
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Not so fond Barcelona remembrances

On November 22, 1995, I awoke with far less sleep than I needed to discover this had then happened:

1. There was a massive earthquake in Israel (on November 22, 1995).
2. Two days earlier, the European Union and Israel had signed a Treaty of Association.
3. A Barcelona Conference was to begin five days later with these goals:
A. Battle religious fundamentalism, worldwide
B. Mutually advantageous trading terms for partners in basin, leading to a Mediterranean Free Trade zone by 2010.
C. Get the USA out of Mediterranean and/or greatly reduce its presence there.

The desired treaty was achieved between the participating nations and the Barcelona Conference was concluded on November 28, 1995. As Richard Peterson (our Rich of Medford) so ably details in his blogspot, A Time, Times, and Half a Time", this was the launch also of the Alliance of Civilizations.

When that first Barcelona Conference (1995) concluded, only two days later, Javier Solana was named the new head of NATO. This was to the utter astonishment of the Spanish press which noted that he had been the leader of the Spanish opposition to NATO. He had once authored a pamphlet, "50 Reasons to Say No to NATO."

This morning I awoke after far too little sleep (I left my office very late this morning and had a grand total of 3 hours of sleep), and awoke. Since I couldn't sleep, I thought I might (as on November 22, 1995) check my email. There was a "Solana alert" in my email. It was about a reconfirmation of the Barcelona Process goal of the Mediterranean Free Trade by 2010. You may read what I read for yourself (hopefully, and be sure you archive it as you may never see it again!) by clicking here.

"A time, times and half a time"? Deja vu? Stay tuned!


  1. Musical chairs at the European Commission? Power struggles? Whispers about what is to come? Read about it here:

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Anyone have comment regarding this story about Tony Blair?
    Sorry- I am unaware how to do the tiny url thing -

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Warning: Do not read this if you are offended easily. Sexual content.

    Over at EUreferendum a commenter said that the EU should be exposed for the evil contained. He linked to the following website which dealt with an international pedophila ring which was exposed in Portugal. Parents were being accused of killing their child by people supposedly connected to the ring. I've copied a paragraph from the website. or

    "...The only thing is, the Mail could have made even more revelations about which politicians were involved in covering up the paedophilia being practised in Portugal. The ex-PrimeMinister of Portugal, Jose Barroso is now the Head of the EU Commission. Long suspected of corrupt practices - (Roger Helmer MEP was unjustly suspended from the EPP and the Conservatives for challenging him about corruptiion in the EU parliament), questions have never been asked in public as to how far his involvement in covering up for paedophiles went...."

    It led to this story at the Daily Mail titled
    Why Portugal is a haven for paedophiles - the disturbing backcloth to the Madeleine case
    October 20, 2007
    "..."The network is enormous and extremely powerful. There are magistrates, ambassadors, police, politicians - all have procured children from Casa Pia. It is extremely difficult to break this down. These people cover for each other, because if one is arrested, they all are arrested. They don't want anyone to know."

    While checking out another website last week, I came across this story on orgies among the rich and powerful. or

    Many years ago I learned from a State Rep here in Illinois that there were techniques used to pull men and women into Satanic activity after which they could be blackmailed to do political work. In the past when homosexual activity was considered something bad, I would guess that involvement in homosexual rings would be used as a blackmail tool.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. so i finished reading REC-666 last night. aside from some interesting views on issues and current events dramatized with some scripture i thought it was misleading to thinking a man here on earth could be the antichrist. also i didnt like that he kept trying to localize the NWO to the EU. its a "WORLD order" not a EU order. i think if you look to a man here on earth as antichrist you are setting yourself up bigtime for some major deception when THE ACTUAL antichrist shows up claiming to be God and “saves us” all with PEACE/SAFETY from the corruption and evil in the world listed in REC-666 and all the other movements in the world fighting the NWO.
    you see, fighting the NWO is what will bring in the deadly wound(and we should fight evil, its a GOOD thing) but sure as the sun coming up, antichrist will then come down to heal that wound and then use the NWO structure that was set up with a universal peace message. most people wont even realize that the NWO they have been trying to kill has just been healed and will be used to deceive even the elect(if it were possible) into worshiping antichrist. remember satan is using the evil in the world to then counter that evil and make himself look like God coming to save us all. he is a lair and the father of it. He is coming to play God, not a politician in the EU! Solana at best is just another TYPE of antichrist, but he is NOT THE ANTICHRIST. Does he have supernatural powers? Does he claim to be God? Is he roughly 33 years old? Is he standing in the temple performing miracles? Is he making lightning come down from the sky in the sight of men? Is the whole world following him with wonder and amazement? No, no and NO! He is NOT the antichrist. Period.
    666 means the 6th seal, the 6th trump and the 6th vial=666. THAT IS WHEN ANTICHRIST shows up. At those 3 events. It is the humber of a MAN, not some document in the EU. My dictionary has page # 666 also. That doesnt mean that page is evil. This # or mark goes all the way back to cain, thus the counting of stones warn smooth over a period of time.

    think about it, what is the ONE time when people in the world WONT be expecting God? when they think he is already here!!(antichrist). thats why Jesus said he will come like a thief in the night, when man LEAST expects Him.
    MATT 24...
    42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
    43But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
    44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
    1 THESS 5
    1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
    2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
    3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

  6. Dorothy:
    The information you've posted makes past and current
    "conspiracy" theories, as they
    relate to events in the world being manipulated by a
    "brotherhood of darkness" all the more believable. The evidence always has a way of disappearing, swept clean.
    From the Daily Mail story:
    "Silvino has hinted at the high-level of the conspiracy, saying: "They can't touch me - there are too many people involved."
    This reminded me of a similar story involving Washington politians and religious leaders.
    (may have gotten the link from
    someone here) Thanks for the Daily Mail story Dorothy. -Rudi

    "Conspiracy of Silence "

    DouginMl: Someone here shared this with me awhile back. It's a link to where you can make a tiny url out of a long URL -Rudi

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Thanks Rudi -
    So oVi - what you make of Judas?
    Why does the individual need to be 33 years old - other than your perception that this person would need to be the same age as Jesus?
    Lying signs and wonders are given to the individual -
    I disagree 666 = the 6th seal, ect, it the the number of his name
    he makes fire come down in the sight of men -

    just some thoughts


  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    oVi -
    1 last thing - it is all too unfortunate we see some of the elect deceived every day - and it grows stronger seemingly everyday due to itching ears and a lack of discernment.


