
Monday, October 26, 2009

"Mediterranean Summit Nixed"

Incentives are obviously growing for the European Union to cancel its responsibilities to Israel under its Treaty of Association as part of the reconfirmed Barcelona Process. This is also known as the European Neighbourhood Process. Saturday night I posted a story that this was an ominous threat. Today, it is reported as reality. You may read the full story by clicking here.

The European Neighbourhood Policy action plans are up for mid-term review in mid-2010. You may read them from the EU official site for the ENPI by clicking here. Herb Peters thought this could possibly be the 70th week of Daniel prophecy in action. I tentatively concur, but time and events will eventually tell.

Stay tuned!



  1. I said we needed to keep an eye on David Miliband, the 40ish Javier Solana think-alike who is Foreign Minister of Great Britain. This is from his speech today to the International Institute for Strategic Studies:

    "The EU countries provide almost 40% of the UN’s budget, and almost two thirds of the world’s development assistance. The single
    market gives decisive clout in negotiations over trade, regulatory regimes and environmental standards. We have 2 million men and
    women under arms and 40,000 diplomats working in 1,500 diplomatic missions around the world. We adopt common positions in
    over 90% of the votes in international organisations, and Epost-colonial and trading links mean there are few corners of the world
    that none of us understand.
    But – and it’s a big but - we don’t at present get commensurate value for this resource. Arrangements are ad hoc; coordination
    patchy; messages confused; and relationships with the great global powers lacking clarity, strategy or purpose.
    So the choice for Europe is simple. Get our act together and make the EU a leader on the world stage; or become spectators in a
    G2 world shaped by the US and China. But I think that the choice for the UK is also simply stated: we can lead a strong European
    foreign policy or – lost in hubris, nostalgia or xenophobia - watch our influence in the world wane.
    The Development of EU Foreign Policy"

    FOR THE RECORD: The IISS was organized by Sir Kenneth Grubb (Norman Grubb's brother), Admiral Buzzard, and Denis Healy (also a key organizer of the Bilderberg group). They have CLOSE TIES to Doug Coe's Washington group. In my opinion, they have been most effectively working both sides of the Atlantic for a very long time.


  2. They ( he ) sure do(es) speak with authority;
    Worldly authority.

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Thank you Constance for your book suggestions. Incidentally, the link you suggested, , also showed that the Euphrates river has in parts dried up... to make way for the kings of the East?

    Another interesting site I have found is that of a Jewish man who has become a Christian (or Messianic Jew for the pedantic).

    He strongly supports the Jewish people's right too the land, ,

    whilst differentiating between the Jewish people and Masons/ Kabbalists/ New Agers,who say they are Jews but are not and are of the synagogue of Satan.

    Please, please, please read these sites, accompanied with photographic and other evidence before passing judgment here. I have other information pertaining to this topic which I believe is of VITAL importance to Christians in the US and beyond.

    Thank you & God bless you,
    Rob in London.

  4. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Here are those links again.

    I have separated the links into 3 parts, placing them in the order they appear in my last post above. (I must learn to do tiny urls, sorry!)














    Again I plead, please, please, please follow these links before passing judgment here. I have other information pertaining to this topic which I believe is of VITAL importance to Christians in the US and beyond.

    Thank you & God bless you,
    Rob in London.

  5. Warning to all:

    There is a man on the internet calling himself "MEL SANGER" (probably not even his real name) who claims to be a prophetic research and is selling with scam ads his merchandise. When you try to leave his sites, you get pop up boxes cautioning you not to go.

    B U Y E R B E W A R E!


  6. RobinLondon,

    Go to Input address into bar provided. Click make tinyurl, allow access, and your new url will appear on the next screen. Here's the links you provided in tiny form.






  7. Anonymous11:14 AM

    These Noahide laws ultimately outlaw Christianity. The breaking of them means death by beheading for Christians. They are being pushed forward by the Lubervitcher Chabad movement, a Kabbalist, Illuminati backed group.

    Here's a site promoting the Noahide/Noachide laws

    'Jones in his speech singled out Albert Pike, notorious leader of the Scottish Rite branch of Freemasonry in the United States, for special praise as another "Noahide" or friend of Noahides.'

    Library of Congress docs proving Noahide laws are now part of US federal law and can be inplemented whensoever the president decrees necessary (under an emergency?) as Presidential directives 51 and 20 show.

    from Rob in London.

  8. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Thanks J.D., have just seen your advice now. Will do.

    Rob in London.

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The Noahide laws and the Lubervitcher Chabad movement, with its false Messiah (now dead) Rebbe Mendel Schneerson, have been personally approved by U.S. Presidents certainly since Carter. Bush Senior actually signed them into law, and Obama recently met with the Lub.C. group to personally reaffirm his commitment to the Noahide Laws and the memory of Kabalist Schneerson.

    Please understand, I am certainly not Anti-Semitic, and I stress the difference here between these Kabalists of the synagogue of Satan and their Masonic NAM links, and the vast majority of Jewish people whether Israeli or no, the latter of which, and are majorally innocent of understanding as to the real purpose and consequences of Noahide law implementation by the NWO.

    These laws have recently been approved by Benedict XVI, so no doubt we'll be getting them in the UK too.

