
Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm sitting in Border's Books with my notebook computer and looking at a very terrible book called TERRIBLE LOVE OF WAR by James Hillman. Hillman is one of the Jungian psychologists who have recommended in the past the acting out of religious archetypes a la THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT of Peter LeMesurier for the purpose of convincing everybody that it's all overand now we can get on with "The New Age" and their New Age "messiah." On sale is the trade paperback edition. I am somewhat encouraged because it is on the remainder shelf at Border's, meaning it must not have done that well. HOWEVER, Hillman is influential among the psychological and New Age communities and so needs to be watched. This book was worse than most.

Chapter 4, "Religion is War" contains his thesis that Christian religion is deadly and the only way to wean folks from it is to force worship of other deities is one of the most audacious statements I have yet to read which is fostering the culture clearly prophesied in Daniel and Revelation. Of course, beliefs in these very events LeMesurier and Hillman are clearly working -- consciously or otherwise -- to fulfill -- is itself defined as mental illness.

If you can find it on a remainder table, as I did for $3.99, pick it up and read it. I hate for him to get full royalties for this abominable act of incitement!

Stay tuned!



  1. Hi Constance,

    I see that Robert Muller's EarthPax site is back online. If you ever need to convince anyone of the New Age and Occultic inlfuence in the United Nations then just ask them to have a look around that site.

    Robert Muller – former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, co-founder of UNESCO, former Direcor of the Budget for all UN programs, chair of the World Wisdom Council, author of the World Core Curriculum, founder and Chancellor of the UN University of Peace.

    from his site (

    Robert Muller, a Cosmic Being, a Man of Peace, whose mastery of compassion created these exhortations. At rare intervals in the evolution of the planet Cosmos flares its magic wand and graces us with a Master of Compassion such as Robert Muller."

    "A divine motivator ... the wise man of the UN ... the shaman of the UN ... the man through whom God speaks ... the spokesman of Christ ... a magic being ..."

  2. Must watch videos showing where AOC is going at this site:

    Farmer has info about this up on his blogspot as well!


  3. Constance,

    I worry that some of this reading material can seriously affect people's faith. I recently downloaded a book off the internet that absolutely was the most horrendous attack on the Bible (both old and new Testament) that I have ever read, following in the footsteps of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Da Vinci Code and evidently in the two books that you just cited here.

    I am still not sure that I have sufficiently recovered from the effects of reading that book!

    To be blunt, there is definitely a war on believers,we all know that here, and I just worry that we are providing too much of the enemy's own ammunition to believers in encouraging them to read this junk. And while some of us are exceedingly strong in our faith, the material these rogues are putting out there is getting increasingly more cunning and deceptive to the point of creating doubt or at least anxiety in the minds of young Christians who may be reading here. I'd be happy to email you more details about this book, but in short, I'm just not sure it's the best thing to be encouraging people to read this kind of stuff.

    I just went to to read the reviews on the two books that you cited and sure enough it's the same stuff packaged a little differently each time. Here's what one reviewer wrote about the Armageddon Script:

    He examines Biblical prophecy and the Dead Sea Scrolls material in a reconstruction of a failed attempt to fulfil prophecy. Moreover his theory suggests that unfulfilled prophecies can in effect 'lie around' waiting for someone to re-activate them. His suggestion is that the religion of two thousand years ago - created to explain the Roman conquest of the holy land and ultimately destroy the foreign invaders - is still around, buried in the foundation of our civilisation - like a slowly ticking time bomb; relentlessly driving believers to follow a script that they neither own nor understand.

    This is extremely dangerous material and is very similar to what I just read myself, and which led me to the conclusion that the Hadron Collider could possibly be used by these Jesus hating gnostics to destroy the world, or at the very least provide serious doubts in the minds of believers, since they will surely say that we are equal to God if we find the Higgs boson particle and re-create the Big Bang.

    I don't mean to be disrespectful towards all the research you have done, but you may be seriously underestimating the power of the enemy to create havoc in the minds of believers.

  4. Anonymous12:27 AM


    Glad to see a new post on your blog. I know things have been difficult for you of late, as you have been open about it with us here. I can't speak for everyone, but you have been in my prayers since revealing your issues. I continue to pray that God gives you the comfort and peace that you need through this time. As I know it can be difficult to stand back up after having the wind knocked from you as you did. Continue to be bold and seek Him. It took a strong person to admit their weakness as you did, I pray that when one of the rest of us has a similar problem we are strong enough to say so and not just fade into the background. Love and support of our bretheren is often a tool the Lord uses to reassure us in times of crisis. As you get back on your feet know with all certainty that you have mine.


  5. Anonymous1:17 AM


    I don't know if anyone has seen this but its a 60 page study of Obama's speeches side by side with known hypnosis techniques. I don't buy into a lot of psycho-babble and realize a lot of it has its roots in occultic magic practices but saw this and knew it had to be shared. I have yet to read all of it but what I have is profound and would explain why a lot of the country seems brainwashed by him.


  6. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Don't miss Green-Agenda's information two threads back (regarding Secreatry Paulson).

    Also, Berit Kjos has this article on Jung.


  7. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Just a note of caution to you and to anyone who is examining the documents of hynosis techniques and their use in BO's campaigning: PRAY for God's protection before you begin reading it, while you are reading it, and after you're done. I see/hear commands being used on the reader even as the author(s)lay out the whole document from beginning and end.

