
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Sycophantic Biography of Javier Solana


Sometime as I recall it, in late 2003, maybe early 2004, I noticed there was a three line entry on Javier Solana in Wikipedia. I looked at its brevity and paucity of information with disbelief, telling my husband: “he deserves more ink than that.” I noticed the edit tab and composed four pages right off the top of my head. I was certain that (a) his groupies would probably notice it immediately and (b) it would be quickly removed. It stayed there for a very long time – until unfortunately attention was drawn to it by perhaps well-meaning Christians or were they “agents-provacateur”, who started making headline enhancements to the article. Then the Solana groupies did move in, mostly in the person of one calling himself “Squeakbox”. He viciously moved against my attempts to provide meaningful factual information on this person obviously running Europe. The article still contains much of my compiled research, but is written in a pandering, sycophantic style of one who obviously aims to please. This rewritten version did not survive on Wikipedia for obvious reasons – it obviously was not written in a neutral style, but obviously came from the word processor of one who adored Solana. I was lucky enough to find it this morning in a cache. Because of admissions it makes on the state of Solana’s marriage and its demonstration of the intensity of feeling by those who know and approve Solana’s obvious agenda, it is important and for that reason, I reprint it here. If you want to go look for yourself in the original, the cached link may be reached by clicking on the headline above, that is if it doesn’t disappear by then. Remember the New Age practice of “Now you see us, now you don’t” – and then make sure you timely archive. You may never see it again. The encyclopedia article as it was written, pre-Squeakbox butchery may be found by clicking links to the right for either "Jews for Morality" and/or the Greg Wolf website which has a copy of it." I am suspecting the author here may even have talked with Solana, however, on one notable occasion, he admitted he had invented copy -- a cardinal, but non-prosecuted Wikipedia sin. Interesting!

