
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Waiting is the hardest part

ony Blair, David Miliband, and Javier Solana must be going through some anxiety-laden times right now. My suspicions are that Javier Solana does not really intend to retire, but time and events will tell. I have suspected that if he does retire that English Foreign Minister, 44 year old David Miliband will be his likely successor. I have also suspected that David Miliband lacks Javier Solana's experience to handle the military as well as the foreign policy aspects of the complex, powerful position that Javier Solana himself shaped. Now it appears that the English people themselves are in large part opposed to either Tony Blair or David Miliband ascending to powerful positions in the European Union. You may view an enlarged version of the picture by clicking it. You may also read the full article by clicking here.

Stay tuned!


  1. From the article:

    "Mr Levitte told a meeting in Brussels that the successful candidate would have to be "un oiseau rare" – a rare bird – who could chair routine meetings of EU leaders as well as representing the union on the world stage. This combination of duties, he implied, would not suit the former British prime minister."

    Chairing meetings as well as representing the Union on the world stage was precisely what Javier Solana appeared to succeed at.


  2. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Dear Constance and all,

    Please view these three videos. the first is just over 6 minutes long, the second just over nine, minutes long, and the third is just under three hours long.

    Anyway, I hope everyone is well. I'm off to bed, it's almost five in the morning here.

    God bless and peace be with you all,

    Rob in London.



    Lucifer with his New World Religion unveils his Capital : Astana (The Sun Worship) 2012

    Eye Of The Phoenix : Secrets Of The Dollar Bill

  3. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Barb Aho of Watch Unto Prayer is going out on a limb and saying the complete crash in America is a week from now. And surely it can't last much longer. We've got The Destructor as President.

  4. Anonymous7:35 AM

    British nuclear expert’s 17th floor UN death plunge ‘was not suicide’

    Read more:

  5. I have had nothing but deep respect for Barbara Aho's work over the years. She connected many important dots. I am, however, DISTURBED over her newest postings which seem to be a Texe Marrs style of anti-Semitism. I have tried many times without success to reach out to Barbara Aho so we could confidentially talk. If anybody out there has influence with her, PLEASE HAVE HER CALL ME.

    Be VERY CAREFUL of her latest theories about our problems being JEWISH PROBLEMS. These were the same theories that helped occultly inspired Hitler to incite the German people to aid and abet him in his HOLOCAUST.


  6. OT (kinda): Friday and Saturday I was at Women of Faith. I was so mad at myself Friday evening for not catching the New age stuff and getting caught up in the "experience". (It took my husband to snap me out of it). Saturday was a little better but there was still many undertones of what you might see in blending New Age with Christianity.

    Women of faith has a partnerships with New Life Ministries (same founder--Steve Arterburn), World Vision, and also has ties with Campus Crusade. There was lots of blending psychology with Christianity. Also one big commercial for other thngs.

    There was a new guy I had never heard of, Marcus Buckingham. With the exception of his prayer at the end, he never once mentioned God. He has been on Oprah. I am not sure if what he does is personality testing. Most likely it is and he has a great way of explaining it so that it doesn't seem like it is.

    I am praying for the other 7,999 women there.

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Well, re: Aho and her supposed anti-semitism...are the people running the banks Jewish or are they not? Is Amitai Etzioni Jewish or is he not? I don't think it condemns all the people of a group to point out some of those people are behind a conspiracy.

  8. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Anonymous 10:42
    It will be an equal playing field when every conniving individuals is described by their background, religion and maybe their sexual orientation. When those who do good are also described that way progress will have been made. When only Jews who may be doing wrong are labeled, it's antisemitism.


  9. Anonymous12:30 PM

    what a picture,
    it says a lot.

  10. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sad to here about the woman of faith. Markus Buckingham clearly promote self-improvement. His focus on building strengths with a focus on desires. Now, there may be elements there that appear wise, but it misses the boat. It is really easy to turn to wisdom of the world for such things, rather than the bible. Yes, we do well doing what we enjoy, but that is always walking in own strength. With God, it is I can do all things through Christ who strengths me.