    "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual [hosts] of wickedness in the heavenly [places.]Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." -Eph 6:12,13

  8. Dear Young Grasshopper:

    There is a prophesied war coming on believers and the antichrist was to precede the 2d coming of Christ. We were cautioned by Paul NOT to be ignorant of the devices of Satan. My second book, which I don't know if you have been able to find, A PLANNED DECEPTION was prompted by the then important new New Age book, THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT. James Hillman has infinite respect in some circles.

    I think the readers here are mature enough to handle it. I certainly would advise them to pray for God to show them what they need to glean from it.

    I know you mean well -- but this is just as important, if not more so, than the Obama material. I strongly suggest you at least read the portion RELIGION AS WAR.


  9. Anonymous5:28 AM


    I had already done this but appreciate the kind warning. It is amazing you brought this subject up though because as I was reading through much of the text of the article I began to see things hidden in plain sight. I am not judging the authors intentions, but as I was reading I could see where the document could cause many of the things it proclaimed to want to prevent. So much so that it has weighed on me that I posted it here, hence the reason I am back here at 4:56am. I believe there is an accurate bit of truth to the article in regards to Obama's use of hypnosis, but through a lot of prayer since posting have come to the conclusion that the author may inadvertantly (or not)be exposing his reader to what he claims to want to expose. Your post is a very odd affirmation of sorts to me in a way that I cannot explain. I have been in almost constant prayer since reading it and could literally feel God pushing me to come back here. I would like for everyone to be able to understand fully the context of the article, but would STRONGLY ADVISE being vigilant in prayer while reading, so much so that if you are even having the slightest bit of uneasiness reading it, STOP, get your bearings right with Him before continuing or leave it be all together. I cannot stress enough that this thing has disturbed me DEEPLY!! It has caused me to worry greatly as to what I may have exposed another to. I believe that it needed to be brought to attention but cannot stress enough that one should take caution in reading it as I believe without His protection you are exposed to a dangerous document.


  10. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Jesus said: “I pray for them: (YG, SV, Deannie, Rudi, Constance, dave, Mac, Oldman, Paul, Sara, Mary, Sue, Joyce, and all who have ‘believed through their word.) I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me, for they are thine.

    “In the coming persecution we must be ready to help each other and encourage each other. But we must not wait until the tribulation comes before starting. The fruit of the Spirit should be the dominant force of every Christian’s life.” Corrie ten Boom

    It is a sad thing to have not practiced the fundamentals of our faith. To BELIEVE that God so loved the world, we are in the world, but not of it, that we ought to give our lives for one another; it is because the church got comfortable with the world that we have missed our calling to glorify God through Jesus Christ and to affect the world with the eternal purpose God has revealed to us; if we had loved as we were commanded, (“And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children with thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.” Luke 19:44) these things would not be to our shame.
    Good thing His mercies are new every morning; I pray I’ll love more today.

  11. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Thank you Setterman,
    Prayer is absolutely the antidote to all this, but what I feel is missing in the above advice is READ THE BIBLE.
    Read the Bible.
    When we pray, God hears from us. That's good. But when we read the Bible , we hear from Him. Which would you say is more important ?
    Many times I've picked up the Bible and begun to read,but the subject seemed irrelevant to what was in my mind and what we were talking about. Then I realized that God was just two steps ahead of me and it was more than relevant, it was directly at the root of the problem.
    The Money Changers are hard at work, we know that. The Luciferians are hard at work we know that.
    Yes the world is going to hell in a handbasket and it's frustrating, but we have the victory!
    We enter in through his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.
    I think we should be reading his Word as much or more than we read all this NA hocum.
    Fill your lamp and jar with oil. Read God's Word !
    Jesus is waiting there on every page.
    He is the author and finisher of our faith.
    Put on the helmet of salvation so that your brain doesn't get scrambled.

    Love to all,

  12. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Alright, I'm preaching and I'm sorry but consider this:
    Adam and Eve were created between five and six thousand years ago. The animal(s) that would eventually be called "man" were developing for millenia before that, but it wasn't until Adam and Eve that God called them "man". What else happened between five and six thousand years ago? Reading and writing, that's what. And that too began in Mesopotamia.
    Thus mankind is distinguished from the beasts by the advent of reading. We are literate.
    In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
    Now the world is full of books, but one book is clearly different from all the others. This one book has authority and power. This one book is quick and sharper than any two edged sword. This one book gives life to the reader. There is life in the words of this one book. Many books are counterfeits of this one book, like the Qran or the Talmud for instance. No matter.
    Isn't it telling that it's very often difficult to get down to reading this one book? It seems like every time I think about reading the Bible,something comes up. The phone rings. The doorbell rings...
    Jesus said: "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens, I will come in and sup with him."
    What could this be a metaphor of?
    I think it's a picture of a book (door) to be opened.

    God bless you all here, starting with Constance, for your tireless research, for which I'm grateful.

  13. Anonymous10:17 AM

    One more little thing and I'll let it go;

    Hebrews 10:7 refers back to Psalms 40:7__

    7)" Then said I, Lo, I come; in the volume of the book it is written of me,
    8) I delight to do thy will, Oh my God: yea thy law is within my heart.

  14. Paul,

    Scrambled brains is a good way of putting it! You are so right about reading the bible, and if it is combined with prayer it is the most powerful thing in the world! Thank you for that wisdom.

    To JD,
    Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment. It made me cry to see Jesus' own love for me right before my eyes in your words. The trouble you felt in your heart in the early hours of the morning and which made you come back with a warning was most certainly the Holy Spirit speaking to you. I am very glad that you came back with that warning, and thanks so much to SV as well, as it prevented me from going there to check out the link. This also goes to the heart of what I was trying to tell Constance, about the dangers of exposing ourselves to the enemies tools to break us down. If I had not had God mercifully expose me to certain things, I would certainly still be discounting how powerfully the enemy uses its supernatural devices against us.

