Law and the doctors, both must be taken as the words of the Lord God.
    In the tract Erubhin, f.13b, where it is related that there was a difference of opinion between the two schools of Hillel and Schamai, it is concluded that:
    "The words of both are the words of the living God."
    In the book Mizbeach, cap. V, we find the following opinion:
    "There is nothing superior to the Holy Talmud."
    Contemporary defenders of the Talmud speak of it almost in the same way.

    What Christians have thought of the Talmud is amply proved by the many edicts and decrees issued about it, by which the supreme rulers in Church and State proscribed it many times and condemned this sacred Secondary Law Code of the Jews to the flames.

    In 553 the Emperor Justinian forbade the spread of the Talmudic books throughout the Roman Empire. In the 13th century "Popes Gregory IX and Innocent IV condemned the books of the Talmud as containing every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian truth, and ordered them to be burned because they spread many horrible heresies."

  29. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Later, they were condemned by many other Roman Pontiffs - Julius III, Paul IV, Pius IV, Pius V, Gregory XIII, Clement VIII, Alexander VII, Benedict XIV, and by others who issued new editions of the Index of Forbidden Books according to the orders of the Fathers of the Council of Trent, and even in our own time.

    At the beginning of the 16th century, when the peace of the Church was disturbed by new religions, the Jews began to distribute the Talmud openly, aided by the art of printing then recently invented. The first printed edition of the whole Talmud, containing all its blasphemies against the Christian religion, was published in Venice in the year 1520. And almost all Jewish books published in that century, which was favorable to them, are complete and genuine.

    Towards the end of the 16th century and at the beginning of the 17th, when many famous men undertook diligently to study the Talmud, the Jews, fearing for themselves, began to expunge parts of the Talmud which was published at Basle in 1578 has been mutilated in many places.

    And at Synod in Poland, in the year 1631, the Rabbis of Germany and many other countries declared that nothing which would annoy the Christians and cause persecution of Israel, should be printed. For this reason there are signs of many things missing in the Jewish books which were published in the following century and thereafter. The Rabbis explain from memory what these things mean, for they possess the genuine books which Christians rarely see.

    However, Jewish books were published later with very few mutilations in Holland - where the Jews who were expelled from Spain were kindly received. The Talmud published there in 1644 - 1648 is almost similar to the Venetian edition.

    The latest device invented to deceive the censors was to insert the word haiah (was) with the genuine text, as if to indicate that the matter in question once had its place there. But by so doing they only cleanse the outside of the cup. For in many places they do show what they mean, by the words gam attah, "even now," viz. "this law obliges"; and aphilu bazzeman hazzeh, "even to this day" viz. "this law holds," and such like.

  30. Anonymous3:24 PM

    We must add a few remarks about that other very well known book of the Jews, called the ZOHAR.

    According to some Rabbis, Moses, after he had been instructed in the interpretation of the law on Mount Sinai, did not pass this information to Joshua nor he to the Elders, but to Aaron, Aaron to Eleazer, and so on until the oral teachings had been put into book form called the ZOHAR, so called from the name ZEHAR, meaning to shine forth. For it is an illustration of the books of Moses, a commentary on the Pentateuch.

    The author is said to have been R. Schimeon ben Jochai, a disciple of R. Akibha who, fifty years after the destruction of the Temple, ended his life as a martyr about the year 120 A.D. in Hadrian's war against the Jews. Since, however, names of men appear in this book who lived many centuries after the year indicated, and since neither Rambam (R. Mosche ben Nachman), nor R. Ascher, who died about the year 1248 A.D., make no mention of it, it is more likely that those are nearer the truth who say that the book of Zohar first saw the light about the 13th century. Especially is this considered likely since about this time a book was produced which is similar in argument and style to the Chaldaic type of writing.

    It consists of three volumes in large octavo.

  31. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Many other works have been published by the Jewish teachers which are used in the study of Jewish law, and which are held in high esteem since they explain many obscure passages in the Talmud. Some of them are cited in this book, and are as follows:

    BIAR - Declaration, elucidation, Commentary on another Commentary. These declarations differ from one another.

    HALAKOTH - usually written HILKHOTH - Decisions or Dissertations. Separate books of Holy Scriptures and of the Talmud by different Rabbis: Maimonides, Beshai, Edels, Moses of Kotzen, Kimchi and others. In most cases citations are given from HILKOTH AKUM by Maimonides. These contain dissertations on stars and planets and the status of nations. There is another - HILKOTH MAAKHALOTH ASAVOROTH - dissertation about forbidden foods.

    IUCHASIN or SEPHER IUCHASIN - dissertations on lineage. Treats of Sacred and Jewish history from the beginning of the world until 1500. Printed at Cracow, 1580.

    JALKUT - a collected commentary from various ancient books. Supposed to have not a literal but allegorical meaning. Author: Rabbi Shimeon of Frankfurt.

    KED HAKKEMACH - Barrel of flour. Contains places of theological communities in alphabetical order. Author: Rabbi Bechai of Lublin.

    MAGEN ABRAHAM - Shield of Abraham. Author: Perizola.

  32. Anonymous3:28 PM

    MIZBEACH HAZZAHABH - the Golden Altar. A Cabalistic book. Author: R. Schelomon ben Rabbi Mordechai. Printed at Basle, in 1602.

    MACHZOR - a Cycle. Book of Prayers used on great festivals.

    MENORATH HAMMAOR - Candlestick of light. A Talmudic book. Contains Aggadoth and Medraschim. i.e., allegorical and historical comments on the entire Talmud. Author: Rabbi Isaac Abhuhabh. Printed in 1544.

    MAIENE HAIESCHUAH - Fountains of the Savior. An exquisite Commentary on Daniel by Rabbi Isaac Abarbanel. There are numerous disputations against Christians. Printed in 1551.

    MIKRA GEDOLAH - the Great Convocation. A Hebrew Bible with commentaries by R. Salomon Iarchi and R. Ezra.

    MASCHMIA IESCHUAH - The Preacher of Salvation. Explanations on all the Prophets. On future redemption. Author: R. Abarbanel.

    NIZZACHON - Victory. Attacks on Christians and on the Four Gospels. Author: Rabbi Lipman. Printed in 1559.

    SEPHER IKKARIM - Book on fundamentals or articles of faith. It contains one very bitter attack against the Christian faith.

  33. Anonymous3:28 PM

    From CBN...

    Sarah Palin is heading to Fox News.

    What? You think Palin and Rachel Maddow were going to co-hos a show together? The Fox News gig looks like a match made in Heaven.

    Read below from the New York Times:

    Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.

    The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

    Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.”

    Many suspected that when Ms. Palin retired as the governor of Alaska last summer she was doing so to pursue some sort of career in television. The Fox News deal, however, would not seem to be all encompassing, and would appear to give her room for other pursuits, as well.

    The deal could be formally announced as early as this afternoon. Robert Barnett, Ms. Palin’s attorney, did not respond to a call for comment.

    Posted on Monday, January 11, 2010 1:32 PM

  34. Anonymous3:29 PM

    EN ISRAEL - the Eye of Israel. A celebrated book. Has a second part - BETH JAKOBH - the House of Jacob. Embraces the most delightful Talmudic histories. Printed in Venice, in 1547.

    SCHAARE ORAH - the Gates of Light. A most celebrated Cabalistic book. Author: Ben Joseph Gekatilia.

    SCHEPHAA TAL - Abundance of Dew. A Cabalistic book. A key to the book of Zohar and other similar books. Author: Rabbi Schephtel Horwitz of Prague.

    TOLDOTH IESCHU - the Generations of Jesus. A little pamphlet full of blasphemies and maledictions. Contains the history of Christ. Full of false and deceiving manifestations.

    In preparing this booklet I have used the following source material:

    The TALMUD. Edition of Amsterdam, 1644-48, in 14 volumes.

    SCHULKHAN ARUKH, by Rabbi Joseph Karo. Edition of Venice, 1594. Without commentaries.

    IORE DEAH. Numerous quotations. Edition of Krakow.

    ZOHAR. Edition of Amsterdam, 1805. 3 volumes.

    MIKRA GEDOLAH. Edition of Amsterdam, 1792, 12 volumes, edition of Basle, 1620, 2 volumes, edition of Venice.

    HILKHOTH AKUM, of R. Maimonides, edition by Vossius, 1675

  35. Anonymous3:30 PM

    As auxillary works I have used:

    JOANNES BUXDORFIUS. a Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum, Base, 1640. b. De Abreviaturis Hebraicis; Operis Talmudis Recensio; Biblicothea Rabbinica. Basle, 1712. c. Synagoga Judaica. Basle, 1712.

    JOH. CHRISTOPHORI WAGENSEILII, Sota. Aldtorfi Noricum, 1674.

    GEORGII ELIEZ EDZARDI: Tractatus talmudici "AVODA SARA." Hamburg, 1705.

    JACOBI ECKER: "Der Judenspiegel im Lichte der Wahrheit," (The Jewish Mirror in the Light of Truth). Paderborn, 1884.

    AUGUST ROHLING: Die Polemik und das Manschenopfer des Rabbinismus. (The Polemics and Human Sacrifice of Rabbinism). Paderborn, 1883.

    I have only used the works of those who are held in the highest esteem by the Jews themselves, and to whom the Jews appeal when disputing with Christians, by quoting impartially the opinions of these learned men. Their great dilligence in quoting from the texts of books which I was able to examine, has been a proof to me that I used the same diligence even in quoting from less known sources to which they have much greater access than I.

  36. Anonymous3:32 PM


    First we shall see what the Talmud teaches
    about Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity;
    and secondly, about his followers, the Christians.


    Many passages in the Talmudic books treat of the birth, life, death, and teachings of Jesus Christ. He is not always referred to by the same name, however, but is diversely called " That Man," "A Certain One," "The Carpenter's Son," "The One Who Was Hanged," etc.

    Article I. - Concerning the Names of Jesus Christ
    1. The real name of Christ in Hebrew is Jeschua Hanotsri - Jesus the Nazarene. He is called Notsri from the city of Nazareth in which he was brought up. Thus in the Talmud Christians also are called Notsrim - Nazarenes.
    Since the word Jeschua means "Savior," the name Jesus rarely occurs in the Jewish books. It is almost always abbreviated to Jeschu, which is maliciously taken as if it were composed of the initial letters of the three words Immach Schemo Vezikro - "May his name and memory be blotted out."

    2. In the Talmud Christ is called Otho Isch - "That man," i.e. the one who is known to all. In the tract Abhodah Zarah, 6a, we read: "He is called a Christian who follows the false teachings of that man, who taught them to celebrate the feast on the first day of the Sabbath, that is, to worship on the first day after the Sabbath"

    3. Elsewhere he is simply called Peloni - "A Certain One." In Chagigah, 4b, we read:
    "Mary...the mother of a certain one, of whom it is related in Schabbath..." (104b)
    That this Mary is none other than the mother of Jesus will be shown later.