    Aterburner, from what I have learned and examined has always been about $, perhaps ties deeper than that, but always been the feel for me.

    World Vision and the danger has been well documented here. I still support a world vision child, regardless.

    Campus Crusade is a real mix, as there are many genuine believers seeking to reach the lost. It is what makes it far more nebulous in examing these things as Campuse Crusage, YWAM, Wycliffe, and so on have done much to spread the Gospel, yet the enemy is also at work even going to the roots.

    Here is a sound direction regarding dealing with such matters and recognizing the untruths mixed in. Take the concerns to the Lord. You know he sees and is well aware and pray for folks to be led to the narrow way, the way of surrender to Jesus. There are very few places in the body of Christ that exhibit the true genuine response as exemplified by Philadelphia. So see a concern, pray. For those women and the thousands and millions of others who participate in women of faith, pray God opens eyes to the truth of the Gospel. Pray that God protects the seeds of his Word that are to have impact in their lives, and that what is of the enemy fail to take root.

  11. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sad to here about the woman of faith. Markus Buckingham clearly promote self-improvement. His focus on building strengths with a focus on desires. Now, there may be elements there that appear wise, but it misses the boat. It is really easy to turn to wisdom of the world for such things, rather than the bible. Yes, we do well doing what we enjoy, but that is always walking in own strength. With God, it is I can do all things through Christ who strengths me.

    Aterburner, from what I have learned and examined has always been about $, perhaps ties deeper than that, but always been the feel for me.

    World Vision and the danger has been well documented here. I still support a world vision child, regardless.

    Campus Crusade is a real mix, as there are many genuine believers seeking to reach the lost. It is what makes it far more nebulous in examing these things as Campuse Crusage, YWAM, Wycliffe, and so on have done much to spread the Gospel, yet the enemy is also at work even going to the roots.

    Here is a sound direction regarding dealing with such matters and recognizing the untruths mixed in. Take the concerns to the Lord. You know he sees and is well aware and pray for folks to be led to the narrow way, the way of surrender to Jesus. There are very few places in the body of Christ that exhibit the true genuine response as exemplified by Philadelphia. So see a concern, pray. For those women and the thousands and millions of others who participate in women of faith, pray God opens eyes to the truth of the Gospel. Pray that God protects the seeds of his Word that are to have impact in their lives, and that what is of the enemy fail to take root.

  12. Anonymous1:32 PM

    'Anonymous 10:42

    It will be an equal playing field when every conniving individuals is described by their background, religion and maybe their sexual orientation. When those who do good are also described that way progress will have been made. When only Jews who may be doing wrong are labeled, it's antisemitism.


    I must agree with Dorothy here,
    those bringing about this New World Order hate Christians AND Jews. If for, example, we read Fritz Springmeier's Top Illuminati Bloodlines, we find that MOST of such are not of Jewish origin, and those few which are, certainly are not in favour of advancing Jewish interests.

    The families, whilst including Astor (American) and the Rothchilds (German) (Said to be from the tribe of Dan! Not Judah!), also includes Collins (much more powerful yet low profile than the Rothchilds according to Springmeier), of Scottish/English Gentile origin; Kennedy, of Irish gentile origin;
    Du Pont,of French Gentile origin; Windsors (GB Royal Family), Mixed European Gentile origin (said to be related to the tribe of Dan); etc.

    My point being that the majority of powerful families behind this New World Order are certainly not Jewish!

    On the banking scale, sure there's Rothschild and Rockefeller, but go to Switzerland and you'll find the most prominent banks are run by people whose origins go back to Venice (gentile).

    One thing these powerful men conspiring to bring about a New World Order and One World Religion have in common is that they are all members of the Illuminati, or at the very least, the high degrees of Freemasonry, and it is there where their allegiances lie,and they are heavily involved in the practices of Theosophy.