    To Setterman,
    Thank you for your love and prayers for me and the others who sometimes come here, not for knowledge, but for the love and encouragement of others. Truly it seems, the lights are shining brighter in an increasingly darkening world. We need each other more than ever now.

    He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God , in whom I trust.
    Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.
    He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge,
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
    You will not fear the terror of the night,
    not the arrow that flies by day,
    nor the pestilence that stalks the darkness,
    not the plague that destroys at midday.
    A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
    You will only observe with your eyes,
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM


    Thanks for the addition, when we seek Him one of the first places we should look is His word. This goes to SV's point of putting on the full armor, but I am greatfull for the clarification you added as I cannot agree more.


    Your thankfullness is appreciated but really belongs to Him, as it is He that gives us the love that we share. I am simply greatfull to be a vessel.


    Simply put, beautiful!


  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I've got to think that it's not necessarily always a good idea to recommend certain books. How much more of this do we need to digest before we get indigestion?

    Case in point: Would you recommend that people here read The Protocols of the Elders? I doubt that you would since it's anti-semetic, (ask Dorothy) even though it contains a literal blueprint of information on how the Illuminati have successfully implemented their plans for global governance over the past 100 years.

    Not everyone here is mature enough to handle these materials, so at best a warning should be issued, just as you've issued warnings over the years to be wary of every single evangelist who's ever crossed the line and stepped into New Age territory.

    This site is about recognizing religious deception, but just as in the Garden of Eden too much knowledge of the wrong stuff is not a good thing either. An 'immature' person reading The Protocols could definitely come away with a different outlook on the Jews. The same thing holds true with some of this New Age material, and how it can warp our judgment of truth.

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Okay, let's get kooky!

    I’ve always tried to look at the big picture, I guess that’s why symbols and ideas are of such interest to me and personalities don’t matter so much. But symbols can't hurt us, they are mere designs and colors that are powerless in and of themselves. It's the emotional reaction created, the "faith" if you will, fostered, and fed by those who summon the supernatural demonic realm through them that matters. There's a war going on, and symbols are an important "weapon". For over 200 years, American's have fought and died carrying a flag that represented (symbolized) all they held dear.

    But I digress. Back to the point.

    The symbols in Obama’s campaign do tell us more than any of the political rhetoric or campaign spin. Young Grasshopper, is on the right track about this I think.

    I hope some of you by now have been able to open the You Tube video I linked to in previous post, and watched it side by side while "surfing" the Google Earth locations I suggested.

    These are just interesting comparisons, nothing really earth shattering. However, keep looking, there's more.

    The alignment of what I call, the BIG THREE EU EYES is most telling. (I’ve posted all of the Google Earth coordinates previously, so I won’t repeat them here.) But if you were to draw a straight line from the EU EYE in Brussels, through the EU EYE in Luxumbourg, continuing through the EU EYE in Strassbourg, you will fly straight as an arrow just to the NE of Rome and directly into the heart of Egypt. Coincidence? Perhaps. Okay. Consider the fact that the first EU EYE (in Brussels) is constructed a stone's throw from a place called Jubelpark.

    Search “Jubel”.

    I found the following info on a couple of Masonic blogsites….

    “Albert Pike mentions several forms of the name CHiram: Khirm, Khurm, and Khur-Om, the latter ending in the sacred Hindu monosyllable OM, which may also be extracted from the names of the three murderers. Pike further relates the three ruffians to a triad of stars in the constellation of Libra and also calls attention to the fact that the Chaldean god Bal--metamorphosed into a demon by the Jews--appears in the name of each of the murderers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum.”

    And from the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY, Albert Mackey writes…

    ”Gebal is a city in ancient Phonecia. Inhabitants of the city were called Giblites or Giblimites and they were "stone-squarers." See 1st Kings 18.”

    ”The three (3) names were originally one (1) name for a 'fellowcraft, a leader in the conspiracy against Hiram Abif, and that the names were corrupted names of Giblimite. It is suggested that later writers gave them the a, the o and um to prove their "conspiracy" point. Giblim was corrupted to Gibalim or three (3) syllables or spelled another way, Chibbelum.”

    ”The French spelling took Giblim and went to Jiblime, then to Jibulum to Jabulum (See RAM). The same type corruption was evident with Pythagoras, as the French spelled it Pytagore, and in Masonic lore it became Peter Gower combining English and French. Let us follow this trial of corruption: Ghiblim-Giblim-Gibalim-Chibbelum-Jiblime-Jibelum-Jabelum and finally to Jubellum. Consequently, the words are not names but titles of one (1) fellow-craft 'Jubrlum' and with the a and the o added, bibgo, we have three (3) ruffians”

    And from another Masonic website..

    “Jubel, or Yehubel, is said to signify “good AND evil”; or it may be interpreted as containing the two names of Jah (Jehovah), and Bel or Baal…”

    Now if all this symbolism and design doesn’t echo back to Genesis, errr, pre-Genesis, errr, forward to Revelation, I don’t know what does.

    I would call that, the "big picture".

  18. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Thanks for your prayer, and may Abba bless you and keep you too, may He shine His face upon you. May He bless you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Yeshua the Messiah.