    4. Out of contempt, Jesus is also called Naggar bar naggar - "the carpenter son of a carpenter", also Ben charsch etaim - "the son of a wood worker."

    5. He is also called Talui - "The one who was hanged." Rabbi Samuel, the son of Mair, in the Hilch. Akum of Maimonides, refers to the fact that it was forbidden to take part in the Christian feats of Christmas and Easter because they were celebrated on account of him who was hanged. And Rabbi Aben Ezra, in a commentary on Genes. also calls him Talui, whose image the Emperor Constantine reproduced on his banner. " the days of Constantine, who made a change of religion and placed the figure of the one who was hanged on his banner."

  37. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Article II. - The Life of Christ
    The Talmud teaches that Jesus Christ was illegitimate and was conceived during menstruation; that he had the soul of Esau; that he was a fool, a conjurer, a seducer; that he was crucified, buried in hell and set up as an idol ever since by his followers.

    The following is narrated in the Tract Kallah, 1b:
    "Once when the Elders were seated at the Gate, two young men passed by, one of whom had his covered, the other with his head bare. Rabbi Eliezer remarked that the one in his bare head was illegitimate, a mamzer. Rabbi Jehoschua said that he was conceived during menstruation, ben niddah. Rabbi Akibah, however, said that he was both. Whereupon the others asked Rabbi Akibah why he dared to contradict his colleagues. He answered that he could prove what he said. He went therefore to the boy's mother whom he saw sitting in the market place selling vegetables and said to her: "My daughter, if you will answer truthfully what I am going to ask you, I promise that you will be saved in the next life." She demanded that he would swear to keep his promise, and Rabbi Akibah did so - but with his lips only, for in his heart he invalidated his oath. Then he said: "Tell me, what kind of son is this of yours"? To which she replied: "The day I was married I was having menstruation, and because of this my husband left me. But an evil spirit came and slept with me and from this intercourse my son was born to me." Thus it was proved that this young man was not only illegitimate but also conceived during the menstruation of his mother. And when his questioners heard this they declared: "Great indeed was Rabbi Akibah when he corrected his Elders"! And they exclaimed: "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who revealed his secret to Rabbi Akibah the son of Joseph"!
    That the Jews understand this story to refer to Jesus and his mother, Mary, is clearly demonstrated in their book Toldath Jeschu - "The Generations of Jesus" - where the birth of our Savior is narrated in almost the same words.

  38. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Another story of this kind is narrated in Sanhedrin, 67a:
    "Of all who are guilty of death by the Law, he alone is caught by a ruse. How is it done? They light a candle in an inner room and place witnesses in an adjoining room outside where they can see him and hear his voice, but where they cannot be seen by him. Then the one whom he tried to seduce says to him "Please repeat here privately what you told me before." If the seducer repeats what he said, the others ask him " But how shall we leave our God who is in heaven and serve idols?" If the seducer repents, then all is well.But if he says "This is our duty and it is right for us to do so," then the witnesses outside, who have heard him, bring him before the judge and stone him to death. This is what they did to the son of Stadi in Lud, and they hanged him on the eve of the Passover. Forthis son of Stada was the son of Pandira. For Rabbi Chasda tells us that Pandira was the husband of Stada, his mother, and he lived during the time Paphus the son of Jehuda. But his mother was stada, Mary of Magdala (a ladies' hairdresser) who, as it is said in Pumbadita, deserted her husband."
    The meaning of this is that his Mary was called Stada, that is, a prostitute, because, according to what was taught at Pumbadita, she left her husband and commited adultery. This is also recorded in the Jerusalem Talmud and by Maimonides.

  39. Anonymous3:41 PM

    That the mention here is of Mary, the mother of Jesus, is verified in the Tract Chagigah, 4b:
    "When Rabbi Bibhai was visited once by the Death Angel (the devil), the latter said to his assistant: "Go and bring to me Mary the hairdresser" (that is, kill her). He went and brought Mary the children's hairdresser - in place of the other Mary."
    A marginal note explains this passage as follows:
    "This story of Mary the Ladies' hairdresser happened under the Second Temple. She was the mother of Peloni, "that man," as he is called in the tract Schabbath."
    In Schabbath the passage referred to says:
    "Rabbi Elizer said to the Elders: "Did not the son Stada practice Egyptian magic by cutting it into his flesh?" They replied: "He was a fool, and we do not pay attention to what fools do. The son of Stada, Pandra's son, etc." as above in Sanhedrin, 67a.
    This magic of the son of Stada is explained as follows in the book Beth Jacobh, fol. 127 a:
    "The Magi, before they left Egypt, took special care not to put their magic in writing lest other peoples might come to learn it But he devised a new way by which he inscribed it on his skin, or made cuts in his skin and inserted it there and which, when the wounds healed up, did not show what they meant."

  40. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Buxtorf says:
    "There is little doubt who this Ben Stada was, or who the Jews understood him to be. Although the Rabbis in their additions to the Talmud try to hide their malice and say that it is not Jesus Christ, their deceit is plainly evident, and many things prove that they wrote and understood all these things about him. In the first place, they also call him the son of Pandira. Jesus the Nazarene is thus called in other passages of the Talmud where express mention is made of Jesus the son of Pandira. St. John Damascene also, in his Genealogy of Christ, mentions Panthera and the Son of Panthera.
    "Secondly, this Stada is said to be Mary, and this Mary the mother of Peloni "that certain one," by which without doubt Jesus is meant. For in this way they were accustomed to cover up his name because they were afraid to mention it. If we had copies of the original manuscripts they would certainly prove this. And this also was the name of the mother of Jesus the Nazarene.
    "Thirdly, he is called the Seducer of the People. The Gospels testify that Jesus was called this by the Jews, and their writings to this day are proof that they still call him by this name.
    "Fourthly, he is called "the one who was hanged," which clearly refers to the crucifixion of Christ, especially since a reference to the time "on the eve of the Passover" is added, which coincides with the time of the crucifixion of Jesus. In Sanhedrin they wrote as follows: "On the eve of the Passover they hanged Jesus"
    "Fifthly, as to what the Jerusalem Talmud says about the two disciples of the Elders who were sent as witnesses to spy on him, and who were afterwards brought forward as witnesses against him: This refers to the two "false witnesses" of whom the Evangelists Matthew and Luke make mention.
    "Sixthly, concerning what they say about the son of Stada that he practiced Egyptian magical arts by cutting into his flesh: the same accusation is made against Christ in their hostile book Toldoth Jeschu.

  41. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "Lastly, the time corresponds. For it is said that this son of Stada lived in the days of Paphus the son of Jehuda, who was a contemporary of Rabbi Akibah. Akibah, however, lived at the time of the Ascension of Christ, and for some time after. Mary is also said to have lived under the Second Temple. All this clearly proves that they secretly and blasphemously understand this son of Stada to be Jesus Christ the son of Mary.
    "Other circumstances may seem to contradict this. But that is nothing new in Jewish writings and is done on purpose so that Christians may not easily detect their trickery."

    2. Furthermore, "In the secret books, which are not permitted to fall easily into the hands of Christians, they say that the soul of Esau came into Christ, that he was therefore evil and that he was Esau himself."

    3. By some he is called a FOOL and INSANE
    In Schabbath, 104b:
    "They, [the Elders] said to him [Eliezer]: "He was a fool, and no one pays attention to fools."

    In the infamous book Toldoth Jeschu, our Savior is blasphemed as follows:
    "And Jesus said: Did not Isaiah and David, my ancestors, prophesy about me? The Lord said to me, thou art my son, today I have begotten thee, etc. Likewise in another place: The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand. Now I ascend to my father who is in heaven and will sit at his right hand, which you will see with your own eyes. But you, Judas, will never reach that high. Then Jesus pronounced the great name of God (IHVH) and continued to do so until a wind came and took him up between earth and sky. Judas also pronounced the name of God and he likewise was taken up by the wind. In this way they both floated around in the air to the amazement of the onlookers. Then Judas, again pronouncing the Divine Nane, took hold of Jesus and pushed him down to earth. But Jesus tried to do the same to Judas and thus they fought together. And when Judas saw he could not win out over the works of Jesushe pissed on Jesus, and both thus being unclean they fell to earth; nor could they use the Divine name again until they had washed themselves."
    Whether those who believe such devilish lies deserve greater hatred or pity, I cannot say.
    In another place in the same book it is related that in the house of the Sanctuary there was a stone which the Patriarch Jacob anointed with oil. On this stone were carved the tetragrammatic letters of the Name (IHVH), and if anyone could learn from them he could destroy the world. They therefore decreed that no one must learn them, and they placed two dogs upon two iron columns before the Sanctuary so that if anyone should learn them the dogs would bark at him coming out and he would forget the letters through fear. Then it is related: "Jesus came and entered, learned the letters and wrote them down on parchment. Then he cut into the flesh of his thigh and inserted them there, and having pronounced the name, the wound healed."

  42. Anonymous3:45 PM

    In the Tract Sanhedrin (103a) the words of Psalm XCI, 10: "No plague shall come near thy dwelling," are explained as follows:
    "That thou mayest never have a son or a disciple who will salt his food so much that he destroys his taste in public, like Jesus the Nazarene."
    To salt one's food too much or to destroy one's taste, is proverbially said of one who corrupts his morals or dishonors himself, or who falls into heresy and idolatry and openly preaches it to others.

    6. SEDUCER
    In the same book Sanhedrin (107b) we read:
    "Mar said: Jesus seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel."

    Finally as punishment for his crimes and impiety, he suffered an ignominious death by being hanged on a cross on the eve of the Passover (as we have seen above).

    The book Zohar, III, (282), tells us that Jesus died like a beast and was buried in that "dirt heap...where they throw the dead bodies of dogs and asses, and where the sons of Esau [the Christians] and of Ismael [the Turks], also Jesus and Mahommed, uncircumcized and unclean like dead dogs, are buried."