    They believe the most heinous of lies that Satan/Lucifer is God, and are vehemently opposed to both Christians and Jews as they perceive such as being weak automata of Yahuah (Jehovah)and as such, they see both Christians and Jews as holding everyone else back from the illuminati's sick agenda of 'evolution' through a Luciferic initiation (initiated via channelling etc). That is how vile and demonic the ethos and agenda of the Illuminati-Theosophists is.

    Rob in London

    Continued below...

  13. Anonymous1:33 PM

    ...Continued from above comment.

    They, these Illuminati-Theosophists, have perniciously infiltrated the Churches and Synagogues, as a means to pervert their teachings and congregations, and have infiltrated all Government icluding that of the UK, all Europe, Russia, USA, Israel, and Iran.

    Ultimately, they wish to destroy Christians and Jews. The Illuminati Masons also want to build the 3rd Temple, as, understandably, do many Jewish people. But the Illuminati want to build a copy-cat Temple of Soloman for very different reasons from the Jewish people's desire to build the Temple.

    The Illuminati will use their connections in the Israeli Government (As the Illuminati have connections in all Governments) to bring about this plan, through subterfuge and subversion.

    The reason I mentioned the introduction of the Noachide/Noahide laws into US law before, was not because I believe that the intentions and concepts of these is a Jewish wish to destroy Christians, but because I believe that the introduction of such, has been hijacked by the Illuminati.

    The Illuminati's intention is also to murder Jews, and if they can side-track Christians into hating the Jews they will do. It is a divide and rule then ruin method Known as the Hegelian dialectic.

    I have looked at Barbara Aho's site, and I do find it to be antisemitic. I believe this is because she has not understood the tactics of the real enemy, to both Christians and Jews, is not Judaism but is the Illuminati. That is why you do not get Rothschild and Rockefeller standing up and truly condemning such antisemitism, and it is easy for shills such as Alex Jones, David Ike, and Tex Marrs to promote at varying degrees, antisemitism.

    Just as these Illuminati, that control the media, finance, and institutions of mainstream education can fool and confound the average Christian and Gentile, they can also do this to the Jewish people. As the bible says, 'My people have gone astray because of a lack of knowledge', a lack of knowledge that is of the evil plans and tactics that the Devil uses through the conduit of evil men. Come to London, you see images of dragons everywhere in the city of London. Look around you in the UK, Europe, the States, you see Illuminati symbols and architecture everywhere, it is not Jewish. Another example of this is the architecture of the Israeli Supreme Court, established by the Illumanatus Rothschild. It symbols are not Jewish, but promote the New Age, and fertility cults. Have a look at indepth photos of it if you don't believe me. This is a building which is set up and controlled by the Illuminati (some who pretend they are Jewish to achieve their own ends, but are not), who really have NOTHING to do with Jews, whether in Israel or elsewhere.

    God bless,

    Rob in London.

    For we fight not flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places.

  14. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Whoops, I spelt Solomon wrongly in my last post, and should've written included, not icluded.

    God bless,

    Rob in London.

  15. Anonymous2:08 PM

    A point on the passage from Holy Scripture that I cited in my above post 'My people have gone astray through lack of knowlege', it is moreover because of God's people not having a full understanding of God's Word in the Holy Scriptures.

    I do, however, believe that it is still, to a lesser degree, applicable to what I had written in my last posts here, as, as watchmen, we must be watchful, and aware of what is happening around us.

    God bless,

    Rob in London.

  16. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Rob in London,
    Thanks for your summary of the overall wicked plan we are facing and how it relates to Jews in particular.
    What is your take on Lord Monckton and his recent pronouncements regarding the UN Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen in December?ie that it is a plan for World Government. Is he genuine or something else?

