
Thursday, September 25, 2008



Daniel prophesied one would arise: a little horn with a mouth speaking great things. I don't presently know if SOLANA is THE MOUTH, but he certainly has a mouth speaking very great things . . . is this the man who claimed "humanitarian intervention" gave him the right to violate the non-NATO territory of the Former Republic of Yugoslavia? (I believe he turned it into what some have turned "Solania.") At least, that is what I recall from when HE, JAVIER SOLANA was the head of NATO. Folks, things are happening and very quickly. Read about it here. Stay tuned!



  1. Here is the text of the reporting article:

    Pakistan seeks access to EU markets

    Solana says NATO has no right to operate in Pakistan


    NEW YORK: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi Wednesday underlined that Pakistan wanted complete access to the European markets.

    He expressed these views during his separate meetings with various counterparts on the sidelines of the 63rd session of the United Nation General Assembly in New York.

    Qureshi, who is on a visit to New York in connection with the 63rd UN General Assembly session, met Wednesday with Secretary General of the European Union and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, Foreign Minister of Egypt Ahmed Gheit and Foreign Minister of Australia Stephen Smith.

    In his meeting with the EU Secretary General, Qureshi highlighted the importance of upgrading the relations between EU and Pakistan to summit level. He stressed the need for a free trade agreement between Pakistan and EU. He also expressed Pakistan's desire to establish relationship with Afghanistan that was based on mutual trust. The EU secretary general appreciated Pakistan's cooperation in the war on terror and the role it was playing in the global security situation.

    The Egyptian foreign minister expressed condolences over the bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad. He said Egypt would continue supporting Pakistan in its difficult times.

    In his meeting with the foreign minister of Australia, Qureshi emphasised the need for collaboration in various sectors, including agriculture and education.

    Head of EU Security Javier Solana said that EU attached great importance to its relations with Pakistan; adding that EU would extend maximum support to Pakistan in the war against terror and effort to establish peace in Afghanistan.

    Solana said only Pakistan Army had the right to operate within Pakistan territory and NATO forces had no right to operate within the territorial borders of Pakistan.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM


    Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but would Solana's assesment of NATO/Pakistan not be correct here? If I recall correctly NATO is supposed to be an instrument for those countries that signed on to the intial treaty, not a tool for policing the world as both the USA and Solana himself have misused and misrepresented in the past?This does seem to be a case of do as I say not as I do though.
    To all,
    Dorothy has posted an excellent piece regarding the western hemisphere travel initiative. It was posted in the last thread. This appears to be (at least to me) one more step in a line of many, towards a unionized North America.
    Great find, I pray that all is well now with you. Good to have you back.


  3. Solana's assessment is probably CORRECT here and would have been the correct assessment for Yugoslavia. Neither were in NATO's boundaries. It is the voice of authority and the INCONSISTENCY to his advantage that I am pointing out. He wants EU/Pakistan close relationship, so therefore, NO NATO. He wanted to take over and Balkanize Yugoslavia for his agenda, therefore, NATO can bomb even though it was outside NATO's legal jurisdiction! It was Solana and Solana alone who had the authority to order bombs to start and stop over Yugoslavia / Serbia in 1999.

  4. I've been talking about the Western Travel Hemisphere initiative the last two weeks on my internet radio program, The most disturbing thing about it is that it is a COORDINATED global plan and goes very nicely with the EU's SCHENGEN INFORMATION SYSTEM.

    Thanks for the thoughtful post and Dorothy, WELCOME BACK, we've missed you!



    The last is an article by Michael Chertoff, USA director of Homeland Security. It is fascinating. He discusses global cooperation and our tight relationship with the EU. MOST FASCINATING is the presence of a paragraph that obviously does not belong in the article -- it is a paragraph about the weighted voting system of the EU and the Lisbon Treaty. It appears to belong to something else either written by Solana or one of his staff -- it refers to Poland as "a spoiler".

    I don't know whether the fault is the typesetter or Chertoff never read the article under his name. Fascinating and disturbing!



  7. Anonymous11:18 AM

    This is way off topic but has anyone seen that the people of Ecuador are voting on a new contitution that would give human rights to nature? I guess they really believe that Gaia is a living, breathing entity.

    and check out the many positive comentaries on it, such as:

    At Abundant Hope you can also read about how to become a Messiah.


  8. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Read an article recently that said if the U.S. continues to push for NATO membership for Georgia, NATO may fracture (east Atlantic vs. west Atlantic).

    Dr. Solana's statement re. NATO not having any jurisdiction in Pakistan portrays him up as an ill-placed moral voice of authority, given his past actions in the former Yugoslavia, when Sec.-Gen. of NATO (as Constance noted).

    In that NATO headquarters is located in Brussels, and the current Sec.-Gen. is a native of the Netherlands (a member of the 10-nation WEU), who has held regular meetings with Dr. Solana over the years, does not bode well, imho.

  9. "Six of 17 Virginia State Police Chaplains have resigned over a request they not reference Jesus Christ at public events.

    Instead, they've been instructed by the Superintendent to offer non-denominational prayers, a decision made following a recent ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Chaplains are trained in ministry and counsel employees and their families. Troopers volunteer for the program which began nearly 30 years ago. The policy does not apply to private services like funerals.

    The decision was internal, but does have the support of Governor Tim Kaine.

    In a statement Wednesday, Grayson County Delegate Bill Carrico called on the Superintendent to abandon, "this attack on Christianity."

    Read entire article at:

  10. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Unless I am wrong in my recolection - NATO is the UNs standing army by charter agreement.


  11. "Six of 17 Virginia State Police Chaplains have resigned over a request they not reference Jesus Christ at public events.

