
Monday, April 30, 2007

The Javier Solana Story, Part IX



(1886 - 1978)

As I pen these final words towards the close of April 30th, 2007, I am viewing CSPAN footage on the European Union – USA Summit held in Washington, D.C. Jose Manuel Barroso, the EU Commission President and Angela Merkel are getting the up front TV coverage. This is not surprising as Javier Solana has, to my observation, kept a deliberate low profile in the USA. But he has been busy this side of the Atlantic. In the Year 2000, the “Solana coup” saw Javier Solana classify thousands of EU documents that had formerly been “transparent.” Today, it appears there was another Solana coup, this one dealing with EU/USA 'classified documents. The release from our State Department may be read by clicking here, that is if it itself has not disappeared by becoming “classified.” As always, promptly archive your information by saving to disk and hard copy. The lovely little game they play of “now you see us, now you don't seems to be intensifying!

Despite statements by Javier Solana that "I never planned my life," it appears that Javier Solana's life was planned -- if not by himself (improbable), by others. Obviously, Javier Solana was long and carefully groomed for his current positions. His chief inspiration appears to be his maternal grandfather, Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo. Hereafter, I will refer to him as “Madariaga.” To understand family inclinations, one must understand Solana's grandparents. His grandfather among his other prodigious writing, busied himself with all types of groups, right, left and center. He bragged that he could not be classified.i

Before beginning this portion of this series which will deal with the significant influences of Salvador de Madariaga on the life and work of his mentored grandson, I must confess that I enjoy reading Madariaga. He is very readable in the English and I suspect even more so in his native Spanish. I'm certain he would have been very entertaining as a guest at a dinner party. That he possessed as the French express it, savoir faire and the English, “great erudition,” is not at issue.

That de Madariaga was tempted and succumbed to the lures of occultism and its circles appears equally certain. That he supported world government and hated the USA for blocking same is a certainty. That he worked the left and right with near equal dexterity is most apparent. Regarding Spain's Civil War factions, Madariaga liked to describe himself as “equally distant from both sides.”

Madariaga was once amused to see his name on a list of Catholics teaching at England's Oxford University. He wrote sarcastically that he was so very happy that they could determine what he had never been able to determine for himself.

Indeed, it is difficult to determine where Madariaga sorted out on almost any issue. He was an apparent complex man of many seeming contradictions that make sense only if one understands, using New Age vernacular, a “third way” mentality. Madariaga denied being Jewish, but his writings express some sympathy for Europe's Jewish population and contempt for Nazi persecutors. He was accused of being Catholic, but his unwillingness to allow either of his two daughters, Nieves (Solana's mother) and Isabella to be baptized belies that theory.

He was supposedly opposed to violence; however, his spirited defense of the Mexican government's persecution of first its Catholics and eventually all professing Christianity belies that sympathy. He opposed national sovereignties and Communism with apparent equal vigor.

One thing is most certain. Salvador de Madariaga was an open proponent of a new world religion. It appears that Solana's interest in an Alliance of Civilizations may have had his seeds in his grandfather's instruction. Madariaga wrote in Morning without Noon that:

“Furthermore, I felt the need for some sort of a faith, a common faith that would hold together the world commonwealth. In the World Council of Religions there were some minds who then solicited my cooperation, guessing some sort of affinity; but in my view the several religious confessions, or as the English so wisely call them, denominations, seemed to me the equivalent of nations in the field of belief, so that they develop their own frontiers, definition and nationalism, even when they are not actually and openly nationalistic as is the case with some forms of Hinduism or Anglicanism.

“The religious slant in the search for an organic solution to the problem of peace seemed to me irrelevant. What was needed was a permanent state of consensus or at least of debate on what is going on in the minds of men, with a stress on synthesis. We needed a two-fold endeavour towards synthesis: one aiming at unity in the fundamental ideas on science, knowledge and the mutual illumination to be obtained from the confrontation of several disciplines and specialisations of our search fortruth; and another aiming at a unity or at least a harmony between the essential attitudes of so many peoples on earth . . .”[ii]

Similar to what would be the organization of “twenty eminent personalities” in 2006, 70 years earlier in 1936, Salvador de Madariaga organized a group of 19 such individuals in his “League Institute of Intellectual Co-operation.” He wanted this group to meet every five years and help set the norms for humanity.