    I haven't posted here lately because I was convicted that too much time here and not enough time in the Scriptures is not good for my spiritual health. As the anonymous poster said and I agree, we need to be ultra careful with these materials. I have posted a bit on Farmer's blog although very brief comments, but I do agree that becoming experts in evil is probably not advisable. It's a delicate balance to stay informed enough to not be blind-sided by all what is going on, and to delve so much that the darkness is filling our thoughts instead of the light of the gospel, the light of Messiah Yeshua!

    It's also one thing to be informed and quite another to try to really understand every detail of the darkness. I don't have to be an expert in Satanism to know that it's bad, etc.

    Each one has to decide what that means for themselves, but I have been blessed by some incredibly rich studies of the Scriptures and have more time to do them when I am not filling my mind with other stuff. That is what will sustain us in the days ahead. Not trying to lecture or tell others what they should do, and I'm not even saying that I have stopped paying attention. It's just a question of degrees.

    Spent the afternoon reading the Scriptures since it's Shabbat where I am at the moment, a time where God says He will meet with us, and I was richly blessed by His love, His promises the hope we have for the days ahead.

    This week is also Sukkot when God instructed Israel ( and all who would attach to Israel) to build succahs ( booths) and dwell in them, to remind them of the fact that we came out of Egypt into the Wilderness, a place of "hearing God's voice". It is the time when most believe Yeshua was actually born. The succah represents a temporary dwelling. One day we will "tabernacle" with HIm for all of eternity and the nations will go up to Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot, in the meantime, these weekly, monthly and seasonal reminders keep us focused on Him and speak prophetically of what's to come. I encourage all of you to read up on them, if you haven't since they will signal Yeshua's return...

    For all who are celebrating..

    Shabbat shalom &
    Hag sameach!


  19. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Thanks for your prayer, and may Abba bless you and keep you too, may He shine His face upon you. May He bless you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Yeshua the Messiah.

    I haven't posted here lately because I was convicted that too much time here and not enough time in the Scriptures is not good for my spiritual health. As the anonymous poster said and I agree, we need to be ultra careful with these materials. I have posted a bit on Farmer's blog although very brief comments, but I do agree that becoming experts in evil is probably not advisable. It's a delicate balance to stay informed enough to not be blind-sided by all what is going on, and to delve so much that the darkness is filling our thoughts instead of the light of the gospel, the light of Messiah Yeshua!

    It's also one thing to be informed and quite another to try to really understand every detail of the darkness. I don't have to be an expert in Satanism to know that it's bad, etc.

    Each one has to decide what that means for themselves, but I have been blessed by some incredibly rich studies of the Scriptures and have more time to do them when I am not filling my mind with other stuff. That is what will sustain us in the days ahead. Not trying to lecture or tell others what they should do, and I'm not even saying that I have stopped paying attention. It's just a question of degrees.

    Spent the afternoon reading the Scriptures since it's Shabbat where I am at the moment, a time where God says He will meet with us, and I was richly blessed by His love, His promises the hope we have for the days ahead.

    This week is also Sukkot when God instructed Israel ( and all who would attach to Israel) to build succahs ( booths) and dwell in them, to remind them of the fact that we came out of Egypt into the Wilderness, a place of "hearing God's voice". It is the time when most believe Yeshua was actually born. The succah represents a temporary dwelling. One day we will "tabernacle" with HIm for all of eternity and the nations will go up to Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot, in the meantime, these weekly, monthly and seasonal reminders keep us focused on Him and speak prophetically of what's to come. I encourage all of you to read up on them, if you haven't since they will signal Yeshua's return...

    For all who are celebrating..

    Shabbat shalom &
    Hag sameach!


  20. Anonymous2:16 PM

    No surprise one of the world's foremost museums, with one of the most complete collections of Egyptian antiquities outside of Egypt itself, is located in Jubel Park....which itself contains some rather interesting design features.

    "This museum has an important collection of art objects from different civilizations from all over the world. It offers an overview of the history of mankind in the five continents (with the exclusion of Black Africa) from prehistoric times until today. The museum was founded in 1835 and was located in the Hallepoort/Porte de Hal, one of the last remaining medieval city gates of Brussels. In 1889 it was transferred to the newly built pavilions in the Cinquantenaire Park. The Art and History Museum as remained at this site, albeit in different pavilions and exposition halls that were renovated or constructed after 1889. The museum is part of the Royal Museums of Art and History, to which also belong The Hallepoortmuseum, The Japanese Tower and the Chinese Pavilion.

    The 15 masterpieces of the Museum.

    * relief with representation of Gilgamesj (Mesopotamia, 2250-1900 B.C.)
    * relief with representation of Queen Teje (Egypt, ca 1360 B.C.)
    * great hunting mosaic (Syria, Apamea, 2nd half of 5th century B.C.)
    * golden ornament for Celtic drinking horn (Belgium, ca 400 B.C.)
    * portable altar from Stavelot ( Belgium, around 1150)
    * altarpiece with the Passion of Christ (Brussels, around 1470-1480)
    * lace bed-spread with the Archdukes (Brussels, 1599)
    * set of 10 wall tapestries with the history of Jacob (Brussels, 1528-1534)
    * violin in Delftware (Delft, beginning of the 18th century)
    * art nouveau sculpture of the mysterious Sphinx (Brussels, 1897)
    * dish in enameled glass (Maurice Marinot, 1919)
    * bronze sculpture of Shiva Nataraja (South India, beginning 13th century)
    * wooden sculpture of Bodhisattva (China, around 1200)
    * Feather cloak (Brazil, Tupinamba, 16th - beginning 17th century)
    * colossal statue of Pou hakakanonga (Easter Island, between 1000 and 1680)

    I think that about covers all the major world religions. Sounds like a place Obama's mother would have taken him.