  17. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Anonymous/P. wrote at 5:07 PM,

    'Rob in London,
    Thanks for your summary of the overall wicked plan we are facing and how it relates to Jews in particular.
    What is your take on Lord Monckton and his recent pronouncements regarding the UN Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen in December?ie that it is a plan for World Government. Is he genuine or something else?

    Dear P.,

    With the greatest respect, the way your words are constructed here, which I am sure is accidental, may implicitly infer the opposite to that which I was conveying. I was writing in support of Dorothy's point (10:52 AM)

    To clarify and summarise, I stated that the people behind this conspiracy are NOT Jews nor Christians. The problem faced is against Luciferian Theosophists and Free-Masonic Illuminati, and to be even clearer, it is the demonic forces behind such.

    The enemy we face, hates Jews and Christians. Because of this, they have infiltrated Christian and Jewish organisations, and are trying to pervert the congregations of such, in order to ruin them. We must, therefore, defend the Jewish people and the Church with truth.

    I do not know what Mr. Monkton's wishes are, whilst I agree with him regards the environmental agenda, it seems, at the end of his speech as though he is asking the American people, by piling platitudes upon them, to rise up. It is how he wants them, at 'this last hour', one second before blast off sort of thing, to rise up that concerns me. Militia and their weaponry wouldn't stand a chance against the tanks and planes of the NWO. All that would happen is that martial law would be brought in. I do have my concerns about Mr. Monkton (let us save the title Lord for our Lord Jesus), as he is a Templar knight. Having said this, he may be genuine, but perhaps he should be exposing the one world religion side of things as well and telling us all to pray and to spread the gospel.

    He is still part of the British establishment, and if he really were to stand up and be counted, I doubt he would be any longer(remember Diana?). I would be weary that He be not just another shill, like Ron Paul or Alex Jones, telling alot of truth, yet agitating the public to rebellion so that chaos may ensue, making it easier for the New World Order to be established faster and with seemedly (to the uninformed) with greater legitimacy in the eyes of the masses. I don't want to accuse him, all I say is people should be very astute and scritinise everything said, especially when said by a member of the Establishment, whom afterwards remains a part of the establishment with no scandal concocted to damage their reputation, and when said by a Freemason of the Order of the Knight's Templar.

    God bless all here,

    Rob in London.

  18. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I did not mean to capitalise he in my last post referring to Mr. Monkton here, 'I would be weary that (He should be in lower case here, i.e., he) be not just another shill, like Ron Paul or Alex Jones...'

    Rob in London

  19. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Blair is still being touted as a likely president in the U.k. press.
    Pete in Cambridge uk

  20. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Rob in London,

    The much hyped "Illuminati" are not at the top of the pyramid.

    Remember, we wrestle "NOT against flesh and blood" but against "principalities and spiritual forces in high places". We need to pray FOR our world's leaders and their release from demonic deception, not WORK against them. This is what loving your enemy is all about.

    Joseph was a faithful servant unto the house of Pharoah. Daniel proved himself a faithful servant to the Babylonian rulers.
    While they were on this earth, these men, much beloved by God, DID NOT WORK TO UNDERMINE THE KINGDOMS OF THIS EARTH , but rather they worked FOR a King and a coming Kingdom not of this earth.

    That is where many who post to this blog go astray I'm afraid, making human flesh the enemy.

    Perhaps that explains why so many thoughtful bloggers and researches have left this blog, perhaps they grew tired of the constant naming of names. After all, there is an endless assortment of bad guys out there one could expose. If that's what tickles your fancy, you're in the right place.

  21. I just came from a tour de force of Barbara Aho's newest material and must say, I AM SHOCKED! I have my own disagreements with Gail Riplinger, but to accuse her of a Rosicrucian conspiracy is way beyond the pale. Also, I have had disagreements with David Bay, but Barb's accusations of him are beyond the pale. The anti-semitism Barbara now is obviously espousing is without question OCCULTISM in and of itself, even though that what she believes herself to be fighting.