"Javier Solana
"Professor Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga, born July 14, 1942 in Madrid, Spain, is a great European statesman and the honourable High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). He is also the honourable Secretary-General of both the Council of the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU), essentially Europe's much needed foreign policy chief who can give Europe a real weight in world affairs, preventing the domination of the USA. He was a well respected and well known physicist who became a politician, before serving as NATO Secretary General 1995-99. He has been designated EU Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2006 in a move that will hopefully allow him to become the one voice in Europe to deal with what Henry Kissinger (himself a former European) had long dreamed of. He is widely considered the brightest political mind of his generation, and a brilliant diplomat and admimistrator. Family history Solana comes from a famous and highly distinguished Spanish family, being the grandson of famous, highly distinguished and great Spanish League of Nations disarmament chief, diplomat, writer, European integrationist and anti cleric Salvador de Madariaga. His older brother Luis was imprisoned for his heroic political activities opposing the US sponsored evil dictatorship of Franco. Student and Physicist He was an outstanding pupil at school, and even at an early age his natural leadership abilities shone. He was known as both the friendliest and the most intelligent pupil in the entire school. In 1963 as a 3rd year undeergraduate student he was unjustly sanctioned by the Franco puppet university authorities for organising an important and well attended opposition forum at the Complutense University called The Week of University Renovation. He bravely and clandestinely joined the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) in 1964, which had been an illegal party under Franco's USA sponsored dictatorship since 1939, thus running the serious risk of imprisonment. In the same year he graduated top in chemistry. He spent a year furthering his studies in the prestigious Oxford University in the United Kingdom until in 1965 his brilliance led him to the United States of America where for six years he studied at various universities on a Fulbright Scholarship. He so impressed his teachers with his quick mind that he was given a job teaching physics at the University of Chicago. He joined in the protests against the horrific United States participation in the Vietnam War. He received his doctorate in physics in 1968 from the University of Virginia with some highly original and impressive work, where he again taught and did some furhter important researched until 1971. Returning to Spain he was immediately invited to become a top lecturer in solid-state physics at the Complutense University. He was quickly promoted to Professor thanks to his quick grasp of knotty physics problems and his natural teaching style. During these years he published more than 30 important and profound books, showing a highly original and very concise mind. Spanish politics On returning to Spain in 1971 Solana joined the Democratic Co-ordination of Madrid as the PSOE representative. In 1976 he was elected to the very important post of PSOE's Secretary (where he remained for five years) in its first national congress inside Spain since the civil war. This assembly marked a fantastic victory to those like Solana who had risked life and liberty in order to restore freedom, justice and equality to Spain. Solana's tireless personal efforts were considered an important part of the process of bringing democracy to Spain. Solana quickly became a leading PSOE member, and was a close personal friend and trusted advisor of their leader Felipe González, which he remained throughout the many long and difficult years of what was one of the most successful governments in modern history. He became a representative of a teacher's union in the Complutense University, and was so popular in this role that he won a parliamentary seat for PSOE on June 15 1977. Solana also attended the slightly left of centre, social democratic Socialist International conference in France in 1976 and 1977, paving the way for his great friend Felipe González to become Vice President of the organisation in 1978. On October 28 1982 PSOE won a historic victory with 202 seats, thanks in great part to the vigorous campaign that Solana conducted. On December 3, along with the other members of González' cabinet in a ceremony of great dignity, Solana was sworn in as Minister for Culture by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain in the first left of centre government in Spain since Franco initiated a bloodbath with his illegal coup d'état against the legitimate Republican government of Manuel Azaña in 1936. He was seen as one of the new lights of the government, which was met with tremendous expectation by the people of Spain. On 5 July 1985 he was also made the Official Spokesman for the Government, a very important post, where he basically became the voice of the government in Spain, until 1988. On July 19 he left the Culture department to become Education Minister. He was given the vital role of Minister for Foreign Affairs on July 22 1992, the day before the opening of the II Ibero-American conference of heads of state in Madrid, replacing the terminally ill Francisco Fernández Ordóñez. On November 27-28 1995, with Spain heading the presidencies of both the EU and the WEU, Solana convened and chaired the Barcelona Conference. A treaty was achieved between the 27 nations in attendance with Solana gaining full credit for what he called a process to foster cultural and economic unity in the Mediterranean region, and what others called the first step on the path towards a United States of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin nation. Many consider that as the temporary EU foreign policy chief (it was Spain's turn in the rotating presidency) he was entirely responsible for the great success of this remarkable conference. It launched him as one of the most highly respected of modern international politicians. The conference was so successful that it developed into the Barcelona Process, a vital part of the longed for European and Mediterranean Basin integration. Optimists talk of all the Mediterranean countries, including Israel and Palestine, one day belonging to the EU, or, as some imagine, the United States of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. It was during these 13 years as a cabinet minister that Solana's reputation as a discreet and diplomatic politician grew and grew. He was the confidant of all. González administration was considered responsible for transforming Spain into a modern, industrial nation, and there is no question but that Solana played an enormous part in this process. By going to the foreign Ministry in the later years of González administration he showed his honest and impeccable nature by avoiding the political scandals of corruption, and the dirty war allegedly being fought against ETA, that characterised it's last years. NATO Four months before the end of the PSOE era, and amid rumours in the Spanish press that Solana would run for the premiership in those elections (which would have had a different result had he done so), he became new Secretary General of NATO on December 5, replacing Willy Claes who had been forced to resign. NATO needed someone trustworthy, and Solana was the natural candidate. He was the last Minister to leave González' original cabinet, and was sorely missed by the latter and all the members of his government. His appointment created controversy as he had been an opponent of NATO in his past. He had written a pamphlet called 50 Reasons to say no to NATO, and had been on a US subversives list, but as he himself said, the character of NATO and the world had changed in a post cold war world. In March 1986 Spain held a referendum on whether to join NATO, with the government and Solana successfully campaigning in favour. When criticised about his anti NATO past Solana argued that he was happy to be it's representative as it had become dissassociated from it's cold war origins. Solana immediately had the almost impossibly difficult job of taking command of the peacekeeping NATO mission called Operation Joint Endeavour that consisted of a multinational Implementation Force (IFOR) of 60,000 soldiers which took over from a United Nations mission on December 20. This came about through the Dayton agreement, after NATO had bombed selected targets in Bosnia and Herzegovina the previous August and September. In incredibly difficult circumstances, and with no-one believing he would do so, he made the operation a success. In December 1996 the Implementation Force was replaced by a 32,000 strong Stabilisation Force (SFOR) under first Joint Guard and then (in June 1998) under "Joint Forge". Under Solana's guidance and direction, and in response to a new post cold war era, Solana totally reorganised NATO political and military structure and changed it's basic strategies. He did it in such a way that european interests were always considered. Solana did such a good job that even his critics were amazed at how well organized and well thought out was everything he was involved with, and every move he made. Solana gained the reputation of being a very brainy, capable, successful Secretary General who was capable of negotiating between the differing needs both of the members of NATO and those with whom they were negotiating, itself an almost an almost unbelievably difficult task. Everyone respected Solana, and many were in awe. Even the suspicious Americans thawed under his warmth and charms, and gave concessions that they would very probably have done to a less able leader. In December 1995 France returned to the military structure of NATO, while in November 1996 Spain joined it thanks to the personal efforts of Solana. On May 29 1997, in Sintra in Portugal an amazing (and unimaginable only a few years before) agreement was reached with Russia, after long and complex negotiations conducted by Solana personally, that was considered a considerable and remarkable diplomatic achivement as it formally ended over 50 years of hostilities between Russia and the NATO axis. On the same day he set up the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council to improve relations between European NATO and non-NATO coutries. In July in Madrid, in a move that amazed the world and gladdened the hearts of all Europeans, the former Eastern bloc nations of Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland were invited to begin talks to enter NATO. Keeping the peace in the Balkans continued to be both difficult and controversia in spite of Solana's best efforts. IFOR had received a lot of criticism for their inability to capture the evil Serbian and Bosnian leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. Then on March 24, 1999 Solana, having repeatedly tried to negotiate with Serbia to stop it's repression of the Albanian poulation in Kosovo, and failing that then demanding that it do so, and having been given authorisation by NATO member states to do so, he launched air attacks on military and civilian targets in both Serbia and Kosovo province. These attacks were made without the authorisation of the UN Security Council because of the opposition of Russia, a traditional ally of Serbia. Solana rightly and brilliantly justified the attacks on humanitarian grounds, and on the responsibility and duty NATO has to to keep peace in the region. He said he wanted to avoid the horrific ethnic cleansing seen in Bosnia. Solana and NATO were criticised for the civilian casualties their bombings caused, but Solana's actions were justified in his ridding Europe of some very evil men who would undoubtedly have engaged in brutal ethnic cleansing had he not stopped them. Many Europeans are of the opinion that he avoided another European holocaust with his courageous and firm actions. On April 23 - 24 the North Atlantic Council met in Washington D.C., where the Heads of State of the member nations changed the basic defensive nature of the organisation to allow for humanitarian interference, as well as giving greater military control to NATO. There were also many other profound changes that he personally initiated. On June 10 Serbia withdrew from Kosovo, and Solana stopped the attacks, which ended the Kosovo War. He had achieved his humanitarian goals and stopped Europe from descending into another bloodbath such as occurred in the second world war, and received a huge amount of praise from all quarters for this tremendous achievement. The same day Security Council Resolution 1244 allowed a NATO Kosovo Force to launch Joint Guardian and occupy the province on June 12. He left NATO on 6 October two months earlier than scheduled, and was replaced by George Robertson. EU Foreign Affairs On June 3-4 1999 Solana was, to the joy of all, appointed foreign policy chief of the newly created CFSP, which had been established as the second of the three pillars of the EU in the Maastricht Treaty. He started on October 18, also becoming Secretary General of the Council of the EU, in which role he presides over the EU's Political and Security Committee (PSC). On November 25 he also became Secretary General of the WEU, a partially dormant European defence and security organization that is being integrated into the EU under his delicate but sure hand. Though much of the WEU has now been integrated into the the WEU has also seen an increased activity, particularly in the area of military planning, during his tenure there. These posts were extended on June 29, 2004 when he was also designated the EU's first Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2006 (if the new EU constitution is ratified). He has received praise for the extent of his new powers, but criticism that they are not enough in the face of US world dominance, based on it's being the only superpower, andothers dangers that threaten the security of the EU such as terrorism and the rise of a possible Chinese superpower. He has said that even under the new constitution the minister can only act when there is unanimity amongst member states. He has a €26 billion budget, though there are many criticisms that this is simply not enough for the enormous new responsibilities that the EU establishing itself as a superpower requires. In December 2003 Solana released the vital new European Security Strategy, a profound document concerning and ensuring the future safety of the 300 million European Union citizens, and the further 300 million people that constitute Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. In March 2004 in response to the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks he went on television saying that he thought ETA was responsible. He later said he felt he had a duty to believe what the government had told him as a patriotic Spaniard even though as an active member of PSOE he naturally wanted the militantly anti terrorist José Luis Zapatero to win, which happened. There are rumours that the ETA allegations came from the US government, and that they were deliberately playing on the fact that Solana's weight carries so much importance in Spain, hoping to deceive the Spanish people into voting for the José María Aznar, their ally in their illegal invasion of Iraq. The same Americans then had the cheek to call Spain a country that gives into terrorism, a claim that was met with hilarity throughout Europe as it was Spain, and the González government, who had been the most firm opponents of terrorism during the long years when Solana served as a cabinet minister. Fortunately Solana had emergency powers, as EU foreign policy chief, which he immediately and correctly enacted to the relief of all to ensure the safety of the European people. Thus the truth was discovered: it was not European ETA terrorists but Islamic fundamentalists (originally sponsored and encouraged by the USA government, and determined not to see the Mediterranean basin countries like Morocco eventually join the European Union and projected United States of the European Union and the Mediterranean Basin. Thus the Spanish were saved by Solana from the lies that could have resulted in 4 more years of misery and suffering under the PP's new charismatic leader Mariano Rajoy. On 21 January 2005 Solana excited many when he invited Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko to discuss future EU membership. He has negotiated numerous Treaties of Association between the European Union and various Middle Eastern and Latin American countries. He has played an important and heroic role working with his great colleague and personal friend Kofi Annan from the UN, and with Russia and the USA quartet in the Middle East. He continues to be a primary architect of "The Roadmap", playing a central and vital role working towards a peaceful end to the conflict in Palestine. He met Sharon on July 22 2004 in Jerusalem, where Sharon said he believed that only Solana could lead this troubled region to peace. Solana played a pivotal role in unifying the remainder of the former Yugoslavian federation. He cleverly proposed that Montenegro formed a union with Serbia instead of having full independence. Solana rightly stated this was done to avoid a domino effect from Kosovo and Vojvodina independence demands. His critics taunted him that this new union would only last 2 or 3 years, yet 3 years on it is a peaceful, stable and increasingly prosperous country, thanks almost entirely to Solana. In November 2004, he brought his great skills and experience to successfully assisting Britain, France, and Germany in negotiating a nuclear material enrichment freeze with Iran. The EU has stated it hopes to avoid another invasion like the Iraqi one through this and future negotiations, and Solana has said the most difficult moments of his frankly very difficult job were when the United Kingdom and France, the 2 permanent EU Security Council members, were in disagreement. It is only thanks to Solana's tireless efforts that these 2 fellow European countries are making up after the successful and malicious campaign by the USA (which Solana is aware of) to divide these 2 great and firm allies. Solana is a frequent speaker at the prestigious US based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Solana is likewise active with the Foreign Policy Association (FPA) as well as the New York City based East West Institute. Personal life Solana is still legally married to Concepción Giménez. They have two grown children, a girl, Vega and a boy, Diego. However, per the EuropeanVoice?, the couple separated in 1995. They still make occasional public appearances together; however, they live separately. Solana did not move his family to Brussels and he has a separate apartment in Madrid which he uses on his trips home. In terms of personal habits, Solana is said to eat little and sleep less, surviving on a diet of organic fish and fruit. Recently, however, it is noted that he has made media statements that he enjoys Peking Duck, so obviously he departs from the fish and fruit regimen at times. Solana is a gun collector, and enjoys studying military battles. General Wesley Clark, a man who greatly admired and respected Solana, once asked Solana the secret of his diplomatic success. Solana answered, "Make no enemies, and never ask a question to which you do not know or like the answer." He has been described as a "squarer of circles". Solana is a Knight of the Order of St Michael and St George, a member of the Spanish section of the Club of Rome, and has received the Grand Cross of Isabel the Catholicin Spain.
"Solana has also received the Manfred Wörner Medall of the Defense Minister in Germany. This is a modification of the article at wikipedia and is released under their GFU agreement."


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    To Constance:
    Do you have your original text? I'd sure like to read it as it was initially written.

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    What's the problem Constance? Only two things are wrong with the article. One, living near the University of Chicago I checked with their Physics Department, and there is no record of him teaching there.

    The second is the very commonly known fact that the Catholic Church announced that without hearings Solana is the first person in history to be made a triple saint before death. There are already enough miracles, as reported here by his male friends, to give him a triple halo.

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Constance's version is at the links on the main page to the right, right around where it has the University of Michigan link.

  4. Rich, click on either "Jews for Morality - Solana article" or Mr. Wolf's article. There are links to both at the right of my blogspot. Thanks! Incidentally, the University of Chicago information came from a Congressional press release from one of his very good groupies in the USA Senate.
    Constance E. Cumbey

  5. I assume the part about the Catholic Church "announcement" is a clear spoof! Solana is a known anticlerical who likes to darken Church doors as little as possible. It appears he had to show up for the Crown Prince's wedding, but the pictures made it appear as though he were rushing out!

