
Friday, February 27, 2009



I learned shortly before doing my internet radio program, MY PERSPECTIVE, last night that there was an advertising blitz taking place in at least the Dallas area of Texas. According to my reliable informant, they are running prime time television advertising that does not come cheap. They also have three websites:;; Of course they had links to SHARE INTERNATIONAL where I noticed to my consternation that they were making Benjamin Creme's 2007 book available for free online reading by pulling down a pdf file at given links.

THIS SITUATION IS URGENT and I do not intend to let antichrist / false 'messiah' LIES deceive any more than I can personally, with the help of God, prevent. Accordingly, I am making THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW available for free reading. Tom Horn is planning on reprinting an updated version. My 1983 book, for which I am the sole copyright holder is still remarkably current. I AM MAKING IT AVAILABLE FOR FREE ONLINE READING AND DOWNLOADING IN PDF FORM. You may freely circulate the pdf version. You may not reprint it for mass publication, but you are free to make copies to give to your friends and associates. You may access it by going to the link for "Presentations for Downloading" to the right of this blogspot OR by clicking here. The file is called The Rainbow001.pdf.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Javier Solana will be in Middle East for balance of month - February 2009

While the USA is in financial turmoil (and maybe the rest of the world at well) Javier Solana is engaged in interesting Middle East activity. He will spend February 24 through 28th in the Middle East. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Quoting from his press release, we read:

Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), istravelling to the Middle East from Tuesday, 24 February to Saturday, 28 February 2009. Mr. Solana is travelling to Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian Territories, a few days before participating in the international conference in support of the Palestinian economy, for the reconstruction of Gaza, to be held in Sharm El-Sheikh on 2 March 2009. In Syria, on Tuesday, 24 and Wednesday, 25 February, the High Representative will meet President Bashar Al-Assad, Deputy Prime Minister Abdallah Al-Dardari and Foreign Minister Walid Al-Mouallem. In Lebanon, on Wednesday, 25 February, Mr Solana will meet President Michel Sleiman, Parliament Speaker, Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh. In Egypt, on Wednesday, 25 and Thursday, 26 February, the High Representative will have meetings with President Hosni Mubarak and Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit. In Israel, on Thursday, 26 February, Mr Solana will meet Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been tasked to form the new government, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defence Minister Ehud Barak. In the Palestinian Territories, on Friday, 27 and Saturday 28, February, Mr Solana will meet the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas,
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian Chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, and US Special Envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell. The High Representative also plans to travel to Gaza, where he will meet theU9RWA General Commissioner, Karen Abu Ziyad, the U9RWA Director of Operations, John Ging, and members of the civil society and the banking sector.

Well, it looks like a most busy itinerary for Dr. Solana. It will be interesting to see what comes of it. I wonder what Peter Lorie, the decidedly New Age author of "World's End: 2009", might have to say about these Middle East developments. I wonder how all of this will play in the global governance scenarios. I wonder what Peter LeMesurier, author of THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT might have to say.

We certainly are living in interesting times. Stay tuned!


Monday, February 16, 2009


Dear Readers: I'm going to be adding to this story and updating it, so please refresh your browser every time you load it.


"The smarter supply chain of the future

"The digital and physical infrastructures of our world are converging. Thanks to the falling price and rising reliability of sensor technologies, practically any activity or process can now be measured. Objects can communicate and collaborate directly, without human intervention. Entire systems can be connected – not just supply chains with other supply chains, but also with transportation systems, financial markets, electric power grids and even natural systems like rivers and weather patterns.  Every insight derived from a world of smart objects can lead to action – and more value. With so much embedded intelligence, supply chain management can progress from decision support to decision delegation and, ultimately, to a predictive capability. As the world begins to work differently, we see a different kind of supply chain emerging – a smarter supply chain with three core characteristics:  Instrumented Supply chain information that was previously created by people will increasingly be generated by sensors, RFID tags, meters, actuators, GPS and other devices and systems. In terms of visibility, supply chains not only will be able to “see” more events, but also witness them as they occur. They will rely less on labor-based tracking and monitoring, as objects like shipping containers, trucks, products and parts report on themselves.  Dashboards on devices perhaps not yet invented will display the realtime status of plans, commitments, sources of supply, pipeline inventories and consumer requirements." [1]