    Somewhere, Barbara's excellent work has become derailed. It also shows just how extremely vulnerable we all are.

    We'd better all keep each other in deep prayer as these perilous times obviously advance. Indeed, we all need to WATCH UNTO PRAYER,

    "lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil . . ."


  22. Anonymous8:41 PM

    To Anonymous at 7:26 PM.

    I agree that the enemy we ure really up agianst is the Devil and his legions of demons. I did not clarify this point enough in my writing, for example, I wrote,

    '...the real enemy, to both Christians and Jews, is not Judaism but is the Illuminati.'

    I should have said, it is the Devil and his demons, who use those men that make up the so called illuminati and give their will over to him, thus becoming servants of him.

    After this, in the posts question, I did write,

    'the evil plans and tactics that the Devil uses through the conduit of evil men.'

    and also wrote,

    For we fight not flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Yes, we should pray for our enemies and not curse them, but we should also trust in Jesus Christ and expose the works of the Devil done through evil men. we must warn people of the spiritual dangers ahead, and by exposing such men involved in promoting the Devil's agenda, we may hopefully cause some of those men to turn and repent.

    I should however have clarified this more so in my last post, and as such accept your pedantry.

    God bless you, and peace be with you.

    Rob in London.

  23. I noticed something terribly interesting. There is a WASHINGTON TIMES article giving an "embassy row" list of who is to be in town this week. Javier Solana is not mentioned, yet one of his aides, Steve Everts is.

    "By James Morrison

    Diplomatic traffic

    Foreign visitors in Washington this week include:


    • Foreign Ministers Carl Bildt of Sweden and Radoslaw Sikorski of Poland; Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European commissioner for external relations; Matthew Baldwin, adviser to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso; Andrzej Cieszkowski, plenipotentiary of the Polish Foreign Ministry for the Eastern Partnership of European nations; Mikael Eriksson, energy policy coordinator of the Swedish Foreign Ministry; Steven Everts, special adviser to Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy representative; Peter Semneby, the European Union's special representative for the South Caucasus; and Mikhail Troitskiy, deputy director of the Academic Educational Forum on International Relations in Moscow. They'll discuss U.S.-EU cooperation and security issues in a forum at the Brookings Institution."

    JAVIER SOLANA's own website's AGENDA shows that Solana is in Washington all week, starting with a "working lunch" with Joe Biden, the launching of the EU-USA ENERGY COUNCIL the next day and the next two days thereafter at a MUNICH CONFERENCE on security in WASHINGTON, D.C.

    UNIFICATION CHURCH owns and controls the Washington Times. ARE THEY HELPING JAVIER SOLANA remain invisible??

    I suspect so!


  24. This is the WASHINGTON TIMES link story TINYURL link. Sorry I omitted it:

    And here is Solana's Agenda


  25. Anonymous8:51 PM

    To Anonymous at 7:26 PM.

    I agree that the enemy we are really up against is the Devil and his legions of demons. I did not clarify this point enough in my writing. For example, I wrote,

    '...the real enemy, to both Christians and Jews, is not Judaism but is the Illuminati.'

    I should have said, it is the Devil and his demons, who use those men that make up the so called illuminati and give their will over to him, thus becoming servants of him.

    After this, in the posts in question, I did write,

    '...the evil plans and tactics that the Devil uses through the conduit of evil men.'

    and also wrote,

    For we fight not flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Yes, we should pray for our enemies and not curse them, but we should also trust in Jesus Christ and expose the works of the Devil done through evil men.

    we must warn people of the spiritual dangers ahead, and by exposing such men involved in promoting the Devil's agenda, we may hopefully cause some of those men to turn and repent.

    I should, however, have clarified this more so in my last post, and as such accept and am grateful for your points.

    God bless you, and peace be with you.

    Rob in London.