  9. D,

    what do you mean "what do i make of judas"? he was a desciple that betrayed Jesus.

    yes, Jesus was 33. antichrist will be 33, roughly.

    ["Lying signs and wonders are given to the individual -
    I disagree 666 = the 6th seal, ect, it the the number of his name
    he makes fire come down in the sight of men "]

    you need to read REV.

    REV 13
    11And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
    12And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
    13And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
    14And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

    it says he looks like the lamb (Jesus) but speaks as a dragon (antichrist).

    "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,"

    dont read over that verse. think about it.

    "which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

    this wound was from a sword. what sword? the double edge sword of Gods word. the TRUTH. it is what will bring a wound to the NWO, but antichrist will show up just in time to heal it and use it for his purpose of deceiving the world he is God.

    HEB 4
    12For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    REV 1
    13And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
    14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
    15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
    16And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

  10. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Add this to the mix.

    Yes, I know the source is from the left. I'm familiar with the book the Franklin Coverup. At first I thought it was very strange, but some of the interviews with the mother gave me second thought

  11. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Dorothy - What a disturbing post. I am afraid my thoughts toward this group are not Christ like as I think they need a taste of what it is like to suffer such perversion & then some. Maybe frostbite treated with acidic ointment, followed by amputation after suffering for a time.

  12. Alert to All-
    Forgive me if this has already been posted somewhere and I've missed it. I've just found this site today via
    Global MindShift>
    The Oneness Project>
    Kalliopeia Foundation>

    ****The Kosmos Journal****

    "Creating the New Civilization Initiative"

    Founding Partners:
    Kosmos Journal
    Gorbachev Foundation
    Goi Peace Foundation
    World Wisdom Council
    Club of Budapest
    Club of Rome
    Institute of Noetic Studies
    Pathways to Peace
    The Future 500
    E Square Inc.
    Global Youth Network
    Chichi Publishing Company
    Global Reporting Initiative Forum Japan
    World Commission for Global Consciousness
    and Spirituality

    This is by far the most comprehensive, on-line resource for information related to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE (except for you-know-who...and I haven't had a chance to really explore yet) Constance has been working to expose that I've seen yet.


    “The time has come to affirm the fundamental Unity of Humanity, to work for that which unifies us, and not what divides us.”-Cecil Collins (Kalliopeia website)

    The Global Oneness Project, a special project of Kalliopeia Foundation

  13. Anonymous10:02 PM

    "...Turkey had decided irrevocably to throw in its lot with the West, and not with Russia and the East"

    Except for this line in the article that appears as the last sentence, the entire interview of the PM of Turkey points to a further separation from the US and the EU.

    The Iraq/Kurdish/PKK problem may drive Turkey to pursue separate interests than those of the west.

    There is a CNBC Europe show entitled "Business Turkey & Russia", Turkey is increasing in its fervor of Islam, and it has bitter enemies in the EU (Greece and the people of Germany who dislike the "illegals")


  14. You will notice at the Kosmos Journal website In order to read ALL the information, you would need a subscription to the Journal itself, but I'm finding that with the amount of information on the site (names, links, information in partial article) there is a virtual goldmine of new information to google.

    The World Future Council (credit to it's founding goes to a suggestion made by the Dali Lama
    in his book "Ethics for a New Millennium"

    Endorsement by the Dali lama found in Kosmos article:

  15. Anonymous11:11 PM

    The California fires look like the apocalyptic wrath of God! And if anybody dares suggest it might be judgment, especially for California's state endorsed homosexuality and silencing those against it, they will catch public wrath not seen since the demonstrating mobs at Sodom and Gomorrhah the night before they were destroyed!

  16. ovi

    you need to review the prophecies a little bit more carefully with fresh eyes and discard your preconceptions:

    1. There is no prophecy that the antichrist will be "charismatic."

    2. The prophecy is that he would come in peaceably "with the aid of a few" and "obtain the kingdom by flatteries."

    3. He would be a vile person who would not be given the honor of the kingdom . . .

    4. He would come in peaceably with the aid of a few

    5. 10 kings would hand him their power . . . 3 of whom he would eventually uproot.

    It was the false prophet who would work the miracles, not the antichrist.

    Your preconceptions and misconceptions may well have you set up for deception and you are adding and subtracting from the Book of Revelation (as well as Daniel -- same writer, different secretary).

    The antichrist would be an atheist per Daniel --- he would regard himself above all that was worshipped as God . . . but in his estate would he worship the god of forces, a god whom his fathers knew not.

    The antichrist would have one Godly defined role - - - the 10 kings would hand him their power to fulfill the words of the prophecy - - - and he would take out another great power that had offended God (the USA, maybe???)

    You need to pray for discernment . . maybe it is Solana, hopefully maybe not, . . but for sure Solana cannot be ruled out as you have.


  17. My bold answer to the Global Mindshift: If you make that global mindshift, you will burn in hell -- heat hotter than that experienced in Southern California today.



  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. CC,

    thanks for the reply.

    first, i read the bible everyday and have a pretty good understanding of it. always growing. 2 i do in fact pray for wisdom and knowledge and for truth to be understood.

    id say i agree with most of the 5 points you made except that the false prophet and the antichrist are the same person. just a different role at a different time. for example, to my wife im a husband, to my kids im a father and to my boss im an employee. same person, differnt role fulfilling differnt tasks.
    satan has many names just as Jesus does. read:

    "REV 12
    7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
    9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

    i can give you sa few more, "the wicked one, false prophet, king of tyre, the assyrian, bramble, lucifer, son of perdition" etc. i could go on.

    Christ aslo has many names to fill many roles so that you get a deeper understanding of what is being said in scriptures. same person, differnt role.
    for example:
    the anointed one, the lamb, son of God, the vine, morning star etc.

    ill say i agree to disagree. and ill still follow your work because i think you have a lot of good material. but the biggest thing id disagree with is that antichrist will be some man here one earth. first, antichrist doesnt come until AFTER the deadly wound. which brings up a few questions id like your opinion on:

    1: what was the deadly wound if in fact antichrist is a man here on earth?

    2: if satan isnt the antichrist and the false prophet, who is the flase prophet? and where are all the miracles and fire coming from the sky?