Next segment will continue more on Salvador de Madariaga along with strong evidence that Lucis Trust and the Theosophists were even then playing a strong role in shaping Madariaga's agenda – one that would clearly be transmitted to his grandson who now heads the foundation bearing Madariaga's name, Javier Solana de Madariaga.

iSalvador de Madariaga, MORNING WITHOUT NOON Memoirs, copyright 1973 by Salvador de Madariaga. It is possible that copies are still available from and other on line book vendors.
ii. Ibid, page 411

Sunday, April 22, 2007



Exploring Family Connections

Javier Solana displayed little about himself. He published a scanty biographical story, but what it omitted was as fascinating as what it included. He stressed that he was a “deMadariaga.” Early news stories about him reported that he was the grandson of a famous Spanish writer and diplomat. Some USA reports said he was the nephew. At least in the public press, he contradicted neither account. Congressional reports said his wife was the buyer for a Spanish department store. Several years later, in 2005, I was to read in the EuropeanVoice archived stories from the year 1995 that Javier Solana and his wife had “called it quits” early in 1995.

I was able to learn precious little, but as I would acquire pieces of information, I would archive and cross-reference them in an attempt to gain a fuller picture about this fascinating personality who seemed to be handed gargantuan amounts of power, but was practically unknown to at least the American public at large.

After beta-testing MicroSoft Office, 2003, I discovered the newer capabilities of PowerPoint to burn presentations to CD Rom – sound, film clips, and all. I decided this would be a good way to educate people and at the same time acquire a base of further observers. Herb Peters also had his website, “,” up and running.

I soon heard from European correspondents, including Spanish ones. One sent me a picture of Javier Solana's mother together with her name, Nieves Mathews. I googled the name and found that she was a highly intelligent woman who had died according to an Italian account, in 2003. She had been employed by the Food and Agricultural Organization in Rome for 20 years. Her more esoteric and scholarly pursuits included researching “the invisible college,” Immanuel Velikovsky and Sir Francis Bacon.

She had actively communicated with New Agers whose work I had been tracking since 1981, including but not limited to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and Fritjof Capra. She was the older of the two daughters of Salvador de Madariaga and his Scottish born wife, economic historian Constance Archibald. Nieves was born in Glasgow, Scotland on December 3, 1917. My overall impression of her was that she was something of a free spirit. Her Italian language obituary included facts that she was the mother of two sons (Luis Solana and his younger brother, Javier) and had exiled in Great Britain during the World War II years.1 Luis Solana was born in 1937 and younger brother Javier in Madrid on July 14, 1942. To rule out that Solana's mother was not another, I read translated Spanish accounts. The word used in Spanish biographical statements about Solana's relationship to the famous Spanish writer, Salvador de Madariaga was “nieto.” The word “nieto,” clearly meant “grandson.” The Spanish accounts I found never used the word “sobrino,” which is Spanish for “nephew.”

I found Nieves' book on the life of Sir Francis Bacon and his alleged unfair historical character assassination. I ordered one from and therein I made my “Osho”/Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh discovery. She said that her “teacher Osho” had blessed her book on the life of Sir Francis Bacon. He had died sometime before the book's release by Yale University Press in 1996. Checking out my other Yale University holdings, I further discovered that Alice Bailey and Olga Froebe Kapteyn had earnestly and unsuccessfully tried to obtain his services as a speaker at their School for Spiritual Research at Ascona, Switzerland. Just about this time, I discovered in no small part thanks to Dorothy Margraf's persistence that I look more at the Mont Pelerin Society, that Salvador de Madariaga had bridged the evidently conservative right as well as the left, something his grandson would do years later in bridging from his past Marxist affiliations to being the new head of NATO.

Just about that time, exploring Javier Solana's Club of Rome connections, I found Salvador de Madariaga in my own second book, A PLANNED DECEPTION (1986). It was in the appendices, and was a list of endorsers of Donald Keys, Planetary Citizens. Keys was a former administrator of Lucis Trust and he clearly was a devoted subscriber to “the Christ is now here” movement.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Javier Solana Story, Continued, Part VII

The Javier Solana Story, Continued, Part VII



"[PPT] Javier Solana - 6 visits - Mar 31 File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML Javier Solana. Was he written in the New Testament as a form of “Bible Code”? Check this! Revelation 13 – Grid No. 1. Matthew 24. Mark 13! . . . - Similar pages - Note this" [Google link]
It was, as I best recall, sometime in 2002. I was contacted via email by a young researcher whose name I now recall only as Kirk. I wish I knew his last name and I wish I knew how to now reach him. He told me he had Bible Code software. I wrote him back and admonished him that I placed no stock in that whatsoever. I had spoken out sternly against the Bible Codes on my radio programs on many occasions. I frankly think that the vast majority of what I see on them is nothing less than pure speculative silliness. Searches upwards of 5,000 skips are likely to yield just about anything.

