
Sunday, December 30, 2007

What Rudi thinks

Dear Readers:

Every once in a while, I borrow from a contributor. I have done so with Dorothy, with Rich of Medford, and Farmer, to name but a few. This new contribution to my comment section from Rudi is so thorough and complete that I can't improve it (except I've added a few hyperlinks). I'm posting it as an article, together with an appropos reader comment on her comment. I also including links from her comment to yesterday's article.

Enjoy and make sure you stay tuned by checking out AND PROMPTLY ARCHIVING as much as possible ALL OF THE CONTENT BEHIND HER LINKS:


Rudi said...

Paul,and all the Dave's & AnonsThe “World Commission” website has existed “as is” for at least the past eight months or so. I’ve kept waiting for them to “finish” it with additional information, the “Calendar of Events” section in particular. Seeing as there is NO WAY there has been nothing going on, I figure the information on up-coming “events” MUST BE located on another website somewhere. That’s the way I start looking for stuff. The names within the websites that they DO “drop” is the way I found the information in the previous comments about the World Spirit Forum, etc. From the recognizable faces in the videos, and within the World Spirit Forum there is no lack of resources where the same people are active.For example, The ”Awakening Mind “ link someone gave above. At the site on it’s main page is“World Commission” When you click on ‘affiliates’ in the left hand column, a list comes up with every organization from the “Club of Budapest”, to “Jayne Goodall Institute” and everything in between. The Club of Budapest site will allow you to view a membership list which includes everyone from H.E. Mikhail GORBACHEV to former astronaut Edgar Mitchell. My point is the organizations and people involved, from the prominent political figures like Al Gore, to the promoters of 'The Secret' all have in a general sense, the same spiritual world-view. We will never be able to confine or combinethe totality of this movement towards global governance and "new spirituality" into one bow-topped package and identify it completely for what it is. THAT is the PLAN. It's intended to be unidentifiable under any one organization or any single individual.Jim, The "Christianity friends“ and connections apparent between the "new spirituality“, new age, global governance crowd are similiar to the "friends“ and connections with-in the Jewish community. Among the videos I gave links to are quite a number by Anthony Kosinec.One in particular caught my attention, titled, “Why Is The Middle East In Crisis?”

Granted, this guy is well known as a teacher and lecturer of the Kabbalah. In doing a google on him I found out about a regular series he does for Shalom TV.

Also, for an overview of Shalom TV: .The deception is out there, the enemy has infiltrated at every level and it will be those who resist- The Faithful-Jew OR Gentile who will find themselves equally endangered when the time comes. Rudi
9:42 PM


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Rudi said...
Another Spiritual connection to Global Warming, Climate Change, and Global Marshall Plan Initiative. Thanks to anonymous 10:08 and Dorothy [Margraf] (previous comments) for the “Beyond Theology” information and links. I’ll be spending some time listening to the programs. The topic being “Beyond Theology” is very accurate in describing the ”spiritual” “consciousness evolution” taking place throughout society. This morning I went back to check for any updates at the “Global Marshall Plan” sites. The Bali conference has taken place with it’s inevitable outcomes, I wanted to see whatUp-coming events global warming crowd has next on their agenda. I am convinced the “global warming crisis” is a calculated, part of the larger PLAN that will be used to unite the people of the planet. Please take a look at the following information. Perhaps you will agree, perhaps not. The “new spirituality” is altogether inclusive. I’m posting the links to the items I found to be the most interesting. These links all came through The Global Marshall Plan Website.January 20-23 : The 5th WSF World Spirit Forum : ***“(X)change consciousness”To be held in Arosa, Switzerland. January 20-23 2008 Arosa, Switzerland “A collaboration on the questions:-Does the Global Climate Change demand a Global Spirituality?”“How to use Our Knowledge Wisely”

“We can leave behind the patterns that led us to the global crisis.We can
do so by exploring spirituality that tunes into resonant circuits of live again.
We need to be spiritually aware: for ourselves, for our neighbours, for the
environment and to witness to the miracles of the cosmos. We have to rediscover
the divine in everything and in all of us. If we share our collective wisdom, we
can become initiators, and we can stimulate the awakening of a new planetary

"There are many who say they don’t believe the world is going to change in our
lifetime. I think this viewpoint isn’t taking into consideration thefact that
Mother Earth appears to have issued an ultimatum: Change or perish…”

***Club of Budapest International in conjunction with The World Wisdom Council

Presents:Tokyo to Arosa From Plan to ActionPart 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

7:47 PM

Anonymous said...