    I'll send more links to show this.

    Rob in London.

  10. Susanna11:44 AM

    Hi Constance,

    Regarding your post on the cancellation of the summit of Mediterranean states, I thought you might find the following article interesting.


    After reading the article, I began to wonder if an exaggerated focus on the Arab - Israeli conflict might possibly be serving as a kind of diversionary strategy to shift attention away from the Arab-French conflict embodied in the less than cozy relationship between France and North Africa.....or from something else.

  11. Water Authority: Amnesty Didn't Consult Us Over Critical report

    The Water Authority slammed Amnesty International on Monday for failing to allow it to make any sort of presentation to Amnesty's researchers or react to the organization's findings on water allocation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority before the publication of its new critical report on Tuesday morning.

    The authority also called into question some of the basic facts the report presented.

    The new document examines an ongoing issue - the divvying up of water resources between the PA and Israel. The three main natural water resources are Lake Kinneret, the mountain aquifer and the coastal aquifer. The mountain aquifer runs almost entirely under the West Bank, and Amnesty slammed Israel for taking 80 percent of the water from the aquifer.

    Water resources are one of the final-status negotiation issues between Israel and the PA, and it is safe to assume that no lasting changes will be made outside the context of those talks. Nevertheless, Amnesty has called on Israel to divide up the shared water resources now and end discrimination against Palestinians in favor of settlers.

    The report also cites a vast difference in daily water use for the two parties. Amnesty cites 400 liters per day for Israelis, and just 70 for Palestinians. That figure puts the Palestinians below the World Health Organization recommendation of 100 liters per day.

    more at link

  12. Anonymous11:48 AM

    'Dobson's group Focus on the Family actually descends indirectly from Theosophy.'

    Dobson, 'has publicly called for Americans to adhere to what he calls the Moral Laws. This is a known Masonic buzzword for the Pharisee Noahide Laws which are absolutely the ACs laws of total bondage.'

    Rob in London.

  13. Susanna11:53 AM


    You dirty rat.

    Chicago and Cook County residents aren’t the only ones about to get shocking tax news; the city is debuting a “tax whistle-blower” plan that could turn neighbor against neighbor in Chicago’s business community.

    The folks at city hall will pay cash bounties to informants who turn in business tax cheats around the city. The reward would amount to some sort of percentage of the tax money that the city recovers.

    "It's just another way of bringing people into compliance," Revenue Department spokesman Ed Walsh told the Sun-Times...

  14. Anonymous12:06 PM

    These are the tinyurls for the links I put up at 11:14 am, in the same sequence.





    (Library of Congress Docs)



    The other 3 versions of the bill/Act can obviously be obtained by following the link either at A or B.

    Rob in London.

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM


    'On the University of Calgary web site, the pages of Associate Professor of Theology, Dr. Eliezer Segal, present much information about ancient and modern Judaism. One of the modern schools of Judaic philosophy is Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism, which Dr. Segal describes as Kabbalist movement:

    "The name 'Chabad' is a blip acronym for the expression 'Chokmah,' 'Binah" and 'Da'at' -- Wisdom, Intelligence and Knowledge. These Kabbalistic terms are central to the distinctive intellectual theology of the movement... The name Lubavitch refers to a town in Lithuania that was the centre of the movement for a brief period during the nineteenth century...Chabad Hasidism continued to be a major force among Russian and Lithuanian blips from its inception..."

    Rob in London.

  16. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The doctrines of the Lubavitch Movement are derived from the Kabalah, the source book of blipish mysticism or Gnosticism. The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION states that the Lubavitch Hasidic interpretation of the Lurianic system of Kabbalah is among those taught in traditional blipish institutions:

    "The dominant brand of Qabbalah in the modern Qabbalistic Yeshivot (traditional blipish academies) is the Lurianic system. It is studied according to the interpretations offered by Mosheh Hayyim Luzzatto, by Eliyyahu ben Shelomoh Aalman, by Habad, the Lubavitch Hasidic Movement and by the Sefardic Qabbalists of the Beit El Academy in JerBliplem."
    The "Lurianic system" of Kabalah was developed by Rabbi Luria (Ari). The Inner Dimension web site states: "Ari is an acronym for 'The Divine Rabbi Isaac [Luria]' (1534-1572), who received and conveyed revolutionary new insights into the wisdom of Kabbalah."

    (The original link here, does not open, I have found another link that proves the connection between the Lubavitchers, Theosophy, and the Lurianic Kabbalah. Rob in London.)

    "Rabbi Luria is identified by the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION as the most influential of the Kabbalist/Theosophists: "The success of Luria's thought was instantaneous: his theosophy was accepted unanimously . . . and his Qabbalah was regarded as superior to the Cordoverian system."

    'H.P. Blavatsky traces the Kabbalah to the ancient mysteries of Babylon and Egypt: "As is well known, the Kabala never originated with the blips, who got their ideas from the Chaldeans and the Egyptians." (THE SECRET DOCTRINE, Vol. II, p. 240)'

    The quote here is taken from

    Rob in London.