I'm up past my bedtime and decided to check Daniel Taylor's I found a startling article about alleged EU decisions to push something called "The Internet of Things." Daniel Taylor wrote an excellent article which I commend to all of you. I didn't just take his word for it, however. I did my own research and checked recent news stories. What I have found, in my opinion, is terrifying. Indeed, work for the night is coming when we can work no more! It appears that things are well underway for total interconnection -- perhaps the prophesied "hour of temptation that will come upon all that dwell on the face of the earth."[1]

Read this from Telefonica, one of the primary backers of the IOT project about its possibilities and potentialities. Then go get your Bible and read Revelation 13!

"If all objects of daily life, from yogurt to an airplane, are equipped with radio tags, they can be identified and managed by computers in the same way humans can. The next generation of Internet applications (IPv6 protocol) would be able to identify more objects than IPv4 which is currently in use. This system would therefore be able to instantaneously identify any kind of object.[2]
"The Internet of Things should encode 50 to 100,000 billion objects and follow the movement of those objects. Every human being is surrounded by 1,000 to 5,000 objects.[3]

Due to my personal research over the past 13 plus years, I find it even more fascinating that Telefonica is the communications company that was headed by Javier Solana's older brother, Luis Solana for many years. Luis Solana was reportedly the first Socialist to join the Trilateral Commission. [2] From the years 1977 through 1982, that corporation he headed had a virtual monopoly over Spanish and Portguese speaking countries' communications.

The planned all-in-all system has several tentative names: "Ubiquitous Computing"; "Internet of Things"; "Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing"; and Internet of Senses.

A search of today's news stories revealed that it was known as an EPCglobal network. An internet search revealed an updated "Big Brother Revisited" report expressing concerns. I noted with no small degree of interest that was sponsoring a Statewatch speaker and issuing a report. As the Quakers have long tilted New Age -- it substantiates my thinking that Javier Solana's new order could well be a cruel joke on even the New Agers themselves! Here is a link to their report. I also found internet reports directed to Javier Solana on the subject.

Basically, it calls for all things by definition to be interconnected. This is also consistent with a primary tenet of the Alice Bailey books, material I have read many times contained in THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY by Alice Ann Bailey. "Everything is interconnected and related" -- a key teaching, she said, for the world to accept their New Age "Christ" and the "Masters of [er, ah] 'Wisdom'".

Hardly surprising to me, I have read that the EU has been a primary mover behind this. Here is a report to Javier Solana himself on the subject. What a surprise -- NOT!

Daniel Taylor has compiled materials that must be considered. You may read him by clicking the underlined link. He reports that the European Union is getting ready to push for a greatly locked down internet -- one that will presumably curtail our freedom to report the news. This is a link to his excellent November 2008 article on same.

It appears from my cursory research that the Obama administration and US military may be fully on board as well.

At any rate, this is disturbing and VERY SOBERING news. Pray that we might be counted worthy to escape these horrors. Pray that we are granted the grace and strength to stand against them.


[1] IBM SPECIAL REPORT:  "THE SMARTER SUPPLY CHAIN OF THE FUTURE" by Robert W. Moffat, Jr., Senior Vice President an dGroup Executive, IBM Systems and Technology Group, released on line February 24, 2009.

[2]"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of tempation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10 (KJV)

[2] Signficant insights into Telefonica, its history, American backers and structure may be obtained by reading Santiago Lopez' article: The Role of Telefonica: The Internationalization of Telecommunications in Spain, 1970-2000

Saturday, February 14, 2009

If God is ready, are you? - Sneak preview of NewswithViews submitted article


By Constance Cumbey




I have submitted the following for publication on NewswithViews and thought I should pass it by my best friends and sternest critics for a "sneak preview." I would appreciate your response in the editorial section.

