
Monday, April 09, 2007

Continuing Javier Solana Story, Part VI

Continuing Javier Solana Story, Part VI:

I continued my daily internet surveillance of Javier Solana. What differed now was that I had another observer to talk with – Herb Peters. I also shared information with another astute researcher, Chicagoland resident, Dorothy Margraf. We would inform each other about significant things, or lack thereof. In mid 2000, Javier Solana gave a speech in Rome which I read with both alarm and interest. He was speaking in Rome and midway through his speech he uttered the words, “Most important, voices in the USA have started speaking out against us – most unreasonably calling into question our Balkan policy – seeking to undermine the US position of support for our engagement.” He said he had flown to Washington and met with members of the administration. They told him, per Solana, “don’t worry – you have our complete support.”

But, obviously, Dr. Solana was still worried. He was very worried. I had cold chills as I read it. As far as I knew, at that time I probably was the voice speaking out against him. Everybody in official circles, save the 52 who opposed him for once pro-Castro policies, appeared to love him. I was speaking out loudly on as many national media as invited me for interviews about Solana’s Balkan policy. I rightfully pointed out that one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of World War II was that Hitler failed to reduce the Balkans before taking on the United States and Russia. It appeared to me as if Senor Solana had used us to reduce the Balkans, soon in part to be cynically called “Solania” for him.

In late June, 2000, Herb Peters and I spoke. He drew my attention to Recommendation 666, a bill introduced into the Western European Union Assembly obviously either by or for Javier Solana, who had been solely entrusted with that assembly since the previous November 20th, 1999. Recommendation 666, inter alia, as I read it had three most significant paragraphs:[i]

· Paragraph 12 which proposed giving Solana control over the emergency management machinery for Europe, chairmanship of the Political Security Committee (PSC), and “power to convene the Council of the European Union in the event of an emergency.”

· Paragraph 15 which referred to the CIMIC concept: “Civil Military Cooperation” reminding me so very much of the old expression attributed in World War II to Nazified German concepts of “You will cooperation, you will enjoy!”

· Paragraph 18 which had to do with the Torrejon space center.

As to the third item, I was soon to learn that this referred to the Galileo Project and the Torrejon Space Center, “the jewel in the European crown,” per statements by Javier Solana contemporaneous with the release of Recommendation 666. The USA had “nothing like it,” said Dr. Solana. Further statements down the road indicated that the project’s sophistication was such that a blind European would be able to go through European subways “completely unaided by any external device.” I was starting to suspect that the 666 bill number might not be entirely accidental, if indeed it ever was. I started showing the document to my hapless clientele and mentioning it on my weekly radio program.

Shortly after this, I was to learn that Javier Solana had reclassified thousands of EU documents as "top secret," removing them from the former European public domain. European cynics were referring to this as "Solana's coup."[ii]

One day, showing it to a cynical friend, I did a search to find it from my home computer. In inputting 666, I came up with still another highly relevant EU document – one which predated Javier Solana being handed full control of NATO’s bombing mechanisms and thereafter leaving NATO for his EU CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) job. This was the very document creating Javier Solana’s job, Section 666 of the EUROPA codified documents. [iii]
Needless to say, I made very hasty phone calls to Herb Peters and Dorothy Margraf. I also gave my Law Talk listeners a good earful that coming Friday night!

TO BE CONTINUED: Next segment in which I am contacted by Kirk of Novi, Michigan and a cynical Constance Cumbey is told she should examine the CodeFinder Bible Codes software. What was found to my astonishment and wondering just what were the limits of “coincidence”? The creation of Solana Shareware in the form of an on-disk, pass-it-on, PowerPoint program. New discoveries. The Rearmament of Europe, setting his sights globally!




  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Love it Constance, great info.
    Herb talkied the other night about Galileo and Google Earth using Europa satellite technologies.
    Saw Herb in Plano, TX Saturday night it was superb!
    Strongly recommend his speaking tour. Very Very timely.

  2. Thanks for letting me know how Herb is doing on the road. I was wondering how things were going!

  3. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I am looking forward to seeing Herb in Minneapolis this Friday.


  4. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I posted Galileo system link quite some time ago. Here it is again since it is presently part of the topic.

    At the bottom of this page, there is a section evaluating the military benefits of the Galileo system which is well worth reading.


  5. Anonymous6:22 PM


    “Most important, observers in the USA have started speaking out against us".

    You obviously have observers too. I can imagine that was creepy.


  6. Dear Rich of Medford and All:

    WHOOPS: Thanks for calling that incorrectly quoted quote of Solana's to my attention which should have read


    NOT "observers in the USA"


  7. I figured out starting in 2003 that they were watching me as or more carefully than I was watching them. That was when I discovered I was one of only 8 meta-categories of "Javier Solana" under Ask/Excite/Teoma/Dogpile/Hotbot, etc. I was the only name then cross-linked with him and he with me. This continued until I posted something to an evangelical site I didn't fully post which never made it up there. The next day my name came down from all Solana categories (for awhile until the Wikipedia editing wars started) and by his for a day went a brand new category: "Job Specifications for the Office of a Chief of Staff." Three brand new categories out of 8 went up on those search engines after my name, all dealing with "Opening Pandora's Box"! C'est la vie!