    Instead, they've been instructed by the Superintendent to offer non-denominational prayers, a decision made following a recent ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Chaplains are trained in ministry and counsel employees and their families. Troopers volunteer for the program which began nearly 30 years ago. The policy does not apply to private services like funerals.

    The decision was internal, but does have the support of Governor Tim Kaine.

    In a statement Wednesday, Grayson County Delegate Bill Carrico called on the Superintendent to abandon, "this attack on Christianity."

    Read entire article here:

  12. Anonymous12:15 PM


    Speaking of "giving human rights to nature," (a.k.a. "Gaia") just this past June in Spain, the Spanish Parliament passed a resolution that would give human rights to apes.

    Gee. Maybe PLANET OF THE APES isn't science fiction after all!


  13. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I see on Slice of Laodicea that representatives from the WCC (World Council of Churches)are dining with Ahmadinejad.


  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "NATO’s relations with the United Nations
    Updated: 23-Sep-2008

    The United Nations (UN) is at the core of the framework of international organizations within which the Alliance operates, a principle that is enshrined in NATO’s founding treaty.

    UN Security Council resolutions have provided the mandate for NATO’s operations in the Balkans and in Afghanistan, and the framework for NATO’s training mission in Iraq. (skip)

    In recent years, cooperation between NATO and the United Nations has developed well beyond their common engagement in bringing peace and stability to crisis-hit regions. Consultations with UN specialised bodies now cover a wide range of issues, including civil emergency planning, civil-military cooperation, combating human trafficking, action against mines, and the fight against terrorism.

    What does it mean in practice?

    NATO’s Secretary General reports regularly to the UN Secretary General on progress in NATO-led operations and on other key decisions of the North Atlantic Council in the area of crisis management and in the fight against terrorism.


    How did it evolve?

    Although the formal link between the United Nations and the North Atlantic Alliance has been enshrined in their respective founding documents since the foundation of the Alliance in 1949, working relations between the United Nations and the Alliance remained limited for most of this period. The situation changed in 1992, against the background of growing conflict in the western Balkans, where their respective roles in crisis management led to an intensification of practical cooperation between the two organisations."


  15. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "On Friday, 26 September, a seminar on cooperation between the UN and the European Union on crisis and management and security will bring together the foreign affairs ministers of the 27 EU Member States, the High Representative for CFSP, the European Commission, the UN Secretary-General and civil society representatives (academics, journalists, members of think tanks)."


  16. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Ministerial debate: UN-EU Cooperation on Crisis Management
    On: 26.09.2008
    In: New York

    Formalised in a first joint declaration signed on 24 September 2003 after Operation Artemis and completed by a new common declaration on 7 June 2007, UN-EU cooperation on crisis management has developed considerably in recent years,


    This cooperation, which is a principal axis of the development of the ESDP, continues to diversify.


    Also worthy of note are the new concrete proposals (early warning, personnel training and exchanges) to strengthen cooperation between the UN and EU, which the EU approved at the end of July 2008."

    (ESDP is the European Security and Defence Policy.)


  17. Anonymous2:15 PM

    NATO's 2-week "Trial Imperial Hammer" to take place in Italy, 9/29-10/15/08:


  18. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Here's another mouth boasting it's power from China-

    BEIJING, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

    The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying the instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not to banks from other countries.

    "The decree appears to be Beijing's first attempt to erect defences against the deepening U.S. financial meltdown after the mainland's major lenders reported billions of U.S. dollars in exposure to the credit crisis," the SCMP said.

  19. Anonymous3:49 PM

    To All:

    Just spotted the following two articles on Drudge.

    While reading these clips, I recalled that there was a time when the former Soviet Union was trying to set up Nicaragua -led by Daniel Ortega and the Marxist Sandanistas - as a launching pad for revolutionary world communism in the Americas.

    Well, boys and girls, guess who is back in the saddle in Nicaragua?

    You got it.....Danny Ortega.

    And guess who Danny Ortega's "new best friend" is? You got it again! Hugo Chavez!

    Ron Reagan must be turning in his grave!


    Sept.25, 2008 2:49 P.M. Eastern

    Russia may launch nuclear energy cooperation with Venezuela, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Thursday during talks with the country's fiercely anti-US leader Hugo Chavez.


    Sep 25 02:50 PM US/Eastern

    MOSCOW (AP) - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says relations with Latin America will be a foreign policy priority for the Russian government.
    Putin, who is meeting with visiting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, says Russia is willing to discuss further military contacts with Venezuela and help it develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

    Chavez said during Thursday's meeting that close ties between Venezuela and Russia would strengthen a multi-polar world.

    Chavez' visit takes place as a Russian naval squadron sails to Venezuela, across the Caribbean Sea from the United States, in a pointed response to what the Kremlin portrays as threatening U.S. encroachment near its own borders.


    Former Sandinista revolutionary Ortega is back on top in Nicaragua. Will his alliance with Venezuela -- complete with subsidized oil -- be a model for the rest of Central America?


    And of course here in the "Peoples Republic of Massachusetts," we have Joe Kennedy importing oil from Venezuela.




    Ain't love grand???

    We hear a lot of yapping about how the UN needs to impose sanctions on countries that are suspected of trying to go nuclear in terms of the development of weapons of mass destruction under the guise of "developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes."


    How come no one is enforcing our own stinkin' Monroe Doctrine? Where are all the Colonal Oliver Norths and their "neat ideas" when we need them?

  20. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Socialism Is Coming to America by Cliff Kincaid (at

    "In his classic 1932 book, Toward Soviet America, Communist Party boss William Z. Foster wrote about how “The United Soviet States of America” will come about. As a result of various capitalist crises, the national government would assume more and more control over the economy. “In finance,” he wrote, “it will mean the nationalization of the banking system and its concentration around a central State bank…” Foster is dead, but the Wall Street financial “bail-out” plan offered by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, in coordination with the Federal Reserve, will bring about a socialist America.