  43. Anonymous3:46 PM

    George El. Edzard, in his book Avoda Sara, quotes the following words of the commentator on the Hilkoth Akum (V,3) of Maimonides:
    "In many passages of the Talmud mention is made of Jesus the Nazarene and of his disciples, and that the Gentiles believe that there is no other God besides him. In the book Chizzuk Emunah, part I, ch. 36, we read: "The Christians build up an argument from this [Zachary XII, 10] and say: Behold how thew Prophet testified that in future ages the Jews would would lament and weep because they crucified and killed the Messiah who was sent to them; and to prove that he meant Jesus the Nazarene, possessing both the divine and human nature, they quote the words: And they looked upon him whom they transfixed and they wept over him as a mother over her first born child.""
    Maimonides attempts to prove how much Christians err in worshipping Jesus in his book Hilkoth Melakhim (IX, 4):
    "If all the things he did had prospered, if he had rebuilt the Sanctuary in its place, and had gathered together the dispersed tribes of Israel, then he would certainly be the Messiah....But if so far hew has not done so and if he was killed, then it is clear he was not the Messiah whom the Law tells us to expect. He was similar to all the good and upright rulers of the House of David who died, and whom the Holy and Blessed Lord raised up for no other reason but to prove to many, as it is said (in Dan. XI, 35): And some of them who understand shall fall, to try and to purge them and to make them white, even till the end of time, because the appointed time is not yet. Daniel also prophesised about Jesus the Nazarene who thought he was the Christ, and who was put to death by the judgment of the Senate: (Dan. V.14): ...and the robbers of thy people shall exalt
    themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fail. What could be plainer? For all the Prophets said that the Christ would set Israel free, would bring it salvation, restore its dispersed peoples and confirm their laws. But he was the cause of the destruction of Israel and caused the rest of them to be dispersed and humiliated, so that the Law was changed and the greater part of the world was seduced to worship another God. Truly no one can understand the designs of the Creator, nor are his ways our ways. For all that has been built up by Jesus the Nazarene, and by the Turks who came after him, tend only to prepare the way for the coming of Christ the King, and to prepare the whole world equally for the service of the Lord, as it is said: For then I shall give a clean moth to all peoples that all may call upon the name of the Lord, and bow down in unison before him. How is this being accomplished? Already the whole world is filled with the praise of Christ, the Law and the Commandments, and his praises have spread to far distant lands and to peoples whose hearts and bodies are uncircumcized. These discuss with one another about the Law that was destroyed - some saying that the commandments were once true, but have ceased to exist; others that there is a great mystery about it, that the Messiah-King has come and that their doctrine has revealed it. But when the Christ truly comes and is successful, and is raised up and exalted, then everything will be changed and these things will be shown to be false and vain."

  44. Anonymous3:47 PM

    10. AN IDOL
    In the Tract Abhodah Zarah, (21a Toseph), we read:
    "It is of importance to inquire the reasons why men nowadays even sell and rent their houses to Gentiles. Some say this is legal because it is said in Tosephta: No one shall rent his house to a gentile either here [in the land of Israel] or elsewhere because it is known that he will bring an idol into it. It is nevertheless allowed to rent them stables, barns and lodging houses, even though it is known that they will bring idols into them. The reason is because a distinction can be made between a place into which an idol will be carried in order to leave it there permanently, and a place where it will not be left permanently, in which case it is allowed. And since the gentiles, among whom we now live, do not bring their idol into their homes to leave it there permanently, but only for a time - while someone is dead in the house or when someone is dying, nor do they even perform any religious rites there - it is therefore permitted to sell and rent them houses."
    Rabbi Ascher, in his Commentary on Abhodah Zarah (83d) speaks not less clearly on this matter: "Today it is permitted to rent houses to Gentiles because they bring their idol into them only for a time, when somebody is sick." And in the same place he says "Today they have a practice of incensing their idol.""
    All this, and much more like it, proves beyond a doubt that when the Rabbis speak of the idols of the Gentiles among whom they lived at that time, when no idols were worshipped, they clearly meant the Christian "idol," namely, the image of Christ on the crucifix and the Holy Communion.

  45. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Note About The Cross
    In Jewish writings there is no directly corresponding word for the Christian Cross. The cross T on which those condemned to death were crucified, was called Tau by the Phoenicians and the Hebrews, and this name and sign for it was afterwards taken over into the alphabet of the Jews and of the Greeks and the Romans. The Cross honored by the Christians, however, is called by the following names:
    1. Tsurath Haattalui - the image who was hanged.
    2. Elil - vanity, idol.
    3. Tselem - image. Hence the Crusaders in Jewish books are called Tsalmerim (ein Tsalmer)
    4. Scheti Veerebh - warp and woof, which is taken from the textile art.
    5. Kokhabh - star; on account of the four rays emanating from it.
    6. Pesila - a sculpture, a carven idol.
    But whenever it is mentioned it is always in the sense of an idol or of something despicable, as can be seen from the following quotations:
    In Orach Chaiim, 113,8:
    "If a Jew when praying should meet a Christian [Akum] carrying a star [a crucifix] in his hand, even if he has come to a place in his prayer where it is necessary to bow down to worship God in his heart, he must not to so lest he should seem to bow down before an image."
    In Iore Dea, 150,2:
    "Even if a Jew should get a splinter in his foot in front of an idol, or if he should drop his money before it, he must not stoop down to remove the splinter or to gather his money lest he should seem to adore it. But he should either sit down or turn his back or his side to the idol and then remove the splinter."
    But whenever it is not possible for a Jew to turn away like this, the following rule must be observed (in Iore Dea, 3, Hagah):
    "It is not permitted to bow down or to remove one's hat before princes or priests who wear a cross on their dress, as is their custom. Care must be taken, however, not to be noticed in failing to do so. For instance, one can throw some coins on the ground and stoop down to pick them up before they pass by. In this way it is permitted to bow down or to remove one's hat before them." A distinction is also made between a cross which is venerated and a cross which is worn around the neck as a souvenir or as an ornament. The former is to be regarded as an idol, but not necessarily the latter. In Iore Dea, 141, 1, Hagah, it says:
    "The image of a cross, before which they bow down, is to be treated as an idol, and it is not to be used until it is destroyed. However, a 'warp and woof' if hung around the neck as a souvenir is not to be regarded as an idol and can be used."
    The sign of the cross made with the hand, by which Christians are wont to bless themselves, is called in Jewish "the moving of the fingers here and there" (hinc et hinc).

  46. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Article III. - The Teachings of Christ
    The Seducer and Idolator could teach nothing but falsehood and heresy which was irrational and impossible to observe.

    In Abhodah Zarah (6a) it says:
    "A Nazarene is one who follows the false teachings of that man who taught them to worship on the first day of the Sabbath."

    2. HERESY
    In the same book Abohah Zar. (Ch.I, 17a Toseph) mention is made of the heresy of James. A little further on (27b) we learn that this James was none other than the disciple of Jesus:
    "...James Sekhanites, one of the disciples of Jesus, of whom we spoke in chapter 1."
    But James taught, not his own doctrine, but that of Jesus.

    The author of Nizzachon argues as follows on this point:
    "A written law of the Christians is: If a Jew strike you on one cheek, turn the other also to him and do not in any way return the blow.And ch. VI, v. 27 says: Love your enemies; do good to them who hate you; bless them who curse you and pray for those who do you harm; unto him who strikes you on one cheek offer him the other. To him who takes away thy cloak do not forbid him to take thy coat also, etc. The same is found in Matthew ch. V, v.39. But I have never seen any Christian keep this law, nor did Jesus himself behave as he taught others to do. For we find in John ch XVIII, v22, that when someone struck him on the face, he did not turn the other cheek, but became angry on account of this one stroke and asked "Why do you strike me"? Likewise in the Acts of the Apostles, ch.XXIII, v. 3, we read: that when the High Priest ordered them that stood by to strike him on the mouth, Paul did not turn the other cheek; he cursed him saying "God shall smite thee thou whited wall, etc." This is contrary to their beliefs and destroys the foundation upon which their religion rests, for they boast that the law of Jesus is easy to observe. If Paul himself, who may be called the Dispenser of Jesus, could not preserve the precept of Jesus, who among the others who believe in him can prove to me that he can do so?"
    The author, however, who had the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles under his hand, could not have failed to understand in what sense Christ commanded his followers to turn the other cheek to him who would strike them, since in another place he commanded his followers to cut off a hand or an arm, and to pluck out an eye if these should scandalize them. No one who has had the least acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures ever thought that these commands should be taken literally. Only deep malice and ignorance of the times in which Jesus lived can explain why the Jews, even to this day, use these passages to detract from the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  47. Anonymous3:51 PM

    There are three things to be considered in this chapter:

    1. The names by which Christians are called in the Talmud.
    2. What kind of people the Talmud pictures Christians to be.
    3. What the Talmud says about the religious worship of the Christians.

    Article I. - The Names Given to Christians in the Talmud
    As in our languages Christians take their name from Christ, so in the language of the Talmud Christians are called Notsrim, from Jesus the Nazarene. But Christians are also called by the names used in the Talmud to designate all non-Jews: Abhodah Zarah, Akum, Obhde Elilim, Minim, Nokhrim, Edom, Amme Haarets, Goim, Apikorosim, Kuthrim.

    1. Abhodah Zarah - Strange worship, idolatry. The Talmudic Tract on Idolatry is thus entitled: Obhde Abhodah Zarah - Idol Worshippers. That Abhodah Zarah really means the cult of idols is clear from the Talmud itself: "Let Nimrod come and testify that Abraham was not a server of Abhodah Zarah ." But in these days of Abraham there existed no strange cult either of the Turks or the Nazarenes, but only the worship of the true God and idolatry. In Schabbath (ibid. 82a), it says:
    "Rabbi Akibah says: How do we know that Abhodah Zarah, like an unclean woman, contaminates those who subscribe to it? Because Isaiah says: Thou shalt cast them away like a menstruation cloth; and shalt say unto it, Get thee hence."
    In the first part of this verse mention is made of idols made from gold and silver.
    The learned Maimonides also clearly demonstrates that the Jews regarded Christians as Abhodah Zarah. In Perusch (78c) he says: "And be it known that Christian people who follow Jesus, although their teachings vary, are all worshippers of idols (Abhodah Zarah)."

    2. Akum - This word is made up of the initial letters of the words Obhde Kokhabkim U Mazzaloth - worshippers of stars and planets. It was thus that the Jews formerly styled the Gentiles who lacked all knowledge of the true God. Now, however, the word Akum in Jewish books, especially in the Schulkhan Arukh, is applied to Christians. This is evident from numerous passages:
    In the Orach Chaiim (113,8) those who use a cross are called Akum. In the Iore Dea (148, 5, 12), those who celebrate the feasts of Christmas and New Year, eight days afterwards, are called worshippers of the stars and planets:
    "Thus if a gift is sent to the Akum, even in these times, on the eighth day after Christmas, which they call the New Year," etc.