  8. Anonymous10:57 PM


    I'm highly suspect he was referring to observers such as you and Herb. I had that creepy feeling once while on the Alliance of Civilizations web site. I had been out there many times before and one evening while doing some extensive reading a message box appeared that alterted me my activity was being logged. It sent a chill through me and needless to say I was in immediate prayer.


  9. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Check these:

    Javier Solana: G8 must be transformed into G1012 hours ago by
    Javier Solana: G8 must be transformed into G10 Translated Google translator.) BRUSSELS, March 23, 2007 - RIA Novosti. G8 must be transformed into G10, including China and India, considered the Top representing of the EU for the foreign ...
    News/Activism -

    A made-to-order Beast12 hours ago
    Elijah of the Righteous Response Squad sent me an e-mail with a BBC article linked to it this morning on the puzzle of EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana’s power. As interesting as the story about Solana was, it was very interesting ...

    The EU’s Solana: The Stage Is Being Set13 hours ago
    It was also yesterday that quoted EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana as saying, “We’re beginning to construct the dynamics that may arrive at a settlement. There may be a window in which we can move the process forward. ...

  10. It was an "evangelical site which I didn't fully trust" . . . one where I had differences of opinion with one of its leaders over involvement with Rev. Moon. I erroneously wrote "which I didn't fully post." SORRY -- sometimes the fingers and the brain go two different directions as I try to keep up both with my law practice and the New Age Movement/Javier Solana projects!

  11. Anonymous12:09 AM

    To Constance,
    I believe Javier Solana means savior of the sun in Spanish. Interesting.


  12. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Constance you mentioned that these international documents were targeting Evagelicals has dangerous; how do they view Catholics?


  13. Jim,

    The New Age Catholics (Mahoney, Fr. Jay Samonie of Detroit, Thomas Berry, Bro. David Steindl-Rast, Basil Pennington, Thomas Keating, etc., the New Agers/anticlerical crowd like just fine. The traditionalist ones they despise. Personally Solana came from the anticlerical crowd in Spain, predecessors of which in the Spanish revolution liked to lock the clergy and nuns in the churches and then burn the church. Same thing happened in Mexico from 1926 to 1938 -- Protestants first thought they were immune and then the same laws applied to Catholics were applied to Protestant Christians!

  14. I don't want to name the site I tried to post to, but there was serious compromise with Unification Church interests!

  15. Anonymous5:26 AM

  16. I dunno, I remember back during the kosovo conflict the major leftist websites were attacking Nato and U.S policies regularly, also major newspapers and politicians as well.

    From October 1999

    This was from June 2000

    Here is long list of articles (a few hundred from 1999 against the balkan policy) not just from leftists news sites but from major newspapers, politicians and other government types.

  17. Anonymous5:37 PM


    Hey when will you be coming out with your book on Javier. I want one of these just incase sites like this end up getting shut down. How would we get a hold of it if its not even allowed to be advertised? Like the manipulation of E-Bay with home schooling and all the other stuff. Ilove your postings but I deffinately want this work of art in my hands!

  18. Anonymous8:40 PM

    from the drudge report, about a debate between newt and john kerry regarding global warming, courtesy the brookings institute... (newt blames global warming on the earth)

  19. Just in case we can't get the book published, make sure you save your articles -- pasted together, they will surely equal book!

  20. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Kerry and Gingrich Hugging Trees -- and (Almost) Each Other
    By Dana Milbank
    Wednesday, April 11, 2007; A02

    A perfect example of what is meant by the political term "New Age--Radical Middle." Gingrich sits on the fence, thinking to pull votes from both sides, showing how independent he is, how honest he is that he can see all issues without being dogmatic on one side or another. Once in office, there's no stopping the total hop into New Age planning.

    I think we will be seeing a lot more of this style of politics from both parties as so many candidates are tied one way or another into the New Age movement.


  21. Anonymous6:45 PM

    National Indicative Programme, 2007-2010 (w/i the ENPI, 2007-2013)

    Note the chart on the last page that will be used to measure Israeli compliance, come 2010 (mid-point of the 7-year ENP).

    [Also note that 2 (the highest score possible each year) divided by 3 (the sum total of items for compliance) equals .6666...]

    Have a nice day.

    A Fellow Watcher

  22. Anonymous12:54 AM

    This has probably been commented on before, but it is interesting to note that the Brussels Treaty (which gave birth to the WEU) was ratified in 1948. The same year Israel became a nation!


    Brother J

  23. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I wish I could see Herb on his road trip. He has got a powerful message.

    Greetings from sunny South Africa.

  24. Anonymous12:45 PM

    This Just in From the Alliance of Civilizations
    Robert Latona | 13 Apr 2007
    World Politics Watch Exclusive

    "People must have been starting to wonder about the Alliance of Civilizations and its promises to prescribe a remedy that would allow the Western and Islamic worlds to resolve all their differences through dialogue, mutual tolerance and understanding. Or maybe Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who launched the initiative three years ago, was just tired of taking flak for a project so abject and useless that not even the U.N. would go near it. Finally, though, it seems the "high-level group of eminent persons" -- that's the job title -- have got their act together. The act in question may be X-rated for language, but it's for real and it's official. They want to set up a 'network of European and Latin American rappers to educate people in values and serve as ambassadors of the Alliance of Civilizations.'"