In April, 1981, in one evening, I was to write these words which later were to become much maligned in certain Christian circles -- ones I was to eventually learn had deeply compromised with New Age/Apostate interests such as Paul N. Temple and his Institute of Noetic Sciences as well as Rev. Moon and his Unification Church. They were to become part of a chapter in my book, the THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. They were part of a chapter entitled"THE AGE OF AQUARIUS? Or THE AGE OF THE ANTICHRIST."   If you have my book which has been out of print since Huntington House went out of business in 2003, you will find this chapter from pages 36 to 43. These words were brought to mind by learning that today Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Russian Prime Minister and open devotee (per Wayne Peterson) of "Maitreya the Christ", introduced a resolution into the European Parliament for a World Water Authority.

Here was what I wrote then in a book which frankly seems more current today:

The goals of the Movement include a mandatory New World Religion [happening rapidly with the establishment of the UN based Alliance of Civilizations with cooperation from United Religions and similar groups], establishment of a "universal credit card" system, establishment of a World Health Authority, WORLD WATER AUTHORITY [emphasis added]; establishment of a universal tax and a universal draft which is truly universal -- everybody is eligible worldwide.

"The Movement" is not new. Neither is it a passing fad. Sadly, most of its participants are innocently involved. Many are under the influence of sophisticated forms of mind control [such as those promoted by claimed "Christian" Paul N. Temple" who is also the co-founder and chief bankroller of the Institute of Noetic Sciences" as well as bankroller for the National Prayer Breakfast/International Foundation/"Fellowship Foundation" of Doug Coe and company]

"The Mein Kampfs of the Movement are numerous and becoming daily less subtle. Disciples of the Movement speak proudly of having received a 'vision of light." Many speak openly of their planned welcome for the antichrist or "Maitreya the Christ." [Gorbachev himself, per Wayne Peterson]

As was indicated earlier the Movement was even bold enough to run full-page newspaper ads proclaiming 'THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE.' [Now they are running similar ads and stories again appearing in such places as THE NATION Magazine, WALL STREET JOURNAL press releases, MOTHER JONES MAGAZINE, etc.] They openly deny that Jesus is the Christ and instead proclaim the deity of a "Maitreya the Christ" and that Jesus is his disciple! They openly worship a "God of Force" and "forces." [as Daniel 11:38 clearly prophesied would happen, at least to the final end time dictator]. Characterized by common mystical experiences , many of their number possess a plethora of psychic powers enabling them to indeed show 'great signs and wonders' ranging from astral travel to psychic predictions.
Many among their number encourage the internal undermining of nations and they proudly proclaim the 'subversiveness' of their Movement as if such a designation were a badge of honor. WHILE THEY CALL FOR THE DIVISION OF LARGE NATION STATES SUCH AS CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES [partitioning part of the country off as "Ecotopia", etc.], at the same time they call for the institution of a Planetary Guidance System or other form of world government [These days they often refer to it as "global governance" -- same difference!] While they promote simple life-styles, at the same time they call for the interconnecting of the entire world by incredibly sophisticated computers with snooping capabilities that are Orwellian in scope [res ipsa loquitur -- they have achieved that via the internet for sure!]

Thankfully, some New Agers repented and came forward to warn the rest of us. Others such as Donald Keys who were bold and brash figures in the 1980s appear to have disappeared from the scene -- perhaps STILL working underground.

The New Agers shifted their focus from 1982 to a 25 year campaign for the Earth that opened in 1987 and they hoped would culminate in 2012. They shifted their expectations for having their "messiah" in the Holy Land for his staged fake second coming from the 1980s to the conclusion of a 42 year period that they claim opened with the end of the Six Day War in 1967 until 2009.[1]

Curiously enough, 2009 was also the year that the greatly focused on the Middle East, Javier Solana, the only constant figure in all the various Mitchell Commission and Quartet for Peace in the Middle East configurations, said was IMPERATIVE that the new machinery be in place.

Are we there? I don't know, but I know for sure that we are now much closer than we have ever been. We were scripturally warned that great delusion would come upon the earth and those who had not the love of the truth would be caused to believe a lie. The ever increasing chorus of the New Age is that we must learn to love and reverence the Earth itself, sometimes characterized as the "Goddess Gaia."