  6. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Of course it is a spoof, in line with the implausible, overboard comments written by the writer of your copied post. Anyone who didn't see it as a spoof shouldn't be reading this blog as the information would probably be going over their head.

  7. Unfortunately, Mr. Squeakbox/Weiss didn't see it as a spoof. He was in dead earnest. This is TYPICAL of the mentality of his true believers.

  8. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Yes, it was fun to watch the lovesick, moaning from distant love, write up on Solana which developed at Wikipedia when a certain editor over there attempted to take over the bio. For a while he posted it at various blogs he set up, but those seem to have disappeared. Thanks for letting us see even Solana can inspire love.

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Does he still want to be Mayor of Madrid?

  10. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Solana didn't ask to be mayor of Madrid. It was a distraction as he was given more power by the EU. See what Herb wrote at

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    He's probably riding high today, observing the Israeli elections and his probable role in helping Ohlmert draw Israel's "permanent borders."

  12. Anonymous8:35 AM

    As I read "False Dawn" by Lee Penn, I've encountered a quote by former UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller on page 50 where he describes that one of the goals of the United Religions Initiative is to develop a global science of spirituality. I thought to myself "scientific spirituality" and remembered in my youth when I studied the Soviet Untion. What stands out in my mind is that the now defunct Soviet Untion had declared the achievement of "scientific socialism." We all know the mechanisms they used to achieve it--looks like history may once again be a reliable indicator of what to expect.

  13. Anonymous4:50 PM
    KLA/UCK (a terrorist organization) leader Agim Ceku, now "PM of Kosovo" - he
    was nominated for the post by his "Alliance for the Future of Kosovo", after
    Bajram Kosumi resigned from office

    It is certainly not for the first time that the European Union does actively recognize, talk to, encourage or even openly finance terrorists within its area of influence. The polished contacts and close ties between the several radical or even not so radical branches of the "Palestinian" Authority and the EU are nothing but an insult to the state of Israel itself - and thus they display a typical example of EU political hypocrisy.

    But the EU does not only maintain close contacts to Arab terrorists, no no no, the EU's dirty business of fostering terrorists applies for the Balkans, Serbia, Kosovo and the Albanians as well.

    Here we have EU "High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy" (the very title is an oxymoron), the utterly despisable Javier Solana together with Kosovo "Prime Minister" Agim Ceku, on meeting in Brussels on March 22, 2006. Posing together in front of the neo-communist logo of the EU, it becomes quite clear, that Ceku is considered to be a legal political partner for the European Union.

    But who is this Mr. Ceku anyway? Shouldn't he be allright, since Solana accepts him without major protest of his EU bosses? Certainly Ceku is a honourable man, isnt' he? What could be possibly wrong with this sturdy man?.....

    Kosumi's successor Agim Ceku is the butcher of Krajina, one of the masterminds of the Croat/US-joint 1995 offensive operation called "Storm" ("oluija"), in which more than 200,000 Serbian residents of the region of Krajina were brutally forced to flee their homes within a week (many of them killed during Croat air attacks on the Serb refugee tracks heading to the East). It is this very offensive, that has garnered the notable Croat General Ante Gotovina his stellar fame among the Croats general public, making him the new Croat war hero after the WW II Ustashi.
    (more at link)

    Today Kosovo - Tomorrow Israel and the West

    Constance informed others that they were being lied to by American media
    when Solana was in charge of the NATO forces. She was able to do this because she knew the kind of power Solana had.

    I know it is hard to keep straight in one's mind who is fighting who in the Serbia/Croatia/Kosovo situation. I had to look at maps very carefully to see where Serbia was in the very beginning.

    Read these two articles carefully to see how and why Solana, the EU and the West are supporting the Muslim community and who they will destroy in the process.

    Regarding Muslim bashing charges, I answer by quoting a line from the April 3 New Yorker. We need to know "...what (is)the politically correct position toward people who live in your midst but feel free to kill you .."

  14. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Constance, in the article it says that on july 22nd 2004 that Sharon met with Solana and was said to say that he, Sharon, believed that Solana was the only one that could bring peace to the situation. Do you have that article and if you do could you post it? Thanks

  15. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Here is the truth of the Sharon-Solana meeting on that date. It is taken from the original bio of Solana that Constance wrote.
    "This was dramatically illustrated by events in Israel on or about July 20 to 22nd (2004). Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declined to meet with Solana, saying that because of an EU vote against Israel at the UN that Israel would not work with the EU, notwithstanding despite its prominence on the Quartet for Peace in the Middle East. Solana stunned the world, Israel included, by replying that like it or not, both he and the EU were there to stay on the Israeli-Palestinian decision making processes."

    Do understand that the individual who wrote the piece Constance posted was pulling thoughts out of his fantasy indulged imagination rather than from the historical record. The record was corrected at Wikipedia thanks to the persistance of Constance.

  16. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "Page 1
    w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m
    Last update -
    01:50 23/07/2004

    Solana: EU has role in Mideast peace
    talks, like it or not

    By Aluf Benn

    The European Union will be involved in any Israeli-Palestinian peace process,
    whether Israel likes it or not, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said during
    a visit to Israel yesterday.
    Both Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom warned
    Solana that following Europe's support for a United Nations General Assembly
    resolution against the separation fence on Wednesday, the EU will be unable to
    play a significant role in resolving the conflict, because it is not impartial.
    "Israel has an interest in integrating the international community, especially
    Europe, in a [peace] process with the Palestinians," Sharon told Solana,
    according to a statement issued by his office. "But without a radical change in
    the European position, especially in relation to Israel's security and its need to
    defend itself, that will be difficult to do."
    Shalom was even blunter, delivering his message at a joint press conference in
    Tel Aviv, with Solana standing alongside. "I find myself challenged to convince
    the Israeli people that the European Union is a [diplomatic] partner we can
    trust," he said.
    But Solana did not seem alarmed. "We will be involved whether you want us or
    not," the EU foreign policy chief told Shalom.
    Solana defended the EU's support for the resolution, which called on Israel to
    comply with the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice in
    The Hague. The ICJ said that Israel should dismantle the fence throughout the
    West Bank and compensate the Palestinians.
    "The United Nations and international institutions such as the International
    Court of Justice are in our view important components in the campaign to attain
    peace and security around the world," Solana said. "A majority of 150 states
    supported the court's decision. We know what you think about the UN, but you
    can't stop us from honoring the decisions of the ICJ or the General Assembly.
    file:///F|/PPSolana/SOLANA/Press%20Review/040723Haaretz.htm (1 of 2) [26/07/2004 13:04:17]
    Page 2
    We will continue to support the UN in the future."
    Solana noted that the EU opposed the route chosen for the separation fence.
    "We told you from square one that we oppose the construction of the wall in
    occupied Palestinian territory. I know that the fence has saved many lives, but it
    would also have saved these lives had it been built inside [the pre-1967
    armistice line]. It must be recalled that many Palestinians have died."
    Solana emphasized that Israel has a right to self-defense. No European country
    denies this, he said. Nonetheless, he added, Israel must honor international law.
    "We respect the right of every country to construct a fence on its own territory,"
    he said, but a route "through occupied territory" is not compatible with
    international law.
    Both Solana and Shalom tried during the conference to project an image of
    friendship for the cameras, including by referring to one another by their first
    names. But the cordiality for the media was a transparent attempt to cover up a
    terse private meeting.
    Sharon also attacked the Europeans for backing the UN resolution. The Hague
    court's advisory opinion, he stated yesterday, "totally ignores the rampage of
    terror in Israel." In Sharon's view, the "meaning of the Hague Court and UN
    decisions is to furnish a green light to Palestinian terror."
    close window"


    (I cutted the link ion two to keep it visible,
    try to put it back in one line in order to see...)


  17. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Can anyone recommend a good book that explains Kosovo?

  18. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Hello everyone in internet land! Did anyone catch the prices of Gold at spot value $586 an ounce and silver is at $11.64 an ounce at spot. Because of the econmics in America being bad. The prices are going up. If the dollar ever totally falls then watch gold and silver. I'm a coin collector it's very unusual to see silver this high. It rose to $50.00 and ooounce back in the 80's that because of two stupid people. The reason the prices of gold and silver today is because of China they want part of this market as well. Things are not good around the world. As far as Iraq goes I can only hpoe for the best for our troops but I woould not want to be in the military today.

  19. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Farmer, Ijust wanted to say thanks alot for posting the article!!