    3: if antichrist is here, why isnt he in jerusalem standing in the temple claiming to be God and doing great signs and wonders as it clearly says so in REV and
    2 THESS 2?
    3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    4: what do you think of the rapture and why hasnt it happened yet if antichrist is already here?

    the biggest problem i have with people thinking antichrist is some man here on earth (aside from it not being in the bible) is that satan would NOT allow some pathtic man here on earth to carry out his role as God. satan has always wanted that mercy seat and to be God and he is just wating for his chance to do so. he is supernaturl, not just a man.
    also, how in the world do you think that anyone BUT a supernaturl being coming down to play God will bring all religions, politics, economics and education together? again, man is trying his best to do that by setting up the NWO, but eventually it will fall (deadly wound) and only one person will be able to bring it back to life. and thats antichrist getting booted out of heaven.

    dont be surprised if he shows up with the rest of his fallen angels in some of those fancey "highly polished bronze" vehicles elijah was taken up in and that exekiel talked about when he described Gods throne.

    again, i enjoy your work and will always follow it but there are some things i disagree with and i guess we will have to agree to disagree. but i would strongly advise you and everyone else to not be decieved into thinking satan will give up his seat as God to someone here on earth. he has waited 6ooo years for this moment and he anit about to give it up to some sorry old politician in europe.

    antichrist claims to be God, that means all of that implies. he looks, acts, talks, walks, and does wonders just as God would, except its a dragon that looks like a lamp. he is the king of illusions and if you think copperfield knows some magic, you aint seen nothing yet. stay awake and watchfull.

    also, i just want to mention that i think those "left behind" books and materials are some of the worst propaganda in the world. if you want to be decieved, read those books. ill stick to the truth and the Bible. not sure if anyone reads those but if you do, throw them away. its satan working at his best.


  21. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Rudi, interesting find. I decided to do a crosscheck on the World Future Council address, 30 Cottage Street, Amherst, MA, here in the US. The address is the same as that of Earth Action. "EarthAction, launched at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, describes itself as "the world’s largest action network with over 2,600 organizations in 165 countries—and thousands of policymakers, journalists and citizens—who work together for peace, justice and the environment."

    Here is the link which gives the names of the partner organizations in various countries and in the US.

    The New Age movement went public in the late '70s. The planning went on much earlier. There were many books in the early '80s which gave names of hundreds of organizations committed to one part or another of the movement.

    It may be too early to tell what part the organization you found plays in the scheme of things. It may be the New Age powerhouses are just giving new credibility to themes planned long ago, or they may have new ideas they want to implement.

    I'm not trying to divert attention from your research, but rather hoping to give you some of my experience. Every organization that has a letterhead or a website need not be functioning operation.
    Before the internet it was not surprising to find three or four letterhead operations going out of a rented room at the same address. A glorious letterhead doesn't mean everyone on the board is involved. Some people just lend their names to an effort they support. I remember going to protests thinking that important people would be there because they they signed as supporting organizations, only to find ten people carrying picket signs. Quiet behind the scenes operations and their managers are usually more significant.

  22. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Additional information. Recently I bought a copy of Who is Who In Service To the Earth (1991) to document that Rio had more New Age involvement than environmentalists attending. Use to see if any libraries around you have it for lending or reference.


  23. United Nations proclaims 2008:
    'International Year of Planet
    more info:

    "General Assembly President urges action on climate change
    Yesterday, Mr. Kerim was in the Belgian capital, Brussels, for meetings with European Parliament President Hans-Gert Poetering and the European Union's High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana. The meetings focused on the priority themes of the Assembly this session: climate change, countering terrorism, finance for development, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and management reform."

    General Assembly President lauds Al Gore, IPCC on Nobel Peace Prize:



    HUGE Climate Change conference coming up:

    The International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE)

    INECE Strategic Implementation Plan

    Grist Magazine (A Global Partner of Worldwatch Institute) of list of 15 Green Religious Leaders

  24. Thank you for your imput Dorothy.
    I understand what you're explaining to me in regard to various organizations.-Rudi

  25. Anonymous6:16 AM

    oVi - yes, I have read it all also, looked at it in Greek, Danile in Hebrew, I will agree to disagree with you.
    Why did I ask about Judas?
    Because Satan entered him as he will the anti christ Luke 22:3 -
    At any rate - may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you with a wonderful day today - may He have mercy on us all.


  26. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Why can't he be a man "here on earth"?
    Where else would he be ?
    Jesus, I dare say, was a man here
    on earth, ( along with being Gods
    son ).
    As far as "fire raining down
    from heaven in the sight of men",
    isn't that the new thing we were all
    introduced to during Heir Bush 1's
    Desert Storm? Haven't we all seen
    those two men and so many buildings
    blown to bits on high definition TV,
    with night vision no less?
    Just a thought...


  27. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Europe's World
    Autumn 2007
    Countering Globalisation’s Dark Side
    by Javier Solana

  28. Anonymous9:20 AM

    What does this remind everybody of?

    "More broadly, we need to make space at the top table. Take the G-8. At present it does not really
    work effectively. If it is to become more effective it needs to be more representative, and that means
    changing its membership.
    Why not make it a G-10 in which the ten major countries are represented based on a composite
    index of international weight (GDP, aid, soldiers and civilians deployed on peace support
    missions)? This would not only bring China and India in but also keep some current members on
    their toes..."

    Javier Solana

    Counterning Globalisations Dark Side

  29. Anonymous10:34 AM

    two steps forward,
    three steps back,
    is one step forward,
    in the other direction...


  30. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Good documentation on your part. Are they trying to divert us from looking at other changes taking place and what kind of agreements are they going to put in place as a result of all of the chicken little "the sky is falling" activities are two important questions we should be trying to answer in advance.

    Eureferendum writers point out that EU leaders are saying climate change concerns are one of the main goals they hope to address as a result of the unification.

    "At this point, we begin to see that Brown has nothing new to offer – the strategy is clearly to "keep repeating the mantras", against a promise of a bright new future where the EU will now be able to tackle the "pressing issues" such as climate change and energy security; combating terrorism and organised crime; reducing global poverty; and reforming the European Union budget."


    "The delusion carries through into the official enemy website, which has now devoted a specific section to the so-called "reform" treaty. It tells us that the main objectives of the treaty are to make the EU:

    more efficient and able to tackle today's global challenges such as climate change, security and sustainable development."