    It would be an exaggeration to say that we are getting close to anything resembling the Soviet system. But it is also a big mistake to call this a “bailout.” It is socialism. Why are so many in the media afraid of using this term?
    “After reviewing the Administration’s proposed bailout plan, I believe it is completely unacceptable,” said conservative Senator Jim DeMint. “This plan does nothing to address the misguided government policies that created this mess and it could make matters much worse by socializing an entire sector of the U.S. economy. This plan fails to oversee or regulate the government failures that led to this crisis. Instead it greatly increases the role for Secretary Paulson whose market predictions have been consistently wrong in the last year…”

    Every newspaper in America should print a copy of his plan. Every news anchor and commentator should read it out loud to the American people. The American people have a right to know that President Bush and Congress are officially creating a socialist America.

    Over at the “conservative” Fox News Channel, however, some commentators think this is just great. “I love it,” Fred Barnes of the “conservative” Weekly Standard said of the temporary market rise in response to the anticipated Paulson plan. “Look,” Barnes said, “when I keep hearing this is going to cost a trillion dollars, and so on, it may not cost anything.” The U.S. may “come out ahead” in the long run, he confidently predicted. He praised Paulson and Bernanke for acting “boldly.”

    Another “conservative,” Charles Krauthammer, was almost giddy. “It took FDR a decade to put in place all the institutions of the New Deal,” he commented. “Paulson and Bernanke did it in ten hours. I mean, in one night, they created a whole new world.”"
    Read the complete article here-

  21. Anonymous4:32 PM

    US Helicopter fired upon by Pakistani troops!

    Don't know if there is any corolation between this and the story Constance posted earlier. It seems a group of Pakistani troops fired on a US helicopter during a recon mission near the Afghan/Pakistan border. This escalated into rounds being exchanged by both sides.

    Since Pakistan has been stating support for the "war on terror" of late, the only conclusion I can draw is it may be related to the post by Constance. Could be coincidence, if it is it's a big one!

  22. Anonymous4:44 PM


    It appears the UK is touting its new ID card (the one encrypted with RFID tech) almost as if its the end to all the problems currently plaguing the country, i.e. identity theft, illegal immigration, etc.


  23. Anonymous5:16 PM


    A life size cardboard effigy of Obama was found hanging from a tree at George Fox University. This of course adds fuel to the "if your anti-obama you must be racist" fire. To make matters worse GFU is a christian college. The report says it was a statement against a low income project, but this is barely mentioned while it goes on and on about racial tones and GFU being a christian college.


  24. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Maybe Chertoff thought it was Poland that was the spoiler of the treaty. Maybe he didn't follow the events close enough to know that it was Ireland. That's okay, Joe Biden made a statement about when FDR was president and the stock market crashed, he went right on television right away instead of waiting, apparently, the way President Bush has. Now come on, this should become a skit on Saturday Night Live. Are you Smarter than a 5th grader, Joe?

    Who was president when the stock market crashed in 1929? When was television invented? FDR was never on television and he wasn't president in 1929. Duh!

  25. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Lengthy, but in-depth
    from The Peace Alliance HR 808 (House Resolution 808)

    Funny, that this was introduced by Dennis Kucinich--an open and noted New Ager!

    Somehow, I don't think this will have much to do with the "Prince of Peace."

  26. Anonymous8:13 PM


    This is piggybacking on your observation on how NGOs may be used by the EU (and possibly, others) in the future to sidestep accountability/transparancy issues.

    PPI an NGO Associated with United Nations

    On June 30, 2008, Peace Partnership International’s application for official status as an NGO associated the Department of Public Information of the United Nations was approved. This association provides us, among other things, access to UN facilities (including the NGO Resource Center), briefings for NGOs (which feature UN officials, Government delegates, and other experts), and observer status at open meetings of UN bodies. Importantly, it greatly enhances our global networking capacity to further our mission of forging partnerships for a culture of peace, including the campaign for a UN General Assembly resolution calling structures in government to support a culture of peace.

  27. Anonymous9:43 PM

    The link looked interesting so I tried to go to Warren Smith "Reinventing Jesus Christ" only to find that it wouldn't download. The book is no longer available from Amazon. I sent an email to Smith, so he might be able to fix it. In the meantime, those interested might find the gist of what he wrote at
    his website.


  28. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Dorothy, and Constance,

    I am new to Constance's website, but it has quickly become a mainstay to my daily edification along with God's Word. Thank you so much for your time, study, and insight in presenting all this information to us!

    I have the pdf of Warren's book downloaded when it was available from his website. Do you wish to wait for Warren to reply? I can upload it to a website of mine and get a link to you somehow?


  29. Anonymous10:23 PM


    Are you sure you entered the URL correctly? It comes up quite easily for me--

    In fact I just copied some info from it just last night. It's a wonderful resource!

    You can also get it in pdf form:

    Hope that helps.

  30. Anonymous11:30 PM


    The push for euthanasia grows:
    From the Seattle Times, courtesy of American Life League.
    Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals "Think"
    Excellent, but long analysis, of the dangers in how liberals see their role in the elimination of discrimination.

    Thanks for the pdf link to Smith's book. It worked.


  31. Anonymous11:33 PM

    From eureferendum
    Freedom of speech – EU style

    The EU parliament is on Thursday to vote on the Estonian Socialist MEP Marianne Mikko’s ideas for controlling blogs, a fact recorded by Bruno Waterfield in the online edition of The Daily Telegraph - but not important enough to make it to the print version.