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    'Professor Weiss calls for the rebuilding of the Temple'

    Quote: "In a move that may heighten tensions in the capital, the Organization for Human Rights on the Temple Mount (OHRTM) called for Jews to visit the east Jerusalem compound, which houses the al-Aqsa Mosque."

    "During a 'rightist' event held in Jerusalem Sunday evening, just hours after Muslims rioted in and around the Temple Mount amid reports that Jewish extremists were planning to visit the site, Professor Hillel Weiss said, "The (third) temple must be built now. The mosques do not have to be destroyed in order for us to do this."

    (Links to this subject can be found on Constance's previous comments page.)

    Thanks, and God Bless,

    Rob in London.

  18. Anonymous2:26 PM

    In the same way as U.S. Presidents have been cosying up to the Lubavitcher Kabal, I'm now finding out so have European ones. Is Sarkozy going to take Solana's job eventually?

    'Sarkozy addresses the Rebbe'

    This is a cache taken from one of Lubavicth Chabad's websites (

    Rob in London.

  19. Anonymous2:35 PM


    'End Times File: Sarkozy cozies up to Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Judaism: Is someone grooming French president for role of Israel's coming Messiah?'

    Rob in London.

  20. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Here is a short video of Sarkozy meeting his old pal Rebbe Zaoui, in which he approves of the Noahide laws (Sorry, it is in French, but there is enough imagery to grasp the situation if you do not understand French.)

    There is a little explaining this where I found this link at

    Rob in London.

  21. Anonymous3:15 PM

    This link taken from the last posted(
    also describes the essence of
    Sarkozy's discussion on the video,
    this comes from another Lubavicher-Chabad site, which disgustingly calls itself rebbegod.blogspot

    Rob in London.

  22. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Article taken from Israeli News

    'Sources: Sarkozy views Obama stance on Iran as 'utterly immature'

  23. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Methinks there's a bit of the old Hegelian dialectic going on between Sarkozy and Obama.

    Rob in London

  24. RobinLondon,

    While I am not always up to date on Sarkozy, I can state with some certainty he is not the AC. As he HAS been given the honor of a kingdom, where the son of perdition will not have been given such honor. However I do believe he may be one of the ten kings given power and authority to rule for an hour. Just my thoughts, however it is important to keep all prophecies in perspective when looking at what is unfolding. Also one must remember his love of women. These two things are enough to disqualify him as a runner.

  25. Obama putting $3.4B toward a 'smart' power grid

    ARCADIA, Fla. – President Barack Obama made a pitch for renewable energy Tuesday, announcing $3.4 billion in government support for 100 projects aimed at modernizing the nation's power grid.

    Touring a field of solar energy panels in west-central Florida, the president urged greater use of several technologies to make America's power transmission system more efficient and better suited to the digital age. The projects include installing "smart" electric meters in homes, automating utility substations, and installing thousands of new digital transformers and grid sensors.

    "There's something big happening in America in terms of creating a clean-energy economy," Obama said, although he added there is much more to be done.

    He likened the effort to the ambitious development of the national highway system 50 years ago. He said modernization would lead to a "smarter, stronger and more secure electric grid."

    Under muggy skies, Obama toured the DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center, which is designed to generate enough energy for about 3,000 residential customers of the utility FPL. It is the nation's largest photovoltaic electricity facility.

    more at link

  26. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sarkozy's letter in large print can be found at another Lubavitch Chabad domain.

    (My translation: 'Dear Sir, on the occasion of the 107th birthday celebration of the Lubavitch Rabbi Melekh HaMachia'h Chlita, I very much want you to convey my cordial and friendliest wishes to the members of the community at Neuilly (sic,where Lubavitch-Chabad has its Parisian headquarters)'.

    'It is my desire to renew my faithful attachment and sincere friendship, which I bring to the Lubavitch community.'

    'It would be my pleasure that you approve, dear Sir, with the expression of my best sentiments.'

    'Nicholas Sarkozy.'

    From Rob in London.

  27. Susanna4:36 PM

    Dear SV,

    I meant to thank you on a previous thread for your own astute remarks and quote from Spinoza as it relates to what we were discussing about the philosophy of "atomism" and how it appears to be analogous to the idea behind "Legos," impressionist paintings and "pixels."

    LOL Things kind of got lost in the shuffle. I was rereading the threads when I saw your comment, and I wanted to make sure that you knew that I had seen it.

  28. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The link below is from, posted by nonymouse on Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:46 pm.

    'Sarkozy of Syrian Jewish Descent w/Link to 3rd Temple Group


    This is very interesting, as the Romans used Syrian legions of the Roman army to destroy the Second Temple. Could it be that someone reputedly of Syrian Jewish descent may become head of the revived Roman empire and oversee the building of, and then desecrate, the Third Temple?

    In the Holy Bible, the Antichrist is referred to as the King of Assyria, he will seek to change times and laws (introducing the Noahide laws?)

    I noticed yesterday, on, an article about an exclusive interview given by Javier Solana to Solana to Haaretz, entitled 'New rules of war needed for age of terror'

    France opted to abstain from the vote at the Human Rights Council instead of rejecting the report, and angered the Israeli leadership.

    'Solana responds with a smile and a gesture of dismissal. He says that, "this is a very short sighted approach. After all, it is the Foreign Minister of France - a state which is one of the most important allies of Israel." ...