    3. Obhde Elilim - Servers of idols. This name has the same meaning as Akum. Non-Jews are frequently called by this name. In the Orach Chaiim, for example (215, 5), it says:
    "A blessing should not be pronounced over incense which belongs to the servers of idols."
    But at the same time when the Schulkhan Arukh was written there were no worshippers of the stars and planets (Akum); there were no 'servers of idols' among those who lived with the Jews. Thus, for example, the author of the Commentary on the Schulkhan Arukh (entitled Magen Abraham), Rabbi Calissensis who died in Poland in 1775, in note 8, on No. 244 of the Orach Chaiim (where it is allowed to finish a work on the Sabbath with the help of an Akum) says: "Here in our city the question is raised about the price of hiring worshippers of the stars and planets who sweep the public streets when they work on the Sabbath."

  48. Anonymous3:53 PM

    4. Minim - Heretics. In the Talmud those who possess books called the Gospels are heretics. Thus in Schabbath (116a) it says:
    "Rabbi Meir calls the books of the Minim Aven Gilaion [iniquitous volumes] because they call them Gospels."

    5. Edom - Edomites. Rabbi Aben Ezra, when he speaks about the Emperor Constantine who changed his religion and placed the image of him who was hanged on his banner, adds: "Rome therefore is called the Kingdom of the Edomites."
    And Rabbi Bechai, in his Kad Hakkemach (fol. 20a, on Isaiah, ch. LXVI, 17) writes:
    "They are called Edomites who move their fingers 'here and there'" (who make the sign of the cross).
    Likewise Rabbi Bechai, commenting on the words of Isaiah (loc. cit.), "those who eat the flesh of swine" adds: "These are the Edomites." Rabbi Kimchi, however, calls them "Christians." And Rabbi Abarbinel, in his work Maschima Ieschua (36d) says: "The Nazarenes are Romans, the sons of Edom."

    6. Goi - Race, or people. The Jews also call a man a Goi - a gentile; they call a gentile woman a Goiah. Sometimes, but very rarely, Israelites are called by this name. It is mostly applied to non-Jews, or idolators. In Jewish books which treat of Idolatry, worshippers of idols are often called by this single word Goi. For this reason, in more recent editions of the Talmud the use of the word Goi is purposely avoided and other words for non-Jews are substituted.
    It is well known that in the Jewish language, the Jews call Christians among whom they live, Goim. Nor do the Jews deny this. Sometimes in their popular magazines they say that this word means nothing harmful or evil. But the contrary can be seen in their books written in the Hebrew language. For instance, in Choschen Hammischpat (34, 22), the name Goi is used in a depraved sense:
    "Traitors and Epicureans and Apostates are worse than Goim"

  49. Anonymous3:55 PM

    7. Nokhtrim - strangers, foreigners. This name is used for all who are not Jews, and therefor for Christians.

    8. Amme Haarets - People of the earth, idiots. There are some who say that people of other races are not meant by this, but only crude and uneducated people. There are passages, however, which leave no doubt about the matter. In the Holy Scripture, Book of Esra, ch. X, 2, we read: We have sinned against our God, and have taken strange wives [nokhrioth] of the people of the earth. That people of the earth denotes idolators is clear from Zohar, I, 25a: "The People of the earth - Obhde Abhodah Zarah, idolaters.

    9. Basar Vedam - Flesh and blood; carnal men who are destined to perdition and who can have no communion with God. That Christians are flesh and blood, is proved from the prayer book:
    "Whoever meets a wise and educated Christian can say: Blessed art thou O Lord, King of the Universe, who dispenseth of thy wisdom to Flesh and Blood," etc.
    Likewise in another prayer, in which they ask God soon to restore the kingdom of David and to send Elias and the Messia, etc., they aak him to take away their poverty so that they will have no need to accept gifts from "flesh and blood," nor to trade with them, nor to seek wages from them.

    10. Apikorosim - Epicureans. All are called by this name who do not observe God's precepts, as well as all those, even Jews themselves, who express private judgments in matters of faith. How much more, therefore, Christians!

  50. Anonymous3:58 PM

    11. Kuthim - Samaritans. But since there are no longer any Samaritans, and since there are many references in recent Jewish books to Samaritans, who can doubt that this does not mean the Christians?
    Furthermore, in this matter of naming those who are not Jews, it is to be particularly noted that Jewish writings apply these names indiscriminately and promiscuously when they speak of the same thing, and almost in the same words. For instance, in the Tract Abhodah Zarah (25b) the word Goi is employed, but in the Schulkhan Arukh (Iore Dea 153, 2) Akum is used. Kerithuth (6b) uses Goim; Jebhammoth (61a) uses Akum; Abhodah Zar. (2a) uses Obhde Elilim; Thoseph uses Goim and Obhde Ab., Choschen Ham (Venetian ed.) uses Kuthi; (Slav. ed.) Akum. And many more instances could be quoted.
    Maimonides in his book on Idolatry indiscriminately calls all the following idolators: Goim, Akum, Obhde Kokhabhim, Obhde Elilim, etc.

    Article II. - What the Talmud Teaches About Christians
    In the preceding chapter we saw what the Jews think of the Founder of the Christian religion, and how much they despise his name. This being so, it would not be expected that they would have any better opinion about those who follow Jesus the Nazarene. In fact, nothing more abominable can be imagined than what they have to say about Christians. They say that they are idolaters, the worst kind of people, much worse than the Turks, murderers, fornicators, impure animals, like dirt, unworthy to be called men, beasts in human form, worthy of the name of beasts, cows, asses, pigs, dogs, worse than dogs; that they propagate after the manner of beasts, that they have diabolic origin, that their souls come from the devil and return to the devil in hell after death; and that even the body of a dead Christian is nothing different from that of an animal.

  51. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Since Christians follow the teachings of that man, whom the Jews regard as a Seducer and an Idolater, and since they worship him as God, it clearly follows that they merit the name of idolater, in no way different from those among whom the Jews lived before the birth of Christ, and whom they taught should be exterminated by every possible means.

    This is best demonstrated by the names they give Christians, and by the unmistakable words of Maimonides which prove that all who bear the name of Christian are idolaters. And anyone who examines Jewish books which speak of the "Worshippers of the Stars and Planets," "Epicureans," "Samaritans," etc., cannot but conclude that these idolaters are none other than Christians. The Turks are always called "Ismaelites," never idolaters.

    Maimonides in Hilkoth Maakhaloth (ch. IX) says:
    "It is not permitted to drink the wine of a stranger who becomes a convert, that is, one who accepts the seven precepts of Noah, but is permitted to gain some benefit from it. It is allowed to leave wine alone with him, but not to place it before him. The same is permitted in the case of all gentiles who are not idolaters, such as the Turks [Ismaelites]. A Jew, however, is not permitted to drink their wine, although he may use it to his own advantage."

    In Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says:
    "A Jew must not associate himself with gentiles because they are given to the shedding of blood."
    Likewise in Iore Dea (153, 2):
    "An Israelite must not associate himself with the Akum [Christians] because they are given to the shedding of blood."
    In the Abhodah Zarah (25b) it says:
    "The Rabbis taught: If a Goi joins an Israelite on the road, he [the Jew] should walk on his right side. Rabbi Ismael, the son of Rabbi Jochanan the nephew of Beruka, says: if he carries a sword, let the Jew walk on his right side. If the Goi carries a stick, the Jew should walk on his left side. If he is climbing a hill or descending a steep incline, the Jew must not go in front with the Goi behind, but the Jew must go behind and the Goi in front, nor must he stoop down in front of him for fear the Goi might crack his skull. And if he should ask the Jew how far he is going, he should pretend he is going a long way, as Jacob our Father said to the impious Esau: until I come to my Lord in Seir (Gen. XXXIII, 14-17), but it adds: Jacob set out for Sukoth."

  52. Anonymous4:00 PM

    In Orach Chaiim (20, 2) it says:
    "Do not sell your overcoat (Talith) with the fringes to an Akum, lest he should join up with a Jew on the road and kill him. It is also forbidden to exchange or lend your overcoat with a Gentile, except for a short time and when there is nothing to be feared from him."

    In the Abhodah Zarah (15b) it says:
    "Animals of the masculine sex must not be left in the barns of the Gentiles with their men, nor animals of the feminine sex with their women; much less must animals of the feminine sex be left with their men and of the masculine sex with their women. Nor must sheep be left to the care of their shepherds; nor must any intercourse be had with them; nor must children be given into their care to learn to read or to learn a trade."
    In the same tract a little farther on (22a) it is explained why animals must not be allowed in the barns of Gentiles, and why Jews are not permitted to have sexual intercourse with them:
    "Animals must not be allowed to go near the Goim, because they are suspected of having intercourse with them. Nor must women cohabit with them because they are over-sexed."
    In fol. 22b of the same book the reason is given why animals especially of the feminine sex must be kept away from their women: "...because when Gentile men come to their neighbors' houses to commit adultery with their wives and do not find them at home, they fornicate with the sheep in the barns instead. And sometimes even when their neighbors' wives are at home, they prefer to fornicate with the animals; for they love the sheep of the Israelites more than their own women."
    It is for the same reason that animals are not to be entrusted to Goi shepherds, nor children to their educators.

  53. Anonymous4:01 PM

    5. UNCLEAN
    The Talmud gives two reasons why the Goim are unclean: because they eat unclean things, and because they themselves have not been cleansed (from original sin) on Mount Sinai. In Schabbath, (145b) it says:
    "Why are the Goim unclean? Because they eat abominable things and animals that crawl on their belly."
    Likewise in Abhodah Zarah, 22b:
    "Why are the Goim unclean? Because they were not present at Mount Sinai. For when the serpent entered into Eve he infused her with uncleanness. But the Jews were cleansed from this when they stood on Mount Sinai; the Goim, however, who were not on Mount Sinaim were not cleansed."

    "When ten persons are praying together in one place and they say Kaddisch, or Kedoschah, anyone, even though he does not belong there, may respond Amen. There are some, however, who say that no dung or Akum must be present."
    In Iore Dea (198, 48) Hagah, it says:
    "When Jewish women come out of a bath they must take care to meet a friend first, and not something unclean or a Chrsitian. For if so, a woman, if she wants to keep holy, should go back and bathe again."
    It is worthy of note that the following list of unclean things is a given in Biur Hetib, a commentary on the Schulchan Arukh:
    "A woman must wash herself again if she sees any unclean things, such as a dog, an ass, or People of the Earth; a Christian (Akum), a camel, a pig, a horse, and a leper.