    In the meantime, one of our own, Gawain Towler (pictured) who writes from the EU parliament on his blog, England Expects, has fallen foul of that self-same freedom-loving parliament, which has now shut him down. (more at link)


  32. Anonymous1:17 AM

    You've read here of Obama's connection to ACORN and how they pushed ideas that brought about the downfall of the financial system. Believe it or not, ACORN is scheduled to get money from the bailout plan.

    p:// or

    Do you sometimes get the feeling there is a long term plan to destroy the US? I do.


  33. Anonymous3:15 AM

    In a letter to Edward M. House (President Wilson’s closest aide), dated November 23, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt said: “The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, said: “It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” In 1957, Sen. George W. Malone of Nevada said before Congress about the Federal Reserve: “I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington: they would not wait for an election ... It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States.”

  34. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Just a note- I don't endorse all of the info from The above quotes were just apropro to the current times.

  35. Hi, Dorothy!

    Glad the pdf version of Reinventing worked for you. However, the pdf version does not have the updates that Warren Smith wrote in 2006. I find the updates for each chapter as valuable as the original work.

    I put into the URL without the www or http and it pops right up. Enter the site and go directly to "Updates". I'm not a computer geek, but maybe it's your computer??? Can you use a friend's computer?



  36. "LaBruzzo considering plan to pay poor women $1,000 to have tubes tied
    by Mark Waller, The Times-Picayune "

  37. Pakistani and American Troops Exchange Fire

  38. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Welcome back Dorothy,

    On another forum I got into a heated debate with Hindutva types accusing Christianity of being anti-Jewish. One of them shot themselves in the foot and said jesus was a Hindu Yogi and that the God of the Old Testament was evil. We're seeing a re-surgence of Nazism world-wide.


  39. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Our Lady Fatima

    The sixth Apparition

    Our Lady Fatima

    Fatima the daughter of Mohammed

  40. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Hi Dorothy,


    I have been following the "ACORN and the bailout" story all morning.

    It looks like Dodd's fingerprints are all over it. Quelle surprise! Dodd was reportedly the recipient of a "sweetheart loan" or two.

    Regarding ACORN and the bailout, the following is from a report posted on the "HOT AIR"

    The Democratic ACORN bailout; Update: Video addedposted at 7:55 am on September 26, 2008 by Ed Morrissey

    "House Republicans refused to support the Henry Paulson/Chris Dodd compromise bailout plan yesterday afternoon, even after the New York Times reported that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson got down on one knee to beg Nancy Pelosi to compromise. One of the sticking points, as Senator Lindsey Graham explained later, wasn’t a lack of begging but a poison pill that would push 20% of all profits from the bailout into the Housing Trust Fund — a boondoggle that Democrats in Congress has used to fund political-action groups like ACORN and the National Council of La Raza:

    In the Roosevelt Room after the session, the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., literally bent down on one knee as he pleaded with Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, not to “blow it up” by withdrawing her party’s support for the package over what Ms. Pelosi derided as a Republican betrayal.
    “I didn’t know you were Catholic,” Ms. Pelosi said, a wry reference to Mr. Paulson’s kneeling, according to someone who observed the exchange. She went on: “It’s not me blowing this up, it’s the Republicans.”
    Mr. Paulson sighed. “I know. I know.”

    Graham told Greta van Susteren that Democrats had their own priorities, and it wasn’t bailing out the financial sector:

    And this deal that’s on the table now is not a very good deal. Twenty percent of the money that should go to retire debt that will be created to solve this problem winds up in a housing organization called ACORN that is an absolute ill-run enterprise, and I can’t believe we would take money away from debt retirement to put it in a housing program that doesn’t work.

    Here’s the relevant part of the Dodd proposal:

    DEPOSITS.Not less than 20 percent of any profit realized on the sale of each troubled asset purchased under this Act shall be deposited as provided in paragraph (2).
    USE OF DEPOSITS.Of the amount referred to in paragraph (1)
    65 percent shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund established under section 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4568); and
    35 percent shall be deposited into the Capital Magnet Fund established under section 1339 of that Act (12 U.S.C. 4569).
    REMAINDER DEPOSITED IN THE TREASURY.All amounts remaining after payments under paragraph (1) shall be paid into the General Fund of the Treasury for reduction of the public debt.

    Profits? We’ll be lucky not to take a bath on the purchase of these toxic assets. If we get 70 cents on the dollar, that would be a success.
    That being said, this section proves that the Democrats in Congress have learned nothing from this financial collapse. They still want to game the market to pick winners and losers by funding programs for unqualified and marginally-qualified borrowers to buy houses they may not be able to afford — and that’s the innocent explanation for this clause.
    The real purpose of section D is to send more funds to La Raza and ACORN through housing welfare, via the slush fund of the HTF. They want to float their political efforts on behalf of Democrats with public money, which was always the purpose behind the HTF. They did the same thing in April in the first bailout bill, setting aside $100 million in “counseling” that went in large part to ACORN and La Raza, and at least in the former case, providing taxpayer funding for a group facing criminal charges in more than a dozen states for fraud. entire article and view video.....

    The following is the author Ed Morrissey's closing comment:

    "Once again, the Democrats want to set up a self-funding mechanism, this time by exploiting a severe financial crisis. Despicable."

  41. Anonymous4:15 PM


    I think it's even bigger than that. Read this WSJ editorial by a hedge fund manager:

    And you might read the transcripts of Rush Limbaugh from today. He discussed the behind the scenes maneuvering regarding the bailout (i.e. the cosiness between Secretary Paulson, The Goldman Sachs crowd and the Democrats). This deal stinks and we should all be contacting our Senators and Representatives. I already have.


  42. Anonymous5:21 PM


    It is probably a good thing Senator McCain DID go to Washington.

    I don't think it was intended that this ACORN "cat" be let out of the bag.