  20. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Here is a question I sometimes wonder about. I do not have as deep a grasp of the history of Israel returning to her land after WW2, nor about why the land was set aside for the nation even before then. I know there were some Jews returning to the land and settling there (discretely, I believe)around the beginning of the 20th century. And I think one of the reasons why the nations set aside some land that eventually became a place for Israel was to keep the Ottoman empire splintered, but I have not yet gotten so far in my investigation of the matter. (I am an incredibly slow reader, and always have been. I must have ADD or something, because my mind wanders after a page or two usually.) But if Salvadore Madariaga was so big in the League of Nations and if, I think, the League helped or at least had something to do with the matter, the question is why? I know one reason put forth is to give the Jewish race a home after being nearly exterminated, or at least I think that is one of the reasons put forth. But if there is actually this deep New Age conspiracy on a global level among people, what would be the hidden agenda(s)? To help spur the war between religions? (I don't say there is not a conspiracy. I believe in one on the spiritual level, and I suppose there are many people who help it along, but maybe as unwitting stooges, just as Eve was deceived. I don't know if it is so known a conspiracy or not. I know a lot of books and websites subcribe to the belief in a deliberate conspiracy among some humans, but sometimes you see so much about conspiracies you are not quite yet convinced about all of the claims. I am open, of course, to the possibility, especially when I view some of the events and consider them worldwide.)

  21. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Ahem, just a clarification. When I say I do not know why the land was set aside for what eventually became Israel, I am speaking about when the land was set aside in the modern times, not when God gave it to them way back when.

  22. To this anonymous who began with "Anonymous said...
    Here is a question I sometimes wonder about. I do not have as deep a grasp of the history of Israel returning to her land after WW2, nor about why the land was set aside for the nation even before then . . ."


  23. Anonymous8:43 AM

    It’s interesting that the most current posts are about "conspiracy" theories. Last night I presented information on the clash/alliance of civilizations to someone and I was told that my presentation could not be taken seriously because it was “conspiratorial”. After all, why would the American media neglect to report anything so incredible? To my frustration, I responded showing that the media in other countries reports this material and that I have copies of the articles that we could read through together. My assertions were ultimately dismissed as the United Nations is irrelevant. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this when talking with people--thank you George Bush. The EU does not consider the world body irrelevant (yet). Considering the fact that Galileo’s signals overlay our GPS signals, we have been placed at a technological and military disadvantage. The United Nations has suddenly become very relevant. The people I spoke with are very good, kind hearted people. I ask my Christian friends out here for prayer for them.

  24. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Constance a friend sent me this site about dividing Jerusalem from World Net Daily.I haven't seen anything posted about it but haven't researched it. The site is ID=49426
    I just think it is important news if true.

  25. Anonymous10:16 AM

    To Constance:
    I just listened to your interview with Sherry Shriner--most excellent as usual. Is the powerpoint presentation on Javier Solana still on the web? If so, what is the address?

  26. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Hello everyone,
    Here are some links to archeives of podcasts where you can hear interviews with Constance.


  27. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Hello people in internet land! I have a question for everyone to think about? If the National ID Act is suposed to go into effect in 2008 and with all the cutbacks in the big companies and with fewer jobs and bills to pay what other choice do they have. Is the mark of the beast upon us or should I say at the door. There's a web site called No National ID Act to try to repeal it. The National ID Act is about we can't enter federal builings, bored a plane, bus, or train with out it we really can't travel. I think in time it's going to be harder for us Christians to survive. The wicked devil hates God's people.
    We live in very intresting times. Stay tuned like Herb says!

  28. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Anonymous 8:43 am.
    Constance has put in over 25 years of heavy research and her conclusions are out there for anyone to double-check.

    You appear here as a little newbie who has been sucking at the nipple of disinformation sites, asking her to prove what she has been saying. If she or anyone else puts in time asking you to get it straight, what does she have to gain. Constance doesn't shill books, have a mailing site, or ask you for money. She only asks you to think. can benefit from her research

    Go to your base, ask them to send you information without cost. Ask them to answer your questions. Then come back here when some of us might want to face off with you about specific details.

  29. Anonymous2:56 PM

    To Anonymous 8:43 am
    I think you need to re-read my post and understand what I actually said. I'm not sure what kind of face off or challenge you perceive? Please be specific. The intent of the post was to share that I witnessed to some people last night and convey the conversation and, above all, to request prayer for the people.

    Constance, if my wording appears to be challenging to you, please accept my apology.

  30. Dear Rich in Medford,

    I am so sorry -- under the weather with the recurrence of old pneumonia symptoms -- didn't notice it was your post -- I saw "conspiracy theory" and then saw red, which proves that none of us, especially yours truly, are infallible. I especially did not want to cause you, one of my favorite readers, any grief!

    Constance E. Cumbey

  31. Regarding my last post, the post which inspired my ire was from a "drk" and not "Rich from Medford" -- I guess I'd better go back and read everything again -- REAL SLOW!

  32. Anonymous4:09 PM

    To Constance,

    It's ok, you didn't offend me. The post I just placed was in response to Anon 2:11, not you. It's hard to keep straight sometimes with so many conversations going. I think that Anon 2:11 sincerely misunderstood what I had to say.

    I went through the ringer last night as I witnessed to two people. The information I presented was thought provoking and too strong to argue against (as the truth usually is this way). Ultimately, the answer I got was that I am a conspiracy theory nut. I definitely understand how frustrating that is when you are hoping to logically step through the issue at hand.

    When I got home, I found it amazing that the most recent posts were about conspiracy theories (one of which I saw was yours) and wanted to share with everyone what had just happened. So, you did not offend me as your response was not even directed to me.

    I think I did offend someone as I may have not worded my post a little strange. To Anon 2:11, please re-read my post and believe that it is not an attack.

    Your brother Rich.

  33. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Charlotte: I tried your link but all I got was a Dated listing from the year 1899 with nothing else.

  34. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Rich, from what I have read, you are a particularly insightful researcher who has taken the time to blend your beliefs with what is happening around us right now. If I've offended you, sorry. We need more people like you.

  35. Anonymous7:44 AM

    'SICKophantic' is more appropriate.

    What I am finding is that people in the Church who know about this coming 666 and the New World Order are usually willing to listen to what is going on regarding Javier Solana and the European Union, especially the younger ones.

    What I can't understand though is why the leadership in the Evangelical churches are so ready to dismiss this information. They appear to have the belief that 'the man of sin' is not going to be known until the Church is no longer here, presumably taken in the Rapture.

    To my mind, it seems blatently, glaringly, obvious that Javier Solana fits the profile more than any other person suggested before, and quite frankly, there have been some previous daft suggestions.

    Why none of the political leadership is challenging this man publicly for having too much power is beyond belief also.

    The situation with Iran at present is getting very heated, and I am wondering whether somebody, perhaps Solana, is going to pull some rabbit out of the hat, or whether there is going to be a serious confrontation which will result in Javier taking over on the world stage.

    Either way, he can't lose as he appears to have his fingers in many pies - the indispensable man of the moment.

  36. Here are some thoughts...

    If Solana is as saavy as he appears to be, I wonder how much he is aware of those who scrutinize what he is doing. Does he read this particular blog? Someone like Solana I think would be anxious about anyone shining a spotlight on him.

    I am amazed that there is never any coverage of Solana in the American media. Of course, my news sources come from our Gannett-owned local Battle Creek newspaper and NPR. NPR I would think at some point mention his name, but I have yet to hear anything. Americans have to go looking for information.

    In response to Anon. 7.44 Rick Warren, America's favorite evangelist, takes a passage out of Acts out of context. This is the passage before Jesus ascended into heaven and his apostles asked him if He was going to restore the kingdom of Israel. Jesus responds, "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority." (Acts 1:7 NIV) Rick Warren believes Jesus is instructing us to avoid learning about prophecy. I don't think this is what Jesus is saying, but Rick Warren certainly does. So, if Rick Warren is advocating this, then many of his purpose-driven followers would simply not read these parts of the Bible. I think this is a dangerous viewpoint to take. Christians, of all people, should be aware of the end-times prophecy.

    Hopefully this will help your understanding.

  37. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I rechecked the web site and saw a liitle line between article and ID so maybe that will make a difference but the original didn't have it. Let's try again! ARTICLE_ID=49426
    Hope this one goes through.

  38. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Rich, I think what triggered my attack on your earlier post was the beginning sentence.
    "Anonymous said...
    It’s interesting that the most current posts are about "conspiracy" theories."

    I was seeing red after that and didn't see your name at the bottom.

    I had been reading the responses posted last year at Free Republic to someone who wanted to share information about Penn's book on the United Religions Initiative. Those of us who attempt to share information have gotten the "I don't believe in conspiracies" response and the original poster got a load of those comments.

    What I've found is that if you share information in another person's area of interest, something that they might come across on their own later, you stand a better chance of getting them to understand. Remembering what you told them, when they see something parallel, they may then start to put two and two together.

    In a book on the Soviet Union I came across a comment regarding censorshp in the FSU. Speaking of libraries, etc., the author said that because so much information was available, the people had no idea what was missing. We here in the US are surrounded by so much "information" that the average person assumes that they have access to everything of importance, that competition in the news business means that all the information they need is there, so if you seem to them to be giving information from "under the table" there is something suspicious about it.