    Perhaps this is why he understands - and even supports - the call of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the need to ALTER THE LAWS governing international warfare, which are not aligned with the reality in which countries need to combat terrorist entities. Solana chooses not to address the question of war crimes attributed to Israel in the report, but stresses that "in yesterday's world there were wars of armies against armies and there were laws and conventions that dealt with the conduct of such wars. It is necessary to invest thought to the changing situation in which there is asymmetry between fighting parties - a situation in which it is difficult to implement the classic/old rules of war." But he says that "until new rules are in place we must obey the old ones" '

    Rob in London.

  29. I'm slowiy, while on a break, making my way through comments since my last posting. All are appreciated.

    Susanna, I'm looking at the FRIDE one with deep interest, knowing that it is an organization deeply tied to and loyal to Javier Solana.

    Something's going on. My preliminary guess is that it will be used to out Israel from the European Neighbourhood Programme.
    Time and events will tell.


  30. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Christians WAKE UP!

    The Re-established Jewish Sanhedrin's website with it's Noahide Laws Court (Court of Bnei Noah)

    Synagogues as Law Courts

    Mark 13:8-10 (King James Version)

    8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

    9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.

    10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.

    On the point of Masonic/NWO/NAM Theosophic-Kabbalists such as Lubavitch Chabad...

    Revelation 2:8-10 (King James Version)

    8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;

    9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

    10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

    Rob in London.

    The link to Lubavitch Chabad's lists the Noahide laws and the penalty for worshipping Jesus is death by beheading!

    Revelation 20:4

    And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years

    Rob in London.

  31. Susanna (and others interested):

    A quote from the FRIDE article I found intensely interesting:

    "The Union for the Mediterranean is not a new lease of life but another nail in the coffin of the vision that infused the inception of the EMP in 1995. "

    The 1995 'vision that infused the inception of the EMP in 1995' was clearly that of Javier Solana.

    My educated guess is that this is a pushing for Solana to retain power.


  32. 10/27/2009

    Rob wrote: "These Noahide laws ultimately outlaw Christianity. The breaking of them means death by beheading for Christians. They are being pushed forward by the Lubervitcher Chabad movement, a Kabbalist, Illuminati backed group."

    This is nonsense. While some Jews, and some but not all Lubavitchers, consider Christianity to be idolatry, this is not a mainstream Jewish view.

    The best way to respond in detail is by quoting Rabbi David Berger from his book, “Jews and Jewish Christianity.”

    "At first glance this doctrine [of homousios, the son of one essence with the Father] sounds like abandonment of monotheism... The church, however, has traditionally rejected this interpretation and insisted that, in spite of the threefold nature of God, each person of which is the full equal of the others, there is also a oneness to God that makes the Christian triune God continuous with the one God of the [Tanakh]. While the Christian insistence of God's Oneness ... is a source of satisfaction to Jews..., it must also be said that Judaism finds a "three that are one" doctrine virtually impossible to understand, especially in the light of the teaching that only one of these persons becomes a man.

    It is not our intention to impose a simplistic requirement for "rationality" on religious teachings. Nevertheless such teachings must be intelligible if they are to be believed, and it is precisely this that is questionable in the teaching of the trinity.

    "While the Nicene definition almost certainly goes much beyond the NT interpretation of Jesus' status there are some features of the NT that lay the groundwork... [Some passages] state Jesus' divinity more clearly, though [not through Jesus' words]..One such is Col. 2:9 that asserts, "it is in Christ that the complete being of the godhead dwells embodied." It should be noted that the Pauline authorship of Colossians has been questioned specifically because of its otherwise un-Pauline Christology.

    "It is difficult to determine whether the claim that Jesus was God is fully a post-NT development or whether it has a firm foundation in the NT itself. ... Most Jewish and some Christian scholars believe that the teaching of Jesus' divinity came into Christianity from Gentile sources and was unknown to the original community of Jesus' followers... From the Jewish viewpoint this belief [in Jesus' divinity] is idolatrous... It is therefore important to know that a Jew who believes that Jesus [is] God in the sense asserted by the Nicene creed commits idolatry as defined by Jewish law.

    "There is only one other point to be made. Does a Gentile who believes in Jesus' divinity in accordance with the Nicene Creed commit idolatry? ... [While] Gentiles are not obligated to obey all the commandments ... one of the [Noahite] commandments that is binding is the prohibition against idolatry... The answer, according to the dominant Jewish point of view, is that he does not.

    In Jewish literature the term ... for the Trinitarian concept ... was shittuf (partnership). The accepted Jewish view is that belief in shittuf does not constitute idolatry for Gentiles but does so for Jews. The reason for this is that the definition of what constitutes idolatry is different for Jews and Gentiles. Belief in shittuf, the belief that God shares his being in equal partnership with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, is not idolatry by the standard of idolatry demanded of Gentiles. But the very same belief held by a Jew constitutes idolatry by the standard applicable to Jews. It is for this reason that Judaism does not condemn Christian Trinitarianism as idolatry unless those holding the belief are Jews bound by the Sinai covenant."

    This view is also confirmed by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin in his book, "Jewish Literacy."