Rudi,I'm glad you're on our side.God bless you !Yours Paul


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM


    Thanks for your work and for your summary comments. While we may not be able to put a "bow" on top of the "box," the more work that Constance and others like yourself report to us the clearer the mirky picture becomes. Because so many dots are being connected now, the NA must be close to exploding on the scene in very visible ways.

    I've been watching and studying the inroads of contemplative spirituality into the Christian church for some time now. It's becoming clearer to me how all of this is synchronizing into a unified welcoming of the Beast -- the mystical ((logos)) -- the world's "savior" as the Bible predicts. We see it happening before our eyes.

    Thank you for your diligence and providing the truth we need to be effective watchmen on the wall in these times leading up to the Lord's soon return.

    Dave in CA

  2. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Im new to this - I think my first comment disappeared into the ether!! Thank you for your vital work in exposing all the things which "they" would prefer remained hidden. In New Zealand the TV world news usually is only major earthquakes, and other such things - very few people here even think of matters such as you Rudi have posted much less anything to do with Javier Solana!! So thenk you for enlightening us and keep up the great work - and thanks to you too Constance for your long long vigilence. Sharon.

  3. Gosh Constance- You scared me!
    I came to read your blog before going to bed and was entirely taken by surprise. The battle belongs to the Lord and so does the glory, but thank you for such overwhelming encouragement.
    Dave in CA and Sharon, I very much appreciate your kind remarks and I am MOST happy to hear you found the information helpful. Blessings-Rudi

  4. P.S. The two hyperlinks (on the main page) to the Shalom TV site & the Middle East Crisis video with
    Anthony Kosinec aren't working, but the original links in the previous comments should be ok. -Rudi

  5. Rudi! Congratulations! knew you would be in aaaawh! you see, you got your blog anyway already now! happy to see this nice surprise....farmer

  6. Thank You for all this great information. I want to share this with my friends and I have but some get lost in the detials. Is there a prep course or artice they could read to get them up to speed.

  7. Good play Rudi, you ran it in for the touchdown! Now go for the extra two points and then do the on-side kick.

  8. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Nice research Rudi.

  9. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Wow, when you don’t keep up with this site you just have to pick up where you left off.
    Last I remember Nassiri was singing Happy Birthday Jesus (but not to OUR Jesus).
    And Dorothy’s back and she hadn’t missed a beat (I did pray for your recovery, hope all went well) the article on ““Mind Control, MK ULTRA and A Course on Miracles” peeked my interest (still haven’t read the whole thing) but it is appearing to give me the lead towards factual evidence that a “mind” controlling of the masses is attempting it’s acceleration this year. The “Election” perhaps?

    Does anyone know if digital TV is a component being used as a part of this mass mind control project?

    Constance your emails woes seemed never ending – pray for your security and for everyone here who’s blogging.

    And Rudi’s front-page honors – I always appreciate your summations on many of the difficult articles and news briefs, it helps so much. Especially when one has to read an article several times over with little understanding. The generosity of your research findings has given much equipping of the saints. Grateful for your contribution here as are so many who have already voiced theirs.

    I’ve listened recently to a very good sermon by David Wilkerson called the “Last Revival”
    and found it deeply encouraging. His latest newsletter “These Times Demand Special Trust” is also excellently “right on time”.

    Php.1:15-18 “Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel. What then? Notwithstanding, every way, whether in PRETENCE, or in TRUTH, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.” ~ Shalom

  10. Dave,

    Sounds like you are very much helping to connect the dots yourself. "Contemplative spirituality", "centering prayer," "Christian Meditation," were very much a part of the scene when I started watching in 1981 and bad as those were, degenerated into "Creation Centered Theology" and the entire Brian Swimme/Matthew Fox/Basil Pennington/ Thomas Keating/ Thomas Berry and their Protestant co-apostastizers combined with the traditional New World Religion / one world government / earth worship crowd:

    for only one hideous example

    You, too, are helping us connect the dots helping us see the whole now murky picture!


  11. Wow! Sharon of New Zealand, Mac of Australia, "Farmer" of Hungary -- we are getting the world around, aren't we?!


  12. Anonymous7:51 PM

    The World Spirit Forum could
    be considered the outsourcing
    of American Religion. They don't
    even bother to get the English
    grammer right, or even use
    spell check !