    You also need to be aware that even if you give them good information, there are many disinformation sites ready and willing to pull them in.

    You probably don't need this information, but just in case some others do, I am stating the following. Don't push too hard with your information. The listener will just assume that you are selling something like Amway, Avon or a used car. In addition, most disinformation pushers scream "the sky is falling" all of the time.

    I hope these thoughts help in some way.

  39. Anonymous5:24 PM

    To Anon 3:38 PM
    Thanks for the encouragement. Most of the time my approach is gentle as I try to bear in mind that Jesus said this thing would come upon people like a snare. Occasionally the approach is not so light. Whenever that happens I end up wondering to myself -- how did that happen? The other night, after we closed the evening, I left feeling as though I had delivered a verbal “shock and awe.” I felt somewhat troubled the rest of the evening. The following day a peace came over me as the thought occurred to me that this man would have not received the information in any other way. I've know him and his wife for nearly 5 years and he is a no-nonsense, I need to see it to believe it, kind of guy. He loves freedom as we do. He also loves to debate, so you better be able to back up what you’re saying--which I could. He was stunned with the information I presented and I suspect the best way he could deal with it was to dismiss it as conspiracy theory. Some of the examples of my responses were, “I can forward this information to your office” or “when Condoleezza Rice writes to the Spanish foreign minister that the US supports and is interested in funding the alliance, I’m inclined to take her words at face value.

    After our somewhat lively debate, we all sat back and had a nice rest of the evening. I ask that folks out here pray for my friends as I have really grown to love them very much and would love to see them at the marriage ceremony.


  40. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I somehow suspect Solana is one of the best readers of this and Herb's site!

  41. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I wonder if anybody has heard the talk about President Bush and the Immigration bill and the USA's insistence on a "permanent identification". How does this fit in? Are both Bush and Solana players. I see pictures of the two with their obvious heads together on a White House website as well as "Images"!

  42. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Google had a link for an article on the EU that I found excellent. I wanted to post the link on this site but have refrained from doing so because it is published by a magazine called “The Real Truth.” Does anyone know if this is an offshoot of the Armstrong group? My father used to get an Armstrong magazine several years ago called “The Plain Truth.” “The Plain Truth” appeared reasonable for awhile--that is until they started mailing books. I quickly realized that their doctrine didn’t pass the spiritual test because they deny the deity of the Son. “The Real Truth” article’s style appears suspiciously like “The Plain Truth” magazine, but I’m not having much success finding the publishers. Does anyone out here know its origins?

  43. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Looked up "the real truth' in Google and found nothing that related to your post. Can you provide more detail?

  44. Anonymous4:18 PM

    The above story appeared at Drudge. Apparently a scientist advocated the killing of 90% of the population of earth and then got a standing ovation from the assembled scientists. He then received an award from a Texas scientific group.

    Before you dismiss him as a crank, this is the same belief the New Agers have regarding the population and how it needs to be reduced so that Mother Earth can exist.

    Do a search putting "population control" into a search engine. It should put a scare in you.

  45. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I did some more looking and found the source of “The Real Truth” magazine and it is just as I suspected—it is a continuation of “The Plain Truth” magazine. The “Plain Truth” was a publication by the Worldwide Church of God, started by Herbert Armstrong. This is a very deceptive group as they bait with truth then switch the doctrine. To check what they really believe, the founder’s book “Mystery of the Ages” is available online . As you read you’ll start to see a portrayal of a very different Jesus Christ along with the denial of the Godhead. Some quotes from the Mystery of the Ages (the emphasis is Armstrong’s):

    The Trinity doctrine limits God to a supposed three Persons. It DESTROYS the very gospel of Jesus Christ!”

    “He is coming as "King of kings, and Lord of lords" (Rev. 19:16), to establish world super-government and rule all nations "with a rod of iron"”

    “World famous scientists now say frankly that the only hope for survival on earth is a supreme world-ruling government, controlling all military power. They admit that is impossible for man to accomplish. Christ is coming to give us just that.”

    I’m posting this as a word of caution to my fellow Christians. This morning as I was looking at online newspaper “E.U. Politics Today,” when I encountered the Google link to a “Real Truth” magazine article. I admit that it impressed me—enough to want to post it here. Fortunately, I’ve encountered the Worldwide Church of God writings before as this literature was available within our household. Thank the Lord my parents didn’t pay close attention and later became Christians. I knew the style enough to become suspicious. I can see why God warned us that this would be a strong delusion—it really is!

  46. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I went to the EU Politics today website and found it quite interesting. I did see this warning. THESE STORIES ARE NOT PUBLISHED BY IPD GROUP, INC. AND THESE LINKS WILL TAKE YOU TO OTHER WEBSITES. I preseume you came upon a story with a link to Real Truth. That shouldn't invalidate the entire website though.

  47. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I wonder if there are others in the terrorist organizations who are like Sultan Mahmood. I picked up a book on terrorists which led me to search further. Who is teaching these ideas in the Muslim world? What would make a brilliant scientist become fascinated by these ideas? Are there New Age leaders stirring up the Muslims?

    Here is something of interest.
    ascination with the Occult. Mahmood had a bizarre fascination with the occult and wrote a series of controversial reports based on pseudo-science. In 1987, for example, he published a 232-page treatise "Doomsday and Life After Death-The Ultimate Fate of the Universe as Seen Through the Holy Quran." This collection based on Islamic teachings included a chapter where Mahmood seeks to explain scientifically how the world will end and theorizes that his "scientific mind can work backward and analyze the actual mechanism…of the great upheaval before the Earth's Doomsday."15

    In Mahmood's Cosmology and Human Destiny, published in 1998, he misused statistics to argue that sunspot activity has influenced human behavior and historical events, such as the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and World War II.16 He concluded that governments across the world "are already being subjected to great emotional aggression under the catalytic effect of the abnormally high sunspot activity under which they are most likely to adapt aggression as the natural solution for their problems."17

    According to Farhatullah Babar, a friend and media advisor of the Pakistan Peoples' Party, Mahmood had predicted in Cosmology and Human Destiny that "the year 2002 was likely to be a year of maximum sunspot activity. It means upheaval, particularly on the Indian subcontinent, with the possibility of nuclear exchanges."18 One passage of the book is reported to say: "At the international level, terrorism will rule; and in this scenario use of mass destruction weapons cannot be ruled out. Millions, by 2002, may die through mass destruction weapons, hunger, disease, street violence, terrorist attacks, and suicide."

    Mahmood also believes in Djinnis, or genies, described in the Holy Quron as beings made of fire. He has written papers suggesting that these entities could be tapped to solve the energy crisis.

  48. Anonymous3:09 AM

    yes but the Lord will return soon as the son of perdition has been revealed and the abomination that causes desolation has happened.

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  103. Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There are natural principles that govern our lives. Insta Keto If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.

  104. The quality and effectiveness of different supplements varies widely from one product to another, even with similar ingredients. Andezal Male Enhancement This variation often depends on whether supplements are manufactured in the U.S. or abroad and a manufacture's quality control standards. Additionally, reputable manufactures provide a money back guarantee, list product ingredients and contact information.

  105. Real Christmas trees can often be bought from retail chain stores but the best place to get a real and fresh tree is likely to be from a Christmas tree farm. Best Fiber Optic Christmas Trees Buying a tree from a farm is the best option because a farm will be more likely to offer more species of trees and therefore a wider variety of shapes and sizes. Another reason is that after you've made your selection you will observe the tree being cut and can take steps to preserve its freshness.

  106. Having a goal is one thing. Making it real is quite another. This is why you have to commit to it with all your heart. Make a promise to yourself and vows to never break it. It's been said that when you commit yourself fully, then providence moves. Once you commit yourself, you cut off the possibility of failure.
    Slim Fit 180 Keto

  107. Penis enlargement supplements are the next most recognizable male enhancement product after Viagra and Cialis. centallus rx male enhancement These products claim to work by increasing the blood flow to the penis and expanding the Corpus Cavernosa tissue of the penis.
    Additional claimed benefits include harder erections, increased stamina and increased desire

  108. Weight loss essentials: eat a larger number of calories than you utilize and you'll put on weight. Tier 2 Keto Reviews utilize more than you eat and you'll lose it. Weight loss is presently an objective which can be come to truly effectively in the event that we adhere to a preparation administration, abstain from food arrange. Be that as it may, for a few, surgery might be the main trust.

  109. Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." Keto burning reviews There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.

  110. Weight loss essentials: eat a larger number of calories than you utilize and you'll put on weight; utilize more than you eat and you'll lose it. Instant Keto Weight loss is presently an objective which can be come to truly effectively in the event that we adhere to a preparation administration, abstain from food arrange. Be that as it may, for a few, surgery might be the main trust.