Thursday, February 12, 2009, a rebellious world celebrated Darwin Day. They New Agers speak often of needing to cure "digital divides." I will point to a sharp "digital divide" that they forgot -- or perhaps never knew." We were clearly warned that the Holy Spirit would not always strive with man. The day was coming when God would say: "Let he who is righteous be righteous still -- let he who is filthy be filthy still." On that day those who had not the love of the truth would be caused to believe a lie. We were to "
fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come. Worship God who created the heaven, the earth, the seas and the fountains of waters
Incredible pressures are upon us to worship everything and everybody but our Creator. There was a stern prophesied penalty for that: If anybody worshipped the beast and his image, they would suffer the everlasting wrath of God. Further, those accepting the prophesied mark of the beast which sounds so very similar to computer and RFID chips now being urged upon us, would have hideous sores on their body -- ones which would make them want to die but death would not come. In short, no reward either in the here or the hereafter for disregarding God's clear warnings on this one!

All ten virgins were sleeping. All ten eventually woke up. Five had enough oil in their lamps to go meet their maker -- five did not.  Five were able to go into the wedding feast, five were not. The latter remained out with gnashing of teeth.

Jesus warned that no man knoweth the day nor the hour. However, he did expect us to note the "signs of the times" and the seasons." It appears abundantly clear that such a season may be well upon us. If God is ready, are we? Maybe it is time we "foolish virgins" went oil shopping."

[1] Peter LeMesurier wrote THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT calling for the 1980s scenario completion in 1981, before the New Agers dreamed they had a serious backlash. In 2004 another New Age book was released: WORLD'S END: 2009 – PROPHECIES FOR THE COMING MESSIAH AND ARMAGEDDON by one Peter Lorie. It called for having their new Messiah in place in the Middle East by 2009. The book might have been laughable but for its publishers: Jeremy Tarcher, the publisher of Marilyn Ferguson's landmark 1980 book, THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY and Penguin books. Obviously, there was very serious intent involved!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Does USA have a new Secretary of State named Javier Solana?

One would have thought that Hillary Clinton and/or her boss, Barack Obama could have made this momentous announcement on their own which according to the Associated Press story by AP writer Desmond Butler came from Javier Solana:

"European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana says U.S.-Russian relations are looking up. He says U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov next month to look for ways to improve cooperation.

"Tensions flared between the former Cold War rivals in recent years over disagreements on missile defense, NATO expansion and Moscow's invasion of Georgia last year.

"Solana met with Clinton Thursday and was in Moscow this week as well. He says U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's call to "hit the reset button" on relations was well received in Moscow.

The U.S. State Department has not yet announced the meeting with Lavrov. Solana said the two would meet in Geneva after a meeting of NATO foreign ministers early next month.

Is Javier Solana moonlighting as spokesperson for the US State Department? What does this leave for Cristina Gallach to do? Just wondering?
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

SOLANA SAYS: Israel MUST restart Peace Negotiations


This just in from Reuters News Service. You may read the full story by clicking here:

MOSCOW, Feb 11 (Reuters) - European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana said on Wednesday the next Israeli government must restart serious peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

"I think if we continue in a crisis management mode, if we don't enter into a conflict resolution mode it will be going back and back again," Solana told Reuters in an interview.

"It will have to be a government ready to continue to restart a very serious process of negotiation," Solana said after talks in Moscow with Russian officials.
Well, I wonder just how long Dr. Solana's patience is going to hold with Israel? I predict it will run out, most likely, no time before mid 2010 -- just about the time that his Barcelona Process / cum Mediterranean Union / cum European Neighbourhood Policy is up for mid-term review!

Time and events shall tell. Stay tuned!


Monday, February 09, 2009


Dennis Cuddy needs no introduction to most of my readers and listeners. He has written several critical articles lately that many of you have called to my attention via email. Dennis has kindly agreed to discuss them on the air tomorrow night on my regular internet radio program. I spent 1 1/2 pleasant hours on the radio this (Monday) morning, February 9th with a pleasantly well-informed Frances Swaggart. Then I learned that WDEO, a local Catholic radio station had re-run a taped talk I gave on the New Age Movement some time ago and had wonderful response from both.