    Peace and blessing,

  33. Susanna5:23 PM

    To All,

    I thought you guys might enjoy this one. It is a "Scripture Tree," and it was sent to me by a friend of mine from Church with the following note:

    This is awesome!! When the tree comes on a flower, close that one and click on another. I wish I could just put it on my wall and click it when I needed to.

  34. Susanna5:40 PM


    When I saw the FRIDE article, I thought it was a little strange myself since the MAXIMS NEWS NETWORK as a whole is clearly labeled as being a NEWS NETWORK FOR THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY.

    Since the article seems to be looking ahead to all the "good doo-bee"things that Spain is going to do to save the day, I have to agree with you.

    In the very next sentence we read:

    Spain promises to revitalize Euro-Mediterranean relations during its EU presidency in early 2010. It does so, ritually, under each of its presidencies...

    What role might Solana be playing in 2010 when Spain assumes the EU presidency?

  35. 10/27/2009

    Rob wrote: "Dobson, 'has publicly called for Americans to adhere to what he calls the Moral Laws. This is a known Masonic buzzword for the Pharisee Noahide Laws which are absolutely the ACs laws of total bondage.'"

    What is AC? Which of the Noahite laws do you object to? Here they are:

    Do not commit:
    sexual immorality
    eating the flesh of a live animal
    and set up courts to enforce the others.

  36. Anonymous5:56 PM

    "Application to gentiles: Required
    Mandated punishment for violation: Death penalty" ...

    "This commandment also prohibits the verbal acceptance of any false god as one’s deity, on pain of death penalty."

    Examples: "Not to verbally accept Jesus as one’s god or “lord.”

    "Application to gentiles: Required
    Mandated punishment for violation: Death penalty

    Brief description: Not to worship a false god according to the customary rituals established by its religion. Some idols or false gods are worshipped through bowing, burning incense, or making offerings of food; others through certain types of dancing, singing, chanting, or meditation; others through growing one’s hair long, shaving it off, and offering it; and others through ceremonies involving fire, water, or convening at certain locations at certain times of year. Whatever the practice of the false religion, even a single act of such worship is a capital offense.
    While it is also a sin to believe in the existence of a false god (commandment -1), even without worshipping it, that act of false belief is not covered in this commandment.


    "Not to bow to a Buddha statue, nor to offer incense before it.
    Not to be baptized in Christianity, nor to pray in the name of Jesus.
    Not to participate in worship ceremonies of Hinduism, Hare Krishna, or various “New Age” cult movements — including transcendental meditation or Yoga — even if no idol is physically present.
    Not to celebrate such pagan holidays as Easter, Halloween, or Christmas."

    While Christian churches have slept...

    Stop, Look, and Listen! An Urgent Message (Part 1 of 7)

    New Laws

    There are many examples on the site, such as preaching the gospel = death penalty.

    Research it, and research the method used. I do not want to frighten anyone, just to be a watchman and sound the alarm. By no means are most ordinary Jewish people involved in this, many that may know of the so-called Noachide or Noahide laws do not understand their implications or the nature of the evil people promoting them.

    The promoters here are Kabbalist Satanists linked to the NWO, Masons, Illuminati, and NAM, they are not real Jews.

    We must continue to bless Israel, pray for her, and bless and pray for the Jewish people.


    Spread the Gospel, warn the Church, pray!

    Rob in London.

  37. 10/27/2009

    Rob is our new antisemite who is spreading falsehood about Judaism. I have dealt with this before but I want to address his specific charge that worshippers of Jesus are subject to beheading.

    This is a totally false antisemitic accusation and it would be false even in a Jewish theocracy with the ability to carry out capital punishment.

    The only Noahite law making one subject to capital punishment is murder. The bar for conviction is so high that the Talmud says that a Sanhedrin that executed one person in seventy years was considered a murderous court. Others say one every 90 years.

  38. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Len, do not look only at the labels on the packaging, but find out what the contents are and who is selling them.

    Check out the information I have posted, then reply with specifics please.

    God bless you,

    Rob in London.

    P.S. you only need to be accused by 1 witness to be found guity of breaking any one or more of the so-called Noahide Laws, this goes against Bible teaching where 2 or 3 witnesses are needed at least. These laws come from the oral traditions of the Pharisees which Jesus condemned. They cannot be found promoted in the Holy Bible anywhere!

  39. Anonymous6:05 PM

    We need no Noahide laws anyway. The Bible teaches that there is no longer any difference between Jew and Greek (Gentile) for those in Christ Jesus. We are not under the Law (Even that as found in the Bible, unlike the Noahide laws, for we are under grace).

    Rob in London.

  40. Anonymous6:20 PM

    How dare you call me an AntiSemite Len! Look at what I have said and the evidence I have provided. I have made a clear determination to differentiate between ordinary Jewish people and Kabbalist NWO practitioners.

    I love the Jewish people. I must sound the alarm about these Kabbalists, whom I must also love as people, but am against what the agenda they are promoting here. My cousins are Jewish, but accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour. My Grandfather died at an early age because of fighting Nazis in the Second World War. Learn not to polarise and throw names around like a schoolchild. Have I so soon become your enemy because I have spoken the truth? It is anti-semitic not to differentiate between ordinary Jews,as I have done, and Kabbalist Masonic practitioners. Are you differentiating between the two Len? Because if you are not, then maybe you are discriminating negatively. I do not view Jewish people any less than I do others. God is no respecter of persons and tells us, 'ye are of one blood', that is what I believe.

