
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sarah Leslie is my guest tomorrow on

I received a welcomed telephone call this morning from author Warren Smith, updating me on developments with Oprah Winfrey, Marianne Williamson, and their respective advocacies of "A Course in Miracles." Many of you are familar with my link for "Herescope." You may get there by clicking the link to the right of this blogspot. It is one of the listed links. Sarah Leslie is an amazing woman. She and husband Leslie have successfully home schooled their large family. While doing this, they, literally on a shoestring, published CONSCIENCE MAGAZINE. Sarah is Warren Smith's publisher. She has an amazing testimony and does even more amazing research and is well informed about just about every revolting development in evangelical apostasies. That is why I have a permanent link to her site. She will be talking with us and taking your online and live questions tomorrow afternoon from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time. If you are on the west coast (the time listed at and/or, the time is 2 p.m. I'm sure Farmer can fill in the blanks for European time.

Please join us and plan to stay tuned. And, please go view Sarah's very excellent blogspot, "Herescope."


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I’m sure this is old news to most of you, but to those who don’t like the UN, and for those who like even less the UN with its hand in your pocket, watch out for the pretext of global warming. Some of us have seen this coming for some years and we have been ridiculed for the warning but here comes the UN carbon tax.
    Just one quote for you: “Schwank said at least “$10-$40 billion dollars per year” could be generated by the tax, and wealthy nations like the U.S. would bear the biggest burden based on the “polluters pay principle.”

  3. Radio:
    time is 23:00 tonite/CET 11.p.m.

    See you there!

  4. Interesting! I viewed "Javier Solana" google pages about an hour ago and the "total count" for all languages was up over a million (was down to 210,000 earlier today), but STILL, the totals of all language groups ae several hundreds more -- perhaps a million more than Google reports all hits to be.

    Are google and Solana practicing "New Math" or do they need new calculators in their Christmas stockings!
