
Friday, January 19, 2007

Very, Very Brief -- Upgrade to Adobe Acrobat 8.0 with caution

Just a note to let all know I'm still alive. Lots of things happening and I'm sure Herb Peters and Carrie Tomko are more current than yours truly. Also, Sarah Leslie (Herescope) and so many others. BUT, I attempted to upgrade my Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0 to Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 recently. I had to take the opened software back to my Staples dealer today and they reluctantly accepted the return. Installing the program on one of my office computers was a nightmare which consumed much valuable time this week. It corrupted the windows installer program. It would not finish the install and corrupted the old program as well. I finally went to manual erasure of the old programs, as the automatic installation which could not/would not complete on the 8.0 corrupted the removal process as well. Once I hacked down enough to try the installation again, I got as far as inputting the serial number. I then received a message playing back the installation serial number EXACTLY with a message that this was an invalid serial number. In many ways, the upgraded program acted like a virus. I rely HEAVILY in my profession on a well functioning Adobe Acrobat program. I noticed from Adobe's website that I am obviously not the only one having problems. What they intend to do about it I don't know. I wish software manufacturers would wait till all bugs were out before upgrading.

I have long wanted to write an Erma Bombeck style computer first aid book entitled, EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT MY COMPUTER, I LEARNED IN A CRISIS. Yes, your suggestions/comments are appreciated. Hope Adobe gets the 8.0 Acrobat Professional upgrade straightened out -- SOON!


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Modestly putting myself into the picture, I've added much new information into the comments section which I hope others have read.

    But more than that, I would suggest that others read eureferendum linked on the first page on a daily basis. Watching over there one can see the problems caused by civilian acceptance of the changes brought about by laws coming out of the European Union.

    We here in the US are on our way to acceptance of these kind of changes through the North American Union.

    New Age is one world government as well as one world religion.
    Read this as it shows how Christians as wll as Jews find themselves in a self-defeating mode in a world out to destroy their beliefs.

  2. Anonymous4:11 PM

    There are very small margins in for manufactures, and those will get turned over to on to you but if you know where to find
    used laptops at good prices and resell them you can make some decent money working from home. This site may give you an idea about [url=]

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    An an age of
    of high bandwidth for internet users, why do website builders still concern themselves with keeping webpages they build under 120K?

  4. Anonymous8:17 AM

    E.U. battle groups are ready for deployment as of Jan. 1 this year.

    "Europe can assume very important peacekeeping and peacemaking functions in this world," German defence minister Franz Josef Jung said, while standing next to Mr Solana. "Europe is a great peace project and we will continue to make our contribution [to global stability]."

    This article is quite revealing about what everyone thought the direction of these groups were going to be. It has a lot of info. It all revolves around Solana.
    It is worth the reading.

    Read it before it disapears!

  5. Child of God,

    I agree that the article is a good read. It does show how events are truly moving along. Why does Solana make me think of the emperor from Star Wars? I guess the so-called "peace project" that is Europe needs a strong military. I have a very uneasy feeling about all of this.

  6. Anonymous6:39 PM

    David...I do see a parallel between him and the Emperor (who would be Darth Vader then... Condi?)... and what's amazing is you almost said the line used (at some point)in all the Star Wars movies: "I have a bad feeling about this."

  7. Anonymous7:21 PM

    David... look at this pic:

  8. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Jason - That picture leaves one wondering. What do you perceive was being talked about when that photo was shot?

  9. Anonymous said...

    Jason - That picture leaves one wondering. What do you perceive was being talked about when that photo was shot?

    11:14 PM

    Maybe he said... "You will turn to the dark side"

  10. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Any picture of C. Rice or Bush with Solana makes me cry out for mercy on this country. You know that whenever they meet it is about giving away God's land. Whether the picture is recent or not doesn't seem to change the agenda. "lets divide Israel for a spoil"(aka-political gain for Rice).

  11. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I've been able to pull some defective memory from my crashed system and go on the internet very S L O W L Y.