  13. Thanks everyone for the kind and thoughtful in-put.
    Here's just a little tid-bit I came across last night. Everyone is by now, aware of the up-coming "Re-think Conference" January 17-19-08 Crystal Cathedral/Robert Shuller. The speakers include "... an unprecedented convergence of influential Christian and global leaders"
    "Re-think" has become a "buzz-word"
    of sorts and I've been wondering who thought it up in the first place. I'm having a hard time believing this conference, its speakers, and purpose are happening at this time by coincidence. My suspicion is based on something other than the participants, who are primarily in positions of leadership in the "Emerging" "Awakening" Church.
    There is another all too familiar
    group at a website called, "THE GREAT RE-THINKING" The Faculty listed at the website has over 60 names listed, many which will be very familiar.
    I can't remember if Warren Smith, when he was talking with Constance, mentioned this group of "Re-thinkers or not, but it's worth a look.- Rudi

  14. Somebody made inquiry to my email box about EUPOL COPPS. It was about recent activity. Here is some earlier background I found about it also involving as Farmer puts it on his blogspot: "The good doctor"

    The European Council adopted in November 2004 a short-term action programme in the fields of security, reforms, elections and the economy proposed by Javier Solana. In this context, following an exchange of letters in April 2005, the EU Coordination Office for Palestinian Police Support (EU COPPS) was set up, including four police experts headed by Jonathan McIvor. Based at the premises of the Palestinian Interior Ministry in Ramallah, with a satellite office in Gaza city, EU COPPS coordinates Member States’ support to much-needed police reform.
    At the operational level, requirements include vehicles, communications equipment and office equipment, some of which EU COPPS has already delivered. Medium-term transformational progress is predicated on the setting up in summer 2005 of a Palestinian Change Management Team to drive the Palestinian Civil Police Development Programme, an ambitious 3-year plan drafted in cooperation with EU COPPS. Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK provide financial assistance, training and specialised equipment under EU COPPS. Norway and Denmark co-fund a Police Communication project, while Italy supports a UN-managed Drug control project.
    Javier Solana has signalled the EU’s intention to assist with border monitoring and customs following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, at the request of both the Palestinians and the Israelis. Whether a mission will be launched will depend on how the security situation evolves and on the agreement between Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Egypt on border control.
    12/30/2007, 9:40 PM

  15. Anonymous9:46 PM


    Check out Look at the "Christians" at this conference scheduled for April 2008. The sad name in both conferences is Lee Strobel. He lends his credibility to the growing apostasy.

  16. And from the same ISS report about EUJUST LEX (EU IN IRAQ)

    EUJUST LEX - Iraq
    Following the report of the Joint Council/Commission fact-finding mission for a possible integrated police and rule of law operation in Iraq, the Brussels European Council on 5 November 2004 recognised ‘the importance of strengthening the criminal justice system’ in Iraq, in compliance with the respect of human rights. To this end, the summit envisaged that the EU could contribute to the emergence of a stable, secure and democratic Iraq through an integrated police, rule of law and civilian administration mission. The GAERC Council adopted Joint Action 2004/909/CFSP on 26 November and established an expert team to make contact with the Iraqi authorities, conduct initial planning and assess the security situation. The team included one official from the Council, one from the Commission and four national experts. On the basis of their report, the Council decided on 21 February to launch the integrated rule of law mission in Iraq, named EUJUST LEX. The mission was established by the Council Joint Action 2005/190/CFSP, including a planning phase to begin no later than 9 March, and an operational phase to start no later than 1 July. On 8 March Stephen White, a former senior UK police officer, already serving in Southern Iraq between 2003 and 2004, and a member of the expert team deployed by the EU in December 2004, was appointed Head of Mission.
    The mission was mandated to address the urgent needs of the Iraqi criminal justice system by providing training in senior management and criminal investigation to high and mid-level officials, with a view to promoting closer cooperation among the actors in the domain of criminal justice. Training – conducted in Arabic and Kurdish – is provided jointly to officials from the judiciary, the police and the prison administration so as to enhance mutual cooperation, synergies and a common culture. It is envisaged that a total of 770 officials will undergo training, 520 of these in 13 senior management courses and 200 in 7 management of criminal investigation courses. Emphasis is placed on the need to establish a strategic and technical partnership with the Iraqi counterparts, notably concerning the selection, vetting, evaluation and follow-up of personnel attending the training courses, with a view to fostering rapid appropriation of skills by the Iraqis. Training activities shall, however, take place outside of Iraq, within the EU or in the neighbouring region.
    20 officials managed the mission from the Council Secretariat–based Coordination office. A liaison office has been set up in Baghdad, located at the premises of the British Embassy. Services in Baghdad are provided by companies that already have ongoing arrangements with the United Kingdom. About a quarter of the €10 million budget is allocated to cover those expenses. Training and trainers are, on the other hand, provided by Member States, each of them covering the costs of seconded personnel. In view of the distinctive situation on the ground in Iraq and the sensitivity of the mission, EUJUST LEX staff includes a dedicated security officer.
    The EU is not the only actor providing training to Iraqi officials: in the course of 2004, NATO has set up a sizeable training mission directed at the military, which aims to involve on an annual basis 1,000 officials within Iraq and 500 outside. The US and some EU Member States also conduct training activities. The EU has taken the lead on the reform of the criminal justice sector: a key challenge for the future stability of Iraq, considering that no proper criminal justice system existed before the war began in 2003. Furthermore, it is made clear that EUJUST LEX should be
    complementary and bring added value to the initiatives of the UN, and develop synergies with Community and Member States’ effort in Iraq.

