
Monday, October 09, 2006

George Bush's world tour with Rev. Moon and Pat Boone

The gang's all there. 1996: Rev. Moon throws gala event in Washington celebrating the fact he's stopped calling the Moonies the "Unification Church" and will henceforth be known as the lord of the "Family Federation For World Peace and Unification." You won't believe what Republicans show up.


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    A friend sent me this note:

    "Did you see Solana on FOXNEWS this evening?
    John Gibson was talking about the NoKo bomb and there was a clip of the NoKo nutcake lifting toasts in the company of a bunch of caucasian males at what appeared to be a banquet table. Grinning Solana was standing to his immediate right.
    A long, cold night draws nigh!"


  2. Anonymous7:38 PM

    While I don't agree with the so-called Rev. Moon, or anything associated with his posse, as it were, and certainly would not have attended his LITERAL coronation ceremony at the US Capitol, as many of our elected officials did, I don't see the objection to appointing this woman to the post described above. It is far from the only religion that is deceived about the identity of the Messiah. For example, I have a Jewish Study Bible (Stonne Edition Tanakh). The footnote for Daniel 11:14 identies the miscreant in questions as, "Possibly the Nazarene and his (sic) disciples...," and goes on to state things about the Lord that might cause the hypertension in may readers here. (I will put the full quote in later.) The Bible says: Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. Would anyone here suggest that disqualifies Jewish folks from public service? I'm not an attorney, so am not an expert about the law (and know even less about the UN), but was under the impression that religious tests were forbidden in our country and am more than willing and, in fact, am happy to be corrected on that if I'm wrong.

  3. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Footnote to Daniel 11:14 in The Stone Edition Tanakh:

    Rashi & Rambam take this as an illusion to the Nazarene and his (sic) disciples. "For is there a greater stumbling block than this? All the prophets foretold that the Messiah would redeem the Jews, help them, gather in the exiles and support their observance of the commandments. But he (sic) caused Jewry to be put to the sword, to be scattered and to be degraded; he (sic) tampered with the Torah and its laws; and mislead most of the world to serve something other than God (Hil. Melachim 11:4)."

    The reason I post that is to demonstrate the Moonies are not the only ones who are mistaken WRT the Messiah, and I don't think anyone here believes the material contained in that footnote OR that believing it should keep someone from American government service.

    PS: If part of the footnote sounds familiar, here's why; For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom,
    but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

  4. The problem with appointing this brain-washed woman to the post is that Rev. Moon will now have a vital post of control over the world food programs! I see PLENTY wrong with it. You may bet the appointment is to pay back debts to Rev. Moon -- if Josette Sheeran Shiner were to suddenly come free of him, there would be no political appointment for her -- or her life wouldn't be worth much. The ONLY TIME I have ever been physically afraid since beginning my work against the New Age Movement was my encounter with the Moonies in late 1983 when they literally put me under house arrest. It is a harrowing story which I shall also tell on line.

  5. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I have a BOWING salute for "Reverend Moon" cum "king of the universe":


  6. Anonymous12:49 AM

    I have seen that clip when Moon was crowned with the robe on a few years ago. I was surprised then, but it seemed to be more a joke as if they were just pacifying him.

    But now that's he's been made head of the UN, it takes on a whole new meaning!

    So, we have seen signs in the Sun (Solana) and in the Moon (Moon), suddenly ruling much of the world now just as NoKo completes their first nuclear test before Iran, who will now want to do the same.

    America is being stretched to over the limit with 3 wars going on at once. Afghan, Iraq, the war on terror while trying to stop Iran.

    Things are happening at such a rapid pace, it is almost blurry.

    Hold fast to the word of the Lord!

  7. Anonymous4:34 AM

    "But now that's he's been made head of the UN, it takes on a whole new meaning!"

    That's a different Moon.

  8. For the record, Ban-ki Moon and Rev. Moon are indeed two different persons. There are strong, verifiable suspicions however, that the Bush administration would not have backed Ban-Ki Moon unless he had been pre-approved by Rev. Moon. Certainly, a key Moon follower being placed in charge of food programs for the UN also points in that direction. AND, there is nothing funny (even to pacify) to crown Rev. Moon "King of the Universe" in a Capitol Hill ceremony. My Lord, have we COMPLETELY LOST OUR CHRISTIAN SENSES, NOT TO MENTION THAT PART OF THE TEN COMMMANDMENTS THAT SAYS, 'THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT IDOLATRY'????!!!!!!!!1

  9. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I'm not sure who you're referrin' to as Christians. The President, his father, and his father before him are/ were in the very same Satanic secret society as Sen. John Forbes Kerry.

  10. Anonymous2:04 PM

    You, sigh, may be right!

  11. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Who may be right about what? If you're referrin' to the Satanic secret society, Tim Russert axed Pres. Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry about it on Meet the Press (& deceive the sheep).

  12. Anonymous8:04 PM


    Do you know the date/time of the filmclip showing Solana with Rev Moon? Is/was it current or some time ago?


    Also, Constance is justified to be moderately irate (?) about the act of idolatry that took place on Capitol Hill.

    And now another Moon is said to be highly likely to take over the top spot at the UN and, as suggested by Constance, possibly pre-approved by Rev Moon, who Solana is associated with (as per Dorothy post above).
    Well, we'll know about the UN Secretary General post in under 2 1/2 months so things should be clearer then.

    I find it highly odd that two Moons from Korea are on the scene at the same time N. Korea tests their first nuclear bomb.



  13. Anonymous8:49 AM

    My friend responded:
    It would have been the latter part of John Gibson's show which begins
    five Eastern.
    I don't recall which day for sure but I'm pretty sure it would have
    It was only a brief clip and Solana shows up when the camera sweeps the
