
Monday, February 19, 2007

Israel National Radio - Tamar Yonah Show

I have been recovering from a bad cold and my secretary being on vacation – which gave my readers (and perhaps even Javier Solana) a break last week from my usual, as Carrie
Tomko expresses it, “still running off at the keyboard.” But I was given a rare opportunity to do my second radio interview with the unusually well informed Tamar Yonah of Israel National Radio. You can listen to the station live by just going to that web address. If you move quickly, you may also download Sunday, February 19th’s program which she and co-host, Malkah Fleisher, invited me to do. I was invited to talk about Javier Solana and the European Union.

If you want the download specifically, and Tamar told me it is ok to download and use it as long as Israel National Radio is given the credit, here is a site where it may be had. There is a veritable treasure load of relevant material on that website, so take the time to view and study. I certainly never expected to be given such an opportunity, to speak to a large community that stands to be impacted by the New Age Movement and European Union, but I was grateful for the opportunity.

Check it out by clicking here. They don’t keep the links up there indefinitely, so you will want to take advantage of the download. Herb Peters has it available at his site as well, When you get to, you will find this under the listing of programs for February 19th:

The Weekend Edition: The EU, World Domination, and Tamar
vs. CondiWhat would Tamar say to Condoleeza Rice? Plus: Is the EU trying
to take over the world? Constance Cumbey speaks about the EU's attempts to take
control of "the neighborhood".

Thanks for reading. Thanks for listening, and I would appreciate your comments and feedback!


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    listened. I thought it was a great interview. My only question is, what will happen next? I guess Israel needs to agree to be a part of the EU? Or has that already been done with the 7 year agreement that started at the beginning of this year?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The 7 year agreement was a European Neighborhood Policy Agreement. It does not, as I presently understand it, make Israel PART of the EU. I don't know if such a thing would ever happen. I do know it was talked about by Israel officials, per Tamar Yonah, such as Lieberman, et al

  4. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Satan tried to tempt Jesus with the "things of the WORLD:" 'the lusts of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life...' The Devil could find nothing in Christ to appeal to; the Devil will appeal to the same in humanity; Christ Jesus has given us His Word and Spirit as tools, but the world, the carnal mind must reject these things and oppose them, even though they are the very basis of our freedoms. Reasoning demands we loose our freedom in the face of the renewed Babel. Thank God for the watchman. Thanks for blowing the trumpet that we might warn warn fellow citizens who Love their country but have failed to recognize their savior.
    Yours in Christ,

  5. Anonymous3:24 AM


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