  17. Something else EXTREMELY INTERESTING about the good doctor from the same report:

    Moreover, by requesting an EU intervention in Bunia, the United Nations showed that it considers the EU as a ready and capable security actor/provider. The Secretary General Kofi Annan’s call to Javier Solana finally answers Henry Kissinger’s famous question of 1981 about Europe’s “telephone number”. Not only was the EU asked to act but it also did so – and quickly. Within a week, the Council approved the Congo operation: a few days later, troops were on the ground.
    Maybe paradoxically, this surge of ESDP activity came at a time when the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) was perceived to be in shambles.

  18. Anonymous 9:46 pm
    Thanks for the link. I looked at the McManus Awaken
    conference site earlier today and also main "Awaken" site here:
    The side bar has a link to another
    McManus infused site called "Origins The Mosaic Leadership Experience"

    The site has above its "christian" leadership catagories the cooresponding words and symbols for:
    Wind, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth ... I'm wondering why? -Rudi

  19. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Connie, did you catch this?

  20. I just wanted to comment that I have borrowed VERY OFTEN from Dorothy who has supplied me countless good leads over the years, as Rich of Medford, Rudi, Farmer, and so many others are doing now!


    No, and thanks for the lead. Here is a tinyurl for same:


  22. Re: Conference on globalisation in the Arab World

    Following up on last item from that same link:

    Al-Arab, London-The Arab Thought Forum, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London and the Centre for International Business and Innovation (CIBI), Manchester Metropolitan University are organising a conference on ‘Globalisation, Economic Reforms, Aid and Democracy in the Arab World’.

    THIS IS THE SAME PRINCE HASSAN WHO IS PRESIDENT OF THE CLUB OF ROME! He is close to both Solana and many USA New Agers such as Leonard Swidler.


    Another BIG entry for our "Apostasy" files! Looks like these closet theosophists or fellow travelers are coming out of their respective closets, as Barbara Marx Hubbard said in 1988, "now all the groups with outwardly different purrposes are merging and blending to do the same work!

  24. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Thought this was interesting:

  25. Marianne Williamson: "Also starting on January 1 on Oprah and Friends XM156, I will be sharing daily reflections on A Course in Miracles."


  26. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Constance, re your comment on "Origins - USA" at 1201,yes they are all coming out of their respective closets now - they must perceive a respectability and acceptance worldwide now especially when the participating names are viewed. Can't help thinking though of a many-headed virus popping up all over the country displaying different manifestations but all having the same common root!

  27. " Rudi said...

    The site has above its "christian" leadership catagories the cooresponding words and symbols for:
    Wind, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth ... I'm wondering why?"

    Those five things you mentioned are the 5 elements. That the structure of the universe is based on those 5 elements. And explain patterns in nature. They are a little different in different cultures (Greek, Chinese, Buddhist, classical,)

    Because of the mention of wood, it looks like it follows the Chinese tradition. Except they don't have an "air" component (you listed and other list "wind" for this).

    Here is the wikipedia article on it. As always with Wikipedia make sure you double check the facts of the article.