    Ephesians 6:11-13 (King James Version)

    11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand


    Matthew 5:43-45 (King James Version)

    43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

    44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

    45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust

  26. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Dear Constance,

    I also found Barbara's site disconcerting. It appears at one point as though she is agreeing with Helena Blavatsky, as she references her in order to support a blanket and antisemitic argument against the Jews.

    I believe we need to pray for her, and ask God to prompt her to repent, and to give her spiritual discernment and fill her heart with love, and the love of the Truth.

    God bless you,

    Rob in Lonodn.

  27. Re MUNICH SECURITY CONFERENCE being held in Washington this year from their website:

    "MSC Core Group Meeting
    The first MSC Core Group Meeting will be held
    in Washington, D.C. in the autumn of 2009.
    This new offshoot of the Munich Security
    Conference is intended to place the
    Conference’s work on a permanent footing and
    to give a small, exclusive group of participants
    an opportunity to discuss key issues of
    international security policy. The likely areas of
    focus include the impact of the global economic
    crisis on security policy, questions of energy
    DE | EN (1 of 2) [11/1/2009 9:05:57 PM]
    MSC Core Group Meeting: MSC
    security, transatlantic policy on climate in the
    run-up to the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen; and the future of transatlantic cooperation
    within NATO. The intention is for ideas generated by the Core Group Meeting to contribute to
    the further development of the Munich Security Conference. The United States is represented
    at the Conference by The Atlantic Council of the United States."

    Very interesting!


  28. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Some more info on the frequency of RFID chips, and internal poison--


    I posted a link earlier about how RFID and GPS could be combined.
    Now, here's something more in that vein.

    Regarding the wavelength of RFID--note that 125 kHz was the original rate, and 134(.2) is the INTERNATIONAL rate of modulation.

    Also, the higher frequency can work through tissue (human/animal), wood, and water.

    I found myself on this link after coming across information on a patent filed in Germany by a Saudia Arabian. The photo/graphic accompanying the article is very informative. I was especially impressed (in a shuddering kind of way) with the "tissue-bonding cap," and the reason for its existence.

    The patent was denied, and there doesn't seem to be much more out there on its current status. Note that it's stated that the implant could be designed with the capacity to hold chemicals which could be remotely injected the chip recipient.

    I'll keep trying to find out the status, and if it's been re-submitted somewhere else.


  29. Regarding Barbara Aho. It is a sad thing for any of us to go down a path that is rooted in deception. THe adversary, Satan seeks to derail us all.

  30. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Whilst I stand by what I have written in my last comment, I would like to add that we should expose evil, and the evil acts of men who want to introduce a One World Government and Religion based upon Satanic worship. If someone wants to argue the ins and outs of what I mean here, go ahead, but that is what it boils down to.

    I have stated that my opposition to people such as the shill Alex Jones, is that their intention is to get people to revolt with violence, which I oppose. I do, however, believe in peaceful active protest. If you remain in cowardice and silence you end up as guilty as those perpetrating such vile acts. It must be exposed. I speak against Alex Jones's behaviour here, as he riles people up into violence. Doesn't anyone think it strange that his media company, Genesis, is in fact a subsidary of ABC? Is it not suspicious that he has had managed to get Rothschild on his radio show and been very pally indeed with him? And then there is Peter Joseph, who regularly appears on his show and Alex seems to be in full agreement with. The same Peter Joseph involved in making the New Age propaganda Zeitgeist movies. (See Zeitgeist Exposed.) He is also great mates with New Ager David Ike, and Stanton Lavey, yes the grandson of Satanist Anton Lavey. Trust no-one at face value but God and His word! Research, research, research.

    We must not judge when we ourselves are guilty of a similar offence, however, we can judge when we are not being hypocritical and our objective and mode of judging is to expose and make others aware, as well as hopefully cause some of those guilty of what we are exposing to repent. It is our Christian duty to sound the alarm, and it is sinful not to.

    God bless,

    Rob in London.