    Constance, re "EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT MY COMPUTER, I LEARNED IN A CRISIS". I guess that in this case it is true that crisis=opportunity. That applies to me also, I ordered a new better computer because of my computer woes. Perhaps it's the Lords way of telling me I'm going to need that extra power (wireless) in the upcoming days.


  12. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I caught something very interesting on Fox News Channel's Bulls & Bears broadcast Saturday morning. Below are the moderator's questions and one panel participant's answer.

    Question: "The deficit has been an issue for how long, is Wall Street really watching it?"

    Follow-up Question: "We are going to see again and again in the headlines what the democrats want, not anymore what the republicans want?"

    Answer by Peter Schiff: "What they want is some pretty scary stuff and we've got to be very careful about the message that we send to our foreign creditors. Now you talk about the deficit, the big difference now is it's being financed by foreign central banks. You know we're on our last leg here and once they stop buying our bonds, you know, who else is going to buy them?"


  13. Rich,

    It's funny. I'm currently watching the Saints & Bears, also on Fox. I have to root for the Bears since our Detroit Lions...well, it's not even worth mentioning.

  14. Anonymous6:51 PM


    That's how I learned about computers. And I didn't start until I was a Jr in College. Now they've dubbed me the "whiz kid" at work. Go figure.

    I'm not running faster than the bear....just faster than the other guys at work. (I that smart...just got them beat)

    Best to always back everything up...then when it crashes...start with a clean install. That usually works for me.

    PS - Still looking forward to lunch sometime.

  15. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Hello, great site, I found a lot of useful information here, thanks a lot for Your work!
    With the best regards!

  16. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Personally, I think Acrobat 8.0 is a SOLANA PLANT!

  17. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Nice to see this site for the first time. You all could try to use flash animation. In the past to be bad search engine optimization, but now the
    [] search engines[/url] can analyze it and javascript.

  18. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Nice to see this site for the first time. You all might try to use flash animation. It used to be bad search engine optimization, but now the
    [url=] search engines[/url] can read it and javascript.

  19. Anonymous1:41 AM

    good job on the site-- you've even succeeded in entertaining a 90 year old woman. I was demonstrating to [url=]my mother [/url]how to browse the web, and she's getting quite a laugh out of seeing things like guestbooks online after only having signed them in the physical world.
    She's going to be relocating to a [][URL=] retirement center [/url] in a month, so the web is not quite "of her generation".

  20. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Nice job on the site-- you've even succeeded in entertaining a 90 year old woman. I was showing [url=]my mother [/url]how to cruise the web, and she's getting quite a kick out of seeing things like guestbooks online after only having signed them in the physical world.
    She's going to be relocating to a [url=] retirement center [/url] soon, so the web is not quite "of her generation".

  21. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Nice job on the site-- you've even succeeded in entertaining a 82 year old woman. I was showing [url=]my mother [/url]how to browse the web, and she's getting quite a kick out of seeing things like guestbooks on the web after only having signed them in the real world.
    She's going to be moving to a [][URL=] retirement center [/url] in a month, so the Net is not quite "of her generation".

  22. Anonymous1:54 AM

    good job on the site-- you've even managed to entertaining a 84 year old woman. I was demonstrating to [url=]my mother [/url]how to browse the web, and she's getting quite a kick out of seeing things like guestbooks online after only having signed them in the real world.
    She's going to be moving to a [url=] retirement center [/url] in a month, so the Net is not quite "of her generation".

  23. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Is it me or is China the REAL superpower these days. I mean George Bush has got the us
    so occupied by war, that Americans are distracted from the world picture.
    I know China deserves to sit on top of things given their bad luck.
    But what with supporting iraq and behavior like that mentioned in this
    article [url=http://www.CHINAS-INSURANCE.COM ] they are able to call the shots [/url]
    more than any other country.

  24. Connie,

    I am from the detroit Area and do computer work, drop me a line if you need any help.
