
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Are rumors about Solana's retirement serious?

What I’ve been up to update

I’ve been stretching to attend to my law practice responsibilities and preparation for two conferences I will be participating in this next weekend – one here with Herb Peters and the other in California with Dr. Stanley Monteith. I hope I can survive that weekend without a serious migraine. Meanwhile, keeping up with the ever morphing New Age Movement and European Union is a challenge. It seems that the New Age Movement, a/k/a “Cultural Creatives,” “Radical Middle,” “Radical Center,” “Human Potential,” “Holistic Movement,” “Translucent Movement,” etc., ad nauseum, is back on the militant march.

One of their current M.O.’s (method of operation) is to work “spiritual renewal” groups such as Cursillo, and get them to watch the newest Barbara Marx Hubbard/Ram Dass and similar operatives give their New Age testimonies in a video movie called ONE! It makes the key New Age doctrinal assertion that we are all interconnected and interrelated. This was something that Alice Bailey said the world must accept to accept their New Age “Christ” and “hierarchy.” Using this method, they have sometimes boldly walked in the side door of even churches which have taken public postures against the New Age Movement, claiming they are holding “prayer meetings.” While people think they are gathered for “prayer,” some unscrupulous organizers of this type of “renewal” meetings are spelling it their own way, “preying.”

Meanwhile in the European Union, rumors are floating that Javier Solana is contemplating an early retirement. I am skeptical. I believe he may be doing this to generate both sympathy and pressure to give him the power he has been seeking since introducing Recommendation 666 in the Western European Union Assembly on June 6, 2000.

Should Javier Solana be serious about it, which I am currently inclined to doubt, it is said that Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, is anxious to succeed him in his responsibilities. Like Solana, Carl Bildt is media savvy and keeps his pulse on the Middle East. More frequently than not, he has been in public sympathy with Javier Solana’s goals and objectives.

Time and events will tell – in the meantime, as friend Herb Peters says, “stay tuned.”


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I know this isn't about Gingrich but check out Herb Peter's website as he has posted a news article concerning the advocating of a free trade zone. The article speaks about the good it could bring as the United States and Europe could bond closer together economically and politically. It is very interesting and thought provoking to say the least.

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Thanks for pushing me to read that article. I think the key words were "The history of the well-fortified West has taught us that those who defend their values also spread them".

    We need to analyze what those values are. So much obfuscation has taken place. What I believe may not be what they believe.


  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I would love to come hear you and Herb speak. But I can not. You both will be in my prayers.

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM

    What have the New Agers been up to lately? Well, they have just about put the finiushing touches on their holistic, multiple intelligences, fuzzy math/science, environmental, population hating public school curriculums. Throw in a bevy of "spiritual activism" conferences, and they are eating up the soft, gooey core of the evangelical middle with environmental activism (anyone gone to church and seen Al Gore's movie pushed?) and PEEEce PlEEEse attacks. The worst of their efforts are the well disquised progressive candidates like Barack Obama. He looks more moderate than Liberman and purrs like a political Maserati. Oprahites fall down for him. Yet he is left of left. You can ditto him in little noticed Congressional races all over the purple states.... Did anyone notice he hangs with the Barbara Marx Hubbard crowd?? Oprah, TIME and Sojourners all in the same week. That's what they're doing.

  5. A little more on Carl Bildt:

    If somebody can convert this one to a short URL, thanks!

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    To make a tiny url, go to You put the long url into a box, hit enter and the tiny url pops up.

  7. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Democrats are starting early with Barack Obama, who is just plain not smart enough to be president , having not proven anything other than he can follow the left's agenda on cue cards. Listen to him speak, "ah, ah, ah.... ah," he never says much at all when answering questions.

    But of course the left always vote on looks and empty emotional rhetoric, slick catch phrases and lies rather than substantial facts, truth and logic, so Obama might be the one to kill America off by attempting to Islamize it for his one Muslim parent with promises of unity of "the common good" for those who diss Christianity as most on the left are doing now by favoring contradictory evils of new age ideology, global socialism, expanded government control, welfare, abortion, gay marriage, higher taxation, group thought, environmental extremism, global warming, abolishment of religion etc., et al.

    All of the above are a prelude to the end of mankind and it is what the lefty's in America, especially the Hollywood elite wittingly or not, aspire to as they promote evil desire in the guise of good intentions.