    Some sites highlighting the dangers behind the Noahide laws are anti-semitic, many are not. There are Jewish people that advocate the Noahide laws, I do not believe that the vast majority of such really know what the consequences of them are, nor who is behind the agenda, therefore I do not tar them with the same brush as the Kabbalists. Do you Len?

    God bless you,

    Rob in London.

  41. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Much of the evidence I have taken has come from the Lubavitcher Chabad websites, and I have provided the links too them here as well! I have done my part and warned people here, which is my Biblically commanded duty as a Christian to do.

    There is a rise of anti-semitism in Europe and elsewhere. I am not a party to it. I am a thinker, an investigator and accept no matter until I have thoroughly researched it myself. I suggest you do the same Len. I have no more to say on the matter, but plead with people here to research what I have said. God tells us to test the spirits, and tells us, let us reason.

    Rob in London.

  42. Anonymous6:48 PM

    The group I am specifically referring to behind this is the Lubavitch CHABAD movement, once headed by Rabbi Schneerson.

    This is a group of New Age Kabbalists, as I have previously stated, and were headed by Rebbe Schneerson. This group is by NO MEANS representative of the majority of Jewish people nor Israelis, they are, however, very very powerful and dangerous, and are promoting and being promoted by the New World Order and its advocates.

    Many of the people associated with them and promoting their agenda are not Jewish. Such as the Bushes, Obama, The Clintons, Pope Benedict XVI, Freemasons, Illuminati, etc. If anyone doubts what I have put here, please contact a Pro-Israeli, Israeli Citizen, Jewish man who is a born again Christian. I'm sure he will confirm much of it. His website is:

    Rob in London.

  43. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Dear Len,

    I am sorry that my replies after I saw your assertion that I was an anti-semite were abrupt. I have not meant to offend, only to inform and I stand by what I have written about the Lubavicher CHABAD, that was headed by Rebbe Schneerson, exposing their Kabbalistic doctrines, and strong ties to the World's leaders.

    Your quoting of Rabbi David Berger shows that he would never approve of the evil plans behind the KABBALIST Lubavitch CHABAD and NWO FREEMASONIC agenda, and their plans of implementing the 'Noahide' Laws, with all of their plans to murder people by using those laws as an instrument.

    You don't approve of them in the way promoted and utilised by the Kabbalist Lubavitch Chabad I'm sure. Please do not dismiss what I've expounded up on this matter until, at least, you have looked at the evidence I have provided.

    This movement, I REITERATE, in no way represents the Jewish people, but they do hold great power and influence within the UN/NWO sphere.

    In fact, I believe that these Kabbalist Theosophist NWO people do the the Jewish people a great dis-service, in that, what is promoted by the former here, may and does provide material that antisemites will use for their own agenda, by blaming the whole of the Jewish People who are innocent in this matter.

    I am certainly not anti-semitic, I am a realist, however, and am against the 'Noahide' Laws, which have nothing to do with the Tanakh, and are in fact a clever, dangerous, counterfeit of the 10 Commandments.

    Please research and consider ALL I have posted regards this matter. There is a clear distinction to be made between the Kabbalist Very Powerful Masonic Lubavitch Chabad agenda, and that of the vast majority of innocent Jewish people.

    This does not negate the fact that there are NWO plans to kill Christians, and the fact that a vast amount of evidence and implication exists, as said, that the Noahide laws will be the major conduit through which this happens, for reasons given in my posts here.

    God bless you,
    Rob in London.

    Peace be with you, and God bless.

  44. Anonymous8:01 PM

    JD, sorry have just seen your postings. I didn't mean to ignore you, Len, or anyone else here. I was so pre-occupied with referencing that which I believe I had to let others be aware of here.

    It is interesting what you say here, you may be right. I did get carried away by speculation regarding whether Sarkozy was the Antichrist or not. My major point, here, though, which was not speculative as the evidence I provided shows, was more to show the promotion of the Noahide Laws by the Kabbalist & Theosophist Lubavitch-Chabad NWO Masonic movement was being championed and signed up to by the World's leaders, American Presidents and European ones.

    God bless you and peace be with you. Thank you for pointing that out.

  45. Anonymous9:20 PM

    This is the OFFICIAL SITE of the BNEI NOAH, which the SANHEDRIN has put in charge as the COUNCIL of the Noahide Court!

    This is what they say about the death penalty. Please check their other links. I cannot be called an anti-semite, which I am not, for showing direct prima facae evidence.


    Please also see their idolatary section


    This section DOES say Christianity is idolatry, and the penalty is death by beheading (see both links in conjunction with one another.)