  111. A very much adjusted diminished calorie abstain from food containing moderate fat is suggested. Velocity Trim Keto The consideration of various types of organic products into weight loss eating methodologies is a sound method for managing starvation, and additionally giving the body those supplements and vitamins it needs to work legitimately.Exercise While You Diet: Weight loss is about lessening your caloric admission while you increment the calories you smolder. Above all else choose how much weight you need to lose, and set yourself a sensible target, preferably with the assistance of your dietitian or specialist.

  112. Everal health professionals have discovered a relationship between weight gain and toxin overload. Instant Keto The reason is because a significant build up of toxin in the body prevents the proper functioning of the liver to eliminate toxins and metabolize fats. When the body's liver is not working properly, the other systems like digestive and cardiovascular system are also badly affected. Because of this malfunction, the body will not be able to take in the harmful toxins and these toxins accumulate in our body resulting in weight gain

  113. Your weight loss goals will determine the effectiveness of several detox weight loss supplements. Keto Pro Avis Oftentimes, the main reason why people use a detox or colon-cleanse is to lose weight and improve the digestive system's functions. If losing weight is your main goal, you should choose the detox pill you are going to take very carefully. Most of these detox weight loss supplements claim to help you lose weight, but usually they are referring to water weight which oftentimes comes back quickly.

  114. Weight reduction is valuable for certain conditions. It is of veritable preferred position in diabetes, hypertension, brevity of breath, joint issues and raised cholesterol. activate keto Weight reduction is possible with exercise and sound meals alone, yet including extraordinary quality protein and building slant mass will assist you with losing even more quickly, helping you to keep the weight off and remain strong. Weight reduction is basically guaranteed in case one sticks to the controls of the eating routine.

  115. Do not be too harsh on yourself if you cannot shed off pounds that easily. The key here is consistently losing of unwanted body fats.Renegade Keto On the other hand, do not be saddened for some weight gains after several exercises; it may be due to the muscles you build. Remember that muscles are heavier than fats, thus, weight gain does not necessary follow that you are getting fatter - it could be that you are getting leaner. Above all, always be honest to yourself if you really have gained some pounds due to fats or due to muscles.

  116. Eat fewer foods with unhealthy fats. Eat fewer foods that contain unhealthy fats like transfats, unsaturated fats,Renegade Keto and cholesterol while eat foods that contain healthy fatty acids coming from nuts, fish oils, olive oils, almonds, and other healthy oils. Essential fatty acids contain omega 3 and omega 6 that are good for the heart that helps in promoting sound health and healthy cardiovascular performance.

  117. Active Level Keto
    2) One purpose we discover why you ought to avoid this fat burning complement is due to the fact there's no point out of human beings above the age of forty-50 years using this product.
    All of the human beings who have used this fat barong complement are inside the variety of 20-35. Also, there may be no point out of human beings with diabetic or other problem surging this fat burning complement.

  118. Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are a million variations and combinations to the above diet scenarios to add to the confusion.Slimgen Keto It seems endless and causes many people to throw up their hands in frustration and give up. In this article I will attempt to change all that.

  119. Active Level Keto application
    You will get strong ABS, however you may no longer lose your belly fat. They have got misplaced their frame weight and corrected their our bodies via proper schooling and complete bodily exercising. Of route, there are lasting stupid coronary heart physical games throughout the repeated habitual. You could locate a completely unique concept that gives you 10 times extra conclusions. Active Level Keto bargain fats is not very steeply-priced.

  120. Composition of DX Keto eating regimen tablets
    Get higher self assurance abilties to face up to in the front of everyone.
    Enhance the liver function in order that the posing will produce extra ketones in wide variety.
    Regulates the ldl cholesterol degree, blood sugar stage, or kidney performance.
    Maintained the electrolyte balance of the body in which a person will never get any deficiency.

  121. What it does mean, however,DX Keto is you will have to learn to eat properly even after you reach your target weight and that way of eating should not be a huge departure from how you ate to lose the weight in the first place.

  122. Bionatrol Keto Burn Reviews complement
    While the muscle mass are greater perfect to the food we devour, the hip training duration is. It's far typically called “enjoyment time” via fitness specialists. Bionatrol Keto Burn Reviews internet site At one time they are able to consume something and do now not want to worry approximately becoming overweight. Nutrients in muscle cells at this time are very incredibly urge for food and take in all you can give, therefore lowering the danger of untreated food survival and storing it within the frame fat. The satisfactory submit-workout eating regimen makes a publish-exercising food plan simple and wealthy in food.


  123. This era seems to be all about big things, from phones to TVs to buildings-- everything supersized. Black Label X Taking a look at this hype brings the question, is bigger really better? Maybe not for everything. But when it comes to men, they believe that the bigger their junk, the better they are at sex. Women like it big as well because their G-spot is more likely touched with a penis having greater scope. When that happens, a woman will experience strong arousal leading to intense orgasms.

  124. Coffee and soda Anatomy Keto must be eliminated from your diet to succeed in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Soda should only be had occasionally as a reward for your hard work. For me, I have a soda when I have pizza, and that is about it. Your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is dependent upon a minimum amount of caffeine intake, and increased water intake when drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, and will actually pull the water from your body. This is extremely bad when it comes to your body operating at top efficiency while you're exercising. Believe me, you will feel the difference! I will treat myself to the occasional energy drink in replacement of my afternoon snack mentioned in Phase I. However, your journey towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be an unpleasant one with too much caffeine intake.

  125. Evaluations about Sure Cleanse Keto
    Certainly one of its user Amanda says that: she become struggling to lose her excessive body weight publish to her being pregnant time span. That made her pressure lots. However her nutritionist recommended her to use Sure Cleanse Keto capsules and it modified her existence. And now thankfully she is having a quite slender form this is sufficient for her to put on all her fashionable clothes along side heels.

  126. Losing weight does not have to be a struggle.Pure Keto Cleanse With these handy tips and tricks, losing weight takes much less effort. We advise you to start implementing small changes. Because of this, you build up more and more confidence and you get much more energy to persevere.

  127. Ingredients of Bionatrol Keto Burn
    BHB Extracts
    This powerful component begins the metabolic procedure called ketosis. All through this method, your frame destroys the fats stored in the body without problems. Furthermore, it protects muscle groups at the same time as disposing of fats cells as well as maintenance the broken muscular tissues.

  128. Why must i use Sure Cleanse Keto?
    Although many manufacturers of weight loss supplement to be had inside the market, Sure Cleanse Keto is one of the main brands that's exceedingly popular within the marketplace. The primary characteristic of this product is it's going to increase the charge of metabolism on the better level. It's going to suppress your urge for food and cravings. Your strength and stamina stage is boom drastically. You'll get the horny body in a shorter duration. Consequently some of the expert bodybuilders are suggesting this product for weight reduction.

  129. Super Keto Burn Reviews Adam is a motivational Speaker who stated this supplement advanced his focus.
    `’My job needs I have to be targeted all of the time. I spent most of my time doing sitting On my desk, and that has made me itchier. I started to utilize Super Keto Burn Reviews, And my interest turned into restored. It's far a splendid complement.” other than all this Super Keto Burn Reviews isn't FDA authorized.

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    Now Supplement Reviews may be all yours in just a brief remember of two days simplest and we can take the overall duty of taking it to the doorstep. You just must quick region a prepaid order for it on our internet site.

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  132. Luxe Trim Ketoaren’t enough to be called suit or wholesome. Keto food plan like Luxe Trim Keto shark tank simplifies everyone’s requirement to reap health inside restricted alternatives. Some important instructions supplied through the maker on the Keto food regimen functioning:

  133. Low Carb Diet Garcinia Cambogia: This precise factor is enough in itself. It keeps preeminent properties which might be limit of overeating addiction and creates some useful enzymes like serotonin for making the consequences long-lasting.

  134. Supplement Reviews There's no logical uncertainty that BHB tries to consume fat, but for the reason that creators have now not sincerely given the information of the components of this product, it’s difficult to recognise the quantity BHB is in their object and if it’s sufficient to really imitate ketogenic influences.
    Supplement Reviews is a product that can actually offer you all the ones benefits that you might be looking for. Simply attempt it out and make yourself in shape.

  135. Consumer rankings
    Penis Enlargement “I clearly like this product. I had seen a result in weeks. It offers a brand new power degree and additionally improves testosterone stages. I honestly bought it again.”

  136. What is Instant keto?
    Instant keto That is a healthy weight loss complement that maximizes your potential and turns on the metabolism to better your strength and provide you with a natural fats burning system. This complement clearly placed your frame into synthetic ketosis kingdom where it helps your weight loss that may acquire your body naturally Instant keto pills is a fantastic product that ad wholesome vitamins and suitable help to your body this obviously work in your frame.