  21. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Do you think there's a reference to Sukkot in Jesus' words in the Olivet discourse when he says;"...and let him who is on the roof not come down to take his clothes," etc. ?
    I understand people place the booths on their own roof and live in them during Sukkot.


  22. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Thanks for posting the link to the analysis of Obama's manipulation of the minds of listeners to his speeches. It really is an excellent analysis.

    For those who haven't read it yet, the first 15 or so pages are pretty boring. When the author starts giving examples from the speeches, it moves very rapidly and is compelling reading.

    There was another speaker who shall not be named who was also a compelling speaker and who structured his speeches to manipulate the emotions of his audiences.


  23. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Not sure about that. Lots of people put their succahs down on the ground too, and the timing of Sukkot is later prophetically. That might have more to do with the Tribulation prior to HIs return:

    Is. 24:18 Then it will be that he who flees the report of disaster will fall into the pit, And he who climbs out of the pit will be caught in the snare;
    For the windows above are opened, and the foundations of the earth shake.

    Read the whole chapter. It's actually encouraging to see how the "kings of the earth" are dealt with. They may seem to have unlimited power for now, but that's temporary.

    And the kings of the earth on earth.
    Is. 24:22 They will be gathered together
    Like prisoners in the dungeon,
    And will be confined in prison;
    And after many days they will be punished.

    Sukkot is the great wedding feast of the Lamb, when Messiah will have already put His feet on the Mt. of Olives and will be reigning from Jerusalem, and all the nations will go up to Jerusalem to worship the King of Kings.

    Zech. 14:16 ¶ Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will ago up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths.

  24. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Dear JD-
    So glad that the Holy Spirit was cautioning you and guiding you to prayer! Praise Him!

    Bless you for praying for us all!

    Thanks for the wonderful scripture!

    Thanks for your encouragement to be faithful to read God's Word!

    Deannie (1:32)-
    Thanks for your link to Berit Kjos article, definitely worth the read!

    Good to hear from you!

    Sincerely, In His Love,

  25. Ok, remain ignorant of the war plans against us as set forth in THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT by Peter LeMesurier and Hillman's latest abomination! Its direction is clear and I think other people sometimes need to examine the EVIDENCE other than myself.

    Just don't say I warned you when you are suddenly ambushed!

    Forgive my obvious irritation -- I will confess I have it now. If anything I have understated the case so as not to unduly frighten people. I thought then and still do that this is important for you to know.


  26. "If anything I have understated the case so as not to unduly frighten people."

    Perhaps this would be a good time to start not understating the case.

    "9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my power is made perfect through weakness. Very gladly therefore will I rejoice rather in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
    10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in anguish for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then am I strong." II Cor.12:9-10

    Grace is the ultimate energizing dynamic, the ultimate remedy. Perhaps we are at a place in time to realize that more than any other humans in space time history.


  27. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I don't think any of us who blog here regularly are in danger of understating the threats we face. Here's my take...

    Obama's rise as Pharaoh fits in very nicely with Solana's rise as Nimrod. Putin has become a "Czar" in Russia, while a multi-headed "Emperor" sits on the throne in China. Four world kings, all perfectly equipped to handle the end times scenario.

    Does anyone need a reminder that Russia already holds enough bio-weapons to destroy all life on the planet? China has developed who know's what type of scary weapons, and we here in the good ol' U.S. of A., well, we have Star Wars. And that's not to mention the 60,000 or so nuclear weapons scattered all over the planet, with the technology and enough parts to make who knows how many additional nukes traded every day on the black market.

    This new "Tower of Babel" collider project only goes to show that Mad Ted maybe wasn't so "mad" after all. He understood where technology (scientific knowledge/gnosis) would lead. Unfortunately, he acted every bit the barbarian while trying to stop "the barbarians". I guess he really was insane.

    Remember those Hopi elders who went to the UN in 1992? They brought with them a simple message to mankind, "Humble thyself", they pleaded to the nations. But no one wanted to listen. Planting corn, after all, isn't as fun as attaining mastery of the universe through scientific endeavor. Those Hopi's must have been insane too.

    Constance, you wrote:
    "His book, THE COSMIC EYE, was published by Findhorn's Thule Press."

    A quarter century ago I shared a shaman's sweat lodge with some Findhorn folks. They were not big evil monsters with 666 tattoo's across their chests and horns sticking out of their heads. You know all too well that no one wanted to believe these folks who ate simple organic foods and practiced yoga all day long could be "dangerous". They prayed for good things, like "community" and "healing of the earth", nothing wrong with that. But the fact is, not everyone is able to see with their eyes, or is able to hear with their ears.

    No one wants to believe scientific inquiry can be dangerous. Let's hack up some stem cells and see what happens?
    Hey, we've developed some new medicines, isn't this grand!

    Pharaoh Obama promises to fulfill all the right goals... fairness, community, and earth healing. It's a big, bold NA agenda. Certainly none here believes he can deliver on those promises, or that those promises, even if sincere (which they are not), are really what will bring peace to the earth. But there are enough people out there who have put their HOPE in those ideals to push us over the "tipping point".

    As for me, I don't want fairness, I want justice. I don't need "healing', I need "forgiveness". I don't want a good life, I want eternal life.

    I guess I'm just too damned demanding to be a New Ager.