    The entire environmental crisis has the smell of something developed at a cut-rate advertising agency for use by some megacorporation. People are so deadened by infomercials that they do not respond to the same tactics when used by their government. Here North laments about the treaty constitution action in Lisbon.

    "The scale of this deceit is so colossal that one can scarcely believe they have got away with it. Yet, so far they have. And if it is any indication, watching the "blogosphere" on Google alert, in the wake of the IGC, there is less blogging than normal on this issue, even for a Saturday.

    "You would have expected the blogs to have exploded with comment – even despite the rugby match - but it is almost as if the majority have been stunned into silence, or are wondering what to make of it.

    "But what do you do when your politicians tell you bare-faced, brazen lies and, against all the evidence, keep repeating then and repeating them and repeating them? How long can we continue calling them liars, before we ourselves get sick of the sound of our own voices?"


  31. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This article in its entirety should be interesting to all;
    GPS / RFID systems


  32. D said:
    ["oVi - yes, I have read it all also, looked at it in Greek, Danile in Hebrew, I will agree to disagree with you.
    Why did I ask about Judas?
    Because Satan entered him as he will the anti christ Luke 22:3 -"]

    yes, satans evil spirit is allowed to go to and fro from heaven (where he is bound in chains until he is kicked out). so you have the holy spirit working here on earth and the evil spirit most of the global leaders/new agers call upon. but satan HIMSELF/DEFACTO is not here yet until he is booted out of heaven (his holding place) by Michael. just as Christ himself isnt here yet (2nd advent/return). dont forget Judas repented for what he did, so dont be so quick to judge him. God does the judging.

    "REV 12
    7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
    9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
    10And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
    11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    12Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."

    paul said:
    "Why can't he be a man "here on earth"?
    Where else would he be ?
    Jesus, I dare say, was a man here
    on earth, ( along with being Gods
    son ).As far as "fire raining down
    from heaven in the sight of men",
    isn't that the new thing we were all
    introduced to during Heir Bush 1's
    Desert Storm? Haven't we all seen
    those two men and so many buildings
    blown to bits on high definition TV,
    with night vision no less?
    Just a thought..."

    satan is bound in chains in heaven until he is released. read REV 12. his evil spirit is allowed to work here on earth but he himsel isnt here yet until he is kicked out of heaven and then "WOE until those on earth".
    satan has waited 6000 yers for his time to shine, he is not giving it up to some sorry man. satan/antichrist is supernatural. thats why he decieves the "whole world" except for the elect who know better. and testify against him by allowing the holy spirit to speak through them. it will be a battle of ideas, Gods and satans.

    no, bombs coming down from a plane is not the fire satan will bring. more like lightning at the snap of his fingers. remember, he is supernatural.
    plus, those bombs were dropped in irag. satan/antichrist will stand in jerusalem and claim to be God when he does all his wonders in the sight of men. read matt 13/24, mark 13, luke 21, and 1st and 2nd thess.


  33. Anonymous12:56 PM

    oVi -
    concerning Judas; tis is why I asked, dear brother and friend in Chriost Jesus,

    Luke 22:3
    3: Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.

    John 17:12
    12: While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

    2nd Thessalonians 2:3
    3: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    4: Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.


  34. D,

    yes i know of those, great scriptures. are you suggesting that judas was the "son of perdition"?

    there has only been 1 person already sentanced to death "perdition means to perish" and that is lucifer/satan/antichrist that old dragon and serpent. thats why he wants to bring everyone down with him. he has already been judged and God is allowing him to do his part on earth to see whether we will love him or God. thats mans test.

    although Judas was in the spirit of satan, he wasnt satan himself. again, just as the holy spirit works here on earth, so does the evil spirit.


  35. also, re-read 2 thess you quoted. it says

    " and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    4: Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

    i dont remember judas doing that.


  36. Anonymous3:20 PM

    oVi -
    I am not suggeting anything - those are simple copy and pasted quotes for the king james version - I just offered them up as food for thought is all. The diredt quote is "Satan entered him" and it is capitalized in the KJV.
    Correct on 2nd Thes. - Judas did not do that - I added that as a direct correlation to the anti christ and my opinion that Satan will eneter a person is all.
    I do not think satan has the ability to create a body - as God did for Jesus Christ. If he could create a life, I think his minions would not be comprised of fallen angels, created by God who left their 1st habitation.
    Again, these are copied and pasted so I did not have any grammerical errors either in typing and or context, thats all.
    Just more discussion - between brothers in Christ oVi - that is all.

  37. Anonymous5:47 PM


    I have been following your comments and those of everyone who are politely offering up alternatives to your end time doctrine. I make my comments on behalf of my interpretation of the scriptures and I take the scripture literally unless it is very clear that the author is using a simile or metaphor.

    I caution you to carefully examine your teachings, as there are awful consequences for distorting the book of Revelation. We are all held to account for our teaching.

    I will stand up and say there is no idication that the Beast of the Sea, the beast of the earth and Satan are the same. Each has a different role to play in the endtime scenario. The beast of the Sea, or the man of lawlessness, is not "opposite of Christ" he opposes Christ. He will even oppose God Almighty.

    No one here would dare admit that one particular person fulfills that role, until the time in which he is revealed. That will not happen until the restrainer is taken away.

    Unless scripture specifically answers a mystery, some things have to remain mysteries until God so chooses to reveal them.

    In the end of Revelation, the beast of the sea/antichrist, AND the false prophet/beast of the earth are thrown into the lake of fire- separate from Satan, who is bound and thrown into the pit. These are separate places.

    The false prophet appears as a lamb, not as the lamb. There is a great deal of difference in the semantics of the wording.

    All through history, people have been saying that these scriptures are still to come in the future. At some point, it is going to happen. God gives us these prophecies so we will not fear as we witness these events come to pass. I think we are seeing the Beginning of the end. However, There are many of the prophetic events that will still happen as time unfolds. The events of Daniel and Revelation take 7 years to complete.

    We are given a timeline as to how these events are going to unfold. I suspect not much will happen until the middle of the 70th week(3.5 years), which is when God tells us the man of lawlessness will enter the temple.

    We will not see him enter or have supernatural powers until that time comes. There are many men who could possibly be brought to this position, however, they will need to work up to it, not just appear out of nowwhere.

    This may, not be THE end time just another difficult time and we will only know it by the signs God gives us. Most here are very careful to realize prophecy is here for us to recognize, not to surmise.