Please join myself and Dennis Cuddy tomorrow night on MY PERSPECTIVE internet radio at


Sunday, February 08, 2009

I continue to investigate links between Paul Temple, the Prayer Breakfast Network and the Inner Core of the New Age Movement

As the connections between the New Age Movement and the Prayer Breakfast Network of Douglas Coe and Paul Temple have become more transparent in the past year, I have re-examined some of my own back work for clues. You may download this file, Vol. 3, No. 1 - 1988.pdf by clicking on the small down arrow on the link. You may also access it by clicking on "Presentations" link at the right. Relevant text includes

Who's Who in the Soviet American Dialogues?
Executive and Advisory Council:
Rama J. Vernon, Director; Linda L. Johnson,Assistant Director; Beatrice R. Culver, M.A., Administrator; Phyllis M. Grimes, Secretary; Edwin R. Johnson, Director of U.S. & Soviet Affairs Barbara Marx Hubbard, Co-Director, Soviet American Network; Fr. Luis M. Dolan, Director of UN & International Affairs; Willis M. Harmon, Ph.D., International Relations Consultant; Msgr. Thomas Hartman: Director of Radio and T.V.John Ariel Murphy, Video Productions; William F. Vendley, D.O., Director, Exchange Programs, Mos.; Chuck Alton, President of U.S. Radio, Inc. Roscius N. Doan, MN. D., US-USSR Peace Park Program; Howard Frazier, Exec Director, Promoting Enduring Peace; Robert Fuller, International Relations Consultant; Clinton C. Gardner, Pres., US-USSR, Bridges for Peace; James A. Garrison, Ph.D., Director, Soviet-American Exchange, Esalen; Captain John Joseph Gregory, RMS Queen Mary; Jack J. Holland, Ph.D., Institute Human Growth & Awareness; Norie Huddle, Director, Center for New National Security; William Mandel, Sovietologist, Broadcaster, Author; Sig Paulson, INTA Congress Co-Chairperson; Ruth Robertson, Research Consultant; Abdul Aziz Said, Professor International Relations, American University; Rev. Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga Institute; Patricia Sun, Institute of Communication for Understanding Sharon Tennison, Director, Center for US/USSR Initiatives; David A. Thompson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Stanford University; William W. Whitson, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board, Center Links Information Services.

"Reference Materials Used by the Soviet-American Process

Barbara Marx Hubbard

    • Manual for Co-Creators of the Quantum Leap.
    • The Book of Co-Creation
    • TheActs and the Epistles
    • The Promise Will be Kept
    • The Revelation -- Alternative to Armageddon
    • Instructions to the Transition Team

Barbara Marx Hubbard's "Transition Team"appears to be amalgamation of old time left·leaning WILFP type volunteers and self-conscious New Agers such as those affiliatedwith Global Family. They are all, however, being indoctrinated in heavy-duty New Age spiritualities. Moreover, the "spiritualities" they are being taught to accept as a necessary part of the "transition process" are identical in tenor to the materials disseminated by Lucis Trust. They even sound much like claimed transmissions to Benjamin Creme from "Lord Maltreya" himself. Barbara explains that the impetus for her writing came from a 1980 experience with a "Christ presence." "In February 1980 I [Barbara Marx Hubbard] had a profound experience with a Christ Presence. I was In Santa Barbara writing a book. I had a writer's block. One day, I surrendered, and took a drive through the magnificent mountains. As I was driving Isaw a little sign that said 'Mount Calvary Monastery.' "Suddenly Light enveloped me. I swerved off the road and said to my sister, 'We are going to Mount Calvary.' I felt I had been there before.... The image of metamorphosis penetrated my consciousness. The Light Presence returned .. ,"The voice speaking to Barbara Marx Hubbard claimed to be one and the same as the crucified and resurrected Christ." My resurrection was real. It was a signal of all of yours. Why do you suppose I submitted to the calumny of Calvary but to demonstrate the the physical body can be and must be transformed." The voice claims It is 'Christ'. . . . [The] Voice has Alice Balley message. On pages 588-589 of The Externalisation of the Hierarchy Alice Bailey gave a seven-point program for propagandising the world to accept a new "Christ." A primary tenet was to be "connectedness." Barbara Marx Hubbard's voice has the same aims: "The resurrection was an early-attraction signal to the human race of what can be done, through love of each person, as a member of one's own body ... The intensity of that love, the power of that connectedness, is the key to the resurrection-- now known as the transformation."

