
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Trouble between Syria and Israel

Herb Peters would speak to me frequently about the prophecy "Damascus shall be a heap." My response, as always was "time and events will tell" as to whether or not anything was a known prophetic fulfillment. I'm sure Herb Peters would have viewed today's news about Syria and Israel with some suspicion that this might play into the prophetic scenario. You may read the story by clicking here. If it disappears, do a news search, using the terms "Israel," "Syria," and "bombs."


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Sounds like it is the beginning of something. Definatly worth keeping a watch on these events.

    Thanks Constance!


  2. Thanks, Leana, and to all, please remember the Reiki radio interview tomorrow at 2 - 4 Eastern Time, 1 to 3 Central Time, 12 to 2 mountain time, and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time. If you have Reiki involvement or have a loved one who is, you need to hear this!


  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Amidst a bunch of columns that are repeats and repeats, some columns stand out and shouldn't be missed.

    "...That being said, it behooves me to address the underlying problem behind the Larry Craig scandal. The real problem that this scandal unearths is the widespread influence that homosexuality has within the GOP. Ladies and Gentlemen, the GOP elephant is not red; it is pink. That is a fact that rank and file conservatives within the GOP either don't know or don't want to know. But it is getting harder and harder to keep that fact a secret.

    "If anyone really wants to learn the facts about how homosexualists have taken over the Republican Party, I encourage them to read Alan Stang's blockbuster new book entitled "Not Holier Than Thou," which is published by Patton House. Here is Alan's web site..."


  4. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Dorothy; sobering thoughts as America gets closer to the elections.


  5. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Richard and Constance, your good work has been noted and referenced by the Joel Rosenberg blog posters. Just thought I'd pass that on.
