
Friday, October 23, 2009

ANOTHER RES IPSA LOQUITUR (Legalese for "The thing speaks for itself")

Now that unexpected pressures are coming to Israel from the USA Obama administration, couldn't this potentially look very good to it?

Read full story by clicking here. The Voltaire Net story notes that this is "a very fit Solana":

A very fit Solana declared: "Allow me to say that Israel is a member of the European Union without being a member of its institutions". He added that Israel is an "integral part of all EU programmes", contributing with its eminent know-how in leading technologies.

Res ipsa loquitur -- "the thing speaks for itself. STAY TUNED!


  1. If they like too:


  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    2 people drop dead in sweden after swine flu jab. many nurses sick after jab.

    in hungary a woman died 2 days after jab.

  3. Susanna2:51 PM


  4. to ovelhadog:

    I'll bet I could play those stairs well!

    Looks like great Piano fun!


  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Please take a look at this short video, just under 7 minutes long.

    "Maitreya's Star In The Day Miracle - Does The NWO Have The Technology To Pull It Off?"

    Please also google/youtube Tesla, HAARP, and Project Bluebeam.

    God bless you Constance, Susanna, JD, Paul, Doug in Mi, Mariel and everyone visiting this site. Rob in London.

  6. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Quick update on my last comment here. The video has been posted by a youtube user i.d., EndTimeDelusion1. I do not, except it be a point of irony, quite understand the reason for the last minute and a half of the video which seems to promote the demon maitreya (it doesn't deserve capitalisation). However, the rest of the video clearly exposes how such lying signs and wonders as Creme promotes could well be achieved to delude most of the Earth.

    Rob in London.

    Rob im

  7. The Theosophists perpetual mission has been to evangelize Christians to their Luciferic brand of occultism. Last year they held this "charming" event at Holyoke, Massachusetts. You may look at its brochure by going to this tiny url:

    Wonder if Paul Temple made a financial contribution to THAT event?

    Quote from brochure is below :

    "Come join us at our National Conference, Mystical Heart of Christianity: Moving Beyond Literalism, for a stimulating exploration of esoteric Christianity. This is a wonderful opportunity to join with kindred spirits to explore and define the profound truths that lie at the heart of Christianity.

    The Theosophical Society is pleased to be able to sponsor this conference, which supports our objectives of promoting the universal brotherhood of all humanity, and exploring more deeply the truths to be found in religious traditions. In this conference we will focus on the inner side of Christianity in an effort to exchange walls for bridges and separatist language for inclusive words."

    Sounds a lot like Martin Palmer's Windsor Castle event, doesn't it?


  8. Anonymous11:01 PM

    One thing I have noticed is that whenever I see the faces of Creme, Blavatsky, Bailey, Manly Hall, Marx-Hubbard, Oprah, Ekhardt et al, my spirit is repulsed in utter disgust within me because of the vile, revolting, evil spirits that lie behind these rebellious ungodly people.

    I feel utter horror just looking at them, and sickened to my stomach. I am firmly convinced these really are the Last Days and the Great Deception is upon the World. We must really lean in Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour. It is time for us to really put to death even the smallest sins in our lives and get right with God. We must really love God with all our hearts, understanding, souls, and strength. Time to move out in faith and preach the Gospel, feed the hungry, and do unto others as we would have done to ourselves. Creme and Communism does not have the monopoly of 'sharing'. In fact, Communism and New Age nonsense just cause more poverty and sadness.

    We can no longer afford to be luke-warm as Christians, we must surrender all to Our Father in Heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord if we are going to spiritually survive this onslaught.

    Come quickly Lord Jesus, even so, Your Will be done.

    God bless and protect everyone on Constance's blog here.

    Rob in london.

  9. Well chosen words, my friend Rob in London. Matthew 25 is most relevant!

    Thank you!


  10. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Bless you Rob, and bless you
    Constance for your tireless efforts on our behalf - - I often take info and wisdom I find here and share it with others ...

    I am working on my prayer life among other things - but this is the great challenge for me and requires constant vigilance...It helps me to stop in here and commune with brothers and sisters in the are all in my prayers...

  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Absolutely correct Rob-
    Now let us remember that time is short - help others understand what we know - ones you meet face to face -
    MAy the Lord God help us all who seek His will


  12. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Thank you my friends Melinda and Constance for your kind words here. Yes, I agree entirely with what you have said here Melinda:"...bless you
    Constance for your tireless efforts on our behalf - - I often take info and wisdom I find here and share it with others ...

    I am working on my prayer life among other things - but this is the great challenge for me and requires constant vigilance...It helps me to stop in here and commune with brothers and sisters in the are all in my prayers...
    Melinda" (12:53 AM)

    Yes, I agree Matthew 25, and the first two chapters of James are very relevant. We are saved by grace, and we must thereafter abide in Christ and He will abide in us. The works are no longer works but fruits, as it is not for us to boast that we do them because we are vessels for Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. It is Christ who lives in us that does the works. If we truly follow Him we must allow Him to live through our words and our actions, and we know that inaction to help someone in need is as bad as a wrong action. For if we truly love God we must obey His Commandments, and we konw the second of the greatest Commandments is to love our neighbours as ourselves, evidencing that we are loving God with all our strength, soul, heart, and understanding.

    Thank you Constance for all the hard work, humility, love, and patience you do here my sister in Jesus Christ our Lord. I pray that God continues to bless you mightily, and that He continues to bless Melinda and all who contribute on this blog mightily as well.

    Rob in London.

  13. Susanna6:30 PM

    Rob in London,

    You are very kind and I thank you for your prayers and good wishes.

    May God bless you as well.

  14. Susanna6:34 PM

    I hope you all find this one as amusing as I did.

    However I doubt that Maurice Strong and Al Gore will be amused.