  137. Blessings of Slim Fast Keto Boost
    Slim Fast Keto Boost It helps you to shed pounds thru ketosis wherein it converts fat into gasoline and can provide rapid effects.
    It increases the metabolism price that helps you to burn energy extra rapidly. This gives you rapid fat loss.
    It will increase the digestion charge that inhibits the restoration of waste and pollution inside the frame.

  138. Blessings of the use of Luxe Trim Weight Loss

    Luxe Trim Weight Loss Right here we have come up to the blessings which can be furnished via Luxe Trim Weight Loss. So it's far very interesting to realize all of the benefits of any complement because it leads to giving us deep records with small statistics. For this reason, allow us to start with the advantages of this complement. So here we've got the benefits of this complement enlisted:

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  140. Pros Of SurgenX Keto weight reduction formulation:
    It's miles a herbal weight reduction dietary supplements that assist in building your constructing muscle tissue and flushing out greater fats from the body.
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  141. Luxe Trim Keto You do now not ought to undergo surgical treatment including liposuction and a strict weight loss plan. Simply devour those tablets and go away the relaxation in the back of. It's going to work high-quality and give you a slim, curvy and fit frame in just one month.

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  143. Luxe Trim Keto Garcinia Cambogia – this is the extract of a fruit that works to lessen the immoderate fat content in the body by using boosting metabolism. The ingredient additionally increases the serotonin hormone within the frame which controls your temper and prevents you from emotional ingesting dependancy. It additionally inhibits the formation of an enzyme referred to as citrate lyase that is responsible for fat formation in the frame. This way it helps you to lose quicker weight.

  144. ForMax Lean What kind of blessings will you get from the use of ForMax Lean pills?
    It's far very vital to understand that this complement is an first-rate opportunity that humans can use to increase the muscle strength of the penis in a month. It is made with brilliant components and makes a super intercourse booster for intercourse force. Right here are a few advantages of it together with,

  145. In which should you buy Rapid Fast Keto Boost from?
    This ketogenic supplement is just offered at its authentic website. There’s a risk you’re capable of see several images of Rapid Fast Keto Boost on this post. The ones pictures will be the links for that internet site. You may click on any of the pix a good way to redirect you to the principle web site in case you are inquisitive about shopping this product.

  146. Where to shop for Rapid Fast Keto Boost pills?
    Rapid Fast Keto Boost weight loss program is without difficulty available inside the on-line shops and it isn't to be had in any offline marketplace of your nearby. So that you can easily location an order for this from our website. Now handiest region you for this due to the fact we were given restrained shares of this and have a glimpse of recommendations of the nutritional plan directly from the internet site.

  147. Biogenix RX The relaxation of the 2 tablets may be made with dinner and provide the first-rate consequences if you consist of some everyday exercise in your every day habitual. It is higher now not to eat alcohol will the use of the drugs.
    The capsules will extensively growth testosterone levels, that is the number one hormone required for tremendous sexual overall performance. Sadly, as age boom, the testosterone ranges have a sizeable downfall. Not best sex however your normal daily sports will emerge as energetic.

  148. Tier 2 Keto Then I heard about Nutrilite Keto that offers me unique consequences inside fourteen days. It burns my more fats or even bellies fats without additionally making any attempts on the fitness center.

  149. Is that this professional Product?
    Weight Loss Diet Plan Sure, this method is fully reputable because the users are using this product for years. You can rely upon this product. You ought to now not think of scams due to the fact the guide is extremely beneficial and is familiar with your desires. So, you could without a doubt get that weight reduction components because the official one.

  150. What advantages Keto Twenty-One offers you?

    There are various benefits of the usage of those supplements like;
    • It, to start with, began the ketosis in the body. It's far a state of using fats as an energy source. The excess fats which might be saved in frame elements are utilized by the body as a primary source of strength.
    • It releases the fats from adipose tissues and melts them obviously and use it in making you potent.
    • It stops the fats accumulation inside the body once more with the aid of blockading the enzyme citrate lyase.

  151. Biogenix RX Men’s sexual problems have become so common and every man desires to go to the health practitioner to get over these issues. These kind of troubles arise due to low testosterone. There are so many answers that lessen all men’s sexual issues and we're discussing one of the pleasant supplements which enables you to overcome all these troubles and this is Biogenix RX.

  152. Keto BodyTone Those capsules will burn fats speedy and you can lose weight without any weight training consultation. If you are out of shape you can reshape your body with Keto BodyTone pills. There are a lot of things that could be a reason for weight advantage but there will be one reason in an effort to lose your weight without any facet outcomes. This product is approved and checked by using the fitness authority of us. So being suit is essential simply select those pills.

  153. What's Keto Trim 800?
    Keto Trim 800 is a newly added and maximum superior weight loss formula a good way to maintain your body in ketosis so long as feasible so that it could successfully heal and burn calories. With the aid of the use of this supplement, you do now not have to undergo any kind of surgical procedure, gymnasium or exercise to reduce extra frame fats. Being a herbal product, it will assist you shed pounds without side outcomes and will also enhance your usual fitness in a sustainable way.

  154. The Luxe Trim Keto Weight Loss is a low carb high-fats weight loss plan. When we comply with the Luxe Trim Keto Weight Loss our frame will become highly green in burning fats in our frame.
    It reduces the fats from our frame in a faster and natural way. Luxe Trim Keto Weight Loss for weight problems will increase the power degrees of the body and makes our frame lean and healthful. This weight loss plan reduces fats in a very faster way and depreciates the threat of many sicknesses.

  155. Is it well worth it?
    Biogenix RX looks like it is worth it because people have used it benefited from it. One of the users stated that he had now not felt any detrimental results while utilizing the complement. He said that Biogenix RX had given him the same energy he had for the duration of his early life and that left his so satisfied.
    So, As quickly as we study the lack of side effects and appropriate elements,

  156. SurgenX Keto Garcinia Cambogia– it works as an appetite suppressant as it basically includes the HCA that's pretty powerful in weight loss.
    Guarana- that is an aspect which works on controlling your common temper swings
    BHB– those natural BHB extracts work on raising your metabolic charges by using adopting the process of ketosis for your frame

  157. Becki: Keto BodyTone is part of my diet now. I will by no means miss out at the tremendous product, even for a single day. I really like it, and that i take the tablet each day to preserve my frame.
    Helli: My weight is losing at a rapid velocity. No other product has ever put me in a state of ketosis so fast. The fat burn process is magic. I am dropping weight each day. I advise this to all of us.

  158. SurgenX Keto MCTs: There are triglycerides within the frame and they're in unique chain sizes. Some of the chains are branches and the relaxation aren't. The longer the chain, the greater difficult it turns into for the frame to interrupt down. The center work of MCTs in SurgenXKeto is to make the body able to interrupt the ones chains. And in end result to this the metabolic fee of body gets boosted.

  159. If you need to get entire know-how about this supplement then read the genuine SurgenX Keto.
    How Does SurgenX Keto pills Works?
    SurgenX Keto In case you genuinely want to get a slim in shape, in addition to a healthful frame, then consume this complement on a normal basis. Whilst you eat this advanced high-quality supplement, you could without difficulty burn your fats and gain extra power without any sort of side consequences. Now, you don’t have a need to go to the fitness center, you may get a first rate and wholesome frame with the assist of this complement.

  160. Where to buy Tier 2 Keto Weight Loss?
    Tier 2 Keto Weight Loss supplement is not available on any retail medical keep. You can most effective have it from on line stores. On this regard, we will most effective endorse you get it from its legitimate internet site. They're assured about the quality of supplement because you don’t know who is offering you what. Buying from them assures the first-rate of complement as they're its true makers. You can avail reductions too. Shopping for from them blessings you that you'll get your product in only three days.

  161. BizNutrition We recognise many human beings are cautious when it comes to their well being, but don’t think two times before shopping for the pills. With all such benefits, we can’t deny the fact there can be few facet outcomes connected to it. The simplest side impact it could bring to you will be reduced hunger, which won’t be very elaborate. Clutch those capsules and bring out a pleasant change for your existence.

  162. BizNutrition Not to mention, this components is quite herbal. It makes use of most effective natural ingredients, because of this you shouldn’t struggle with BizNutrition eating regimen facet results, which is important news. If you’re looking to get outcomes, you need to use this herbal method. Today, you can get it for a unique low rate! It’s time to kick your body into fats burning equipment. Click any photo to get easy fat burn moving into your life right now!

  163. 1Blog-Gratuit Additionally, that is one of the few products which even though breaking your fatty muscle groups, maintain your power degrees, excessive, frame, and mind strain-free together with your life particularly rejuvenated.
    It's far natural and completely secure.
    How 1Blog-Gratuit functions in the frame?
    Fat burn extra keto pills works in a simple and quite complicated way.
    It's miles specially made of BHB ketones, ketones which can be released via our frame obviously when the body is in ketosis mode.!LJ-2xO2c:home-1blog-gratuit

  164. How can you buy it? :
    1blog-gratuit You have to go to our reliable website of the product, and then simplest you could order our product. Simply observe simple instructions over there to region your order. Recollect studying the terms and conditions should and thoroughly before you make order located. Make order now to grab the great offers!