  28. I did want to point out that the thene sound like something out of Joel Osteen's mouth.

  29. Rudi- After some more digging I found this:
    " * Wind (Commission) Mission is why the Church exists.
    The Church is a movement, not an institution.
    Every follower of Jesus is commissioned by God.
    * Water (Community) Love is the context for all mission.
    The Church is relational, not programmatic.
    Every follower of Jesus is part of a larger community.
    * Wood (Connection) Structure must always submit to Spirit.
    The Church is empowering, not controlling.
    Every follower of Jesus is called and connected uniquely to serve.
    * Fire (Communion) Relevance to culture is not optional.
    The Church is incarnational, not esoteric.
    Every follower of Jesus celebrates communion with God.
    * Earth (Character) Creativity is the natural result of spirituality.
    The Church is transforming, not conforming.
    Every follower of Jesus grows in Christ-like character."

    That is some scary stuff. Meaning, it just seems so nice and innocent on the outside, but when you think of things in a bigger context of what they are trying to achieve...Wow.

  30. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Awaken 2008 is replete with
    the catchphrases that Constance
    pointed out in her video/lecture.
    My favorite: "Paradyme Shift"

    They would seem to have a
    "form of Godliness but they
    deny the power thereof"


  31. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Also ( if you haven't already )
    check out this blogspot.
    Click on "Temple Mount" on the left
    and bear in mind Ezra chapter 3.

    Yours Paul

  32. To Constance and everyone!

    Have a safe and investigative New Year.


  33. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Me THINKS that the "Rethink's" are the NAgers "RENAMED".

    Taken from the FAQ's page of The Great Rethinking:

    "9. Are these 'new age' events?
    No, we are not focused on 'New Age' anything. We feel that a good deal of the so-called ‘New Age’ presentations being offered in the ‘New Age’ marketplace are questionable and often designed to enhance the egos of charismatic people and their pocketbooks. These teachings may often become new forms of cultic fundamentalism, presenting dogmatic absolutes and beliefs. We, on the other hand, work to offer the opportunities to explore current topics in science, metaphysics, energy, health, and philosophy, opening to potentials and possibilities that are fluid, flexible, and personal. We look to blend these subjects in ways that are enriching for our lives and for our greater conscious evolution, and that encourage personal responsibility."
    ~ Shalom

  34. Dawn said...
    " Rudi said...

    The site has above its "christian" leadership catagories the cooresponding words and symbols for:
    Wind, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth ... I'm wondering why?"

    Hi Dawn, My question was meant to be rhetorical. I was hoping for readers to make the connection that the only place historically recognized (before recently, as we're seeing pagan and wiccan rituals and beliefs being combined openly with "science" and "Earth Day" celebrations) where the "elements of ritual" were openly used and discussed, was in pagan ceremonies-not in the church.
    I would also like to note that in my previous comments discussing the "World Spirit Forum" I noticed that on the "programme discription" in it's brochure schedule there will be fire rituals,morning body mind rituals,night rituals etc.

    I also would like to mention something in regard to my comments and research. Not included in my comments that were posted on the front page, but those who read here regularly would know:
    EVERY piece of information I search out and find additional information about would not be happening if not for Constance Cumbey's original research. I take every lead and search idea from the things I've learned from Constance and her work. -Rudi

  35. Anonymous11:57 AM

    It's amazing that world spirituality is being so embraced in these "Christian" movements. Elemental spirits? I guess there's no place for the Holy Spirit. How can you follow Jesus without the Holy Spirit? Can't be the Lord Jesus. Must be someone else. Not every one who cries, "Lord! Lord!" will walk into the Kingdom of God.

    David in B.C.

  36. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I'm new & trying to catch up. I have a question for anyone who knows. Is the "retraining the brain" for the poor ADHD drugged children have any connection to the "rethinking" stuff that is now saturating the world?

  37. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The Awaken Conference reminds me of Isaiah 2:5-9 :Come, House of Jacob, and let us walk in the light of Lord, for You have abandoned Your people, the House of Jacob, Because they are filled with influences from the east, and they are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they strike bargains with the children of foreigners. Their land has also been filled with silver and gold and there is no end to their treasures; their land has also been filled with horses and there is no end to their chariots, their land has also been filled with idols; they worship the work of their hands, that which their fingers have made." The context is judgement of Israel and in the Last Days. I can't help noticing that modern America, and even the modern American church, sounds an awful lot like Israel - commiting the same abominations.

  38. Rudi-

    Sorry I am embarrassed.