  31. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Leaders of the world's religions are meeting at Windsor Castle from Nov 2 - 4 to discuss how best they can cooperate to combat climate change.

    How jolly thoughtful of them!


  32. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Exposing Alex Jones

    Rob in London

  33. To anonymous 8:49

    My sworn personal enemy Martin Palmer is leading the APOSTASY combines with NEW AGE combines with GLOBAL GOVERNANCE meeting at Windsor Castle.


  34. I did some more reviewing of Barb Aho's latest series on "Synarchy" and I am even more disturbed at her work and direction. She relies heavily on both the long discredited PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION (long since proven to be a Theosophical plant) and HENRY FORD. HENRY FORD was, as was his close friend, THOMAS EDISON deeply into the occult. I have been to many functions in his former home in Dearborn, Michigan where his personal library is on display. It is full of books on Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, a New Age "Christ", etc., ad nauseum.

    Barbara Aho is astute enough as a researcher to have known this. I am deeply perplexed as to what could have made her personally embrace this deadly arm of the occult network.


  35. DavidinBattleCreek12:21 PM

    And, remember Rob, ABC is owned by Disney, the greatest educator of new age ideals, especially in regards to children. Not even Harry Potter (or Warner Bros.) comes as close as Disney.

  36. Well I am surprised that it appears
    (from the picture) that Javier is out to beat Tom DeLay's performance
    on "Dancing with the Stars".
    Constance any guesses on who Javier's dance partner will be?


  37. Anonymous1:24 PM

    From KBTX (11/02/09)


    Planned Parenthood has been a part of Abby Johnson's life for the past eight years; that is until last month, when Abby resigned. Johnson said she realized she wanted to leave, after watching an ultrasound of an abortion procedure.

    "I just thought I can't do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that's it," said Johnson.

    She handed in her resignation October 6. Johnson worked as the Bryan Planned Parenthood Director for two years.

    According to Johnson, the non-profit was struggling under the weight of a tough economy, and changing it's business model from one that pushed prevention, to one that focused on abortion.

    "It seemed like maybe that's not what a lot of people were believing any more because that's not where the money was. The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that," said Johnson.

    Johnson said she was told to bring in more women who wanted abortions, something the Episcopalian church goer recently became convicted about.

    "I feel so pure in heart (since leaving). I don't have this guilt, I don't have this burden on me anymore that's how I know this conversion was a spiritual conversion."

    Johnson now supports the Coalition For Life, the pro-life group with a building down the street from Planned Parenthood. Coalition volunteers can regularly be seen praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood. Johnson has been meeting with the coalition's executive director, Shawn Carney, and has prayed with volunteers outside Planned Parenthood.

    On Friday both Johnson and the Coalition For Life were issued temporary restraining orders filed by Planned Parenthood.

    Rochelle Tafolla, a Planned Parenthood spokesperson issued the following statement: "We regret being forced to turn to the courts to protect the safety and confidentiality of our clients and staff, however, in this instance it is absolutely necessary."

    The temporary restraining order contends that Planned Parenthood would be irreparably harmed by the disclosure of certain information, but does not bar Johnson or Coalition For Life volunteers from the premises.

    As of Sunday evening, neither Johnson nor Carney had seen the complaint filed against them that prompted the restraining order.

    A hearing about the order has been set for November 10.

  38. Anonymous1:26 PM


    Hilter acknowledged that his friend Henry Ford was a key influence for his anti-Semitism. (I too have been in Ford's home - castle - in Dearborn but didn't see his library - wish I had. My father worked for Ford and met him on two or three occasions.)

    Dave in CA

  39. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Former President Clinton unveils statue in Kosovo:


    And as Constance has also discussed:


    (Was struck by the possibility that it might be a foreshadowing, of sorts, of the prophesied abomination of desolation.)

  40. Anonymous1:40 PM


    Whoops, I was at Edsel Ford's home - the castle - on the river north of Detroit.