  165. BizNutrition: top Rated weight loss
    Do you need to shed pounds with BizNutrition ? Are you inclined to shed pounds but do now not in which to start out? Or are you too busy to go to the health club or adopt a healthy dietweight-reduction plan, but nonetheless desires or shed pounds?
    If your solution to any or all of the above questions is yes, then you definitely must attempt out BizNutrition Australia.
    This supplement will assist you to achieve all which you wished for concerning weight loss. Overweight has been turning into a developing subject day by day.

  166. BizNutrition What’s extra, at the same time as you’re ingesting your fat stores, you’ll have a huge amount of energy. For the reason that, ketosis enables your body to work with extra energy. Alongside these traces, you’ll consume fat, yet you’ll experience superb doing it! It's miles safe to say that you are organized to transform you? At that factor, tap any image in this page for the maximum minimum BizNutrition cost we could find out!

  167. A way to take 1Blog-Gratuit?
    1Blog-Gratuit Along with the dosage of the pill, the consumer may also comply with these points for a faster and better end result: –
    1) Drink plenty of water.
    2) observe a low-calorie eating regimen if you can for the excellent effects.
    3) Have a exercise routine of at the least one hour according to day.
    Four) skip Dinner.
    Five) if you still experience hungry inside the night, you are counseled to both take a salad or consume fruit.
    6) Sleep for approximately 6 hours consistent with day.
    7) Do strolling/ going for walks for one hour every day.!LJ-2xO2c:home-1blog-gratuit

  168. A few safety Measures
    1blog-gratuit not for pregnant lady
    • avoid it in case you are the use of any other medicinal drug
    • keep away from children
    • go back back if protection seal is broken
    • Do not use extra than two times in an afternoon
    • preserve it in cool and dry vicinity
    Wherein I should buy 1blog-gratuit ?
    1blog-gratuit is a proper product that most effective available in online shops. You could order it through clicking the banner and filling your non-public facts. The product will attain to you in more than one days.

  169. Buying options available:
    Ketogeniks Keto is to be had handiest on the reliable internet site and nowhere in stores everywhere in the international. Don’t fall for the ones fake commercials promoting you extremely good cheap merchandise. To buy from the respectable website all you need to do is log onto the professional website and get your percent nowadays earlier than the stocks run out.
    This is an terrific product with higher protein content than other merchandise to be had inside the market. This is entirely natural and safe to use. This product’s utilization observes the first-class consequences and maximum effectiveness. It starts offevolved the paintings from day one and therefore is strongly recommended.

  170. The use of muscle as opposed to fat
    Keto Forcera For the majority folks fat is progressively similar to an enemy because it makes us look fats. At the point when our frame starts placing away fat within the fats tissues both by way of increasing the size or duplicating to a numerous sum.
    This product offers a solution by means of the usage of muscle as opposed to fats below the power creation manner inside the body. As a trendy rule, on the off chance that our body starts offevolved running on fat, at that factor we are able to lose fat in a break up 2nd however to develop dietary suggestions our frame ought to be organized to pursue an inexpensive nutritional system to modify energy era for strong residing.

  171. Vyantix RX The component used inside the product is hygienic and herbal and could not purpose any damage in your body. Vyantix RX natural elements are reliable and safe, and the aggregate of all the male improving natural components makes this system a super desire for men everywhere in the global. Those are the top notch components which might be used within the product.

  172. Fit Body Keto in line with our findings, the ketone increment after taking keto dietary supplements isn't always large sufficient to reason a huge alternate.
    So, you may not be losing kilos like you do in an actual ketogenic eating regimen.
    additionally, the ketone level isn't excessive enough to preserve ketosis.
    despite the fact that you do get into ketosis, it's going to simplest be for a brief time.

  173. Keto Blaze Xtreme HCA is likewise the maximum fruitful issue of the patches that assist to suppress the appetite as it will increase the serotonin level in the human body so that no individual will suffer from emotional starvation. The final factor of this fat burning product is likewise extraordinarily helpful to reduce down the excess fats from the body. It specially speeds up the metabolism and assists to increase the power degree inside the body. All the used substances of Keto Blaze Xtreme are honestly useful to the frame that in no way upset the users with the effects, so in case you are interested in lose weight early and easily then simply e book these powerful patches with a purpose to get narrow and attractive frame all the time.

  174. Blessings of Berkeley Dietary Keto:
    Berkeley Dietary Keto enhance metabolism-It boosts the metabolic method fee as well as resistance strength to utilize this supplement day by day that will really reveal its result a few weeks. Berkeley Dietary Keto Shark storage Tank functions
    Drop weight with growth energy-This product entirely includes fashionable natural additives that grow strength paintings, electricity and reduce weight right away. Berkeley Dietary Keto consequences

  175. Extra approximately Dietary Nature Keto weight loss complement:
    The product Dietary Nature Keto is largely a nutritional complement which allows its user in getting comfort from the extra weight of the frame. The product permits its person to doing away with the more weight of the frame. The product enhances the persona of its person and also the product building up the self assurance degree of the person. The product is a nutritional complement which works at the principle of Ketosis. Ketosis is a system wherein the extra weight of the frame is burned and energy is released.

  176. Spark Keto It has also the capacity to offer you with unique advantages which might be very splendid. The method by using which it works is likewise superb and it's far the purpose for its high efficiency of doing work. It's also a completely safe product because it does not have any wrong or terrible factor that could harm you. The scientists and docs have determined its composition and they have ensured that Spark Keto weight-reduction plan works at a totally high stage and produces speedy effects.

  177. Is there any symptom in Meta Boost Keto? :
    Meta Boost Keto This precise and natural enhancement doesn’t include any deadly molecule or substance in it. It's miles made from just ordinary components that are stunning in their operating and comprise huge weight reduction tendencies. They're moreover clinically attempted and proclaimed to be sheltered in your wellbeing.
    What is the client audits about it? :
    Next to utilizing this item the clients shouted that it changed their general frame shape in most effective 1 months’ time. It really works widely to offer the outcomes, thus the clients are extremely content with its exhibitions. They have got likewise been proposing it for use to others immediately.

  178. End
    Ultra Slim Keto may be a weight reduction components. And this product facilitate your shed off a few kilos in a few weeks.
    The makers claim that the formula is a one hundred% safe to apply and it incorporates no issue results.
    This product brings fabulous changes in your frame, and you’ll be able to obtain some thing you are trying for.
    Ultra Slim Keto assessment : no one desires to be overweight and fight a heap to reduce their frame weight.
    They strive definitely completely specific remedies, dietary supplements and workout routines to lose healthy body weight.

  179. Alpha Thunder Testo This is the important cause behind the exhaustion of testosterone degrees as well as the arrival of severa intercourse-related troubles. Alpha Thunder Testo is the incredible male development options which might be effective to get rid of all the reason at the back of the improvement of sexual issues and assists you to maintain power and vitality for an extended. To know simply how this is possible, take a look at out the complete testimonial carefully.

  180. software of Gravity Theory Creamcritiques
    Gravity Theory Cream The second one action is to apply this anti-getting older lotion on your face. To try this, take the required amount of this lotion for your palm and practice it frivolously in your face. Do now not use an excessive amount of cream. While you follow this lotion, live far from locations round your eyes. In case of contact with eyes, wash your eyes speedy with bloodless water.

  181. Andezal From time to time this difficulty also leads to the split in a wedding or a love affair. These days we are consequently discussing those bed room problems. With the happening of a more excessive love consultation, you'll make your accomplice happy.

  182. How Primax Testo Booster Works?
    Primax Testo Booster As we mention the complement includes all the organic components which growth the manufacturing of testosterone on your body. An growth in the degree of testosterone increases sexual preference and stamina. It also will increase the blood waft inside the sexual organs of the body which facilitates to hold a stronger and longlasting erection. This supplement consists of a appropriate amount of vitamins that
    are water-soluble and dissolve inside the blood to increase the blood float.

  183. Blessings of Cial RX
    Cial RXThe purchaser can put off response issues rapidly via utilising this Cial RX.
    In growth to this, the enhancement will likewise ensure that the client can remain erect for pretty a while.
    The patron can do away with the low diploma of testosterone utilizing this enhancement.
    The complement will guide up the testosterone level inside the body of the consumer. It'll allow us to help the diploma of moxie within the form of the purchaser and enhancements his sex pressure.
    The patron can remove their small device length in the wake of utilising this enhancement.
    It assists in increasing the size of the device of the patron.

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    1 gram of fat per 5 pounds of body weight
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