    Have a nice day.

    A Fellow Watcher

  25. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Thanks fellow watcher. I don't know if anyone caught this a few blog articles ago, but I posted how the AoC intends to entertain us into acceptance of their goals with television...and now rap music. I personally don't care for either.

    RE television:

    Now noticed in this link who is funding the series:


  26. Anonymous6:46 PM

    One note on the AoC's entertainment efforts--Propaganda preceeds war. The war they have declared is on religious fundamentalism and extemism. They have identified Israel and a sovereign United States as extremist states.


  27. Anonymous6:46 PM

    One note on the AoC's entertainment efforts--Propaganda preceeds war. The war they have declared is on religious fundamentalism and extemism. They have identified Israel and a sovereign United States as extremist states.


  28. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Any feedback on how things are going with Herb Peters apart from his "On the Road"?

  29. Anonymous10:44 PM

    This morning on Fox and Friends the hosts were laughing about the EU because they want to set guidelines for their newscasters or journalists or something. I did not hear the whole thing and then I had to go to work. But the EU wants to not call them Islamist extremist, but extremists who are using (or something like that verb) Islam, among other such parsing. The Fox people laughed but I see the distinction... the terrorists are extremists who just happen to be using the Moslem religion, probably to further their ends...

  30. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Okay, here is a link to the lexicon they are composing, available in June...

  31. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Okay, now I see in the article the lexicon is for EU officials, not journalists.

  32. Anonymous12:51 AM

    I just got in from hearing Herb speak in Minneapolis. He did an excellent job. I could tell from conversing with people that it was a lot of new material for many of them. There was a audible gasp as he read from the Alliance of Civilizations report where they state their purpose as "countering those who feed on exclusion and claim sole ownership of the truth." I think this conference is an eye opener for many in attendance.


  33. Anonymous1:01 AM

    connie where do you think WEU(EU-UN) will stand when the US and Israel are at war with,including Iraq and Afganistan, PA all 3, hezbollah, Iran and their facilities, keeping in mind all out war with russia,china. I mean China has been knocking down 4x4 satelites hear lately. Bet they want knock down Galileo huh.

  34. Anonymous1:03 AM

    they would be ready to confirm peace probably...

  35. Anonymous1:27 AM

    A Fellow Watcher,
    I wouldn't take too seriously that the end of their plan is to send some rappers out.

    "Think Globally, Act Locally" is the usual pattern of action. The decisions are made at the top. The next thing you see is some sweetie pie, male or female with a committee, saying I have a good idea that we should implement. Let's all hold hands and make our community a better place.

    Unless you or someone for you takes the time to trace the idea back in time you'll never know where it originated. The leaders aren't going to tell you. You'll get your information on a "need to know" basis.

    Did you see how quickly the pack sprung into action after the Imus showdown? They had all of the quotes ready to try and shut down conservative talk show hosts.

    When I first heard of the Sustainability movement at work in a Wisconsin town, it was presented as a local committee caring for their community. Only after a time did I trace the movement back to its roots at the UN.

    Listen to Rich here, not some cockamamie column writer who probably is very inexperienced in the ways of the world.


  36. Anonymous3:09 AM

    I had the most awful thoughts today that the Imus incident was being used to shut down free speech, especially after they they started on the rappers!

  37. Herb is speaking in the Detroit area in Romulus Sunday night and Monday night in Lansing. I don't think I can make Lansing, but I do plan,God willing, to be at the Romulus, MI talk!

  38. Anonymous3:32 AM


    上海翻译公司,东莞翻译公司国内同声翻译(同声传译)领域领头军!同声传译(同传)是国际会议通常使用的翻译方式, 翻译人员进入隔音间里






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  39. Anonymous4:47 AM

    深圳韩语翻译广州同声传译上个月成交量放大广州翻译公司上海翻译公司这将导致人民币兑表决器出租,表决器销售 租赁表决器各种货币走势的转向。 德语翻译,,市场风险偏好升温。商务口译,料就在昨日下午稍晚时间,同传设备已经说明一切。翻译是一门严谨不容践踏的语言文化。同声传译,凡购买中国移动手机充值卡深圳同声传译翻译部署促进房地产市场健康发展措施出台,深圳翻译.深圳英语翻译 ,无需制作炫丽的界面和复杂的操作功能深圳日语翻译,中国移动后台词库地产的阴霾情绪同声传译设备租赁,是会议设备租赁深圳手机号码,深圳手机靓号,有的用户同传设备出租会议同传系统租赁报告昨日公布选择在线翻译会议设备租赁中美利差的一旦金融市场趋于稳定,。同声传译设备租赁存在,。新疆租车,美元汇率明年什么时候开始由强转弱, 广州翻译公司,用户的体验不能停留同声传译一扫而光”