    Dave in CA


    When someone says, “I am a Seven Day Adventist”. What is the first thing that comes to mind? I tell you what I had originally thought. That it was Christian denomination that chose to worship on Saturday instead of Sunday. Boy did that view change after my conversation with an acquaintance (a lady who belongs to my homeschool group).

    I will try to make some main general points that point to the New Age movement that I noticed in our conversation.

    1) BLENDING OF RELIGIONS: She often spoke about the importance of keeping Levitical laws, especially in diet and the keeping of the Sabbath. I asked her if they followed specifics like that were given in Leviticus like taking a number many steps on that day. She said there was no specific rule on that.
    2) ANTI SEMETIC TEACHINGS: Okay, the first one being that us as Christians now get all the promises of the Jewish people. This is because (her words) “there is now a new covenant and that the old one no longer exist because they (the Jews) broke it. She even went so far as to say that the United States shouldn’t even support Israel. She even mentioned that people shouldn’t help build the next temple (my guess is that she is talking about other Christians). This was a new one for me. I had read about people that think like this (on this blog) and was completely overwhelmed by meeting one in person.
    3) ANTI CATHOLICISM*- As a Christian, I am use to conversing with people who have issues with Catholics. All other times, I usually bring up my Catholic friend and their love for Jesus. I bring up the fact that they believe that Jesus is the only way and that He was God in the flesh. At this time, I can usually have a reasonable conversation. When I mentioned these previous statements, she said nothing and moved on. She also had very bad things to say about the Pope. Also, additional research shows that they feel it was the Catholic Church who changed the worship from Saturday to Sunday.

    I found some things she said very comical and contradictory of what she had said previously. When she was speaking of the end time, she mentioned how the Anti-christ is suppose to change times and seasons. She told me that this had already been done. In the end everyone was going to be forced to worship on Sunday. She mentioned that those who worshipped on the true Sabbath were going to get some kind of reward. I found this interesting because wouldn’t that include the Jewish people?

    Another contradictory thing, If we have a new covenant and there isn’t any old covenant, then why do they keep the Jewish law in regards to diet and Sabbath?

    One thing I did learn in doing some additional research, that we can thank the Adventist for our breakfast cereal and corn flakes. Both Kellogg brothers were influenced by their teachings.

    For those wanting additional research or information. You way want to look into Ellen G. White. She was an early church prophetess. The church still reveres her teachings.

    Perhaps you were already aware of all this information. I was not. I hope this may help others.

    You may want to check out this site:

    or other apologetic sites for more information.

    * I include this because I believe it is part of the New Age movement to separate Catholics and Protestants so that we will not fight together towards exposing the New Age Movement. They would rather keep us arguing.

  42. Dawn,

    Some of my favorite relatives are SDA's and I have spoken in a several SDA churches over the years about the New Age Movement. Biggest problems with their theology to my mind:

    1. Teaching that Michael the Archangel is Jesus. (They also teach that Lucifer was the Archangel before his fall.)

    2. Ellen G. White as "the Spirit of Prophecy."

    3. Vegetarianism getting folks a type of brownie point with God system.

    4. Israel replacement theology.


  43. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Regarding the teachings of SDA's they teach that going to church and worshipping on Sunday is the Mark of the Beast and that the Sunday Law is coming.
    Yes,and what about non-believers then? Which day do they worship on?
    Also, if the Sunday Law were to come in then what of those who worshipped on Sunday before this law? Are they exempt or not? Mmmm.
    And what about those people who worship God every day through prayer etc?
    I have been to a few SDA presentations over the years and strangely enough, you can't ask any questions of them.

  44. My biggest fear about the SDA teaching that Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast is that they won't recognize the real thing when it comes until for some it is too late. Whether one worships on Saturday, Sunday is covered by Romans Chapter 14 where Paul expressly instructed not to argue about those things nor about whether one should eat only vegetables.


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