Now, fascinatingly, and perhaps because it was known that we were watching closely, Fellowshiup Foundation / Institute of Noetic Sciences insider and bankroller, Paul N. Temple was not mentioned in Hubbard's literature contemporaneous with the "Soviet American Dialogue Process. However, we now know that he played a major role in the Soviet-American Dialogue Process as well. Reading from Barbara Marx Hubbard's 1989 autobiographical book, THE HUNGER OF EVE, we read on page 225:

"Paul Temple, president of Energy Capital and chairman of the board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences was the Master of Ceremonies. He asked the Soviets to stand up and be recognized . . . They stood, those sophisticated Communists . . . The clapping became louder and louder and suddenly the Americans were standing applauding thunderously . . . It went on for what seemed like an eternity, maybe ten or fifteen minutes . . . Paul [Temple] stood there smiling . . . "

Here's another internet site with a different, but interesting perspective on the whole scene which it describes as "The Aviary."

As all of these New Age / Apostate Christian fronts more or less harmonically converge, I am not surprised. I have viewed it as a continuum since first discovering it in 1981. They have had their setbacks, not only a few related to their discovery and exposure. How much longer the Lord will hold it back, I do not know. This much I do know. If God is ready, we'd better be!


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Barack Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast

My husband's surgery this morning was successful, his doctors tell me. He was awake and alert within minutes after the surgery was complete to my amazement. He has to be very still for the next two weeks, not lift his left hand above his shoulder for the next several weeks. We are praying that the surgery will result in a stregthened heart muscle.

While in surgery, the doctors banished me to the hospital's dining room. CNN was just coming on with the National Prayer Breakfast speech by Tony Blair to be followed by President Barack Obama. I am hoping to find Blair's speech somewhere on the internet.

President Obama's speech I found disturbing on a few levels. He recounted something of the history of the Prayer Breakfast network and its start in Seattle in the 1930s. Being a former political speechwriter myself, that part was expected. Knowing, however, of the interrelationship between that network and the eternally New Age Institute of Noetic Sciences, does not cause me to sleep any easier at night.

Barack Obama told of his family's religious history. His faer was a Muslim who turned atheist. His maternal grandparents were lapsed Methodist and Baptist respectively. His mother, he said, had no use for organized religion but was one of the kindest, most senistive persons he had ever known. He did not become a Christian himself, until he moved to Chicago and met people there who introduced him to the Faith.

His perspective seemed normal for a person with the background he had . But I heard overtones of what I had heard before, specifically, Javier Solana's pronouncements on the "misuse of religion."

Bluntly, the speech had both New World Religion and Alliance of Civilizations similarities.

There is an excellent book written from an Afro-Centric perspective about the New Age Movement and New World Order: THE MILLENNIUM: A NEW AGE EXPOSE. Its author, Demond Wilson, is a devout Christian. He is probably better known to the world as the famed actor who played Lamont in Sanford and Sons, comedy television series.

I'm hoping Demond Wilson may one day very soon have the opportunity to meet with our new president and share his perspective. The New Age Movement and its related developments such as the alliance of Civilizations are perhaps a temporarily advantageous place to be for one who is NOT blue-eyed, blonde haired pagan. Anybody else in that "New World Order" where its "root teachings" of Theosophy are looking for the new eventual superman to come from the Aryan root race is in deep potential trouble. Sound familiar? It should. Those were root teachings of Nazism!

Everybody deserves one kind warning and that includes our current President! For excellent reasons well known to me and my readers, I suspect he will not get it from the Prayer Breakfast network crowd of Doug Coe, Paul N. Temple and associates.