  39. Hi Shalom-
    Excellent comments!
    The "Re-Thinks" at THE GREAT RETHINKING site ARE the same well known New Agers we've heard about over the years. Barbara Marx Hubbard,Ervin Laszlo,Edgar Mitchell,Elisabet Sahtouris,Marianne Williamson,Deepak Chopra, M.D, plus more than 50 more listed in their "faculty" section. It's nothing short of astounding that in their Q & A section which you sited that, they could say, "No, we aren't focused on 'New Age' anything."
    For a little experiment, Bring up the Q & A page from the Great Awakening site and look at it side by side with the "details" and "why rethink?" pages of Schullers Rethink Conference.
    Also note, John Ortberg, who is one of the speakers, is featured in a short "Why Rethink?" video here:

    On his website there is an 8 minute video sampling where he is responding to "All Roads Lead to God" In it he speaks about how the apostle Paul in Acts 17:22, when he visits the PAGANS at Mars Hill, he approaches them with a great sense of humility. He says Paul “HONORS THEIR SPIRITUALITY, he LEARNS FROM THEIR TEACHINGS.“
    In the 8 minute clip he also quotes from a story told by Richard Foster who had visited their church.-Rudi

  40. Dawn- You responded with EXCELLENT infomation, giving the perspective from the "Origins" site itself. I am VERY sorry, I didn't mean to embarass you. Rudi

  41. Anonymous3:24 PM


    Just for fun check out:

    and scroll to the bottom of the page to see their water, air, spirit, fire, earth. I'm sure you've all seen this disgusting display of paganism before, but it's interesting to revisit in light of the Awaken conference

  42. anonymous 3:24 PM-
    Thanks so much. I had seen the site a while back but must have been in a rush when I looked. Never noticed the "elements" symbols at the bottom of the page. Did you see the reference to the "Earth Charter"? And its the
    primary outside link given on their site! -Rudi

  43. Anonymous7:02 PM

    A How-to instructions on taking over the world.

  44. Big news to those who would like to get Joe's "The Micro Effect" archives at a discount. I heard him say tonight that if you buy 12 months he will give $100 off! That is a whole year for only $140!!! This offer is only good now through Jan 5th.

  45. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Nothing new about the New Agers using scripture; a most commonly used scripture is: “in him we live and move and have our being.” They want us to believe that god is but a matrix in which we all swim together. The Devil likes to quote the Word, but “like so many, [like hucksters making a trade of] peddling God’s Word [shortchanging and adulterating the divine message]; but like [men] of sincerity and the purest motive, as [commissioned and sent] by God, we speak [His message] in Christ (the Messiah), in the [very] sight and presence of God. AMB
    “We” will have to answer for every idle word.
    Yours in Christ:

  46. Received the following bulk (spam) email from Jean Houston who obviously either is not psychic nor is her computer very discerning -- otherwise, I never would have received this, BUT, there is important information for us that makes it look like they are up to much with possible BIG plans for 2008, NOTE THAT SHE SAYS "THIS IS THE YEAR WHEN A BREAKTHROUGH IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS IS REQUIRED!:

    "My Dear Friends ~

    "Welcome to the beginning of our ebullient, year-long celebration of a Quarter Century of Mystery School. More so than ever before, these next 12 months are brimming with evocative, transformative, intellectually vigorous, mind expanding, hilarious and wildly entertaining programs for you to explore and experience. This is the year when a breakthrough in human consciousness is required, so join us for a wild and joyful ride in which what we do is supported by that which exceeds our imagination and all of our dreams.

    I invite you to join me for a FREE conference call on Saturday, January 5, 2008, when I will discuss my vision and intention for this year’s programs:

    9AM Pacific - 12 Noon Eastern

    Phone Number: 218-936-1600

    Access Code: 223344

    Pass this information along to your friends and colleagues, and share these compelling possibilities for 2008!
    I look forward to sharing this New Year of promise with you.
    With love,

  47. Rudi,

    My yahoo box was wiped out a few more times. I wanted to forward something to you and didn't have your email address, so if you can write me privately to, much appreciated! Also, could I have that phone number again?



  48. To anonymous 2:16

    My observations from the beginning and very insightfully and well said!


  49. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Methinks "Deepak Chopra" is more accurately called DEEP PIT COBRA!

  50. Constance and Setterman, Rudi and Dawn, when you have some time today please read my comments I left for you here,
    NATO's 2007 End Of Year Message,
    just scroll to the bottom to read them.


  51. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Hi Rudi; I'm still working on the little experiment you talked about in response to my comment, there are so many AWAKENING'S out there! Appreciated the really nice clarification on my point, thanks.

    Anon 2:11; Just looking at this site made me think of this verse. 1 Thess.5:3 “For when they shall say, PEACE and SAFETY; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Noticed Johnny had the same one too.