    Maybe McCain has more friends among the Democrats than people realize. I mean REAL Democrats....not socalled "Social Democrats" who are nothing more than Marxists disguised as "democrats."

    I also heard that Obama "lost it" today when he was allowed to address the assembly in Washington.

    Do you know anything about that?

  43. For those of you thinking Sarkozy was controlling shots, read this:

    "It was the German government's resistance (and particularly that of Chancellor Angela Merkel) which forced Sarkozy to seriously reconsider his proposal. In a climate of deteriorating French-German relations, Merkel and Sarkozy held a tense meeting on March 3, where they agreed to present a bilateral proposal for the Mediterranean Union at a European Council meeting 10 days later. 

This meeting resulted in the Europeanisation of the French proposal. Its name was changed again, this time to “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean”, ample proof of a shift of emphasis. It was decided that all EU states would be invited to attend a summit in Paris on July 13. Finally, the European Commission was asked submit proposals for the development of this stage in Euro-Mediterranean relations. The big question now is whether it amounts to anything more than a cosmetic name-change. "

    I am in western Michigan last two days attending a family funeral.


  44. Solana is playing an interesting game with China as well. He is calling for Taiwanese UN participation which China opposes.

    Curious thought crossed my mine -- the final scenario of Armageddon -- the kings of the East at war against the Beast and his armies -- before they both turn to fight the common enemies from the sky . . . COULD IT BE, COULD IT BE??


  46. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Condolences on the loss of your family member, Constance.

  47. I thought that the Euthanasia issue in the news around the world was separate to the End Times debate, but after reading "Reinventing.PDF" I am not so sure.

  48. As this financial mess is happening I am thinking of what Constance said that part of New Age thinking.

    "Crisis = Opportunity"

    I think we all need to closely look at what is going to happen after and because of this.

  49. While exploring the "World Future Society" website, I came across the President"s Log". It was discussing the "7 Deadly Sins for the new age". Top of the list was (surprise,surprise) "Earthism — holding humans as superior both morally and intellectually, over all other galactic lifeforms".

  50. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Israel asked US for green light to bomb nuclear sites in Iran

  51. Anonymous1:35 AM

    I have been reading at a blog in the UK and the blogger who calls himself Casandra has links to others and they write about something in the UK called Common Purpose. It is written about as connected to Bilderbergers and the other NWO folks. People in the UK are writing also about the dumbing down of their people and the indoctrination into unified views via Dialoguing. Is this coincidence?

  52. Anonymous1:36 AM

    PM Brown argues for new financial order

  53. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Interesting commentary from Canada Free Press:

    George Soros, Maurice Strong and company redefine the Middleclass

    This links US economic woes with George Soros, Maurice Strong and Warren Buffet


  54. In response to Dorothy's entry at 1:17 a.m., Acorn and the Bailout, a plan to destroy the U.S. I would say that is the point entirely, to milk the people of this land dry for the so-called greater good of a New World Order. Where there is no more a self reliant pesky middle class, just the very rich elite who have been ordained to run things and the serfs to provide any necessary grunt labor. Jim Marrs explained in his book, "Rule by Secrecy" how globalization resulting from the myth of free trade will undermine U.S. sovereignty and remove the U.S. as an impediment to global governance.
    In other words, a financially destitute U.S. makes necessary global governance, Agenda 21, public private partnerships, etc. The fascistic NWO is thus made necessary. Hegel's or Marx's dialectic at work. International socialists is just another name for Marxist or communist. In light of this, the bailout being debated makes perfect sense. Even though it is the plundering and pillaging of the U.S., it makes perfect sense for the NWO.

  55. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Another CFP comentary:

    This is about various "charitable foundations" and their links to "environmental groups".


  56. Anonymous3:51 AM

    You are right on target. A book called Tragedy and Hope by Dr. Carroll Quigley explains how an elite run the country. The difference is that he believed that the elite were doing a good job and deserved more publicity. Check out the book at Amazon.

    Quigley wrote that the middle class deserved to die off because of their standards. There is also a chapter in the book called The New Age, although we wouldn't recognize it as we know New Age. Quigley encountered Clinton at Georgetown.


  57. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Euthanasia is definitely part of the New Age movement as it can also be labeled population control. Many things are.
    Do a search with the word euthanasia and you'll find some information. The updated issue of the book was more specific. The book was described as the best guide to defining the New Age movement.

    Euthanasia is part of the eugenics movement which was very active in the 1930s. This was the first time the New Age movement was being promoted. The idea is that everyone in a society has to be productive. The elderly are no longer productive, and so are disposable. There are others in the community who can be described as non-productive and so can be disposed of. It happened before.

    Just remember that Constance has described the New Age movement as a resugence of Nazism.



  58. John W. Spring was to have guest hosted my radio program yesterday as I was away at a family funeral in Wyoming, Michigan. I had a telephone call from Oregon on my skypein line which I just listened to . . . I announced it on the air Tuesday, but wonder if Joe McNeil got the message for I expect, God willing, to be back on the air Tuesday afternoon.


  59. To KIMBA,

    Welcome aboard and thanks for the World Future Society briefings. I will go over there now and look for myself. "Speciesism" was what they used to call it.


  60. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Can anyone tell if this is Maurice Strong in this short video about the Hadron Collider? And if so why is he there at CERN? Look right around the 55 second mark on the clip to see the guy that looks like Strong...

  61. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Hi Constance,

    Please accept my sincerest sympathy as well as my prayers on the occasion of your sad loss of a family member.