    In Kerithuth (6b p. 78) it says:
    "The teaching of the Rabbis is: He who pours oil over a Goi, and over dead bodies is freed from punishment. This is true for an animal because it is not a man. But how can it be said that by pouring oil over a Goi one is freed from punishment, since a Goi is also a man? But this is not true, for it is written: Ye are my flock, the flock of my pasture are men (Ezechiel, XXXIV, 31). You are thus called men, but the Goim are not called men."
    In the Tract Makkoth (7b) he is said to be guilty of killing "except when, if intending to kill an animal he kills a man by mistake, or intending to kill a Goi, he kills an Israelite."
    In Orach Chaiim (225, 10) it says:
    "He who sees beautiful creatures, even though it be an Akum or an animal, let him say 'Blessed art thou Our Lord God, King of the Universe, who has placed such things on the earth!'"

    In Midrasch Talpioth (fol. 225d) it says:
    "God created them in the form of men for the glory of Israel. But Akum were created for the sole end of ministering unto them [the Jews] day and night. Nor can they ever be relieved from this service. It is becoming to the son of a king [an Israelite] that animals in their natural form, and animals in the form of human beings should minister unto him."
    We can quote here also what is said in Orach Chaiim, 57, 6a:
    "If pigs are to be pitied when they suffer from disease, because their intestines are similar to ours, how much more should the Akum be pitied when thus affected."

  54. Anonymous4:02 PM

    9. ANIMALS
    In Zohar, II, (64b) it says:
    "...People who worship idols, and who are called cow and ass, as it is written: I have a cow and an ass..."
    Rabbi Bechai, in his book Kad Hakkemach, ch. I, beginning with the word Geulah - redemption - referring to Psalm 80, v.13:
    The boar out of the wood doth waste it, says:
    "The letter ain is dropped [suspended] the same as these worshippers are followers of him who was suspended."
    Buxtorf (Lex.) says:
    "By wild pig the author here means the Christians who eat pork and, like pigs, have destroyed the vineyard of Israel, the City of Jerusalem, and who believe in the 'suspended' Christ. Else the letter ain is dropped in this word because they, as worshippers of Christ who was hanged, are also dropped."
    Rabbi Edels, in commenting on Kethuboth (110b) says:
    "The Psalmist compares the Akum to the unclean beast in the woods."

    Rabbi Schelomo Iarchi (Raschi), famous Jewish commentator, explaining the law of Moses (Deuter. XIV, 21) forbidding the eating of meat of wounded animals, but which must be given to the 'stranger in thy gates,' or which, according to Exodus (XXII, 30) is to be thrown to the dogs, has this to say:
    "...for he is like a dog. Are we to take to word 'dog' here literally? By no means. For the text in speaking of dead bodies says, Or thou mayest sell it to an alien. This applies much more to the meat of wounded animals, for which it is permitted to accept payment. Why therefore does the Scripture say it may be thrown to 'dogs?' In order to teach you that a dog is to be more respected than the Nokhri."

    In the Sanhedrin (74b) Tosephoth, it says:
    "The sexual intercourse of a Goi is like that of a beast."
    And in Kethuboth (3b) it says:
    "The seed of a Goi is worth the same as that of a beast."
    Hence it is to be inferred that Christian marriage is not true marriage.
    In Kidduschim (68a), it says:
    "...How do we know this? Rabbi Huna says: You can read: Remain here with the ass, that is, with a people like an ass. Hence it appears that they are not capable of contracting marriage."
    And in Eben Haezer (44, 8):
    "If a Jew enters into marriage with an Akum (Christian), or with his servant, the marriage is null. For they are not capable of entering into matrimony. Likewise if an Akum or a servant enter into matrimony with a Jew, the marriage is null."
    In Zohar (II, 64b) it says:
    "Rabbi Abba says: If only idolaters alone had sexual intercourse, the world would not continue to exist. Hence we are taught that a Jew should not give way to those infamous robbers. For if these propagate in greater numbers, it will be impossible for us to continue to exist because of them. For they give birth to sucklings the same as dogs."

  55. Anonymous4:03 PM

    In Zohar (I, 28b) we read:
    "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field, etc. (Genes. III, 1.) 'More subtle' that is towards evil; 'than all beasts' that is, the idolatrous people of the earth. For they are the children of the ancient serpent which seduced Eve."
    The best argument used by the Jews to prove that Christians are of the race of the devil is the fact that they are uncircumcized. The foreskin on non-Jews prevents them from being called the children of the Most High God. For by circumcision the name of God - Schaddai - is complete in the flesh of a circumcized Jew. The form of the letter Isch is in his nostrils, the letter Daleth in his (bent) arm, and ain appears in his sexual organ by circumcision. In non-circumcized gentiles, therefore, such as Christians, there are only two letters, Isch and Daleth, which make the word Sched, which means devil. They are, therefore, children of the Sched, the devil.

    The teaching of the Jews is that God created two natures, one good and the other evil, or one nature with two sides, one clean and the other unclean. From the unclean side, called Keliphah - rind, or scabby crust - the souls of Christians are said to have come.
    In Zohar (I, 131a) it says:
    "idolatrous people, however, since they exist, befoul the world, because their souls come out of the unclean side."
    And in Emek Hammelech (23d) it says:
    "The souls of the impious come from Keliphah, which is death and the shadows of death."
    Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) goes to show that this unclean side is the left side, from which the souls of the Christians come:
    "And he created every living thing, that is, the Israelites, because they are the children of the Most High God, and their holy souls come out from Him. But where do the souls of the idolatrous gentiles come from? Rabbi Eliezer says: from the left side, which makes their souls unclean. They are therefore all unclean and they pollute all who come in contact with them."

    The Elders teach that Abraham sits at the gate of Gehenna and prevents any circumcized person from entering there; but that all the uncircumcized go down to hell.
    In Rosch Haschanach (17a) it says:
    "Heretics and Epicureans and Traitors go down into hell."

    The bodies of Christians after death are called by the odious name of Pegarim, which is the word used in Holy Scripture for the dead bodies of the damned and of animals, but never for the pious dead who are called Metim. Thus the Schulchan Arukh orders that a dead Christian must be spoken of in the same way as a dead animal.
    In Iore Dea (377, 1) it says:
    "Condolences must not be offered to anyone on account of the death of his servants or handmaids. All that may be said is 'May God restore your lost one, the same as we say to a man who has lost a cow or an ass.'"
    Nor must Christians be avoided for seven days after they have buried someone, as the law of Moses commands, since they are not men; for the burial of an animal does not pollute one.
    In Iebhammoth (61a) it says:
    "The Nokhrim are not rendered unclean by a burial. For it is said: Ye are my sheep, the sheep of my pasture; ye are men. You are thus called men, but not the Nokhrim."

  56. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Article III. - About Christian Rites and Worship
    Since Christians are regarded by the Jews as idolators, all their forms of worship are idolatrous. Their priests are called priests of Baal; their temples are called houses of lies and idolatry, and everything they contain, such as chalices, statues and books, are regarded as made for the serving of idols; their prayers, both private and public, are sinful and offensive to God; and their festivals are called days of evil.

    1. PRIESTS
    The Talmud speaks of priests, the ministers of Christian worship, as idolatrous and belonging to the god Baal. They are also called Komarim - Soothsayers; and also Galachim, the shaved, because they shave their heads, particularly the monks.
    In Abhodah Zarah (14b) Toseph, it says:
    "It is forbidden to sell books of the prophets to the soothsayers, since they may use them for their evil worship in their idolatrous temples. Those who do so sin against the law which forbids us to place an obstacle in the way of a blind person. It is also forbidden to sell them to a Christian who is not shaved, for he is sure to give or sell them to one of them who is shaved."

  57. Anonymous4:05 PM

    A place of Christian worship is called (1) Beth Tilfah, a house of vanity and foolishness, in place of Beth Tefilah, a house of prayer; (2) Beth Abhodha Zarah, a House of Idolatry; (3) Beth Hatturapi Schel Letsim, a house of Evil Laughter.
    In Abhodah Zarah (78) the Perusch of Maimonides, it says:
    "Be it known to you that it is beyond a doubt forbidden by law to pass through a Christian city in which there is a house of vanity, that is, a house of idolatry; much more to live therein. But we today, as punishment for our sins, are subject to them, and are forced to live in their countries, as it was foretold in Deuteronomy (IV, 28): And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, of wood and stone...Thus if it is allowed as predicted to pass around a Christian city, much more so must we pass around an idolatrous temple; nor is it allowed us even to look inside and above all to enter in."
    A Jew is forbidden not only to enter a Christian church, but even to go near it, except under certain circumstances.

  58. Anonymous4:06 PM

    In Iore Dea (142, 10) it says:
    "It is forbidden to stand in the shadow of a house of idolatry, whether from the inside or the outside, for a distance of four cubits from the front door. It is not forbidden, however, to stand under the shadows of the back of a church. Nor is the shadow forbidden us if the church stands in a place where formerly there was public road, which was taken from the community and the house of idolatry built upon it. For the road is still there. But if the house of idolatry existed before the road, it is not permitted to pass before it. There are some who say that it is forbidden to pass there in any case."
    Neither is a Jew allowed to listen to, or admire the beautiful music of the churches. In Iore Dea (142, 15) it says:
    "It is forbidden to listen to the music if idolatrous worship, and to examine the statues of their idols; for even by looking at them one can be influenced by the evil of idolatry. But one can look who does not intend to be so affected."

  59. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Likewise a Jew is not allowed to have a house near a church; nor is he allowed to rebuild a house which has been destroyed in such a place. In Iore Dea (143, 1) it says:
    "If a house near an idolatrous temple belonging to the Akum falls down, it must not be rebuilt. A Jew must remove it a certain distance away if he wishes to rebuild it. But he must fill up the vacant space between his house and the church with bushes and rubbish so that the space will not be used to extend the idolatrous temple."
    Here may be added what a certain Rabbi Kelomimus said about a Christian church (in the book Nizzachon) to the Emperor Henry III, who gave him permission to speak his opinion freely about the Basilica which he had recently built at Spires:
    "After the Emperor Henry III, a very wicked man, had completed the building of that "Abyss," he sent for Rabbi Kelominus and said to him: "I want to ask you, how does this Basilica which I have built compare with the magnificence of Solomon's Temple, about which so many volumes have been written?" He replied: 'My Lord, if you will permit me that you will let me go unharmed, I will tell you the truth about it.' The Emperor answered: 'I give you my word as a lover of the truth and as an Emperor, that no harm shall come to you.' Then the Jew said: 'If you gathered together all you have spent so far, and added to it all the silver and gold in your treasury, it would not suffice even to pay the workmen and craftsmen that Solomon employed; for it is written (Chron. II, ch 2): And Solomon told out threescore and ten thousand men to bear burdens, and fourscore thousand to hew in the mountains, and three thousand and six hundred to oversee them. Eight years were spent in the building of the Temple, much more than you spent in building this Tehon [Abyss]. And when Solomon had finished his Temple, see what the Scripture says about it: The priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud; for the glory of God had filled the House of the Lord (Chron. II, Ch. 5, 14). But if someone loaded an ass with putrid garbage and led it into this abyss of yours, no one would notice the difference!' The Emperor Henry then replied: 'Were it not that I have sworn to let you go unharmed, I would order your head cut off.'"