    Farmer 3:44; Glad to know you’ll be watching Oprah’s thing but keep yourself covered with the BLOOD OF JESUS, brother.

    Dawn 10:14; Good research on the Native American elements that are being used [5-C’s]. VERY helpful.

    Constance 3:03; Thank you for sharing this with your friends. Would you consider this mind control stuff? A “BREAKTHROUGH IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS IS REQUIRED.”

    This warfare of the mind and CONSCIENCE is deeply spiritual as I look at the word CONSCIENCE in the Bible it states:

    1 Cor.8:10 “For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the CONSCIENCE of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols;

    1 Cor.8:12 “But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak CONSCIENCE, ye sin against CHRIST” – WOW!

    1 Tim.4:2 “Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their CONSCIENCE seared with a hot iron

    This “emergence” principal is what the devil is attempting to use to “breakthrough” as stated above by the [hee hee] physic, it can bring about “shipwreck of the faith” [1Tim.1:19], releasing the “mystery of the faith” of which we should take HOLD [1 Tim.3:9], a “searing” and "weakening of the conviction of the Holy Ghost" or the “bearing of witness in the Holy Ghost” to be silenced and a host more consequences to one’s life.

    May God give us the wisdom, endurance and discernment to fight the good fight.

    I found these profoundly insightful as well:

    Rom. 2:15 “Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their CONSCIENCE also bearing witness, and [their] thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)” or

    Rom.9:1 “I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my CONSCIENCE also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,”.

    Jhn 8:9 “being convicted by [their own] CONSCIENCE,” ~ Shalom

  52. Over at FP, Holly made a reference to this transcript:

    It is an interview with Joel Osteen by Fox news. I would encourage those who are interested to read the whole thing this part stuck out to me:

    "WALLACE: But you know — and I have to say I'm guilty of that as much as anybody else, where you have those seeds of doubt — you know, I could have done better, or what did they really think, or whatever.

    And how do you turn that conversation so instead of hearing seeds of doubt, you're hearing blossoms of encouragement?

    OSTEEN: I think you have a train yourselves. I found that in my own life — because I would do the same thing. When I'd get through with a sermon, I'd think, "Man, I'm not as good as my dad, and I don't know how to minister like other people."

    But just little by little, I started — you know what? I think it starts from knowing that God loves you and God accepts you, but I think you just train yourselves to say, "You know what? I'm not going to beat myself up. I did the best I can do, and so I'm going to believe that — I'm going to believe good things about myself."

    I have never really trusted Joel Osteen, he always seemed like a used car dealer or something. Then I saw an interview thing on 20/20.
    Now this interview.
    Sounds like he's got "The Secret"

  53. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Here's a news article about Israel possibly working out a peace deal to share Jerusalem:

    Check it out!
    David in B.C.

  54. Correction of a previous comment I wrote-

    "For a little experiment, Bring up the Q & A page from the Great Awakening site and look at..."

    Should say: "Great Rethinking site and look at..." -Rudi

  55. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I have never cared for prosperity preaching and it goes against the grain of the Bible. The apostles suffered and endured times where they had little. Not everyone is financially prosperous and riches that have the most meaning are spiritual. I think preachers that preach a message of faith = riches lead many people down a road of discouragement and cause many believers to question & judge those who suffer.

    I think it is frustrating that people like Olstein include truth with New Age doctrine. However, I do agree that one must believe that because of Christ's blood we are cleansed. It is by His grace that we are saved and are forgiven when we fall short. We can't stay down when we fall and must receive God's grace and get back up. A believer must have faith in who God says we are in Him. Apart from Him we are nothing but because of Him we are more than conquerers.

    We must not be naive enough to think life is without problems. After all Peter was told that he would die for Christ. That hardly sounds like a lovely feat to endure; he must have been hated severely to face such a death. Despite Peter facing such difficult events God met his needs and revealed himself to Peter in a way that many followers will never experience. I guess Peter's relationship, peace, & knowledge of his Savior is the best form prosperity man can experience.

    I wish the pulpit would get back to preaching the reality of what it means to follow Christ. It does require that a believer surrender their dreams and faith could result in the loss of one's life however, the gain is eternal and well worth the price.

  56. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Was looking on and came across this item which should prove to be of interest.

    Online policing of politically unreliable web sites (Senate Bill S-1959) will bring to the US internet what Yahoo has already brought to China: Internet related censorship services and jailed dissidents.