  62. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Constance -
    Solana is playing an interesting game with China as well. He is calling for Taiwanese UN participation which China opposes.
    I have to say - interesting, serious consideration.
    Dorpthy - agreeed on Quigleyss book - have a copy myself, Clinton published a "forward" to that - or at least what he percieved in his own ego to be in Between Hope and History"
    Crisis indeed does equal opportunity but this time it is for the all the marbles - on October 1st federal troops get to patrol our streets -


  63. Anonymous11:26 AM

    "Crisis indeed does equal opportunity but this time it is for the all the marbles - on October 1st federal troops get to patrol our streets -"

    What in the world are you talking about Dougin MI?

    Does this have anything to do with the insane video going around that shows martial law being imposed in the US on Oct. 1st?

  64. Anonymous1:01 PM

    ANONYMOUS 11:26
    Yes, there are a number of these strange October 1 videos. A friend sent me a link to one of them and I started looking at what was out there. The details come from the old militia community with about as much credibility. Either they don't want to let the old material go to waste or there is some agent provateur thing going on. Of course newbies will be taken in as they usually are.

    The first time you see this stuff you think you are being let in on some big secret. The second time you see it it's old news.


  65. "It was decided that all EU states would be invited to attend a summit in Paris on July 13. Finally, the European Commission was asked submit proposals for the development of this stage in Euro-Mediterranean relations. The big question now is whether it amounts to anything more than a cosmetic name-change. "

    no question about it as the summit was still going on on Solana's birthday July was one of his birthday presents for 2008, after getting the Gold Price of 666.00 US$ on his birthday in 2007.


  66. Anonymous2:10 PM

    NATO seeks to transform relations with industry (meeting to be held in Brussels, 10/1/08):


  67. "FP"-visitors article on Solana and AoC gets widely published in one of Dutch biggest Christian mags:

  68. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Senator Obama's campaign seeks to limit criticism via prosectution:


  69. Hi Anonymous 9:01 am -
    Watched the little video you linked to. The man in the video-to the best of my knowledge - is not Maurice Strong - although there is a slight resemblance, Strong is somewhat older. Take a look at his current website where he is pictured. Look at his biography on the site and you'll see earlier photos of him. There is a picture of Strong, his wife Hanne, Graca Marcel and Nelson Mandela. I can see where you would think it might be him in the video. -Rudi

  70. Hi Doug- Is this what you were referring to earlier? I am greatful for those who serve to protect all of us. Yet, there is something about this that makes me very uncomfortable. It reminds me very much of the Civilian Crisis Management Program in the EU.
    Thanks for the heads up.

    This isn’t the first time an active-duty unit has been activated to assist
    at home. Following Hurricane Katrina several active-duty units were pulled from various posts and mobilized to the affected areas. The new mission is the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom.
    Following are excerpts from a report from 'Army Times'. Full article at link below.

    1st BCT: 1st Brigade Combat Team

    CBRNE: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or high-yield Explosive


    JTF-CS - Joint Task Force - Civil Support

    USNORTHCOM:(informally NORTHCOM) United States Northern Command

    "Brigade homeland tours start
    Oct. 1"

    "3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army"

    “Right now, the response force requirement will be an enduring mission. How the [Defense Department] chooses to source that and whether or not they continue to assign them to NorthCom, that could change in the future,” said Army Col. Louis Vogler, chief of NorthCom future operations. “Now, the plan is to assign a force every year.”

    “The command is at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo., but the soldiers with 1st BCT, ( 1st Brigade Combat Team) who returned in April after 15 months in Iraq, will operate out of their home post at Fort Stewart, Ga., where they’ll be able to go to school, spend time with their families and train for their new homeland mission as well as the counterinsurgency mission in the war zones.”

    “They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.”

    “The 1st BCT’s soldiers also will learn how to use “the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded,” 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them.”

    “I can’t think of a more noble mission than this,” said Cloutier, who took command in July. “We’ve been all over the world during this time of conflict, but now our mission is to take care of citizens at home ... and depending on where an event occurred, you’re going home to take care of your home town, your loved ones.”
    “The active Army’s new dwell-time mission is part of a NorthCom and DOD response package.
    Active-duty soldiers will be part of a force that includes elements from other military branches and dedicated National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams.”

    “I don’t know what America’s overall plan is — I just know that 24 hours a day, seven days a week, there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines that are standing by to come and help if they’re called,” Cloutier said. “It makes me feel good as an American to know that my country has dedicated a force to come in and help the people at home.”

    “CCMRF 2 is expected to be fully operational by the start of fiscal 2010, with CCMRF 3 ready by the start of fiscal 2011.
    “We envision that [the CCMRFs] could be regionally based,” Cunniff said, perhaps one on each coast and one in the middle.”

    I feel so much better now :-(
    - Rudi

    Additional Information:

    NORTHCOM Home Page:

    Here you can read the History of USNORTHCOM:


  71. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Thanks, I guess.
    I mean I guess I'd rather know than not know.

    Hey y'all
    The Feast of Trumpets is tomorrow and the next day.
    Does everyone have oil in their lamps ?

  72. Sorry- Somehow I missed posting the link to the main article at 'Army Times'. Yeah Paul, I know what you mean. I feel your pain.

    "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    Isaiah 41:10

  73. Anonymous12:42 PM

    “Retch (rech), v.i. to make efforts to vomit.”

    Looking into the bailout is that kind of effort; what political party moved to cripple our intelligence and then blamed the Bush administration for 9/11? You got it, the same one that insisted that everyone who could NOT afford a home had one. The same party that forbid those able to drill for oil on US territory, making the US more dependant on foreign sources and a greater imbalance in trade; it is still being preached by those more concerned for global warming than for the enslavement being engineered by enemies both foreign and domestic. Are the two parties working together (dialectic) to bring about order out of chaos? Maybe, but on the face of it I just want to throw-up.
    I think a protest vote for Ron Paul is a good reply to at least the Republicans.