  60. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Chalises used in the Sacrifice of the mass are spoken of as vessels in which filth is offered up to the idol. Moses Kozzensis, in Hilkoth Abhodah Zarah (10b) says:
    "A Jew who buys Chalises of the Goi, which are broken and thrown away, it is not permitted to sell them again to them, because their priest of Baal will use them in the worship of the idol."

    4. BOOKS
    The Talmud calls the books of the Christians Minim - heretical books - Siphre Debeth Abidan - Books of the House of Perdition. The Talmud in particular speaks of the books of the Gospels. Thus in Schabbath (116a) Toseph:
    "Rabbi Meir calls heretical books Aaven Gilaion (volumes of iniquity) because the call them Gospels."
    And Rabbi Jochanan calls these books Aavon Gilaion, evil books. The Schulchan Arukh, Crakow edition, gives this name as Aven Niktabh al Haggilaion - iniquity written in a book.
    Buxtorf says: "In the Arukh there is a note Scheker Niktabh al Gilaion, which means, a lie written in a book."
    All the Talmudists agree that the books of the Christians should be destroyed. They differ only as to what should be done with the names of God contained in them. In Schabbath (116a) it says:
    "The Glossaries of our own books and the books of the heretics are not to be saved from the flames, if they should catch fire on the Sabbath day. Rabbi Jose, however, says: 'On festival days the divine names should be torn out of the books of the Christians and hidden away; what remains must be given to the flames.' But Rabbi Tarphon says: 'In order that I may be remembered by my children, if those books should ever fall into my hands I would burn them together with the divine names contained therein. For if one is chased by an assassin, or by a serpent, it would be better to take refuge in a pagan temple than in one of theirs; because the Christians knowingly resist the truth, whereas the pagans do so unknowingly."

  61. Anonymous4:08 PM

    5. PRAYERS
    Christian prayers are called, not Tefillah, but Tiflah. They change the point and insert Iod, which makes it read to mean sin, foolishness and transgression.

    Christian festivals, especially Sunday, are called Ion Ed - day of destruction, perdition, misfortune or calamity. They are also simply called Iom Notsri - Christian Days. The word Ed rightly interpreted means misfortune or calamity, as appears from the Gemarah and the Glossaries of Maimonides in Abhodah Zarah (2a):
    "The word Edehem means the festivals of the Christians, since it is written (in Deuter. XXXII, 35): the day of their calamity."
    Maimonides also says in Abhodah Zarah (78c):
    "The words Edehem means the foolishness of their festivlas. It is the name for their despicable feast days which do not merit the name of Moedim, for they are really vain and evil."
    Baretenora also writes:
    "The word Edehem is the name for their ignominious festivals and solemnities."
    The marginal notes of Tosephtoth also give this name to Christian festivals. Thus in Abhodah Zarah (6a):
    "The Day of Evil, that is the Christian Day, is forbidden to us as well as all their other feast days."
    Some Christian festivals are mentioned by name, such as the feast of Christmas and Easter. Moses Mikkozzi, referring to the above text of Abhodah Zarah , says:
    "Rabbi Sammuel declares, in the name of Solomon Iarchi, that in particular the festivals of Christmas and Easter, which are their principal evil days and the foundation of their religion, are forbidden to us."
    Maimonides, in hilkoth Akum (ch. IX) has the same:
    "Sammuel repeats the words of Rabbi Sal. Iarchi which forbid us particularly to celebrate the feasts of Christmas and Easter, which are celebrated on account of him who was hanged."
    Furthermore, indications of the impiety of the Jews are to be found in the names which they give to these Christian festivals: For in place of using Tav in the word Nithal, they often write Tet and call it Nital for the Latin word Natalis, the Feast of the Nativity. They make it appear as if this word were from the root Natal which connotes extermination or destruction. Likewise they refuse to use the word Paschal (Pesach) for the Christian feast of Easter. The substitute Koph for Phe and insert the letter iod and call it Ketsach or Kesach. Both pronunciations have an evil meaning. Ketsach is from the root Katsah, meaning to amputate or cut off from, and Kesach is from the root Kesa, meaning to wood or a gallows. This is done because the feast of Easter is celebrated by Christians in memory of Christ - the one who was hanged - who was put to death and who rose again from the dead.

  62. Anonymous4:11 PM

    JD wrote... "Anon 2:57,

    You do realize National Prayer Network, Truth Tellers, and Ted Pike are subsidiaries of James Dobson's Focus on the Family don't you?

    3:05 PM"


  63. Anonymous4:21 PM

    JD, You Realize Kabalah/Zohar comes from Babylonian Gnosticism and is brimming with the dregs of the lie told by the Serpent in Genesis 3 don't you? Kabalah is the cess that Helena Blavatsky, Albert Pike, and Crowley to name but a few, were picking up and passing round as goodies in their evil writings. It is the font of NAM thinking!


  64. Anonymous4:25 PM

    For those of you not blinded by Anti-Christian propaganda here mascerading itself as truth, see part two.

  65. Anon 4:11,

    Maybe you should read completely through the site you refrence before you ask some one else for proof. The Truth Tellers Site admits to its connections to Dobson, and also speaks of how they spun out of National Day of Prayer, which in the 80's was spear headed by Dobson.

  66. Anon 4:21,

    Never did I promote Kabbalah or anything else. An assumption that I am for something just because I am against something else is a bit of a leap.

  67. Anonymous5:51 PM

    National Prayer Network

    By Rev. Ted Pike
    10 Oct 07

    In 1988, I first publicly opposed efforts of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith to establish state and federal hate laws in America . I knew these laws would end freedom of speech, especially for Christians, in the United States as they have in other western nations. For the past 18 years, I have worked to oppose these laws and protect freedom of speech. ADL has given me the "silent treatment." But since the federal hate law was passed by the House and Senate, ADL has finally spoken out against me—publishing an 11-page online attack.

    ADL is getting tough against American critics of Israel and ADL’s anti-Christian agenda. They anticipate exponential power as enforcers of a federal hate crimes gestapo in our nation, just as they enjoy in Canada . This attack on me helps prepare the public for criminalization, not just of Holocaust reductionists (who’ve been jailed under ADL’s German and Austrian hate laws) but for imprisonment of American violators of hate crimes laws -- those whom Sen. Kennedy recently described as “domestic terrorists.”

    Once alleged “terrorists” like me are out of the way, mainstream evangelical leaders and pastors will follow us to prison. Hate crime laws’ ultimate goal is to silence all Christians. The federal hate law says that anyone who “aids, abets, counsels” an unstable person—whether by pulpit, talk radio, or publishing—and motivates him to do violence to a member of a federally protected group (such as a Jew or homosexual) shall be punished equally as a federal “hate criminal” alongside the active offender (Title 18, U.S.C. Sec. 2a). ADL's pending British hate bill stipulates that anyone who helps create a climate of criticism of homosexuality will receive seven years in prison. 1 Soon the Bible itself and all effective preaching from it will be criminalized as “hate speech” that incites violence!

  68. Anonymous5:54 PM

    My 345-page book Israel : Our Duty…Our Dilemma and four major video documentaries (viewable here at show how the ancient Pharisees, whom Christ so vehemently attacked, hijacked Hebrew monotheism. They transformed it into a vehicle of Pharisaic self-righteousness, power, and Messianic global ambition. Their racial antagonism and separateness preserved Jewish identity (at great cost) in millennia of dispersion. It also created a backlash of anti-Semitism. Meanwhile, there is overwhelming evidence that the Pharisees' disciples worked covertly within host nations, especially during the past 225 years, attempting to undermine their Christian and later capitalistic underpinnings. (See, Jewish Activists Created Communism)

    Guilt by Association?

    Unable to refute anything Ted Pike has written or said over the past 23 years, ADL attacked me primarily through “guilt by association” with anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi, or racist groups who use my research, distribute my videos, or post my un-copywritten articles on their websites.

    I am affiliated with only one organization, the National Prayer Network. ADL falsely charges that I have “a long-standing affiliation with American Free Press (AFP), an anti-Semitic conspiracy-oriented newspaper…Pike is an AFP staff member, having served on its Western Regional Bureau. He continues to serve on staff with several anti-Semites.”

    About six years ago AFP asked me to write some articles on hate laws and referred to me as a “western correspondent.” I wrote six articles; two were published. This ended my six-week affiliation as “western correspondent.” I have never been affiliated with AFP before or since.

    Similarly, ADL blames Ted Pike for linking to “anti-Semitic” websites such as AFP, Texe Marrs, "Criminal Politics," "We Hold These Truths," and Darryl Bradford Smith. I have found these websites, which contain a wealth of information not available in mainstream media, anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic. (Because of Smith’s increasingly intemperate remarks, about four months ago I decided to no longer link to his website.)

    My relationship to all talk show hosts is similarly open and informal. Sir Winston Churchill said if the devil himself would aid him to defeat Hitler, he would take his help. I wouldn’t go that far; but, considering the threat posed by Jewish supremacism, I would accept airtime even from Howard Stern! Since mainline and Christian media won’t warn against this enormous danger, I am forced to not be too picky about who helps me spread the truth.

  69. Anonymous5:55 PM

    ADL alleges, “Ted Pike maintains a broad-based network of anti-Semitic, white supremacist, and conspiracy-theory affiliations to broadcast his anti-Semitic message.” Nonsense. My policy of working with talk show hosts of any persuasion, left or right, is inspired by Jesus. The Pharisees (the literal and spiritual ancestors of ADL) said derisively of Jesus, “Why does your master eat with publicans and sinners?” (Matt. 9:11) Yet for Jesus, there was no one who, asking an audience with Him, was refused. When publicans, harlots, lepers, and even Pharisees came desiring to talk to Him, He reciprocated, sharing the good news of salvation. This past week, 12 national talk show hosts interviewed me, very curious as to why new right leaders betrayed their followers and allowed the hate bill to be passed (probably to provide President Bush and Republicans with the prestige of vetoing it). (See, Hate Bill Manipulators Should Come Clean) I talked to them and to roughly a million American listeners, but at no point did I become “linked” to a talk host because I granted an interview. Christ came to save the lost; but to do so, He had to talk to them. He did not become "affiliated" with them by so doing.