    It states also that such a death penalty must not be carried out UNTIL the 3rd Temple has been built. It also states that:

    "Noah Descendant who infringed upon No Idolatry Law - he is to be sentenced to the death penalty. But this is in the case he committed a worship the way typical for this idol. And each worship Beit-Din (court - Biblical language translation) of Israel mortifies for - Noah Descendant is to be sentenced to the death penalty for that. And each worship Beit Din of Israel doesn't mortify for - Noah Descendant is not to be sentenced to the death penalty for that. However, despite he's not put to death for that - it's all prohibited. And it's allowed neither to set up Matzeva (the building for holding idolatry rites), nor to plant Ashera (special kind of tree planted by idolaters next to their temples), nor to make statuettes and the like for beauty.

    "One should understand that all in details. Well, we already spoke No Idolatry includes any actions meaning to worship anything except G-d. However not every worship is punished with death. And here is how the general rule is going to look like.

    Four ways of worship are punished with death despite what specifically was worshipped. They are prostrating oneself face downwards, bringing sacrifices, bringing incense up in smoke and libation. Each one of those four ways of worship may be done only in the honour of G-d and only in Jerusalem Temple. Anyone who does it in honour of idol - definitely brings death sentence upon himself."

    Continued below

  46. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Continued from post above

    "All other ways of worship are punished with death only in case they correspond to the way of worship specifically typical for the given idol. That is, for example, functioning of physical needs in front of Peor, or throwing stone into Merculis - those actions were the way of service typical for the given idols in ancient times. And despite they are not practised nowadays - the principle remained the same, only idols and ways of worship to them changed.

    If human believes in whatever or whoever except G-d and tells it: "You are my god" or any different phrase of such kind - he immediately brings death sentence upon himself.

    And, finally, there is a list of actions strictly prohibited but not punished with death - to embrace idol, to kiss idol, to sweep in front of him, to wash floor in front of him, to wash idol, to pave idol, to dress idol, to put shoes on idol and any other way of expressing one's esteem to idol, as it's explained in Talmud (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 60b). However, if any of those actions is the way of worship typical for the given idol and was done exactly with the purpose of service - the criminal is to be sentenced to the death penalty.

    What does it all mean in practice? Christians are idolaters as far as their cult includes the worship to the regular human, who was executed by the sentence of the Sages' court, but whom Christians consider to recognize and openly call their god. The way of worship typical for this idol is "to cross".

    And RAMBAM writes both about this cult and about Islam ("Mishne Tora" Religious Code, Laws of Kings and Their Wars 11:4):

    "And about Jesus from Nazareth who got a false idea to consider himself Mashiach (Messiah - Biblical language translation) and was executed by the sentence of court - prophet Daniel prophesied about him as it's written (Daniel 11:14): And parvenus from your people will exalt themselves to bring about the vision but they will fail - and can there be a failure bigger than that? Coz all prophets spoke of Mashiach who rescues Jewish people, and saves them, and brings back to their land those scattered from them, and strengthens them in observing the commandments. But that one became a cause of death of Jews from sword, and of exile of those remained at their land yet, and of their humiliation. He substituted Tora and misled the majority of humanity the way they started worshipping him instead of Creator. But we're not able to comprehend the intents of Creator, coz our ways are not His ways and our thoughts are not His thoughts. And this whole story with Jesus from Nazareth and with that Ishmaelite (Muhammad - Author's note) who came after him - it all happened only for the sake of clearing the way for real Mashiach and to prepare the entire world for serving G-d all together as it's written (Tzefaniah 3:9): For then I will convert the peoples to a pure language that all of them call in the name of the L-rd, to worship Him of one accord. How exactly? The whole world is already filled with knowledge about the final redemption, the words of Tora and commandments spreaded and this knowledge reached the distant islands and became known to lots of peoples rude by heart. And they discuss those things and reason about Tora's Laws: some suppose those Laws were really given from the Heavens but they are not valid nowadays coz they were given not for all times; some suppose there is a hidden sense in them and one shouldn't understand them literally and that "Messiah" already came and explained how they should be understood. But when real Mashiach comes, and succeeds, and rises above, and exalts, they all will immediately repent and understand they inherited false from their fathers, and their prophets and ancestors misled them."

    This is really happening folks, please research it and check my links. It is out of love not hatred that I have been been so persistent here.

    God bless,

    Rob in London.

  47. DavidinBattleCreek9:32 PM


    Obama makes a better candidate for antichrist than Sarkozy. And I don't think Obama is the antichrist (probably). Obama is more charismatic. Besides, has Sarkozy ever won a major prize? But, who knows, maybe Sarkozy is the antichrist. It would certainly be surprizing.

  48. Anonymous9:49 PM

    DavidinBattleCreek said... (9:32 PM)

    Dear David, I submit that you are probably right in your assertion here. JD also advised me on this:


    While I am not always up to date on Sarkozy, I can state with some certainty he is not the AC. As he HAS been given the honor of a kingdom, where the son of perdition will not have been given such honor. However I do believe he may be one of the ten kings given power and authority to rule for an hour. Just my thoughts, however it is important to keep all prophecies in perspective when looking at what is unfolding. Also one must remember his love of women. These two things are enough to disqualify him as a runner."

    3:51 PM

    I replied, at 8:01 PM,

    'JD, sorry have just seen your postings. I didn't mean to ignore you, Len, or anyone else here. I was so pre-occupied with referencing that which I believe I had to let others be aware of here.