  28. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Dear Constance-
    I implore you to reconsider your stated irritation regarding the examination of LeMesurier's The Armaggedon Script and Hillman's book. God gives special gifts to individuals according to His will. May I gently contend that He allows certain individuals to delve into dangerous territory that He has established to do so. As a women's Bible study teacher, I've had women who have just accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and are just freshly out of the New Age Occult. They've shared with me just how severely satan attacks them (physically, psychologically emotionally, etc...) in an attempt to lure them back.
    You have the full armor of God, you are fully girded unto this calling and firmly established to fight this waging war. What a wonderful gift He has given you! To His honor and praise!
    Yet, there are those who aren't ready to be immersed with the intensity of this waging war. God will gird them in time, and I know that the hour is late in this war, but God will give them the strength that they will need in His due time.
    So then, should we tell them that if they aren't tough enough, girded enough, or strong enough to keep up with us at this stage of the war, then they should leave this website and go to another where they may be dis-informed, sold lies, or even false hopes?
    Or should we wisely guide them by giving them warning to take heed lest they be terribly disturbed or ferociously tested by satan at the leading of our own hands?
    I promise you, the children of God who are here on your website seeking information, diligently warning, well-girded for the spiritual war, just as you are, are standing beside you in Godly love and friendship ready to take on "the deceiver", "the author of confusion" and warn them right along with you.
    I promise you that many will read these books who are armed and ready to do so.
    Sincerely In His Love,

  29. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Thanks to American Thinker
    It seems Obama's two handed "O" shape was actually used by someone else.

    It seems that Obama's team, artistic and otherwise like to get their ideas by looking at other socialist propaganda.


  30. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Toughen up folks. You have to learn to question, question, question. When someone wants to sell you an idea in a book or elsewhere, ask what is their motive. Instead of an author or a speaker leading you emotionally by the nose, get some street smarts and ask of the whole project makes sense in your frame of reference. If it doesn't, just say NO.

    By learning about the New Age movement you have a new framework which you can use to question New Age ideas.

    Over the last 26 years I've made it a point to get as much information from antisemites, abortionists, occultist, communists, leftists as I can. I attended their meetings and read their literature just like any academic would. I didn't become an antisemite, pro-abort, occultist, communist or leftist. I used their material to analyze their thinking patterns. I'm not a professional, and if I can do it, anyone can.

    Sure some of the material might raise doubts in your head. It's meant to. But reading their material is only one-half of the necessary work. Make it a point to balance off everything you do with the opposite point of view.

    Now some of you are thinking why do I have to do any of that. I'll just be a good Christian or Jew. If so, why bother reading this blog or any blog outside of a Christian or Jewish one. Just find one you feel comfortable with, one that won't challenge you to think outside of the box.

    OK. I understand. Some of you think it's alright to challenge the efforts of others, but yours shouldn't be challenged. Well, my first sentence still stands. Toughen up folks. Put on that armour you talk about and use it as more than decoration. You might make a mistake or two, but you'll live through it.


  31. Anonymous7:07 AM

    All one needs to do is to look at how many once-decent preachers have gone down the road of sin and deception to know that the enemy is most intent on skewering the most faithful warriors in God's army in these times. He's crafty. He's a snake. He sheds his skin so he can come to the faithful in different guises.
    Dorothy, what's the state of your soul these days? You don't know me, but I've been praying for you.
    Building up a tough skin and losing your soul in the effort is pointless. It's kind of like the unwary turtle who left his shell so he could better see where the gator was hiding so he'd know whether of not it was safe to come out or not. By the time he realized the gator had been hiding under his shell all along it was too late for the turtle. Everyone here knows how dangerous certain material can be for the unwary. Constance has spent her last 30 years warning people about it. If the enemy can use a warrior to get to the innocent so much the better. Isn't that exactly what happened to the Billy Graham's and Tim La Haye's that Constance is so quick to warn us about?

  32. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I am with Constance on this one too.

    I have been taught that if a certain book is going to be an "occasion of sin" for me in terms of weakening my faith, then I should simply avoid reading it.

    But that doesn't necessarily mean that people whose faith is stronger should avoid reading it.

    According to Jesus, no one knows the day or the hour or the name of the Antichrist.

    Constance has never said that she KNEW unequivocally who Antichrist would be or where he would come from.

    But I will say this. Even if the things Constance is warning us about here do not turn out to be THE Antichrist and the sinful social structure and other "secret ingredients" he will use as the religio-political vehicle of his power,we are not wrong in being vigilant lest the next Hitler or Stalin or Mao pounce upon us unawares.

  33. Anonymous7:46 AM


    Whatever happened to "putting on the armor of God" before doing battle with evil?

    It has been prophesied that those of us who live in the "end times" will be called upon to do battle with evils that are unimaginably greater than any of the evils that Christians have encountered in the past.

    But it was the late Pope John Paul II who opened his pontificate with the words,"BE NOT AFRAID!"

    The way I learned it, we must believe that all depends on God while acting as if everything depended on us.

    That, my friends, is "faith in action!"

  34. Anonymous10:28 AM

    To oldmanoftheski:

    In response to.....

    "As for me, I don't want fairness, I want justice. I don't need "healing', I need "forgiveness". I don't want a good life, I want eternal life.

    I guess I'm just too damned demanding to be a New Ager."