Kirk then called my listed phone. He said he had purchased an Australian program called “Codefinder.” He said he had the program in preference to other programs because it contained New Testament Greek texts as well as the usual Hebrew ones. I again expressed strong reservations. Kirk said insistently, you have to see this. He said he would come to my office and show me. I asked just what he thought he could show me. He said he had frankly purchased the program hoping it would give him a clue or two as to the anti-christ’s identity. He said he had installed the program on his computer and ran all the usual suspects through and “came up with nothing meaningful on anyone.”

He said he heard me discuss Javier Solana on my then regular Detroit Friday night program, “Law Talk”, including his Barcelona Process. He said he, on a whim, decided to run Javier Solana’s name through his program. To his astonishment, said Kirk, “it came up on everything.” He said he would come to my office and show me and I said “ok.”

Kirk came and installed the program on my computer. I viewed the results with astonishment and to make myself legal – being an author myself and sensitive to intellectual property rights – ordered via internet a copy from its Australian distributor.

To make a long story very short, using a grid skip not to exceed 1000, Javier Solana’s name came up on every Greek New Testament prophecy ascribed to the prophesied antichrist. It came up 22 times in the Book of Revelation alone. “Here is wisdom, let him who hath understanding calculate the number of the beast . . .” saw Javier Solana’s name cross the interlinear configuration as well as a smaller grid straight line one.

I am thinking now of the EU’s GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) program and wondering about the strange coincidence that his name straight lined in the same small configuration “he causeth all, great and small . . .”

Every letter in the Greek spelled “Solana” ran through separate lines of the 2nd Thessalonians, Chapter 2 prophecies on the “Man of Perdition.” Again, no rational explanation occurred to me for this astounding, perhaps coincidental find.

It was the three gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke, that truly “blew me away.” Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 all featured Javier Solana’s names running through the prophecies on the abomination of desolation. I looked with astonishment, seeing Javier Solana’s name run through the Matthew 24 passage – TWICE – on “Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives and his disciples came to him privately saying ‘tell us, what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world.” Directly intersecting it was a vertical straight line configuration of S-O-L-ANA, with his first name very close at hand.

Had it not been for other factors I had by now been tracking starting on November 22, 1995, I might have thought little of it. But combining this “coincidence” that some think God placed for a skeptical generation who accepted evolution but derided scripture, I felt that even given my own reluctance to promote the Bible Codes in any fashion, this could not be ignored. Javier Solana was battling religious fundamentalism, globally. He was now the “one voice” Henry Kissinger had desired to call for Europe. His job had been created with Section 666 of the Europa codified documents. He had proposed and obtained expanded proposed European powers with Recommendation 666. He was moving rapidly with “global governance” initiatives. Maybe it was all a big coincidence and Javier Solana was unlucky enough to land on all prophetic squares at once.

I felt as though I had little choice but to present it for what it was worth. As I told my audiences, “it might not be worth anything,” but I feel you are entitled to this information. As Kirk showed me, it came up also on all the significant Daniel prophecies and much more. The Greek was what I was comfortable and that is what I show here.


Monday, April 09, 2007

Continuing Javier Solana Story, Part VI

Continuing Javier Solana Story, Part VI:

I continued my daily internet surveillance of Javier Solana. What differed now was that I had another observer to talk with – Herb Peters. I also shared information with another astute researcher, Chicagoland resident, Dorothy Margraf. We would inform each other about significant things, or lack thereof. In mid 2000, Javier Solana gave a speech in Rome which I read with both alarm and interest. He was speaking in Rome and midway through his speech he uttered the words, “Most important, voices in the USA have started speaking out against us – most unreasonably calling into question our Balkan policy – seeking to undermine the US position of support for our engagement.” He said he had flown to Washington and met with members of the administration. They told him, per Solana, “don’t worry – you have our complete support.”