    Thanks for being a part of this community, as we share and learn and grow as the body of Christ.

    God Bless,


  38. L,
    thanks for the comments and i would agree with most of what you said as far as some things still left unknown until it happens. but the bible isnt very "secretive" about when and where antichrist shows up. its very clear and very obvious in many books in the bible all the way from GEN to REV.

    the 1st beast is the world system/NWO that the 2nd beast antichrist will use to decieve the people. the 1st beast comes out of the sea. it says the sea are peoples. so the NWO will rise out of mankind, its systems religions, economics, and education. basically one world movement or the new age to bring to gether a world system to usher in the 2nd beast, antichrist.
    there needs to be a "wound" to this system before antichrist shows up to then heal that wound and thus the whole world will worship and make an image.

    the greek defines antichrist as:
    1) over against, opposite to, before
    2) for, instead of, in place of (something)

    so obviously antichrist will oppose God, but dont read over the fact that he is also in the place of God. INSTEAD of God. antichrist will naturally be against Gods word, but with deception into thinking he is God.

    "I will stand up and say there is no idication that the Beast of the Sea, the beast of the earth and Satan are the same. Each has a different role to play in the endtime scenario. The beast of the Sea, or the man of lawlessness, is not "opposite of Christ" he opposes Christ. He will even oppose God Almighty."

    i never said it was the same beast. the first is a system, the second is an entity.

    "In the end of Revelation, the beast of the sea/antichrist, AND the false prophet/beast of the earth are thrown into the lake of fire- separate from Satan, who is bound and thrown into the pit. These are separate places."

    yes, the role of the false profit and the world beast system are done away with. how can he pretend to be a prophet when everyone will know the truth? that ROLE is done away with, but that is just a role. not an entity. satan is the same person but plays different roles. if i get divorced, im not longer a husband, but im still a person.
    you need to read each name and know what it means. when it talks about the serpent, it talks about satan in a certain role, when it talks about antichrist, its talking about a differnt role and so on. just as Christ had different roles and anmes for a deeper meaning. same person, different role.
    think of an actor.

    "The false prophet appears as a lamb, not as the lamb. There is a great deal of difference in the semantics of the wording. "

    i totally disagree. he comes down as the lamb slain. he wants to play God and there for he will try and look like God. think about it.

    "We will not see him enter or have supernatural powers until that time comes. There are many men who could possibly be brought to this position, however, they will need to work up to it, not just appear out of nowwhere."

    again i disagree. he will be booted out of heaven. not born on earth and raised up into position. nowhere does it say he has to work his way up to this.

    thanks for being open to debate on these issues. if im wrong i hope to be shown whats right, if im right then vise/verse.
    im glad we can have these discussions.


  39. look up your redemption draweth nigh...forever is a long,long time steer me right sweet jesus, have mercy on us all.....we are but a moments sunlight fading in the grass,...comon' people now, ALL PRAISE AND HONOR ARE YOURS LORD JESUS. YOU ARE WORTHY LORD.AMEN Ozark

  40. leana- I REALLY appreciated your last comments. I especially liked this statement:"No one here would dare admit that one particular person fulfills that role, until the time in which he is revealed. That will not happen until the restrainer is taken away.

    Unless scripture specifically answers a mystery, some things have to remain mysteries until God so chooses to reveal them."
    Thank you for your insight. -Rudi

  41. Hi Dorothy, At the beginning of your comments you said,
    "Are they trying to divert us from looking at other changes taking place and what kind of agreements are they going to put in place as a result of all of the chicken little "the sky is falling" activities are two important questions we should be trying to answer in advance."

    There is more than one diversion technique being implemented as I view it. There are many ongoing (I
    believe intentional) distractions,
    the purpose of which, (I'm convinced, is to hold back a major uprising of protest from a significant part of the "freedom embracing" world's population) is to prevent anyone from having a clear picture of the completed puzzel. I'm not sure that most human brains are designed to seriously contemplate more than one "big" issue at a time. So, we've got plenty of separate yet interconnected areas to examine.
    (Iraq war,enviornment,religious initiatives etc.)
    After the researching I've done over the last couple days on the "global warming" piece of the puzzel, I've gotten enough understanding to set it aside for awhile. Although I've determined, this "global warming" issue encompasses something far larger than "its just about the weather".
    I've include several articles from News with Views you may find of interest, as well as some information about Agenda 21. Thanks again for the feedback. -Rudi
    'The attempt To Transform The Vision of America' Michael Shaw

    'Local Agenda 21 The U.N. Plan for Your Community' Berit Kjos

    Many similar article on this subject By Berit Kjos at News with Views.

    At the original 'Earth Summit' held in Rio in 1992, governments adopted 3 major agreements one of which was Agenda 21.

    Agenda 21 Introduction and Background

    "And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech." Genesis 11:1

    "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18

  42. Anonymous10:25 PM

    too bad you're not paying attention to what's going on here at home...but while you're being led around by the nose by CC, Bush has taken the power to put anyone in jail he wants...have you noticed?

    And to think, most of you voted for the man...God helps us, pay attention to what's happening here at home, don't let CC tell you how to think, she's only interested in self glory and ego...and she personally attacks those who don't agree with her...

    Watch out for those who think it all about them, and that's CC for sure...

  43. Anonymous11:25 PM

    To anonymous 10:25 p.m.,

    My fist thought after reading your rather uncomplimentary post is; "who is leading you by the nose?"

    The fact that you do not seem able to coalesce information from a macro to micro world view, asses the validity or application of information, is evident by your vitriolic attack on Constance.

    If you were to put forth some substantive evidence to back up your "statements" they might be be worth a reply. Notwithstanding, suffice it to say that perhaps your time would be better spent some other place. My suggestion would be a small room with rubber wallpaper.



  44. Anonymous11:42 PM

    HK -
    you have responded to Anon 10:25 perfectly! I am sure they wanted to "bait" us into flaming them.

    I would like to add, I don't know if this person has even followed Constance. Because as far as I can tell she is pretty humble. I think that she has been following this for 25 + years and has gotten little to none recognition. If that doesn't humble a person, nothing will.

    Thanks to all to regular contributers. Although sometimes the information is too much for my brain to absorb, I really appreciate each one of you (and you know who you are)!

