
Friday, December 07, 2007


To my readers: As I left the office, I took advantage of the links from Farmer's blogspot (you can reach it by clicking the links to the right of this posting). I will elaborate little about the newest and most horrifying things I have discovered about Javier Solana, only to say that you should use the phrase "Permanent Structured Cooperation" in your searches. It won't help you sleep any better at night, but it might help wake you up as to the seriousness of the hour!


Holly Peters Pivec, Herb Peters' daughter, will be joining me tomorrow on MY PERSPECTIVE at She is back by popular demand and because she has lots of new and relevant information for us. I'm not quite sure what the chatroom procedures are, but if you go to, Joe O'Neil has a link to get there. I believe it can also be accessed from

Be sure to click links for Rich of Medford's blogspot and Farmer's. Both have CRITICAL new information for us vis a vis the Alliance of Civilization, the European Union and Javier Solana.

Program times are 2 p.m. Pacific time; 5 p.m. Eastern time and I'm sure Farmer can tell you if you go to his blogspot what the European times may be.
Tune in and stay tuned!


  1. especially as it allows them to hide the "Permanent Structured Cooperation" behind the letters "P.S.C." and as such they can refer to the PSC as the "Political and Security Committee" (PSC, or COPS, as it is also known by its French acronym) - the permanent body in the field of common foreign and security policy mentioned in Article 25 of the Treaty on European Union.

    It is made up of the political directors of the Member States' foreign ministries and to be convened when HR Solana wants it.

    Under the responsibility of the Council, the Committee exercises political control and strategic direction of crisis management operations. It may thus be authorised by the Council to take decisions on the practical management of a crisis.
    It is assisted by a Politico-Military Group, a Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management, and the Military Committee (MC) and Military Staff (MS)

    It came into beeing together with Solanas start at the EU in december 1999.



  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I don't think it will be long before our own politicos, Obama, Hillary, Rudy, Fred, et. al. start spouting such phrases as "pooling of sovereignty", "harmonization of needs", "shared interests and values", all designed to counter the threat from "extreme belief systems" that have merged with "mass destructive potential". Perhaps one more serious "terrorist" attack on America will be all it takes to move the agenda along rapid fire. My search of "Permanent Structured Cooperation" turned up an interesting paper, titled E Pluribus Unum? Milatary Integration in the European Union. Here's the link.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Oops, looks like that link was too long to fit in this blog...
    here's the last part of it:

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Latest NIE on Iran gives the US the political cover to abandon Israel according to Caroline Blick.


  5. Thank you bjorn for encapsulating
    the PSC information. I was having a hard time getting my brain "around" the information, and what you've posted here, really helped me understand.-Rudi

    Anonymous 12:37 pm: Great post. I'll be "staying tuned" for the latest catchphrases. Here is a tinyurl for your link to the PSC paper:

  6. Such an interesting game that Solana with apparent help appears to be playing of now you see me, now you don't. Suddenly his usual quota of anywhere between 2 million to 8 million google hits has reduced to 265,000. had more and Yahoo had more than 10 times that number. I'm going to post the photographic evidence. THIS IS A SURE SIGN THAT HE'S UP TO SOMETHING SOON AND B - I - G !!!

  7. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hi again, (that's me Anonymous 12:37) I use IXquick for my searches....unlike Google and Yahoo, IXquick protects your online privacy, (or at least so they say). Please check out the Ixquick privacy statement, and stop using Google and Yahoo at once! Solana's name turned up 7,579,105 matching results on IXquick just a few minutes ago.

  8. I just tried IXQUICK and these are the results I had from a "Javier Solana" search:


    This is what I usually yield close to on google, but I suspect that as of late, google might be managing the news!

  9. Dear Anonymous 5:40 p.m.

    Thank you ever so much for the lead. I have made it my new home page and default search engine!


  10. Anonymous9:36 PM

    You're welcome re: Ixquick. I wonder why your search turned up 5 million less hits than mine using same criteria? Hmmm. Try the same search on another machine not your own and see if results are different.

  11. Anonymous9:38 PM

    The Beast is being revealed more each day, and his rate of exposure seems to be speeding up, I thank the Lord Jesus for you Constance being the watchman you are.

  12. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Farmer, when Israel joins the P.S.C. we will have the potential for for a hook in the mouth of Gog.