    Why is the internet tech community so quiet about this issue?

    The bill, (S-1959) misleadingly called the Homegrown Terrorism and Violent Radicalization act of 2007 is a thought crime bill. The bill was passed in the house under a curious suspension of the rules usually reserved for non controversial issues like the naming of a post office.

    A Senate Vote is imminent. Obama sits on the Senate committee responsible for moving it forward or sending it back to nazi Germany. As of December 27, 2007, Obama says he hasn't yet decided how he will vote.

    Obama's presidential campaign has been encouraged to contact Robert Scoble for his advice. But what will Scoble say to Senator Obama when he calls?

    What if Scoble has been pre-emptively compromised by a web2 business opportunity in the censorship solutions sector of Silicon valley? Maybe Dave Winer can give Scoble a short tutorial on creeping fascism.

    This dangerous bill is being pushed by the Pentagon through it's favored think tank, the Rand Corporation. If passed it will be another step toward creating an internet policing apparatus complete with watch-lists and user profiles and all the follies associated with the suppression of civil liberties online.

    If you thought net neutrality was not high on the agenda you haven't read this bill (S-1959)

    Video along with the story isn't the greatest.


  57. Anonymous10:40 PM

    My heart is heavy just thinking about the events that will take place if such a bill is passed. The government becomes more aggressive each day. May God bless the message which is going forth from sites such as this. May God's annointing be stronger than ever on those of you who are warning people of agendas that will impact the church. God help us.

  58. Wow! Dorothy, Very scary. I'm glad you are on top of this -- we should all write our legislators and oppose this! Brilliant reporting on your part. I'm thinking of sticking it up for all like I did Rudi's work.


  59. Hello Everyone,
    As I have sat here at my computer and studied and studied more.I realize, it is such a blessing and privilege to be living in a land of freedom, and to be able to research and discuss such things among ourselves.
    Being a Christian, being aware of the times we are living in... our antennas are up so to speak. We see that America could be next and our freedoms will take on a new dynamic if our leaders join the "global" cause, if they haven't already. I think George Bushes resistance has bought us some time. But I do think MHO our next President will be the one who will become full member of EU.

    So as long as we are here serving the Lord and being keenly aware and awaken out of our sleep, how then ought we to behave and live in light of all this information that is unfolding? We are watching prophecy unfold before us like birth pains, more frequent and intense with a short period of time.

    1st) We should *not* be fearful or discouraged by what is coming, because we do have tremendous scriptural insight and we know through scripture how this will all culminate. But we should be encouraged and built up in our faith as we watch Gods word through prophecy being fulfilled, as He said it would happen. We know the end, and I will tell you, I am looking so forward to that time when we see Jesus face to face, in His glorious Kingdom of all Kingdoms. I think many of us are apprehensive to a certain degree because we also know what the unbelievers are heading for and how they are being seduced into this global community ideal.

    2nd) We should be prayerful, staying focused on our Heavenly Father, pressing in, drawing near to Him and wait for His will and plan for us in such a time as this (I think of Esther). Drawing strength from His word (I have been finding the Psalms to be of great comfort, courage and faith building) and staying in fellowship with like minded Christians. I would highly encourage to form prayer groups. If ever their was a time of needing Gods strength and power is now. We need to throw off those things that hinder, repent of sins that distract and bog down your walk and instead be slaves to righteousness and full of good works.

    3rd) We should be active in ways that honor God and glorify God. We should be a people seeking every opportunity to do good, going out of our way to help others as God strengthens us, building a loving and helpful reputation in the name of Jesus. Many more need to know and this could be our last opportunity.

    4th) We should get our lives in order Spiritually Luke 21:8-36 and not be like the 5 foolish virgins in Matthew 25: 1-13. They (the 10) were all invited to the wedding and had their garments ready, and they themselves were ready to go, but they lacked one thing, and it disqualified them from entering in. They did not have oil in their lamps. This tells me of the Holy Spirit and that we need to ask to be filled if we haven't already, and I'm sure many of you agree and have done this.

    5th) Trust in the Lord Prov.3:5-6 and Psalm 37:3-5
    To keep our lives in check 2 Chronicles7:12-14

    12 Then the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him: “I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. 13 When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people,
    14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

    May this encourage you and strengthen you as we continue to see events of biblical proportions unfold before us and make the most of this opportunity set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Keep up the good work.


  60. I have never really trusted Joel Osteen, he always seemed like a used car dealer or something.
    thanks alot