    I would only add to that "I don't want "philanthropy" (with all manner of strings attached). I want "LOVE!" ("Agape")

  35. Anonymous12:40 PM

    To all,
    On the question of putting on the armor, let's take a look at what the armor is:

    Eph. 6:13-19 Therefore, take up athe full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is cthe word of God. With all aprayer and petition pray at all times cin the Spirit, and with this in view, 3dbe on the alert with all perseverance and fpetition for all the saints, and apray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me bin the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel,

    Putting on armor doesn't mean being strong in our own force, but being rooted in Yeshua the Messiah and His Word. We need to be careful because the snake was more "naked" than any other animal. We are no match for the snake, but the Lord is, so we need to walk in humble dependence on Him and if He tells us not to read something...WE NEED TO HEAR HIS VOICE. It is presumptuous for us to think we can touch that which is evil and not be touched by it ourselves. We are not immune!!! God never told us to be experts on darkness. He says to know Him. Being alert is one thing...but there is a point where we are eating of the wrong tree.

    It's not a question of toughness, but of obedience. When we walk in obedience, He protects us, but when we walk in our own strength and intelligence, we've taken off the armor and we are in uncharted territory.

    If someone has come out of an occult background and is growing in their faith, it would not be wise for them to dabble in darkness.....I'm not sure any of us want to go too far in "eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil" . It's so much better to eat of the Tree of Life, the Torah and the living Torah...Yeshua.

    SV, I'm with you on that.

    Blessings in Yeshua,

  36. Anonymous1:53 PM

    You wrote: Dorothy, what's the state of your soul these days?

    My response: How would you like it if I asked you what is the state of your brain these days?

    We are talking about the New Age movement on this blog, not evaluating the souls or brains of others. I really find your question offensive.

    I would agree with the person who wrote saying if you have an internal warning about a piece of information, avoid it. It's happened to me a few times over the years, but always after I sampled the product or learned something about the source, giving me a solid reason for avoiding it.

    The trick is not to let your brain be tickled to learn how to control others, the future or gain "secret knowledge" you can't verify elsewhere that will appeal to your pride, greed or lust.


  37. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Thank you Setterman for your prayers.

    I also pray daily for all those whom I have known, loved, or touched in any way - including everyone here - and that I too may do better in terms of obeying the GREAT COMMANDMENT.

    May we all walk under the Mercy.

  38. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Dear Constance,

    I have been doing some research into the subject of the book entitled THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT. I am grateful you brought it up here since I had never heard of it before. It would appear to echo many of the things you pointed out in your book HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW which I read very carefully ....more than once! :-)

    According to one review:

    "In his one person, Antichrist will claim that he is the messiah figure for each of the religions of the world. Of course this is a lie, but a "necessary" one! Mankind will be destroyed, you see, if this lie is not successful!

    Lemesurier explains this charade as Antichrist acting like a spiritual lightening rod, taking to himself the "undischarged predictions" of each religion of the world. Then, once each religion believes that they have seen their Messiah, they can then be taught the "higher" spiritual revelation, that each person has a "godhead" within him or her, and that the true god to be worshipped is yourself.! ("The Armageddon Script", Peter Lemesurier, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1981, pages 215-252)

    There have been shadowy precedents for this kind of a scheme.

    One of them appears to be the agenda of the Hieron du Val d'Or that tried to hijack a pilgrimage site in France (Paray le Monial of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) devotions to gain recruits for the "perennialist" -a.k.a. "traditionalist" philosophy it embodied.

    The Hieron du Val d'Or was mentioned in HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL, but the authors did not give readers the whole lowdown on this organization.

    It was Carrie Tomko who exposed the Perennialist views of Ananda Coomaraswamy who wrote for Regnabit which was associated with the Hieron. It was neo-paganism disguised as "catholicism" - not in terms of Roman or Orthodox Catholic, but in the sense of "catholic" meaning "universal" as in so-called "catholic Freemasonry."

    I helped Carrie with a story about the Hieron du Val d'Or in April, 2007.

    This is about the attempted hijacking of a CATHOLIC devotion, so I am telling y'all now so that you don't have to read it if you think it might offend your religious sensibilities.


    The same review on ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT continues:

    "Only after the Masonic Christ has staged a "fulfillment" of the "Messianic" prophecies toward which adherents of all these religions are looking can mankind be taught the "higher truth" about Messiah. Listen as Peter Lemesurier explains:"

    I am reminded of a rather repulsive book that came out in the 1960's entitled THE PASSOVER PLOT which alleges that the whole life of Christ was "staged."

    "Based on scholarly research into the social and religious culture in which Jesus was born, lived and died, into the source documents of the Gospels, and into other literature, Schonfield reached the following conclusions:

    That Jesus was a deeply religious Jewish man, probably well-versed in the teachings of the local northern sects such as the Nazarenes and Essenes.
    That growing up in Biblical Galilee he had a skeptical and somewhat rebellious relationship to the hierarchy and teachings mandated by the authorities (the Pharisees) of the Temple in Jerusalem.
    That Jewish Messianic expectation was extremely high in those times, matched to the despair caused by the Roman occupation of the land, and by their subjugation of the Jews.
    That he was in many ways both typical of his times, and yet extraordinary in his religious convictions and beliefs, in his scholarship of the Biblical literature, and in the fervency in which he lived his religion out in his daily life.
    That he was convinced of his role as the expected Messiah based on the authority of his having been descendant from King David (the royal bloodline of David), and that he consciously and methodically, to the point of being calculating, attempted to fulfill that role, being eminently well-versed in the details of what that role entailed.
    That he was convinced of the importance of his fulfilling the role perfectly (after all prophesy and expectation), and that he could not allow himself to fail, as that would undoubtedly lead to his being declared a false Messiah.
    That he was perfectly aware of the consequences of his actions all along the way, and that he directed his closest supporters, the original twelve Apostles, unknowingly to aid him in his plans.
    That he involved the least possible number of supporters in his plans ("need to know" basis), therefore very few knew of the details of his final plan, and even then only the least amount of information necessary.
    The culmination of his plan was to be his death (the crucifixion), his resurrection and his reign as the true Kingly and Priestly Messiah, not in heaven but on earth— the realized King of the Jews." more....