    Ps: 12:8 “The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.”

  74. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Great post!

  75. Good one Setterman- thanks!
    Farmer has a new blog posted this am. More things that make you go hmmmmm... - Rudi

  76. Anonymous5:32 PM

    This website tells of a smear job done on Palin by what on the suface appeared to be a grassroots group but in reality seems to have a connection to a powerful public relations firm.

    "The company he works for, Winner & Associates, is one of the largest PR firms in the country and part of an even larger international conglomerate Publicis Groupe, which is, "one the world's top 10 advertising and communications firms."

    And what caught my attention in the write-up was
    "Also the kind of people hired by the European Union to help sell the new EU treaty. Who was the lead in that effort? Ethan S. Winner." (one of many places covering this story)

    Power of Winner and Associates

    Another business of head of Winner and Associates

    I showed the link between Obama and New Age leadership in an earlier comment. It seems even more is going on behind the scenes pushing him forward.


  77. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Rep. Michael Burgess states that they have been put under 'Martial Law':

    "Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) reports from the floor of the House that the Republicans have been cut out of the process and called unpatriotic for not blindly supporting the fraudulent bailout. He says the only debate has been about what talking points to use on the American people. The most ominous revelation is when he claims the Speaker has declared martial law.

    “I have been thrown out of more meetings in this capital in the last 24 hours than I ever thought possible, as a duly elected representative of 825,000 citizens of north Texas.” Said Congressman Burgess.

    Burgess asks the Speaker of the House to post the bailout bill on the internet for at least 24 hours instead of passing the largest piece of legislation in US financial history in the “dark of night.”

    The most frightening part of Rep. Burgess’ one-minute floor speech is when he says, “Mr. Speaker I understand we are under Martial Law as declared by the speaker last night.” "



  78. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I went to the website and its no rumor. There is nothing in the news.

  79. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Read the comments. It isn't martial law as us civilians know it. It's a rules procedure. Had me going for a while.


  80. Anonymous10:01 PM


    "If Nature Had Rights"

    "The Humanist Manifesto"
    (see, especially, Nos. 8 and 9, respectively--"...safeguard the environment;" and "an income tax to help the underdeveloped countries....")

    Hmmm..., Al Gore and Barack Obama come to mind...

  81. Anonymous10:52 PM


    NY Society for Ethical Culture
    "The Eart as Humanist Icon"

    In the same vein as what I posted at 10:01

  82. Anonymous11:05 PM

    "Humanists for Obama"

    Continuation of my posts at 10:01 and 10:52

  83. Anonymous12:18 AM

    To All:



  84. I didn’t know Barbara Marx Hubbard has a blog. Her entry for
    August 1, 2008 begins…

    "Dear Friends, We have passed the tipping point. We have entered the convergence zone. Everything that is arising is converging and connecting. Everything that is breaking down is accelerating.
    We have been projecting the transformation in 2012. It is happening now."

    She goes on to write about Jim Garrison and Paul Ray:

    "...The Design Team of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution has been invited to work with them on a major conference in the fall of 2009 in Washington, DC to mobilize this vital community of innovators and creators.”


    I’m quite sure the “major conference” she’s looking forward to is the same conference Jim Garrison is promoting at State of the World Forum. It is the 2009 State Of The World Forum,
    "Networking Creativity to Solve
    Global Challenges, a 2020 Vision"
    November 10 - 14, 2009 in Washington, D.C.
    The primary purpose of the conference appears to be focused on the urgency of getting Al Gore’s climate proposal implemented ASAP. Jim Garrison has written “A Global Call To Action”, a petition now making the rounds, network to network with signatures being added daily. You can read the unedited version here: (This version mentions Barack Obama and John McCain by name)

    The State of the World Homepage
    version includes the names of those who have signed as of

    On the Home-page check out The "New Political Compass". Also, at the top of the home-page, is a link to a youtube video presentation of the "New Political Compass" w/Paul Ray. This seems to be where BMH sees the “tipping point”.
    Interesting to note, the “Social Network” for State of the World Forum is set up through
    Paul Hawken’s “Wiser Earth”.

  85. Anonymous6:47 AM

    In view of Rudi quoting Barbara Marx Hubbard's blog about transformation in 2012 I urge all to read Bob Schlenker's analysis of the Closing Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games. Whilst it is a long read in 5 parts it sure is an eye-opener. He especially takes a close look at the London 8 minute segment.


  86. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I've finally decided:

    Vote Tweedle Dee !

    I was almost taken in by Tweedle Dum's suave
    good looks, but not anymore.
    I think Tweedle Dee clearly won the debate.

  87. Anonymous10:56 AM


    "....During Chavez's visit to Russia last week, a Russian naval squadron sailed for the Caribbean Sea in preparation for joint exercises with Venezuela later this year — a move that appeared retaliatory after the U.S. sent warships to deliver aid to Georgia.

    The deployment is expected to represent the largest Russian naval maneuvers in the Caribbean — and perhaps the Western Hemisphere — since the Cold War.

    Chavez says that stronger ties with Russia will help build a multi-polar world — a term the two allies use to describe their shared opposition to what they claim is U.S. global domination.

    Since 2005, Venezuela has agreed to buy more than US$4.4 billion worth of weapons from Russia including fighter jets, combat helicopters, and 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles. And President Dmitry Medvedev has offered Chavez a loan to purchase additional weapons.

    Chavez argues the United States and European Union do not have the right to prevent developing countries from pursuing nuclear technology, and he has strongly defended Iran's nuclear program despite the Western powers' fear that Tehran may be building nuclear weapons.

    Before taking Russia up on its offer, Chavez had expressed interest in acquiring a nuclear reactor from Argentina and working with Iran, among other countries, to research nuclear entire article.......