  70. Anonymous5:56 PM

    No Racism Here

    Evidence of a Talmudic conspiracy against Christian civilization is overwhelming. It is easily discovered without my help! When people realize the real aim of elite Jewish activism, they tend to turn against Jews as a whole. My work, however, by its Biblical perspective and moderation, helps protect the Jewish people. I believe the Bible rebukes denigration of the Jewish race, and a truly Biblical worldview repudiates all attitudes or acts of bigotry.

    Unlike actual anti-Semites, I would never assert that Talmudic hostility to Christianity comes from racial degeneracy among Jews. It results from moral decisions—the kind we all make. Modern Jewish activists make the same moral choices of Israel ’s religious leaders nearly 2,000 years ago. They rejected their true Messiah and His spiritual kingdom, and embarked on a long-term quest for another messiah to grant them physical dominion.

    Someday, after the horrendous collapse of the coming one-world Zionist government, Christ will return and will, through Jewish repentance, restore a remnant of beleaguered Jews to faith in Him. Right now, all Jews need the message of Christ’s astonishing power to save. More than any other Christian leader, I influence the far (including racist) right toward this compassionate Biblical perspective.

  71. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Some say that, even if certain facts about Judaism are true, Ted Pike shouldn’t make them known because anti-Semites will use such information to defame and possibly persecute God’s chosen people. If that were true, the Bible itself should be banned. It also tells us much that is unflattering about the Jewish religion and its leaders. Many anti-Semites, in fact, have used it to malign and even persecute Jews throughout the ages.

    The Bible teaches our duty before God is to speak the whole truth about evil, wherever it exists. Having done so, we are not responsible for how others may manipulate or abuse the truth.

    Quotes out of Context

    ADL’s attack includes several quotes from my work that may cause concern.

    1. “Certainly the white Caucasian race and Christian civilization are a tremendous barrier to the eventual goal of the Talmud and Kabbalah of the Jews, which is to rule over the nations in fulfillment of scriptural prophecy and have a one-world government centering in Jerusalem, and a Messiah that will take the place of Jesus Christ in the nations.” (Interview with Hesham Tulawi)

    Here ADL infers that I sympathize with white supremacists and racists. But my meaning is only this: Since the late 18th century, the industrialization and free market capitalism of the western world, primarily in the US , Great Britain , France and Germany , were developed within Caucasian, Christian civilization. To realize Talmudic, Kabalistic goals of domination over the nations, this formidable power had to be weakened or destroyed. Toward this end, Jews have predominated in leadership of anti-Christian, anti-capitalist, socialist and communist ideologies and revolutions. This included the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and myriad shades of leftism and anti-Christianity to the present. (See, Jewish Activists Created Communism)

  72. Anonymous5:58 PM

    3. “Yet the greatest liberation of Israel will be from her spiritual sickness and the ‘filthiness of her fornication’ which has always made her stink in the nostrils of God and men. God shall take the rebuke of His people away. No longer will the term ‘Jew’ be secretly odious in the mind of a Gentile.”

    This passage from my book (pg. 266) describes God’s latter day deliverance of a Jewish remnant. Scripture says He will transform them, through their repentance, from the most anti-Christ force in the world to the most zealous believers the world has ever seen!

    I merely agree with all the ancient prophets and New Testament writers that Israel , in any stage of apostasy, corrupts and offends her Gentile neighbors. St. Paul wrote of such unbelieving Jews: "For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written." (Rom. 2:24 ) Someday such reproach will be gone. ADL, of course, did not finish my passage, which quotes Jeremiah’s promise: “I will bring them health…I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth…I will cleanse them from all their iniquity.” (Jer. 33:6, 8) I conclude, “ Jerusalem shall be righteous in that day because of the Spirit-filled righteousness of those who inhabit it. This is all that God ever really wanted from the Jews and now He has it.”

    Does such altruism confirm ADL’s accusation that Ted Pike is guilty of “vicious anti-Semitism," hateful of the Jewish people, scheming against them in shadowy long-term alliances with anti-Semites, neo-Nazis and white supremacists? Hardly! It is remarkable that these last three quotations are the most ADL has been able to dredge up against me after 23 years of the minutest analysis of literally every word I have uttered in public.

    Over two decades, hundreds of thousands, investigating my works, have discovered the truth: Ted Pike and his wife Alynn are nothing more or less than straightforward concerned Christians and Americans. We bring to everyone, both Jew and Gentile, a message of spiritual and even political salvation, a message which all who love freedom need very much to hear.


    1. Daily Mail, 08/10/2007 , "New Law Means Anti-Gay Comments Could Lead to Seven Years in Jail," Steve Doughty and James Slack.


    Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.

    Let the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith teach you how they have saddled 45 states with hate laws capable of persecuting Christians:

    Learn how ADL took away free speech in Canada and wants to steal it now in the U.S. Congress. Watch Rev. Ted Pike's Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians at Purchase this gripping documentary to show at church. Order online at for $24.90, DVD or VHS, by calling 503-853-3688, or at the address below.

    TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this topic. Call (503) 631-3808.

    National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

  73. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "JD said...
    Anon 4:21,

    Never did I promote Kabbalah or anything else. An assumption that I am for something just because I am against something else is a bit of a leap.

    5:38 PM"

    JD, sorry that you've misunderstood my point. It was not to imply that you personally had been promoting Kabalah, but others have. There has been a deafening silence and wrongly so, a fear of others to respond in case they are called Anti-Semites. Would such silence have prevailed if the Necromonicon or one of Crowley's books had been promoted in such a way? I think not!

    This exposure is a grain of sand, from a vast beach of Truth. It was not my intention to accuse you, rather to confirm my reasons for my posts, which scream against the unjust silence that has pervaded here recently when the truth should be told. We are not to be friends with the World at the expense of defending the Truth shown to us by Jesus Christ.

    My point to you was merely asking you for evidence for your assertion that Ted Pike is affiliated with 'The Family'.

    I hope that this clears my point up for you.

  74. To JD:

    Well, it's time for me to recycle my older New Age books saying that if we don't do everything they demand, we'll have a new Ice Age!

    Not to worry, they pledge to end global cooling just as fast and efficiently as they ended global warming!

    FOR THE TED PIKE DEVOTEE: I am not about to supply Ted Pike with a forum. I will probably copy all to save as "Exhibit A" and then delete.


  75. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I hope, then Constance, that you shall in future rebuke those that promote KABALAH and its teachings. A full expose would be very helpful and restore credibility to this forum.

  76. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Is the food industry too secretive in its use of nanotechnology?

  77. Anonymous7:09 PM

    No one person or persons should be allowed to 'hijack' this blog!!!

  78. Constance,

    My amusement was simply how fast they change their story, when the evidence no longer fits. I never doubted they would simply attempt to claim it was some other part of the climate change phenomenon. I don't doubt that the New Agers in particular, will shift their dialect to fit the ice age theories. I also wouldn't be suprised if it leads to a surge of rereleases of some of the volumes you have in your possesion. I sent more information to your gmail account including a tie in with a Rockefeller that Susanna dug up.

  79. 1/11/2010

    Dear Contance,

    I have seen antisemitic hate sites on the web but I never thought I would see your site become a vehicle for publiishing such antisemitic garbage as that by Anon 2:46 pm.

    The truthtellers network, from which the garbage was excavated, is a notorious antisemitic website that focuses almost exclusively on Jews. They don't hate all Jews; just the evil ones who control the world. That is like Ahmidinejad who doesn't hate all Jews; just the Zionists who are described in the Protocals of the Elders of Zion.

    Here is a list of the recent "truthteller alerts"

    5 Jan 10 - Judaism: Our National Religion? by Harmony Grant Daws

    30 Dec 09 - Israel’s Increasing Anti-Christianity

    24 Dec 09 - Is 'Strong' Criticism of Israel Anti-Semitic?

    21 Dec 09 - History of the Jews is a Love Story Scripted by Christ

    15 Dec 09 -ADL Twists Hate Crime Statistics by Aaron and Harmony Daws

    9 Dec 09 - Evangelical Leaders Sass ADL!

    7 Dec 09 - No ADL, No Hate Law Enforcement

    3 Dec 09 - Ex-ADL Leader Blasts ADL/Foxman

    1 Dec 09 - California's Anti-ADL Rabbi

    30 Nov 09 - ADL Criticized for Attack on 'Paranoid' Right

    23 Nov 09 - ADL Blasts 'Paranoid' Right: Are Millions of Anti-Obama Protestors 'Conspirators?'

    End list!

    If you allow such lying crap on your site it will be added to the list of hate sites. I know you allow wide lattitude for your contributors but there comes a time when you need to set limits. Despicable out-and-out religious hatred should be beyond the pale even coming from a "Christian" web site.

    The Ku Klux Klan is also "Christian."


  80. 1/11/2010

    Constance wrote: "FOR THE TED PIKE DEVOTEE: I am not about to supply Ted Pike with a forum. I will probably copy all to save as "Exhibit A" and then delete.

    Bravo! I wrote my last message after reading just the first antisemetic message from one hate site. Then it dawned on me that someone is sweeping up garbage from lots of hate sites and dumping it here.

    It isn't just Pike any more. A hacker/spammer is on the loose and you unfortunately now need to be a moderator/censor to preserve your integrity.

    I hope this phase ends soon for all our sakes.

    Peace and blessing,

  81. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I just spoke to Constance. She is leaving for home and has to be up early for a court date. She will not have time to save and delete until tomorrow. I would suggest anyone who has posted on any topic after 2:46 pm such as Palin or the food industry save your comments to repost them. If you can hold off posting new information until she gets a chance to clear the thread it would be helpful. It may be easier for her to clear the entire thread than to do it one by one.

    Keep in mind folks that she has to earn a living and is not keeping banker hours. Rather, on a difficult case she may work into the very very late evening hours.

    Given the timing of the posts, most of the time just a minute between posts, it is clear that this was a planned hijacking attempt of this blog meant to discredit her work by associating her with ugly, insinuating, unproveable material.

    Since everyone reading this will encounter propaganda of many types and will face attacks when interfering with other agendas, all you can do is examine this example of how it can be done. No one can protect everyone from being taken in by misguided or intentionally evil people.