  45. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Anonymous 10:25,
    My feelings are hurt. You haven't done your research very well. I've been doing my part underneath the radar since the early '80s, as have many others. If you pick on me, I'll get more attention. It has taken you much too long to notice what is going on, and even so, you aren't very thorough. If you want to bring it on, you'll find really hardnosed opposition here, not like you'll find on those leftie sites. Accept the challenge. It might activate your brain cells.


  46. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Mac, I thought I was the only one who read Brussels Journal. Thanks for getting others there. Whether it's the New Age movement or response to Muslim organizers, Europe is only a few years ahead of us. Very few in America understand that we need to support the standards of the US with strength and not give in to every challenger. Part of our nature is very primitive.

    We have a wonderful little poodle who is gentle. When challenged he just goes belly up and waits to be scritched. We protect him, knowing there are coyotes in the area who would attack him given a chance.

    Unfortunately we need to do the same for people around us.


  47. Dorothy, actually I think it was you who first pointed me to the Brussels Journal long before I actually began posting here.

    This week, Jan Markell interviewed Paul Sperry on his new book about Muslim infiltration of Washington. I'd never heard of him before but if he's got his facts straight, I think everyone should pay attention. You can listen to it at this link:
    Jan and investigative reporter Paul Sperry discuss his new book: INFILTRATION

  48. You will get your mockers and detractors but that's par for the course. The people here, on a whole, have their respective fingers on the pulse of what's happening and that's a valuable thing. Thanks to all.
    Those who do not agree can utilize their time more constructively elsewhere.

    PS I own a huge German Shepherd called MacGyver who loves everyone & is a big sook.

  49. Anonymous8:51 AM

    On a slightly different tack, I just heard on our radio news that the band Earth, Wind and Fire will be performing at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo on Dec 11th. Apparently it was a specific request by Al Gore.


  50. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This will be of interst to all from Solana:
    "We need to make space at the top table. If (the G-8) is to become more effective it needs to be more representative," according to Solana. He adds it should have 10 members and membership must reflect each nation's economic output as well as its military and civilian contribution to peace missions.

    Full article


  51. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This will be of interst to all from Solana:
    "We need to make space at the top table. If (the G-8) is to become more effective it needs to be more representative," according to Solana. He adds it should have 10 members and membership must reflect each nation's economic output as well as its military and civilian contribution to peace missions.

    Full article


  52. Anonymous3:19 PM


    Wow! That is amazing. I couldn't get the link to work. Have you posted or seen this posted over at FP? I am sure this is information that they would want to know as well.

  53. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Hey everyone. Sorry I missed ya’ll yesterday in the chat room.

    Constance, you’ve probably seen this, but I queried "50 Reasons to Say No to NATO" which is Javier Solana’s Socialist Marxist Anti NATO pamphlets he so proudly dispersed to his fellow Spainards.

    Upon further investigating the sources cited below, it seems to solidify into a strong CIA connection with Solana and his maternal grandfather Salvador de Madariaga. Remember, our CIA is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government.
    Its primary function is obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons in order to advise public policymakers.

    So here are my findings.

    In the article, "The Incorporation of Spain and Javier Solana Into NATO", “Javier Solana, an old Fullbrighter, accused of being a CIA man inside the PSOE structure (see the book. 'Soberanos e Intervenidos, Estrategias globales, americanos y españoles,' by Jaon Garces), was the person who made the official presentation of Felipe González (PSOE's Secretary General) to the US Embassy in Madrid. (Note this link is no longer there - now you see it now you don’t).

    But, in lieu of Anti American feelings by the Spaniards because of the following reasons noted here from “Anti-Americanism In Spain: The Weight Of History”,:

    ·The Spanish-American War of 1898.
    ·Washington’s support of Franco after the 1936-39 Civil War.
    ·The 1953 Pact of Madrid, which established US bases in Spain.
    ·The lukewarm support for Spain’s transition to democracy after Franco died.
    ·The Reagan administration’s backing of military dictatorships in Latin America.
    ·And, more recently, the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    our American Spaniard transatlantic relations seemed to only strengthen rather than dissipate.

    Now what can possibly tie this strained relationship together?
    As you and others have plainly stated Constance, “Global Governance”.

    In the article, “Caution the Dialectic Process At Work part 2", Dennis Cuddy opines a connection with Javier Solana and the CIA, where he writes, “At this point, it is worth remembering that under the Dialectic, the CIA befriended (funded) Socialists in Spain to control them or at least make them less radical”.

    After several internet queries I found in his book, “The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters”, author Frances Stonor Saunders cites that Salvador de Madariaga was one of several intellectuals recruited by the CIA for ideaological propaganda to counter the view that liberal democracy was less compatible with culture than communism.

    A Spanish site also corroborates this issue, translated “The Intellectuals in Service to the CIA”.

    The organization most noted as the vehicle by which the CIA did this was “The Congress for Cultural Freedom”, abbreviated here as CCF.

    Bertrand Russell, one of many CIA CCF intellectuals, defined here as, “Cold War Propagandist” cites that he joined Salvador de Madariaga as one of the honorary chairmen in The Congress for Cultural Freedom

    At this Google book preview website entitled “The CIA, the British Left, and the Cold War: Calling the Tune?” I found the book “British Intellectuals and The Congress for Cultural Freedom” which is defined as a reference stating that during the late 1940s the newly created CIA, in a loose alliance with anti-communist intellectuals and trade unionists, launched a massive, clandestine effort to win the Cold War allegiance of the European left. Salvador de Madariaga is noted.

    Michael Josselson, who was also one of many CIA CCF intellectuals, is noted here as leaving the State Department in 1950 to help steer the newly created Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), a liberal, anti-Communist organization founded by American and European intellectuals to expose Communist cultural oppression and to oppose all forms of totalitarian rule. One of his intellectual correspondents during and after the CCF was Salvador de Madariaga.

    Now, moving to the present.

    Something noteworthy to consider was last years 2006 aloof position Javier Solana took in regards to CIA detainee flights into Europe, secret prisons and torture therein.
    Remember, Solana is considered as “Mr. Europe – The Voice of Europe”.

    Solana is questioned last year in regards to what knowledge he had of any EU/US agreement permitting the illegal rendition flights on the use of EU member states by the US secret service (CIA) for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners.

    In this article Solana is accused of, “washing his hands of responsibility” in regards to CIA flights and detention centres operating in Europe, Solana said, “Professionally, in the role I have now (May 3, 2006), I have no competence to question EU Member States”.