But, obviously, Dr. Solana was still worried. He was very worried. I had cold chills as I read it. As far as I knew, at that time I probably was the voice speaking out against him. Everybody in official circles, save the 52 who opposed him for once pro-Castro policies, appeared to love him. I was speaking out loudly on as many national media as invited me for interviews about Solana’s Balkan policy. I rightfully pointed out that one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of World War II was that Hitler failed to reduce the Balkans before taking on the United States and Russia. It appeared to me as if Senor Solana had used us to reduce the Balkans, soon in part to be cynically called “Solania” for him.

In late June, 2000, Herb Peters and I spoke. He drew my attention to Recommendation 666, a bill introduced into the Western European Union Assembly obviously either by or for Javier Solana, who had been solely entrusted with that assembly since the previous November 20th, 1999. Recommendation 666, inter alia, as I read it had three most significant paragraphs:[i]

· Paragraph 12 which proposed giving Solana control over the emergency management machinery for Europe, chairmanship of the Political Security Committee (PSC), and “power to convene the Council of the European Union in the event of an emergency.”

· Paragraph 15 which referred to the CIMIC concept: “Civil Military Cooperation” reminding me so very much of the old expression attributed in World War II to Nazified German concepts of “You will cooperation, you will enjoy!”

· Paragraph 18 which had to do with the Torrejon space center.

As to the third item, I was soon to learn that this referred to the Galileo Project and the Torrejon Space Center, “the jewel in the European crown,” per statements by Javier Solana contemporaneous with the release of Recommendation 666. The USA had “nothing like it,” said Dr. Solana. Further statements down the road indicated that the project’s sophistication was such that a blind European would be able to go through European subways “completely unaided by any external device.” I was starting to suspect that the 666 bill number might not be entirely accidental, if indeed it ever was. I started showing the document to my hapless clientele and mentioning it on my weekly radio program.

Shortly after this, I was to learn that Javier Solana had reclassified thousands of EU documents as "top secret," removing them from the former European public domain. European cynics were referring to this as "Solana's coup."[ii]

One day, showing it to a cynical friend, I did a search to find it from my home computer. In inputting 666, I came up with still another highly relevant EU document – one which predated Javier Solana being handed full control of NATO’s bombing mechanisms and thereafter leaving NATO for his EU CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) job. This was the very document creating Javier Solana’s job, Section 666 of the EUROPA codified documents. [iii]
Needless to say, I made very hasty phone calls to Herb Peters and Dorothy Margraf. I also gave my Law Talk listeners a good earful that coming Friday night!

TO BE CONTINUED: Next segment in which I am contacted by Kirk of Novi, Michigan and a cynical Constance Cumbey is told she should examine the CodeFinder Bible Codes software. What was found to my astonishment and wondering just what were the limits of “coincidence”? The creation of Solana Shareware in the form of an on-disk, pass-it-on, PowerPoint program. New discoveries. The Rearmament of Europe, setting his sights globally!



Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Continuing Javier Solana Story, Part V


This is a continuation of my ongoing series on my discovery of Javier Solana and his growing powers. As I write this, I have made amazing discoveries of his relationship with the Strategic Foresight Group, a thinktank working extremely closely with the Alliance of Civilizations. Strategic Foresight Group has not been subtle about pinpointing what it calls 'religious extremism' as an enemy of civilization which needs elimination. It defines that “extremism,” inter alia, as both Evangelical and Protestant fundamentalist theologies. I am writing an article for on those developments. In the meantime, here is my continuing saga on Javier Solana. Those first few days in December 1995 gave Javier Solana relatively much press coverage most of which could be found on international news stories found on internet sources. Surprising, to me, was the relative dearth of American press stories. The Spanish press had much to say. Here is a sampling of items covered in that early press coverage:

  • Javier Solana was the grandson of a famous Spanish diplomat and writer (Salvador de Madariaga)

  • He lived “modestly” in a relatively small home in a Madrid suburb.

  • He “ate little and slept less.”

  • He ate “a monk's diet of fish and fruit.”

  • His favorite hobby was collecting guns and studying famous battles.

  • He was a former physics professor at Madrid's Complutense University.

  • He held a Ph.D. In physics from the University of Virginia.

  • He was a Fulbright scholar.

  • He had been on the USA's subversive list.

  • He was a former Marxist, officially same until September 29, 1979.

  • He held many positions in the Spanish government, starting with taking a parliament seat as the representative of a Spanish teacher's union in July, 1977.

  • He was mentored professionally by Nicolas Cabrera, the Spanish scientist formerly teaching at the University of Virginia. Cabrera was a major figure in Europe's collider project.

  • He had a doctorate in physics and an undergraduate degree in chemistry.