    It is interesting what you say here, you may be right. I did get carried away by speculation regarding whether Sarkozy was the Antichrist or not. My major point, here, though, which was not speculative as the evidence I provided shows, was more to show the promotion of the Noahide Laws by the Kabbalist & Theosophist Lubavitch-Chabad NWO Masonic movement was being championed and signed up to by the World's leaders, American Presidents and European ones.

    God bless you and peace be with you. Thank you for pointing that out.'

    We shall, however, see in the fulness of time. I do, however, think that Sarkozy has a major role to play in all this, even if he is not prime candidate for the Antichrist.

    God bless you brother,

    Rob in London.

  49. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Rob in London,
    I missed all of this mishuganah stuff you are posting.

    Right at the beginning you post this nonsense: "whilst differentiating between the Jewish people and Masons/ Kabbalists/ New Agers,who say they are Jews but are not and are of the synagogue of Satan." You didn't look stupid enough to buy into a line like this from your other posts. If you knew anything about the various groups, you couldn't make such a mishmash.

    You do understand that Kabbalah has no copyright on it. Anyone can and does use it, from Jews to occultists to Christians. If fact, there is large contingent of Christians who play with the kabbalah, and that has been going on for hundreds of years. Kabbalah is not an organization. It is a series of writings which anyone can write about. Do you even know the difference between Lurianic Kabbalah and Christian Kabbalah? You make it sound like a dirty word. In fact there are thousands of writings that the average person can't understand. Your approach would suggest that writings about nuclear fusion are really black magic.

    Jews and Masons. Sure there are Jews involved in the Masonic community just as there are huge numbers of Jews involved. In fact the Masonic community is antisemitic, but Jews will join because it is a very powerful political organization. Jews, like Christians, are not all noble, moral people.

    New Age writings are very antisemitic and anti-Catholic in particular. Check out the Bailey writings.

    Regarding Lubavitch. I would suggest everyone check out the website: and to learn how complex it is.

    In fact the Noahide laws as interpreted by Jews respect the difference between Jews and others, and do not encourage others to join the Jewish community, saying that this is all they have to follow. The Noahide laws came from God and not from the Jewish community. You do believe in the authority of the Bible I hope.

    From my research, there is a Noahide movement. It is meant to blend the religions just as Messianic Judaism works toward that goal. Reminder: New Age works toward a one world religion. Judaism does not. Are there some Jews who have joined the Noahide movement? What I've seen it is a small number of Jews who have been taken in by New Age and sell the idea to other Jews on the basis of flattery that the Noahide followers see the truth of Judaism.

    I hope you don't believe that the world is going to be taken over by the Boy Scouts because the president of the US was asked to write a letter.

    You use as a source Hasidic University. Are you so stupid that you don't even know you are using a made up website? If you go to see who that organization is, you will see the page is under construction. LOL

    You may not be an antisemite by your definition, but you certainly are a very sloppy researcher. Skip the God bless and the my family are Jews part. The reality is that you are a guy with an agenda and you'll dig up whatever supports your agenda.


  50. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Rob, there is nothing on the Bnai Noah website that says it is sponsored by Jews. Are you so naive to believe that everyone tells the truth on the internet?

    "as the evidence I provided shows, was more to show the promotion of the Noahide Laws by the Kabbalist & Theosophist Lubavitch-Chabad NWO Masonic movement was being championed and signed up to by the World's leaders, American Presidents and European ones."

    You've shown nothing of the sort, and I've looked through your links. You are just slinging mud, hoping something sticks in the minds of people reading here.


  51. 10/28/2009

    Rob wrote: "P.S. you only need to be accused by 1 witness to be found guity of breaking any one or more of the so-called Noahide Laws, this goes against Bible teaching where 2 or 3 witnesses are needed at least. These laws come from the oral traditions of the Pharisees which Jesus condemned. They cannot be found promoted in the Holy Bible anywhere!"

    You are either making this up out of whole cloth or copying it from antisemitic websites. In either case you are totally wrong.

    The Bible requires at least two witnesses and so did the Sanhedrin. Not only that but the witnesses had to have warned the sinner in advance and circumstantial evidence is not accepted.

    Don't ask ME to prove it. That is the accuser's job. Antisemitic web sites are no proof.

    If you want some valid Talmud web sites try these:

  52. 10/28/2009

    Hey Rob,

    If you want to say anything about Kabbalah, get it from authentic Kabbalah web sites not from blipping secondary conspiratorial ones.

    Kabbalah is not for everyone and it has its charlatans who promote it for money but it is a valid detour from basic Judaism and is is not part of any NWO.

  53. Hey Rob,

    Trying to prove that there is a new Sanhedrin by going to a fringe site is deceptive as well as stupid.

    Using your technique I can "prove" that Christianity is converting to Islam:

    Give us a break and stop your nonsense. There are more than enough real problems in the world.

  54. Rob said: "And, finally, there is a list of actions strictly prohibited but not punished with death - to embrace idol, to kiss idol, to sweep in front of him, to wash floor in front of him, to wash idol, to pave idol, to dress idol, to put shoes on idol and any other way of expressing one's esteem to idol"

    Are you planning to do any of this stuff, Rob?