    Another article entitled, “EU Chief: No Proof Of Secret Prisons - But Javier Solana Evasive On Dubious CIA Actions In Europe, Lawmakers Say” addresses the same issue.

    Now all of this may seem far-reaching, but I submit this to you and everyone to critically examine these sources.

    Remember the old saying, “the fruit does not fall to far from the tree”. Lets keep that in mind in regards to this.

    Remember also, this year in Aachen Germany Javier stated when receiving the Charlamagne Prize, “I was privileged to be born into a family with a long-standing commitment to Europe. Naturally it gives me great satisfaction to note that, along with Salvador de Madariaga, two members of this family have now received this eminent distinction”.

    What we may have here is a pre-designed movement from inside our own U.S. to steer the masses further away from its own liberty and freedom towards global governance.
    Each person deserves to know which representative and organization in their own government stands with and stands for and, at this moment in U.S. history to voice their opinion in regards to these issues.

    As you have said before Constance ,"Everyone deserves one kind warning".

    My next post will voice my opinion in the spirit of these references.

  54. Anonymous5:07 PM

    “51 Reasons To Say NO To Global Governance”

    In the spirit of celebrating United Nations Day October 24, 2007
    In the spirit of celebrating Javier Solana’s “50 reasons To Say No to NATO”
    And also
    In the spirit of celebrating his Anti-Damascus Road Experience from
    I present to all

    “51 Reasons To Say NO To Global Governance”

    1. Global Central Bank corruption, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    2. Global Government corruption, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    3. Military Industrial Complex corruption, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    4. Global Police State powers enacted
    5. Secret policies and amendments without the publics consent
    6. Transfer of wealth from the middle class to the Upper Class
    7. No more local voice
    8. No public accountability
    9. Media control by corporations and banks
    10. No freedom of speech
    11. No Habeas Corpus no more innocent until proven guilty
    12. No liberty to travel to and fro strict activity prohibitions applied
    13. No liberty to believe in ones own belief as TRUTH
    14. Extreme taxation
    15. Military abuse
    16. Corporate and Bank run governments and municipalities
    17. Pharmaceutical fraud and abuse with no accountability
    18. Medical fraud and abuse with no accountability
    19. Secret tribunals in the public/private sector
    20. National Sovereignty abolished
    21. Electronic Vote manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    22. Financial market manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    23. Consensus herd mentality decisions instead of individual mentality decisions
    24. Multilateral Organizations manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    25. Favoritism toward relatives and relationships, based upon that relationship, rather than on an objective evaluation of ability or suitability – Nepotism
    26. Regional Organizations manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    27. Corporate and bank Global Government run agriculture
    28. Corporate and bank Global Government run athletics
    29. Corporate and bank Global Government run entertainment
    30. No relevance to the individual but rather to the interests of relevant stakeholders/shareholders in Global Government
    31. No more self defense or self protection
    32. Local and state laws no longer enforced
    33. Global Judicial manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    34. No more personal rights
    35. Philosophy implemented and enforced as truth EQUAL to religion
    36. Handicapped and mentally challenged individuals are categorized as handicap to society
    37. No more parental rights, children are sole Global Government World Citizen owned
    38. Abortion mandated quotas enforced globally
    39. Energy resource manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
    40. One size regional rule of law cannot fit all
    41. Global education cites global mandated curriculums only
    42. Central global governance will mandate own religious belief system
    43. Central global governance will mandate tracking of every living being
    44. Central global governance mandated modern weather modification technologies
    45. Central global governance mandated and enforced vitamin and mineral supplements control
    46. Central global governance mandated sexual interdependent activity prohibitions
    47. Central global governance mandated expression of thoughts activity prohibitions
    48. Central global governance mandated food and liquid consumption activity prohibitions
    49. Central global governance mandated arts creation activity prohibitions
    50. Central global governance mandated radio frequencies activity prohibitions
    51. Central global governance mandated human excretion activity prohibitions

    These are the 51 reasons to say NO to Javier Solana’s Global Governance world.

    Please feel free to correct, augment, oppose and or celebrate with me.

  55. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Correction note please

    The book at the Google book preview website is called “The CIA, the British Left, and the Cold War: Calling the Tune?”.

    “British Intellectuals and The Congress for Cultural Freedom” is one of the chapters.

  56. J,

    nice list!


  57. Anonymous7:29 PM

  58. This is what we've been saying all along.

  59. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Solana chides US for not being more globally minded:

    European Union foreign policy chief and Bilderberg luminary Javier Solana has called for an expanded G8 and chastised the United States for failing in its responsibility to become more active in shaping a new world order, warning that power is being lost to countries like China and India.Solana urges that India and China be enticed to join the G8 in order to "keep some current members on their toes" and allow the globalist body to more accurately "reflect global economic and political power." -Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet

    Dave in CA

  60. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Hi Dawn, try this url for the Solana article:

    If it doesn't - as always I archived it.


  61. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Mac, good article about the "religion of peace." I've sent the info to a sympathetic radio program in Boston, and to a number of friends and family.
    Yours in Christ:

  62. Hey guys- Did you know Constance had already given us the link to the "Europe's World"
    'Countering Globalisation’s Dark Side' by Javier Solana? See the
    Oct. 18th, 2007 blog comments section.
    Constance Cumbey said...
    "Here's a piece by none other than Javier Solana himself that makes their global hegemonic goals increasingly open:

    Hurry, hurry, hurry -- read it and archive it -- it will most surely disappear as they play their lovely little game of "now you see us, now you don't . . ."

    8:12 AM

  63. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I know Constance, and she's a very knowledgeable lady. She knows what's going on in this world more than the rest of us. Many are forgetting she's a lawyer. she works in government.

  64. Anonymous11:52 AM

    OVI! when it comes to scripture and the false prophet and the antichrist you have alot of knowledge! I really wonder is it head knowledge. You mentioned in your articles about fire from heaven. How do we know it's not political and military fire. Examples planes can drop bombs and missles "rain down fire" after they fall and hit the ground then explode. Jesus talked in parables. OH by the way who called you to PREACH!!!!

    Kayak River

  65. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Brothers, sisters - please - be kind to one another- leave the strife and arguements - a discussion is 1 thing but beyond that we are not doing the will of Him who we serve;
    a servant of the Lord must not strive - but be gentle until to all men, apt to teach, patient, kind ......
    and also this.....

