
Wednesday, August 08, 2007


My internet radio program, "My Perspective," Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pacific Time will feature a Detroit area newspaper columnist and popular national free lance writer by the name of Ron Siegal. We will be talking about our mutual experiences with what we term "the Kevorkian wars," the 1990's pro-Euthanasia forces vs. us, the anti-Euthanasia, anti-Dr. Kevorkian ones. Please join us at Saturday at The chatroom will be open as well as open lines for questions. Ron is Jewish and has a special interest in protecting the disabled from those who would deride their right to be here as "lack of quality of life." A professional writer, Ron has written extensively on right to life issues for publications such as Our Sunday Visitor, the Detroit News, the Detroit Free Press, the Michigan Citizen, and many others.


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    connie, a thought crossed my mind. Have you found the document or is there one yet for Dr. S's new offical title and mandate?


  2. Are you referring to the yet unratified "High Representative" position. This is most fascinating as he is already the "High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy", a title and position he has held since October 1999 and as Secretary General of the Western European Union since November 20, 1999.

  3. FOR SATURDAY'S PROGRAM -- MUCH MORE INTERESTING THAN YOU THINK. I'M SURE YOU ALL KNOW WHO DR. KEVORKIAN, BETTER KNOWN AS 'DR. DEATH IS'. I personally tangled with him in Michigan's legal system for several years and I have his ANNOTATED ALICE BAILEY in my personal possession! He was just discharged from prison for 2nd degree murder conviction for which he served 10 years before being paroled.

  4. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Since, as I commented earlier, the Microeffect is charging $20 per month to access their archives, everyone who doesn't have a spare $20 should make every effort to listen to show live on Saturday.

    Kevorkian was the poster boy for the euthanasia movement in this country. He was used to present an idealized picture of people who supposedly made a rational choice to end their lives. Euthanasia is legal in Oregon and is introduced every year in states with the hope that proponents can get it legalized.

    The practice of ending the life of someone who is too expensive for the system is well advanced in this country. It's not openly done. If a patient signs the living will and relations don't know what questions to ask or how to follow up, it's over.

    Do some homework prior to the show. Here in 1999: Many other article available.

    Here's Kevorkian's lawyer's page on his client
    The International Anti-euthanasia Task Force
    Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

    There is so much that individuals need to learn about how euthanasia is sold as a solution. If the Democrats take the White House, it's guaranteed that this movement will take a leap forward.

    I lived through all of the dirty tricks used to try and end my husband's life. If it happens to a family member, you will learn there is no place to turn to for help. It's you against the system, a system Kevorkian helped build.


  5. Constance-Excellent article as usual. It once again shows your readers there are innumerable areas involved to be aware of.
    This following website has more information which reveals further the scope of involvement with-in the business world. I found the amount of information on this website almost beyond belief.

    "Spirit in Business"

    The following site includes a "first on the list" link to Paul Hawkins "WISER EARTH" website:

    Also, the following link sources came from the "Shift in Action" webpage which is connected to The Institute of Noetic Sciences. (which most know was founded by Edgar D. Mitchell,an Apollo astronaut and the sixth man to walk on the moon)

    CAUTION: These links come with the following message from the Privacy Notice on the main webpage:
    Website Usage:

    For every visitor to our website, our server automatically logs the domain name or IP address of the user. We may also collect browser version and system platform information, the referring page, requested pages, and the date and time of page requests. This information is used solely for generating statistics that help us in improving the site usability

  6. Anonymous3:35 PM or

    It appears that the University of Florida is going to pay Kevorkian $50,000 to give a talk. Here are some excerpts from a column on him.

    "Funny he should mention rights and liberty: among the many categories of people Kevorkian feels entitled to experiment on, the most troubling could be the "Suicide by Proxy" category. In his 1991 book Prescription Medicide, he lays out his prey: "Suicide by Proxy --the killing by the decision and action of another, of fetuses, infants, minor children, and every human being incapable of giving direct and informed consent." Yes, you read that right: Kevorkian believes children can be killed, experimented on, or used for organ procurement at a parent's mercy.

    "Kevorkian does not espouse a simple right to die or even euthanasia. He has never covered over his intentions; actually he is quite upfront about them. Neither compassion nor mercy was ever allowed to interfere with selfish and quackish experiments. He wrote an article in 1961 about his experiences doing blood transfusions with the blood of dead bodies into living people. Often times his 'patients' had no terminal disease, but were depressed."


  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I am curious how they will be using his jail time to further push the agenda - other than a martyr for the cause - that is an obvious one - took one for the team if you will -

  8. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Thank you Dorothy for the links. I was able to check them out today. Constance I am looking forward to tomorrows My Perspective. I will be recording it as always.