  88. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This is the link for the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team-

    During Katrina aftermath another thing took place - we gave control of some areas over to forgein troops- Mexican to be exact.

    I see it has sparked some discussion. With the Dow dropping 777 points - I am sure that will spark more.
    Sorry Paul, I can't even bring myself to check a box for either of those individuals.
    Perhaps we can follow Israel's leading - a "no confidence" vote against both parties - massive recalls and the elimination of parties from the polling ticket due to the no confidence vote.


  89. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I think it was Woody Allen who once said:
    "More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly."

  90. Thar' she blows!!! -Rudi

  91. Today at sunset Rosh Hashannah begins. The stock market is down 777 points. Is there something prophetic in that number? Genesis 4:24 reads: If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.

    Matthew 18:21-22 reads 'Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?' Up to seven times? Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

    My son was born 30 years ago today. I remember very well how startled I was to discover that Pope John Paul1 had died that very day that I had given birth, just one month into his papacy. Why? The question haunts me to this day.

    Something is going on. I can feel it very strongly and it is very frightening in that I believe the devil is at work seeding discord, chaos and confusion amongst believers.

    I have not been commenting here because there is often much strife between believers on this blog and it is frankly very disturbing.

    I need to pass this along because it has been weighing heavily in my heart. Proverbs 6:16 states that there are SEVEN things that are detestable to Him. The seventh thing is this: "A Man who stirs dissension among brothers."

    Ephesians 4:30 tells us not to grieve the Holy Spirit that has sealed us.

    There has been too much dissension amongst believers of late- ripping each other apart. Those of you who are to blame know who you are.

    The devil is working here and elsewhere-he is working frenetically because the time is short. We as believers in Yeshua/Jesus need each other to lift each other up in these times. If you are in a church that preaches that Jesus is Lord and Savior, please stop looking for fault in areas of dogma and doctrine if the basic message is pure.

    I feel strongly that the enemy's plan in ripping Christians to shreds amongst each other is succeeding. Forget the dominionism, latter rain, joel's army stuff and ask whether your church is preaching gnostism- New Age mumbo-jumbo, theosophical doctrine, or any REAL heretical stuff!This is the fabric that the enemy is clothed in and we as believers are throwing the baby out with the bathwater if we refuse to acknowledge that the devil is sowing discord within the churches of believers.

    The Holy Spirit is our intercessor on earth and we are increasingly playing into the hands of the enemy. Do Not grieve the Holy Spirit.

    Do not give the devil ammunition.

    I've refrained from speaking out here, but I feel it's time.

  92. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Hi folks,

    I felt like looking up Verichip today,since it is a Mark of the Beast kind of day, I was wondering what you thought of this. Verichip corp. sold off its assets in Xmark corp. which was its subsidary in RFID assets tracking in July of this year. So I went to Stanley Works, which is the company that bought it. Stanley works is the company that makes Stanley tools. So at the time that they bought xmark, they also bought Sonitrol, (I hope I spelled it right) which is a firm on the east coast that is commercial security, like we would see in residential security.

    So... Stanley, an easily recognizable brand name just purchased RFID technology AND tracking and security company.

    Also check out this quote from the Verichip website. They didnt sell of their medical tracking yet, but this is in the section about tracking during emergency management

    "VeriChip is the only FDA-approved human implantable RFID,
    Class 2 Medical Device

    VeriChip™ RFID microchip, with its unique 16-digit identification number, creates a complete identification and tracking modality.
    At the time and point of the microchip's insertion or attachment, a multitude of identifying characteristics of the body and associated evidentiary items can be entered into a web-enabled database. Users can now scan the microchip and transfer the ID to a Ricoh camera, which automatically embeds the VeriChip ID into every subsequent image taken. Ricoh cameras also use GPS to embed into the image the location where it was taken.
    The need to repeatedly open body bags to confirm or reconfirm identity is removed.
    Transfer of the microchip between remains is prevented due to its insertion within the body tissue or exposed bone. Unlike traditional paper "toe tags" or bar codes, detachment, obliteration, or switching are impossible."

    I found it interesting that it can now use "images"

    Their website says that they used this technology during Hurricane Katrina, they even have testimonials from a coroner.


  93. Anonymous9:47 PM

    "Google Comes Out of The Closet And Blasts California Marriage Amendment"

    no tiny url:

    Good post young grasshopper!!!

  94. Anonymous11:18 PM


    Amen to that. We have far too many enemies to concern ourselves with these days to be fighting with our brothers.


  95. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Young Grasshopper,

    Thanks for your very thoughtful post with which I fully agree. There has for a long time been a profound lack of charity on this blog. The way certain people are treated as outcasts by the "in group" reminds me of the worst kind of suburban high-school clique.

    The "popular" people in the clique (you know who you are) who make snide and smug comments about "those people" they don't want to let into their special club (hardly anyone stands up to this bullying) are nearly always happy-clappy,lovey dovey towards each other. Then the "popular" people start patting each other on the back about what great servants they are of the Lord. Geeze Louize.

    I've watched this dynamic unfold for months.

    You are one of the few people here that doesn't do this. Your analysis and research are first-rate, and, more importantly, you show sensitivity and concern for others, and do not exclude people based on their religious affiliation.

    The many puffed-up "I'm a Christian" types here who treat others quite badly provide very poor examples of what an adult Christian faith actually looks life as it's lived, and I'm sorry to say, the only conclusion one can draw is that many of the most "popular" people here in the clique simply do not posses an adult Christian faith.

    If this is a community of Christians, then I have some swampland and McMansions in Florida, and some Lehman Brothers investments, that I can sell you.

    This blog is about two things: (1) Research on the New Age and (2) Big egos

    It's rarely about Christianity in any meaningful sense of the word.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

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