  8. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Obama has been groomed by the Daly Democrats in Chicago since he left college. Even in the Chicago arena he accomplished nothing. It was well talked about that his first book was a fabrication, but his excuse was that "it's the way I remembered it."

    His father was from Africa and a Muslim. Came from a family that was the equivalent of Mafia here, very powerful. However having a white wife was a disgrace, so he left her behind when he went back. I think he only saw his son once before he died, even though he made trips to the United States.

    His mother was white, but even the second man she married was a Muslim. Barak made a very necessary conversion to Christianity. He was raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii where he went to a very expensive, pretigious school.

    He broke into politics by working with an extremely liberal white priest who worked with a church in the black community. Since he was given the chance to speak at a Democratic convention with a hokey speech, he has been paraded around the country for fundraising purposes and growing name recognition.

    Who cares if someone is black! What I dislike is that his skin color is being used as a come-on. When he ran for Senator here in Illinois, the Republicans had a problem as to who they could put up against him. The Republicans here in Illinois carry water for the Democrats who run the state. Anyway, a small group fought to get a conservative and the only thing they could do was get Alan Keyes. The media, radio, television and newspapers smeared Keyes, a real conservative with a good track record, who is also black, in order to get a record vote for Obama, who also in the run stood for nothing.

    Obama is an intelligent, passive, token black who offends no one. In fact people feel good thinking, "Oh he's black. Let's give someone black a chance."

    There is more.

  9. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Obama has been groomed by the Daly Democrats in Chicago since he left college. Even in the Chicago arena he accomplished nothing. It was well talked about that his first book was a fabrication, but his excuse was that "it's the way I remembered it."

    His father was from Africa and a Muslim. Came from a family that was the equivalent of Mafia here, very powerful. However having a white wife was a disgrace, so he left her behind when he went back. I think he only saw his son once before he died, even though he made trips to the United States.

    His mother was white, but even the second man she married was a Muslim. Barak made a very necessary conversion to Christianity. He was raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii where he went to a very expensive, pretigious school.

    He broke into politics by working with an extremely liberal white priest who worked with a church in the black community. Since he was given the chance to speak at a Democratic convention with a hokey speech, he has been paraded around the country for fundraising purposes and growing name recognition.

    Who cares if someone is black! What I dislike is that his skin color is being used as a come-on. When he ran for Senator here in Illinois, the Republicans had a problem as to who they could put up against him. The Republicans here in Illinois carry water for the Democrats who run the state. Anyway, a small group fought to get a conservative and the only thing they could do was get Alan Keyes. The media, radio, television and newspapers smeared Keyes, a real conservative with a good track record, who is also black, in order to get a record vote for Obama, who also in the run stood for nothing.

    Obama is an intelligent, passive, token black who offends no one. In fact people feel good thinking, "Oh he's black. Let's give someone black a chance."

    There is more.

  10. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I am curious about Obama's necessary conversion to Christianity. If youve got any more info.
    A year and a half ago this man's name realy got my attention while listening to Rush. I had suspicion of the roots of his name. Now with the info. of one muslim parent, its deffinately catching my eye.
    By the way, others who might take this as anti-muslim better think again. That is not what this is about. However since sept.11 it definately raises some suspicions.

  11. Anonymous2:19 AM

    child of god, I did my research back when he was running for Senator from Illinois. I would have to dig out my material which was posted at Illinois Leader, a website not shut down. If you know how to use something like the Wayback Machine, which I haven't used, you could probably get the information before I had time to.

  12. Anonymous1:55 AM

    I Have just got back from Bruges, Belgium where the 'College of Europe'(founded 1949) is situated

    Madariaga was grandfather of Javier Solana. He was a notable theosophist as was Annie Besant, early Fabian Socialist. Don Salvador de Madariaga, (son of Javier?) President of Administrative Council of the College was the guest speaker at the 1964-65 College of Europe opening ceremony. Javier Solana, & Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine were selected opening ceremony speakers for 05-06.

    US Students have to apply directly to the College of Europe. They are eligible to apply for US federal financial aid (FAFSA).

    Fulbright grants are available.

    Students no longer studying at a US University mustcontact the Inst of International Education 809, UN Plaza NYC.

    The College is in process ofextending into former Jesuit buildings and interestingly one College sponsor is the Compania de St Paulo.

    Solana says in the foreword to the current College prospectus “I believe that Europe is more necessary than ever in the world of today and thus in the world of globalisation. It is the College which prepares new generations of students, which will eventually be the senior professionals of Europe”