    Galatians Chapter 5

    "15": But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

    "16": This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

    "17": For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

    "18": But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

    "19": Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

    "20": Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

    "21": Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

    "22": But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

    "23": Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

    "24": And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

    "25": If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

    "26": Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.


  66. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Johnny - #11 on the list is just so wonderful

    11. No Habeas Corpus no more innocent until proven guilty

    If I am not mistaken - No Habeas Corpus basically boils down to no more "show me the body" which is mush worse no more innocent until proven guilty


  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. "OVI! when it comes to scripture and the false prophet and the antichrist you have alot of knowledge! I really wonder is it head knowledge. You mentioned in your articles about fire from heaven. How do we know it's not political and military fire. Examples planes can drop bombs and missles "rain down fire" after they fall and hit the ground then explode. Jesus talked in parables. OH by the way who called you to PREACH!!!!
    Kayak River"

    im not sure if you're being sarcastic or real (as sarcasism never comes arcoss in written form).

    anyhow, thanks for thinking i have a lot of knowledge, but its not me its just me quoting scripture. everything i have said ive documented in the Bible. how about you?
    how do i know its not bombs coming down? well because it doesnt say that. its says:

    "REV 13
    13And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,"

    it says "he" not "plane" or "bomb". now how many people can you think of that has stood in the temple claiming to be God, performing wonders and making fire come down from heaven in the sight of men??? anyone??

    look, im not making this stuff up. read the bible for yourself if you dont believe me, as you shouldnt. you shouldnt believe ANYONE without checking them out in the word of God.

    "OH by the way who called you to PREACH!!!!"

    funny, i just had a flash back to what they said to John the baptist and Jesus.

    i didnt come here to preach, mind you. i came here to state my opinion based on scripture. i AM allowed to think and read for myself, am i not? or should i just be blind sheep?

    if healthy debate isnt allowed here, let me know and ill leave this blog...


  69. A fascinating EU conference with worldwide reach is about to take place: THE MERIDIAN PROCESS.

    This is an extract and going to

    "The Swedish Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) together with the members of the Meridian Program Committee, invites Government policy representatives to this year’s Meridian conference in Stockholm, 24-26 October 2007. This conference, ‘Connecting and Protecting’, is part of a process aimed to provide Governments worldwide the means by which they can discuss how to work together at the policy level on critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP). This annual conference and interim activities help to build trust and establish international relations between countries to facilitate sharing of experiences and ’good practices’ on CIIP globally.

  70. Dear Johnny:

    I LOVED your "51 Reasons"! You should get your own blogspot with such wonderful writing! I'd link to it!


  71. Thank you Constance,

    I am very, very honored by your comment.

    I'd like to say something to you and everyone else which has been on my mind for the past several days.

    The one evening that I had the pleasure of meeting Herb Peters on his speaking tour here in the Dallas Fort Worth area, Plano to be exact, he conveyed to me what a sharp investigator you are and an incredible blessing you are to work with.

    Its always been your critical analytical insight, especially along side of Dorothy's, that has primarily Re-Lit the Fire In Me. I also know it has been a re-firing in many others.

    As true contrarians at heart, often times standing with my wife as a lone voice to an uninformed, distracted, disinterested and fearful body, it has been unbelievable, at times speechless, other times frustrating and most of the time just plain maddening. Yet, just as God informed Elijah that He kept a remnant 3000 safe from the diabolical hand of the times, I too see this arena that all of us have entered in as a place to wipe clean the darkened illusory reality that is portrayed to us every second of the day and to stand emanating the double-edged truth, the ONLY blessed light, of our soon arriving eternal love, Jesus Christ.

    To position oneself in a stance for our Lord is so critical at this juncture of history. The giftings that each of us are blessed with cannot be set aside for the temporal. It has to be for the eternal. To borrow from the film “Gladiator”, “Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity” is such a powerful maxim. Yet, it’s that maxim, with the giftings here at your blog that pierces the eternal for all of us.

    Everyone’s gifted observations and analysis in regards to as Herb Peters said, "the intriguing coincidences" surrounding Javier Solana, the European Union, the Alliance of Civilizations and PARTICULALRY “THE CHURCH” at this present time speaks only of historical prophetic fulfillment that confirms, re-edifies and inspires me to not stop.

    In reference to “stopping”, that was one of the things I remember Herb said in regards to other bible prophecy individuals/ministries/
    organizations. There often times comes a point where their teachings/revelations dead-ends. Certain things that were to play out did not. And then comes the lull. The wind is taking out from their sails. There’s nothing left but trite pleasantries and merry-go round discussions that detours them away from looking at the reasons for this occurrence, IF they catch it.

    Well this certainly has not been the case with everything the Lord has revealed to you, Herb, Dorothy, Holly, Adam, Farmer, Rich, Mac, Setterman, Dawn, Rudi, Leana, DouginMI, Shalom, Dave in CA, and everyone else that I have missed mentioning (please accept my apologies). Everyone one of us has sensed something.

    Something is up!
    Something is just not right!
    People are sensing it and its bearing witness to them in their spirit.
    It’s the stench that lies and deceit leave behind.
    The ultimate double-cross in all mankind’s history is about to be witnessed, maybe truly seen by a select few, but certainly its fruition is on the cusp and will be visible for all to see.

    This fruition requires cutters, “fact cutters” to plow the fields, to go deeper in search for the facts behind the news. That is why I have taken your advice and have decided to set up my own blog. It is called “Say No To Global Governance”. I’ve started it with my last two postings from your blog (I promise to not be repetitive by the way). I really do see the advantage, as you have mentioned to all of us before, that the more voices heard the better the range for more to hear.

    The range is already widening with Rich doing a FANTASTIC job at his AoC blog spot and I can see Dorothy's future blogspot on the horizon. It’s so GREAT to see Farmers announcement of his blogspot. Amazing! Absolutely amazing, I see the cutters of the field are ready to walk their row.

    The cutters of the field are ready to help all of us see a wider view of the crows and ravens that are devouring the weak lambs and freshly laid corpses destroyed by the maligned movement written to us so long, long ago. Fortunately, these cutters will not let this happen without intervention. I pray each cutter walks his row, protects the field and alert the lambs. New rows and the angles that sway will be revealed to better discern.

    So it is with my humble thank you to you Constance that I move forward and join you and the extended family of cutters in the field.



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