
Friday, January 05, 2007

Solana and Rice Mideast Peace Push

Javier Solana and Condoleezza Rice to
Visit Middle East To seek “Peace”

According to several news sources newly appearing on this evening, Condoleezza Rice and Javier Solana will make sequential visits to the Middle East “to seek peace.” From the Xinhua China article featured first in Google’s lineup, it appears that Condoleezza Rice will make her visit first and then Javier Solana will make his. Javier Solana is in the United States for several days. He is presently in Washington, D.C. and per his statements on BBC News this evening, he plans to meet with BanKi Moon, the new United Nations Secretary General next Tuesday. Javier Solana flew, per his “agenda” to the United States on Wednesday, January 3, 2006.

Solana’s website shows a interesting itinerary for this USA trip.
January 4, 2006
Visit to United StatesWashington DC
12:00Working lunch hosted by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
13:30Meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice followed by Press conference

January 5, 2007
Visit to United StatesWashington DC
12:30Working lunch with CSIS, Center for Strategic and International Studies
14:15Meeting with Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte
15:30Meeting with NSA Stephen Hadley
16:30Meeting with Brookings Institute's representatives
Monday, January 8, 2007
Visit to United StatesNew York City
16:00Meeting with Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin
18:30Dinner debate with Council on Foreign Relations
20:30Meeting with President of Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haas
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Visit to United StatesNew York City
10:30Meeting with Chinese Ambassador Guangya Wang (However, tonight while being interviewed live on BBC television, he said that on Tuesday, he would be meeting with UN head, BanKi Moon.

I wonder what he will be doing on Saturday and Sunday? I suspect he will not be attending church or synagogue anywhere. Maybe he will pleasantly surprise us all by so doing. However, I suspect many of us, myself included, would still be skeptical. I wonder if the weekend might be spent with old Washington friends, just relaxing in his hotel room, or worse still, at Camp David. As Herb Peters puts it, “stay tuned.”


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I've been looking for additional information on the restructuring of the UN's Military Staff Committee which is in charge of peacekeeping efforts. If anyone happens to see info on such, please post. It is difficult to find this info at present.


  2. Rich have you done this already?


  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Constance I like your article. But I think you mispelled the word peace. With what their adgenda is, it should be spelled 'piece'. Ripping one piece at a time from God's land(Ezekial 36:5). Round 2 for a horrible hurricane summer or whatever else? Look at what happened when the deals were being made on the Gaza strip. But we have a specific warning on Jerusalem. Zechariah 12:3. What is it going to take for us to get out of the land for 'piece' process. Our desruction? I'm sure the muslim nation would like to do that. If we unprotect the nation of Israel, God might just unprotect us. With queen Nancy Pelosi in charge now.... I better stop there.

  4. Reminds me of the 60s and 70s when people would quip, "PEACE: YOU SPELL IT YOUR WAY AND I'LL SPELL IT MINE!"

  5. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Over at a previous commentary, what is the alliance of civilizations (83 comments), there is a contest toward the end going on as to who can write the longest mind-boggling comment. On one side we have the mellowed and considerate Child of God and on the other side is Brandon Stone. And here I thought the heated argument going on between Michael Medved and James Corsi about whether there is a planned North American Union in the works was the wildest I've seen in a while. Is there something in the air or is it just January weather getting to some people?


    PS the Solana calendar is of much more interest, but it's not getting anyone worked up.

  6. did everyone see this article?
    I just get a shiver when I read this "It's giving up a little privacy for efficiency. I'm all for it."

    and then "Another obstacle, Farr said, is the current requirement of a background check and biometric card. For the mass traveling public to accept the process, the machines will need to be able to read driver's licenses, which differ from state to state. For the system to work, a traveler's card needs to work at every machine at every airport."

  7. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Thank you very much Dawn, I've never used this site before. It looks like it will be a nice tool.


  8. Anonymous10:21 PM


    I sent you an email copy of a letter I sent to Tamar Yonah.


  9. sorry long URL

    Here you go

  10. Rich I also did an alert

    I got this result this morning:

    NEW YORK, 30 December (UN Headquarters) -- In accordance with the principle of alphabetical rotation, the following are the President of the United Nations Security Council and the Chairman of the Military Staff Committee for January:

    Security Council

    Augustine P. Mahiga, Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania, succeeds Emyr Jones Parry, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom, as President of the Security Council.

    Military Staff Committee

    Lieutenant General Nikolay M. Uvarov (Russian Federation) succeeds Major General Pascal Vinchon (France) as Chairman of the Military Staff Committee.

  11. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Constance has additional factual information posted in the comments section at the Rich from Medford commentary. It has to do with the political attack on religion by the Theosophists in the early 1900s. Don't miss it.

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Just for the record I kept receiving a 403 error - access denied when I tried to reach this blog for the last 1-1/2 hrs. I accessed it on Tuesday, 1:22 pm.

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM

    By now everyone has probably read the story coming out of England that says Israel has secret plans to bomb Iran.

    Go over to and read the commentary titled It's a Crock! One of the concluding paragraphs reads:
    "Nevertheless, if an Israeli strike was likely then, as Mahnaimi then asserted, it is now - over a year later - highly unlikely, whether nuclear or otherwise. In the first instance, this is because it is evident that there is no immediate threat and, secondly, because the window of opportunity for a quick, pre-emptive strike is now closing, if not actually closed."

    Herb has a link to this story:
    Ban, Solana agree the Middle East issue has to be resolved "rapidly"

    Is it a possibility that this story was leaked and picked up all over to give major importance to any peace deal that might be made in the Israel-Muslim conflict?

  14. Anonymous6:19 PM

    It could have been a system thing, but I had no trouble getting to her or the eureferendum blogspot at any time today.

  15. Anonymous3:22 AM


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