  • He was Spain's most highly visible opponent of NATO, known for haranguing crowds with the mantra, “we are radically opposed to Spain's entry into NATO!”

  • He had been the proud author of a pamphlet, "50 Reasons to Say No to Nato"

  • He was a member of the Spanish chapter of the Club of Rome.

It was December 1995. A story appearing in THE EUROPEAN newspaper the weekend of Solana's appointment to the NATO headship was headlined, “Solana Squares NATO's Circle.” I read this with interest. “Squaring the circle” is an occult expression of the concept of “reconciling opposites.”

We are now in 1999 and the NATO 50th birthday celebration is about to start in Washington, D.C. C-SPAN had announced they would give full coverage to all the NATO events, including the NATO meetings. It was to be the single largest gathering of heads of state ever to take place in Washington, D.C. I took Friday night off from my then regular radio program, Law Talk, and stayed home to closely watch and videotape the C-Span televised proceedings.
It was impressive. Heads of state were announced in using proper protocol of an attractive young woman making announcements of each chauffeured car's arrival. It was the only time I have witnessed Javier Solana with his wife, Conception. (According to the European Voice, the couple 'called it quits' in early 1995) She looked like a very nice person and the most seriously depressed woman I have ever seen. She was extremely thin and seldom smiled.

The next morning all NATO delegates filed into the Mellon auditorium. They smilingly met the two greeters at the door: William Jefferson Clinton and Javier Solana deMadariaga. The hall was dominated by an ominous looking huge NATO diamond enclosed swastika. Javier Solana and President Clinton took the podium. Javier Solana introduced President Clinton to the NATO delegates. President Clinton then took the podium and effusively praised Javier Solana for his “great world leadership.” He then returned the podium to Javier Solana. Solana promptly and brusquely ordered all media to leave. They dutifully trotted out.

It clearly took C-Span by surprise. They had announced they were giving full coverage. They had to content themselves with rerunning anti-NATO in the park rally reruns from the day before. When the NATO meeting closed, they were waiting outside and footage was caught of the delegates coming out of the Mellon hall.

In May, Solana gave orders that the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia could halt. There was speculation about Solana's reappointment to the NATO headship when his term would end at the end of 1999. He left that post a little early to take the post hailed by the European press as “Senor PESC” -- to be the “tsar” of European military and foreign policy as both Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and the “Office of the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.” He was knighted by the Queen of England and honored at the Pentagon as one of Spain's great men. He took his new European Union post in October 1999. Just a few short weeks later, it was announced that the ten permament member Western European Union was dissolving to fold its power into Solana's agency in the European Union – CFSP. For its last year in operation, it was announced, Javier Solana would be exclusively in charge. This happened on or about November 20, 1999 On November 20, 1995, Solana took part in a very exclusive party for 'global governance.' Held in Sir Harold Acton's former villa now owned by the New York University School of Law near Florence, Italy, it reportedly made Buckingham Palace and the White House look almost like 'shabby digs.' It featured priceless art work on the walls. Mr. & Mrs. Tony Blair, Gerhard Schroeder, the Clintons, and Javier Solana, inter alia, were in attendance. Presidential advisor Sidney Blumenthal was both coordinating and acting as Master of Ceremonies. Blind Italian tenor Andre Boticelli, was singing arias.
That event, if you care to follow up on it, is indexed and duly reported on page 666 of Blumenthal's book, THE CLINTON WARS. Another coincidence? I have long speculated that the real purpose of the party was perhaps to celebrate the handing of power by the ten WEU countries to Javier Solana. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

About that time I began to wonder if I wasn't perhaps crazy for seeing things nobody else appeared to be seeing. Was I connecting dots nobody else was connecting? I did a google search using the outrageous terms, “Javier Solana” “antichrist.” Up came an article by a religious writer for a California paper. His name was Herb Peters. It was entitled, “It is wise not to ignore Biblical prophecy.” It talked about the ten countries handing this power to Javier Solana. I printed it, read it many times, and finally screwed up my courage and decided to give him a call in late 1999. I called the newspaper publishing him which graciously gave me a phone number to a California insurance agency which was his day job. The rest is history.

TO BE CONTINUED: Next segment in which we learn of Recommendation 666 and then on further internet searching that his job was created with Section 666 of the codified Europa documents. How to get word out of these potentially signficant developments without sounding unduly alarmist and providing for the hoped for alternative that we could be wrong, but did not want to be guilty of silence if we were not.