    Both the ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT and THE PASSOVER PLOT are mentioned at the following non-Christian site. So is H.P. Blavatsky.

    If this is any comfort to the readers here who are upset and frightened about the ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT, our God is a just AND merciful God.

    If an honest person does something wrong out of ignorance, he is not going to be held morally responsible for his actions by God.
    In the Old Testament there was even a sacrifice for sins committed in ignorance.
    The degree of any sinful act is always proportionate to the freedom and knowledge with which a person acts.
    And only God knows what is in a person's heart.

    "In the Torah, sacrifice honored God by offering him creatures precious to man. Torah required two kinds of sacrifices: bloody and unbloody.

    Among the bloody sacrifices, the holocaust, or whole-burnt offering, was the most perfect sacrifice. The animal was completely consumed by fire. This was the “perpetual sacrifice” because it was offered twice each day, in the morning and evening. The sin offering was to expiate misdeeds committed through ignorance or inadvertence. The kind of victim depended mainly on the dignity of the person offended. The guilt offering was for sins demanding restitution. The peace offering was in gratitude, in fulfillment of a vow, or simply voluntary. The unbloody sacrifices, offerings of solid or liquid food, accompanied every holocaust and peace offering, but never sin or guilt offerings (except at the cleansing of a leper).

    See also...

    We need to go forward with confidence in God's promise that "all will be revealed in due time."

    When Antichrist arrives, it is prophesied that Enoch and Elias will reappear. According to the Bible these two holy men have not yet died.

    It is believed by many that THEY are the "two witnesses" mentioned in the Bible who will expose the Antichrist for the liar he is. Moreover, the Bible tells us that the warnings of these "two witnesses" will be confirmed by miracles like none we have ever seen.

    Miracles that will far outshine the lying wonders and deceits of the Antichrist.

    If Elias is to be one of the "two witnesses," we might be well-advised to go back to the Old Testament and read about the interesting "duel" between Elias and Jezebel's priests of Baal.

    Baal lost!

  39. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I mean you no disrespect, Dorothy, I admire your diligence and your stamina for exposing deception.
    I guess my mindset is that of approaching others with a compassionate heart, while leading them to understand the raw truth. I don't have the same gift of boldly telling others to toughen up. That doesn't mean, however, that I'll ever stop telling them the truth by exposing the deception clearly and precisely to everyone that I can. I'm not sure what species of canine that makes me! (LOL)

  40. Anonymous10:03 PM

    You tell me the truth as you see it and I'll tell you the truth as I see it. As I see it, on this website we're equals. I try to judge ideas and not people and I expect the same in return, Often people who are very religious feel they can say anything they want to say to others, using their beliefs as a cover.

    Reminds me of my now deceased mother. She held nothing back and absolutely loved it when someone told her about the phrase "Let it all hang out." She then told us how it was OK to say whatever came to her mind.

    When Old Man used an analogy to describe me, I thought it was just that. Are you looking for a nickname?


  41. Anonymous10:18 PM

    No, not looking for a nickname- unless one seems suitable. Just a small attempt at humor (helps life seem sweeter to me even when life isn't). ;-)


    The books I recommended you read had blatant New Age / militant atheist war plans against Christians. Most definitely, you should never PARTICIPATE in any New Age practices -- it is the EXPERIENCE which usually induces the "paradigm shift." I am happy to tell you that most of the people I personally had the joy of leading out of the New Age Movement have stayed solid for God since to the best of my present knowledge.


  43. A very wise friend, a Detroit area priest, said to me in October 1981 when I first met him and spent 4 hours showing him the evidence on the New Age Movement and how it had infiltrated both Catholic and Protestant worlds:

    "We have a terrible job facing us -- how to wake people up without scaring them to death."

    That is still wise advice.


  44. Susanna,

    You said:
    "I am with Constance on this one too.

    I have been taught that if a certain book is going to be an "occasion of sin" for me in terms of weakening my faith, then I should simply avoid reading it.

    But that doesn't necessarily mean that people whose faith is stronger should avoid reading it."

    Since you seem to feel you are tough enough to endure evil in the form of reading materials, I'm wondering if I could send you an email about the disturbing book I read recently.

    The book was virulently Anti-Catholic, just so you know. I did have your email address, but I've misplaced it . If you are willing to read the book, I'd love to have your take on it in view of your intelligence and insight into spiritual warfare.

  45. Anonymous5:40 PM


    Sure. I will be happy to have a look at that book for you.

    But I am NOT claiming to be "tough enough to endure evil in the form of reading materials."

    I simply have faith that God will protect me from evil if I prayerfully read certain materials with the right motives and not out of vulgar curiosity.

    If I did not have a solid Catholic education, I probably would not read such books. The fact that the Catholic Church did away with the Index of Forbidden Books doesn't mean that we can simply throw all caution to the wind.

    Is the title of the book THE TWO BABYLONS?

    In any case, you can get my e-mail address from Dorothy.

  46. HI Susanna,

    Thanks for getting back to me. No, that's not the title of the book. I'll email Dorothy to get your email address.

    I need to say that I received a very good education from Catholic parochial grade school. Those nuns really teach you to diagram sentences!

    I am very grateful to them for teaching me to be a moral child,too, and I have some nice memories of the comfort I got from my Catholic faith in spite of a rocky home life.