  82. Anonymous11:36 PM

    “People, we live in such dark days. As I was reading about the reference to bestiality- and I was once again- chilled. Years ago I remember being told that when our society reached the place of participation of the above mentioned subject--we'd reached the depths of our ability to outwardly model the true state of our evil depravity within- Here we best model our hatred as rebels against the holy and loving God that created us. Hence, our grave need for God to send a Saviour. I only recently, (in the past year) have learned of these horrid acts that were played out in my own family as my own father and stepmother imposed this upon my own sister who was at the time very young. What they did to me, as awful as it was, (ECT, drugs, etc.) pales to this. They have now been disclosed as being involved in very high ranking positions in the occult that crossed over into involvement with the CIA. Money was not their chief motivation. These are corrupt motives that are intensely more evil as their greed is seated in the lust for evil passions and not the temporal monetary gain of the funds. As for modeling the common citizen, they "appeared" to be good, moral active citizens and have always been very involved in civil activities- holding prominent positions in local government. My father was a Mason and also held a position as elder in our church for a time before leaving the church altogether later. For anyone viewing these pages from the sidelines as an observer- who may be naive, I hope that it will not take the shock factor of having what I have had disclosed this past year to wake you up. Evil is real and our government is not our hope--but do put your hope in God. Hope in God WHILE praying for your leaders- local on up. Pray for your families, church family but most of all pray for yourselves that God would open the eyes of our heart to see past the deceit that is veiling our eyes from beholding the beauty of the glory of our God in heaven who created us for His own good pleasure- to our own great delight. I continue to pray this for myself on a regular basis. Our only hope is having the shed blood of our Saviour to cover the shame and guilt of our sin. Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:24-25”

  83. Dear Len and Dorothy,
    I've never seen anything like this attack before.
    The objections I shared on the previous thread were simple and specifically meant to request that Len identify that the teachings of kabbalah are not cannonized Scripture.
    I personally disagree with the teachings that I've come into contact with, and I made the choice to voice my objection in a respectful manner.
    I STRONGLY DISAGREE with ANYTHING that has been posted in this thread regarding kabbalah or God's people!
    This blatant slander against the people of Israel needs to be removed immediately.
    Please know that I, and many others here, have true affection for the both of you, and would NEVER slander you or cause you pain.
    My heart is grieving right now that there are those who are willing to do such a thing as this.

    With all my heart and sincere affection,

  84. Phew.. talk about a hijack.

    It must be nigh on impossible to defend an open forum against such a sustained attack.

    Regarding the nature of Kabbalah, it might be wise to regognise that the monotheistic faiths all have apostate tendancies.

    God bless.

  85. Marko8:42 AM

    Constance, I wish you well in your Twitter attempt. I have not tried it yet ... too much time is already spent by me on the internet as it is. It could be a great tool for you! God provides whatever tool is necessary to achieve His will, yes? :^)

    (Incidentally, Rick Wiles at Tru-News has stated that God will provide His Church with some kind of tool of communication that is "out of the ordinary" for the times ahead, as he feels God is telling him that the normal internet-type of communications will be not usable in the future, at least by Christians.

    What do the blog regulars here think of Rick Wiles and his ministry? Of all the "prophetic voices", I find his to be one of the most sincere and sobering and God-honoring.)

    This show from last Friday is quite sobering. (Scroll down to Friday, January 8):

  86. Marko8:54 AM

    Wow. Avatar is perhaps turning out to be more a tool of the enemy than anything in recent motion picture history.

    I think after reading the following, it is no stretch to say that Avatar is a "front-line battle weapon" of the enemy.

    What does the following quote from a viewer sound like to you? (from the above article):

    "Ever since I went to see 'Avatar' I have been depressed. Watching the wonderful world of Pandora and all the Na'vi made me want to be one of them. I can't stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers I got from it," Mike posted. "I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora and the everything is the same as in 'Avatar.'"

    Almighty God, protect the minds and hearts of your children who have or who will see this movie!

  87. 1/12/2010

    Peter wrote: "It must be nigh on impossible to defend an open forum against such a sustained attack.

    Delphi Forums allows the moderator to not only delete posts but lock out the poster. They can return under different screen names but they eventually tire.

    >>Regarding the nature of Kabbalah, it might be wise to regognise that the monotheistic faiths all have apostate tendancies.

    That is true but legitimate Kabbala (as opposed to the commercial kind) is not an apostate tendency. Many Jews do not study or follow it but no knowledgeable Orthodox Jew rejects it. Hasidim are especially into it.


  88. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Avatar- feeding the escapist cyber-reality paradigm.

    "Pandora is a pristine world and there is the synergy between all of the creatures of the planet and I think that strikes a deep chord within people that has a wishfulness and a wistfulness to it," Lang said. "James Cameron had the technical resources to go along with this incredibly fertile imagination of his and his dream is built out of the same things that other peoples' dreams are made of."

    "The bright side is that for Hill and others like him -- who became dissatisfied with their own lives and with our imperfect world after enjoying the fictional creation of James Cameron -- becoming a part of a community of like-minded people on an online forum has helped them emerge from the darkness."

    "Quentzel said creating relationships with others is one of the keys to human happiness, and that even if those connections are occurring online they are better than nothing."

    "Obviously there is community building in these forums," Quentzel said. "It may be technologically different from other community building, but it serves the same purpose."

  89. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Dear Constance,
    I have been following your web-log for some time, and I appreciate the excellent resesearch which you conduct and publish.
    I do not think it would be a good idea for us to join the latest fad of social networking "wonders" of "technology" like facebook, twitter etc. It seems to me these "services" encourage pathologically extrovert [narcissist] behaviour and giving up one's privacy (e.g. with "status updates"), making them suitable for the populace of NWO serfs -- always "in [virtual] touch", posting and reading updates on their day-to-day activities ("having lunch", "doing homework", "chilling out", "drinking beer"...), preventing one from reflection. In short, twitter appears to be for NWO zombies, not for thinking people. I suppose many thinking people would refuse following you on twitter. So far has been providing a rather readable format for your presentations.
    Also, do not be intimidated or discouraged by your detractors -- there are also those who really appreciate your integrity and the sanity of your comments, especially given the bacground noise of disinformation and propaganda of evil in the mainstream media and entertainment.

  90. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Has anyone else besides me been having problems with their computer of late (ie. viruses)? Last week my computer went berserk and am still having problems with it after cleaning. I am wondering if there is more being sent along with the spamming.


  91. I had three computers crash in the psat two weeks. One is out of warranty and it is an important. The other two are in warranty, but the inconvenience is tremendous. Now that you mention it, I'm wondering!


  92. I am also having some computer troubles. I have picked up a couple bugs which my antivirus did catch. I am also getting a lot of error screens. Everything from 404 errors to Windows cannot display webpage. It isn't just my desktop either as I have similar issues with my laptop as well. The funny part is the errors almost seem selective. As in the errors will occur when it seems from a headline in a search or title of a document fits into what I am looking for. Other seemingly less significant titles will work fine from the same sites. Here I thought it was just me.

  93. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Vatican Newspaper says "Avatar promotes dangerous new divinity."

    The Vatican newspaper and radio station have called the film "Avatar" simplistic and criticized it for flirting with modern doctrines that promote the worship of nature as a substitute for religion.

    L'Osservatore said the film "gets bogged down by a spiritualism linked to the worship of nature." Similarly, Vatican Radio said it "cleverly winks at all those pseudo-doctrines that turn ecology into the religion of the millennium."

    "Nature is no longer a creation to defend but a divinity to worship," the radio said.

    Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said that while the movie reviews are just that - film criticism, with no theological weight - they do reflect Pope Benedict XVI's views on the dangers of turning nature into a "new divinity."

    Benedict has often spoken about the need to protect the environment, earning the nickname of "green pope." But he has sometimes balanced that call with a warning against neo-paganism.

    In a recent World Day of Peace message, the pontiff warned against any notions that equate human person and other living things. He said such notions "open the way to a new pantheism tinged with neo-paganism, which would see the source of man's salvation in nature alone."


  94. VW, Constance, JD, etc:

    My "bread-n-butter" is in computers - I work in an IT department.

    I too have noticed a growing number of viruses and other internet problems. It's almost like "the internet" is sick.

    I've spent many hours lately cleaning friends' PCs and laptops and trying to get them back to normal.

    For what it's worth, I remember reading an article by someone who said the internet was soon to be "possessed" by demons. I laughed it off at the time to an overactive imagination or to the habit of seeing the devil under every rock and behind every tree, but now, hmmmm....I'm not so sure I should be laughing?

    This might relate to the prophecy by Rick Wiles that Christians won't be using the internet anymore at some point in the future.

    I know....lots of conjecture. Maybe I'm connecting the wrong dots. And when that happens, you get a picture of something other than the truth.

  95. To Marko,

    I agree that the time is short regarding internet freedom. I think we should make preparation for our contacts and communication to be made by other means while we still can.

    To Len,

    Regardless of your defence of "Legitimate Kabbalah"..
    No thanks matey, wouldnt touch it if you paid me. It is gnosticism in its purest form.

    God bless,

  96. Anonymous2:27 PM

    If the day ever comes when we no longer have access to the Internet (enjoying the freedoms we have now) least we have been given the time now, along with the necessary skills and research tools to 'connect the dots'...and nothing can ever take that away from us.

    From here on...any information we are given will have to pass 'the smell test' we will be aware of any 'red flags' and know what to look pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

  97. Found this up at Berit Kjos' site. New executive order just yesterday, 1-11-10.

    It's a new Governors' Council to implement better "Homeland Security" and "strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments". See notes on Berit's website:

    BTW, please disregard my comments at the beginning of this thread. I read and posted too hastily--duh!!

  98. Anonymous4:49 PM

    JD - you mentioned the word "selective". YES, very. For example, for two days I have been attempting to access a particular website I have logged into for well over a year and the display page stated "non-resolving address" and referred me to a Singles site (not even close in subject matter). I just returned from the library, tried their computer (same IP) and had no problems pulling up the page.

    Marko - conjecture? perhaps, but then again, perhaps not. The website I referred to above is a site where discussions pertain to "faith and trust in God through difficult times". I think it very strange this particular site has become inaccessible for me now.


  99. Anonymous5:10 PM


    URL to article:

  100. Anonymous5:34 PM

    From the Associated Press:

    A 7.0 earth quake has hit Haiti 10 miles from Port-au-Prince...a hospital has collapsed...Tsumani watch for the Bahamas, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.

  101. 1/14/2010

    Pete wrote: "Regardless of your defence of "Legitimate Kabbalah"..
    No thanks matey, wouldnt touch it if you paid me. It is gnosticism in its purest form."

    GTnosticisxm is dualism; belief in a good god and an evil god.

    In contrast, here are some verses from the Kabbalistc Zohar that Jews read publicly when we take out the Torah:

    "I am a servant of the Holy One, blessed be He, before Whom and before Whose glorious Torah I bow at all times. Not in man do I trust, nor on any angel do I rely, but on the God of heaven Who is the God of truth, Whose
    Torah is truth, Whose prophets speak truth, and Who abounds in acts of love and truth. In Him I trust and to His holy and glorious Name I offer praises."

    Where is the Gnostcism?


  102. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Barcelona and golf in Buenos Aires have some similarities.
    I went to both places and loved them.
